What Is Vibration
What Is Vibration
What Is Vibration
What Are "Conventions" ?
Bearing Nnumbering (Position) Conventions
Position Naming Conventions
Directional Conventions
o Belt Drives
o Vertical Units
What Are "Conventions" ?
Conventions are standards that you set or adopt that apply to
every machine and application in the program. These
conventions simplify training of new personnel and make sure
everyone involved in the program is on the same page. There
are at least three basic conventions that should be set up. They
1. Bearing Numbering ("Positions")
2. Position Naming
3. Direction Definitions
Common Bearing Numbering Conventions
Most programs use numbers to identify bearings. Some
use letters instead. By FAR the most common convention
is to begin the numbering (or lettering) on the non-drive
end of the "driver" component (motor, turbine, etc.). That
bearing will be denoted as Position "1", or Position "A".
Following the drive train in a logical manner, the next
bearing reached will be Position "2" or "B". That bearing
will be found at the drive end of the motor or turbine (the
driver component).
Continuing to logically follow the drive train, the next
bearing reached will be Position "3" or "C". This bearing
will almost certainly be on the "driven" component.
With a typical 4-bearing machine, the last bearing reached
would be Position "4" or "D".
The image below shows a typical 4-bearing, belt driven fan with
the bearings numbered.
Common Bearing
What about components that
have more than 2 bearings such
as gearboxes. The image at right
(which does NOT show the motor
containing bearings 1 & 2) shows
a typical numbering convention
for components with more than 2
bearings. Again, it is based on
following the drive train in a
logical manner. The important
thing is to set up a simple,
straight forward convention and
adhere to it consistently. You can
use other people's ideas and
conventions or develop one
yourself that makes sense to
your people for your machines.
The gearbox shown here is a
"double reduction" gearbox (it
has two separate gearmeshes).
This gearbox has three (3) shaft
speeds (the input shaft speed,
the speed of the shaft supported
by bearings 5&6 and the output
shaft speed) and two (2) gear
mesh frequencies.
You may have applications that do not fall neatly into the 4-
bearing machine category. Long drive lines with dozens of
bearings, gearboxes like the one shown on the previous page,
multi-stage machines, etc. may each require their own unique
solution for bearing naming. In the case of a long drive line, the
bearing may be named to coincide with the piece of equipment
along that drive line that bearing is closest to. Conversely, you
may decide to rely strictly on position numbers in that case and
not use position names at all. Terms such as "Intermediate
Shaft" may be used. There is no single, universal naming
convention that will apply to all machine configurations.
Remember the objective:
Now let's look at each of these units more in-depth and see
how they are inter-related.
Measuring "How Much" in Displacement Units
Displacement measures the length of the "trip" back and forth
from (in this case) +X to -X (2X would be the total distance
travelled - the "peak-to-peak displacement"). One of these
"trips" is known as a "cycle" of vibration. The sequence of
images about to be presented show the bearing at various
important points during a single cycle with the transducer
oriented vertically (remember, the transducer only "sees"
movement in the direction of its orientation, or axis).
Since this movement must occur over time, when we measure
it we plot the amount (amplitude) on the y-axis and the time
taken (period) on the x-axis. The resulting shape, in its
simplest form, is called a "periodic signal", a "sinusoid" or a
"sine wave". That is the S-shape you see below the word
"cycle" in the image at right. Mechanical vibration generates a
wave shape that is rarely as simple as what we see here but
the intricacies of processing more complex data will be covered
in later sections.
The "At-Rest" position ("0") is the
position the bearing would assume
if the machine was not running.
During a single (1) cycle, the
bearing passes this position twice -
once travelling towards +X and
once travelling towards -X.
We'll begin our sequence of images
with the bearing just passing the
'0' point moving towards '+X'.
The bearing has just reached the '+X' position and has
stopped momentarily to reverse direction.
The red ball has completed 1/2 cycle (1/2 shaft revolution).
Measuring "How Much" in
Displacement Units
The bearing has now reached the '-X' position - its
maximum displacement in the '-' direction.
The bearing has again stopped to reverse direction.
How Often ?
What Does Frequency
Tell Us ?
Machines will generate mechanical vibration at multiples
(harmonics) of their running speeds. This type of vibration
is called "synchronous" vibration.
For example, unbalance causes a force that moves the
bearing (causes vibration) in any direction (plane) at a
rate of once per revolution (1x RPM). That movement
occurs at exactly once per rev - not 1.1x per rev, not 0.9x
per rev - ONCE per revolution.
A pump with 5 vanes on the impeller can generate
hydraulic pulses (which can be measured as mechanical
vibration) at 5 times per rev (5x rpm) - not 4.9x per rev,
not 5.1x per rev - exactly 5 times per revolution.
Different mechanical problems (unbalance, misalignment,
etc.) tend to generate their own characteristic vibration
'patterns'. Because the effect each problem has on the
vibration signal we measure, they each tend to generate
vibration at specific (rpm related) frequencies that the
analyst learns to recognize and look for.
Other vibration generators may not be tied specifically to
the machine's rotational speed.
Bearing problems and electrical problems, for example,
tend to generate vibrations at specific frequencies other
than exact multiples (harmonics) of running speed. This
type of vibration is referred to as "non-synchronous" or
"sub-synchronous" (below 1x rpm) vibration.
What is the speed of this bearing vs. the first bearing to satisfy
those conditions ?
This bearing must have a peak speed of 7x the first
bearing. The relationship between the 3 is linear (e.g. if
the frequency increases 7x and the displacement remains
same, the velocity must increase 7x).
Example #4:
A Bearing Vibrates 0.2 Mils Pk-Pk At 60,000
Displacement @ 60,000 cpm Displacement @ 60,000 cpm
=0.2 mils = 5 um
English Units: Metric Units:
Velocity = 0.000052 x D x F Velocity = 0.000052 x D x F
V = 0.000052 x 0.2 mils x V = 0.000052 x 5 um x
60,000 cpm 60,000 cpm
V = 0.62 ips V = 15.6 mm/sec
Acceleration = 0.0000107 x V
Acceleration = 0.00027 x V x F xF
A = 0.00027 x 0.62 x 60,000 A = 0.0000107 x 15.6 x
A = 10 g's A = 10 g's
Failure Likelihood:
Stress =None
Fatigue =Moderate
Force = Moderate
What unit is best to monitor with at this frequency ?
Velocity or Acceleration
Choice will be determined by what other problems (frequencies)
Displacement Units:
All Must know frequency to assess severity. At very
Frequencies: low frequencies, even displacement amplitudes
of 40 or 50 mils pk-pk or even more can be only
moderately harmful to the bearing and the
structural components affected.
Note: The values listed here as guidelines for velocity and
acceleration are 'peak' amplitudes. Equivalent RMS values are
30% lower.
Velocity Units:
Within Frequency Range: 300 - 120,000 cpm
Hard Supports Condition Soft Supports
English Metric English Metric
< 0.10 < 2.5 Very Good < 0.15 <4
in/sec mm/sec in/sec mm/sec
0.10 - 0.30 2.5 - 7.5 0.15 - 0.45 4 - 12
ips mm/s ips mm/s
Acceleration Units:
Frequencies: <Below 30kcpm, the problem will be better
30,000 kcpm:monitored with velocity as the amplitude unit
of choice.
Frequencies:Between 30kcpm and 120kcpm, you must
30k-120kcpm:know frequency to fully judge the severity.
Velocity can confidently be used as a partner
unit in this range.
Frequencies: > < 2.00 g's Good
2.0 - 5.0 g's Fair
5.0 - 10.0 g's Rough
> 10.0 g's Very Rough
What Direction ?
Still not clear ?
What Is Meant By What Direction ?
Imagine a snapshot of a machine operating. In the
snapshot, imagine being able to see arrows drawn at each
bearing indicating what direction that bearing was moving
in at that moment in time.
requiring more
precise detail (i.e.
balancing or
phase monitoring
on a turbine) will
require the use of
specific angular
references (0 -
What Methods Are
Used for Measuring
Phase ?
A 'Phase-Triggering' Strobe Light. This type of strobe light
differs in two ways from a conventional, hand held strobe
o It either feeds frequency information (its flash rate)
into the analyzer or has its flash rate set by the
o It can be triggered by a vibration signal from the
Once this switch activated, the strobe stops to using its internal
trigger to flash and starts to use the vibration sinusoid being
detected. Therefore:
Every time a peak signal is detected by the analyzer, it
sends a signal to the strobe light to flash.
The strobe light therefore flashes at exactly the frequency
of the vibration being detected.
If the vibration is being mechanically generated by the
shaft (rotor), the strobe will flash at an exact harmonic of
running speed (1x rpm in our example but it could be 2x,
3x or any higher harmonic) and the shaft (mark) will
freeze under the strobe flash.
If the vibration is being generated by some other source -
any other source (bearings, electrical, other machines
nearby, etc.), it will not flash at an exact harmonic of
running speed and the shaft will (mark) will not freeze
under the strobe flash.
Phase Angle #1
What is happening in the animation here ?
The transducer is mounted vertically so the movement
(vibration) being measured is vertical only.
The red dot represents the "at-rest" position of the shaft.
The black dot represents the center point of the shaft.
There is a "heavy" spot on the rotor that causes a
centrifugal force to be generated that results is causing
the shaft center point (the black dot) to rotate around the
'at-rest' center point (the red dot).
The "+"peak' occurs when the bearing is displaced the
maximum amount towards the transducer. In other words,
as the black dot passes the 12:00 position (passes the
The location of the heavy spot can be determined at any
moment in the shaft's rotation by imagining a line drawn
from the red dot directly through the black dot. This is, of
course, not able to be seen in real life on a real machine.
What we can see is some "mark" (usually a key) that
becomes visible under the flash of the strobe light once
per revolution (the yellow dot). This is our reference mark.
The mark is 45 behind the heavy spot.
Phase Angle #1
With the transducer mounted vertically, the peak signal
arrives when the black dot is at the 12:00 position (0).
The strobe light is set up to flash when an amplitude peak
arrives so it will flash at that moment.
When the strobe flashes, the key shows up at 10:30
Phase Angle #2
What has been changed in this animation ?
The transducer is mounted horizontally so the movement
being measured is horizontal only. Another way to say this
would be that the transducer has been moved 90.
Let's examine each of these facts more closely and see how
they were arrived at from the phase measurements we
Facts Established by Phase:
Frequency Confirmation
Fact #1: The vibration IS (or IS NOT) coming from the shaft
First, you must remember that the strobe light is actually
being triggered by the vibration signal. Every time the
analyzer detects a peak signal from the transducer, it
instructs the strobe light to flash. The strobe flash will,
therefore, flash at exactly the same rate as the vibration
is occurring.
Second, mechanical vibration - i.e. vibration being
generated by the rotation of the rotor - occurs only at
exact multiples (harmonics) of the rotational speed (rpm).
These vibrations are known as synchronous vibrations.
Third, sources of vibration other than the rotor - belts,
bearings, electrical vibrations and other non-synchronous
vibration sources will not generate vibration at exact
multiples of the rotational speed. This is true regardless of
how close they are to being synchronous. Even if the
adjacent machine is running at 0.1 rpm different speed, it
is still a different speed - it is still non-synchronous.
The transducer
mounted on the right
bearing will cause the
strobe to trigger when
the bearing is at
maximum displacement
to the left (towards that
transducer). At that
moment, the reference
mark is approaching the
6:00 position (just out
of sight).
Since they have phase angles 180 different, the bearings
may appear out of phase - but are they?
The bearings are moving in the identical fashion as the
previous page and we established they are 'in-phase'.
The difference is the transducer orientation. It must be
accounted for in the final readings.
Since the orientation of the two transducer is 180
different, a 180 adjustment must be made to one of the
measured phase angles. Once that adjustment is made,
the phase angles become equal - the bearings are moving
"in-phase" with one another.
By simply
units from
to velocity,
we have
caused a 90
phase shift.
How Amplitude Units
Affect Phase Angles
Finally, let's
look at
units. When
will the peak
arrive in that
case ?
the peak will
arrive when
the bearing
cture is
force) the
amount in
the "+"
moment, the
mark is at
4:30 (135).
That is 90
from what
we measured
with velocity
By changing
from velocity
we have
another 90
phase shift
(180 from
the phase
angle using
How Amplitude Units
Affect Phase Angles