Chassis is one of the important parts that used in automotive industry and every car passenger has it. This structure was the bigger component in the car and the car shape dependent to this chassis. As a major component of a vehicle, chassis has a considerable affected to the performance of the car. Also known as the backbone of the vehicle, it will be subjected to mechanical shocks, and vibrations and the result were the failures some component and resonant was the worst problem can be happened. Therefore, the prediction of the dynamic properties of the chassis is great significance to determine the natural frequencies of the structure to make sure working frequency are lower than natural frequency of the chassis to avoid resonant and determine the stress distribution on the chassis when receive the load. The finite element modeling issues regarding the experimental analysis of car chassis is addressed for the natural frequency analysis (modal) by using Pro/E and Ansys. A comparison of modal parameters from experiment and computational shows the validity of the proposed approach. Result shows that in static analysis maximum deformation is 0.03634m, maximum stress is 95.4Mpa and stress minimum is 0.00837Mpa. 1st bending for 1st natural frequency (71.06Hz), 2nd bending for 2nd natural frequency (127.2Hz) , mixed for 3rd bending for 3rd natural frequency (157.25Hz) and 4th bending for 4th natural frequency(254.29Hz) and 5th natural frequency(273.87Hz). The model performed the linear material stress analysis to define the stress distribution on the chassis when receive the load and the maximum stress of all cases are normally acting upon at the point of joint part but the value is under the allowable stress for steel which is 300 MPa.
Frame: it is made up of long two members called side members riveted together with the help of number of cross members. Engine or Power plant: It provides the source of power Clutch: It connects and disconnects the power from the engine fly wheel to the transmission system. Gear Box U Joint Propeller Shaft Differential To carry load of the passengers or goods carried in the body. To support the load of the body, engine, gear box etc. To withstand the forces caused due to the sudden braking or acceleration. To withstand the stresses caused due to the bad road condition. To withstand centrifugal force while cornering Conventional frame Integral frame Semi-integral frame
A.Conventional frame: It has two long side members and 5 to 6 cross members joined together with the help of rivets and bolts. The frame sections are used generally. a. Channel Section - Good resistance to bending. b. Tabular Section - Good resistance to Torsion.
c. Box Section - Good resistance to both bending and Torsion. B. Integral Frame: This frame is used now a days in most of the cars. There is no frame and all the assembly units are attached to the body. All the functions of the frame carried out by the body itself. Due to elimination of long frame it is cheaper and due to less weight most economical also. Only disadvantage is repairing is difficult. C. Semi - Integral Frame: In some vehicles half frame is fixed in the front end on which engine gear box and front suspension is mounted. It has the advantage when the vehicle is met with accident the front frame can be taken easily to replace the damaged chassis frame. This type of frame is used in FIAT cars and some of the European and American cars.
differentiation and manufacturability. Fully integrated applications allow you to develop everything from concept to manufacturing within one application. Automatic propagation of design changes to all downstream deliverables allows you to design with confidence. Complete virtual simulation capabilities enable you to improve product performance and exceed product quality goals. Automated generation of associative tooling design, assembly instructions, and machine code allow for maximum production efficiency. Pro ENGINEER can be packaged in different versions to suit your needs, from Pro/ENGINEER Foundation XE, to Advanced XE Package and Enterprise XE Package, Pro/ENGINEER Foundation XE Package brings together a broad base of functionality. From robust part modeling to advanced surfacing, powerful assembly modeling and simulation, your needs will be met with this scaleable solution. Flex3C and Flex Advantage Build on this base offering extended functionality of youre choosing.
1.2.1Pro/E Each design step is treated as a separate Pro/ENGINEER mode, with its own characteristics, file extensions, and relations with the other modes. Remember that all informationdimensions, tolerances, and relational formulasare passed from one mode to the next bidirectional. This means that if you change your design at any mode level, the change is automatically reflected at all mode levels. If you plan ahead and use the associative features correctly, you can save significant time in the design and engineering process. 1.2.2 Going from Section to 3D When a section gains depth, or a z-dimension, it becomes a 3D geometric entity called an extrusion. The extrusion may add or remove material. In other words it may be a solid, or it may be a cut. For an example of a solid, imagine a 2D circle extruding outward to create a cylinder. An extrusion created as a cut removes material from any solid it passes through. For example, a bolt hole through a plate may be a circular section placed on the surface of the plate as a cut, and extruded through the plate. An extrusion must be defined as a solid or cut when created (otherwise it stays a 2D sketch), although the sketch may be used for both a solid or a cut. Depth can be added directly to a section, or the section can be revolved, where the depth of the cut or solid is added in degrees around an axis, as shown in the next figure. Left: Extruded protrusion. Right: Revolved protrusion.
Dr. John Swanson founded ANSYS Inc. in 1970 with the vision to commercialize the concept of computer-stimulated engineering establishing himself as one of the pioneers of finite element analysis (FEA). ANSYS Inc. supports the ongoing development of innovative technology and delivers flexible, enterprise-wide engineering systems that enable companies to solve the full range of analysis problem, maximizing their existing investments in software and hardware. ANSYS Inc. continues its role as a technical innovator. It also supports a process-centric approach to design and manufacturing, allowing users to avoid expensive and time-consuming build and break cycles. ANSYS analysis and simulation tools give customers easeof-use, data compatibility, multi-platform support, and coupled-field multi-physics capabilities 1.3.1Types of Engineering Analysis
Structural analysis:
It consists of linear and non-linear models. Linear models use simple parameters and assume that the material is not plastically deformed. Non-linear models consist of stressing the material past its elastic capabilities. The stresses in the material then vary with the amount of deformation.
Vibrational analysis:
It is used to test a material against random vibrations, shock, and impact. Each of these incidences may act on the natural vibrational frequency of the material which, in turn, may cause resonance and subsequent failure. Fatigue analysis helps designers to predict the life of a material or structure by showing the effects of cyclic loading on the specimen. Such analysis can show the areas where crack propagation is most likely to occur. Failure due to fatigue may also show the damage tolerance of the material.
It is the conductivity or thermal fluid dynamics of the material or structure. This may consist of a steady-state or transient transfer. Steady-state transfer refers to constant thermo properties in the material that yield linear heat diffusion.
Introduction Finite element method (FEM) and Finite Element Analysis are two of the most popular mechanical engineering applications offered by existing CAD/CAM systems. This is attributed to the fact that the finite element methods is perhaps the most popular numerical technique for solving engineering problems. The method is general enough to handle any complex shape or geometry (problem domain), any material properties, any boundary and any loading conditions. The generality of the finite element method fix the analysis requirements of todays complex engineering systems where closed dash form solutions of governing equilibrium equations are usually not available. In addition it is an efficient design to by which designers can perform parametric design studies by considering various design cases (different shapes, materials, load etc.,) analysing them, and choosing the optimum design. The finite element method is a numerical analysis technique fit obtaining approximate solutions to a wide variety of engineering problems. The method originated in the aerospace industry as a tool to study stress in complex all framed structures. It grew out of what was called the matrix analysis method used in aircraft designing. The method has gained increased popularity among the both researches and practitioners. Since its birth in 1950s the finite element method has got through various development stages. One may perhaps identify four phases of development. From the 1950s to 1970s the main trust of research was devoted to formulate the finite element theory. Variational and Gelerkins approaches for two or three dimensional problems were formulated. Isoperimetric formulations for linear and nonlinear, static and dynamic analysis were developed. Also computational methods required by the finite element method were established. These methods include numerical integration of element equations, solutions of the global system of algebraic equations, study of numerical stability and error analysis of solution algorithms. Once the method grained popularity and most underlying theory and concepts were developed, various institutions and firm developed finite element analysis codes during the 1970s and 1980s. There are a wide variety of analysis codes which supports a wide variety of applications like CAD/CAM software, FEA codes may seem different, but they share the same underlying theory. Any of the codes has six distinct modules:
1. Node module that generates nodal coordinates and degrees of freedom. 2. Boundary conditions, which applies given boundary conditions to the appropriate nodes. 3. Material properties module which usually stores various material types in a materials library. 4. Element type module which stores various element types in an element library evaluates matrices and assembles these matrices. 5. Loading module, which applies the externally applied load to the proper nodes and elements and 6. Solution module, which solves the system of equations that results from the assembly process of the element module for the unknown variables. The third phase of development of the Finite Element Method was the creation of Pre-and Postprocessors beginning in the mid 1970s With the increased popularity of the finite element method and its used by aerospace, automotive and other industries, it became clear that the large percentage of the total computational cost of a typical finite element analysis process. Pre procession precedes this process and help as the user to automate and/or facilitate the input required by the first five modules described in the user to display the analysis results in various graphical forms to better understand and interpret them. The fourth phase of the Finite Element Method development is porting existing commercial finite element analysis codes to the micro computer environment with the benefit of the related low costs. There are usually limits on the maximum number of the nodes and elements that can be processed on be micro computers due to their limited storage and processing speeds. Micro computer based finite element analysis is adequate for the first cut quick evaluations of various design alternatives. In the absence of finite element analysis (or other numerical analysis) development of structured must based on hand calculations only. For complex structured, the simplifying assumptions are required to make any calculations possible can lead to a contrastive and heavy designs. A considerable factor of ignorance can remind as whether this structure will be adequate for all design loads. Significant changes in the designs involve expensive strain gauging to evaluate strength and deformation.
With Finite Element Analysis, the weight of the design can be minimized and there can be reduction in the number of prototypes built. Field testing can be used to establish loading on structures, which can be used to do future design improvements via finite element analysis. It is not possible to obtain analytical solution is a mathematical expression that gives values of the desired unknown quality at any location in a body and therefore it is valid for an infinite number of locations in the body. Analytical solutions can be obtained only in the simplified situations. For problems involving complex material properties and boundary conditions, the engineering resorts to numerical methods the solutions yield approximate values of the unknown quantities only at a discrete number of points in the body and process known as discretization obtain discrete points. One of the ways to discretize a body or a body or a structure is to divide it in to an equivalent system of smaller bodies or units. The assemblage of such units then represents the original body. Instead of solving the problem for the entire body in a single operation, the solutions are formulated for each constituent unit and then combine to obtain the solution for the original body or structure. This approach is known as going from part to completely. Although, the analysis procedure is thereby considerably simplified, the amount of data to be handled is dependent upon the number of smaller bodies into which the original body is divided. For large number of subdivisions, it is formidable task to handle the volume of data manually and recourse must be made to automatic electronic computation. There are several types of classical methods that have been adapted to modern computations like residual methods as the method of least squares and vibration methods. In contrast to the above technique mentioned, the Finite Element Method is essentially a product of the electronic computer age. Therefore, although the approach shares many of the features common to the pervious numerical approximations, it possesses certain characteristics that take advantage of the special facilities offered by the high speed computers. In particular, the method can be systematically programmed to accommodate complex and complicated boundary conditions. Another favorable aspect of finite element method is the variety of levels at which we may develop an understanding of the technique. This approach is similar to the extension of the familiar concepts of analysis of framed structured and one dimensional body to problems involving two and three dimensional structures. The Finite Element Method is applicable to a wide range of boundary value problems in engineering. There are three major categories of boundary value problems
and propagations or transient problems. Since the majority of the applications of the method are in realm of solid mechanics, the problems in these fields are usually tackled by one of the three approaches the displacement method, the equilibrium method or the mixed method. Displacements are assumed as primary unknown quantities in the equilibrium method and some displacements are some stresses are assumed as unknown quantities in the mixed method. 1.4.1 General description of FEM In the Finite Element Modeling, the actual continuum of body of matter like solid, liquid or gas is represented as an assemblage of subdivisions called finite elements. These elements are inter connected at specified points as nodes are nodal points. The nodes usually lie on the element boundaries when an adjacent element is connected. Since the actual variations of the field variables like displacement, stress, temperature, pressure and velocity inside the continuum is not known, we assume that the variable inside a finite element can be approximated by a simple function. These approximation functions also called a interpolation models are defined in terms of values at the nodes when the field equations like equilibrium equations or the whole continuum are written, the new unknown will be the nodal values of the field variable. By solving the field equations which are generally in the form of the matrix equations, the nodal values of the field variable will be known. Once these are known, the approximation function defines the field variable throughout the assemblage of the elements. 1.4.2 General procedure of FEM The solution of the continuum problem by the Finite Element Modeling usually follows an orderly step by step process. The following steps shown in general how the Finite Element Method works. Discretization of the continuum or structure or domain: The essence of Finite Element Modeling is to divide a continuum, i.e., problem domain. Into quasi-disjoint non-overlapping elements. This is achieved by replacing the continuum by a set of key points, called nodes, which when connected properly produces the elements form the Finite Element Mesh. A variety of elements shapes and types are available. The analyst on designer can mix the elements types to solve one problem. The number of nodes and elements
that can be used in a problem are a matter of Engineering judgment. As a general rule, the larger the number of nodes and elements, the more accurate the finite element solution, but also the more expensive the solution is the more memory space is needed o store the finite element model and more computer time is needed to obtain the solutions. Selection of proper interpolation model: Since the unknown called field variable, the solutions of a complex structure under any specified load condition cannot be predicted exactly. The variation of the unknown called field variable in the problem is approximated within each element by a polynomial. The field variable may be scalar or a vector. Polynomials are usually used to approximate the solution over an element domain because they are easy to integrate and differentiate. The degree of polynomial depends on the number of nodes per elements. The number of unknowns at each node and should satisfy certain convergence requirements. Derivation of element stiffness matrices ( or characteristics matrices) and load vectors: For the assumed displacement, i.e., field variable model, the stiffness matrices and the load factor of the element are to be derived. Once the nodes and the materials properties of a given element are defined, is corresponding matrices and equations can be derived. Four methods are available to derive element matrices and equations: o Direct method o Variational method o Weighted residual method o Energy method. Assemblage of element equations to obtain the overall equilibrium equations: Since the structure is composed of finite elements, the individual element stiffness matrices and load vectors are to be assembled in a suitable manner and the overall equilibrium equation have to be formed as [K]Q = P Where [K] is called assembled stiffness matrix and Q is called the vector of nodal displacement and P is called the vector nodal force for the complete structure. Before
solving the structure, it must be modified by applying the boundary conditions. If the boundary conditions are not applied, wrong results are obtained. Solutions for the knows at the nodes: The overall equilibrium equations have to be modified to account for the boundary conditions of the problem. After the incorporation of the boundary conditions, the equilibrium equations can be expressed as [K]Q = P For linear problem, the vector Q can be solved very easily. But for the linear problems, the solution has to be obtained in a sequence of steps, each step involving the modification of stiffness matrix [K] and Q or the load vector P. The global system of algebraic equations is solved via gauss elimination methods to provide the values of the field variables at nodes of the finite element mesh. Values of the field variables and their derivatives at the nodes form the complete finite element solution of the original continuum problem before discretization. done. Values at the other points inside the continuum other than the nodes are possible to obtain, although it is not customarily
The final step is to analyze the solution and steps obtained in the previous step, from the known displacements Q if required, the element strains and stresses can be computed by using the necessary equations of solid or structural mechanics. In the context of above step by step procedure, it is clear that there are various critical decisions that practitioners of finite element analysis have to make, example: the type of analysis, the number of nodes, the degrees of freedom[component of field variable] at each node, the element shape, the material type, and finally the interpretation of the results.
element, and the resulting set of equations is solved to yield the solution. In their latter approach, the actual system is treated as one continuum, and one or more equilibrium equation is written and solved for the system response. Two different methods to exist to develop the governing differential equations for a continuum; the differential formulation and the variable formulation. In the former the equations are derived by considering the equilibrium of a differential element. In the latter formulation, the equilibrium equations are expressed as integral equations by considering the energy and work balance in the system under study. Both formulations are equivalent and both can be derived from the other. Equilibrium equations are usually accompanied by the boundary conditions called boundary value problem and/or initial value problem. There are many alternatives to solve linear and non-linear boundary and initial value problems, ranging from completely analytical to completely numerical. Exact solutions are usually available only for a few problems, usually differential equations. This can be achieved by the techniques such as Separation of variables, Fourier and Laplace transformations. Approximate solutions are usually sought for equations whose solutions cannot be obtained in a closed form. A score of approximated techniques exist and include perturbation, power series, probability schemes, and the method of weighted residuals, the finite difference method, the Tayleigh-Ritz method, and the finite element method. The finite element analysis is based on the following premise. Instead of solving governing differential equations directly, the finite element method solves the integral form of these equations. The solutions of such an integral form are approximate. In obtaining such solution, the finite element method leaves the differential operator intact and approximates the solution space. In contrast, the finite difference method amounts to a finite difference approximation of the differential operator while keeping the solution space intact. 1.5.1 Explanation of the Domain The general explanation of each procedure involved in finite element analysis is given below. The description provides the general outlook of finite element analysis. 1.5.2 Description of the domain The discretization of the domain or solution region, into sub regions is the finite element method. This is equivalent to replacing the domain having the infinite number of degrees of freedom by a system having finite number of degrees of freedom. The
shapes, sizes, number and configuration of elements have to be chosen carefully such that the original body or domain is simulated as closely as possible without increasing the computational effort needed for the solution. 1.5.3 Basic Element Shapes Most finite elements are geometrically simple to meet the fundamental premise of the finite element method that an assemblage of elements can accurately model a continuum of arbitrary shape. This fundamental premise also implies that element dimensionally is same as the continuum dimensionality. For one dimensional element, there is one independent variable and the elements are line segments. The number of nodes per element depends on the variables and the continuity requirement for the elements. First glance, one-dimensional element may not seem necessary because onedimensional problems are usually governed by linear or non-linear ordinary differential equations whose solutions can be obtained via analytical or numerical techniques. However, these elements are useful in modeling two and three dimensional problems where part of the problem is one dimensional. Consider, for example, a cantilever beam with a spring attached to its free end. While the beam can be modeled by two dimensional elements, the spring is modeled as one dimensional element. Two popular one dimensional elements in solid mechanics are the truss and beam elements. The truss element has two or four modes with one variable per node. This element can only support tension or compression. The beam element also has two, three or four nodes with two variables per node. Figure shows common two dimensional elements historically triangular elements were developed first because they were easy to develop and formulate by hand. The three node flat triangular element has nine nodes on its boundary (called exterior nodes) and one node inside the boundary (called interior node). A quadrilateral element has a minimum of four nodes and a maximum of twelve nodes. In addition to modeling to plain stress and strain problem, two dimensional elements can be used to model ax symmetric problems. In this case, an element represents the cross section of an ax symmetric element whose thickness is given by the length of its are segment. In general two dimensional elements can model two and two and half dimensional objects. Three dimensional elements has shows in figure are usually three dimensional counterparts of two dimensional elements. These elements can be used to discretize three dimensional objects. Creating and visualizing three dimensional Finite Element
Meshes is usually labour intensive and an error prone process. three dimensional objects.
processors and automatic mesh generation algorithms are beneficial in discretizing The exterior nodes of any elements shown in figure can be divided into two types: corner and midside nodes. Corner nodes are the minimum required nodes to define the element shape and are located at the corners of the element. Midside nodes are added to improve the element accuracy or to meet continuity requirements between elements; they are located along the sides of the element. There is usually a specific order of defining element nodes. The various elements supported by a particular Finite Element Analysis Code are sometimes known as Element Library. The more the number of elements in the library, the more versatile the code, which means the larger the number of problems it can handle. In addition, many of these codes provide their users with the ability to interface customized elements to the code. This is useful in a research and development environment. The element library should form an important criterion in evaluating existing Finite Element Analysis Codes.
Fig: 1.2 Types of Element shapes Often the type of elements to be used is evident from the physical problem itself. For example, for the problem involved in the analysis of truss structure under a given set of load conditions, the type of elements to used for idealization is obviously the bar or the line elements. However, in some cases, the type of elements to be used for idealization may not be apparent and in such cases, one has to choose the type of elements judicially. In certain problems, the given body cannot be represented as on assemblage of only one type of element. In such cases, we may use two or more types of elements of idealization.
1.5.4 Size of Elements The size of elements influences the convergence of the solution directly and hence it should be chosen with care. If the size of the element is small, the final solution is expected to be more accurate. However, we have to remember that the use of the elements of smaller size will also mean more computation time. Sometimes, we may have to use elements of different sizes in the same body. The size of elements has to be very small near the region where the stress concentration is expected to be high. In general, wherever steep gradients of the field variable are expected we have to use a finer mesh in those regions. Another characteristic related to the size of elements, that effects the Finite Element Solution is the Aspect Ratio of the elements. The Aspect Ratio describes the shape of the elements in assemblage of elements. For two dimensional elements, Aspect Ratio is taken as the ratio for the largest dimension of the element to the smaller dimension. Elements with an aspect ratio of nearly unity yield best results. 1.5.5 Location of Nodes: If the body no abrupt changes in the geometry, material properties and external conditions (like load temperatures, etc), its body can be divided into equal sub-divisions and hence the spacing of the nodes can be uniform. On the other hand, if there are any discontinuities in the problems, nodes have to be introduced, obviously, at these discontinuities. 1.5.6 Number of Elements: The number of elements to be chosen for idealization is related to accuracy, desired of the elements, and number of degrees of freedom involved. Although an increase in number of elements generally means more accurate results, for any given problems, there will be certain number of elements beyond which the accuracy cannot be improved by any significant amount. The behavior is shown graphically in the figure.
considerable affected to the performance of the car. The primary challenge in developing an effective solar car chassis is to maximize the strength but minimize the weight. There are various types of chassis, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Every extra pound requires more energy to move down the road. This means that chassis must strive to minimize weight and a key area is the chassis. However, safety is a primary concern and the chassis must meet stringent strength and safety requirements. In this paper various stresses are calculated by using the applicable mathematical formulae. As conclusion this study has achieved its objectives. The calculation includes stress and displacement/deflection responses of the vehicle to the loads. CAD model provide solid modeling, surfacing, simulation, tolerance analysis. The particular part of the chassis, change occurred in cross-section is affected by static loads. The static force acting on the truck chassis were determined mathematically and by software also. In this paper, 2011, automotive chassis design in view of car weight reduction is a challenging task due to the many performance targets that must be satisfied, in particular in terms of vehicle safety. In this paper a methodology for automotive chassis design in involving optimization techniques is presented. In particular, topology, topometry and size optimizations are coupled with FEM analyses and adopted in cascade for reaching an optimum chassis configuration. The methodology is applied to the design process of a rear-central engine high performance vehicle chassis. The objective of the optimization process is the chassis weight reduction, yet in fulfillment of structural performance constraints as required by Ferrari standards. The results demonstrate the general applicability of the methodology presented for obtaining the general trusses layout and thicknesses distribution of the structure. The numerical model at this stage shows a significant weight reduction when compared to the chassis of the Ferrari F458 Italia.
Structural analysis is probably the most common application of the finite element method. The term structural implies not only the civil engineering structures such as bridges and buildings, but also naval, aeronautical, and mechanical structures such as ship hulls, aircraft bodies and machine housings, as well as mechanical components such as pistons, machine parts and tools. 3.1.1 Types of Structural Analysis There are following types of structural analysis.
Static Analysis used to determine displacement, stresses, etc. under static loading conditions, both linear and non linear static analysis. Non linearities can include plasticity, stress stiffening, large deflection, large strain hyper elasticity, contact surfaces and creap.
Modal Analysisused to calculate the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a structure. Different mode extraction methods are available.
and damping effects. Study loading and resonance conditions are assumed; that is, the loads and the structures response are assumed to vary slowly with respect to time. The kinds of loading that can be applied in a static analysis include:
Externally applied forces and pressures. Study- state inertia forces (such as gravity or rotational velocity). Imposed (non zero) displacements. Temperatures (for thermal strain). Fluencies (for nuclear swelling). In ANSYS terminology, the term modal generation usually takes on the
narrower meaning of generating the nodes and elements that represents the spatial volume and connectivity of the actual system. Thus, model generation in this discussion will mean the process of defining the geometric configuration of the models nodes and element. The ANSYS program offer you the following approaches to model generation.
Creating a solid model with in ANSYS. Using direct generation. Importing a model created in a computer aided design (CAD) system. A modal analysis determines the vibration characteristics (natural frequencies
3.3 DEFINITION OF MODAL ANALYSIS and mode shapes) of a structure or a machine component. It can also serve as a starting point for another, more detailed, dynamic analysis, such as a transient dynamic analysis, a harmonic analysis, or a spectrum analysis. The natural frequencies and mode shapes are important parameters in the design of a structure for dynamic loading conditions. You can also perform a modal analysis on a pre-stressed structure, such as a spinning turbine blade. If there is damping in the structure or machine component, the system becomes a damped modal analysis. For a damped modal system, the natural frequencies and mode shapes become complex. For a rotating structure or machine component, the gyroscopic effects resulting from rotational velocities are introduced into the modal system. These effects in turn change the systems damping. Such effects are commonly encountered in rotor dynamic analysis.
Time-varying loads that can be approximated as static equivalent loads(such as the static equivalent wind and seismic loads commonly defined in many building codes). Static analysis is used to determine the displacements, stresses, strain, and forces in structures or components caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. Study loading and resonance conditions are assumed; that is, the loads and the structures response are assumed to vary slowly with respect to time. The kinds of loading that can be applied in a static analysis include.
Externally applied forces and pressures. Study- state inertia forces (such as gravity or rotational velocity). Imposed (non zero) displacements. Temperatures (for thermal strain). Fluencies (for nuclear swelling) In ANSYS terminology, the term modal generation usually takes on the
narrower meaning of generating the nodes and elements that represents the spatial volume and connectivity of the actual system. Thus, model generation in this discussion will mean the process of defining the geometric configuration of the models nodes and element. The ANSYS program offer you the following approaches to model generation:
Creating a solid model with in ANSYS. Using direct generation. Importing a model created in a computer aided design (CAD) system.
For a rotating structure or machine component, the gyroscopic effects resulting from rotational velocities are introduced into the modal system. These effects in turn change the systems damping. Such effects are commonly encountered in rotor dynamic analysis. 3.3.1 About Element Type SOLID95 3-D 20-Node Structural Solid SOLID95 Element Description SOLID95 is a higher order version of the 3-D 8-node solid element SOLID45. It can tolerate irregular shapes without as much loss of accuracy. SOLID95 elements have compatible displacement shapes and are well suited to model curved boundaries. The element is defined by 20 nodes having three degrees of freedom per node: translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions. The element may have any spatial orientation. SOLID95 has plasticity, creep, stress stiffening, large deflection, and large strain capabilities. Various printout options are also available.
Fig: 3.1SOLID95 Geometry SOLID95 Input Data The geometry, node locations, and the coordinate system for this element are shown in Figure 95.1: "SOLID95 Geometry". A prism-shaped element may be formed by defining the same node numbers for nodes K, L, and S; nodes A and B; and nodes O,
P, and W. A tetrahedral-shaped element and a pyramid-shaped element may also be formed as shown in Figure 95.1: "SOLID95 Geometry". A similar, but 10-node tetrahedron, element is SOLID92. Besides the nodes, the element input data includes the orthotropic material properties. Orthotropic material directions correspond to the element coordinate directions. The element coordinate system orientation is as described in Coordinate Systems. Element loads are described in Node and Element Loads. Pressures may be input as surface loads on the element faces as shown by the circled numbers on Figure 95.1: "SOLID95 Geometry". Positive pressures act into the element. Temperatures may be input as element body loads at the nodes. The node I temperature T(I) defaults to TUNIF. If all other temperatures are unspecified, they default to T(I). If all corner node temperatures are specified, each midside node temperature defaults to the average temperature of its adjacent corner nodes. For any other input temperature pattern, unspecified temperatures default to TUNIF. When using KEYOPT (1) = 1, this element acts in many regards as a shell element. Multiple elements through the thickness can be used to model a composite laminate in detail. Material properties are oriented the same way as for a shell element (using the plane through the midside nodes Y-Z-A-B) when you set KEYOPT (1) = 1. The element z-axis is normal to this plane and the element x-axis is determined by projecting the x-axis (set with ESYS) onto the midside node plane. If needed, the x-axis can be adjusted by using THETA, an optional real constant. THETA cannot be changed between load steps. In POST1, the command LAYER,1 is needed to get correct results in the material system, even though there is only one layer. A lumped mass matrix formulation, which may be useful for certain analyses, may be obtained with LUMPM. While the consistent matrix gives good results for most applications, the lumped matrix may give better results with reduced analyses using Guyan reduction. The KEYOPT (5) and (6) parameters provide various element printout options (see Element Solution). Initial state conditions previously handled via the ISTRESS command will be discontinued for this element. The INISTATE command will provide increased functionality, but only via the Current Technology elements (180,181, etc. ). To continue using Initial State conditions in future versions of ANSYS, consider switching to the appropriate Current Technology element. For more information on setting Initial State values see the INISTATE command and Initial State Loading in the Basic
Analysis Guide. For more information on current -vs- legacy element technologies see Legacy vs. Current Element Technologies in the Elements Reference. You can include the effects of pressure load stiffness using SOLCONTROL, INCP. If an un symmetric matrix is needed for pressure load stiffness effects, use NROPT, UNSYM. A summary of the element input is given in "SOLID95 Input Summary". A general description of element input is given in Element Input. SOLID95 Input Summary Nodes I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A, B Degrees of Freedom UX, UY, UZ Real Constants THETA - x-axis adjustment (used only when KEYOPT(1) = 1) Material Properties EX, EY, EZ, ALPX, ALPY, ALPZ (or CTEX, CTEY, CTEZ or THSX, THSY, THSZ), PRXY, PRYZ, PRXZ (or NUXY, NUYZ, NUXZ), DENS, GXY, GYZ, GXZ, DAMP Surface Loads Pressures -Face 1 (J-I-L-K), face 2 (I-J-N-M), face 3 (J-K-O-N), Face 4 (K-L-P-O), face 5 (L-I-MP), face 6 (M-N-O-P) Body Loads Temperatures -T(I), T(J), ..., T(Z), T(A), T(B) Special Features Plasticity (BISO, MISO, BKIN, MKIN, KINH, DP, ANISO, CHABOCHE, HILL) Creep (CREEP, RATE), Swelling (SWELL), Elasticity (MELAS), Other material (USER), Stress stiffening, Large deflection, Large strain, Birth and death, Adaptive descent Initial stress import
Figure 3.2 solid95 Stress Output The Element Output Definitions table uses the following notation: A colon (:) in the Name column indicates the item can be accessed by the Component Name method [ETABLE, ESOL]. The O column indicates the availability of the items in the file Job name. OUT. The R column indicates the availability of the items in the results file. In either the O or R columns, Y indicates that the item is always available, a number refers to a table footnote that describes when the item is conditionally available, and a - indicates that the item is not available.
After importing the model of car chassis from the pro/E software
Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Kinematics analysis and engineering techniques are key to optimizing a mechanical design. NESTech has the experience to design and execute the complete workflow for engineering analysis. Structural/Thermal Modal/Vibration Dynamic/Kinematics FEM Mesh generation
Fig 4.2 meshed car chassis Before meshing the model and even before building the model it is important to think about whether a free mesh or a meshed mesh is appropriate for the analysis. A free mesh has no restrictions in terms of element shapes, and has no specified pattern applied to it. A mapped mesh is restricted in terms of the element shape it contains and pattern of the mesh. A mapped area mesh contains either only quadrilateral or only triangular elements, while a mapped volume mesh contains only hexahedron elements. In addition, a mapped mesh typically has a regular pattern, with obvious rows. If you want this type of mesh, you must build the geometry as a series of fairly regular volumes and/or areas that can accept a mapped mesh. The process for generating a mesh of nodes and elements consists of three general steps: 1. 2. 3. Set the element attributes. Set mesh controls (optional). ANSYS offers a large number of mesh controls from which you can choose as need s dictate. Meshing the model. It is not always always necessary to set mesh controls because the default mesh controls are appropriate for many models. If no controls are specified, the program will use the default settings (DESIZ E to produce a free mesh. Alternatively, ) you can use the SmartSize feature to produce a better quality free mesh.
The default mesh controls that the ANSYS program uses may produce a mesh that is adequ ate for the model you are analyzing. In this case, you will not need to specify any mesh controls. However, if you do use mesh controls, you must set them before meshing your solid model. Mesh controls allow you to establish such factors as the element shap e, midside node placeme nt, and element size to be used in meshing the solid model. This step is one of the most important of your entire analysis, for the decisions you make at this stage in your model developme nt will profoundly affect the accuracy and economy of your analysis. 7.3.1. The ANSYS MeshTool The ANSYS MeshTool (Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> MeshTool) provides a convenient path to many of the most common mesh controls, as well as to the most frequently performed meshing operations. The MeshTool is an interactive "tool box," not only because remains open until you either close it or you exit PREP7. Although all of the functions available via the MeshTool are also available via the traditional ANSYS commands and menu s, using the MeshTool is a valuable shortcut. The many functions available via the MeshTool include: Controlling Smart Sizing levels Setting element size controls Specifying element shape Specifying meshing type (free or mapp ed) Meshing solid model entities Clearing meshes Refining meshes of the numerous functions (or tools) that it contains, but also because once you open it, it
This guide covers all of these functions in detail. For details about the MeshTool, access it using the path listed above and click on its Help but ton.
This feature, which is controlled by the SMRTSIZE comman d, provides a range of settings (from coarse to fine mesh) for meshing both h-Method and p-Method models. By defaul t, the DESIZ metho d of element sizing will be used during free E meshing .However, it is recommende d that SmartSizing be used instead for free meshin g. To turn SmartSizing on, simply specify an element size level on the SMRTSIZE command (see the discussion on basic controls below).
Fig: 4.3 Application load on car chassis Apply loads Apply loads on the model. Remember that inertia and point loads will maintain constant direction, but surface loads will follow the structure in a large-deformation analysis. You can apply complex boundary conditions by defining a one-dimensional table (TABLE type array parameter) Solve the Analysis
You solve a nonlinear analysis using the same commands and procedure as you do in solving a linear static analysis. If you need to define multiple load steps, you must re-specify time settings, load step options, and so on, and then you save and solve for each of the additional load steps. Other methods for multiple load steps-the load step file method and the array parameter method. Review the results Results from a nonlinear static analysis consist mainly of displacements, stresses and reaction forces. You can review these results in POST1, the general postprocessor, or in POST26, the time-history postprocessor. Remember that in POST1, only one subset can be read in at a time, and that the results from that subset should have been written to job name.RST.(the load step option command OUTRES controls which substep results are stored on jobname.RST)
Define load Apply Structural Displacement>on areas Force/ moment> on areas Solve Current LS
General post processor Use POST1, the general postprocessor, to review analysis results over the entire model, or selected portions of the model, for a specifically defined combination of loads at a single time (or frequency). POST1 has many capabilities, ranging from simple graphics displays and tabular listings to more complex data manipulations such as load case combinations. To enter the ANSYS general postprocessor, issue the /POST1 command (Main Menu> General Postprocessor)
Plot results Deformed shape>Deform + Un deform Contourplot>nodalsolution>DOFsolution>displacement vector sum Contour plot>nodal solution>stress>vonmisses stress
Steps for Modal analysis A. Preference Structural B. Pre-processor Element type add/edit/delete add beam 3D elastic 4 Click ok Close a. Material Properties Material models Structural
Youngs modulus (EX) = 2e5 Poissons ratio (PRXY) = 0.27 Exit b. Meshing Mesh tool >mesh>select area
Fig 4.4 meshed car chassis Press ok c. Solution Analysis type>New analysis>modal Analysis option>sub space Define load
Fig: 4.5 Application load on car chassis Apply Structural Displacement>on areas Solve Current LS
C. General post processor
Plot results
Deformed shape > Deform+ Undeform Contour plot > nodal solution > DOF solution > displacement vector sum Contour plot > nodal solution > stress > vonmisses stress
Fig: 5.1 Static results Figure 5.1 shows the static result deformation and stress occurs due to load acting on the longitudinal members. Red colour indicate the maximum stress and deformation which occur at the joining of the members and values of the stress maximum is 95 Mpa and deformation is 0.03634m at fornt axial.next colour orange indicate stress and deformation which is lessthan the red colour stress related to theornge colour is 84 Mpa occur at the near portion of the joint.next high stress maximum indicated colour with yellow and values is 74 Mpa.next highest maximum stress indicated with light green value of the stress is 53 Mpa. next highest maximum stress indicated with thick green value of the stress is 42 Mpa. next highest maximum stress indicated with very lighte sky blue value of the stress is 31Mpa. . next highest maximum stress indicated with sky blue value of the stress is 21Mpa. next highest maximum stress indicated with very lighte blue value of the stress is 10Mpa lest maximum stress is 3Mpa
Table 5.1 describes about when load acting on the car chassis how stress maximum ,stress minimum occured and deformation maximum values are shown.
Modal results
Fig: 5.2 modal Result1 The above figure shows the model result2 deformation and stress occurred due to load acting on the longitudinal members, natural frequency and mode shape. Red colour indicates the maximum stress and deformation which occurs at the middle portion of chassis and values of the stress maximum and deformation are 3.6Mpa and 0.36m respectively at middle axial .Orange indicates stress and deformation, which is less than red, is 3.2 Mpa that occurs near to the middle portion .Second stress-maximum colour is yellow and value is 2.8 Mpa . Third stress is indicated with green and value of the stress is 2.4Mpa. Fourth is thick green with value of the stress is 2 Mpa. Fifth is
indicated with sky blue and value of the stress is 1.6Mpa. . Sixth colour is light blue and value of the stress is 1.2Mpa. Seventh colour is blue and stress value is 0.8Mpa, remaining is thick blue, with stress value 0.4 Mpa at portion where the fixation of frame takes place.
red brown yellow Lite green green Lite cyon Thick gyon Lite blue blue
Fig 5.3 Modal result 2 The above figure shows the model result2 deformation and stress occurred due to load acting on the longitudinal members, natural frequency and mode shape. Red colour indicates the maximum stress and deformation which occurs at the middle portion of chassis and values of the stress maximum and deformation are 3.4Mpa and 0.34m respectively at middle axial .indigo indicates stress and deformation, which is less than red, is 3.0 Mpa that occurs near to the middle portion .Second stress-maximum colour is yellow and value is 2.6 Mpa . Third stress is indicated with light green and value of the stress is 2.3Mpa. Fourth is green with value of the stress is 1.9 Mpa. Fifth is indicated with light cyan and value of the stress is 1.5Mpa. . Sixth colour is thick cyan and value of the stress is 1.1Mpa. Seventh colour is sky blue and stress value is 0.7Mpa, remaining is blue, with stress value 0.3 Mpa at portion where the fixation of frame takes place.
red indigo yellow Lite green green Lite cyan cyan sky blue blue
Fig :5.4 Modal result 3 The above figure shows the model result2 deformation and stress occurred due to load acting on the longitudinal members, natural frequency and mode shape. Red colour indicates the maximum stress and deformation which occurs at the middle portion of chassis and values of the stress maximum and deformation are 3.4Mpa and 0.34m respectively at middle axial .Orange indicates stress and deformation, which is less than red, is 3.0 Mpa that occurs near to the middle portion .Second stress-maximum colour is yellow and value is 2.6 Mpa . Third stress is indicated with green and value of the stress is 2.3Mpa. Fourth is thick green with value of the stress is 1.9 Mpa. Fifth is indicated with sky blue and value of the stress is 1.5Mpa. . Sixth colour is light blue and value of the stress is 1.1Mpa. Seventh colour is blue and stress value is 0.7Mpa, remaining is thick blue, with stress value 0.3 Mpa at portion where the fixation of frame takes place.
red brown yellow Lite green green Lite cyon Thick gyon Lite blue blue
Fig :5.4 Modal result 4 The above figure shows the model result2 deformation and stress occurred due to load acting on the longitudinal members, natural frequency and mode shape. Red colour indicates the maximum stress and deformation which occurs at the middle portion of chassis and values of the stress maximum and deformation are 3.4Mpa and 0.34m respectively at middle axial .Orange indicates stress and deformation, which is less than red, is 3.0 Mpa that occurs near to the middle portion .Second stress-maximum colour is yellow and value is 2.6 Mpa . Third stress is indicated with green and value of the stress is 2.3Mpa. Fourth is thick green with value of the stress is 1.9 Mpa. Fifth is indicated with sky blue and value of the stress is 1.5Mpa. . Sixth colour is light blue and value of the stress is 1.1Mpa. Seventh colour is blue and stress value is 0.7Mpa, remaining is thick blue, with stress value 0.3 Mpa at portion where the fixation of frame takes place.
red brown yellow Lite green green Lite cyon Thick gyon Lite blue blue
Fig :5.5 Modal result 5 The above figure shows the model result2 deformation and stress occurred due to load acting on the longitudinal members, natural frequency and mode shape. Red colour indicates the maximum stress and deformation which occurs at the middle portion of chassis and values of the stress maximum and deformation are 3.4Mpa and 0.34m respectively at middle axial .Orange indicates stress and deformation, which is less than red, is 3.0 Mpa that occurs near to the middle portion .Second stress-maximum colour is yellow and value is 2.6 Mpa . Third stress is indicated with green and value of the stress is 2.3Mpa. Fourth is thick green with value of the stress is 1.9 Mpa. Fifth is indicated with sky blue and value of the stress is 1.5Mpa. . Sixth colour is light blue and value of the stress is 1.1Mpa. Seventh colour is blue and stress value is 0.7Mpa, remaining is thick blue, with stress value 0.3 Mpa at portion where the fixation of frame takes place.
red brown yellow Lite green green Lite cyon Thick gyon Lite blue blue
Sub set
2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
Discussion: Stress obtained from static analysis is 95 MPA and allowable stress of the steel is 300 MPA from theoretical calculations by comparing theorical stress is greater static result hence the design is safe.
The structural Analysis results of Car chassis Frame have been obtained with general purpose Finite Element package. ANSYS for the specified loads and boundary conditions. We applied various loads on chassis frame and concluded that
Stress vary linearly with loads Bending stress is directly proportional to load and the maximum stress occurs at the centre of frame.
Member force values increase with the load. Maximum bending elastic strains occur at middle portion of the frame and increases with the load. We observed in this static analysis that the calculations of the stresses ,
deflections and we observed in this modal analysis that the calculation of the natural frequency and mode shape without manual interventions reduces the time compared with manual calculations. We observed that stress calculated theoretical is higher compare with stress find out from the ANSYS hence design is safe. By this analysis, we can get a better design of the frame with higher capacity and higher durability of a Car chassis Frame.