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4.4 Advantages & Applications of Zirconia Thermal Barriers

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By attaching an adherent layer of a low thermal conductivity material to the surface

of a diesel engine piston, a temperature drop can be induced across the thickness of the
layer. This results in a reduction in the metal temperature of the component to which it is
applied. Using this approach temperature drop up to 1700C at the metal surface has been
estimated for 50 μm thick yttria stabilized zirconia coatings. This temperature drop reduces
the (thermally activated) oxidation rate of the bond coat applied to metal components, and
so delays failure by oxidation. It also retards the onset of thermally induced failure
mechanisms (i.e. thermal fatigue) that contribute to component durability and life. It is
important to note that coatings of this type are currently used only for component life
extension at current operating temperatures. They are not used to increase the operating
temperature of the engine. However, the development of a “prime reliant” TBC system, for
which the probability of failure is sufficiently low, would allow these coatings to be used
to increase the engine operating temperature and lead to significant improvements in
engine performance.


For the motorsport sector we offer a range of Zirconia thermal barriers which are
used on high temperature components such as exhaust pipes and turbo's helping to reduce
under bonnet temperatures by up to 50°C and improving engine performance.

➢ The Zirconia treatment is ideal for both production components as well as stock
or used parts where a clients requires superior engine performance.
➢ Typical applications range from Formula 1 sports cars, through to track day race
cars and road based high performance vehicles.
➢ Other applications include motorbike exhausts, turbo housings, pistons, valves,
cylinder heads and exhaust anchors.
➢ Zirconia treatment will reduce heat transfer through exhaust outlets which in turn
maintains higher internal gas temperatures and faster transfer rates resulting in a
more efficient exhaust system.

➢ The reduction in heat loss through the exhaust system also reduces the under
bonnet temperature which can effect other engine components.
➢ In particular, the Zirconia thermal barrier can help to protect internal wiring and
and minimise the threat of electronics from shorting.
➢ High temperature corrosion resistance.
➢ Zirconia based ceramics are used in heat insulation applications as thermal
barriers to improve efficiency and service life of components in high temperature
➢ These materials are generally plasma sprayed over an appropriate bond coat.
Stabilisers such as magnesia, ceria, calcia and yttria are alloyed with the zirconia
to help minimise phase transformation that can cause volume changes within the
coating, which can in turn lead to coating cracking during service.
➢ Key applications are graphite trays used for sintering of carbide, gas turbine hot
section components, diesel engine piston crowns and seats.



The physical problem is idealized as a mathematical model using certain

assumptions, which together leads to differential equations governing the mathematical
model. The finite element analysis solves this mathematical model. In brief the basis of
finite element analysis is the representation of the body or structure by an assembly of
subdivisions called finite elements. These elements are considered as interconnected at
the joints, which are called nodes or nodal points.
STEP 1: First the domain is represented as finite elements. This is called descretization
of domain. Mesh generation programs called processors, help in dividing the structure.
STEP 2: Formulate the properties of each element in stress analysis.It means determining
the nodal loads associated with all element deformation stress that is allowed.
STEP 3: Assemble elements to obtain the finite element model of the structure.
STEP 4: Apply the known loads, nodal forces in stress analysis. In stress analysis the
support of the structure has to be specified.
STEP 5: Solve simultaneous line algebraic equations to determine nodal displacements
in the stress analysis.
STEP 6: Postprocessors help the user to sort the output and display in the graphical output
form. A typical finite element model is comprised of nodes, degrees of freedom, elements
material properties, externally applied loads and analysis type.The finite element method
is a numerical analysis technique for obtaining approximate solutions to a wide range of
engineering problem.
The software ANSYS was developed by ANSYS Inc, USA. The ANSYS
product family offer the following capabilities linear stress, structural non-linear,
dynamic analysis, buckling analysis,buckling,substructuring,heat transfer, transient,
thermal, thermal non-linear, electrostatics, acoustics, electromagnetic and coupled field.
The four primary assumptions, which must be considered in any Finite element

based solution, be it structural, electromagnetic, fluid flow or manufacturing simulation

Geometry must be in its proper context. An FEA solver only understands nodes,
and the connectivity of nodes, which are elements. The smaller the element size or the
higher the element order, the better the mesh will represent the geometry template it was
based on. The inherent assumption when a model is sent is to solve is that the mesh
represents the geometry adequately for the study goals.
Material properties:
Specifying a single set of material properties for a part in an FEA study makes
the significant assumption that all parts in the production run intended to be represented
by the analysis have the same properties. It is also typical to assume that most parts will
be isotropic and homogenous.
The mesh is our way of communicating the geometry to the FEA solver. The
accuracy of the solution depends entirely on the quantity of the mesh. The quality of the
mesh is best characterized by the convergence of the problem. The global displacements
should converge to a stable value and other results of the interest should converge locally.
A less tangible, more subjective measure of the quality of mesh is its appearance and
ability to visually convey the geometry it represents.
Boundary conditions:
The boundary conditions are those conditions that are placed on the model to
represent everything about the system that is not been modeled. In this piston coating
analysis, “All DOF except Z –axis” boundary condition is used.


ANSYS is a complete FEA simulation software package developed by ANSYS

Inc – USA. It is used by engineers worldwide in virtually all fields of engineering.

➢ Structural and Thermal


➢ Fluid (CFD, Acoustics, and other fluid analyses)

➢ Low-and High-Frequency Electromagnetic

Every analysis involves three main steps

➢ Pre-processor
➢ Solver
➢ post processor


Structural analysis is probably the most common application of the finite element
method. The term structural (or structure) implies not only civil engineering structures
such as bridges and buildings, but also naval, aeronautical, and mechanical structures
such as ship hulls, aircraft bodies, and machine housings, as well as mechanical
components such as pistons, machine parts, and tools.




Two solution methods are available for solving structural problems in the ANSYS
family of products: the h-method and the p-method. The h-method can be used for any
type of analysis, but the p-method can be used only for linear structural static analyses.
Depending on the problem to be solved, the h-method usually requires a finer mesh than
the p-method. The p-method provides an excellent way to solve a problem to a desired
level of accuracy while using a coarse mesh. In general, the discussions in this manual
focus on the procedures required for the h-method of solution.


A static analysis calculates the effects of steady loading conditions on a structure,

while ignoring inertia and damping effects, such as those caused by time-varying loads.
A static analysis can, however, include steady inertia loads (such as gravity and rotational
velocity), and time-varying loads that can be approximated as static equivalent loads
(such as the static equivalent wind and seismic loads commonly defined in many building

Static analysis is used to determine the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces
in structures or components caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and
damping effects. Steady loading and response conditions are assumed; that is, the loads
and the structure's response are assumed to vary slowly with respect to time. The kinds
of loading that can be applied in a static analysis include:

➢ Externally applied forces and pressures

➢ Steady-state inertial forces (such as gravity or rotational velocity)
➢ Imposed (nonzero) displacements
➢ Temperatures (for thermal strain)
➢ Fluences (for nuclear swelling)



Except for inertia loads, which are independent of the model, we can define loads
either on the solid model (key points, lines, and areas) or on the finite element model
(nodes and elements)

Load Type Category Paths for defining these

Displacement Constraints DOF Constraints in the

Force,Moment Forces Forces(concentrated

(FX,FY,FZ,MX,MY,MZ) loads) in the ANSYS
Basic Analysis Guide

Pressures(PRES) Surface loads Surface loads in the

ANSYS basic Analysis

Temperature(TEMP),Fluence Body loads Body Loads in the

(FLUE) ANSYS Basic Analysis

Gravity,Spinning,and so on Inertia loads Inertia Loads in the

ANSYS Basic Analysis



The collection of nodes and elements form the finite element mesh. Each
element is of simple shape for which the finite element program has information to write
the governing equations in the form of stiffness matrix. The unknowns at each element
are the stress and displacement at the node points, which are the points at which the
elements are connected. The finite element program will assemble the stiffness matrix
for the entire model.

This stiffness matrix is solved for the unknown displacements, stress given the
known forces and boundary conditions. From the displacements at the nodes, the stress
in each element can be calculated. The steps followed to mesh the modeled cross section
of the piston are explained briefly as follows.
Element type
Before meshing model, element attributes should be specified based on the
material, analysis and so on the required results. The following are the elements used in
this analysis.
Element type for base material – SOLID 86
This element is a higher order 3-D 20-node solid element that exhibits quadratic
displacement behavior. The element is now available in two forms: Structural Solid and
Layered Solid. The element is well suited to modeling irregular meshes (such as those
produced by various CAD/CAM systems).
This element is used for modeling and meshing of basic piston material.
Element type for coating material – SHELL 93
Shell 93 is particularly well suited to model curved shells. The element has six
degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions and
rotations about the nodal x, y, and z-axes. The deformation shapes are quadratic in both
in-plane directions. The element has plasticity, stress stiffening, large deflection, and
large strain capabilities.
This element is used for coating layer.
After defining element type material properties should be defined. Material properties
used for aluminum is defined in table

Material properties Values

Young’s modulus 70 e9 N\mm2

Poisson’s ratio 0.31 (no unit)
Coeff of thermal expansion 23 e-6 /K
Coeff of thermal conductivity 234 W/Mk

After defining material properties mesh attribute should be defined.

Element length is given as 2 for the meshing, and free mesh is used for meshing the

Material properties Values

Young’s modulus 205 e9 N\mm2

Poisson’s ratio 0.35 (no unit)

Coeff of thermal expansion 10 e-6 /K

Coeff of thermal conductivity 2 W/Mk


1. Define element type 1 for coating i.e. shells 93.
2. Define element 2 for solid piston i.e. solid 186.


The basis for thermal analysis in ANSYS is a heat balance equation obtained from
the principle of conservation of energy. The finite element solution is performed via
ANSYS which calculates nodal temperatures, and then uses the nodal temperatures to
obtain the other thermal quantities.Only the ANSYS Multi physics, ANSYS Mechanical,
ANSYS Professional, and ANSYS FLOTRAN programs support thermal analyses. The
ANSYS program handles all three primary modes of heat transfer: conduction,
convection, and radiation
The convection is specified as a surface load on conducting solid elements or
shell elements. The convection film coefficient and the bulk fluid temperature at a
surface; ANSYS then calculates the appropriate heat transfer across that surface. If the
film coefficient depends upon temperature, a table of temperatures is specified along with
the corresponding values of film coefficient at each temperature.
For use in finite element models with conducting bar elements (which do not
allow a convection surface load), or in cases where the bulk fluid temperature is not
known in advance, ANSYS offers a convection element named LINK34. In addition,
you can use the FLOTRAN CFD elements to simulate details of the convection process,
such as fluid velocities, local values of film coefficient and heat flux, and temperature
distributions in both fluid and solid regions.

ANSYS can solve radiation problems, which are nonlinear, in four ways:
➢ By using the radiation link element, LINK31
➢ By using surface effect elements with the radiation option (SURF151 in 2-D
modeling or SURF152 in 3-D modeling)
➢ By generating a radiation matrix in AUX12 and using it as a super element in
a thermal analysis.
➢ By using the Radiosity Solver method.

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