Lalise Oljira
Lalise Oljira
Lalise Oljira
JUNE, 2016
Above all, praise to almighty God, lord of creations, and the most merciful and compassionate
who blessed me with prospective ability to attain my task in this research work.
I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Solomon kiros for his indispensable, prompt help and
invaluable effort in guiding and supervising during the course of this thesis. I treasure his advice
which has contributed a great deal to the success of this work. Had it been not for his advice, the
accomplishment of the thesis work would have been impossible.
I want to thank and express my heart felt gratitude to Addis Ababa University, Institute of
Technology, School of chemical and Bio Engineering for its facilitation of laboratory which is a
back bone of my work. Thank you very much Mr. Hintsasilasie Seifu for your creation of a
conducive environment in the laboratory.
Haramaya University (School of Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry) has its great
contribution providing me their laboratory during analysis of my results.
My family (Father, mother, brothers and sisters) has countless help for me by encouraging me
day and night from beginning to end of the job, thank you every body.
Last but not least, I would like to thank and show my respect to all my classmates who shared
their helpful thoughts and ideas to support my work.
I dedicate this thesis to my family specially my brother Dr. Tamiru Oljira who has taught me
values and excellence which has enabled me to reach at this point of study in the life.
Table of contents
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................... I
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................. II
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ V
List of abbreviations and symbols ............................................................................................. VIII
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... IX
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Back Ground .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the problem ................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Objectives of the study ..................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 The General Objective of the Study.......................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Specific Objectives ................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Verified Outcomes ........................................................................................................... 5
2 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Wastewater ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Heavy metals pollution..................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Health effects of heavy metals ......................................................................................... 8
2.4 Waste water treatment .................................................................................................... 10
2.4.1 Primary wastewater treatment................................................................................. 10
2.4.2 Secondary wastewater treatment............................................................................. 10
2.4.3 Tertiary wastewater treatment................................................................................. 11
2.5 Technologies for heavy metal removal .......................................................................... 11
2.5.1 Chemical precipitation ............................................................................................ 12
2.5.2 Ion exchange ........................................................................................................... 12
2.5.3 Electro dialysis ........................................................................................................ 13
2.5.4 Membrane filtration ................................................................................................ 14
2.5.5 Reverse osmosis process ......................................................................................... 14
2.5.6 Ultra filtration ......................................................................................................... 15
2.5.7 Coagulationflocculation ........................................................................................ 15
2.5.8 Flotation .................................................................................................................. 15
2.5.9 Adsorption............................................................................................................... 17
2.5.10 Types of adsorption................................................................................................. 18
2.6 Low cost adsorbents ....................................................................................................... 18
2.7 Type of low-cost materials ............................................................................................. 19
2.7.1 Industrial wastes...................................................................................................... 19
2.7.2 Agricultural wastes ................................................................................................. 19
3 MATERIALS AND METHODS .......................................................................................... 20
3.1 Materials and Reagent or Chemicals used ..................................................................... 20
3.1.1 Equipment used ....................................................................................................... 20
3.1.2 Reagent or Chemicals used ..................................................................................... 20
3.2 Adsorbent collection and preparation ............................................................................ 21
3.3 Experimental procedures ................................................................................................ 22
3.4 Characterizations of Adsorbent ...................................................................................... 23
3.4.1 Ash content determination ...................................................................................... 23
3.4.2 Moisture content ..................................................................................................... 23
3.4.3 Porosity ................................................................................................................... 24
3.4.4 Particle size determination ...................................................................................... 24
3.4.5 Surface area ............................................................................................................. 24
3.4.5 Volatile matter determination ................................................................................. 25
3.4.6 Bulk Density determination .................................................................................... 25
3.4.7 Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) .......................................... 25
3.5 Preparation of copper and Zinc (Adsorbate) stock solution ........................................... 25
3.6 Full factorial design ........................................................................................................ 26
3.7 Heavy metal ion Adsorption procedure ......................................................................... 27
3.7.1 Batch Mode Adsorption Experimental Studies....................................................... 27
3.8 Analyze concentration of copper and Zink .................................................................... 28
3.9 Adsorption isotherm ....................................................................................................... 29
3.9.1 Langmuir isotherm .................................................................................................. 29
3.9.2 Freundlich isotherm ................................................................................................ 30
4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 31
4.1 Treatment of Tea waste to remove heavy metal ............................................................ 31
4.1.1 Characterization of Tea waste ................................................................................. 31
4.1.2 The FTIR spectrum of tea waste ............................................................................. 32
4.2 Optimum Conditions for copper and Zink Removal by the Tea waste adsorbent ......... 34
4.2.1 Effect of adsorbent dose.......................................................................................... 34 Effect of contact time ...................................................................................... 35 Effect of pH ..................................................................................................... 36 Effect of initial concentration of heavy metal ................................................. 38
4.2.2 Combined effect of independent variables (concentration and pH) verses %
removal. ................................................................................................................. 41
4.2.3 Combined Effects of concentration and time on %removal of Cu2+ and Zn2+........ 42
4.2.4 Combined Effects of pH and time on %removal of Cu2+and Zn2+ ......................... 44 Predicted verses Actual ......................................................................................... 48
4.3 Evaluation of Adsorption capacity ................................................................................. 50
4.4 Adsorption Isotherm ....................................................................................................... 51
5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................ 56
5.1 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 56
5.2 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 56
REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 57
APPENDIXES .............................................................................................................................. 65
List of Figures
Figure 3.1 Tea waste (Adsorbent) collected and oven dried ....................................................... 21
Figure 3.2 The overall experimental procedures ......................................................................... 22
Figure 4.1a FTIR Analysis of tea waste before adsorption ......................................................... 33
Figure 4.1b, Compazine with another investigation of the FTIR Activated carbon..33
Figure 4.2 Effect of adsorbent dose on the removal of copper (Co = 30ppm, pH = 3, agitation
speed = 110 rpm and contact time =
Figure 4.3 Effect of adsorbent dose on the removal of Zinc (Co = 30ppm, pH = 3, ................... 35
Figure 4.4 Effect of contact Time on % removal of cupper ion by Tea waste adsorbent at 5pH 36
Figure 4.5 Effect of contact Time on % removal of zinc ion by tea Waste Adsorbent ............... 36
Figure 4.6 Effect of pH on % removal of copper ion by tea waste adsorbent at 2hr. .................. 38
Figure 4.7 Effect of pH on % removal of zinc ion by tea waste adsorbent at 2hr. ...................... 38
Figure 4.8 Effect of concentration on the % removal of cupper at (pH = 5 agitation speed = 110
rpm and contact time = 2hr) .......................................................................................................... 40
Figure 4.9 Effect of concentration on the % removal of zinc at (pH = 5 agitation speed = 110
rpm and contact time = 2hr) .......................................................................................................... 40
Figure 4.10 Contour plot showing the combined effect of Cu2+ and Zn 2+ concentration and ph.,
at optimized adsorbent dose of 1g, shaking time 2hr.................................................................... 41
Figure 4.11 3D plot showing the combined effect of Cu2+ and Zn2+ concentration and ph., at
optimized adsorbent dose of 1g, shaking time 2hr ....................................................................... 42
Figure 4.12 Contour plot showing the combined effect of Cu2+ and Zn2+concentration and time,
at optimized adsorbent dose of 1g, and pH 5 ................................................................................ 43
Figure 4.13 3D plot showing the combined effect of Cu2+ and Zn2+concentration and time, at
optimized adsorbent dose of 1g and at pH 5 ................................................................................. 43
Figure 4.14 Contour plot showing the combined effect of pH and time for Cu2+and Zn2+
respectively, at optimized adsorbent dose of 1g, and concentration10ppm ................................. 44
Figure 4.15 3D plot showing the combined effect of pH and time for Cu2+ and Zn2+ respectively,
at optimized adsorbent dose of 1g and concentration 10ppm ....................................................... 44
Figure 4.16 predicted verses actual for cupper (a) and zink (b) respectivel .............................. 49
Figure 4.17 Adsorption capacity of tea waste at different concentration for copper at 1g/200ml
of dosage and 5pH. ....................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 4.18 Adsorption capacity of tea waste at different concentration of zinc at 1g/200ml of
dosage and 5pH. ............................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 4.19 Langmuir plot for copper adsorption at pH 5 ........................................................... 52
Figure 4.20 Langmuir plot for zinc adsorption at pH 5 ............................................................... 53
Figure 4.21 Freundlich plot for copper adsorption at PH 5 ......................................................... 54
Figure 4.22 Freundlich plot for zinc adsorption at pH 5............................................................. 54
List of Table
Table 3.1 List of Instruments used during the whole experiment................................................. 20
Table 3.2 full factorial deign experimental methods .................................................................... 27
Table 4.1 physicochemical properties of tea wasteTable ............................................................. 31
Table 4.2 CCD design metrics for three variables and Response value ....................................... 45
Table 4.3 ANOVA results of regression model for optimization of Cu adsorption ..................... 47
Table 4.4 ANOVA results of the regression model for optimization of Zn adsorption ............... 48
Table 4.5 values of RL for removal of copper ions ...................................................................... 52
Table 4.6 Isotherms parameter of copper and zinc removal by tea waste adsorbent .................... 55
List of abbreviations
AC Activated Carbon
ASTM American Standard Testing Method
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
BOD Biological Oxygen Demands
CCD Central Composite Design
DAF Dissolved-Air Flotation
EPA Environmental Protection Authority
ED Electro dialysis
FDRE Federal Democratic Republic Of Ethiopia
FTIR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
GDP Great Domestic Product
RSM Response Surface Methodology
Most industries such as electroplating, textile, fertilizer, batteries, leather, and others in less
developed countries discharge huge volumes of untreated wastewater into water bodies. The
industrial wastewater may contain toxic chemicals in excess of the threshold level when released
into the environment, particularly to the aqueous environment and soil; significantly degrade the
quality of the water thereby affecting river health substantially and subsequently human health.
There are several techniques for removing toxic chemicals such as ion exchange, membrane
filtration, adsorption, irradiation and chemical and biological treatments. However, the
adsorption method is believed to be the better option because it is cost-effective, efficient, simple
and easy to operate, and environmentally friendly according to many studies. Accordingly, this
method can be a preferable option for developing countries like Ethiopia, where advanced
treatment technologies for high volumes of toxic industrial waste water are unaffordable. The
aim of this work was to determine the potential of tea waste (TW) as a useful adsorbent for the
removal of copper and zinc ions from aqueous systems. The study was conducted using batch
experiments with constituted wastewater having copper and zinc ion concentration of 1000
mgL-1. The effects of initial concentration, contact time and pH on adsorption efficiency were
investigated. Adsorption isotherm was also studied. Generally, the result showed an increase in
removal efficiency with increase in contact time, pH and decrease of initial concentration. The
adsorption equilibrium data correlate well with Freundlich model and Langmuir model
respectively for zinc removal and copper removal with regression coefficient (R2=0.9913,
R2=0.981). The results showed that efficiencies of (TW) for the removal of copper and zinc ion
were 95.98% and 99.80% respectively at optimum point of 5pH, 10ppm, and 120min. These
results clearly indicate the efficiency of tea waste (TW) as a low-cost adsorbent for treatment of
wastewater containing copper and zinc ions. Therefore, it is recommended that tea waste can be
used, as a low cost and abundant source for the removal of heavy metals as an alternative to
more costly materials.
KEY WORDS: Copper, zinc, toxicology, adsorption, tea waste, batch study, atomic adsorption
Water is important for life and for processing various materials in industry. Living organisms
cannot exist without water, and almost all industries require water to operate. However, in the
21st century the growing population and industrial sector have contributed significantly to a
reduction in quality of water and its availability as result of discharge of untreated wastewater to
the environment. Thus becoming the concern of many nations across the world (Kapanji, 2009;
Sato et al., 2013).
Globally, every day more than two million tons of liquid wastes are released from
point(industrial area) and non-point sources like agricultural areas into both subsurface and
surface water bodies without treatment (Corcoran, 2010). Considering some African country, for
example, Egypt has generated 8.5x109 m3 of waste water in 2011, out of which 56% was treated,
while the rest of it was discharged without treatment (Sato et al., 2013). Ghana and Morocco
have each treated about 7% of their wastewater generated per year (Sato et al., 2013). Similarly,
Ethiopia has used 18% of 49 million m3 of its wastewater generated in volume per annum
without treatment for agricultural production and other purposes, while the remaining wastewater
is discharged into nearby water bodies such as rivers, springs, streams, and lakes (Corcoran,
2010; GTP-MoFED, 2010; Sato et al., 2013). In Addis Ababa, around 390 hectares of land for
vegetable farming is irrigated with the contaminated Akaki river, reported to contain high
amounts of toxic heavy metals (Ni, Cd, Cr, Zn, Cu, Mn and Pb), and found in the tissues of
vegetables (lettuce, swiss chard, cauliflower, cabbage and kale). This shows that, industrial
wastewater needs to be treated before being used for irrigation purposes (Itanna, 2002; Beyene
and Banerjee, 2011).
The sustainability of the environment has become a critical global issue (Dili, 2010) and the
protection of fresh water bodies from various contaminants has become a major challenge facing
the planet earth (Chaturvedi and Sahu, 2014). National values for the water poverty index Figure
indicated that Ethiopia is the third of lowest countries of the world, according to five various
indicators such as environmental impact, use, capacity, access and resources (Lawrence et al.,
2002). Among the major causes of environmental pollution is the discharge of untreated
industrial wastewater containing toxic chemicals such as heavy metals (Park et al., 2010;
Kulkarni and Kaware, 2014). A direct industrial wastewater discharge into fresh water bodies is
a usual practice particularly in less developed countries like Ethiopia, where no stringent
environmental regulations have been enacted (Asfaw, 2007; Padanilly et al., 2008; Zinabu, 2011;
Tong, 2012; Belay and Sahile, 2013; Mekuyie, 2014; Wosnie and Wondie, 2014). The release of
toxic chemicals from industrial wastewater into the environment degrades water quality and is
hazardous for human beings, as well as, other living organisms such as aquatic life (Ahluwalia
and Goyal, 2007).
The composition of heavy metals from industrial wastewater is a major concern for the
environment, based on the rich of copper (Cu), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), zinc
(Zn), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As), and mercury (Hg) (Bhattacharyya and Gupta, 2008; Naiya et al.,
2009; Zwain et al., 2014).
Population growth, an increase in development and the expansion of investment in the industrial
sector has led to the rise in demand for industrial products. The expansion and development of
various types of industries can result in generating huge volumes of wastewater along with
complex toxic chemical compositions which demand advanced technological treatment
techniques (Corcoran, 2010; Keng et al., 2013; Zwain et al., 2014). Subsequently, most
industries in Ethiopia and other less developed countries discharge huge volumes of raw
wastewater to water bodies, causing environmental and health damage to the local population
and ecosystem.
Due to industrialization the volume of wastewater generated from the Ethiopian industrial sector
has increased rapidly. From 1980 to 1990, the toxic load discharged per unit of industrial output
increased by 1.8, which was about 1.3 times higher than sub-Saharan African countries such as
Swaziland, Seychelles and others (UNIDO, 2001; Sato et al., 2013; Tegegn, 2014).
Investment inflow into Ethiopia to establish industries is increasing for example, the
contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from industry is expected to increase to 19.1% at
the end of the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) 2014/15 from 8.1% in 2004/05 (GTP-
MoFED, 2010; FDRE-CRGE, 2011). As a consequence to prevent increasing environmental and
health related problem, Ethiopia faces a challenge to effectively treat the industrial wastewater
discharge. As with other developing countries, Ethiopia cannot afford to use advanced
technologies for the treatment of contaminated water. Accordingly, it is crucial to explore low-
cost, locally available materials for the treatment of industrials wastewater. Bearing in mind that,
the adsorption principles should be cost-effective, simple to design and operate using locally
available materials such as tea waste will be investigated for single and multicomponent
adsorptive removal of Cu2+ and Zn2+ from industrial wastewater under batch experimental setup.
The findings of the study will used an input for the exploring and development of low-cost
adsorptive removal techniques for the effective treatment of industrial wastewater.
Presence of heavy metals in wastewater has toxic effects on the receiving environment and
human health. Industrial processes produce multicomponent wastewater that requires advanced
treatment technologies in developed countries toxic heavy elements discharged from different
industrial areas along with polluted liquid waste; have been successfully removed by high
resolution and costly treatment methods. However, in developing countries the application of
such advanced technologies for wastewater treatment is technically complex and expensive.
Similar to other developing countries, in Ethiopia also, such advanced treatment method are not
widely used due to their high cost, non-feasibility and economic disadvantage, difficult to
operate and also these processes involve use of chemicals and synthetic polymers whose impact
on the environment has not been entirely studied.
Heavy metals, especially copper and zinc, present in many industrial wastewaters such as general
industry and mining, pipe corrosion, paper products, fertilizers, steel works, metal finishing and
electroplating are known to have toxic effects such as arthritis/rheumatoid arthritis, mental
disorders, anemia, insomnia, liver damage and heart problems to human health. Wastewater
containing Heavy metal causes detrimental effects on all forms of life upon direct discharge to
the environment (Aksu et al., 2005).
According to different information sources Krishna, (2011); Kaur (2012) 49 million m3 year-1
wastewater was generated in Ethiopia (2009). About 18% of this wastewater was used for
agricultural production and other purposes without treatment; the rest of the water is released to
adjacent surface water bodies. According to Kebena and Krishna (2011) in 2009, 161,668 liquid waste was generated, and from this only 6,728 m3. day-1 (4%) was treated. These
show that advanced wastewater treatment technologies are expensive and unaffordable, and the
literature shows that as yet, there is no available wastewater treatment in the country. However, it
is important that low-cost adsorptive technologies are developed for a sustainable environment
and healthy life.
Therefore, it is urgently needed to develop cost effective and efficient treatment technology, by
increasing research interest by using alternative low cost adsorbent and effective removal of
heavy metal from waste water. Thus this project is stemmed by realizing the above interest and
aimed to achieve effective and efficient method by optimizing the parameters.
The main aim of the research was to investigate the efficiency and the practical applicability of
locally abundant low-cost adsorbents tea waste for the single or/and multicomponent removal of
heavy metals (Cu2+ and Zn2+) from constituted wastewater.
1.4 Verified Outcomes
Wastewater is any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence.
It comprises liquid waste discharged by domestic residences, commercial properties, industry,
and agriculture and can encompass a wide range of potential contaminants and concentrations.
According to Mahvi et al., (2008), water used in industries creates a wastewater that has a
potential hazard for our environment because of introducing various contaminants such as heavy
metals into soil and water resources. If there is no low cost, effective and efficient technology,
wastewater can be reversed to the environment. Toxic metals are often discharged by a number
of industrial processes and this can lead in turn to the contamination of water bodies, soil and air.
Industrial waste constitutes the major source of various kinds of metal pollution in natural
waters. The important toxic metals found in industry water includes: Cd, Zn, Ni, and Pb which
find its way mainly to the water bodies through waste waters. Heavy metals can accumulate in
the environment and reach to liking organism through chain elements such as food chain, and
thus may pose a significant health danger to liking organisms.
2.1 Wastewater
Wastewater is used water generated from homes, public and private institutions, rural areas,
urban areas, farms, industries and others point and non-point sources (Majeed et al., 2014).
Billions of gallons of liquid waste from agricultural, industrial, domestic and commercial sources
are discharged into fresh surface water bodies every day (Renge et al., 2012). Worldwide,
between 300 to 400 million tons of liquid, hazardous waste to living organisms is discharged
annually into nearby surface water bodies from industries (Palaniappan et al., 2010; Pizano et al.,
2010; UNEP, 2010). Similarly, approximately two million tons of liquid wastewater is released
each day from non-point sources like agricultural areas and from point sources like industries to
surface water bodies across the globe (Corcoran et al., 2010). The release of untreated
wastewater into the environment can lead to the contamination of rivers, streams and other
surface water bodies. Industrial wastewater contains harmful suspended and dissolved matter,
like heavy metals, and inorganic matters, which when released untreated greatly affects the
environment and causes serious health problems to living organisms. According to available
evidence, including the World Health Organization, (WHO, 1984; El-Gendy et al., 2011;
Shahmohammadi et al., 2011; Isah and Lawal, 2012; Sonde and Odoemelam et al., 2012;
Muiruri et al., 2013), heavy metals of urgent environmental concern are lead, chromium,
mercury, cadmium, copper, zinc, and iron. The industrialization drive of most developing
countries like Ethiopia has attracted foreign investments but has led to heavy pollution of water
bodies due to the discharge of untreated industrial waste. This pollution has been of great
concern to governments and other stakeholders, and therefore, exploring low-cost and effective
treatment techniques is the focus of many researchers and scientists across the globe.
Heavy metals are toxic chemicals that have specific gravity greater than 5 and consistence
5 and five times greater than specific gravity of water at 4 oC (Abas et al., 2013). In addition, the
atomic number and atomic weight of heavy metals is high (Srivastava, 1995; Al-Farraj et al.,
2013). Heavy metal pollution is a quickly growing problem in oceans, lakes, and rivers (aquatic).
But only a relatively small number of heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, zinc, copper, iron,
cobalt, mercury, vanadium, nickel, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, silver, and tin as well
as the metalloids arsenic and selenium are associated with environmental, plant, animal, or
human health problems.
Even though the chemical forms of heavy metals can be changed, they are not subject to
chemical or biological destruction. Therefore, after release into the environment they are
persistent contaminants. Natural processes such as bedrock and soil weathering, wind and water
erosion, volcanic activity, sea salt spray, and forest fires release heavy metals into the
environment. While the origins of anthropogenic releases of heavy metals are lost in antiquity,
they probably began as our prehistoric ancestors learned to recover metals such as gold, silver,
copper, and tin from their ores and to produce bronze.
The modern age of heavy metal pollution has its beginning with the industrial revolution. The
rapid development of industry, intensive agriculture, transportation, and urbanization over the
past 150 years, however, has been the precursor of today's environmental contamination
problems (El-Awady Sami et al., 1997). Anthropogenic utilization has also increased heavy
metal distribution by removing the substances from localized ore deposits and transporting them
to other parts of the environment. Heavy metal by-products result from many activities
including: ore extraction and smelting, fossil fuel combustion, dumping and landfilling of
industrial wastes, exhausts from leaded gasolines, steel, iron, cement and fertilizer production,
refuse and wood combustion.
Water sources that are near factories and manufacturing plants may be contaminated with heavy
metals like mercury, zinc, copper, nickel, lead, cadmium, iron, magnesium and aluminum. If the
metals attach to the sediment, they may find their way into the food chain via plants and aquatic
animals. The end result is heavy metal poisoning if the concentration in the water is high enough.
In a global context, the major problem of surface water pollution is heavy metal discharge from
industrial activities (Narain et al., 2011; Alfarra et al., 2014; Pawar et al., 2014). The
development of industrial sector in the African continents is the primary cause of heavy metals
being released into water, air and soil in all countries, including Ethiopia.
Most industries are the point source of heavy metals (Pehlivan et al., 2008); these industries
include electroplating, chemical and petrochemical, metal and mining, leather, textile, ceramic,
cement, fertilizer, tanneries, batteries, paper, pesticides and others. These industries release their
wastewater containing various harmful heavy metals without treatment into the environment
(Fasinu and Orisakwe, 2013). These harmful toxic chemicals include elements such as uranium
(Ur), selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), silver (Ag), gold (Au), nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg),
copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), arsenic (As), lead (Pb) and others (Ahalya et al., 2003). The
presence of these harmful heavy metal elements, even at low concentrations, affects the health of
humans and other living organisms (Srivastava et al., 1995; Duruibe et al., 2007). The fact that
these elements are highly soluble in water and not easily degradable by soil, makes their
presence in water bodies more alarming (Kurniawan et al., 2006b).
Excess levels of heavy metals in the environment are harmful to the health of human beings and
other living organisms. The gradual accumulation of toxic chemicals in the body of a living
organism can result in bioaccumulation. Bioaccumulation happens when an organism uptakes
toxic substance at a higher concentration than its release (Renge et al., 2012). Therefore, the
storage of these chemicals in the body of a living organism is greater than their release may
occur gradually. As these elements cannot biodegrade or break down easily, the negative effects
are worsened by the ecosystem of the environment (Abas et al., 2013). For example, Cd can be
accumulated in the human body for up to 30 years, without being destroyed or becoming soluble
like organic matter (Mohod and Dhote, 2013). According to the study conducted by Biney and
Ameyibor, (1992) untreated industrial wastewater containing heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg
and Fe) released into fresh water bodies can also be stored in the bodies of aquatic organisms, for
example in Pink Shrimp. Therefore, the need to treat wastewater is of great importance in order
to safeguard the environment and reduce associated health problems. According to the World
Health Organization (WHO) reports and other studies (WHO, 1984; El-Gendy et al., 2011;
Sahniet, 2011; Shahmohammadi et al., 2011; Isah and Lawal, 2012; Sonde and Odoemelam
,2012; Muiruri et al., 2013), the heavy metals which are of greatest concern with regard to
human health are Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr, Cu, Zn and Fe. Most products such as pharmaceutical products
and dental products, some drugs, and Unani drugs, cosmetic products like shampoos, lipsticks,
hair colors and others contain heavy metals (Sahni et al., 2011; Bocca et al., 2014).
The metals are transferred from these products and the environment to humans and other living
organisms by the food chain or food web and by coming in contact with the skin. In the food
chain process, heavy metals are absorbed into the body of the organism through eating food that
contains high levels of heavy metals, or by drinking water, inhalation, skin and eye contact and
through other sense organs (Yadanaparthi et al., 2009). Small amounts of these elements, beyond
allowable limits, have serious effects and are unsuitable for living organisms because of their
high energy particle output (Kara, 2005; Arora et al., 2008; Memon and Schrder, 2009; Ali et
al., 2013; Ghiloufi et al., 2014). Due to this, wellbeing of living organisms is compromised
(Ghiloufi et al., 2014; Pawar et al., 2014), and living organisms are easily exposed to different
diseases and associated problems such as carcinogens, schizophrenic like behavior, dyspnea,
mental disorders, kidney damage, lung fibrosis, liver disease, high blood pressure, headaches,
intestinal problems and others (Renge et al., 2012). Therefore, it is important to eliminate heavy
metals from contaminated water.
2.4 Waste water treatment
Wastewater treatment is the method of purifying wastewater. This operation is highly important
due to the fact that some contaminants or pollutants are difficult to manage after release from
point source pollution to environments (Handa, 1983; Wang, 2011b). A conventional wastewater
treatment process is divided into three various stages; primary, secondary and tertiary. These
stages depend on the characteristics of wastewater discharge, and the amount of harmfulness,
and cost effectiveness. Accessibility of land for construction of treatment plants is main factors
in the process. Making polluted water fit for consumption and use again is not an easy process.
No one purification or filtration method works for all types of water pollution. In order to make
water usable again after water pollution, it must be treated with a variety of filtration and purification
methods. Therefore, it is important to treat heavy metals discharge from industrial wastewater,
with affordable and technically feasible methods. This initiates the need for exploring cost-
effective, simple and efficient removal techniques.
Primary wastewater treatment eliminates large particles in solid waste that has come from
different point and non-point source pollutants. The purpose of the primary treatment is to
eliminate large suspended solid waste materials (grit and gravel), that settle down at the bottom
of the tanks by gravitational force (Mihelcic et al.,2010). The design of primary treatment tanks
may be rectangular or circular in shape and in this process 30% of Biological Oxygen Demand
(BOD), and 60% of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) can be eliminated (Mihelcic et al., 2010). The
primary wastewater treatment supports the secondary stage of treatment (Metcalf et al., 2004;
Kapanji, 2009; El Zayat, 2014).
At this treatment stage, biologically broken down materials can be reduced into residual organic
matter. For example, the remaining 70% biological oxygen demands (BOD) of the organic
compounds from primary wastewater treatment stages are treated by microorganisms (bacteria).
Other small particles of suspended solids pass through the first stage, and settle at the bottom of
the tank by using a coagulant (alum). The coagulant encourages the colloidal materials in the
wastewater to join together into small aggregates (Metcalf, 2004; Kapanj, 2009; Mihelcic et
al.,2010; El Zayat et al., 2014).
Generally, the secondary stage of wastewater treatment does not remove non-biodegradable toxic
contaminants such as heavy metals that are being discharged from industries (Santhy and
Selvapathy, 2004).
This is the final stage of conventional wastewater treatment. Most of the time at these stage
different disinfectants like chlorine, ozonation and ultraviolet radiation are used to treat
wastewater (Metcalf, 2004; Chenet, 2009; Kapanji, 2009; Mihelcic et al., 2010). In various
developed countries, the treatment of water contaminated by heavy metals is performed using
different technologies such as chemical precipitation, as in Thailand (Charerntanyarak et al.,
1999) and Turkey (Tnay and Kabdali et al., 1994); coagulation-flocculation in China
(Kurniawan et al., 2006b); flotation in Greece (Kurniawan et al., 2006b) and USA (Lazaridis et
al., 2002); ion exchange in Italy and Spain (Pansini et al., 1991); and membrane filtration in
Taiwan (Juang and Shiau, 2000) and South Korea (Ahn et al., 1999). These techniques are
promising technologies for the wastewater treatment having toxic heavy metals; however, they
are expensive (Rao et al., 2010).
Heavy metals are the cause of various disorders and diseases due to that fact they can be easily
stored in the body of living organisms without breaking down. Therefore, it is important to
remove heavy metals from polluted water using conventional techniques. There are many
conventional methods for the removal of toxic chemicals/heavy metals, including the following;
ion exchange processes; membrane filtration; adsorption; electrochemical treatment;
photochemical oxidation; and ozonation and biological processes (CROSTAT,2012). These
technologies have been widely applied for some time and can be classified into three clusters:
physical, chemical and biological treatment techniques (Abas et al., 2013). However, these
heavy metal removal technologies have their own disadvantages such as their expensive due to
initial and operational costs; are less efficient, carry high costs for disposal; consist of complex
processes and require large land areas.
Chemical precipitation is the most widely used for heavy metal removal from inorganic effluent.
The conceptual mechanism of heavy metal removal by chemical precipitation is presented in
Equation [2.1]
M2+ + 2(OH) - = M (OH) (2.1)
Precipitation of metals is achieved by the addition of coagulants such as alum, lime, iron salts
and other organic polymers. The large amount of sludge containing toxic compounds produced
during the process is the main disadvantage (Ahalya et al., 2003). Lime precipitation can be
employed to effectively treat inorganic effluent with a metal concentration of higher than 1000
mg/L. Other advantages of using lime precipitation include the simplicity of the process, in
expensive equipment requirement, and convenient and safe operations. However, chemical
precipitation requires a large amount of chemicals to reduce metals to an acceptable level for
discharge. Other drawbacks are its excessive sludge production that requires further treatment,
slow metal precipitation, poor settling, the aggregation of metal precipitates, and the long-term
environmental impacts of sludge disposal (Baraket, 2011). In spite of its advantages, chemical
precipitation requires a large amount of chemicals to reduce metals to an acceptable level for
discharge. Other drawbacks are its excessive sludge production that requires further treatment,
the increasing cost of sludge disposal, slow metal precipitation, poor settling, the aggregation of
metal precipitates, and the long-term environmental impacts of sludge disposal (Bose et al.,
Ion exchange is a reversible chemical reaction where in an ion (an atom or Molecule that has
lost or gained an electron and thus acquired an electrical charge) from Solution is exchanged for
a similarly charged ion attached to an immobile solid particle. These solid ion exchange particles
are either naturally occurring inorganic zeolites or synthetically produced organic resins. An
organic ion exchange resin is composed of High-molecular weight polyelectrolytes that can
exchange their mobile ions for ions of similar charge from the surrounding medium. Each resin
has a distinct number of mobile ion sites that set the maximum quantity of exchanges per unit of
resin. Most of the resins Used are synthetic because their characteristics can be tailored to
specific applications. Synthetic resin made by polymerization of organic compounds in a porous
three dimensional Structure. Ion exchange resins are classified as cat ion exchangers, whom it
has positively charged mobile ions available for exchange, and anion exchangers (Yang et al.,
2001). Both anion and cat-ion resins are produced from the same basic organic polymers. They
differ in the ionisable group Attached to the hydrocarbon network. It is this functional group that
determines the Chemical behavior of the resin. Resins can be broadly classified as strong or
weak acid Cat-ion exchangers or strong or weak base anion exchangers.
Ion exchange is another method used successfully in the industry for the removal of heavy
metals from effluent. Commonly used matrices for ion exchange are synthetic organic ion
exchange resins. The disadvantage of this method is that it cannot handle concentrated metal
solution as the matrix gets easily fouled by organics and other solids in the wastewater.
Moreover ion exchange is nonselective and is highly sensitive to the pH of the solution.
Electrolytic recovery or electro-winning is one of the many technologies used to remove metals
from process water streams. This process uses electricity to pass a current through an aqueous
metal-bearing solution containing a cathode plate and an insoluble anode. Positively charged
metallic ions cling to the negatively charged cathodes leaving behind a metal deposit that is
strippable and recoverable. A noticeable disadvantage was that corrosion could become a
significant limiting factor, where electrodes would frequently have to be replaced (Pendiasetal
et al.,1992).
Electro dialysis (ED) is a membrane separation in which ionized species in the solution are
passed through an ion exchange membrane by applying an electric potential. The membranes are
thin sheets of plastic materials with either anionic or cationic characteristics. When a solution
containing ionic species passes through the cell compartments, the anions migrate toward the
anode and the cat-ions toward the cathode, crossing the anion exchange and cat-ion exchange
membranes (Chen, 2004). The disadvantage is the formation of metal hydroxides, which clog the
membrane. In the electro-dialysis process, ionic components of a solution are separated through
the use of semipermeable ion-selective membranes. This process may be operated in either a
continuous or a batch mode.
Problems associated with the electro-dialysis process for wastewater renovation include
chemical precipitation of Salts with low solubility on the membrane surface. To reduce the
membrane fouling, Activated carbon pre-treatment, possibly preceded by chemical precipitation
and some form of multimedia filtration may be necessary(Malkoc and Nuhoglu, 2007) .
Membrane filtration has received considerable attention for the treatment of inorganic effluent,
since it is capable of removing not only suspended solid and organic compounds, but also
inorganic contaminants such as heavy metals. Depending on the size of the particle that can be
retained, various types of membrane filtration such as ultra-filtration, nano filtration and reverse
osmosis can be employed for heavy metal removal from wastewater. Unique specialties enable
UF to allow the passage of water and low-molecular weight solutes, while retaining the
macromolecules, which have a size larger than the pore size of the membrane (Vigneswaran et
al., 2004). The main disadvantage of this process is the generation of sludge (Wingenfelder et
al., 2005).
The reverse osmosis process depends upon a semi-permeable membrane through which
pressurized water is forced. Reverse osmosis, simply stated, is the opposite of the Natural
osmosis process of water. Osmosis is the name for the tendency of water to migrate from a
weaker saline solution to a stronger saline solution, gradually equalizing the saline composition
of each solution when a semi-permeable membrane separates the two solutions. In reverse
osmosis, water is forced to move from a stronger saline Solution to a weaker solution, again
through a semi-permeable membrane. Because molecules of salt are physically larger than water
molecules, the membrane blocks the Passage of salt particles (Barakat , 2011 ) . The end result is
desalinated water on one side of the membrane and a highly concentrated, saline solution of
water on the other side. The disadvantage of this method is that it is expensive (Ahalya et al.,
2.5.6 Ultra filtration
Ultra filtration technologies can be used in a variety of ways in wastewater treatment and water
reuse systems. Ultra filtration can reduce the amount of treatment chemicals, has smaller space
requirements, and reduce labor requirements. On the contrary in this method uses more
electricity, may need pre-treatment, and requires replacement of membranes (Eckenfelder, 2000).
2.5.7 Coagulationflocculation
2.5.8 Flotation
Flotation is employed to separate solids or dispersed liquids from a liquid phase using bubble
attachment (Wang 2004). The attached particles are separated from the suspension of heavy
metal by the bubble rise. Flotation can be classified as: (i) dispersed-air flotation, (ii) dissolved-
air flotation (DAF), (iii) Vacuum air flotation, (iv) Electro flotation and (v) Biological flotation.
Among the various types of flotation, DAF is the most commonly used for the treatment of metal
contaminated wastewater. Adsorptive bubble separation employs foaming to separate the metal
impurities. The target floated substances are separated from bulk water in a foaming phase.
Although it is only a kind of physical separation process, heavy metal removal by flotation has
the potential for industrial application (Jokela and Keskitalo1999). Low cost materials such as
zeolite and chabazite have been found to be effective collectors with removal efficiency of
higher than 95% for an initial metal concentration ranging from 60 to 500 mg/L. Flotation can be
employed to treat inorganic effluent with a metal concentration of less than 50 mg/L or higher
than 150 mg/L. other advantages such as a better removal of small particles, shorter hydraulic
retention times and low cost make flotation one of the most promising alternatives for the
treatment of metal-contaminated wastewater (Matis et al.,2003).
However the data shows that these techniques are not widely used because they are less feasible
for small scale industries, as well as having high expenses (Ghiloufi et al., 2014). They also
produce a harmful sludge and have been found to be not ecologically-friendly mainly because
the technology requires high energy for operation (Abas et al., 2013) In addition, these
technologies were reported to be complex to control (Alfarra et al., 2014; Habuda et al., 2014;
Zwain et al., 2014), and do not completely remove the heavy metals from the contaminated
water (Ahalya et al., 2003;).
In contrast, due to it being inexpensive, environmentally friendly and efficient, the adsorption
technique has been chosen as a method of wastewater treatment with a special interest in the
removal of heavy metals from contaminant water (Li et al., 2007). The adsorption technique is
also found to be simple and easy to operate, effective and efficient in eliminating heavy metals
(Tajrishy, 2012).
Generally, in developed countries toxic heavy elements discharged from different industrial areas
along with polluted liquid waste, have been successfully removed by high resolution and costly
treatment methods (Abas et al., 2013). However, in developing countries the application of such
advanced technologies for wastewater treatment is technically complex and expensive
(Yadanaparthi et al., 2009).
This is attributed to the fact that handling wastewater requires technically skilled manpower and
sufficient funds as the process is so costly. Therefore, the adsorption method has the potential to
treat wastewater and remove heavy metals using low-cost locally available materials (Renge et
al., 2012).
2.5.9 Adsorption
Adsorption has emerged as promising technique for metal removal. The processes can occur at
an interface between any two phases, such as, liquid-liquid, gas-liquid, or liquid-solid interfaces
(Barakat, 2011). Moreover, adsorption is coming to be regarded as a practicable separation
method for purification or bulk separation in newly developed material production processes of,
for example, high- tech materials and biochemical and biomedical products.
Surface characteristics and pore structures of adsorbents are the main properties in determining
adsorption equilibrium and rate properties which are needed for plant design. New adsorbents are
continuously being developed, introducing new applications for adsorption technology.
Adsorption equilibrium is the fundamental factor in designing adsorption operations. When
adsorption takes place with suspended adsorbent particles in a vessel, adsorb ate is transported
from the bulk fluid phase to the adsorption sites in the adsorbent particle. In this type of
situation, changes in the amount adsorbed or concentration in the fluid phase can be predicted by
solving the set of differential equations describing the mass balances in the particle, at the outer
surface and between the particle and the fluid phase. Determination of diffusion parameters
should be done with a simple kinetic system. These discussions are also applicable to the
analysis and design of adsorption operation in a vessel or differential reactor. Another powerful
technique for determining the rate parameters involved in an adsorption packed column gives the
basic relations used for calculation of breakthrough curves.
Advantages of adsorption:
Metals at low concentration can be selectively removed.
Effluent discharge concentration meets the govt. regulation.
System operates over the broad pH ranges (2-9).
System is effective over a temperature ranges of 4-90oC.
System offers low capital investment and low operation cost.
Convert metal pollutant to metal product.
System offers simple design, easy operation
Adsorption is a good weapon in the fight against toxic metals threatening our environment.
At molecular level, adsorption is due to attractive interactions between a surface and the species
being adsorbed.
There is increasing research interest in using alternative low-cost adsorbents. Many such
materials have been investigated, including microbial biomass, peat, compost, leaf mold, palm
press fiber, coal, sugarcane bagasse, straw, wool fiber and by products of rice mill, soybean and
cottonseed hulls etc. . The low cost agricultural waste by-products such as sugarcane bagasse,
rice husk, sawdust, coconut husk. Oil palm shell, neem bark etc., for the elimination of heavy
metals from wastewater has been investigated by various researchers. Tea waste is most cost-
effective adsorbent because it is available easily and it has more adsorption capacity to other
natural adsorbents, Tea waste biomass can serve as a good and cheap substitute for conventional
carbon- based adsorbents, Moringa oleifera (Drum sticks) seeds are a low cost adsorbent.
2.7 Type of low-cost materials
There are various types of adsorbents such as natural (soil and/or ore) material, industrial by-
products (waste), agricultural waste (products) are some adsorptive unwanted toxic metals from
polluted water bodies such as rivers, streams, lakes and others.
Heavy metal adsorption capacity with natural materials like clay is either better or equivalent to
other low-cost adsorbents, and it takes as scavengers Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn, Cr, As, Co, Fe from
wastewater (Bhattacharyya and Gupta, 2008).
Coffee husk, Bagasse fly ash, tea industry waste, Blast furnace slag and Red mud are some of the
byproducts of industrial waste. The removal of Cu2+, Pb2+, Cr6+, Hg2+ and Cd2+ has been done.
The efficiency of coffee husk adsorption was shown to be 7.5, 6.96, 5.57 and 6.85 mg g-1 for
Pb2+, Cr 6+, Zn2+ and Cd2+, respectively.
Bagasse fly ash is an example of the industrial byproducts made from the sugar processing
industries displaying good sorptive abilities. In 2003, the uses of bagasse fly ash to eliminate
Pb2+, Cr6+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ from wastewater was investigated (Gupta et al., 2003). The adsorption
capacity of bagasse fly ash has been shown to be 285-566, 4.25, 13.21 and 1.24-2 mg.g-1 for
Pb2+,Cr6+, Zn2+and Cd2+,respectively followed both Freundlich and Langmuirs isotherm
adsorption model. These all show that an industrial waste by product adsorption treatment was
easily accessible, technically applicable and economically feasible.
Cotton seed hulls are an example of agricultural waste or by-product (Marshall et al., 1995). The
removal efficiency of heavy metals with a cotton seed hull adsorbent was indicated to be high
from the literature.
3.1 Materials and Reagent or Chemicals used
3.1.1 Equipment used
All glass wares (Conical flasks, Pipette, Measuring cylinders, Beakers, Petri plates and Test
tubes etc. The instruments and apparatus used throughout the experiment are listed in table (3.1).
All chemical used were analytical grade for heavy metal solution; reagent grade concentrated
sulfuric acid and NaOH were used to adjusted PH values of samples, Nitric acid conc.was used .
In all experimental work, distilled demineralized water is used.
3.2 Adsorbent collection and preparation
Tea waste were collected from home, restaurants and washed by distilled water repeatedly at
(85C) up to color removal. Then it is dried in hot oven at 105C for 18 hours. The dried material
was soaked by phosphoric acid (H3PO4) activating agent for 12hrs, this help to make pore on the
surface of tea waste, then washed up to pH neutral . Again dried it at 105C for 12 hours and
then stored in plastic bags at room temperature. Now it was ready to use as an adsorbent. The
activation method of the adsorbent was done as follows, 100gram of tea sample was crushed
manually then dilute phosphoric acid solution was prepared 70ml of acid was utilized to digest
tea waste this kept at 30C for 12 hr. Then wash the digested sample using distilled water up to
make pH neutral.
3.3 Experimental procedures
The overall experimental activities carried out in the study were illustrated by the following
Figure (3.2).
Collection of tea
Dry in to oven at
105C for 18hr
Dry in to oven at
105C for 18hr
Batch adsorption
Socked by H3PO4 study on to prepared
at 30 C for 12hr adsorbent
3.4 Characterizations of Adsorbent
The physical analysis of tea waste was conducted according to an American Standard Testing
Method (ASTM). Proximate analysis of the adsorbent constituted determination of moisture
content, volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash content and Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR)
spectral analysis were used to study the structural and morphological characteristics of
A crucible was washed and dried in a hot air oven for 30min at a temperature of 1050C. After
heating, it was then cooled in a desiccator for 30 min. The crucible was weighed using analytical
balance. So that 1g of sample was weighed into the crucible and its weight was recorded. It was
transferred to a muffle furnace maintaining a temperature of 5000C for one hour, for complete
de-carbonization to obtain white ash. The crucible and ash were cooled and the weight was
recorded. The result was expressed as percentage of the weight of ash over the original weight of
sample as shown in equation (3.1).
This method was used to determine the percentage of water in a sample by drying the sample to a
constant weight. The moisture content of the tea waste was calculated by using digital moisture
analyzer at 105c for 30 min. Three samples, weighting 1 g each, were used to determine the
moisture content with the use of the digital moisture analyzer, the mean value of the three results
is reported. The moisture was also analyzed with the use of oven drying method and reveals the
same results. The result was expressed using the following equation (3.2)
wo= initial weight of dry sorbent, w1= weight of sorbent after dry
3.4.3 Porosity
The porosity of the tea waste was determined based on the particle size of the tea. The porosity
of the tea was analyzed by simply read from the data graph by using particle size range. The
porosity of the tea waste also shows the active surface area of the adsorbent.
To weigh the known amount tea waste, and put on the sieve shaker with different sieve
After shaking or vibrating the sieve, collect the tea which remains on the range of usable.
After that weighing the usable range tea waste and preserve it for adsorption purpose.
The surface area of the tea waste was computed compared to its porosity and particle size, the
surface area is the surface per volume ratio of one tea waste particle that was the basic physical
parameter for the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent
The surface area of the tea particle is calculated by using equation (3.3)
Where: Ss =surface volume of the bed, constant value for tea = 3974 cm3.
T = time determined for weighting the particle absorbs the fluid.
Ts = time determined for dropping the fluid, constant value for tea =50.2 sec.
S = surface area of the particle.
3.4.5 Volatile matter determination
Empty Crucible was weighed at the first; 1g of sample was added in the crucible and weighed
then after it was kept in the muffle furnace at a temperature of 600 C for 10 minutes. Then taken
out and kept in the desiccators for half an hour to cool down. The weight of the sample in
crucible was measured again. Percent volatile matter was then calculated by using equation (3.4).
V (3.4)
wo initial weight of dry sorbent, wa- weight of tea after cooling
The mass of Psychomotor was measured at the first, fill the sample up to 50% volume of the
psychomotor and take the weight then fill the remain volume with distilled water, then calculate
the bulk density.
The FTIR studies were performed to determine the varies functional groups on the surface of the
material (tea waste). The instrument used to record the FTIR spectra by FTIR instrument with
kBr as reference. The spectrum was recorded by using FTIR (Ahmaruzzaman.and Laxmi
Gayatri) spectrophotometric in a spectral range of 400-4000cm-1.
3.5 Preparation of copper and Zinc (Adsorbate) stock solution
Copper sulphate bihygdrate and zinc sulphate bihygdrate were used as the source for copper and
zinc stock solution respectively. All the required solutions were prepared with analytical grade
reagents and distilled water. The (CuSO4.5H2O), (ZnSO4.7H2O) stock solution (1000mg/L)
were made by dissolving 3.927g of 98% CuSO4.5H2O and 4.395 grams of ZnSO4.7H2O in1.0L
distilled water. Synthetic samples of different concentrations of CuSO4.5H2O, ZnSO4.7H2O
were prepared from this stock solution by appropriate dilutions.
To prepare stock solution for the calibration of an Atomic Adsorption spectrophotometer we are
required to use Atomic adsorption spectrophotometer (AAS) to measure the concentration of
cupper with in a test solution .To Produce standard solution, prepare 1000ppm of an initial stock
solution with an approximate cupper concentration of about 1000ppm which kept for later use
the reason for prepare strong solution was that small amount of cupper was leach in the container
wall over time but the effect on the concentration was proportionally less.
The following analysis describes the type of calculation that we made:
Frist calculate mass of cupper that must be present in 1000ppm of solution to produce cupper
concentration of 1000ppm was 1g.
We have calculated that it require 1.0g of cupper in 1000ml solution to obtain a concentration of
1000ppm .
Then calculate the mass of CuSO4.5H2O that were contain 1.0g of cupper by using the following
atomic masses Cu: 63.5, S: 32.1, O: 16 and H : 1
The molar mass of CuSO4.5H2O was calculated by combining the relative atomic masses to
give: 1*63.5+ 1*32.1+5*(2*1+1*16)=249.6, the molar mass of 249.6g of CuSO4.5H2O was
contain the atomic mass of 63.5g of cupper ,hence to get 1.0g of cupper we must divide the total
amount by 63.5, 249.6/63.5=3.931g,so we have calculated that 3.931g of CuSO4.5H2O contain
1.0g of cupper, then we weighed out accurate 3.931g of CuSO4.5H2O and dissolve it in to nitric
acid in 1.0liter volumetric flask solution to prevent sedimentation of cupper.
To obtain 200ml of 10ppm of solution directly from an initial concentration of 1000ppm would
require taking a volume vi of the stock solution given by dilution equation : vi(ml)*1000ppm =
200ml *10ppm :VI= (200*10ppm) /1000=2ml.
So we follow the same procedure for, ZnSO4.7H2O.
3.6 Full factorial design
Factorial design is used to test the effect of each factor. In factorial experiment, all possible
combination of factor levels was tested. And it was determined the effects of individual factors
and assessed the effect of change of variables for copper and zinc removal full factorial design
with three factor with each three level described in table (3.2).
Table 3.2 full factorial deign experimental methods
The adsorption of heavy metals on tea waste was studied by batch technique. The general
method used for this study was described as follows:
A known weight of tea waste adsorbent (e.g. 1 g adsorbent) was equilibrated with 200 ml of the
each heavy metals (namely Cu and Zn ions) solution of known concentration (10, 30 and 50
ppm) in different stoppered borosil glass flask at a fixed temperature (30oC) in an orbital shaker
for a known period (60180 Min.) of time. Then 10ml of sample were collected from each flask
in time interval of 60, 120 and 180 minutes and the suspension of the adsorbent were separated
from solution by filtration using what man No.1 filter paper. The concentration of heavy metal
ions remaining in solution were measured by Atomic Adsorption spectrometer (AAS). The effect
of several parameters, such as pH, concentrations and contact time on the adsorption were
studied. The pH of the adsorptive solutions was adjusted using sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide
and buffer solutions when required. The percentage of heavy metal removal was calculated using
equation (3.5).
Where Co: initial metal ion concentration of test solution, mg/l; Ct is heavy metal concentration
[mg.l-1] at time t [min] .
The quantity of toxic heavy elements adsorbed in locally available material (tea waste) can be
assumed using equation (3.6) (Volesky, 2003; Argun et al., 2007).
Where qe the adsorption efficiency [mg.g-1], Co is amount of heavy metal before process
[mg.l1], Ce is equilibrium amount of heavy metal [mg.l-1], v is volume of waste water, and w is
adsorbent weight [g].
The concentrations of the adsorbate under investigation were measured using an atomic
adsorption spectrophotometer (Model Perkin Elmer 3100). The basic principle for single element
quantitative analysis using atomic adsorption spectrophotometer is the Beer- Lambert or Beers
Law. The calibration curves were developed by using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
(Perkin Elmer 3100). It was obtained by aspirating the standard solution into the flame; standard
solutions containing known five concentrations; 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mg/l of Cu (II) and Zn (II)
cat-ions solutions respectively. The calibration curves are shown in Appendix (fig.1 and 2). The
absorption of each solution was determined and the water samples were analyzed against the
calibration curve prepared by the standard solutions of the metals (Cu, and Zn). A blank reagent,
i.e., distilled water was also run before the development of the calibration curve and during the
interval of each sample. Copper specific hollow cathode lamp (wavelength 324.8 nm), and Zink
specific hollow cathode lamp (wavelength 213 nm) were used.
3.9 Adsorption isotherm
The most common representation of the adsorbate concentration and quantity of material
adsorbed is the adsorption isotherm; adsorption isotherms are mathematical models that describe
the distribution of the adsorbate species among liquid and adsorbent, based on a set of
assumptions that are mainly related to the heterogeneity or homogeneity of adsorbents, the type
of coverage, and possibility of interaction between the adsorbate species.
Adsorption isotherm study was carried out by fitting the equilibrium data to two isotherm
models: the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The applicability of the isotherm
equation to the equilibrium data was explained by observing the values of the correlation
coefficients, R2. According to the regression analysis, the higher the R2 value (closer to unity),
the better is the model for depicting the isotherm parameters (Ahmad, 2006; Tan, 2008).
Langmuir isotherm is a monolayer type adsorption (Langmuir, 1916; Abas et al., 2013). Irving
Langmuir reported the data regarding adsorption between gases and solids.
Where qE is a mass of heavy metal adsorbed per gram of local available materials CE is
equilibrium of heavy metal concentration in wastewater, milligram of heavy metal per liter KL is
Langmuir constant, liter per milligram of heavy metal, and qM is maximum coverage, milligram
of heavy metal per gram of local available materials.
The important features of Langmuir stated in the forms of dimensionless separation factor
(Moreno and Giraldo, 2012), RL is defined as equation (3.9).
Where KL is constant of Langmuir [], and Co is primary concentration of heavy metal ions
[mg.L-1], RL a value indicating the shape of the isotherms: RL >1 shows disapproving adsorption,
RL = 1 is shows linear, RL values between 0 and 1 shows approving adsorption, and = 0 shows
irreversible adsorption.
The Freundlich isotherm is a multilayer type adsorption equation (Freundlich, 1906). The
Freundlich model depends on a multilayered/heterogeneous surface among liquids and solid
equilibrium linkages. The Freundlich equation is described according to the following equation
(PMDFEU, 2009; Krbyk, 2012).
Freundlich linear formula stands:
This chapter provides result of laboratory analysis made for tea waste characterization, study of
effects of parameters such as pH, concentration of heavy metal and contact time on heavy metal
removal capacity of tea waste from constituent waste water are presented. The constituent waste
water loaded with heavy metal was treated with tea waste and performance of the tea waste was
evaluated by varying the parameters to optimize those factors which affect the performance of
tea waste for specific metal ion.
The various physicochemical composition of tea waste was characterized and compares present
value with other investigations (Table 4.1). As show in table the moisture content of tea waste
was tended to be low (4.91%) showing that this adsorbent was properly prepared and handled.
Moisture content, according to Aziza et al., (2008) has a relationship with porosity of a given
adsorbent. Adsorbent with high moisture content was expected to swell less, thus retarding pore
size expansion for adsorbate uptake. Volatile matter of 79.9% was recorded in the study. This
was responsible for decomposition of the organic materials to release volatiles and development
of micro porous structures (Malik et al., 2006). Ash is a measure of inorganic impurities in the
carbons (Bansode et al., 2003). The ash content has lower value that indicates the good adsorbent
characteristics; Carbon content is the residual amount of carbon present in the sample. The result
obtained shows that carbon content was 70%. This is in concord with the findings of Malik et al.,
(2006) who reported that most of the carbon composition of adsorbent falls within 50-90%.
Sometimes there is variation of surface area of a material if a different mode of activation is
The adsorption mechanism of cu2+ and zn2+ on tea waste can be better understood from a FTIR
study of tea waste before adsorption. The infrared (IR) spectrum of the adsorbent was shown in
Figures 4.1. The complex nature of the adsorbent was displayed by the number of adsorption
peaks in the spectra. The recorded FTIR spectra of tea waste before adsorption showed a sharp
bend at 3429.4 cm-1 due to asymmetric stretching of the N-H group confirming the existence of
an amino group. The peak at 3333.0 cm-1 is due to OH stretching of the COOH group, while the
peak at 2970.4 cm-1 is likely due to the C-H normal mode. The OH stretching of the COOH
group is responsible for the band near 2630 cm-1. The spectrum also showed a strong peak at
2904.8 cm-1 due to the C-H group. The peak at 1726 cm-1 may be due to a carbonyl ester group.
The peak generated at 1612 cm-1 is due to the aromatic ring vibration. The peak at 1502 cm-1 is
due to symmetric stretching of double bonds. The presence of these bands confirmed the
adsorption of cu2+ and zn2+.
FTIR analysis of the spectra showed that the H-bonded O-H stretch, C-C=C symmetric stretch
and C-O stretch of esters may be held responsible for the adsorption of Cu2+ and Zn2+ on the tea
waste surface.
% Transmitance
15 1754
1612 2970.4
5 3333
1502 2630
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Wave lengh
Figure 4.1b, Compazine with another investigation of the FTIR of Activated carbon
The difference in the nature of chemical reagents affects the porosity development of adsorbent.
Comparative adsorption data were obtained for the char, NaOH, ZnCl2, KOH, H3PO4, H2O2, and
MnO2 treated other adsorbent as (26.73, 39.18, 78.63, 77.28, 94.60, 28.42, and 8.19) mg g-1,
respectively (Ahmaruzzaman and Laxmi 2010). The result showed that H3PO4 was the best
activating agent for the adsorbent for the adsorption of heavy metal from aqueous solution. In
present study also the, H3PO4 socked tea waste was used as the adsorbent for the effective
removal Cu2+ Zn2+ from waste water.
4.2 Optimum Conditions for copper and Zink Removal by the Tea waste adsorbent
4.2.1 Effect of adsorbent dose
The results, of adsorbent dose study are given in Figure (4.2). The removal efficiency increases
from 64.36% to 92.45% with an increase in adsorbent dose from 0.4 to 1.0g/200ml. This can be
attributed to increased number of sorption sites available for sorbent solute interaction. With
further increase of adsorbent dose from 1.0 to 2.0 g, the percent adsorption increases less
significantly. Thus, the adsorbent dose was maintained at 1.0 g in all the subsequent experiments,
which was considered to be sufficient for the removal of copper and zinc. According to,
(Wasewar et al. 2009) increase in adsorption with adsorbent dose can be attributed to increased
adsorbent surface area and availability of more adsorption sites.
In some cases the amount of metal ions adsorbed per unit weight of adsorbent decreases with the
adsorbent dose. This is due to the fact that at higher adsorbent dose the solution ion
concentration drops to a lower value and the system reaches equilibrium at lower values of
indicating the adsorption sites remain unsaturated ( Bose et al., 2002).
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Figure 4.2 Effect of adsorbent dose on the % removal of copper (Co = 30ppm, pH = 3, agitation
speed = 110 rpm and contact time = 3hr)
40 %removal
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Figure 4.3 Effect of adsorbent dose on the % removal of Zinc (Co = 30ppm, pH = 3,
The variation in the percentage removal of heavy metals with contact time using 1g/200ml of tea
waste adsorbent at 5pH for varying initial metal ions concentration of 10ppm, 30ppm and 50ppm
was shown in Fig.4.4 and Fig.4.5The maximum percent removal of copper and zinc ions are
95.98% and 99.8% respectively at 120 minutes and concentration of 10ppm in each case.
This was achieved by varying the contact time from 60min to 180 min. in separate experimental
runs. As expected, the amount of ion adsorbed into adsorbent increases with time, and at some
point, reaches a constant value beyond which no more is removed from solution. At this point,
the amount of the ion desorbing from the adsorbent is in a state of dynamic equilibrium with the
amount being absorbed to the adsorbent. The time required to attain this state of equilibrium is
termed the equilibrium time, and the amount of ion adsorbed at the equilibrium time reflects the
maximum adsorption capacity of the adsorbent under those operating conditions. Equilibrium
was reached at 120 min. in all cases. This can be explained by the fact that initially, the rate of
ion uptake was higher because all sites on the adsorbent were vacant and ion concentration was
high, but decrease of adsorption sites reduced the uptake rate. Similar results were found in the
study of (Mousavi, 2010).
C: cons
97 97
92 92
% removal
% removal
87 87
82 82
77 77
B: Time B: Time
Figure 4.4 Effect of contact time on % removal of cupper ion by Tea waste adsorbent at 5pH
93.25 10
% Removal
% Removal
86.5 87
79.75 80.5
73 74
B: time B: time
Figure 4.5 Effect of contact time on % removal of zinc ion by tea Waste Adsorbent Effect of pH
Variations of pH are one of the most important parameters controlling uptake of heavy metals
from wastewater and aqueous solutions. Fig.4.6 and Fig 4.7 show the effect of pH on heavy
metals removal efficiencies of tea waste adsorbent. These studies were conducted at an initial
metal ions concentration of 10, 30 and 50ppm in 200ml solution, and constant adsorbent dose 1
g/200ml solution and agitation period of 120 minutes for both heavy metal ions at varying the pH
in each solution.
The percentage adsorption increases with pH. The maximum adsorption was attained at 5pH
and thereafter it decreases with further increase in pH. Maximum removal efficiency at optimum
pH is about 95.98% and 99.8% metal from solution with initial copper and zinc concentration of
10ppm. This may be because at pH values below 4.0, the electrostatic force of repulsion between
adsorbent (tea waste) and adsorbate (Cu2+, Zn2+) is prominent. At pH above 6.0, there is a
possibility of adsorbate precipitation on the surface of the adsorbents by nucleation ( Agrawal et
In Fig.4.6 and Fig 4.7 higher pH, that is, above optimum pH of 5, increase in OH ions cause a
decrease in adsorption of metal ions at adsorbent adsorbate interface. Lower solubilitys of
hydrolyzed metal ions species may be another reason for the maximum adsorption at 5 pH.
Since, in lower pH range, metal is present predominantly as metal ions in the adsorptive solution,
there is a competition between H+ and M+ ions for adsorption at the ion exchangeable sites,
leading to a low removal of metal. The extensive repulsion of metal ions due to protonation of
the adsorbent surface at lower pH may be another reason for decrease in adsorption of metal in
lower pH range.
The mechanism of metal ion adsorption may also be explained based on ion exchange model. In
carbon aerogel, carbonoxygen complexes are presented by Equations 4.1 and Equation 4.2. The
surface oxygen complexes hydrolyzed water molecules are shown below:
2COH + M+ (CO)2 M+ +2H+ (4.1)
COH2 2 +M+ COM2+ +2H+ (4.2)
The above mechanism has been confirmed by an increasing initial metal ion concentration in
aqueous solution as the final pH of solution decrease. This clearly indicates that uptake of more
metal ions causes release of more H+ ions. The increase in metal removal as the pH increases can
be explained on the basis of a decrease in competition between proton and metal cat-ions for the
same functional groups and by the decrease in positive surface charge, which results in a lower
electrostatic repulsion between the surface and the metal ions. Decrease in adsorption at higher
pH (above 5 pH) is due to the formation of soluble hydroxyl complexes.
Interaction .
C: cons
97 97
92 92
% removal
% removal
87 30 87
82 82
4 5 6 4 5 6
Figure 4.6 Effect of pH on % removal of copper ion by tea waste adsorbent at 2hr.
C: conc.
102 102
95 95
% Removal
% Removal
30 88
4 5 6 4 5 6
Figure 4.7 Effect of pH on % removal of zinc ion by tea waste adsorbent at 2hr. Effect of initial concentration of heavy metal
The effect of initial ion concentrations on the adsorption efficiency of the studied tea wastes at
optimum point of pH 5, 120 contact time and 110 rpm agitation speed shown in Fig. 4.8 and Fig
4.9, Adsorption experiments were carried out at different initial ion concentrations ranging from
10ppm to 50ppm. It was observed as a general trend that there was decrease of the removal
percentage with increase in initial concentration. These results may be explained on the basis that
the increase in the number of ions competing for the available binding sites and also because of
the lack of active sites on the adsorbent at higher concentrations. Therefore, more metal ions
were left un-adsorbed in solution at higher concentration levels (Krishnan & Anirudhan, 2003).
According to Bose et al.,(2002), at low ion concentrations the ratio of surface active sites to the
total metal ions in the solution is high and hence all metal ions may interact with the adsorbent
and be removed from the solution. However, amount of metal adsorbed per unit weight of
adsorbent (adsorption capacity) is higher at high concentrations.
At lower initial metal ion concentrations, sufficient adsorption sites are available for adsorption
of the heavy metals ions. Therefore, the fractional adsorption is independent of initial metal ion
concentration. However, at higher concentrations the numbers of heavy metal ions are relatively
higher compared to availability of adsorption sites. The maximum %removal of copper and zinc
ions are 95.98% and 99.81% respectively at 10ppm concentration.
Hence, the percent removal of heavy metals depends on the initial metal ions concentration and
decreases with increase in initial metal ions concentration. The difference in percentage removal
of different heavy metal ions at the same initial metal ions concentration, adsorbent dose and
contact time may be attributed to the difference in their chemical affinity and ion exchange
capacity with respect to the chemical functional group on the surface of the adsorbent.
% removal
10 30 50
C: cons
Figure 4.8 Effect of concentration on the % removal of cupper at (pH = 5 agitation speed = 110
rpm and contact time = 2hr)
% Removal
10 30 50
C: conc.
Figure 4.9 Effect of concentration on the % removal of zinc at (pH = 5 agitation speed = 110 rpm
and contact time = 2hr)
4.2.2 Combined effect of independent variables (concentration and pH) verses %
In order to study the interaction among different independent variables and their corresponding
effect on the response variable, contour plots were drawn. A contour plot is a graphical
representation of a three dimensional response surface as a function of two independent
variables, maintaining all other variables at fixed or different level. These plots can be helpful in
understanding both the main and interaction effects of the independent variables on the response
variable. Interaction effect of initial Cu2+; Zn2+ concentration and pH was shown in contour and
3D plot of Fig. 4.10 and Fig 4.11. Removal percentage increases with decreasing initial
concentration and pH increase.
%removal Removal
83.4269 81.5988
84.4861 83.1913
C: conc.
C: conc.
6 88.4962
30.00 6
20.00 90.8263
10.00 10.00
4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00
A: ph A: ph
Figure 4.10 Contour plots showing the combined effect of Cu2+ and Zn 2+ concentration and pH,
at optimized adsorbent dose of 1g, shaking time 2hr
94.3186 97.5487
91.0586 93.0368
87.7986 88.5249
81.2787 79.5011
50.00 50.00
6.00 6.00
40.00 40.00
5.50 5.50
30.00 30.00
5.00 5.00
C: conc. 20.00 4.50 C: conc. 20.00 4.50
A: ph A: ph
10.00 4.00 10.00 4.00
Figure 4.11 3D plots showing the combined effect of Cu2+ and Zn2+ concentration and pH, at
optimized adsorbent dose of 1g, shaking time 2hr
In general, at higher Cu2+ and Zn2+concentration, the % removal decreased with pH decrease
from 6 to 4, while at lower concentration, removal increases. Possible explanations may lie in the
states of the copper and zinc ion, protonation level and surface charge of the adsorbent.
4.2.3 Combined Effects of concentration and time on %removal of Cu2+ and Zn2+
Fig. 4.12 and Fig 4.13 shows the simultaneous effects of concentration and time on Cu2+ and
Zn2+ removal by tea waste is shown in contour and 3D plots. From the obtained result, it is
evident that the removal of metal ions increased as contact time increases and concentration
decrease. It is clear from Fig.4.12 and Fig 4.13 that as time increase concentration decrease
removal efficiency increase, as concentration increase time decrease removal efficiency
%removal 50.00
83.4269 81.5988
40.00 40.00
C: conc.
C: conc.
87.8208 88.4962
30.00 6 30.00 6
90.8263 20.00
94.1633 97.8669
10.00 10.00
60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00
B: time B: time
Figure 4.12 Contour plots showing the combined effect of Cu2+ and Zn2+concentration and time,
at optimized adsorbent dose of 1g, and pH 5
95.1862 99.0595
91.5052 93.5325
87.8242 88.0054
84.1431 82.4783
80.4621 76.9513
50.00 50.00
180.00 180.00
40.00 40.00
150.00 150.00
30.00 30.00
120.00 120.00
C: conc. 20.00 90.00 C: conc. 20.00 90.00
B: time B: time
10.00 60.00 10.00 60.00
Figure 4.13 3D plots showing the combined effect of Cu2+ and Zn2+concentration and time, at
optimized adsorbent dose of 1g and at pH 5
4.2.4 Combined Effects of pH and time on %removal of Cu2+and Zn2+
The simultaneous effects of pH and time on Cu2+ Zn2+ removal by tea waste shown in contour
and 3D plots of Fig 4.14 and Fig 4.15. As shown on the graph % removal increase as time
increase from 60min-180min and also pH increase from 4 to 6.
94.5777 98.4816
93.8806 97.8669
B: time
B: time
4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00
A: ph A: ph
Figure 4.14 Contour plot showing the combined effect of pH and time for Cu2+and Zn2+
respectively, at optimized adsorbent dose of 1g, and concentration10ppm
6.00 6.00
150.00 150.00
5.50 5.50
120.00 120.00
5.00 5.00
B: time 90.00 4.50 B: time 90.00 4.50
A: ph A: ph
60.00 4.00 60.00 4.00
Figure 4.15 3D plots showing the combined effect of PH and time for Cu2+ and Zn2+ respectively,
at optimized adsorbent dose of 1g and concentration 10ppm
4.2.5 Development of Regression model analysis
Statistical analysis by response surface methodology (RSM) was used to determine a well-tted
regression model of adsorption process. The experimental data of each adsorbate Cu2+and Zn2+
were tted with linear, interactive, quadratic and cubic models. The signicance of suggested
regression models for each adsorbate could be determined through the ANOVA.
The results in Table 4.2 showed that the treatment method of copper and zinc using tea waste
were effective at concentration of 10ppm, 5pH and contact time of 120min. The maximum
removal efficiency of copper and zinc at optimum point were 95.98% and 99.8% respectively
Table 4.2 CCD design metrics for three variables and response value
46 Analysis of variance
Table 4.3 ANOVA results of the regression model for optimization of cu2+ adsorption
The Model F-value of 103.57 implies the model is significant. There is only a 0.01% chance that
a "Model F-Value" this large could occur due to noise.Values of "Prob > F" less than 0.0500
indicate model terms are significant.In this case A, B, C, AB, BC are significant model
terms.Values greater than 0.1000 indicate the model terms are not significant.
If there are many insignificant model terms (not counting those required to support hierarchy),
model reduction may improve your model.
Table 4.4 ANOVA results of the regression model for optimization of Zn adsorption
The Model F-value of 76.84 implies the model is significant. There is only a 0.01% chance that
a "Model F-Value" this large could occur due to noise.Values of "Prob > F" less than 0.0500
indicate model terms are significant. In this case A, B, C, AC BC are significant model
termsValues greater than 0.1000 indicate the model terms are not significant. If there are many
insignificant model terms (not counting those required to support hierarchy), model reduction
may improve your model. Predicted verses Actual
The performance of the model can be also visualized by observing the plots of predicted versus
experimental percentage yield and removal as shown in Figures 4.4. As estimated, the predicted
values for copper and zinc yield are the closest to their experimental values.
Figure 4.16 proves that the predicted response from the empirical model is in agreement with the
observed ones
Figure 4.16 predicted verses actual for cupper (a) and zink (b) respectivel
4.3 Evaluation of Adsorption capacity
The driving force for adsorption is the concentration difference between the solute on the sorbent
and the solute in the solution. High concentration difference provides a high driving force for the
adsorption process and this may explain why higher adsorption capacities were achieved in the
column fed with a higher Cu2+ and Zn2+ concentration.
An increase of the initial copper and zinc concentration from 10ppm to 50ppm, when other
experimental conditions are kept constant, the corresponding adsorption bed capacity appears to
increase from 1.9 to 8.34, 1.996 to 8.4 mg/g respectively. Higher initial copper and zinc
concentrations caused a faster breakthrough. A decreased inlet copper and zinc concentrations
gave delayed breakthrough curves, since the lower concentration gradient caused slower
transport due to decreased diffusion coefficient (Aksu, 2005).
Adsorption capacity
5 10ppm
4 30ppm
0 50 100 150 200
Figure 4.4 Adsorption capacity of tea waste at different concentration for copper at 1g/200ml of
dosage and 5pH.
Adsorption capacity
3 30ppm
2 50ppm
0 50 100 150 200
Figure 4.5 Adsorption capacity of tea waste at different concentration of zinc at 1g/200ml of
dosage and 5pH.
where; KL is the Langmuir constant, C0 is the highest metal concentration (mg.L-1). The value of
RL indicates the type of the isotherm to be either unfavorable RL > 1, linear RL = 1, favorable 0 <
RL < 1 or irreversible RL = 0 (Fytianos, 2003 and others). Values of RL are summarized in Table
Table 4.5 values of RL for removal of copper ions
RL for RL for
Concentration in ppm Cu2+ Zn2+
10 0.167 0.0625
30 0.06297 0.022
50 0.04 0.0132
It will be seen that the value of RL are between 0 and 1 indicating the adsorbents prepared are
favorable for adsorption of the metal ions under conditions used in the study.
y = 0.0901x + 0.2249
R = 0.981
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Freundlich model: The slope 1/n ranging between 0 and 1 is a measure of adsorption intensity
or surface heterogeneity, becoming more heterogeneous as its value gets closer to zero
(Haghseresht and Lu, 1998). A value for 1/n below one indicates a normal Langmuir isotherm
while 1/n above one is indicative of cooperative adsorption (Fytianos and others, 2003). Values
of 1/n for copper and zinc were 0.4922 and 0.229 respectively. It will be noted that the value of
1/n was between 0 and 1 indicating the adsorbents prepared are favorable for adsorption of the
metal ions under conditions used in the study.
y = 0.4813x + 0.4904
R = 0.9537
log qe
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
log Ce
y = 0.4783x + 0.4463
0.8 R = 0.9913
log qe
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
log Ce
Table 4.6 Isotherms parameter of copper and zinc removal by tea waste adsorbent
Better-fit Isotherm models: As can be seen from Table: 4.7, the adsorption of Zn ions onto tea
waste, the Freundlich model presents greater R2 value (0.9913) than the Langmuir model
(0.9602). In this case, Freundlich model fitted better to the adsorption data and thus it is more
suitable used to describe the relationship between the amounts of Zn2+ adsorbed by tea waste and
its equilibrium concentration in the solution (Adamson, 2001). On the other hand, adsorption of
Cu ions onto tea waste, fitted better to the Langmuir model R2 value (0.981) than Freundlich
model under the same conditions.
5.1 Conclusions
In this study, low cost adsorbents were successfully prepared from agricultural tea waste.
Further, the adsorption of recalcitrant compounds from synthetic wastewater using these locally
available low cost adsorbents was studied. Additionally, response surface methodology was used
to investigate the interactive effect of the operating parameters namely; adsorbent dose, initial
concentration and solution pH and dosage of adsorbent.
Tea waste may be cheap and effective adsorbent for the removal of Cu and Zn ions from waste
water. Experiment results showed that maximum removal of copper and zinc ion by tea waste at
optimum condition (5 pH, 120 min. contact time, 1g/200ml adsorbent dose and 10ppm
concentration) is 95.98%and 99.8% respectively. These experimental studies on adsorbents
would be quite useful in developing an appropriate technology for the removal of heavy metal
ions from contaminated industrial effluents.
5.2 Recommendations
The result of the tea waste adsorbent indicates that the adsorbent is capable of removing copper
and zinc ions from aqueous solution. Therefore, the following recommendations are made as a
result of the outcome of the study.
It is recommended that tea waste can be used, as a low cost and abundant source, for the removal
of heavy metals and it may be an alternative to more costly materials.
Carry out the research on the ability of the adsorbent for its simultaneous uptake of Copper and
zinc along with other toxic heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, mercury etc.
Carry out the research on the ability of the adsorbent selectivity with ionon.
Optimize the removal efficiency of the tea waste adsorbent through continuous column
experiment, and try to immobilize the adsorbent on materials to improve its recovery.
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Calibration Curves
0.45 y = 0.0089x + 0.001
R = 0.9995
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Tables 1: Effect of pH, concentration and time on adsorption capacity of cupper
Tables 2: Effect of pH, concentration and time on adsorption capacity of zinc
Tables 4: Results for zinc adsorption isotherms
Figure below discribe stock solution prepared, AAS analysis of copper and zinc concentration
after adsorption.