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Case Report - Non Ossifying Fibroma of Tibia

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International Journal of Recent Trends in Science And Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2014

pp 116-118

Case Report - Non Ossifying Fibroma of Tibia

Rahul Salunkhe1*, Sanjay Deo2, Pramod Chikhalikar3, Prashant Gholap3, Hitesh Joshi3
{1Associate Professor, 2Professor, 3Resident}
Department of Orthopedics, Pad. Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune 18, Maharashtra, INDIA.
Corresponding Address:

Case Report
Abstract: Nonossifying fibroma [NOF] is developmental defect Case Report
usually found in the metaphysis of long bones in the lower
19 tears old college girl reported with complaints
extremity. Radiographically, it is well delineated multi or
uniloculated lesions with sclerotic margins. It is commonly found of slow growing painless swelling over her right proximal
in children and adolescents, nonossifying fibromas are the most leg. Swelling was slowly progressing size for 4 years.
common fibrous bony lesion. Therefore, it is important to recognize Patient noticed mild pain over the anterior aspect of right
the clinical and radiographic characteristics of this benign lesion. A tibia since 2 months. Personal and family history was
case of nonossifying fibroma is presented here successfully treated unremarkable. Swelling was approximately 23cm in size
with curettage and bone grafting .
over a right proximal leg; swelling was tender, with well
Keywords: Fibroma, Tibia.
defined margins and edges, firm in consistency.
Introduction Overlying skin was normal in color and texture. No
Nonossifying fibroma is a common occurrence in lymphadenopathy or distal neurovascular defect noted.
children and young adolescents. Moreover, 90% of all Other orthopaedic examination was unremarkable.
NOF occur in the lower extremity. Nonetheless, it is Radiograph of affected leg showed osteolytic lesion
important for physicians specializing in the lower anterior aspect proximal 1/3 of right tibia. Lesion was
extremity to readily recognize NOF radio graphically and eccentric and surrounded by sclerotic margin. MRI also
understand the proper treatment course. Number of other showed benign expansile eccentric lesion with sclerotic
bony lesion may have very close clinical presentation to margin s/o nonossifying fibroma. Other hematological
that of NOF. Hence, making a diagnosis on radiograph investigation was normal. Patient was posted for surgery
alone when considering a possible osseous tumor in for curettage and bone graft. Window was made and
children carries a slight risk. Thus if the diagnosis is not yellowish cheesy material curetted. Bony defect was
clear with ancillary imaging, then wide Surgical curettage filled by autogenous cortical. Bone graft from fibula of
with autogenous bone grafting should be done. The same leg and cancellous graft from iliac crest. Sample
curettage acts as a Biopsy and the definitive diagnosis can was sent histopathological examination.
be made.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Figure 4 Figure 5

International Journal of Recent Trends in Science And Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2014 Page 116
Rahul Salunkhe, Sanjay Deo, Pramod Chikhalikar, Prashant Gholap, Hitesh Joshi

S/o the tissue revealed sheet and whorl of spindle shaped connective tissue cell. The cellurality varied &sparsely
scattered throughout the lesion were small irregularly shaped multinucleated giant cell. Small aggregates of heamosiderin
pigment were also present; it is s/o Non ossifying fibroma.

Figure 6: Post operative Figure 7: After 1 month Figure 8: After 3 month

x-ray follow up x-ray follow up x-ray

Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11: After 6 months follow up

After 3 months follow up
Post operative period was uneventful. Patient was advised (osteoclastlike multinucleated cells), foam (xanthoma)
non weight bearing for 2 months. After 1month follow up cells, and small amounts of collagen. Foam cells occur in
x-ray (Fig no 7) s/o signs of healing. Progressive follow 30-50% of cases and are more common in older lesions.
up x rays showed signs of consolidation (Fig no 8 and 11) Abundant hemosiderin in the cytoplasm of the fibroblast
and patient is walking with full weight bearing after 3 cells has been noted; cholesterol crystals also have been
months (Fig. no 9and10). identified. At histologic analysis, no mitosis or
pleomorphism is present to suggest malignancy.
Discussion Approximately 90% of cases lesions involve the tubular
Non ossifying fibromas (NOFs) are
long bones [4,5]. Common sites include the femur (most
nonaggressive fibrous lesions of bone. NOFs are
commonly the distal femoral metaphysis [38%]), the
considered to be developmental defects and to be
proximal and distal tibia (43%), and the knee (55%); most
nonaggressive. They were first described by Lichtenstein
lesions occur around the knee [6] .The tibial diaphysis is
and Jaffe in 1942 [2], and they typically occurred within
involved in only 10% of cases. The fibula is affected in 8-
the metaphysis of growing long tubular bones in children,
10% of cases, as noted in one series at the Armed Forces
most commonly around the knee. NOFs are
Institute of Pathology (AFIP). Non ossifying fibromas are
asymptomatic, small (<3 cm), eccentrically located,
uncommon in the upper extremity; however, of those
metaphyseal cortical defects; most of these spontaneously
reported in the literature, 8% were in the humerus, and
disappear. While these lesions also can heal
both radial and ulnar lesions were rare. Less common
spontaneously (with reactive bone filling in the central
sites include the innominate bone, clavicle, skull, scapula,
lucent fibrous tissue component), they can also persist,
mandible, and small bones of the hands and feet.
with interval growth that continues into adulthood.
Typically, lesions are metaphyseal and arise close to the
Typically, fibromas are asymptomatic. However, the
physeal plate. The nof arises within the cortex. Lesions
larger lesions may become symptomatic, with a risk of
usually arise from the posterior wall of the tubular bone,
pathologic fracture. Steiner suggested that these lesions
and involvement of the medial rather than lateral osseous
are secondary to cellular proliferation due to aberrations
surface is characteristic. With healthy growth of the
in local development.[3] NOFs are composed of spindle-
osseous skeleton, the lesions extend toward the shaft, and
shaped fibroblasts that are oriented in a cartwheel or
if they do not involutes and disappear, they may extend
storiform whorled pattern, with scattered giant cells

Copyright 2014, Statperson Publications, International Journal of Recent Trends in Science And Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109, Volume 11, Issue 1 2014
International Journal of Recent Trends in Science And Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2014 pp 116-118

into the diaphysis. An epiphyseal location is distinctly from another bone (autograft), or other materials
uncommon and has been reported only in unusual cases depending on the preference of the surgeon. The patient is
of multifocal lesions. Typically, non ossifying fibromas usually placed in a cast or brace for six weeks and then
(NOFs) are asymptomatic and are detected only can undergo protected weight bearing for another six
incidentally on radiographs obtained for reasons other weeks. It usually takes 3-6 months before a child can
than the evaluation of NOFs[7]. Although these are most return to contact.
commonly solitary lesions, multiple lesions have been
described. The presence of extra skeletal congenital
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International Journal of Recent Trends in Science And Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2014 Page 118

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