Information Dissemination Delay in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Networks in A Traffic Stream
Information Dissemination Delay in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Networks in A Traffic Stream
Information Dissemination Delay in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Networks in A Traffic Stream
1, FEBRUARY 2015
AbstractVehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication networks, cars speed, acceleration, or deceleration, in order to keep
as one of the core components of connected vehicle systems, have away from accidents such as road departure and collisions.
been granted many promising applications to address traffic mo- Thus, V2V communication networks can be used to develop
bility, safety, and sustainability. However, only a limited amount of
work has been completed to understand the fundamental proper- driver-assistance systems, which avoid traffic crash and im-
ties of information propagation in such systems, while comprehen- prove driving safety. Alsabaan et al. [4] propose employing
sively considering traffic and communication reality. Motivated V2V as well as traffic-light-signal-to-vehicle communication
by this view, this proposed research develops analytical formula- technologies to enable drivers to adaptively adjust their driving
tions to estimate information propagation time delay via a V2V speed, so that the objectives to promote fuel conservation
communication network formed on a one-way or two-way road
segment with multiple lanes. Distinguished to previous efforts, the and emission reduction within transportation systems can be
proposed study carefully involves several critical communication achieved. Yamaha [5] shows that the V2V communication
and traffic flow features in reality, such as wireless communi- network may detect road condition, such as road surface status
cation interference, intermittent information transmission, and in snowing weather, and then informs the traffic management
dynamic traffic flow. Moreover, this study elaborately analyzes center to adjust traffic control strategies and improve traffic
the interactions between information and traffic flow under sparse
and congested traffic flow conditions. The numerical experiments mobility. In the field of traffic routing, V2V informs drivers
based on Next-Generation Simulation field data illustrate that traffic condition information such as work zone, accident ahead,
the proposed analytical formulations are able to provide very closing lane, etc; hence, they can change route to avoid the
good estimation, with the relative error less than 5%, for the waiting time. The community-based online navigation system
information propagation time delay on a one-way or two-way road developed by Waze [6] has indicated a great potential of devel-
segment under various traffic conditions. The proposed work can
be further extended to characterize information propagation time oping online routing guidance based on V2V communication
delay and coverage over local transportation networks. technologies. In the meantime, many national and international
projects, such as California Partners for Advanced Transit and
Index TermsDynamic traffic flow, time delay, vehicle-to-
vehicle (V2V) communication. Highways (PATH) [7], CarTalk [8], and FleetNet [9], have
been dedicated to test the applicability of V2V technologies in
I. I NTRODUCTION various transportation scenarios.
Although many dramatic applications have been proposed, it
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with traffic stream features. Accordingly, the assumptions on as vehicle density and average vehicle speed; both one- and
successful wireless transmission conditions and dynamic traffic two-way vehicle traffic scenarios are considered. Wang et al.
flow along with their methodologies shaped the characteristics [21] used traffic flow theories, such as car-following models,
of most previous studies. Thus, this study reviews the existing to capture the vehicle mobility and applied a Monte Carlo
literature from these two aspects, which also differentiate the simulation model to evaluate the impacts of traffic flow and
proposed study from the previous studies and highlight our transmission range on the throughput of a VANET. Wang [12]
main contributions. modeled information propagation in VANET as a relay process,
Plenty of research explores instantaneous information propa- and provided the mean and variance of information propagation
gation in a traffic stream, considering that information propaga- distance as well as its distribution in VANET, but considering
tion is instantaneous compared to vehicle movement. Usually, that the presence of equipped vehicles follows an independent
a successful communication is simply identified by the con- homogeneous Poisson process, which is usually denied in
dition stating the geometric distance between two devices actual traffic flow condition. Utilizing the information propaga-
(equipped on smart vehicles or roadside sensors) less than a tion model proposed in [12] to evaluate information travel times
predefined transmission range (with 1 km being the maximum). on the individual arcs, Ng and Waller [22] provided the lower
Representative research in this category studied the topics and upper bounds of information propagation delay between
covering connectivity, intervehicle communication system, in- two nodes in a network, where traffic flow characteristics are
formation transmission distance, and probability of success evaluated by a static traffic assignment model. Wang et al. [23]
for information propagation. For example, Yang and Recker proposed an analytical model to estimate the expected in-
[10] built a simulation framework to test the information dis- formation propagation speed in the early stage of deploying
semination efficiency (coverage and speed) over various traf- V2V communication network, which implies very low smart
fic conditions as information propagating through intervehicle vehicle penetration. Du and Ukkusuri [24] modeled information
communication; Jin and Recker [11] computed the probability propagation along a one-way road segment as a time-expanded
of a successful instantaneous information transmission between network and provided a closed-form formulation to capture
two vehicles in uniform and general traffic streams; Wang [12] the network connectivity over a time period (reachability) for
provided the mean and variance of information propagation VANET. The aforementioned review noticed that many stud-
distance, considering equipped vehicle density and transmis- ies explored information propagation distance or speed, but a
sion range. Both Ukkusuri and Du [13] and Jin and Recker limited amount of work studies information delay (which is the
[14] developed analytical formulations to predict the multihop focus of this study); in addition, all the aforementioned study
connectivity of intervehicle communication network assuming applied a simplified successful transmission condition, which
stationary traffic stream, but different mathematical models are will be substituted by a more comprehensive condition relevant
used. Chen et al. [15] evaluated the performance of multihop to communication interference.
broadcast communication (information propagation distance, Overall, the aforementioned brief survey demonstrates that
and throughput of information package to be received for a previous research has significantly promoted the understanding
given distance) with vehicles following shockwave mobility of information propagation in a traffic stream from different
pattern which mixes free flow and congested flow traffic. angles by enriching realistic traffic flow feature in the modeling
Wang et al. [16] and Yin et al. [17] estimated the expectation, process; nevertheless, the consideration of the communication
variance, and probability distribution of instantaneous infor- side is relatively weak, which degrades the value of the research
mation propagation distance, assuming that vehicles headway in practical application. In addition, there is insufficient study
follows Gamma, Poisson, or Log-normal distribution. Clearly, focusing on the interactions between traffic flow movement
the deficiencies of this group of research are in two aspects: and information propagation under various traffic conditions
1) traffic flow dynamics is not fully considered. Since infor- on two-way roads. Motivated by the aforementioned points,
mation transmission time is omitted, and message propagation this research proposes mathematical description models to
is studied at a snapshot, traffic flow is treated as static flow; strengthen previous research from the following aspects: i) The
2) oversimplify the wireless communication constrains, ignor- proposed approach identifies successfully wireless communica-
ing background noise and interference. These two deficiencies tion by Signal-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) condition,
will be addressed in the proposed study. rather than only factoring the transmission range and Euclidean
Some researchers recognized that information propagation distance between communication devices. SINR considers
in V2V communication is significantly impacted by traffic dy- multiple impact factors in wireless communication, such as
namics. For example, Schnhof et al. [18] considered dynamic transmission power and interference between concurrent trans-
communication link in a dynamic traffic flow on a two-way missions. This improvement will make our description model
freeway traffic stream, and then investigated how the smart more realistic from a wireless communication perspective.
vehicle density impacts information propagation speed and ii) This study takes account of information communication
efficiency. Agarwal et al. [19] studied delay tolerant message time to provide the applicability of the proposed formulations
propagation in V2V and developed upper and lower bounds for to the research of network level information dissemination.
information propagation rate as the functions of traffic density, It is realized that the communication time is ignorable for
vehicle speed, and transmission range. Wu et al. [20] indicated measuring the delay on a road segment, but its accumulation
that information propagation distance and speed depend on effect is significant for the information delay over the net-
relative vehicle movement and other traffic characteristics such work. iii) This research elaborately considers the interaction
Pw (xwi )
SINR = (1)
N +I
Fig. 3. Interference at vehicle i.
where Pw represents the transmission power of node w; xwi
represents the distance between transmitter vehicle w and re- condition. However, i varies with the location of the transmit-
ceiver vehicle i; is the signal power decay, typically 2 6; ter and receiver. Thus, (3) is the formulation of individuality,
N represents the background noise on the frequent channel which implies that microlevel vehicle distribution information
utilized by network; is the threshold which depends on the is needed. It is not a proper formulation to be used. The
designing modulation and code rate (values which indicate proposed study then explores a uniform formulation (a pseudo
the data transmission rate during a wireless connection) of transmission range derived from SINR condition), which can
wireless network. = 0.15 is recommended for V2V commu- be used to identify successful information transmission by
nication [25]; I = nj=1,j=w ej pj (xij ) represents the sum known aggregated traffic information. We present our method
of interference power from other vehicles except vehicle w to as follows.
receiver vehicle i. ej = 1, if vehicle j is in transmission status;
otherwise, ej = 0. SINR is a physical model to determine D. Pseudo Transmission Range
the successful reception of a transmission over one hop in
wireless network. It considers many environment factors: the To develop the uniform successful transmission condition
distance between two nodes, path loss of signal, and wireless from SINR, this study labels smart vehicles from the left to right
interference. Thus, using SINR will make our formulations by number 0, 1, . . . , n, as shown in Fig. 3. Next, the spacing
capture more communication reality. xij is approximated by xij = (j i)h, where h is the expected
The standard SINR formulation can be further simplified spacing between two adjacent smart vehicles. Accordingly, i
by considering the communication features in V2V wireless can be approximated by (4), where i is the label of the receiver.
communication network. First, smart vehicles in V2V usually That is
apply broadcast protocol; thus, we have ej = 1, j = 1, . . . , n.
1 1
Second, existing literature [26] shows that the background noise i 2 + (4)
h m2 m=1 m2
in V2V communication usually follows normal distribution m=1
with zero mean. Accordingly, this study applies N = 0 and = 2,
Note that i = 1 implies that the information is transmitted
corresponding to free-space information propagation [27]. Last,
from vehicle 0 to vehicle 1; the case i = 0 is not considered
assuming all smart vehicles adapt the same transmission power
since information starts from vehicle 0 and it will only be
(this assumptions have been widely used in literature such as
a transmitter rather than a receiver in this study; case i = n
[28]), we have Pw = p, w. With the previous four features
indicates that information arrives at the last vehicle so there is
holding in V2V communication network, the standard SINR
no interference coming from its right side.
formulation in (1) is transformed to (2), and further processed
This study
further 2works on (4) and obtains the approxima-
to obtain the relationships in (3). That is
tion for m=1 (1/m ) in (5), according to [29]. That is
(xwi )2
n (2) 1
= . (5)
(xji )2 m1
m2 6
( + 1) (xwi )2 Moreover, we know that the two lower bounds shown in (6)
and (7) exist, according to [30]. That is
(xji )2 + (xwi )2 i
1 1 1 1 1 2 1
dm = 2
m m=1
m m m=1
m i 6 i
+1 1
(xwi ) 2
(3) (6)
1 1 1
where i = nj=1 1/(xji )2 . Equation (3) represents the condi- 2
m m2 m2
tion of a successful transmission between two smart vehicles. m=1 m=1 ni
It factors not only the distance between the transmitter and the
1 1 2 1
receiver but also the distribution of all other vehicles around = = . (7)
them (represented by i ), reflecting the instantaneous traffic m=1
m 2 ni 6 ni
Plugging (6) and (7) into (4), the lower bound for i is given
in (8). That is
1 i
1 1
1 2 n
i = 2 2
h m=i
m2 m=i m2 h 3 i(n i)
(1 i n 1) (8a)
1 1
1 2 1
i = , i = n. (8b)
h2 m=1 m2 h2 6 i
Based on that, it can be proved that the sum of the last column By observing b=1 P (Ac Ab ) k, (25) provides a new
in Table I equals 1; thus, the correctness of the probability upper bound for Pk as
distribution in Table I is verified. In addition, we obtain the
closed-form formulation to predict the expected hops of an
Pk = P (A1 Ak ) 1 P (Ac )2 = 2P P 2 .
instantaneous transmission, i.e., k c=1
k = kg(k) = g(1) + 2g(2) + + ng(n) Accordingly, we obtain the lower and upper bounds for k in the
1 following:
(n k) (kP (k 1)) (1 P ) + kP (k 1)
(n k)P k (1 P ) + P k k k
= k . (23) n+1
n+1 1
(n k)(2P P 2 )(1 P ) + 2P P 2
2) Congested Flow: Under congested traffic condition, the k k . (28)
spacing between two vehicles is relatively small. The move- 1
ment of a following vehicle needs to consider the movement
of the leading vehicle in front to keep safety; therefore, the At this point, by combining (11), (12), (16), (23), (27), and (28),
spacing between any two consecutive vehicles is dependent. we are ready to calculate the expected time delay of information
Accordingly, it brings the difficulty to accurately calculate propagation along a road segment in Case (a).
Pk = P (A1 A2 Ak ) and the associated k in (21). As
a compromise, this study develops the lower and upper bounds E. Extension to Other Cases
of Pk , which further lead to lower and upper bounds of k.
The following presents our methods. According to Bonferroni This study next demonstrates the applicability of the pro-
bound [31] and Caen bound [32], the lower and upper bounds posed approach to Cases (b), (c), and (d) in Fig. 2.
for Pk are given as 1) Case (b)One-Way Road Segment With Traffic and Infor-
mation Flowing in the Opposite Direction: Case (b) represents
a situation that information flow spreads in the opposite direc-
Pk = P (A1 A2 Ak ) tion to traffic flow. It is observed that information propagation
in Case (b) also follows the same pattern, alternatively present-
1 P (Ac ) = kP (k 1) (24) ing instantaneous transmission and ferry transmission. More
c=1 specifically, as information spreads by instantaneous transmis-
sion, we may ignore the movement of smart vehicles since it
k is much slower than wireless information spread. Accordingly,
Pk = P (A1 A2 Ak ) = 1 P Ac the time delay resulting from instantaneous transmission in
c=1 Case (b) can be measured by t1 = k. However, as a ferry
transmission happens in Case (b), the vehicles conducting
P (Ac )2
1 k . (25) ferry transmission may carry information backward to the
c=1 b=1 P (Ac Ab ) information propagation direction for time E(y)/vi . Hence,
Lankershim Blvd, Los Angeles, CA [see Fig. 9(c)] for con- Step 3) Check if the information reaches to the end of the
gested flow. The segment of Peachtree Street is 650 ft long with road segment.
five lanes. Traffic data were collected during (12:501:00 P. M .) 1) Yes, record current time te ; T g = te t0 , kg =
on November 8th, 2006. Given the speed limit of 55 mi/h, average (k), calculated T M and k M ; go to Step 4
the data indicate free flow traffic condition with the average 2) No, change transmission scenario to ferry (in-
speed equal to 50 mi/h. The segment of Lankershim Blvd is stantaneous), go back to step 2
600 ft long with six lanes. Traffic data were collected during Step 4) If all data examined, stop; otherwise, t0 = t0 + t,
(8:509:00 A . M .) on June 16th, 2005. Given speed limit of go to Step 1.
55 mi/h, the collected data indicate a congested flow with The accuracy of T M is evaluated by RMSE and relative error
average speed equal to 23 mi/h. (e) given in (34) and (35) as follows. RMSE demonstrates
the average difference between T M and T g over all tracked
information. Relative error (e) measures the percentage of the
B. Experiment Design error between T M and T g to T g , thus giving us the idea how
This section designs the experiments to evaluate the perfor- significant the error is. That is
mance of the proposed mathematical estimation for the time N g M 2
delay that a piece of information propagates through a road i=1 Ti Ti
RMSE = (34)
segment. Considering that the expected number of hops in an N
instantaneous transmission (k) is one of the key components of
1 TiM Tig
those mathematical estimation formulations, we also check the e= 100% (35)
accuracy of its formulation. N i=1 Tig
The overall ideas of the experiment are presented first. Based
on the field data collected from the selected testbeds, this study where N represents the number of scenarios, Tig represents the
first measures field information propagation time delay (T g ) as field time delay in a scenario i, TiM represents the correspond-
well as the expected number of hops in an instantaneous trans- ing mathematical estimation in free flow (the average of the
mission (k g ), and then, we calculate the corresponding mathe- upper and lower bounds in congested flow). A negative e value
matical estimations for the time delay (T M ) and the expected indicates an underestimation over all experimental scenarios,
number of hops (k M ), respectively. After that, we compare (k g ) and a positive e value means the other way around. The same
to (k M ) and (T g ) to (T M ), and demonstrate the accuracy by evaluation work will be conducted for k M .
root-mean-square error (RMSE) and relative error (e).
The field information propagation time delay T g is defined as C. Experimental Results and Insights
the time interval that a piece of information propagates through
a road segment, given a successful transmission between any 1) One-Way Segment: This section presents our numerical
every two vehicles is identified by SINR condition in (1). T g experimental results and the insights we obtained for one-way
is considered as the ground truth in this study. Mathematical road segment. The results given in Fig. 10 indicate that k g is
estimation T M is calculated by the proposed formulations, well bounded by our mathematical lower and upper bounds
given the needed distribution and parameters are obtained from [calculated by (27) and (28)] in congested flow, and accurately
the field data. These experiments select Log-normal distribution estimated by the mathematical model (23) in free flow. More
to represent the space headway distribution vehicles on one- exactly, RMSE values for k g under congested and free flow are
way or two-way road segment after it was calibrated by the field 1.64 and 1.37, respectively, and the relative errors are 3.71%
data. However, the applicability of the proposed approaches and 4.22%, respectively. In addition, we see that, on average,
does not depend on the distribution selection. Along the process k g = 8.68 and k M = 9.04 in the tested congested flow, and
to calculated T g and T M , k g and k M are also calculated k g = 6.36 and k M = 6.58 in the tested free flow; they are very
through field counts and proposed mathematical estimation close. Thus, our mathematical formulations provide reliable
formulations, respectively. k g represents the ground truth. estimations for k under both congested and free flow on one-
Next, we provide the experimental procedure. For every t way road segments.
(= 6 or 5) seconds, the experiment starts to track a piece of The results for evaluating the mathematical formulation (11)
information just launching on the start of the road segment to estimate the information propagation time delay on one-
until it reaches to the end of the road segment. Accordingly, way road segment are given in Fig. 11. Fig. 11(a) shows that
T g (and k g ) and T M (and k M ) are checked every t seconds. field time delay T g in congested flow is well bounded by our
According to the field data set, 151 (or 121) pieces of informa- mathematical bounds. The relative error 4.79% and RMSE
tion in total are tracked for one-way (or two-way) testbeds. The equal to 5 s; Fig. 11(b) also indicates that the mathematical
detailed experiment steps to track information propagation are formulation can estimate the field time delay very well in the
given as follows. free flow case; the relative error is 4.34% and RMSE equals
to 5.65 s. The negative sign of e indicates that, on the average,
Step 1) At time t0 , a piece of information launches on the the proposed mathematical formulation underestimates the time
start of the road segment. delay. In addition, the results show that T g = 42.07 s and
Step 2) Track instantaneous (or ferry) information propaga- T M = 39.84 s in the tested congested flow; T g = 46.40 s and
tion until it is broken; record k. T M = 44.03 s. Clearly, the average of the field time delay T g
Fig. 11. Comparison of time delay between field and mathematical estima- Fig. 13. Comparison of time delay between field and mathematical estima-
tions on one-way segment. (a) Congested flow. (b) Free flow. tions on two-way segment. (a) Congested flow. (b) Free flow.
is very close to the average of the estimated time delay T M . 2) Two-Way Segment: The performances of the proposed
Moreover, in both cases, the relative error is around 4%; hence, approaches [i.e., (33) and all the related equations] on two-way
our mathematical formulations work well. road are also evaluated by the same way that we did for the
one-way segment. The results in Figs. 12 and 13 show that the view, the proposed research aims to develop more reliable for-
field values (time delay or the expected number of hops) under mulations to estimate the time delay of a piece of information
congested flow are well bounded by the mathematical bounds, propagating through a traffic stream, considering more traffic
and they are accurately estimated by the mathematical formula- flow scenarios, such as on one-way or two-way road segments
tions for free flow. More exactly, the relative error for k g under under either free or congested traffic flow, and realistic wireless
free flow (or congested flow) is 4% (or 4.5%) with RMSE equal communication constraints, such as interference, information
to 1.26 (or 1.4), implying that the average difference between flow direction, instantaneous, and ferry transmission.
our estimation and the field value for k is about 1. In addition, Stochastic and probabilistic models combined with analytical
the results show that, on average, k g = 6.28 and k M = 6.49 approaches are adopted to develop the pseudo transmission
in the tested congested flow, and k g = 5.84 and k M = 6.03 in range from SINR condition, to estimate the expected num-
free flow. Clearly, they are very close. The relative error for T g ber of hops in instantaneous transmission, and to estimate
under free flow (or congested flow) is 4.36% (or 4.15%) with the expected transmission distance under instantaneous and
RMSE equal to 3.11 s (or 3.24 s). Moreover, the results show ferry transmission individually. Based upon these analytical
that, on average, T g = 25.4 s and T M = 26.02 s in the tested formulations and elaborate analyses, this study further proposes
congested flow, and T g = 17.8 s and T M = 18.48 s in the closed-form analytical formulations to estimate exact time de-
tested free flow. Again, they are very close. The experimental lay values for information propagating through free flow, and
results indicate small estimation errors. Thus, we claim that our provides analytical solutions to estimate the upper and lower
mathematical estimation formulations for two-way road also bound time delay for information propagating through con-
perform well. gested flow. Numerical experiments are conducted to validate
Overall, the numerical experiments indicate that the pro- our approaches, based on the field data collected by NGSIM
posed approaches perform pretty well under both free flow for one-way segment on US101 (congested and free flow),
and congested traffic flow on a one-way segment and two-way and two-way segments on Peachtree Street (free flow) and
segment. In more details, our mathematical estimations perform Lankershim Blvd (congested flow). The experimental results
a bit better for free flow traffic condition than for congested indicate that the proposed mathematical formulations provide
traffic flow condition on a one-way road segment and two-way reliable estimation to information propagation time delay, with
road segment, due to the fact that probabilistic bounds rather the relative error about 4% under various traffic conditions on a
than closed-form formulations are developed to estimate k in one-way or two-way road segment. The ground true time delays
congested flow. in congested flow on either one-way or two-way road segment
are well bounded inside the analytical upper and lower bounds.
There is some potential future research stemmed from this
study. First, the presented study can be extended to network
V2V communication holds promising future applications to level since it counts the time delay resulting from instantaneous
improve traffic safety, sustainability, and mobility. However, to transmission, which is negligible in a single road segment but
successfully implement these applications and cash these ben- significant as information spreads over a large scale of network.
efits, practitioners are still lacking reliable formulations to es- Information propagation at intersection is another interested
timate the information propagation time delay, based on traffic related research issue in this context. Second, the proposed
flow characteristics and communication limitations. Although methodology can be further extended to establish informa-
plenty of research worked on this issue in the literature, over- tion propagation dynamics overtopping traffic flow dynamics.
simplified communication or traffic flow assumptions weaken Information flow throughput over both temporal and spatial
their applicability in practice. Motivated by the aforementioned dimensions can be explored. Clearly, the proposed analytical
formulations, capturing the time delay of information propagat- [6] Google, Free GPS Navigation Turn by Turn-Waze. 2013. [Online]. Avail-
ing through a road segment, provide a firm base to investigate able:
[7] California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH),
these advanced topics. This research team will work on them in Berkeley. [Online]. Available:
the near future. [8] D. Reichardt, M. Miglietta, L. Moretti, P. Morsink, and W. Schulz,
CarTALK 2000Safe and comfortable driving based upon inter-
vehicle-communication, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symp., Versailles,
A PPENDIX France, Jun. 2002, pp. 545550.
[9] Johannes Steiner Fleetnet (Internet on the road), Germany. [Online].
See Tables II and III. Available:, Johannes Steiner
[10] X. Yang and W. Recker, Simulation studies of information propagation
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT Part C, Emerging Technol., vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 370390, Dec. 2005.
[11] W. Jin and W. Recker, Instantaneous information propagation in a traf-
The authors would like to thank Dr. Xiang-Yang Li at Illinois fic stream through inter-vehicle communication, Transp. Res. Part B,
Institute of Technology, Dr. Stephen Boyles at The University Methodol., vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 230250, Mar. 2006.
[12] X. Wang, Modeling the process of information relay through inter-
of Texas at Austin, and Dr. Yafeng Yin at University of Florida vehicle communication, Transp. Res. Part B, Methodol., vol. 41, no. 6,
for their valuable comments on the early version of the work, pp. 684700, Jul. 2007.
and also the reviewers, whose constructive comments help us to [13] S. Ukkusuri and D. Lili, Geometric connectivity of vehicular ad hoc
networks: Analytical characterization, Transp. Res. Part C, Emerging
improve the articulations and presentation of this paper in the Technol., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 615634, Oct. 2008.
final version. [14] W. Jin and W. Recker, An analytical model of multihop connectivity of
inter-vehicle communication systems, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.,
vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 106112, Jan. 2010.
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