Aisc Documento
Aisc Documento
Aisc Documento
ANSI/AISC 341 Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings 2016
ANSI/AISC 358 Prequalied Connec ons for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames for
Seismic Applica ons 2016
AISC Steel Construc on Manual 15th Ed.
AISC Detailing for Steel Construc on 3rd Ed.
AWS D1.4/D1.4M Structural Welding CodeReinforcing Steel 2011
AWS D1.8/D1.8M Structural Welding CodeSeismic Supplement 2016
AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing and Nondestruc ve Examina on 2012
AWS B5.17 Specica on for the Qualica on of Welding Fabricators (replaced AWS WQAG) 2014
AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Deni ons 2010
SSPC Steel Structures Pain ng Manual, Volume I, Good Pain ng Prac ce - PB-01601 Fi h Edi on
SSPC Steel Structures Pain ng Manual, Volume II, Systems and Specica ons - PB-00802 Current at me of
(A complete, up-to-date collec on of SSPC standards, guides, specica ons, etc.) purchase
SSPC PA 1 Shop, Field and Maintenance Coa ng of Metals 2016
SSPC PA 2 Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coa ng Thickness Requirements 2015/
2017 edits
2. References for Manufacturers of Bridge and Highway Components (CPT) Revision Year
AISC 204 AISC Cer ca on Program for Bridge and Highway Metal Component Manufacturers -
Standard for Bridge and Highway Metal Component Manufacturers 2008
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Guide to Normative and Informative References for
AISC Certification Programs
Updated on July 5, 2017
Dates given below represent the most current version at the me of update of this list.
*This is not a required document, Refer to the specic AISC Cer ca on Program Requirements for program rules and
regula ons for the required norma ve reference documents. Informa ve documents are op onal unless required by
other norma ve reference or contract documents.
NOTE: In all cases, when the contract requires a dierent revision, that revision applies and contract requirements may
change a reference from informa ve to norma ve.
AWS D1.2/D1.2M Structural Welding Code Aluminum 2014
AWS D1.3/D1.3M Structural Welding CodeSheet Steel 2008
AASHTO/AWS D1.5/D1.5M Structural Welding Code - Bridge Welding Code 2015
AWS D1.6/D1.6M Structural Welding CodeStainless Steel 2007
AWS D1.8/D1.8M Structural Welding CodeSeismic Supplement 2016
3. References for Fabricators of Steel Bridges (SBR, IBR, ABR, FCE) Revision Year
AISC 205 AISC Cer ca on Program for Steel Bridge Fabricators - Standard for Steel Bridges 2011
AISC 503 Selected ASTM Standards for Structural Steel Fabrica on, or equivalent 2016
ANSI/AISC 303 Code of Standard Prac ce for Steel Buildings and Bridges 2016
AASHTO/NSBA S4.1 Steel Bridge Fabrica on QC/QA Guide Specica on 2002
AASHTO/AWS D1.5/D1.5M Structural Welding Code - Bridge Welding Code 2015
RCSC Specica on for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts 2014 w/2015 errata
SSPC Steel Structures Pain ng Manual, Volume I, Good Pain ng Prac ce - PB-01601 Fi h Edi on
SSPC Steel Structures Pain ng Manual, Volume II, Systems and Specica ons - PB-00802 Current at me of
(A complete, up-to-date collec on of SSPC standards, guides, specica ons, etc.) purchase
Chapter 15 of AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering 2016
Page 2 of 5
Guide to Normative and Informative References for
AISC Certification Programs
Updated on July 5, 2017
Dates given below represent the most current version at the me of update of this list.
*This is not a required document, Refer to the specic AISC Cer ca on Program Requirements for program rules and
regula ons for the required norma ve reference documents. Informa ve documents are op onal unless required by
other norma ve reference or contract documents.
NOTE: In all cases, when the contract requires a dierent revision, that revision applies and contract requirements may
change a reference from informa ve to norma ve.
AWS D1.1/D1.1M Structural Welding Code Steel 2015
AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing and Nondestruc ve Examina on 2012
AWS B5.17 Specica on for the Qualica on of Welding Fabricators (replaced AWS WQAG) 2014
AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Deni ons 2010
AWS D1.6/1.6M Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel 2007
AWS D1.2/1.2M Structural Welding Steel - Aluminum 2014
Page 4 of 5
Guide to Normative and Informative References for
AISC Certification Programs
Updated on July 5, 2017
Dates given below represent the most current version at the me of update of this list.
*This is not a required document, Refer to the specic AISC Cer ca on Program Requirements for program rules and
regula ons for the required norma ve reference documents. Informa ve documents are op onal unless required by
other norma ve reference or contract documents.
NOTE: In all cases, when the contract requires a dierent revision, that revision applies and contract requirements may
change a reference from informa ve to norma ve.
SSPC VIS 1 Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry Abrasive Blast
Cleaning 2002
ASTM D3276 Standard Guide for Pain ng Inspectors 2015
ASTM D7091 Standard Prac ce for Nondestruc ve Measurement of Dry Film Thickness 2013
ASTM D4228 Standard Prac ce for Qualica on of Coa ng Applicators 2005 (2012)
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