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W. H. T. Loh Auth., W. H. T. Loh Eds. Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion Theory and Design

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Volume 7


An International Series

Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric

Propulsion: Theory and Design
Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric

Theory and Design
Edited and authored by W H. T. Loh
ISBN-13: 978-3-642-46111-8 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-46109-5
001: 10.1007/978-3-642-46109-5

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be translated or reproduced in any form without
written permission from Springer-Verlag.

1968 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1968
Library of Congress Card Number 68-26005

Title No. 3897


During the last decade, rapid growth of knowledge in the field

of jet, rocket, nuclear, ion and electric propulsion has resulted in
many advances useful to the student, engineer and scientist. The
purpose for offering this course is to make available to them these
recent advances in theory and design.
Accordingly, this course is organized into seven parts: Part 1
Introduction; Part 2 Jet Propulsion; Part 3 Rocket Propulsion;
Part 4 Nuclear Propulsion; Part 5 Electric and Ion Propulsion;
Part 6 Theory on Combustion, Detonation and Fluid Injection;
Part 7 Advanced Concepts and Mission Applications. It is written
in such a way that it may easily be adopted by other universities
as a textbook for a one semester senior or graduate course on the
subject. In addition to the undersigned who served as the course
instructor and wrote Chapter I, 2 and 3, guest lecturers included:
DR. G. L. DUGGER who wrote Chapter 4 "Ram-jets and Air-Aug-
mented Rockets," DR. GEORGE P. SUTTON who wrote Chapter 5
"Rockets and Cooling Methods," DR .. MARTIN SUMMERFIELD who wrote
Chapter 6 "Solid Propellant Rockets," DR. HOWARD S. SEIFERT who
wrote Chapter 7 "Hybrid Rockets," DR. CHANDLER C. Ross who
wrote Chapter 8 "Advanced Nuclear Rocket Design," MR. GEORGE H.
McLAFFERTY who wrote Chapter 9 "Gaseous Nuclear Rockets,"
DR. S. G. FORBES who wrote Chapter 10 "Electric and Ion Propul-
sion," DR. R. H. BODEN who wrote Chapter 11 "Ion Propulsion,"
DR. ANDREW CHARWAT who wrote Chapter 12 "Interaction Flows Due
to Steps, Notches and Secondary Jets," DR. A. K. OPPENHEIM who
wrote Chapter 13 "Theory of Explosions and Its Relevance to
Propulsion," DR. ANTONIO FERRI who wrote Chapter 14 "Super-
sonic Combustion Theory," DR. SIN-I CHENG who wrote Chapter 15
"Combustion Instability Theory," and Chapter 16 "Advanced
Space Compulsion Techniques," DR. JOHN F. MCCARTHY, JR. who
wrote Chapter 17 "Zero 'G' Propulsion Problems," and DR. KRAFFT
A. EHRICKE who wrote Chapter 18 "Propulsion Systems and Com-
parison for Space Missions."

w. H. T. LOH, Course Instructor

Los Angeles, California


Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v


Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerodynamics

[1-1] Introduction . . . . . . . . . . 3
[1-2] Equation of State ........ 3
[1-2.1] Equation of State of Real Gases 4
[ 1-3] First Law of Thermodynamics 5
[ 1-3.1] Specific Heats . . . . . . . 6
[ 1-3.2] Internal Energy ...... 6
( 1-3.3] Relationship Between Specific Heats cp and Cv 7
[ 1-3.4] Enthalpy . . . . . . 7
[1-3.5] Entropy . . . . . . 8
[1-3.5.1] Reversible Process 9
[1-3.5.2] Adiabatic Process 9
[1-3.5.3] Isentropic Process 9
[1-3.5.4] Polytropic Process 10
[1-] Work Done 10
[1-] Special Case for Isentropic Case
where n = k 11
[1-] Heat Added 11
[1-3.6] Mixture of Gases . . . . . . . 12
[1-3.7] Entropy-Enthalpy Diagram 14
[1-3.7.1] Remarks on Entropy-Enthalpy Diagram 17
[1-3.8] The Ideal (Reversible) Cycles . . . . . . . 17
[1-3.9] Cycle Work, Cycle Heat Added, and Cycle Efficiency 17
[ 1-4] Steady Flow Energy Equation ......... 18
[ 1-4.1] Stagnation Enthalpy or Total Enthalpy, H 19
[1-4.2] Application of Steady Flow Energy Equation to
Compressor and Turbine Analysis 20
[1-5] One-Dimensional Steady Flow Analysis . . 20
[1-5.1] One-Dimensional Energy Equation 20
[1-5.2] One-Dimensional Continuity Equation 21

viii Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[ 1-5.3 J One-Dimensional Momentum Equation without

Fluid Shearing or Friction Losses . . . . . . 21
[ 1-5.3.1 J One-Dimensional Momentum Equation with
Fluid Shearing or Friction Losses 22
[1-5.4J Speed of Sound . . . . . . . 22
[1-5.5J Mach Number . . . . . . . . 23
[1-5.6J Another Form of Energy Equation 23
[1-5.7J Isentropic Flow Equations 24
[1-6J Normal Shock Waves and Rayleigh and Fanno Lines 29
[1-7J Oblique Shock Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
[1-8J One-Dimensional Convergent - Divergent Nozzle Flow 38
[ 1-8.1 J Nozzle Efficiency 46
[1-8.2J Nozzle Thrust . . . . . . . . . 47
[1-9J Supersonic Inlet . . . . . . . . . . . 47
[ 1-9.1 J Constant Geometry Supersonic Inlet 49
[1-9.2J Variable-Geometry Supersonic Inlet 50
[1-9.3J Inlet Diffuser Efficiency . . . . . 50
[1-10J One-Dimensional Flow Analysis with Area Change, Friction
and Heat Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
[ 1-10.1 J One-Dimensional Flow Analysis with Area Change,
Friction and Heat Addition (Additional Analysis) 58
[1-10.2J Mixing of Two Flows in a Non-Constant Area Duct 67
[1-11 J Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis . . . . . . . . . 75
[ 1-11.1 J Ram Corn pression and Ram Pressure Recovery 75
[l-11.2J Compressor Compression and CompressOI Work 77
[1-11.3J Combustion and Burner Efficiency . 80
[ 1-11.3.1 J Combustion . . . . . . . . 80
[l-11.4J Turbine Expansion and Turbine Work . 83
[1-11.5J Nozzle Expansion and Nozz1eEfficiency '86
[ 1-12 J Variations of Basic Gas Turbine or Jet Engine Cycles 89
[ 1-12.1 J Intercoo1ing . 89
[1-12.2J Reheat . . . 94
[1-12.3 J Regeneration 97
[ 1-12.4 J After-burning 98
[l-12.5J Water Injection 99
[1-12.6] Pressure Loss in Various Components 102

[1-13.1 J Output, Input and Thermal Efficiency 103

[1-13.2J Jet Thrust ...... 103
[1-13.3J Propeller Thrust . . . . . . . . 104
[l-13.4J Specific Fuel Consumption . . . . 105
[ 1-14 J Variations of Gas Turbine Cycle and Turbojet Cycle by
Gas Table Method . . . . . . . . . 105
[1-14.1 J Gas Table . . . . . . . . . . 105
[ 1-14.2 J Example 1: Gas Turbine Analysis 107
[ 1-14.3 J Example 2: Turbojet Analysis 112
Contents ix


Chapter 2. Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis of Gas Turbines and

Airbreathing Propulsion Systems
[2-1] Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
[2-2] Symbols and Sketches of Air-breathing Propulsion Systems 119
[2-3] Gas Turbine Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
[2-4] Air-breathing Propulsion Systems: Turbojet, Turboprop,
Ducted Fan, Ram Jet and Ducted Rocket 133
[2-4.1] Turbojet Cycles 147
[2-4.2] Turboprop Cycles 150
[2-4.3] Ducted Fan Cycles 153
[2-4.4] Off-Design Point Engines 160
[2-4.4.1] Compression Rate Variation with Altitude and
Air Speed (Variation with Compressor Inlet
Temperature) at Constant Compressor Speed. 161
[2-4.4.2] Air Flow Variation with Altitude and Airplane
Speed at Constant Compressor Speed 162
[2-5] Rotary Matrix Regenerator for Turboprop Applications 165
[2-5.1] Discussion 165
[2-5.2] Operating Principles . . . . . . . . . . . 168
[ 2-5.3] Theory and Design . . . . . . . . . . . 172
[2-6] Analytical Solutions for Rotary Matrix, Wire Screen Heat
Exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
[2-7] Pulse Jet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
[2-7.1] Discharging from Point c to Point a . 192
[2-7.1.1] Supercritical Discharging When
(Pip ~ [(k + 1)/2]k/(k . 11 193
[2-7.1.2] Subcritical Discharging When
(Pip ~ [(k + l)/2]k/(k 1) 195
[2-7.2] Combustion from Point b to Point c 197
[2-7.3] Charging Process from Point a to Point b 200
[2-7.3.1] Supercritical Charging and Subcritical Discharg-
ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
[2-7.3.2] Subcritical Charging and Subcritical Discharging 204
[2-7.3.3] Sub critical Chargiqg and Supercritical Discharg-
ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

Chapter 3. Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines

[3-1] Introduction . . . . . . 207
[3-2] Compressible Flow Analysis 208
[3-2.1] Radial Equilibrium 211
[3-2.2] Continuity Equation 214
[3-2.3] Density Relationship 214
[3-2.4] Method of Calculation 215
x Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[3-3] Turbine Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

[3-4] Appendix: Two Dimensional Incompressible Compressor
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
[3-4.1] Turning Angle () asf(CL ) and Derivation of Blade
Efficiency l1b ............ 232

Chapter 4. Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets

[4-1] Preliminary Performance Calculations . . . . . . . . 237

[4-2] Diffuser Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
[4-2.1] Inviscid Design of External-Compression Diffusers 244
[4-2.2] Off-Design Operation, Boundary Layer Problems, and
Instabilities . . . . 248
[4-2.3] Hypersonic Inlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
[4-3] Combustor and Nozzle Design . . . . . . . . . . . 254
[ 4-4] Considerations for Preliminary Design of Ramjet Vehicles 257
[4-5] Air-Augmented Rockets . . . . . 264
[4-6] Engines with Supersonic Combustion 265
[4-7] Concluding Remarks 268
[4-8] Acknowledgments 268
[4-9] Nomenclature . . . 269


Chapter 5. Rocket Classifications, Liquid Propellant Rockets,

Engine Selection, and Heat Transfer

[5-1] Definitions and Classification of Rocket Propulsion Engines. 277

[5-2] Liquid Propellant Rockets . . . . . . . 283
[5-3] Selection Criteria .......... 293
[5-4] Heat Transfer (based largely on Reference 7) 296
[5-4.1] Radiation Cooling ....... 296
[5-4.2] Heat-Sink Cooling ....... 301
[5-4.3] Low Flame Temperature Metal Chamber 301
[5-4.4] Turbine Exhaust Gas Cooling 301
[5-4.5] Insulation Cooling 302
[5-4.6] Dump Cooling . . . 302
[5-4.7] Ablative Cooling 303
[5-4.8] Regenerative Cooling 304
[5-4.9] Film Cooling 304
[5-4.10] Transpiration Cooling 305
[5-4.11] Combined Methods . 305

Chapter 6. Solid Propellant Rockets

[6-1] Composition of a Solid Propellant 308
Contents xi

[6-2] Processability Criteria . . . . . . 312

[6-3] Performance of Typical Propellants 312
[6-4] Burning Rate - Pressure Relationships 314
[6-5] Propellant Area Ratio . . . . . . 316
[6-6] Temperature Sensitivity of Burning Equations 317
[ 6-7]Erosive Burning . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
[6-8] Effect of Spin on Burning Rate . . . . . . 318
[6-9] Mechanism of Homogeneous Propellant Burning 318
[6-10] Mechanism of Composite Propellant Burning . 320
[6-11] Correlation of Burning Rates with Oxidizer Activation
Energy ............ 321
[6-12] Effect of Composition on Burning Rate 321
[6-13] Catalysts . . . . . . . . 323
[6-14] Mechanical Properties . . . 323
[6-14.1] Uniaxial Tensile Test 323
[6-14.2] Uniaxial Shear Test 326
[6-14.3] Bulk Dilution Test 326
[6-14.4] Poisson's Ratio 326
[6-14.5] Glass Transition 327
[6-15] Nomenclature . . . . 329

Chapter 7. Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design

[7-1] Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . 332

[7-2] Hybrid Combustion with Negligible Radiation 334
[7-2.1] The Physical Process . . . . . 334
[7-2.2] Convective Heat Transfer . . . . . . 335
[7-2.3] The Role of Nonvolatile Particles 338
[7-3] Operating Characteristics of Hybrid Rockets with Negligible
Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
[7-3.1] Regression Rate Insensitivity to Thermochemical
Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
[7-3.2] Regression Rate Dependence Upon Grain
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . 340
[7-3.3] Throttling and Off-Design Point Operation 340
[7-3.4] Combustion Efficiency . . . . . . . . 341
[7-3.5] Regression Rate Dependence Upon Pressure 342
[7-4] Hybrid Combustion in Radiative Motors . . . . 342
[7-4.1] Regression Rate Dependence Upon Radiant Energy Flux 342
[7-4.2] Evaluation of Convective Heat Transfer Qc 344
[7-4.3] Evaluation of Radiative Heat Transfer Qr 345
[7-5] Transient Operation of Hybrid Rockets 346
[7-5.1] Penetration of Temperature Prome 346
[7-5.2] Critical Regression Rate . . . . . 348
xii Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[7-6] Design of Hybrid Rockets . . . . 349

[7-6.1] Specification of Mission 349
[7-6.2] Prelirilinary Design Procedure 350
[7-6.3] Example Configurations 351


Chapter 8. Nuclear Rocket Prqpulsion

[8-1] Nuclear Rocket Engine Design and Perfonnance 359

[8-1.1] Types of Nuclear Rockets 359
[ 8-1.2] Overall Engine Design . . . 359
[8-1.3] Nuclear Rocket Perfonnance 361
[8-2] Component Design . . . . . . . 362
[8-2.1] Nuclear Rocket Reactors . . 362
[8-2.1.1] General Design Considerations 362
[8-2.1.2] Reactor Core Materials 364
[8-2.1.3] Thennal Design . 365
[8-2.1.4] Mechanical Design 365
[8-2.1.5] Nuclear Design . 367
[8-2.1.6] Shielding 369
18-2.2] Nuclear Rocket Nozzles 370
[8-2.2.1] General Design Considerations 370
[8-2.2.2] Heat-Transfer Analysis . 371
[8-] Over-all Problem . 371
[8-] Hot-Gas Boundary 371
[8-] Cold-Gas Boundary 373
[8-2.3] Propellant Feed Systems . . . 375
[8-2.3.1] General Design Considerations 375
[8-2.3.2] Turbopump Power Cycle 375
[8-2.3.3] Turbopump 376
[8-] Pumps .... 376
[8-] Turbines . . . . 381
[ 8-] Power Transmission 381
[8-] Critical Speeds 382
[8-2.3.4] Valves . . . . . . . . 382
[8-2.4] Nuclear Rocket Engine Control 383
[8-2.4.1] General Design Considerations 383
[8-2.4.2] Power Level Control . . 384
[8-2.4.3] Chamber-Pressure Control . . 386
[8-2.5] Thrust-Vector-Control Systems 387
[8-2.5.1] General Design Considerations 387
[8-2.5.2] Types of Systems . . . . . 387
[8-] Auxiliary Thrusters 388
[8-] Jet-Deflection Systems 389
Contents xiii

[8-] Fluid-Injection Systems 389

[8-] Jetevators and Jet Vanes 390
[8-] Gimbal Systems . . . . . . 390

Chapter 9. Radioisotope Propulsion

[9-1] Alternative Approaches . . 395

[9-1.1] Direct Recoil Method 395
[9-1.2] Thermal Heating Method 397
[9-2] Basic Thruster Configurations 398
[9-3] Propulsion System and Upper Stage 400
[9-4] Relative Mission Capabilities 402
[9-4.1] Primary Propulsion . 402
[9-4.2] Auxiliary Propulsion 404
[9-5] Thruster Technology . . 405
[9-5.1] Design Criteria 405
[9-5.1.1] Performance 405
[9-5.1.2] Safety . . 406
[9-5.1.3] Design Criteria Summary 409
[9-5.2] Heat Source Development 409
[9-5.2.1] Radioisotope Fuel 409
[9-5.2.2] Capsule Technology 410
[9-] General Considerations 410
[9-5.2.3] Thermal Design . . . . . 412
[9-5.2.4] Fabrication and Non-Destructive Testing
Techniques . . . . 414
[9-5.2.5] Pressure Containment . 414
[9-5.2.6] Impact . . . . . . . 415
[9-5.2.7] Heat Source Simulation 418
[9-5.2.8] Oxidation and Corrosion of Encapsulating
Materials . . 418
[9-5.3] Nozzle Performance 419
[9-6] Summary . . . . . . . 422


Chapter 10. Electric and Ion Propulsion

[ 10-1] Basic Concepts . . . . . . . 427

[ 10-1.1] Energy Sources 427
[ 10-1.2] The Separately Powered Rocket 429
[10-1.3] Effects of Variable Mass . . . 432
[ 10-1.4] Power Requirements and Rocket Efficiency 434
[10-1.5] Effects of Gravitational Fields . . . . . 435
xiv Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[ 10-2] Thrust Devices . . . . . 436

[10-2.1] Thermal Thrusters . 437
[ 10-2.1.1] The Resistojet 437
[10-2.1.2] Arc Jets 439
[10-2.1.3] Ablative Thrusters 439
[10-2.2] Electrostatic Thrusters 440
[10-2.2.1] Ion Engines . . . 441
[10-] High Pressure Arcs (Duop1asmatron) . 441
[10-] Contact Thrusters . . . . 442
[10-] The Bombardment Thruster 447
[10-2.2.2] Colloid Thrusters . 449
[10-2.3] Plasma Thrusters 452
[ 10-2.3.1] j x B Machines 453
[10-2.3.2] MPD Arcs 454
[10-2.3.3] Pulsed Inductive Accelerators 455
[ 10-3] State of the Art and Future Trends 456
[10-3.1] Sample Problem 1 457
[10-3.2] Sample Problem 2 460
[10-3.3] Sample Pro.b1em 3 462

Chapter 11. Ion Propulsion

[ 11-1] Introduction . . . 463

[11-2] Fundamentals 464
[ 11-2.1] Performance Analysis 465
[ 11-2.1.1] Characteristic Velocity 465
[11-2.1.2] Payload . . . . 467
[11-2.1.3] Specific Power . . 468
[11-2.2] Electrical Thrust Devices 470
[11-2.2.1] Ion and Colloid 470
[ 11-3] Ion Rocket Engine ... . 471
[11-3.1] Ion Sources ... . 475
[11-3.2] Electromagnetic Fields 480
[11-3.3] Charged Colloid Sources 481



Chapter 12. Interaction Flows Due to Supersonic Secondary Jets

[ 12-1] Introduction . . . . 487

[12-2] Jets Directed Upstream 488
[12-3] Transverse Jets 496
[ 12-4] Summary . . . . . 502
Contents xv

Chapter 13. Gasdynamics of Explosions

[ 13-1] Theoretical Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . 508

[ 13-1.1] Fundamentals of Non-steady Gasdynamics 508
[ 13-1.1.1] Continuity Equation 509
[13-1.1.2] Equation of Motion . . 510
[ 13-1.1.3] Entropy Equation 510
[ 13-1.1.4] Characteristic Relations 512
[13-1.2] GasdynamicDiscontinuity . . 515
[13-1.2.1] Mechanical Conditions 515
[13-1.2.2] The Hugoniot Relationship 516
[13-1.2.3] Oblique Discontinuity . . 521
[13-1.3] Simple Wave . . . . . . . . 523
[13-1.3.1] Simple Wave in Non-Steady Flow 523
[13-1.3.2] Simple Wave in Steady Flow 524
[13-2] Analytical Aspects . . . . . . 527
[13-2.1] Vector Polar Method . . 527
[13-2.1.1] Wave Interactions 529
[13-2.1.2] Wave Intersections 542
[13-3] Appendix: Salient Properties of the Hugoniot Curve 555

Chapter 14. Supersonic Combustion Technology

[ 14-1] Introduction .......... 561
[14-2] Performance of Supersonic Combustion Ramjet 562
[14-2.1] Possible Air-breathing Engine Schemes . 562
[14-3] Supersonic Combustion ......... 564
[14-3.1] Qualitative Description of Supersonic Combustion
Controlled by Mixing . . . . . . . . . . 564
[14-3.1.1] Supersonic Combustion Controlled by
Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
[14-3.1.2] Supersonic Combustion Controlled by
Heat Convection . . . . . . . 570
[14-3.2] Analysis of the Reaction Process 574
[ 14-3.2.1] Determination of Reaction Times 575
[14-3.2.2] Numerical Results . . . . . . 578
[14-3.2.3] Discussion of Results . . . . . 581
[14-3.2.4] Tangential Injection with Chemical Reaction 582
[14-3.3] Analysis of Mixing Processes . . . . . . . 583
[14-3.3.1] Mixing of Non-Reacting Flows 584
[14-3.3.2] Discussion of Experimental Results of
Non-Reacting Gases . . . . . 586
[14-3.3.3] Mixing with Pressure Gradients 587
Chapter 15. Combustion Instability Theory
[ 15-1] Introduction . . . . . . 599
[ 15-1.1 ] Unstable Combustion . . . 599
xvi Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[ 15-2] Review of Theoretical Developments ...... 601

[ 15-2.1] Early Developments and the Time Lag Concept 601
[15-2.2] Current Status in Liquid Propellant Rockets 602
[ 15-2.3] Current Status in Solid Propellant Rockets 603
[15-3] Formulation and Analysis . . . . . . . . . 605
[15-3.1] Low Frequency, Capacitive Type Stability 605
[15-3.2] High Frequency, Wave Type Instability 608
[15-3.3] The Energy Approach 610
[15-3.4] Non-linear Effects 612
[15-3.5] Nozzle Outflow 613
[ 15-4] Concluding Remarks . . 614


Chapter 16. An Advanced Space Propulsion Concept

[16-11 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621

[ 16-1.1] General Consideration for Propulsion in Space 621
[16-1.2] Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
[16-1.3J Propellant Storage and Handling Facilities . . 624
[16-1.4] Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Thrusters . 625
[16-1.5] Advanced Electric Propulsion Systems for Space
Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . 627
[16-2] Sputtering, A Thrust Generation Mechanism . . . 628
[16-2.1] Sputtering Phenomena . . . . . . . . 628
[16-2.2] Possible Performance of Sputtering Thrusters 632
[ 16-2.3] Energy Efficiency of the Sputtering Process 633
[16-3] Analyses of an Elementary Mission with Different Electric
Thrusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
[16-3.1] General Consideration ........ 635
[16-3.2] Performance Formula for Electric Thrusters 637
[16-3.3] Optimization with Electric Thrusters 639
[ 16-4] Summary and Concluding Remarks . . . . . . 642

Chapter 17. Zero 9 Propulsion Problems

[ 17-1] Introduction . . . 644

[17-2] Basic Definitions 645
[17-2.1] Zero Gravity 647
[17-2.2] Engineering Considerations of Zero-g Environment. 649
[17-2.3] Principle of Minimum Energy 651
[ 17-3] Hydrostatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
[17-3.1] The Variational Problem ..... 651
[17-3.2] Solutions for the Variational Problem 655
[17-3.3] Conclusions from Hydrostatic Analysis 658
Contents xvii

[ 17-4] Static Configurations in Zero g . 658

[17-5] Hydrodynamics . . . . . . . 661
[17-5.1] Propellant Slosh at Zero g 662
[17-5.2] Propellant-Position Control 667
[17-5.3] Capillary Stability . . . . 673
[ 17-6] Dimensional Analysis, Modeling, and Test 677
[ 17-6.1] Gas Interface Velocity 677
[17-6.2] Propellant Accumulation 684
[ 17-6.3] Gas Ingestion . . . . . 691
[ 17-6.4] Analytical Considerations of Gas Ingestion 695
[ 17-7] Capillary Barriers 697
[ 17-7.1] Static Stability 699
[17-7.2] Dynamic Stability 701
[17-8] Zero g Propellant Gauging 712
[17-9] Summary and Conclusions. 714
[17-10] Appendix A. Derivation of Slosh Frequency 717
[ 17-11] Appendix B. Derivation of Flow Rate during Propellant
Settling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721

Chapter 18. Propulsion Systems-Comparison and Evaluation for Space


[ 18-1] Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 728

[18-2] Propulsion-Vehicle-Mission Integration . . . . . . . . 728
[ 18-3] Elements of Integrated Transportation System Comparison
(ELV, GISV, CISV and HISC) ........... 749
Part One
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
and Aerothermodynamics

w. H. T. LOH, Manager
Science and Technology,
Space Division,
North American Rockwell Corporation
Downey, California.


The performance of a jet, rocket, nuclear, ion or electric

propulsion system can always be analyzed by four fundamental
parameters, i.e., pressure, temperature, density and velocity
inside the system. However, instead of using three physical prop-
erties of gases (pressure, temperature, and density) , three thermo-
dynamic properties of gases (enthalpy, entropy, and internal energy)
are often used for convenience of calculations. Therefore, analysis
of propulSion problems can be made by the application of the funda-
mentals of thermodynamics and aerothermodynamics. In this chap-
ter, these fundamentals of thermodynamics and aerothermodynamics
which are particularly applicable to propulsion problems will be
given briefly but adequately. Extensive treatment or discussion of
these subjects should, of course, be referred to the separate text-
books of thermodynamics and aerothermodynamics.


It was first found through Charles and Boyle's experiment that

there exists a relationship between pressure p, Volume V, Temper-
ature T, and Weight W of a gas substance as:

pV = constant R of the gas substance. (1-1)

This relationShip is known as the equation of state of the substance.
If any three of the properties are fixed, the fourth is determined.

4 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
If specific volumes u, namely volume per unit weight u = V/W,
is used, it simply becomes:

pu = constant R of the gas substance. (1-2)


Equation (1-2) is characteristic of an ideal gas or perfect gas

[which is defined as a gas, with constant specifiC heats, conforming
exactly to the Charles and Boyle's Law Eq. (1-2)], and it relates
very well the properties of real gases under low pressures and high
temperatures. When V in Eq. (1-1) is expressed in terms of volume
per Mol of gas (one Mol of any substance is defined as a quantity
whose weight W expressed in pounds is equivalent to its molecular
weight M), Eq. (1-1) becomes:

MR. (1-3)

Let us define

MR = ~. (1-4)

For one Mol of gas, the product MR or ~ approximates a constant

1545.33 ft.# per # Mole OR which is the so-called universal gas
constant ~. If specific volume u, which is volume per unit weight,
or, in this case, u = VIM, is used, the equation of state of an ideal
or perfect gas becomes:
pu ~ (1-5)
or, in terms of denSity p,

RT. (1-5a)

[1- 2.1] Equation of State of Real Gases

Many equations of state for real gases have been proposed by

means of statistical mechanics to describe the p- V-T relationship
more accurately than the equation of state of ideal gas. One useful
form is the so-called "virial form of equation of state":
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 5

in which B, C, D, ... are the second, third, fourth, ... virial co-
efficients. For some purposes, it is also convenient to write this
expression in terms of powers of the pressure:

~ = 1 + B'(T)p + C'(T)p2 + D'(T)p3 + ... (1-7)


in which B' = B/RT, and C' = (C - B 2)/(RT)2, etc.

The virial coefficients are functions of temperature only, and they

are given as integrals which contain the inter-molecular potential
function (energy of interaction between a pair of molecules). For
angle-independent potentials functions, the second and third virial
coefficients are given by:
'V 2
8( T) = 21TN
0 fI2 n2 dn2 (1-8)

C(T) (1-9)


N Avogadro's number
r inter-molecular distance 'V

k Boltzmann constant = g{/N

(12 = exp{[-(r12)/kT] - I} , etc.

The second virial coefficient describes basically the deviations

from the ideal gas law due to the molecular binary collisions, while
the third virial coefficient describes basically the deviations due to
molecular ternary collisions. Thus, as the denSity of a gas is in-
creased, more virial coefficients are needed to account for the
deviations. For an ideal or perfect gas, all inter-molecular forces
are being neglected; therefore, all virial coefficients are zero. In
this case, Eq. (1-7) reduces to Eq. (1-5).


Briefly speaking, the first law of thermodynamics is a statement

of conservation of energy. If a system undergoes a small thermo-
dynamic change at near equilibrium conditions and if the quantity
6 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
of heat energy entering the system through the walls is dQ, while
the volume is increased dv by doing external work dW against the
external pressure p, the change in internal energy dE is:
dE = dQ - p dv . (1-10)

This is to say that the system exchanges its energy with its sur-
roundings by taking in heat energy dQ and by doing external work
d W which is equal to pdv If the heat dQ is added at constant
volume where dv = 0, no external work dW is done; all the heat
added goes to increase the internal energy dE of the gas.

(1- 3. 1] Specific Heats

If heat dQ is added to a gas and the temperature rise dT is ob-

served, the rate of heat addition per degree temperature rise, per
unit mass of gas, is called specific heat. Its value will depend on
the type of process of heat addition, i.e., its path in the p-v dia-
gram. In particular, it will have one value, C u , if the heat is added
under constant volume process; and another, cp,ifthe heat is added
at constant pressure process.

[1-3.2] Internal Energy

A relationship between specific heat at constant volume C u and

the internal energy E exists. It is from the first law of thermo-
dE = dQ - p dv . (1-10)

Since internal energy E of a gas is a function of its state, and

therefore it is of any two of the gas parameters (v, T, p), it can
be written:

dE = (aE) dv + (aE) dT. (1-11)

aVT aTu

Combining Eqs. (1-10) and (1-11), one obtains:


If heat is added under constant volume dv = 0, Eq. (1-12) becomes:

Fundo.mentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 7


Therefore, the internal energy for a perfect gas can be written:

dE = Cv dT. (1-14)

If C v is a constant,

E = f Cv dT + Eo CvT + Eo . (1-15)

Here Eo is a referenced ground zero energy. Equation (1-13)

also shows that when heat is added under constant volume, all the
head added goes into increasing the internal energy dE of the gas.

[1-3.3] Relationship Between Specific Heats c p and Cv

The specific heat at constant pressure c p can be obtained also

by writing Eq. (1-10) into:

Cv dT = dQ - p du + u dp - u dp

:. dQ = Cv dT + d(pu) - u dp . (1-16)

If heat is added under constant pressure, dp = 0, so

cv + """"if" . (1-17)

For a perfect gas, pu = RT, thus

cp = Cv + R or R = cp - Cv (1-18)

The ratio of specific heats, k, is usually defined as:

= R(_k).
k - 1

[1- 3.4] Enthalpy

Another function, h, can be defined by letting

h = pu + E. (1-20)
8 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Under this definition, h repre sents the total heat content or total heat
of the gas, and it is customarily referred to as the enthalpy of the
gas. With enthalpy defined, Eq. (1-10) can be rewritten as:
dQ = dE + p dv = dE + d(pv) - v dp
dQ = dh - v dp .
Therefore, if heat is added under constant pre ssure, dQ = dh; that is,
all the heat added goes into increasing its enthalpy. Therefore,
Eq. (1-21) becomes:
dh = Cp dT
When cp is constant, Eq. (1-22) results in:

h = J c p dT + ho = cpT + ho .

Here ho is a referenced ground zero enthalpy. (If the enthalpy is

measured from its ground zero value at T = 0, h = cpT.)

[1.3.5] Entropy
A mathematical property called entropy s has considerable use in
thermodynamic s. It is a combination of certain physical propertie s
of gases in such a way that an equation containing Eqs. (1-10) or
(1-21) can be integrated only as a function of the initial and final
states of gases and not of the type of process from one state to
another. This can be done for an ideal or perfect gas. Dividing
Eq. (1-21) by temperature T and using pv = RT relationship, Eq.
(1-21) becomes:
dQ _ C dT _ R dp
T - p T p . (1-23)

The right-hand side of Eq. (1-23) can obviously be integrated im-

mediately. So dQ/T is the combination of certain physical proper-
ties of gases which enables one to integrate Eq. (1-23) only as a
function of initial and final state of gases and not of the type of
process. This quantity, dQ/T, is called entropy, which is defined by:
ds = dQ . (1-24)

The entropy can be given as a function of p and T by integrating

Eq. (1-23).
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 9


The constant of integration so establishes the datum from which

entropy is measured.

[1-3.5.1] Reversible Process

A process is said to be reversible if, after completion of the

process, the initial states of the system taking part in the process
can be restored. This requires zero changer of entropy, i.e.,
s = so.

[1-3.5.2] Adiabatic Process

An adiabatic process is one in which no external heat is taken

in or giv~n out of a system.

[1- 3.5.3] Isentropic Process

A process which is both reversible and adiabatic is called an

isentropic process. In other words, a process with no external
heat addition from outside the system is called an adiabatic pro-
cess. However, this does not necessarily mean that dQ = 0, be-
cause internal heat may arise from dissipation of kinetic energy
into heat inside the gas by viscous effect. Therefore. a process
of both adiabatic (external heat addition is zero) and reversible
(internal heat addition is zero or a friction-free process or a
process with zero change of entropy) is an isentropic process.
Most processes occurring are adiabatic, but not all are isentropic.
For an isentropic process where ds = 0, Eq. (1-25) becomes

(~J (:ot =
= (:Jk -l)/k (1-26)

pvk povOk constant (1-27)

p EQ.. constant.
pk =
POk (1-28)
10 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
(1- 3.5.4] Polytropic Process

To broaden the isentropic (reversible-adiabatic) concept into

any reversible process, a polytropic process can be defined as a
reversible process which conforms the relationship of pvn = povon =
constant. Here, both mechanical and fluid friction, naturally, do
not exist in the reversible process. At any point. the process can
be reversed. returning on the same path and restoring all properties
to their initial values. The exponent n is the characteristic which
indicates the character of the reversible process. The four special
cases of n are:
1) Constant volume process n=oo
2) Constant pressure process n= 0
3) Isothermal process n= 1
4) Isentropic process n = k

other values of n may be considered as the polytropic process

in general. From pvn = povon = constant, relationships similar to
Eqs. (1-26) and (1-28) may be derived for polytropic process.
They are:



(1-] Work Done

The work done of a polytropic process (per unit mass) is deter-

mined from the integration of expression

dW =2 pdv.

Since pvn =
PIVl n = P2V2n =constant. one obtains:

R(T2 - TI) ft.-# . (1-32)

1- n

Substitution of corresponding values of n into Eq. (1-32) provides

the work done for the special cases given above. with the exception
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 11

of the isothermal process for which n = 1 makes Eq. (1-32) inde-

terminate, and therefore pv = PlVI = P2V2 = constant (for the iso-
thermal process) must be substituted directly into Eq. (1-31) for
work done:

WI~2 = PIVI f~V = PIVlln(~~) = PIVlln(~~) RTln(~~)


RTln(~~) ft.-# .

[1-] Special Case for Isentropic Case where n = k

Cu(TI - T2) .

[1-] Heat Added

Heat added, dQ, maybe determinedfrom the first law of thermo-

dynamics, Eq. (1-10):

dQ = dE + P dv = Cu dt + P dv . (1-10)

If a polytropic process is assumed,


Substituting Eq. (1-35) into Eq. (1-10), one obtains the heat addi-
tion, Q, from state 1 to state 2:


Substitution of corresponding values of n into Eq. (1-36) provides

the heat addition for the special cases given previously (n = 00,
for constant volume process; n = 0, for constant pressure process;
n = k , for isentropic process), with the exception of the isothermal
process for which n = 1 makes Eq. (1-34) indeterminate, and,
therefore, PIVI = P2V2 = pv = constant (for isothermal process) must
be substituted into Eq. (1-10) directly, which results in a heat
addition Q from state 1 to state 2 equal to:

QI~2 = RTln(PI) = RTln(V2).

12 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion an,i Electric Propulsion
[1- 3.6] Mixture of Gases

Dalton's law states that the total pressure P of a mixture of

gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures Pl' P2' P3'
of the gas constituents 1, 2. 3 ... when each gas constituent occupies
the same volume V of the mixture at the same temperature T as
that of the gas mixture. Mathematically speaking. Dalton's law says

P PI + P2 + P3 ...

and mI. m2. m3 are the mass of the gas constituent 1. 2. 3.

and Rio R2. R3 are the gas constant of the gas constituent.
Combining the above expressions. one may write:

If one defines an equivalent gas constant R for the mixture of gas as

R (1-38)

we have

pV = mRT, (1-39)

which has the same form as the equation of state of a single gas.
The only difference here is that:
m ml + ~ + m3 + .. . total mass of the mixture of gases
P PI + P2 + P3 + .. . total pressure of the mixture of gases.

The mole fraction Xi of a constituent i of the mixture of gases is

defined as the ratio of the number of moles N i of that constituent
i in the mixture to the total number of moles !.N i of all constituents
of the mixture of gases; namely.
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 13


Here N is the total number of moles of the mixture of gases.


Since the number of moles Ni of the constituent i is equal to the

ratio of the mass mi to the molecular weight Mi of the constituent,
i we may write:


Substituting Eq. (1-40) into Eq. (1-42). one obtains:


We may now define an equivalent molecular weight. M of the mix-

ture of gases as:

=- (1-44)

Similarly. the total internal energy me of a mixture of gases is

equal to the sum of the partial internal energy miEi of the consti-
tuent gases:


Here Ei = f cUi dT + Eo;

Similarly, the total enthalpy mh of a mixture of gases is equal to

the sum of the partial enthalpy mihi of the constituent gases:


Here hi = f c Pi dT + hOi'

Similarly, the total entropy ms of a mixture of gases is equal to

the sum of the partial entropy misi of the constituent gases:
14 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


8j= f dT
+ 8 0 ..

From Eqs. (1-45) and (1-46) one obtains the equivalent specific
heats C v and cp of the mixture of gases:

Cv = .! 'Emicv. (1-48)

cp = .! 'Emicp' . (1-49)
It is to be noted here that once the equivalent thermodynamic
properties of a gas mixture are determined in terms of the prop-
erties of the constituents, the mixture itself may be treated as if
it is a single gas.

[1- 3.7] Entropy- Enthalpy Diagram

The state of a gas can be fully described by three physical

properties (pressure. temperature, and density or specific volume)
and three thermodynamic properties (entropy. enthalpy. and in-
ternal energy) of the gas. Among these six properties or variables
(pressure variable P. temperature variable T. density variable
P. or specific volume variable v. entropy variable 8. enthalpy
variable h, and internal energy variable E). only two (any two of
the six) are independent variables. Once the numerical values of
any two variables are assigned. the numerical values of the rest of
the four variables are determined. This is because we have the
following four equations for the above-mentioned six unknowns.

1) Equation of State
!? = RT (1-5)
2) Enthalpy

h = r
T c p dT + ho
Funrklmentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 15

3) Internal Energy

E = 1 T C v dT
+ Eo (1-14)

4) Entropy

S = f dQ
= f
T Cp dT _
f T
R dp +
So (1-23)

In thermodynamic analysis, it is usually convenient to use entropy

s and enthalpy h as the two independent variables. Thermo-
dynamic charts based on variable specific heats using temperature
T or enthalpy h as ordinate and entropy s as abscissa, can
accordingly be plotted for various gases or mixture of gases.
Specific heats c p and/or C v versus temperature T are usually
known either experimentally from measurement or theoretically
from statistical thermodynamics for the gas or mixture of gases
concerned. Under ordinary conditions, c p and C v are functions of
temperature T only (except at very high temperatures where cp
and C v are slightly pressure dependent);



Here cp and C v as a function of T could be either in the form of a

curve or in the form of a mathematical series of T (such as power
series, etc.). Substituting Eq. (1-50) into Eq. (1-22) and Eq. (1-51)
into Eq. (1-14), one obtains:

h = f TNT) dT + ho

E = 1 T f2(T) dT + Eo .

Eqs. (1-52) and (1-53) may be integrated either graphically or

numerically. The results give hand E as a function of T. They
may be presented in the form of a table such as the air table and
gas table of Keenan and Kaye or they may be plotted as a chart or
diagram, such as the so-called h-s diagram. However, in order

*For an ideal or perfect gas with constant specific heats (independent of temperature
T). c pand c v are related by Eq.(1-18).
16 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
to calculate h and E as functions of temperature T, there is no
need to know both c p and C v If, knowing Cp, h may be integrated
by Eq. (1-53), E may be calculated from Eq. (1-20) when rewritten
as E = h - RT. Similarly, if C v is known, E may be integrated
from Eq. (1-53) and h may be calculated from h = RT + E. Usually
h and E are plotted with T as ordinate (but in different scales) in
an h-8 diagram. Each value of T corresponds to one value of h
and one value of E. For a constant pressure process, say PI = a
curve, where dp = 0, Eq. (1-23) reduces to:

8 - 81 = I

fl(T) - . (1-54)

Eq. (1-54) may be integrated either graphically or numerically

from one temperature Tl to another temperature T for plotting
the constant pressure curve on the h-8 diagram. The value pis
related to the abscissa entropy 8, Eq. (1-23), by:

8-0= IT

Here temperature To and pressure 14.7 #/0 are usually arbitrarily


chosen as the datum or "zero entropy" point. Any value of tem-

perature and pressure may be chosen as the zero -entropy point.
By doing this, it changes the absolute value of entropy but does
not change the entropy difference between any two states which is
our only concern.
Sil'nilarly, for a constant specific volume, say VI = b curve,
Eq. (1-23) may be written iRto another form as:


for constant specific volutne process, dv = 0, one obtains:


The value of VI is again related to abscissa 81 by:

since zero entropy is chosen at To and Po" 14.7#/0 ", so Vo at zero

entropy point is Vo = RTo/<14.7 x 144).
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 17
Equation (1-56) may again be integrated out graphically or
numerically and plotted on the h-s diagram usually as dotted
curves. This completes the basic method of constructing an h-s
diagram or basic method to construct tables such as the air table
or gas table for various gases or mixture of gases.
For an isentropic process, ds = 0, one obtains:


In(~) = .!. r T cpdT .


Therefore, for an isentropic process, all the pressure ratios be-

tween the two temperatures TI and T are always equal.

[1- 3.7.1] Remarks on Entropy- Enthalpy Diagram

It is to be cautioned here that, in general, enthalpy h is a

function of temperature T only. In such cases, temperature T
is always plotted alongside of h and E (because T is independent
of s) in an h-s diagram. However, for cases where cp is a function
of both temperature T and pressure P (for example, under high
temperature where dissociations occur or where it involves a mix-
ture of gases and vapors, etc.), h becomes a function of both T and
P. In such cases, temperature T should be plotted out separately
(because T is now a function of h and s) on the h-s diagram in a
similar manner as the P and v curves are plotted.

[1- 3.8] The Ideal (Reversible) Cycles

Typical engine cycles include: (1) Carnot Cycle which consists

of two isothermal processes and two isentropic processes, (2) Otto
Cycle which consists of two constant volume processes and two
isentropic processes, and (3) Brayton Cycle which consists of two
constant pressure processes and two isentropic processes.

[1- 3.9] Cycle Work, Cycle Heat Added, and Cycle Efficiency

Briefly speaking, cycle work is the net summation of the work

done to outside by the process or processes concerned. Cycle heat
18 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

added is the summation of the heat supplied from outside by the

process or processes concerned. Cycle efficiency is the ratio of
the cycle work to cycle heat added. Here it is to be remembered
that the work done by a process is different for "non-flow" type
(such as piston type compression or expansion) from "continuous
flow" type (such as continuous flow axial or centrifugal compres-
sion or expansion). This may best be illustrated through Eqs. (1-34)
and (1-61).
Equation (1-34) gives the isentropic work for "non-flow" or
piston type compression or expansion as:


while Eq. (1-61) gives the isentropic work for "continuous flow"
or axial or centrifugal flow type compression or expansion as:


The ratio of work done by Eq. (1-34) to work done by Eq. (1-61) is
11k. The compression or expansion work from one temperature
Ti to another temperature T2 is different by the ratio of 11k from
piston type compression or expansion to axial or centrifugal flow
type compression or expansion.


Assume a device through which there is a steady flow of fluid

mass, m. Heat. mQ, is supplied to the device, and mechanical
work mW. is done by the device. The fluid enters at an elevation
of Zi with a velocity Vi under a pressure Pi; it leaves at an eleva-
tion Z2 with a velocity V2 at a pressure P2. The fluid enters
the device against a pressure Pi inside the device. The work
done by the fluid inside the device on the entering fluid is Pi Vi per
unit mass. The network done by the system. while a mass flows
m into and out of the device, is therefore:

where Vi and v2 are the specific volumes (volume per unit mass)
occupied by the mass on entering and leaving. The increase in
internal energy of its mass is

where Ei and E2 are the internal energy per unit mass at entrance
and exit respectively. In addition to the change in internal energy,
the kinetic energy of the fluid has changed by
Fundo.mentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 19

-m V2 (2 - VI 2)

and its potential energy has changed by:

mg(Z2 - ZI)

where g is the local acceleration of gravity.

Equating the net energy supplied to the fluid to the net change in
the total energy of the fluid, one obtains:

mQ - mW - m(P2 v2 - PI VI) = m<E2 - EI)

+ ! m(V22 - V 12) + mg(Z2 - ZI)


Or, dividing through by m and rearranging terms, one obtains:

(EI + Pivi + ~ VI 2 + gZI) - (E2 + P2 v2 + ~ V 22 + gZ2) - W + Q = 0

since (E I + PI VI) and (E 2 + P2 v2 ) are respectively the enthalpies

hI and h2 at the entrance and exit, so finally:

Equation (1-57) is the steady flow energy equation. In most pro-

pulsion system work, the change in elevation is rather insignificant,
so the energy equation becomes:

(hI + ~ V 12) - (h2 + ~ V 22 ) - W+ Q = 0 . (1-58)

[1- 4.1] Stagnation Enthalpy or Total Enthalpy, H

Stagnation enthalpy or total enthalpy H is defined as the enthalpy

where the velocity is equal to zero, or, mathematically speaking,

H = h +! V 2 (1-59)

Using stagnation enthalpies at entrance and exit, Eq. (1-58) re-

duces to

HI - H2 - W + Q = 0 . (1-60)
20 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[1- 4.2] Application of Steady Flow Energy Equation to Compressor

and Turbine Analysi s

The heat loss Q to its surrounding is generally very small,

and, therefore it can be neglected. Thus,

when c p is treated as a constant, Eq. (1-61) becomes:

The shaft work given out by a turbine (or the negative work which
is the work supplied to a compressor) per unit mass of flow there-
fore is the total enthalpy difference between its inlet and outlet.

Wcompressor H2 - HI


Many propulSion problems may be studied by a one-dimensional

steady flow system. A steady flow system whose cross-sectional
area is changing very slowly and whose axis of flow has a very
small change of curvature along the system is considered a one-
dimensional steady flow system. In a one-dimensional steady flow
system, the variation of all parameters across the cross-section
of the flow may be .neglected, and all parameters are therefore a
function only of the coordinate along the axis of the flow, say x.
Many flows which are not exactly one-dimensional in this sense
can be approximated by a one-dimensional flow in which the veloc-
ities, pressures and densities are taken to be the proper averages
of those in the real flow.

[1- 5.1] One- Dimensional Energy Equation

For a steady flow in the absence of heat dQ and mechanical

work dW , Eq. (1-60) reduces to
constant (1-62)


Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 21

For constant c p Eqs. (1-62) and (1-63) may be rewritten as:


1 2
- V + cp t constant

or. written in differential form.

VdV + cpdt = 0

Here T indicates stagnation temperature. while t indicates static

temperature. Using Eqs. (1-5) and (1-18). Eq. (1-65) may be
rewritten as:

~V2 + _k_ p k P
2 k - 1 p k - 1 P
Here P and p are the stagnation pressure and density. respectively.

1- 5.2 One-Dimensional Continuity Equation

Conservation of mass requires that


Equation (1-67) may be written into its differential form:

dp + dV + dA = 0 (1-68)
p V A

[1- 5.3] One-Dimensional Momentum Equation Without Fluid Shearing

or Friction Losses

Writing Newton's law as it applies to a fluid particle moving

along a stream tube in one-dimensional flow. one obtains:

pAVdV + Adp = 0 (1-69)


pVdV + dp O.
22 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric ProfrU,lsion

[1- 5.3. 1] One-Dimensional Momentum Equation With Fluid Shearing

or Friction Losses

The frictional shearing force dF may be defined as:

dF = f -1 pV 2 dAw = f -1 pV2 ydx .

2 2
Here F = frictional shearing force, f = frictional coefficient which
is usually referred to as the Fanning friction factor, Aw = wetted
area, and y = perimeter of the cross-section. If we define a hy-
draulic diameter D of a duct of any shape as four times the ratio
of cross- sectional area A to the perimeter y (the hydraulic
diameter equals to the actual diameter if the cross-section is a
circle), we have:

dF = f -1 PV2 (4A)
- ydx = -1 pV 2 A (4f)
- dx
2 4A 2 D

Therefore, the net force on the fluid element becomes:

-Adp - A ~ pV2 4f dx .
2 D

Since the rate of change of momentum is pAVdV. from Newton's

law, we have:

pAVdV = -Adp - A ~ pV2 (~)dX

pVdV + dp+ ~ pV2 (~)dX = 0 .


[1- 5.4] Speed of Saund

Assume that a steady flow at velocity V, pressure p and

density p suddenly encounters a discontinuity surface. Mter
passing through the discontinuity surface. the flow has acquired
increments in velocity, pressure, and density of dV. dp. and dp,
respectively. The equations which the increments must satisfy
are then:

pVdV + dp 0
dV+dp 0
V p
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 23
VdV + cpdt = 0 . (1-68)

From Eqs. (1-69) and (1-68) one obtains:

dp = cpdt = cp d(!!') = _ k d(!!')

P R P k-l P
This solution gives p = constant pk, so the change of state through
this small discontinuity or small wave must be isentropic. If pdV
is eliminated from the above three equations, one obtains:


Therefore, for a stationary discontinuity or disturbance to exist in a

one-dimensional steady flow, the flow can have only one velocity V.
If a uniform velocity V in the opposite direction is now imposed
on the steady flow, the discontinuity will appear as a wave advancing
at speed V in an undisturbed fluid. A sound wave is an example of
such a small wave, and the quantity,

a = ~ , (1-71)

is called the local speed of sound. The ratio dp/dp can be evaluated
as follows:
p = constant pk

dp kp
- =- = kgRt (1-72)
dp p
a = VkgRt . (1-73)

[1- 5.5] Mach Number

Mach number M is defined as:

M=~ (1-74)

[1- 5.6] Another Form of Energy Equation

The energy equation can now be written in several equivalent

forms, using the definition of the speed of sound, Eq. (1-73),
24 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
12 k P 12 12 12
-V + - - - = - V + - - a = - - ao (1-75)
2 k-1p 2 k-1 k-1

where 110 is stagnation speed of sound, which is equal to VkgRt.

Using the fact that alao = tiT and Eq. (1-24), Eq. (1-75) can be
written as:


[1- 5.7] Isentropic Flow Equations

If the flow is isentropic, the pressure, density, and temperature

may be written into the following forms:




k -_1 M2
[1 + _
2 (1-78)


[1 + _
k -_1 M2

For an isentropic flow in a channel of varying cross-section A, the

momentum equation may be rewritten, using dpldp = a2 :

VdV + a2 dp = 0 . (1-80)

Eliminating dplp from the continuity equation, one obtains:

dV (V2 _ 1) _dA 0 = (1-81)

V a2 A

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 25

This equation gives the relation between a change in channel cross-

section area A and the resulting change in speed V. At subsonic
speeds, a decrease in area (dA less than zero) produces an increase
in speed. When density changes are small or negligible. this must
obviously be the case. When the Mach number M exceeds 1, how-
ever, the situation is reversed. At these speeds the density de-
creases so rapidly for a given speed increase that the channel must
actually expand as the speed rises. This can be seen by the momen-
tum equation,

from which it is apparent that the higher the M. the greater the
density p change for a given speed change.
From Eqs. (1-68), (1-72), (1-74) and (1-82) the changes in Mach
number, density, pressure and temperature with area change may
be obtained.

dM 2 dA
M 1 - M2 A

dp M2 dA
p = 1 - M2 A
dp kM2 dA
p = 1 - M2 A
dt (k - l)M 2 dA
1 - M2 A

If, in terms of Mach number M, the above equations may be re-

written as:

dA 1 _ M2 dM 2
M2 (1-88)
2~ + k ~ 1 M2]
dp _M2 dM 2
p M2
2~ + k ~ 1 MJ
26 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

dp kM2 dM 2
M2 (1-90)
2[1 + k ; 1 M2]

dt (k - DM2 dM 2
M2 (1-91)
2 ~+k; 1 M2]

dV 1 dM 2
M2 (1-92)
2~ + k; 1 M2]

The equations may be integrated between any two sections, Al a,nd

A2. For example, integrating Eq. (1-84) or (1-88) gives:

Al M2 [
1+k- - Ml
2 1 2 ~ 'u
A2 Ml 1 k - 1 M2
+-- 2

If the integration is carried out between one section where M = 1

and A = A* (throat section) and any other section where M = M and
A = A, we have


1+k -- -1M 2<k-=-il

A 1 2 (1-94)
A* M k + 1

Similarly, we have

1 +k-
1 M2
- - 2] 1


P2 = 1 + k ; 1 M~
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 27

p (1-96)

1+:~ 1M2
[ k +1


1 k - 1 M2

+-- 1


1+:; 1M2
tl [ +k; 1M~] (1-99)
t2 1 k - 1 M2
+-- 1


1 2]2

1 +- - - M2 (1-101)
Ml 2
M2 k - 1 2
1 +--Ml

28 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
The ratios of pressure, density, and temperature at the throat to
those in the reservoir (stagnation value) are of particular interest.
These ratios, sometimes called the critical ratios, are obtained
from Eqs. (1-77), (1-78), and (1-79) by inserting M = 1.
1 k

Pp* = ~ ~ 1) k - 1 p* = I~)k-l
t; ~ 1)
P \k + 1 = :


For air, with k = 1.4, these become:

p* p* t*
= 0.634 - = 0.528 0.833
p P T
Let us now derive a useful relation between the flow per unit area
and stagnation temperature, stagnation pressure and Machnumber.
Starting with the equation of continuity, one obtains:

= -~ _P_ M ~1 + k - 1 M2 (1-105)
1R VT 2

If we now put p in terms of P, one obtains:



WVT = ~ ____M_ __

PA + '_;_' M2]2(~~~)
Differentiating Eq. (1-106) with respect to M and setting it equal to
zero, one finds that the maximum value of (wiA) occurs at M = 1.
Therefore, the cross-sectional area A, for isentropic flow,passes
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 29

through a minimum value at a Mach number equal to unity.

which occurs at M = I, is equal to
(wi A)max ,

kg(~) k-l p
R k + 1 v'T

When we use A* (where M = 1) as a reference area, we have


1[+ ~MJW;:U
M k + 1

Here A* is the throat area. The area ratio is always greater than
unity, and for any given value of AIA* there always correspond
two values of M, i.e., one for subsonic flow, the other for super-
sonic flow.


Assume air in a channel at pressure Pb density PI' and velocity

VI, suddenly encounters a stationary discontinuity. Such a discon-
tinuity, if it exists, is called a shock wave, since the velocity and
pressure changes through it will occur discontinuously as a jump
or shock. When the discontinuity is normal to the flow, it is called
a normal shock wave. The momentum equation states that the in-
crease in momentum of the gas per unit time equals the net force
acting on the gas in the same direction. In the present case, this is


The continuity equation is


The energy equation is

30 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
The equation of state is


There are four equations with four unknowns, V 2' P2' P2 and t2;
therefore, they can be solved. Dividing the momentum equation
by the continuity equation and multiplying by (V I + V2) ,one obtains:

Substituting into the energy equation, one obtains, after simpli-


~ P2_ 1
P2 k - 1 PI
PI k + 1 P2
k - 1 PI


k + 1 P2
k - 1 PI
Equations (1-109) and (1-110) are called Rankine and Hugoniot
relationship, and they are different from the isentropic relation-
ship between pressure and density changes. The velocity change
across the shock can be found by writing the momentum equation


By using the energy equation in the form of Eq. (1-75), pip may
be eliminated, giving

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 31

One obvious solution is

The other solution is

k - 1 (1-113)
1 +--


e; 1)
a 2

This is the basic equation for the velocity change across a normal
shock. Therefore, it is possible for a discontinuity to exist in the
flow with speed, pressure, and density changes as given by Eqs.
(1-109), (1-110), and (1-113). Since Mach number is a function of
the speed ratio V/ a, the relation between Mach number before
and after the shock becomes:

1 +k-1M2
-- 1
M2 2
2 (1-114)
2 k - 1
kMl ---

The pressure change across the shock wave can be written also
in terms of initial Mach number:

k - 1
k + 1

1 _k_

2k 2 k _
[- - M l - - -
IJk--=1~(k - 1) M1 2 + ~ k-l
k + 1 k + 1 (k + 1) M 12


The above normal shock solution is based on constant specific

heats. For normal shock solution of variable specific heats, the
following graphical method may be used:
32 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, 10'11, and Electric Propulsion

1) Equation of continuity gives

pV = PIVI = P2V 2 constant "c t" (1-67)

2) Momentum equation gives

P + pV = PI + PIV 12 = P2 + P2 V 2 2 constant "C 2"

3) Energy equation gives

V2 V 12 V2 2
- + h = - - + hI = - - + h2 constant "C3" (1-63)
2 2 2

4) Equation of state gives

= constant" R" (1-6)

5) hand t relationship is given by "h-s" diagram or gas table

or Eq. (1-52).

There are five equations with five unknowns (P2' P2' t 2 h 2 V 2);
therefore, they are completely solved numerically or graphically.
The shock is characterized by the four constants, CI, C2, C3 and
R. Solving the equation of continuity for V and substituting the
expression in the momentum and energy equations, one obtains:
CI 2
P +- = C2 (1-116)

1 CI 2 (1-117)
h + - _.- = C3
2 p2

The state of the flow on opposite sides of the shock must satisfy
both Eqs. (1-116) and (1-117). Equations (1-116) and (1-117) each
represent a curve in the h-s diagram (which is a function of
Eqs. (1-6) and (1-52. The former is called the Rayleigh line and
the latter the Fanno line. These lines intersect at two points,
whose coordinates satisfy both equations and, therefore, corre-
spond to the state of the flow on opposite sides of the shock.
Figure 1-1 shows typical forms of these two curves. The Rayleigh
and Fanno lines are plotted as follows. When conditions on the
upstream side of the shock are given, the constants C L C2, and C3
can be computed. We may first aSSign arbitrary values to P and
compute p from Eq. (1-116). From the equation of state, the
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 33


Fig. I-I

the temperature t can be calculated. Consequently. the enthalpy

h and the entropy s can be obtained from temperature t and.
therefore, a graph of h versus s givesthe Rayleigh line. Similarly,
we can assign values to h and compute p from Eq. (1-117). Then
t and s can be determined and a second graph of h versus s gives
the Fanno line. Note that the entropy s passes through a maximum
in both curves. Calculations also show that M < 1 on the upper
branch of both curves, M > 1 on the lower branches, and M = 1 at
the points of maximum entropy. Since entropy can only increase, it
follows that point 1 corresponds to the upstream side of the shock
and point 2 to the downstream side and that velocity can only change
from supersonic to subsonic by crossing a shock. For very weak
shocks, points 1 and 2 approach the point of maximum entropy on
the Fanno line and the change in entropy approaches zero. That is,
a sound wave is a limiting case of a weak shock.


Similar to normal shock, the basic equations for oblique shock


1) state:

--=-- R (1-6)
Plt l P2 t 2

2) Continuity:

pIV n P2V n 2 (1-67)

34 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

3) Momentum in tangential direction:


4) Momentum in normal direction:

PI - P2 = P2V n 2 - PI V
2 n1
2 (1-69)

5) Energy:


6) Mach number definition:


Since state (1) is known (PI' PI' t l , Vnl' Vtl' M I ) ahead of oblique
shock, through the Mach number (or velocity) and oblique shock
angle (or wedge angle), state (2) may be solved out completely
from the six equations (1-6), (1-67), (1-118), (1-69), (1-65), and
(1-74) for the six unknowns (P2' Pz, t 2, Vn2' V t2' M 2). Remember
that V n1 and Vtl determine the shock angle, {3, while V n2 and V t2
determine the wedge angle, or the flow turning angle, e. Solving
these six equations simultaneously, one obtains, after much
P2 2k 2. 2 k - 1
- = --MI sm {3 - - - (1-119)
PI k + 1 k + 1

1 +k-1M2
-- 1
M 2 2
2 -------- +
kMl2 si~2 {3 - ~ k - 1 2. 2
1 + - - MI sm (3
2 2

k + 1/~2) + 1
k -1\,p1
k + 1 +1~2)
k - 1 ~l
Furuklmentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 35
t2 = - (1-122)


M2 =
sm 2~f-' - ~k-+-
1) sinf3sin9
cos (f3 - 9)

tan (f3 - 9)



b 2k
2 2
- - M 1 sm f3
k - Ij _
k -1
1 [ (k - 1> M12 sin 2 f3 + 2

(k+1>M1 2 sin 2 f3

However, these relations are valid only for constant specific heats.
Considerable error may be introduced in oblique shock calculations
based on constant specific heats, if the temperature change across
the shock is very large. In such cases, oblique shock based on
variable specific heats must be calculated. The method of deter-
mining oblique shock based on variable specific heats can be ob-
tained through the use of normal shock method already discussed
in the preceding section.
Oblique shock can be treated by superimposing on the normal
shock picture V n 1 a uniform tangential velocity V t parallel to
the shock front; this would be the picture apparent to an observer
mOving in the shock front direction with the speed equal to the
superimposed uniform tangential velocity V t Then the relations
between two sides of oblique shock may be obtained through those
relations already obtained for normal shock. Remember here that
the static properties such as temperature t, pressure p, density p,
speed of sound a, and entropy s, are not changed by the motion of
the observer while the velocity V, consequently the Mach number
M t and stagnation properties such as stagnation temperature T
and stagnation pressure P, are changed by the superimposed
36 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

tangential component V to the normal shock picture V n I. Here two

independent variables Vnl and V t determine an oblique shock. while
only one independent variable V determines a normal shock.
Once the conditions in front of the shock are given (such as the
velocity V 10 the shock angle f3. the altitude or ambient condition PI
and t1), the "normal shock picture" maybe obtained as in Fig. 1-2.

The speed of a moving

To a stationary observer To a moving observer observer

S 2

Actual field Fictitious normal Superimposed uniform

field upstream of tangential velocity
shock (an apparent VI (the observer's
field to an observer velocity and direc-
moving in the direc- tion)
tion of shock with
speed VI}

Static properties PI PI Motion only (no static

not affected by tl tl properties are in-
moving observer PI PI volved here)
hI = f<t l } Eq. (52) hI

Velocity and
stagnation prop-
erties affected V I = v'V~1 + V / V nl =V l sin,8 V I = V I cos,8
by moving obser-

Fig. 1- 2

With the fictitious normal field (upstream a normal shock) known

(PI' PI' t 1, hI' V nl ). the fictitious normal field downstream of a
normal shock (P2' P2' t2' h2' V n2 ) may be obtained for the case of
variable specific heats method, according to the procedures already
given. With fictitious normal field downstream of a normal shock
calculated (P2' P2' t 2, h2' V n2)' the velocity and stagnation properties
in the actual field may be obtained as in Fig. 1-3.
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 37

The speed of a moving

To a moving observer observer To a stationary observer

1 S 2


Fictitious normal Superimposed uniform Actual field

field downstream of tangential velocity downstream of
shock (an apparent V t (the observer's an oblique shock
field to an observer velocity and direc-
moving in the direc- tion)
tion of shock front
with speed V t)

Static properties P2 Motion only (no P2

not affected by t2 static properties are P2
moving observer P2 involved here) t2
h2 = f(t2) h2

Velocity and
stagnation prop-
erties affected V n2 V t = VI cos f3 V 2 =v'V;;2 + V/
by moving obser-

Fig. 1.3

With the conditions downstream of an oblique shock known (P2'

P2' t 2 h 2 V 2 ). other properties may be calculated according to
the following equations:

a2 v'kgRt2 ~ ~k P 2


V 2
H2 h2 + - -

P2 f(h2>H 2) from h-s diagram or gas table.

38 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

From the geometry of Fig. 1-3, one obtains:

The basic method presented above, together with the basic method
presented for constructing the h-s diagram in Sec. 1-3.7, enables
one to calculate normal and oblique shock solutions with variable
specific heats for any kind of gases. Since, in many cases, such
information is not available, the basic method is presented here
so that anyone who needs such information may obtain it himself
either by hand calculations or by IBM machine calculations.


In one-dimensional flow, changes of pressure, temperature,

density, velocity, and Mach number with changes of nozzle cross-
sectional area are given by Eqs. (1-93), (1-95), (1-97), (1-99), and
(1-101). For illustrative purposes, let us discuss pressure and
Mach number curves only. In Fig. 1-4, when the exit pressure Pe
is slightly less than the stagnation pressure at entrance Po, say at
Pa , the pressure and Mach number curves are shown by curve a. A
reduction of exit pressure to Pb moves pressure and Mach number
curve to curve b. Notice that both curves a and b have a throat
Mach number less than "unity," and subsonic flows are in both
convergent and divergent sections of the nozzle. Further reduction
of exit pressure to Pc where throat Mach number reaches unity,
moves pressure and Mach number curve to curve c. Notice here
that curve c is similar to curves a and b except that the throat
Mach number is now unity, Mt = M* = 1 and, from Eq. (1-103)
throat pressure becomes:

and subsonic flow still prevails in the divergent section of the

nozzle. This exit pressure Pc' which makes Mach number unity
at the throat and shock free flow in both convergent and divergent
sections of the nozzle, is determined by solving Eqs. (1-94) and
(1-98) simultaneously:
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 39

~e .ection
1 1
1 I
I I P.
I Pb


Internal normal shock region

p. I
-,--i-- normal shock at exit section

t External normal and 2 oblique shocks

Ext.rnal 2 oblique shock. Normal shock:::: 0

Pd 1 External 2 oblique only

isentropic supersonic flow
supersonic expansion flow

Fig. 1-4


Ae 1 [ k-1
2 Tk~ (1-94)
A* Me
(k ;

Pe Pe [ (k;') 1
) (1-98)
p* Po 1 +k-1M2
-- e

[e; 1(lJ

With Po and AelAt = AeIA* known, both Pe and Me may be solved

from Eqs. (1-94) and (1-98). However, Eqs. (1-94) and (1-98) have
two solutions: one is the Pc and Me solution just discussed, which
gives shock-free subsonic flow in the divergent section of the
nozzle, and the other is the Pd andMd solution which gives a shock-
free supersonic flow in the divergent section of the nozzle. The
latter solution is often referred to as the "design pressure ratio
POlpd" of the supersonic flow nozzle. Therefore, for curves a, b,
40 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

and c, the pressure first decreases then increases along the nozzle
(Fig. 1-4), while the velocity or Mach number first increases and
then decreases along the nozzle. Further reduction of exit pres-
sure below Pc' the throat condition

and Mt M* 1

and the subsonic flow preceding the throat in the convergent

section of the nozzle will be the same as that of curve c and re-
main unchanged afterwards. When the exit pressure is exactly
at the design pressure Pd' the pressure decreases continuously,
beyond the throat, along the divergent section of the nozzle, while
the Mach number increases continuously beyond the throat, into
supersonic flow along the divergent section of the nozzle. This
condition corresponds to curve d. For a given stagnation pres-
sure Po and a given exit area to throat area ratio (AeIA*), Pc and
Pd are determined from Eqs. (1-94) and (1-98). When the exit
pressure P e is greater than or equal to Pc' the flow is shock-free
subsonic in the divergent section of the nozzle. When the exit
pressure P e is less than or equal to P d' the flow is again shock-free
but supersonic, in the divergent section of the nozzle. When the
exit pressure P e is between Pc and Pd' shock wave exists in the
flow but after the throat section. This is because no flow solution
fulfilling the conditions of isentropic one-dimensional flow can be
found. No mathematical solution fulfilling isentropic flow condi-
tions can be found for exit pressures between Pc and Pd. The only
mathematical solution satisfying equations of continuity, momen-
tum, energy and state are solutions with normal shock in the
divergent section or normal and oblique shock in the exhaust flow
immediately behind the exit section. This is also what actually
happens. These phenomena can best be illustrated in the following.
When Pe is reduced below Pc' the variations in pressure and Mach
number along the nozzle are shown in curve f. A normal shock
wave becomes established in the divergent portion of the nozzle
as shown. This condition can be determined from Eqs. (1-94),
(1-98),(1-93), (1-97), (1-115) and (1-114). Referring to Fig. 1-4,
one may write the following isentropic relations between sections
t and 1 and between sections 2 and e. Normal shock relations exist
between sections 1 and 2.
1+ -
k-1M2 2(k - 1)

Ai Ai 1 - 1
At A* Mi
(k ; 1)
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 41


k l
PI [ k+l _

p'" 1 + MI'


1+k - 1 M 2
-- I


k +I

Al Me
1+ - - M2
=-=- [ (1-93)
Ae M2 1 k - 1M 2
+-- e
Since At A*, p* Pf are known. There

are six unknowns, Ml' M2, AI' PI' P2' Me' in the six equations (1-94),
(1-98), (1-115), (1-114), (1-97) and (1-93). They may be solved
simultaneously. Thus, the solution gives the location of shock Al
in the divergent portion of the nozzle and the pressure and Mach
number variation from sections t to 1, to 2 to e as shown by curve f.
Curve f indicates that the static pressure across the shock de-
creases and the Mach number which is supersonic at the left of
the shock decreases and becomes subsonic at the right of the shock.
Since after the shock Mach number is less than 1, the velocity de-
creases and static pressure increases in the divergent section
behind the shock which is in contrast to the divergent section in
front of the shock, where the Mach number increases continuously
42 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

from unity at the throat to a supersonic Mach number MI. and static
pressure decreases continuously from p* to Pl' When P e is further
reduced from Pf to P , the normal shock moves to the right as
shown by curve g. In the flow represented by curve h, the normal
shock stands at the nozzle exit section and the pressure immediately
behind the shock equals Ph' This value of Ph' at which normal
shock attaches at the exit section, can be determined from Eqs.
(1-94), (1-98), and (1-115).

1[1 + M12J 2A ~ 11) Use M > 1 solution

here because it is
MI k + 1 in front of shock
. (1-94)


k I
k+1 -

1+ M,2

G:) G:)
= = (k ~ 1)
2 k - 1
MI - - -
k + 1

Here there are three unknowns, MI , Pi' Ph' in three equations;

therefore, they may be solved. Further reduction below Ph results
in pushing the shock out of the nozzle. Therefore, we may say:
(1) that for exit pressure between Pc and Ph' a normal shock exists
in the divergent portion of the nozzle, and (2) that for exit pressure
between Ph and Pd' normal and oblique shock pattern exists in the
flow immediately behind the exit section. This may further be
illustrated as follows. When Pe is reduced further below Ph' say
at Pi' the normal shock at the nozzle exit turns into two strong
oblique shocks but still with a portion of normal shock in the center
portion as shown in Fig. 1-5. The two strong oblique shocks pro-
ducing the required pressure rise may be determined in the follow-
ing way. Referring to Fig. 1-5, one may write the following
equations for the following flow regions:
1) Region e at nozzle exit but in front of the shock pattern.
Applying isentropic relations between throat sections and exit
sections, one obtains:
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 43

k +1

1 [
---l Me
,Me k + 1
2 (1-94)

Pe = [ k i-' J(k : 1)
1 + k-lM2
-- e
k 2

Since the only unknowns are Me and Pe' they may be solved from
Eqs. (1-94) and (1-98).

2) Region "I" where the pressure is Pi. the known exit pres-
sure. Applying oblique shock relations between region e and 1.
one obtains:

Pi 2k Me 2 sm
. 2f3 k - 1
-- --- (1-119)
k+l e k+l

-- e Me 2 cos 2f3 e
2 . 2 k - 1 1 + k---1 Me 2 sin 2f3 e
k Me sm f3 ---
e k + 1 2

.2f3 -k+l sinf3 e sine e

sm -- (1-124)
e 2 cos (f3e - ee)
Since Me and Pe are known from step (1) above. the shock angle f3 e
flow deflection angle ee' and Mach number M1 may be determined
from Eqs. (1-119). (1-120). and (1-124).

3) Region 2 where the center section flow passes through a

normal shock. Applying normal shock relations between sections
e and 2. one obtains:
44 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

1+ - - e

~ Me 2 _ k - 1 (1-115)
k+l k+l

Since Me and Pe are known from Step (I), M2 and P2 may be deter-
mined from Eqs. (1-114) and (1-115).
4) Region 3. The gas which has passed through strong oblique
shocks will have experienced an entropy change which is different
from that of the gas crossing the normal shock at the center sec-
tion. Therefore, there must exist a Slip stream s, separating
regions 2 and 3, across which there is a density, temperature
and velocity gradient, while the static pressure remains equal,
i.e., P2 = P3. From oblique shock relations, we have
P3 2k 2.2 k-l
- - M1 sm (31 - - - (1-119)
Pi Pi k + 1 k + 1

1 +k-lM2
-- 1
2 . 2 k - 1 k - 1 2. 2
k M1 sm (31 - - - 1 + - - M1 sm (31
2 2
1 .2 k+l sin(31 sine 1
- = sm (31 - - - (1-120)
M12 2 cos <,8 1 - 8 1)
Since P3 = P2' Pi' M1 are known from steps (I), (2), and (3) above,
the reflected shock angle (31' flow deflection angle 8 1 , and Mach
number M3, may be determined. Since flow direction across the
slip stream S, must be parallel, i.e., V2 II V3, and since V3 as
solved out from the straight-line pattern of normal-and-oblique-
shocks as given in the procedures above, may not be exactly
parallel, the normal and oblique shocks must actually be curved
near the intersection as shown by the dotted line in Fig. 1-6,
so that changes of gas properties should be gradual rather than
discrete. However, the straight-line shock pattern gives a good
approximation except near slip-stream regions. As the exit re-
duce s gradually below Pi' the strong oblique shocks become
weaker and the normal shock portion becomes smaller and moves
farther away from the nozzle exit section and normal shock finally
disappears, as shown in Fig. 1-7. Further reduction in exit pres-
sure results in weaker oblique shocks until they completely
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 45

Fig. 1-5

Fig. 1-6 Fig. 1- 7

disappear as the exit pressure approaches Pd where the flow be-

comes completely isentropic and shock-free. Further reduction of
exi t pre ssure below Pd' say at P k. the flow remains supersonic to
the exit of the nozzle. It then undergoes an expansion around the
corner of the exit in order to drop to the lower exit pressure Pk.
This expansion will take place through expansion waves of the
Prandtl-Meyer type as shown in Fig. 1-8. The expansion wave
angle () may be calculated from

[1 + k-1
- - Mk
1 + k-1M2
-- e


Here P e and Me are known from Step (1) and Pk is the given ambient
pressure; Mk and () maybe determined from Eqs. (1-97) and (1-129).
Note here that the mass rate of flow and the throat pressure remain
46 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Wave h


Fig. 1- 8 Fig. 1-9

- - - - - - ----'Ol'T.'777777777

- ------ (b)

! (d)

Fig. 1-10 Fig. I-II

constant for all values of P e less than that corresponding to curve

c. and that the flow within the nozzle is the same for all pressures
less than that corresponding to curve h. The exit pressure equals
the back pressure for all values of Pe down to curve h and also
when it equals the design pressure as in curve d.

[1- 8.1] Nozzle Efficiency

Consider a nozzle (Fig. 1-9) supplied with gas at stagnation

pressure and stagnation temperature P and T respectively. The
gas expands adiabatically but with increasing entropy, to state e.
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 47

If it had expanded without friction to the same final pressure P e ,

the end state would have been e '. We now define the nozzle
efficiency as the ratio of the exit kinetic energy to the exit kinetic
energy which would be obtained in a frictionless nozzle expanding
the gas to the same final pressure Pe

H - he (V e 2/ 2)

cp(T - t~)


[1- 8.2] Nozzle Thrust

Consider a nozzle (Fig. 1-10) which generates gas steadily at

stagnation pressure P, and stagnation temperature T. The nozzle,
with a throat area At and an exit area A e , discharges w pounds of
gas per second into an ambient pressure Pa Applying the mo-
mentum equation to the control volume of Fig. 1-10. we find the
thrust is

F (1-131)


Now consider the inlet of air-breathing propulsion engines

when operating at supersonic Mach number Moo. Figure l-11a
shows a converging-diverging inlet which has an inlet area Al
and a throat area A 2 If there is no shock in front of the inlet at
supersonic speeds, the free-stream supersonic flow corresponding
48 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
to the cross-sectional area Al must enter the inlet completely
(Fig. 1-11b). If the inlet cannot pass this amount of free-stream
supersonic flow, a detached shock will appear in front of the inlet
(Fig. 1-11c), as then the flow behind the shock becomes subsonic
and may spill out. The lower curve of Fig. 1-12 shows the maxi-
mum contraction possible when there is no shock. It comes from
the isentropic area relationships, Eq. (1-94):

k +I

1 + k
---l M
1 2 00
Moo k + 1

The upper curve shows the maximum contraction possible for the
case where a normal shock attaches at lip (Fig. 1-11d), thus forcing
all the free stream supersonic air through the engine at lower
stagnation pressure. It comes from the following relationships:

Applying Eq. (1-106a) in front of the shock, one obtains;

wVT:o __ fF Moo
PooAI "'lli ~ (1-106a)
k - 1
~l + - - M
2 00
J2(k - 1)

Applying Eq. (1-10) at the throat section, one obtains;

wV'f;. = wff = _ fk 1
P 2 A2 P* A* lEi k +I
(k ; l)2<k - 1)

Since the stagnation pressure ratio across a normal shock is

given by Eq. (1-115a),

r~ M002 _ k - il k .\
lft + 1 k + ij
t k - 1) M002 + jk-l
(k + 1) M00 2

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 49

and since stagnation temperature ratio across a normal shock is

given by Eq. (1-66a).


Dividing Eq. (1-107) by Eq. (1-106a) and eliminating (T o/T) and

(P o/P) by using Eqs. (1-66a) and (115a). one obtains;

k +1
Moo rk ; 1J2(k -1) 1 _k_

__=L_--='----___ [~ M! _ k _ 11 k - 1 [(k _ 1) M! + 2] k - 1
k+l k+1 k + 1J L (k + 1) M!

~1 + -
k - 1 2~
- Moo
2( k - 1)


Equation (1-132) is plotted as the upper curve in Fig. 1-12. It

gives the maximum contraction possible when normal shock attaches
at the inlet lip (Fig. 1-11d).

Free Flight Mach No. M

Fig. 1-12

[1- 9.1] Constant Geometry Supersonic Inlet

Figure 1-13 shows various stages during a supersonic inlet

starting. In Fig. 1-13a. Free flight Mach number Ma is less than
the designed Mach number Md ; a detached shock is in the front of
the inlet (point a of Fig. 1-12). When the speed is slightly greater
than the designed Mach number Md' the shock moves into the inlet.
50 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

The equilibrium position of the shock in the divergent section of

the inlet depends on the back pressure resulted from matching
characteristics of the engine behind the inlet. When shock is too
far downstream of the divergent section (Fig. 1-13c), it gives poor
diffusion efficiency. Figure I-lad shows the farthest upstream
position (at the throat section) for which the flow is still stable.
However, a slight disturbance in the flow pattern of Fig. 1-13d will
move the shock out of the inlet. Such a diffuser possesses the
so-called hysteresis effect. During acceleration, the shock will
not be swallowed until the speed Md (Fig. 1-12) is reached. Once
swallowed, the shock will not be pushed out upon deceleration until
the speed Mb (Point b of Fig. 1-12) is reached. Therefore, it is
possible to eliminate the shock of a fixed-geometry inlet when
overspeeded. Assume another inlet designed for the speed Md and
containing a higher contraction ratio (A 2 / AI)h instead of (A 2 / AI)d'
By first overspeeding to Mi (Point i of Fig. 1-12), the shock is
swallowed, and then decelerating to the design Mach number Md
where an isentropic inlet prevails (further decrease below Md will
push the shock out of the inlet).

[1- 9.2] Variable-Geometry Supersonic Inlet

The shock may also be eliminated by a variable-geometry

inlet. Let us consider the inlet designed for the speed Md and
having in Fig. 1-12 a contraction ratio (A 2 / AI)h' At the start, the
throat area is too small, corresponding to point h of Fig. 1-12;
a detached shock will appear in front of the inlet. When the throat
area (A 2 / AI) is increased, the shock moves toward the inlet. When
point (A 2 / AI)d of Fig. 1-12 is reached, the shock is swallowed.
The throat area may now be decreased without pushing the shock
out until point (A 2 / AI)h of Fig. 1-12 is again reached. When the
exhaust pressure is properly adjusted, the inlet may be made
free of shock.

[1- 9.3] Inlet Diffuser Efficiency

Assuming the velocity leaving the inlet diffuser to be negligibly

small, one may define, from Fig. 1-14:


where state (1) is the actual state entering the inlet, state (2) is
the actual state leaving the inlet, and state (2') is a fictitious state
at the actual leaving pressure but at the entering entropy.
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 51

(0 ) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 1-13

'1 I''l-

V 12
h 29)

Fig. 1-14

For a perfect gas, using Eqs. (1-63), (1-22), and (1-26), one
may rewrite Eq. (1-133) to:
k -l

c,tl[(~) -1] (~)' -1 (1-134)

k - 1 2
- - Ml

51nce G:) (::)(.:)

52 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

and for normal shock, we have:


1 [ (k-1)M 1 2 +2 jT:k
(::) 1 - k (k + 1) M 1 2



Substituting Eqs. (1-115a) and (1-78) into Eq. (1-134), one obtains:

2k 2 k -
[ --Ml - - -
k + 1 k + 1
1 l~ ~ k tk- M1) 12

(k + 1) M12

2j~ - 1

k - 1 M12

Equation (1-135) gives diffuser efficiency versus Mach number for

a normal shock diffuser.



The following equations are applicable:

1) Equation of State

~ = RT (1-5)

or, in its differential form,

dp dp dt
-=-+- (1-136)
P P t
2) Equation of Continuity

dp dA dV
-+-+-=0 (1-68)
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 53



3) Equation of Energy


or, in its differential form,

k - 1 2
dT dt 2 dM 2
T t 1 + k - 1 M2 M2

4) Mach number definition

kRt (1-139)

or, in its differential form,


5) Equation of Momentum


or, in terms of Mach number,


In order to derive a useful expression with involved independent

variables, i.e., (1) area change A, (2) friction factor f. and (3) stag-
nation temperature change T due to heat addition, we perform the
54 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Eliminating (dplp) from Eqs. (1-136) and (1-137), one obtains:

dp _ dt + ~ dV 2 + dA 0
p t 2 V2 A

Eliminating (dV2/V2) from Eqs. (1-140) and (1-142), one obtains:

dp _ dt + ~ (dM 2 + dt) + dA 0
p t 2 t A

Eliminating (dV2/V2) from Eqs. (1-140) and (1-141), one obtains:

dp + ~k
M2 (dM 2 + dt) + !!... M2 4f dx = 0 (1-144)
p 2 t \M2
2 D

Eliminating (dplp) from Eqs. (1-143) and (1-144), one obtains:

(~2 + kM2)
dt + (kM2 _~) dM 2 _
t \ 22M2
dA + kM2
A 2
(4f dX\ = 0

Eliminating (dtlt> from Eqs. (1-138) and (1-145), one obtains,

after simplification:

2(1 T + M2)
1 _ M2 A

kM 2 (1 + ~
M2) ~4f dx
1 _ M2 D

This is the basic equation for one-dimensional flow with area

change, friction and heat addition. In order to solve Eq. (1-146),
numerical integration should be used. However, for the following
three special cases, analytical solutions are available:

1) Heat addition in a duct of constant cross-section without

friction. Here A = constant, and f = 0; Eq. (1-146) reduces to
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 55


Equation (1-147) may be integrated to give

M2 2 (1 + k-2-
- 1 M2 2) ( 1 + kMl 2)2

Ml 2(1 + k-1
-2- Ml 2)(1 + kM2 2)2


This is the so-called "Rayleigh Line." A maximum value of

(T 2 /T 1 ), (T 2 /T 1)max' exits at M2
= 1 (thermal choking). Heataddition
in excess of (T 2 /T l )max will force the adjustment (lowering when
M1 < 1 and increasing when M1 > 1) of incoming M1 value.

2) Area change without heat addition and without friction. Here

T = constant, and f = O. Equation (1-146) reduces to

2(1 + Y M2)
dA (1-149)
1 _ M2 A

Equation (1-149) may be integrated to give

k --1 M2
AMI + -
2] 2(k:1)
-=- [
Al M2 k -- 1,M12
1 + -

This is the so-called "isentropic line." A minImUm value of

(A 2 1 A l ), (A 2 1 A1)min' exits at M = 1 (throat choking). Area ratio
smaller than (A 2 1 A1)min will force the adjustment (lowering when
Ml < 1 and increasing when Ml > 1) of incoming Ml value.
3) Flow in duct of constant cross -sectional area with friction
but without external heat addition. Here T = constant and A =
constant; Eq. (1-146) reduces to
56 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

kM2 (1 + T M2)
4f dx
1 _ M2 D

Equation (1-151) may be integrated to give

1 _1___1_+ k+11n
M/(l + T M22)

k M/ Ml 2
M22(1 + k; 1'vt 1 2)


M1 [ + k ; 1 M2J ~
(::) M2 1+ -
k --1 M1 2

This is the so-called "Fanno Line." A maximum value of (4f Lim,

(4f L/m max , exits at M = 1 (friction choking). (4f Lim in excess of
(4f L/m max will force the adjustment (lowering when Ml < 1 and in-
creasing when Ml > 1) of incoming 1.11 value.

4) Step -by -step numerical or graphical integrations of the basic

equation (1-146). Equation (1-146) may be rewritten as

2M2 (1 + k ; 1 M2) M2 (1 + kM2) (1 + k ; 1 M2)

dM 2 - +
1 _ M2 A 1 _ M2

kM4 (1 + k ; 1 M2)
+ 4f dx
1 _ M2 D
Equation (1-153) can now be integrated approximately in finite
difference form over a short interval between Secs. 1 and 2, the
approximation being that the coefficients of (dAI A), (dT IT), and
(dxlO) are constants (at their mean value) during the shott interval.
Evaluate the influence coefficients (function of Mach number
themselves) of (dA I A), (dT IT), and (dx 10) as constants which are
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 57

calculated according to an average Mach number, M = (M 1 + M2)/2.

Therefore, Eq. (1-153) becomes:

2M2 (1 + M2)
1 _ M2

M2 (1 + kM2) (1 + k - 1
1 _ M2


M2 2 - Ml 2

- - -
Here FA (M), F Q(M) and F ,<M) are called influence coefficients. and
they are:

2M2 (1 + y M2) (1-156)

FA (M)
1 _ M2


kM4(1 + yM2) (1-158)

1 _ M2
58 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


The following procedure is suggested: (a)_assum!l M2; (b) cl!lculate

M from Eq. (1-159); (c) calculate FA(M),FQ(M) and F/M) from
Eqs. (1-156), (1-157), and (1-158); (d) caicuiateM2from Eq. (1-155);
(e) if the calculated value of M2 from Eq. (1-155) checks with the
assumed value of M2, the assumed M2 is the solution. Otherwise,
reiterate it until it checks (usually three or four trials will yield
the correct solution).

[1- 10.1] One-Dimen sional Flow Analysi s with Area Change, Fri ction
and Heat Addition (Additional Analysi s)

As discussed in the previous section, the case of area change,

friction and heat addition cannot be solved analytically. A numerical
method must be used. However, instead of using area A as one of
the three independent variables (they are area A, friction f, and
heat addition T, which are independent of each other) like the case
just discussed in Sec. (1-10), one may also analyze the case where
area A is a dependent variable (such as making area A a function
of temperature T, due to heat addition or friction or both). In such
cases, there are only two independent variables, i.e., temperature
T and friction f, although the flow still involves area change A.
Let us use area change A as a function of static pressure change
p as an illustrative example. There are many ways of expressing
mathematically the variation of pressure p with flow area A. The
example that has been chosen for this analysis, because of its
simplicity, is from L. Crocco and is represented by

p = constant Al - ~ (1-A-1)

or, in its differential form,


Special cases of interest include: (1) f = 1 for flow of constant

cross-sectional area and (2) f = o for flow of constant static

Now considering an infinitesimal length of duct dx, the rate
of heat transfer to the fluid is approximately

hrrDdx (T w - T)
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 59

Here Ii = heat transfer coefficient, and T w = wall temperature.

Using the energy balance, we have


4h dx
--- (1-A-3)
pVcp D

From the Reynolds analogy,

h f
pVcp 2

we may write Eq. (1-A-3) to:

dT = 2f dx
Tw - T D

Equations of state, Eqs. (1-136); continuity, Eq. (1-137); energy,

Eq. (1-138); Mach number, Eq. (1-140); andmomentum,Eq. (1-141)
are valid. Substituting Eq. (1-A-5) into the equation of momentum
(Eq. 1-141), we have:

dp kM2 dV 2
- + - - + kM2 ( dT ) = 0 (1-A-6)
P 2 V2 Tw - T

Eliminating (dpl p) from equations of continuity and state, we have:


Eliminating (dV2IV2) from Eqs. (1-140), (1-142), and (1-A-2),

we have:

dp _ !.- dt +!.- dM 2 = 0 (1-A-7)

P 2 t 2 M2

Eliminating dV 21V 2 from Eqs. (1-140) and (1-A-6), we have:

60 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Eliminating (dplp) from Eqs. (1-A-7) and (1-A-8), we have:

= 0

Eliminating dtlt from Eqs. (1-138) and (1-A-9), we have, after

( + kM2) ~ + k ; 1 M2)
dM 2 dT
M2 dl - M2) - (1 _ ()kM 2 T

2kM2 ~+ k ; 1 M2)
d1 - M2) - (1 - dkM 2 Tw - T

The following special cases will be discussed first:

1) Heat addition in non-constant area duct without friction.
Here f = O. Consequently, from Eq. (1-A-5):


Therefore, Eq. (l-A-lO) reduces to

( + kM2) It + k - 1 M2\
\ 2 J dT (1-A-10a)
((1 - M2) - (1 - ()kM 2 T

Equation (1-A-10a) may be integrated to give

M2~ + Y M,(( + kM12)2

Ml2 ~ + k ; 1 M12) (E +kM2)2

From the energy equation cp(T - TI) = q, we have

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 61

Here q = heat addition in B.T.V. per pound of flow. There exists

a critical maximum value of (T e ITl) which may be obtained by:

o (l-A-ll)

The result of Eq. (l-A-ll) gives the critical Mach number as:

k ~-1
M/ = [ --; - (k - U J (1-A-12)

Consequently, the critical (maximum) temperature becomes:

Ml 2 ~1 + k - 1 M12) (( + kMe2)2

(TeITI) is the condition of thermal choking in a duct of variable

cross-section. For the special case of flow of constant cross-
sectional area where ( = I, Eq. (1-A-12) shows that Me becomes
unity, which is the well-known condition of thermal choking at
Me = 1 for heat addition in a duct of constant cross-section.
However, for a duct of variable cross-section, Me is subsonic (less
than unity), when ( < 1, and Me is supersonic (greater than unity)
when ( > 1. Equation (1-A-12) indicates that when ( varies from
o to klk-l, Me varies from 0 to "". This is the range of interest.
In general, for a given value of (, there exist two solutions, i.e.,
one subcritical solution and one supercritical solution. Heat
addition in excess of (TeITI) is impossible at the given value of
MI. Actually, for heat addition in excess of (TeITI), the incoming
Mach number MI will be forced to adjust to such a value so that
with the given heat addition q andductconfiguration (. Eq. (1-A-13)
is satisfied. (Critical Mach number Me at the exit is maintained).
When the relationship of Eq. (l-A-IOb) is plotted on the h-s
diagram or T-s diagram (Fig. l-A-l), it gives the generalized
Rayleigh line. Here each value of ( corresponds to one generalized
Rayleigh line. The upper branches of the lines delineate a sub-
critical heat addition where Mach number increases with heat
addition (finally reaching the critical condition Me at the maximum
entropy point, behond which heat addition is impossible for the
given ( and the given MI), while the lower branches correspond
to supercritical heat addition where Mach number decreases with
62 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear" Ion and Electric Propulsion

~c = O. 62M c Supercritical

Fig. I.A.I, (After A. Doborowolski, NASA TND 3626).

heat addition (finally reaching the critical Mach number Me at

the maximum entropy point, beyond which heat addition is im-
possible for the given ( and the given M1). The curve ( = 1 is the
conventional Rayleigh line where Me = 1. It will be shown later
that the minimum stagnation pressure loss of the supercritical
burning for given heat addition q and given configuration ( occurs
when the incoming Mach number M1 is shown such that the critical
condition Me is reached at the exit.
Similarly, for a given entrance supercritical MachnumberMl, a
given entrance stagnation temperature Tl. and a given heat addition
q. one may calculate the required duct configuration ( which will
yield a critical Mach number Me at the exit in order to achieve
minimum stagnation pressure losses. The required value ( may
be calculated directly from Eq. (1-A-13), when Eq. (1-A-12) is
substituted into Eq. (1-A-13) for Me and Eq. (l-A-IOc) is substi-
tuted into Eq. (1-A-13) for (T e ITl).
Stagnation Pressure Ratio. The stagnation pressure ratio (an
indication of total pressure losses) is important. This may be
obtained as follows:

Eliminating dtlt from Eqs. (1-A-7) and {l-A-~). one obtains:

( + kM2) dp + (kdM 2 = 0 (1-A-14)


Integrating Eq. (l-A-14). one obtains:

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 63

Putting into the stagnation pressure P, one obtains:

1 + k- - 1 2Jk_l
(:,) ~ (:1) ;~ M12
I + k


For the special case of constant cross-section where f = 1,

Eq. (1-A-16) reduces to Eq. (1-148a).
In order to be able to judge the merit of one particular f (the
advantage of one particular duct configuration f for the given
initial flow conditions) and one particular heat addition, the influ-
ence of f (Fig. l-A-2) on the stagnation pressure loss during burn-
ing has to be considered.
Figure l-A-3 shows the stagnation pressure ratio achieved
during burning initiated at M 1 and ending at Me. The stagnation
pressure ratio of the process ending at any other Mach number
is equal to the ratio of the pressure ratios corresponding to the
initial and final Mach numbers since P2 /P l = (P e IPl)/(P e IP2).
The relation between Ml and M2 is found by applying the f expres-
sion of the preceding section for a particular inlet stagnation
enthalpy (function of flight Mach number) and heat addition (function
of fuel type and fuel-air ratio). Figure l-A-4 shows the stagnation
pressure ratio for several f values and supercritical burning for
the specific case of flight Mach number Mo = 20 and stoichiometric

E Suberiti cal Supereritieal

E> 1

c::::::J E 3
E 1 I
P< E< 1 ~ C3
E= 0 c::::J
E <0 c:3 . C:J
Fig. 1- A - 2 (After A. Doborowolski, NASA TND 3626).
64 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
I. o~
F.., ....... .-:. f-..... r- --
r-.... r-.... p

i'-... :>. ~ oc::::: ........ It-
~ L..- P
'" r-....
~ I'::
6 ..............
"- "-- ........ F::: 1-1-.

- -- - -
1'! r--- r- "- r-
"'r--.. I.O
~ r--- -h. SI-
IS 2 0
o .4 . 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3. 2 3 .6 U 4.4 U U
Diffusion -'h number. M)

Fig. 1- A - 3 Stagnation pressure ratio due to burning that changes flow from diffusion to
critical Mach number. (After A. Doborowolski. NASA TND 3626).

L0 ........ J _I I I ~I. .1
~ o
Crlt'coll)OStcombustion Mach _
number ~ <*he<I
...-.... I
9,' ~~ )
e 6 -~
~ 4
I~ ~
r-0 ~
I'" .u~ ~ t--...

2 -......;
~ t:-.:: t-- t-- I.S 10- 2. 0 i
t-- ~
o 4 S 6 9 \0
Diffusion Mach number. Ml

Fig. 1- A - 4 Stoichiometric hydrogen combustion stagnation pressure ratio as function of

diffusion Mach number for flight Mach number of 20. (After A. Doborowolski. NASA TND

combustion of hydrogen. It is seen that given a series of ( ducts

with the supercritical flows at the same initial Mach number M1
and subjected to the same heat addition, the larger the (, the smaller
the stagnation pressure loss. From Fig. l-A-2, where the shapes
of the ducts are noted, this would imply, for example, that a conver-
gent duct is superior to a constant area duct for the same MI.
Given a series of ( ducts with the supcrcritical flows of the same
stagnation enthalpy at different initial Mach numbers M 10 such that
each duct reaches a critical condition after the same heat addition,
the larger the positive (, the larger the stagnation pressure loss
(circled points in Fig. l-A-4). This implies that a constant area
duct is superior to a convergent duct if a critical condition is
reached in both ducts. (The shapes of duct are noted from Fig.
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 65
l-A-2.) Thus, diffusing the flow (without losses) sufficiently for
the subsequent heat addition in the constant area duct to reach a
critical condition will yield a better stagnation pressure ratio than
direct use of a critically convergent duct. A diverging, critical,
constant Mach number duct (c = -1.4) is still better. Best of all
is the constant pressure case (c = 0); however, heat addition in
this case requires the flow to pass smoothly from supersonic to
subsonic. This condition may not be achievable in practice.
2) Heat addition in non-constant area duct with friction and
(TwiT) = Constant. In this case, Eq. (I-A-lO) becomes:

Equation (I-A-17) may be integrated. Once M in terms of MI is

known, (P IPI) may be obtained from Eq. (1-106a) by ratioing the
two sections concerned.
3) Flow with friction in non-constant area duct without heat
addition. In this case, dT = 0, so Eq. (I-A-5a) must be substituted
back into Eq. (I-A-lO) which gives:

kM2 ~ + k ; 1 M2)
dM 2 4f dx
M2 dl - M2) - (1 - c) kM2 D

since ~ D2 A


2 Al/2
2 (P)~ 1
y; =..;-;;

Eliminating (dtlt) from Eqs. (I-A-7) and (1-38) for the case of dT = 0,
one obtains after simplification:

P = [
l+ Y (I-A-19)
1+k - 1
66 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion




C 2 (};)) P.[(I Y M12) ~ MJ;' +

.. D c2 [~+ ~ IM2)t MJ"

k (I-A-20)

Substituting Eq. (1-A-20) into Eq. (1-A-18), one may integrate

Eqs. (I-A-18) in the form of M as a function of x. This is the
generalized Fanno line. For the special case of constant cross-
section area where E =1. Eq. (I-A-20) reduces to constant D and the
result reduces to Eq. (1-152), the conventional Fanno line.
4) Constant Mach number heat addition in non-constant area
duct 'With friction. Here M = constant Eq. (1-A-10) becomes:
2 dT dT
(E + kM ) - = 2kM 2 = _ kM2 4f dx
T T - Tw D

2 dT 2 dx
(E + kM ) -kM 4f - - - - - - - - - -

E- 1

1 "TI M MJ
(, + 1cM 2 { ( + 2/ , -2- d; (I-A-21)

Fundamentals oj Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 67

Since M = constant, Eq. (1-A-21) may be integrated to give:


[1-10.2] Mixing of Two Flows in a Non-Constant Area Duct

The analysis of ducted fan, ducted rocket, etc., requires a

knowledge of the mixing of two flows of different temperature,
pressure and velocity. Sometimes subsequent heating of the mixed
flow may be realized if one of the two flows is fuel riched. Let us
again use a duct whose cross-sectional area A varie s with pressure
p by the prescribed relationship:

p ) ( A ) 1- e or A
-;; = Al + A2
1) Continuity



2) Momentum

pVdV + dp 0 (1-A-26)

Equation (1-A-26) can be written as

pAVdV + d(pA) - pdA o (1-A-27)

68 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Applying Eq. (1-A-27) between sections 3 and 1+2, one obtains:




Substituting Eq. (1-A-29) into Eq. (1-A-28), one obtains:

Rearranging terms, one obtains:


since pV2 kpM2, we have


Substituting Eq. (1-A-23) into Eq. (1-A-31), one obtains:

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 69
1- E

P3 (AI +A2'G:)' ~3M,' +,] ~ PIAl hM

12 +,]

Since P3 =
\, 2l ' we have
P3 Ll + -2- M3 J
k-l k - 1

ki E

; :) -=~:- 1 _+_k=1=2=-=1_M_1--::J==-k,....1-_1

[, +'3 ; 1 M3J':'I

+ (::) ~AI:2 2) {'2 22+[+ t-::)0 - ]}



Using the continuity equation, we have


S.mce pAV = -pA

-- -- - VkR V = - pAM, we have
RVt VkR Vi Rt

70 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



1 + k~lM2
-- 1
( ;31) _2
1 +k~lM2
-- 3

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 71


From the energy equation, we have

(ml + m2) c P3 T3 - [m1cP1 Tl + m2cP2 T2] 0


(l-A 36)

If burning occurs after or during mixing, the energy equation


(ml + m2) q



pounds of fuel
f fuel-air-ratio
pounds of unburned air in m3
72 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Here we have three equations: (1-A-32), (1-A-35), and (1-A-37)

with three unknowns (P3, T3, M3) so they may be solved.
The following special cases are of particular interest.
1) Constant area mixing. For constant area mixing whenf 1,
Eqs. (1-32), (1-A-35) and (1-A-37) reduce to:

(A,:' A;) (1 + k,M,') + (~)(:.,:' Aj [k,M,' + 1]
(1 + k3M32)

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 73

k3 - 1 2
1 + - - M3
k1 - 1 2
1 + ---M1
2 (1-A-35a cont.)

Here Eq. (1-A-37) remains the same.

When specific heats are constant, i.e., k1 = k2 = k3' R1 = R2 =
R 3, cPr = c P2 = c P3 Eqs. (1-A-32), (1-A-35), and (1-A-37) further

reduce to:

k - 1
( P3) [ 1+ (k M32+ 1)
-2- M1
P1 1 + k---1 M3 2



+ (T/b fh
,- cpT 1

When mIxmg without burning at constant specific heats, Eqs.

(1-A-37), (1-A-32), and (1-A-35) further reduce to:

(1-A-32b) remains the same. (1-A-35b) remains the same.
When mixing without burning and P1 = P2 Eqs. (1-A-32), (1-A-35),
and (1-A-37) reduce to:
74 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


Equation (1-A-37c) remains the same.
2) Constant pressure mixing. For constant pressure mixing
where (= 0, Eqs. (1-A-32), (1-A-35), and (1-A-37) reduce to:


(1-A-37) remains the same.
When the specific heats are constants, i.e., kI = k2 = k3.
RI =
R2 = R 3. cP 1 cP 2 c P3 ' Eqs. (1-A-32), (1-A-37), and (1-A-35)
reduce to:

[1 k_1M2]
+ -- 3

k - 1 2
1 + -2-MI

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 75

When mixing without burning at constant specific heats, Eqs.

(1-A-32), (1-A-35), and (1-A-37) reduce to:

(1-A-32f) remains the same. (1-A-35f) remains the same.


The thermodynamic performance of a gas turbine or jet pro-
pulsion engine can be analyzed through the use of thermodynamic
cycle analysis. Thermodynamic cycle analysis is usually carried
out, based on one unit mass flow per second. With this understand-
ing in mind, the following unit process per unit mass may be de-
scribed through the use of entropy-enthalpy diagram.

[1. 11. 1] Ram Compression and Ram Pressure Recovery

The performance of aircraft propulSion is often considered as

the aircraft remains stationary while the air approaches it with the
aircraft speed Vo. Therefore, in Fig. 1-15, point 0 (at a tempera-
ture equal to ambient temperature to' and at a pressure equal to
ambient pressure po) represents the ambient state. From energy


the total enthalpy should rise to H I' the state at the exit of the
diffuser. For an ideal isentropic process (s = constant) with full
recovery from the speed Vo effect, the stagnation pressure would
rise to PI' as shown in Fig. 1-15. However, with full pressure
recovery impossible (through a diffuser), the stagnation pressure
is actually P l' a value less than P~, due to pressure losses, as
shown in Fig. 1-15. Therefore, ram pressure recovery may be
defined as:

actual pressure rise PI - Po

Tfr (1-160)
isentropic pressure rise P~ - Po
76 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

It is to be noted here that, although P I is less than P ~, HI is equal

to H~. For constant specific heats, Eq. (1-160) may be written
as follows:

- 1
(:;) - 1

- 1
- 1


Therefore, for constant specific heats, the stagnation pressure PI

and stagnation temperature T I can be calculated when ambient
temperature to, ambient pressure Po, ram pressure recovery "I r
and airplane valocity Vo are known from Eqs. (1-161) and (1-162).
For more accurate calculation with variable specifiC heats, one
may use either the h-s diagram or the air table of Keenan and Kaye.
1) Use ofh-sdiagram. Point 0 maybe determined from ambient
pressure Po and ambient temperature to. Ambient enthalpy ho may
now be read directly from the h-s diagram. HI and H~ may be
obtained from Eq. (1-63),


Point P~ may be determined from the value of H~ and the known

value of entropy s (vertically above pointO). Point 1 may be deter-
mined by HI and PI where PI maybe calculated from ram pressure
recovery "I r which is given.
2) Use of air table or gas table. Air table gives h and Pr as a
function of T
Point T h Pr P

0 to hO Pro Po

I' T' H' Pr1 p'


Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 77

a) At point 0, to is known, so ho and Pr may be read directly

from the air table. 0
b) H l' may be determined from HI = ho + V0 2/2gJ and then read
correspondingly T 1' and P r from the air table.
c) From point 0 to poiht 1', it is an isentropic process, so we

Here relative pressure relation

is valid for isentropic process
only (see air table or gas table).

Therefore, P l' may be calculated from the above equation.

d) With ram pressure recovery Tfr known, PI may be calculated

PI - Po

P~ - Po

e) Since HI = HI" read T correspondingly to HI from the

air table.
This gives both stagnation pressure PI and stagnation tempera-
ture T 1 as shown in the table above.

[1- 11.21 Compressor Compression and Compressor Work

In thermodynamic cycle analysis of compressor, turbine, inter-

cooling, reheating, regeneration, etc., stagnation pressure, stag-
nation temperature and stagnation enthalpy are often used. There-
fore, for steady flow compression, Eq. (1-61) gives

Wcompressor = H2 - HI' (1-61)

s s

Fig. 1-15 Fig. 1-16

In Fig. 1-16, point 1 represents the thermodynamic state ahead of

the com pre ssor (stagnation temperature TIt stagnation pressure PIt
78 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
stagnation enthalpy HI). Dotted vertical line 1-2' represents isen-
tropic compression (zero entropy change) between stagnation
pressures PI and P 2 ', respectively, at compressor inlet and outlet.
Due to friction in actual compression which causes an increase of
entropy, actual compression always follows solid line 1-2. For
the same compression pressure rise from pressure PI to P 2 (which
is equal to P 2' ), more energy or shaft work is required for actual
compression than isentropic compression. Therefore, a compres-
sor efficiency may be defined as:
Isentropic compressor work Wc.
Actual compressor work Wc

For constant specific heats, Eq. (1-163) may be written as:

c p (T 2 ' - T 1)
(:~') - 1 (::') .
k-l k -1

G:) - 1

TJ c
c p (T 2 - T 1)
(~:) - 1 (~:) - 1 - 1

From Eq. (1-61), actual compressor work per pound of air flow
per second is represented by the solid line 1-2 or


For constant specific heats, one obtains from Eq. (1-164):

Here. compressor work is in terms of compressor inlet tempera-
ture Tl' compressor efficiency TJ c ' and compression ratio (P2/Pl).
It is to be noted here that, for the same compression ratio (P2/Pl)
and the same compressor efficiency "'c' the lower the inlet tempera-
ture Tlo the less the compressor work Wc a Therefore, a jet
engine operating at high altitude or cold ambient temperature re-
quires less compressor work and consequently more power output
Fundnmentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 79

when everything else remains the same. The compressor outlet

temperature Tz can be calculated from Eq. (1-164).


For more accurate calculation with variable specific heats, one

may use either the h-s diagram or the air table or gas table of
Keenan and Kaye.
1) h-s diagram. Point 1 is determined by the known values of
stagnation temperature T 1 and stagnation pressure Pl' Read H 1
from the h-s diagram for the corresponding value of T l ' The
compressor outlet pressure P z (known value) and entropy s (going
vertically upwards for isentropic compression process) determines
point Hz' , and consequently determines Hz from Eq. (1-163). With
Hz and Pz known, point 2 is determined. Therefore, T z becomes
known. The compressor work WC a may then be calculated from
Eq. (1-61).
2) Air table or gas table.

Point T h Pr P

1 T1 H1 Pr 1

2' T' H' p'

Z Z Pr2 ' z

2 Tz Tz Pz

a) T 1 and P1 are given values. Read P r1 and H1 from air table.

b) Since Pz' = Pz which is given, Pr2 , may be calculated from

c) Tz' and Hz' are read from the air table from the known
value of Pr2 "
d) With the known compressor efficiency "'c' Hz may be cal-
culated from Eq. (1-163). Then Tz may be read from the air table
corresponding to Hz.
e) Compressor work WC a may then be calculated from Eq.
80 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[1-11.3] Combustion and Burner Efficiency

Because of the very low value of fuel-air ratio (around 0.01 to

0.03) associated with the gas turbine or jet propulsion engine, con-
stant pressure combustion in the gas turbine or jet engine burner
may sometimes be approximated, for quick calculation purposes. by
constant pressure heating of air from combustion inlet temperature
Tl to combustion outlet temperature T2. If the thermodynamic
properties of fuel-air mixture (products of combustion) can be
approximated by the thermodynamic properties of hot air. the cal-
culation process can be greatly shortened. The error introduced is
usually in the order of 3 to 5 percent. Therefore. if we treat com-
bustion as heating. we have from Eq. (1-60) and from the h-s dia-

Heat supplied to the combustion chamber is Q which is equal to

fh*"'b' the product of fuel-air ratio f (pound of fuel consumed per
pound of air), heating value of the fuelh* (heat generated inBtu per
pound of fuel consumed), and combustion or burner efficiency "'b.
For constant specific heats, we have

Equation (1-167) gives the fuel-air ratio f required to raise stag-

nation temperature from Tl to T2, the combustion chamber inlet
and outlet temperature, respectively.
For more accurate calculations, instead of using the hot air
apprOXimation, thermodynamic properties of gases or combustion
products must be used. This can be done as follows.

[1-11.3.11 Combustion

fII fuel (hf)

1 # air _ ! ---l (1 + f) # products of combustion
(H,) I
(H 2 )

Fig. 1-17

In Fig. 1-17, at Sec. (1) one pound of air enters at air tempera-
ture Tl and f pound of fuel enters at fuel temperature T f At Sec.
(2), (1 + fl pound of products of combustion leaves at temperature T 2
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 81

Between Secs. (1) and (2), chemical reactionoffuel with air results
in a release of Q Btu of heat which is equal to fh*Tfb. Assuming no
heat loss to the outside, the energy equation gives:



HI = stagnation enthalpy of entering air at temperature T 1 '

{ = fuel-air ratio or pound of fuel per pound air.
hf = stagnation enthalpy of entering fuel at temperature T f'
Q = chemical heat released in combustion chamber = fh*Tfb'
h* = heating value of fuel, Btu/#fuel.
Tfb = combustion or burner efficiency.
H2 = stagnation enthalpy of gas or products of combustion at
temperature T 2' Btu/ # products of combustion.

For gas turbine or jet propulsion engine analysis, the fh f term

is usually very small in comparison with the HI and Q term, so it
could be neglected. (See analysis on page 110 when the fhf term is
not being neglected). Therefore, we have:




or approximately


Here HI and H 2 as a function of temperature T 1 and T 2 and fuel air

ratio may be obtained directly from the gas table of Keenan and
On the other hand, Pinkel has produced a convenient burner or
combustion chart (Fig. 1-18) for easy use. Based on the required
stagnation temperature rise (T 2 - T 1) and the burner outlet tem-
perature T 2 , one may read the effective fuel-air ratio Tfbf directly
from Fig. 1-18.
82 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



'r R


0 5IXJ IQX 'M~ (D

Fig. 1- 18 (After B. Pinkel and J. .M. Karp. NACA TR 114).

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 83

[1-11.4] Turbine Expansion and Turbine Work

For steady flow expansion, Eq. (1-61) gives:


In Fig. 1-19, point 1 represents the thermodynamic state ahead of

the turbine (stagnation temperature T I' stagnation pressure PI'
and stagnation enthalpy HI). Vertical dotted line 1-2' represents
isentropic expansion (zero entropy change) between stagnation
pressures PI and P 2 , respectively, at turbine inlet and outlet. Due
to friction in actual expansion which causes an increase of entropy,
actual expansion always follows the solid line 1-2. For the same
expansion from pressure PI to P 2 (which is equal to P 2'), less
energy or shaft work is delivered by the actual turbine expansion
than the ideal turbine expansion. Therefore, a turbine efficiency
7JT may be defined as:

actual turbine work wT or wT

7JT = (1-170)
isentropic turbine work wT .

For constant specific heats, Eq. (1-170) may be written as:

1 - (;:) 1 - (;:)
cp(T I - T 2 )
cp(T I - T 2 ') k -1

1 - (::)

From Eq. (1-61), actual turbine work per pound of air flow is
represented by the solid line 1-2 or

For constant specific heats, one obtains from Eq. (1-171):

CPT{ -G:)] ~ Ch{ -(::) ~

84 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Here turbine work is in terms of turbine inlet temperature TIt

turbine efficiency 1fT' and turbine expansion ratio (P 1 IP 2)' It is
to be noted that for the same turbine expansion ratio and the same
turbine efficiency. the higher the turbine inlet temperature is. the
more the turbine work output. Therefore. it is always desirable
to raise turbine inlet temperature for higher specific power output.
The turbine outlet temperature T 2 can be calculated from
Eq. (1-171):


For more accurate calculations with variable specific heats. one

may again either use h-s diagram or the air table.

1) h-s diagram. Point 1 is determined by the known values of

stagnation temperature T 1 and stagnation pressure Pl.: Read HI
from the h-s diagram for the corresponding value of T 1 and Pl'
In general. either turbine outlet stagnation pressure P 2 or turbine
work w T is known. If P 2 is known. one may determine H2' by going
vertically downward from HI until he hits the P 2 line (isentropic
expansion process) as shown in Fig. 1-19. With the turbine effi-
ciency 1fT known. one may determine H2 from Eq. (1-170). With
H2 and P 2 known, point 2 is determined. Therefore T 2 becomes
known by reading directly from the h-s diagram. Turbine work
wT may then be calculated from Eq. (1-61). II. instead of P 2 being
known. wT is known. we may caicuiateH 2'from Eq. (1-170). because
here w T ( = HI - H2) is known. Calculate H2 from


Once H2 is known. T 2 may be obtained directly from the h-s


2) Air table or gas table

Point T h Pr P

1 T1 HI Pr 1 PI

2' T'
2 H'
2 Pr2 ' P 2'

2 T2 H2 P2
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 85


s s

Fig. 1-19 Fig. 1-20

a) TI and PI are given values. Read Pr1 and HI from the air
table or gas table (use the gas table of the correct fuel-air ratio
or interpolate between two fuel air ratios).
b) If P 2 ( = P 2 ') is given, Pr ' may be calculated from

c) T 2 ' and H 2 ' ,are read from the air table or gas table from
known values of Pr
d) With the ktlown value of turbine efficiency 1/T' H2 may be
calculated from Eq. (1-170). Then T2 may be read from the air
table or gas table corresponding to H 2
e) Turbine work wT may then be calculated from Eq. (1-61).
If, instead of P 2 being known,wTisknown, we start from step (b)
as follows:

Point T h Pr P

Pr 1
2' T'
2 H2 ' p'
Pr 2 2

2 T2 H2 P2

a) Same as step (a) above.

b) Calculate H2' from Eq. (1-170).
c) Read corresponding T 2 ' and P r ' from the air table or gas
table. Calculate P 2 from 2
86 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

d) Since P 2' = P 2' write P 2 down in the table. Calculate H2

from Eq. (1-174). Read T2 from the air table or gas table.
One is to be cautioned here that since the enthalpy of the gas
table is made on the basis of one pound-mole of gas, one should
always transfer the enthalpy from one pound-mole basis to one
pound basis by dividing the enthalpy H of the gas table by the
molecular weight R of the gas.

[1-11.5] Nozzle Expansion and Nozzle Efficiency

The nozzle is used to expand high pressure gas into high velocity
stream in order to produce thrust. In Fig. 1-20, point 1 represents
the inlet state, i_e_, the stagnation pressure PI and stagnation tem-
perature T 1 of the nozzle inlet. For an isentropic expansion (where
s = constant), PI expands vertically down to the static pressure
P2' (which is usually the ambient or exhaust pressure). However,
due to friction, nozzle expansion always follows solid line 1-2 in-
stead of the ideal case, dotted line, 1-2'. Therefore, a nozzle effi-
ciency TiN may be defined as;


For constant specific heats,

cp(T l - T 2 )

Cp(T 1 - T 2 ')




1 - (::)

The exhaust temperature t2 may be calculated now as

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 87


From Eq. (1-59), nozzle exit or jet velocity Vj may be determined

from the actual enthalpy drop from stagnation pressure P I to static
pressure P2 (which is equal to P2'). Applying Eq. (1-59) in this
case, we have:


For constant specific heats, we may write Eq. (1-177) to:

V.J 2
. ,)
- = HI - h2 = TfN(Hi - h2 ) = TJNcp(T I - t2




For more accurate calculation with variable specific heats, one

may again use the h-s diagram or air or gas table.
88 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

1) Use of h-s diagram.

a) Point 1 is determined by the known value of the inlet stag-
nation pressure Pi and stagnation temperature T 1. Therefore, Hi
can be read from the h-s diagram.
b) Point 2' is determined from P2 and s (vertically down from
Hi). Note P2' = P2 = ambient pressure or exhaust pressure. Now
h 2 'may be read.
c) From nozzle efficiency "IN and h2" one may determine h2 from
Eq. (1-175):


d) Calculate Vj from Eq. (1-59):

V. 2
= Hi - h 2 (1-179)

2) Use of air table or gas table

Point T h Pr P

1 Tl Hi Pi
Pr 1

2' ,
t2' h 2' P r2 P2'

2 t2 h2 P2

a) From Tit read the corresponding Hi and Pr from the air

table or gas table. 1
b) Since 1 to 2' is isentropic, one may calculate Pr 'from

remembering that P2' is equal to P2 by definition.

c) Read corresponding t2' and h2' from the air table or gas table
at Pr '.
d)2 Calculate h2 from Eq. (1-175):
Hi - h2
"IN = , (1-175)
Hi - h2
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 89

e) Calculate Vj from Eq. (1-59):




Basic gas turbine or jet propulsion cycle consists of (1) ram

compression, (2) compressor compression, (3) combustion or heat
addition, (4) turbine expansion, and (5) nozzle expansion. The unit
process of (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) was given in the previous section
(1-11). However, basic gas turbine or jet engine cycle may be
modified by the addition of (1) intercooling, (2) reheat, (3) regen-
eration, (4) after-burning, and (5) water injection. The following
sections will be used to describe these unit processes.

[1-12.1] Intercooling

As mentioned in Sec. 1-11.2, the compressor work is reduced

when the compressor inlet temperature is reduced. Therefore, an
intercooling process sometimes may be used in order to reduce
the compressor work. This situation can best be seen through the
h-s diagram (Fig. 1-21). For example, instead of compressor
compression from PI directly to P 2 which requires a compressor
work (H2 - HI)' one may first compress the air to an intermediate
pressure P a (at enthalpy Ha and temperature T a) and then cool the
T a temperature back down to T 1 by a perfect inter stage air cooler
before compressing it again from the intermediate pressure P a to
the final required pressure P 2 From Fig. 1-16 the compressor
work we for compression from PI to PaiS (H a - HI)" and the com-
pressor lwork We 2 for compression from P a to P 2 after cooling T a
to T 1 is (He - HI)' Therefore, the total compressor work is

which, from the h-s diagram, is obviously less than We ~ H2 - HI.

lt may also be proved numerically from the analytical expression
as follows:
90 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

k- 1

- 1 + - - (::).- - I

Compressor work of one-stage com- Compressor work of two stage com-

sion without intercooling. pression with intercooling. Here P a
could be any intermediate pressure
between PI and P2.

Each value of P a will yield one value of total compressor work.

The minimum total compressor work may be obtained by differ-
entiating the total compressor work with respect to P a and setting
the result equal to zero. * This condition gives:



In-other words, Eq. (1-180) says that dividing the two-stage into two
equal pressure ratios yields the minimum total compressor work
which is equal to:


1 J


*Instead of intercooling for minimum compressor work whlch occurs as P a = yP I P 2 "

one may obtain P a for maximum cycle efficiency by differentiating cycle efficiency with
respect to P a.
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 91

Therefore, the decrease of compressor work due to intercooling is

equal to

- 1


Similarly, instead of two-stage compression with one intercooling

in between the two stages, one may use three-stage compression
with two intercooling for further reduction of compressor work
(Fig. 1-22). One may likewise find that minimum compressor work
occurs at


The decrease of compressor work is

Similarly, for n stage compression, at each stage compression
ratio of f'(P2IPl) ' with (n - 1) intercooling, the decrease of
compressor work is
92 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

s s

Fig. 1- 21 Fig. 1- 22

s s

Fig. 1- 23 Fig. 1-24


The ultimate case is the infinite stage compressor compression

with infinite intercooling or the case of isothermal compression
(Fig. 1-23). In the ultimate case of isothermal compression, the
decrease of compressor work is

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 93


w = R TIn -P2) (1-186a)

c isothetmal ( Pl

In the actual case. perfect intercooling to temperature T 1 can never

be achieved. because it requires an intercooler with an infinite
cooling surface. Therefore. an intercooler effectiveness may be
defined as:


For constant specific heats, it reduces to:

Ta - Tb

Consequently, the total compressor work for a two-stage compres-
sion, at equal compression ratio vP
2/P 1 at the same Tic' with an
intercooler of effectiveness Til' is We + We'
B~ 1 2


From Eq. (1-166) we have


and from Eq. (1-187a) we have

Tb = T a (1 - Til) + Til T 1

94 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

We may be calculated from Eq. (1-165);



Therefore, the total compressor work becomes We 1 + we2' The

total compressor work is again in terms of compressor inlet
temperature T l ' compressor efficiency "Ie' total compression
ratio (P2/Pl) and intercooler effectiveness "II' Because of the
size and weight of intercooler and pressure drop through the
intercooler, thermodynamic trade-off study must be made for
application of intercooling process. For variable specific heat
calculations, the process described in Sec. 1-11.2 may be used
for each stage compression, while Eq. (1-187) should be used in
conjunction with the air table or h-s diagram for temperature drop
through the intercooler such as from (T a to T b)'

[1- 12.2] Reheat

As mentioned in Sec. 1-11.4, the turbine work is increased when

the turbine inlet temperature is increased. Therefore, reheat
process sometimes may be used in order to increase the turbine
work. Reheat between turbine stages is similar to intercooling
between compressor stages. One is for reducing compressor work,
while the other is for increasing turbine work. This situation can
again be seen through h-s diagram (Fig. 1-24). For example,
instead of turbine expansion from PI directly to P 2 which delivers
a turbine work of (H 1 - H2)' one may first expand the gas to an
intermediate pressure P a (at enthalpy Ha and temperature T a)' and
then heat the T a temperature back up to T I' as shown in Fig. 1-24,
by a reheater (inter stage burner) before expanding it again from
the intermediate pressure P a to the final pressure P 2 From
Fig. 1-24, the turbine work wT for expansion from PI to Pais
(H 1 - Ha); and the turbine workwT)orexpanSionfrom P a to P 2 after
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 95

reheating T a back up to T 1 is (HI - He)' Therefore, the total

turbine work is


which, from the h-s diagram, is obviously more than w T HI - H 2

Or it may be proved numerically from analytical expression as


Turbine work without reheat. Turbine work with reheat. Here P a

could be any intermediate pressure
between PI and P 2.

Each value of P a will yield one value of total turbine work. The
maximum total turbine work may be obtained by differentiating
the total turbine work with respect to P a and setting the result
equal to zero. * This condition gives

~:) ~ (::) (1-191)



(:~) ~ (1-192)

Dividing the two stages into equal expansion ratios yields the maxi-
mum total turbine work which is equal to


*Instead of reheat for maximum turbine work which occurs at P a = ...;PIP 2 one may
obtain P a for maximum cycle efficiency by differentiating cycle efficiency with respect
to P a.
96 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Therefore the increase of turbine work due to reheat is equal to


Similarly, instead of two-stage expansion with one reheat, one may

use a three-stage expansion with two reheat for further increase of
turbine work. One may -similarly find the maximum turbine work
occurs at:


The increase of turbine work is

)3k l-(::r
k - 1 k - 1

1- ( -P



Similarly, for n stage expansion with (n - 1) reheat, the increase

of turbine work is

k - 1


Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 97

The ultimate case is the infinite stage expansion with infinite reheat
or the ultimate case of isothermal expansion. In the case of iso-
thermal expansion, the increase of turbine work is



WT = RTln<plP 2 ) (1-198a)

So far as the combustion or heating process of reheat is concerned,

the unit process already described in Sec. 1-11.3 should be applied
for accuracy. (Also see Sec. 1-12.4.) For isothermal reheat, the
amount of heat added Q is equal to R T In<P/P 2) Q = T/b fh * =
R T In (P lP 2>' Because of the size and weight of the reheater and
the pressure drop through the reheater, trade-off study must be
made for actual application of the reheat process.
For variable specific heats calculations, the methods already
described in Sec. 1-11.4 could be applied to each stage of turbine
expansion. No further discussion is really needed here.

[1-12.3] Regeneration

The energy contained in the exhaust gas in the form of heat can
be recuperated into the incoming air of the combustion chamber in
order to save part of the fuel which would otherwise be required,
if no regeneration exists, as shown in Fig. 1-25. Figure 1-25 shows
that fuel energy required is H3 - H6 with regeneration compared
with H 3 - H 2 without regeneration. An ideal regeneration with in-
finite heat transfer surface can raise the burner air temperature
from state 2 to state 6', the state of the exhaust inlet into regenera-
tor. However, the actual regenerator (size and pressure loss, etc.)
usually limits the air temperature from state 2 to state 6. There-
fore, a regenerator effectiveness can be defined as:


When H 2, H4 and T/ x are known, H6 may be calculated.

98 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

(4 - (2)

(1 + (2)- -(1 + (4)
T2 T4

Fig. 1- 25 Fig. 1-26

For constant specific heats, it reduces to:


When T 2' T 4 !illd TJ x are known, T 6 may be calculated. The tem-

perature of the exhaust gas leaving the regenerator into the
nozzle may be determined by energy balance i.e.,


[1- 12.4] After-burning

Turbine inlet temperature is usually limited by present metal-

lurgical knowledge on turbine materials. The tail-pipe-burning
method of thrust augmentation, or afterburnlng as it is sometimes
designated, consists of introducing and burning fuel between the
turbine and the exhaust nozzle of the engine. The increased tem-
perature of the exhaust gases thus produced results in an increase
in the jet velocity and hence an increase in the thrust.
When combustion occurs in a reheating burner or afterburner,
the gas entering the combustion chamber is the product of a pre-
vious combustion. From Fig. 1-26, we can see that the temperature
T2 and the fuel-air ratio TJbf2 at the inlet of the afterburner are
known. These values can be used with Fig. 1-18 to obtain a ficti-
tious initial temperature that would exist in a combustion chambeI'
whose exit conditions are the same as the inlet conditions T 2 and
TJbf2 of the afterburner. If the temperature at the exit from this
theoretical combustion chamber is increased, Fig. 1-18 gives the
new value of TJb f 4 required to reach the new exit temperature T 4'
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 99

The difference between these two fuel-air ratios TJb (4 - TJb (2 =

TJb (4 - (2) is the amount of fuel ideally required to change (1 + (2)
pounds of gas from the state at the inlet of the afterburner to
(1 + (4) pounds of gas at the required temperature at the exit from
the afterburner. The total actual fuel-air ratio at this point 4 is
expressed as (use different TJb value. if they are not equal)

TJb(4 - (2)
(4 = (2 + - - - -


TJA.B. = After-burning efficiency.

A similar principle can be applied for the use of the gas table for

(1-12.5] Water Injection

One method of augmenting the specific thrust of turbojet engines

is to inject water or a nonfreezing mixture of water and alcohol
into the air entering the compressor of the engine. The evapora-
tion of this injected liquid extracts heat from the air and results.
for the same compressor work input. in a higher compressor
pressure ratio. This increased pressure ratio is reflected through-
out the engine and increases both the mass flow of gases through
the engine and the exhaust-jet velocity; both factors increase the
specific thrust produced by the engine. An analysis of the evapo-
rative cooling process can be conveniently divided into two phases:
(1) the cooling occurring at constant pre ssure before the air enters
the compressor. and (2) the additional cooling associated with
further evaporation during the mechanical compression process.
A specialized psychrometric chart by Wilcox and Trout that per-
mits calculation of the first phase of the constant-pressure evapo-
ration process and a Mollier diagram for air saturated with water
vapor that permits calculation of the second phase of evaporation
during compression are presented here.
The following numerical example is presented to illustrate the
method of using the psychometric chart and the Mollier diagram
to calculate the compressor-outlet conditions for a saturated
compression process. Assume that a compressor having an
adiabatic efficiency TJ c of 0.80 and imparting an enthalpy rise wC a
of 80 Btu per pound of air to the working fluid is operated with
sufficient water injected at the compressor inlet to maintain
saturation at all times. Further, assume that the inlet air has
a relative humidity of 0.50 at a temperature T a of 530 0 R and a
100 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

pressure P a of 14.7 pounds per square inch and that it is desired

to find the compressor outlet pressure P 2' outlet temperature T 2'
outlet water vapor-air ratio X 2 and the amount of water evapora-
ted during the process.
The conditions at the compressor inlet after saturation can be
obtained from the psychrometric chart (Fig. 1-27). For the initial
condition of ambient relative humidity of 0.50. temperature To of
530 0 R. and pressure Po of 14.7 pounds per square inch. the water
vapor-air ratio Xo is 0.0077 and the enthalpy Ho is 100 Btu per
pound of air. Mter saturation at constant pressure, from Fig. 1-27.
the temperature Tl is 519 0 R, the water vapor-air ratio Xl is 0.016,
and the enthalpy H1 is 100 Btu per pound of air .



H-.oe L

H- O]
150 .06

125 .IX

.03 [j

400 500 600 800 !J()() I(}()(J
Dry-bulb ;t:f'fJ>I:f"c'urt:.1t
Fig. 1- 27 (After E. C. Wilcox & A. M. Trout, NACA TR 1006),

From the Mollier diagram (Fig. 1-28). for a temperature T 1

of 519 0 R and a pressure P l of 14.7 pounds per square inch. the
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 101

entropy 8 1 is 0.10 Btu/(lb.air) (0 R). By increasing the enthalpy

at constant entropy by an amount equal to the ideal work of com-
pression, the actual pressure at the compressor outlet may be
read from the diagram. The ideal work of compression is

We. = Tie We = O.SO x so = 64<Btu/lb. air)



H 2 , = HI + we. = 100 + 64 = 164<Btu/lb. air>'

The value of pressure read from the diagram at an enthalpy of
164 Btu per pound of air and an entropy of 0.10 Btu/ (lb. air) (0 R) is

P2 = 70.7 <lb. 10").

The enthalpy at the compressor outlet is equal to the enthalpy at

the inlet plus the actual enthalpy change, or

H2 = HI + we = 100 + SO = ISO <Btu lIb. air).

From the Mollier diagram, at a pressure of 70.7 pounds per square
inch and an enthalpy of 180 Btu per pound of air, the values of
temperature and water vapor-air ratio at the compressor outlet

and X2 0.0583.

The amount of water evaporated is

X2 - Xo = (Xl - Xo) + (X 2 - Xl) = .0029 + 0.0477 = 0.0506 <lbH 20/lb. air>.

The amount of water vapor represented by (X 1 - Xo) is that evap-

orated at the inlet prior to compression and the amount (X 2 - Xl)
represents that water evaporated during the mechanical compres-
sion process.
The fuel-air ratio f required for a given temperature rise is
approximately the same as obtained when the air-water mixture
is treated as pure air. However, since the thermodynamic
properties of Cp, k and R are changed slightly by the presence of
water vapor, the modified values of C p , k, and R sometimes may
be used in the turbine expansion and jet nozzle expansion equa-
tions. The small corner chart in Fig. 1-28 gives such change of
thermodynamic properties at 1650 0 R. Although the actual values
of C p and k vary with temperature, the values given in Fig. 1-28
can be used for appreciable temperature range with neglibible
error because of the compensating manner in which C p and
k enter the equations for an expansion process.
102 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion







r:; ,
250 , /' ,

,~ 240 I~ ...
j ><I
" I/'-> ,
" j):I ,
... f,( , L~ "yj~; ~ /, I'->(. ;. / I "";f'.. " .125
.W I h-.... X / 1';< ." :/'7'- / 1;7 ' 'h,I(..!/ " .120
220 ~ " ~
, ,,(/:')f.... .!'l';:1:... ~,,~ "/ ~ '.,.7, .115
~ .if' f."Q' , ~' ~ ht:. J/ '... 'f'--,.(/ ! / '7' "oJ
~ 210 L~, ~~ a v. J<.' , . "'" ;,0;, :T'j
t ho"y(..

.s " "', ,f-.- v~/:/r--. ~t 1/ Ir'-h,( .105











I -

.04.06 .08 ./0 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24 ,26 ,28 ,30 .32 .34 .36 .38 .40 42 .44
entropy, 8rv/(ID OU')('RI

Fig. 1- 28 (After E. C. Wilcox and A. M. Trout, NACA TR 1006).

[1-12.6] Pressure Loss in Various Components

1) Burner pressure loss, Burner momentum pressure loss can

be calculated through Eq. (1-148a), However, for most appl1cations
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 103

of gas turbine or jet engines calculations, a representative value of

3% of the burner inlet total pressure loss could be assumed, without
the necessity of going through the calculations.
2) Intercooler, reheater, and regenerator pressure loss. Calcu-
lation of pressure loss in intercooler, reheater and regenerator
depends on their respective configurations. Without a specific con-
figuration, one may assume a loss of 3 to 5% of inlet total pressure
in each component. It is to be remembered here that although total
pressure is lost, total enthalpy always remains the same. For this
reason, the thermodynamic states of "with" and "without" pressure
loss are always "at the same enthalpy H". We will see the horizon-
tal shift to a lower pressure line at the same enthalpy H (for actual
intercooler. burner. reheater. regenerator, etc.) on all h-s diagrams
with pressure losses.

[1- 13. 1] Output, Input and Thermal Efficiency

The net output wnet of a gas turbine engine per pound of working
fluid (air) is equal to the difference between summation of all turbine
work wT and summation of all compressor work we' i.e.,

Here f is the actual amount of fuel flow per pound of air flow.
Since the energy input to the engine is equal to 'T/b fh *, the thermal
efficiency'T/ becomes
'T/ =-- (1-203)

[1- 13.2] Jet Thrust

Jet thrust Fj' which is equal to the change in momentum of air

passing through the engine. canbe expressed,fornozzle of complete
eXp'ansion, as:


and, for nozzle of partial expansion, as:

104 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Fj = Jet thrust in pounds
Wa = Air flow in pounds per second
- = Jet thrust per unit weight of working fluid (air)
f = Total fuel-air ratio of the engine, #fuel/#air
Vj = Jet velocity by complete expansion to ambient pressure Pa'
in ft. per second.
V0 = Aircraft speed, in ft. per second.
g = Gravity constant = 32.2 ft./sec 2
Ve = Jet velocity at nozzle exit for a partial expansion nozzle.
in ft./sec.
Ae = Exit area of partial expansion nozzle in ft2.
Pe = static pressure at nozzle exit of partial expansion nozzle
in lb./ft 2.
Pa = Ambient pressure in Ib./ft2.

[1- 13.3] Propeller Thrust

The thrust horsepower THP p of a propeller is equal to propeller-

turbine's brake-horsepower BHPp times propeller and reduction gear
efficiency 1Jp ; namely.

THP p = 1Jp BHPp . (1-206)

The thrust horsepower THP p is equal to:

Propeller Thrust F p x Airplane Velocity V0

THP = (1-207)
p 550

therefore. the propeller thrust Fp can be written as:

5501Jp BHPp
Fp =

Fp) = 5501J p <BHP p/W a>

( (1-208)
Wa Vo

It is to be remembered here that the driving thrust for aircraft

powered by turbine-propeller engine is developed mainly by the
propeller thrust Fp plus an augmented jet thrust Fj from the
Fundamentals oj Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 105

exhaust gases. Therefore. the total thrust fi' of a turbine-propeller

engine is equal to:


[1-1304] Specific Fuel Consumption

1) Thrust specific fuel consumption (T_S.F.C.) for jet propulsion

engines is defined as the quotient of fuel flow (in pounds per hours)
and thrust. It gives the fuel consumption in pounds per hour per
pound of jet thrust produced. It can be expressed as:
3600 f
ToSoFoCo = (1-210)
<F/W a )

2) Brake specific fuel consumption (B.S.F .C.) of gas turbine en-

gine is defined as the fuel consumption in pounds per hour per net
brake horsepower output BHP of the engine.
3600 f 3600 f
BoSoFoCo ;=
<BHP/W a ) WNet (778/550)

Substituting Eq. (1-203) into Eq. (1-211). one obtains:

BoSoFoCo = (3600 x
778 h*
550)(l)_ TJ

Therefore. the higher the thermal efficiency. the lower the B.S.F .C.;
one is inversely proportional to the other.


In order to give two typjcal numerical examples for illustration
of the previously discussed unit processes. the gas table method
was chosen for simplicity and convenience. Two examples will be
given. one for the basic gas turbine cycle and one for the basic
turbojet cycle.

[1-1401] Gas Table

Thermodynamic calculations based on ideal or perfect gas with

constant specific heats usually results in some errors when
106 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

temperature increases involved are large. To eliminate the

use of variable specific heat equations for each individual cal-
culation, Keenan and Kaye have tabulated in the book. Gas Table,
the properties of air and certain combustion gas mixtures against
temperature. A brief description of the derivation and the use of
some of the tables are presented here.
The properties of gas given in Gas Table are based on the
assumption that the specific heats, consequently the internal
energy E and enthalpy H. are functions of temperature T and
temperature T only. Hence, the presentation of these properties
consists of a table with the single argument, temperature T. The
base temperature To' for which enthalpy H is zero, is taken to be
zero on the Rankine temperature scale. Entropies cannot simply be
presented with temperature T alone as an argument, since en-
tropy is a function of pressure P as well as temperature T. From
Eq. (1-23) and (1-24), if the base temperature To for which the
entropy is zero is taken as zero on the Rankine temperature scale,
one obtains:

8 =. (T Cp dT _ RJ: P dP = (T Cp dT _ R In (~)
Jo T Po P 10 T Po

so change of entropy between any two states, say states 1 and 2,

can be expressed as:

82 - 81 = [
T2 C p -dT
- i
C p -dT
- R In (P
- 2)

The quantity

= i o
T dT

is given in the gas table as a function of temperature. The change

of entropy now may be written as:


where the value of is obtained directly from the gas table and
the quantity R In(P 2 /P 1) is computed.
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 107

For an isentropic process, one has:

= ![T Cp
dT (1-23)

\ Vo
= In(PO)p =R_ !IT

from which it is seen that ratios WIP o) and (vivo) are a function of
temperature only. The ratio (PIPo) = Pr is called the relative
pressure, and the ratio (vivo) = vr is called the relative volume.
They are given in the gas table as functions of temperature T only.
From Eqs. (1-23) and (1-55), one sees that the ratios (PliP2)
and (v1lv2) corresponding to the temperatures Tl and T2. respec-
tively, along a particular isentropic process. are equal to the
relative pressures P r1 and P r2 and the ratio of the relative volumes
vri and vr2 respectively. or

(p~ (Prl\ (1-217)

P;}s=const. = P r2)

( Vl\
v 2)s =Const. =
v r2

The gas table consists of six columns. The first column gives
the temperature on the Rankine scale. The following columns
give the corresponding values of enthalpy h in Btu/lb-m. relative
pressure. internal energy (Btu/lb-m). relative volume. and the
quantity in Btu/lb-mo R. in that order. The following two examples
illustrate the use of the gas table. They are taken directly from
the text of Gas Table by Keenan and Kaye.

[1-14.2] Example 1: Gas Turbine Analysis

Air is compressed isentropically in steady flow from 1 atm and

50 F abs to 5 atm. Liquid octane at 520 F abs is introduced into the
stream of compressed air at such a rate that the resultant mixture
contains 300% theoretical air. The octane burns completely at
constant pressure. and the products of combustion expand isen-
tropically to 1 atm. Find the efficiency.
108 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

1) Compressor compression. Let subscripts 1 and 2 refer to

states at inlet and outlet of the compressor, respectively. Then
from Table 1 of Keenan and Kaye we have
Tl 520 o R, hI = 124.27, P'1 = 1.2147
5 821.6R, h2 197.07
P'2 - x 1.2147 = 6.074, T2 = =
Table I-A. States in the Gas Turbine <Fig. 1-29)

Gas Table T h Tz
P, P
Number F abs Btullb Btullb-mole atm

1 1 520 124.27* 3.600.1* 1.2147

2 1 821.6 197.07* 5.709.1* 6.074 5
3 4, 7 794.7 192.23* 5,660.2 5
4 4,7 2,308.9 609.71 17,610.4 365.4 5
5 4, 7 1.568.6 397.41 11,478.3 73.08 1

*Base state is a fuel-air mixture. Where values of these properties are not so marked,
the base state is a mixture of air and products of complete combustion.

2) Mixing. Application of the first law of Thermodynamics to

the adiabatic process of mixing liquid octane and air shows that
the enthalpy of the resultant air-fuel mixture is equal to the sum
of the enthalpies of the air and the fuel before mixing. To evaluate
the temperature of the mixture of air and octane vapor, a common
base state is selected from which the enthalpies of the mixture and
of the components may be reckoned.
In Gas Table 1 of Keenan and Kaye, the enthalpy of air is zero
at 0 F abs. Using an analogous convention, we may fix the enthalpy
of octane vapor at zero at 0 F abs. Data relative to this base have
been published by the Bureau of Standards for hydrocarbons. The
enthalpy of liquid octane as obtained from these data is given with
satisfactory precision over a range of temperatures centering on
500 F abs by the equation

hf = 0.5 T - 287 BTU/#

where hf denotes the enthalpy of a pound of liquid octane at the

temperature TO F abs. The effect of pressure on enthalpy may be
safely ignored in problems involving combustion.
The theoretical fuel-air ratio for octane (C8 H18) is 0.06621
based on the composition of air used in constructing Gas Table 1
of Keenan and Kaye. Then for 300% theoretical air, each pound of
fuel-air mixture contains 0.0216 lb. of fuel and 0.9784 lb. of air.
The enthalpy of each pound of liquid fuel at 520 F abs based on
vapor at 0 F abs is

hf = 0.5 x 520 - 287 -27 BTU/lb.

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 109

Wf -+--r--I---I

I--~---+--+--+""Net work


Wo + Wf
Compressor Turbine

Fig. 1-29

The enthalpy of the fuel-air mixture based on a state having the

same chemical aggregation is then

h3 = 0.0216 (-27) + 0.9784 x 197.07 192.23 BTU/lb

h3 = 192.23 x 29.445 = 5660.2 BTU/lh-mole

where subscript 3 refers to the state immediately after mixing

and 29.445 is the molecular weight of the mixture. The tempera-
ture of this mixture is obtained by linear extrapolation, on the
basis of percent of theoretical fuel. with the aid of Gas Tables
4 and 7 of Keenan and Kaye. From Table B on page 206 of Gas
Table by Keenan and Kaye. a mixture of air and octane vapor for
28% theoretical fuel corresponds closely to a products table for
50% theoretical fuel. From the value of h3 we get from Table 7
of Keenan and Kaye. for 28% theoretical fuel. T3 = 797.8; from
Table 4 of Keenan and Kaye. for 14% theoretical fuel, T3 = 805.9.
Hence. for 33.33% theoretical fuel. we have, by extrapolation,

T3 = 797.8 + 33.33 - 28 (797.8 _ 805.9) = 794.7R_

28 - 14
3) Combustion. Application of the first law to the process of
adiabatic combustion between states 3 and 4 (Fig. 1-29) results
in the equation

where h3 and h4 represent the enthalpy per pound for reactants

and products of combustion. respectively. The base states for h3
and h4 must, of course. be the same.
The values of enthalpy used above in the calculation of the
mixing process are based on an enthalpy of zero for gaseous
reactants at 0 0 F abs. The values of enthalpy given in Tables 4
110 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsian
and 7 of Keenan and Kaye, on the other hand, are based on enthalpy
of zero for gaseous products of combustion at 0 F abs. If the
enthalpy of the reactants is to be reckoned from this latter or
products base, the values on the reactants base must be augmented
by the increase in enthalpy when products at 0 F abs are changed
to reactants at 0 F abs. This quantity is the negative of the en-
thalpy of combustion at 0 F abs and is equal to the constant-
pressure "heat of combustion" at 0 F abs.
For octane, the enthalpy of combustion per pound of fuel at
0 F abs, hRP o ' is constant over the range from 0 to 100% theo-
retical fuel and is given by

hRP O = hp o - hRo = -19,328 BTU/lb. of octone

where hRo and hpo denote the enthalpy at 0 F abs of the reactants
and of the products, respectively, per pound of octane.
Values of the enthalpy per pound of reactants on the reactants
base must therefore be augmented by the negative of hRPo multi-
plied by the fraction of a pound of octane in each pound of reactants,
that is, by

Wa + wf
1+ f

where Wf and Wa denote the mass rate of fuel and air, respectively.
Hence, the enthalpy of the fuel-air mixture before combustion at
state 3, reckoned from the products base, is given by

h3 = 192.23 + 0.0216 x 19,328 = 609.71 BTU/lb.

Since the enthalpies at states 3 and 4 are equal,

h4 = 609.71 BTU/lb.

where h4 is reckoned from the products base state, then

h4 = 609.71 x 28.883 = 17,610.4 BTU/lb.-mole

where 28.883 is the molecular weight of the mixture found by inter-

polation from Table 9 of Keenan and Kaye. This value of h4 and a
table of enthalpies for products of combustion for 300% theoretical
air will yield the temperature at state 4 at the exit of the combus-
tion chamber, because there is no change in chemical aggregation
for such a mixture between the products base state and state 4.
Since, however, a table for products of combustion for 300%
theoretical fuel, between Tables 4 and 7 of Keenan and Kaye,
yields a value for the temperature as follows: from Table 4 of
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 111

Keenan and Kaye for 25% theoreticalfuel, T4 = 2322.5; from Table 7

of Keenan and Kaye for 50% theoretical fuel, T4 = 2281.7. Hence,
for 33.33% theoretical fuel, we get

T4 = 2322.5 + 33.33 - 25 (2281.7 - 2322.5) = 230B.9R.

50 - 25

Similarly, for the relative pressure at state 4, we get

361 + 33.35 - 25 (374.3 _ 361) = 365.4.

Pr4 = 50 _ 25

4) Expansion. For isentropic expansion from 5 atm to 1 atm,

we find the relative pressure at state 5 from that at state 4:

Pr = Pr X - = 73.0B.
5 4 5

The temperature and enthalpy at state 5 are found by linear inter-

polation, with respect to the percentage of theoretical fuel, be-
tween Tables 4 and 7 of Keenan and Kaye. Thus for a value of
Pr of 73.0B, we get, from Table 4 of Keenan and Kaye for 25%
th~oretical fuel, T5 = 1577.7; from Table 7 of Keenan and Kaye for
50% theoretical fuel, T5 = 1550.5. Hence, for 33.33% theoretical

T5 = 1577.7 + 33.35 - 25 <1550.5 - 15.77.7) 1568.6.

50 - 25

A similar calculation for h5 yields

h5 = 397.41.

The shaft work of the turbine per pound of products is now

WT = 609.71 - 397.41 = 212.30 BTU/lb.

5) Performance. The shaft work of the compressor per pound

of products is (from Table I-A):

We = (_1_) (hz - hI) = 0.97B4 x 72.BO = 71.23 BTU/lb.

1 + f

The net work of the gas turbine per pound of products is

WN = 212.3 - 71.2 = 141.1 BTU/lb.

112 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

since the work of compressing the liquid fuel is negligible. The

heating value of the fuel supplied may be taken to be

- (_1_) h* = _ .0216 (-19,256) = 415.9 BTU/lb.

1+ f
where 19,256 is an arbitrarily selected heat of combustion h* for
octane at 25 C. The effieicney of the gas turbine is then

= 141.1 = 0.339
TJ 415.9

The mixing and combustion processes may be combined and

analyzed as a single process between Secs. 1 and 2 on the one
hand, and Sec. 4 on the other. Then the values for Sec. 3 need
not be determined.
If the products of combustion were treated as air in this ex-
ample, the calculations for combustion and expansion would have
been greatly simplified. Table 1 of Keenan and Kaye would have
been used in place of Tables 4 and 7 of Keenan and Kaye; no con-
versions to molal quantities and no interpolation between these
tables would have been necessary. The temperature found at
state 4 would have been 2374 F abs, an error of 65 degrees, and
the efficiency would have been 0.349, an error of about 3%.

1-14.3 Example 2: Turbojet Analysis

A turbojet is to be designed for a speed of 400 mph at an altitude

of 30,000 feet (Fig. 1-30). Air is diffused isentropic ally from a
relative velocity of 400 mph at Sec. 1, the entrance to the diffuser,
to zero velocity at Sec. 2, the exit of the diffuser. The air is then
compressed isentropically in steadyflowthroughafourfoldincrease
in pressure from Sec. 2 to Sec. 3. Liquid octane at 500 F abs is

Diffuser Nozzle
Compressor Turbine

Fig. 1-30
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 113
introduced into the stream of compressed air at such a rate that
the resultant homogeneous mixture at Sec. 4 contains 25% theo-
retical fuel. The octane burns completely at constant pressure,
and the products of combustion leave the combustion chamber at
Sec. 5. Next, the products expand Isentropic ally through a turbine
to that pressure at Sec. 6 which results in equality of power output
from the turbine and power input to the compressor. Finally, the
products expand reversibly and adiabatically through a nozzle to
atmospheric pressure at Sec. 7.
Calculate the efficiency of the power plant. Solution.
Table I-B. States in the Turbojet (Fig. 1-30)

State Gas Table T h h P V

Number F abs Btu/lb. Btu/lb.-mole in. Hg ft.lsec.

1 1 412 98.41 2,850.9 0.5386 8.88 586.7

2 1 440.73 105.28 3,050.1 0.6815 11.24 0
3 654.9 156.69 4,539.4 2.726 44.95 0
4 1,4 640 153.54 4,502.7 44.95 0
5 4 1,832.3 468.26 13,534.5 133.86 44.95 0
6 4 1,651.1 417.69 12,072.8 87.70 29.45 0
7 4 1,215.8 300.40 8,682.8 26.45 8.88 2423.4

1) Diffusion. The air enters the diffuser with a velocity of

400 mph or 586.7 ft./sec., a temperature of 412 F abs, and a
pressure of 8.88 in. Hg. For zero exit velocity, application of
the first law results in
98.41 + - - - - . : . - - - 105.28 BTU/lb.

where the numerical value for hI is obtained from Table 1 of Keenan

and Kaye at T 1 Table 1 of Keenan and Kaye at H2 now gives

T4 = 440.73"R, and P2 = 11.2.

These values are summarized here in Table 1-B of states of the

2) Compression. The work of isentropic compression in steady
flow is the increase in enthalpy across the compressor if the veloci-
ties are small. state 3 at the exit of the compressor is identified
through the relative pressure (Table 1) of Keenan and Kaye.

Pr3 = 4 Pr2 = 4 x 0.6815 = 2.726.

Hence, T3 is 654.93 R and h3 is 156.69Btu/lb. of air. The work of

compression is given by
114 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

We = h3 - h2 = 51.40 BTU/lb. of air

3) Mixing and combustion. The same technique is used here as

in Example 1, on the gas turbine analysis. The results are given
here in Table I-B of the states of the turbojet.

4) Turbine expansion. The equality of compressor power and
turbine power is given by

(h3 - h2) = Wf) (h5 - h6) = (1 + f) (h5 - hs)

where wf and Wa denote the mass rate of flow of fuel and air, respec-
tively, and h6 is the only unknown.
5) Nozzle expansion. For steady flow through the nozzle,
V1 2 = 2g (h6 - h7).
Since the nozzle expansion is isentropic, the relative pressure (from
Table 4) of Keenan and Kaye at the exit of the nozzle determines
state 7 as follows:
87.70 133.86 8.88 26.45
87.70 44.95

h7 = 300.4 BTU/lb.
Hence the velocity V7 leaving the nozzle is

V7 = v50,073(417.69 - 300.4) = 2423.4 fUsee.

6) Performance. The thrust for a mass flow of one pound of

air per second is given by the momentum equation in the form
T (1+f) V7 V1
Wa g g

The propulsive work for a mass flow of one pound of air per
second is
W T x V1

The propulsive efficiency, the ratio of the propulsive work to the

heating value of the fuel burned in the same period of time, is
given by
V 1 [(1 + n V7 - V 1]
586.7 [(2423.4/0.9837) - 586.7]
= 0.138.
32.174[<0.01628/0.9837) (19,256) (778.16)]
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Aerothermodynamics 115

1. Shapiro, A.H.: Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compress-
Fluid, Ronald Press, 1954.
2. Keenan, J.H.: Thermodynamics, John Wiley & Sons, 1941.
3. Lee, J.F. and F.W. Sears: Thermodynamics,Addison-Wesley,
4. Liepmann, H.W. and A.E. Puckett: Introduction to Aero-
dynamics of a Compressible Fluid, John Wiley & Sons, 1947.
5. Keenan, J.H. and J. Kaye: Gas Tables, John Wiley & Sons, 1945.
6. Condon, E.V. and H. Odishaw: Handbook of Physics,McGraw-
7. Sorenson, H.A.: Gas Turbines, Ronald Press, 1951.
8. Trout, Arthur M. and Eldon W. Hall: Method for Determining
Optimum Division of Power Between Jet and Propeller for
Maximum Thrust Power of a Turbine-Propeller Engine,
NACA TN 2178, 1950. ..
9. Hensley, Reece V.: Theoretical Augmentation of Turbine-
Propeller Engine by Compressor-Inlet Water-injection, Tail-
Pipe Burning, and Their Combination, NACA TN 2672, 1952.
10. Dobrowolski, Andrzej: Analysis of Nonconstant Area Com-
bustion and Mixing in Ramjet and Rocket-Ramjet Hybrid
Engines, NASA TN 0-3626, 1966.
11. Inman, Robert M.: Theoretical Investigation of Turbulent
Liquid-Metal Heat Transfer in Channels with Heat Sources
in the fluid, 1966.
12. Lundin, Bruce T.: Theoretical Analysis of Various Thrust-
Augmentation Cycles for Turbojet Engines, NACA 981, 1950.
13. Pinkel, Benjamin and Irving M. Karp: A Thermodynamic
study of the Turbine-Propeller Engine, NACA 1114, 1953.
14. and : A ThermodynamiC study of the Turbojet
Engine, NACA 891, 1947.
15. Wilcox, Clinton and Arthur M. Trout: Analysis of Thrust
Augmentation of Turbojet Engines by Water Injection at
Compressor Inlet Including Charts for Calculating Compres-
sion Processes with Water Injection, NACA 1006, 1951.
16. Bittker, David A.: Comparison of Experimental and Kinet-
ically Limited Theoretical Performance of the Hydrogen-
Fluorine Propellant System, NASA TN 0-3607.
17. Allison, Dennis 0.: Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties
of Arbitrary Gas Mixtures with Modified Vibrational-Rota-
tional Corrections, NASA TN 0-3538.
18. Newman, Perry A. and Dennis O. Allison: Direct Calculation
of SpecifiC Heats and Related Thermodynamic Properties of
Arbitrary Gas Mixtures with Tabulated Results, NASA TN
0-3540, 1966.
19. Loh, W.H.T.: Analytical Solutions for Rotary Matrix Wire
Screen Heat Exchangers, Journal of the Franklin Institute,
272:3, September 1961.
116 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
20. - - : UCLA "Jet Propulsion" classnotes.
21. - - : SMU "Advanced Propulsion Technology" classnotes.
22. - - : Hydraulic Analogue for One Dimensional Unsteady Gas
DynamiCS. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 269: 1. January
23. - - : Hydraulic Analogy for Two Dimensional and One
Dimensional Flows. Journal Aero-Space Sci., 26. pp. 389-390
24. - - : TCU "Jet Propulsion and Gas Turbine" classnotes.
25. - - : "Advanced Lectures on Propulsion Series" given at
Convair and Chance Vaught.
Part Two
Jet Propulsion
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis of Gas Turbines
and Air-breathing Propulsion Systems
W.H.T. LOH, Manager
Science and Technology,
Space Division,
North American Rockwell Corporation
Downey, California


Air-breathing propulsion systems include turbojet, turboprop,

ducted fan, ramjet, ducted rocket, nuclear jet, pulse jet, and their
many variations with intercooling, reheat, regeneration, after-
burning, and water injection. These air-breathing propulsion sys-
tems can best be analyzed through thermodynamic cycle analysis.
The fundamentals of thermodynamic cycle analysis were already
described in detail in Chapter 1 through the various unit processes
and through the two illustrative examples using the gas table.
However, in order to provide clarity in certain special cases when
such clarity is required, the application of the unit processes to
such propulsion systems will be given here, although detailed
procedures within each unit process will still be omitted (here
readers should refer to Chapter 1).


In analyzing gas turbine and jet propulsion engines, it is con-
venient to use the following sketch and symbol for each engine
component. In making calculations, it is always convenient to use
the unit processes based on one pound of air flow per second through
the system. Subscripts "a" and "i" indicate "actual" and "isen-
tropic" process respectively. A number with a prime, such as
1', 2', 3',4', etc., indicates the fictitious "isentropic" or "ideal"
state of a gas, while a number without a prime such as 1, 2, 3,4,
120 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

etc . indicates the corresponding "actual" state of gas. Capital

letters such as T, P, p, H, indicate stagnation properties ofthe gas,
while small letters such as t, p, p, h, indicate static properties of
the gas.

Associated Terminology
Component Sketch Symbol and Its Symbols

Diffuser efficiency
H2' - hI
1. Diffuser
/ 'riD =
H2 - hI

or D
Inlet Diffuser total pressure

loss = (L\;)D

Compression ratio
= C.R.

D C Compressor efficiency
2. Compressor
= 'rie
Compressor work
= We

Intercooler effective-
ness = 'ri 1

3. Intercooler 0 I Intercooler total

pressure loss

= e:),
Combustion efficienc.v
or burner
efficiency = 'rib
Fuel air ratio = f

Combustion chamber
4. Combusion

total pressure loss
or Burner
Heating value of fuel
= h*
Heat supplied per
pound of gas = Q
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 121

Associated Terminology
Component Sketch Symbol
and Its Symbols
Turbine Expansion
Ratio " E.R.

Turbine efficiency
5. Turbine T
Turbine work per
pound of gas " W T

6. Reheater 0
or B Same as burner

Regenerator effective-

ness" TI x
7. Regenerator X Regenerator total
pressure loss
= (~)x

8. After burner 0 B Same as burner

Nozzle efficiency
" TI N
9. Nozzle or
Jet "/ N
Nozzle total pressure

loss " (i\:)N


10. Propeller or
~ -
Propeller efficiency
" TIp

Ducted Fan F
Fan efficiency = TIp

Primary Flow with
11. Rocket
c::::>< R subscript p
Secondary Flow with
subscript s


Based on the above symbols and sketches, the following
representations may be made on various gas turbine engine

h-s Diagram and
Gas Turbine Unit Process Required t:...
Sketches Symbols from One State to ......
Configurations ~

the Next
Isentropic ......
Basic Gas '~, (CBT);
Actual , " ~
, ~
<CBT) a .....
'?> ~

Isentropic \:I
One Intercooling (CICBT); ~
Gas Turbine
' ~.
.Actual ttl
; c : o. .....
(CICBT)a " (I)
~y ~

Two Intercooling (CICICBT); .....
Gas Turbine '~. .w.
Actual e
(CICICBT)a . / 1\
h-s Diagram and
Unit Process Required
Gas Turbine Sketches Symbols from One St ate to
Configur ations the Next

Isentrop ic
I sothermal (CICI . . .. CBTl; I--:l
Intercoo ling "'"
'~--'M' Actual
Gas Turbine (CICI ... . CBTla
1,4 ~
, ~
Isentrop ic , , ....~
. .... (")
(CBTBT l ; l' 2 ".
4 6#
One Reheatin g '~. r n
Gas Turbine Actual ~
1 (")
(cBTBT l a
~ -(I:>

Isentrop ic ~
(CBTBT BTl; :l'2 i . 6,6 :
Two Rehe at ing
r:, ~

Gas Turbine '~ .

Isentrop ic
Isotherm al (CBTBT . . . . BTl;
Reheatin g
, ~..... ~, Actual I,~
(CBTBT ... . BTla N
Gas Turb,i ne
h-s Diagram and
Gas Turbine Unit Process Required <:....
Sketches Symbols (1)
Configurations from One State to .....
the Next
Isentropic ~ 6 :
One Intercooling (CICBTBTl i
and One Reheating ~ ~
Gas Turbine ' ~. Actual
~~ 7: .....
(CICBTBTl a ~ Y.t ~
0 is''
" ~
Two Intercooling (CICICBTBTBTl; o 8 I~' 12
~nt ?'
and Two Reheating ' ~? Actual
6 ." , '1 (1)
Gas Turbine (CICICBTBTBTl a (")
L </.l 0)1 .....

Isentropic C
I sothermal Inter- (ClCIC .. . . ICBTBT
cooling and Iso-
.... BTl; C/)
thermal Reheating ....
'~~=l:f Actual 0
Gas Turbine ~
(CKIC .. . ICBTBT ? 1
. . .. BTl a
h- s Diagrams and
Gas Turbine Unit Proces s Required
Ske tc he s Symbo l s
Configurations from One State to
the Next

Rege ne rat ion with (C BTX)i ~

Basic Gas Turbine '~ Actua l ~


I se ntropic <.c
Regeneration with (C ICBTX)i
. , (I:>
One Intercooling Ac tu a l . ,<,, 7'
Gas Turbine ~
'~t (CIC BTX)a ~, .
. 8'
: \.- : ~
J I <.c
~ !

I sentropic
Regene ration with (C BTBTX)i
One Reheat ing Ac tua l
Gas Turbine ' ~~ (CBTBTX)a

h-s Diagrams and

Gas Turbine
Sketches Symbols United Process Required
Configurations from One State to
the Next ~
Regeneration with Isentropic ~
One Intercooling (CICBTBTX)i
and One Reheating Actual
Gas Turbine '~t (CICBTBTX) a


Isentropic ~
Regeneration with 7:
Two Intercooling [
and Two Reheating Actual -'\""#
'~t ~
Gas Turbine (CICICBTBTBTX) a .....
,.. ,. (")


Regeneration with Isentropic d

Isothermal Inter- (CICI . ... CBTB ~
... TX)i C/)
cooling and Iso- ....
thermal Reheating Actual ~
Gas Turbine (CICI .... CBTB
,~ I

. ... TX)a
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 127

Pressure drop in burners, intercoolers, reheaters, regen-

ators, and after-burners is being neglected in the h-s diagrams
for simplicity of illustration of basic thermodynamic processes
involved. Dotted line indicates "isentropic," while solid line
indicates "actual."
Unit process required to calculate from one state to the next
is indicated by the following symbols marked in the middle of each
process involved. Refer to these processes in Chapter 1 for methods
of calculation.

b Compressor compression, pp. 75-77

c = Intercooling, pp. 87-92
d Combustion, pp. 78-80
e = Turbine expansion, pp. 81-84
f Reheating (including the amount of fuel required for reheat
in the cycle analysis), pp. 92- 95
g Regeneration, pp. 95-96
h After-burning, pp. 96-97
j Water injection, pp. 97-100
m = Net work output Wnet
Tf = Thermal effiCiency and B.S.F .C.

3600 ~f
Wnet (778)

The results of thermodynamic cycle analysis were plotted in

Figs. 2-1 and 2-2. Figure 2-1 shows thermal efficiency and
B. S. F. C. (brake specific fuel consumption in fuel per hour per
brake horsepower) of various gas turbine engines versus com-
pression ratio, while Fig. 2-2 shows Net Work Wnet (in Btu/lb. air
per sec.) versus compreSSion ratio. It is to be noticed that both
Tf and Wnet curves in Figs. 2-1 and 2-2 have peak values of Tf and
Wnet , occurring at certain values of compression ratio. This
maximum thermal efficiency and maximum net work may be
obtained analytically in the case of constaQ-t specific heat analysis
by differentiating the thermal efficiency expression or net work
expression (which should be put in terms of compression ratio)
with respect to compression ratio and setting it equal to zero. For
example, for (CBTl a systems, Fig. 2-3, the compressor work and
compressor exit temperature are, respectively:
0 .2

6 ;'"
0: ~
J: C
<l. ~
J: <':l"'
0 .3 III (\)
..... .....
~ ..J
!: 0.4 c ~
,. .~ ~
u ii. .....
~ 0.5
u ~ ~
c ..;:
:: 0
w u
0 .6
0.7 IL S
u ~
.1 0 .8
.... 0.9 u ~
1.0 .
1.5 ~ ~
2 .0 ~ ~
Ui .....
- 1

- 20
6 9 10 20 30 40 so 60 ...
Compress i on Ratio
Fig. 2 -I Effect of compression ratio on thennal efficiency and brake specific fuel consumption for compressor-intercooler-burner-turbine-regen-
erator combination. Net work curves are same for with or without regeneration.
Net W.!k cu,ve ..Le w;th
I ..
"\y ..
400 r---- NOTE, 'O--;;~
or without regenerator
(,'0"\ ..
-- ..
350 ..
300 ..
.......... lS---I); _-::1--
...... -f- lCB1S_ _ 400
"":-= ......
.. ........... ;.:. .-1
~ ...... ;;'" ~
250 --- U
)_ 3Oocf...,,- -.--
~ ~C6\ ~., . , .-'- .
'" ,0 ,0- 0 , " .". .... . - . - . . - __ -
'" ~
--_--1-- --1lCIC~I!T4--
--- (CICI----~l)1 300 "< C
"< 200 III
III ",.' ,"""1---..... _--- ._ ..J
--- --- (CBTBT)-
0:::0 ,0 ., _f--'" _----- ...--=- -.- ---r--,'--- :,....
.... ........ . . .. . . ~::- :,... ",.- - ~ .. I-"'''''--- _____ ----- ----i!flllli._ III
,0 ..................::.-::1-..:"- ~
,0' .".:"'............. " ~-:;. _-t-- __ _. ___________ -l!
--_ ICICBTJT) 0 ~
~ ...... ~~ .. ~~ ::=:-- - (C\CSTBTX) ~
~ ,0' ,~ ..... ~~-::_ -----I (CST). ("')
100 z
. ... ~~ ~~- _r-- (CBTBTX)o <.G
~~ -~ ~
(CICSTX) 1& 100 .....
0' ~~--
50 o
CICST)o t--
po- --- L~T)o ~
r----- (CBr)
T\:5000R P,-,OPSI-PE ~<l ~
IT 3 2000 R 'TIt;, t, I( 0.8 ~~ ...

-100 1 I I I
9 10 20 30 40 50 60

Compression. Ratio

Fig. 2- 2 Effect of compression ratio on net work and brake horsepower per pound air per sec. for compressor-intercooler--bumer--turbine-regen- .....
erator combinations. In this set of curves the net work vs. compression ratio is the same with or without regeneration, i.e., CBT is same as ~
CBTX, etc.
130 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Fig. 2- 3

Wo c~:{(::? - 1]

T2 T1 {I ~::{ 1] }.
+ ,: -

The amount of heat added is

The turbine work is

Therefore, the net work and thermal efficiency become:

Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 131

Wnet WT - We cpT 3TJT 1-

k -1
c~~{(::{ -lJ
(::) ~

Cp T 3TJT 1-
k - 1
C~:l ~::{ _1]
(::) k

1 :e ~(::) -lJ1
CpT3 - CpT1 .1 + k

For constant T1 (compressor inlet temperature). T3 (turbine inlet

temperature), TJ e (compressor efficiency), TJT (turbine efficiency),
both Wnet and TJ are in terms of compression ratio (P2/P1). When
differentiate Wnet , for example, with respect to (P2/P1) and set equal
to zero, one obtains:



It is to be noticed here that the maximum net work and maximum

thermal efficiency [consequently minimum specific fuel consump-
tion; see Eq. (1-212)] occur at different compression ratios.
Maximum net work occurs at a lower compression ratio than
132 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

maximum efficiency. Therefore, if a gas turbine is aimed at

maximum net work rather than thermal efficiency or fuel economy,
it should be designed in the neighborhood of (P2/Pl)W How-
net max

ever, if it is aimed at maximum effiCiency or fuel economy, it

should be designed at a high compression ratio near (P 2 /P 1)
1'] max.

value. It is also to be noticed that because of the flat nature near

the peak value of Wnet and 1f' other factors such as weight, size,
and compressor stages, may affect the selection of optimum com-
pression ratio. Eqs. (2-1) and (2-2) give the locus of (P 2 /P 1) W
net max .

and Wnetmax. for other values of T3 or T1. Increase of turbine inlet

temperature T3 or decrease of compressor inlet temperature T1
increases both the Wnet and 1f' and moves both (P 2 /P 1)w and
net max .

(P 2 /P 1 ) toward a higher compression ratio. From Fig. 2-1,

T] max.

one sees that use of regeneration increases thermal efficiency and

moves (P 2 /P 1 ) to a lower value. Although Fig. 2-2 shows that

Wnet is the same for systems with and without regeneration (be-
cause in this set of calculations, pressure losses through regen-
erators were neglected), actual systems with regeneration always
have less Wnet than systems without regeneration. Addition of
intercooling or reheat or both tend to increase, in general, the
Wnet and 1f' and tend to move (P2/Pl) W and (P 2 /P 1) toward
net max . 7]max.

high compression ratios. Increase of compressor efficiency 1fc and

turbine efficiency 1fT increases both Wnet and 1f and also moves

(P2 /P 1) wand (P 2 /P 1 )w toward high compression ratios.

net max . net max .

When 1fc : 1 and 1fT : 1, the system becomes an isentropic sys-

tem, and Figs. 2-1 and 2-2 show that both thermal effiCiency and
Wnet increase with compression ratio (except those regeneration
systems which approach the Carnot Cycle effiCiency (T3 -T1)IT3).
Figure 2-1 shows that 1f increases continuously with compression
ratio, while Wnet still reaches a Wnet max. at a certain compression
ratio, beyond which Wnet decreases even for the isentropic systems.
This situation can be seen for <CBT)i from Wnet and 1f expressions.
When 1fc: 1 and 1fT: 1, Wnet and 1f expressions reduce to:
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 133


1 -


Equation (2-3) has a maximum at (P 2/P 1) w = (T3 1T 1)kI2(k - 1)

net max .

(because turbine work approaches a fixed value for a given T3 while

compression work increases continuously), while Eq. (2-4) shows
Tf approaches 1 when (P2/P1) approaches infinity. A similar method
can be applied to other gas turbine systems shown in Figs. 2-1 and
2-2 for determination of compressor compression ratio where
Wnetmax. and Tf max. occur respectively.



Based on the previously described symbols and sketches, the

following representations may be made of various air breathing
propulsion systems. Although many variations with intercooling,
reheat, regeneration after-burning and water injection may be
made to each "isentropic" and "actual" basic air breathing pro-
pulsion system similar to those already shown for the gas turbine
cycles, only a few typical "actual" cycles will be shown in the
following list as illustrative examples.

Propulsion h-s Diagram and Unit .....
Systems Sketches Symbols Proc ess Required
for Calculation

Bas ic Turbo- 01
/ ~" "-
(DCBTJ)a :h to . : ' .,..
" I '1 't. ~


Intercooling 0/ 1~.'
"- (DCICBTJ) a : . 6 tl]
Turbo-Jet ~~ ~ , .,..
" I fr~' '\ (\:)

Reheating 01 :~
/ ~. "-' :''' .,..
/ (DCBTBTJ)a :~
;~ : 6...
Turbo-Jet , I rr C/)
h-s Diagram and Unit
Propulsion Sketches Symbols Proc ess Required
for Calculation

Intercooling a nd
0 1 ~'.
Re heat ing Turbo- / " (DCICBTBTJ) a B' :
Jet " / 1.:./ ~9'" ~



After-burning ~
/'A.!o\.~ (')
Turbo-Je t mCBTBJ) a ... .., ~,. / ....
" /
I ~\ (1)


Intercooling and
Reheating Turbo- OI (DCICBTBT BJ) a
/ ~- IO ,
J et with After- "
burning " /
IP1I___________ N

h-s Diagram and Unit ~
Propulsion .....
Systems Sketches Symbols Process Required
for Calculation ~
Basic Turbo- /
,,,- : ..
"- I .... . \
Ol~ (DCBTPJ) a ~
Prop ' 4' :
/ I'.. .r.' ~
" I '
lQ C'
Intercooling Ol ~ ~
/ " (DCICBTPJ)a ,'
Turbo-Prop "- / ~ c: t.' : .
I ~r:/1.' '\. . tll

Reheating 01
/ ~, ..
(DCBTBTPJ) a 6' .
Turbo-Prop , I :' ~
rr ~ ....
Propulsion h.,...s Diagram and Unit
Sketche s Symbols Process Re quired
for Calculation

Intercooling and ~1~,, O mCICBTBTPJ) ii' ji' ~

Reheating Turbo- " ~ a .:,' _ .' . ~
I. / .
Prop ~


" (":l
'i-: ~ )' \c::
Regeneration mCBTPXJ)a i ,. . ' .. .. , . ,
I~ ~
O"/ I~/ ~ : (';)


>. /~y:\
I ntercooling and
Reheating Turbo- 0 ' ~] mCICBTBTPXJ) a
Prop with / 1
Regeneration " / I:v:. ~ ~1

n N
Propulsion h-s Diagram and Unit ~
Sketc hes Symbols Process Required 00
for Calculation
Primary h-s Secondary h-s
Basic Ducted OI~016- .....
/ '
Fan '-~ (oCBTFJ)a
" </>

Primary h-s co

Intercooling and / ~ .. 6 1 10 11
Rehe ating Ol~rl-
'- ,,~ (oCICBTBTFJ)a ~.
O'lcted Fan 8/0
Secondary h-s 'i:l

Propulsion h-sDiagram and Unit
Sketches Symbols Process Required
for Calculation

Primary h- s



Ducted Fan ~
with After- / ' 0 (DCBTFBJl a ~
Burning O'As O~ .....
Secondary h - s
'~ ~
.. r 6 ~


h-s Diagram and Unit c....

Propulsion (':l
Sketches Symbols Process Required ......
Systems for Calculation
o 1 2 l
Basic /0' (DBJ) a
Ram Jet I~. ' ~. J
" / Id0
: ' ....~
Air L oop


, ', ' I " , ....t":j

, (':l
Liquid Metal (")
I~ ......
Cycle Nuclear ;l.
Turbo-Jet ' . Liquid Metal Loop (")
o 1 " .5
/ " "tl
, / ,8:"7'
~ cl
Propulsion h-s Diagram and Unit
Sketches Symbols Process Required
for Calculation

Air Loop ~

I'~ I ~. , ~
Liquid Metal
, ~
Cycle Nuclear
I~ ~
Turbo-Prop ~
1 " ~ Liquid Metal Loop
o/ , \)
/ ~
, 8
I , ..
-7 ~
~ .....


o 1 ? 3
Ducted rocket will be
Ducted Rocket / c:>< "- <DRJ)a treated in Chapter 4. No
, / further discussion will
be given here.

142 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

In addition to those symbols already shown for gas turbine

cycles, the following which are involved in air breathing propulsion
systems are added here.

a = ram compression, pp. 73-75

e1 = turbine expansion required to yield 1 Wc = 1 [<1 + OW T]
i = nozzle expansion and jet thrust, pp. 84-87
k = turbine expansion and propeller thrust, pp. 102-103
k1 = turbine expansion and turbine work available to drive fan =
WTp = 1[<1 + OWT] - 1Wc
h = fan compression work Wcp to satisfy WCF = WTpl Wap ,
here WaF is the airflow through fan, pp. 75-77
i 1 = nozzle expansion for secondary air flow through fan and
fan jet thrust (remembering that WaF pound fan air flow
per pound of primary air flow), p. 101
a1 ran compression for air flow through fan (W ap pounds)
dl combustion or heating of air flow through fan (WaF pounds
secondary air flow for each pound of primary air flow)

The application of unit processes to the above jet propulsion cycles

shown in the table should be straight forward (by using the unit
process given in Chapter 1) except the following notes concerning
application to turboprop and ducted fan cycles.

Note on application of unit processes to Turboprop cycles. As

pointed out in Chapter 1, the thrust Fof a turboprop consists of two
parts, i.e., the thrust from propeller Fp and the thrust from the jet
exhaust F j

O I~
3 "

Fig. 2-4

From Fig. 2-4, the turbine work WT and turbine exit temperature
T 4 are, respectively,
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 143

The propeller work Wp is

The propeller shaft horsepower SHP p is

SHPp = Wp x - x Tf m

Here Tfm is the mechanical efficiency of propeller-reduction gear.

The propeller thrust horsepower THP p is

THP p = Tfp SHP p = -550 Tf p Tf m Wp

Here Tfp = propeller efficiency. Since the propeller thrust F'p is

defined by

The propeller thrust F' pis

550 THP p
F'p =

The jet thrust F'j is (note from point 4 to point 5 of Fig. 2-4):
144 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

1 + f

therefore the total thrust of a turboprop is

) (J + nc,T3"{ - (~)Y] -We\ ~ ","m
1 + f
g 2gJC'"NT3)! - ,{ -(::); ]\[ - (;:?] -~ V, .

For a fixed turboprop design. each value of P 4 will yield one value
of a total turboprop thrust. The maximum total turboprop thrust
may be obtained by differentiating the total thrust F' with respect to
P 4 and setting the result equal to zero. This condition gives

VJoptimum --

The optimum division of turboprop thrust between jet thrust and

propeller thrust for maximum total thrust occurs when jet velocity
Vj equals to air plane velocity Va times (TJN / TJTTJpTJ m ). A simple
derivation of the above expression may more easily be obtained
in the following way by dividing the total isentropic energy into
x and (c-x) as shown in Fig. 2-5.

Fig . 2-5
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 145

From Fig. 2-5, the jet thrust becomes

1 + ( / 1
F. = - - v 2gJ lIN X - - V 0
] g g

The propeller thrust becomes

Fp = Va
lI p ll m ,(1~ + ()( e - X)lIT - We ~.
The total thrust F becomes

F = (1 +g () vi 2gJ lINx -.!..

V0 + 778 11
Vo p
m I~(1 + () lIT <c - x) - W) .

Differentiating F with respect to x and setting it equal to zero, one



V.l o ptimum -_ ( lIN ) V0

lIT IIp 11m

Therefore, for all turboprop cycle analysis, the optimum thrust

distribution as given above is used. Similar derivation for maximum
thrust may be obtained for turboprop cycle with and without inter-
cooling, reheat and/or regeneration.
Note on ducted fan cycle analysis . Referring to Fig. 2-6 and its
corresponding primary and secondary h-s diagrams, one may write:
Prima ry Syste m Secondary System ,

o I 1 J 6 0 "
/ ,~

" yo,

Fig. 2-6

The fan compression work per pound of air flow in the primary
system is
146 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Here We F = fan compression work per pound of air flow in the

primary system. WaF = secondary air flow in pounds per second
through the fan for each pound of air flow through the primary

H6 total enthalpy after fan

HI total enthalpy before fan

The turbine work available to drive the fan is

Here WT F = turbine work available to drive the fan per pound of

air flow in the primary system

We = compression work in the primary system.

fp = fuel air ratio in the primary system.

It is necessary that WT F = We F be satisfied. The primary jet

thrust Fjp is

The secondary jet thrust F j s is


The total thrust per pound of primary air flow is

Fj = F jp + F j
= (1 + p
f Vj
1 ~ {I
V0 +
+ fs
g S g
- - Vj - - VoW a F

The specific thrust per pound of total air flow (both primary and
secondary) is

Specific Thrust
1 + WaF

The fuel flow in pounds per hour is equal to

fp x 3600 x 1 + fs x 3600 x WaF.

Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 147

The thrust specific fuel consumption (T.S.F.C.) is

fp x 3600 x fs x 3600 x WaF
T.S.F.C. =

It is to be noted that sometimes primary and secondary flow may

be mixed before exhaust through a common jet nozzle. In such
cases, equations of mixing as given on p. 65 to p. 73 may be used.
After mixing, the analysis can be made in the normal way.

[2.4. 1] Turbojet Cycles

A schematic diagram of the turbojet engine considered is shown

in Fig. 2-7. Air enters the inlet duct and passes to the compressor
inlet. The air is further compressed passing through the compres-
sor and enters the combustion chamber where fuel is injected and
burned. The products of combustion then pass through the turbine
nozzles and blades where an appreciabl~ drop in pressure occurs
and finally are discharged rearwardly through the exhaust nozzle
to provide thrust.

0 2 3 4 5

~""""",'.: ~ .:
.- . _------
--- .. ----- --- ..,
t- ---------~-

--!"----- ----:
. ,

;' . '.

.:";Iet Duc:t.:~ampres sar ' /Cambustian / Turbine Exhaust .:.

chamber nozzle

Fig.2-7 (After B. Pinkel and I. M. Karp. NACA TR 891).

Design-point engines. For the purpose of illustrating the

manner in which the thrust per unit mass rate of air flow and the
specific fuel consumption are influenced by compressor pressure
ratio, combustion-chamber-outlet temperature, flight speed, and
ambient-air temperature, the following fixed parameters are

Compressor effieiency Tfe 0.85

Turbine efficiency TfT 0.90
Combustion efficiency Tf b 0.96
Exhaust-nozzle efficiency TfN 0.97
Heating value of fuel, h*, Btu/lb. 18,900
148 Jet, Rocket. Nuclear. Ion and Electric Propulsion

~ l~~ro-'-I",,-.-r-''-'-''''-'~rlI25l
~ IA~IIl\\\-\-l- LH1

'" H\-\--\-iI~++t--t -
-+-+---tI - -- -
'il ,-- -- ----:
-+--+---I-!lI050~ -<:

F ,---- 1\.\-I\:>iX
. i'-'--t'--~-+---t -+--HI-L-+--+--+--+---l
, _ ~7-C"~
~'- 3Y1t\---
~ IC ~ \ I':, ,- ,. -H1H-L-+
"'- ~I ' " ,,- -........... I
' I T.
1 .900~
1 I'll) - 4-
+ J_

If 171;F ,.,..,- -...... 4

.2 60 :=::-- ~
'1.1 -- ~960 ~210 I ' ,826
2lXXJ /: , _ LL I
: X, I ~ r--- c-+.+--tly-+-+----'-----l
i'-.. I


\' _ 91!j~
\ \ X,I ~
)( ....... -xu!
"\ ~ r--- I~' -- '"
\ "'- ...... r- r-t- 2460 . 8i!5~

\;;:/,0 ...... -I- ,<'no -
-- --
===' .7S0i:
/460 f- .><
1960 r- ----
. 9f- _.
~ 1710 1
J _675

-k4- -
1- - I
2200 :X, I t- I""=' r--= T.
: I-
/' '460

f--- -r-/ --- ...... r---

--- --.... ;b,
: ...." L
/ : t'-... I
: L
""- 1960 '
1'; '0

6 10
14 18 i'i' .. I
.6 30 34
p dp ,
(b) Vo. 733 feet per second; To. 519 0 R.
(c) Vo. 733 feet per second; To. 4120 R.
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 149

The specific fuel consumption and the thrust per unit mass rate
of air flow plotted against the compressor pressure ratio for
various values of combustion-chamber-outlet temperature are
shown in Fig. 2-8 for several combinations of ambient temperature
and airplane velocity. A line for compressor pressure ratios
giving maximum thrust per unit mass rate of air flow is also in-
cluded in the illustration.
It is shown in Fig. 2-8 that the minimum specific fuel con-
sumption occurs at a higher compressor pressure ratio than maxi-
mum thrust per unit mass rate of air flow. When high thrust per
unit mass rate of air flow rather than low specific fuel consump-
tion is the primary conSideration, it is apparent from Fig. 2-8 that
high combustion-chamber-outlet temperatures should be used. High
thrust is the more important consideration in take-off, climb, and
maximum-speed operation.
As the combustion-chamber-outlet temperature is increased
from the minimum value required to produce a thrust, the thrust
per unit mass rate of air flow increases and the specific fuel con-
sumption decreases until reaching the temperature giving minimum
specifiC fuel consumption. Increasing the temperature further
results in both increased thrust per unit mass rate of air flow and
specific fuel consumption.

Effect of turbine inlet temperature and compression ratio. In

general, an increase of turbine inlet temperature increases specific
thrust almost lineraly. The maximum speCific thrust which can be
obtained at a certain turbine inlet temperature increases as the
turbine inlet temperature is increased. The maximum values are
obtained at higher compreSSion ratios as turbine inlet temperature
is increased. At high compression ratios, the speCific thrust falls
off rapidly for low turbine inlet temperature. The effect of increas-
ing turbine inlet temperature at any given compreSSion ratio has
in general. the effect of increasing specific fuel consumption.

Effect of compressor and turbine efficiency. An increase of

compressor and turbine efficiency increases the specific thrust
and decreases specific fuel consumption. Both the maximum spe-
cific thrust point and minimum specific fuel consumption point
move toward high compreSSion ratio as the compressor and turbine
efficiency is increased. At higher compressor and turbine effici-
ency, compression ratio 10 to 15 engine would be desirable. This
is because the rapid drop of specific fuel consumption and negli,:",
gible drop of specific thrust between compression ratio 10 to 15
would result.

Effect of flight speed. In general, the optimum compression

ratio either for maximum specific thrust or for minimum specific
fuel consumption would be decreased as the flight speed increases.
150 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Effect of intercooling. Turbojet intercooling usually iccreases

specific fuel consumption. For example, at compression ratio 8,
intercooling could result in a 15% increase of specific thrust and
a 10% increase of specific fuel consumption. At compression ratio
12, the corresponding values could be 22.5% and 11.5%.

Effect of reheat. Turbojet reheat usually increases specific

thrust, particularly at high compression ratios. Although reheat
slightly increases specific fuel consumption at low compression
ratios, the amount of increase becomes negligible at high com-
pression ratios. For example, at compression ratio 8, reheat
could result in a 24% increase of specific thrust with a 5% increase
of specific fuel consumption. The corresponding values at com-
pression ratio 12 could be 38.5% and 2.5%. Another feature of re-
heat is that the specific thrust falls off rapidly above about com-
pression ratio 5 for engines without reheat, but only small changes
in specific thrust occur between compression 5 and 16 when reheat
is used.

Effect of intercooling and reheat. At a given compression ratio,

intercooling and reheat considerably increase specific thrust (es-
pecially at high CR) and specific fuel consumption. Typical com-
parison of engine performance would show that a turbojet engine
of about compression ratio 5 without intercooling and reheat could
have the same specific fuel consumption as one of compression
ratio 22 with intercooling and reheat, but latter could have about
23% more thrust.

Effect of after-burning. A 70% increase of thrust at an expense

of 60% increase of specific fuel consumption could result from
after-burning to 3000 R in a compression ratio 5 engine. The
corresponding increases could increase to about 110% and 76%
respectively in a compression ratio 12 engine. An increase of
airplane speed increases the gain of thrust increase and reduces
the penalty of fuel consumption.

[2- 4.2] Turboprop Cycles

A schematic diagram of the turbine-propeller engine consid-

ered is shown in Fig. 2-9. Air enters the inlet duct and passes to
the compressor inlet. The air is further compressed in passing
through the compressor and enters the combustion chamber where
fuel is injected and burned. The products of combustion then pass
through the turbine nozzles and blades, where an appreciable drop
in pressure occurs, and finally are discharged rearwardly through
the exhaust nozzle to provide jet thrust. The turbine shown in
Fig. 2-9 may consist of a single turbine driving both the compressor
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 151
o 2 3 4 5 6

'Inlel duel
~ - Reduclion - Combuslion
gears chamber

Fig. 2-9 Schematic di a gram of turbine-prope ller engine. (After B. Pinkel and I. M. Karp,
NACA TR 1114>'

and the propeller or a combination of two turbines, one driving the

compressor and another driving the propeller. When engine per-
formance is evaluated, the combination of the two turbines is con-
sidered as a single turbine having the combined power output and
over-all turbine efficiency of the two. The total thrust horsepower
of the engine is the sum of the jet-thrust horsepower and propeller-
thrust horsepower. For the engine operating at a given set of con-
ditions, an optimum division of power between the exhaust jet and
the propeller exists for which the total thrust horsepower and effi-
ciency of the system are maximum. The jet velocity for this
optimum condition is given very closely by:

V] Vo.

It is to be noted that the jet velocity can vary appreciably from

this optimum value with only a small effect on the total thrust
horsepower and engine efficiency.

Design point engines. For the purpose of illustrating the manner

in which the thrust horsepower per unit mass rate of air flow and
specific fuel consumption are influenced by compressor pressure
ratio, combustion-chamber-outlet temperature, flight speed, and
ambient-air temperature, the following fixed parameters are

Compressor efficiency "Ie 0.85

Turbine efficiency "IT 0.90
Comhustion efficiency "Ib 0.96
Propeller efficiency "Ip 0.85
Exhaust-nozzle efficiency "IN 0.97
Heating value of fuel, h*. Btu/lb. 18,900
152 J et, Rocket , Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


~ J
~" ~ r- V V 1/ 2000

~ /
~~ /
~~ / 2"100
~~ --
- __ 2800

- - MoJ;imum ,IIpl Ma
-- ---- Minimum W, / '"p
9 <10 3

I-- l-

--- . ~ I
1--I -
_____ I / I ~OOI
" I 1

V 1/ ~tl
5 I /T
1 - .
V ~/ I I
V / I I , --L


! i .
I J 400
3 i - - - ----,-1
/1 r-....
I ' .

I -
~ ' ,'", -

2 L '- - i- '

"Ooo+I -t -1i
r-::-- r...... ,.....
456 8 10 20 30 "10
P.2./P ,
(b) Vo . 733 fee t p e r seco nd; to. 519 R ; V i. 902 feet pe r second ; 7) p. 0. 85 .

Fig.2 - 1O (After B. Pi nk el and 1. M. K arp . NACA TR 1114).

Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 153

The performance of the system is presented in Fig. 2-10. The

thrust horsepower per unit mass rate of air flow and the specific
fuel consumption are plotted against compressor pressure ratio
for various values of combustion-chamber-outlet temperatq.re at
several combinations of airplane velocity and ambient-air temp-
erature. The range of turbine inlet temperature T 4 investigated
was from 1600 to 3200 R, and the compressor pressure ratios
ranged up to 40. Lines for compressor pressure ratios giving
maximum thrust horsepower per unit mass rate of air flow and
for minimum specific fuel consumption at any temperature T 4 are
included in the figure.
The curves of Fig. 2-10 show that with no limitation on com-
pressor pressure ratio, higher THP 1Ma and lower specifiC fuel
consumption can be obtained by increasing the T 4. At any given
T4 there is an optimum (P2/Pl) for maximum thrust (THPIM a) and
an optimum (P2/Pl) for minimum specific fuel consumption. The
compressor pressure ratio for the latter is greater than that re-
quired for maximum thrust. (Here Ma = air flow in slugs/sec).
The effects of flight speed and ambient-air temperature on the
performance of the turbine-propeller system at a given com-
bustion-chamber-outlet temperature of 1960 R are shown in
Fig. 2-11. In Fig. 2-11a, the THPlM a and fuel consumption are
plotted against ambient-air temperatures at Vo of 367 and 733 feet
per second for the following cases: (a) compressor pressure ratio
chosen to give maximum THPlM a and (b) compressor pressure
ratio chosen to give minimum fuel consumption. At each flight
speed, the corresponding optimum jet velocity is used. This figure
shows that to has an important effect on the performance values:
the THPIM a decreases and the specific fuel consumption increases
appreciably as to increases.

[2.4.3] Dueted Fan Cycles

The ducted-fan type of turbojet engine represents an attempt to

combine the fuel economy of a propeller-type engine with the light
weight of the turbojet engine. A ducted-fan turbojet engine may be
considered a modification of the turbojet engine which requires
the installation of a more powerful turbine to drive a relatively
small-diameter multibladed propeller in addition to the normal
compressor. All or part of the air (depending on the configura-
tion) that is handled by the propeller, or fan, is passed through a
separate duct. Burners are installed in the separate duct to aug-
ment the thrust when necessary. These engines are designated
ducted-fan engines. A schematic diagram of this type of engine
is presented in Fig. 2-12.
For economy operation, the ducted-fan engine is intended to
handle a greater mass of air at lower jet velocities (unheated
154 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

I Vo
. (n/sec
V ~~~
vV ' v .'

X ' ll l'T'Ol lmum 'hp/Mo ~ "',". ,/ ':::::~ 1367

! , --J. l/ V V n 3

./ ;:-1"' : V V
k-::; >- v V V "-... M inimUm ~

V:: V
/ ~V



"'" :~ f"-..
I~ ,
700 ---
~ - :::- ,< X I (mo.imum ,,,p/Mo )

:::::::::t--. .:::::.I,
'f=:: :::::-- -=: 't---: t:---.
Minimum -Jr:; .....

~ #

::::::: t--.
I-': ~ t--.
--:::::- ~~3

(ai , -.::: m
390 4 1() 430 450 470 490 510 50
'0. OR



"'" :-- r--.....
.......... .:' M inimum *
......... ' r---.

-- -
------ r-- t---- Vo

---- ---- III ..,I

! X' I (moumum Jhp/Mo ) ~ 36 7

r-- ~ 1-
'- 1-.
- - -r-- r-

( b)
1- -I--
'- r-1733
--t-- '-
36 7

390 4 10 430 490 530

Fig. 2 -II Effects of flight speed and ambient-air temperature on performance at compres-
sor pressure ratios for minimum specific fuel consumption and for maximum thrust horse-
power per unit mass rate of air flow; T4. 1960 0 R; 7Jc. 0.85; 7J/. 0.90; 7Jp. 0 .85; 7Jb. 0 .96;
(a) Specific fuel consumption and thrust horsepower per unit mass rate of air flow . (b)
Compressor pressure ratios for minimum W/lthp and maximum thplM Q' (After B. Pinkel and
I. M. Karp. NACA TR 114).
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 155

Auxi liary burners

8 9



Fig.2.12 Schematic diagrams of duct ed-fan engine (a) and turbojet engine (b), including
auxiliary burners. Station: 0 ambient atmosphere; 1 compressor and fan inlet; 2 compres-
sor outlet; 3 turbine inlet; 4 turbine outlet; 5 tail-pipe- and auxiliary-burner inlet; 6 jet
nozzle throat; 7 fan outlet; 8 auxiliary-burner inlet (secondary burner); 9 jet-nozzle throat
(secondary jet). (After R. B. Parisen, J.C. Armstrong, and S.C, Huntley, NACATN 1745),

outer-duct air) and hence attain a higher propulsive efficiency than

a turbojet engine of equal thrust. The higher propulsive efficiency
appears in the form of a lower specific fuel consumption. If the
thrust per unit frontal area of the ducted-fan engine were made
equal to that of the turbojet engine, it would be necessary to in-
crease the air-handling capacity per unit frontal area of the
ducted-fan engine beyond that of the turbojet engine.
Because of the fact that if an increased air flow per unit area
were possible for a ducted-fan engine it would also be possible for
the turbojet engine, the ducted-fan engine actually has a lower
specific fuel consumption and a lower thrust per unit frontal area
than a comparable turbojet engine.
Ducted fan engines may be designed for obtaining maximum net
thrust per pound of air handled, maximum economy or maximum
range. The engines with thrust augmentation by auxiliary burniBg
(simultaneous operation of all auxiliary burners) are used for ob-
taining maximum thrust; those without auxiliary burning are used
for achieving maximum economy or maximum range.
156 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Design point engines. The following assumptions are made:

Compressor efficiency 0.85
Burner efficiency 0.95
Heating value of fuel h* 18,500 Btu per pound
Turbine efficiency 0.9
Tail-pipe-burner efficiency 0.9
Nozzle efficiency 0.94
Fan efficiency 0.85
The effect of the ratio of the power to the fan to the available
fan power 0 and the ratio of secondary air flow to primary air flow
Wr on net thrust per pound of air handled by ducted-fan engines with
auxiliary burning at a Mach number of 0.3 is illustrated in Fig. 2-13.
The corresponding change in net-thrust specific fuel consumption
is also shown. The curve indicates that the maximum net thrust per
pound of air handled is obtained by reducing 0 and Wr to zero. The
ducted-fan engine with auxiliary burning therefore evolves into a
turbojet engine with tail-pipe burning. A calculation of maximum
net thrust per pound of air handled at a flight Mach number of 0.9
gave similar results. It can also be seen (Fig. 2-13) that ducted-fan
engines with auxiliary burning not only develop a lower net thrust
p3r pound of air handled but show an increase in net-thrust specific
fuel consumption as compared to a turbojet engine with tail-pipe
burning. The optimum compressor pressure ratio for maximum
thrust of the ducted-fan engine with auxiliary burning is about the
same as that of the turbojet engine with tail-pipe burning.
The approximate compressor pressure ratio for obtaining
maximum net thrust per pound of air handled is plotted in Fig. 2-14
against the Mach number for turbojet engines with tail-pipe burn-
ing. The decrease of compressor pressure ratio with flight spe'ed
is such that the product of compressor pressure ratio and ram
pressure ratio is approximately constant over the speed range.
This constancy is coincidental inasmuch as the compressor pres-
sure ratio decreases with Mach number for the condition of maxi-
mum thrust as a result of the decreasing ratio of turbine-inlet
to compressor-inlet temperatures. The compressor pressure
ratios shown in Fig. 2-14 tend to produce the maximum propulsive
jet velocity.
The variation of minimum obtainable net-thrust specific fuel
consumption and corresponding net thrust per pound of air handled
with flight Mach number is shown in Fig. 2-15 for ducted-fan and
turbojet engines. Values of net-thrust specific fuel consumption
are also shown for the turbine-propeller engine but are not nec-
essarily minimums because the engine is of constant pressure
ratio. These values do, however, demonstrate the capacity of the
turbine propeller engine to operate at substantially lower values of
net thrust specific fuel consumption below a flight Mach number of
appro:l;Cimately 0.85 than ducted-fan and turbojet enginer.
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 157

P ower to fan iJ
_ A
..ui I" h l I", poweL '
c 0.1

E 2 .2 7
_ . /
u :>
/ / .2
90 ~.
7 17/
2. 0

':Jl '/ ~ ~c!J~i'!!u!owe r

Power t o a n
= iJ - ~

\' .;:'-
u ~
~ ~
1\\ ~0.3 ,- -
~~ 1.S
.. :!
~ ~
1\ / ~
\.' V
:.r:~ -

\ '\J2 :>

t- '0
70 ~ 1.6
1\ ! ..
ii o ~ \./
z 0 Z"
60 1.4
0 .5 1.0 o .5 1.0
Secondary ai r f lo w Second a ry ai r f lo w
Wr ---~~---- , W,
Primory air /low' P rimary air flow

Fig. 2 -13 Effec t of v arying ratio of secondary air flow to primary air flow and ratio of
power to fan to available fan power with net thrust per pound of air and net-thrust specific
fuel consumption for duc ted-fan e ngine s with auxiliary burning. Mach number, 0 .3; altitude,
30,000 feet. 0 Turbojet with t a il-pipe burning (maximum thrust). - - Ducted fan with
auxiliary burning. (After P a ris en, Armstrong, Huntley, NACA TN1745l.

] lftEll lll lllI l

~ 0
.. _u
-f o~
; oS;
z 0-

';'0.. ~

Ci. .....
o _
~Q.. - t--
'" 0
~ 0


oE "~ ~
V ~ 5
.2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1. 0
Flight Moch number, MO
Fig. 2 -14 Net thrus t per pound of a ir . net-thru s t specific fue l consumption, and c ompre s-
sor pres s ure ratio for ma ximum-thrust turbojet engine s with t a il-pipe burning (optimum con-
figuration of ducted-fan engine with a uxiliary burning) at various flight Mach numbers,
Altitude, 30,000 feet. (After Parisen, Armstrong, and Huntley, NACA TN 1745).
158 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Eng ine
- - Ducted fon {max imum economy }
- - - Turbine propell e r I
'"" -- - Turbojet {max imum economy }
- --
- - V VI-""
- f.---
" ~ It--'
u=- ~
~u A
~ ./
"..c /
"'~ ~
-~ ,/" /'
'" .6

-- _ ..... --
..r:.~" .0_
,/" /'
..... ~
~o. .....
" E
c .4 .....
_.... .....


<II 40 r-
- - - --




..c .. L---
- '0

'0- 20
z ~
I- ~
.2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0
Flight Mach number, MO

Fig. 2 -15 Net thrust per pound of air and net-thrust specific fuel consumption for maXl-
mum-economy ducted-fan and turbojet engines at various flight Mach numb ers. (N et-thru st
specific fuel consumption a lso shown for turbine-propeller engine.> Altitude, 30, 000 feet.
(After Parisen, Armstrong, and Huntley, NACA TN 1745l.

At a Mach number of 0.3, the net-thrust specific fuel consump-

tion of a ducted-fan engine is about 27% lower than that of a turbojet
engine. This difference diminishes to approximately 4% at a Mach
numher of 0.9. The low net-thrust specific fuel consumption is
accompanied, however, by low values of net thrust per pound of air.
These values are only 27 to 64% (depending on the flight Mach
number) of the net thrust per pound of air produced by turbojet
engines. A plot of the net thrust per pound of air handled by the
turbine-propeller engine is omitted because of lack of a comparable
basis of presentation.
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 159

The values of fan pressure ratio P7/P1, 0 and Wr required to

obtain minimum net-thrust specific fuel consumption over the
range of Mach numbers considered are presented in Fig. 2-16.
The fan pressure ratio increases with increasing Mach number.
whereas both the power input to the fan and the secondary air flow
decrease with increasing Mach number. The ,increasing fan pres-
sure ratio is the result of the secondary air flow decreasing at a
greater rate than the fan power input. The approximate compres-
sor pressure ratios necessary to provide minimum obtainable
net-thrust specific fuel consumption are also shown in Fig. 2-16
for ducted-fan and turbojet engines for the range of flight Mach
numbers considered.


-- -- - V f-"

- --
~ "'- 1.6
c .e
.- -- Engine
Dueted fon :--
o -
LL ~ --- Turbojet


- 8
- 8 G

- -
~ 8 ~
o ~ t-- e 0
....... -I-- .!! Q.

- -- -
:;: 0
I--r- I- 0 e
"0 4
I-- ..
4 - .2

" "~ ~
~ .~ Wr

~ 0: 0 0

- --
r-- r--

"-- -r--
-- r-
Q. ~
(; 0. 20
.' - -
E """~~V
d 0. 2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0
Fl ight Moch Number, MO

Fig. 2 -16 Approximate variation with flight Mach number of fan pressure ratio, ratio of
power to fan to available fan power, ratio of secondary air flow to primary air flow, and
compressor pressure ratio nec essary to permit ducted-fan engines to operate with maxi-
mum economy. (Required compressor pressure ratios also shown for turbojet engine oper-
ating at maximum economy.) Altitude, 30,000 feet. (After Parisen, Armstrong, and Hunt-
ley, NACA TN 1745).

The convergence of the curves of Figs. 2-15 and 2-16 indicate

the conversion of the ducted-fan engine into a turbojet engine at a
160 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric ProjYulsion

flight Mach number greater than 0.9. A separate calculation

locates the end point of this trend at a flight Mach number of
approximately 1.2.
In order to determine the applications of various airplane-engine
configurations, it is necessary to know the values of three important
engine parameters: specific fuel consumption sfc, jet thrust Fj,
and engine weight We.
A low specific fuel consumption turbojet engine requires a high
compressor pressure ratio, or greater engine weight, and produces
a low thrust per pound of air, which results in an extremely high
specific engine weight We IFj
A maximum-thrust type turbojet engine, although possessing a
low specific engine weight, is unable to operate at a sufficiently
low value of specific fuel consumption. A compromise is therefore
One of the anticipated advantages of a ducted-fan engine is a
low specific weight relative to turbojet engines. If ducted-fan
engines are compared to turbojet engine,s of equal air-handling
capacity per unit frontal area~ however, a lower specific weight
will not be indicated.
If flight speeds do not exceed a flight Mach number of approxi-
mately 0.6, the turbine-propeller engine should offer the most
favorable performance. If, however, higher flight Mach numbers
are desired, th3 turbojet engine with tail-pipe burner (operating
for maximum thrust and non-operative for achieving greater range)
should provide the greatest flexibility.

[2- 4.4] Off-Design Point Engines

Sections 2-4.1, 2-4.2, and 2-4.3 discussed design point (at de-
Sign altitude and design airplane speed) turbojet, turboprop, and
ducted-fan engines. Engines operating at off-design point will
result in different compressor compression ratios and different
engine-air flows. In order to calculate engine performance at
off-design point, the determination of compressor compression
ratio and engine air flow of turbojet, turboprop, and ducted-fan
are important. The variation of compressor compression ratio
and engine air flow with altitude and airplane speed (really varia-
tion with compressor inlet temperature) are functions of com-
pressor-turbine design and nozzle characteristics. However,
without knowing specific compressor-turbine and nozzle charac-
teristics, a generalized compressor compression ratio and engine
air flow variation with altitude and air speed (really variation with
compressor inlet temperature) are given here. These variations
are calculated according to the following semi-empirical deriva-
tions. Such variations have been checked with many actual turbojet,
turboprop, and ducted-fan engines and were found to be very
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 161

satisfactory, providing the nozzle does not limit the compressor

operation. The error introduced without knowing a specific com-
pressor is usually within a few percent.

[2-4.4.1] Compression Ratio Variation with Altitude and Air Speed (Variation
with Compressor Inlet Temperature) at Constant Compressor Speed

From Eq. (3-8) of Chapter 3, we have


~ ~
(C.RJ T + _uw_r_J k - 1

a Cp TaJg J
Since uwr is the same under different inlet temperatures, we have

k - 1

From compressor efficiency Eq. (1-164) and compressor exit tem-

perature, Eq. (1-166). we have


k - 1
[ (C.RJ T b k

Here we assume that the compressor efficiency variation due to

compressor inlet temperature is small in comparison with
162 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
compression ratio variation. C.R. = compression ratio. For the
meaning of u, WT, C P ' J and g, see symbols of Chapter 3. PI and
P 2' T 1 and T 2 are compressor inlet and exit stagnation pressure
and temperature, respectively. Subscripts a and b indicate the
compressor operating at compressor inlet temperature a and b,
respectively (under two different inlet temperatures).
Substituting Ta and Tb expressions into (P2/Pl) ,we have

k- 1

This is the variation of compression ratio with compressor inlet

temperature which is plotted as Fig. 2-17 for convenient use.

[2-4.4.2] Air Flow Variation with Altitude and Airplane Speed at Constant
Compressor Speed

Without a specific compressor, the following approximation may

be made. The compressor operating at different altitude and dif-
ferent airplane speed results approximately in a constant volume
flow into the compressor when the compressor rotational speed
is maintained the same. This means that the axial velocity of the
air flow into the compressor is the same at two different inlet
temperature conditions. Use this assumption, the air flow varia-
tion with altitude and speed are plotted in Fig. 2-18. Such varia-
tions have been checked with many turbojet, turboprop, and ducted-
fan engines and were found to be satisfactory. The error intro-
duced (without knowing a specific compressor) is usually within
a few percent.
Once the compression ratio and engine air flow variation with
altitude and airplane speed are known, the cycle analysis (based
on one pound air flow per second) maybe performed. Consequently,
the engine performance under different altitude and airplane speeds
can be calculated (off-design point engine performance), and com-
plete engine performance may be estimated approximately for all
altitude and airplane speeds (for a fixed design point engine).
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 163


Fig. 2-17 Genera lized chart, variation of compressor compression ratio with altitude and
speed, NACA Day.
~ N
_ True Airspeed, Knots R ;::: '
A'I r II ow Ra t lO Airflow at Altitude Speed __ Wo
QO Airflow at Sea Level Static Was

~ 200 SXAMP I.E ac:....

~ GIVEN: Was " 180 Ib .lsec . ~
e. TO FIND: Airflow Wo lb.lsec. at ~
~. 30,000 ft. and 300 knots g
~ SOLUTION: AI 30,000 ft. and 300 knots ~
[ Read R " 0.425 at ~.,...
~ G. I~
. ~ Was" 180 Ib .lsec. and ~
.g ..:: R " 0.425 ~
3 :e. ,., Read Wo " 76.5 lb . I sec . -<I:>
=' X 0.1 Alti tude" \:)
~ S 35,332 It . ." ~
[!;. : ~
;-: ~ 120 ~
_. ~_. R 0.6 ~
.. ~
=' i!l. c ....
(1) ..... ""I:J lOCI ;;
00 ~ ~
16 g .>
~g, 0 .>0 ~
-~. ~ O.d ~
::!l 0 (")
O M .,...
~ .-
~. 0 ~
;:r !I: "tI
'" 0.1 ~
~ C
~ ~ ~
a ~ R
~ 0.175 ~
oil ~ O. UG CI)
~ 10 0. 11) 'N.

O,OlS ;:i
~ 0.1 O.UO
~ ~
~ l~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O' 100 ~ C
0.. 1(1 ~o 30 40 !oCI 20 ~ 6(1 10 109 120 " 40 160 110

i!l. Altitude, ft. x 10- 3 Was' Airflow @Sea Leve l Stat ic Ib.lsec .
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 165



In addition to the conventional regenerator (plate-fin type), a

unique regenerator suitable for turboprop adoption because of its
weight and size advantages is described below. This regenerator
is the Loh Rotary Matrix Regenerator. Performance of this re-
generator, based on quantitative analysis, has been compared with
conventional heat exchangers.
Development of this unit as a regenerator for gas turbine power
plants would remove one of the big obstacles in the optimum utili-
zation of the turbo-propeller engine by improving operating effici-
ency. This achievement would thus provide additional incentive for
the application of turbo-powered aircraft transports.
By virtue of it's compatible configuration, the regenerator may
be incorporated directly into the engine, either in one unit or as
several smaller units. It pClssesses the unique features of light
core weight and small core volume plus the inherent feature of
compatible configuration, a design prinCiple important in the field
of gas turbine regeneration.

[2- 5. 1] Di scussion

The function of a regenerator is to transfer heat from one fluid

stream to another and thus preheat the air entering the combustion
chamber. Past efforts have been directed toward heat transfer
through tubes or similar channels accomplished by directing one
fluid inside and the other around the outside of the channels.
Compactness is gained by increaSing the ratio of heat transfer
surface to overall volume. This is usually accomplished by a
reduction in the size of flow passages or the addition of surface
irregularities to produce turbulence. It is thus apparent that
achievement of compactness eventually reaches the point of
diminishing returns from mounting pressure loss. Additional
compactness must then evolve from some new concept for a heat
transfer media. The Loh Rapid Transfer Heat Exchanger is based
on a different concept not subject to the pressure loss limitations
inherent in the use of conventional design criteria. Heat transfer
is ef~ected by a moving heat conveyor heated in the hot stream and
cooled in the cold stream. This effect is accomplished by rotating
a screened disc or cone matrix through the two fluid streams.
Quantitative analysis shows exceptionally high heat transfer capac-
ity at very low pressure loss. Massiveness and weight penalties
imposed by conventional tubular or corrugated fin plate surface
construction are thus avoided.
To determine the significance of the Loh Heat Regenerator as
applied to the gas turbine, a comparative study of a regenerator
unit for a 10,000 shaft horsepower gas turbine engine was made.
166 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

A regenerator is employed to increase cycle efficiency by extract-

ing heat from exhaust gas and transferring such heat to the intake
air stream, thus heat-changing or preheating this air prior to its
entrance into the combustion chamber. The most advanced con-
ventional regenerative heat exchanger, developed by London and
Kays, was selected for comparison. Table 2-1 shows the results of
this comparison, although to date no such unit has been success-
fully applied as an airborne regenerator because of the prohibitive
size, weight and shape dictated by the design criteria developed.

Table 2-1

Core Volume Core Weight

(ft. 3/1000 SHP) Obs.llOOO SHP)

Existing most-compact 9.1 861
plate-louvered fin surface
heat exchanger

Loh rotating wire screen 0.51 45.3

heat exchanger

All figures are for heat transfer surfaces only and therefore are
exclusive of shell, headers, and other accessories.
Of compelling interest is the effect of the regenerator cycle on
fuel consumption. For example, a 10,000 s.h.p. turbine-propeller
engine requires approximately 0.48 pound of fuel per brake horse-
power per hour, whereas the same engine equipped with a regen-
erator of 72% effectiveness requires only 0.35 pound of fuel per
brake horsepower hour, a reduction of over 25% in fuel consumption.
Figure 2-19 shows the principal parts of the Loh Heat Exchanger.
The upper sketch shows one type of construction utilizing a disc
to contain the screen wire elements. The disc is rotated either by
airflow acting against curved sides of the screen compartments or
by the application of external power. The entrance and exit ducts
are divided into two passages to accommodate the hot and cold
streams. Alternate heating and cooling of the wire screen con-
stitutes the means of heat transfer. Separation of the two streams
at the two faces of the screen disc is achieved by dividing the screen
disc into pie-shaped segments and making the separating partition
of the ducts equal to or slightly larger than the screen segments.
Consequently, when a screen segment passes from one stream to
the other, the flow of gas is blocked. A minute amount of gas will
be trapped in the screen segment and carried to the opposing
stream. However. calculations show that this constitutes a very
small percentage of the total flow.
When the number of layers of screen results in prohibitive
pressure loss, increased heat transfer capacity may be obtained
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 167
168 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

by substituting a rotating cone for a disc. This design, while less

compact than the disc design, is still far superior to the more
advanced conventional deSigns.
The adaptability of this type of heat exchanger to the gas turbine
engine as a regenerator is easily visualized. Three factors, all
of which are influential in aricraft deSign, make this unit attractive.
These are: (1) light core weight, (2) small core volume, and (3)
shape adaptability (circular). The application of the gas turbine
engine is perhaps most ideal in aircraft use. Other applications
may be used to replace conventional heat exchangers in many in-
stances, but the advantages appear primarily at highheat loads and
high temperatures. It is conceivable that a rather large saving in-
weight of a small unit might not be worthwhile.

[2- 5.2] Operating Principles

In the case of the conventional heat exchanger, heat is trans-

ferred through the walls separating the two fluids. Various means
are adopted for increasing the effectiveness of these units, such
as the introduction of turbulence and the use of fins. According
to most textbooks, heat flow takes place largely through convec-
tion, since conduction through the metal walls has such a small
effect. Heat exchanger size is governed, for illustration purposes,
by the following combination of variables: Q I I'l. T m = UA
Q = Amount of heat being transferred, Btu/sec.
I'l.T m = Log mean temperature difference between hot and cold
fluids, degrees R
U = Overall heat transfer coefficient, Btu Isec.lft. 2/ o R
A = Heat transfer surface area, sq. ft.

Equations such as this state that the amount of heat being trans-
ferred per unit time per unit temperature difference is equal to
the product of the heat transfer coefficient and the surface area.
This means that if the value of A is increased, for the same tem-
perature differential, the rate of heat transfer will also be increased.
To survey the factors controlling A with regard to volume, or area
to volume ratio, examine the geometry of a tube:
Surface Area 7TdZ

7T d 2Z


A 7TdZ 4
V !'.- d 2Z d
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 169

, ,. 1
I> 1.0
w. 1.0 I
W, I .. ;~

- '"
P ~
(fftJ -
'f s ;.
r---.-.. :'l ;. I, 3, .s, 7, 9 .. .

Whe ", ft ", . ' y smal l "' . ~ 1. 1838 (.



- ~
.0, = - _06 ,
,06 1- ....
.. ~ - ....

f-- .. ..
--S ~ ~

.01 _.
, .. ~ ~ ~~

w. - t-- - i (~)
= 1.0 T _ -4

lI:: LO -
W, - t-- T " "1'1' - T .... O
T" - Tc ;:; ~- ;: ;-

I -
l} ;:; I, 3, .s, 7, 9 ...

.. .......
... ,
v ..
, 1/

1 _. ..

, ,
" ..

Fig_ 2-20
170 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

f. , ----- ...., -.,...., 9---- f .
r:-C ~..

. , " ~ ~ i
I I ~" .
" ;;
-I .. "--"
1 ~ .~

.. .
.......:;.- "

" " ..--..
" " 0

.-, ., -.. ., f-., ., -f.. ., -.... i

r r ---- ---- ' .,
..--.. ..--.. " ..< ~
" " " , "

.;. .:~
.......:;.- ~7
.;, .
. ..:.!
.......:;.- .......:;.- ~

,; ,; ;; ;; ~ ~t't'
~.. j
,; ;; ,; ,; ~ i ;;

Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 171

This shows that as the diameter decreases, the surface to volume

ratio increases. (Similar equations may be written for other flow
passages by substituting the term equivalent diameter or hydrauliC
diameter for the tube diameter.) This equation harbors a very
important, though not readily perceived, factor, i.e., what happens
when the tube diameter is decreased? Increased pressure drop
occurs which ultimately reaches a point of diminishing returns,
thus prohibiting furthet gains in this direction.
The second variable U is defined in the following manner:
1 1 1 x
- + - +-
U hI h2 k
llU The tot~l resistance to heat transfer
IIhl Film resistance on the tube inside
I1h2 = Film resistance on the tube outside
11k Resistance due to therIhal coIi.ductivity of the tube wall
(usually this term is so small that it may be neglected.)
x = Wall thickness of conductor

For the conventional heat exchanger, U may be increased by pro-

moting turbulence or by reducing the hydraulic diameter. The
scrubbing action of the fluid during turbulent flow reduces the
boundary layer resistance (l/h). Reductions in hydraulic diameter
result in reduced Reynolds number and high heat transfer, other
factors remaining constant. But note that both of these factors also
increase pressure loss, and again compactness is gained only at
the expense of pressure loss.
Therefore, something new must be added. The Lohregenerator
does this. In this design, the hydraulic diameter, which controls
both area-to-volume ratio and Reynolds number, may be further
reduced without prohibitive pressure losses. Whereas tube diam-
eters must be maintained fairly large to accommodate flow inside,
wire diameters can be reduced to values in the range of .01 inch
or smaller without the same flow restrictions, because both the
hot and cold stream flow is external. The value of U is further
increased by virtue of the fact that llU is no longer equal to the
sum IIhl and IIh2 but equal tollhl alone while the screen is in one
stream. Consider, as an illustration, h I and h2 both being equal
to 2. In the conventional heat exchanger, U would be equal to 1
because IIU = 112 + 112 or IIU = 1; U = 1; whereas, in the new
design, llU = 112 or U = 2. Because of these factors, the product
of UA may be increased 20 to 30 times per unit core volume for
the same pressure loss as a conventional heat exchanger or, in
terms of size and weight, 1/20 to 1/30 of that of the most compact
conventional heat exchanger known. (Wire dia/Tube dia<.l or .05).
172 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[2- 5.3] Theory and Design

Based on an analytical study (see Sec. 2-6), the performance of

a rotating wire screen heat exchanger, when applied as a gas turbine
regenerator, is a function of only two non-dimensional parameters.
These are speed-wire property parameter f3 and heat transfer geom-
etry parameter (;.

~ ~. ~:::) ; (~:)( -F)

~ _~)2


P = density of gas in Ibs./ft. 3

Pw = density of wire material in Ibs./ft. 3
Cp = specific heat of gas in Btu/lb. 0 R
specific heat of wire material in Btu/lb. 0 R
= axial velocity of gas in ft./sec.
revolutions of rotating wire screen rotor per second
d wire diameter in feet or inches
s transverse pitch between wire in feet or inches
m total number of hot and cold sections in duct
IX angle in degrees or radians which prevents mixing of
hot and cold gases during passage through rotating wire
screen rotor
h = heat transfer film coefficient between gas and wire in
Btu/sec. ft.2 OR 2
maximum mass flow velocity per unit area in lbs./ sec.ft.
wire temperature rise in 0 R during passage of the wire
through the hot section
total temperature of hot gas in 0 R
total temperature of cold gas in 0 R
temperature effectiveness of each individual wire screen
overall temperature effectiveness of rotating wire screen
heat exchanger

For detailed design procedures, see Section 2-6.

Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 173


The rotary matrix heat exchanger, developed in early 1922, em-
bodies a moving heat conveyor heated in the hot stream and cooled
in the cold stream. Heat is thus transferred by rotating the con-
veyor through the two streams. The heat conveyor originally
proposed was a rotary matrix made of plain metal plate surfaces.
Improvements in heat transfer were effected through the use of
corrugated plate-fin-type surfaces. Further improvements may
be obtained by using multi-layer individual wire screen as the
conveyor. This was conceived by Loh.
Analytical studies relating to rotating heat exchangers have been
made by Nussett, Hausen, Boestad, Saunders and many others.

Hot Gos Flow

I-- L ----l Matri x

I-x-l I-dx

:m:S:::$:~::::*::'::::::l:mr-- Co ld Gas F low

Fig. 2- 22 F l ow pa s sage length for gener ali zed r otary m atrix.

However, these authors have concentrated on the solution of the

partial differential equation which was derived primarily for the
generalized rotary matrix along the lines of the original proposed
arrangements. This type of arrangement has a flow passage length
(L) as shown in Fig. 2-22.
It can be seen that the temperature (T) is a function of both
time (t) and space ( x ), and that the only equation describing this
type of matrix is partial differential equation

- - (T - Trl.
Lat L

Because of mathematical complexities, solutions were generally

obtained either by graphical or numerical methods, since no
analytical closed form solution has been found. The present
analysis takes a different approach. This approach, primarily
for multi-layer rotary matrix, starts with a single screen (see
Fig. 2-23).
It can be seen that the temperature (T) is a function of time <t)
only. Therefore, an ordinary differential equation was developed,
resulting in an exact and closed form solution. The multi-layer
screen system was then developed by an energy balance of each
174 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Hot Gos Fl ow

Cold Gas Flow


Sing le Sc reen

Fig. 2- 23 Flow pas s a ge l ength for s ingl e s creen = L ~ o.

individual single screen. Since this approach led to a closed form

analytical solution for the rotating multilayer wire screen heat ex-
changer, it was then possible to develop design charts for this type
of heat exchangers.


1. Gas and material properties such as p, Cp , k, /1, P" etc. are

treated as constants.
2. Heat transfer through conduction and radiation is small com-
pared with heat transfer through convection; conduction and radiation
heat transfer is, therefore, neglected.
3. Variations in the gas temperature ahead of each individual
screen are small when compared with the gas temperature itself,
hence the gas temperature ahead of each screen is treated as uni-
form, as is the gas temperature after each screen.
4. The size of wire is so small that it may be treated as a point
for gas flow across it.


Equal Mass Flow for Hot and Cold Streams

Equal mass flow in equal cross-sectional areas results in equal

values of G, and consequently, equal values of h in both hot and
cold streams.

1. Wire Temperature vs. Time

For a cross-wire screen element as shown in Fig. 2-24, the
energy equation gives

d:w~w~) Tw~w~J T.
+ 0
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 175

.:':::-:.~ - -. - .--~
-- ----</<0

Fig_ 224 Cross-wire screen element.

As the wire element rotates from hot stream to cold stream, the
surrounding gas temperature (T), shown in Fig. 2-25, can be
expressed by the Fourier series

Th + Tc) (2-6)
sin nwt + ( 2 .

Solving Eqs. (2-5) and (2-6) gives

1 T w - b0 + 'L.J
an [
1 + (nw/c) J}
2 e

+ {bO + t
an [
+ (nwl c)2
J sin (nwt - n)t .

Equation (2-7) describes the complete time history of the wire tem-
perature from the very start to steady state cyclic operations. Since
the transient portion becomes negligibly small after an elapsed
time approximately equal to (3/ cl seconds from the very start of
the operation, only the steady state portion of the complete solution
is really needed. This steady state solution in non-dimensional
form is

Tw - bo _
Th - T c
L' TT n VI
+ (nwlc)2
] sin (nwt - n).


Equation (2-8) describes the complete wire element steady state

cyclic temperature variations in terms of wire geometry, wire
material properties, hot and cold stream temperatures, heat
transfer coefficients, and revolutions per second of the wire screen
176 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsio'(t

Th Th Th

~ th tc -+-

T Tc Tc

For Equal Mass Flow, th ~ tc

Fig. 2 - 25 Gas temperature in rotating wire element.

2. Cyclic Wire Temperature Rise

After steady state heat transfer is attained. the zero time <t ~ 0)
can be set at the instant that the wire element enters the hot stream.
The wire element leaves the hot stream at t ~ th. If Two indicates
the wire element temperature in of. at t ~ 0 and Two indicates the
wire element temperature in of. at t ~ th,fromEq. (2-8) the values
of Two and T W'T( can be calculated as:
co co
1: Il n sin (- n) - 1: Il n sin n (2-9)
n=odd n=odd

co co
L: Il n sin (n1T - n) L: Il n sin n
n=odd n=odd


Consequently, the wlretemperaturerise t.Tw from Two toTw'T(during

the passage of the wire element through the hot stream section is

2f.Ln sin n (2-11)
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 177

3. Temperature Effectiveness of a Single Rotating Wire Screen

The temperature effectiveness Tf s of a single rotating wire screen

is defined as
Th - The
Tfs = (2-12)
Th - Tc
Using the energy equation, one obtains:


From geometry and the equation of continuity, one obtains:



(2 ....16)

Substituting Eqs. (2-11, (2-13), (2-14), (2-15), and (2-16) into

Eq. (2-12) and simplifying, one obtains:
1 11 (f3



178 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

( may be called the "heat transfer geometry parameter." and

f3 may be called the "gas flow geometry parameter." These two
nondimensional parameters alone determine the temperature effect-
iveness of the single layer wire screen. It should be noted that.
when the gas flow geometry parameter. f3. is small or approaches
zero. the temperature effectiveness approaches 1.184(.

4. Temperature Effectiveness of a Multilayer Rotating Wire

Screen Heat Exchanger
For a single layer wire screen rotor. the results of the ex-
pression of temperature effectiveness are the same for both parallel
flow and counter flow heat exchangers. However. the results for
parallel flow and counter flow are different for multi-layer rotating
wire screens. These results are derived separately as follows:
a. Parallel Flow

Figure 2-26 illustrates a typical arrangement of a multi-layer

rotating wire screen heat exchanger having n individual screens.

By definition.

Thl - Th2 Thl - Th2

T/ sl T/1
Thl - TCI Thl - TCI

Th2 - Th3 Thl - Th3

T/ s2 T/2
Th2 - Tq Thl - TCI
Th3 - Th4 Thl - Th 4
T/ s3 T/3
Th3-Tc3 Thl - TCI

Th n - Thn+l Thl - Thn+l

T/ sn T/ n
Th n - TC n Thl - Tq


T/1 T/ s I (2-21)

Thl - Th3
rh, -Th') (Th' -Th'XTh, -T")
Thl - TCI Thl - TCI Th2 - TC2 Thl - TCI

Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 179

Hot Stream F low ~ T hI

Cold Stream Flow ~ T Cl TC3 TC4 TC5

N M "' 10 C

ci ci ci ci ci ci
z z z z z z
c C 0:: 0:: 0:: 0::

"u~ "u~ "

~ ""t; "u~
V) V) V) V) V)

Fig. 2 - 26 Typical multi-layer rotating wire screen heat exchanger having n individual
screens, parallel flow.




Substituting Eqs. (2-23) and (2-24) into Eq. (2-22), one obtains:



1/3 = 1/2 + 1/ 83 (1 - 21/) (2-26)

1/n = 1/ n -l + 1/8n (1 - 21/n_l)' (2-27)

For the special case of 1/ 8 ) = 1/ 82 = 1/ 83 = 1/ 8n 1/ 8 , Eqs. (2-21),

(2-25), (2-26), and (2-27) reduce to

1/1 1/8
1/2 1/1 + 1/8(1 - 21/1)
1/3 = 1/2 + 1/ 8 (1 - 21/2)
180 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


T Cn +1 T Cn-l T C n -2 T T ' - Cold

C2 C] Stream

N M " c:

ci ci ci ci o
z z z z Z
c c c c c

"u~ ""t; "

~ "u~ "u~
u V>
V> V> V> V>

Fig. 2 - 27 Typical multi-layer rotating wire screen heat exchanger having n individual
screens, counter flow.

b. Counter Flow
Figure 2-27 illustrates a typical arrangement of a multi-layer
rotating wire screen heat exchanger having n screens. By definition,
Thl - Th2 Thl - Th2
Tfs 1 = Tf1 =
Thl - TC n Thl - TC n

Th2 - Th3 Thl - Th3

TfS2 Tf2
Th2 - T Cn _ 1 Thl - T Cn _ 1
Th3 - Th4 Thl - Th 4
Tfs3 Tf3
Th3 - T Cn - 2 Thl - T Cn - 2

Th n - Thn+l Thl - Thn+l

Tfsn Tfn
Th n - TCl Thl - Tq
Tf1 = Tfsl (2-30)

C" -
Thl - T Cn _ l
T,_ ) + Tfs
- T, __ ,)
Thl - T Cn _ l


Th2 Thl - Tf1 (Thl - Tc n ) (2-32)

Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 181

TC n = T Cn _ 1 + lI s ?(Th 2 - T Cn _ 1>, (2-33)

Using Eqs. (2-32) and (2-33), it is easy to prove that
Th1 - TC n 1 - 11 S2
Th1 - T Cn _ 1 1 - lIS2111

Th2 - T Cn-1 1 - 111

Th1 - T Cn _ 1 1 - lIS2111
Substi tuUng Eqs. (2-34) and (2-35) into Eq. (2-31) results in




1 - lIS n ) ( 1 - lIn -l )
lIn = lIn -l ( 1 + lIsn
-lIsnlln-l l - l I sn lln -l

For the special case of lIS1 = lIS2 = lIS3 = lIsn = lIs, Eqs. (2-30),
(2-36), (2-37) and (2-38) reduce to

112 = 111 (' - '. ) (' - " )

1 - lIs1l1
+ lIs .
1 - lIs1l1

113 112 f-") (,-'2)

- lIs1l2
+ lIs
1 - lIs1l2

114 113 ('1 - -lIs1l3

'. ) + lIs ('1 - -lIs1l3
'3 )

182 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Unequal Mass Flow for Hot and Cold Streams

For unequal mass flows, the same value of G in both hot and
cold streams may be obtained by designing the ratio of the cross-
sectional area of one stream to that of the other so that it is equal
to the corresponding mass flow ratio of the two streams. This
results in the same values of h in both hot and cold streams.

1. Wire Temperature vs. Time

Equation (2-5) is also valid for unequal mass flows. The sur-
rounding gas temperature (T) shown in Fig. 2-28, however,

T bo' + 1:
an' sinnwt +

, Th - Tc
an (1 - cos nbIT)

Th - Tc
bn ' (sin nbIT) (2-40)

The solution of Eqs. (2-5) and (2-40) is

Tw = Aa ' e - c+ tbo' + 1:

en [

+ (nwle)2


tan-1[ sinnbIT l.
1 - cos nbITJ
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 183

The value of the arbitrary constant Aa' can be determined by

setting t = 0 and T w = T Wi in Eq. (2-41):


Th Th

~th tc th_

T Tc Tc

For Unequal Mass Flow,

th " tc

Fig. 2- 28

After an elapsed time equal to (31 c) seconds from the very start
of the operation, the transient state portion becomes negligibly
small. Therefore. for practical purposes, only the steady state
portion is needed. This solution in nondimensional form is

W -
T -b'
- -
Th - Tc
nVl + (nw/c)2
] tv 1
- - ---
cos nb17
J} . (
sm nw +
t ,I,


Equation (2-44) reduces to Eq. (2-8) when b = 1, for equal mass


2. Cyclic Wire Temperature Rise

By employing a procedure similar to the one described for the

corresponding portion of equal mass flows, one obtains the wire
temperature rise:

[12- -nb17J
..J - - cos -
2 ''/''
Il n sm 'f'n

184 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

For equal mass flows, Eq. (2-45) reduces to Eq. (2-11) when b = 1.

3. Temperature Effectiveness of a Single Layer Rotating Wire

By employing a procedure similar to the one described for the
corresponding portion of equal mass flows. one obtains

s () ""[
=! -.!. 2: ! _ cos nb77
b {3 n=l 2 2 J[ 11 (f3
1 + (nl(f3)2

For equal mass flows. Eq. (2-46) reduces to Eq. (2-17) when b = 1.
Whenf3 ~ 0


4. Temperature Effectiveness of a Multi-layer Rotating Wire

Screen Heat Exc1ulnger
a. Parallel Flows

A procedure similar to that employed for equal mass flows


712 711 + 7IS2 ~ -2"1(~ +~)J

713 712 + 7Is3
~ -2"2(~ +nJ (2-48)
714 713 + 7I s4
~ -2"3(~: ~)J
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 185


For the special case of "Is = "Is = "Is = "Is = "Is' Eq. (2-48) reduces
to I 2 3 n

"11 = "Is

"12 "11 + "Is [,- 2",a ,OJ

"13 "12 + "Is [1 - 2",G DJ
"14 "13 + "Is [,- 2"3G + 0]

b. Counter Flows

A procedure similar to that employed for equal mass flows


186 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

For the special case of 71S1 = 71S2 = 71s3 = 71s , Eq. (2-50) reduces to

1 - 712 )
"'3 + 71 s (
1 - 71s71.J


Equations developed in the Analysis Section may be readily

plotted as design charts to establish design criteria. This was
done (see Figs. 2-29 to 2-32) for equal mass flows. For unequal
mass flows, similar plots may be readily prepared, using the
equations for unequal mass flows. These plots are not shown here,
but are left to the individual designer to prepare to suit his own
applications. For purpose of illustration, the general design pro-
cedure is given below:

Given: Th, T c, Ph, Pc, Wh, We, C Ph ' CPe.

Required: To design a heat exchanger to attain an effectiveness 71.
1. Arbitrarily select the follOwing quantities: m, a, n s, d, s,
counter flow or parallel flow, and wire material which
determine Pw Cpw
2. Read 71sin Fig. 2-29 or 2-30 from known values of 71 andn s
3. Select, and f3 in Fig. 2-31 from mown value of 71 s (It is
always desirable to have f3 as close to maximum as
possible and , as close to minimum as possible.)
4. Calculate (hIGmaxC p ) from Eq. (2-18) and read (dGmax/JLHn
Fig. 2-32 from mown value of (hIGmaxCpl.
5. Calculate G from Eq. (2-16), N from Eq. (2-19).
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 187

Counter Fl ow
1. 0 f-- - - + - -.....--l..,.-,:---+-----t----i- - - - t -- - - + -----1


.30 .35
Fig. 2- 29
6. Calculate free flow area Arfor either hot or cold gas from
Ar = Wh l Gh = We l Ge. and calculate the outside diameter of
the wire screen rotor using

A( = ~ <DO)2 ~ (~:)J (I -: /2").


NOTE: (D i lDo) may be arbitrarily selected but is usually from

0.1 to 0.3.
7. Calculate the total wire screen core weight Ww using

Ww = ~ <D0)2 ~ -G:)J(~)(~)' 2'Pw n

8. Calculate the core thickness of the wire screen layers


l = (n s - l}p + d (in inches)

9. Calculate the core volume using

Co," Vol",," = ~ <D0)2 ~ (~J] (:2).

188 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

~~I ~I~I_--~~~~~~~

L:.s. _I"
_ 0
~ IN~J== cl 3
-...:......- - -
.- ~b
_ ......:. _
_ 1 __

...... . I

- -.1'

1. H
I- I-

f- "

, l- I-

f- ~ ''--

~- ",
.. j-AHI--++--+-HH-++I--+-j ..
<l ~


if " i \

. I,

\ \

.+--_44, ~


- ~
- "- -


----- -w~--~+-----~k------4-------+------~

... 1".
-~ +~~~~~~,~
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 189


1- -4 --t '" I:..,.
..<>eo ,." .. - "... ,......
G"" o<ll. d
roI l ~ .2

"" I
;r~ l ~~ I
~ I"--i' I 1


I u: I I

J.OS .04
~ -'--_.-
-r-:-::- i' -
.0' '-c--- -- - --- - - -- -
~ - ..-
...... r---.
.01 ,0
20 30 40 50 100 200 300 SOO ,000 2000 3000 SOOO 'q_
dG m ...

Fig. 2 - 32

For a given rotating wire screen heat exchanger. the performance

can also be calculated from the charts in a similar but reverse
manner. Knowing the values of Va, N. etc the value of Tf may
readily be calculated for the given heat exchanger under the given
operating conditions.

Af = free flow area in sq. ft.
Cp = specific heat of gas in Btu/lb. 0 R.
Cp w = specific heat of wire material in Btu/lb. 0 R.
c = Constant = (4h I PwCpwd)
Di = inside diameter of rotating wire screen rotor in ft.
Do = outside diameter of rotating wire screen rotor in ft.
d = wire diameter in ft. or inches
f = WhlWc
G = mass flow velocity per unit area in lb./ sec. ft. 2 = P V
Gm a x . = maximum mass flow velocity per unit area in lbs./sec.ft.2
g acceleration of gravity in ft./sec. 2
h = heat transfer film coefficient between gas and wire in
Btu/sec. ft.2 OR.
k = thermal conductivity of the wire in Btu/sec. ft.2 R./ft.
1 = thickness of the rotating wire screen rotor inft. or inches
(thickness of multi-layer screen part only)
M = Mach number = (Va IV ygRt s)
m total number of hot and cold sections in duct (see Fig. 2- 33)
N revolutions of rotating wire screen rotor per second
n integral number = nth harmonic in a Fourier Series
190 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Fig. 2-33 m = 4.
ns = number of screens in parallel in a rotating wire screen
p = total pressure in Ib./in. 2 or Ib./ft. 2
pr Prandtl number
R = gas constant in ft./R. = 53.3 (for air)
s = Transverse pitch between wires in ft. or inches
T = total temperature in 0 R
Tho = total temperature of hot gas leaving the wire in oR.
Tw = instantaneous wire element temperature in OR.
L'1 T w = wire temperature rise in 0 R. during passage of the wire
through the hot section = T W 7T - Two
t = time in seconds
Va = axial velocity of gas in ft./ sec.
W = weight flow of gas in lb./ sec.
Ww = total wire weight in lbs.
a = angle in degrees or radians which prevents mixing of
hot and cold gases during passage through rotating wire
screen rotor
f3 = 1I2(pCp l pwCp)[1 ! (dl s)](Va I Nd)[1 - (ma / 27T) ! m]
y = ratio of specific heats of gases
, = 8 ! 7T(hlG max .C p)Udl s) ! (1 - dl s)2]
1/ = over-all temperature effectiveness of rotating wire screen
heat exchanger
1/ s = temperature effectiveness of an individual wire screen
1/1' 1/2' 1/3 ' . . 1/n = temperature effectiveness of one, two, three, four
n wire screens in parallel
1/ s1 ' 1/ s2 ' 1/ s3 ' 1/ s = temperature effectiveness of first, second,
third, fourth .. nth individual wire screen
e = angle in degrees or radians in hot or cold section of the
p = density of gas in Ib./ft. 3
a = screen solidity = 2(dls) - (dl s)2
w = equivalent angular frequency in radians per second
= mN7T/ [l - (ma / 27T)]
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 191

c indicates cold gas
h indicates hot gas
i indicates initial
n indicates nth harmonic in a Fourier Series
o indicates steady state time wire element entering hot section
s indicates single wire screen
w indicates wire or wire screen
TT or bTT indicates steady state time wire element leaving hot
Figure 2-34 gives a schematic diagram for illustrating pulse jet
operations. Pulse jet operates on a periodic cycle controlled by
the opening and cloSing of the inlet valve. The phenomenon may
best be demonstrated through the following pressure-time history.
When the inlet valve opens, the inlet air under ram pressure enters
the combustion chamber where the pressure rises from ambient or
neat ambient Pa to the ram pressure Ph depending on ram efficiency
[see Eq. (1-160)], as shown from point a to point b. This is called
the inlet charging process. The time required for charging is :tc'
At the end of point b where the inlet valve closes, combustion takes
place and raises the temperature and, consequently, the pressure,
to a maximum point c. The time required for combustion is t b'
Discharge starts at point a and ends at point c where the pressure
becomes ambient or near ambient again. This completes one cycle.
The frequency is equal to (Fig. 2-35)
f =

It is to be remembered that since there is no exhaust valve, dis-

charge takes place continuously during the charging and combustion
process as well as during the discharging process.

--c---- L Time ---l

- I --- ,---- One Cycle I

Fig. 2.34 Fig. 235

192 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
[2-7.1] Discharging from Point c to Point a

When the inlet valve is in the closed position, the situation may
be represented by Fig. 2-36. Let m, P, T and p represent the mass,
pressure, temperature and density, respectively, of gas inside the
chamber, at any instant t. Let V 0 and A2 represent, respectively,
the effective volume of the chamber which is a constant and the exit
nozzle throat area. Use sub 0 to indicate the initial condition when
m, P, P

vo , T,

Fig. 2- 36
discharge starts at point c. Assume the expansion inside the
chamber during the discharging process follows the isentropic
pressure temperature relationship (which is a good assumption
and is very close to actual cases).
m Vo P
P ..
pk = Pok


elm P
(-k- dP
dt I dt
kC I k

Here dm/dt is the rate of change of mass of gas inside the chamber
which must be equal to the rate of exhaust gas leaving the nozzle
exit, W. Combining Eqs. (1-106) and (1-78), we have

Substituting Eq. (2-53) into Eq. (2-52). one obtains:

PA 2ff/6
- ----=
k - 1
k dP
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 193


we have


Substituting Eq. (2-54) into (2-53). one obtains:

1- 3k
p2k dP
- c2 dt



[2-7.1.1] Supercritical Discharging When (Pip) 2: [(k + l)/2]1c1(1c - 1)

For all pressure ratios greater than or equal to the critical

pressure ratio

the throat is choked and the Mach number is one at the throat.
Under this condition. (P /p) becomes a constant which is equal to
[(k + 1)/2]k/(k-ll Therefore. for super critical or critical flow.
we have
1- 3k
-C3dt p2k dP.
194 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



Equation (2-57) may easily be integrated to give

~(~) ~ l;kk _ POl ;kq

t =
cg k - 1 L (2-59)

t =



With pressure versus time known, the temperature T. density p

versus time maybe known from the isentropic pressure-tempera-
ture, pressure-density relationShips. They are:


From Eqs. (2-53) and (2-54) and supercriticalf1owconditions where


(f) (k; 1)~


one obtains:

dm (2-63)

Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 195

C~ S-G: ~),
A2 P k2-k
_{"k;~ 2
ffo 0 'Ii k-l
1 (2-64)

Substituting Eq, (2-59) into (2-64), one obtains:


k +1
dm l-k
- c 5 (c6 t + C7) (2-65)


Equation (2-65) may be integrated to obtain:


[2-7.1.2] Subcritical Discharging When (Pip) < [(k + l)/2]kl(k-1)

For subcritical flow P = Pa ' so we may rewrite Eq. (2-55) as

(1- 3k) dx
2k dX
- Cs dt

196 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



(~) .
When k = 1.4, which is the case of usual interest. we have


Equation (2-68) may be integrated to give

t =


Here Xi is the initial value of (Pip a) at the start of subcritical flow

and which is equal to [(k + 1)/2]klk-1. For the other value of k,
Eq. (2-67) must be integrated graphically.
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 197

[2-7.2] Combustion from Point b to Point c

Combustion in pulse jet is neither a constant volume combustion

nor a constant pressure combustion; it is in between. From Eq.
(1-21) of Chapter I, we have

dQ = dE + pdV = dh - udp . (1-21)

From Eqs. (1-167) and (1-168) of Chapter 1, we have

dQ = T/bh
* -d(- . (1-167)
1+ (
The term (1 + () is being added because the heat addition dQ is for
heating (1 + () pound of combustion products. Therefore, we may
write Eq. (1-21) as


If the rate of fuel injection (d( I dt> is constant or equal to its average
rate during the combustion period t e , i.e., d( Idt = (It e Here ( = total
pound of fuel injected per pound of air during combustion period
te (which should be as short as possible for best efficiency):

te = combustion time period, in seconds.

Then Eq. (2-70) may be written as follows:



dT RT du
- +-- - Cg. (2-72)
dt JcuVo dt



During the combustion process, the flow at the nozzle throat is

usually critical, M* = I, so from Eq. (1-106), we have
198 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


-clO _.- dt. (2-75)





Equating Eqs. (2-75) and (2-77), one obtains:

C lO VT dv
- - - dt =
Vo v

Substituting Eq. (2-78) into (2-72), one obtains:

- + c ll T
2" C9 (2-79)



Equation (2-79) may be written

dt. (2-81)
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 199

LetT l/2 = X so (1I2) T- 1I2 dT = dX



Let Cg = a, -c ll = b, c l2 = {alb)1I3

Equation (2-82) may be integrated to give:


Therefore, we have


Zero time or initial time is at the beginning of combustion or at

point b where the temperature is equal to TI and pressure is equal
to Pl. Since pu = RT, we have

dP dT du
P T u

Substituting Eq. (2-78) into (2-85), we have

VT dt. (2-86)
200 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Substituting Eq. (2-81) into (2-86), we have

dP dT C 10
T 2 dT
--- (2-87)
P T Vo 3
C9 -CllT 2

[P dP
Pi P
J;T dT 2clO
i2 T d(cg - CllTt)

'g -
T 3c l l Vo
C l l Tt)


Equation (2-88) may be integrated to give

In(;) In (~)


Here the subscript i indicates the initial condition or conditions

at point b where temperature is Tl and pressure is Pl. Since
T versus time is known from Eq. (2-84), pressure versus time
may be known from Eqs. (2-89) and (2-84).

[2-7.3] Charging Process from Point a to Point b

The charging process may be represented from the following

, ,

~ --------: '

~l ~2
Valve Nozzle Throat
Position Position
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 201

Here the rate of change of gas mass inside the chamber must be
equal to


Again applying Eqs. (1-106) and (1-78) of Chapter 1 to the present

case, we have

_fhi .. f 2
l'R l'k=!

Here P is the pressure inside the chamber, PI and TI are ram

pressure and ram temperature, respectively [Eq. (1-160)}.



Here Pa is the ambient pressure. Equations (2-91) and (2-92) may

be rewritten as



PIA I .. ,-;;;-
vI1\ l'R
= constant (2-94)

202 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



When the flow is critical, i.e., Mach 1 at the throat section, when
(PI/P) ~ [(k + 1)/2]k/(k-ll for wlflowandwhen (P/p) ~ [(k+ 1)/2]k/(k-ll
for w 2 flow, Eqs. (2-93) and (2-95) become constant, i.e.,

= c I5 = constant (2-93a)

During the charging process for high-speed pulse jets where
ram pressure over ambient pressure is above critical value, the
charging process consists of three parts. When the inlet valve
opens, the chamber pressure is near the ambient pressure Pa,
while ram pressure is PI (a value higher than or equal to the
critical pressure ratio), the charging process is Hsupercritical
charging and subcritical discharging," as shown in Fig. 2-37.
When the chamber pressure gradually builds up, the ratio PI/P
becomes < [(k + 1)/2]k/(k -ll, the charging process becomes Hsub-
critical charging and subcritical discharging." Finally, the cham-
ber pressure builds up so high that the chamber pressure P over
the ambient pressure P a exceeds the critical value [(k + 1)/2]k/(k-ll
and results in "subcritical charging and supercritical discharg-
ing" as shown in Fig. 2-37. The analysis may now be made in
the following.

[2- 7.3.1] Supercritical Charging and Subcriti cal Oi scharging

Combining Eqs. (2-90), (2-93a) and (2-95), one obtains:

dm (2-97)
Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 203

Substituting Eq. (2-52) into (2-97), one obtains:

(3) --+I

(1) Supercritical charging subcritical discharging

(2) Subcritical charging subcritical discharging
(3) Subcritical charging supercritical discharging

Fig. 2- 37

P k dP



t (2-99)


1 (2-100)
ke k

x = (~). (2-101)
204 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Equation (2- 99) which gives pressure versus time may be in-
tegrated graphically.

[2-7.3.2] Subcritical Charging and Subcritical Discharging

Following the same procedure as was used in the previous

section, one obtains:

c~7 X k dX

[2-7.3.3] Subcritical Charging and Supercritical Discharging

Following the same procedure again, one obtains:



Both Eq. (2-102) and (2... 103) may be integrated graphically.

Once pressure versus time is known, the temperature T, density
p, Mass flow wI and w 2 versus time may also be obtained through
pressure P. This is shown in the following:


Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis 205

m versus t may be obtained from Eq. (2-97) when P versus t is

known. wI and w 2 versus t may be obtained from Eq. (2-93) and
(2-95), respectively, when P versus t is known.
Jet velocity Vi versus t may be obtained through Eq. (1-178a).


when T and P versus t are known from the above, the gross thrust
Fg = (w 2 /g) Vj is known when Vj and w2 versus t are known. The
net thrust FN versus t may be obtained through FN = (w 2 / g) Vi -
(wI/g) Vo when w2' WI and Vi versus t are known from the above.
This value may also be measured based on a weighted average
value of one complete cycle.

1. Keenan, J.H. and J. Kaye: Gas Tables, John Wiley & Sons, 1945.
2. Sorenson, H.A.: Gas Turbines, Ronald Press, 1951.
3. Trout, Arthur M. and Eldon W. Hall: Method for Determining
Optimum Division of Power between Jet and Propeller for
Maximum Thrust Power of a Turbine-Propeller Engine,
NACA TN 2178, 1950.
4. Hensley, Reece V.: Theoretical Augmentation of Turbine-
Propeller Engine by Compressor-Inlet Water Injection, Tail-
Pipe Burning, and Their Combination, NACA TN 2672, 1952.
5. Lundin, Bruce T.: Theoretical Analysis of Various Thrust-
Augmentation Cycles for Turbojet Engines, NACA 981,1950.
6. Pinkel, Benjamin and Irving M. Karp: A Thermodynamic
study of the Turbine-Propeller Engine, NACA 1114, 1953.
7. - - and - - : A Thermodynamic study of the Turbojet Engine,
NACA 891, 1947.
8. Wilcox, Clinton and Arthur M. Trout: Analysis of Thrust
Augmentation of Turbojet Engines by Water Injection at Com-
pre ssor Inlet Including Charts for Calculating Compression
Processes with Water Injection, NACA 1006, 1951.
9. Bittker, David A.: Comparison of Experimental and Kinetically
Limited Theoretical Performance of the Hydrogen-Fluorine
Propellant System, NASA TN D-3607.
10. Loh, W.H.T.: Analytical Solutions for Rotary Matrix Wire
Screen Heat Exchangers, Journal of the Franklin Institute,
272: 3, September 1961.
11. - - : UCLA "Jet Propulsion" classnotes.
206 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

12. Loh, W.H.T.: SMU "Advanced Propulsion Technology" class-

13. - - : Hydraulic Analogue for One Dimensional Unsteady Gas
Dynamics, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 269: 1, January
14. - - : TCU "Jet Propulsion and Gas Turbine" classnotes.
15. - - : "Advanced Lectures on Propulsion Series" given at
Convair and Chance Vaught.
16. --: "Machine Design," May 1957.
Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors
and Turbines
w. H. T. LOH, Manager
Science and Technology,
Space Division,
North American Rockwell Corporation
Downey, California.

Fundamental aerothermodynamic equations derived in Chapter 1
may now be applied for aerodynamic design of axial flow com-
pressors and turbines. A typical sketch of an axial flow com-
pressor is shown in Fig. 3-1. The following symbols are con-
ventionally used:

Vl -llGJR0F10~Flow

Si ng Ie stage Stati on

01 >- 01
~ 01 >-
c: C c: c:
.;; c: >
C 3
0 0
> c:
0 0 0 0
:;: 0';: :;: 0';: :;:
Vi .2


v = absolute velocity Subscripts

u = change of tangential velocity
component tangential
w angular velocity-rad/ sec. a = axial
W relative velocity o average velocity
208 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

r = radius
p = density # IFt 3
L Lift
D Drag
CL lift coefficient = L/(pV 2 /2)
CD drag coefficient = D/(pV 2 /2)
f3 angle between average relative velocity (Wo) or average
absolute velocity (Vo) and tangential direction
a = angle of attack measured between chord and incoming stream
Wo average relative velocity = (Wl a + W2a)/2
Vo average absolute velocity = (Vl a + V2a)/2
tWH= D/L
A axial force
T = tangential force
a = solidity = chord/spacing = c/ s
c = blade chord
p = static pressure
s = blade spacing
B = number of blades
t = temperature
Tf b = blade element efficiency
angle between axial direction and W1 direction (stagger


A typical stage of an axial flow compressor which consists of

, ,
mUlti-stage bladed annulus is shown in Fig. 3-2.

T------ J ---------T
0- - - - - - -

Guide Inlet gui de

-------1-- ----- -- - - - - - - - -

'Dr ::;j f.:
;; V - + wr

T::::;:I --------2---~~~r V!a__ ~t-

1________,. _ _ ~_ _~~______~
Fig. 3-2
Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 209

Fig. 3-3

For compressible flow across the guide vanes, Eq. (1-63) gives

Vo 2 (3-1)
- + ho

For compressible flow across the rotor blades, one may again apply
Eq. (1-63) when relative velocities Wi and W2 are used. (Treat the
rotating blades as iftheywere stationarybyusing relative velocities
Wi and W2 instead of absolute velocities Vi and V2.)

W2 2
- + h2 (3-2)

From the geometry of the velocity diagram, Fig. 3-3, one obtains:


The absolute values of total enthalpy "before" and "after" the rotor
blades are, respectively, Hi and H2.


V2 2
h2 + - (3-5)
210 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Therefore, the total enthalpy increase across the rotor blades is

1 1
= -(2uwr) = - uwr.
2gJ gJ

Here u = (V 2t - V It); see Fig. 3-3.

Equation (3-6) is the Euler's equation for compressors and
turbines. It says that the total enthalpy increase (total energy in-
crease) is equal to the rotating speed wr times the change of
tangential component u. Assume constant specific heats are valid
for each stage, and Eq. (3-6) becomes


(~:) ~:r 1 + 1
( gJcpTi ~
uwr (3-7)


[ 1 + _1_uwr
~ k ~1
-1. (3-S)

If, for incompressible flow, k = 00, k/(k - 1) = 1, R/c p = (k - D/k = 1,

Eq. (3-S) reduces to
P2 - Pi = - puwr. (3-Sa)
Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 211

Equation (3-8) gives the pressure rise through a stage by compress-

ible equation, while Eq. (3-8a) gives the pressure rise through a
stage by incompressible flow equation.

[3-2.11 Radial Equilibrium

Figure 3-4 shows the flow along the radial direction and its
corresponding radial equilibrium condition.

p dp

ROfar Rotor
blade blades

Fig. 3-4

For radial equilibrium, dp must be balanced by the centrifugal

force [(p/g)dr] w 2 r. Therefore we have




Equation (3-10) is the radial equilibrium condition which must be

satisfied by fluid element. Now let us take a look at enthalpy change
along the radial direction. Differentiating Eq. (3-6) with respect
to r, one obtains:

212 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



~ -
k - 1
i d p k~l
(c) 1(
k ) (k -
k _ 1 ,-k-
1) c llk
pllk dp

~ - dp.

Substituting Eq. (3-10) into (3-12), one obtains:

-=--. (3-13)
dT Jg T

Substituting Eq. (3-13) into (3-11) and integrating from radius TA

to radius T B' one obtains:

! 'B
- dT - 1'B
dT + 1'B V2tdV2t + j'B

Referring to Fig. 3-5, one may write the following integration

approximately as

shaded area in Fig. 3-5

V 2tA 2 2
--+-- (3-15)

Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 213

Fig. 3-5

With the approximation of Eq. (3-15), we may write Eq. (3-14)


- ~VlaB2 + ~VlaA2 = (V2tB - VltB)WT B - (V2tA - VltA)WT A


We may rewrite Eq. (3-16) into

~ - 1~ - -1 V It 2(rA
1 2
= -1 V 2 t 2(rA - - 1) - -1 V 2t 2 - - V2a
2 Br 2 BT 2 B 2 B

214 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Let F indicate the function at the left- or right-hand side of
Eq. (3-17), and one can see immediately that


Equation (3-17a) indicates that for radial equilibrium condition FA

must be equal to F B while points A and B are two points along the
radial direction (while points 1 and 2 indicate the point before and
after the rotor blades). Equation (3-17) is the same for both com-
pressible or incompressible radial equilibrium analysis.

[3-2.2] Continuity Equation

The compressible continuity equation requires

,'tip ,'tiP
1n.. P2 V 2a 2rrrdr = 1n.. PI VIa 2rrrdr. (3-18)
'hub 'hub

For incompressible flow, Eq. (3-18) simplifies to


[3-2.3] Density Relationship

For constant specific heats, Eq. (3-3) may be rewritten as

For isentropic or polytropic relationships, one obtains:

Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 215


[3-2.4] Method of Calculation

1. Divide the blade into five sections, namely, a, b, c, d, e, as

shown in Fig. 3-6.

.r=--=-=--=-& - - - - - a

= constant

------- ---- b

- ;::
- -- - c

0 -F;d-


--=-~_- - -- e

Fig. 3-6 Fig. 3-7

2. At each section, draw the blade velocity diagram as shown

for the middle section c of Fig. 3-6.
3. At each section write down the airfoil section number (such
as NACA airfoil four-digit series section), blade angle , blade
chord c, blade solidity a. blade radial location r, blade spacing s.
4. Assuming (for each section) five values of V2a (such as
V2a = V1a - 50, Vl a - 100, Vl a , V 1a + 50, Vl a + 100 Calculate f31 by

216 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

1.....---"', .. I
-I t-

5. Calculate a1 by

6. From f3 1 , al' a airfoil section and its wind tunnel cascade

characteristics, read the turning angle tJt (cascade characteristics
are usually presented in NACA data as functions of f3 1 , aI' and a-
for the airfoil section concerned) as shown in Fig. 3-7.
7. Calculate Y2t by V2t = cur - V2a tan(f31 - 171)' (3-23)
8. Calculate V2 by V2 =V
V2a 2 + V2t2. (3-24)
9. Calculate the values of FA and FB for each value of the five
values assumed at each section for V2a (calculate the left-hand
side FA and the right-hand side FB ofEq. (3-17) separately) accord-
ing to Eqs. (3-25) and (3-26):

FA = !.V2t 2(rB
2 A rA
-1\ -!Vlt
) 2
2(rB -1)-!.V2t
r A 2 A A
2 -!V2a ?
2 A


Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 217

10. Plot FA and FB versus five assumed values of V2a for each
section (a, b, c, d, e) of the five blade sections as shown in Fig. 3-8.

~ _ _ _ FBc


Fig. 3-8

Since F A must be equal to F B for radial equilibrium, we must always

satisfy the following chain solutions. Assume a value of V2a at the
hub section (section e) as shown by the straight lines in Fig. 3-8.
This assumed value of V2a at section e determines a chain of
relations of V 2a at sections d, c, b and a (because at each section
FA must be equal to FB as shown by the straight lines). This re-
quirement determines V2a variation along the radius from rhub
to rtip for the assumed value of V 2a at the hub section. This re-
quirement also gives a chain relation on the velocity diagram
(because V 2a, in turn, determines the velocity diagram) on each
blade section. The velocity diagram, in turn, determines the
density P2 according to Eq. (3-20a) or (3-20b). Therefore, for
each assumed value of V 2a at section e (hub section), one deter-
mines the complete V2a and P2 variation along the radius direction
from hub to tip. With V 2a and P2 variation along the radius known
(for each value of V 2a assumed for section e), one may graphically
determine the total mass flow term m2 after the rotor blades


which must be equal to the mass flow term m 1 before the rotor blades

218 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
If m2 does not check with m i which is known through graphic
integration of Eq. (3-28), one must assume other values for V 2a
at section e (hub section) until m2 checks with mI. When m2 = m I ,
the assumed value of V2a and, therefore, its variations along the
radii, are the corrected answers.
11. Once the right value of V2a along the radii from hub to
tip is known, the right velocity diagram at each section, a, b, c,
d and e may be drawn. Consequently, the H2 - HI at each section,
a, b, c, d and e are known from Eq. (3-6).




Calculate P 2 at each section a, b, c, d and e. Get PI from Eq. (1-78).


~ = [1 + -2- 2Jk=1
k - 1 VI
kgRt i

To plot P2 versus the radius ,2 from 'hub to 'tip' one may obtain
the weighted average value of the pressure rise from hub to tip
by graphic integration of

(P 2 - PI)ave (3-32)

12. The above analysis gives V 2a , V 2t , P2' P2' T 2 , H 2 , (P 2 - PI) and

local mass flow distribution variation along the blade radius from
hub to tip.


The turbine may be looked on as if it were a negative operation

of a compressor; therefore, the analysis made in the previous
Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 219

section applies also to the turbine analysis here. Figure 3-9 shows
the velocity diagram of a turbine stage. Notice here that the turning
angle of the turbine is usually much larger than that of the com-
pressor. Because of the expansion through the cascade rather than
compression through the cascade, the turbine can usually turn up to
150 0 without causing flow separation, while the flow separates in the
compressor cascade if the turning angle is greater than 20 0 or 30 .
This is because the expansion stream tends to fill the cascade
passage suppressing separation, while the compression stream ag-
gravates the flow separation. With the large turning angle possible
for turbine operation, the expansion ratio is consequently much
higher than the compression ratio. Applying the Euler's equation
[Eq. (3-6)] to the turbine analYSiS, we have


Referring to Fig. 3-9, when WI = W2, PI = P2,theturbineis called

an impulse turbine, in which the velocity diagram is symmetrical and
the static pressure is equal at the inlet and exit. The turbine
analysis can best be illustrated by an example.

Given: Turbine horsepower = Y

Turbine RPM = N
Turbine gas flow = W lb./ sec.
Turbine inlet temperature = TOR
Turbine inlet total pressure = PI (psi)
Turbine tip speed = n ft./sec.
Turbine inlet flow at pitch radius degrees with the

1. Turbine angular speed w may be known from
w = ~N. (3-33)
2. Turbine radius rtip may be known from
rtip = - . (3-34)

3. Turbine annular free flow area "AI sin" may be obtained

from the application of Eq. (1-106a) to the annular area at pitch
section as shown in Fig. 3-10.

W~ _[hi
PI(AIsin) = lR -------k-+-I-

~ k - 1
1 + --MI2
2( k - 1)

220 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Fig. 3-9 Fig. 3-10

Fig. 3-11

Since the turbine throat is choked, MI = 1. Therefore, every

quantity in Eq. (1-106a) is known except AI, so Al may be solved
from Eq. (1-106a).
4. The turbine hub radius Thub may be solved from the
following equation:


5. The turbine-required enthalpy drop <HI - H2) may be ob-

tained from
(HI - H2) 550 W = y. (3-36)
Here W and Y are given. Therefore, HI - H2 may be solved.
6. From Eq. (3-6), ur may be solved.
= -

Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 221
ur = (Hi - H2) - (3-37)

A free vortex turbine is one in which ur is constant at any radii.

Consequently, the pressure is constant at any radii and no radial
flow results. The radial equilibrium condition derived in the
previous section is not needed for the free vortex design of com-
pressors or turbines, and ur is a constant. So u at tip, pitch, and
hub may be solved from the known value of ur as follows:

Pitch Hub

rtip rpitch rhub

Utip Upitch uhub

u is defined as the change of the tangential component between the

inlet and exit. In the case of the turbine,

u = V2t + Vi t

(See Fig. 3-9.) We may now construct the velocity diagram at tip,
pitch and hub as shown for pitch in Fig. 3-11.
7. With the velocity diagram drawn, the following may be cal-
culated from the geometry of the velocity diagram:

Wi from vector addition of Viand wr

Mia Mi sin

Via MiaVkgRti




Because of the turbine expansion as shown in Fig. 3-12, Va may be

designed so that V2a is slightly greater than Via' say, V2a =
Via + 50 ft./ sec.


222 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Vl a _ _

Fig. 3-12

we have

(Vltr)tip (Vltr)pitch (Vltr)hub (3-42)

(V2t r )tip (V2t r )pitch (V2t r )hub (3-43)

[(V2t + Vlt)r]tip = [(V2t + Vlt)r]pitch = [(V2t + Vlt)r]hub (3-44)

Using the pitch section as an illustrative example, the velocity
diagram and h-s diagram shown in Fig. 3-13 may be drawn.

-----, V1 2
__ 1

Fig. 3-13

With the velocity diagram, h-s diagram, and gas table, the gas
properties P, T, P at each section may be calculated in a manner
similar to that used to calculate the nozzle flow in Chapter 1.

Station T h Pr P
o To Ho Pro Po
l' (stator) ti hi P;I pi
1 (based on absolute velocity VI) hI PI
1 (based on relative velocity WI) hI, PI, PI
2 (based on relative velocity W2) t2r h2r P2
2'(based on relative velocity W2) t2 h'2, P'2, P2
2 (based on absolute velocity V 2) t2 h2 P2
Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 223

Here the prime indicates the fictitious isentropic state of the gas.
From Point 0 to Point 1.

Vl 2
Ho hl

Ho - hl
TtN =
Ho - hi


Po t P l (because of pressure loss here)

From absolute to relative values

W2 2
h2 + -

From relative to absolute values

V2 2
H2 h2 + -

h2r = h2

t2r = t2

P2r = P2 P2
224 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Turbine expansion

Turbine efficiency

"f/T =
HO - H2
All subscripts r indicate that the quantity is based on relative
velocity W instead of absolute velocity V except P r indicates relative
pressure used conventionally in the gas table of Keenan and Kaye.
For two or three stages of turbine design. the analysis is the
same as the one-stage design illustrated above. No repetition will
be given here.


Analysis of an Axial-flow Compressor Stage. Assumptions:

1. The density of the gas is constant throughout the stage.

p = constant.
2. The axial velocity is constant throughout the stage. Va =
3. The gas velocities at entrance ~d exit of the stage are
identical. V I = V 3
4. There are no radial components of velocity in the stage.
5. Losses are due to profile drag only. Lossesdue to clearance
leakage and to secondary flows are neglected.

Vector Diagrams. Figure 3-14 shows the blades of the rotor

and stator developed on a cylinder of radius r. Figure 3-15 shows
the velocity diagram for the blade-elements at the radius r. From
assumption 3 it follows that VI = V3. From assumption 2 it follows
that VIa = V2a = V3a = V ll. The geometry of the vector diagram
indicates that V2t - Vit = W2t - WIt- The velocity Wr is the mean
velocity of approach to the rotor blade; the tangential component
of Wr is defined as the mean value between the tangential compo-
nents of WI and W2. respectively. The velocity Vs is the mean
velocity of approach to the stator blade; the tangential component
of V s is the mean value between the tangential components of V 2
and V3. respectively.
Figure 3-16 shows the forces acting on an element of the
rotor blade of infinitesimal length dr. A similar diagram may
be constructed for an element of the stator blade.
Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Com;bressors and Turbines 225

~ lh~~f--

Starte r
2-- ------- ------ -- ----

Fig. 3 -14 Development of rotor and stator blades at radius r; t " chord; r " radius of blade
element; z " number of blades; w " angular velocity; 0" " solidity ratio" chord/pitch"
tl (271TI z) " tz/ 271T; subscript r refers to rotor; subscript s refers to stator.

Fig. 3 - 15 Velocity-vector diagra m f or rotor and stator bla des at radius r; V " velocity
relative to stator or a bsolute velocity; W " ve locity re lative to rotor; subscript a refers to
axial component of ve locity; subscript t refers to tangential component of ve locity; /3 is
measured with respect to direction of motion of rotor blades.


Fi g. 3 - 16 Force-vector diagram for element of rotor blade of length dr; a = angle of attack;
e "blade-setting angle = a + /3 ; L " lift force; D " drag force; A " axial c omponent of force
on blade; T = tangential component of force on blade; = tan -1 (DIL).
226 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Analysis of Rotor. The subscript r isomittedfrom the symbols

in this section with the understanding that all quantities refer to
the rotor. The force-vector diagram of Fig. 3-16 indicates that

dT = dL sin,B + dD cos,B (3-45)


dA = dL cos,B - dD sin,B (3-46)

By definition, tan( = D/L, and, since ( is usually much less than 0.1,
we may write

Equations (3-45) and (3-46) may then be rearranged as follows:

dT " dL 'in~ ~ + (,.:~)J (3-48)


dA = dL cos,B[l - (tan,Bl . (3-49)

The lift dL may be expressed in terms of the lift coefficient CL as


dL P
CL -Wr 2
= (3-50)

Application of the momentum equation in the axial direction to

the flow through a control surface bounded by sections 1 and 2 and
by cylinders of radii rand (r + dr) results in the expression


After substitution of (3-49) and (3-50) into (3-51), we obtain

P2 - PI = aCL ~Wr2 cos,B(1 - (tan,B) (3-52)


where a = tZ/21Tr and represents the "solidity" of the blading or

the ratio of chord to pitch.
Application of the equation for angular momentum to the
flow passing through the same control surface described above
results in the expression
Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 227

p V a 2rrrdr
- - - - r(V2t - VIt) = ZrdT. (3-53)

After substituting (3-48) and (3-50) into (3-53), we obtain

V2t - VIt =
aCL Wr 2
-2- v:- (
sinf3 1 + tanf3
E) (3-54)

Now Va Wr sinf3

so that we may write

V2t - Vlt =
aCL (
-2- Wr 1 + tanf3 .
E) (3-55)

Analysis of Stator. Equations (3-45) through (3-55) apply to the

stator as well as to the rotor, substituting V s for Wr and employing
the subscript s instead of the subscript r. Since there is no net
change in tangential velocity between the entrance and exit of the
stage, i.e.,

it follows from (3-55) that


Through a comparison of (3-56) with (3-52), we may derive the

ratio of the pressure rise in the rotor to that in the stator. Ne-
glecting the terms containing E , we obtain

P 2 - PI tanf3s
---:::: (3-57)
P3 - P2 tanf3r

Thus, to obtain equal static-pressure rises in the rotor and stator,

it is necessary to have a velocity diagram which is approximately
symmetrical. With a nearly symmetrical diagram, Wr = V s and
(3-56) indicates that the product of aeL must be approximately the
same for both rotor and stator.

Work and Power Input. The amount of power input to the rotor-
blade elements between rand (r + dr) is given by the expression

dP = ZrrwdT r (3-58)
228 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Introducing Eqs. (3-48) and (3-50), we obtain for dP the relation

dP = 21TWUr CLr - P Wr2sm{3r

' ( 1 + - - r2 dr.
fr) (3-59)

Integration of (3-59) between the hub radius and casing radius

gives the total shaft power supplied to the rotor.
The shaft work per unit mass of gas is given by

dP dP
Wx = - = ---
dw 21Tr Va pdr

Substitution into this of (3-58) and (3-53) results in the expression

WdV2t - Vlt)
Wx = (3-60)

If we assume no heat transfer between the gas and the com-

pressor, we may equate Wx to the increase inenthalpy for the
stage. Thus,

If the fluid is a perfect gas, the temperature rise for the stage
is given by
wr(V2t - Vl t )
Ta - Tl = (3-61)
JgC p

where Cp is the average specific heat at constant pressure over

the temperature range in question.
Efficiency. The blade-element efficiency for the stage ." b is
defined as the ratio of the isentropic rise of enthalpy to the
shaft work input for the rotor and stator elements of length dr,

From the thermodynamic relation, Tds = dh - vdp, it is evident that

the effiCiency equation becomes, for an incompressible fluid,

Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 229

The efficiency of the entire stage .,., s is defined as the ratio of the
isentropic increase of enthalpy-flux to the power input, namely,

2rr Va J (P3 - Pilrdr

""s pJ dP

where the numerator is integrated between the hub and casing

radii and JdP is found from (3-59).
Symmetrical Velocity Diagram. We shall assume now that at
a particular radius the velocity diagram of Fig. 3-15 is symmet-
rical and that the rotor and stator blades at this section have the
same profile and operate with the same values of a CL and f .
Then Wr = V s , and f3r = (3s = (3.
tan(3 = -. (3-64)

It is evident from (3-55) that the conditions imposed above, i.e.,

the same values of a, CL, W, f and f3 for both rotor and stator ele-
ments, are compatible with the condition that there shall be no
net change in tangential velocity for the stage. Also, it follows
from (3-52) that the static-pressure rise in the rotor is identical
with that in the stator.
Equation (3-62) may now be rewritten as follows:

P2 - Pi
""b ~ 2 ---
pW x

This expression, after substitution of (3-52), (3-60) and (3-55),

may be written in the form

1 - f tanf3
Pb ~ (3-65)
1 + (dtan(3)

The maximum of .,., b corresponding to a fixed value of f is found by

a""b/a (tan (3) = O. For the maximum effiCiency, ",,~, we get

1- f
1 + f

The corresponding value of (3* is given by

tan(3* ~ 1 - f, (3-67)
230 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Preliminary design of axial-flow compressor under the follow-
ing design conditions: pressure ratio = 4; flow rate = 64 lb./sec. of
air; inlet temperature = 520 R; inlet pressure = 14.7 Psia. Design
of the entire compressor at pitch radius. Assumptions:
1. A set of guide vanes forward of the first-stage rotor induces
the proper amount of pre-rotation. The guide vanes are frictionless.
2. The stream leaving the last stage rotor is straightened and
diffused to an axial velocity of 200 ft./sec. with an isentropiC
3. The velocity diagram for each stage is symmetrical at the
pitch radius with a ratio of axial-to-wheel velocities of 0.5.
4. The pitch radius is the same for each stage.
5. The axial velocity is constant throughout the entire com-
6. The air velocities at entrance and exit of each stage are
7. In calculating blade forces, the flow in each stage is treated
as incompressible, with a density corresponding to the arithmetic
means of the end pressures and temperatures for the stage.
8. The Mach number at the pitch radius of the first-stage rotor
is 0.5 based on the mean velocity relative to the first-stage rotor
and on the sound velocity corresponding to the undisturbed air
entering the compressor. (This sound velocity is almost identical
with the stagnation sound velocity corresponding to the mean rela-
tive velocity.)
9. All stages have a solidity ratio (a = chord/pitch) of 1 at the
pitch radius.
10. All stages employ the NACA 2409-34 airfoil (refer to NACA
Technical Report No. 492). The characteristics are chosen at an
average Mach number of 0.4. A lift coefficient of 0.60 is used,
corresponding to an angle of attack of 3.7 and a drag-lift ratio
of 0.029.
11. The hub-casing diameter ratio at the entrance to the first-
stage rotor is 0.75.
Calculation Procedure:
*1. Calculate the mean relative velocity Wr for the first rotor.
*2. Calculate the axial velocity Va, wheel velocity wr, tangential
velocities Vi t and V2t, and the velocities VI and V2 for'the first
*3. Find the angle f:3g at which the entrance guide vanes are to
be set.
4. Compute the pressure and temperature upstream of the
first rotor based on an isentropic expansion in the guide vanes.
Treat the air as compressible for this process.
*5. Find the blade height and pitch diameter at the entrance to
the first rotor, assuming that conditions at the pitch diameter
Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 231

represent average conditions over the annulus. Calculate the rpm

of the rotor.
6. Calculate the temperature rise Ta - TI for the first stage.
7. Derive an expression for the pressure rise in any stage of
the form
Pa 1 + (K/2)
PI 1 - (K/2)

where K depends only on the average temperature for the stage.

In forming this expression, note that a, CL, , and the mean veloci-
ties relative to the blades are the same not only for the rotor and
stator of each stage but have identical values for all stages.
8. Find the value of K for the first stage. Calculate the pres-
sure rise and the final pressure for the first stage.
*9. Compute the efficiency of the first stage based on conditions
at the pitch diameter.
10. Repeat steps 1 to 8 for the second. third ... stages. per-
forming the calculations in tabular form. Proceed until the final
pressure is such that the pressured at the exit of the diffuser cor-
responds to an overall pressure ratio for the compressor of at
least 4.
*11. Find the pressure and temperature at the diffuser exit and
the cross-sectional area (ft.2) of the exit duct for the compressor.
Treat the air as compressible in analyzing the diffusion process.
*12. Find the over-all efficiency (M isentropic/M) of the portion
of the compressor comprising rotor and stator elements.
13. Find the total shaft work (by summation of stage works).
*14. Calculate the over-all efficiency of the entire compressor
based on the definition

~ =
l1hisentropic + (vl /2g )

15. Results: (a) Tabulate for the entrance to each rotor the
temperature (F abs.). pressure (psia). and radial height (inches).
Present the same quantities for the exit of the last stator. (b) Sum-
marize the values of all results for the items above marked with
asterisks. Give velocities in ft./sec . temperatures in F abs.
pressures in psia. angles in degrees. and lengths in inches.
Detailed design of the first stage. Assumptions:
1. The flow is incompressible, with a density corresponding to
the mean density at the pitch radius based on the arithmetic means
of the end temperatures and pressures at the pitch radius.
2. The value of Vtr is the same at all radii for each section,
i.e., before and after the first rotor and after the first stator.
232 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

3. At any radius, the entering and leaving velocities for the stage
are identical.
4. The same profile and same values of CL. E and a are used at
all radii.
6. There are 60 blades on the first rotor and the same number on
the first stator.

Calculation Procedure:
1. Select five equally-spaced radii at which calculations will be
made: the inside, outside, and pitch radii for the first rotor, and the
two radii midway between the pitch and extreme radii. The follow-
ing calculations are to be carried out in tabular form for each of
these radii.
2. Find the values of Vlt. V2t. wr. Wr V s f3g. f3r. f3s. Or. and Os-
3. Compute the values of aj- and as.
4. Calculate the chords tr and ts (inches).
5. Find P2 - PI' P3 - P2' and P3 - PI (psi).
6. Compute the work Wx and the temperature rise T3 - TI.
7. Calculate the blade-element efficiency TJ b.
8. Calculate the stage efficiency TJ s'
9. ResuU~: (a) Plot the following quantities versus the radius
(inches): Ur and Vs (ft./sec.); aiJ and at; tr and ts (inches); f3g. Or
and Os (degrees); P2 - Pl' Pa - P2' and P3 - PI (psi) and TJb' (b) Draw
velocity diagrams to scale for each of the five radii studied.

[3-4.1] Turning Angle 8 as f(Cd and Derivation of Blade EfficiencY'lb

Fig. 3-17
= Va tan - Va tan( - 0)
1 (1

U = -aCLWo -+- E~
1 (1tanf3E)
tan - tan( - 0)] = -aCL -Wo
2 Va
Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 233

Wo 2 = 1 + [tanc/> - tan(c/> - e>J2

V a2 L 2 J

Va 2
tan,B - - - - - - - - - - -
[Va tanc/> + Va tan(c/> - 0)]j2 tanc/> + tan(c/> - 0)
2[tanc/> - tan(c/> - 0)]

pV a2
Pa + - . - and
if V 1 = Va

1 p
P2 - Pl =
2 -urCL
g ,
Wo 2 cos,Br(1 - Er tan,Br)

pV 12
Pl + - -
1 p 2
P2 = P2 + - - V2
2 g

The stator acts as a diffuser to yield static pressure rise:

P2 - Pl = !2 !!..U;-CL
g r
Wo 2 cos,Br(1 - Ertan,Br) +!....
(V22 - V1Z)
234 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

P 2 - Pl ~uWo COS{3r r. 1 J<1 - frtan{3r)

g L1 + (f r/tan (3r)

+ ~ (V a2 + V2t 2 - V a2 - Vl t2)

P2 - Pl =
p (
<1 - fr tan{3r) 1
WO COS{3r + -
V2t - Vl t
g ~ [1 + (f r/tan{3r)] 2 )

-p { u
[1 - f r tan{3r] Wo COS{3r + -
1 + (fr/tan {3r) 2
~Vlt + u) 2 2J}- Vl t

= -p { U
[1 -
1 + (fr/tan{3rl
fr tan{3r Wo cos{3r + Vlt + -

= ~ UUJr f [1 J
- fr tan{3r Wo cos (3r + [V It + (u/2)] l
g t 1 + (f r/tan{3r) wr wr)

p [ 1 - fr tan{3rJ Wo cos{3r wr - b - (u/2) + (u/2)

.. P 2 - Pl = - UUJr + ----'-----'-
g 1 + (fr/tan {3r) wr wr

P2 - Pl = !!.. UUJr
{rLl 1 - fr tan{3r
+ (f r/tan{3r)
J Wo cos{3r + 1 _ Wo cos{3r
wr wr )

- uwr
<1 - fr tan{3r) J
Wo cos {3r 1
( with losses
g 1 + (f r/tan{3r) wr)
Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors and Turbines 235

71 b blade efficiency

I _ 1_ (1 - fr tanf3r>] Wo cos f3r}
L 1+ (fr/tanf3r> WT


1. Taylor, E.S.: M.l.T. "Jet Propulsion and Gas Turbine" class-

2. Loh, W.H.T.: UCLA "Jet Propulsion" classnotes.
3. __ : SMU "Advanced Propulsion Technology" class notes.
4. __ : TCU "Jet Propulsion and Gas Turbine" classnotes.
5. __ : "Advanced Lectures on Propulsion Series" given at
Convair and Chance Vaught.
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets
Gordon L. Dugger
Supervisor, Hypersonic Propulsion
Applied Physics Laboratory
The Johns Hopkins University

For atmospheric flight at speeds above Mach 3, and even

for M < 3 for unmanned vehicles, the most promising propulsion
systems are ramjets and air-augmented rockets. Many ramjet-
powered vehicles have been developed (see, e.g., Refs. 1-3), in-
cluding a successful experimental turbo-ramjet airplane [4].
Three operational ramjet missiles have been deployed: Talos
(still in the United States Fleet), Bomarc, and the British Blood-
hound. Air-augmented, solid-propellant rockets are simpler than
ramjets and should be as good or better for some applications.
and air-augmented liquid rockets offer versatility in thrust!
specific-impulse tradeoffs during flight. still Simpler is the
"external burning ramjet," which employs combustion over an
external surface and could be used for range extension or side
forces on simple bodies. For hypersonic propulSion, ramjets
with internal supersonic combustion (scramjets) show great
promise (see also Chapter 14).
This chapter emphaSize,s design and performance of ramjets
for the Mach 2-6 regime. The first section discusses prelimi-
nary performance calculations and typical results for kerosene-
fueled and hydrogen-fueled ramjets. The next section covers
inlet (diffuser) design in some detail, since it is the inlet that
primarily differentiates air- breathing engines from rockets.
Combustor and nozzle design are covered more briefly, because
combustor design tends to be an art, and nozzles are common to
all propulSion systems. Some attention is given to vehicle con-
figuration, i.e., propulsion-airframe requirements. Air-augmented
rockets are covered briefly in relation to the ramjet discussion.
Finally, some work on external ramjets and scramjets is men-
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 237


The "gross thrust" for a ramjet (Fig. 4-1) will be defined by


,;:::.. "Ctt " ~."~n'

o 1/ "" I
i I 2 1 .

Fig. 4 -1 Schematic of a typical supersonic ramj et for a surface-to-air mi s sile.

where 3 is the "stream thrust,"


P is static pressure, A is area, is mass flow rate, V is velocity,
y is specific heat ratio, M is Mach number, and subscripts 0 and e
refer to the free stream and the nozzle exit plane, respectively.
Gross thrust coefficient and fuel specific impulse are defined as

CF == F g l qo Aref (4-3)

If '" Fg 1mfg = F / wf (4-4)

where qo is dynamic pressure, Aref is a reference area (usually

maximum engine cross-sectional area), and subscript f refers to
fuel. (The foregoing equations do not account for external wave
drag or friction drag on the engine, just as a quoted thrust coeffi-
cient or specific impulse for a rocket motor does not account for
any vehicle drag. In ramjet-rocket comparisons, the specific con-
figurations and inert weight fractions must be considered.) The
basic continuity and energy equations are:



where hand h t are static and stagnation enthalpy, respectively, f is

the fuel-air ratio (m / mo)' J == 778 ft.-lb./Btu, and htf includes the
heat of combustion. The first equality in Eq. (4-6) implies that the
238 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Ele.ctric Propulsion

system is adiabatic insofar as (non-regenerative) heat exchange

between the flow and the hardware is concerned. Moreover, since
the second equality usually is solved for one-dimensional flow in
either shifting equilibrium or frozen composition through the
nozzle, it does not account for combustion inefficiency, effects of
chemical kinetics in the nozzle flow, or divergence or flow non-
uniformities. Since a small mass flow of unburned fuel will not
appreciably affect the results, it is often sufficient to apply a
"combustion efficiency" 'TIc as a correction factor on If; i.e.,
the result of Eq. (4-4) is multiplied by some 'TIc, say, 0.9. Thus,
one assumes that the foregoing equations give the required 'TIb but
wf 10.9 = 1.11 Wf, or 11% more than the theoretical rate of fuel con-
sumption was needed. Kinetic effects may be approximated by
computing 3 e for both frozen and equilibrium flow beyond the
throat and taking an intermediate result, e.g., 2/3 of the way from
the equilibrium to the frozen flow value. For cruising vehicles
at Mo :S 3, sufficient accuracy is obtained by computing the equilib-
rium 3* at the nozzle throat and assuming isentropic expansion at
constant y to compute 3 e !3*. Nozzle losses due to friction, heat
transfer, flow distortions and divergence are often lumped into a
"nozzle efficiency" 'TIn that is a multiplier on 3e (typically 0.96
or 0.97).
To relate free-stream conditions to combustor conditions we
still need the total pressure ratios across the diffuser ('TId = P t2 /P to )
and burner ('TIb = P t /P t2 ), the Mach number M2 , and the fuel injection
stream thrust, 3 f2 These parameters depend on detailed engine
design and operating conditions. At low speeds, 'TId is relatively
high (e.g., 0.95 at Mo = 2 versus 0.3 at Mo = 5), whereas F g may be
relatively low (e.g., 0.8 for a "can" type flameholder at Mo = 2
versus 0.99+ for a "gutter" type flameholder and lower Mb at
Mo = 5); M2 is generally small enough to assume that P 2 ", P t2
The "kinetic energy efficiency" of the diffuser is often used in-
stead Of'TId'* since it is relatively insensitive to Mo:
'TIKE '" (V 2,)2/V0 2 = (ht2-h2')/(hto-ho) (4-7)

where ht2 = hto for an adiabatic diffuser, and state 2' represents the
hypothetical expansion of the diffused air back to Po <i.e., P 2 ' = Po)'
and 'TIK E and 'TId are related by

- ~ - ,),/(,),-1)
Y - 1 2 (4-8)
'TId = [
1 + (1 - 'TIKE) - 2 - MO

where y is an "effective" specific heat ratio. Fortunately,

Eq. (4-8) is not very sensitive to y, so that y = (Yo + Y2)/2 can
*Other diffuser efficiency definitions and their relationships are discussed in Ref. 5.
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 239

be assumed. In a constant-area combustor,


where (l a 2 is air stream thrust, and (lf 2 may be either positive or

negative (upstream injection) but is generally negligible (as will be
discussed in Section 4-5; however, (If 2 is not negligible for an
air-augmented rocket.)
Some typical results for kerosene-fueled ramjets [6a] were
obtained as follows. Flight along various constant-qo trajectories
was assumed; thus, Po = 2qo / YoMo 2. This Po for any Mo established
the altitude Z and hence To and ho for a standard atmosphere.
For TfKE' of 0.90 and 0.94, values of h2' (and hence S2) were found
from Eq. (4-7). Assuming that Tfb = P t /P t2 varied from 0.94 at
Mo = 3 to 1.0 at Mo ~ 5, and using Eq. (4-6) to find ht3 = hte' the
entropy Se for the isentropic expansion was found. (The calcula-
tions across the combustor and nozzle were based on equilibrium
chemistry.) For any P e' an he could be found, and then Ve from
Eq. (4-6). The Ae corresponding to P e was found by continuity
from Eq. (4-5) and the perfect gas law, Ae = mo(1 + {)(ReT/PeV e).
Values of OF and If werecomputedfromEqs. (4-1), (4-3) and (4-4),
using various Tfn'S as multipliers on (Ie' and Tfc = 0.95 as a multi-
plier on If. From results for expansions to various P e' s , the
results for Ae lAo = 1.5 were found by interwlation and plotted.
Figure 4-2a [6a] shows the effect of fuel-air equivalence ratio
(ER = (I{stoichiometric) and the envelope for If versus Mo that theo-
retically could be obtained by operating a "rubber" engine at
"optimum" ER for two values of TfKE (with Tfn = 0.96). By a
"rubber" engine we mean that the inlet always was "on-design,"
and the nozzle throat area A* varied as required by mo(M o' qo' Ao),
TfKE' and ER. Of course, even a "rubber" engine would seldom
operate at "optimum" ER because, e.g., to cruise, one throttles
the engine to obtain thrust = drag at an ER that usually is less than
"optimum." Note that at Mo = 6, Tfe falls by 14% when TfKE falls
from 0.94 to 0.90; at Mach 10, the loss is 40%. Practical con-
siderations may reduce the effect of TfKE on system performance;
e.g., if boundary layer bleed were required to achieve the higher
TfKE' the loss due to bleed might wipe out the apparent gain (see
Section 4-2.5). Moreover, a lower design goal on TfKE permits a
shorter and lighter inlet (and perhaps reduced combustor and
nozzle weights), but use of 0.90-0.92 is reasonable for preliminary
studies. It can be shown that a small change in Tfn (applied to (I e)
has about the same effect as the same change in TfK E
Figure 4-2b shows how If and OF curves shift with the specified
qo. If the abscissa were changed to V0, the apparent effect of qo
would be smaller. The lower qo's represent higher altitudes (above
the isothermal layer), hence higher To and V 0 for a given Mo-
However, keeping qo high enough to stay within the 390 0 R isothermal
240 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



( b)
5 6 7

FROZEN FLOW~~~l--~--~
0.2 GO ~ 350 ~B 'F~ 2 ~.-.::l'r---""""'----<
'1 KE = 0.94
0. 1 '1c = 0.95
o '1 n = 0.96
3 4 5 6' 10

Fig. 4 - 2 Preliminary performance estimates for a kerosene-fueled ramj et with 7] c = 0.95.

Parts (a) and (b) are based on equilibrium exhaust fl ow [6a).

layer is favorable to If because of the lower T2 and reduced dis-

sociation in the combustor. In fact, qo's of 1000-2000 psf are most
frequently quoted in recent hypersonic vehicle studies.
At this point we note that many preliminary analyses such as
the foregoing have been based on equilibrium chemistry that keeps
pace with the P, T changes during expansion through the nozzle.
This assumption can be grossly misleading, as shown by Fig. 4-2c
[6al, where "'e
is the "overall efficiency,"

"'e - H + V02/2g
where H is the heating value of the fuel in ft.-Ib./lb., and we add to
it the kinetic energy required to accelerate the fuel to V0 (for kero-
sene, V0 2/ 2g = 0.027 H at 5000 fps or 0.11 H at 10,000 fps). The
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 241

equilibrium curve corresponds to the optimum envelope in Fig. 4-2a.

With "actual" flow based on realistic reaction rates, the maximum
TJ e occurs at lower flight speed (M o ::: 5), and TJ e drops much more
rapidly as Mo is increased. It follows that operation at higher qo
to keep the vehicle within the 390 0 R layer (36 < Z < 83 k fU* to
minimize T2 becomes more beneficial to If and TJ e Detailed trade-
off stUdies and test data are required to set realistic Mo, Z design

(0) Mo= 8, ~KE = 0.95 4500

(b) qo = 1500 psi
~n= 1.0 ~KE = 0.95
ER = 1.0 ~n = 1.0


~ 3500

~ S

S 3000 FROZEN AT ~ 3000

2500 2500

0.5 1.0

(d) Mo, Z = 92 K FEET, ~KE ,. 0 .95,

~n =0.96, ER =

~ 3600 [ _ _ _ ..!~~~~ __
4000 Co) Mo = 8, ~n = 0.96
ER = 1.0 ~ 3500 KINETIC


o 10 20 30 40 50
:z: --........... 0.925
o -- _...........~...............-_ 0.900
'" " ------ --........... .. -.............., I .) SAME CONDITIONS AS Cd)
- -........... -.............. '_...._0.950
- - EQUILIBRIUM --.........
................ ' _____ 0.925
~ 36::~ _.2'~'~~~ __ _
- - KINETIC ' - 0.900
- -- FROZEN ~ 35 _ KINETIC

1000 , I
70 80 90
100 110
120 x 103 340010 15 20 25 30

Fig. 43 Preliminary estimates for hydroge n-fueled ramj e ts with 7] c = 1.0 and complete
expa nsion CP e = Po)--effects of exhaust flow kine tics, ER, MO' and nozzle size and
cone a ngle [71-

*ICAO Std, Atm. used in Ref. [6a); upper limit for U.S. Std. Atm. is 67 k ft.
242 Je.t, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

A parametric study of hydrogen-fueled, subsonic combustion

ramjets was done by Franciscus and Lezberg [7] who calculated
lis for complete expansion, P e = Po. AtMo = 8 there is only a small
difference between equilibrium and "actual" kinetic cases for H2.
In Fig. 4-3a, Case 1 is for "fast" rate constants for the H + H + M
and H + OH + M three-body recombination reactions, and Case 2 is
for rates slower by afactor of 10. Figure 4-3b shows that the effect
will be even smaller if fuel-rich operation is required to provide
extra fuel for cooling. For a launch vehicle, this fuel-rich opera-
tion would not be as penalizing as it first appears, because
F g If ER, and a higher Fg would give a greater acceleration

capability, making it possible to reduce the time integrals of drag

and gravitational losses. The ER for maximum If increases with
Mo (as it did for kerosene in Fig. 4-2a). Figure 4-3c shows that
kinetic effects become more important with a less efficient inlet
or at higher altitudes. As nozzle throat diameter (hence length or
residence time) increases, more recombination can occur and
If, kinetic increases (Fig. 4-3d). The nozzle half-angle probably
should be kept near 15 to keep the effects of kinetics (Fig. 4-3e) and
the nozzle divergence (cosine effect) loss down without leading to
excessive viscous loss due to nozzle length. Nozzle tailoring
would be worthy of considerable development effort for a hyper-
sonic aircraft application.


The diffuser decelerates the air, increasing P 2 and T 2 while

decreasing the kinetic energy of the stream. This section em-
phasizes axisymmetric deSigns. Various other types [6b, 6d, 8, 9]
enjoy advantages in certain applications; however, the prinCiples
of external-compression limitations, compression-surface deSign,
and duct design in the vicinity of the cowl lip are fundamental and
apply to any inlet type. Mass capture, "ld' and external drag must
be considered simultaneously, Since a gain in one is often at the
expense of another. Many compromises may be made to achieve
acceptable performance throughout a range of Mo' s, Reynolds
numbers, angles of attack (a), and atmospheric properties. For
missiles, the best compromise in fixed geometry usually is sought.
For aircraft or reusable launcher'S, a variable inlet may be worth
its complexity and expense.
Figure 4-4 shows various inlet operating conditions. At the
design Mach number, MD' all of the flow approaching the cowl is
captured (sketch a, mo = mj; Ao = Ai). Below this design speed
(sketch b, Mo < MD ), or when the normal shock is expelled due to
excessive heat release in the combustor (sketch c, subcritical
operation), mOlmj = AOIAj < 1. If Mo = MD but too little heat is
added in the combustor, full capture may be achieved, but reduced
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 243

r---- - A

IJ_Ol...L..L-LJ. L LJ...L.LL.L.J. '- LL.L.L.t....L..J. L W:..J....L..L..L-



Fig. 4- 4 Inlet operating conditions (illustrated for axisymmetric, external-compression


"back pressure" will allow the normal shock to be "swallowed,"

causing a loss in TJd (sketch d, supercritical operation). The total
diffuser drag comprises wave drag (including drag due to any
blunting of the cowl lip) skin-friction drag, and the "additive drag"
o A due to spill over when Ao < Ai; DAis the integral of the pressure
forces acting parallel to the axis along the streamline AB in Fig.
4-4b. When Ao = Ai, 0 A = 0; DAis usually kept relatively small
in the supercritical regime (swallowed normal shock) by suitable
diffuser design, but in the subcritical regime (expelled normal
shock), it rises rapidly with increased spillover.
Theoretically, one could use a reversed de Laval (convergent-
divergent) nozzle for all-internal, isentropic diffusion. However,
such a diffuser would operate (without shocks) only at precisely
MD ; at Mo < MD , a normal shock would be expelled, and at Mo > MD
the flow would still be at M > 1 at the throat and hence would
reaccelerate supersonically downstream. However, we could
not "start" the diffuser (establish the desired supersonic flow
field in the convergent section) without opening the throat to allow
the starting shock to pass through. The limiting AtlAi for starting
(curve B in Fig. 4-5) is found by assuming the normal shock is on
the lip, and AtlAi = (A*IA)2 is found from the Mach number behind
a normal shock at Mo [lOb, 11]:
1 _1_
y-l 22 2 y-lY- 1
( 1 + - 2 - Mo ) - (yMo - -2- )

M (I' + 1)/{y-1)
244 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


k~ __ b~ 7
I- 0.6



~ 0.4 12
~ 15



y= 1.4
"-... I

Fig, 4,5 Limit curves for internal contraction ratios for starting (A) and operating (8) [23].

Once the flow is started, the area may be reduced to that given by
curve A in Fig. 4-5. To allow some operating margin, curve A
represents design for an internal normal shock at M > 1 (but as
near as practical to 1), which is stabilized in the divergent section
downstream of the throat. If a ramjet with At/Ai = 0.64 is accel-
erating, the shock will not be swallowed until the Mo of point Q on
curve B is reached; upon deceleration, the shock will remain
swallowed until point P on curve A is reached. (The differences
between the theoretical curve A and experimental data [12-16]
give estimates of the supersonic viscous losses; the required At
exceeds the isentropic value by 20% at Mo = 2 and 100% at ,1,10 = 5.)

To alleviate this area-ratio problem, many ways of varying At

have been devised. For axisymmetric designs, a translating
centerbody may be used [13]. In a two-dimensional design. flex-
ible walls might be used, but they are heavy, and pressure recov-
eries are limited by the thick boundary layers that develop in the
throat region [12]. Improvement in TJd can be achieved by bleeding
off the boundary layer [15], but bleeding arrangements are com-
plicated and cause losses themselves. These limitations have led
to a greater interest in inlets that depend primarily on external
compression. since a protruding centerbody (Fig. 4-4) eliminates
the starting problem.

[4- 2.11 Invi sci d Desi gn of External-Compression Di ffusers

The simplest design uses a cone for the forward part of the
centerbody. For such single-cone diffusers, theoretical TJd for
inviscid flow has been calculated as a function of Mo and es' the
cone half-angle [lOb]. Properties of the conical flow field may be
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 245

found in tables [17]. There is an optimum Os for each Mo, but its
value is not critical, so long as it is small enough to avoid shock
detachment [18]. A double-cone inlet with two oblique shocks that
meet at the cowl Up is more efficient. Kennedy [19] computed flow
fields for several biconic bodies for a wide range of Mo' s. Much
development of double-cone inlets was pursued during the period
1950-1960 [18 , 20].
For greatest external-compression efficiency, a spike may be
designed (in theory) for isentropic (Prandtl-Meyer) compression,
so that all shocks are reduced to Mach waves that coalesce at the
cowl lip. In practice, a conical tip is used in conjunction with an
isentropic compression surface (Fig. 4-6). For the conical tip,


Associated values of Mo' Ow, and Os may be found from tables [lOb,

21, 22]. The choice for Os depends upon mission requirements;

s 1 ~ 15 deg is typical for shpersonic missiles.


Fig . 46 E xternal flo w fie ld for cone- t ipped "ise ntro pic s pik e" centerbody [231.

Two compression-limit design criteria relate to (1) the inner-

body shock wave coalescence phenomenon and (2) shock waves and
resulting drag associated with the cowl lip. From point P, a vortex
sheet (running downstream) is generated and a wave usually is
reflected toward the surface . The vortex sheet adjusts until the
pressures and flow directions on its two sides are equal; P al P 0'
as a function of Mo and , is most easily obtained from graphs [22].
The limiting compression Mach number, Mp,and the limiting flow
angle, p. are shown versus Mo for 8s 1 = 0 and 15 degrees in
246 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

40 r---~---.----r---~---.---,

36 f----hoifL--+--
~ ;
~ 32 ;~
t---+-+----t------1br;......... ...-+_= 2.6

;~ M. .
" /.
28 f-+--+.~/.~"'4---jf---_+_--_I_--_l 1.8
y;; 1.4

(b) TOT A L
0.8 f----P~~ __---1r---+ RECOV ERY
'N 0.6
y 1."

0.4 t----+----t------1p...?-.i:'l--::-~...._!:_--~

::f 0.2 f----';-:;=~_::_:::='==c-&.;;___'::s.....;::~

Fig. 4 -7 Limits on compression flow angles and Mac h numbers impose d by vorte x-sheet
criterion, and corresponding total pressure rec overies for pure isentropic spike and 15-
deg-tipped isentropic spike [231 .

Fig. 4-7a; corresponding maximum (inviscid) TId'S are shown in

Fig. 4-7b for the cases of a normal shock occurring just inside
the lip (external compression only) and at the minimum "starting"
throat (curve 8 in Fig. 4-5). In a practical design, the cowl lip is
often placed on the bow shock line (8 w for Mo = MD ) but slightly
below point P to ensure that the vortex sheet does not enter the
diffuser [23].
To design the inviscid isentropic compression surface, the
method of characteristics [24] is used. Values of M and at P,
as well as along all rays emanating from the cone tip, are listed
in tables [17]. The left-running characteristic from P has an
inclination of (p + flp + 180) degrees, where flp is the Mach angle
at p. The upstream boundary curve, PQ, of the characteristics
net is constructed in short segments whose end points lie on ad-
jacent rays in the conical field. The inclination of e.a ch segment
is made equal to the average of the inclinations of the two ends.
This construction is continued until the characteristic line meets
the cone surface at Q. Each subsequent characteristic line starts
from P, has an arbitrary increment of turning, and is continued
until it meets the streamline passing through Q. Behind the last
characteristic line, :s. p' where p is given in Fig. 4-7a.
The isentropic surface is followed by a length of tangent,
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 247

noncompressing surface. The increase in M along this surface

and along all the streamlines of the non-compressing flow results
in an approximately constant M along a line from ~ normal to the
Next, the cowl lip angles (Fig. 4-8) [23] must be chosen. The
shock caused by the incoming flow must not detach from the interior
cowl lip surfaces. The minimum 0i is evaluated at the lowest Mo

0 ..
= p - (O)Mp (4-13)

where (8)M p is the limiting wedge angle for shock attachment at

Mp = Mp(Mo). For a given Mo ' eachvalueofMp uniquely determines
p, \8)Mp' and 0i (curves A). Curve B gives the limiting value of
Mp determined from the vortex-sheet criterion of Fig. 4-7a. Curve
C indicates a small region at low Mo where the shock detachment
limit is more restrictive. Values of 0i to the left of curve B and
above curve C satisfy both the vortex-sheet and the attached-lip-
shock criteria. Along any curve A, "l/d will increase as Mp decreases

(and hence the minimum 0i increases), but a high 0i means a high

e and high external drag. Upper limiting values of e for attached
shocks are of little interest since optimization of"l/d and drag re-

quires much lower angles; (oe - 0i) usually is defined by structural
requirements as about 2 to 4 degrees. Since 0e > 0i > 0, there is
always some minimum cowl drag for this type of diffuser; the opti-
mum value depends also on the allowable geometry of the annular
..0. - -- - ----,-----,--- - --,
- - - - - - - CURV ES A

l .S
Mp VS Mo (SEE FIG. 4 - 6.1

2 . 0~_=-'f-=

! Mo----; y; 1. <4
1.00 5 10 15 20
Fig. 4-8 Minimum cowl-lip angl es determined by vortex-she et criterion and shoc k attach-
ment limits for v ar ious Mo' s; 15-de g-tipped ise ntropic spike l231.

The flow must be turned to an axial direction inside the cowl

while negotiating the "normal shock" system. The pressure
gradient associated with the latter often causes separation of the
boundary layer from the innerbody just upstream of this critical
248 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

turn; experimental evaluation usually is required. A slight con-

traction of the duct area gives increased Tfd even under spillage
conditions; the net gain (2-3%) results from reduced subsonic
turning losses rather than decreased shock losses (At / Ai cannot
be less than curve B in Fig. 4-5, of course). Downstream of the
throat section, the area must be rapidly re-expanded; otherwise,
the range of stable operation at high a's is reduced, because the
effective throat then falls downstream of the geometric minimum
area [23]. For a double-cone inlet with MD = 2.73, it was found [23]
that innerbody turning radius could be reduced to 2.8 times the
annular duct height at the cowl lip with no appreciable loss in
pressure recovery.
Transient aerodynamic heating effects become important for
M0 > 3, because differential expansions can cause large changes
in air capture or internal contraction that may cause subsonic
spillage and/or buzz.

[4- 2.2] Off-Design Operation, Boundary Layer Problems, and Instabilities

Inlet performance at Mo'; MD strongly affects the total worth

of a vehicle. The characteristics curves of Fig. 4-6 do not coalesce
in the off-design flow network. Figure 4-9 shows CD A and Ao!Ai
versus MD for various Mo's (from unpublished work by T. Konrad
of the Applied Physics Laboratory). A diffuser designed to give
maximum Tfd at MD may be severely limited in its acceleration
capabilities due to low capture ratio and high DA at Mo < MD.
One means of increaSing the off-design Ao!Ai without excessive
D A is to locate the cowl lip on ew at MD but at y < yp; some loss
in Tfd at MD occurs, of course. Other methods are to use variable
cowl vents or a translating spike at the expense of weight, volume
and complexity.
Large a's during lateral maneuvers will tend to expel a strong
bow shock on the leeward side of the inlet, which may induce a
gross flow separation from the spike, resulting in large discon-
tinuities in the external aerodynamic characteristics. and may
cause engine flame-out. The a (separation) limits can be increased
[23] by (a) moving the normal shock in the inlet by opening cowl
vents or reducing heat release in the combustor. (b) moving the
cowl-lip rearward, which reduces Ao!Ai' or (c) increasing nozzle
throat area. Changing the characteristics of the bounday layer by
use of trips or roughness or by bleeding or energization may be
slightly beneficial. Variations of 0i and eSl have little effect. but
flow alignment vanes in the annulus entrance reduce the internal
cross-flow tendencies and slightly alleviate the separation [23].
Figure 4-10 shows off-design performance [23] for a volume-
limited ramjet similar to Fig. 4-1 with MD ~ 4.2, 0i ~ 20. and
a small internal contraction. The diffused air accelerates into
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 249


0.2 I---+---_l__--l----+_...-=-+____

" "'
\. \
"- f'\: "- ~I'. "'l. ""'-4.5
6 0.6
I\: "\ "-
......... """"
t--....1'- ~4'~
I'.... 3.5
~ 2.75 3 ..... .....r...... "-
Mo = 2.25........ r......
........ ........
....... r...... f'.. ........... r........ i'--

f'.. t--.... r-.... t--.... ........ ~ r-....
Y/Yp = 1.00 l- I-. I- ~
2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4 4.8

Fig. 4- 9 Off-design performance for 15-deg-tipped isentropic spike inlets; theoretical

additive drag coefficients and capture-area ratios when Mo < MD [231.


o 0.8 1--+---+---+--......IfI.;;,..~,;:.--l---+--
'0 - ......
ri: 0.71----~~~~~~~~-+___~~-_l__--



0.2 I----+----.J---.-+___-+--..J-----=!!.jo.,o=---P"'---d

0.1 L-_-'---_-'---_.L-_.L-_.L-_.L-_..L..-----l
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

Fig. 4-10 Typical performance characteristics at various angles of attack for a Mach 2.8
to 4.5 ramjet [231.

the "thru-duct" (M duct ~ 0.6 at Mo = 2.5) to maximize the volume of

the surrounding annular fuel tank, then passes through a short
subsonic diffuser and a flow-smoothing grid before it enters the
250 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

combustor. This design gives neither the highest Tid nor the lowest
drag that one could obtain with complete freedom of inlet design,
but it represents the best trade-off between climb-out (accelera-
tion) and range capabilities for a particular volume-limited
vehicle. The solid curves show air capture, and the dashed curves
show shock-on-rim Tid versus Mo for various a's. At small a's,
the inlet may be operated stably with some subsonic air spillage
when the normal shock is expelled. At large a's, high heat release
could cause the previously de scribed flow separation on the leeward
side, but it can be avoided by reducing the fuel flow or opening
cowl vents.
The specific flight condition for which a theoretical, inviscid
compression surface should be corrected for boundary layer dis-
placement thickness [26] is not generally obvious, except for a
cruise vehicle that has only one important operating point. Any
correction is associated with a specific altitude (Z) and Mo. If an
inlet is to be operated over wide ranges of'M o' Z, and a, a com-
promise design is based upon its off-design performance char-
acteristics. For Mo <;. 4, the considerable effort required to carry
out the boundary-layer calculations probably is not justified, but
for hypersonic inlets, viscous phenomena are of major impor-
tance [6e].
At high altitudes e.g., Z > 80 k ft. for the inlet described in
Fig. 4-10, the boundary layer may be laminar over the entire
spike, and it may "bridge" part of the compressing surface (sepa-
rate and reattach), reducing Tid and Aol Ai and increasing DA' In
this Situation, forced boundary layer transition (by trips or rough-
ening) improves both Tid and AolAi' Improved Tid also can be
obtained by bleeding part of the boundary layer from the region
where bridging tends to occur. If the diffuser throat is near the
cowl lip, separation is apt to occur when the flow is turned too
rapidly over the innerbody. Boundary layer bleed ('V 1% of main
flow) immediately downstream of the sharp turn can prevent this,
provided that there is no internal compression [23, 25]. Another
technique is to use a "dump" or a vortex trap just downstream of
the throat; it reduces frictional losses at the expense of a q2 loss
[6d]. If a diffuser is to be located on the side of a fuselage or under
a wing, it usually is placed partially or completely above the bound-
ary layer, which may be diverted for use for auxiliary systems.
As much as possible of the boundary layerts momentum must be
recovered, and its drag must be taken into account in system
"Buzz" is an unstable, subcritical operation associated with
fluctuating internal pressures and a shock pattern OSCillating
rapidly about the diffuser entrance. Referring to Fig. 4-4, the
normal shock may move upstream toward a limiting poSition
represented by sketch c, where it would allow much of the air
to spill around the inlet, then move instantaneously to a limiting
Ramjets and Air..,Augmented Rockets 251

position downstream, sketch d (or even into the combustor); this

cycle is then repeated. This intermittent flow causes inefficient
combustion, and in some cases, flameout, and the intermittent
additive drag sharply reduces thrust capability. Continued buzz
can cause catastrophic structural damage. A number of theories
for buzz have been proposed (swallowed vortex sheet [27], unstable
"Id versus ~O;'ni characteristic [28], organpipe resonance [29]),
but no single theory has been able to explain all characteristics.
For a ramjet with a long thru-duct and an aerodynamic grid
(Fig. 4-1), the upstream feeding of perturbations from combustor
to inlet is practically eliminated, so that inlet stability limits can
be determined from small-scale tests. However, if inlet and com-
bustor are close-coupled, combustion disturbances may significantly
affect the inlet flow, and full-scale tests with burning will be needed.
At high IX, the cyclic leeward flow separation phenomenon pre-
viously described may occur; flow-separation and/or buzz limits
may be determined with the same set of experiments and expressed
in terms of minimun M2' s .

[4- 2.3] Hypersonic Inlets

For hypersonic inlets, boundary-layer effects become more

important, and temperatures, thermal stresses and distortions,
and the pressure loads that might result at very high qo's, can lead
to severe structural problems. However, as Mo is increased, Ml
increases and M2 decreases. When M2 becomes very small, a
"subsonic dump" can be used (Fig. 4-11a) [6d]; at Mo = 8, a
shorter diffuser and a 40% reduction in cooling requirement can
be obtained with negligible loss in "Id. A variable-geometry, ex-
ternal-internal compression (E-J) inlet that can perform well over
a wide range of Mo is shown in Fig. 4-11b [6e]. A centerbody with
es = 10 and an internally contoured cowl produce a series of weak
oblique shocks in the annulus ahead of the "throat." Axial trans-
lation of the centerbody alters the throat area. To "start" the
inlet, the centerbody is moved to its forwardmost position. The
engine in sketch c [6d] could contribute to vehicle lift while obtain-
ing some radiation-cooling relief of the heat load. Its small cir-
cular or elliptical combustor also would have a small heat load.
Its inlet is in the all-external-compression class, because flow
can spill around the edge of the "pen-point." The fact that much
of the leading edge has a sweep angle also relieves heat transfer
and drag problems. The various inlet types discussed throughout
this chapter can be designed for hypersonic-to-supersonic opera-
tion for supersonic combustion ramjets (scramjets). The main
difference in scramjet design lies in the combustor, which has no
geometric exit throat.
252 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


DUMP (R.f . 6d)

:z: MO 6.2 8.0
~ L, ID O 2.00 2.17
N --
- __
e i i' iii

L2 1D O 0.72 0.78
lis.DEC 10 10
c'::' ~--------~------
~--~ ~~~



Fig. 4-11 Some alternative inlet configurations for high-speed ramjets.

McLafferty [6e] and Connors [6d] summarize the performance

of all-external-compression (A-E) inlets, and McLafferty also re-
ports some work on the E-I inlet of Fig. llb. Figure 4-12 [6e]
distributes the total pressure losses for these two inlet types.
The E-I type trades an increased oblique shock loss for a greatly
reduced normal shock loss. The computed boundary layer loss
(based on the von Karman boundary layer momentum equation and
a method [26] of calculating the boundary layer shape parameter)
increases more rapidly with Mo for the A-E inlets; however, their
measured TJd'S at the two design points tested agree well with the
predicted curve (near "IKE = 0.92), whereas the data for the E-I
type fall below its predicted curve (which is near "IKE = 0.95),
probably because the boundary layer losses exceeded predictions.
An effect of off-design operation for the two inlets, each with
MD = 8, is shown in Fig. 4-13 [6e]. At Mach 3 the fixed A-E type
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 253



'N 0.20

0. 10



0 045~---!--~--+---;~-"--;', 10

F ig. 4 -12 Di stribution s o f t ot a l pr

essure losses for hyper sonic inl ets [Se).

could produce no thrust for a ramjet burning hydrogen at ER = 1.

because DA due to air spillage would be equal to F g with no spillage.
In contrast. DA < 0.1 F g for the variable inlet at Mo = 3. Further-
more. the A-E inlet has a curved cowl lip (o e ) with a wave drag
equal to 0.1 F g ' whereas the lip drag of the cylindrical cowl of the
E-I type is only 0.01 F g [6e]. For use on hypersonic aircraft. such
improvements in performance would outweigh the penalties due to
length. weight. and complexity of the variable inlet. However. for a
rocket-boosted ramjet missile. one would simply boost the ramjet
to a speed above which the inefficiency of the fixed inlet could be
Connors [6d] makes interesting points about various trade-offs
for A-E inlets. After showing that TJK E = 0.90 would allow an engine
to achieve '" 90% of the If obtained with TJKE = 0.95. he shows that
the required modulation in Ao for a "rubber" engine in going from
Mach 5 to 9 would be reduced from 1:4.5 to 1:2 by accepting the
lower TJK E ' He also discusses the effect of boundary layer bleed:
if 8% of the mass flow for a Mach 7 A-E inlet were removed and
discharged through a sonic nozzle, the bleed drag would be 1/3
larger than the cowl wave drag, and 5% of engine thrust; TJKE would
have to be improved by "'4 points, or TJd would have to be doubled,
254 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

I~ 0.6





Fig. 4 -13 Calculated ratio of additive drag to thrust with no additive drag for two inlet
types; Mo :::. MD = 8 [6el

to break even on performance, to say nothing of engine weight and

cost penalties. However, detailed trade-off studies regarding bleed
still may be warranted for any given vehicle.


Fuel injection, atomization, evaporation, mixing, and combustion

fundamentals for jet engines were studied at great length between
1945 and 1960 [2, 30]. Reference 30 surveys knowledge of these
processes with respect to hydrocarbon fuels through 1954. Another
good source is the books from the biannual International Symposia
on Combustion [31].
Ram-air-driven turbine pumps usually are used to deliver the
fuel to the injectors. For Mo ~ 5, ducting of the hot ram air may
become impractical, and "warm gas" generators (or electric
power) may be used to drive the pump. The fuel delivery system
must provide a sizable ~ P across the injector, say, 50 psi a above
the maximum P 2' Regarding fuel atomization, Weiss and Worsham
[32] showed that a significant parameter is the relative velocity
between fuel and air, I Va - Vf I. For this reason, injectors often
are pointed upstream. Spring-loaded pintle (or "poppet") nozzles
that also provide a conical spray pattern and thus assist in fuel
distribution are commonly used. With regard to evaporation of fuel
drops, Agoston, et ale [31] show that data usually are correlated by
semi-empirical equations of the type introduced by Frossling. In
the absence of combustion or large temperature differences, dif-
fusion controls the rate, and

C1 ~t2 - C2 ~ + O.3RJ sJ) (4-14)
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 255

where C1 and C2 are empirically determined constants, D is drop

diameter, and Re and Sc are the Reynolds and Schmidt numbers.
Foster and Ingebo [33] found that for large temperature differences
between the air and the drop, spray evaporation rate varied with
L'1TO. 28 For burning drops, heat transfer controls the rate, and
Eq. (4-14) is altered simply by the replacement of Sc1l3 by Pr 1l3 ,
where Pro is the Prandtl number.
The "flame holders" are bluff objects behind which hot, nearly
completely burned gases recirculate and serve as piloting regions
for the main flames. In the perforated "can" or ''basket'' com-
bustors used in turbojets and some ramjets, the recirculation zones
occur behind the can areas between the holes. The gutter or baffle
type of flameholder (sketched in Fig. 4-1) is Simpler in principle,
and many studies of the recirculation zones (wakes) and limits for
stable operation have been described in the literature. The average
wake temperature is about 90 percent of adiabatic flame tempera-
ture [34] and recirculation occurs in regular eddies parallel to the
main flow at the wake boundary and opposite in direction in the wake
core. Turbulent transfer of heat and mass occurs between fresh gas
and wake at the boundary. Marble and Zukoski [34] proposed a
simple concept for stabilization: if the fresh gas moving at velocity
V 2' past the transfer region at the boundary has an ignition delay
time T greater than the time in which it reaches the end of the re-
circulation zone of length L r , the main body of the flame will blow

Lr Lr
T > - flame blows out; T 'S flame stable (4-15)
V 2" V 2'

where T varies with fuel type, oxygen concentration and ER, has an
Arrhenius-type temperature dependence (log T T- 1 ), and varies

inversely with P 2 [30]; Lr and V 2'IV 2 are characteristic of a given

inlet-combustor system. The ignition delay concept can be used
to predict lean screech limits (large amplitude, stable transverse
oscillations); T alh is constant in a given system, where a is acous-
tic velocity and h is transverse duct dimension [34]. Weiss, et al.
[31b] present evidence that reaction rate controls blow-out. Most
of the results indicate overall reaction kinetics of approximately
1.8 order, so that for a given fuel and temperature, the loading
factor (w a divided by combustor volume and by p/. 8 ) is a function
of ER.
When multiple gutters are used (e.g., concentric arrangements),
they are spaced so that the turbulent flames will merge within a
foot or so. Flame spreading rates vary with T m 2 to some power
between 1.4 and 2.0 [30]. Since turbulent flame speeds are of the
order of 5 to 10 ft./sec. at room temperature and are affected little
256 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
by pressure, one usually sees flame spreading angles of the order
of 5 to 15 degrees, increasing with Tt a (M o, Z). It is easier to
design an efficient combustor for a Mach4 ramjet than for a Mach 2
ramjet, because higher T 2' s raise fuel evaporation and reaction
rates, and, since M2 decreases as Mo increases, flameholder drag
and burner pressure loss decrease. Combustion efficiency will
depend on combustor length L c to some degree, regardless of the
efficiency of the preceding processes. Length is particularly
important for operation near ER = 1, because when the overall
system is stoichiometric, there must initially be over-rich zones
as well as lean zones; a local excess of (cool) fuel will inhibit the
burning, and greater mixing efficiency will be required to make
air eventually available to this fuel. Thus, it is relatively easy to
attain Tic ~ 0.9 at ER ~ 0.4 with a moderate L c' but the corresponding
Tic at ER = 1.0 may be only 0.7, which might be increased to 0.85 or
0.9 by doubling Lc. Fortunately, the amount of fuel used for climb
and acceleration of a rocket-boosted ramjet missile usually is
small, so that efficient operation at high ER may not be critical.
With respect to structural integrity, for Mo :s. 4, the "tailpipe,"
or main combustor wall, can be protected by providing an internal
metal "liner." Part of the combustor inlet air is passed through
the annular space between the tailpipe and the liner. The liner can
be louvered so that part of the air passes inwardly through it to
protect its inside surface from the flame impingement. This
arrangement keeps the tailpipe, which must carry the flight loads,
relatively cool. The tailpipe (and/or the liner) may be coated in-
ternally with a ceramic material to reduce the heat flux to it.
Another possibility in some applications may be an ablative liner.
Flameholders may be protected by ceramic coatings and/or re-
generative cooling by the fuel. For hyperSOnic, long-range mis-
siles or aircraft, forced cooling of the combustor will be required.
Considerable progress has been made in the development of fuels
with high cooling capacity due to endothermic reactions (e.g., thermal
cracking) as well as vaporization [35]. However, regenerative
cooling of a ramjet may not be as straightforward as for a rocket
chamber, because the fuel represents only 2 or 3% of the total flow
through a ramjet during cruise. In some cases, supplemental water
cooling may be a good solution [8]. One reason for the interest in
liquid hyd:rogen as a fuel is its great cooling capacity [36].
The nozzle throat area A* for a ramjet missile is selected as a
compromise between requirements for a large A* for thrust during
climb and acceleration, and a smaller A* (hence higher A/ A*) for
higher If at cruise conditions. Maximum Ae usually is prescribed
by a stowage envelope and seldom will exceed 1.5 Ai. For hyper-
sonic cruise vehicles, an "external expansion" design integrated
with a wing or fuselage could improve vehicle L /D while reducing
COOling requirement [8] (see Section 4-4).
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 257



The importance of dynamic pressure qo may be recognized by

considering that for cruising flight F = D = CD A qo' and W = L =
CL A qo. For a given Mo. qo increases by an order of magnitude
for approximately each 50,000 feet in altitude. The wind area Aw
required to sustain a fixed weight or to provide a given degree of
maneuverability is inversely related to qo. Typical curves for
CL, CD and LID versus a for a supersonic configuration [37] are
given in Fig. 4-14; CLisgenerallylinearwith a to 15 or 20 degrees,
whereas CD varies approximately quadratically with a. For cruise
at optimum altitudes at 2 :s. Mo :s. 4, maximum L I D's usually are in
the range 5.5 ~ L I D ~ 4.5 for missiles and 7 ~ L ID ~ 6 for aircraft
configurations, as compared to '" 30 for subsonic aircraft. Engines
for supersonic vehicles should develop large thrUst perunit frontal
area (and volume) to minimize external drag, and, of course, high
If is desired. Figure 4-15 shows typical curves for turbojets,
ramjets, and sustainer rockets. The ramjet's superior poSition
for Mo > 3 is evident. Thrust per unit engine weight is important,
too; typical values for Mach 1.8 at sea level are 12, 30, and 60
lbf/lbm for turbojets, ramjets, and liquid rockets, respectively;
the relative ranking of turbojets and ramjets will not change ap-
preciably with altitude for this speed, but the ramjet will improve,
relatively, at higher speed, and the rocket's advantage will increase
with increased altitude.


Fig. 4-14 Variation of lift and drag coefficients and L I D with angle of attack for typical
supersonic vehicles. (Ix) is basic wing area for missile; (6x) is six times wing area [37].
258 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
25,000 1----1--+---+--+--------'-__-+-_~
~ 20,000

15, 000 I

~ 10,000


~ 5000

~f 4000f---+----\c+_
~ 3000
u: 2000
e:; 1000
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Fig,4-15 Typical curves for thrust per unit frontal area (at sea level) and fuel specific
impulse for various engine types [37],

The Breguet equation can be used for cruise flight in cases

involving neat:ly cons~ant LID, Vo (=Moao), and In it ~s based on
the relations 31 = V0' w = F II f' and LID = WIF. DiVIsion of the
first by the second, substitution of the third, and integration be-
tween limits gives


where WI and W2 are the weights at the beginning and the end of
cruise, respectively. For a ramjet vehicle of total fueled weight
W0' the weight of fuel required for climb and acceleration from
boost Mach number Mb to cruise Mach number Me and altitude Ze
is a small fraction of W0' that is relatively independent of scale or
31. For a typical fixed-geometry missile, Mb :::: Me - I, and

where Wrf is the fuel reserve for post-cruise operations, and Wp

and Ws are payload and structure weights, respectively. Equations
(4-16) and (4-17) give

= ~ 0.95 exp ( - 3 1 )
If Moao LID
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 259

2O r----r----,--------,----,-- - ,
0000 0: dod FUEL WE ICHT
IS f-t+-t---it--+-----1f t -- -H- --Ic- j - FRACTION OF

10 I--t+-h\--\-+\---I~--+-''r--i-l-----l



Fig. 416 Ratio oframiet stage we ight to payload we ight versus Breguet range paramete r
for various range s and terminal weight fractions [37].

Results are given in Fig. 4-16 [37] for four m's and two values of
(W s + Wrr)/W o ' Obtaining I r MoL l O :30,000, rather than 15,000-20,000,
greatly reduces weight for a vehicle with 2500- n.m. range, but
improvement beyond this point is small. The I r MoL 10 that must
be achieved to get beyond the "knee" of the curve increases as m
is increased. Once past the "knee," reduction of Ws may be more
important than further increase in lrMoL I O. Since Figs. 4-14 and
4-15b indicate that I fMO L 10 = 30,000 can be achieved for high-
altitude, kerosene-fueled ramjets, a 2500-n.mi. ramjet vehicle is
easily obtainable; but for the 5000-n.mi. case, the need for superior
characteristics in all departments of vehicle design (or use of
H2 fuel) is much more preSSing.
For low-altitude flight, Eq. (4-16) is not a good choice for range
computation, because L 10 becomes small and very sensitive to a,
whereas CD is not sensitive to a when a is small (see Fig. 4-14).
Thus, an assumption of constant CD = CF for a given Mo is reason-
able, and


Integrating and substituting limits,


where K = 2ao l yo Po = constant for a given altitude and "day." Thus,

a slender vehicle with minimum frontal area, Aref (which may be
set by payload constraints), and small wings and tails to minimize
260 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

CD' is desired, and its cruise speed should be chosen to m~imize

A thrust margin is needed, of course, to provide for factors
such as inaccuracies in speed control mechanisms, variation of
atmospheric conditions, and boost velocity tolerance. High-
recovery diffusers improve fuel economy but may aggravate the
available margin situation (e.g., by "buzzing"); relief can be pro-
vided by variable geometry features (Section 4-3), but they are
costly. For a typical fixed-geometry missile designed for cruise
at high altitude, CF max exceeds CD for 1-g lift over a limited Mo
range (e.g., Me 0.2). At lower altitude, the IX needed for lift is
smaller, so that CD is smaller, and more thrust margin is avail-
Engine-fuel-airframe interactions may be subtle. For ex-
ample, experience has shown that high 1/e is achievable in rela-
tively short combustors as long as P 2 > 1/3 atm; and a normal-
shock diffuser will provide P 2 = 1/2 atm at 62,000 feet and
Mo = 2.5, whereas an isentropic-spike diffuser will give the same
P 2 at 78,000 feet. At the higher altitude, approximately twice the
CL ' hence twice the IX, would be used. Figure 4-14 shows that for
a configuration with 6 x wing area at Mach 2.5, LID = 4 at a = 2,
but LID = 5.4 could be obtained at a = 4, substantially increasing
range capability. (However, the maximum If LID product may
occur at a lower a than does LID, because If increases as CD and
hence CF for cruise is reduced; moreover. the inlet is more
efficient at small a.) The optimum Mo also increases with 1/d'
provided that drag and weight do not increase inordinately. Cur-
rent state-of-the-art for inlets, combined with the nozzle kinetic
effects (Fig. 4-2c), places the optimum Mo near 5 with kerosene.
While !Jt increases proportionally with If in Eq. (4-16), the effect
of fuel density Pf is more subtle. For a given If' Eqs. (4-16) and
(4-17) can be used (with assumptions of IfMoL/D = 30,000 and
WllWo = 0.3) to show that a 20% increase in Pf increases the range
o a nominal 2500-n.mi. vehicle to 2760 n.mi., but the range of a
5000"'n.mi. vehicle is only raised to 5080 n.mi. The required Fg for
the missile with dense fuel is greater for the same LID; conse-
quently, wf is greater. If Pf is increased at the expense of a pro-
portionate decrease in If' the range actually goes down.
For boost, climb and acceleration, the equations of motion
along and normal to the boost flight path, respectively, are

WV = ~ F = F cos IX _ D _ W sin y (4-21)

g LJ x g

~ F z = L + F g sin It
WVg Y = LJ - W cos y (4-22)

where y is the flight path angle from horizontal. If the boost

Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 261

acceleration is several g's. and In" I sp' and y are nearly constant.

Vb ~ g lsp In ( Wi \ - gt b (~. + sin y ) (4-23)

\WSb + Wol W

where Wi = Wb + W0 is the initial weight of the booster plus the ram-

jet. Wsb is the structural weight of the booster. D/W is an effective
mean drag/weight ratio. and Vb and tb are boost velocity and time.
Obviously. Wb will increase rapidly as I sp is decreased or WslW b' Vb'
or tb is increased. Figure 4-17 shows the effect of Me on Wi and
W0 for typical configurations. Optimization based on minimizing
Wi favors a lower Me than would be inferred by optimizing Wo alone.
Therefore. the booster must be closely associated with the ramjet
in design studies.

: 8

MO: Me

Fig. 4-17 Optimization of ramjet alone gives higher cruise speed than optimization of
ramjet-booster combination for 2500-n.mi. range [37].

Figure 4-18 shows 3 classes of ramjet vehicle configurations.

The nose-inlet configuration a (see also Fig. 4-1) provides pack-
aging space between the air duct and external surface and in the
inlet's centerbody. Its symmetry relieves diffuser and balancing
difficulties. hence control requirements. in some missile applica-
tions, e.g., the Talos surface-to-air missile. The two-aft-engine
configuration b resulted from extensive studies of missiles for
1250-n.mi. range [37]. The inlets below and just behind the wings.
operate within the oblique-shock flow field of the wings and are
substantially independent of a within the working range; moreover.
the precompression by the wings permits either higher "'d for a
given inlet size or reduced Size for a given "'d.
The lift. pressure
field of the wing also carries onto the afterbody and engine planform
area, giving improved altitude and range performance. and the con-
figuration's longitudinal stability changes little over a considerable
Mo range.
Configuration c is one concept of the even more intimate inte-
gration of engines and airframe that will be typical of hypersonic
aircraft [8]. Turbojets would be used for climb to Mach 3.5 at
262 J et, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion







Fig. 4- 18 Three classes of ramjet vehic le configur ation s (37].

70,000 feet. Two-dimensional, variable-ramp, "external expansion

ramjets" would then be used for climb and acceleration to Mach 6
or 7 at 90,000-103,000 feet and for cruise at If ~ 1000 seconds and
LID ~ 7. The inlets operate in the favorable flow field of the wing.
The largely exposed inlet and nozzle surfaces obtain radiative heat
relief and contribute 12% of vehicle LID during cruise. Water

cooling of the combustors is needed, however. Other examples of

integration studies are References 6b, 36 and 38.
Figure 4-19 compares payload/volume versus range relation-
ships for ramjet and solid rocket weapons for three mission classes
[37]. The ramjet's use of air leads to fuel economy and inherent
thrust variability; a thrust dynamic range of more than 1000 to 1 is
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 263



Fig. 4-19 Ramjet/solid-rocket comparisons based on payload-weight/stowed-weapon-

volume for surface-air and surface-surface missiles [37].

readily possible. In contrast, the rocket can operate out of the

atmosphere, and even for missions within the atmosphere, its
lower weight fraction can make it superior if mission requirements
are modest. The right-hand set of curves is for surface-to-surface
missiles (SSM's) in which the rocket follows a ballistic trajectory
but the ramjet follows an optimum cruise-type trajectory. The
central set is for SSM's required only to cruise at low altitude.
The left-hand set is for general-purpose surface-to-air missiles
( SAM's) that must perform acceptably against both low- and high-
altitude targets. The ramjet weapon is more efficient to the right
of each crossover point. On a payload/total-weight basis, ramjets
become superior at shorter ranges.


!;: O.161----.~-f-++--......j


i:l 0.121-----;--(-----ftr----_i
:. 0.041-----;--~-~_i

OL-_~ _ _~_ _~

Fig. 4- 20 Effect of MO on payload/weapon weight ratio for general-purpose SAM's with

20- n.mi range at low altitude [37].

Figure 4-20 shows how speed affects a comparison [37] for a

low-altitude line-of-sight intercept of a target at20n.mi.(the cross-
over range for the SAM's of Fig. 4-19). The equal-volume rockets
and ramjets (circle points) operate at substantially different speeds,
Mach 2.0 and Mach 2.8, respectively.
264 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


The "ducted rocket" or "ram-rocket" is in principle very

similar to the ramjet, but the fuel is supplied in fuel-rich gases
from a "primary rocket" or "gas generator." The rocket could
be within the centerbody of the inlet; a nozzle (or nozzles) would
discharge the fuel-rich gas at sonic or supersonic speed into the
combustion chamber [39]. A side-inlet configuration that has been
flight-tested by Thiokol is shown in Fig. 4-21 [9]. It has an integral
booster; i. e., when the boost propellant is burned out, the boost
chamber becomes the afterburner for the ducted rocket. Its
performance analysis is nearly identical to that for a ramjet, but
the momentum of the fuel entering the combustor is much higher
because of its higher flow rate wp for a given ER with respect to
the air and its velocity (Mp .2 1 and Tt p .2 3000 o R). A ducted rocket
missile that climbs and a<;,cel.erates from Mo 2 may initially ex-

perience a relatively low wa 1wp (say, 3 or4), and or (or 0 P2) may
even exceed 0 a2 in Eq. (4-9). It can give higher F' / A~ than a ram-
jet, but at lower I r, since it does carry some oxidizer. If a solid
propellant is used, the overall system is Simpler than a ramjet (no
fuel pumping and control system) and has a lower inert weight frac-
tion; however, the extremely wide thrust variation capability of the
ramjet is lost, because wp is. no~ varied as re~dily. With a very
fuel-rich propellant and high wa l w p , effective I sp s for cruise may
approach those for ramjets. Thus, a third, intermediate curve
could be added to each comparison in Fig. 4-19, and the crossover
between ducted rocket and rocket would occur at slightly smaller
range than the ramjet-rocket crossover.

Fig. 4- 21 Solid-propellant, ducted, air-augmented rocket with integral booster [9].

Another form of air-augmented rocket which is challenging to

both the analyst and the experimentalist, is the "shrouded" type,
which has no geometric throat between the combustor and the
divergent nozzle (Fig. 4-22a) [40]. Air flow into the combustor
may be either subsonic or supersonic, and even if it is subsonic,
a supersonic, underexpanded rocket exhaust into the chamber can
lead to a supersonic solution for the burned gas. At Mo :s: 5,
shrouded-rocket I sp performance probably will be inferior to
ducted rocket performance. However, at Mo > 5, the shrouded
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 265

CONST ANT . PRESSURE ~or-----.------r----~



~ sool-----+_----:..4S~--_1
a <00 r-- - -----_+_----j

~o ~~-+_----_+_----~



Fig. 4 -22 Analytical model and typical density-specific-impulse e stimates for a shrouded,
a ir-augmented rocket [40].

rocket operated in the all-supersonic mode should become superior,

just as the supersonic-combustion ramjet surpasses the subsonic-
combustion ramjet at some hypersonic speed,forthe same reasons:
higher Tid (no normal shock) and less dissociation (lower T 2) out-
weigh the loss from adding heat at higher M2'
Perini, et. ai. [40] computed theoretical Isp's and density specific
impulses 10 of shrouded rockets for a number of fuel-rich solid
propellants. Here, 10 '= I sp (p i PQ)0.~8, where Po is the density of
a reference propellant, 0.063 Ib.lin. 3 , and the 0.68 exponent ap-
proximates the worth of density for some volume-limited rocket
stages. Figure 4-22a shows the basic one-dimensional flow model
based on constant-pressure mixing and burning (the studies also
covered effects of shocks, incomplete mixing, and Tid)' Figure 4-22b
shows that for high-aluminum propellants (with 10% binder, the
balance being ammonium perchlorate), 10 is double the rocket
value with only modest w/wp ratios.
An air-augmented, liquid bipropellant rocket could go to a
pure ramjet mode at, say, Mo ~ 2.5 by shutting off the oxidizer.
It also could provide static thrust, which a ramjet alone cannot.
It has been suggested [39] that such "composite engines" might
replace turbomachines for hypersonic aircraft, because higher
fuel consumption during climb and acceleration would be com-
pensated by lower inert weight, and the sonic boom problem could
be alleviated by using the higher thrust capability to climb at a
steeper angle.


The simplest ramjet of all would compress air by an exterior

vehicle surface and burn fuel behind a corner of that surface.
266 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

For a simple wedge-type "external ramjet" or ERJ (Fig. 4-23a)

[31], in the absence of fuel injection, the air flow would expand
around the corner (pressure profile A). When fuel is injected
from a transverse row of holes just ahead of the corner, a second
oblique shock occurs, and subsequent heat release produces
profile B. If the longitudinal force on the rear wedge exceeds
that on the front wedge, net thrust results. Even if the rear force
is lower, drag is reduced and lift is increased so that LID for a
supersonic wing could be doubled or tripled by a small w f [6f,42].
In many experiments the rear profile was nearly flat, so that it was
reasonable to assume constant-pressure burning (curve C) for a
performance analysis. Figure 4-23b [41] shows mversus Mo' where

m= (n.mi.) (4-25)

since If = F glWf and F g = D for cruise. Relative to Eq. (4-16),

this m actually is range only when In (W lIW2) = I, which means that
cruise fuel weight is 0.63 WI (probably impractically high). Prior
calculations [41, 42] had indicated that Llwf would be highest with
small wedge angles (small perturbations); a 5 front wedge angle
and the corresponding "optimum" rear wedge angle 02 0pt were
used here. Estimates for conventional ramjet (CRJ) vehicles are
included for comparison. Because it operates with lower cycle
temperatures and less chemical dissociation, the ERJ should
surpass the CRJ at some high cruise speed with either kerosene
or H 2 However, ERJ performance falls sharply as required
thrust level is increased, so that ERJ's are not attractive as pri-
mary propulsion systems for accelerating vehicles. On the other
hand, the ease of producing significant normal (side) forces sug-
gests the use of external burning to produce maneuvering forces
within the atmosphere.
By the early 1960's, interest in scramjets (ramjets using ducted
supersonic combustion) was very high. A pioneering study by
Weber and MacKay [43] was followed by various studies. stable
operation of an engine model with a 2-shock inlet, supersonic heat
release, and net thrust was demonstrated by properly locating a
flat plate beneath a wedge-type ERJ, and the heat release agreed
remarkably well with an analytical model for constant-pressure
heat release [44]. Theoretical performance studies [6a, 6b, 6g,
43,45,46] have shown that supersonic combustion will be superior
to subsonic combustion at hypersonic speeds. Thus, it would be
desirable to use subsonic combustion for, say, Mach 3 to Mach 6
or more (depending on engine design and fuel used), and then con-
vert to supersonic combustion in the same engine for higher
speeds. Variable fuel injection patterns and/or variable geometry
might be involved.
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 267
~I RTO ..... FUEL
8E - - - ...... IN
8URNEO _._. ~~._ ,:::: . _ .......... ,..-. , ISUBSONIC)
~ .. -- ;- ::::-, .---- - - - !
NONPARTlC I P~TlNG -- ...... ..... - . .... ' .-::::,'.'=:ilURNEO GAS-
AIR BOWSHOCK-- ~II/_ - . --.-,
...... .J -----.. - . . . . '

INJECTION SHOCK---'I"'o ...... " ~ . ......;



- -- CRJ EQUILIBR IUM FLOW } ~,,' 0.92 ~, 0.95

--- - CRJ ACT UAL EXHAUST FLOW . ~n' 0.96, LID ' 6
30 CT C, - CD , = 0 \ ~c = 1.00

201-- + - - - f- - - 'tr-::?'---=-- --
H z
151----+--."..+"'-"-- + - -",.f---t-(- ~
, >-
~ 10~/~/~~~--~~===t====~-:~


Fig. 4- 23 We dge,type external ramj et (ERJ) model and comparisons with conventional
ramj e t vehicl e s (CRJ) based on Breguetrange parameter (qo = 1000 psf; optimum ER) [41].

An analysis that may help the designer to understand this trade-

off problem was presented by Billig [46], who examined families of
one-dimensional heat addition processes following PA EI ( 10-1) =
constant (suggested by Crocco). He used it in the momentum
equation, m3
u3 + ( P 3 A3 = "'2 U2 + "'rUr + ( P 2A2' * and with Eqs. (4-5)
and (4-6) and an equation of state, he obtained subsonic and super-
sonic combustion solutions for various (' s When ( = 0, pressure
is constant; when ( = 1, area is constant. Billig suggested a fixed-
geometry combustor/nozzle with staged fuel injection; it could be
a cylinder followed by a divergent section [46]. At any given time,
the point of first fuel injection might be at either end of the cylin-
drical section. Upon completion of burning, any remainder of the
divergent section would be used for expansion. Figure 4-24 shows
results for an inlet compressing to M2 = Mo 13, with or without a
subsequent normal shock, and H 2 combustion and expansion to
Ae = 1.5 Ao. For equilibrium expansion, the optimum-f processes
OPT) for both subsonic and supersonic combustion are shown along

*In detailed analysis of supersonic combustors, a term for wall shearing stress
would be added [36].
268 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

~ 3000



10 12 14 16

Fig, 4- 24 Fuel specific impulse versus MO for various combustion processe s with hydro-
g en [46],

with the f = 0 and f = 1 combustor solutions. In the subsonic case,

the flow reaccelerates to M.?: 1 at the combustor exit. For ER = I,
the optimum subsonic and supersonic solutions coincide at Mo = 8.5,
where both are in fact constant-area (f = 1). The effect of optimi-
zation can be large; e.g., at Mo = 8.5 with equilibrium expansion,
the difference in If between f = 0 and f = lis about 13%. Billig [46]
also showed how the analysis could be used with combustor test
results to predict changes in combustor shape that should either
reduce required length for a given Tic or raise Tic .


Ramjet techhology for speeds to Mach 5 or 6 is well developed,

and work on air-augmented rockets and scramjets is proceeding
well. The role of high-speed air-breathing engines in immediate
future applications probably will be to extend powered-flight
capabilities and/or payloads of guidedmissiles. As was emphasized
in Section 4-4, propulsion system comparisons depend strongly on
mission goals and constraints, i.e., the ground rules. For hyper-
sonic air transportation, some form of ramjet or composite engine
including the ramjet mode surely will be used. The future appears
to be brightening for the air-breathing enthusiasts.


Particular thanks are due to Mrs. IoD.V. Faro and Mr. J.L.
Keirsey for much of the material [23] used in Section 4-3, to
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 269

Mr. J.H. Walker and his colleagues who prepared much of the
material [37] used in Section 4-5, and to Dr. F.S. Billig who has
worked with the writer for many years in the areas described in
Section 4-6.


A area; A ref is reference value for coefficients, ft2

a sound speed, ft/ sec
CD' CL drag coefficient = LI qo Aref ; and lift coefficient
::: Llqo Aref
CF thrust coefficient = F gl qo A ref
D, DA drag and additive drag, respectively, lbf
ER = fuel-air equivalence ratio = flfstoichiometric
F g' 3 = gross thrust and stream thrust, Eqs. (4-1) and (4-2),
respectively, lbf
f fuel/ air weight ratio = (v'; (v a
g gravitational acceleration, 32.17 ft.l sec. 2
H = net heating value of fuel. Eq. (4-10), ft-lbf/lbm
h = specific enthalpy, Btu/lb.
Ir fuel specific impulse = F /(vr, lbf-sec/lbm
I sp propellant specific impulse = F glw p ; In = I sp (pi po)n ,
L lift, lbf; or length (L r = length of recirculation zone), ft
M Mach number, VI a
m mass flow rate = (vI g. slugs/sec.
P, q pressure and dynamic pressure (q = pV 2/2), respec-
tively, lbf/ft 2
m range, ft (.,. 6076 = n.mi. )
R gas constant, ft. 21 sec. 2 _ oR
T = temperature, oR
= time, sec
u, V = x component of velocity and velocity, respectively,
w, w weight, Ibm, and weight flow rate, Ibm/sec, respec-
z altitude, ft
angle of attack, deg
ratio of specific heats; or flight path angle, rad
internal and external cowl lip angle, respectively, deg
exponent for Crocco family, P A tI(" - 1) = constant
efficiency; Tic = combustion efficiency = multiplier on
lrequil; Tid = diffuser total pressure recovery = Pt/P to ;
Tie = overall efficiency, Eq. (4-10); TiKE = diffuser
kinetic energy efficiency, Eq. (4-7); Tin = nozzle
efficiency'" multiplier on 3 e in Eq. (4-1)
cone (surface) half-angle and conical shock angle,
respectively, deg
270 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

P density. slugS/ft3; for In, Po is reference propellant

{Ij local flow angle, deg
T ignition delay time, sec

o = free-stream (or flight) conditions
1 = behind bow shock, or nose cone; on weight, beginning
of cruise
2 = diffuser exit = combustor inlet; on weight, end of cruise
3 = after combustion
a, f, m = air [note: rna = rno], fuel and mixture. respectively
b = burner, or end of boost (t = t b)
c combustor, or cruise
D = design value (M D ) or drag (CD)
e nozzle exit; or overall engine in Eq. (4-10)
geometric inl~t area; on weight, missile + booster
P value at end of external compression
p payload; on weight flow, propellant
rf reserve fuel at end of cruise
s structure; also, value at surface (e s )
total or stagnation conditions; in Eq. (4-11), diffuser
w wing
* sonic conditions (e.g., at nozzle throat)

1. Avery, W.H.: Twenty-five years of ramjet development, Jet
Propulsion 25, p. 604 (1955).
2. Dugger, G.L.: Recent advances in ramjet combustion, ARS J.,
29, 819-827 (1959).
3. - - - : Ramjets, Astronautics, 7, 138-142 (1962).
4. Daum, N.: The Griffon aircraft and future of the turbo-ramjet
combination in the propulsion of supersonic aeroplanes,
J. Royal Aeron. Soc., 63, 327 (1959).
5. Curran, E.T. and M.B. Bergsten: Discussion of inlet efficiency
parameters, Air Force Aero. PropulSion Lab., Wright-Patter-
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6. Jaumotte, A.L., et al., Eds.: Combustion and Propulsion,
Fourth AGARD Colloquium, Milan, April 4-8, High Mach
number Air-Breathing Engines (Pergamon Press, New York,
1961): (a) Dugger, G.L., pp. 84-110; (b) Ferri, A., pp. 3-15;
(c) Swithenbank, J., p. 119; (d) Connors, J.F., and Obery, L.J.,
pp. 123-134; (e) McLafferty, G.H., pp. 138-149; (f) Fletcher,
E.A., p. 118; and (g) McLafferty, G.H., p. 154.
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 271

7. Franciscus, L.C. and E.A. Lezberg: Effects of exhaust nozzle

recombination on hypersonic ramjet performance: II. Analytical
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8. Pietrangeli, G.J. and E.V. Nice: The feasibility of a Mach 7
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Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University, Silver
Spring, Md., CF-2900 (1960).
9. Goodrich, C.C.: Ducted rocket motors, Aerospace Facts,
Thiokol Chemical Corp., III, No.1, 8-10 (1967).
10. Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins UniverSity,
Handbook of Supersonic Aerodynamics, NavWeps Report 1488:
(a) Vol. 3, Sec. 8, (1961); (b) Vol. 2, Sec. 5, (1953).
11. Oswatitsch, K.: Gas Dynamics, New York, Academic Press,
Inc., 1956.
12. Gunther, F.: Development of a two-dimensional adjustable
supersonic inlet, JPL/CIT Progress Report 20-247 (1954).
13. Mossman, E.A. and F.A. Pfyl: An experimental investigation
at Mach numbers from 2.1 to 3.0 of circular-internal-contrac-
tion inlets with translating centerbodies, NACA RM A 56G 06
14. Scherrer, R. and W.E. Anderson: Investigation of the per-
formance and internal flow of a variable-area, variable-
internal-contraction inlet at Mach numbers 2.00, 2.50 and 2.92,
NACA RM A 58C24 (1959).
15. stitt, L.E. and L.J. Obery: Performance of an all-internal
conical compression inlet with annular throat bleed at Mach
number 5.0, NACA RM E58E14 (1958).
16. Ferri, A. and L.M. Nucci: Theoretical and experimental
analysis of low drag supersonic inlets having a circular cross
section and a central body at Mach number 3.30, 2.75 and 2.45,
NACA RM L8H13 (1948).
17. Kennedy, E.C.: Tables of supersonic conical flow, Ordnance
Aerophysics Lab., Daingerfield, Texas, CM-973 (1960).
18. Connors, J.F. and R.R. Woollett: Performance characteristics
of several types of axially symmetric nose inlets at Mach
number 3.85, NACA RM E 52115 (1952).
19. Kennedy, E.C.: Calculation of the flow fields around a series
of bi-conic bodies of revolution using the methodof character-
istics as applied to supersonic rotational flow, OAL CM 873
20. Connors, J.F. and R.C. Meyer: Design criteria for axisym-
metric and two-dimensional supersonic inlets and exits, NACA
TN 3589 (1956).
21. Ames Research staff: Equations, tables, and charts for com-
pressible flow, NACA Report 1135 (1953).
22. Dailey, C.L. and F.C. Wood: Computation Curves for Com-
pressible Fluid Problems, New York, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 1949.
272 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

23. Faro, I.D.V. and J.L. Keirsey: Supersonic inlets, APL/JHU

TG 610-3B (1966).
24. Ferri, A.: Elements of Aerodynamics of Supersonic Flows, New
York, The Macmillan Co., 1949.
25. Connors, J.F., J.C. Lovell and G.A. Wise: Effects of internal-
area distribution, spike translation and throat boundary-layer
control on performance of a double-cone axisymmetric inlet
at Mach numbers from 3.0 to 2.0, NACA RM E57F03 (1957).
26. McLafferty, G.H. and R.E. Barber: Turbulent boundary layer
characteristics in supersonic streams having adverse pressure
gradients, UAC Res. Labs., East Hartford, Conn., Report
R-1285-11 (1959).
27. Ferri, A. and L.M. Nucci: The origin of aerodynamic instability
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L50K30 (1951).
28. Pearce, R.B.: Aviation Week, 52:3, 21-25 (1950).
29. sterbentz, W.H. and J.C. Evvard: Criterions for prediction and
control of ramjet flow pulsations, NACA TN 3506 (1955).
30. Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory staff: Basic considerations
in the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels with air, NACA Report
1300 (1959).
31. Sixth Symposium (Int.) on Combustion, New York, Reinhold
PubliShing Corp., 1957: (a) Agoston, G.A., Wise, H. and Rosser,
W.A., p. 708; (b) Weiss, M.A., Rohrer,J.C. and Longwell, J.P.,
32. WeiSS, M.A. and C.H. Worsham: Atomization in high velocity
air streams, ARS Jour., 29, 252-259 (1959).
33. Foster, H.H. and R.D. Ingebo: Evaporation of JP-5 fuel sprays
in air streams, NACA RM E55K02 (1956).
34. Marble, F .E. and E.E. Zukoski: Flame holding bybluff bodies,
12th Meeting AGARD Combustion and Propulsion Panel, Wash-
ington, D.C., Nov. 1957.
35. Nixon, A.C., et al., Literature survey on vaporizing and
endothermic fuels for advanced engine application, Shell
Development Co., Report S-13979 (1965).
36. Weber, R.J.: Propulsion for hypersonic transport aircraft,
Paper No. 64-558, Int. Council of the Aeron. Sciences, PariS,
France, 1964.
37. Walker, J.H.: Preliminary design for supersonic flight,
APL/JHU TG 610-10 (1966).
38. Petersen, R.H., et al., Some comparisons of turboramjet-
powered hypersonic aircraft for boost and cruise missions,
J. Aircraft, 3, 398-405 (1966).
39. Composite rocket/airbreathing engines, The Marquardt Corp.,
Van Nuys, Calif., MP 5039 (October 1966).
40. Perini, L.L., et al., Preliminary study of air-augmentation
of rocket thrust, J. SPacecraft Rockets, I, 626-634 (1964).
Ramjets and Air-Augmented Rockets 273

41. Dugger, G.L.: Comments on high performance combustion

systems, XlIth International Aeronautical Congress, Wash-
ington, D.C., 1961, New York Academic Press, Inc., 1963,
Vol. II, pp. 715-727.
42. Luidens, R.W. and R.J. Flaherty: Analysis and evaluation of
supersonic underwing heat addition, NASA Memo 3-17-59E
43. Weber, R.J. and J.S. MacKay: An analysis of ramjet engines
using supersonic combustion, NACA TN 4386 (1959).
44. Billig, F.S.: A study of combustion in supersonic streams,
APL/JHU Bumblebee Report No. 321 (July 1964).
45. Swithenbank, J.: Theoretical performance of hypersonic ram-
jets with supersonic combustion, Report No. SCS 25, McGill
University, Montreal (1960).
46. Billig, F .S.: Design of supersonic combustors based on
pressure-area fields, Eleventh Symposium on Combustion,
Berkeley, Calif., August 14-20,1966.
Part Three
Rocket Propulsion
Rocket Classifications, Liquid Propellant Rockets,

Engine Selection, and Heat Transfer

George P. Sutton
Assistant to the President,
Rocketdyne Division,
North American Rockwell Corporation


In a broad sense, propulsion is the act of changing the motion
of a body. Propulsion mechanisms provide forces which move
bodies that are initially at rest, change a constant velocity motion,
or overcome retarding forces when a body is propelled through a
medium. There are two essential elements in any propulsive
mechanism: the energy source and an energy conversion device
to transpose the energy into the form most suitable for propulsion.
In an automobile, for example, a chemical combustion process of
fuel with air furnishes the energy input, which is then transformed
in an engine into thermal energy of a gas and subsequently by trans-
formation into the mechanical energy through a rotating shaft and
wheels to imparting momentum to the vehicle.
Jet propulsion is a special kind of propulsion; it is a means of
locomotion whereby a reaction is imparted to a device by the mo-
mentum of ejected matter. There are two types of jet propulsion:
rocket propulsion, where the matter which is to be ejected is stored
internally within the moving device, and duct propulsion, where the
surrounding fluid is ducted through the device and accelerated to a
greater momentum by mechanical or thermal means prior to ejec-
tion. There are also combination schemes that eject both stored
matter and some of the surrounding medium.
A rocket engine is the device or mechanism that converts the
energy into suitable form and ejects stored matter to derive momen-
tum. The working fluid or the ejected matter in rocket propulsion
is called the propellant [I, 2, 3]. Among many possible energy
sources, four are considered to be useful in rocket propulsion:
(1) the chemical combustion reaction, (2) nuclear reaction, (3)
captured radiation energy from an emitter such as the sun, and

278 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

(4) electric energy which is stored or created in the vehicle.

Accordingly, the various propulsion devices can be categorized
into chemical propulsion, nuclear energy propulsion, solar energy
propulsion and electric energy propulsion (see Table 5-1).
Table 5-1 Energy Sources and Propellant Types for Several Different Rocket
Propulsion Engines (Reproduced in part from Reference 1)
Type of Energy Source
Type of Propellant Chemical Nuclear Solar

Surrounding medium Aircraft with Nuclear turbojet

used as propellant propeller Nuclear ramjet
working fluid Nuclear submarine
with propeller
Surrounding medium Turbojet Nuclear turbojet
plus stored Ramjet with chemical
propellant Ducted rocket fuel afterburner

Propellant stored Liquid propellant Nuclear fission Solar-heated

inside vehicle rocket rocket hydrogen
Solid propellant Nuclear reactor rocket
rocket source with
Hybrid propellant electrical rocket
rocket propulsion
Chemical battery
with electrical
rocket propulsion

No propellant Photon rocket Solar sail

carried in with nuclear
vehicle reactor

Table 5-2 list several types of rocket engines together with

ranges of typical key parameters. The first three use chemical
energy, the next two use nuclear energy (the arc heating and the
ion rocket are two forms of electrical propulsion), and the last
one uses solar energy for heating of a thermodynamic working
flUid. All these, with the exception of the ion rocket, use the nozzle
expansion and acceleration of a heated gas as the mechanism for
imparting momentum to a vehicle. The definition of some of the
parameters in Table 5-2 are as follows:
The specific impulse is one of the important performance
parameters used in rockets. It can be defined as the thrust that
can be obtained from an equivalent rocket which has a propellant
weight flow rate of unity. It is defined as
Is = F

Table 5- 2 Ranges of Typical Performance Parameters for Several Different
Rocket Engine Types <Reproduced in part from Reference 1)

Specific Maximum Thrust-to- Specific Typical

Engine Type Impulse (sec) Temperature Weight Ratio Duration Power (hp/lb) Working Fluid Status

Chemical <liquid) 300 to 460 4,500 to 7,800 10- 2 to 100 Seconds to 0.1 to 1,000 H2 to 02 in service use ~
a few hours <::l
Chemical (solid) 200 to 310 4,500 to 7,500 10- 2 to 100 Seconds to 0.1 to 1,000 fuel and in service use <Il"'
minutes oxidizer ....
Chemical (hybrid) 200 to 400 4,000 to 7,500 10- 2 to 100 Seconds to 0.1 to 1,000 fuel and experimental (')
minutes oxidizer flight
Nuclear fission 600 to 1,100 5,000 10- 2 to 30 Seconds to 0.1 to 1,000 H2 in component en
a few hours development ~
Radioactive 400 to 700 2,200 to 3,000 10- 5 to 10- 3 Days 0.001 to 0.01 H2 experimental \::l
Isotope Decay static devices ;t
have been tested ~
Arc heating 400 to 2,000 10,000 10- 4 to 10- 2 Days 0.001 to 1 H2 experimental
static devices
have been tested
Ion 5,000 to 10- 5 to 10- 3 Months 0.001 to 1 Cesium experimental
25,000 engine has
Solar heating 400 to 700 2,500 10- 3 to 10- 2 Days 0.001 to 1 H2 research and

280 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
where Isis the specific impulse in pound of thrust per pound per
second of propellant flow, F is the thrust in pounds, wis the weight
flow rate in pounds per second, c is the effective exhaust velocity.
and g is the gravitational constant. In a previous chapter, a dis-
cussion of specific impulse can be found. In general, Is increases
in engines using gas expansion as the gas temperature increases or
the molecular weight of the reaction product gases decreases.
The specific power Psis a parameter indicating the utilization of
mass in the propulsion system in producing a maximum of kinetic
gas power of the ejected matter. It is defined as

1 . 2
- mv

Here Wo includes the weight of the energy source (such as a nuclear

reactor) as well as the propellants, the rocket engine system, and
the structure weight. For chemical energy systems which operate
only for short periods, the values of P s can be several magnitudes
higher than those for electrical propulsion devices which must
carry a bulky, relatively inefficient source of electrical power as
part of their loaded engine weight. The specific power is propor-
tional to the thrust and the specific impulse.
The thrust-to-weight ratio expresses the acceleration (in multi-
ples of the acceleration of gravity) that the engine is capable of
giving to its own loaded propulsion system mass.
The chemical rockets, and to some extent also the nuclear fis-
sion rockets, have relatively low values of specific impulse,
relatively light machinery (that is, low engine weights), a very
high thrust capability, and therefore, high accelerations and high
specific powers. At the other extreme, the ion propulSion devices
have a very high specific impulse, but they must carry a heavy
electrical energy source with them to deliver the power necessary
for high ejection velocities. The radioactive isotope decay type,
the arc heating rocket, and those using solar energy are inter-
mediate in their values of specifiC impulse and thrust-to-weight
The specific impulse of the advanced electrical rocket engine
types can be appreciably higher than those of chemical or some
nuclear types. This means that they need to carry relatively little
propellant because each unit or propellant is ejected at a very high
The very low acceleration potential for the electrical propulsion
units and those using solar radiation energy usually requires a long
period for accelerating, and thus is best used for those missions
where the flight time is long. The low thrust values of electrical
Rocket Classification 281

systems imply that they are not useful in fields of strong gravita-
tional gradients (such as for take-off or landing) but are best used
tn a true space flight mission far away from the strong gravita-
tional field of the earth, moon or other heavenly bodies.

Table 5- 3 Typical Classification Criteria

1. Propellant a. Liquid Bi-propellant (fuel and oxidizer>
b. Liquid Mono-propellant
c. Solid propellant
d. Gaseous propellant
e. Hybrid propellant (e.g., liquid oxidizer and solid fueD
2. Type of mechanisms a. Thermodynamic expansion of a hot gas in a nozzle
used for produc ing a (e.g., liquid propellant rocket)
high-velocity jet b. Electrostatic acceleration of charged particles (e.g.,
ion rocket)
c. Sending a current through a conducting fluid (which is
accelerated) in a magnetic field
3. Level of the thrust a. Large (above 10,000 lbs.l
b. Medium (500 to 10,000 lbs.)
c. Small (jess than a few hundred lbs.l
4. Manner of thrust a. Constant thrust single use
application b. Constant thrust repeated use
c. Variable (pre-programmed) thrust single or repeated
d. Controlled variable thrust (not pre-programmed) either
singl e or repeated use
5. Purpose of thrust a. To impart linear momentum (e.g., boosters launch, sus-
application tainer or upper stage acceleration, space trajectory
b. To impart rotational momentum (e.g., attitude control
and orientation of vehicles in flight>
c. To separate adj acent stages in flight
d. To eject stores during flight (eject pilot, fuel tank)
6. Application of rocket a. Spacecraft propulsion
engine or rocket motor b. Booster propulsion
c. Air launched missile
d. Ballistic missile (surface launched)
e. Anti-aircraft missile
f. JATO (jet assisted take-off)
g. Catapult acceleration
h. Aircraft power plant
i. Attitude control
j. Interplanetary vehicle propulsion
k. Submarine launched missile
I. Anti-ballistic missile devices
7. Status of development a. Analysis and basic research
b. Component research and development
c. Experimental engine (static tests)
d. Development for flight use
e. In experimental flight use and! or pilot reduction
f. In service use and production
Table 5- 4 Applications of Rocket Engines in Space Vehicles ~

Large liquid propellant rocket Booster and sustainer stages of F = 100,000 to 1,500,000 Ibs. Constant thrust operation; sus- C
engine space launch vehicles t = 60 to 500 sec. tainer may have one or two ~

Is = 250 to 450 sec. restarts ~

Oxygen, jet fuel or 02 - H2

Medium-size, liquid propellant Maneuver of spacecraft; F = 1,000 to 15,000 Ibs. Throttling of thrust by factor of ~
rocket engines rendezvous and lunar landing t = 60 to 800 sec. 10 to 1 ~

maneuver Is = 250 to 450 sec.

Cryogenic or storable "l
Small-size liquid propellant Attitude control and trajectory F = 1 to 150 Ibs. Many restarts required; pulsing ~
rocket engine s correction of spacecraft t = 20 to 1000 sec. operation ~
Is = 250 to 300 sec. ~
Storable propellants or
Large solid-propellant rocket Take-off aid to launch F = 300,000 to 3,000,000 Ibs. Arranged in pairs
vehicle; booster to a ramjet t = 30 to 120 sec. ~
vehicle Is = 220 to 250 sec.
Medium-size solid propellant Emergency escape; ullage F = 3,000 to 60,000 Ibs. Usually employed as a cluster ~
rockets settling; stage separation; t = 1 to 20 sec. ~
pilot ej ection Is = 220 to 300 sec.
Small solid propellant rocket Spin and despin of vehicle; F = 50 to 5,000 Ibs ~
separation of small stages; t = 0,5 to 10 sec.
tilting of emergency tower
Rocket Classification 283

The last column of Table 5-2 indicates that the liquid and
solid propellant rockets are the only ones with proven practical
This chapter includes a brief discussion of liquid propellant
rocket engines. Other types are covered in other chapters.
In addition to grouping by energy source as shown in Table 5-1,
rocket propulsion devices can be classified according to many
different criteria. The criteria listed in Table 5-3 indicate some
of the many types and variations that have been investigated.
Of course there are other criteria which have been used to
classify rocket propulsion devices other than those listed above.
Each of the items listed could easily be expanded into a separate
chapter, and many of these items will be covered in more detail
later in this book. Table 5-4 lists several applications for chemical
rocket engines as used in typical multi stage space vehicles. It
gives an appreciation of the wide variety of engine types used on
a single space vehicle.


Liquid propellant rocket engines use liquid propellant chemi-
cals wb,ich are fed under pressure from propellant tanks, through
pipes, and through an injector into a combustion chamber. The
combustion takes place at relatively high pressures (100 to 1000
psi) resulting in very high temperature gases (4000 to 7500 F.)
which are expanded in a supersonic nozzle to very high exhaust
velocities (6000 to 14,000 feet per second). The assembly consist-
ing of the injector, the combustion chamber, and the nozzle is
known as the thrust chamber.
The two most common types of feed system for transporting
the propellant from the vehicle tanks to the thrust chamber are
the pressure-/fIed system, in which the liquid propellants are
displaced and expelled by a high-pressure gas, and the turbopump-
feed system, in which the propellants are pumped (Figs. 5-1 and
5-2). In the turbopump-feed system, a turbine drives the pump,
and the turbine, in turn, derives its energy from a small com-
bustion chamber known as a gas generator. The same two liquid
propellants are usually burned in the gas generator but in a different
proportion to produce gases cool enough (1200 to 1800 F.) to pre-
vent melting of the turbine buckets. The pressure-fed system is
simpler and usually lighter in weight for low-thrust or short-
duration applications, and it can readily be used for variable-thrust
operation. Its tanks operate at relatively high pressures and are
usually quite heavy. The turbopump-fed system is usually lower
in weight for high-thrust or long-duration applications; its tanks
are thin and relatively light in weight. Because it has rotating
machinery and gas generator and thus more controls, the turbopump-
fed system is more complex.
284 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
The assembly consisting of a combustion chamber, injector and
nozzle is known as a thrust chamber. In it the liquid propellants
are metered, injected, atomized, vaporized, mixed, and burned to
form hot gases, which in turn are accelerated and ejected at high
velocity to impart a reaction force to the vehicle. Because of the
high temperature, high denSity, and high velocity of these gases,
the heat-transfer rate is very high and the thrust chambers must
be cooled or constructed of special high-temperature materials.
In a regeneratively cooled thrust chamber, one of the liquid
propellants (either usually the fuel, but sometimes also the oxidizer)
is circulated through a cooling jacket or through tubes around the
thrust chamber, and the coolant absorbs the heat transferred from
the hot combustion gases to the walls. In aradiation,;ooled
chamber, the thrust chamber walls are constructed of special
materials (usually refractory metals) which operate at sufficiently
high wall temperatures (2000 to 3500 F.) to reject heat to their
surroundings by radiation; the walls have a red-or-white-hot glow.

Cho<, e",,'
ul'ie waive

Fig. 5-I Schematic diagram of a liquid propellant rocket with a gas pressure feed system.
Rocket Classification 285

Fig. 5-2 Sch ematic diagra m of a liquid prope llant roc ke t eng ine with turbopump feed syste m.

In an ablative thrust chamber, the walls are made of special im-

pregnated composite fabric-plastic materials (e.g., glass filament
cloths in an epoxy-type plastic matrix) which are consumed
(burned, charred, melted, or vaporized) at a slow rate to form
cool protective gas or liquid boundary layers near the chamber
and nozzle wall. The internal dimensions of an ablative thrust
chamber thus increase slightly with operating duration.
In the zero-gravity environment of space, emptying propellant
tanks present special problems. When a liquid propellant rocket
engine is to be started in a gravity- free environment, provisions
must be made to ensure that the tank outlet is covered with liquid
propellant. If gases or vapor are allowed to enter the thrust cham-
ber, the rocket will perform erratically. One method of avoiding
these conditions and ensuring delivery of liquids is to use a
positive expulsion system, such as confining the liquid in aflexible
(rubber like) bag inside the metal tank so as to be physically
separated at all times from the pressurizing gas, which thus can-
not enter into the tank discharge pipe.
All liquid propellant rocket engines have controls (usually
various valves and their actuating mechanisms) to accomplish one
or more of these tasks: (1) start the engine and ignite the propel-
lant combination, (2) shut-off rocket engine operations, (3) restart,

Table 5 - 5 Liquid Propellant Performance Characteristics c....

Theoretical Approx. Molecular ::tl
Specific Bulk Optimum Combustion Weight of (')
P ropellant Propellant Impulse Density Mixture Temperature Exhaust Gas \1:)
type Combination ( sec.> Ob.lcu.ft,) Ratio of Ob.lmole)
Cryogenic Oxygen-hdro-carbon 30 1 62.7 2.45 6.145 22.7 ~
(kerosene) .....
Cryogenic Oxygen-hydrogen 391 18 4.0 4.9 15 9

Cryogenic Fluorine-hydrogen 410 29 8.0 6.670 10

Storable N2 0 4 - N2H4 292 76 1.31 5.320 21
Storab le N20 4 - 50% N2H4 289 74 1.88 5.520 22
+ 50% UDMH
.10no- 90% H202 147 88 1.370 21 \1:)
propellant (')
Solid NH 4CI04. Al and 265 100 5.400 25 ~.
organic polymer
*At a chamber pressure o f 1 000
. psia and a nozzle exit pressure of 14.7 ps ia (shifting che mical equilibrium)
Rocket Classification 287

(4) maintain a programmed operation (e.g., predetermined 'Variable

tl'lrust), (5) effect emergency shutdown when a safety device senses
a malfunction or critical condition in the vehicle, (6) fill the sys-
tem with propellants, (7) drain excess propellants after engine use,
and (8) check out proper functioning of critical engine control com-
ponents without actual engine operations.
Liquid propellants usually consist of an oxidizer (e.g., liquid
oxygen, nitrogen tetroxide [N204], or nitric acid) and a fuel (e.g.,
hydrogen, hydrazine (N2H4>, or kerosene). Table 5-5 list several
liquid propellants and some of the performance characteristics.
Cyrogenic propellants are cold, liquefied gases, such as liquid
hydrogen (-423F.) or liquid oxygen (-297F.). Because of their
low temperature, they present some storage problems and thus
require tank insulation. Rocket engines using cryogenic propellants
have the best performance and are used in almost all large launch
vehicles. Storable propellants are those that remain in liquid form
over a range of ambient temperatures; typical is nitrogen tetroxide
with dimethylhydrazine fuel. Storable liquid propellants are used
extensively for air launched missiles, attitude control engines, lunar
takeoff engines, rendezvous maneuvers, or midcourse correction
engines. Liquid monopropellants contain an oxidizing agent and a
combustible fuel, all in the same substance; hydrogen peroxide is
a monopropellant when it is catalytically decomposed into oxygen
and steam. Because there is only one propellant, the rocket engine
and its feed system are Simpler, but the performance is generally
lower. The performance relations also apply to liquid propellant
rocket engines. The performance can be determined quite accurately
from a simplified one-dimensional theory, which assumes that the
gas reaction products are homogeneous and invariant in composition
throughout the thrust chamber, that these products obey the perfect
gas laws, that there is only negligible friction in the flow through
the chamber and nozzle, and that the flow is adiabiatic (no heat
transfer). The equations for thrust, specifiC impulse, nozzle area
ratio thrust coefficient and exhaust velocity can be found on pages
For liquid propellant rocket engines, the propellant mixture
ratio r is defined as the ratio of the oxidizer flow rate w 0 to the
fuel flow rate in f:

T = --;-

The values of optimum mixture ratio listed in Table 5-5 refer to

the ratio of which the specific impulse is a maximum. The equation
288 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
above can be solved for the respective propellant flow rates,
Iva or lv, in terms of the total propellant flow rate Iv and the mix-
ture ratio r:

r + 1

r + 1

The average density Pau of the propellant combination is a value of

a hypothetical mixture of liquid oxidizer and fuel; it gives an in-
dication of the compactness of the propellant combination:


Here Po = oxidizer density

Pf = fuel density
Values of Pau range from 0.35 to 1.3 glcc.

Liquid propellant rocket engines are used today for the large
majority of manned and unmanned space programs (Saturn I,
Saturn V, Atlas, Titan I, II, Centaur, etc.) and have proven to be
reliable, serviceable, amenable to preflight checkout, and high in
performance. In addition, they have proven to be a low-cost,
reliable, missile-propulsion system in the form of a pre-packaged
storable propellant rocket engine (Bu1lpup, Condor, Lance). To
date, the majority of R&D and production funds have been spent
on liquid propellant rocket engines.
Liquid propellant rocket engines using H2 fuel have given high
performance and have been flown as upper stages on space launch
vehicles. The 200,000 lb. thrust J-2 rocket engine (Figs. 5-3 and
5-4) is an example of a reliable, restartable engine used in this
gimballed application. It uses two turbopumps (one for fuel and
one for oxidizer) with a single separate gas generator; the exhaust
gases are aspirated into the nozzle of the thrust chamber [4].
Liquid bipropellant and monopropellant rocket engines with
pressure-fed systems have been used extensively in the low thrust
(1 to 150 lb. thrust) vehicle attitude control and maneuvering ap-
plications. Here, repeated reliable starts (sometimes several
thousand restarts per flight), efficient pulse performance (i.e., good
specific impulse for very short durations of 0.020 seconds or less),
zero leakage of propellant. operation in zero gravity and ability
to withstand the space environment are important. Figure 5-5
shows a Gemini attitude control engine of 23.5 lb. thrust. In a
Rocket Classification 289


1. Gimbal
2. Oxidizer inlet duct
3. Oxidizer turbo pump
4. Start tank
5. Auxiliary flight
pack age
6. Exhaust manifold
7. Thrust chamber
8. Oxidizer turbine
bypass valve
9. Turbine bypass
10. Main fu e l valve
11. High pressure
fue l duct
12. Start tank
discharge valve
13. Fuel turbopump
14 .. Fuel bleed valve
15. Fuel inlet duct

Fill:. 5 - 3 J.2 Rocket Engine.

nominal mission, this ablative thrust chamber experiences approxi-

mately 3,000 restarts, a total accumulative duration of approxi-
mately 600 seconds, over a total mission time of 14 days.
Figure 5-6 shows the propulSion system for the Bullpup missile,
which is typical of a reliable, low-cost liquid store able propellant
prepackaged system [5].
Performance of the aerodynamic spike nozzle is a function of
various nozzle geometric parameters, the amount of secondary flow,
the manner in which this secondary flow is introduced, and the rela-
tive energy between the primary and secondary streams (Fig. 5-7).
The primary flow (high pressure gases) which produces the major
portion of the engine thrust is exhausted from an annUlar-type com-
bustion chamber and expands against the metal surface of the center
290 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

!I 0

~ ===1
Rocket Classification 291




Fig. 5 - 5 Gemini 25-1b. thrust chamber for orbit attitude maneuver system.
292 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

truncated-spike nozzle. The characteristics of the primary flow

field upstream of the base (regibn 1) are determined by the annular
throat geometry, the nozzle wall contour, and the ambient pressure.
The annular primary flow continues to expand beyond the nozzle
surface and encloses a subsonic, recirculating flow field in the base
region (region 2). The pressure acting on the nozzle base contrib-
utes additional thrust to the nozzle.

Fig. 5 - 6 Bullpup B prepackaged storable liquid propella nt rocket propul s ion system.






Fig. 5-7 Schematic diagram of an Aerospike engine.

Rocket Classification 293

When a small amount of secondary flow (1 to 3% of total flow)

is introduced into the base (added to the recirculating flow), the
base pressure is increased further. As the secondary flow is in-
creased, the overall nozzle efficiency (considering the additional
flow) increases because of this increase in base pressure. There
is a limit to this gain in efficiency, and an optimum secondary flow
exists for each configuration.
The outer surface of the annular primary flow is a free-jet
boundary which is influenced by ambient pressure. This ambient
pressure influence on the primary nozzle flow endows this type of
nozzle with altitude compensation. In operation at high-pressure
ratios (i.e., altitude conditions), the outer free-jet boundaty of the
primary flow expands outward, governed by the Prandtl-Meyer
turning angle at the throat. At low pressure ratios (i,e., sea level
operation), the relatively higher ambient pressure compresses the
outer free-jet boundary of the primary flow field. This compression
increases the static pressure on the nozzle wall and partially off-
sets the negative effect of the higher ambient pressure on the back
side of the nozzle. The base pressure also is increased with the
higher ambient pressure, because the compressed primary flow
field, which influences the base pressure, has higher static pres-
sures. This combination of the flow field effects provides the alti-
tude compensation inherent to the aerodynamic spike nozzle.
The ambient pressure influence causes the performance to be
near an "ideal tf variable-are a-ratio nozzle at all pc/Pa values;
this effect is called altitude compensation [6].


When selecting a speCific rocket engine for a given application,

a large number offactors have to be considered and evaluated. Very
often more than one type of rocket engine will satisfy most of the
requirements, and the selection then has to be based on minor
differences, prior experience, and the background and prejudices of
those who do the selecting. Table 5-6 is a list of typical selection
criteria. Even though a list of this kind has to be tailored to a
specific application and is not complete, itcanbe useful as a check-
list. The table is divided into four major sets of criteria; namely,
performance, logistic, economic and so-called judgment criteria.
While this course deals primarily with the first category, namely,
some of the engine performance criteria, the other three categories
are usually equally or more important in selecting a rocket engine
for a specific job.
294 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Table 5-6 Selection Criteria


1. Engine Performance
Magnitude and direction of thrust
Specific impulse (guaranteed and nominal values)
Total impulse (guaranteed and nominal values)
Engine weight (with and without propellants)
Propulsion system weight
Starting transient and timing
Shut-down impulse and timing
Residual propellant
Volume <length or maximum diameter> of engine/propulsion system
Duration of operation (mission duty cycle)
Number of operating cycles (restarts)
Operating temperature limitations
Sensitivity of performance to minor variations in propellant composition, density,
or environmental conditions
Sensitivity of start and stop transient to environmental factors
Performance for short-duration pulses
Wall temperature of critical engine parts
Variation of specific impulse with altitude
2. Storability
Storage life
Storage temperature limitation
Temperature cycling limitations
Vibration during transport
Vacuum environment
Ability to perform engine checkouts during storage
Deterioration of propellant/hardware
3. Reliability
Margin of safety used in design analysis
Complexity/ simplicity of propulsion systems
Degree of built-in redundancy
Demonstrated reliability of engine
Time between overhauls
Ability to check out engine or critical components prior to use
Instrument reliability
Failure sensing and safe shutdown devices
Reliability of related auxiliary system (e.g., electrical heaters, telemetry)
History of prior flight failures
4. Other Performance Criteria
Flexibility for alternate missions
Required vehicle supplied engine inputs (e.g., electric power, voltage, hydrau-
lics, pneumatic)
Flame radiation to vehicle
Flame RF emissions and absorptions
Flame IR emissions
Noise emission spectrum
Rocket Classification 295

Table 5-6 Selection Criteria (Cont.)

Vibration excitation to engine mount
Decontamination procedure after operation
Extent of smoke in exhaust
Required fuel and oxidizer supply conditions (pressure, tanks position)
Gimbal actuation (angle, moment of inertia, angular acceleration, power, etc.>
Thrust vector control (sensitivity, response, angle, etc.>
Growth potential of current design (higher thrust, more specific impulse, longer
duration, etc.)

1. Safety
Corrosiveness of propellant (chemical reaction with various materials)
Toxicity of propellant and/or exhaust products
Detonation hazard
Fire hazard
Devices and means for overcoming propellant hazards
Limitation on prc;>pellant storage quantity
Ignition safety devices
Arming system
Required safety procedures
2. Supply and Logistics
Ease or difficulty of storage, surveillance, engine replacement, maintenance, fuel-
ing, defueling, repair, or servicing in the field and at the factory
Number and types of special tooling or spare parts
Complexity of checkout equipment
Mobility of checkout equipment and special tooling
Quality and type of records on each part, its history (design change, inspection,
use, etc.>
Ease of checking and replacing or fixing critical components while engine is in-
stalled in vehicle
Clarity, availability, and usability of handbooks

3. Operating Parameters
Time and effort required for checkout
Time and effort required for engine replacement
Number and type of engine controls
Number and type of measurementslindicators for engine operation
Number of interconnecting devices
Operating environmental limitation
Readiness for use
1. Cost of engine development
2. Cost of engine/vehicle integration
3. Cost of engine unit in production
4. Cost of engine operation (maintenance, repair, servicing and overhaul>
5. Availability of engine
6. Schedule of deliveries
7. Availability and condition of manufacturing tooling, static test facilities, vibra-
tion test equipment, overhaul facilities, shipping containers, etc.>
8. Cost and schedule of training the operating and servicing crews
296 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Table 5- 6 Selection Criteria (ConU
9. Extent of need for critical materials, critical manufacturing processing, or critical
10. Location of manufacturing and test facilities
1l. Leadtime for key component manufacture
l. Relative advance in the state-of-the-art
2. Existence of experience background and its applicability to a specific application
3. Reputation of engine manufacturer and his prior performance, cost and schedule
4. Interference of the work on the selected engine with other urgent work in same
5. Credibility of attaining promised performance, cost and schedule
6. Applicability of same engine to other vehicles
7. Relative importance of engine program to other programs (priority)
8. Availability of funds

[5-.4] HEAT TRANSFER (based largely on Reference 7)

In rocket propulsion devices a large quantity of heat is trans-

ferred from hot gases to the walls of the device. This high heat
flux occurs in all types of propulsion devices including solid pro-
pellant combustion chambers and nozzles, liquid propellant gas
generators and their piping, injectors, nozzles, chambers of
liquid propellant thrust chambers, electric arc jets, or nuclear
rocket thrust chambers.
There are many different techniques for preventing this high
heat flux from overheating the walls of the chambers or nozzles
and several of these techniques will be discussed briefly approxi-
mately in the order of increasing heat flux. Table 5-7 shows a
summary of several of these techniques.

[5- 4.1] Radiation Cooling

In radiation-cooled chambers, there is a steady-state heat-

transfer condition with radiation emission to the surrounding
environment from the hot wall. These walls usually radiate at
temperature of 2400-2900F if refractory metal (Cb, W, Ta, and
Mo) walls are used. The heat is transferred by convection from
the hot gases to the chamber wall, conducted through the wall,
and in turn is rejected to cooler surroundings by means of thermal
radiation emission. This emission is strongly influenced by the
surface condition of the wall.
Refractory metals are difficult to fabricate and some suffer
from hydrogen embrittlement and lack of ductility. Some oxidize
readily and need a protective coating.
Table 5-7 Cooling Methods Compared

Name Description Temperature Diagram Application

Radiation High-temperature, Low-thrust, low

or To wall chamber-pressure
Cooling lightweight,
refractory-metal unit for attitude
pressure vessel control (e.g.,
which glows white Apollo Service
hot and rejects Module). C
rr;=<J heat by thermal T we = 2700 ~
r adiation. (Reaches Uncooled nozzle (':)
Single Wall ....
thermal equilibrium) exit skirt extensions (')

Short-duration, S'
Cooling low-thrust, low- C/)
pressure units. $.
(Typical experi- (")
Heavy-walled metal
shell. (Does not mental unit for ....
reach thermal evaluating C
equilibrium) propellants or
feed-system, fea-
Hot Gas
tures , JATO' s, or

Low Flame- Wall temperature Low-performance

Temperature achieves 1500' propellants with
Metal Chamber temperature of low flame tem-
combustion; II I perature. (Nitrate
equilibrium condi- Hot Gas solid propellant
tion or H202)


Table 5-7 Cooling Methods Compared (Cont.>

Name Description Temperature Diagram Application
Inner Wall Outer Wall
Turbine exhaust ~
Limited to nozzle .....
gas (900 to
exit skirt exten-
1500'F.l is
tions because of
used as coolant ~
small amount of
in cooling jacket 1000'
available gas
Regenerat i ve Jacket and/or as film- Film-Cooling ~
and heat
Coo ling Cooled cooling fluid Passage I J l ! Turbine v~
Jacket By Exhaust Exhaust Gas capacity
Insulation Coolant 5000 ': 11500' \:)
Cooling High-pressure,
Low conductivity I!~ II , 800' ~
ginner 3000 200' high-performance
coating or layer ~ Wa ll solid or liquid ~
on wall surface Wall
g Insu lators propellants for
for heat flux on high -heat-flux
reduction Insulator' Metal Wall Double- Loyer conditions ;l;
In s ulation with Insulation on Single CO)

Reg ene rat ive Cool ing Uncool e d Wall

Fraction of pr<r
Dump Cool ing 50 O' H2 or NH3
pellant is used as
coolant in cooling 1111
a III .....
Generally, H2 ....
jacket and Hot 1500' 000- o
or NH3fueis ~
eventually dumped Chamber 500'
overboard for per- Gas
Multi-nozzle for formance gain
Gasfied Coolant m
Table 5-7 Cooling Methods Compared (Cant.>

Name Description Temperature Diagram Application

Ablative Cooling 5000 Moderate- and low-

Progress ive Gaseou s pressure, limited-
endothermic Decompos iti on duration designs
Products ~
decomposition of for combustion o(')
wa ll surface, form- chamber and <Il"
ing insulating nozzle; skirt ex- (I:)

char for passage tens ions; throttle-

of pyrolysis able space engines;
gases attitude-control
80 0 space engines en
Regenerative 5000F Most liquid- ~
One of propellants
Cooling ....
(fueil circulation in Outer propellant ...-
wall cooling jacket
11 Wall applications; low ~
and passed into and high thrust to
injector for moderate chamber
combustion; most pressure; used on
commonly used Inner Atlas, Titan, Thor,
t:(j method
(0. 012") Saturn, etc.

Film Cooling Coolant film

injected as
heat-absorption Very high-pressure
Fi lm - J and large-thrust
boundary Cooled -
Boundary I applications
betwee n com-
bustion gas and Layer ~ 70 Y ' Wall
wall surface Film-Cooling Man ifolds
Table 5-7 Cooling Methods Compared (Cont.) .....

Name Description Temperature Diagram Application C
Transpiration Diffusion of mas s ~
Cooling Coo lant (LH2) Nuclear, F2-H2
transfer coolant
through thick j 02-H2 fueled
porous or mesh wall Outer de s igns for
wall with low Wa ll ultrahigh heat-
velocity; absorp- ;" j-goo flux application ~
tion of heat through Hot with low per- ~~
wa ll and bloc kage ~At I formance loss
on surface ~ Porous Inner Wa ll C'

Methods R egc"~;{:~: ve ~
Gas Hot Ga s ~
Use of two or more High- and
methods to reduce F i lmg l low-pres sure- .....
er a t ! ve
cooling pressure ,
Coo lant
IJ thrust, etc., :l.
drop, increase Ab lat ive special appli-
performance, c ations for ~
duration, reduce Line r Metal heat-transfer
II II l Outer
weight, etc. Gas Wall optimization ~.,....
F i 1m
~ Thermal
Ablat ive Insu lation
Rocket Classification 301

The advantages of radiation cooling are that it provides a rela-

tively simple and light construction, it can be throttled, and it can
operate for long-firing durations. The principal applications for
the radiation method are in small attitude-control liquid-propellant
engines of space payloads or upper space-vehicle stages (usually
less than 150 lb. thrust and 50 to 150 psia chamber pressure) where
the rocket is mounted outside the spacecraft. It is also used as un-
cooled nozzle-skirt extensions of solid-or-liquid-propellant cham-
bers of all sizes where the chambers themselves are cooled by other
means. The radiation-cooled nozzle skirt becomes useful at loca-
tions where heat flux and local gas stream pressure are low and
where the nozzle protrudes beyond the vehicle external envelope to
permit adequate heat rejection.
[5- 4.21 Heat-Sink Cooling
The use of a single-wall metal combustion chamber and nozzle
offers a simple, easy-to-make and inexpensive means of cooling.
Because of the tranSient nature of this cooling method, it is limited
by the heat capacity of the wall, which is determined by wall thick-
ness, density, and specific heat; copper and steel have been used.
At high heat-flux conditions, only relatively short-firing durations
(of the order of a few seconds) may be possible. Failure occurs
when inside wall temperature exceeds the point at which either
melting or erosion takes place.
For solid-propellant motors, materials which exhibit good heat-
sink properties, and also have high melting points, are high-density
graphite, edge-grain pyrolytic graphite, and tungsten. Usually
these materials have insulation layers in critical areas.

[5- 4.31 Low Flame Temperature Metal Chamber

When the maximum allowable wall temperature is higher than

the flame temperature, there is really no cooling problem. This
occurs, for example, when monopropellants suchas H202 (1300 F.)
or N2H4 (up to 2000 F.) are used with conventional metals such as
the stainless steels (melting point 2600 F.). This type of rocket is
useful in very special cases where cost, SimpliCity, and schedule
considerations are of great importance.

[5- 4.41 Turbine Exhaust Gas Cooling

In the case of a turbopump-fed, liquid-propellant engine, which

usually has relatively high thrust and long duration, the turbine
which drives the propellant pumps provides a small flow of turbine
exhaust gas (usually around 600 to 1000 F.) which can be used for
some limited cooling applications.
302 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

The cooling capacity of this gas is limited not only by the low
mass flow (1 to 4% of the total propellant flow) and the small
available heat capacity, but also by the maximum temperature
rise that can be absorbed without exceeding maximum tolerable
metal wall temperatures.
The best application of this type of cooling is nozzle-skirt cool-
ing in large liquid-propellant engines, where the chamber and con-
verging section, throat region, and part of the supersonic diverging
section are cooled by another cooling method, such as regenerative
cooling. In such cases, turbines exhaust gases can be injected as a
film coolant along the gas-side nozzle-wall surface (where pres-
sures are low enough to permit it) and/or used as a coolant in a
jacket along the nozzle surface and expelled at the chamber exit
to augment thrust.

[5.4.5] Insulation Cooling

The application of insulation is not by itself a cooling method but

is rather an auxiliary, but successful, means of enhancing other
cooling methods. The use of various types of insulation introduces
thermal resistance into the heat-flux path and thus reduces the
amount of heat that must be absorbed or disposed of by the cool-
ing mechanism. In addition, for a given cooling capacity. the added
resistance permits an increase in the capability to handle hotter
temperatures or high chamber pressures.
There are several types of insulation. For example, there are
coatings which are painted on a metal surface and subsequently
hardened or baked, such as certain silica, asbestos, or ablative
formulations; thin ceramic coatings of refractories applied to
metal surfaces, such as alumina, thoria or zirconia; and special
sleeves or separate walls of ceramiC, ablative material, asbestos-
filled rubber bonded to the wall, graphite or other refractory ma-
terials. Numerous insulation methods and materials are found in
each category.
All of these insulators have deviciencies. They are not always
resistant to the oxidation or chemical corrosion action of the hot-
reaction products, and they do not always readily resist the
erosive action of the hot high speed gases. Many insulation layers
cannot take the required high temperatures (they become soft and
peel off), and most of these materials cannot readily take severe
repeated thermal shock and stress.
[5.4.6] Dump Cool ing
This Rocketdyne-developed concept employs low-molecular-
weight fuels such as liquid hydrogen or liquid ammonia in a
Rocket Classification 303

cooling-jacket passage which surrounds the thrust chamber. It is

similar to regenerative cooling, but instead of recirculating the
heated coolant back to the injector and into the combustion chamber
where it will enter into the combustion process, the fuel is evapo-
rated in the cooling passages and then dumped overboard at the
nozzle exit. Gasified coolant is ejected at supersonic velocity
through a separate set of nozzles, thus adding to the total specific
impulse of the vehicle.
Because the gases coming from the dump-cooling jacket are not
as hot as those coming directly out of the combustion chamber,
overall performance is somewhat reduced. Also, dump cooling is
not suitable with propellants that form high-molecular-weight

[5- 4.71 Ablative Cooling

Ablative cooling involves the use of wall materials which undergo

endothermic thermal degradation (or chemical and physical changes)
and consequent mass removal but leave enough material to pre-
serve structural geometry and integrity.
Char-forming plastics reinforced with organiC or inorganiC
fibers have proved to be satisfactory for thrust-chamber applica-
tions. Commonly-used materials include phenolic and epoxy resins
reinforced with oriented high-silica glass, carbon or graphite
Initially, a resin-based ablative wall acts like an ordinary heat
Sink, but low thermal conductivity causes the surface temperature
to rise very rapidly. At about 1000 F., the resin decomposes
endothermic ally into a porous carbonaceous char and pyrolysis
gases. As the char increases in depth and temperature , the pyroly-
sis gases may undergo additional endothermic thermal craCking
as they percolate through the char and into the combustion gas
boundary layer.
With silica reinforcement, as the surface temperature ap-
proaches 3000 F., a highly endothermic reaction with carbon in
the char may take place, providing additional thermal protection.
Above this temperature, the silica will melt to provide a very
viscous film which may protect the char from chemical erosion.
In rocket-engine applications where regenerative cooling cannot
be easily applied and where limited dimensional changes are
tolerable, the use of ablative materials is quite satisfactory.
Thus, in low-thrust space engines where insufficient fuel coolant
is available for regenerative cooling, ablative materia'i.s are used
in the combustion chamber and exit-cone regions. With relatively
nonoxidizing or low combustion temperature propellants, suitable
ablative materials can even be used in the throat region without
affecting performance adversely. They are also used successfully
304 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
as liners for chambers, nozzles, blast tubes or exit cones of solid
rocket motors.
The self-regulating thermal protection afforded by ablative
cooling makes this method particularly suitable for engines that can
be throttled. Ablative chambers have been particularly useful for
pulsing or cycling operations where individual pulses may be of very
short duration approaching a few milliseconds.

[5- 4.8] Regenerative Cooling

In the past, regenerative cooling was the principle method of

cooling all liquid-propellant engines, and it is still in satisfactory
use in large liquid-propellant engines. With this method, the coolant
is first circulated in a jacket with thin (0.010 to 0.080 inches thick)
metal wall which separates the coolant from the combustion gases
and is then passed through the injector into the combustion chamber.
Fuel is generally used as the coolant principally because its total
allowable heat capacity and heat transfer properties are generally
the highest, and because it presents a nonoxidizing atmosphere to
the heated inner-wall surface. Some oxidizers have been used ex-
perimentally as regenerative coolants.
Commonly used wall materials are stainless steel, nickel, and
Inconel with temperature limitations around 1600 F. Thermal
conductivity indicates the occasional use of copper or aluminum,
but the minimal strength of these materials with increased temp-
erature and weight implies low stress-level applications.
Thrust chamber walls are generally composed of a bundle of
long coolant tubes which are shaped to the nozzle contour. At
smaller thrust and pressure levels, a milled channel or double-
wall approach appears more advantageous.

[5-4.9] Film Cooling

The film-cooling method is a unique approach which permits

relatively simple thrust-chamber wall construction. Coolant is
injected along the gas-side wall surface by means of a series of
circumferentially located coolant holes, slots or louvers. If a com-
bustion chamber of short length is employed, injection can be pro-
vided at the injector face, and the film-cooling effect will persist
to the throat region. The wall temperature essentially assumes the
film-coolant value, increaSing from the inlet-coolant-injection
temperature at the injection points to the final allowable wall-
temperature value further downstream. In a fully film-cooled
design, injection points are located at incremental distances along
the wall length. Judicious spacing of injection locations can provide
optimum Wall-temperature distribution.
Rocket Classification 305

A principal disadvantage to the film-cooled design is the per-

formance loss associated with unburned coolant adjacent to the wall
surface (usually 1 to 10%). At high chamber pressures, the per-
formance degradation caused by the coolant may result in an actual
reduction of specific impulse when compared to other cooling
The main film-cooling applications would be either in supplemen-
tation or in large-thrust designs where only localized portions of
the chamber would be film cooled and only a small percentage of
the total propellant flow would be required. Surface film stability
under high turbulence, phase changes along the cooled length, and
endothermic or exothermic decompositions are problems which
require further study.

[5- 4.10] Transpiration Cooling

Transpiration cooling is quite similar to film cooling, differing

primarily in the injection technique. A transpiration-cooled surface
is composed of either a porous sintered material or a fine-pored,
compressed, multiple screen mesh. Coolant is diffused or perco-
lated at low velocity through the surface into the hot combustion gas
boundary layer with a blocking effect which reduces heat flux to the
wall. The transpiration method is much more efficient (three to
five times less flow) than film cooling because of the axial and cir-
cumferential uniformity of the wall temperature and the low pro-
pellant injection velocity, which results in smallmixinglosses with
mainstream gases. Design and fabrication problems of porous
walls with variable porosity, without degradation of the porosity
and a loss in performance, continue to be problems with this

[5- 4. 111 Combined Methods

Two or more cooling methods can often be combined to advan-

tage. One promiSing possibility appears to be a combined film-
regenerative technique, in which the total heat-flux loading normally
imposed on the wall surface can be divided up, with one part ab-
sorbed by a reduced film coolant flow and the remainder handled
by a reduced-velocity regenerative coolant.
Combining film and radiative cooling techniques, particularly
in low-pressure, low-thrust designs, has been satisfactory. Single-
wall refractory metal chambers result, with the film-coolant
boundary providing both a reducing atmosphere to prevent wall-
surface oxidation and tolerable radiative wall temperatures.
Combined ablative and regenerative cooling is particularly
attractive in small-thrust engines where a small coolant flow is
306 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Projntlsion

available to cool a large wall surface area and regenerative cooling

cannot be fully employed but can be used for absorption of a frac-
tion of the wall heat input. The ablator in this case would initially
serve as a sacrificial coolant and, upon depletion, as an insulator.
Combining film cooling with ablation can result in a materially
reduced char rate if some performance degradation can be toler-
ated. With the film-ablative combination, surface oxidation and
erosion can be prevented, with a considerable improvement pro-
vided in the areas of firing duration and reliability.
Conclusion. No one single cooling method is applicable to all
rocket devices. The relative merits of the various available meth-
ods for each particular heat transfer situation must be carefully
evaluated to select the most satisfactory solution.

SpecifiC impulse in pounds of thrust per pound per second of
propellant flow
F Thrust in pounds
w Total propellant weight flow rate in pounds per second
c Effective exhaust velocity, feet per second
Gravitational constant
Specific power, foot pound per pound of weight
Weight of the energy source
Oxidizer flow rate
Fuel weight flow rate
Mixture ratio (r = iD/iD f )
Average density
Oxidizer density
Fuel density
Ambient pressure
Chamber pressure

1. Sutton, G.P.: Rocket Propulsion Elements, 3rd ed., New York,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1963.
2. Barrere, M., et at.: Rocket PropulSion, Amsterdam, Elsevier
Publishing Company, 1960.
3. Feodosiev, V.I. and G.B. Siniarev: Rocket Technology, London,
Academic Press, 1959.
4. Hoffman, S.K.: Propulsion for Space Flight (Address before
the Royal Aeronautical SoCiety, London, Apri114, 1966).
5. Pocket Handbook SD 102B, Packaged Liquid Propellant Rocket
Engines, Reaction Motors DiviSion, Thiokol Chemical Corpora-
tion. Denville. N.J 1966.
Rocket Classification 307

6. Iacobellis, S.F.: Liquid Rocket Engines, Their Status and Their

Future, AIAA Paper 66-828, Nov. 29, 1966.
7. Sutton, G.P., W. Wagner, and J. Seader: A Comparison of
Advanced Cooling Techniques for Thrust Chambers, Astro-
nautics and Aeronautics, Jan. 1966, pp. 60-71.
Solid Propellant Rockets
Stanley F. Samer
Research Chemist
E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co.
Elastomer Chemicals Department


Solid propellants are of two basic types: composites and double
base propellants. The latter consist of a backbone of nitrocellulose
(guncotton) onto which a quantity of nitroglycerine has been absorbed.
resulting in a leathery propellant which can be cast or extruded into
desired shapes.
More common today is the composite propellant consisting of
three basic ingredients. The first is the polymeric binder system
which serves to hold the propellant together. give it adequate
mechanical properties. and act as a part of the fuel. The major
portion of a composite propellant is the crystalline oxidizer. and
most propellants contain a metallic fuel additive for increased spe-
cific impulse and density.
Double-base propellants have been upgraded in recent years by
the development of "double base-composites" in which the nitro-
gylcerine-nitrocellulose system is used as the binder system with
an inorganic binder and metallic additive.
Conventional polymers forming cross-linked systems are shown
in Table 6-1. The first of these to be used as a binder for propel-
lants was the polysulfide Thiokol ST. of the ethyl formal type. Later
the butyl formal and other polysulfides were developed. The pre-
polymers are difunctional mercaptans which may be cured by
oxidation to -R-S-S-R- linkages by metal oxides. organic peroxides.
or p-quinone dioxime (GMF) with the reduction of the curing agent
and subsequent elimination of oxygen with the oxime. or water with
the oxides. Considerable care must be taken to prevent gas pockets
from forming or to eliminate the water produced.
The use of polyurethanes which form condensation polymers
without elimation of water or gases was a Significant advantage.
The curing reaction is between a dUsocyanate and a glycol
R(NC0>2 + R'<OH)2 -

Solid Propellant Rockets 309

Table 6 -1 Common Polymer Types

Polyethylene -CH:r-CHr

oII 0
Polyurethane -0-(CH2) n-O-C--NH-(CH 2) n-NH- C-

Polyester -(CH2)n-C-0-

Polybutadiene -CH2-CH=CH-CH2-

yH 3
Polyisobutylene -CH2-y-

Polyvinyl chloride -C H 2-C H-

Polyacrylonitrile -CH r<;H-


Ethyl Fonnal Polysulfide -(CH 2)2-'-O---CHrO-(CH2) rS-S-

Butyl Formal Polysulfide -(CH2)4-O-CHrO-<CH2)4-S-S-

Polytetrafl uoroethy lene -C F rC F r

which may then continue to polymerize. Water must be kept out of

the system to prevent degradation, side reactions, and excessive
Carboxy-terminated polybutadienes or polybutadiene-acrylic
acid systems illustrate the third basic type of curing system com-
monly used. With an epoxide, the cure reaction is
o R' R"
II I I (6 2)
, II

The polymer may also be cured using polyfunctional imines. This
type of system results in the closest approach to a pure hydrocarbon
and therefore high theoretical performance. The mechanical prop-
erties of these systems are excellent.
310 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Hydroxyacids may be cured to form polyesters by the reaction

mHO-R-COOH - HO-+RCOOf..mH + mH20 (6-3)

The elimination of water is again a problem. The presence of high

oxygen content using c-o bonds is detrimental from the specific
impulse viewpoint, but the polyesters find wide application in gas
generator compositions. In these systems, low temperature is a
requirement and high energy is not desirable. In addition, the high
oxygen content serves to prevent the formation of solid carbon in
the combustion products, which would cause difficulties when the
gas stream produced is used to drive a turbine or similar device.
There is also the possibility of straight hydrocarbon polymeri-
zation by means of free radical initiated chain reactions, as in the
case of the formation of polyethylene, but these have not been used
to any large extent due to the poor mechanical properties resulting.
The oxidizers used are primarily inorganic perchlorates and
nitrates, since these generate high energy output. The most com-
mon oxidizer today is ammonium perchlorate. Table 6-2 compares
the performance of various binder types including the idealized
hydrocarbon, CH2, and several oxidizers in unmetallized propellants.

Table 6- 2 Unmetallized Solid Propellants

Specific Chamber
Wt. Pct. Impulse Temp. Density
Fuel Fuel Oxidizer (sec.) (oK) (glcm 3)

CH 2 9.5 NH 4 ClO 4 252.8 3018 1.76

CH 2 15 NH 4 ClO4 246.5 2950 1.66
CH2 15 LiC!04 234.1 3060 1.94
CH2 ~1 N0 2C!04 278.6 3603 1.70
Hydrocarbon 14 NH 4ClO 4 246.1 2942 1.68
Polyurethane 15 NH4C!04 245.2 2912 1.70

Polysulfide 14 NH 4 C!04 241.9 2926 1.81

Polyester 20 NH 4 C!04 237.7 2834 1.73

Polyester 20 NH 4N0 3 202.8 1753 1.51

Polyester 32 N02C!04 258.0 3375 1.75

Double Base 40 NH4C!04 250.7 3051 1.73

The most commonly considered additives are the metals alumi-

num and beryllium, and the hydrides of those metals. Of these,
aluminum is the most commonly used; beryllium gives higher
performance but lower density. The hydrides give higher per-
formance and lower density than the respective metals, with
Solid Propellant Rockets 311

aluminum hydride being about the equivalent in both criteria to

beryllium metal. Table 6-3 compares the performance of these
additives with three oxidizers.

Table 6 - 3 Metallized Solid Propellants

Specific Chamber
Binder Additive Impulse Temp. Density
(Wt. %) (Wt. %) Oxidizer ( sec,) (0 K) (g/cm 3)

CH 2 (15) Al (19) NH 4C10 4 264.1 3179 1.74

CH 2 (20) Al (15) N0 2 Cl0 4 281.5 3894 1.76
CH 2 (15) AI (20) LiC10 4 251.0 3726 1.97
CH 2 (14) AI (16) KCl0 4 228.9 3492 2.04
Double Base (45) Al (20) NH 4 Cl0 4 263.5 3760 1.80

CH 2 (15) AlH3 (34) NH4C104 274.2 2546 1.53

CH 2 (15) AlH3 (25) N0 2 Cl0 4 298.3 3783 1.66
CH 2 (15) AlH3 (25) LiCl0 4 269.0 3119 1.72

Double Base (40) AlH3 (28) NH 4 C10 4 285.2 3417 1.61

CH 2 (15) Be (12) NH 4C10 4 285.6 3172 1.66

CH 2 (25) Be ( 8) N0 2 C10 4 291.2 3270 1.61
CH 2 (15) Be 07.5) LiC104 264.9 3453 1.86

Double Base (40) Be 06.8) NH 4C10 4 279.3 4071 1.72

CH 2 (20) BeH2 (25) NH4C104 304.0 2644 1.14

CH 2 (17.5) BeH 2 (17.5) N0 2 C10 4 313.8 3208 1.34

CH 2 (20) BeH 2 (27) LiC10 4 300.8 2132 1.21

Double Base (50) BeH 2 (20) NH 4 Cl0 4 313.8 3154 1.28

Catalysts do not in general affect the specific impulse or density

of a propellant markedly, since they are used in small amounts. If
the catalyst is an inorganic oxide, it will not contribute to the energy
output since it is in the highest oxidation state and will therefore act
as "dead weight," reducing the specific impulse slightly. Since
most of these are more dense than the oxidizer, the propellant
density will be increased slightly. Organic additives can be burned
and thus will contribute to the energy somewhat. Solids will nor-
mally be added in place of oxidizer, rendering the propellant more
fuel-rich and lowering both impulse and density slightly, but liquids
can be used to replace portions of the binder system, causing
essentially no change in either parameter.
312 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


The propellant must contain a sufficient amount of binder to con-
tain the crystalline oxidizer and metal additives. An insufficient
amount of binder will result in the mix being too grainy or stiff;
therefore, a minimum binder level is required for adequate pro-
cessability .
Considering the binder system, including the polymer, the curing
agent, and any placticizers or liquid catalysts which may be present,
as liquids, and the oxidizer and metal additives as solids, an empiri-
cal correlation has been developed which relates the relative volumes
of solids and liquids in the mix to the processability. The process-
ability factor may be stated in terms of the solid-to-liquid volume
ratio or the volume percent solid. The two are interconvertible by
In general, the mix will become more difficult to handle as the
solid-to-liquid volume ratio increases. For mixes with standard pro-
pellant ingredients,the guidelines shown in Table 6-4 can be followed.
Factors which will decrease the values of solid-to-liquid volume
ratio achievable include the use of an overly viscous binder, an ex-
tremely light or fluffy additive. or an oxidizer with an unusual crys-
tal shape. The values of solid-to-liquid volume ratio shown in Table
6-4 are achievable only after considerable experience in handling the
ingredients. It may at times be necessary to heat the mix, to use bi-
modal or trimodal distributions in the particle sizes of the solids, or
to pelletize ingredients, in order to obtain maximum loading.
Table 6- 4 Processability Criteria
S/L Volume Ratio Characteristics

above 3.5 Virtually unprocessable

3.0 - 3.5 Processable with difficulty
2.5 - 3.0 Normal processability
2.0 - 2.5 Very easily processable
below 2.0 Settling difficulties may occur


The standard propellant system in use today is the hydrocarbon-
aluminum-ammonium perchlorate system. Table 6-5 gives the
theoretical performance of the system at the 14% binder level over
the ranges of 0-25% aluminum, and 61-86% oxidizer, and the esti-
mated effiCiency and delivered specific impulse in each case. In-
cluded are the specific impulse, chamber temperature, density,
density impulse, solid to liquid volume ratio, chamber molecular
weight, chamber specific heat ratio, and characteristic velocity.
Table 6-5 Hydrocarbon-Al-NH4CI04 Performance

Density Density Estimated Delivered

AI. % Isp. sec. Te. oK Isp glcm 3 S/L Ratio Effieiency. % Isp. sec. Me Ye C*, ft.l sec.

14% binder
0 246,5 2921 414.2 1.680 2.86 96.50 237.9 25.076 1.177 5004
1 248.0 2952 417.7 1.684 2.85 96.44 239.2 ~5.119 1.174 5021
2 249.4 2986 421.0 1.688 2.84 96.33 240.2 25.149 1.172 5038 en
3 ~bu.7 3019 424.3 1.692 2.83 96.21 241.2 25.179 1.170 5055 .........
4 252.0 3052 427.6 1.697 2.82 96.09 242.1 25.208 1.168 5071 ~
5 253.3 3084 430.8 1.701 2.82 95.91 242.9 25.236 1.166 5086 ~
6 254.5 3116 433.9 1.705 2.81 95.73 243.6 25.265 1.165 5101 cl
7 255.7 3148 437.0 1.709 2.80 95.55 244.3 25.293 1.163 5116 ~
8 256.8 3179 440.0 1.713 2.79 95.34 244.8 25.322 1.161 5129 .....
9 257.9 3209 442.9 1.717 2.78 95.11 245.3 25.350 1.159 5143 ~
10 258.9 3239 445.7 1.722 2.77 94.88 245.6 25.380 1.157 5155 ......
11 259.9 3268 448.5 1.726 2.76 94.62 245.9 25.411 1.155 5167 ~
12 260.8 3296 451.2 1.730 2.75 94.37 246.1 25.443 1.154 5178 (')
13 261.6 3323 453.7 1.734 2.74 94.07 246.1 25.478 1.152 5188 :>:l"
14 262.4 3349 456.2 1.739 2.73 93.77 246.0 25.515 1.150 5197 ......
15 263.1 3374 458.6 1.743 2.72 93.47 245.9 25.556 1.148 5205
16 263.7 3396 460.8 1.747 2.71 93.16 245.6 25.602 1.146 5211
17 264.3 3417 462.9 1.752 2.70 92.86 245.4 25.652 1.144 5215
18 264.7 3434 464.8 1.756 2.70 92.57 245.0 25.708 1.142 5218
19 265.0 3449 466.5 1.760 2.69 92.27 244.5 25.770 1.141 5217
20 265.1 3460 467.8 1.765 2.68 92.00 243.9 25.838 1.140 5213
21 264.9 3466 468.6 1.769 2.67 91.78 243.1 25.913 1.139 5206
22 264.3 3468 468.9 1.774 2.66 91.70 242.4 25.993 1.139 5194
25 260.6 3426 465.8 1.787 2.63 92.04 239.9 26.253 1.140 5128

314 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

All data are for the conditions of 1000 psia chamber pressure,
isentropic optimum expansion to 14.7 psi a exit conditions, and a
0 nozzle angle, except for the estimated delivered impulse which
is based on a 15 nozzle divergence half-angle.
Similarly, computations can be made for other binder levels,
building up a survey of potential performance available from the
system. This is normally the first step in deSign, followed by
narrowing the selection through the criteria of processability,
availability of catalysts and specific particle Sizes of ingredients,
and modification of the cure system, finally arriving at a specific
propellant which is optimum for the mission with respect to per-
formance, burning rate and physical properties.


The combustion of a solid propellant is entirely localized on
the exposed surface of the grain. The burning surface regresses
by burning parallel layers in a direction perpendicular to the
surface itself [6] in accordance with Piobert's law. The rate at
which the burning surface recedes along the normal to the surface
is known as the linear burning rate. It is a characteristic of the
propellant, and for a given composition is dependent only on the
initial propellant temperature and the chamber pressure.
At any given initial temperature, the empirical relationship
between pressure and burning rate may be written

r = a + bpn (6-5)

At very high pressures, in artillery, Muraour's law

r = a + bP (6-6)

is preferred. For rocket motors, where combustion pressures do

not normally exceed 2000 psia, the form known as Saint-Robert's
or Veille's law

is preferred. Equations (6-6) and (6-7) are merely Simplifications

of (6-5). In all three, a and b are constants dependent upon the
propellant and the initial temperature. The exponent n is called
the combustion index and is considered independent of temperature
for Simplicity in correlating data. It should be noted that the in-
dependence of the combustion index with respect to temperature
has not been established by either theoretical or experimental
methods. Equation (6-7) is normally used for convenience in the
r = a (P/lOOO)n (6-8)
Solid Propellant Rockets 315

in which case the pressure is referred to the standard combustion

pressure of 1000 pSia, and the constant, a, becomes the linear
burning rate at 1000 psia. The use of this simplifies comparison
of data.
Summerfield [17] has developed an expression for the burning
rate-pressure relationship from mathematical analysis. With some
simplifying approximations, the result is
1 a b
-~-+-- (6-9)
r P p1l3

or, in another form,

- ~ a + bP2/3 (6-10)

These expressions neglect radiative heat transfer but maybe better

than the simple exponentials used in Eqs. (6-5)-(6-8). The rela-
tionship has not, however, received wide acceptance.
Using Eq. (6-7) to represent the linear burning rate, the mass
burning rate or mass flow rate (neglecting erosion) becomes


For stable operation, the mass flow rate must be the same at the
propellant surface and at the nozzle exit. The mass burning rate
must equal the mass discharge rate which is


Therefore, equating the mass flow rate expressions, the require-

ment for stable operation is


and the equilibrium chamber pressure will be


from which it can be seen that the exponent, n, must be less than
unity for stable operation. Should the exponent exceed unity, the
pressure will continue to rise until the case bursts or the pro-
pellant is all burned.
316 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


From Eq. (6-13) the propellant area ratio, KN, defined as


may be derived as


From the above, it is usually assumed that the sum of the ex-
ponents in an empirically derived equation for KN


and an empirically derived burning rate equation of the form of

(6-7) for the same propellant should be unity. However, the mass
flow rate or discharge coefficient, CD, in Eq. (6-16) is not invari-
ant with pressure. This can be seen to be true since the charac-
teristic velocity is

C* = ~ (6-18)
and varies with pressure variation. Empirically, the relationship
with pressure may be written as

CD = (6-19)
p q


C* = .!. Pc q (6-20)

Substituting Eq. (6-19) into Eq. (6-16), the result is

KN -_ - h P (l-n-q)

from which it can be seen that the sum of the three empirical ex-
ponents should be unity.

m + n + q 1 (6-22)
Solid Propellant Rockets 317

In practice, however, it is found that the exponent, q, is less than

0.1 and normally of the order of 0.02. Therefore, the sum of m + n
is unity within experimental error. The comparison of these two
exponents is a good measure of the consistency of the experimental


The coefficient, a, in Eq. (6-7) varies with temperature accord-

ing to the relationship
a = --- (6-23)
T' - Ti
When the initial temperature of the grain, T i, is equal to the spon-
taneous ignition temperature of the propellant, T', the burning rate
is essentially infinite.
The temperature sensitivity of the burning rate at constant
pressure is then

(~) = ~aaTlnr) 1
I p'p

Similarly, the temperature sensitivity of the burning rate may be

calculated at constant KN


which is evaluated empirically.

A more common parameter is the temperature sensitivity of the
KN-pressure relationShip, also evaluated empirically as


The coefficients (IT's) may be evaluated empirically with respect to

initial temperature, for any parameter, using the partial derivative
of the natural logarithm with either KN or pressure constant. The
coefficients are normally expressed as the percent change per
degree Fahrenheit.
318 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


The apparent burning rate of a propellant is increased above its

normal value when the surface of the propellant is subjected to high
gas velocities which erode the grain. Above a threshold velocity,
the effect increases with gas velocity according to the equation


The erosion coefficient, k e , and the threshold velocity, v th ' are

probably dependent on pressure and motor geometry, but complete
information is not yet available in this area. Green [9] found that
the erosion coefficient is considerably higher at lower burning
rates and is higher for double base propellants than for composite


In many instances a rocket motor must be spun on its axis in

order to neutralize any effects of nonsymmetrical thrust. In such
cases, an increase in the propellant burning rate has sometimes
been noticed. A possible explanation has been postulated as the
cause of this phenomenon, but additional work in this area will be
necessary to completely elucidate the mechanisms involved.
It is likely that the centrifugal force caused by imparting spin
to the motor compresses the flame zone, thereby increasing the
propellant surface temperature and accelerating the propellant de-
composition reactions. In addition, since most solid propellants
produce condensed species as a portion of the combustion products,
an increase in erosion may be caused by compression of the flame


The burning rate of homogeneous or double base propellants has

been extensively investigated but is by no means thoroughly under-
stood. The rate-determining step in the burning process has been
proposed to be a solid phase unimolecular decompoSition at the
burning surface [21]. Although the decomposition reaction is uni-
molecular, the burning reaction is pseudo-zero order since the
concentrations of reactants is constant, due to the dependence of
the concentrations on the number of surface molecules. A steady-
state surface temperature, T s, is established by transfer of heat
Solid Propellant Rockets 319

from gas and solid phase reactions. The linear burning rate may
then be expressed by the Arrhenius equation for the rate-controlling
AO is less temperature dependent than the exponential term and may
be considered constant if the temperatures do not vary more than
100 0 K. The burning rate is then equivalent to the linear decom-
position rate at the surface temperature.
Wilfong, Penner, and Daniels [21] estimated the surface tem-
perature to be above 1300 0 K, but this is felt by Hugget [11] to be
too high since the grain surface is not luminous. He calculates a
maximum temperature of about 650 0 K. Recent investigations by
Cotton and Austin [3], however, place the surface temperature at
965 0 K.
The burning process is normally described as a stepwise series
of reactions occurring in several zones parallel to the burning
surface. At some short distance below the surface the propellant
is unaffected because of its poor thermal conductivity. As the
burning surface approaches, the propellant layers immediately
beneath the surface are heated by conduction. The resulting rise
in temperature is sufficient to start the decomposition of nitro-
cellulose and nitroglycerine slightly below the surface, thus causing
further heating since the decompoSitions are exothermic. Additional
reactions between stabilizers and nitroglycerine and nitrocellulose
also occur in this subsurface zone.
Above the burning surface is the "fizz zone" in which continued
decompoSition occurs in a narrow portion of the zone a few hun-
dredths of a centimeter thick. In this region the temperature is
only slightly higher than the surface temperature. In the remainder
of the "fizz zone," the temperature increases to about 1700 0 K.
Following the "fizz zone" is an area of inactivity possibly due
to delay in the accumulation of a critical intermediate, depletion
of a reactant, or the building up of a critical temperature. This is
followed by the flame reaction zone in which further decomposition
occurs. The flame throughout all the zones to this point is non-
The final region is the flame zone in which most of the energy
is liberated and the final combustion temperature is achieved. The
zone is luminous, and the reaction products are in equilibrium at
the flame temperature.
The thickness of the zones diminishes with anincrease in pres-
sure. At pressures of normal rocket operation (below 1500 psia) ,
the zone of inactivity is much thicker than the other zones and heat
transfer from the flame zone to the inner zones can therefore be
neglected. The action of catalysts and the variance of burning rate
with composition are therefore phenomena involving the inner
zones only.
320 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric ProfYulsion

The low surface temperature of double base propellants is

approximately equal to the spontaneous ignition temperature as
a lower limit. Thus, the temperature sensitivity of these pro-
pellants must be high, as can be seen from Eq. (6-23).
Below 200 psia, the flame zone is nonexixtent causing inter-
mittent burning. As the pressure increases, the flame zone appears
and the thickness of the "fizz zone"decreases until it is very small
at 1000 pSia and disappears above that pressure, with the luminous
flame nearly touching the burning surface. The increased heat
transfer explains the dependence of burning rate on pressure.


The fundamental assumption for composite propellants is that

the fuel (binder) and oxidizer regression rates are governed by
the equations
-<EfIRT sf)
rf = A fe (6-29)
r =A e-<EoIRTso) (6-30)
o 0

and that the rates of regression are approximately equal. Since the
activation energies and the pre-exponential factors of the fuel and
oxidizer regression are not equal, the surface temperatures must
also be unequal. This is the basis for the "two temperatures
postulate" of composite combustion theory.
The simplest method of procedure from this point is to assume
the mechanism to be controlled by the thermal decomposition of
binder and oxidizer. This has been treated in an analytical fashion
and has given satisfactory results for ammonium nitrate propellants
and to some extent for ammonium perchlorate propellants [10].
It is assumed that the regression of fuel and oxidizer is com-
pletely governed by the heat transfer between the surfaces of the
two ingredients and the oxidizer decomposition products. If the
surfaces are in the same plane, the temperatures are equal and
the oxidizer regresses faster. The fuel then protrudes into a higher
temperature zone and its regression rate increases, tending to
bring the fuel surface back into the oxidizer plane. Thus, the over-
all effect is that the regression rate is equal to that of the oxidizer.
For ammonium nitrate, the decomposition temperature is 1250 K,
and for ammonium perchlorate it is 1430 K: thus the latter oxi-
dizer yields higher burning rates. For ammonium nitrate oxidizer,
at a burning rate of 0.1 in/sec, the surface temperatures would be
910 0 K for the oxidizer and 580 K for the fuel. The overall surface
temperature is therefore considerably higher than predicted for
double base propellants.
Solid Propellant Rockets 321

Summerfield [18] has postulated the "Granular Diffusion Flame

Model H of composite propellant burning. This is a one-dimensional
model assuming direct pyrolysis of both the fuel and oxidizer and
all reactions occurring in a thin diffusion flame zone in the gas
phase. Vapors of fuel and oxidizer are postulated to be released
in the form of pockets and proceed to burn in the surrounding
medium of the opposite reactant. The mass of each pocket is much
smaller than that of an oxidizer crystal but related to it and inde-
pendent of pressure. The pockets are consumed at a rate con-
trolled by diffusional mixing and chemical reaction as they pass
through the flame zone, and the heat of reaction is released at a
corresponding rate. Burning occurs as a result of thermal conduc-
tion of energy back from the flame to the surface. The theory does
not at the present stage predict absolute burning rates, but Eqs.
(6-9) and (6-10) are derived in the process and serve well to cor-
relate burning rate with pressure. This model may be applied to
ammonium perchlorate propellants and may be the only reasonable
approach to potassium perchlorate propellant combustion.


The general order of the burning rate of a composite propellant
can be predicted from the oxidizer activation energy for non-
metallic oxidizers when conventional binders are used. Figure
(6-1) shows good correlation of burning rates with activation
energies for a hydrocarbon binder. It can be seen that the metal
perchlorates do not fit this pattern but give burning rates consid-
erably in excess of the predicted value. It is also known that the
pressure exponents of the burning rates are higher for these oxi-
dizers than for the nonmetallic oxidizers. It can be assumed that
the metal perchlorates would give agreement with the predicted
results at low pressures, but at high pressures where the flame
zone is closer to the surface, the higher energy release found with
the metallic oxidizers results in more energy feedback to the
surface and abnormally high burning rates. Additional study is
required to obtain better understanding of these phenomena.


The addition of metal powders or metal-containing compounds
has been shown to have no significant effect on either the rate-
determining mechanism of combustion or the burning rate [14].
The variation in particle size of metal powders also has little
effect since, except with ultrafine powders, ignition and combustion
of the metals take place in the gas stream [23]. This is not to say
that the amount or particle size of the metal has no effect on the
combustion efficiency. Since the combustion takes place from the
322 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

I(CI0 4

0 0

0 O.B
a:: 0.6

'"zZ 0
w 0.4 0
a. 0.2

20 25 30 35 40 45 50


Fig. 6 -I Correlation of burning rates of solid propellants with activation energies for ther-
mal decomposition of oxidizers.

solid or liquid metal particle[23, 7,4,8, 19], the particle size should
have a substantial effect on efficiency but not on burning rate.
Ito [12, 13] has derived equations for the effect of quantity and
particle size of oxidizer in asphalt-ammonium perchlorate mixtures
on the burning rate. For oxidizer particle size, he obtained

r = 0.0059 M + 0.50 mm/ sec (6-31)

where M is the Tyler mesh number for the screens used to retain
the oxidizer particles. For oxidizer level, he found

r = 0.11 W - 7.16 mm/sec (6-32)

where W is the weight percent of ammonium perchlorate in the mix-

ture. It would appear that the slope of the line for compositional
changes is too steep, but that the oxidizer particle size correlation
is approximately correct. In both respects, the variation of burning
rate within the limits of practical changes in composition and
particle size is small. Similar results have been obtained by
Smith [16] and for potassium perchlorate-asphalt mixtures by
Huggett [11].
Solid Propellant Rockets 323

Summerfield [18] also found variations in burning rate with

composition and oxidizer particle size. Constants for Eq. (6-10)
are given for ammonium perchlorate propellants with various
binders. He found the burning rate to increase with decreasing
particle size and with increasing chamber temperature.


Several materials have been employed as burning rate catalysts

in solid propellants. These are normally organic compounds or in-
organic salts of the transition metals. Among the most common
catalysts are iron oxide, copper chromite (a mixture of copper and
chromium oxides), manganese dioxide, and ferrocene (Dicyclo-
pentadienyl iron). In general, the effect of catalysts is of the same
order of magnitude as that of oxidizer particle size variation.
Summerfield [18], Friedman [5] and Penner [15] present data for
several catalysts.


Some knowledge of the mechanical behavior of the filled polymers

which make up solid propellant fuel systems is required for the pre-
diction of the structural integrity of propellant grains during its
life within an engine. Mechanical behavior involves the deformation
of a material by applied forces. Three types of loading conditions
are used to describe the mechanical response of a material: ten-
Sion, shear and bulk.

(6-14.11 Uniaxial Tensile Test

In the tensile test a force is applied longitudinally to a bar.

The length, Lo. is subsequently increased by an amount,~L, to give
a stretched length of L. The tensile force divided by the cross
sectional area over which it is applied is called the tensile stress,
a, and the percent elongation, ~L IL o , is called the strain, f .
Other definitions of strain are: ~L/L; In(LIL o);1/3 [L/Lo - (Lo/L)2]
The second of the definitions is sometimes called true strain and the
third comes from the kinetic theory of rubber elasticity [20]. In
the discussions to follow, strain will be defined as ~L IL o All the
above definitions are essentially the same for infinitesimal de-
formations but are considerably different at large strain values.
For ideally elastic, homogeneous, isotropic materials, the
relationship between stress and strain obeys Hooke'S law:

324 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

This expression states that a linear relationship exists between the

tensile stress and strain, the slope of whichis called Young's modu-
lus, E.

"y ~

r( I
V> L I
0<: I
V> I

a-L I


Fig. 6 - 2 Stress versus strain relationship in solid propellants.

One of the most common and useful means of analyzing the

mechanical behavior of a polymer is to generate a stress versus
strain diagram, Fig. (6-2). Initially the curve is linear indicating
an elastic response; the slope of this portion of the curve is the
Young's modulus, E. The curve continues until the material ceases
to obey Hooke's law and is no longer linear. The stress and strain
at this point are designated by uL and (L' respectively. In filled poly-
mers, this corresponds to the point at which a breakdown of the in-
terfacial bond between binder and solid occurs. With additional
strain, the curve may go through a maximum stress point, u Y ' and
proceed to failure. Normally, reported values for mechanical prop-
erties of propellants are the maximum stress, strain at maximum
stress, and initial modulus of elasticity. At the yield point, viscous
flow takes place and the strain increases rapidly with little or no
increase in stress. Finally, the material breaks. The stress at the
Solid Propellant Rockets 325

break point is called the ultimate tensile strength while the strain
is called the rupture strain. The strain rate is quite important.
Many materials appear soft under slow application of stress and
brittle under rapid or shock application. This phenomenon is de-
pendent upon the stress relaxation rate of the material.
Carswell and Mason [I, 2] grouped stress-strain curves into the
five classifications shown in Fig. (6-3). Soft-weak materials have
low moduli and tensile strength and only moderate elongations at
the break point. Soft polymer gels and "cheesy" materials are
examples. Hard-brittle materials have high moduli and tensile
strength but small (less than two%) elongation at the break point
with no yield point. Polystyrene and poly (methyl methacrylate) at
and below ambient temperatures are examples. Hard-strong mater-
ials also have high moduli and tensile strengths with elongations of
5% at the break point. Rigid poly (vinyl chlorides) are examples.
Soft-tough materials have low moduli, very high elongations (over
20%), and moderately high ultimate strengths. They show a definite
yield point. Rubbers are examples. Hard-tough materials have high
moduli and tensile strengths, large elongations, and show a yield
point. Cellulose acetate and polyamides are examples.


Fig. 6 - 3 Classifications of stress-strain curves.

The toughness of a material is best defined as the energy re-

quired to break a material. This may be determined by integrating
the area under the stress-strain curve.
326 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

In general, propellants may be considered in the soft-tough

classification, although a plateau through the viscous flow region
is normal. The moduli range from 100 for fluorocarbon systems
to over 1000 for polysulfides. Polyurethanes and polybutadienes
give moduli in the range of 300-1000 psia. By varying the cure
conditions a wide range of moduli may be obtained within these
limitations. Typical values of yield stress for polyurethanes or
polybutadienes range from 70-300 pSia, with elongations in the
range of 20-75%.

[6- 14.2] Uniaxial Shear Test

Another type of loading which describes the mechanical behav-
ior of a material is shear. The shear stress, T, as in the case of
tension is the shearing force divided by the area over which it
is acting. The shear strain, y, is defined as the deformation per
unit distance between shearing surfaces. A relationship similar to
Hooke's law also exists for shear:

T = Gy (6-34)

where G is the shear modulus or modulus of rigidity. stress-strain

diagrams for a shear test can be generated in much the same man-
ner as described for the tensile test.

[6-14.31 Bulk Dilution Test

The third loading, bulk, relates the percent change in volume,

~ VIVa' which occurs under a hydrostatic stress, p:
P = K- (6-35)
where the constant of proportionality in this case is called the bulk
All the other types of loadings (compression, torsion, flexture,
gravitations, etc.) involve combinations of the above three basic
loading conditions.

[6 - 14.41 Poi sson' s Ratio

The loadings given above involve only uniaxial response. For the
biaxial test, Hooke's law must be modified to account for lateral
deformations by
Solid Propellant Rockets 327

where v is Poisson's ratio, defined as the ratio between lateral

strain, 2' and longitudinal strain, l' For bodies under finite
deformations in which a change in volume occurs, Poisson's
ratio varies with longitudinal strain by

v - ,~ ~ - (1 ~::1I2J (6-37)

For materials which remain incompressible during deformation,

i.e., VIVo = I, the above expression becomes

v - ,~t (1 + :l)l12J (6-38)

For most materials, Poisson's ratio lies between 0.20 and the
upper limit of 0.50. For rubbers and liquids the ratio follows
Eq. (6-37). Generally speaking, the more rigid the material, the
smaller v becomes. The three moduli discussed above can be
related through Poisson's ratio by means of the following equations:
E = 20 (1 + v) (6-39)

E = 3K (1 - 2v) (6-40)

[6.14.5] Glass Transition

Viscoelastic resins exhibit a glass temperature, T g, where the

material essentially loses its viscous characteristics and changes
from soft to brittle. At this temperature, there is a marked change
in physical properties such as specific volume, tensile strength, or
refractive index. The glass temperature varies with molecular
weight to a limiting value and then remains fairly constant. A type
of phase diagram such as the one shown in Fig. (6-4) may be con-
structed. Below the glass temperature, the material is like a crys-
talline or partially crystalline solid (but maybe an amorphous glass)
and is hard and brittle. At the glass temperature, the material is
leathery, as double base propellants whose glass temperature occurs
at room temperature. Above the glass temperature, the material ex-
hibits viscoelastic or even elastic behavior at sufficiently high mo-
lecular weights. As the temperature is increased or the molecular
weight decreased, viscous flow is exhibited and there is .little elastic
recovery. Polymers of narrow molecular weight distribution are
therefore most useful, since they show well defined properties.
The ease of rotation of the polymer chain has a marked effect
on its properties. The inclusion of groups with limited rotational
328 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
or configurational possibilities increase the glass temperature and
melting temperature and stiffen the polymer. The rigid aromatic
rings are examples of such groups. The stiffening results in in-
creased hardness and tensile strength and decreased elasticity.
Groups which are extremely flexible due to ease of rotation result
in low melting point and glass temperature and a hlgh degree of soft-
ness and elasticity. Ether groups are prime examples of this type.

Mobile liquid Rubber


cr,st.. line



Fig. 6-4 Polymer phase diagram.

The addition of nonpolar side chains to a polar molecule re-

duces the Vander WaaPs forces and thereby lowers the glass and
melting temperatures. The tensile strength is lowered and the
Ultimate elongation increases. Some of the effect may be attribu-
table to a decrease in crystallinity, particularly if the addition of
side chains is random.
The principle of time-temperature superposition may be illus-
trated with relaxation modulus curves or creep curves. It is pos-
sible to define quantitatively the temperature dependence of the
relaxation modulus (or creep compliance). If the material under
consideration has a modulus, G, at a time, to, and a temperature,
To, it will have the same modulus at another temperature, T, and
another time, t, which satisfy the follOwing relationship:

Solid Propellant Rockets 329

in which the change in viscosity, Tf, will be much greater than the
change in density, p, or the change in temperature, so that Eq.
(6-41) may be simplified to

to = t- (6-42)

It is possible, then, to replace log to with log <t/TJ) to obtain a single

relaxation modulus curve from tests conducted at various tem-
peratures. It should be pointed out that materials exhibiting an
equilibrium modulus will not obey this relationship in the section
of the G(t) curve representing the equilibrium modulus, because
all viscous effects are absent from this region. The ratio of vis-
cosities at the test temperature is the Williams-Landel-Ferry shift
factor for time-temperature superposition


and the Williams-Landel-Ferry equation [22] is expressed as

-c1(T - To)
log aT = ----- (6-44)
c 2 + T - To

and when c 1 = 17.44 and c 2 = 51.6, To = T g' Equation (6-44) approxi-

mates aT only when T is greater than the glass temperature by less
than 100 0 C.


A area
aT Williams-Landel-Ferry shift factor
a, ao' b, c constants
Ao preexponential term in Arrhenius equation
CD discharge coefficient
C* characteristic velocity
E Young's (tensile) modulus
Ea activation energy
G shear modulus
h constant in burning equations
K bulk modulus
KN propellant area ratio
ke erosion coefficient
L length
m KN exponent
m mass flow rate
n combustion index or burning rate exponent
330 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Profru,lsion

P pressure
p hydrostatic stress
q C* exponent
R universal gas constant
T linear burning rate
Te erosive burning rate
T temperature
t time
T' spontaneous ignition temperature
V volume
v velocity
y shear strain
f tensile strain
TJ viscosity
v Poisson's ratio
7T temperature sensitivity
p density
a tensile strain
T shear stress

B break point
c chamber conditions
f fuel (binder)
I initial conditions
L end of linear section
o oxidizer
s propellant surface
t throat conditions
th threshold
Y yieldpoint
o original value

1. Carswell, T .S. and H.K. Mason: SPecial Technical Publication
59, Philadelphia, American Society for Testing Materials, 1944.
2. and : Modern Plastics, 21, 121, (1944).
3. Cotton, D.J. and T.D. Austin: Navweps Report 8573, 1964.
4. Fossell, W.M., C.A. Papp, D.L. Hildebrand, and R.P. Sernva:
Solid Propellant Rocket Research, Vol. I, New York, Academic
Press, 1960.
5. Friedman, R., R.G. Nugent, K.E. Rumbel, and A.C. Scurlock:
Paper No. 79. In Sixth Symposium on Combustion, New York,
Reinhold, 1957.
6. Geckler, R.D.: Selected Combustion Problems-AGARD, New
York, Pergammon Press, 1954.
Solid Propellant Rockets 331

7. Glassman, 1.: In Solid Propellant Rocket Research, Vol. I,

New York, Academic Press, 1960.
8. Gordon, D.A.: Ibid.
9. Green, L.: Jet Propulsion, 24 (1954).
10. , S.S. Penner, and R. Schultz: In Combustion and
Propulsion, 3rd Colloquium, AGARD, London, Pergammon
Press, 1958.
11. Huggett, C.: In Combustion Processes-High Speed Aerody-
namics and Jet Propulsion, Vol. II, Princeton, Princeton
University Press, 1956.
12. Ito, T.: KOgyo Kayan Kyokaishi, 20, 198 (1959).
13. : Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi, 63, 1894 (1960).
14. Nadoud, L.: Rech. Aeron., 85, 3 (1961).
15. Penner, S.S.: Chemical Rocket Propulsion and Combustion
Research, New York, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
Inc., 1962.
16. Smith, J.M.: A.1.Ch.E.J., 6,299 (1960).
17. Summerfield, M., G.S. Sutherland, M.J. Webb, H.J. Tarack,
and K.P. Hall: Amer. Rocket, Soc. Preprint 737-58 (1958).
18. , , , ,and : In Solid Propel-
lant Rocket Research, Vol. I, New York, Academic Press, 1960.
19. Talley, C.P.: Ibid.
20. Treloar, L.R.G.: The Physics of Rubber Elasticity, Oxford,
Clarendon Press, 1958.
21. Wilfong, R., S.S. Penner, and F. Daniels: J. Phys. Chem.,
54, 863 (1950).
22. Williams, M.L., R.F. Landel, and J.P. Ferry: J. Am. Chem.
Soc., 77, 3701 (1955).
23. Wood, W.A.: In Solid Propellant Rocket Research, Vol. I,
New York, Academic Press, 1960.
Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design
H. S. Seifert
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Stanford University;
Consultant, United Technology Center


A hybrid rocket is so named because one of the propellant com-

ponents is liquid and the other solid. Normally the oxidizer is
liquid and the fuel is solid. In a typical design (Fig. 7-1), the oxi-
dizer is sprayed in at the head end of a solid cylindrical fuel grain.
It is apparent that once the liquid oxidizer is injected, the com-
bustion process proceeds according to natural law and the geo-
metric constraints designed into the grain and is not subject to
external control. It is very important, therefore, to understand
the details of the combustion if it is to occur in the manner desired
by the designer.
A schematic diagram of the process of hybrid combustion is
shown in Fig. 7-2. In a relatively narrow region close to the solid
surface, fuel vapor moving by convection away from the surface
meets gaseous oxidizer diffusing from the central core, and com-
bustion occurs. The temperature profile and velocity profile re-
sulting are shown qualitatively in Fig. 7-3. The boundary layer
grows until, in a typical case, if fills the cylindrical tube (merges)
at about 5 calibers downstream. At about 25 calibers, the oxidizer
is largely used up and further lengthening of the tube does not con-
tribute to the available heat energy.
Hybrid rockets possess characteristics which set them apart
from pure liquid or pure solid motors and which, in some instances,
supply the motivation for their development. It is of interest to
compare Hybrids with other chemical propulsors.
a) The range of possible specific impulse lies above that for
solids and below the maximum for liquids.
b) The plumbing hardware is simpler than for a two-fluid liquid
rocket but of course more complicated than for a solid rocket.
c) The hybrid affords on-off and throttled operation, which is
impractical with solid rockets.

Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 333


Fig. 7 -I "Direct" hybrid rocket system; left: liquid oxidizer; right: solid fuel.

Motor Center L ine

To Injecto r To Nozzle

So l id Fuel

Motor Case

Fig. 7 - 2

b BLEd,.
- -F lame
\--x ( PN)~ ,,"" 'i> ,

Fig. 7-3

d) Hybrids are safe in storage relative to solid rockets which

must be handled as if they were explosives.
e) Combining a liquid and a solid phase makes available pos-
sible new propellant combinations which cannot be supplied as
solid-solid mixtures or liquid-liquid combinations.
Hybrid combustion has of course been a matter of interest ever
since the first forest fire. As long ago as twenty years (1946),
334 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Bartel and Hannie [1] worked on solid-fuel ramjets. However, it

has only been since 1962 that Gilbert, Marxman, Wooldridge and
Muzzy, working at the United Technology Center, evolved a suf-
ficiently complete analysis [2, 3, 4, 5] to make it possible to design
a hybrid rocket with reliably predictable performance. The writer
is indebted to these latter authors for the information in this ex-
position, which describes their work and endeavors to make a com-
plex process physically understandable . Thehybridrocketisunique
in that it is the first chemical rocket to be investigated in a funda-
mental way prior to its hardware development.


[7 - 2.1] The Physical Process

Hybrid combustion typically occurs in a thin sheet of flame
within the turbulent boundary layer, shown schematically in
Fig. 7-3. Fuel is partly decomposed and evaporated (gasified)
at the solid surface by convective (or convective plus radiative)
heat transfer and diffuses inward toward the center line of the
combustion volume. Simultaneously, gaseous oxidizer diffuses
outward from the center line through the turbulent boundary layer.
At a point where the ratio of oxidizer to fuel concentration (OI F'
ratio) is somewhat on the fuel-rich side of a stochiometric, com-
bustion occurs in a layer whose thickness is of the order of 10%
of the boundary layer thickness. Figure 7-4 shows a schlieren
photograph indicating the flame position which is substantially
closer to the fuel surface than to the edge of the boundary layer.


F ig. 7 - 4 Schlieren photograph of ple xigl as-oxygen syste m (K O X e = 1) . R e = 2 x 104/in .

The rate of combustion is limited by the rate at which heat is

transferred from the flame to the solid surface rather than by the
Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 335

chemical kinetics of the flame, except at very low pressures. Thus,

the rate of combustion is limited by fluid dynamic processes rather
than chemical kinetics, as is the case for classical solid propellants.
The fact that the rate of gasification or "regression rate tJ T of the
solid surface depends upon heat transfer from the boundary layer
means that the regression rate is closely coupled to Go' the local
oxidizer mass flow per unit area. Go varies both with time and with
axial distance along the fuel grain. Thus no simple empirical ex-
pression can be written for T such as the expression; : apc n often
used for composite solid propellants. Derivation of relations for ;
in terms of known propellant properties will be the substance of
this section.
In the steady state the heat transferred to the surface equals
the heat transported away by the gasified fuel:*


hv is the heat required to raise the temperature of the solid from

ambient to the surface temperature T s and includes five increments:
heat to raise the fuel from ambient to melting temperature, heat of
liquefaction, heat to raise the liquid to the boiling point, heat of
vaporization, and the heat necessary to raise the vapor to the sur-
face temperature, which is of the order of 600 0 K an.d may involve
some "cracking tJ or degradation of the po~ymer. Qw is the total
~eat transfer, including !1 convective part Qc and a radiative part
Qr For the time being Qr will be neglected, a reasonable approxi-
mation if one considers an unmetallized polymer such as Plexiglas.

[7 - 2.2] Convective Heat Transfer

The convective component of heat transfer Qcmaybe considered
as being driven by the enthalpy difference !1hT between the flame
zone and the surface. This assumption is often called the "thin
flametJ approximation. Qc may be calculated from !'!h using the
Stanton number** CH


In Eq. (7-2), Pe u e is the mass flux at the edge of the boundary-

layer. CH may be evaluated by using Reynolds analogy*** which

*Symbols are defined in a table at the end of the chapter.

**The use of Stanton coefficient C H (orSt) is discussed, for example, in Kuethe and
Schetzer, Foundations of Aerodynamics, 2nd ed., 1959, p. 270 (Wiley).
***Reynolds analogy for simple flow without mass addition is discussed, for example,
in Kuethe and Schetzer p. 325. Reynolds analogy with mass injection has been discussed
by L. Lees, Combustion and Propulsion, 3rd AGARD Colloquim, p. 451, Pergamon, 1958,
and by G. Marxman, 10th International SympOSium on Combustion, pp. 1337-49, The Com-
bustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1965 (Pergamon).
336 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
relates the heat transfer coefficient CH to the skin friction (shear
stress) coefficient c f defined by
cf = -1--2 (7-3)
2 Peue
Reynolds analogy states that if CH is defined by Eq. (7-2), then
CH = - (7-4)
Equation (7-4) makes it possible to evaluate ;. in terms of known
fluid properties and established boundary layer theory. Equations
(7-1), (7-2) and (7-4) may be combined to yield

B (7-5)

The quantity B defined by Eq. (7-5) is called the "mass transfer

number" and is an independent thermochemical parameter of
fundamental importance. It may be expressed in two ways:
MT prr
B =- = (7-6)
hv p e ue (c/2)

Physically, B is the ratio between the enthalpy MT which may be

extracted from the flow and transferred to a unit area of the fuel
surface. and the enthalpy hv which is required to gasify unit mass
flow of fuel per second through unit surface area. It is thus pro-
portional to regre sSion rate ;..
To make Eq. (7-5) useful. it is necessary to evaluate cr. the
skin friction. in the presence of surface mass addition or "blow-
ing." In the absence of blowing. the well-known empirical rela-
tions for skin friction C r0 in turbulent flow is

c ro g 0.03 (Pe e UX)-O.2 = 0.03 Rex -0.2 (7-7)

2 ILe

where Rex = Gxlp., G = peu e and x is measured from the leading edge
of the propellant surface.

Fig. 7-A
Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 337

"Blowing" or wall mass injection has the effect of blocking the

convective heat transfer. This means that c f in Eq. (7-5) is re-
duced from the value cro which can be calculated in the non blowing
case using Eq. (7-7). The problem of calculating the correction
factor crfcfO for use in evaluating;' is an important one in hybrid
analysis. Equation (7-5) may be rewritten as


T:':'le term in brackets is largely a fluid dynamics parameter, and

B is a thermochemical parameter. The ratio cflcfO is the reduc-
tion in heat transfer caused by mass transfer away from the wal1.
Such mass transfer changes the velocity profile of the boundary
layer, causing the axial component u to grow more slowly than in
the nonblowing case. Typical velocity profiles are shown in Fig.
7-5. The approach to calculating Cf is through its defining Eq. (7-3)
repeated here.

Where Tw is the turbulent shear stress in the fluid defined by

Tw = (u + pd (au) (7-9)
ay w

E is the turbulent diffusivity and the subscript w refers to condi-

tions at the wall. Analysis along these lines by Marxman [3],
which is too lengthy to repeat here, shows that the friction cor-
rection factor crlc fo is sufficiently accurately represented by a
simple function of the mass transfer number B

5 "S. B "S. 100. (7-10)

In hybrid combustion work, B is of the order of 10, so Eq. (7-10)

applies. Inserting Eq. (7-7) and (7-10) in Eq. (7-8), there results
the useful equation

prr = 0.036 GRex -0.2 B+ 0 . 23 (7-11)

We note from Eq. (7-7) that c ro is really a function of G = Pe u e

and that (7-11) may be written in the alternative form
338 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Prr = 0.036 (~r 2 G O

.S823 (7-12)

where G is the combined mass flux per unit area of oxidizer plus
1.0 r---------------------~

0 .8

0.6 B =0
" 0 .4 _
</> = .,, 1/7 o HOT -WIRE PROB E




B = 10
B = 20


o ~ __ __
~ ~~~ ____ L-~

o 0.2 0.4 0 .6 0.8 1.0 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

<P <P
o= u / u'
e 7) = y/8

Fig. 7-5

[7 - 2.3] The Role of Nonvolatile Particles

Nonvolatile particles have several effects: (a) The presence of

nonvolatile particles in the solid fuel increases the heat of gasifica-
tion of the volatile component. since for each unit mass vaporized.
some additional nonvolatile mass must be heated to the surface
temperature. (b) The presence of nonvolatile particles in the com-
bustion volume greatly increases the radiant energy flux falling
Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 339

on the grain. (c) The particles in the flame normally are oxides
and represent a "sink" consuming gaseous oxidizer and reducing
total gas flux G. (d) During nozzle expansion, particles lower the
Is p performance because they lag behind the nozzle gases in veloc-
ity and temperature (i.e., they are hotter and slower than the local
gas temperature and velocity). It should be pointed out that the
particles in the solid fuel are not the same particles which appear
in the combustion process. Normally the aluminum fuel particles,
which may be 30 microns in diameter, burn on their surfaces to
produce AI203, meanwhile consuming the gaseous oxidizer. The
AI203 then condenses into liquid or solid particles which are nor-
mally much smaller than the Al particles, with diameters lying
between 0.1 micron and 10 microns.
Many solid fuel grains contain metal particles, e.g., aluminum,
to increase the heat of reaction. If these particles do not gasify
at the surface, their volume relative to the volatile fuel vapor is
very small (0.1% or less) and they do not participate in the convec-
tive heat transfer process on which Eq. (7-12) for regression;
is based. The blocking effect on surface heat transfer depends only
on the gas blowing rate, and the regression rate of Eq. (7-12)
should be modified to be


where Kis the mass loading of metal particles, and therefore Pf<l- K)
is the number of gmslcc of the vaporizing component <p v ) of the fuel.
The quantity hv, heat of gasification, first defined in Eq. (7-1),
should now be considered the sum of the heat necessary to gasify
the volatile components of the fuel plus the heat necessary to heat
the nonvolatile components to the surface temperature, T s. This
"effective" heat of gasification, hv eft' is equal to


= binder heat of vaporization

= initial grain temperature
= heat capacity of nonvolatile particles
= mass loading of nonvolatile particle.

This value of hVeft should be used to evaluate the mass transfer

number B (Eq. [7-6]) for fuel containing nonvolatile particles.
Most metal additives have relatively low heat capacity so that
hVeft does not differ much from hv b' Thus the regression rate is
nearly inversely proportional to(1- K), since Pv = Pf (1- K).
340 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
[7 - 3.1] Regression Rate Insensitivity to Thennochemical Parameters
A large increase in the energy release MT at the flame zone, or
a large decrease in heat of gasification hv of the solid, does not
produce a large increase in regression rate ;. even though Eqs. (7-1)
and (7-2) might suggest it. This is because increased;', which in
turn produces increased "blowing," tends to block heat transfer to
the wall. This "negative feedback" or regulation property results
in only a weak dependence of ;. on B, as is indicated by the 0.23
power of B in Eqs. (7-12) and (7-13). As a consequence, the attain-
able range of hybrid regression rates is considerably lower than
composite solid propellants in the same pressure range.

[7. 3.2] Regression Rate Dependence Upon Grain Configuration

Equation (7-12) states that;' = constantxGO. 8 , where the mass
flux density Gx = total mass flux through port area at station x
divided by port area. Since gas is being added to the core flow
continuously along the length of the grain and the port area is in-
creaSing continuously with time as regression proceeds, the
quantity G increases with axial station and decreases with time.
The decrease in ;. with time is in part compensated by the increase
in burning perimeter with time, referred to as "progressivity" of
the grain. The increase of Gx in axial station is in part compensated
by the x-o. 2 terminEq. (7-12), The net result is that;' is reasonably
insensitive to axial displacement for values of L /D < 25. This is
fortunate, since wastage of fuel would occur if one axial station
burned to the motor wall significantly before another.

[7 - 3.3] Throttling and Off-Design Point Operation

Although the regression rate ;. varies as GO. 8 where G is total
mass flux, it varies more slowly with the mass flux Gox of oxidizer
alone. A typical dependence is
;. = const. x Gox0.5 (7-15)

The oxidizer mass flow, however, is the only parameter of a hybrid

engine which is adjustable during operation. One consequence of
Eq. (7-15) is that the changes in oxidizer mass flux Gox strongly
affect the overall ratio of oxidizer tofuelflow, and hence Isp. This
may be seen as follows. In a cylindrical motor of diameter D and
length L, the total oxidizer flow 0 through the port is
o = Gox (7-16)
Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 341

The total fuel flow into the combustion volume from the gasifying
cylindrical port is

F g const. x Gox 0.5 DL (7-17)

Therefore the ratio of oxidizer to fuel flow would be

OIF g const. Gox O. 5 (7-18)

The implication of Eq. (7-18) for the throttling process may best
be seen with the aid of a simple numerical example. Suppose it
were desired to throttle to 1/3 design point thrust, while main-
taining constant 0 IF ratio for efficiency, then

o F
3 3

Since only the oxidizer flow is under control (i.e., an independent

variable), it would be necessary, in view of Eq. (7-17), to cut the
oxidizer flow to 1/9 normal to reduce the fuel flow to 1/3 normal,

F -< F only if
the combustion would then be running very fuel-richiby Eq. (7-18),
OIF would be 1/3 design value. The practical way to restore
efficiency and establish the thrust at the desired level would be
to restore the missing (2/9) 0 flow through an aft-end injector and
mixer. A curve showing the relative values of fuel, head-end
oxidizer, and aft-end makeup oxidizer is shown in Fig. 7-6.

[7.3.4] Combustion Efficiency

Since hybrid combustion occurs in a flame located well away

from the surface, some of the vaporized fuel leaving the wall
(typically 15%) is convected downstream under the flame and is
not oxidized. Also, the flame zone tends to be fuel-rich [3], typi-
cally having local OIF ratios about 3/4 of the stoichiometric
values. These characteristics of the combustion require that
mixing occur downstream of the grain and ahead of the nozzle,
and combined with possible need for added oxidizer at the aft end
caused by throttling, make it necessary to provide suitable com-
bustion volume prior to expansion.
342 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electrj,c ProPUlsion






0.6 ..:!

0.5 ~
0.4 ~

--- ....

......... 0.2
"', ...
Aft End " 0.1
Oxidizer "
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Fig. 7-6

[7 - 3.5] Regression Rate Dependence Upon Pressure

In practice, the regression rate is insensitive to pressure at

higher pressure levels (say, above 150 psia) but not at low pres-
sure where chemical kinetics of the reaction are slower (see
Fig. 7-7). At low pressures the regression law has the form
T 'V pma n , with m < n < 1.0.


[7 - 4. n Regression Rate Dependence Upon Radiant Energy Flux

In large combustion chambers or in combustion gases contain-

ing large numbers of solid particles (circa 107/cc), an important
part of the energy absorbed by the. wall may be radiant heat.
The addition of radiative heat transfer Qr increases the regression
Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 343

I- 100% 02 Burner Pressure Shown in
Psia by each Data Point

" V 116 _~120 PSI
15~('1 ~
n~,Y P 76 69
1'- I"'" 1r,.67 -Cr "-,...-'---70 PSI
Jc 0.01 1----+--+--69 -l,..I!:l- l -tt:'33-Q.61- 40 PSI -+--IH-i-H-I
a::: 1---+ 100 ) ~l'-" -. -+--IH-+-H....
0 t---+---t~~A""'l:r ~ "-r-411U29--+-~J>--t-+-+-t-+-H
1----+---:::I~~""'-4 1.... ir' 25 PSI -fo-t-t-t-H-04
''"" ~, ~ .... 26
'" 58~V

V 050

0.01 0.1
Total Specific Mass Flow Rate, G (lb/in. 2-sec)

Fig. 7-7

rate ;. which in turn inhibits the convective heat transfer Qe.

Marxman [2] has analyzed the coupling between Qr and Qe. The
dependence of ;. on Qr is given by


Equation (7-19) shows that if, for example, an initial convective

heat transfer Qe existed without. radiation (Qr = 0), the addition of
an amo:unt 9f radiant heat flux Qr equal to the original convective
value (Qr = Qeo) would have. the effect of depressing the resultant
convective heat transfer Qe to lie of its initial value, w.ith the
result that ;. would increase only 35% over its value at Qr = 0,
but three-fourths of the final total heat transfer would be due to
:radiation. Figure 7-8 shows the fraction of the total heat transfer
Qw which is radiative (curve A) and also the factor by which total
344 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

V -
1.0 I I I I
- -
~ 4.0
- ..... /' -
0.6 3.0
~ B ...... ~ -

Or Ow
v---- ...-
0.4 2.0
Ow Oc
~/ -
0.2 1.0

o 1.0 2.0 3.0

Fig. 7-8

heat transfer cL is increased by the addition of radiation (curve B).

Both are plotted as a function of radiant heat nux measured in
multiples of the initial undisturbed convective heat flux. Curve B
is proportional to regression rate. Figure 7.-8 is significant be-
cause it shows that the relative influence of Qr increases rapidly,
and in processes dominated by radiation, it will be shown later,
;. is pressure sensitive, whereas in nonradiative systems it is rel-
atively independent of pressure.

[7-4.2] Evaluation of Convective Heat Transfer Qc

In order to use Eq. (7-19) to calculate regression rate ;. in the

presence of radiation, the terms Qc, Qr and hv must be evaluated.
hv has already been discussed in connection with Eqs. (7-1) and
(7-14). Qc as used in Eq. (7-19) is the convective heat transfer
without radiation, and its formal equation may be evolved from
Eqs. (7-1) and (7-12), noting that Qw = Qc in the absence of
radiation. At pressures below 265 psia for Plexiglas (polymethl-
methcrylate), there is a weak dependence of r on pressure, so an
empirical dimensionless pressure factor (p*)O.23,B is inserted in
Eq. (7-12) to give the result:

Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 345

where p* = plPthreshold = p/265 , and {3 = 1.1 for Plexiglas. Above

p = 265 psia, (3 may be taken as zero as pressure effects vanish.
The threshold pressure may vary with mass flux and propellant
species however. (3 is determined by small-scale burning rate
The mass transfer number, B, defined in Eq. (7-5), varies from
5 to 15 as the Reynolds number in the boundary layer varies from
10 4 to 106 , but since it enters only as BO. 23 , it may be considered
to have the value 10 in preliminary design and still give adequate
accuracy for ;.. The geometrical port diameter should be adjusted
downward by twice the displacement thickness of the boundary layer
in calculating the equivalent port area Ap.
In calculating G = mglAp , the gas flow mg at any station x must
include the initial head-end oxidizer flow plus the gas evolved
from the surface up to station x, corrected for the effect of pos-
sible evolution or absorption of gases by the metal particles in
the fuel. In general, mg will have the form

rng = rno + constant . 10 x Pv ;. Pdx (7-21)

where P is the grain perimeter and the constant accounts for

particle activity [4].

[7 - 4.3] Evaluation of Radiative Heat Transfer Qr

The radiant heat transfer flux Qr from the combustion products

to the wall is given by the familiar law
0 4
Qr = (7fw fg Tr (7-22)

Where Tr is the fluid temperature, fw is the wall absorptivity

and fg is the fluid emissivity. Radiation returned from the wall
to the gas is neglected, since wall temperature is typically 10% of
fluid temperature. The fluid emissivity fg depends upon whether
it is gaseous or particle-laden; if gaseous, then


where a = empirical constant, p = pressure, z = optical path

length. If many particles are present, their radiation is much
greater than the gas radiation, which maybe ignored. We then have


where n = number density of particles.

346 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Equation (7-22) may now be written with a similar empirical
pressure correction to that used in Eq. (7-20), except that now
dimensionless pressure is raised to the f3 power (approximately
1.1) instead of the 0.23f3 power.

= acwp
*f3T r4 (
1 - e
- " [P';l) (7-25)

The temperature Tr appearing in Eq. (7-25) represents an "effec-

tive" flame temperature, which, because of the fourth power law,
is nearly equal to the maximum temperature. However, because
of the departure from stoichiometry in the combustion mentioned
in Section 7-3.4, the actual maximum temperature is about 3/4
stoichiometric for aluminized Plexiglas and oxygen, and an appro-
priate value of Tr to use in equation (7-25) is 2/3 stoichiometric,
which for this propellant is Tr ~ 2200 K.
In Eq. (7-25), z may be taken as the interior diameter of the
grain. The number denSity of the particles is obtained from pre-
vious burning tests of the propellants which yield particle radius
and a knowledge of the vaporized fuel mass density Gr. Calcula-
tions for Gf are given by Wooldridge [4]. The quantity a is also
determined by empirical small-scale burning tests. Typical re-
sults of calculations based on Eqs. (7-19), (7-20) and (7-25) are
shown in Fig. 7-9.
It should be noted that while particle number density n increases
with axial distance x, it plays a minor role in Eq. (7-25), and thus
Qr does not introduce significant axial variation in ;..

~7 - 5.1] Penetration of Temperature Profi Ie

The solid fuel of a hybrid rocket is not a good conductor of heat.

and an appreciable time ranging from 1 to 30 seconds is required
after igoition for the regression rate ;. to reach its equilibrium
value ;'00 and for a steady-state thermal profile in the grain to be
reached~ The temperature in the grain may be calculated from
the one-dimensional heat conduction equation applied to a semi-
infinite slab whose surface is regressing at the instantaneous
rate ;. (t). This equation is
aT . aT a2T
dO - + K - (7-26)
at ax ax 2
where K = kips Cs = thermal diffusivity of grain
T = temperature at any point x below the surface.
Figure 7-10 shows the temperature profile in the grain a short
time after ignition. The surface reaches its vaporization tempera-
ture T s almost immediately, and regression ;. begins at a low but
increasing rate before any temperature increase has penetrated
Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 347


\1 P= 25PSi1
~ :~
1 100% PMM
o 265
., , ."

o 255 ~ 20% AI, ::0-"
Do =I.in.
,,'" ,' ',
." ".

0::: L =12 tn. ."", ....D"'--
... "

" "."......
W 0.12

.,,"'''' , , ~
" "fJ , ... -'
<{ """,,,.
I- 0.08 "-" , , ..- 4
~ "i'
~-" "~ ..- ..-- CONVECTIVE THEORY.
0.04 '7" , - -

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Fig. 7-9

significantly into the grain. At this time the heat flux Qw, assumed
constant, is divided between gasifying the surface and heating the
interior, according to the relation


Fig. 7-10
348 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

After the steady-state conditions have been reached.


and the depth of penetration 8 of the point where T just begins to be

greater than To. reaches an equilibrium value 8 = 8",. At equili-
brium this penetration point travels inward at the same speed as the
surface regression rate r.
By appropriate operations [2] on Eqs. (7-26), (7-27) and (7-28),
solutions may be found for 8 (t) and '(t).
The nondimensional value
of r(t) as a function of t is in Fig. 7-11. The value of steady-state
penetration depth of the temperature wave, 8"" is given by


In Plexiglas, for example, if r", = 0.01 in/sec., 8", = 0.05 in.

(i.e., the grain temperature .05 in below the surface will be nearly
its pre-ignition value To). But if '''' = 0.001 in/sec., 8", = 0.5 in.
The transient time to reach r", = 0.003 in/sec. is about 20 seconds.
1.0 ~----=============I

0.6 C (T -T )



o 0.4 0.81.2 1.6 2.0


Fig. 7-Il

[7 - 5.2] Critical Regression Rate

The possible presence of high temperatures in a thick layer of

grain, apt to occur when r is low, may lead to practical problems.
The sub-surface layers may "cook" for too long a time, leading
to charring, softening or melting, attended by poor combustion.
For any given fuel, it is usually possible to give a temperature
T crit which will cause undesirable side-effects if exceeded for
longer than some specified time interval t crit ' Of course it is
Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 349

expected that the fuel temperature must exceed T crit for some
short interval, and in general the surface temperature T s is
well above T crit' but in normal operation these high temperatures
are quite close to the surface and do not affect the integrity of
the grain or the efficiency of combustion adversely.
According to the exact steady-state solutions of Eq. (7-26), the
distance xcrit from the surface at which tcrit is reached is

Kln(TS-T O )
\TCrit - To
xcrit = ------
If x ~ xcrit' T ~ T crit. It is assumed that T s ~ T crit ~ To. As the sur-
face regresses, ~he solid material remains at T ~ T crit for a period
of time t = xcri/r, thus the critical regression rate is


If the regression rate falls below ;.crit , the solid will be at a tem-
perature T in excess of T crit for a time greater than t crit
As an example of the use of Eq. (7-31), consider the softening
of Plexiglas, which occurs at about 400 0 K. Softening one second
prior to vaporization would be acceptable, but 100 seconds above
400 0 K would be unacceptable. If we postulate that tcrit = 10 sec-
onds, fromEq. (7-31), with Ts = 600 0 K, To = 300 0 K, Tcrit = 400 0 K,
and K = 1.7 X 10-4 in~sec.; we obtain 'Crit = 0.004 in/sec. A re-
gression rate much below 0.004 in/sec. would probably cause the
surface to melt and flow, with severe degradation of performance.
A practical consideration involving critical quantities is re-
start after shut-down. If combustion is stopped and the grain tem-
perature levels off to something above its normal ambient of 300 0 K,
~his number must be used for To in Eq. (7-31) when calculating
r crit for the second firing. Thus if the grain is ignited at To =
380 0 K, for example, we get ;'Crit = 0.006 in/sec. This is an im-
portant consideration for certain missions.


[7 - 6. 1] Specification of Mi ssion

Preliminary design usually begins with specification of a

propellant, including its specific impulse as a function of OfF ratio
350 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion anti Etec'tric Propulsion
and pressure, and a thrust-time program or total impulse require-
ment, together with an envelope into which it is desired to fit the
propulsion unit. When the propellant is specified, certain charac-
teristic quantities which determine its hybrid combustion behavior
are needed. These parameters are B, the mass transfer number,
a, the radiation constant (Eq. 7-23) and (3, the pressure effect
exponent. These are ordinarily determined by laboratory burner
tests on the propellant in question, made over a range of G, Pc and
chamber dimensions of interest.

[7 - 6.2] Preliminary Design Procedure

The most Significant single parameter of a hybrid r rocket is,

of course, its regression rate r, which determines both the burning
surface required for a given fuel flow rate, and the web thickness
required for a given thrust duration. It is characteristic of hybrid
combustion that typical regression rates are about an order of
magnitude smaller than typical all-solid propellant burning rates.
The regreSSion rate is of the form (see Eq. 7-12)
r= a' GO. 8

The determination of G normally requires elaborate machine cal-

culations involving Eqs. (7-19), (7-20), (7-21) and (7-25). For
illustrative purposes, a different form of r relation, true only for
certain propellants and geometries, will be used, but which has
the effect of greatly simplifying calculations:

r = a G 0.5
= aG n

If the n == 1/2 in the law (7-32), ; has the property that in a burning
cylinder, the total flow of fu~l mf released is constant with time if
the total flow of ixidizer mox Is constant. This can be seen as


mf = aTT
Pf L (4'mox )112

Equation (7-33) is independent of D, so mf' and hence OIF' ratio

remains constant, along with thrust, as D increases during
burning. Regression rate of course decreases as D grows.
Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 351

The steps in carrying out the design of a cylindrical grain.

using the assumptions implied by Eqs. (7-32) and (7-33) are:
1) Obtain I sp or c* from experimental curves
2) Specify thr,ust. OIF.ratio, and burning time tb
3) Calculate Wox and Wfuel (adjust units of m)
4) From regression rate experimental data (see Figs. 7-12
and 7-13) choose the constants a and n in Eq. (7-32).
5) Calculate the length of the cylinder from Eq. (7-33).
6) Calculate the initial radius. Ra. and the final radius, Rb.
of the burning surface by the following procedure:
1 1

dR = a(Wo f = a(Wo\2 . ~
dt 77R'i.) 1 R 77

f Ra
RdR =
2 _

= (7-34)

[7 - 6.3] Example Configurations

In the example to follow, we shall take O2 as the oxidizer and
80% polymethyl methacrylate (Plexiglas) with 20% Al as the fuel,
with the following specifications assumed:
Pc 300 psi a
I sp 250 sec.
Pu 0.04 lb/in. 2
OIF 1.00
Thrust 100 lbs.
Then !litotal = Thrust/l sp = 0.4 lb/sec.
~f 0.2 lb/sec.
Wo = 0.2 lb/sec.
From regression rate data as that shown in Figs. (7-12) and
(7-13). we shall take a = 0.09. Note that Gox is, within limits,
an independent variable, since Gox = Pox u e and pressure is
adjustable through the throat area of the nozzle. Pc will also
have a weak influence on lsp through CF.
From Eq. (7-33), the length required to supply 0.2 lb/sec.
of fuel is h = 35.1 in. If we choose (from experience) Gox = 0.0283
lb/sec. 2, the initial diameter Da to pass 0.2 lbs/sec. of 02 will be

77/4 . Go
Da = 3 in.
352 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
0 .1


" p ' 500 psio

~ 0.01
w 2
0 .001 '--_-_---!----L_--!-_~-+...J....-+-~___!~
0 .001 7 0 0. 1 2 7 0 10
. 2
OXIDIZER MASS FLUX, Go -lb/in2 -sec
Fig. 7 -12

0 .1



~ 0 .01
ex: p ' 700 psio
7 ____ FUEL : 80/. PMM

o 20% A I
iii " 300 ______
ex: Do =4 in.
:i: 2 L -40 in.

0 .001 '----:~-!-~--L-~-~-+...J....-__-+-!:__I
0.001 7 0 0. 1 " 7 0 .10 "
Fig. 7 -13

The final diameter Db is determined by the burning time tb.

If = 50 seconds. then from Eq. (7-34).

Db = 2Rb = 4.26 in.

We can proceed in this manner to make a table (Table 7-1) of the
various hollow cylindrical configurations which result if two Go's
(0.0283 and 0.0636 Ib/tn2-sec.). two tb's (50 and 100 sec.) and two
thrust levels. (50 lbs. and 100 lbs.) are specified. Two 50-lb.
thrust cylinders can be clustered to give a 100-lb. thrust unit
with a different and perhaps more convenient aspect ratio. The data
of Table 7-1 are displayed diagrammatically in Fig. 7-14.
Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 353

Table 7-1 Hybrid Grain Configurations

G ox tb Ra Rb Web W L
Ib/in 2-sec. sec. in. in. in. in. LID

100# thrust single barrel

.0283 50 1.5 2.13 0.63 35.1 11.7
.0283 100 1.5 2.61 1.11 35.1 11.7
.0636 50 1.0 1.81 0.81 35.1 17.5
.0636 100 1.0 2.36 1.36 35.1 17.5

2 x 50# thrust double-barrel, each barrel

.0283 50 1.06 1.66 0.60 24.8 11.7
.0283 100 1.06 1.85 0.79 24.8 11.7
.0636 50 0.707 1.46 0.75 24.8 17.5
.0636 100 0.707 1.93 1.22 24.8 17.5

LID 11.7 LID " 17.5

Fig. 7 -14 Effect of variable tb and G ox ; F " 100 Ibs., L = 35 in.

a Empirical constant in regression rate law
Ap Flow port area
Ag Geometric port area
354 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
B Thermochemical mass transfer number
Heat capacity of nonvaporizing fuel component
Heat capacity at constant pressure of gases at the regressing
Cs Heat capacity of solid fuel
D Diameter
Deq Equivalent diameter of noncircular port
F Thrust, or total fuel flow
G Total mass flux (= PeU e ~ mglAp> per unit area
GO Oxidizer mass flux per unit area
hVb Heat of gasification of binder material
hVell Effective heat of gasification of solid phase
Isp Specific impulse
K Mass fraction of nonvolatile surface material
L Length of fuel grain
lfg Total gas flow rate
Wo Oxidizer flow rate
n Pressure exponent in solid rocket burning rate law; exponent
in empirical hybrid regression rate law; number density of
N Radiation parameter in gas-phase emissivity; number of ports
in a multi port grain
Oxidizer flow
Dimensionless pressure
Internal perimeter of Fuel grain
Convective heat transfer in the absence of radiation per
unit area
Radiative heat transfer
Total heat transfer
Regression rate
R Radius of fuel grain
Reynolds number based on x
Temperature at boundary layer edge, or on motor centerline
Effective radiation temperature
Longitudinal component of velocity
Longitudinal velocity at boundary layer edge, or on motor
W Web thickness of multi port grain
x Longitudinal coordinate
z Optical path length
a Empirical radiation coefficient
(3 Empirical pressure exponent
It Boundary layer displacement thickness
Hybrid Rocket Theory and Design 355

Thermal profile depth in the solid grain

Enthalpy difference between the flame zone and the surface
Temperature difference between the surface and an ambient
point deep in the grain
Emissivity of the surface
Thermal diffusivity of solid phase
Density at edge of boundary layer, or on motor centerline
Density of fuel
Density of particulate combustion products
Bulk density of volatile component of fuel
stefan-Boltzmann constant

1. Bartel, H.R. and W.D. Rannie: Solid Fuel Combustion Ramjets
Progress Report 3-12, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California
Institute of Technology, September 1946.
2. Wolfhard, H., 1. Glassman, and L. Green: Heterogeneous Com-
bustion, Vol. 15, Progress in Astronautics, p. 485, New York,
Academic Press, 1964.
3. Marxman, Gerald A.: Combustion in the Turbulent Boundary
Layer on a Vaporizing Surface, 10th International Symposium
on Combustion, pp. 1337-49, Pittsburgh, The Combustion
Institute, 1965.
4. Wooldridge, C.E. and R.J. Muzzy: Internal Ballistic Considera-
tions in Hybrid Rocket DeSign, Journal of Spacecraft, February
1967, pp. 255-261 (see also AIAA Reprint 66-628).
5. Investigation of Fundamental Phenomena in Hybrid PropulSion,
Final Report UTe 2097-FR, Vol. 1. (Unclassified),November
1965, United Technology Center, Sunnyvale, Calif.
6. Smoot, L.D. and C.F. Price: Regression Rates of Metalized
Hybrid Fuel Systems, AIAA Journal, Vol. 4.,pp. 910-915 (1966).
7. Barrere, M. and A. Moutet: La PropulSion par Fusees Hybrides,
Proceedings of 14th Int. Astr. Congress, Paris, 1963, published
by Int. Astr. Federation.
8. Barrero, M. and A. Moutot: Liquid-Solid Rockets, International
Science and Technology, pp. 64-74, Aug. 1967.
Part Four
Nuclear Propulsion
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion
c. c. Ross
Senior Vice President
Nuclear Products and Services Group
Aerojet-General Corporation


H. S. McQueen
Senior Engineering Specialist
Nuclear Rocket Operations
Aerojet-General Corporation


[8-1.1] Types of Nuclear Rockets

Nuclear rocket engines may be divided into two general classes

based on the type of reactor used, i.e., solid-core systems and
fluid-core systems. The latter may be further subdivided into
liquid-. gas-. and plasma-core engines. Although fluid-core sys-
tems have been studied by a number of investigators during the
past ten years, no major development activity has been initiated.
Details of these systems are discussed in Chapter 9.
Solid-core reactor systems have been under active investigation
since 1955. These engines utilize reactors with graphite,metal, or
metal-carbide cores capable of operating at temperatures ranging
from 2000 to 3000 K. These engines function by raising hydrogen
to high pressure, heating it by passing it through the high-tempera-
ture reactor (after using it to coolthe nozzle, reflector, and support
structure) and then exhausting it through a convergent-divergent
nozzle at extremely high speeds. The major effort has been
associated with graphite-core systems.

[8-1.2] Overall Engine Design

Solid-core nuclear rocket engines are essentially an adaptation

of the liquid propellant rocket engine with the chemical reaction
(combUstion) chamber replaced by the nuclear reactor and the

360 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

oxidizer-feed system eliminated as shown in Fig. 8-1. The pro-

pellant flowing from the pump first enters the nozzle then flows
upward through the neutron reflector surrounding the reactor
core, cooling both the reflector and the control drums contained
within it, and through a neutron and gamma ray shield placed at
the upper end of the reactor assembly to limit the radiation-heating
of propellant in the tank. Flowing downward, the propellant cools
the reactor support structure and is heated to the design tempera-
ture, exiting into the nozzle plenum chamber prior to being dis-
charged through the exhaust nozzle. Some propellant is bled off
from this chamber and is cooled to an acceptable inlet temperature
for the pump drive turbine. This cooling is accomplished primarily
by mixing the heated material with cold fluids. A small amount of
gas is also drawn from a convenient region of the engine, such as
the reactor core inlet plenum, for pressurization of the propellant
tank and operation of pneumatically actuated control system

TuRBINE --tHt-,r~----.



Fig. 8-1 Schematic comparison of nucl ear and chemical rockets.

A control system must be provided for the engine to control

reactor power, gas temperature, and pump discharge pressure.
Several methods of control can be utilized, as will be discussed
A thrust vector control (TVC) system is also provided to
maintain attitude control of the vehicle. The primary purpose of
this system is to maintain the thrust vector parallel to the velocity
vector and through the vehicle center of gravity. The TVC system
can be used to change the heading of the vehicle and the direction
of the velocity vector.
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 361

[8-1.3] Nuclear Rocket Performance

The performance of a rocket vehicle can be described in terms

of its characteristic speeds. This is the speed increment that can
be provided by a rocket propulsion system, excluding losses due
to gravitational fields or other factors and is defined by the
~v = go [ in- (8-1)
sp Wf

Gas temperature affects this performance through the specific

impulse, [sP' as follows:
y + 1
c*C F
c* = (_2_)-2(~ -1) ~ goRTo (8-2)
y + 1 yM

[_(:f}2 ;oPo~ :; .
y+ 1

y(~)112 (~2~)2('Y+l)
y-l y+l
+ ("

As indicated, the gas properties, y and M, and the nozzle expansion
ratio also affect the specific impulse. These equations are based
on the frozen composition and constant specific heat ratio, but
provide a fairly close approximation of the more correct values
obtained through a point-to-point equilibrium expansion calculation.
(Data from such calculations are shown in Fig. 8-2. The high
values of specific impulse shown at low pressures is a result of
dissociation and recombination of the hydrogen molecule). These
equations depend primarily on the ratio T elM , so that the specific
impulse will increase as the gas temperature is increased. Since
the gas temperature in a solid-core nuclear rocket engine must be
lower than that of the fuel-material at all times, the performance
potential of the system is limited by the maximum temperature
that engine structural materials are capable of withstanding.
Equation (8-2) indicates the desirability of using hydrogen (M =
2.0) as a propellant. Its low molecular weight is the source of the
superiority of the nuclear engine over its chemical rival. There
are three principal sources of gaseous exhaust from a nuclear
rocket engine: The net specific impulse of the engine system is
then defined by the equation

362 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

COlllnoi S. "RESSURE llAno 1000

1800 .-------.---.-----r--,.----r~

'"~ 1600

-~ 1400
~ 1200 1---t--~k-""I2>:kH~"'_::_I't-7''__7'''i:;,.L_j
5'" 1000 1---+-----,f-+-h~:>"'7_~f--_t____1

8 800 1---k~~~--+--+_-_t____1

Fig. 8 - 2 Specific impul se of ga seou s normal hydroge n.

These auxiliary flows can be eliminated and engine performance

can be increased to its maximum possible value by the use of
electromechanical acutators, which have not yet been developed
for use in a radiation field of the intensity that occurs in these
engines, and by the use of a topping-cycle turbo pump.


[8 - 2. 1) Nuclear Rocket Reactors

[8- 2.1.1) General Design Considerations

Nuclear reactors are assemblies containing sufficient fission-

able material (uranium or plutonium) to produce a self-sustaining
chain-fission reaction. The source of energy in such a system is
the excess binding energy of the fissionable material compared
with that of the fission products. The reaction is triggered by the
absorption of a neutron by a fissionable atom. To be self-sustaining,
an average of at least one of the neutrons released by a fissioning
nucleus must be captured by another fissionable nucleus, producing
a fisSion.
Figure 8-3 illustrates a generalized nuclear rocket reactor
system. The central core contains a dispersal of fissionable
uranium in a high-temperature matrix material. The assembly is
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 363




"+----1- CORE



Fig. 8 - 3 Schematic of rocket reactor.

designed as a heat exchanger compatible with the desired power

level. As the figure shows, the core-heat exchanger is supported
by structural members attached to a support plate at the cold
(coolant entry) end of the core. This assembly can also be sup-
ported by using high temperature or cooled compressive members
at the hot end. The core is surrounded by a neutron reflector
material that reduces neutron losses from the core region by
"reflecting" neutrons back into the core. Neutron poison (absorb-
ing) material is incorporated into rotating drum elements to control
the number of neutrons returning to the core. As the poison material
is withdrawn toward the outside of the reflector, the number of
neutrons reflected back into the core increases, thereby increasing
the reactor power. As the drums are turned in, the number of re-
flected neutrons diminishes, causing the power to decrease. Once
the desired power level has been established, the drums are set
to maintain a steady-state power operation.
Core materials must be capable of withstanding very high tem-
peratures in the presence of hydrogen. Heat released by the fission
reaction must be removed at the desired temperature while main-
taining structural members within safe temperature limits. The
mechanical design must be such that the unit will be structurally
sound and the nuclear design must ensure that there is an adequate
supply of fissionable material within the system to assure
self-sustaining fission under the design operating conditions.
Finally, control mechanisms must be provided to start up, regulate,
and shut down the system on demand.
364 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[8- 2.1.2] Reactor Core Materials

The first step is to select the core material. Since this mate-
rial must perform at a temperature higher than that of the coolant
(propellant), and since a very high temperature is desired, only
a limited number of materials meet the design criteria. Prospec-
tive materials are graphite (7050 R), tungsten (6560 R), zirconium
carbide (6880 R), hafnium carbide (7500 R), tantalum carbide
(7460 R), niobium carbide (6790 R). References 1 through 4
provide data on these materials.
These melting points give a rough indication of the potential
performance capability of the system. For example, typical reduc-
tion of 500 R must be allowed to provide the required strength.
An approximate 10% margin must be allowed for variables during
fabrication. The hot-spot factor of 10% may be reduced through
the use of improved techniques and more stringent quality control.
There is a further modification of the maximum design tem-
perature because of the thermal properties of uranium used in the
assembly. Uranium dioxide is an attractive form of uranium, with
a melting point of 5450 R, but it is incompatible with the carbides
listed above. Tungsten-uranium oxide fuel, however, appears to
be a promising material combination.
The carbide forms of uranium are promising due to their com-
patibility with the metal carbides indicated in the table. The melting
points of VC and VC2 are 5130 R and 4950 R, respectively. With
a limitation on the carbon content of the carbide matrix, molten
VC might be contained by the metal carbide at the carbide tem-
perature limit. VC vapor pressure and the metal carbide porosity
would establish the fuel element temperature limitation. These
data, together with data pertaining to thermal conductivity and the
mechanical properties of the carbides, are required to determine
the maximum temperatures which might be realized in a nuclear
rocket reactor.
At present, graphite is the preferred nuclear rocket core
matrix material due to its current level of development. VC2,
which is limihd to 2 to 3 volume percent in the graphite, can be
fairly well contained for tens of minutes of operation, with an
average exit temperature of 4500 R. Above 5400 R, material
strength decreases rapidly and this temperature level establishes
practical limitations to the use of graphite fuel structures.
The neutron poisoning effect must also be considered. The
neutron-absorption cross sections of hafnium and tantalum are a
serious disadvantage to these two carbides in rocket reactors.
Niobium also has a fairly high cross section, which limits the
utility of niobium carbide.
Chemical compatibility of the reactor core with the hydrogen
coolant is another criterion of material selection. Hydrogen and
graphite react rapidly to form methane and other hydrocarbon
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 365

gases at the temperatures of interest. Tungsten and hydrogen are

compatible, but the U02 must be isolated from the hydrogen.
The metal carbides also have good resistance to high-temperature
hydrogen and provide a potential protective cladding for graphite.

[8- 2.1.3] Thermal Design

The primary purpose of the nuclear rocket reactor is to gen-

erate thermal energy for heating the propellant. The preceding
materials section indicated that the maximum allowable material
temperatures range from 4800 R to 6300 R. The thermal design
problem is one of maximizing the hydrogen exit temperature,
while minimizing the core weight and volume, and providing
adequate coolant for structural members. These structural mem-
bers may be made of high-temperature metal alloys, so that
cooling to less than 2100 R, and perhaps even below 1100 R, will
be required. To provide a maximum gas temperature, distances
from any point in the fuel matrix to the nearest coolant channel
must be kept small, and local heat fluxes must be kept low. This
requires a finely-divided core structure which may be achieved
with closely spaced holes in a solid structure, a pebble bed, thin
ribbed plates, or with similar techniques. A typical core segment
is shown in Fig. 8-4. Minimum coolant-channel diameters and
spacing will be determined principally by fabrication requirements
and the structural integrity of the matrix. The thermal design can
be accomplished by the use of conventional heat transfer theory.
References 5, 6 and 7 present three of the basic theoretical
sources; the essentials of the applicable theory have been com-
piled and are presented in Reference 8.
With a tentative thermal design established, nuclear and
mechanical aspects of the design will be evaluated in accordance
with the following sections. Resultant modifications will then be
made in the thermal design model, and the process will be repeated
until a satisfactorily balanced design is achieved.

[8- 2.1.4] Mechanical Design

A major problem in the mechanical design of a high-temperature

nuclear rocket reactor is that of supporting the reactor core so that
it will withstand shock, vibration, acceleration, and fluid-flow
loadings that occur during ground handling, the booster phase of
flight, and in-flight reactor operation. To complicate this problem,
the core most probably will be subdivided to prevent generation of
excessive thermal stresses due to nonuniform temperatures. Flut-
ter-type vibrations resulting from coolant flow phenomena must
be prevented because of the brittle nature of the fuel element
366 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


Fig. 8 - 4 Typical core segment.

material. The preceding condition existed in the early Kiwi-B

reactors, resulting in the destruction of their cores. To prevent
vibration, lateral support can be provided with a resilient refrac-
tory material packed between the core and the reflector, or with
spring or coolant-pressure loading.
In addition, heating (due to the reactor radiation field) of all
components in and around the core results in a requirement for
coolant passages, which further complicates the design.
Material selection is restricted to metals, ca,rbides, and
ceramics that will not be damaged excessively bY.' neutron and
gamma radiation. In addition, some metals that have good thermal
and strength properties cannot be used because of their neutron-
capture characteristics.
Figure 8-5 shows a potential axial support concept. Metal
support tubes are threaded into one or more of the coolant channels
in each fuel element. These tubes can thenbe attached to a support
plate spanning the cold end of the unit to assemble the core. The
problem of providing a reliable joint between the metal tube and
the refractory fuel material is of significant concern, since the fine
structure of the fuel element limits the amount of material through
which the loads must be transmitted. In utilizing tensile support
concepts such as this, extreme care must be taken to reduce the
probability of element breakage and the resultant ejection by
pressure forces. Interlocking techniques should be used so that
the material will not be ejected if breakage occurs.
The tie rods indicated in Fig. 8-3 are a possible solution to
this problem. Cooled metal rods run from the support phrte at the
cold end to So refractory plate at the hot end, so that the fuel mate-
rial is locked in place. Complete base support can be provided as
indicated in Fig. 8-6 which shows two types of base support: a re-
fractory dome and a cooled-metal grid structure. If required, as
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 367




Fig. 85 Possible method for axial support of core .

in the case of the metal structure, coolant from the nozzle can be
flowed through the base plate before entering the reflector. The
complexity of the flow circuit. however, is a significant dis-

[8 2.1.5] Nuclear Design

The nuclear design of a reactor involves the consideration of

materials and their regional distribution in the reactor. Thermal
and structural requirements impose constraints on the nuclear
design that limit the weight and performance potential of nuclear
powered rockets. Concomitantly, there are nuclear constraints
that limit the thermal performance of the reactor system.
For analysis of a nuclear reactor system, the Boltzman
transport equation serves as a rigorous representation of the
neutron population in time, t, spac~, -; = (x, y,z), and velocity, v(v, fh
where v is speed in the direction U(/l, ). Consider an incremental
volume element of d:- = dxdydz about the point -; = (x,y,z) jVithin
which the density of neutron., with speed v in the direction U(/l, ),
at time, t, is given by NCr, v U, (). The time rate of change of these
neutrons is the sum of
1. Those born in the region

SCi', vn, ()
2. Those which are slowed down to the velocity interval dvdU
about v 5 from higher velocity groups

f v'
N(r, v'n', () v'{(v'n-vfhdv'dU'
368 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



a b

Fig. 8 -6 Two base support concepts for reactor core.

3. Those within the velocity increment d v d nabout vn which

leave the volume element
- vn.\]N

and, finally,
4. Those within the volume and velocity increment which are lost
by absorption or scattering out of d r d v

- NvI t (vn)

Combining these terms with the appropriate sign for gain or

loss, one has
at (8-5)

In general, each of the functions in this equation represents

probabilities of occurrences, rather than firm identifiable quantities.
As a consequence, the equation cannot be readily solved. For
practical problems, the time dependence of the equation is elimi-
nated, and anyone of several techniques are used to obtain a
solution. One method consists of tracing the paths of individual
neutrons within the reactor, using random selection and weighted
probability functions to determine direction of motion, energy
level, and path length to first collision. The type of interaction
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 369

is then chosen randomly again. using a weighted probability func-

tion. If the interaction is a scattering one. the scattering angle
and energy loss are again chosen by a weighted probability random
technique. This continues until the neutron is absorbed or lost
from the system. When enough neutrons have been examined. the
degree of criticality of the system has peen determined. This is
known as the Monte Carlo technique and is the most precise method
available. The calculation is quite lengthy even with high speed
digital computers. For this reason. several approximations have
been developed. the most important of which is the Sn approxima-
tion of Carlson [9].
One of the reactor components which has only been alluded to
thus far is the control elements. These can be either nonfissioning
neutron absorbers. referred to as poisons, or fuel materials ar-
ranged in suitable locations. An absorber that is moved toward
a high-flux region or into a region between the core and reflector.
will have an effect on reactor power generation which is similar
to a fuel material being moved out of the same region. In current
nuclear rockets. neutron poisons are being used. These poisons
are located on a segment of the surface of a drum of moderator
material located in the reflector. By rotating the drum. this seg-
ment can be moved from a position near the outer surface of the
reflector into regions of higher flux, until it is between the reflec-
tor and the core. With the poison segment on the inSide, the reac-
tor is essentially shut down; that is. the number of neutrons produced
is not sufficient to sustain a chain reaction. Conversely. with the
poison segment at the outer surface. the numberof neutrons pro-
duced in each successive generation is increased.
An excellent elementary discussion of nuclear theory is pre-
sented in Reference 10. with deeper fundamental discussion pre-
sented in Reference 11. Those interested only in the engineering
aspects of nuclear reactors will find References 12 and 13 most
fruitful and, for a detailed treatment of the nuclear analysis of re-
actors, References 14 and 15 should be studied. Ntimerous other
excellent texts are also available.

[8- 2.1.6] Shielding

Analyses of nuclear rocket vehicle systems indicate that the
heating effects of the radiation field, although low. are significant.
To prevent excessive heating. it appears that a radiation shield
must be interposed between the reactor and the sensitive com-
ponents. The effectiveness of such shielding is a function of the
particular chemical elements of which it is composed and the
number of atoms per unit area in the region through which the
radiation must pass. Design studies indicate that a combination
of lithium hydride and stainless steel have good shielding char-
370 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
To minimize weight, the shield must be situated so that, for
a given size, it will intercept the largest possible solid angle as
seen from the reactor. This means that it should be placed inside
the reactor pressure vessel, close to the upper face of the re-
actor. In this position, the main propellant stteam can be used
to extract the heat produced by attenuation of the radiation field,
without significant complication of the flow path.

[8- 2.2] Nuclear Rocket Nozzles

[8- 2.2.1] General Design Considerations

Nozzles for nuclear rocket engines must be capable of with-

standing essentially all of the environmental conditions to which
chemical rocket nozzles are subjected. In addition, the nozzle
operates in an intense radiation environment, which generates
heat within the nozzle material and can also produce nuclear,
chemical, and physical changes in the material. Ablative-type
nozzles are not suitable for use due to the internal-heat generation
caused by absorption of energy from the radiation field. With
all-metal nozzles, only the heating effects are significant. Pos-
sible exceptions to this are in the use of alloys containing boron.
Significant embrittlement occurs in these alloys at very high dose
levels ('" 10 19 nvt>.
A major difference between nuclear and chemical rocket
nozzles is attributable to the physical size of the reactor core.
The chamber-to-throat contraction area-ratio of liquid chemical
rockets is usually in the range of 1.5 to 3.0. With nuclear rockets,
this ratio may be in the range of 15 to 25. The wire-wrapped tube ..
bundle-type of construction used for liquid chemical rocket nozzles
would fail in tension in a nuclear application; therefore, it is nec-
essary to provide additional strength for this component.
The current design being used in the NERVA program is to
attach V-shaped channels to the inner surface of the pressure
shell, forming coolant tubes as shown in Fig. 8-7. This technique
has proved to be very successful. The heat transfer design of these
nozzles to ensure that the tube walls do not become excessively hot
is critical.
other nozzle configurations can also be used. For instance,
heavy thermal barriers, capable of withstanding the local environ-
ment, can be installed on the inner surface of the pressure shell.
By providing some coolant to the outer surface, the shell can be
maintained at a suitable temperature with minimum heat extraction
from the hot propellant stream.
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 371


Fig. 8 -7 U-Type nucle ar rocket nozzle.

[8- 2.2. 2] Heat-Transfer Analysis

[8 - 2. 2.2.1] Over-all Problem

The wall of a nuclear rocket nozzle is heated by thermal con-

vection from the hot gas, thermal radiation from the reactor face,
and by attenuation of the neutron and gamma ray fields generated
by the reactor. The nozzle wall is cooled by the cold propellant
prior to its entry into the reactor. There is also limited cooling
due to thermal radiation or by convection to any local atmosphere.
Three sources of uncertainty exist in the heattransfer analyses
of these nozzles. The first of these, significant only in thick metal
sections, is the rate of heat generation caused by the nuclear
radiation (analyses alone can give this value with an accuracy only
within a factor or two, so that a suitable margin must be provided
in the design): the remaining two uncertainties are related to the
convective heat-transfer coefficients across the two fluid-to-metal

[8 - Hot-Gas Boundary

The general consensus of opinion is that for design purposes, the
convective heat transfer coefficient of the hot gases can be ade-
quately correlated by the Nusselt equation:

Nu = hD = K Rex PrY. (8-6)


For turbulent flow, x = 0.8 and y = either 1/3 or 0.4.

372 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Numerous correlations relating the hot-gas-side convective
heat transfer coefficients have been formulated that explain and
predict approximately the same total heat transfer for a given
nozzle design. They differ in the values predicted for peak heat
loads, and consequently, for peak metal-wall temperatures. These
differences stem in part from the choice of the temperature at which
the fluid transport properties are evaluated. Different correlations
use the fluid bulk-stream temperature, the adiabatic-fluid temper-
ature, the wall temperature, or some intermediate value of tem-
perature. References 5 and 16 through 23 cover these correlations
in greater detail. Of these correlations, the Bartz simplified
equation [19], which is based on his boundary-layer solution [24],
is perhaps the one most often employed in nozzle design.
The equation can be stated as:*

h = .026
. CpO.8
p ~ILf)
- -
0.2 (Too) 0.8
Pr/ 13 D Tf
The transport properties were to be evaluated at a temperature
defined as the average between the free-stream temperature and
the wall temperature. Later work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
[25] suggested, but did not clearly substantiate, that the use of Eck-
ert's reference temperature would provide better data fit. Two
areas were questionable, namely:
1. The data were obtained at low area ratios in the expansion
section. It appears that only for higher Mach numbers of the free
stream, and, therefore, for high area ratios in the expansion section
does the numerical difference in the (T 00IT f )0.8 parameter become
2. The data reported were for conical nozzles. Analysis and
experimentation at NASA by H. Neuman and A. Fortini demonstra-
ted that the mass flow term in any simplified equation should be
related to the three-dimensional wall pV value rather than to the
isentropic one-dimensional pV value. Again, this effect is more
pronounced at the high Mach numbers.
In the NERVA engine program, a test program was conducted
to obtain data on the hot-gas heat transfer rates to the NERV A
nozzle contour. Reference 26 presents the results of this study
in more detail. However, the conclusions are reviewed below.
If the entire body of test data is conSidered, the amended
Colburn "j" equation for a flat plate

h = .0295
Cf GO. 8 (ILf)0.2
(T 00)0.8 (8-8)
Pr 2/3 xT
f f

*Current infonnation indicates that the numerical coefficient in this equation is a

function of the local area ratio of the nozzle.
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 373

provides a good correlation. The Bartz's simplified equation

(amended to include the three-dimensional local mass-flow term
instead of the one-dimensional local mass-flow term) is satisfactory
for the exit section of the nozzle. For the convergent section, the
"j" equation falls approximately in the middle of the data scatter,
and the differences are apparently random, while Bartz's equation
does not fit the data in this region. The high heat transfer coeffi-
cients in this region are believed to be the result of a leading edge
effect that will probably be exaggerated by the core (which was
not simulated during the majority of these tests). In the throat re-
gion, both equations yield results that are close enough to the test
data to be adequate for computing maximum throat heat transfer

[8 -] Cold-Gas Boundary

Experimental measurements of heat transfer coefficients for

liquid hydrogen have been reported, but these studies are limited
in scope and usefulness. Data are particularly lacking for high
heat fluxes at high pressures, high fluid velocities, and at the
heating and flow conditions (curvature and partial heating) that
occur in a nozzle tube bundle. Because of the need for more data,
such studies have been significantly increased. Some of these pro-
grams are covered in References 27 through 41.
These investigations concern forced-convection heat transfer
to liquid and gaseous hydrogen and to other fluids at pressures up
to approximately 1350 Ib/in.2 In most instances the studies have
been made using straight, electrically heated tubes. Some curved
tubes have also been used, as have heat-exchanger systems with
gaseous helium as the heat source. Symmetrically and asymmetri-
cally heated tubes have been used, with the latter providing better
simulation of actual nozzle conditions.
To derive a mathematical expression for use in calculating noz-
zle heat transfer rates, most investigators have relied on Eq. (8-6)
with various correction factors, to represent the data. Further-
more, 0.8 and 0.4, respectively, have been generally used for the
values of x and y, based on the studies of Dittus and Boelter. One
equation is

he =
k (T )-0.64
0.028 ~ Re 0.8 PrO4 ~ (8-9)
d Tb

The validity of this equation can be determined by examination of

Fig. 8-8. In this figure the ratio of the experimentally determined
heat transfer coefficient to the one calculated by Eq. (8-9) is
plotted against coolant bulk temperature. The wide data scatter
2 .0

..... 1.6
ii: ::0
0 (')
1.4 ~
::i (1:>

..'" .....
... 1.2 ~
1:1 (')
.......'" ......
1.0 ~
f'! 0-
0. 8
i! ~
~'" 0.6 l:ll
.'"0 ......
0 .4 ;;;; 0 .028 b b b p 1"4
k (OP V )0.8(C ,, )0.' ( T )-0.64 IN 3:
..,i:i (')
~ o ~ -'-b ""\
+ I LEWI S R ESEARCH CE NTER . 0.28 CL ~ (DP.Vb )0.8 (~)O . (~) -0 . 64 ]"
o ----P:;;- k b Tb
o ~::rl:~'lllt!I=:!I~'~~I'::11I!:11I1lJ~1_:.t. t1[>ttI11.1 ,~l,' II.~:J:;~ ~I:;:~~~.I.I ;;~ ~_; ~ lall* !':I: I"~H 1k~ ....
100 130 14 0 150 170 ~
50 .0 70 80 .0 110 120 160 180 190 200

Fig. 8 - 8 Correlation of experimental h eat t ransfer d ata.

Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 375

and the deviation of the mean from unity indicated in this figure
are typical of hydrogen heat transfer data correlations and are
indicative of the difficulties encountered in attempting to predict
nozzle wall temperature.

[8- 2.3] Propellant Feed Systems

[8- 2.3.1] General Design Considerations

The propellant feed system consists of one or more turbopumps,

a propellant source, and a system of pipes and valves, including
control valves. These components differ from similar components
found in liquid chemical rockets only in the modifications required
to allow them to survive and function properly in the reactor radia-
tion environment. Of typical and primary concern in this respect
are valve seats, seals, bearing lubricants, and rolling contact
bearing retainers. In cryogenic chemical rockets, these are usually
made of organic materials that are subject to severe damage under
neutron and gamma bombardment. Also, valve actuators in most
chemical rocket systems are of the hydraulic type and the fluids
involved would change in a nuclear rocket either becoming highly
viscous or evolving gase s under the action of high-energy radiation.
Consequently, pneumatically- or electrically-operated devices must
be used in the nuclear rocket engines. Radiation heating, though it
must be considered in the deSign, does not pose a significant prob-
lem in most of the components of this system due to the high flow
rates of cryogenic hydrogen in contact with the components.
The principal subassembly of the propellant feed system is the
turbopump and the primary factors influencing the design of this
unit are reliability, efficiency, and weight. Pump effiCiency is
affected not only by the particular design selected, but also by
the net positive suction pressure (NPSP); i.e., the difference
(available at the pump inlet) between the total absolute pressure
and the fluid vapor pressure. This effect is particularly apparent
if the NPSP is low.
The basic propellant feed system requires two valves: a pro-
pellant shut-off valve and a turbine power-control valve. Additional
valves may be required in the tank pressurization system and in
auxiliary coolant circuits in various parts of the engine.

[8- 2.3.2] Turbopump Power Cycle

The turbopump system can utilize either a topping or bleed

cycle. These are shown schematically in Fig. 8-9.
376 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


Fig. 8 - 9 Power cycles for nuclear rocket turbopumps.

In a topping cycle, the majority of the propellant flow is raised

to some suitable temperature and then passed through the turbine,
where it gives up a part of the added energy. The turbines involved
here are low-temperature, one or two stage devices. A fraction
of the flow can be bypassed to provide a control reserve. Mter
leaving the turbine, the propellant continues through the system
to the reactor core and out the nozzle. While this system offers
minimum complexity and maximum reliability, the quantity of
energy required to raise the hydrogen to a suitable temperature
is quite large and the reactor system itself must be made more
complex. This complication was the primary factor in rejecting
this cycle for use in the NERV A engine program.
The bleed-cycle system, which was selected for NERVA, derives
its name from the fact that a small flow of high-temperature gas
is bled from the reactor exit plenum. Mter leaving the turbine
(which, for performance reasons, is a multi-stage, high-tempera-
ture device) the bleed flow is discharged from the system through
a thrust-producing nozzle. A performance penalty is incurred with
this system because the fluid is discharged at a lower temperature
than that of the main stream.

[8- 2.3.3] Turbopump

[8- Pumps

The purpose of the pump is to increase the pressure of the

liquid hydrogen propellant from its pressure level in the supply
tank to the pressure required by the engine system. The required
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 377

energy can be imparted to the fluid in a single rotor blade row, as

in a centrifugal pump, or by a series of rotor blade/stator blade
rows, as in a multiple-stage, axial flow pump.
As indicated, two general classes of pumps are available for
use in a nuclear rocket engine: (1) multiple-stage axial flow; and
(2) single- or multiple-stage centrifugal flow. There is also an al-
most continuous variation between axial and centrifugal flow ma-
chines, referred to as mixed-flow pumps. In general, any of these
types can be designed for use in a nuclear rocket system.
One of the most important factors in designing a rocket pump,
particularly for a hydrogen system, is the magnitude of the net
positive suction pressure, NPSP. In most pumping systems, the
available NPSP limits the driving pressure that accelerates the
fluid from its static condition in the tank to the pump inlet speed.
With most pumping systems, operation at low values of NPSP re-
sults in cavitation-the formation of vapor bubbles adjacent to the
vanes at the pump inlet-where the local static pressure reaches
the fluid vapor pressure. This causes large local changes in fluid
specific volume, which in turn reduces the mass flow rates that
the pump can handle. With most fluids, cavitation can cause severe
pitting of the impeller vanes. In hydrogen pumps, however, little
or no cavitation damage has been detected, and continued operation
under these conditions is feaSible. Discussions of the design of
pumps operating under cavitating conditions are presented in Ref-
erences 42, 43 and 44.
To minimize cavitation and its flow-limiting effects, special
inducer sections can be added to the inlet section of the impeller.
The function of this inducer is to increase the static pressure of
the fluid before it enters the high-work sections of the pump. The
angle of attack of the blades on the inlet fluid, the diameter of the
section, and the configuration of the flow passages throughout the
pump determine its suction characteristics. With liquid in the
impeller passages, the vane system internally diffuses the relative
flow and thereby causes a static pressure increase in the fluid.
With proper deSign, it appears probable that zero NPSP can be
handled satisfactorily.
Although the suction characteristics of centrifugal pumps are,
in general, superior to those of axial flow pumps, the addition of an
inducer section upstream of the forward bearing mount (overhung
position), results in identical suction characteristics with both type s.
Subsequent stages of the axial pump will, of course, have to be
modified if an inducer is added to an existing deSign.
The axial-flow pump is expected to be more efficient than the
corresponding centrifugal pump. The margin should be greater
for design applications requiring very high discharge pressure,
and will be reduced under more difficult suction operating con-
ditions. Efficiency has not been the paramount factor in rocket
engine pump design to date. Suction performance, low weight, and
378 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

high reliability have been the most important design requirements.

For instance, in a topping-cycle nuclear rocket engine, the pump
efficiency has only a negligible effect on overall vehicle perfor-
mance. However, for the bleed-cycle engine, the turbine bleed-flow
increases with a decrease in pump efficiency and has an adverse
effect on engine performance. To avoid high flow frictional losses
in the flow system downstream of the pump, the stream should be
diffused to a reasonable velocity, but most of the pump-flow
losses occur in the diffusion process, so that the complete system
should be conSidered when designing the pump. The effect of flow
rate on the peak efficiency for several pump configurations is
shown in Fig. 8-10, which also illustrates the effect of specific
speed. The pump configurations most suitable for any given
specific speed range per stage are also shown in this figure.
Reduction in the number of stages of axial-flow pumps has been
attempted by increasing the head rise per stage to reduce the
flow losses caused by the ducting between stages. The result
has been that specific speeds approaching those of the optimum
mixed-flow pump have been achieved, but the efficiencies were
not as high, undoubtedly because of the increased turning
losses. .
The energy input to the hydrogen by a single-stage impeller
is limited by the structural capability of the rotor. This capability
is improved by using high-strength-to-weight rotor materials and
by special configurations, such as tapering the thickness of blades
and supporting disks. Aluminum single-stage centrifugal-pump
impellers have demonstrated hydrogen pressure rises of approxi-
mately 1400 psi, and titanium impellers have demonstrated rises
in excess of 2100 psi per stage. Approximately four axial-flow
stages are generally required to produce the pressure developed
by a single centrifugal stage.



...... ~'"
!'oo" 30 0

100 GP
500 G M
" 60

500 1000 2000 3000 10,000 IS,OOO
SPECIFIC SPEED ns == R':H - : : = j~ ~ i-
~ __~ __ L_~_~=s~

Fig. 8 -10 Efficiency of several pump configurations.

Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 379

The axial- and centrifugal-flow liquid-hydrogen pumps have

significantly different head-capacity characteristics (Figs. 8-11
and 8-12).





<I 2000

11= 60Y,

11= Soy,

a ~~--~----~------~-- __~____~
200 400 600 800 1000

Fig. 8 -II Head-capacity characteristics of axial flow pump.

NPSP == 20 PSI

40 50 bO 70 80 90 100 110

Fig. 8 -12 Head-capacity characteristics of typical centrifugal pump.

380 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
To operate the axial-flow pump at near-maximum efficiency,
the operating point must be close to the stall line; therefore, this
pump must be carefully matched to the load characteristics. This
is not the case with centrifugal-flow pumps which can have their
operating point far removed from the stall region. When a nuclear
rocket engine is performing at less than the design thrust level
but at maximum core exit gas temperature, the pump operating
point moves toward lower specific speed and toward the surge
region. Since a wider margin is available, this potential operating
condition could best be met with the centrifugal pump. As rocket
engines increase in size, with corresponding increases in flow
rates, more attention is being given to the possibility of parallel
operation of turbopumps. Parallel operation of turbopumps will
generally reduce overall engine weight and may reduce development
cost. Conversely, increasing the number of turbo pumps will reduce
engine reliability, due to added valves, lines and control complexity,
unless operation can be sustained with one or more of the turbopumps
inoperative. The characteristic curve for the axial-flow pump is
suitable for parallel pump operation. The relatively steep slope
of the head-capacity characteristic tends to ensure stable opera-
tion and proper division of the flow between the pumps. However,
in larger engines, where the use of multiple pumps may be con-
sidered, the operating specific speed of the centrifugal pump will
be considerably greater than that of current units, and the centrif-
ugal pump may be tailored for parallel operation.
Another important factor in pump selection involves the char-
acteristics of the start transient. Unless the pump is prechilled,
large thermal gradients will exist in the assembly when the pro-
pellant valve is first opened, and two-phase flow will occur in the
system. This condition will result in some oscillation or pulsation
in the flow and may cause engine-start problems. Prechilling, on
the other hand, is undesirable in terms of engine design because of
the requirement for valves and seals downstream of the pump, and
the possibility of propellant loss during the chilldown procedure.
Centrifugal flow pumps have demonstrated the ability to pump
hydrogen without initial prechilling, which may not be possible
with axial flow units. It should be noted that Some flow fluctuation
results from this type of operation, which appears to be acceptable
in a nuclear rocket, but would not be in a chemical rocket system
due to combustion problems.
The envelope for a turbopump assembly having an axial-flow
pump is markedly different from that of an assembly with a single-
stage centrifugal-flow pump. The axial-flow pump is a compara-
tively long and slender assembly and requires a bearing at each
end of the pump rotor. Because the pump rotor assembly requires
two bearings, a similar two-bearing arrangement has been used in
the past for the turbine driver. These two shaft assemblies are
generally connected by a flexible coupling. In comparison, the
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 381

single-stage centrifugal-flow pump is of short length and has a

large diameter. Because the pump is short, the pump impeller
may be overhung. Also the turbine may be overhung at the opposite
end of the pump shaft, thereby eliminating two bearings, their
mountings, and the flexible coupling. In some recent axial-flow
turbopumps, the turbine has been overhung to significantly shorten
the assembly, but the unit is still relatively long and heavy. Con-
sidering the above factors and the current state of hydrogen-pump
technology, the centrifugal pump is more adaptable to nuclear
rocket engine configurations.
With a gimbaled nuclear engine, the turbopump assembly should
be mounted on the engine to avoid crossing the gimbal joint with
lines containing high-pressure pump discharge and hot turbine
working fluid. The extra length of an axial-flow machine would be
undesirable in this configuration.

[8-] Turbines

The turbine design and the materials of construction depend

primarily on the engine power cycle. If a topping cycle is used,
the turbine will generally be a one- or two-stage unit designed to
handle all or nearly all of the pumped fluid. The turbine inlet
temperature generally ranges between 300 and SIDOR, so light
alloys can be used. For bleed-cycle engines, consideration of
engine performance factors suggest the use of the highest practical
temperature and the minimum flow rate, so the turbine will neces-
sarily be a multistage machine made of dense, high-temperature
The turbine must be matched to the pump requirements in speed
and power output. Minimum weights are usually obtained if direct-
coupled, equal-speed systems are used.

[8-] Power Transmission

Whether a turbine operates at a speed equal to or different from

that of the driven pump, a device must be provided to transfer
power from the turbine to the pump. As indicated, this transfer
can be most readily accomplished in a nuclear rocket system by
using a short shaft to rigidly couple the rotors of the turbine and
the pump. This shaft must be supported on a bearing system with
a housing that can also unite the pump and turbine housings.
To prevent the rotating members from rubbing against their
housings, the supporting bearings must provide both axial and
radial positioning of the rotating member. In high-speed machinery,
axial positioning is most readily achieved with ball bearings,
whereas radial positioning is best achieved with roller bearings,
382 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

particularly when radial loads are substantial. This combination

results in a minimum of sliding contact, while providing adequate
bearing contact area and stiffness. To further reduce frictional
losses in the assembly, symmetrical designs and thrust-balancing
devices are used.
Heat developed by residual friction in the bearings and by the
radiation field in the massive shaft and bearings must be removed
to avoid overheating and subsequent failure of the bearings. In a
nuclear engine, this heat is most readily removed by ducting a
small amount of fluid from the pump discharge into the bearing
housing and allowing it to flow through the bearings. To avoid shaft
seals of a leak-tight variety the bearing coolant flow is discharged
into the turbine cavity. This flow then exits through the turbine
exhaust, which increases the engine total mass-flowbutcontributes
little to the engine thrust. The flow must therefore be held to the
lowest possible value to minimize performance degradation.

[ Critical Speeds

In this discussion, a critical speed is defined as any rotational

speed of the complete rotor assembly which coincides with one of
the natural frequencies of the complete turbopump assembly, in-
stalled for operation. In determining these frequencies, bending
modes of the turbine disc and their effect on shaft frequencies, as
well as the effect of the bearings, housing and supporting structure
must be considered and the assembly analyzed as a single spring-
mass system. The significance of critical speed to the machine
designer is similar to that of the natural vibratory frequency in
any system. Despite modern developments in balancing machinery,
some residual unbalance mass is always present in a rotor, im-
peller, or shaft of a turbo pump. A slight unbalance of a rotating
part will cause vibration to occur, which can increase in magni-
tude if a critical speed is involved. If displacement continues to
increase until some component of the machine yields, the cor-
responding critical speed is said to be unstable.
The critical speed of a turbo pump is a function of the masses
of the rotating parts and the stiffness of the shaft, diSCS, bearings,
housing, and supporting structure. The shaft cross section and
length and the positions of the discs, impellers, and bearings all
influence critical speed.

[8 2.3.4] Valves

Valves used in nuclear rocket engines and in chemical rockets

have two significant differences, both involving the reactor radia-
tion field. The more significant of the two differences is that seals
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 883

and lubricants, which in other applications are generally organic

materials, must be designed for maximum insensitivity to radia-
tion effects. The simplest approach to the redesign of these items
for use in a radiation field is to use metal seals and dry-film
lubricants. Otherwise, the design of these valves can generally
follow the practice established for valves in high-temperature
Several dry-film lubricants are suitable in both vacuum and
radiation environments. Noteworthy among these is molybdenum
disulfide, which has excellent lubriCity, good wear reSistance, and
is not significantly affected by radiation.
The other significant aspect of nuclear engine valve design in-
volves radiation heating, which requires that thick sections be
avoided. In chemical rocket systems, the weight of a component has
always been a major criterion, so the need to avoid thick sections
in nuclear components is not unique. Heat removal is not expected
to be a serious problem unless the valve must be closed when the
reactor is operating, in which case a separate coolant circuit may
be required.

[8 - 2.4] Nuclear Rocket Engine Control

[8- 2.4.1] General Design Considerations

The control system of a nuclear rocket engine is significantly

more complex than that of a chemical rocket, primarily because
the reactor power level is completely independent of engine thrust.
Furthermore, because of minor differences in fuel distribution and
reactor configuration resulting from the allowable manufacturing
tolerances, the steady-state poSition of the reactor control drums
will be slightly different for each reactor. For this reason, some
method is required to detect the steady-state poSition and adjust
the power level to the desired value.
A nuclear rocket engine control system consists of two separate
control loops; one for the propeUantfeed system and one for reactor
power. Since power is related to flow rate and temperature, these
loops are coupled through the relationship between sonic nozzle
flow rate and inlet pressure:

w (8-10)
in which the characteristic velOCity, c*, is defined by Eq. (8-2).
Further coupling between the loops is provided by the moderating
effect of hydrogen in the reactor. Because of the epithermal nature
of the reactor, changes in hydrogen density in the core have a sig-
nificant effect on the reactivity of the system. In a typical Situation,
384 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

the hydrogen flow rate might be increased by some change in the

propellant feed system. The chamber pressure would then increase
in accordance with Eq. (8-10). The increased hydrogen density will
drive the reactor super-critical. and the power level will increase
at a rate defined approximately by the equation

t Sk
P(t} = P(O)e1*

The result will be an increase in temperature and, therefore,

thermal expansion. The consequent reduction in the density of
hydrogen in the reactor will reduce the value of ok. The system
will therefore seek a new steady-state condition at some higher
power level unless the action is compensated for by use of the
reactor control drums.
Equation (8-10) shows that the required control can be obtained
by using any two of three variables: chamber temperature, chamber
pressure, and flow rate. Further conSideration suggests that the
two most logical variables to select are chamber temperature and
chamber pressure. There are several reasons for this. First,
both can be measured directly with response rates and accuracies
that are compatible with the control requirements. Second, ex-
cessive values of either parameter will lead directly to system
failure. Third, these two parameters define engine thrust level
and specific impulse, the two parameters of primary importance
in evaluating engine performance.
A functional block diagram of a control system based on these
reference parameters is shown in Fig. 8-13. This system is suit-
able for current engine deSign, but may require modification for
more advanced engines. The system consists of the two inter-
locked control loops and an engine programmer. The engine
programmer defines the desired values of the measured param-
eters at any point in time so the two loops can maintain these
values. Also shown in Fig. 8-13 are several manual controls that
might be used in ground testing or in a man-rated system if
difficulties should develop in the automatic control system.

[8 - 2.4.2] Power Level Control

The power level of a nuclear reactor is proportional to the

neutron flux within the core and thus, to the neutron flux in the
vicinity of the reactor. The proportionality factor, however, is
not completely independent of time (though very nearly so), nor
is it exactly the same for two reactors of the same design. The
difference is caused by slight variations in fuel loading and other
manufacturing variables. For these reasons,neutronfluxmeasure-
I I ~
I l I "'l
I ~


T:CV iJl
- ---------

Fig. 8" 13 Functional block diagram of engine control system.
386 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

ments can be used to determine whether or not power generation

is constant or to determine the rate of change under transient
conditions, but they are not too useful in determining absolute
power for a nuclear rocket. Because ion chambers and other
flux-measuring devices respond very rapidly to flux variations,
either the steady-state condition or any desired rate of change
of the reactor power can be maintained very precisely.
In the system presented here, the reactor is controlled by use
of a preselected e-folding period while rising in power from source
strength to some specified value of neutron flux, at which time
power control is shifted to a closed-loop system utilizing chamber
temperature as the reference. Propellant flow is initiated when the
flux level indicates the reactor is in the range of 0.1 to 10% of
full power, which is the level required to produce smooth temp-
erature transients in the system without propellant waste.
A primary difficulty in the measurement of nuclear engine
gas temperatures is the severe environment of the sensing device.
Operational nuclear rockets will have exhaust temperatures of
4500 to 6300 R, and very few materials can operate in this tem-
perature range. Tungsten and its alloys are suitable for use at the
lower portion of this range but are probably too weak for use at
temperatures near the upper limit. The carbide-carbon systems
will fail at the higher temperatures, because of the carbon leg.
The carbon would also have to be protected from the propellant
at all temperatures of interest.
An alternative method of determining gas temperature would
be to compute it on the basis of a measured value at some inter-
mediate temperature point within the reactor, but the accuracy of
this approach is questionable. A second method of computing tem-
perature involves Eq. (8-9). By measuring pressure and weight flow,
the c* value and, in turn, the gas temperature can be determined.
Although present hydrogen mass flow meters are less accurate than
might be desired, the significant inaccuracies inherent in core
measurements, combined with future improvements inflowmeters,
may well make measurement of pressure and weight flow rate the
preferred method.

[8 - 2.4.3] Chamber-Pressure Control

The portion of the control system used to control chamber
pressure consists of a pressure sensor, suitable signal-conditioning
eqUipment, a reference signal, and the turbine power-control valve
and actuator.
Several types of pressure sensors are available that are basically
suitable for this application and appear to be readily adaptable for
the task. If these sensors are mounted in a poSition to measure
chamber pressure directly, some cooling may be required. In sys-
tems where the environment near the chamber becomes too severe,
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 387

pressure may be measured at some point upstream. Although this

technique would reduce the precision with which chamber pressure
and thrust are determined, it would assure that chamber pressure
is no greater than the measured value. The system could be de-
signed with safety margins adequate to prevent failure because of
the uncertainties involved. Any measurement other than direct
chamber pressure, however, would increase the uncertainty in
determining temperature by the use of Eq. 8-9, if this were required.

[8- 2.5] Thrust-Vector-Control Systems

[8- 2.5.1] General Design Considerations

A rocket system must have thrust vector control to maintain

stable flight and to make any necessary changes in the direction
of its velocity vector. For systems operating in the atmosphere,
external distrubances can be quite large, and must be corrected
rapidly; otherwise the vehicle will enter an erratic flight path or
tumble. This atmospheric environment is the major reason for re-
quiring fast response in thrust-vector control of the first and
second stages of launch vehicles. For a third stage, which is
normally started above the sensible atmosphere, the only signifi-
cant external force is due to residual rotation imparted by the
preceding stage or by other problems during the separation. The
rotation will normally be extremely small, and, because of the large
moment of inertia of the stage, the results of a bad separation will
also be minor. For systems that operate only in space, the only
other external forces will be extremely small gravity gradients.
Thus, nuclear rockets, which in the near future will be operated
only as third-stage or space-start systems, will require only very
low response rates to maintain stable flight.

[8- 2.5.2] Types of Systems

Several methods of thrust vector control can be provided. These

methods can be grouped into three classes: (1) auxiliary thrusters,
(2) jet-deflection systems, and (3) gimbals or other engine-nozzle-
deflection systems. In selecting a particular system, its effect on
engine specific impulse and total vehicle weight must be considered
as well as the degree of complexity that is introduced. For in-
stance, heavy structural members should be avoided to reduce
weight and minimize requirements for auxiliary coolant circuits
to remove radiation-induced heat. Careful attention must also be
given to the effects of convective he'ating and to performance degra-
dation caused by systems that interfere with the supersonic exhaust
388 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[8- Auxiliary Thrusters

Small thrust units can be provided at strategic locations on the

vehicle to supply the thrust needed for vector corrections. The
type of unit can vary from a simple plenum and nozzle, supplied
with gaseous hydrogen from the propellant tank or bleed fluid from
the main engine, to a completely independent chemical rocket
engine. These thrusters are ideally located a maximum distance
from the vehicle center of mass, as shown in Fig. 8-14, so that
fairly large corrections can be made with a minimum mass ex-
Such a system is complex, particularly where chemical rocket
engines are involved. Hydrogen from the main tank can be used
as the fuel, but a separate supply of oxidizer must be provided,
together with a complete engine control system for each thruster
(a minimum of three would be required).
These devices would also reduce system performance, because
the attainable specific impulse would be in the range of 300 to 450
seconds, depending on the propellant combination and nozzle
area ratios involved. The disadvantage of the low specific impulse
is compounded by the fact that this thrust is not applied in the same
direction as the main thrust vector. The magnitude of thrust re-
quired is defined by the equation:

F tv =
FE x sin 0 (8-12)
r tv

These quantities are defined in Fig. 8-14. Assuming that x and rtv
are equal, the specific impulse of the complete vehicle may be
determined in terms of the specific impulse of the main engine
and the auxiliary thruster is

lspv = lspe
r + lspe sin
OJ (8-13)


Assuming that ISPe = 800 sec., ISPTV = 400 sec., = 1.0 deg.,
the net specific impulse of the vehicle is reduced to less than
773 seconds. In terms of complete vehicle performance, this
reduction is a Significant penalty.

Fig. 8 -14 Thrust vector control by auxiliary thruster.

Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 389

[8 -] Jet-Deflection Systems

[8- 11 Fluid-Injection Systems

Fluid-injection systems have been investigated extensively over

the past five to ten years, principally for use with solid-propellant
rocket motors. These systems consist of three or more jets passing
through the nozzle wall and aimed radially inward or perhaps
slightly upstream (see Fig. 8-15). Flow in these jets is varied by
control valves to provide the desired deflection of the thrust vector.
The interaction of these streams with the main jet provides a

F ig . 8 1- 5 Thru st vector control.

higher normal force than would be obtainable from the injectant

flow alone if directed normal to the engine at this point and increases
the axial thrust of the engine, but produces a reduction in engine
specific impulse [45-49]. The current best estimates indicate
that this loss can be determined approximately by the expression:

/':,. Isp
sin e= 1.9 (8-14)

This expression, where e is the angular change in the thrust vector

direction, applies for angles of less than 2.5 degrees. For larger
390 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

angles, the performance loss is apparently greater than indicated

by this equation. This loss is less than that imposed by the auxil-
iary thrusters, but a continuous loss of even this magnitude would
be significant for an interplanetary vehicle. This system can still
be considered for short-duration attitude corrections, however.

[8 .] Jetevators and Jet Vanes

Information in References 46 and 47 indicates that the perform-

ance losses of jetevators and jet vanes, shown schematically in
Fig. 8-16, can be described by Eq. (8-14). Consequently, jetevators
and jet vanes also should notbe used for steady-state correction of
thrust-vector misalignment.


Fig. 816 Thrust vector control.

[ Gimbal Systems

The term "gimbal" is used herein to denote any thrust-vector-

control device that does not perturb the supersoniC flow in the main
nozzle or require the use of auxiliary systems to stabilize the
vehicle (see Fig. 8-17). The first two systems have a high power
requirement if fast response is required, but this may not be nec-
essary. The third system may have some difficulty because of the
requirement for a moving seal against high-temperature, high-
pressure hydrogen in an intense nuclear-radiation environment.
Performance of these systems is not adversely affected by
compensation for steady-state errors in thrust vector alignment
and have a significant advantage over competing systems, despite
the expected higher installed weights. Even the weight penalty
may be negligible, since Reference 50 indicates no weight difference
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 391

0.-."""., ~
- \,
C'Ll6.AI. !itIH'


Fig. 8 -17 Thrus t ve ctor control gimbal systems.

between fluid injection systems and gimbaled systems, with the

former being more complex.
Some fair.ly detailed investigations have been made of single-
and three-point suspension systems [51, 52], with a comparison
made between the two. These investigations indicate that there is
no compelling reason to eliminate one in favor of the other.
Limited studies have been made of swivel-nozzle techniques,
but more detailed data are required before this approach can be
realistically evaluated. The major problems associated with these
systems involve an adequate hot gas seal, satisfactory component
cooling, pressure balancing to hold actuator loads to acceptable
values, and the design of actuators that will perform satisfactorily
in the operational environment.

1. C.R. Tipton, Jr.: Reactor Handbook, 2nd ed., Chap. 43, Vol. 1:
Materials, New York, Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1960.
2. R.T. Dolloff and J.T. Meers: status and Future of Graphite
and Refractory Compounds, Research Laboratory, National
Carbon Company, High Temperature Materials II, AI ME
Metallurgical SoCiety Conference, Vol. 18,Interscience Pub-
lishers, Inc.
3. Batelle Memorial Institute, Refractory Ceramics for Aero-
space, Columbus, Ohio, American Ceramic Society, Inc., 1964.
4. NERV A Materials Manual, Aerojet-General Corporation, 30
September 1966.
5. McAdam, W.H.: Heat Transmission, New York, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc.
392 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

6. Eckert, E.R.G.: Introduction of the Transfer of Heat and Mass,

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
7. Jakob, M.: Heat Transfer, New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Vol. 1.
8. Bussard, R. W. and R.D. Delauer: Nuclear Rocket Propulsion,
Chap. 4, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1958.
9. Carlson, B.G.: Solution of the Transport E quation by Sn Approxi-
mations, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Report LA"';1891 ,
10. Glasstone, S. and M.C. Edlund: The Elements of Nuclear Re-
actor Theory, Princeton, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1952.
11. Weinberg, A.M. and E.P. Wigner: The Physical Theory of
Neutron Chain Reactors, Chicago, The University of Chicago
Press, 1958.
12. Glasstone, S.: Principles of Nuclear Reactor Engineering,
D. VanNostrand Company, Inc., 1955.
13. and A. Sesonske: Nuclear Reactor Engineering, D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc., 1963.
14. Meghreblian, R.V. and D.K. Holmes: Reactor Analysis,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1960.
15. Davison, B.: Neutron Transport Theory, Oxford University
Press, 1957.
16. Greenfield, S.: Determination of Rocket Motor Heat Transfer
Coefficient by Transient Method, J. Aero. Sciences, August
17. Rose, R.K.: Experimental Determination of the Heat Flux
Distribution in a Rocket Nozzle, Purdue University Rocket
Laboratory, Report No. F58-1, January 1958.
18. Long, W.L.: The Determination of Coefficients of Heat Transfer
to a Rocket Motor Nozzle by a Transient Method, Royal Air-
craft Establishment, Technical Note No. RPD 114, 1954.
19. Bartz, D.R.: A Simple Equation for Rapid Estimation of
Rocket Nozzle Convective Heat Transfer CoeffiCients, Jet
Propulsion, January 1957.
20. Humble, L.V., W. H. Lowdermilk,andL.G.Desmon: Measure-
ments of Average Heat Transfer and Friction Coefficients for
SUbsonic Flow of Air in Smooth Tubes at High Surface and
Fluid Temperatures, NACA Report 1020, 1951.
21. Aialkos, J.A. and O.A. Saunders: Heat Transfer in Pipe Flow
at High Speeds, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (London)
Preprint, 1956.
22. Saunders, O.A. and P.H. Calder: Some Experiments on the
Heat Transfer from a Gas FlOwing Through a Convergent-
Divergent Nozzle, Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute
Preprints, stanford, June 1951.
23. Grover, S.S.: Analysis of Rocket Nozzle Heat Transfer Co-
efficients Correlations, Second Symposium on Materials and
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion 393

Design for Rocket Insulation and Nozzles, Aerojet-General

Corporation, March 16-17, 1960.
24. Bartz, D.R.: An Approximate Solution of Compressible Tur-
bulent Boundary Layer Development and Convective Heat
Transfer in Convergent-Divergent Nozzles, Trans. ASME,
November 1955.
25. Welsh, W.E., Jr. and A.B. Witte: A Comparison of Analytical
and Experimental Local Heat Fluxes in Liquid-Propellant
Rocket Thrust Chambers ASME Aviation Conference (Los
Angeles), Preprint, March 1961.
26. Kasahara, M., B. Mandell, and B.L. McFarland: Experimental
heat Transfer Coefficients in a Contoured Nozzle, ARSI ANSi
lAS Nuclear Propulsion Conference (Monterey), August 15-
27. Powell, W.B.: Heat Transfer to Fluids in the Region of the
Critical Temperature, JPL Progress Report No. 20-285,
1 Apri11956.
28. Mulford, R.N. and J.P. Nigon: Heat Exchange Between a
Copper Surface and Liquid Hydrogen and Nitrogen, U.S.
Atomic Energy CommiSSion, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory,
LA. 146, 21 May 1952.
29. Wright, C.C. and H.H. Walters: Single Tube Heat Transfer
Tests Gaseous and Liquid Hydrogen, WADC TR 59-423
(August 1959).
30. McCarthy, J.R. and H. Wolf: Forced Convection HeatTransfer
to Gaseous Hydrogen at High Heat Flux and High Pressure in
a Smooth Round, Electrically Heated Tube, ARS Journal,
Vol. 30, Apri11960.
31. Wolf, H. and J.R. McCarthy: Heat Transfer to Hydrogen and
Helium with Wall to Fluid Temperature Ratios to 11.09,
Abs. 100, presented at AIChE Meeting, (Washington), Decem-
ber 4-7, 1960.
32. Thompson, W.R. and E.L. Geery: Heat Transfer to Cryogenic
Hydrogen at Supercritical Pressures, Vol. 7 of Advances in
Cryogenic Engineering, 1962.
33. King, C.R.: Compilation of Thermodynamic Properties, Trans-
port Properties and Theoretical Rocket Performance of
Gaseous Hydrogen, NASA TN D-275, Apri11960.
34. Properties and Performance of Hydrogen as a Rocket Fuel,
Aerojet-General Corporation Report No. CR 127-360, March
35. Benser, W.A. and R.W. Graham: Hydrogen Convection Cooling
of Rocket Nozzles, Preprint 62-A V-22, ASME, 1962.
36. HendriCks, R.C., R. W. Graham, Y. Y. Hsu, and R. Friedman:
Experimental Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Liquid
Hydrogen Flowing through a Heated Tube, NASA TN D-765,
394 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

37. , , , and A.A. Medeiros: Correlation of

Hydrogen Heat Transfer in Boiling and Supercritical Pressure
states, ARS Journal, 32:2, February 1962.
38. Zuber, Novak, Fried, and Erwin: Two-Phase Flow and Boiling
Heat Transfer to Cryogenic Liquids, ARS 'Journal, 32:9,
September 1962.
39. Martinelli, R.C., et al.: Isothermal Pressure Drop for Two-
Phase Two-Component Flow in a Horizontal Pipe, Trans.
ASME, 66:2, February 1944.
40. Timmerhaus, D.E. Drayer, and J.W. Dean: An Experimental
Investigation of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients for Con-
densing and Boiling Hydrogen Films, Paper presented at
Int. Heat Transfer Conference (Boulder), August 28, 1961.
41. Core, T.C., J.F. Harkee, B. Misra, andK. Sato: Heat Transfer
studies, Aerojet-General Corporation, September 1959.
42. Ross, C.C. and G. Banerian: Some Aspects of High Suction
Specific Speed Pump Inducers, Transactions of the ASME,
November 1956.
43. Stahl, H.A. and A.J. stepanoff: Thermodynamic Aspects of
Cavitation in Centrifugal Pumps, Ibid.
44. Wislicenus, G.F.: Critical Considerations on Cavitation Limits
of Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps, Ibid.
45. A Survey of Thrust Deflection Methods, Part I, Technical
Report 6602-50" Cleveland Pneumatic Industries, Inc., 4936
Fairmount Ave., Bethesda, Md., July 1960.
46. A Survey of Thrust Deflection Methods, Part II, Technical
Report 6602-5b, Cleveland Pneumatic Industries, Inc., De-
cember 1960.
47. Hozaki, S., E. Mayer, and G.V.T. Rao: Thrust Vector Control
by Secondary Injection into Rocket Exhaust, National Engineer-
ing Science Co., Pasadena, Calif., 1962.
48. Mockenhaupt, J.D.: Performance Characteristics and Analysis
of Liquid-Injection Thrust-Vector Control, TM -16-SRO, 15
March 1965.
49. McCullough, F., Jr.: Thrust-Vector Control by Secondary
Injection, Propulsion Development Dept., USNOTS, China
Lake, Calif., January 1962.
50. Comparison of Gimbal and Gas Injection Systems for Thrust
Vector Control of the NERVA Engine, Aerojet-General Cor-
poration, Report 2305, July 1962.
51. Evaluation and Comparison of Attitude Control Systems for
Spacecraft with NERVA Engines, Aerojet-General Corporation,
REON Report No. 2585, June 1963.
52. RIFT/NERVA Installation-TVC/TVT Description and Weight
Comparison, Aerojet-General Corporation-REON, and Lock-
heed Missiles and Space Company, NSP, LMSC-A304195,
16 August 1963.
Radioisotope Propulsion
John S. Martinez,
Manager, Propulsion Laboratory
TRW Systems


The concept of employing radioisotope energy for space pro-
pulsion is not a new one. Several approaches for doing so have
been considered during the past decades, but all except one have
thus far been considered impractical. This paper briefly reviews
some of these various approaches, indicates their advantages and
disadvantages, and summarizes the mission capabilities and the
current state of the technology of those approaches which currently
appear most promising.

[9-1.1] Direct Recoil Method

Perhaps the most straightforward manner in which isotopes

might be employed to impart momentum to a space vehicle is the
direct recoil approach [1] (see Fig. 9-1) in which the radioisotope
is poSitioned on an external surface of a spacecraft in such a
manner that some of the radioactive decay particles are emitted
directly to space and the remainder are absorbed in the space-
craft structure. Direct recoil propulsion produces extremely high
specific impulses. For example, the I sp of a 5 Mev ex particle
(typical of that produced by Po-210 or Pu-238) is about 1.6 x 106
Unfortunately, the direct recoil method also generates very low
thrust levels for a given quantity of source. For example, 1KWth
of directed Po-210 ex particles will generate about 3 x 10- 5 lbs.
thrust. Assuming that 10% of all of the momentum of the ex particles
emitted within the source is actually emitted in the desired direction
(and the remainder absorbed in surrounding structure), we imme-
diately see that a 1KW source will only be capable of generating a
few micropounds of thrust. Furthermore, even at this very low
thrust level, the energy absorbed in the surrounding structure is
sufficient to cause considerable spacecraft thermal control prob-
lems. Most space propulsion applications other than, perhaps,



. / Isotope Loyer (\)

Bombardment ,
of Gas

Fission H2 + U 235 - ~
". ~
/"Z/ .< <. .....

Heat Working
\ Neutron Source .....

Fluid (Po-Be, Pu-Be, etc.) o;::l

Fig. 9-1. Various isotope propulsion schemes.

Radioisotope Propulsion 397

gravity gradient satellite stabilization systems, involve thrust

levels considerably in excess of that attainable from practical
quantities of polonium. The few micropound applications envisioned
can readily be performed by less sophisticated, less expensive
means. Therefore, it can be concluded that practical limitations
on source quantity (hence, thrust level) established by current and
projected isotope cost and availability, as well as practical con-
siderations associated with mechanization, eliminate direct recoil
propulsion from further consideration for propulsion applications
envisioned at this time.

[9-1.2] Thermal Heating Method

Several techniques have been proposed for using isotope energy

to heat a propulsive working fluid, such as H2 or NH 3 , which is then
expanded through a nozzle to produce directed momentum. Because
of thermal limitations, the lsp's (which depend on the attainable
stagnation temperature of the fluid) obtainable from the thermal
heating methods are considerably lower than those of the direct
recoil method. On the other hand, useful thrusts can be generated
from practical quantities of isotope.
Three alternative thermal heating methods are depicted in
Fig. 9-1. Two of these involve deposition of energy directly within
the working fluid. In one case this is achieved by direct bombard-
ment of the working fluid with particles (i.e., a particle collision
with H2 atoms) emitted from isotope sources lining the passage
through which the working fluid flows. In the next case, fissionable
material is dissolved in the working fluid and bombarded by neutrons
from sources (such as polonium-beryllium or plutonium-beryllium)
lining the passage through which the working fluid flows. Fissioning
occurs and the released particles collide with the molecules of the
working fluid, thereby generating heat. The appeal of these two
energy deposition techniques lies in the fact that heating takes place
directly in the working fluid, thereby greatly increasing the poten-
tially attainable working fluid temperatures (thus lsp) relative to
those attainable from conductively heated systems in which the heat
is transferred from source to fluid by conduction through solid
Thus far, unfortunately, no techniques have been found within the
bounds of practical source or fissionable materials quantities, to
generate sufficient heat within the working fluid to produce useful
Is/ s
Insofar as the current state of the art is concerned, the only
practical approach to isotope propulsion [2, 31 involves thermal
heating of the working fluid by passing it over the surface of an
isotope-containing capsule; hence, the remainder of the technical
discussion will be devoted to this approach.
398 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Before going farther, it should be noted that several other

propulsion techniques involving isotopes have been proposed [4,
5,6] in which isotopic energy can be used to improve the perform-
ance of other types of propulsion systems. In the NIMPHE [4]
system, isotopic heat is used to improve the performance of
hydrazine monopropellant engines; in RIP [5] isotopic heat is used
to improve the efficiency of cesium contact ion engines, whereas,
in Reference 6, a technique is described for employing isotopic
energy in conjunction with electric propulsion technology to yield
a radically new type of propulsion system. However, in accordance
with current terminology, these latter approaches are not con-
sidered to fall within the realm of isotope propulsion; hence, they
and other similar techniques will not be considered further.


During the past five years, isotope propulsion work has been
seriously pursued in this country. More recently. two studies
have been initiated in Europe [7]. One of these is a six-nation
cooperative effort being conducted under the auspices of ELDO,
and the other is part of a separate French national effort. Two
basic thruster configurations have emerged from the work which
has been performed to date. The first of these is typified by the
Poodle thruster which was evolved by TRW Systems under USAEC
sponsorship. This thruster generates approximately 1/4 lb. of
thrust, and an Isp in the 700- to 800-second range when hydrogen
is used as the working flUid. Designed for steady-state operation,
Poodle offers considerable promise as a high performance primary
propulsion system for powering small upp3r stages on highly
energetic, difficult space missions.
The first basic consideration in thruster design involves selec-
tion of the isotope. Some typical isotopes one has to choose from
are shown in Table 9-1. Spacecraft integration and launch handling
considerations tend to eliminate those isotopes having significant
surrounding radiation fields; hence Co-60 and Sr-90 (as well as
all other y sources and most (3-emitting sources) do not appear
practical for most applications. The remaining three, Pm-147,
Pu-238 and Po-210, do appear to have merit. Of these three,
Po-210 is least expensive and the most readily producible in
large quantities, but its short half-life eliminates it from con-
sideration for long duration missions. In continuous thrusting
applications involving H2 working fluid, the thruster operating
duration generally will not exceed 60 days. Therefore, Po-210
which is an a-emitter was selected for the Poodle thruster because
of its satisfactory half-life, its relatively low cost, its potential
availability in sufficient quantity to support near-term applications,
and its low radiation field. The very high power density (140
Radioisotope Propulsion 399

Table 9-1 Characteristics of Radioisotope Heat Sources

Power Gamma Dose Future
Isotope Half-life Density rlhr. per Watt Availability Cost
Watt/GM @ 1 Meter $/Watt

Pm 147 2.6 y e ars 0.361 0.374 " 10- 7 Limited 91

Po 210 138 days 141.3 1.103 x 10- 4 Good 10

Sr 90 29.3 years 0.932 0.1826 Good 20

Pu 238 89 years 0.56 0.55 x 10- 5 Limited 890


Co 60 5.3 years 5.69 189.5 Good 30

watts/ gm) as well as the existence of refractory Po compounds also

contributed materially to the selection of Po-210 for use in Poodle.
(However, we should not lose sight of the fact that changes in the
future cost and availability of other isotopes could subsequently
change this choice.)
A simplified, artist's conceptual view of the Poodle thruster is
shown in Fig. 9-2. It is 17 inches long and 4 inches in diameter.
With re-entry fins (not shown) it weighs 40 pounds. A total of
5 thermal kilowatts is generated by Po-210 distributed in three
sealed capsules placed end-to-end within a cylindrical module.
This power is transferred at high effiCiency to about 1 lb/hr. of
hydrogen flowing spirally through an annular passage surrounding
the heat source module. The entire thruster is externally insulated
to obtain high thermal efficiency.




Fig. 9 - 2 Poodle thruster model.

400 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
The second basic type of thruster configuration which has
emerged from the work performed to date is typified by the DART
thruster being developed by TRW Systems under USAF Contract.
This thruster, a prototype version of which has recently success-
fully completed testing, is designed for use in spacecraft auxiliary
propulsion systems which operate intermittently over extended
time durations (e.g.,1-5 years). Because of the operative duration,
a long-lived isotope and a storable working fluid are required for
this type of thruster. Therefore, NH3was selected as the propellant
for DART and Pu-238 was selected as the isotope because of its
long half-life, its reasonable availability in sufficient quantity to
support near term applications, and the advanced state of its fuel
form technology. A view of the DART thruster complete with in-
sulation and re-entry aids is shown in Fig. 9-3. The DART thruster
shown here is designed to insure complete containment of radio-
isotope material in the event of accidental launch abort or re-entry
from orbit.


The design and operation of an isotope upper stage* is heavily
influenced by the characteristics of the thruster. For example,
the presence of both low-temperature liquid hydrogen propellant
and high-temperature isotope capsules in close proximity to each
other requires that ample consideration be given to thermal con-
trol; the low thrust, hence. long thrusting times may impose
longer than normal operating lifetimes on certain system com-
ponents; the peculiar nature of the low thrust trajectory affects
the design of guidance, control and telemetry systems; the external
radiation field of the thruster may require special launch pad
ground equipment and influence inter stage design and the location
of experiment packages within the payload.
A view of a model of a 730G-Ib. (including payload), 10-ft.
diameter, liquid H2 -fueled isotope propelled stage which has been
designed at TRW for use on a Titan II A-class booster is shown
in Fig. 9-4. That stage contains four 5KW Poodle thrusters located
immediately below and near the outer radius of the propellant
tank. (By using four swiveled thrusters instead of one 20KW thrust-
er, it is possible to provide all pitch, yaw and roll control as well
as primary thrust with, the same thrusters.) This stage is capable
of placing more than 2300 pounds of useful payload into 24-hour
equatorial orbit, a considerltble increase in the capability of the
Titan II booster over that obtainable using state-of-the-art upper

oIfJ'he term "isotope upper stage" is used here to mean an upper stage which contains
an integral isotope propulSion system as its primary source of thrust (as opposed to a
spacecraft which employs isotope thrusters for auxiliary propulsion purposes).
Radioisotope Propulsion 401

Fig. 9 - 3 DART thruster.

Fig. 9 - 4 Poodle thruster model.

402 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
stages. The Titan II booster would place the Poodle stage in a
300-mile apogee elliptical orbit which would then be circularized
by a lightweight high thrust chemical rocket injection motor con-
tained on board the stage. Once the 300-mile orbit is established,
H2 flow through the Poodle thrusters would commence and the stage
would slowly spiral out to 24-hour orbit, gradually making the plane
change as it goes. The orbit transfer would take a little more than
30 days to perform. To avoid large H2 tank insulation weights
and/or H2 boiloff penalties, the Poodle stage is designed to feed
gaseous H2 into the thrusters at a rate approximately equal to the
boiloff rate in the tank. Insulation weights are therefore minimized
and tank weights can be reduced to those necessary to provide
adequate structural and micrometeorite integrity.
This stage, which has a ratio of dry weight (not including pay-
load) to fueled weight of 0.216, will carry to 24-hour orbit about
45% more payload than Centaur and about 15% more than an opti-
mized F2/H2 stage using the same booster. F2/H2 propulsion
systems have not yet been developed to the point where they can
be incorporated into a flight stage, but their performance is
characteristic of the best which could be obtained from a chemical
system within the foreseeable future. In general, because of the
large fixed weights associated with the engine or the power supply,
nuclear rocket and nuclear-electric propulsion systems (capable
of performing primary propulsive missions within a reasonable
thrusting time) are too heavy for launch with intermediate class
boosters such as Titan II.
This same Poodle stage when employed as a third stage on the
Saturn I launch vehicle or as a fourth stage on Saturn V is capable
of significantly out-performing other systems for many highly
energetic deep space missions in which the isotope stage is in-
jected after being boosted to velocities in excess of earth escape


[9 - 4.1] Primary Propul sion

Systematic mission studies have been conducted [8,9] to identify

where, if at all. isotope propulsion should fit into the propulsion
system/space mission spectrum. These studies, the results of
which are summarized in Fig. 9-5. have compared the performance
of the following launch vehicle combinations:
Saturn IB/Centaur
Saturn IB/Centaur/HEKS (High Energy F2/H2 Kick Stage)
Saturn IB/ Centaur/Poodle
Saturn IB/Small Nuclear Rocket
Saturn IB/Small Nuclear Rocket/HEKS
'C, ooo l I I III .1 l , I t ! 1t t U. I
- ~!. ; ;- ~ ;;; - ~ ~ ~~ ~ t
~~ ~ ~ .: =~>~ ~!:: ~ ~ ~ ~~ B tJ
c.'""! ~ ::2. - : Z ::.\j .... : 20 ~ -~ ~
o 0 Z :; 0 IW
0-0 ~. ..:. > 0 !;: ~
20,000 1 1 1 1 ~I--t-'!\ ;.: t-- z"l!-OO-;-::\ ~-i--=- ~-I--a --
.... ~ :;:;>: .... :;~~ ~ it; 3
~I ~ ~ j .... ;:) >- 2 ..,. ~ ~
:; :( :;
~ ~ ~ ()o ~ -. t!. ~ ~ ,
o ~ ~ ~
10, ooo r- I "
8000 ..... oj, .f.r'v..,!. I ...... !,-, 1"00...
1 ' i', "'~~ " 1',~~ 1 STAGE ~opmANT . ' SP
6000 POODLE lH2 0 2 15 7SO,8OO
(l :''~-/.,I
//1\<, ) 5'~
'~~~ O~~~ ~~~~ 1', ";.~~" ~~"'~. HtKS lHi", 0 164 ,0.18 0 SEC
...., ~
"'- <..::-, 00,
' I '" " ~~~
\ ~ ~" ~'fJ ~'V"I\< I\<~~ ,1 ~'1v~~(~~ ~rfJ~,,- NI~i C
'z" C/)
2 ('SP ' 800 SEC, ' 0 .215)
\ V
~'_'~'M_'~~""- \ I
'\~Mr" I.Q~ ~ "-':~ /~ ~'(~~~ '-';-'~~~I I " ~ I ~.q\!.-A.
' ..... S~
Il'j InD ...
f/ tv. :'i. "'"," ~) '
-r. '.''1,'> <: 0
",' 2000 ....C
SATURN I8/CENTAU~Olf .r.. .. :p", ~ Vc ~O( 'b.r~ J:fl:. 'Die .. (1
('sp 7SO SEC , 0.2 15) I\I ~,;'%~'" ,f V: s ( (~p I'1-\ v.pl\< 1 ;> "'s)
~ 'f" '0 I-
(~p~l-+ ~
:!. \ .,. J'..,(''4'.. "'.........
!.. ~ (,v ~ v~ +..,'t".1/'11v.....
I "",. I~ ..., s.~(" 0 . ~Vc: -c, J('' 0
\ c. ... ~-~ . -:' , :..0 '\0; , o , - ! .\ 'I":I'~ ~0 'i:l
' ';>IS) r<'
':1 I I I I rye- ~~~o:o."s g, ~~.-; '1' ' \
I I'{' ,;~~~\~ ~
~ .\1 ['\'0 0 "'-.'1'-. +,.-~ ~~r.~I--~~ \ .r.; . ~J l'..'~ C/)

\ "c:. \ '~\ 0 1
'-"I J'r . . : ; .0;. "'~ :'\.
.~'. " " "'-
\i \~ l\. ~. "\ ~.0 ~ \ '\ \ "''''
\1 \\ ~o~ ~ ~~~\ ~ :~ ~<~~ i\f\
~ ,~, I \ ~ f\
~ 1\ - ~o
\ 1\ ~ ~ 1\ I\\ \~~ \ \
100 i I \ i 1 \ \J 1\
~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ro H ~ ~ M ~ ~ H m ~

Fig. 9 - 5 Payload as a function of equivalent burnout velocity. ~

404 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Saturn IB/Small Nuclear Rocket/Poodle

Saturn V/ Centaur
Saturn V/Small Nuclear Rocket
Saturn V/Small Nuclear Rocket/HEKS
Saturn V/Small Nuclear Rocket/Poodle

In conducting the mission studies, the structure factor of the

Poodle stage was set at 0.215 (a value obtained from stage design
studies) and results were generated for lsp's of 750 seconds and
800 seconds. An I sp of 800 seconds and a structure factor of 0.20
was used for the small nuclear rocket. The lsp of the F2/H2 stage
(HEKS) was assumed to be 440 seconds and payloads were cal-
culated for structure factors of both 0.16 and 0~18.
In computing the data shown in Fig. 9-5, the net payload
capability of each launch vehicle was determined using precise
orbital mechanics calculations. Due to the greater gravity losses
associated with the low thrust propulsive mode, the actual mo-
mentum imparted to the isotope stage to perform a given mission
is greater than that of the impulsively thrusted stages. However,
to provide Simple, valid comparison between the low-thrust isotope
system and the impulsive thrust systems, the payload capabilities
of the isotope system for given missions are plotted opposite the
impulsive ("equivalent") burnout velocity required to perform
that mission.
It can be seen from Fig. 9-5 that, when used as a fourth stage
on SIB/Centaur, the isotope stage outperforms the HEKS for all
missions requiring impulsive burnout velocities in excess of
58,000 ft/sec. When used as a fourth stage on the SIB/nuclear
rocket vehicle, the isotope stage outperforms the HEKS for all
missions considered and even extends the capability of the SIB/
nuclear rocket launch vehicle to beyond that of the SV /nuclear
rocket launch vehicle. The SV/nuclear/isotope launch vehicle
combination is capable of performing virtually every mission
within the solar system including possibly the highly energetic
solar impact mission.

[9- 4.21 Auxiliary Propulsion

As spacecraft become more sophisticated and missions more

complex, we find the total auxiliary propulsion impulse required
in the low thrust mode to perform the more complicated orienta-
tion, stabilization, vernier velocity and related requirements
rapidly increasing. Cold gas systems which were acceptable for
earlier spacecraft having modest total impulse requirements are
found to be excessively heavy for many spacecraft now in develop-
ment or in planning.
Radioisotope Propulsion 405

System design studies indicate that on-off radioisotope propulsion

systems of the DART type offer the lightest weight low-thrust pro-
pulsion system for a variety of auxiliary propulsion applications.
The weights of a number of different types of low-thrust propulsion
systems are compared as a function of total impulse in Fig. 9-6.
The closest competitors to the DART system are monopropellant
N2H4 and the chemical bipropellant CTF /monomethylhydrazine
systems. Because of limitations in the current state of the art of
liquid propellant systems, a lower thrust limit exists below which
they cannot be operated effectively. This lower limit lies some-
where in the 0.1 to 0.5 lb. thrust range. Hence, for high total
impulse auxiliary propulsion needs requiring thrust levels below
0.1 lb., the radioisotope systems outperform their competitors by
a factor of two or more .


7 .. . 70 IEC

FOUl 0,01 Ib


V ~
V .> N2'-ION2~) ' 02
h p " I~SEC

/ ~

l..-- V


Isp llb SEC
..-: ~

-- -
r~ ;~ =::::..
- - -- I- MONOPltOPHlANl Nl H..
~ hp "" 190 SEC o.~ Ib IHItUS
hI' '"' 2'SO-JobO SEC ~~OPELI.ANf r~p 180 SfC
o O ..5 lb THlluS r
o lOOO 10000

tOt AlIMP\.n.SE, 1.8- sec

Fig. 9-6 Weight versus total impulse for low-thrust systems.


[9-5.11 Design Criteria

[9 - 5. 1. 11 Performance

RadiOisotope thruster design is governed both by performance

and by aerospace safety criteria. Since I sp depends upon the effi-
ciency of the nozzle as well as upon the gas temperature attained,
406 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

thruster performance is a function of nozzle design as well as all

system parameters which affect maximum operating temperatures.
The dependence of l sp on working fluid temperature (for idealized
nozzle flow) is shown in Fig. 9-7 for both H2 and NH 3 For a prime
thrust system of the Poodle type to be competitive, lsp's in the
700-800-second range are required; hence, H2 fluid temperatures
in the 1800 C range must be achieved. For a storable auxiliary
thruster of the DART type to be competitive, l sp's in the 250-300-
second range are required; hence, NH3 fluid temperatures in the
1000 C range must be obtained. Because of nozzle inefficiencies
associated with viscous losses, the working fluid temperatures
actually required to obtain given lsp levels can be as much as 20%
higher than those shown in Fig. 9-7. Therefore, the required lsp
level establishes heat source temperature and nozzle performance




~ 600
~:;...-_ 300 P51A



1000 2000 JOOO 4000


1800 3600 7200


Fig. 9-7 I sp v ersus t emper ature . Calculated effective strain map . WoRe capsule after 30
days at 2000 o C .

[9 - 5. 1. 21 Safety

The present aerospace safety philosophy for Poodle and other

large polonium heat source systems requires complete radio-
isotope containment under all circumstances, including re-entry.
The thermal environment characteristic of a launch pad booster
Radioisotope Propulsion 407

explosion is shown in Fig. 9-8, while the temperatures to which

a Poodle isotope capsule would be heated upon re-entry from
earth orbit are shown in Fig. 9-9. From these thermal and other
considerations, it can be shown that the re-entry environment is
more severe than those considerations arising from possible
mishaps during transportation, handling, and launch operations
including launch pad fires.


n .-t:IIIATUl!.f ftftOFU,[
tlMULl TlIHUATUU .ts1O'f
1000 $IIIULnMI'LUTIIIU! ' fZ t-II ',




Fig. 9-8 Launch abort environment.

~OOO r------'----------------------------'

TIME (SEC) FROM 400.000 FT

Fig. 9 - 9 Capsule tempe rature during re-entry,

The probability of a propellant explosion due to booster mal-

function during powered flight decreases with increasing altitude.
Above 200,000 feet, explosive aborts are virtually impossible.
The propellants mix and burn rapidly, but the strong shock front
normally associated with explosions is absent because of the ex-
tremely low atmospheric pressure. The explosive forces are
probably not sufficient to damage the thruster or to remove the
408 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

capsule from it. Hence, after a suborbital abort, the thruster starts
its re-entry phase intact.
For systems re-entering from orbit, if the orbital decay time
is long enough in relation to the half-life of the isotope, subsequent
re-entry presents no hazards because the isotope decays sufficient-
ly. If, on the other hand, the final orbital lifetime is short in rela-
tion to the isotope half-life, or if the secondary propulsion system
fails to inject the payload into the proper final orbit, radioisotope
capsule integrity must be assured in an orbital decay re-entry
Aerodynamic calculations indicate that peak re-entry tempera-
tures experienced by unaided Poodle thrusters approach allowable
limits (about 1900 C) for state-of-the-art oxidation resistant
coatings on refractory metals. Predicted impact velocities are in
the vicinity of 430 ft/sec. These exceed velocities at which capsules
can be expected to survive. Ablative and heat-sink shields to pro-
tect the engine from re-entry environments and to cushion subse-
quent impact have been considered and rejected on a weight basis.
An alternative re-entry aid, which weighs much less and which
is simpler to attach, has been designed for Poodle. In this design
approach, longitudinal wings or fins are added to the cylindrical
body of the thruster. The fins decrease the ballistic coefficient
WIe dA and induce a spinning motion about the thruster longitudinal
axis, distributing the aerodynamic heating more evenly. In com-
bination, these effects greatly reduce the effective aerodynamic
heat flux, peak re-entry temperature and impact velocity. The
extent to which impact velocity is influenced by fin size and
thruster orientation is shown in Fig. 9-10.



o III 10 15 100

Fig. 9 -10 Thruster impact velocity versus weight.

Radioisotope Propulsion 409

The minimum impact velocity achievable and the additional fin

weight required are quite sensitive to the basic thruster configura-
tions which are primarily governed by capsule dimensions. Hence,
every effort must be made to minimize capsule size. Experimental
data obtained from thruster drop tests from 15,000 ft. altitude
demonstrate that impact velocities are accurately predictable
and can be reduced to less than 200 ft/sec. with reasonable size
fins, while analyses indicate that the heat flux to the thrusters can
be reduced by nearly a factor of three. The peak: temperature of
ca.psules housed within the thruster body can be reduced to about
1530 C, nearly 400 C lower than in a tumbling thruster without
re-entry aids.
After impact, the capsule must continue to provide complete
containment for a significant time either to permit retrieval of
the capsules or to allow the isotope to decay to negligible levels.
Typical post-impact environments which the capsules must with-
stand include exposure to air and soil at temperatures which slowly
decrease from a maximum of about 1200 C down to ambient and
immersion in water.

[9- 5.1.31 Design Criteria Summary

In summary, the principle criteria governing the design and
development of a Poodle type thruster are: material compatibility
for periods of months with H at temperatures in the 2000 C range,
minimum nozzle viscous losses, minimum capsule size, com-
patibility with air for durations of a few hours at temperature in
the 1500-1600 C range, compatibility with air for a period of years
at temperatures in the vicinity of 1200" C, and ability to survive
impact at velocities in the 200 ft/sec. range. Basically, the same
criteria govern the design and development of a DART-type thruster
except for the operating temperature (2000 F instead of 2000 C)
and for compatibility under operating conditions (several years
with NH3 instead of several months with H2). The remainder of
this section is devoted to a discussion of the progress which has
been made toward achieving these design goals.

[9 - 5.2] Heat Source Development

[9- 5.2.1] Radioisotope Fuel

The basic Poodle heat source unit consists of a Po-210 fuel-

form distributed within a matrix, sealed within a protective liner
and placed within a containment vessel (capsule). With Po-210,
as with other alpha emitters, a problem arises due to the pro-
duction of helium as a decay product. The helium does not diffuse
appreciably through capsule materials. At the temperatures con-
cerned, no means have yet been found to vent it without permitting
410 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

the escape of fuel or the entry of oxygen.* Accordingly, the capsule

must provide adequate void space for helium and must function as
a pressure vessel.
The internal pressure causes creep strain to occur in the cap-
sule at a rate which is extremely temperature-dependent. There-
fore, it is essential that the fuel form itself have a low vapor
pressure. otherwise, instead of building up gradually, pressure
will be high at the outset and will remain high during the operating
period-a period when maximum temperature is experienced and
pressure is least tolerable. For this reason, polonium in metallic
form (b.p. 962 C) is not suitable.
A classified AEC program to developpoloniumcompoundswhich
are usable at high temperature is being pursued at Mound Labora-
tory. A 1500 C capability was demonstrated in radioisotope
thruster tests conducted in early 1965 and research is underway
to develop forms capable of operating at temperatures exceeding
2000 C. If, in addition, the fuel form development program should
lead to an inert, insoluble chemical compound which forms ir-
respirable particle Sizes, the containment requirement could be
waived, greatly simplifying capsule design. In that event, internal
gasses could be vented without concern about the escape of minor
quantities of fuel.
In the absence of such an ideal fuel form, major considerations
in heat source development include means to reduce the high tem-
perature creep of encapsulating materials under the influences of
internal pressure; means to survive re-entry heating and impact
shock without release of fuel; and means to resist post-impact
oxidative and corrosive environments until the fuel has decayed
to acceptably safe levels. (For Po-210, this occurs in about
five years after encapsulation.) Capsules containing Pu-238, which
has a half-life in excess of 90 years, cannot be expected to satisfy
this latter requirement; however, inert, insoluble, irrespirable
fuel forms are expected to be available shortly, hence permanent
post-impact containment may not need to be a firm requirement
for systems employing this fuel.

[9- 5.2.21 Capsule Technology

[9- General Considerations

The heart of a radiOisotope propulsion system is the isotope
heat source. It must be capable of satisfying the power level, heat
flux, temperature, lifetime and duty cycle requirements of the
mission, be light in weight and have a configuration which is

*Several promis ing efforts aimed at development of a vented" capsule are currently
underway but as of the time of this writing no satisfactory vented capsule has yet been
Radioisotope Propulsion 411

compatible both with thruster thermal and hydrodynamic char-

acteristics as well as with aerodynamic constraints imposed by
aerospace safety requirements. Additionally, it must have suf-
ficient structural and corrosive integrity to enable it to satisfy
rigorous safety qualification testing.
The primary components of a heat source, as indicated in
Table 9-2, are: fuel, liner, strength member (substrate), clad-
dings, coatings, and structural heat transfer elements. When
selecting the appropriate materials and design for these com-
ponents, ample consideration must be given to their nuclear,
thermal, chemical, metallurgical and mechanical properties as
well as to such matters as fabrication, joining and quality assurance
techniques and to the degree to which the system can be proven out
through testing with non-nuclear, simulated heat sources. This
latter consideration can have a significant bearing on the cost, the
pace with which progress can be made, and the degree of reliability
which can be demonstrated in a heat source development program.
Table 9- 2 Heat Source Design Process Elements
SUbsystem Design Heat Source
Requirements Considerations Components

Power level Nuclear Fuels

Heat flux and temperature Thermal Liners

Weight and shape Chemical Strength members

Lifetime and duty cycle Metallurgical Claddings

Safety Mechanical (pressure Coatings

impact, vibration, shock)
Fabrication Structural and heat
Transfer elements

Quality Assurance
Non-nuclear simulation

While no single capsule material will satisfy all of the physical

and chemical requirements generated by performance and contain-
ment objectives, a composite capsule combining the features of
several materials may do so. At the present time, promise is shown
by a capsule system consisting of a refractory metal alloy substrate
protected from internal and external chemical attack by a system of
liners, coatings, diffusion barriers and claddings. In this combina-
tion, the refractory metal alloy substrate provides the required high
temperature mechanical strength and creep resistance, the external
cladding provides long-term oxidation and corrosion resistance to
operating and abort environments, and the internal liner provides
compatibility with the fuel form.
412 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Although a final choice of substrate material has not been made,

W-25Re is currently preferred for Poodle because of its compati-
bility with H2 at all temperatures, with the noble metal external
claddings now under development and with the tantalum alloys
currently being employed for internal capsule liners. In arc-cast
form it has relatively good creep resistance and ductility and its
ability to withstand impact, though not as good as some of the
candidate materials, has been experimentally demonstrated to be
adequate to satisfy the impact criteria discussed earlier. Because
of its extreme hardness, W-25Re is dlfficultto machine. Thus, high
fabrication costs are added to high material costs. As a practical
consequence. testing with suitably configured specimens has been
Several alternate substrate materials have also been considered.
including Ta-W and Ta-W-Hf alloys. both of which are relatively
inexpensive. easily fabricated and have exhibited superior impact
reSistance. However, substrate/cladding compatibility tests with
these alloys have been unfavorable at operating temperature and
their creep resistance at 2000 C is poorer than W-25Re. Further-
more, in certain ranges below 1000 C, compatibility tests have
shown that severe hydrogen embrittlement occurs. As indicated
previously, the capsule must be able to withstand the build-up of
internal helium pressure resulting from the a decay process. In
designing the capsule, considerable attention must be given to
minimizing the stress levels whenever possible since the creep
resistance of the substrate materials is quite low at 2000 C. In
principle, stress can be reduced any desired amount by scaling
capsule size upward while holding fuel inventory constant. How-
ever. since the size and effectiveness of proposed re-entry aids
are quire sensitive to the heat source configuration, every effort
must also be made to minimize capsule dimensions. This can be
achieved most effectively by unequal distribution of the fuel between
the capsules such that the coldest capsule (the one nearest to the
propellant inlet end) contains the most fuel and the hottest capsule
(the one nearest to the nozzle end), the least. Thus, internal pres-
sure is increased where it is most tolerable and decreased where
it is least tolerable.

[9- 5.2.3] Thermal Design

An optimum thermal design for a capsule thruster subsystem
is one in which:
a. The maximum temperature of the fuel is minimized for a
given maximum working fluid temperature, or conversely, the
maximum possible working fluid temperature can be attained
for a given maximum fuel temperature.
b. The maximum thermal efficiency which is consistent with
requirement (a) is achieved. Thermal efficiency is defined as the
Radioisotope Propulsion 413

net fraction of the total heat source output which is transferred

to the working fluid.
To minimize the temperature difference between the fuel and
the working fluid. considerable effort must be expended both in
minimizing the contact resistance at all of the interfaces between
the fuel and the fluid as well as to maximize the effective thermal
conductivity of the fuel. Effective fuel conductivity can be signifi-
cantly improved through insertion of high conductivity fins within
the fuel. Two of the schemes under consideration are shown in
Fig. 9-11. Contact resistance between metallic surfaces can
be materially reduced through injection of helium into the inter-
face region.

Fig. 9 -11 Fuel temperature flattening techniques. Top: circular fin design; bottom: rec-
tangular fin design.

To achieve maximum thermal efficiency. careful consideration

must be given to each heat path leading from the capsule to the
surrounding structure. Perhaps the greatest potential source of
heat loss is through radiation from the outer shell of the thruster
module to space (or to surrounding structure). To minimize the
heat leakage. considerable attention has been given to the develop-
ment of high temperature concentric. multiple radiation shielding
of the type shown in Fig. 9-12. Experimental efficiencies in excess
of 65% have been obtained in DART-type thrusters using the "free
standing" configuration. whereas efficiencies in excess of 90% have
been achieved with Poodle-type thrusters which use ample multiple
foil insulation.
414 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[9- 5.2.41 Fabrication and Non-Destructive Testing Techniques

Although the materials technology and design constraints involved

in the fabrication of high temperature radioisotope capsules are new
and unique, it has been found that conventional jOining, machining,
and nondestructive testing techniques are adequate. At TRW com-
plete capsules have been fabricated from a wide variety of material
including: more than 30 from W-25Re, 32 from TZM, 9 from
Ta-10W, 10 from Haynes 25, 16 multiwall-TZM/Haynes 25, and
numerous multiwall TZM/pt-Rh.



..' ."""
.'_ , \ : .. ..ut~' -', ..
. -I -,,'- . ~ ~ :

',, ' ~'i.tI:'

'., "'~.'.I,,'

Fig. 9 -12 Radiation shields assembly techniques.

[9 - 5.2.51 Pressure Contai nment

As previously mentioned, the internal pressure created by the

production of helium from the IX decay process causes creep
strain to occur in the capsule. Since the creep resistance of the
candidate substrate materials decreases rapidly with increaSing
temperature, it is essential that every effort be made to minimize
the internal pressure at high temperatures. This can be achieved
by selecting a fuel form which has a low vapor pressure, by in-
creaSing the void volume within the capsule, or by development
of an inert, insoluble fuel form thereby enabling He to be vented
from the capsule.
Significant increases in capsule void volume can significantly
add to the weight of the entire thruster and adversely influence
Radioisotope Propulsion 415

the effectiveness of the re-entry aids. Therefore, every effort

must be made to minimize capsule size.
Computerized analytical techniques have been developed at
TRW for predicting capsule creep capabilities. An example of the
output of this program showing a detailed strain map of a specific
capsule configuration is given in Fig. 9-13 and a comparison of
predicted strain versus experimentally measured strain is shown
in Table 9-3. A view of the capsule pressurizing test fixture used
for generating this experimental data is given in Fig. 9-14.




Table 9- 3 Experimental and Analytical Results

Experimental Circumferen-
Circumferen- tial Strain at
Operating tial Strain Midplane from
Capsule Temperature Duration at Midplane Crash Program
Material (OC) (Days) Pressure (Percent) (Percent)

Haynes 25 930 60 Variable 0.79 1.17

Haynes 25 930 60 Variable 1.55 1.23
W-25Re 2000 30 Variable 1.74 1.23
W-25Re 2000 30 Constant 1.35 1.15
W-25Re 2000 30 Constant 1.56 1.50
W-25Re 2000 30 Variable 4.42 5.54
W-25Re 2000 30 Constant 7.30 7.83

[ Impact

To qualify for space use, radioisotope capsules must demonstrate

their ability to survive impact resulting from a variety of abort
416 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Fig. 9-14 Test fixture for creep testing.

conditions including re-entry from earth orbit. The impact resis-

tance of refractory metal capsules is affected by the processing,
fabrication and joining techniques, the operating stress and tem-
perature history, the capsule temperature and orientation at
impact, the surrounding structure and the nature of the impact
We are not yet able to predict accurately, from analysis, the
impact resistance of hot refractory metal capsules. Therefore, the
capability to survive impact at the velocities of interest must be
demonstrated experimentally. A view of an apparatus for conduct-
ing such tests is shown in Fig. 9-15. The results of a large number
of tests at the temperatures and velocities of interest using capsules
fabricated from a wide variety of materials indicate that capsules
fabricated from most of the refractory materials of interest can be
designed to satisfy the necessary impact criteria. Sectional views

Fig. 9 -15 Impact test apparatus.

Radioisotope Propulsion 417

Fig. 9" 16 Sectioned views of impacted TZM capsules.

Fig. 9" 17 Impacted refractory capsules.

of impacted TZM DART capsules are shown in Fig. 9-16 and outer
views of impacted W-Re Poodle capsules are shown in Fig. 9-17.
Though deformed, each of these capsules was found to be leak-
proof after impact.
418 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[9- 5.2.71 Heat Source Simulation

Because of the large number of tests required to demonstrate

system feasibility and reliability and because of the high expense
associated with performing tests with fueled capsules, a significant
portion of radiOisotope development programs involves testing with
simulated heat sources. In particular, extensive use is made of
resistively heated sources configured as closely as possible to heat
source dimensions. Therefore, early in a program, itis necessary
to develop long-lived resistive heaters capable of operating in the
same environment as will the isotope heat source. A view of a
tungsten heating element developed for use in simulating the Poodle
thruster is shown in Figs. 9-18 and 9-19. That heater operated
continuously under Hz flow conditions at 2100 C for 30 days with
no difficulty or signs of failure.

Fig. 9 -18 Tungsten he ating element for Poodle heat source simulation.

Fig. 9-19 Z100 0 electric heater under test.

[9-5. 2.81 Oxidation and Corrosion of Encapsulating Materials

As previously indicated, the capsules must be capable of sur-

viving post-impact exposure to air, water or soilfor extended time
periods as well as of surviving peak re-entry heating temperatures
and launch pad explOSion temperatures in oxidizing environments.
Radioisotope Propulsion 419

It has been established that the refractory metal strength members

(substrate) require high temperature oxidation resistant claddings.
Work performed at TRW over the past several years has further
established that, for the TZM DART capsules, pt-Rh alloys are
satisfactory. Not only have these capsules operated for 30-day
periods, at temperature within a thruster, but they have also sur-
vived impact testing under realistic re-entry conditions. Further-
more, oxidation rate data indicate that these claddings will maintain
their integrity for many years.
The TRW work [11] has also indicated that satisfactory noble
metal claddings involving iridium-rhodium alloys can be developed
to satisfy the Poodle thruster requirements. These alloys have been
found to have suffiCiently high melting points to withstand the
thruster operating environment and, at the same time, low enough
air oxidation rates to maintain their integrity for the life of the
Poodle fuel (approximately 5 years). Furthermore, it has been
found that W-25Re is chemically compatible at 2000 C with all
Rh-Ir alloys containing greater than 25 atomic present iridium.
On the other hand, T-222 alloy (Ta-lOW-2.5Hf) is chemically in-
compatible at 2000 C with all Rh-Ir alloys, including pure Ir.
Moreover, at temperatures below which liquid phases form, the
rate of solid state interdiffusion between W-25Re and Rh-Ir alloys
is much slower than the interdiffusion rate between T-222 and the
Rh-Ir alloys. Therefore, it is concluded that of the two candidate
Poodle capsule substrate materials (W-25%Re and T-222), the
W-25%Re is by far the more desirable from the point of view of
chemical interactions with the candidate noble metal cladding
Multiple coupon-stacking compatibility experiments of the type
indicated in Fig. 9-20 have also demonstrated that pure iridium
has promise as a diffusion barrier material for use between a
W-25%Re substrate and another noble metal cladding at 2000 C
whereas A1203 and Zr02 were found to satisfactorily inhibit diffusion
between TZM and pt-Rh and T-222 and pt-Rh in the DART tem-
perature range.

[9- 5.31 Nozzle Performance

When the flow at the throat of a converging-diverging nozzle

is in the laminar regime, a rapid growth of the boundary layer
takes place in the diverging section. Poodle nozzles are subject
to this phenomenon, since they have characteristic throat Reynolds
numbers under 2000. Without careful design and optimization, a
significant loss in nozzle efficiency can result. During the past
several years, TRW Systems has been condUcting analytical and
experimental studies of laminar nozzle behavior. Results thus
420 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

far indicate that nozzle efficiencies in excess of 88% at an area

ratio of 100 are achievable with Poodle thrusters.


"".' T-222
:.. Rh
W-2S Re
~~J- _ _- T-222
1 - - - - - Rh-30 Ir
W-25 Re
Rh-50 Ir
:: I
W-25 Re


Fig. 9 -20 Compatability tes t apparatus.

Nozzle efficiency is defined here as the ratio of delivered

specific impulse to theoretical specific impulse. Since specific
impulse varies approximately as the square root of the absolute
temperature, the increase in operating temperature required to
offset nozzle losses in maintaining a given performance can be
substantial. For example, a 10% loss in nozzle efficiency must be
compensated by almost a 20% increase in absolute temperature
in order to hold specifiC impulse constant.
The effect of the boundary layer as a function of Reynolds
number can be seen in Fig. 9-21 where the radius of a conical
nozzle having a central inviscid core with a given gas density
and velocity at the nozzle exit plane is compared to the radius of
an ideal, frictionless nozzle which expands the same mass flow
to the identical exit plane conditions. The results, based on
boundary-layer analysis developed by Cohen and Reshotko, are
Radioisotope Propulsion 421

1.0 R.actuol


U 0.6
.... -
~!::: 04
01;5 .


AREA RA TI 0 = 100

o~ __~__~__~~~~~~~~__~__~__~~~
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Fig. 9 - 21 Comparison of actual and frictionless nozzle radii.

for a conical nozzle with an area ratio of 100 and a nozzle half-
angle of 20. It is seen that the frictionless nozzle radius is sub-
stantially smaller than the actual nozzle radius, even at a Reynolds
number of 2500. Fortunately, the average momentum at the exit
plane is not decreased proportionately. Since the boundary layer
near the insulated wall is at a higher temperature and lower denSity,
most of the flow remains in the inviscid core. The predicted effi-
ciency for the above nozzle is compared with experimentally deter-
mined efficiency data in Fig. 9-22 for area ratios of 20, 40 and
100. The experimental curves were obtained by Simulating the
Poodle nozzle throat Reynolds number with N2 at 760 C instead
of H2 at 2000. This procedure eliminates the need for refractory
components and permits a more accurate determination of the
propellant temperature. Subsequent test data with H2 at higher
temperatures confirmed these results.
Thrust was measured with a dynamometer which was accurate
to less than a millipound over the range from 0 to 0.1 lb. Per-
formance data were obtained for supersonic nozzle configurations
having divergence half angles of 10 0 , 20 and 35 0 and area ratios
of 20, 40 and 100 over a wide range of throat Reynolds numbers.
The experimental results for the 10 and 35 0 half-angle nozzles
were similar to those for the 20 nozzle, except that the nozzle
efficiencies were several percent lower. Although the nozzle
efficiency decreased with increasing area ratio in all cases, the
value of specific impulse which is the parameter to be maximized,
continued to increase. Since the frictional losses in the divergent
422 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


~ 100

...Z0 0.82



600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600


Fig. 9 - 22 Nozzle efficiency.

section increase with length while the incremental performance

gains from further expansion decrease, an optimum area ratio
exists. Experimental results with various nozzle contours and
half-angles indicate that the optimum is about 100 for flows having
Reynolds numbers of 2000. Of the divergent half-angles tested,
the 20 nozzles produced the highest specific impulse followed
by the 10 and 35 nozzles, respectively. The efficiency of the
sonic nozzle was in excess of 99%, confirming that the losses occur
in the divergent section of the nozzle.
A comparison of computed and experimentally determined nozzle
efficiences shows that the dependence of effiCiency on Reynolds
number and area ratio is correctly given, but the absolute values
of the theoretical efficiencies are about 5% higher. Experimental
measurements of the radial distribution of impact pressure at the
nozzle exit plane indicate that this discrepancy is associated with
the fact that the boundary layer at the nozzle exit occupies a larger
portion of the flow area than predicted by analysis.

[9 - 6] SUMMARY

Competitive auxiliary propulsion applications exist today for

radioisotope thrusters operating in the 2000 F range using NHa
Radioisotope Propulsion 423

working fluid and having an unlimited on-off capability. Further-

more, the state of the art of today's thruster, capsule and fuel
form technology is sufficient to enable immediate development
of these thrusters.
No immediate application exists for the higher performing
(lsp 700-800 secs.), higher temperature (> 2000 C), higher thrust
('" 1/4 lb.) primary propulsion systems of the Poodle type. How-
ever, mission studies clearly indicate that a Poodle upper stage
is capable of greatly extending our ability to perform difficult
space missions, particularly when used in conjunction with a nuclear
rocket lower stage.
strong progre ss in the Poodle thruster and heat source tech-
nology areas during the past several years indicates that an
acceptable thruster could be developed within 2 to 3 years pro-
viding sufficient efforts are expended to simultaneously extend
polonium fuel form technology into the 2100-2200 C regime.

1. Seifert, H.S., M.M. Mills, and M. Summerfeld: The Physics
of Rockets, American Journal of Physics, 15:1, 1-21, Jan.-
Feb., 1947.
2. Martinez, J.S.: Isotope Propulsion, Space/Aeronautics, Nov.
3. : Isotope/Thermal Thrusters and Applications, paper
presented at Second AGARD/NATO Lecture Series on Nuclear
PropulSion (Brussels), Oct. 1964.
4. , L.J. Van Nice, A.F. Grant: Nimphe, A New Rapid,
Restartable Monopropellant NzH4 Engine, paper presented at
AIAA Summer Meeting, June 17-20, 1963.
5. Forbes, S.G., B.I. Friedman, and J.S. Martinez: Ionic Pro-
pulSion Systems, Patent No. 3210926 dated 12 October 1965.
6. Mickelsen, W.R. and C.A. Low, Jr.: Potentialities of the
Radioisotope Electrostatic Propulsion System, paper pre-
sented at AlA A Electric Propulsion Conference, (Colorado
Springs), March 11-13,1963, AIAA Paper No. 63048-63,11 pp.
7. Private Communication, Jean-Pierre Contzen, Member of
staff, European Launcher Development Organization (ELDO),
June 1966.
8. Jortner, D. and J.S. Martinez: System and Mission Con-
siderations for a Radioisotope Propulsion System (Poodle),
paper presented at AIAA First Propulsion Joint Specialist
Conference, (Colorado Springs), June 14-18, 1965.
9. Simms, R.: Comparative Capabilities of Advanced Propulsion
Systems for Upper Stage Propulsion, paper presented at
AIAA Third Propulsion SpeCialist Conference, (Washington)
July 1967.
424 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Protyulsion

10. Jones, I.R. and G.E. Austin: Poodle Radioisotope Propulsion

Technology, Radioisotopes for Aerospace, Part 2: Systems
and Applications, Plenum Press, 1966.
11. Ogren, J.R., J.L. Blumenthal, and R.C. Ham: Radioisotope
Propulsion Technology Program (Poodle), Final Report,
Vol. m, STL-517-0049, Oct. 1966.
Part Five
Electric and Ion Propulsion
Electric and Ion Propulsion

S. G. Forbes, Assistant Manager

Atomic Energy Division
Phillips Petroleum Company


[10.1.1] Energy Sources

Early workers [1] in rocketry recognized the desirability of

producing higher exhaust velocities than can be obtained chemically.
This recognition comes directly from the basic rocket equation
tl V ~ C In ---.!. (10-1)
where tlV = the change in velocity achieved in free space acceleration
C = exhaust velocity of the rocket
mi = initial mass of the rocket
mr = final mass of the rocket
In a chemical rocket the exhaust velocity C is limited by the
energy available per unit mass of exhaust products. Higher velocity
increments may be obtained by increasing the mass ratio mi/mr by
staging, etc . but the logarithmic nature of the velocity gain com-
bined with practical aspects of fixed masses such as structure,
nozzles and pumps, impose limitations on this approach. The
alternative is to find some way to raise the exhaust velocity to
values higher than can be obtained from the energy of chemical
reactions. Energy density requirements can be estimated by com-
puting the velocity that the energy source would achieve if all of
its available energy were converted to kinetic energy. Thus,
E ~ - m v2 (10-2)

where E = total energy available

m = mass of the energy source
v = hypothetical velocity of the energy source.
428 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Solving for v,

v = ~2E
== V

which is called the "characteristic veloclty"* of the energy source.

-":AS-- an "example of a high-energy chemical" system, the total
enthalpy available from room-temperature oxygen and hydrogen
is about 6.8 x 10 3 Btu/lb. which. if it were all converted into
translational** kinetic energy. would produce a velocity of about
5620 meters per second. By contrast. a's61ar array with a specific
weight of 50#/KW operating for one year would produce 6xI0 5
Btu/lb. giving Vc = 52,800 meters/second. Another possible source
having high energy denSity is a nuclear reactor. For example, if a
complete nuclear-electric generator could be built with a specific
weight of 20#/KW and operated in space for two years, the energy
output would be 3x 106 Btu/lb. giving Vc = 118,000 meters/second.
Energy sources such as these offer from 100 to 1000 times
the energy density available from chemical sources. Both ex-
amples have several characteristics in common: the weight of
the actual energy source is negligible in comparison to the
weight of the system required to extract the energy, the weight
(mass) of the system is proportional to the power output, and
the energy available is proportional to the operating time.
To illustrate the first point, a solar array actually has no
energy source aboard the spacecraft but extracts energy from the
sun, while the weight of nuclear fuel for a reactor system always
represents a negligible fraction of the system weight.
The second statement can be written mathematically in the

mw = IXP (10-4)

where mw = mass of the power plant

IX = specific weight of the power plant (e.g., lb/KW)
P = power output (KW)

The third statement can be written

E = PT (10-5)

where T = the operating time of the power plant (e.g., mission


The term "characteristic velocity" in this context has a different meaning from
that used in chemical rockets. "
This cannot be done even in a perfect rocket. Energy taken up in molecular rota-
tion reduces the theoretical value to about 80% of that calculated above.
Electric and Ion Propulsion 429

Then the characteristic velocity can be found to be

v = [2E = _fi; (10-6)

c ~;;: l-;;
The characteristic velocity of power plants is shown parametrically
in Fig. 10-1.

10 6

~ 10 5 r--------+--------~~------r_~~~~~~~~
u o
OIl u
! 10 5 'i
OIl J!
"u 10 4 r--------+~~~~~~~~~~------_r------~ :>

Mission time T = seconds

Fig. 101

The important things to notice in Eq. (10-6) and Fig. 10-1 are
that the characteristic velocity increases with operating time
(mission duration) and with decreasing specific weight of the
energy source. Most important, the characteristic velocity of
state-of-the-art solar-electric systems is of the order of 5X 10 4
meters/second or 1.5X 10 5 ft/second. As we shall see, this leads
to attractive payloads and velocity increments, although not as high
as might be expected by analogy with chemical systems.

[10.1.2] The Separately Powered Rocket

The high energy denSity sources (solar and nuclear) provide no

reaction mass that can be used for propulsion in a space environ-
ment. In fact, that characteristic is inherent in the statement of
negligible "fueP' weight. Therefore, reaction mass must be added
to the system to make it useful as a space rocket. The generalized
form of the separately powered rocket is shown schematically in
Fig. 10-2. It consists of four essential elements: (1) the power
430 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Profn!,lsion


Fig. lO- 2

source. (2) the reaction mass or "propellant," (3) the thruster

which combines energy and mass to produce momentum of the
exhaust beam and, hence. thrust. and (4) the "payload" which
is defined as all other system elements not directly related to
(1). (2) or (3).
The impact of adding the propellant mass to the system
relates primarily to the choice of exhaust velocity v which can
be made as high as desired. short of relativistic complications.
However, we do not want the highest attainable velocity as can
be shown by considering the influence of v on the masses of the
propellant and power supply. In an ideal rocket (no losses)

thrust, F = mp v
. (conservation of momentum) * (10-7)

1. 2
power, P - mp v (conservation of energy). (10-8)

P=F!!.. (10-9)
and the power plant mass will be

(X- (10-10)

Dots indicate time derivatives, hence mp is the propellant mass flow rate.
Electnc and Ion Propulsion 431

The total impulse delivered during a time r is

I = Fr (10-11)


mw = ~ I v = I _v_ (10-12)
2r Vc 2

We see that the power plant mass is proportional to the total im-
pulse, I, multiplied by the exhaust velocity and hence will be very
large if v is increased to high values.
The propellant mass is
Fr I
v v

and therefore varies inversely with the exhaust velocity for a fixed
total impulse produced. The individual masses and their combined
mass are shown in Fig. 10-3.

mw =- v
Vc 2


Fig. 10- 3

It is evident that the total mass becomes infinite for very high
or very low exhaust velocities. The minimum mass for the com-
bined propellant-power plant system occurs when the two masses
are equal, giving
I Vopt I
mw = -- = (10-14)
Vc 2 Vopt

and the minimum total mass occurs when

Vopt = Vc (10-15)
432 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Since the characteristic velocity is dependent only on power plant

specific weight and mission duration, we draw the important con-
clusion that these elements alone determine the desired exhaust
velocity Vopt.
We have from Eqs. (10-11) and (10-14) all the necessary quan-
tities to determine the initial acceleration, ai, of the system.
ai = (10-16)


F (10-17)
21v 21
mi 2m w =- (10-18)
Vc 2 Vc

Vc 1
ai (10-19)
2r &
We see that high accelerations go with short mission times (and
light power plants) and, conversely, that long mission times lead
to low initial accelerations. For example, taking the solar electric
rocket with a = 50#/KW for which we found Vc = 5.3x 10 4 m/sec.
(",174,000 ft/sec.) and dividing by twice the mission time (1 year
x 2 = 6.3 X 10 7 sec.) gives

1. 74 x 10 5 ft.l sec. -3 2
2.77 x 10 ft.! sec.
6.3 x 10 7 sec.

or dividing by g,

2.77 x 10- 3 ft.lsec. 2 _ 86 10-5 ,

2 -. x gs
32.2 ft.! sec.

It is emphasized that this low value is characteristic of the power

plant and mission time, not the thrust device about which nothing
has been said thus far.

[10-1.3] Effects of Variable Mass

The simple model presented is incomplete since only initial

mass has been minimized. For more detailed derivations, the
reader is referred to works of D.B. Langmuir [1] and E. Stuhlinger
Electric and Ion Propulsion 433

[2]. Some of these results are summarized briefly.

starting with the basic rocket equation (10-1)
~V = v In ~
and the definitions (for ideal rockets)





then it can be shown that

~V = (3 In 1 + (32
Ve K + (32

As we would expect from previous results, this function has a

maximum in the vicinity of v = Ve or (3 = 1. Since the payload
fraction K enters the equation, it is clear that some modification
will be expected. The exact results are plotted in Fig. 10-4 which
shows ~VIVe versus vlVe for several values of K. We see that the
locus of maximum velocity increments begins at v = 0.505 Ve for



v/V c

Fig. 10- 4
434 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

zero payload and approaches v = Vc (our previous result) as the

payload fraction approaches unity. This limit is not a trivial case
since it is typical of a satellite auxiliary propulsion system in
which the electric propulsion system represents a small portion
of the system weight. Likely values for K are 0.2 to 0.3 for primary
propulsion systems and 0.9 or higher for auxiliary propulsion sys-
tems. For primary propulsion, convenient rules of thumb are

~V opt ~ 0.5 Vc (10-25)


For auxiliary propulsion systems, convenient figure of merit is the

system specific impulse or "system effectiveness" which is defined
as the total impulse produced per poundofinitial propulsion system
weight. From the previous derivations Eq. (10-18) we find
I Vc Vc
- =-- = (10-27)
gmi 2Ig 2g

To summarize for auxiliary propulsion.

Effectiveness = (10-28)

Vopt = Vc (10-29)

[10-1.4] Power Requirements and Rocket Efficiency

An important aspect of electric rockets is the power required

to produce a given amount of thrust at the high specific impulses
of interest. By definition,

We found before Eq. (10-10) that

P = F!!. mpg Is p v (10-30)

2 2
and since (10-7)

then for an ideal rocket

F Isp g
P (10-31)
Electric and Ion Propulsion 435

In a real rocket the power will be higher than that for an ideal
rocket so we define the Rocket Efficiency TfR as

TfR =-- (10-32)

thus the power requirement for a real rocket is


F lsp g

This is sometimes called the power efficiency, but since this

may easily be confused with the electrical efficiency, the term
rocket efficiency is preferred by the author. Note that in its second
form Eq. (10-34) it clearly shows that waste of power (electrical
efficiency), waste of propellant (propellant utilization), or loss of
thrust (exhaust velocity dispersion in magnitude or direction), all
reduce TfR in appropriate magnitude so that inefficiencies of all
kinds are properly accounted for. Note also that as long as the
proper definition of lsp is adhered to, a plot of TfR versus lsp for
an electric rocket is a complete description of its effectiveness as
a system component.
Some idea of the quantitative aspects of power requirements
can be obtained by finding the power-to-thrust ratio in familiar
units which turn out to be
P 22 watts
I sp (seconds) (10-35)
F TfR lb(thrust)

Thus at 5000 seconds an ideal rocket would require 110 KW/lb.

thrust and a real rocket might take 1.5 times this. Note that the
power-to-thrust ratio, PIF, given in KW/lb., is similar to the
specific power (l/a) in KW/lb. Since these are easily confused,
the author prefers to use a as the specific weight lb./KW instead
of its reCiprocal KW/lb. used by some authors [1].
The numerical example shows that even low thrust at high I sp
demands considerable power. On the other hand. a pound of thrust
is sufficient to give a vehicle weighing initially five tons a very
high free-space velocity in the course of a year (",100,000 ft/sec.).

[10-1.5] Effects of Gravitational Fields

The gravitational fields present near massive bodies such as
the earth can produce, accelerations that are much greater than
436 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
the acceleration produced by electrical propulsion systems. It is
obvious that escape from the earth's surface is not possible with
such a system. Less obvious is the effect of continuous exposure
to the gravitational acceleration after orbit is achieved by other
means. If the thrust veGtor has any appreciable component parallel
to the gravity vector. the latter will greatly influence the net thrust
and accordingly modify the velocity increment. This effect is
called the "gt" loss in chemical rocketry and represents impulse
lost while thrusting along the gravity vector.
For low thrust propulsion. trajectories near earth remain
nearly circular during thrusting. and the velocity vector is per-
pendicular to the gravity vector. In this case, the fN required is
very nearly equal to the change in equilibrium orbital velocity at
the two orbits. For example, to raise a satellite from 200 nautical
miles where the orbital velocity is 25,213 ft/sec. to a synchronous
orbit of 19.351 nautical miles where the orbital velocity is 10,078
ft/sec. requires a free space ~v of
~v 25,213 - 10,078
15,135 ft.! sec.
At greater distances from earth, the trajectories acquire greater
radial components, and it is not possible to keep the thrust vector
simultaneously at right angles to the gravity vector and parallel
to the vehicle velocity vector. As a result. the calculation of velocity
increments and trajectories become more complex. Even after
earth escape, the gravitational acceleration of the sun (-v6X 10-4 g's
at 1 AU) is large compared to that of the vehicle. and velocities
achieved may be less than half that calculated for free space if
the trajectory has a large radial component.


The function of the thruster is to combine the energy from the
power source with mass from the propellant supply to produce
collimated exhaust stream of the deSired velOCity. There are a
number of thrust devices that can be used to achieve our purpose.
For convenience. these are grouped in accordance with the basic
prinCiples used in the acceleration process which, broadly speaking,
falls into three categories:
(1) Thermal thrusters. Thermal thrusters as separately pow-
ered rockets include all gas and nozzle systems in which the energy
source is not inherent in the propellant. The propulsive force is
derived from aerodynamic pressures against the rocket nozzle.
(2) Electrostatic thrusters. In electrostatic thrusters, some
form of electrically charged propellant is expelled from the thruster
by virtue of potentials applied to electrodes. Theforces arise from
the interaction of charged particles with electric fields.
Electric and Ion Propulsion 437

(3) Electromagnetic of plasma thrusters. In plasma thrusters,

highly ionized gases or plasmas are accelerated by interaction
with electromagnetic fields. Both positive and negative particles
are accelerated simultaneously, and the propulsive force arises
from interaction between electric currents within the plasma and
magnetic fields either self-induced or externally imposed.

[10- 2.1] Thermal Thrusters

A cold gas jet falls into this category because the enthalpy of
the gas (nitrogen, for example) is derived primarily from the sun
which brings the gas to the neighborhood of 300 Kelvin, at which
temperature it is released to a nozzle whose function is to convert
the random molecular motion into directed kinetic energy in the
exhaust with as little residual random motion (temperature) as
possible. If extra heat is added to the gas in an electrically powered
heat exchanger, the specific impulse of the exhaust stream can be
raised to higher values and the thruster is called electrothermal.

[10- 2.1.1] The Resistojet

In the resistojet, an electric heater of the resistive type is

used to add heat to the gas stream. Two methods have been used.
One is to wind a jacketed heater similar to that used in an electric
range around a mandrel with a similar length of gas feed line
interwound with it. This makes an efficient heat exchanger which
can accommodate several gas lines for multiple nozzle operation
needed for attitude control systems. Attainable temperatures are
limited somewhat by the temperature gradients needed to trans-
fer heat from the resistance element through the insulation,
double walls and into the gas. This can be reduced and higher
gas temperatures achieved by using the gas conduit walls as the
resistive element at the expense of mechanical complications.
The caption of Fig. 10-5 gives the operating characteristics
of an electrothermal thruster flown on the Vela satellite, the
first electric thruster to be put to practical use.
Temperature limitation of materials limit the specific impulse
of resistojets to less than 10 3 seconds for hydrogen. Practical
considerations usually make the storage of hydrogen impractical
in a. small system. An attractive alternate is ammonia which can
be decomposed at relatively low temperatures (",1400 F) into
nitrogen and hydrogen. In this manner, Isp as high as 350 seconds
can be reached at temperatures of about 3000 F. The efficiency
of this type of thruster begins to drop rapidly as Isp is raised,
because of the energy required to decompose the propellant.
This energy is not recovered as thrust energy and is thus lost.

Prope lla nt Flow Tube Heater Element Mounting Brackets

Thermometer Leads 011 ~

Lead Wi res ~

nl II ~
Thermometer -----J Insulation ~
Fig. 10 - 5 Vela thruster. Characteristics: propell a nt, nitrogen; thrust, 0.042 lbs.; I S/J ' 123 ...
sees.; temperature, 1000o F; electrical power input, 96 watts; thruster weight, 0.65 lbs. ;::!
Electric and Ion Propulsion 439

A typical efficiency curve for a decomposed ammonia thruster is

shown as Curve 1 in Fig. 10-17. Although the efficiency tends to
be low at higher Isp. the Simplicity and reliabilitY'of this system
makes it attractive in many cases.

[10- 2.1.2] Arc Jets

Specific impulse limitations imposed by materials can be over-

come in principle by adding energy directly to the gas in a high
intensity arc. A schematic of an arc jet configuration is shown in
Fig. 10-6.


: : : : : - - : : Gas


Fig. 10-6

In this manner. the gas temperature can be raised above the

melting point of the electrodes to perhaps 10 40 K. At these tem-
peratures, appreciable dissociation and ionization of the gas occurs,
absorbing energy which cannot be recovered in the nozzle. Addi-
tional losses occur at the electrodes. Radiation losses also reduce
the overall efficiency. The predominant losses, however, are
those of dissociation and ionization. These cause the efficiency
curve to have the general characteristics shown in Curve 2 of
Fig. 10-17 which is for ammonia propellants.

[10- 2. 1.3] Ablative Thrusters

A variant of the arc jet is the ablative thruster in which a high

intensity arc, usually a capacitor- discharge, is used to produce
gaseous propellant by ablation of a solid or liquid. The arc is used
to heat the resulting gas which in a confined volume may reach
10 to 20,000 0 C. Propellants used are usually hydrocarbons or
other compounds containing light elements. Energy losses of three
kinds occur: heating of the walls (some of which provides the pro-
pellant generation), ionization losses (fairly high at these tempera-
tures), and black body radiation from the hot gas. Efficiencies run
from 10 to 20% in the I s p range of 500 to 1000 seconds. Performance
440 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

is similar to arc jets with some advantage in the ability to provide

small impulse increments (bits) in the pulsed mode operation which
also permits low average power. Minimum power-to-thrust ratios
run in the 100 to 150 KW/#range. These systems are compact and
simple to implement.

[10 - 2. 2] Electrostatic Thrusters

Electrostatic thrusters have three basic elements: a source of

ions or other charged particles, an accelerator electrode which
provides the electric field for accelerating the particles, and a
neutralizer which is usually an electron emitter for providing a
neutral exhaust beam. These elements along with the requisite
power supplies are shown schematically in Fig. 10-7.

8 ffi e ()

_~ >-
Main 0-
I> ~

Pawer o
:> .-.. I>

"uu ._.
Supply ..!V> O.z;
:: 1;
0 :> U

Fig. 10-7

Electrostatic thrusters are customarily classified according to

the type of charged particle used and further by the method used
to produce these particles. Thrusters using charged atoms such
as Hg+ or Cs+ are called ion engines while those using charged
aglomerates of many atoms or molecules are called colloid
thrusters to indicate their microscopic but multiparticle nature.
Three types of ion sources have had intensive development, high
pressure arcs (plasmatrons), low pressure arcs (bombardment
engines) and surface ionization (contact engines). Colloids have
been generated by droplet condensation on ions in supersonic
Electric and Ion Propulsion 441
nozzles, contact charging of micro-spheres and by electrostatic
spraying. A basic consideration is of course how the desired
velocities are to be achieved. The velocity of a charged particle
of charge q and mass m accelerated through a potential V 0 is
given by


We see that the important characteristic of the particle is its

charge-to-mass ratio q/m rather than the values of q or m. The
relationship in Eq. (10-36) is plotted in Fig. 10-8 with q/m as the
abscissa and particle velocity as ordinate with the accelerating
potential V 0 as a parameter. Charge-to-mass ratio for singly
ionized mercury and cesium atoms is indicated along with values
that have been achieved in practice with colloids. It is seen that
desirable velocities are reached in the 1 to 10 KV range for ions
and in the 10 to 100 KV range for colloids.

10 6
105 ~


>" >"

Charge to mass ratio eoulombs/Kg

Fig. 108

[] Ion Engines

[] High Pressure Arcs (Duoplasmatron)

The principle ingredient of the duoplasmatron is a magnetically

confined arc running at high pressure. Production of ions is quite
efficient and very high current densities can be collimated through
small apertures to provide an ion source for the accelerator.
442 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
The crucial difficulty in this approach is caused by a process
called resonant charge exchange which turns out to be a dominant
consideration in all ion engines conceived thus far. The problem
arises because of the high probability that an ion in flight en-
countering a neutral atom will take away an electron and proceed
on as a neutral atom leaving the stationary particle behind in the
ionized state. The original ion is now neutral and proceeds in a
straight line with whatever velocity it possessed at the time of the
encounter. This velocity is not the desired one, and the particle
may strike the accelerator which, in a proper design, the original
ion would have missed. Similarly, the new ion will not acquire the
full potential of the accelerator because it was created at a point
in space having some intermediate potential. Its trajectory may also
intersect the accelerator electrode. The loss of ions is not serious,
but their impact with the accelerator can be disastrous. An ion
having a velocity of the order of 50 KM/ sec. striking a solid object
may remove from 5 to 10 atoms of the target material by an ero-
sion process called "sputtering." The seriousness of this effect
can be appreciated by hypothesizing that 1% of the exhaust ions
undergo charge exchange and that subsequent impacts on the
accelerator remove (on the average) 5 atoms per impact. If these
atoms are of comparable weights, every kilogram of propellant
expelled will produce 10 grams of charge exchange ions which
will remove 50 grams of' electrode material. Under these condi-
tions, a thruster operating at 0.1 lb. force for one year at an I sp
of 3000 seconds would eject 1000 pounds of propellant and would
erode away 50 pounds of electrodes. This is many orders of mag-
nitude more than can be tolerated in an ion engine.
The rate of production of charge exchange ions is proportional
to the neutral gas density, the path length, and the ion current.
The high pressure arc suffers particularly from charge exchange
because of its high neutral gas density and small electrode size
needed to produce high current densities. As a result, this
approach has been largely abandoned as being efficient but having
inadequate durability for the long missions characteristic of
electric rocket applications.

[10-] Contact Thrusters

The process of surface ionization was discovered by I. Langmuir

[3] who found that alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs and Fr) ab-
sorbed on the hot surface of a high work function substrate such as
tUngsten were desorbed as ions under proper conditions. This
phenomenon can be understood qualitatively by recognizing that
the energy of the adsorbed atom's valence electron will be lower
when it is in the Fermi band of the substrate than when it is
Electric and Ion Propulsion 443

attached to its atom. This energy difference is the difference

between the work function of the substrate and the ionization
potential of the atom. Under these conditions, statistical equili-
brium greatly favors desorption of the atom in the ionized state
leaving the electron behind in the substrate. To obtain a high
percentage of ionization, it is desirable to have a large energy
difference. It is also desirable to hold the substrate at a high
temperature to provide the rapid desorption necessary for reason-
able ion fluxes from the surface. Cesium is a desirable propellant
because of its low ionization potential (3.8 volts) and its high mass,
and tungsten with its high work function (4.6 volts) and good
mechanical and refractory properties is a good substrate.
The ionizer then consists of a heated tungsten surface supplied
with cesium atoms which are thermally desorbed as ions and sub-
sequently accelerated by the electric field as shown in Fig. 10-9.

Porous Tungsten Ionizer (1400 o K)



Heat Shield
Thermal Radi"tion

+2 KV -200V

Fig. 10-9

Delivery of cesium atoms on the ionizer surface can be by several

means, but diffusion (as a gas) through a porous tungsten structure
is most common in practice. In this manner, ionization efficiencies
greater than 99% can be achieved at ion current densities of 15 to
20 malcm2; thus propellant losses are insignificant in this type of
ion source. Similarly the loss of thrust through velocity dispersion
in the exhaust beam can be held to a few percent. The major
efficiency loss is through thermal radiation from the heated ionizer.
The temperature required to desorb ions at the rate of 20 malcm2 is
about 1400 o K, at which temperature the heat loss (for a 15 cm 2
ionizer, for instance) is about 10 watts/cm 2 This represents an
energy 10 ss per ion formed of
444 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
E. _ 10 watts/em 2
IOn - 0.02 amps/em2

= 500 volts

this despite the fact that the actual ionization energy for cesium
is only 3.8 eV. Thus the energy efficiency of ion production is
less than 1%.
Similar values are encountered in other ion sources. How
serious is this energy loss? The electrical efficiency of an ion
thruster can be written

"It! = (10-37)
Vo + E ion

where V 0 = the net acceleration potential.

Eion = ionization energy in volts.
In other words, the loss of 500 eV per ion formed is the same
as though the ion had fallen through 500 volts potential without
acquiring any kinetic energy. A representative value of V0 for
a cesium ion is 2000 volts (1 s = 5500 seconds); then the electrical
efficiency is 80% which is quite acceptable. However, if the mis-
sion is short (say, 1/2 'year) and the power source (including
power converters and controls) weighs 100#/KW, the desired lsp
is about half this or 2750 seconds, which requires a net accelera~
ting potential of 500 volts, and the electrical efficiency drops to
50%. This is characteristic of all thrusters which display a fixed
energy loss per particle w,hich is typical of ion engines. A rep-
resentative efficiency curve for a contact ion thruster with one-
or two-year electrode life is shown in Curve 3 of Fig. 10-17.
Since other losses are small, the rocket efficiency is essentially
identical with the electrical efficiency in the contact thruster.
It is apparent that 500 eV/ion is a significant energy loss and
that lower values would be preferred. One way this might be
achieved is to raise the current density j in order to get more
ions per unit heat loss. RaiSing the current density requires
higher ionizer temperatures to desorb the ions, but a net gain
results as seen in Fig. 10-10 which shows a typical relationship
between current density and ionization energy loss for a porous
tungsten emitter. The drawback to this approach is once more
the problem of electrode erosion by ions formed by charge exchange.
As stated before, the charge exchange rate is proportional to the
product of the current density and the neutral particle density
divided by the path length. Since the neutral density is proportional
to the neutral fraction multiplied by the current, charge exchange
increases as the square of the current density from this fact alone.
Furthermore, it is found, for a number of reasons, that the neutral
Electric and Ion Propulsion 445





102~------~ ____~__~~
5 10 15 20 25

Fig. 10-10

fraction (percentage of neutrals) increases rapidly with current

density. As a result, the charge exchange rate increases as the
third to fourth power ofthe current density. These combined effects
lead to an electrode life versus current density curve similar to
that shown in Fig. 10-11. It is this tradeoff between life and ioniza-
tion energy that limits the efficiency of contact ion engines.
The question then arises whether the electrodes can be made
more massive in order to achieve greater durability. Here the
problem of space charge limited flow enters in dictating the funda-
mental dimensions of the accelerating region. The relationship be-
tween current density, voltage and electrode spacing is given by
Child's Law for space charge limited flow in a planer diode


where J = current density

qlm = charge-to-mass ratio of the particles
V = accelerating potential
Ko = accelerating gap length.

Putting in typical values for a cesium ion engine, J = 0.02 Alcm 2 ,

V = 2000 volts and qlm = 7.5 X 10 5 coulombs/kg gives the required
446 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric ProjYulsion

~ 2~----~~----------~


J - ma/cm 2

Fig. 10-11

accelerating gap as 0.15 cm or about 0.06". This is the maximum

value of Xo that can be used to obtain 20 malcm 2 of cesium ions at
2 KV potential.
In designing an ion accelerator, the dimensions of the electrode
tend to be comparable to the accelerating distance Xo. Since Xo is
small, the mass of the electrode is small and only a small mass
loss by erosion can be tolerated.
Attempts to increase electrode life by increasing the electrode
dimensions run into fundamental difficulties. To make room for
larger electrodes, the accelerating distance Xo must be increased,
which, in turn, requires higher potentials, V 0' to maintain the
current density. The resulting excessive ion velocities are later
offset by adding a second electrode with a retarding potential
applied. This second electrode is referred to as a decelerating
grid and the arrangement is called an "acce1-dece1" system. It
has the advantage of permitting larger dimensions which simplify
construction problems, but unfortunately the added electrode mass
is more than offset by increased charge exchange erosion. This
comes about in a number of ways. First the ion path length in the
accelerating section is increased in proportion to the increase in
electrode size. Since the charge exchange rate is proportional to
the path length, the erosion rate tends to increase in proportion to
the electrode size (mass). Furthermore, the higher potentials used
increase the sputtering yield per ion impact causing additional
material loss. Finally, additional charge exchange ions areformed
in the dece1-region and these also are drawn to the accelerating
electrode where they produce even greater erOSion. The net result
Electric and Ion Propulsion 447

is a severe life penalty in accel-decel systems, and it is found in

theory and practice that a simple accel system has the greatest
possible durability. This leaves reduced neutral atom emission
through improvement of ionizer materials and/or selection of
sputtering resistant materials for electrodes as the primary
avenues open for improvement of thruster life at a given current
density. The alternatives are reduced heat losses by good thermal
design, ionizer materials of low thermal emissivity, or lower
operating temperatures as means for reducing the ionization
energy at a given current density. Curve 3 of Fig. 10-17 is felt
to be about the best that can be expected from the surface ioniza-
tion approach without new innovations.

[10-] The Bombardment Thruster

Bombardment thrusters are similar to contact thrusters except

for the method used in the production of ions. In this engine type,
ionization is produced in a magnetically constrained arc operating
at low gas pressure (",10 torr). The bombardment thruster is
shown schematically in Fig. 10-12. The arc consists of a cathode
at the center of a cylindrical anode with an axial magnetic field
imposed by a solenoid around the outside of the anode. Electrons
leaving the central cathode are drawn radially toward the anode,
but, because of the magnetic field, are caused to execute curved
paths leading back to the cathode. Collisions with gas molecules
interrupt these paths and permit the electrons to diffuse to the
anode. In the process, many of the gas molecules are dissociated
and ionized. The magnetic field may be thought of as a means of
extending the electron trajectories in the gas without increaSing

Cs orHg G a s - C
\ : Iml-EEl
Cathode I I
Anode I I

+3 KV
-2 KV

Fig. 10 -12
448 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

the physical dimensions of the arc chamber. The ends of the arc
chamber are at the same potential as the cathoBe, and the ions
created by "electron bombardment" of the propellant gas are
drawn to the cathode and the chamber ends. One of these ends
called the screen is provided with a large number of holes from
which ions may be drawn by applying an accelerating potential to
a grid having a matching set of holes. The arc plasma behind the
holes in the screen is perturbed by penetration of the accelerating
field into the arc region. A concave sheath is formed which sepa-
rates positive and negative particles and provides appropriate
focussing action for launching the ions in the proper direction to
prevent collisions with the accelerating electrode. Like the con-
tact ion engine, the accelerator potential may be larger than is
desired for the final ion velocity, and accel-decel systems may be
By adjustment of the gas pressure and arc current, the per-
centage of gas ionized may be adjusted from low values to over
90%. The higher ionization levels are achieved at the expense of
greater arc power which results in a greater expenditure of energy
per ion created. Therefore, there is a trade off between high pro-
pellant utilization and high electrical efficiency. The main ad-
vantage of the bombardment engine is that the ionization energy,
Eion, is essentially independent of the ion current density. As a
consequence, even though the neutral particle efflux may be from
5 to 20% of the ion beam, the charge exchange rate can be kept
within acceptable limits (by reducing j) without a serious efficiency
penalty. Fabrication of this type of thruster is relatively uncritical
compared to the considerable care needed to make a contact ion
Disadvantages are lower thrust per unit area and greater
thruster weight per unit thrust. Power conditioning and control
is somewhat more complicated but not prohibitive.
Two types of propellant have been tested extensively: cesium
and mercury. CeSium, because of its lower ionization potential,
has a somewhat higher ionization efficiency and lower Eion. How-
ever, some of this advantage is lost due to the lower net potentials,
V0' needed with the lighter (atomic weight 133) cesium ions to ob-
tain desired Isp values. Mercury is a more convenient propellant
from the handling standpoint, but ionization is less efficient be-
cause of its higher ionization potential. Some benefit accrues from
the higher potentials needed for the heavy (atomic weight 200) mer-
cury ions. The greatest problem in the mercury bombardment
thruster is the arc cathode which is slowly destroyed from "sput-
tering" by the Hg+ ions in the arc. The cesium thruster avoids this
problem by utilizing the low work function property of cesiUm to
make a continuously replenished cathode fed by the propellant
which subsequently is ionized and expelled in the usual way.
Electric and Ion Propulsion 449

Bombardment thrusters tend to have constant ionization energy

losses, and therefore their efficiency curves look much like those
of the contact ion engine. A representative curve (Curve 4) for the
cesium bombardment engine is shown in Fig. 10-17 . Mercury bom-
bardment engines are somewhat lower than the cesium bombard-
ment engines. Both types of bombardment thrusters have undergone
extensive operational testing and are ready for development as
propulsion system elements.

[10- 2.2.2] Colloid Thrusters

The discussion of electrical efficiency in ion engines pointed

out the importance of keeping the energy per ion formed as low as
possible. It was also noted that heavy ions could tolerate greater
ionization energy losses than lighter ions because of the higher
potentials needed to reach the desired velocities. Pursuing this
idea farther, we can show that the real criterion in determining
efficiency is not electron volts/ion but electron volts per unit mass
of charged particles formed. This can be seen by rearranging
Eq. (10-36) to find the potential needed to reach a velocity v, then


Since the desired v is determined by other factors, only V 0 and

the charge-to-mass ratio may be varied. The electrical efficiency
equation may be written

1 + - - (volts)

2 q Eion (volts)
1 + ------;:---
m v2

The term Eion has been used loosely to mean both volts (poten-
tial) and electron volts (energy), with the tacit understanding that
each ion had only one electronic charge. Here the charge on the
mass m is q and the energy consumed in the charging process is
q x E ion (volts). It is apparent that the real efficiency-determining
factor for a desired factor for a desired value of v 2 is the term
q Eion1m or electron-volts/mass as stated at the outset. This
450 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

observation makes it clear that heavier charged particles with

lower charge-to-mass ratios would be desirable if the charging
losses could be kept comparable to those of ions.
One method of forming small charged particles is by a process
called electrostatic spraying. Historically this phenomenon was
observed early in the experimentation with high voltage electricity
from electrostatic generators. Lord Rayleigh computed the rela-
tionship between droplet size and charge-to-mass ratio which has
been confirmed experimentally over a wide range of sizes. In the
low qlm regime, the process is presently used commercially in the
electrostatic spraying of paint.
Electrostatic spraying occurs when the surface of a conducting
liquid is exposed to a strong electric field produced by an accelera-
tor electrode, for example. The presence of this field causes
charges to accumulate at the surface, and the liquid surface is
attracted toward the accelerator. The situation is unstable, since
any unevenness in the surface will cause the charges to concentrate
at the point nearest the accelerator, and additional force is applied
to this region. The result is a tendency for the surface to break
up into a number of jets of charged fluid which fly off under the
influence of the field. These jets, in turn, are unstable and even-
tually break up into small charged droplets.
A more precise (and elegant) description of the process results
if it is recognized that the surface charge represents a negative
surface energy which opposes the surface tension of the fluid. In
sufficiently high fields, this energy becomes greater than the sur-
face tension energy, and the fluid proceeds to generate the maxi-
mum surface possible by breaking up into a large number of
small droplets. As the jets are accelerated away from the fluid,
no additional charges can flow into it, and the amount of available
charge reaches a fixed value per unit mass. The breakup process
stops when the total surface generated is large enough to accom-
modate these charges with a net excess of surface tension over
electrostatic pressure. It is this limiting size that Rayleigh cal-
culated as a function of the charge-per-unit mass. In practice,
these droplets turn out to be of the order of 100 molecules in
diameter; hence, the name colloid.
Figure 10-13a shows a typical electric spray needle for use in
a colloid thruster. It consists of a capillary needle held at high
potential and supplied with a propellant composed of glycerol which
has been made conducting by the addition of sodium iodide. An
annular extractor electrode surrounds the needle tip to provide
the field for the spraying process. In situations where a low Isp
is acceptable, no further acceleration is needed, and a needle be-
comes a thruster with a thrust of 2 to 3 micropounds. Arrays of
many needles can be used to develop thrusts of a few hundred
micropounds. This thrust range is suitable for satellite station-
keeping or orbit adjustment. Higher thrusts and higher Isp can
Electric and Ion Propulsion 451

ZZZZ:;1ZZ4::z2::ZZ:Zzzz~.:> .

+6 KV


,. ........ ----
... -----
.... ",
" . . . ::=.~--
------:~-----:==-=== ==


1,-"""'" --------------
...... ... -

+ 100 KV -10 KV

Fig. 10-13 (a) Basic needle geometry; (b) post-acceleration configuration.

be obtained by adding additional acceleration voltages to other

electrodes downstream from the extractor. In this case, the needle
array serves primarily as a particle generator rather than a
The efficiency of these thrusters is quite high. There are no
hot ionizers to radiate heat or arcs to consume power, and virtually
no propellant is wasted. There is, however, a loss due to velocity
dispersion which has been mentioned before but not explained.
This loss comes about because not all particles have the same
velocity due to variations in charge-to-mass ratio of the droplets.
This can be recognized as an efficiency loss by the follOWing
Imagine a thruster expelling mass at a rate mand a velocity Vo
which is the same for all of the propellant ejected. If we hold the
452 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
thrust constant and in constant (constant Isp) but allow part of in to
be expelled at a higher velocity than va' part must be expelled at
a lower velocity than va'
The power required will be proportional to the square of the
new velocities, and although the lower velocity portion uses less
power, the high velocity portion will take even more power, and
a net increase in power will result with no increase in thrust or I sp
Equations can be derived which show that the velocity dispersion
efficiency can be written as

Tid = (10-41)

which, if the velocity dispersion is independent of angle, can be

separated into two components:


Note that the velocity term is the square of the ratio of average
velocity to rms velocity.
In the electrostatic spraying process, the distribution of particle
sizes (and, hence. charge-to-mass ratio) leads to efficiencies in the
range of 60 to 90%. with 75% being a representative figure. This is
the major efficiency loss in the colloid thruster. Other losses are
beam spreading and neutralizer power which are similar to those
for ion engines. A representative efficiency curve for a small
colloid thruster is shown in Curve 5 of Fig. (10-17).

[10- 2.3] Plasma Thrusters

Plasma thrusters depend on interaction between magnetic fields

and currents in highly ionized gases or plasmas. Negative (electron)
and positive ions are accelerated together, and the problems are
similar to those of motors using conducting solids or liquids which
are, in fact, plasmas.
Interest in -plasma thrusters arises from several considerations.
First, there is no neutralization problem since both positive and
negative charges are accelerated in equal amounts to produce a
completely neutral exhaust stream. Second, the thrust densities
available are higher than in electrostatic devices. This is apparent
from evaluation of electrostatic and magnetic pressures. Both
types of fields can be properly treated as having pressures given by
fE2 82
P =--=- (10-43)
2 211
Electric and Ion ProjYulsion 453

A pressure of one atmosphere (14.7# /in 2 or 1 kgf/ cm2 ) requires

FE =
1.5 X 10 6 V/cm and B = 5 X 10 3 gauss. Production of kilogauss
magnetic fields is feasible, but electric fields of megavolts/cm
are very difficult because of field emission from points, photo-
electron currents and vacuum breakdown which may involve both
of these. Electrostatic thrusters typically operate at thrust pres-
sures of 10- 4 atmospheres or less.
The power represented by a pressure of one atmosphere re-
sulting from an exhaust jet having a velocity of 5 x 10 4 meters per
seconds is

p 1 kgf 5 x 10 4 meters / sec


'V 250 kw/cm 2

Obviously a thruster would need to be small in Size or extremely

high-powered. More practically, the magnetic pressure would be
reduced to more manageable values to permit larger dimensions
and lower power. There is a limit to this approach set by opera-
ting characteristics of plasma devices which tend to be more
efficient at higher fields. Another way to reduce average power
levels is to operate the thrusters in a pulsed mode so that peak
power can be efficiently high but average power can be kept low.
Pulsing is usually done by discharging capacitors in a very short
time (microseconds) to obtain the needed power peaks.

[10- 2.3.1] i x B Machines

In a magnetic field, the force on a current-carrying element is

given by the vector cross-product of the field strength and the
current. This principle is used in electric motors and in magnetic
coils for "blowing out" arcs in circuit breakers. A simple device
called the "rail gun" using this principle is shown in Fig. 10-14.


- -__ V

Fig. 10-14
454 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

A capacitor C is discharged through an arc in a gas between

two conductors or rails. The discharge current flowing through
the closed loop produces a magnetic field B which generates a
magnetic pressure B2/2/L inside the loop.
This pressure is exerted against the conductors and against
the plasma column present in the arc. As a result. the arc is
accelerated to the right. and velocity is imparted to the plasma.
Some heat losses occur at the electrodes. and of course energy
of ionization is not recovered as kinetic energy. More serious
is the fact that not much of the gas in which the arc moves is
converted to high velocity plasma. This propellant loss can be
diminished by using a coaxial configuration where the outer rail
completely surrounds the central rail and by introducing propellant
in puffs so that the propellant is localized around the current sheet
in the co-ax. All of these measures are helpful. and reasonable
efficiency can be obtained but not high enough to be attractive as
a thrust device.

[10- 2.3.2] MPD Arcs

The magneto-plasma-dynamic arc grew out of work on arc

jets. In the course of trying to improve arc jet performance.
it was found that higher efficiencies and higher Isp values were
obtained at low values of propellant flow.i.e., with the arc starved
for propellant. It was deduced that the plasma was being driven by
magnetic fields generated by the currents in the arc. and the
geometry was changed to maximize this effect as shown in
Fig. 10-15.

Arc Plasma




Fig. 10-15

The current from the ring anode to the control cathode produces
an azimuthal (ring) field B which exerts a magnetic pressure
Electric and Ion Propulsion 455

against the arc plasma. This action is similar to the rail gun except
that the arc is stationary. Propellant from the nozzle flows through
the arc where it is ionized and blown away by the magnetic field.
Some controversy over the efficiency of these devices exists be-
cause of the difficulty of making the necessary measurements
(a problem common to all plasma thrust devices), but the most
believable, in the author's view, give a curve similar to that shown
in Curve 6 of Fig. 10-17. Some workers believe the effiCiency is
twice that shown.

[10- 2.3.3] Pulsed Inductive Accelerators

The conductivity of a fully ionized gas is high enough to resist

the intrusion of a rapidly changing magnetic field by setting up
induced currents which oppose the field in much the same way
that good conductors, such as copper, oppose penetration of rapidly
changing fields. This principle can be used to accelerate an ionized
gas or plasma in an arrangement illustrated in Fig. 10-16.

Ionized Gas

-----'.~ V

Fig. 10-16

A capacitor is discharged through a flat spiral coil to produce

a rapidly rising magnetic field B. Currents (ions and electrons) in
the ionized gas in front of the coil confine the field to a thin layer
between the coil and the gas and a magnetic pressure develops
which accelerates the plasma. Problems with this concept are re-
lated to obtaining good coupling between the field and the plasma
so that efficient energy transfer can be obtained. Ionization losses
cannot be recovered, and residual magnetic fields after the pushing
stroke represent lost energy. Advantages are lack of electrodes
with their attendant life problems and low losses in the driving
coil so that heating is not a serious problem. Efficiencies of over
50% are calculated but remain to be demonstrated.
456 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Projntlsion


~ 0.8

~ 0.6
u ----------
~ 0.4


OL-______ ~ __ ~~~~~LJ_L~ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _~_ _L_~~~~

10 2 10 3 Specific Impulse - Seconds 10 4

Fig. 10-17 Thruster efficiency curves. (1) NH3 resistojet (TRW); (2) NH3 arc jet (Avco);"
(3)Cs contact (TRW); (4) Cs bombardment (EOS); (5) Colloid (TRW); (6) MPD arc (G. D.);
N2 resistojet (Vela) (TRW); G): Solid ablative (TRW); 6: Liquid ablative (GE).


Development of efficient electric thrusters has progressed
rapidly during the last few years. Performance projections which
were considered over-optimistic a few years ago have been met
and exceeded almost without exception. At the same time, the
weight of solar arrays has been decreasing while the maximum
feasible size has increased to the power range needed for electri-
cally propelled spacecraft. Solar arrays of 50 # /kw are under
development at the present time. Power converters and controls
for operating thrusters from these sources can be built for not
more than 25#/kw and perhaps half this figure. Analysis of mis-
Sions that can be performed under these conditions shows a number
of attractive possibilities such as solar probes, out-of-the-ecliptic
missions, asteroid belt explorations, Jupiter probes, and perhaps
the "grand tour" to the outer planets using a Jupiter swingby.
Ion engines suitable for these primary thrust applications have
undergone flight demonstration tests of short duration (by both
NASA and USAF) and extended ground testing approaching one year
of continuous operation. An orbital test program leading to six
months or more of thruster operation at the 1 kw level is presently
in progress under NASA sponsorship. At the present time, it is
clear that although improvements are to be expected and newer
concepts may replace those presently favored, good electric thrust-
ers are available for space missions. The problems remaining are
principally those of spacecraft engineering and system integration.
Electric and Ion Propulsion 457

In auxiliary propulsion (attitude control, station keeping, orbit

adjustment), there is a growing demand for more total impulse
capability to permit longer mission life. Cold gas systems which
have been used widely are often the limiting element on long-lived
satellites. On existing satellites, electric power may be avail-
able in some cases by virtue of solar array overdesign or by using
off-peak power that might otherwise be wasted. In new designs,
additional solar array area may be added to accommodate higher
performance thrusters. Because power is often limited, systems
are not always optimized, and thrusters in the low I sp range may
be favored even at lower efficiency because of their power economy.
The electrothermal thrusters have established their value and
reliability in actual missions. Since these represent the least
departure from cold gas systems, many applications are indicated
in the near future. Ion engines in the low-thrust range have most
of the characteristics of the larger versions (except for some-
what lower efficiency), and programs leading to flight-proven
hardware are currently underway. A small colloid thruster is
scheduled to be tested in a flight experiment to demonstrate the
utility of this concept.
It appears that applications of auxiliary electric propulsion to
working satellites will become state of the art about 1970 and that
a space demonstration of a complete electric-propelled vehicle
could occur as early as 1972. The future of electric propulsion
depends not only on technical achievements but also on long range
plans for the exploration of space which are still in their forma-
tive stages.

[10- 3.11 Sample Problem 1

A solar-electric vehicle is planned for a Venus probe. The

power plant output averaged between earth and Venus is 30 watts
per pound.
(a) Estimate the optimum Isp for the miSSion. Since mission
time T is not specified, we will estimate that the orbital transfer
will require about half the mean period of the two planets, or
about 0.4 earth years (1.2 x 10 7 sec.). The power plant specific
weight is
1000 watts /KW
a ""' 15 Kg /KW (MKS units)
30 watts/lb. 2.2 Ib.lKg


~ = r2 x 1.2 x 10 7 sec 1000 w/Kw

~ -;; ~. 15 Kg/Kw
458 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Note that watt sec. = joules = Kg m 2 /sec.2
2.4 x 1010 m2 4
vc = ---- = 4 x 10 meters! second
15 sec 2

then the estimated optimum exhaust velocity is

V opt ~ 0.7 V c = 2.8 x 104 meters! second

and since
lsp = V / g the optimum lsp is

2.8 x 104 meters! second '" 2850 seconds.

lsp (opt) -------;;-- =
9.8 meterslsec 2 =

Repeating in engineering units

1000 watts IKw
.IX 1.03 slugs/Kw
30 wattsllb. 32.2 lb.l slug

T = 1.2 x 107 sec (as before)

V = /2.4 x 107 sec

c "1.03 slugs!Kw

Note that 1 Kw sec. = 737 ft Ibf

lIbf = slug ft/sec 2

2.4 x 107 x 737 ft2

1.31 x 10 5 ft/ sec
1.03 sec 2

V opt ~ 0.7 Vc = 9.2 x 10 4 ft/sec

lsp = - - = 2850 seconds
(opt) g

(b) Assuming the rocket efficiency of 50% at 2850 seconds,

what is the maximum thrust that can be obtained from a 25 KW solar
array? From the empirical equation for the power-to-thrust ratio,
Electric and Ion Propulsion 459

22 watts/lbf Isp

0.5 x 2.5 x 104 watts

22 watts/lbf 2850

= 0.206 lbf

(c) What is the total impulse delivered in 0.4 year?

I Ft.
0.2066 x 1.2 x 10 7 sec.
~ 2.5 x 106 H>-sec

(d) What is the initial propellant weight?

wp = I 2.5 x 106 lbf sec

Isp 2850 sec

= 876lb

(e) What is the power plant weight?

Wp = exP
= 33 lb/KW x 25 KW
= 830 lb
(f) Estimating that the vehicle weight including payload and
structure is initially 2000 pounds, what is the initial acceleration?

F 0.2 lb 10- 4 g , s
2 x 10 3 lb

(g) Compare the result of f with the approximate formula given

in the text.


.12 x 1.03 slugs/KW 1.2 x 10 7 sec
460 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

= ~ 2.4 x 10 7 sec 1.03 slugs

737 ft lb/sec

ai 5.44 x 10- 3 ft/ sec 2


5.44 x 10- 3 ft/ sec 2 _ 1 7 10-4,

ai = - . x g s
32.2 ft/ sec 2

(h) Explain the difference between f and g. The difference be-

tween f and g arises from the inclusion of 294 lb. of structure and
payload and the rocket effiCiency 71R of 0.5. Note that the thrust is
proportional to ~. Then correcting result g for these factors

ai 1.7 x 10- 4 g's 1706lb v'Q.5


1.02 x 10-4 g's Q.E.D.

[10 - 3.2] Sample Probl em 2

A satellite auxiliary propulsion system has an operating life of

3 years at 10- 4 pounds thrust. Available power from a solar array
is limited to 5 watts. Assume that 1 watt is needed for the neutral-
izer and controls. Estimate the performance of a colloid thruster
in this application.
(a) What lsp should be used? The thruster efficiency will be
about 0.7 and power conversion efficiency (high voltage supplies)
will also be about 0.7 in the small sizes (poSSibly lower). The
overall effiCiency is therefore ",0.5. Then

P 'T/R
Isp = -
F 22

4w x 0.5
910 seconds.
10- 4 lbf 22 w/lbf sec
Electric and Ion Propulsion 461

(b) What is the total impulse delivered (aIiowing ",5% margin)?

10- 4 Ibf x 108 seconds

'V 10 4 Ibf-seconds

(c) What is the propellant weight?

10 4 Ibf sec
910 sec

(d) If the dry system weight is six pounds and power is not
chargeable to the system, what is the system effectiveness?

I 10 4 Ibf sec
Eff = - = = 590 Ib sec/lb
Wo (11 + 6) Ibf

(e) If the solar array weighs 3 pounds and was added specifically
for this purpose (chargeable weight), what is the effectiveness?

Eff =
10 4 Ib sec
500 Ib sec/lb
(11 + 6 + 3) Ib

(f) Find the effectiveness for a six-month mission including pow-

. 10 4 x 1/2 Yr 3
er weight. The total impulse WIll be = 1.67 x 10 Ibf sec.
3 Yr

. htIS 1.67 x 10 3 Ibf-sec =1. 83 Ib

The prope 11 ant welg
910 sec

Effectiveness = 1.67 x 10 3 Ib sec = 154 Ib sec/lb.

(1.83 x 6 x 3) Ib

(g) Find the effectiveness for a 5-year mission.

1O- 4 1b x 5 x 3.15 x 10 7 sec = 1.58 x 10 4 sec

Wp 1.58 x 10 4 = 17.4 Ib

1.58 x 10 4 Ibf sec

Eff= -----~ 600 Ib sec/lb
(17.4 + 6 + 3) Ibf
462 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

(10- 3.3] Sample Problem 3

A thrust device produces O.llbfforonehour at a power of 2 Kw.

Propellant consumption was 1 lb.
(a) What is the specific impulse?

F O.llhf x 3600 sec

I sp = -= = - - - - - - 360 seconds
W llhf

(b) What is the rocket efficiency?

TJR = --
0.1 Ibf x 360 sec x 32.2 ft! sec 2
2 x Kw 737 ft Ibl sec Kw


TJR 39.2%

1. Seifert, H.S.(ed.): Space Technology, New York, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., Chaps. 9 and 10 (D.B. Langmuir).
2. Stuhlinger, E.: Ion Propulsion for Space Flight, New York,
McGraw-Hill Book Co 1964.
3. Suits, Guy (ed.): The Collected Works of Irving Langmuir,
Pergamon Press, 1961.
4. stuhlinger, E.: Electric Propulsion Development, AIAA Vol. 9,
5. Stuhlinger, E., D.B. Langmuir, and J.M. Sellen, Jr.: Electro-
static Propulsion, ARS Series, Vol. 5, 1960.
6. Snyder, N.W.: Space Power Systems, ARS Vol. 4, 1960.
Ion Propulsion
.R. H. Boden
Senior Staff Scientist, Rocketdyne Division
North American Rockwell Corp.


Concepts of electrical power plant systems are varied, both

from the system standpoint and in the use of components. BaSically,
the electrical rocket engine has three important subsystems: the
energy source, the power convertor, and the electrical thrust
devices, Fig. 11-1.


- ION ~

Fig. 11-1 Basic subsystems of electrical rocket engine.

Electrical thrust chambers have a variety of forms. The

electrothermodynamic thrust chamber, variously described as
the arc or plasma jet, uses electrical energy for heating the pro-
pellant gas, which in turn is expanded through a de Laval nozzle
to generate thrust in the same manner as a chemical rocket.
Other devices generate a plasma which may be accelerated by
external, or induced, electromagnetic fields. Ions can be ex-
tracted from the plasma or formed directly by surface contact
phenomena and then accelerated electrostatically. This is the
ion rocket engine. Substitution of charged colloid particles for
ions offers the potential advantages of low specific impulse to
the electrostatic ion rocket. The concepts embodied in the elec-
trical thrust chambers are as varied as those in the power con-
version systems.
The purposes of this discussion are, first, to evaluate the
technical and scientific status of present ion propulsion work;
464 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
second, to evaluate and predict the technical possibilities and growth
potential of ion propulsion; and third, to summarize the advantages
and needs on the basis of mission requirements and expected
general advancement of space technology.


A number of fundamental relationships govern the behavior of

electrical propulsion systems and the vehicles in which they are
installed. Before considering the current status of electrical pro-
pulsion systems, a brief review of these baSic relationships will
serve to clarify the development objectives now being explored in
this field. The power plants to be considered are reaction-type
engines that generate thrust by the ordered expulsion of energetic,
charged particles from the engine.
The propellant of an electrical rocket from which the energetic
particles are obtained is first raised to an intermediate energy
level by direct heating or applications of electrical power. With
one exception, this intermediate-level working fluid is a plasma,
a homogeneous gaseous mixture of electrons, ions, and neutral
particles. If no neutrals are present, the plasma is defined as being
ideal. The gas as a whole is electrically neutral. The plasma is
similar to a metal in its properties, since the ions and the detached
electrons remain uncombined for relatively long periods and can
move about at random within the boundaries of the gas volume.
The exception is the working fluid of the surface-contact ion
engine. In this case, the propellant is evaporated from a metallic
plate as an ion gas, leaving the electrons behind in the metal. The
ions have little excess energy on leaving the surface of the plate.
In either case, plasma or evaporated ions, electromagnetic
fields can react on the charged particles to energize them to very
high levels and direct the flow to product thrust.
Electrical power is required to carry out this energizing
process. The thrust, F, and the gross power, Pg' that must be
generated in the vehicle, are the significant variables of primary
interest to the engineer and scientist engaged in space power plant
projects. The basic analyses presented here emphasize these two
primary factors. The analyses of the system are obtained from
consideration of Newton's laws of motion.
The thrust for the case of many kinds of particles being ejected
from the electrical rocket engine is


in which the subscript i refers to the particular species of particle:

ion, electron, or charged colloid.
Ion Propulsion 465

The power that is converted into directed energy flow to

produce thrust is expressed by the relation.


The gross vehicle powers. P g and p. are related by the engine ef-
ficiency. .,.,. The design parameters for low-thrust electrical
rocket engines derived from these relations are summarized
in Table 11-1.

Table ll-1 Summary of Performance Parameters, Electrical Rocket Engines

Parameter English System CGS System

Pg 21.8 GIs Pg 4.91 ",1O- 5 AI s

Specific Power - - - watts/lb watts/gm
Mg 7J M 7J

Pg 0.0293GI s
Mg 7J

Pg 21.8 Is 4.91 x 10- 5 Is

Power per Unit Thrust = - - - watts/lb - - - - - watts/dyne
F 7J 7J

0.0293 Is

~xhaust Velocity C fti sec C cm/sec

Propellant Flow Rate M M 1 -1

1/1 s sec- 1 sec
per Unit Thrust F F 980 Is

Spec ific Impulse Is sec - sec
32.2 980

6 U )
\32.21 s
1_ex p(_-6U)
980 Is
- - - - - I s sec - - - - - I s sec

[11- 2. 1] Performance Analysi 5

[11- 2. 1. 1] Characteri stic Velocity

Application of an electrical rocket engine requires a knowledge

of the mission. Mission analyses for rocket-powered vehicles
have been topics of investigation for many scientists and engineers
466 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

in recent months. Reference s 3 through 9 cover a variety of methods

for investigating low-thrust space travel.
The critical variable to be determined from mission analyses,
and which affects the application of the propulsion system, is the
characteristic velocity, I'1v. This variable is the change in velocity
of the vehicle in free space from the engine thrust program. After
the characteristic velocity has been determined from a mission
analysis, the specific impulse. or net exhaust velocity, and opera-
ting time of the rocket engine can be estimated.
Equation (11-3) is integrated to determine the characteristic

dt (11-3)

When this operation is performed. the characteristic velocity is

given in the form familiar to the engineer working in the rocket
I'1v = CIn~ (11-4)

Mg is the gross weight ofthe vehicle. and Mis the weight at termina-
tion of the engine thrust program.
If a controlled flight is visualized as a series of changes under
constant thrust from one orbit to another. the total characteristic
velocity required is the sum of the characteristic velocities for
each maneuver.

Mg Ml M2 Mn-l
I'1v total = C In - + C In - + C In - + ... C In - -
Ml M2 M3 Mn


In this equation. Ml and M2 . Mn are the vehicle weights at the end

of the first. second and n'th maneuvers. Mn is the empty weight
of the vehicle. all the propellant being expended.
The exhaust velocity. C is defined by the ratio


When C is divided by the gravitational constant. g. the specific im-

pulse is obtained. The specific impulse is a convenient parameter
Ion Propulsion 467

for discussion of electrical powerplants because it has the same

numerical value in both English and metric units. For this reason,
much of the discussion of this paper will relate the engine and
vehicle parameters to the specific impulse.

[11-2.1.2] Payload

Once the characteristic velocity for a mission has been specified,

the power plant specialist can predict the maximum payload which
the vehicle can carry on the mission. The gross weight of the ve-
hicle includes the payload weight, Mx , the propellant weight, Mp , and
the power plant section weight, Me. The power plant section weight
includes the weight of the power plant, vehicle structure, and the
tanks for the propellant. In practice, this weight is found to be
proportional within close limits to the total power of the vehicle, P g.

Me=aPglb. (11-7)

The proportionality factor, a, is expressed in pounds/weight of

vehicle per horsepower, the reciprocal of the specific power.
The power plant generates power for guidance, controls,
communications and other demands of the vehicle, including power
losses attendant to the generation of thrust in addition to that poured
into the exhaust jet. In terms of the characteristic velocity of the
mission, L'lv, and the specific impulse of the engine. the gross power
requirements are:

L'lv F
1100 71 ~
1100 71 In \1 -

in which 71 is the function of the total electrical power transmitted

to the jet.
From these relations and the characteristic velocity, the ratio
of the payload weight to the gross weight of the vehicle,

Mx Me + Mp
=1---- (11-9)


1 +
9.10 x 10-4 L'lv Ga Gt
71 In Gt)
(1 + 1; 's
1 (11-10)
468 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
in which G is the thrust-to-weight ratio of the vehicle. The payload
ratio increases rapidly with specific impulse, exhibits a relatively
flat maximum, then decreases more slowly with specific impulse
greater than the value for maximum payload, Fig. 11-2. The data
of Fig. 11-2 are for traveling from a lOO-mile satellite orbit to
the moon's orbit. In selecting a specific impulse for a particular
design, a slightly high value is desirable to prevent a possible
drop in efficiency of the power plant over a long operating period.

[11- 2. 1. 3] Speci fj c Power

The vehicle performance depends upon the specific weight, al TJ ,

of the power plant section of the vehicle and the thrust-to-weight
ratio of the vehicle. As shown in Fig. 11-2. increasing the specifiC
weight decreases the payload weight. shifts the optimum specific
impulse. and makes the payload become increaSingly sensitive to
engine operation at specific impulses above the optimum values.

---- ~

V ~ = 10

0.6 r-... / 7]

ii 0.5
"'~ ~ I"-....
.. ~ I;;-)'~
2 0.4

AV = 24,153 Ft'!Sec.
-0 G = 0.75 x 10- 4
" 0.3
" ~ r-.....

0.1 ~
0 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Specific Impulse, Sec.

Fig. 11- 2 Typical variation of payload versus specific impulse ion rocket.

To establish the power demand of the engine, the relation for

the specific power is developed from the basic power relation,
Eq. (11-8):

I if
P g = - - - - - hp
1100 TJ g
Ion Propulsion 469

and from the specific impulse

= .- sec (11-11)
Mg g

and thrust
F = Mg G Ib (11-12)
The specific power of the vehicle is then
0.0292 GI s
hp/ lb. (11-13)
Mg a (M g) ."

The specific power of the vehicle thrust-to-weight ratio . and

specific impulse of modern aircraft and various chemical rockets
have been computed from performance data. The same performance
parameters for the plasma rocket and the ion rocket have been es-
timated or obtained from the work of other investigators. These
data are summarized in Fig. 11-3. If the power plant manufacturer
is capable of building a nuclear-powered electrical propulSion sys-
tem of a specific power comparable to that of modern aircraft, an
electrical rocket engine that will develop a thrust-to-weight ratio
between 10- 4 and 10-3 appears assured.



Fig. 11- 3 Spe cific power re quireme nt s of ve hicle s.

470 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[11- 2.2] Electrical Thrust Devices

The electrical thrust devices discussed here are basically

dependent upon the formation of a plasma which is an electrically
neutral gaseous mixture of electrons, ions, and neutral particles.
If no neutral particles are present, the plasma is classified as
ideal. The single exception to this general statement is the surface-
contact ion rocket engine which depends upon the evaporation of
alkali metal ions from a heated metal plate having a work function
greater in magnitude than the ionization potential of the propellant.

[11- 2.2.1] Ion and Colloid

The exhaust velocity, Ci, of a particular particle species in the

ion and colloid rocket engines is expressed in terms of the potential
drop, V, of the accelerating fields; the degree of ionization, hi;
the particle mass, mj; and the charge on the electron. The degree
of ionization, hi. is the number of electron charges carried on the
particle. In the case of an ion rocket, it is the number of electrons
stripped from the atom in the ionization process and is an integer

Cz. _- (hi
eV)I2 (11-14)
150 mj

The total current in the exhaust jet is the sum of the currents of
each species of charged particle. The total current must vanish
if a stable thrust is generated by an electrical rocket. In the case
of an ion rocket engine, the current of the ion jet must be balanced
by the current of an electron emitter.
Use of the current equation reduces the thrust relationship to
terms which can be measured by straightforward physical tech-

F = -hi (-150e
LIz.(mi)1/2 V. )112 (11-15)

When this equation is modified by expressing the current in terms

of the ratio of the current of each particle species to the total
current, the thrust can be expressed in terms of the equivalent
mass of a particle carrying a single electron charge. The thrust
on the vehicle becomes

F = I ml/2 ( eV ) (11-16)
Ion Propulsion 471

in which the definition of the weighted, equivalent particle mass is:


The equivalent singly ionized particle weight is then defined by


Ai is the atomic, or molecular weight if ions are used to generate

thrust. If charged particles are used, Ai is the weight of 6.02x 1023
particles in grams. The parametric design equation for the thrust
results after taking into account the mechanical and electrical
units which the investigator wishes to use. In the cgs system of
units, the thrust becomes

F = 14.39 .,., IV ( A
V)1I2 dynes, (11-19)

and in the foot-pound-second system,

F = 3.235 x 10- 5 .,., IV (A)

lb. (11-20)

The parameter, VIA, expressed in volts per gram, occurs in all

of the engineering design parameters which are summarized in
Table 11-2 for the English and metric unit systems (1].


The concept of the ion rocket engine evolved from these analyses
is a system including three major subsystems: the energy source,
the power convertor, and the ion thrust chamber (Fig. 11-1).
A complete engine system which is based upon known engineering
and scientific techniques is shown in Fig. 11-4. The heart of the
thrust-producing system is the thrust chamber. For the purpose
of the schematic illustration, the thrust chamber lies within the
rectangle enclosed by the dashed lines. This thrust chamber in-
cludes an ion source, an array of electrodes to focus and accelerate
them, and an electron emitter.
Vaporized propellants are fed to the ion source where they are
ionized either by contact with heated metals of high work function


Table 11- 2 Summary of Performance Parameters, Electrical Rocket Engines .......~

Definition ......
English System Metric System ~
112 1/2 ~
P ) ( ) ;:!
Specific Power 3.089 x 10 4G ( *- watts/lb : = 0.0695 a wattsl gm
* ~

P 41.42 G (AV)1I2 hp/lb ~

Mg tll
1 '2
p P ~
Power per Unit Thrust 3.089 x 104
/2 watts/lb 0.0695 (*) ( watts/dyne ......
(*Y ~.
P 112
( )
F 41.42 * hp/lb ~
Average Exhaust Velocity 4.557 x 10 4 (V)1I2 ftf sec c 13890 meters/ sec
c A (AV)1I2 CI)
Exhaust Current per 3.089 x 10 4 amps 0.0695 amp
Unit Thrust F F
A(~y/2 /2
A (*Y
Propellant Flowrate per M 7.060 x 10-4 (~)-l/2 M 7.199 x 10-7 (~)-l/2
A sec - 1 A sec - 1
Unit Thrust F F

Specific Impulse Is 1417 (~)l/2

A sec Is 1417 (*Y12 sec

Minimum Throat Area per

Unit Thrust (lon At 2 At
5.651 x 1011 (*X sqft 127.1 (dV)-2 (meters)2/ DYNE
Rocket Only) F F
l/2 - 6V

1-e 4.557 x 10 4 (*) 1-e 1.386 x 10" (*Y/2

Engine Operating Time
7.060 x 10 4 G 7.199 x 10- 7 a
. (V)l/2
A sec
. (V)1/2
A sec ~....
Equivalent Particle Weight A = rL~ (Ai)l/2l2 A =
[~IiI (Ai)l/~
~ I hi J gm J2gm

474 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


4 ::;g~~::
i - - -ffff I



L __ __ _
111111 111 11 :11 111 111111111111: - - ELECTRICAL POWER
111 111 111 11 1111111111111 11 11 11
11 11 11 1111 1111 111 11 11 11 111111 1
11111 RADIATOR 1111
111 1111 111 11 11 11111 11 1111 11111
1I1 1111 1111111 11 11 1111 111 111 11

Fig. 11- 4 Typical ion propulsion system.

or by being subjected to electron bombardment within electromag-

netic fields. The latter method of ionization is commonly described
as the arc source.
The ionized propellant is directed from the ion source of this
particular engine through focussing electrodes. The focussing
electrodes direct the ion current through the accelerating electrode.
which imparts kinetic energy to the ions. This results in the re-
quired changes of momentum of the particles to develop the major
portion of the thrust for the vehicle. The accelerating electrode
has been set at the potential of the vehicle skin for safety and to
minimize the electrical field outside of the vehicle.
The ion discharge is balanced by an equal flow of oppositely
charged particles; otherwise the surface of the vehicle develops
a high induced charge, causing the ion flow to slow down and stop.
An electron emitter is shown in Fig. 11-4. The electron discharge
can be achieved by thermionic emission from a heated tungsten
plate or by field emission of electrons from discharge points in-
corporated in the accelerating electrodes. An alternative method
of obtaining a neutral beam is by charge-exchange techniques. Power
to drive the ion thrust chamber is obtained from high-speed elec-
trical power generators. Three types may be applied to the ion
rocket engine: a permanent magnet generator, an !l~C generator,
or an electrostatic generator. The distribution of power to the
various components of the system is shown by the solid lines in
Ion Propulsion 475

Fig. 11-4. Most of the power is absorbed in pumping the electrons,

which are collected at the ion source, up to the potential of the
accelerating electrode. Power required to generate ions in the
ion source is a significant factor in determining the power efficiency
of the thrust device. Therefore, it is timely to discuss ion sources.

[11- 3.1] Ion Sources

Several types of ion sources, including radio frequency, ther-

mionic-arc type [8], and surface contact [12], have been investigated
for application in ion rocket engines.
What little information is available on radio frequency ion
sources indicates that the efficiency is low and the associated
operating equipment is heavy. These factors eliminate these
sources for applications in the ion engine. Thermionic sources
are based on the emission ofions from heated mixtures of chemical
compounds. These also have proved heavy and inefficient.
The adoption of an arc-type ion source or a surface contact
source depends upon the power demands of the source. A brief
preliminary analysis of the efficiency is carried out for both
The power required for a surface-contact source includes that
radiated from the heated ionizer surface, the heat required to
vaporize the propellant from ambient conditions, and radiation
from structural parts. The last is difficult to predict except by
The power radiated from the ionizer surface is
PR = 5.67 x 10- 12 f T4 S watts. (11-21)

The area S is measured in em 2 , f is the total emissivity of the

surface, and T is the absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin.
The minimum area, At, of the ionizer surface is dependent
upon the accelerating field strength of the engine (Table 11-2).

At = 0.1211 x 10 7 (~J2
= 0.1211 x 107 FX-2 em

The field strength, X, is measured in volts per cm, and F, the

thrust, in dynes. The power into the exhaust jet (Table 11-2) is:

P = 0.06949 (AV)1I2 F watts. (11-23)

476 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

The efficiency of the surface-contact engine is

1 (11-24)
+ -

P R' represents the power required to vaporize the propellant, beam

loss from interception, and other external losses. Preliminary
computations indicate that these power losses are small in com-
parison to the radiation loss if the ion engine is well designed.
An ion engine equipped with an arc type source, Fig. 11-5,
draws a heavy current but low voltage in the arc. The ratio, Z, of
the ionizing electron current to the ion engine current is

Z = [el~ctron = (~)1I2 = VI836A (11-25)

lIOn me

in which A is the weight of the ion in grams [20]. The ion current
in the arc is the ion current of the rocket engine:

Ion - ,r5
_ 0.06949 F'

The electron current in the arc is

VI836A .

Since the power P = IV, the efficiency of the arc system becomes
." =
P + Pare + P R '

1 (11-28)
1 + Va VI836A + ~
Ion Propulsion 477





Fig. 11- 5 Arc-type ion source.

in which Va is the operating voltage of the arc. Again P R ' repre-

sents the power for vaporization of propellant, loss from beam
interception, and other external losses.
The data of Fig. 11-6 summarize and compare the variation of
the power efficiency, T/, of an arc-type ion engine and a surface con-
tact engine . These preliminary data indicate how this parameter
can be expected to vary, furnish additional information for selection
of a propellant, and present areas of application for the two types of
engines. Curve 1 is the efficiency variation with accelerating
voltage of an arc-type engine with the arc operating at 20 volts and
using cesium propellant. Curve 2 is similar data for an engine
incorporating a 10-volt arc, again with cesium metal as the pro-
pellant. Many possible propellant materials are most efficiently
ionized for arc voltages between 100 and 150 volts. Curve 5 indicates
the efficiency of a 100-volt arc, using a propellant of the same ion
weight as cesium.
Curve 3 is the efficiency variation of a survace- contact engine
using cesium which is ionized by a 2200 K tungsten plate. The
strength of the accelerating field, X, is maintained at 10,000
volts/cm. As the field strength exceeds 100,000 volts/cm, the
efficiency approaches 100%, as shown in Curve 4. In all compu-
tations, the total emissivity of the tungsten ionizer was assumed
to be 0.28.
The power output per unit thrust that the vehicle must develop
for the arc-type ion engine has been estimated from Curve 1,
Fig. 11-7, and the surface-contact ion engine from Curve 3, Fig.
11-6. In both cases summarized in Fig. 11-7, cesium metal is the
478 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Q. 60~------~-- /-~~~------~~------------~

~ 401-----.
u: EM I SSIV ITY ; 0 .28


Fi/!:. 11-6 Comparative efficiencies of ion rocket engine.

4oo0 r-------------.-------------.-----------~

f-- 3000
..... 2000
II:: 1000
:r I


Fig. 11-7 Power requirements of ion engine .

propellant. The arc engine assumes an arc operating voltage of

20 volts, which is close to the value for maximum operating effi-
ciency [13]. The surface-contact source assumes an operating
Ion Propulsion 479

temperature of 2200 K, an emissivity of 0.28, and accelerating

field strength of 10,000 volts per centimeter.
These curves are not generally applicable, being computed for
specific operating conditions which were selected to establish the
minimum efficiences and maximum power per unit thrust of the
two types of engines. The significant factors are that in the specific
impulse range covered by this summation, 3900 to 124,000 seconds,
the total power demand of the arc-type engine can be expected to
have a minimum for a specific impulse between 11,000 and 13,000
These qualitative data indicate that, within the limits of the
analysis, cesium ionized on tungsten is superior for low acceler-
ating voltages and low specific impulse. In the intermediate range
of specific impulse, a cesium arc is competitive with a cesium
surface-contact engine and is superior to an arc engine using a
propellant requiring a high operating voltage. For high acceler-
ating voltages and specific impulse, the two types of sources are
competitive. The difference between the power requirements at
lower specifiC impulse indicates a significant superiority for the
surface-contact engine if the accelerating field strength is high.
An accurate evaluation can be made only from the experimental
results from tests of the two different engine types.
The Von Ardenne, or duo-plasmatron source, Fig. 11-8, is
capable of a high current density of ions [14]. The high current
density is achieved by the combination of a number of techniques
including ionization by electron bombardment, magnetic field
collimation, a magnetic mirror at the exit point, and the use of
an extracting electrode at high potential (40-60 kv). In operation,
a small bubble of plasma is formed in the aperture of the source.
At the design operating potential, ion extraction occurs at a rate
to cause the bubble to form a plane, or concave, surface in the
aperture and emit a parallel beam of ions. In this source, the



Fig. 1l8 Von Ardenne ion source.

480 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

velocity of the extracted ions is far too high for most applications.
To incorporate the source in an ion engine, a decelerating electrode
is required to retard the ions and obtain the desired specific im-
pulse. Because of its high current density and potential high total
current, it must be seriously considered for application in ion
thrust devices.

[11-3.2] Electromagnetic Fields

Electric and magnetic fields always exist together. If charged
particles are accelerated under a high intensity electrostatic field.
magnetic fields are induced around the charged particle current in
accordance with Lenz's law. By superimposing a magnetic field on
an electrostatic field, the motion of the charged particles can be
controlled to achieve focussing effects or increase the path length
of the charged particles within the gas volume and thereby increase
the number of collisions which produce additional charged particles.
Two forces act on a charged particle of mass, M, and charge, e,
when it moves through a region in which an electric field, E, and a
magnetic field, H, exist. If e is the charge of the particle, the
produce e E is the electrostatic force parallel to the field. The
magnetic force is at right angles to the particle velocity, v, and to
the magnetic field, H, and is the vectorial cross product of v and H.
M- = e(E + v x H) (11-29)

When H vanishes, the charged particles move with constant accel-

eration, elm E, as in the electrostatic ion engine. When there is
no electric field, the acceleration, elm (v x H), is perpendicular to
the particle velocity curving its trajectory but not changing scalar
velocity, v.
The motion in an electromagnetic field that is changing slowly
both in space and time can be described as a gyration around a
moving point plus the motion of the point-the drift velocity. It can
be shown [13] that the drift velocity is


and the velocity of rotation, v g, is defined by the equation

m - = e(vg x H) (11-31)

The velocity, v g, is independent of the electric field, and the motion

is a rotation around the lines of force at the Larmor frequency,
c = (e H)/m.
Ion Propulsion 481

Focussing of the ion beam is achieved by directing the beam

through a magnetic coil. The coil establishes a magnetic field
parallel to the charged particle current. If the charged particle
motion is parallel to the field, there is no force on the particle;
however, if a charged particle develops a velocity component at
an angle to the magnetic field lines, it is constrained to move in
a spiral path and a focussing effect is achieved which is governed
by the equations of motion above [5]. This phenomenon contributes
to the formation of a plasma bubble at the exit port of the Von
Ardenne ion source.
Another application of magnetic fields is in the electron bom-
bardment ion engine [8]. The ion source of this engine has a cathode
mounted at the center of the source. Ionizingelectrons are emitted
and travel at high velocity toward the outer surface of the source
because of a radial electrostatic field. By superimposing a weak
magnetic field normal to the electrostatic field, a spiral motion of
the electron is induced, thereby increasing the path length through
the gas to be ionized and increasing the probability of collisions
with subsequent production of ions and electrons. The ions are
extracted from the resulting plasma through a grid which is held
at a negative potential. This technique is frequently incorporated
in high density ion forces [4].

[11- 3.3] Charged Colloid Sources

The generation of charged colloid particles is a two-stage pro-

cess. First, the propellant must be dispersed as colloidal-sized
particles in a near vacuum. Then the colloidal particles are charged
to give the desired charge-to-mass ratio. For the dispersal of the
propellant into colloidal particles, there is an extensive background
of experience on gas-dispersed systems which involve condensation
or atomization. Condensation techniques include vaporization fol-
lowed by cooling, the expansion of a vapor through a nozzle, chemical
reactions, and mechanical methods. Atomization of solids can be
achieved by grinding, which requires substantial amounts of power.
Liquids are conveniently atomized in high-intensity electrostatic
fields [15].
Charging of colloid particles includes most of the methods for
producing ions, including ion or electron bombardment, electron
emission, and surface contact. The charged particle can also be
formed by condensation of material on an ion or other charged
Colloid propulSion is in early stages of research. It is still
early to predict what combinations of techniques and equipment
can be devised to produce a useful thrust device [16].
482 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

a = Acceleration
A = Equivalent weight of particle with charge of single electron
Ai = Atomic or molecular weight of particular species of particle
At = Cross sectional area of particle beam or thrust chamber
C = Average exhaust velocity
Ci = Velocity of particle, i'th species
d Separation of acceleration electrodes
e Charge of electron
F Thrust of rocket engine
G Thrust-to-weight ratio
h Number of electrons stripped from particle
H = Magnetic field strength
I Current
Is Specific impulse
J Current density
mi Mass of particle. i'th species
Mg = Gross weight of vehicle
flJo = Gross 'mass of vehicle
M Propellant flowrate
Me Weight of power plant section
Ms = Weight of structure
Mx = Weight of payload
p = Weight of propellant
N = Particle flow rate in exhaust jet
P = Power in exhaust jet
PR = Radiated Power
Pg = Gross power of vehicle
t = Engine operating time
v = Particle velocity
V = Accelerating potential
X Electric field strength
6.v Characteristic velocity
IX = Weight/unit power
Tf = Ratio of exhaust jet power to gross vehicle power

i refers to particular particle species

1. Boden, R.H.: The Ion Rocket Engine, AFOSRRN 57-573, R-645,
Rocketdyne, Division of North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga
Park, Calif July 3,1958.
Ion Propulsion 483

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Staff of Electrical

Engineering Department), Applied Electronics, New York,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1943.
3. Pierce, J.R.: Rectilinear Electron Flow in Beams, Journal
of Applied Physics, August 1940, Vol. 11, pp. 548-554.
4. Guthrie, A. and R.K. Wakerling: Sources and Collectors for
Use in Calutrons, TID-5218, University of California Radiation
Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif., June 1949.
5. Lamb, W.A.S. and E.J. Lofgren: High-current Ion Injector,
Review of Scientific Instruments, 27:11, November 1956, pp.
6. Alperin, M. and G.P. Sutton: Advanced Propulsion Systems,
Pergamon Press, 1959.
7. Final Report-Solar Powered Electric Propulsion Spacecraft
study, JPL Contract No. 95144/December 1965/SSD 50094K,
Hughes Aircraft Company, Space Systems Division, Culver
City, Calif.
8. Kaufman, H.R.: The Electron Bomhardment Ion Rocket-Ad-
vanced Propulsion Concepts, Vol. I, Proceedings of the Third
Symposium on Advanced Propulsion Concepts (Cincinnati).
pp. 3-18, October 2-4, 1962.
9. Seiffert, H.S.: Survey of Electrically Powered Rockets, Tech.
Memo. TM-33-63-08, United Technology Corp., Sunnyvale,
Calif., December 1963.
10. Katz, E.L.: Electric Propulsion-Short Lecture Series,
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astranautics, New
York, N.Y., March 30, 1965.
11. Hayes, Judith: Astronautics Information-Electric Propulsion,
Literature Search # 587, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., June 1964.
12. Cybulski, R.J., J.J. Kotnik, and D.L. Lockwood: Experimental
Performance of an Ion Rocket Engine Using a Rectangular
Slot, Porous Tungsten Emitter, NASA TN D1321, National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C., 1962.
13. Spitzer, W.: Physics of Fully Ionized Gases, New York
Interscience Publishers, 1956.
14. Von Ardenne, M.: New Developments in Applied Ion and Nuclear
Physics, (Atomkern-Energis, 1956), Vol. 4, pp. 121-126.
15. Schultz, R.D.: Ion and Plasma PropulSion, Second AFOSR
Contractors' Meeting, Rocketdyne, Canoga Park, Calif., July
8-9, 1959.
16. Hendricks, C.D.: Colloid Propulsion State of Art In Review
of Current Research, 4th Sym. on Adv. Prop. Concept,
AFOSR (Washington), April 1965.
Part Six
Theory on Combustion, Detonation and
Fluid Injection
Interaction Flows Due to Supersonic
Secondary Jets
Andrew F. Charwat
Department of Engineering
University of California, Los Angeles


The technology of propulsive systems draws on a substantial

body of formal fluid mechanical theory. The design of exhaust
nozzles, turbine and compressor blade cascades, the analysis of
the design-point operation of subsonic and supersonic inlets, etc.,
involve mathematically sophisticated solutions of the fluid motion
and aero-thermochemical coupling between it and the medium.
As difficult as some of these problems are, their basic formulation
is usually reasonable clear. With enough effort, a theoretical frame-
work can be developed and extended by controlled experimental
In recent years, there has also been an increasing amount of
research in the local use of very "unclean" aerodynamic flow
fields associated with secondary subsonic and supersonic jets
discharging into the stream in the propulsive duct and with regions
of separated flow at steps or notches in its boundaries. It is ex-
tremely difficult and often useless to attempt a purely theoretical
description of these flows. Instead, a growing body of basic ex-
perimental work and semi-empirical models of the flow which are
being accumulated can be used to provide a framework for the
"understanding" of the phenomena. One cannot overemphasize the
need for caution in extrapolating such results to untested situations.
Nonetheless, with care, experience, ingenuity and some develop-
mental testing, it is possible to apply with success these "building
block" experiments and idealized theoretical solutions to the com-
plex flow occurring in specific applications.
In this paper, we propose to review some of the experiments
and conceptual models which illustrate the structure of flow-fields
involving secondary jet interactions and separated regions.
The use of secondary jets injected at an angle into the super-
sonic flow in a rocket nozzle to generate asymmetrical forces for
thrust vector control is a highly successful application. Such

488 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

secondary jets produce net transverse forces several times

larger than the reaction force of a sidejet alone. The thrust
vector control system is usually more reliable and simpler than
mechanical vanes or gimballed nozzles.
The study of jets discharging parallel to the wall, at an angle
to it. or issuing from nozzles in a direction normal to that of the
main supersonic stream. is applicable not only to force vector
control problems but also to the recent research on supersonic
combustors [1] (the "Scramjet"). The key problem is to mix the
injected fuel with the free stream and complete the combustion
stably and predictably over a wide range of pressure. tempera-
ture and velocity of both streams (which relates back to the flight
regime of the engine). The optimum injection configuration is still
a question for study; for instance. inclined injection causes cooling
problems on the neighboring walls (heat fluxes as high as 20 times
the heat flux without combustion have been observed immediately
upstream of inclined jet injectors) but improves the efficiency of
the chemical reaction due to precompression of the free stream
through the interaction shock structure. This couples with the
thermodynamic cycle efficiency through the associated losses in
stagnation pressure.


We shall limit the following discussion to a very few examples

of the complex interaction generated by jets issuing into an es-
tablished flow. which often involves separated regions as an element
of the flow field. We begin with a problem illustrating the role
played by the separated region (Charwat & Faulmann. 1964) in
establishing the structure of the flow. This problem has to do
with a supersonic jet opposing a supersonic stream. In terms of
practical applications the situation may be thought of as a model
for a retro-rocket operating in atmosphere during re-entry or
as a possible injector of gaseous fuel in a supersonic combustor.
There are regimes in which a very stable bow-shock interaction
is observed. Figure 12-1 is an example of this. The standoff
distance of the double normal shock structure on the axis is gov-
erned by the condition that the total pressure of both supersonic
streams must be equal. Thus. there is a free overexpansion at
the edge of the jet nozzle which increases the centerline Mach
number until that condition is met (see the explanatory sketch
included in Fig. 12-1. All this can be calculated exactly (using.
for instance. the method of characteristics) and correlates ex-
tremely well with experimental work (see Fig. 12-2). Under other
conditions. however. the stable structure described in the pre-
ceding breaks down completely leading to a highly unstable os-
cillating. spike-type penetration of the jet into the free stream.
Interaction Flow 489

Reattachment shock

Reexponsion fa n

Son ic line in the shock layer

Jet edge expans ion fan

Jet terminal shock

Sli p l ine
External lIo w term ina l shock

Free stream

... ' I I
Dead a i r " covi t Y

1--6 --l I
t------!.R. ~Qu I
I - - - - 6. ----I

F ig . 121 Supersonic jet opposing supersonic flow: stable interaction reg ime; (a ) Mi = 1,
r / rd = 6 , Mro = 7; (b) sketch of b lunt in ter ac t ion fl ow fie ld (Charwat & F a ul mann , 1964 ).

The following model seems to explain this phenomenon. Figure

12-3 is typical Schliren picture of this.
The equilibrium of total pressures on the line of symmetry is
a necessary but not sufficient condition for there to exist a unique
stable flow. The jet-flow and the free stream flow must be com-
patible across their entire common boundary, i.e., across the
subsonic shock laye r and the vortical "dead-air" base cavity,
the shape of which is itself dete rmined by the solution. One is led
490 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


Terminal shock standoff distance

in blunt-interaction flow
Mj Range of re/rj
3.5 1.2
4.5 1.2 - 1.5
4.85 1.2 -2.8
5.3 109-2.18


Fig. 12- 2 Jet terminal shock standoff distance in blunt flow.

to seek a simplified model of this extremely difficult theoretical

problem by isolating, if possible, a single dominant matching con-
dition. The most inflexible characteristics of the flow field would
seem to be this: the base-cavity cannot support any appreciable
internal pressure gradients. consequently, the flow around its
closed boundaries (3)-(2)-(3) must maintain an approximately
constant static pressure (P b).
Suppose that the ratio of the base pressure to jet stagnation
P b/PjO and the jet exit Mach number are given, then the total jet
expansion angle Of and the Mach number along the edge of the
free jet* are known as a function Pb/PjO At point 2, the jet edge
streamtube crosses a normal shock, turns and re-expands iso-
tropically (transonic ally) back to the static pressure P b. One can
calculate the stagnation pressure ratio across the normal shock
at point 2 (Pjt2/PjO) and the Mach number along the external bound-
ary (M 23) as a function of Pb/PjO However, the direction of this
returning streamtube cannot be determined because the direction
of the sonic line in the shock layer is not known.

*The jet edge Mach number is constant for a free-jet in two-dimensional flOW, and
it can be shown that it also a good approximation for the initial development ofaxi-
symmetric free-jets.
Interaction Flow 491

- - - - Oscillations of shock layer

Fig. 12 - 3 Example of shock o s cillations occurring beyond limit of blunt flow regionM w =
2.75, Mj = 3.1, r elrj = 3.3.

We now consider the reattachment at point 3. In analogy with

the well-established model of base flows, we assume that the pres-
sure in the free streamtube (2)-(3) must return at point 3 to the
undisturbed static pressure on the afterbody, which can be related
to the local angle of the wall (Newtonianflow). Data supporting this
assumption were obtained. In the case of cylindrical afterbodies,
the reattachment pressure simply equals the free-stream static
pressure. The ratio Pb l P roS and the Mach number M23 determine
the flow turning angle 83 as a function of P bIPO' the external Mach
number, the impact pressure ratio and the afterbody angle at re-
attachment, (3.
In summary, the isobaric characteristic of the dear-air cavity
leads to a coupling of the flow angles 8f and 83 for each set of six
prinCipal parameters. It is convenient to consider the ratio
492 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
instead of P blPjO as one of them. It can easily be seen that the
angles Of and 0 3 are expressible parametrically as

Of = {(Mje, TT, cp, On)

03 = {(Moo, TT, cp, (3)

The analytic expressions of these functional relations are

algebraically very complex and will be omitted. Compressible
flow tables would normally be used to perform calculations.
The external shoulder of the afterbody may be included in the
isobaric cavity without consequence, since there is no appreciable
fluid motion in the cavity. This is the situation shown on the sketch
on Fig. 12-1. Imagine, however, that the ratio of the afterbody to
the jet exit radius is increased to the point where point 3 just falls
on the corner. Any further increase in TelTj would cause reattach-
ment to occur on the face of the body which does not satisfy the
The jet-terminal shock can be approximately described as
straight between the axis and Tj, and circular with radius I:!.j
beyond this point. The shock standoff distance (I:!./Tj) is fixed by
the parameters Mj(PtOIP too ) and On' It follows that the maximum
radius ratio jor stable blund interaction is approximately given by

= 1 + -I:!.j (tan
Of + tan Oe) cos Or = {(TT, cp, Mje, Moo, (3, On)
. J t J

stable blunt
-Te< -,. (re) <- Te
unstable spike
interaction T'
J J t
J interaction

The above is the basic relation for transition to the stable

blunt-body interaction derived from the postulated model.
Further consideration of the model indicates that the analysis
above sometimes 'predicts stable blunt interaction flow under
conditions under which the recompreSSion pressure ratio Pros IP b
exceeds reasonable limits which can be estimated from experi-
ments and theory describing the recompression of a separated
shear layer. This means that one can expect two stable-unstable
flow transitions: one when each of the stability conditions is
crossed (if parameters are chosen so that some region of stable
flow is at all possible). Experiments indeed confirm this (see
Fig. 12-4). Figure 12-5 shows the closed domain of stable blunt-
interaction for two Mach numbers as determined by experiment.
The model described in the preceding, while admittedlyoversimpli-
fied, does seem to portray the mechanism establishing this complex
interaction, and. in particular, the role of the isobaric character
of the separated cavity.
Interaction Flow 493


Trans il ion s f roll;' o~ 0
10 spike 10 b lunl
/ Cllon _ - III re
-r ' 2 ,5
8 ~r 1

~ 0/
cI, /{/

I ~/
/ 11 ? - Ter m inO I II j
jet shock stondoff 'T

Fig. 12.4 Transition from stable to unstable interaction regime; jet at Mj = 3.1 discharg-
ing upstream into a flow at Moo = 2.71 (Charwat & Faulmann. 1964).



re Irj =3.3, Mt3. 1) - OBSERVED TRANSITION
4 Mj= 3.1

,.. ."".-----... ......

/ " "\
/ \
/ I
I t-r'

;' ' Y
2 I
I _ , ...... re I rj': 2.5, Mj =3.9)
I ;';' , I
,...J... MJ=3.9

I 7' t-f- "'t;


Fig. 12.5 Observed region of stable blunt flow at Moo = 2.75 compared to calculations.
494 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

The action of such a "retro-jet" can be the opposite of what

one expects: the upstream facing jet can decrease the total aero-
dynamic drag on the body. This occurs because in certain regimes
of operation, the modification of the flow field around the nose
dominates over the reverse thrust of the jet.
The jet-thrust increases monotonically with jet stagnation
pressure. It is a complex function of pressure and nozzle geometry
up to values of PjO (or IT) at which the jet begins to flow ''full.''
Beyond this value (ITs) the thrust is a linear function of jet stag-
nation pressure

It is convenient to present force data in terms of dimensionless

coefficients defined as follows:

This presentation normalizes the end points of the region of aero-

dynamiC interaction. At Cr = 0, Cd must coincide with the drag
coefficient of the body without jet. At large Cr, the data must
approach asymptotically a straight line defined by Cd = C(.
Measurements of drag were obtained at M<Xl = 2.75 by mounting
the model on a torsion balance.
The typical cases shown in Fig. 12-6 all exhibit a minimum
which results from the interplay of the increasing jet thrust and
the decreasing aerodynamic force. They a11 approach the jet-
thrust-dominated asymptote at high values of the thrust coefficient.
Except for local fluctuation which reflect the changes in the struc-
ture of the flow, the gross features of the variation in streamwise
force do not depend on the type of interaction. The drop of drag
coefficient to its minimum value appears to be related to the
point at which supersonic nozzle flow is first established at the
jet exit (IT = ITs> which is also where the base pressure decreases
suddenly. This point is marked on the curves. The difference
between tests in which transition to blunt flow occurs and tests
where it does not occur is that in the first case the drop in drag
is abrupt. while in the second it is more gradual.
Interaction Flow 495

150. - - - - - -- - - -
Vo lu es correspond lnQ to 17s




Runs exhibitinQ tronsition to blunt flow

Symbol Mj Pe /Pj Ma)
o 3. 1 1.5 2 .75
3.9 1.5 2 7. 5
+ 3.9 1 .9 3 2 .75
.50 'V 3. 1 2 .5 2 75.
o 5.3 2 .18 7. 1

Fig. 12-6 Measurements of drag as a function of jet thrust .

The movement of the minimum-drag point can be analyzed by

substituting an expression for TT s for TT in the preceding equation.
The equation becomes

where the term in square brackets is simply the Rayleigh pitot pres-
sure ratio at the exit Mach number. The dominant factor is the area
ratio A/Ae since both the functions of Mj and Moo rapidly approach
constant limits as the Mach numbers increase.
The normalized presentation of the drag data as a function of
CF leads to one interesting observation. Suppose that the objective
is to reduce the net streamwise force on the body, i.e., to decrease
its deceleration by applying thrust. The decrease in overall drag
which would result from an application of a conventional thrust-jet
discharging in a direction opposite to that of the motion is approxi-
mately portrayed by the dotted line in Fig. 12-6, having a negative
slope of unity. It is seen that the drag decrease due to the aero-
dynamic interference caused by a retrojet discharging against the
direction of motion, when the parameters are chosed appropriately,
496 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

can be twice as large for the same jet thrust coefficient which is
proportional to the expenditure of propellant.
The appended bibliography lists a wider scope of studies dealing
with subsonic as well as supersonic blowing upstream (at low or
high velocity) from the stagnation point of blunt bodies.


Transverse jets have been investigated for internal (thrust-
nozzle) and external (jet-flap) control of the aerodynamic force-
vector, as well as a possible fuel injection mechanism in subsonic
and supersonic combustors. Because of the lack of symmetry. the
interpretation of these flow-fields is even more difficult than in
the case of opposing jets. A picture of a two-dimensional jet issuing
out of a slot is shown in Fig. 12-7. The oncoming flow separates
ahead of the injection orifice (or slot), creating an upstream facing
cavity; a second cavity exists downstream of the jet. Each of these
regions is characterized by a specific cavity-pressure which is
governed by either the "free-interaction" mechanism separating
the oncoming boundary layer (the upstream cavity) or a reattach-
ment mechanism (the downstream cavity). It follows that the free
jet expands at the exit of the secondary nozzle into a nonuniform
pressure field; moreover. if the jet is circular as it most often
is in practice, the jet exit conditions in a plane containing the jet
axis and normal to the mean flow differ from those in the plane of
the free stream. Combining flow-visualization with measurements
of static and impact pressure (Fig. 12-8) throughout the interaction
region, we have attempted to reconstruct the gross features of the
outflow from a transverse circular jet as shown in Fig. 12-9.
Attempts at a theoretical analysiS of this flow field have been
made. but their practical value is limited. For example, Ting,
Libby and Roger (1964), Ackberg and Pal (1965), and Vizel and
Mostinskii (1965) treated the problem of aninviscid, incompressible
two-dimensional interaction by elegant mathematical methods. The
analyses involve assumptions which are very idealized and probably
disregard essential "interaction" between the elements of the flow,
especially when the jet is strong. Experiments show evidence of
how complex these interactions are; for example, the distribution
of static pressure on the wall of a nozzle fitted with transverse
secondary jet changes significantly as the molecular weight of the
secondary injectant is changed (even more so when gaseous and
liquid injection are compared, although that is less surpriSing).
This is particularly evident in the region of reattachment of the
flow on the axis.
If there is combustion of the injected gas. it appears to start
at the top of the interaction region and move upstream into the
separated cavity (where very high heat-transfer rates to the wall
Interaction Flow 497

Upstream Separotlon

In jection Slot Recompression Shock lor

Downstream Separation



Fig. 12-7 Shock pattern produced by secondary injection through two-dimensional slot.
Free stream M = 4.0 ; jet to free-stream pressure Pj / Pro = 30; (a) schlieren picture; (bl
streaklines on side wall.

are experienced); combustion tends to move the upstream separation

farther upstream. Combustion can also occur in the downstream
cavity. This depends on whether the pressure level in that cavity,
which is in general the lowest in the entire field, is high enough.
If combustion takes place there, the cavity pressure increases and
this modifies the trajectory of the jet, affecting, in turn, the
situation upstream. In general, the structure of the flow field set
up by a reacting jet is very sensitive to variations in the absolute
pressure level and the main-stream parameters (flight parameters).
498 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


\ 1.75

20 - 1.67 (d LINE)





E 10
E (a LINE)

(a LINE)

0 1.1 a



Fig. 12-8 Isobars of wall pressure (as ratios to the local ideal undisturbed static pres-
sure) on surface of nozzle with a transverse jet; sonic jet exit (Charwat & Allegre, 1965>'
The class of problems dealing strictly with the average asym-
metric force field set up by the transverse jet as in application
to aerodynamics force vector control can be dealt with semi-
analytically with some cuccess. Two classes of models have been
used to correlate the data. The first class focuses on estimating
Interacti on Flow 499



Fig. 12 - 9 Sche ma tic o f three-dimensiona l in ter action of a c irc ul ar transverse s onic jet dis-
c harging into a s upersonic stream (Charwat & Allegre, 1964).

the "equivalent height" of a protrusion representing the jet. Typi-

cally, it is assumed that it expands tofree stream pressure, turns,
and flows downstream through a streamtube of diameter h. Next
the axial pressure force on a blunt body of cross-sectional diam-
eter h is estimated, using for example, the Newtonian pressure
coefficient formula and prescribing a shape for the "nose" of the
equivalent body. Equating these, an estimate for h is obtained.
It is not reasonable to consider realistic this type of model,
of which several versions have been proposed: e.g., Zukoski and
Spaid (1964), Chapkis, Mager, and Wu (1961). They should be
thought of merely as a framework in what is essentially an argu-
ment to isolate the dimensionless grouping of governing param-
eters which are believed to dominate the gross characteristics
of the interaction. The true picture of the expansion and turning
of the jet, especially when it is sonic or supersonic at the exit,
would have to be derived from consideration of the local three-
dimensional solution for the plume; Charwat and Allegre (1965)
used, for example, qualitative features of the pressure distribution
on the axis of the secondary jet to suggest that there are situations
where the "penetration height" of the jet is determined by a
mechanism governing the normal-shock standoff distance similar
to what was described in the preceding discussion of opposing jets.
Perhaps the simplest and most effective analytical correlation
of transverse-jet force data is that due to the Broadwell (1963) and
elaborated by Hsia (1966) to second order. In order to estimate
500 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

the shape and strength of the main shock in the main stream which
envelops the interaction region, Broadwell proposes the use of the
"blast-wave analogy" well known in the treatment of blunt-nosed
slender bodies in hypersonic flow. Once again, the "analogy" as
such is tenuous but is a simple way to isolate the dominant dimen-
sionless parameters.
According to this model, the crossflow due to the jet ( an
axisymmetric disturbance in a steady flow) is analogous to the
effect of a two-dimensional explosion (one-dimensional unsteady
problem) of a line-charge. The energy of the explosion is set
proportional to the transverse momentum of the jet

and using the known solution of the time-unsteady problem which

gives for the radius of the shock (c is the velocity of sound)

R = ( 2ctR O)1I2
(1 _ Jil2 Act\
2Ro J
[l ~J 112
L21T Pro

J = .88 }
for y = 1.4
,\ = -1.989

one obtains the shape of the interaction shock generated by the

secondary jet, replacing t (time) by XIU ro (with origin at the shock
which is practically identical with the upstream edge of the orifice).
The theory supplies a characteristic dimension which is

m V
c (. ro
mo Vro

and which normalizes both the shape of the shock and its strength.
An example (Hsia, Seifert, Karamchetti, 1964) is shown in Fig.
12-10. This permits one to correlate uniquely the net transverse
force due to the secondary jet. Various refinements have been
treated: the "blast wave analogy" can be carried out to second
order, evaporation of a liquid or chemical reactions can be intro-
duced, and so on.
The Brodwell model can be applie d only to round secondary jets.
It neglects entirely the overpressure due to upstream separation.
Interaction Flow 501


o F,eon-\2 !
G Gaseous N2 } Expe,imental

8. liguid N2
(~ ~ Ib
V ) 1/2
f - - Rc = A ~ ./
00 V


-- --- ---
I ""z
-- -
--- --- ---
...G ~. .'fJ-
;Y F
..r:v. ~.


o li
o 5 10 15


Fig. 12 -10 Correlation of shock shape forM <Xl = 3.20 with blast-wave analogy model ([sia,
Seifert & Karamchetti, 1964).

This contribution is, indeed, small for round jets, supersonic free
streams and thin turbulent boundary layers. This is typical of
thrust-vector control injection into nozzles. Conversely, in hyper-
sonic, laminar flow with two-dimensional jets from long-span slots,
the upstream separation zone contributes most of the side force.
Downstream overpressures have also been observed in hypersoniC
flow; e.g., Kaufmann, 1967. In these situations, which are typical
of jet-flap application to external aerodynamic surfaces, ratios of
the total transverse interaction force to the thrust of the side jet
alone as high as 20 have been observed (Kaufmann, 1967).
The existing force correlations are all extremely imperfect and
wide variations among different test conditions and different models
are common. This is because none of the models on which the
correlation is based takes into account the spectrum of phenomena
which contribute. It seems questionable that a reasonably complete
model of the interaction could be constructed and, if it were defined,
that it would not be much harder to deal with than developmental
A bibliography of Side-jet literature is appended.
502 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

(12.4] SUMMARY

The present review outlined the structure and the properties of

a class of flows involving regions of flow separation induced by
secondary jets. In general, no theoretical analysis of these complex,
interacting, composite flows is possible. However, many of their
basic properties and the nature of the mechanism which governs
their structure can be identified and correlated in terms of simple
semi-empirical models. With experience and caution, it becomes
possible to control them and use them as a design element, and,
as such, they can have interesting applications.


1. Baron, J.R. and E. Alzner: An Experimental Investigation of

Two-layer Inviscid Shock Cap due to Blunt Body Nose Injection,
J. Fluid Meek., 15, pt. 3, pp. 442-448, 1963.
2. Charczenko, N. and K.W. Hennessey: Investigation of a Retro-
Rocket Exhausting from the Nose of a Blunt Body into a
SupersoniC Free stream, NASA TN D-751, 1961.
3. Charwat, A.F. and D. Faulmann: Investigation of the Flow and
Drag due to Control Jets Discharging Upstream into a Super-
sonic Flow, Froc. XV, Intern. Astronautical Congress, Warsaw,
1964, Vol. III, pp. 85-108.
4. Eminton, E.: Orifice Shapes for Ejecting Gas at the Nose of a
Body in Two-dimensional Flow, RAE (BritJRep.Aero. 2711,
August 1960.
5. Ferri, A. and M.H. Bloom: Cooling by Jets Directed Upstream
in Hypersonic Flow, WADC TN 56-382, September 1956.
6. Gollnick, Jr.: Experiments on Blunt-Body Flows with Central
Injection, AFOSR 65-1149, May 1965.
7. Hayman, L.O. and R. W. McDearmon: Jet Effects on Cylindrical
Mterbodies Housing Sonic and Supersonic Nozzles which
Exhaust Against a Supersonic stream at Angles of Attack
from 90 to 180 0 , NASA TN D-1016, March 1962.
8. Lam, S.H.: Interaction of a Two-dimensional Inviscid In-
compressible Jet Facing a Hypersonic stream, AFOSR, TN
53-274, Rep. 447, March 1959.
9. Lopatroff, M.: Wing-flow Study of Pressure-Drag Reduction
at Transonic Speeds by Projecting a Jet of Air from the Nose
of a Prolate SpherOid of Finess Rato 6, NACA RM L51E09,
10. Love, E.S.: The Effects of a Small Jet of Air Exhausting from
the Nose of a Body of Revolution in SupersoniC Flow, NACA
RM-L52119a, 1952.
11. McMahon, H. W.: An Experimental Study of the Effect of Mass
Injection at the stagnation Point of a Blunt Body, GALCIT
Memo No. 42, May 1958.
Interaction Flow 503

12. Peterson, V.L. and R.L. McKenzie: Effects of Simulated Retro-

rockets on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Body of
Revolution at Mach Numbers from 0.25 to 1.90, NASA TN
D-1300, May 1962.
13. Prosnak, W.J.: On the Viscous Flow Near the stagnation Point
on an Interface, Archivum Mechaniki stosowaney (Warsaw)
Vol. 14, pp. 506-541, 1962 (see also Princeton University
Report 563, AFOSR Contract AF 49 (368)-465, 1962).
14. Romeo, D.J. and J.R. sterrett: Exploratory Investigation of
the Effect of a Forward-Facing Jet on the Bow Shock of a
Blunt Body in a Mach Number 6 Free stream, NASA TN
D-1605, February 1963.
15. Sutton, E.P. and P.J. Finley: The Flow of a Jet From the Nose
of an Axisymmetric Body in a Supersonic Airstream, Archivum
Mechaniki stosowaney (Warsaw) Vol. 16, pp. 782-804, 1964.
16. Tucker, L.M.: An Experimental Investigation of Contoured
Nose Orifices with Ejection at Free-stream Mach Numbers
of 1.86 and 4.3, RAE (Brit.) Tech. Note Aero 2923, November
17. Wang, Chang-Yi: Contours for stagnation Point Mass Injection
in Hypersonic Flow,AIAA J., p. 179, January 1964.
18. Warren, C.H.E.: An Experimental Investigation of the Effect
of Ejecting a Coolant Gas at the Nose of a Blunt Body, J.Fluid
Mech., 8, Part 3,400-417, 1966.
19. Watts, G.A.: An Experimental Investigation of a Sonic Jet
Directed Upstream Against a Uniform Flow, University of
Toronto, Inst.Aerophys. TN No.7, January 1956.


1. Ackerberg, R.C. and A. Pal: On the Interaction of Two-
dimensional Jet with a Parallel Flow, PIBAL Report 889,
September 1965 (AD 631-873).
2. Amick, J.L.: Circular Ark Jet Flaps at Supersonic Speeds-
Two-dimensional Theory, University of Michigan APL/JHU
CR-24, July 1966.
3. and G.F. Carvalho: Interaction Effects of a Jet Flap
on a 60 Delta Wing at Mach Number 4, and Comparison with
Two-dimensional Theory, University of Michigan, Dept. of
Aerospace Engr., Rep. APL/JHU CM 1031, February 1963.
4. and P. B.Hays: Interaction Effects of Side Jets Issuing
from Flat Plates and Cylinders Alined with a Supersonic
stream, WADD Technical Report 60-329, June 1960.
5. Bankston, L. T . and G.G .Barnes: Gas Injection Thrust Vectoring,
NOTS Report IDP 662, China Lake, July 23, 1959.
6. and H.M. Larsen: Thrust Vectoring Experiments with
Gas Injection, NOVORD Report 6548, China Lake, May 1959.
504 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

7. Baxter, A.LV.: The Application of Jet Pumping to Liquid In-

jection Thrust Vector Control, AIAA Paper 64-231, 1st Annual
Meeting, Washington, D.C., June 1964.
8. Broadwell, J.E.: An Analysis of the Fluid Mechanics of Sec-
ondary Injection for Thrust Vector Control, AIAA J.,l,
1067-1075, 1963 (see also STL Rep. 6120-7744 MU 000,
March 1962).
9. : Correlation of Rocket Nozzle Gas Injection Data,
AIAA Journal, 1, 8, August 1963, pp. 1911-1913.
10. Chamay, A.J. and R.A. Sederquist: An Experimental Investi-
gation of Shock Vector Control with Gaseous Secondary In-
jection, ARS Preprint 2216-61, August 1961.
11. Charwat, A.R. and J. Allegre: Interaction of a Supersonic
stream and a Transverse Supersonic Jet,AIAAJ., 2,1965-1972,
12. Cubbison, R.W., B.H. Anderson and J.J. Ward: Surface
Pressure Distributions with a Sonic Jet Normal to Adjacent
Flat Surfaces at Mach 2.92 to 6.4, NASA TN D-580, Feb-
ruary 1961.
13. Dowdy, M.W. and J.F. Newton, Jr.: Wind Tunnel Experiments
on Freon-12 Secondary Injection, SPace Program Summary
No. 37-17, Vol. IV, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena,
October 1962.
14. and Investigation of Liquid and Gaseous
Secondary Injection Phenomena an a Flat Plate with M=2.07
to M=454 , Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Tech. Rept. 32-542,
December 1963.
15. Dupuichs, G.: Les Performences du Pilotage par Injection
Fluids Secondaire en Atmosphere Rarefree, III European
Space Flight Symposium, Stuttgart, May 1963, Paper No .1547.
16. : Mecanisme de la deviation d'un ecoulment super-
sonique par un jet transversal, Tech Sci. Aeronaut. SPaciale
2, 130-142, 1962.
17. and C. Pavlin: Deviation de Jets des Fusees, Technique
det Sciences Aeronautiques et Spaciales, Vol. 2, 1962.
18. Erickson, L.H. and H.S. Bell, Jr.: Optimum Design Investiga-
tion of Secondary Injection Thrust Vector Control, Thiokol
Chemical Corp., Report AFSC-TR-61-1, TW-965-12-61 , 1962.
19. Ferrari, C.: Interference Between a Jet Issuing Laterally
from a Body and the Enveloping Supersonic Stream, Johns
Hopkins UniverSity, Applied Physics Laboratory, Bumblebee
Report 286, April 1959.
20. Green, C.J. and F. McCullough, Jr.: Liquid Injection Thrust
Vector Control, AIAA Journal, I, 573-578, 1963.
21. Gregory, E.A.: Rocket Nozzle Vectoring Force Study, Test
191T, The Boeing Airplane Company, Aerospace Division,
November 1960.
Interaction Flow 505

22. Hausmann. G.F.: Thrust Axis Control of Supersonic Nozzles

by Airjet Shock Interference, United Aircraft Corporation De-
partmentReport R-63143-24, May 2. 1952.
23. Hawk. N.E. and J.L. Amick: An Experimental and Theoretical
Investigation of Two-dimensional Jet Flap Aerodynamic Inter-
action at Supersonic Speeds. University of Michigan. Dept. of
Aerospace Engr. Rep. APL/JHU, CR 23, October 1965.
24. Heyser. A. and F. Maurer: Experimental Investigation on
Solid Spoilers and Jet Spoilers at Mach Numbers of 0.6 and 2.8.
Zeitschrift fur Flugwissenschoften, 10:4. 5. 1962.
25. Hsia. H.T.: Equivalence of Secondary Injection to a Blunt
Body in Supersonic Flow, AIAA J., 4:10. 1832-1835. 1966.
26. H. Seifert and K. Karamchetti: Induced Shocks by
Secondary Fluid Injection in Supersonic Nozzle Flow. J. of
Spacecraft and Rockets, 2. 67-72. 1965.
27. Hanos. J.J.: Loads Induced on a Flat-Plate Wing by an Air
Jet Exhausting Perpendicularly Through the Plate and Normal
to a Free-stream Flow of Mach Number 2.0. NASA TN D-649,
March 1961.
28. Kallis. J.M. and Marvin Adelberg: Recent Advances in the
Fluid Dynamics of Gas Injection for Thrust Vector and Tra-
jectory Control. Report No. ATN-63 (3305)-3, Aerospace
Corporation. July 1963.
29. Karamchetti. K. and H. Hsia: An Integral Approach to the
Analysis of Thrust Vector Control by Secondary Injection.
AIAA J., November 1963.
30. Kaufman. L.G.: Hypersonic Flows Past Transverse Jets.
AIAA Paper 65-190, 5th Aerospace Science Meeting. New
York. January 1967.
31. Kehlet. A.B.: Free Flight Investigation of Comparative Zero
Lift Rolling Effectiveness of Leading Edge and a Trailing Edge
Air-jet Spoiler on an Unswept Wing. NACA RM L57510,
August 1957.
32. Lefko. W.: Loads Induced on a Flat Plate at a Mach Number of
4.5 with a Sonic of Supersonic Jet Exhausting Normal to the
Surface. NASA TN D-1935, July 1963.
33. Lingen. A.: Jet-Induced Thrust-Vector Control Applied to
Nozzles Having Large ExpanSion Ratios. United Aircraft
Corp. Research Dept. Report R-0937-33, March 1. 1957.
34. Mauer. F.: Interference Effects Produced by Gaseous Side-
Jets Issuing into a Supersonic stream (Translated from DVL
Bericht 382. Deutsche Luft und Raumfahit Forschungstericht
65-04) APL Library Bulletin Translation Series TG 230-T460.
35. Three-Dimensional Effects in Shock Separated Flow
Regions Ahead of Lateral Control-Jets Issuing From Slot
Nozzles of Finite Length. AGARD CP 4,. pt. 2. p. 597. May
506 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

36. Moak, H.: Thrust Vector Control Schemes for Solid Propellant
Rockets, Astronautics, 7, 28, 1962.
37. Newton, J.F., Jr. and F.W. Spaid: Interaction of Secondary
Injectants and Rocket Exhaust for Thrust Vector Control,
ARS Journal 32, 1204-1211,1961.
38. , and : Experiments on the Interaction of Sec-
ondary Injectants and Rocket Exhaust for Thrust Vector
Control, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Technical Report 32-203,
February 12, 1962. Also ARS Journal, 32, August 9, 1962,
pp. 1203-1211.
39. Poisson-Quinton, P. and L. Lepage: French Research on
Control of Boundary Layer and Circulation, in: Boundary
Layer and Flow Control, Vol. 1 (C.V. Lachman,ed.), Pergamon
Press, 1961.
40. Rodriguez, D.J.: An Experimental Investigation of Jet-Induced
Thrust Vector Control Methods, presented at the 17th Annual
JANAF-ARPA-NASA Solid Propellant Meeting. Denver, May
23-25, 1961.
41. Spaid, F.W., E.E. Zukoski, and R. Rosen: A Study of Secondary
Injection of Gases into a SUpersoniC Flow, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory Tech. Rep. 32-834, August 1966.
42. Sterrett, J.R. and J.B. Barber: A Theoretical and Experimental
Investigation of Secondary Jets in a Mach 6 Free stream with
Emphasis on the structure of the Jet and Separation Ahead of
the Jet, AGARD CP 4, pt. 2, pp. 667, May 1966.
43. strable, W.C.: Theoretical studies on the Effects of Blowing
and Suction in Laminar Separated Regions,AIAA Paper 67-192,
5th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, New York, 1967.
44. strike, W.T., Jr.: A Study at Mach 10 of the Aerodynamic
Disturbances Generated Over a Flat Plate Containing Lateral
Jet Nozzles, AEDC TR 66-48, April 1966 (title unclassified,
report confidential).
45. , C.J. Schueler, and J.S. Deitering: Interactions Pro-
duced by Sonic Lateral Jets Located on SUrfaces in a super-
sonic stream, AFDC TRD 6~22, April 1963.
46. Taylor, G.I., The Use of a Vertical Air Jet as a Windscreen,
Jubile Scientifique de M.D.P. Ribouchinsky, pp. 313-17, 1954.
47. Ting, L., P.A. Libby, and C. Ruger: The Potential Flow due
to a Jet and a stream With Different Total Pressures, PIBAL
Report No. 855,1964.
48. Vinson, P.W., J.L. Amick, and H.P. Liepmann: Interaction
Effects Produced by Jet Exhausting Laterally Near Base of
Ogive-Cylinder Model in Supersonic Main stream, NASA
Memo 12-5-58W, February 1959.
49. Vizel, I.M. and L.L. Mostinskii: Bending of a Jet in a Drift
Flow, Inzhernerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, 8, pp. 238-242 (in
Russian), 1965.
Interaction Flow 507

50. Walker, R.E. and M. Shandor: Influence ofInjectant Properties

for Fluid Injection Thrust Vector Conteol, AIAA Preprint
64-112, January 1964.
51. , and A.R. stone: Secondary Gas Injection
in a Conical Rocket Nozzle, AIAA Journal, 1, 334-338, 1963.
52. and Theoretical Performance of Selected
Fluid Injectants for Thrust Vector Control, Applied Physics
Laboratory/Johns HoPkins University eM 1027, November
53. , A.R. stond and M. Shandor: Basic Experiments on
Gas Injection and Probe TVC, paper presented at 6th BOWACA
Symposium on Aeroballistics sponsored by Bureau of Naval
Weapons (Oct. 31-Nov., 1963); see also Interaction Between
Sonic Side Jets and Supersonic Duct Flow, Applied Physics
Laboratory/Johns HoPkins University BB 316, December 1963.
54. Wu, J.M., R.L. Chapkis and A. Mager: An Approximate
Analysis of Thrust Vector Control by Fluid Injection, ARS J.,
31, 1677-1685, 1961.
55. Zukoski, E. E. and F.W. Spaid: Secondary Injection of Gases
into a Supersonic Flow, AIAA J., 2, 1689-1696,1964.
Gasdynamics of Explosions

A. K. Oppenheim
Professor of Aeronautical Sciences
University of California, Berkeley


Gasdynamics of explosions concerns the interrelationship

between rate processes resulting in the deposition of a sig-
nificant amount of power in the working substance. and its
concomitant nonsteady motion. Fundamentals of this subject
are based on nonsteady gasdynamics and the detonation theory;
applications bear upon the extension of performance range of
rocket propulsion systems. Presented here are basic
elements of the theory.


[13-1.1] Fundamentals of Non-steady Gasdynamics

In order to consider the fundamentals of nonsteady gasdynamics

in the most practical manner, the treatment is restricted here to
one-dimensional flow field. However, within this scope we do not
limit ourselves to plane motion but include also cylindrical and
spherical flow. Furthermore, we limit our attention to inertial
effects only, so that the influence of transport phenomena is
essentially neglected.
As in any aerothermochemical problem, the flow is constrained
by restrictions imposed by the principles of the conservation of
mass, momentum and energy. In view of our emphasis, however,
it is more convenient to use the entropy equation as it is expressed
by the second law of thermodynamics, rather than the energy
equation as it is usually considered in aerothermochemistry.
This does not introduce any fundamental differences, of course, but
it provides considerable help in the transition from the typically
Lagrangean concepts of energy transfer to the Eulerian description
of the time-dependent flow field.
The fundamental equations are introduced here in the same
general manner as in most standard texts [1-4] with the important

Gasdynamics of Explosions 509

difference, however, that the restrictions introduced by the equation

of state are relegated to the very last step, as it is indeed done in
some cases of hypersonic flow theory [8]. As a consequence, the
equations are first presented in a form not only unrestricted by
the perfect gas assumption, as is usually the case, but applicable
in effect to any chemically reactive substance. For the sake of
SimpliCity, it is assumed that the state is fully determined by two
independent thermodynamic parameters. Although, in principle,
the analYSis is restricted thereby to equilibrium states, in prac-
tice it can also be applied to nonequilibrium mixtures, provided
that the composition in the course of the process in question is a
function of the state which is fully defined by the two parameters.

[13-1. 1.1] Continuity Equation

The mass balance for a differential segment of a stream tube is

where is the mass flux added to the stream per unit length.
Carrying out the differentiation and dividing by aa, this yields

1 ap
- -
u ap au
+ - - + -
1 aa
= -- - -
p at p ax ax a at a ax pa


1 Dp au 1 Da
--+ - = ---+-
P Dt ax a Dt pa

where DIDt ;: (alat> + u(alax) is the so-called substantial derivative.

For general one-dimensional flow,
1 aa (T

a ax x


for plane flow

a for cylindrical flow
for spherical flow
510 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
[13- 1. 1.2] Equation of Motion

The equation of motion restricted to inertial effects only, is

expressed in terms of the Euler equation:

Du + ..!:. ap = tfr (13-2)

Dt p ax

where tfr represents all the body forces in the x -direction per unit

[13-1. 1.3] Entropy Equation

If the state is fully determined by two independent parameters,

dh dp
ds = - -- (13-3)
T pT

It follows immediately from the above that


where a may represent any other parameter of state, the velocity

of sound, in particular.
ConSidering p = pea,s) where a2 =<ap/ap)8 is the local speed of
sound, or, what is more appropriate here, the relative velocity of
a characteristic,

dp = lap) da + (a p) ds
p \aa s p a s a p

and, since from the definition of a and Eq. (13-4),

it follows that

dp 2 (ah2' da + (a p) ds (13-5)
p \aa V8 a as a p

Considering, similarly, p = p (a, s)

Gasdynamics of Explosions 511

dp = (a p) da + (a p\ ds
p aa s p a s )a p

whence, with Eq. (13-4),

( ap)
dp ds
z(ah) ada + (13-6)
p aa 2 s as a p

By the introduction of

a - z(:a~)s
X ~ - ; (::)a


Equations (13-5) and (13-6) become, respectively,



dp 2
- = a a da - c Xds (13-9)

The physical meaning of the definitionsofEqs. (13-7) can be brought

out by the example of a perfect gas with y = constant. In this case,
a 2 = yRT; h = (yly -l)WT; (aplaS)T = _(p 2Tlp) = -(plR) and (aplap)T
= RT so that

Z dh = _z_
da 2 y - 1

_~lap) _~
p \as T R
512 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



[13-l.l.4] Characteristic Relations

Substituting Eq. (13-8) into (13-1) and multiplying by a, one

aa aa au Dina Ds a3
a - + au - + a - - a - - + ax- + - - (13-10)
at ax ax Dt Dt rpa

r '" ~ a 2 = ~ lap) = lalnp) = lah) (13-11)

p p \ap s \alnp s \ae s
Substitution of Eq. (13-9) into (13-2) yields

- + u -
au aa
+ aa - = c X-
2 as
+ t/J (13-12)
at ax ax ax
Adding and subtracting Eqs. (13-10) and (13-12) under the as-
sumption that a is constant (a fundamental restriction which limits
the scope of the analysis to a regime where (ahlaa 2 )s is virtually
invariant), one finally obtains:

~ (aa u) + (u a) ~ (aa u)
at ax
= -a Dina + ax(DS c as) + a3 t/J 2
Dt Dt a ax rpa
The above can be simplified by the introduction of the so-called
referential derivatives, namely:

'" - +
a (u + a)-
8t at ax
[L a + (u - a ) -
8t at ax
Gasdynamics of Explosions 513

which are related to the substantial derivative as follows:

+ a-
a and
(5- D
- -a-
Dt ax ot Dt ax
so that

a D S_
+ -
ax Dt St Dt

Consequently, Eq. (13-13) becomes

+ a 3 .p

It may be noted that for a perfect gas with y = constant, c2X1a = alyR
and ax[I- <c 2Ia 2)] = (aiR) [(y -I}/y]
Equations (13-15) can be expressed in nondimensional form by
introducing the following parameters:

A = ~; U = U (Ao 1)
ao Qo

JCl _ aA + U Riemann
2 _ aA - U parameters
(~o = 0)

ao t t
r=- =-
Lo - aoto' Lo to

<I> = -_.
ipo a,
One should note, in this connection, that for variable entropy
flow, the scope of the analysis will have to be restricted to
regimes where c2xla2 is virtually invariant. Furthermore, from
Eqs. (13-9) and (13-11) it follows, that

dp = i (a da _ c2-; dS)
p a a
514 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

so, if r remains also invariant,

P (A) ra
Po Ao

since Ao = 1 and ~o = o.
Equation (13-15), multiplied by L o lao 2 , yields, consequently,


For complete solution, this has to be supplemented by informa-

tion on entropy variation:

- = F(A, V, ~, ~, r)

The above describes the variation of the Riemann parameters

fcl and 2 in the ~- r plane along the characteristic directions given by

V+A for fcl
d~ (13-18)
V-A for 2

V for ~

as shown in Fig. 13-1a.

This is then the essence of the formulation of nonsteady com-
pressible flow in terms of the method of characteristics. In general,
as it is seen-from the above treatment. the problem is resolved in
terms of three characteristic directions. The solution involves an
initial value problem with all conditions prescribed along a given
characteristic curve; in prinCiple, therefore, it can be obtained
from Eqs. (13-17) by finite differences taken along triangular meshes
Gasdynamics of Explosions 515

of the three characteristic directions. The reader interested in be-

coming acquainted with the computational details of such solutions is
referred for this purpose to the excellent text of Rudinger [1].

o~-- __ ___________

(0 )

( b)

Fig. 13-1 Characteristics and discontinuity in the time-space domain.

[13- 1.2] Gasdynami c Di scontinuity

A distinguishing feature of gasdynamic flow fields is the exis-
tence of discontinuities, i.e., planes across which a finite change
of state takes place without the variation in the mass flow rate
per unit area,m, and the stream force per unit area. f.

[13-1.2.1] Mechanical Conditions

The above definition leads immediately to the formulation of the
so-called mechanical conditions between the density, p, normal
relative flow velocity. v, and pressure, p, across the discontinuity,
as depicted in Fig. 1b, namely,

m = PyV y = pxvx

and (13-19)
2 2
f Py + PyV y Px + Pxvx
516 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

where subscript x refers to the state ahead and y to that behind

the discontinuity. By introducing u ==vx-vy , Eqs. (13-19) canbe
written in a more convenient form as:


In order to represent the relations for a gasdynamic disconti-

nuity in a nondimensional form, the most convenient and unam-
biguous reference parameter is Zx 2 == pxl Px' rather than the
velocity of sound in the undisturbed medium. Introducing then
U == ulz x, 19 == vxlz x, 0 == vylzX' P== pylpx and v == vylvx = PX1py, Eqs.
(13-20) become

U 19(1 - v) o -v1 - 1
( (13-21)

P - 1 U19 (19 - 0)19 ~


U2 (J9 _ 0)2 (P - 1) (1 - v)

and (13-22)
J92 = 1 M 2 = 02 ly ~ My2
P - 1
x x v2
v 1 - v

the relationships involving Mach numbers having been obtained by

virtue of the definition of Eq. (13-11).
To determine the change of state across the discontinuity, the
mechanical conditions are supplemented by the Hugoniot Relation-
ship, P(P,v) = 0, which is derived from the energy balance.

[13-1.2.2] The Hugoniot Relationship

The energy equation for a discontinuity can be expressed in

general as

hy - hx - q 1
(2 Vx - Vy
2) (13-23)
Gasdynamics of Explosions 517

where hy - hx represents, in effect, that component of the enthalpy

change that can be considered proportional to the thermodynamic
state parameter, z, while q is the remaining component of en-
thalpy change which, for a given Hugoniot curve, is regarded as a
constant. In order for this to be valid, it must be possible to
express the enthalpy of state y so that

(a~~) = constant while h 0 at z 0,

partial differentiation being taken along the process path.
It is convenient then to introduce a parameter


in terms of which the enthalpy at y can be expressed simply as

1 + f3 y 2 1+ f3 y Py
hy = --- Zy ---
2f3 y 2f3 y Py
Similarly, of course
1+ f3 x
hx = Zx 2
2f3 x

and Eq. (13-23) can be written as

2f3 y
Py _
(1 + f3 x Px +
2f3 x Px
q) = vx
[1 _ (Vy)2]

With the nondimensional parameters introduced for Eqs. (13-21)

and (13-22), and taking advantage of the last of these equations,
the above becomes

518 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
while subscript y has been omitted as one referring to the variable
end state y = y(P,v).
The above can be reduced to

(P + /3)(v - /3) C

C (P G + /3) (1 - /3)



is the specifiC volume or velocity ratio attainable by a constant pres-

sure combustion and


is the pressure ratio attainable by constant volume combustion.

For constant /3, Eq. (13-29) represents a rectangular hyperbola.
Salient properties of such a Hugoniot curve for Q > 0 are demon-
strated by curve H in Fig. 13-2. Points J and K, denoting the upper
and lower Chapman-Jouguet states respectively, have the well-known
property of local Mach number of unity.
On the basis of the above equations, this can be demonstrated
as follows. According to Eq. (13-29), the slope of the Hugoniot
curve is


The slope of the Rayleigh Line passing through state x(1,U is given
by the last of Eqs. (13-22). At the point of tangency, the two are
equal. Hence,

Gasdynamics of Explosions 519

Fig. 13- 2 The Hugoniot curve.

and a similar relation is valid for K. By cross-multiplying and

rearranging, Eq. (13-33) becomes

1- f3i (13-34)

which, in terms of

and (13-35)

VN = 1 - 2(1 - v}

acquires the form of the Rankine-Hugoniot Relationship, that is,

Eq. (13-29) with P a = v F = 1*. The upper branchofthe correspond-
ing curve is shown in Fig. 13-2 under symbol RH.

*This has been noted especially by Langweiler, Z.f Techn. Physik, 19:9, P. 276,1938.
520 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Invoking the relationship of Eq. (13-22) that involves MJ and

rearranging further Eq. (13-34), one obtains, respectively, the
following two equations:


The equality between the outside terms in the above implies

that MJ = 1, provided that
1 + {:3J
rJ = -- (13-37)
1 - (:3J
Substituting then Eqs. (13-11) and (13-25) into Eq. (13-37),
one obtains:

which, by definition of enthalpy, remembering that z2 = pip, yields

= I::)
\ @J
or (a:~) @J
= (a:~) 8
that is,

Equation (13-37) implies, therefore, that at state J (or K) the

Hugoniot curve is tangent to the isentrope, which is indeed the
fundamental property of the Chapman-Jouguet condition. * Equation
(13-35) is recognized consequently as the locus of states of
M = 1, and provides, Similarly, as either Eqs. (13-33) or (13-34),
a rational manner of evaluating {:3J to match a given Chapman-
Jouguet state, namely, with Eq. (13-22):

19 2 + 1

*For proof of salient properties of the Hugoniot Curve. see Section 13-3 of this chapter.
Gasdynamics of Explosions 521

or, by virtue of Eqs. (13-35):


There are many computer codes available today for the evalua-
tion of the Chapman-Jouguet state [6]. Equations (13-29) and (13-39)
permit description of the Hugoniot curve in the vicinity of this state
in terms of a simple expression for a rectangular hyperbola.
This curve is fully defined by two parameters: f3 which can be
evaluated from Eq. (13-39) and C which can be subsequently deter-
mined by the use of Eq. (13-29).

[13-1.2.31 Oblique Discontinuity

In order to treat oblique discontinuities, one has to consider
only the additional features associated solely with the geometry
of flow, i.e., with kinematic relations. Consider for this purpose
an oblique wave front, as shown in Fig. 13-3a. Its angle of inci-
dence with respect to the streamline is e, while the incident flow
velocity, w x ' consists of normal and tangential components, Vx and
v t ' with respect to the wave front. Since plane front can affect only
normal component of flow, change in the velocity vector can be
represented by the hodograph shown in Fig. 13-3b where 'velocity
vectors Wx and Wy have a common tangential component, v t The
flow is deflected by an angle, 8, and the downstream velocity, w y ,
acquires a different normal component, v y
In order to express the oblique wave relations in the simplest
form, it is convenient to introduce a new parameter:

ill x 2
w=-- (13-41)
P - 1

were ill x -= w x/z x '
Since, as evident from Fig. 13-3,v x = Wx sin e, the mechanical
condition expressed by the first of Eqs. (13-21) gives


while the last of Eqs. (13-21) and (13-41) yields


Equation (13-42) reduces, therefore, to

illx = w U sin e (13-44)

522 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

t - - - - - - - - wx

Fig. 13- 3 Oblique discontinuity.

and, as a consequence of the identity tan 8 = (sin- 2 8 - 1)-112, Eq.

(13-43) becomes
tan 8
Vw(1 - v) - 1

From the velocity hodograph of Fig. 13-ab,

tan 8 = u _co_s_8_

Wx - u sin 8


tan 8
l\) x
( -1) tanl:J
U cos 8
Gasdynamics of Explosions 523

so that, as a consequence of Eqs. (13-44) and (13-45),

tan a (13-47)
w - 1

In order to evaluate the downstream velocity, one notes from

the velocity hodograph of Fig. 13-3b that

Wy =
Wx - u sin e
cos a
which, with the use of Eqs. (13-44) and (13-47), becomes


[13-1.3] Simple Wave

In a gasdynamic flow field, a simple wave is distinguished by

the fact that its characteristics are straight lines. As apparent
from the characteristic relations, Eqs. (13-17) and (13-18) this
can occur only if one of the Riemann parameters is invariant and
the referential velocity is constant. Under such circumstances, the
characteristic is also a locus of a constant state. Consequently,
a simple wave is bounded, as is a discontinuity, by regimes of
constant states. It renders itself therefore to direct integration,
yielding a functional relationship between the parameters of these

[13-1.3.1] Simple Wave in Non-Steady Flow

The invariance of the Riemann parameter implies immediately,

by virtue of Eq. (13-13), the relationship

du = ada (13-49)

where, according to definition, Eq. (13-7), a '" 2<JhIJa 2 )s.

It is of interest to note that the same relation is also obtained
directly from the continuity equation for a discontinuity, as given
by the first of Eqs. (13-20), which, in a differential form, yields:
du = - dp
524 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Equation (13-49), then, is a direct consequence of the above; for a

characteristic of a simple wave, Vx ~ a, while for an isentropic
process the differential of density is related to velocity of sound
by Eq. (13-8), with,ofcourse,ds ~ O. The.characteristic of a simple
wave is indeed an infinitesimal discontinuity, and, in accordance
with the fundamental property of the Hugoniot curve, in the vicinity
of the initial state, the change of state brought about by this wave
is isentropic, as indeed demanded by Eq. (13-13) in consequence
of Eq. (13-49).
The integral of Eq. (13-49) is, in terms of our nondimensional

u ~ ,dA - 1) (13-50)

where U := (u/a) ~ U/v'[\, while, according to definitions of Eqs.

(13-25) and (13-29), the relationship of Eq. (13-37) and the property
expressed by Eq. (13-38),

r - 1

while, it should be remembered, for a perfect gas with constant

specific heats, r ~ y.

[13-1.3.2] Simple Wave in Steady Flow

Simple wave in steady flow has particular significance as a

centered rarefaction fan, known as the Prandtl-Meyer expansion.
In accordance with the foregoing treatment, its theory is introduced
here, in contrast to the usual manner, without any restrictions
introduced by the equation of state [5].
A ray of a rarefaction fan and the corresponding velocity
hodograph are shown in Fig. 13-4, in the same manner as it was
done in Fig. 13-3 for the discontinuity. From Fig. 13-4b it appears
b~ cot<e + dOl(dW + 2 Wsin 2 d:)
or in the limit, when second order terms vanish identically,

b ,= cos e dw
so that

do b cot e dw (13-52)
Gasdynamics of Explosions 525


Fig. 13 - 4 Simple rare faction wave in s t eady flow or the Prandti-M eyer expansion.

and since

do = ~dw (13-53)

while, as de = [d(sin e)]lJl - sin 2 e ,

526 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
The energy equation, as a consequence of the fact that the flow
is isentropic, can be expressed as



or, in terms of a == 2 (ahlaa 2 )s , as per Eq. (13-7), and noting that

dala= dwlw - dM/M,
dw adw IXdM
w M2 w M2 M

dw IX dM
w M2 + a hi
The rarefaction fan is fully described in terms of the relation-
ship between the angle , defined in Fig. 13-4c, and the Mach
number. According to the diagram,

=!!"-+8-e (13-57)

while Eqs. (13-53) and (13-56) yield

d8 (13-58)

Consequently, with the use of Eq. (13-54),

a + 1 MdM
d = d8 - de = - - - , = - - - - - - -==;:== (13-59)
(M 2 - 1) + (a + 1)vM 2 _ 1


f 1:'+1 MdM
! IX + 1 dp. (13-60)
= 2
(M - 1) + (a + 1) VM 2 _ 1 p.2 + (IX+ 1)

where p. == vM 2 - 1.
Gasdynamics of Explosions 527

If a = canst., the above can be integrated, yielding


where the constant of integration has been adjusted so that = 0

at M = 1, as indicated on Fig. 13-4c.
Finally, since 11/2-8 = cos- 1(1/M), it follows from Eq. (13-57)

u<> = -~1
Va + 1 t an -1 -1(1)M
- - - cos
- (13-62)

while, as before, for a perfect gas with constant specific heats,

a = 2/(y-1), so that a + 1 = (y+ l)/(y-l).


[13- 2.].] Vector Polar Method

One of the most useful ways of treating problems in nonsteady

gasdynamics is to consider the flow field in the time-space domain
as consisting of regimes of uniform states bounded by wave fronts.
One needs only to recognize the existence of two types of waves:
steady waves, or gasdynamic discontinuities, and simple waves,
since these are the only fronts that can be bounded by constant state
regimes. The whole flow field is determined then by the solutions
of all the wave interaction processes. This can be accomplished by
the use of the Polar Method which can be considered a "method of
characteristics in the large," in that the flow field is thought to be
made up solely of fronts associated with finite changes of state,
rather than characteristics associated with infinitesimal changes.
In practice this is fruitful only if attention is focussed on a
sufficiently large flow field so that the wave interaction events are
short in comparison to the overall wave propagation process. Since
a noninteracting wave front propagates through a uniform regime
at a constant velocity, the cases where the Polar Method can be
!!-pplied are recognized in experimental records such as those of
Fig. 13-5 as regimes where the world-lines, i.e., traces of wave
fronts in the time-space domain, can be approximated by straight
line segments. Each point of intersection between these segments
represents a wave interaction process which, in principle, is
amenable to solution by this method.
528 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion




0.50 P - atm


6 0.'20 0.30 0.40


Fig. 13.5 Streak schlieren photograph of accelerating flame and the concomitant flow field
(9) in a stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen mixture maintained initially in a I" x 1-112" cross-
section tube at NTP. Displayed as inserts are pressure records at positions 1, 2 and 3.
Vertical scale: 5.2 psia/cm for record (1), 10.4 psi/cm for records (2) and (3); horizontal
sweep from left to right: 100 ,USec/cm for records (1) and (2) 200 j.Lsec/cm for record (3)'
Gasdynamics of Explosions 529

Polar Method is based upon the principle that a wave interaction

process creates a regime of uniform pressure and flow velocity.
The solution is obtained by finding the intersection between Polars,
i.e., loci of pressures and flow velocities attainable by the wave
fronts in question. The most convenient manner of determining
such intersections is, of course, by a graphical technique. This
is then accomplished by the Vector Polar Method, where the polar
diagrams are rendered a vectorial character by the use of proper
scales for the coordinates. The solution obtained by the use of
Vector Polars represents, in effect, a vector determined by the
summation of component vectors, each representing the change of
state brought about by a wave front participating in the interaction

[13- 2.1.1] Wave Interactions

a. Steady Wave Polars

Equation for the wave polar of a discontinuity is obtained by the

use of the Hugoniot Relationship, Eq. (13-29) to eliminate v from the
first of Eqs. (13-22), yielding

\1,2 = (P - l)(P - Po)(l - (3)


where Po is given by Eq. (13-31). The corresponding expression

for the wave propagation velocity is derived Similarly from the
second of Eqs. (13-22), leading to
J92 = (P - l)(P + (3)
(P - P 0)(1 - (3)

The velocity of sound ratio across the discontinuity


can be expressed Similarly by the use of Eq. (13-29) as:

A2 ~ P [P o + (3
J (13-66)
= (1 - (3) + (31.
rx P + (3

For a perfect gas with constant specific heats r = r x = y and

(3 = (y-U/(y+U, so that Eq. (13-31) reduces to
530 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Pa = 1 + ~ Q = 1 + <y - 1)Q = 1 + - q - (13-67)

f3-1 cvTx

as it indeed should, since for a constant volume combustion under

such circumstances, P a = T/Tx.
For a shock q = 0 and P a = t Eq. (13-63) yields then for
U = u/ax = lVvy
2 <P _ 1)2
y<y + 2y
<P - 1) + --
Y+ 1
and, noting that if r = y, 5)x 2 = yMx2, Eq. (13-64) reduces to the
well-known relation

P - 1 ~ (13-69)
y - 1

while Eq. (13-66) becomes

A2 P f3P + 1 (13-70)

Shock Polars expressing Eqs. (13-68) and (13-70) for f3 =

1J6<y = 1.4) and f3 = 1111(y = 1.2) are presented by Fig. 13-6 with
the auxiliary Mach number plot based on Eq. (13-69). It should
be noted that the polar plots are rendered vectorial character
by the use of logarithmic scales for P and A, while a linear scale
is retained for U
For any given wave interaction problem, U has to refer to the
same- value of the reference velocity, ao It has to be expressed
therefore in terms of


where, it is understood, Ax = ax/ao. Consequently, the scale for

U has to be appropriately adjusted, or stretched, by a horizontal
shift implied by Eq. (13-71). It is for this reason then that Fig.
13-6 gives a family of polars for Ax = 1,2 and 3 with the help of
which any intermediate polar can be obtained by linear interpolation.
Figure 13-7 represents deflagration polars for f3 = 1111, Yl =
1.4 and C = 5.55 (Yl = 1.4) corresponding to deflagration in equi-
molar hydrogen-oxygen mixture initially at 1 atm and 70 F.
(q = 931 cal/gm).
Gasdynamics of Explosions 531



2.2 Ax= 1


14 - t=141
- - t=12 1


U J'v1
95 1.0 1.5 2.0
Fig. 13 - 6 Shock polars in the P - U and A - U planes for j3 ~ 116 (y ~ 1.4) and' j3 ~ 1111
(y ~ 1.2).

b. Simple Wave Polars

The equation for a simple wave polar is obtained from Eq. (13-50)
with the use of proper relationship A = A (P) for an isentropic pro-
cess. For a perfect gas with constant specific heats, in terms of
U = u/ax = U/V:; and, noting that under such circumstances ex =
2/(y - 1), this yields

U = _2 (pY;yl -1)
y - 1 \

while the corresponding U-A relation follows directly from Eq.

(13-50) as

U = - - (A - 1) (13-73)
y - 1

and, of course,
532 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


1.2 ~_---41.8


L ! 2 - - - - - - ; 1.4

\...-32.2,.0_ - - - - 1 1 . 2

~~U~--........- ........--1'O
-2 -1 0 Mo 1


~~o 20
a \ 141.6
" "-==
12 p A,{'101.2

Fig. 13 - 7 Deflagration polars in the P - U and A - U planes for f3 '" V 11 and C '" 5.55
1.4) corresponding to deflagration in equimolar hydrogen-oxygen mixture initially at
(y 1 '"
1 atm and 70F. (q '" 931caIlgm).

A = P 2y (13-74)

Plots of Eq. (13-72) with Ax = I, 2, and 3, are given by Fig.

13-8 for a rarefaction wave in a perfect gas with y = 1.4 (a = 5).
Unlike the shock, the simple wave is bounded by a "head" and
a "tail" of different propagation velocities, each equal to the
velocity of sound in the appropriate regime. For this purpose,
Fig. 13-8 is supplemented by the plot of Eq. (13-74).
Gasdynamics of Explosions 533



Ax= 0.6


Fig. 13-8 Rarefaction polars in the P-U plane and the auxiliary P-A plot for a =5 (y =

c. Examples
1) Shock Tube Phenomena. The simplest illustration of wave
interactions is provided by the processes occurring at the start
of a shock tube. Initially there are two regimes, each at a different
pressure but both at rest, separated by a diaphragm. The diaphragm
is suddenly destroyed, producing a shock wave that moves into the
low-pressure regime, and a rarefaction fan that propagates into
the high-pressure regime.
Let the initial diaphragm pressure ratio be 2.62. The substance
on both sides of the disphragm is kept initially at the same tem-
perature, and it is assumed that it behaves essentially as a perfect
gas with y = 1.4. The solution is depicted in Fig. 13-9 and given
in Table 13-1. The fact that there is a shock propagating into the
regime 0 is represented on the p-u and A-U planes by shock polars
for Ax = 1 of Fig. 13-6, starting from points (U = 0, P = 1) and
(U = 0, A = 1), respectively. At the same time, the rarefactionmov-
ing into state 4 is represented on these planes by simple wave
polars for Ax = 1 of Fig. 13-8, starting from points (U = 0, P = 2.62)
(U = 0, A = U The intersection of the two polars on the P-U plane
determines the pressure and velocity of state I, while the cor-
responding points in the A-U plane speclfythe conditions 1 and 1a on
the two sides of the contact discontinuity, a front across the same P
and U but different A which, as demonstrated by Fig. 13-5, must
be generated by such a process due to different history of particles
that are adjacent to its sides. Included in Fig. 13-5 is the reflec-
tion of the shock wave from the closed end establiShing state 2, and
the reflection of the rarefaction fan from the other side producing
state 3. These two states are determined directly by the intersection
with the axis of a shock polar starting from state 1 for Ax = 1.067,
and of a rarefaction polar starting from state 1a for A = 0.933.
534 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

4 i I In ! I 0

O.8L...-_ _L - _

Fig. 13-9 Wave interaction processes in a shock tube. Solution for P4 '" 2.62, A4 '" I,
f3 = 116 (y = 1.4).

The determination of state 1 is indeed so simple that for a perfect

gas with constant specific heats it can be accomplished algebraically.
Noting that the relationships between Uland PI must be satisfied
simultaneously by Eqs. (13-68) and (13-72), the latter taken in the

Table 13-1 Solution of Wave Interaction Processes in a Shock Tube Represented

by Fig. 13-9; P4 = 2.62, A4 = 1, 8 = 1/6 (y = 1.4).
State P A U Wave M V W

4 2.62 1 0 0 0 0
la 1.584 .933 .33 4-1a -1 -1 -1
- .933 - .933 - .60
1 1.584 1.067 .33 0-1 1.25 1.25 1.25
2 2.41 1.133 0 1-2 1.2 1.28 - .95
3 .887 .86 0 1_3 1 .933 1.263
1 .86 .86
Gasdynamics of Explosions 535

proper orientation with respect to state 4, it follows immediately


4 2 (P 1 - 1)2

y(y + 1) (P1 - 1) + ~
y + 1

y - 1


The above equation gives the required diaphragm pressure

ratio, P 4 , to produce a given shock pressure ratio, P 1 , which, in
turn, is related to the shock Mach number, Mx , by Eq. (13-69).
Similarly it can be shown that, as a consequence of the re-
quirement that particle velocity must be zero behind the reflected
shock wave,

(2[3 + 1) P 1 - (3
P1 (13-76)
Y+ 1
P1 + --
y- 1

It is of interest to note that the pressure ratio across the re-

flected shock wave has a limiting value

1 3y - 1
P2 = 2 + - (13-77)
max (3 y- 1

which, for y = 1.4, is 8.1. This leads to a maximum attainable

temperature or speed of sound ratio whose corresponding value
is, by Eq. (13-66),

2(2[3 + 1) 1
3 -- (13-78)
(3 + 1 y

which, for y = 1.4, is 2.285.

536 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

2) Flame-Shock Interactions. In contrast to the previous

example, the flame-shock interaction problem presented here cannot
be treated satisfactorily by any technique other than the graphical
Vector Polar Method. The reason for this is that the analysis this
time involves the matching of a number of experimental records.
The solution is obtained at each step by trial and error. Any at-
tempt to accomplish this by a numerical technique would have been
unduly cumbersome.
Figure 13-10 presents a streak-Schlierenrecordofflame-shock
interactions in an equimolar hydrogen-oxygen mixture contained in
a I" x 11/2" rectangular cross-section tube [8]. Two shock waves
moving to the left collide with the right-moving flame, the first
sweeping the flame back toward the left end of the tube and the
second producing a noticeable alteration in its structure. Follow-
ing the reflection from the end of the tube, the transmitted shocks
again interact with the flame, accelerating it to the right.
Displayed in the insert in Fig. 13-10 are pressure records
obtained at two stations, POI and 2. Theywere measured by means
of shock-mounted Kistler 601 transducers with Kistler 568 charge
amplifiers. The first signal on both transducer records represents
the pressure pulse produced by the initial motion of the flame.
This is followed by the attainment of a relatively uniform pressure
field ahead of the flame just prior to the interaction.
The salient feature of the Schlieren record of Fig. 13-10 is
the appearance of relatively straight line traces of wave fronts,
providing the justification for the finite wave interaction analysis
in which the flow is treated essentially as one-dimensional and
the only changes of state admitted are those brought about by
wave action. The waves are considered plain discontinuities with
the exception of the rarefaction fan, which is treated as a zone of a
continuous isentropic expansion. Thus all considerations associ-
ated with the structure of the wave processes are neglected in
favor of their dynamic effects.
The solution of the wave-interaction analysis is shown in the
time-space diagram of Fig. 13-11 and the pressure-particle
velocity hodograph of Fig. 13-12. The flame is denoted in Fig.
13-12 by the double solid line and the shock fronts by single solid
lines; the bounds of the rarefaction fan are indicated by chain-
dotted lines. For comparison, the observations of Fig. 13-10 have
been reproduced in Fig. 13-11, the flame trace represented by a
double-dash line and the shock waves by a single-dash line. Each
regime in the time-space domain is denoted by a number which
indicates its thermodynamic state on the pressure-velocity dia-
gram. In performing the analysis, the contact surfaces generated
by each interaction were ignored, since their effects were of
second order and had negligible influence on the results.
From experimental observations of the initiation process,
it has been established [8] that the pressure of state 1 is 2.01
Gasdynamics of Explosions 537



o 0.1 0.2 0.3

Fig. 13-10 Streak-schlieren and pressure transducer records of flame-shock interactions
in a stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen mixture initially at 1 atm and 60 0 F. For the oscillo-
scope record displayed in insert, vertical scale: 0.5 psi! cm; horizontal scale: 0.5 msec I cm.
Oscilloscope sweep leads the streak record by 3.38 msec.
538 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4


Fig. la-II Solution of the flame-shock interaction processes recorded in Fig. 13-10 in
the time-space domain. Distance - m.

pSi, and the corresponding particle velocity is 13 m/sec. state 1

and waves 1-2, 2-4, and 1-11 provide the initial conditions for
the analysis. For convenience, the reference conditions are
taken as those of the undisturbed mixture, $0 that state 1 is
slightly displaced from the origin in the P-U diagram of Fig.
Gasdynamics of Explosions 539

11 __ - 1

-1.0 -05 0 05 1.0

Fig. 13.12 Solution ofthe flame-shock interaction processes recorded in Fig. 13-11 in the
p - U plane.

Curve 1-2 in Fig. 13-12 represents the locus of states attained

behind the shock wave propagating to the left into medium I, with
the terminal point, state 2, determined from the observed pressure
and wave velocity. Curve 1-11 represents the locus of states created
behind the deflagration moving to the right into medium 1. state 11
is specified by the deflagration polar of Fig. 13-7 to fit the ob-
served flame velocity.
The rarefaction that arises from the collision between flame
3-33 and shock 2-4 is quite weak. It is considered. therefore, to
be centered at the point of collision, and its effects are combined
with those of the first expansion. As a consequence. there appears
an extended regime of uniform state 5, in agreement with experi-
mental observations. Although flame 3-33 propagates into the non-
uniform regime within the reflected rarefaction wave, the medium
ahead of it is assumed to have a constant state 3, whose properties
correspond to those behind the rarefaction produced by the first
flame-shock collision. This should be considered a fair approxi-
mation, especially in view of experimental evidence. The rarefac-
tion waves attributed to changes in flame shape propagate in both
directions. so that shock 11-33 is actually followed by an expansion
that tends to "smear out" the subsequent interactions. For pur-
poseS of analysis, however, state 33 is considered uniform, with
properites corresponding to those behind the transmitted shock
wave after it was overtaken by the weaker rarefaction.
states 3 and 33 are determined on the P-U plane of Fig. 13-12
by closing the pentagon whose remaining vertices are state points
11, I, and 2. A unique solution is obtained by requiring that the
velocity of the transmitted deflagration 3-33 match the flame trace
(world-line) on the schlieren record, while point 33 is that behind
540 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
the transmitted shock 11-33. The results of such a solution are
quite approximate, since the pressure and velocity changes across
the deflagration are sensitive to small deviation in flame velocity.
However, an upper bound to state 3, and hence state 33, is provided
by state 5 (which, together with state 55, is found in a similar
fashion as states 3 and 33, whose pressure was recorded by both
pressure transducers. The results of the analysis are summarized
in Table 13-2. On the basis of the time-space diagram of Fig. 13-11,
pressure variations at the locations of the two pressure transducers
are determined. The resulting profiles are shown in Fig. 13-13 in
comparison to the experimental pressure records.
The satisfactory agreement between the results of the analysis
and the experimental records permits the deduction of specific

Table 13- 2 Solution of Flame-Shock Interactions of Fig. 13-10 Represented

by Figs. 13-11 and 13-12

6P w
State P {psil A U Wave M V U +V {m/secl

1 1.04 .075 1.0056 + .028 0-1 0 .028 13

2 1.393 .76 1.05 - .17 1-2 -1.14 -1.145 -1.117 - 502
11 1.003 .005 2.085 ~ .29 1-11 ,078 .106 48
3 1.133 .26 1.02 - .33 ~ 1 1.05 .88 392
1 1.02 .69 310
33 1.119 .23 2.19 - .485 11-33 -1.05 -2.19 -2.48 -1120
3-33 .035 - .295 - 133
4 1.47 .91 1.06 - .21 2-4 -1.024 -1.075 -1.25 - 563
5 1.185 .36 1.03 - .375 4-5 1 1.06 .85
1 1.03 .655 + 294
55 1.168 .325 2.19 - .56 5--55 .040 - .335 - 150
33-55 -1.02 -2.235 -2.720 -1225
30 1.447 .865 2.24 0 33-30 1.13 2.53 2.045 920
65 1.514 .995 2.25 - .08 30-65 -1.02 -2.29 -2.29 -1030
55-65 1.135 2.55 1.99 896
60 1.576 1.115 2.25 0 65-60 1.02 2.29 2.21 995
7 1.77 1.495 1.09 - .07 :5--7 1.190 1.30 .925 915
77 1.7~ 1.405 2.27 - .33 7-77 .07 0 0
65--77 -1.065 -2.42 2.50 -1125
8 1.88 1.70 1.10 - .025 7~ 1.03 1.12 1.05 472
88 1.84 1.62 2.28 - .28 8--88 .07 .0450 22
78--88 -1.01 -2.30 -2.555 1150
78 1.803 1.55 2.28 - .255 77-78 1.02 2.32 1.99 896
60-78 -1.06 -2.46 -2.46 1100
70 2.065 2.06 2.30 0 78-70 1.06 2.42 2.165 972
89 2.095 2.12 2.30 - .fJ3 88--89 1.06 2.~2 2.14 962
70--89 1.008 -2.32 -2.32 -1045
80 2.125 2.17 2.31 0 8~0 1.008 2.32 2.29 1030
9 2.15 2.22 1.12 .08 8-9 1.06 1.165 1.14 512
99 2.125 2.17 2.32 - .06 9--99 .03 .11 50
89--99 -1.007 -2.32 -2.35 -1060
Gasdynamics of Explosions 541


I ... /"\-.J
.~ I
I ~
<3 1.0. (

A~ ... j
0.0. 0.5 1.0. 1.5
TIME- ms

PG-2 I


'iIi I
a. 1.0

0.5 1.0 1.5

Fig. 13-13 Comparison between experimental pressure profiles of Fig. 13-10 and the cor-
responding analytical results deduced from the solutions of Figs. 13-11 and 13-12.

conclusions concerning the effect of wave interactions on the rela-

tive flame propagation speed. The various changes of this speed
are represented in Table 13-2 by the different values of V cor-
responding to waves 1-11, 3-33, 5-55, 7-77, 8-88, and 9-99. They
indicate especially the significance of the head-on collision with
a shock, as illustrated by the case of wave 3-33 whose relative
speed of V = 0.035 (or 15.8 m/sec.) is significantly lower than the
V = 0.078 (or 35.1 m/sec.) of wave 1-11 that represented the same
flame front just before the collision with shock 1-2.
542 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[13- 2.1.2] Wave Intersections

It is convenient to use the term "intersectionsU for wave

interactions in steady flow. Although both are concerned with
interactions between steady and simple waves, a wave intersection
creates a regime of the same pressure and velocity direction so
that instead of a contact discontinuity, it gives rise to a slip-line.
The solution is therefore based on the P-8 rather than P-U polars.

a. Steady Wave Polars

As before, equations for these polars are obtained by the use of
the Hugoniot Relationship, Eq. (13-29), to eliminate J.I from the ex-
pression for 8 given by Eq. (13-47). Eliminating (j) according to
its definition Eq. (13-41), one obtains:

(P - P G )(1 - t3) Ul/ - (P + t3)(P - 1)

tan 2 8 =
[Ul x2 _ (P _1~2 P+t3

The corresponding expression for the angle of inclination is then,

by virtue of Eq. (13-45), as follows:
tan20 = (P + t3)(P - 1)
(P - P G) (1 - t3) Ul x 2 - (P + t3)(P - 1)

and the expression for flow velocity behind the discontinuity Eq.
(13-48) becomes

= w
- [2<P + m- (P -
P G )(1 - 13)] - - _
P + 8

while, A is given by Eqs. (13-65) or (13-66).

For a shock in a perfect gas with constant specific heats
P G = 1, t3 = (y-1)/(y+1) and r = rx = y.
Shock polars for t3 = 1/6 or y = 1.4, based on Eq. (13-79) are
given by Fig. 13-14, with Figs. 13-15 and 13-16 furniShing the
auxiliary plots based on Eqs. (13-80) and (13-81). They are
represented there with Mx = Ulx/VY used as a parameter, while
My = Uly/AVY.
The supplementary curve on the plane of the polars in Fig. 13-14
furnishes the relationship between pressure and Mach number for
a normal wave, or the Mach number for the points on the P axis.
With the help of this curve, one can locate such points for any given
value of Mx and, with the 8max coordinate which can be obtained
from the supplementary curve of Fig. 13-15, one can reconstruct,

1 2 3 4, 5 6I
7 8I
9 10
150 I
IP I I I I M~] ~ ~21-
:r -
2 3 4 5 6 7 8



50 tll

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Fig. 13-14 Shock polars in the P - S plane for f3 = 116 (y 1.4), 00 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 '-'1
Fig. 13 -15 Wave angle-flow deflection plots for polnrs of Fig. 13-14. t..:>
- - - .- ~
150 j T =r '7 ? 6 7 8 9 10 15 ~
P Mx
...... I I I I M' 1r-v'O
x ,...-'
\ I!...,
'VY) 9 (':>

- f-:.:;J/ ~
p- ::0
60 7 ~/ o(")
~ ~
40 6 ....

30 55
./. ~ ~
P .....
20 -~~ - C-J ~
~a845- ~
15 15

10 11"'1 0-
, M '0
8 x $:l
\ C-J ~
6 \ / 8
5 5 \ ttl
\ 7 .....
4 /"5.283
I ~ (")
6 ....
3 / ~.
5 (")

2 2
I \,
I / \ \1 \ \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 1
\ ~
1~ 1 j 1 j 1 j ~tv\. 1 o"'.
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 ;:i!

Fig. 13-17 Detonation polars in the P- 8 plane for f3 = 0.06 and C =

Fig. 13-16 Pressure ratio-downstream Mach number plots for polars 9 (y 1 = 1.4) corresponding to stoichoimetric hydrogen-oxygen mixture
of Fig. 13-14. initially at NTP.
150 'P

,, 80
70 1 , ) \i ~ ) I 60
50 4')
40 ~

30 ~
2 ~
20 ....~

10 tl:l
M. ~
20 25 30 35 45
5 10 15 40
J 10
9 ","
I ".
I~~C -J
.... ~

VMx \
\ /
2~ 5283+ :-::r/
\C-J ~ I I
6 , 52B3 /
, - -brnax
l./: --- ~ 1~ I
o 1 1 1'\
10 20 30 40
F ig. 13. 18 Wave angle-fl ow d efle ction plots for polars of Fig. 1 317 .
Fig. 13 19 P ressure ra tio-downs tream Mach numbe r plots for
pol ars i n Fig. 13 17 .
546 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

---+--------~--------~- -------+3 0


lQjb ____~~~~:::::::l::::~:::====~==~====~...J----~--__1100
60 - 55
M. =45

- 50 -45 - 40 -35 -30 -25 -20 - 15 -10 -5 0

Fig. 13- 20 Deflagration polars in the P-S plane and the wave a ngle-flow deflection plots
for j3 = 0.06 and C = 9 (y = 1.4) .

'~'rr:~~~~'~:=~_:;:__; ;T-r~~~~_~~;;;~~;:r:t: :~A~~,~

o .1 0 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 WO

tv1 x
t------ !--

06 /

/ .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .7080
.90 1.00

Fig. 13- 21 Pressure ratio-downstream Mach number plots for polars of Fig. 13- 20.
Gasdynamics of Explosions 547

with acceptable accuracy, the required polar by graphical inter-

polation between polars given in Fig. 13-14. The supplementary
curves in Fig. 13-15 provide means for interpolation between the
incident Mach numbers. They help to locate points on the 8 -axis
associated with the intermediate values of Mx and the corresponding
8max , between which the required curve can be reconstructed with
good accuracy.
Figure 13-17 gives the detonation polars for (3 = .06 and C = 9
corresponding to the case of stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen
mixture initially at NTP. The polars are restricted to the physically
significant regime of strong detonation, from normal front at a given
Mach number of incident flow, down to the Chapman-Jouguet wave
which, in this case, corresponds to the pressure ratio P J = 18.845
and the normal component of incident Mach number Mx = 5.283.
The supplementary curves are similar to those of Fig. 13-14,
and their use is self-explanatory.
Figure 13-18 represents the corresponding 8-8 plots, while
Fig. 13-19 shows the diagram for the evaluation of My. Figures
13-20 and 13-21 represent the set of graphs for a deflagration
wave, namely the P-8 polars, the 8-8 plots, and the diagram for
the evaluation of My, respectively, with the appropriate supple-
mentary curves for interpolation. They correspond to the same
Hugoniot curve as the detonation graphs of Figs. 13-17 to 13-19,
i.e., to f3 = .06 and C = 9. The most striking property of these
polars is the relatively small variation in P, especially on the
upper branch, so that by postulating the existence of a deflagration
wave in the flow field, one can rationalize quite a wide variation
in deflection angles, 8, without requiring any change in pressure.
The auxiliary diagrams of the 8--8 and the My - P plots are rela-
tively insensitive to the value of the incident Mach number except
for the end points corresponding to the Chapman-Jouguet condition.

b. Rarefaction Polars
For a rarefaction polar in the case of a perfect gas with
constant specific heats, a = 2/(r - 1) = 2/(y - 1), and the expression
for the deflection angle, Eq. (13-62) acquires the well-known form

'" -0+1
u - --
t an -l~Y-- -
1 (M 2 - 1) - cos -1(1)

The information about the change of state is then completed by

the isentropic flow relations.

p ~ [Y ~ 1 ~ Y; 1M' I
+ (13-83)
548 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
where the reference value for P, as for [), corresponds to M = 1,
while the angle of inclination is the Mach angle, (J = sin -1 (11M).
Plots of these relations are given in Fig. 13-22. Since the locus
of attainable states is at the same time the process path, unlike
the steady wave polars of Figs. 13-14, 13-17, and 13-20, a single
curve rather than a family is sufficient for all cases. For a given
initial Mach number, the plot c~ be entered at any point; the
change of state is then evaluated with reference to the coordinates
of this point.

-45 - 40 -35 - 30 -25 - 20 -15 -10 -5 0 P

b .80
.6 0

.4 0

.2 0

6~0 ---=-'::c-l-+-::1"------"~--""' 1 0

I .0 8



w----I- ..-
. I s
t --------t--\-- - - -- + .01

.0 06


~~+_--~--4-~~--~---r--_+--~--~ OO2
tv1 o
e 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 o

Fig. 13- 22 Rarefaction polar in the P-8 plane and auxiliary plots for a = 5 (y = 1.4).
Gasdynamics of Explosions 549

c. Examples

The use of the Vector Polar Method is illustrated by the follow-

ing elementary problems: shock merging or the so-called "arrow-
head" intersection, Mach Intersection of shock fronts, and Mach
intersection involving a detonation front. The method is applied
to the analysis of the reflection of a Mach intersection from a
rigid wall which represents, in effect, an interaction of inter-
sections. It should be pointed out that in all these examples only
the so-called simple solutions are obtained, i.e., ones associated
solely with the generation of slip-lines. According to the prevalent
opinion [9], the validity of such solutions is restricted in scope
only to strong incident wave fronts.

1) Shock Merging or the ((Arrowhead" Intersection. The

intersection of this kind is created by two given incident fronts.
They can be specified in terms of the Mach number of incident
flow, Ml' and two deflection angles, 012 and 023, as shown in
Fig. 13-23. The given Mach number, Ml ' specifies the polar in
the P-o plane, and the angle 012 fixes state 2 so that, with the help
of the auxiliary M-P plot, the Mach number M2 is fixed and, hence,
the polar for the second shock. state 3 is then located on this polar
by the given second deflection angle, 023, as demonstrated on
Fig. 13-23b. Since the transmitted shock must propagate into
state 1, the state brought about by its action must lie on the same
polar as state 2. A compatible solution is obtained either by an
emerging rarefaction fan, as shown in Fig. 13-23a, producing
states 4, or by an emerging shock wave of the opposite family,
producing states 4" shown also in Fig. 13-23b. This is, in essence,
a Mach intersection produced by two incident waves. Except for
the trivial difference of one incident wave rather than two, this
case is discussed as the next example. The two solutions reduce
to a single one, if the second incident shock is of such strength
that the state brought about by its action lies on the initial polar,
as illustrated by point 3' of Fig. 13-23b. In this case, except for
the transmitted shock, no emerging waves are produced, and the
intersection involves only three shocks. Numerical solutions
for M1 = 8, 012 = 10 and 023 = 15 in the case of a perfect gas with
y = 1.4 are given in Table 13-3.

2) The Mach Intersection. This case is illustrated by Fig.

13-24. The problem is fully defined in terms of two parameters,
e.g., the Mach number of incident shock 1,M Is' and the angle between
its front and the incident flow, els. The auxiliary e-o plot shown
in Fig. 13-24d fixes then the deflection angle 012, and hence state 2
on the appropriate polar, as demonstrated on Fig. 13-24b. The
550 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Fig. 13- 23 Shock merging or the "Arrowhead" intersection; M = 8, 812 10 0 , 825

15, f3 = 116 (y = 1.4).

Table 13- 3 Shock Merging or the" Arrowhead" Intersection, MI ~ 8;

012 ~ 10; 023 ~ 15; (3 = 116 (y = 1.4>.

State 2 3 4a 4b
Mach Number 8 .0 5.77 3.75 3.!! 2.93
Pressure Ratio 1.0 5.25 29.3 24.5 24.5

Wave Angle 81m 8 1s 82 83 84

Degrees 35.9 16.3 23.4 15.2 14.6

Deflection Angle 012 023 34 14

Degrees 10.0 15 .0 2.2 27.2
Gasdynamics of Explosions 551

~ M,

!ill b"
C d

Fig. 13-24 Mach intersection of shock fronts;Ml = 6, el s = 45 , f3 = 116 (y 1.4).

Table 13- 4 Mach Intersection of Shock Fronts; M1 = 6; 81s =

45; f3 = 1 / 6 (y = 1.4).

State 1 2 3a 3b
Mach Number 6.0 2.08 1.50 .40
Pressure Ratio 1.0 21.5 42.0 42.0

Wave Angl e 81m t9 1s 82

Degrees 85.2 45.0 42.0

Deflection Angle 8 12 8 23 813

Degrees 32.9 -13.6 19.3
552 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Mach number. M2. is then obtained from the P-M y plot illustrated
in Fig. 13-24a. This specifies the polar for the reflected wave.
R. producing state 3a, while the corresponding state 3b, repre-
sented by the same point on the P-o plane, is brought about by
the action of the so-called Mach stem, M, as shown on Fig. 13-24c.
Numerical solution for M18 = 6 and 818 = 45 , in the case of a per-
fect gas with y = 1.4. is given in Table 13-4.
An analogous situation may, in principle, be obtained with de-
tonation front as one of the participating waves in the intersection.
The usual Situation obtained with a shock acting as the incident
wave, is represented by Fig. 13-25. The solution is, in principle,
the same as that of Fig. 13-24, with the exception that the appro-
priate detonation polar for the incident flow Mach number, MI. is
used instead of the shock polar. The case illustrated in Fig. 13-25
is that of the strongest incident shock that can still produce a Mach
intersection involving a detonation wave. A stronger shock can
produce only a triple shock intersection, Since, as evident from the
P-O plane, the polar of the reflected shock cannot intersect that of
the detonation wave. Numerical solution for Ml = 6 and 818 = 43 in
the case of 8=.06 and C= 9 corresponding to a stoichiometric hydro-
gen-oxygen mixture initially at NTP, is given in Table 13-5.
3) Reflection of Mach Intersection from a Rigid Plane. The
case considered here is characteristic of detonation phenomena
where Mach intersections play a predominant role. One of the
intersecting waves is assumed to be perpendicular to the plane
of reflection. Before reflection. it is the incident shock, and after
reflection it is the Mach stem, as shown in Fig. 13-26c. The basic
premise of the solution is the fact that any point of the wave front,
acting as the Mach stem before the reflection and the incident
shock after the reflection, does not know about the reflection until
it is reached by the reflected intersection point. Consequently,
the pressure ratio across the incident shock of the reflected inter-
section is equal to that across the Mach stem of the incident inter-
section; the angle between the incident shock and the Mach stem
remains invariant. These conditions are sufficient for the deter-
mination of the reflected wave system.
Given, as before, is the Mach number of flow relative to the
incident intersection point, M1, and the relative direction of flow,
or the direction of motion of the intersection point with respect
to the plane of the incident shock, 8 18 Since the incident shock
is perpendicular to the plane of reflection, it follows that
a = - - 818-
All the properties of the incident intersection are determined as be-
fore,the solutionforunprimed states in Fig.13-26 being, in essence,
the same as that of Fig. 13-24.
Gasdynamics of Explosions 553





! I
! I
8 ~c -8 -:...--.I
Z3 o' l 13 I '
, ! I)
~1J S' 2
Fig. 13 - 25 Mach intersection involving a detonation front; M 1= 6, 8 1 = 45 0 , f3 = 116 (y =

Table 13- 5 Mach Intersection Involving a Detonation Front;

Ml = 6; 81s = 43 0 ; (3 116; C = 9 (y = 1.4).
State 2 3a 3b
Mach Number 6 .0 2.15 1.81 .~il

Pressure Ratio 1.0 19.5 31.0 31.0

Wave Angle elm (Jl. 82

Degrees 73.75 43.0 35.25

Deflection Angle 012 012 013

Degrees 31.5 - 8.3 23.2
554 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

p p

c d
Fig. 13 - 26 Reflection of Mach intersection from a rigid plane; M1 =6. Ii 1s =45 o. f3 =1/6
('Y = 1.4).

The condition of pressure invariance P 2' = P 3 fixes one coordi-

nate of state 2', as shown by the horizontal broken line on Fig.
13-26. The condition of invariance of the relative angle Olm - Ols
imposes a further restriction on state 2', in that, with reference
to Fig. 13-26d, 03 , - O2 , = 0 3 - O2 , This can be satisfied only by
one particular value of the Mach number, MI , which is determined
by a graphical trial and error solution. Thus, all the states of the
reflected intersection, 1.' , 2' and 3' are fixed. In particular, as is
evident from Fig. 13-26c, the angle of reflection,

.B = !!..
2 - 0' I In .

Moreover, it should be noted that for a gas with y = 1.4 this angle
cannot exceed a value of approximately 25 Since, as shown in
Fig. 13-15, the inclination angle of a Mach stem, corresponding as
a rule to the subsonic branch of the 0-8 curve above the point of
Gasdyno,mics of Explosions 555

Table 13-6 Reflection of Mach Intersection from a Rigid Plane;

Ml = 6; 818 = 45; {3 = 1/6 (y = 1.4); Parameters oflncident
Mach Intersection are in Table 13-4.

State 1 2' 3'a 3'b

Mach Number 8.60 2.20 1.65 0040
Pressure Ratio 1.0 42.0 85.5 85.5

Wave Anlde 8'lm 8'ls 8'2

Degrees 85.6 45.4 38.5

Deflection Angle 8;2 8;3 8i3

Degrees 33.5 -12.5 21.0

8max must be larger than 65. Numerical solution for Ml = 6 and

818 = 45. in the case of a perfect gas with y = 1.4. is given in
Table 13-6.
It should be noted that. as in the previously presented flame-
shock interaction problem. the solution of the reflection of the
Mach intersection is based on a trial and error procedure. It
lends itself therefore to treatment by the Vector Polar Method
as the most convenient technique for such purpose.


The Hugoniot curve is distinguished by the two following pro~
erties:* (1) the Chapman-Jouguet condition which implies that.
when the curve is tangent to the Rayleigh Line passing through point
x. representing the initial state. it is also tangent to the isentrope.
since. as demonstrated by Eq. (13-36). this is tantamount to the
conditions of local Mach number of one at state J or K; and (2) the
states corre sponding to the intersection points between the Hugoniot
curve and the Rayleigh line passing through point x of the initial
state are adiabatically related. i.e., they satisfy the adiabatic
Rankine-Hugoniot Relationship. The validity of these properties is
demonstrated here in order to illustrate the physical meaning of
the relations presented in Section 13-1.2.
Without the introduction of the parameter (3. Eq. (13-28) ex-
presses essentially the Hugoniot Relationship in the general form
H- <Hx = Q) = - (P - l)(v + 1) (13-84)
where H == (Pxh)/px = H(P,v) represents the enthalpy of state y(P, v).
while Hx and Q are, for a given Hugoniot curve. constant. The dif-
ferentials along this curve are related. therefore. as follows:
-As demonstrated especially by E. Jouguet in Mecanique des Explosifs, O. Doin et
Fils, Paris, 1917, Section 193, p. 278, and by R. Becker, Z. Phys., 8, p. 352, 1922.
556 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

faR) dP + (al:!\ dv = ~ dP + P - 1 dv
\ap II
avl P
2 2

Hence, its slope on the P - v plane is

H ;; _lap) (:)p - _P_;_l (13-85)

'''" Q C:)" - _II _;_1
The slope of the Rayleigh line passing through point x (1, 1) is
given by the last of Eqs. (13-22) as

R ;; _Iap\ = P - 1.
\av~ 1- v
The second law, on the other hand, demands that for an isen-
tropic process,

so that the slope of the isentrope is


At the point of tangency between the Hugoniot curve and the

Rayleigh line,
or, by virtue of Eqs. (13-85) and (13-86),

[~"';)" -v; 1JcP - 1)

(1 - v) - 1 --
- v (P - 1)


1- v
Gasdynamics of Explosions 557

The above, according to Eqs. (13-86) and (13-87), means that

CPR = CPs (13-90)
which, with Eq. (13-88) completes the proof of the Chapman-Jouguet
The adiabatic property of the intersection points between the
Hugoniot curve and the Rayleigh line is a direct consequence of the
energy equation on which Eq. (13-84) is based, namely,
H - <Hx + Q) 1 ,n2 H2
= - (JY - v ). (13-91)
Applying this to any two points of the Hugoniot curve, say, A and
B, and subtracting the two equations, one obtains:

HA-HB = !(llB2-11A2+J0A2-J0B2).
which reduces itself to the adiabatic Rankine-Hugoniot Relationship
that is a relation of the form of Eq. (13- 91) with Q = 0 provided that
J0 A = J0 B (13-92)
which means, in effect, that the two points, A and B, must lie on the
same Rayleigh line, and thus completes the proof of the adiabatic
property. Becker* demonstrated this property by a geometric proof.
The above simple arguments can be interpreted as giving the
physical reason why the Becker proof works.

GI: velocity of sound
A sound velocity ratio, ala a
a cross-section area
b segment in velocity hodograph of a simple rarefaction wave
in steady flow
C V(aplap), or v'RT = alv'Y for a perfect gas with constant
specifica heats
cp specific heat at constant pressure
C constant of the Hugoniot hyperbola, (1 + (3)(v F - (3) or (P G + ,8)
(1 - (3) in Section 13-1.2
J0 = nondimensional velocity of wave front or discontinuity, uxlz x
e internal energy per unit mass
f = stream force per unit area, p + mV
h = enthalpy per unit mass
H nondimensional enthalpy per unit mass, hlz x 2
L reference length
m mass flow rate per unit area, pu

*See R. Becker, Z. Phys., 8, p. 353, 1922.

558 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

M = the Mach number

p = pressure
P nondimensional pressure, p/po in Sections 13-1.1 pressure
ratio across a discontinuity, pylp", in Sections 13-1.2
and 13-2.1
)Cl the Riemann parameter: IX A + U
q the Hugoniot constant in Section 13-1.2
Q nondimensional Hugoniot constant, qlz,,2, in Section 13-1.2
2 the Riemann parameter: IX A - U
r = particle radius
s = entropy per unit mass in Section 13-1.1
JJ = nondimensional entropy, C2xs I a 2 , or s I yR for a perfect gas
with constant specific heats
time coordinate
u mass velocity in nonsteady flow field or mass velocity in-
duced by a discontinuity, v" - Vy
U nondimensional mass veloCity, ulao
U = nondimensional mass velocity induced by a discontinuity,
v normal relative velocity of wave or of flow with respect
to wave front
Vt = tangential relative flow velocity
V nondimensional normal relative velocity of wave or of flow
with respect to wave front in Sections 13-1.2 and 13-2.1,
D' nondimensional normal relative flow velocity behind wave
front or discontinuity, vylz"
w = relative mass velocity in steady flow field in Sections
13-1.2 and 13-2.1
W nondimensional absolute velocity of wave front, V" + U" in
Sections 13-1.2 and 13-2.1
Ul nondimensional relative mass velocity in steady flow field,
x space coordinate
state in front of discontinuity in Section 13-1.2
y state behind a discontinuity in Section 13-1.2
z reference parameter for nondimensionalizing relations of
a gasdpamic discontinuity, y'plp
IX = 2(ahlaa 2 )8 or 2/(y - 1) for a perfect gas with constant specific
angle of incidence of the trace of a triple point, (17/2) - 818
f3 = 1I[2(ahlaz 2) - 11, or (y-1)/(y+ 1) for a perfect gas with
constant specifiC heats
angle of reflection of the trace of a triple point, 17/2 - 8'1m
y specific heat ratio
r (PIp) a 2 = (ahlae)8 or y for a perfect gas with constant specific
8 = flow deflection angle
Gasdynamics of Explosions 559

, = y/(y - 1)
() == relative angle of incidence of oblique discontinuity or of
characteristic in a simple wave in Sections 13-1.2 and 13-2.1
p. = ~in Section 13-1.3
v = velocity or density ratio across a discontinuity in Sections
13-1.2 and 13-2.1
~ = nondimensional space coordinate, xlLo = xlaoto
p = density
a = integer coefficient for one-dimensional flow (0 for plane,
1 for cylindrical, and 2 for spherical)
T = nondimensional time coordinate, aot ILo = t Ito
= mass flux added to stream per unit length in Section 13-1.1
the Prandtl-Meyer expansion angle in Section 13-1.3
negative slope. of a curve in the P - v plane in the Appendix
cI> = nondimensional mass flux added to stream per unit length,
Loao/rpou, in Section 13-1.1
X = -(1/ p)(ap/as)a' or lIR for a perfect gas with constant specifiC
0/ == body force in the x-direction per unit mass
'P = nondimensional body force in the x-direction per unit mass,
Lo0/1a0 2
w parameter in relations for oblique discontinuity in Section
13-1.2, Ul x 2/(p_1)

F denotes end state attained by constant pressure combustion
G denotes end state attained by constant volume combustion
J = denotes the Chapman-Jouguet state of detonation
K = denotes the Chapman-Jouguet state of deflagration
o = denotes the reference or initial state
x = denotes the state in front of a discontinuity in Section
y = denotes the state behind a discontinuity
1,2 = denote states of regimes in the time-space domain between
wave fronts
1m = denotes the angle of incidence of the Mach stem
Is = denotes the angle of incidence of the shock front

1. Rudinger, George: Wave Diagrams for Nonsteady Flow inDucts,
New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1955.
2. Glass, I.I. and J. Gordon Hall: Handbook of Supersonic Aero-
dynamics - Section 18 - Shock Tubes, Bureau of Ordnance,
Department of the NavY,Navord Report 1488,6,December 1959.
560 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

3. Courant, R. and K.O. Friedrichs: Supersonic Flow and Shock

Waves, New York, Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1948.
4. Owczarek, Jerzy A.: Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, Scranton,
International Textbook Company, 1964.
5. Hayes, Wallace D. and Ronald F. Probstein: Hypersonic Flow
Theory, New York, Academic Press, 1959.
6. Zeleznik, Frank J. and Sanford Gordon: A General IBM 704
or 7090 Computer Program for Computation of Chemical
Equilibrium Compositions, Rocket Performance, and Chapman-
Jouguet Detonations, National Aeronautics and Space Admini-
stration, Washington, TN D-1454, Lewis Research Center,
Cleveland, October 1962.
7. Oppenheim, A.K., P.A. Urtiew, and A.J. Laderman:Vector
Polar Method for the Evaluation of Wave Interaction Processes,
ArchiwumBudowy Maszyn, Tom XI, Zeszyt 3,pp. 441-495, 1964.
8. Laderman, A.J., P.A. Urtiew, and A.K. Oppenheim: Gasdynamic
Effects of Shock-Flame Interactions in an Explosive Gas,
AIAA Journal, 3, 5, pp. 876-883, May 1965.
9. Polachek, H. and R.J. Seeger, Shock Wave Interactions, Section
E in: Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, Howard W. Emmons, ed.
Princeton, Princeton University Press, Vol. III, Sec. E., pp.
482-524, 1958.
Supersonic Combustion Technology

Antonio Ferri
Director, Guggenheim Aerospace Laboratories,
New York University

The introduction of ballistic missiles as a major element of a
modern military strategic offense has abruptly arrested the sys-
tematic development of advanced air transportation systems which
have been traditionally supported in the initial stages on the basis
of military reqUirements. However, recently the decision to develop
supersonic commercial transports has revived the interest of the
technical world in the possibility of future hypersonic airplanes
and, therefore, of hypersonic engines. At the same time, the plans
for a large-scale space exploration, which rely strongly on the
capability of developing economically feasible launching systems,
have recently generated much interest in the concept of recover-
able boosters. It is evident that any recoverable booster will, of
necessity, have somewhat larger structural weight than disposable
boosters; therefore, the development of such boosters is closely
related to the development of supersonic propulSion systems more
efficient than those in use today.
In light of these new requirements, the investigation of air-
breathing propulsion systems has received renewed attention for
possible applications to hypersonic flight. The most evident dif-
ferences between rocket engines and air-breathing engines are:
1. The air-breathing propulsion system theoretically has a
much larger specific impulse than any chemical type rocket engine
known today. The reason is evident: the ramjet carries only the
fuel and does not carry the oxidizer.
2. The structural weight of a ramjet is probably larger for the
same thrust than the structural weight of a rocket engine because
it must handle the nitrogen together with the oxygen and must have
an air intake which probably is heavier than the oxidizer tank and
pressurization system.

*A large part of this material, including the figures presented herein, have been
taken from two previous papers written by the author on this subject [27, 38].

562 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

3. The thrust of the ramjet engine is a function of flight Mach

number and altitude of flight. Large thrust-per-unit frontal area
can be obtained only if flight occurs in the dense atmosphere
while rocket engines can operate in vacuum.
4. The necessity of flight in the atmosphere introduces severe
structural problems related to aerodynamic heating. In addition,
the performance of the engines is somewhat reduced by the aero-
dynamic drag of the vehicle. However, the vehicle has a better
flying and maneuvering potential than any vehicle travelling in
vacuum, because of the possibility of using aerodynamic lift.
Hypersonic airplanes and recoverable boosters must have the
possibility of flying in the dense atmosphere, independent of the
propulsion system requirements; therefore, air-breathing engines
appear particularly suited for these types of applications.


[14- 2. 1] Possible Air-breathing Engine Schemes

Several types of air-breathing engines can be considered for

hypersoniC flight. Classical types are the turbojet and the ramjet.
The main limitation of the turbojet engine for hypersonic flight
is related to the structural integrity of the rotating machine.
Pre-cooling of the air is required at high Mach numbers for such
types of engines. Such a requirement increases the weight and
complications of the system and reduces the amount of cooling
available for the vehicle. At high speed, the heat capacity of the
fuel available is not sufficient for cooling the engine air and the
structure at the same time; therefore, the use of rotating machin-
ery at high supersonic speeds does not appear to be too promising.
Several types of hypersonic ramjets have been investigated for
hypersonic flight. The different types are distinguished here on
the basis of the combustion process used. The classical approach
used in ramjets is to decelerate the air through an air intake or
inlet to low subsonic speed in the burner. Here fuel is added at
low velocity, combustion takes place, and then the flow is accel-
erated through a nozzle. The second type of combustion suggested
is based on combustion through a shock wave. The air and a gaseous
combustible are pre-mixed at supersonic speeds, and the tempera-
ture and pressure of the mixture are then raised through a shock
wave; a detonation type of combustion is produced [1]. Such a
scheme requires that the fuel be pre-mixed with air at low tem-
perature and pressure so that the ignition delay is large enough
to prevent combustion in front of the shock. The pressure and
temperature jump taking place across the shock reduces by an
order of magnitude the ignition delay behind the shock, and com-
bustion then occurs rapidly. Because of opposite requirements
Supersonic Combustion Technology 563

in front of and behind the shock, strong shocks are necessary. In

such a scheme, the detonation shock Is controlled by the combustion
process and is very sensitive to any variation of fluid dynamic and
thermodynamic parameters; therefore, the design is critical.
The combustion process proposed in Reference 2 and investi-
gated for some time by my group is combustion controlled by mixing,
which takes place in a burner in a supersonic stream. In this
scheme, the flow (Fig. 14-1) is decelerated gradually to a lower
Mach number in an inlet in order to increase the static tempera-
ture and pressure of the air. Subsequently, the fuel is injected at
high velocity and mixes gradually with the flow. If the temperature
and pressure of the mixture are sufficiently high, reaction occurs
and the time for combustion is very short. In this case, the heat
release is controlled by the mixing process which is gradual and
stable because the flow is supersonic. The combustion chamber
must be designed to match the mixing and combustion processes;
by using a suitable design, formation of shocks in the burner can
be avoided.
The differences between the different schemes are very large
from a practical point of view. The supersonic combustion con-
trolled by mixing can be utilized throughout a large range of Mach
numbers without the necessity for variable engine geometry, be-
cause the mixing process depends on the difference of velocity of
the air and of the injected gas [2]. In contrast, the s~bsonic com-
bustion ramjet requires complex variable inlets and nozzles, and
the structural weight and complexity of such components increase
sharply with Mach number.
Mixing and Reactian

Fig. 14-1 Supersonic burning with detonation shock.

The main requirement of a supersonic combustion ramjet of

this type is that the reaction rates which control the chemical
reactions be very fast so that the mixing of fuel and oxidizer can
be a much slower process and, therefore, the controlling factor
of the combustion. This is possible if the static pressure and
temperature of the air and fuel are sufficiently high, at least
at some initial point of the mixing region, so that combustion can
start. The rapidity of mixing depends on the design of the injector
564 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

system and on the mixing process; large differences exist between

laminar and turbulent mixing. Recent results show that for turbu-
lent mixing, the mixing process is sufficiently fast to permit com-
bustors of practical length even at very high stream velocities.
At present, the fuels considered for such applications are gaseous
at the injection station. The gas is injected at supersonic speed
and the mixing then takes place between two supersonic streams.
The fuel considered most suitable for such application, especially
for high Mach numbers, is hydrogen [2] because of its attractive
thermodynamic and cooling characteristics.


[14- 3.1] Qualitative Description of Supersonic Combustion Controlled

by Mixing

The aerodynamic design of a combustor in scramjet speed is

related to two basic problems: mixing and combustion. Two dif-
ferent effects produced by the mixing of two jets can be used to
control the supersonic combustion, depending on the static con-
ditions of the jets before combustion. When the static pressure
and temperature of the two mixing streams are suffiCiently high
so that chemical reaction rates are fast, the diffusion of one species
in the other produced by the mixing is used, e.g., for a controlling
mechanism for combustion. This type of control is used in the
higher range of flight Mach numbers and is the type considered
in References 2, 7 and 8. When the static temperature and pressure
of the two mixing streams are low, supersonic combustion can
still take place, but it must be controlled by the heat convection
produced by mixing and needs some kind of pilot flame. This
second process is important because it extends the possibility
of using supersonic combustion for ramjets into the lower range
of Mach numbers.

[14- 3.1.1] Supersonic Combustion Controlled by Diffusion

To illustrate the basic characteristics of supersonic combus-

tion processes controlled by diffusion, consider two axially sym-
metric jets of different composition, velocity, and temperature
injected in a chamber at high velOCity. The mixing can be either
laminar or turbulent, depending on the conditions of the two flows.
Depending on the initial conditions at the boundaries of the mixing
and on the flow parameters of the jets involved, the mixing can
occur with or without large pressure variations. For SimpliCity,
here the two streams are assumed to be parallel and to have the
same static pressure at injection. The gas of the central jet is
Supersonic Combustion Technology 565

hydrogen and the external jet is air. The mixing is assumed to be

turbulent. The mixing of the two jets tends to reduce the difference
of temperature, velocity, and concentration of the two streams. In
the cases illustrated in Figs. 14-2 and 14-3, the air stream moves
at a velocity, U e , of 3070 ft/sec., and has a static temperature, T e ,
of 2500 0 R, and a static pressure, P e' of 0.38 atm; the hydrogen
stream moves at a veloCity, Uj, of 1030 ft/sec., and has a static
temperature, T j , of 500 0 R, and static pressure, Pj' of 0.38 atm.
Consider first the limiting case of infinite reaction rates: the
oxygen of the air and the hydrogen react in zero time as soon as
their molecules collide and form water. Then a flame is produced
and heat is released in the mixing region. In the outer part of the
mixing region, the flow is oxygen-rich; therefore, the gas contains
water vapor, nitrogen, and oxygen. In the inner part of the mixing,
the gas is hydrogen-rich, and the gas contains water vapor, hydro-
gen and nitrogen. The two regions are divided by a surface cor-
responding to the stoichiometric mixture ratio [8]. The distribution
along the axis is shown in Fig. 14-2.

O.B N2


c: 0.6
::;: 0.4


~ ..........
H 2O

o 5 10 15 20
Fig. 14 - 2 Mixing with equilibrium chemistry; centerline concentrations. T e = 2500 R;
Tj = 500R; P e = P j = 0.038 Atm; Ve = 3070 ft/sec.; Vj = 1030 ft/sec.

In reality, the chemical reaction of H2 and 02 is complex; radi-

cals and atoms are produced in the process of reaction and the
reaction rates have finite values. Depending on the values of static
pressure and temperature of the two jets, the actual phenomenon
566 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
1.0 ~-----~-----~-------r--------,



::::E .4

H2 O


5 10 15 20
xl 20
Fig. 14- 3 Centerline concentrations with finite rate chemistry. T e =2500 R; T j =500 R;
P e =P j =O.038Atm.; U e =3070 ftlsec.; U j = 1030 ft/sec.

is close either to the first or to the second case described above.

For very low pressure and temperature of the gases, the reaction
rates are very small, the mixing occurs before reaction and the
flow is frozen chemically during mixing. For large values of
static pressure and temperature in the jets, the reactions occur
extremely fast, so that the mixing process is close to the second
case (equilibrium flow). In this case, the reaction times are much
smaller than the flow times and therefore can be neglected in the
analysis; thus the chemical composition at any given point can be
determined from the concentration of atomic species, local pres-
sure and temperature at the point considered. The problem again
becomes one of fluid dynamic nature, and the combustion is con-
t:rolled exclusively by the diffusion process produced by mixing.
If the reaction times are of the same order as the flow times,
the fluid dynamic and chemical processes are strongly coupled
and interdependent. The mechanism of the heat release depends
on both processes; mixing occurs first and later reaction is ini-
tiated slowly. When the static temperature starts to increase, the
reaction process accelerates because the reaction rates depend
strongly on temperature. At this point, mixing has already
occurred and the heat release progresses rapidly in a localized
Results of an analysis that takes into account finite reaction
rates for the case defined above are shown in Figs. 14-3 and 14-4.
Supersonic Combustion Technology 567


(Infinite rate)

Finite Rate


(Zero rate)

5 10
x/2a 15 20 25

Fig. 14 - 4 Centerline temperatures. T e = 2500 R; T i = 500 R; P e = Pi = 0.038 Atm.; U e =

3070 ft/see.; U i = 1030 ftlsee.

The analysis used computing programs described in References 9,

10 and 11. Figure 14-3 gives the concentration of species at the
axis. For the pressure and temperature assumed, reaction times
and flow times are of the same order; substantial mixing takes
place before the heat is released by the combustion process. The
oxygen diffuses to the axis before burning. The concentration of
the oxygen at the axis at first increases and then decreases until
combustion is completed and the hydrogen is completely burned.
The heat release occurs later and in different regions of the flow
than for the equilibrium case. In Fig. 14-4 the static temperature
along the axis is shown for the three cases. Figures 14-5 and 14-6
give the temperature distribution in the flow for the equilibrium
and the finite reaction rate cases.
The process of heat release controlled by the diffusion of one
species into the other, when the two streams are supersonic, is
graudal and continuous. The chemical reaction releases heat and
produces a locally large variation of temperature, density and
pressure. The pressure variation produced by the combustion
propagates in the flow by means of a wave mechanism. If the flow
is supersonic, the pressure disturbances propagate downstream
only, while if it is subsonic, they propagate upstream also. The
chemical reaction rates are strongly dependent on pressure and
temperature, and mixing is affected by pressure variations;
568 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion




0 ci:i"
'" 0

E-< "
~ "-
'" s'"


~ ~


'" ~
3.5, :7l

__ - + x

3~ ,r Cr.l
2.01 7' I / :17"""" ~
, I ~
:7 ~
1. 5 \ I ' \ '( I Cl"
1.011f"""""= =:::000"",......... ~ "" 1 / :Ii >-:l

0.51 ~

O! ' J I I I I I

o 5 10 15 20 n. ~.


Fig. 14-6 Isotherms with finite rate chemistry. Te =2500R; Tj = 500R. CJ-o
570 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

therefore. for subsonic flow. any pressure disturbance created in

the flow by the combustion affects the upstream flow and changes
the concentration. pressure and temperature at the point where
the disturbance is generated. This coupling can create instability.
For supersonic flows. the pressure disturbance produced by com-
bustion propagates only downstream and doe s not affect the physical
chemical properties of the flow at the point where the disturbances
are generated; no coupling exists that can produce instability in
the flow.

[14- 3.1.2] Supersonic Combustion Controlled by Heat Convection

The heat convection process produced by mixing can be used in

place of the diffusion process as a controlling mechanism for a
supersonic flame. To illustrate this concept. consider a small
jet of gas having very high static temperature and discharging in
a flow having high velocity and low static temperature (Fig. 14-7).
For simpliCity. assume that the two gases are at the same pres-
sure. Because of the mixing process. the concentration of the two
gases changes gradually and the static temperature changes. The
gas from the external jet mixes with the hot gas and is heated
while the gas from the central jet is cooled. If the mixing takes
place without chemical reaction. the temperature at the axis of
the jet gradually decreases. However. if the gas of the external
jet is a premixed reacting mixture and the temperature of the
central jet is sufficiently high. then because of the heating process
due to mixing. the external gas reacts and combustion takes place.
The heat released by the reacting gases tends to keep up the tem-
perature of the central core of the flow and. if the balance of heat
is favorable. the combustion continues while mixing takes place
and propagates towards the external flow. The propagation is con-
trolled by the heat convection related to the mixing process. The
example presented in Fig. 14-7 considers a jet of combustion
products and hydrogen discharging in a jet of a stoichiometric
mixture of propane and air atlow static temperature. The tempera-
ture distribution of the flame is given in Fig. 14-8. In this case.
the central jet performs as an igniter for the supersonic external
stream. The temperature of the main stream is too low to produce
chemical reaction in the mixture. but combustion is maintained
because the central jet has sufficiently high temperature to produce
rapid combustion which avoids the cooling produced by mixing.
The mechanism of combustion described here is of practical
importance because it permits us to produce combustion in flows
having static temperatures below the temperature required for
rapid ignition and. therefore. extends the possibility of using
supersonic combustion controlled by mixing in the range of flight
Mach numbers below 6 or 7. This scheme also allows the possibility
Supersonic Combustion Technology
_., -- .. -
Mixing Boundar

___ - -
Pilot Flame Sheet

.'-- /----

U -
- -'3>- .........
- . - _ . _ . _ . _.----+

-.-.- --'
U; = 1000 ftl sec .
U e = 2500 ftl sec.
T; = 1800 R
~__ Te = 540R
.......... _ _
------ --- P;=P e =lATM


.. ----

Fig. 14 -7 Schematic of ignition of propane-air mixture with hydrogen-air pilot.


,/01.0 ~~b---f__---~-----_+----_r----_r----~

.5 r-----f__~

o L -_ _ _- L_ _ _ -U~ ___ ~ ___ ~ ____ ~ ___ ~

o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Fig. 14 - 8 Isotherms and pilot flame sheet.

of supersonic combustion with fuels having very long reaction times

at the static temperature and pressure existing in the burner of the
572 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
engine for the flight conditions considered. The propane-air
reaction for the conditions assumed in Fig. 14-7 is too slow and
combustion controlled by diffusion would not be possible. However.
the reaction time is sensitive to temperature; reaction immediately
occurs locally if the temperature is sufficiently increased by mix-
ing with the gas of the pilot flame. Flammability limits exist which
are determined by the balance between heat released by the reac-
tion and heat absorbed by the low temperature mixture [12].
In the preceding discussion. it has been assumed that the fuel
is gaseous and is injected parallel to the air stream. SUbstantial
progress has been made on the analysis of turbulent mixing of
gases in the case of tangential injection. However. tangential in-
jection requires injectors to be placed in the stream. The use of
inclined injection where the fuel is injected at an angle with respect
to the direction of the air stream would eliminate such a require-
The problem of inclined injection is more difficult to analyze.
Presently it is difficult to predict with satisfactory approxima-
tion the distribution of fuel in an airstream when the fuel is in-
jected in the flow by means of an inclined jet. Some comments
must be made on the relative advantages of the two approaches.
The interest in inclined injection is due to the fact that when the
fuel is injected with a velocity component normal to the air flow.
the fuel reaches a region at some distance from the point where
the fuel enters the channel because of the kinetic energy of the
fuel; the fuel penetrates the air without the necessity of having a
physical tube that brings the fuel totally into the stream. In addition.
because of its inclination. the fuel entering the stream produces a
local compression and increases the pressure of the air in front
of the jet and facilitates combustion. However. where the angle
of injection is large. such advantages are in part fictitious and
are coupled with several disadvantages that make this approach
unattractive for a practical engine.
A schematic description of the flow field is shown in Fig. 14-9.
The fuel is injected from a wall where boundary layer exists. In
the case of injection of an inert gas. the shock produced by the
injection locally separates the boundary layer flow. and the com-
preSSion starts somewhat upstream of the injection. The jet is
deflected and the gas mixes with the air. The pressure in the base
region. region 2 of Fig. 14-9. is below free stream pressure while
in region 1 it is above free stream pressure. The pressure dif-
ference tends to bend the jet. which at some distance from the
wall becomes parallel to the free stream. Two sets of shocks
are produced; one in front of the jet and the other where the flow
behind the jet re-attaches to the wall. Such shocks produce losses
in the flow outside the continuum which must be considered in the
cycle analysis and are difficult to analyze.
Supersonic Combustion Technology 573

- ."..--.------

",,,, ,. ----------
M", ",'"

~ ~ ~~

'" '" 2

Fig. 14 - 9 Combustion with inclined fuel inj ection.

In the case of combustion, the combustion starts in region 1

and propagates upstream into the separated region. In this region,
the local heat transfer is extremely high because the combustion
takes place very close to the wall. Heat transfer as high as 10 to
20 times the local heat transfer before injection has been measured
in this region. The combustion and the pressure rise tend to move
the separation upstream and can separate the flow in the inlet.
The flow in region 2 behind the jet is at low velocity and the tem-
perature is high; for some conditions, combustion can take place
here. This would tend to increase the local pressure and there-
fore change the trajeotory of the jet. The amount of combustion
that takes place in region 2 is affected strongly by static pressure
variation and by the amount of combustion taking place at 1; it is
very sensitive to variations of Mach number, altitude of flight and
tupe of separation produced. The penetration is strongly affected
by all such parameters.
574 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

When the engine must be designed for a large range of flight

Mach numbers, the problem exists of matching the fuel penetra-
tion with the values of stagnation pressure of the fuel which is
determined by the amount of fuel that must be injected at a given
flight condition. Such matching requirements impose additional
constraints on the selection of cycle design. At low Mach numbers,
the injectors located near the minimum areas of the burner must
inject .very small mass flow in order to avoid choking the stream,
and the largest part of the fuel must be injected downstream. At
high Mach numbers, the opposite requirement exists. Note that
in this case much of the fuel must burn near the wall and will thus
increase the local heat transfer.
In addition, for any given flight condition and local flow con-
ditions, the penetration of the jet depends on the stagnation pres-
sure of the fuel. A change in fuel mass flow (variation of cI re-
quires a change in the dynamic pressure of the jet; therefore the
penetration and the region reached by the fuel will change. A
small value of cI> corresponds to a large amount of burning near
the wall and a small amount of burning in the main stream, which
is the opposite of what is required for good cooling character-
istics. It must be noted that the cooling requirements are most
severe at low values of cI>.

[14- 3.2] Analysis of the Reaction Process

Combustion controlled by mixing tends to generate pressure

gradients in the flow. To achieve good engine performance,
formation of strong shocks must be avoided; this can be obtained
only if the compression waves produced by the combustion process
are neutralized by expansion waves produced at the boundary of
the jet. As a consequence, the problem of burner design requires
some quantitative knowledge of reaction processes, mixing pro-
cesses and wave propagation in a reacting diffusive process. The
analysis of such a flow is very complex and in many cases is not
yet possible. Several steps are required for such an analysis.
First, the chemical reactions which are significant in describing
the overall system must be determined. Second, an evaluation
of the reaction rates for each reaction considered in the analysis
must be performed. Such a determination is based at present on
experimental results. In a nonequilibrium process, each single
reaction can proceed forward and backward. A relation between
the two rate constants must be established. Usually such rate
constants are related to each other on the basis of the equilibrium
constant. Third, the combined chemical kinetic and fluid dynamic
processes must be analyzed simultaneously to determine the
values of concentration of species and elements, static pressure
and temperature, which in turn determine the values of the reaction
Supersonic Combustion Technology 575

rates. Such a final step can be performed only for simple chemical
processes and for simplified boundary conditions. The description
of the actual fluid dynamic process is based on conservation of
momentum, total enthalpy, elements and species that enter into
the chemical process. In stating these conservation laws, viscous
diffusive and convective processes must be taken into account
which affect the concentration of elements along the streamline,
the total enthalpy, and the momentum. The transport properties
of turbulent mixing of reacting flows are not known and must be
determined experimentally. In addition, three-dimensional pres-
sure variations must be considered. Then the problem becomes
extremely complex analytically unless simplifications are intro-
As a first step, the chemical kinetic process will be considered
and the effects of transport properties will be neglected. Such
a simplified analysis will furnish information on reaction times
which can be compared with flow times related to the fluid dynamic
process and will give an indication of the practical dimensions
required for a combustor. In addition, if the reaction times turn
out to be much smaller than flow times, the variation of fluid
dynamic properties can be neglected in the analysis of the chem-
istry; it can be assumed that the chemical reaction process occurs
at constant total enthalpy, constant pressure, and constant concen-
tration of elements and is a function only of local conditions.
Under these conditions, chemical kinetic effects can be neglected
and chemical equilibrium can be assumed in the flow analysis.

[14- 3.2. 1] Determination of Reaction Times

To determine the value of reaction times in the absence of

transport properties, the following conservation equations must
be solved for the analysis of a chemical reacting mixture [13, 14]:
conservation of species
pV- 1,2, ... N-L (14-1)

conservation of elements
=0, j N-L+1, ... N (14-2)


576 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
where Ilij is the number of atoms of element j in species i.
Conservation of energy

0, (14-4)

Conservation of momentum

pVdV=_dp (14-5)
ds ds
The mass rate of production per unit volume is given by

Wi = Wi
(v .. - v .. ) k. p 1
II ,




and the summation is extended to the reactions containing species

i. kj is the forward rate constant (reaction proceeding to the right)
and Kc,j is the equilibrium constant based on the molar concen-
trations for the jth reaction expressed in the form


where V;j and v;1 are the stoichiometric coefficients of the reaction.
In addition, the follOwing relation is needed:

p =-- (14-9)
Supersonic Combustion Technology 577

The assumption introduced here is that the forward and backward

rate constant can be related to the equilibrium constant.
The initial boundary conditions for such a type of analysis are
usually given in the form of static pressure, temperature, and
velocity and the complete chemical composition of the mixture at
the beginning of the reaction. In addition, another boundary con-
dition that defines the variation of pressure along the streamline
must be stated. Here, as a first step, the static pressure will be
assumed to be constant.
Some numerical difficulties are associated with starting the
calculations from equilibrium [15]. Such difficulties can be by-
passed by recently-developed numerical procedures [11]. The
chemical reactions pertinent to hydrogen air reaction are as

H + 02 -> OH + 0 (14-10)

o + H2 -> OH + H (14-11)



H2 + M -> 2H + M (14-14)


OH + M -> H + 0 + M (14-16)

02 + M -> 20 + M (14-17)

kj used (mole/cc)-1 sec- 1 kj [19]

3(10 14) e -8810/T( oK) [Eq. <14-10)] 4 (10 14) e -9080/T

3 <10 l4) e -4030/T [Eq. <14-11)] 3 (10 14 ) e -3030/T
3 <10 14) e -3020/T [Eq. (14-12)] 3 (10 14) e -12601 T
3(1014) e-3020/T [Eq. <14-13)] 3 (10 14 ) e -1260/T
C(1019)T-1 e-54 ,OOO/T [Eq. (14-14)] (10 21 ) T-1.5 e- 52 ,OOO/T

D(1021) T- 1 e- 62 ,200/T [Eq. (14-15)] (10 23 ) T-1.5 e-58 ,OOO/T

E (10 19 ) T- 1e -52,OOO/T [Eq. (14-16)] (10 21 ) T-1.5 e- 51 ,OOO/T

2.9 (10 19) T- 1 e- 6O ,600/T [Eq. (14-17)] 1.4(10 25 ) T-2.5 e- 59 ,600/T

578 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

c o E
RRI 1.85 0.966 0.8
RR2 9.25 9.66 8.0
RR3 20.8 30.6 25.3

Reactions (14-10) to (14-13) are the bimolecular reactions which

form H20, 0, Hand OH radicals. Reactions (14-14) to (14-17) are
the recombination reactions which produce the major portionof the
energy release.
The symbol M in the equations represents a third body; because
of lack of sufficient information, all third bodies are assumed
equally effective in the analysis. The forward rate constants for
reactions (14-10) to (14-13) and backward rate constants for re-
actions (14-14) to (14-17) denoted by RR1 and RR2, are the con-
stants considered possible in References 16, 17 and 18. Recent
tests tend to indicate that the larger values of the constants are
probably more realistic for reactions (14-14) to (14-16). Such
values are denoted by RR3. The difference between the different
sets of constants are important at low static pressures [20]. For
comparison, some different values suggested in Reference 19 are
also shown.

[14- 3.2.2] Numerical Results

Numerical results of the analysis with constant pressure, con-

stant mass of elements, and total enthalpy indicate the following
trends [14]. The bimolecular reactions are faster than the re-
combination reactions and dominate the first part of the process.
Later the other reactions start to take place and become important.
The first part of the reaction occurs without appreciable tempera-
ture rise. The concentration of the free H radicals increases until
it reaches a peak value. During this first period, the formation of
water is energetically balanced by the dissociation of oxygen and
hydrogen molecules. Because of its large heat of formation, the
creation of atomic hydrogen plays an important role in this phase.
The disappearance of hydrogen radical in the latter part of the
process tends to produce a rapid increase in the temperature of
the gas. Therefore, two characteristic times can be devined [14,
20]: the ignition delay time, defined as the time from the beginning
of reaction to peak concentration of atomic hydrogen, and the heat
release time defined as the time between the end of ignition delay
time and equilibrium state. Figures 14-10 to 14-12 show typical
temperature histories as a function of time for particular cases
Supersonic Combustion Technology 579

1 I
Rate #3/
",---/ /:

/ /#2

/ ;I'

~ V #/

0 2000
f-- f-~
E ~

4 6 8 10 -5 2 4 6 8 10- 4

Time, Seconds
Fig. 14 -10 Temperature-time history of stoichiometric hydrogen-air reaction; P .2 at-

I TI /


;.: Reaction
,,' Rate #3

~ 2000

1/ I

10-6 10- 5 2 4 6 8 10.4 2
Time, Seconds
Fig. 14 -11 Temperature-time history of stoichiometric hydrogen-air reactions; P = 4.7 at-

[14, 20, 21]. Figures 14-10 and 14-11 indicate the effect of the
variation of the reaction constants in Eqs. (14-14) to (14-16) for
two different values of static pressure. Figure 14-12 indicates
the effect of the initial static temperature and the fact that the
ignition delay is strongly affected by the initial temperature and
pressure, it is not affected by a variation of equivalence ratio or
by the values of the constants of the recombination reactions. The
heat release time is also strongly affected by pressure and tem-
perature; in addition, at low static pressure it is strongly affected
by the values of the constants assumed for the recombination reac-
tion. The heat release time is insensitive to the equivalence ratio
of the mixture.
580 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


/ r


.20 2000
I-" 1000\
1500 ~ Temperature, oK \
1500 "II

1000 u
10- 4 2 4
6 8 10-3
Time Seconds
Fig. 14-12 Temperature-time history of stoichiometric hydrogen air with reaction rate no.
2; P = 1.0 atmosphere.
From the analyses performed, analytical expressions that give
the variation of ignition delay time and heat release time as a
function of initial pressure and temperature have been obtained
[23, 24]. The ignition delay time is controlled principally by the
bimolecular reactions and must be inversely proportional to pres-
sure for a given temperature. In addition, the temperature de-
pendence must be exponential because of the form of the reaction
rate constants. The following form of equation, which correlates
all the data obtained from the analysis for equivalence ratio be-
tween 0.4 and 2, was suggested in References 23 and 24 for the
ignition delay time (T in microseconds, p in atmospheres, T in OK):
P TID = 8 x 10- 3 e9600/T.

However, the values of the constant used in this equation are those
suggested in Reference 20; new experimental data on ignition delay
have recently been obtained [14, 22, 26]. The experimental data
correlates well with the equation obtained, as shown in Fig. 14-13.
The curves corresponding to the constants suggested originally in
References 23 and 24 are also indicated. During the heat release
time, the three-body recombination reactions are important; there-
fore, the effect of the pressure on the heat release time is larged
than on the ignition delay time. The following expression that fits
the results of the numerical analysis in the range between 0.2 and
5 atm. and 1000 to 2000 K for a stoichiometric mixture with
constants RR2 has been given in Reference 20:
Supersonic Combustion Technology 581

Ref 14
-Ref 25
1.0 Igni tion Delay Time -+----+--__t---+--+--+------l:7~y
8 x 10- 3
T,D = P
0.8 1--__I-----+----1----+----+---+-~~~-7'I'---_+--__I T ,/-L Sec
P, Atm
1000 T, 0 K

Reaction Time (Ref 20)

0.2L-__L -_ _- L_ _- L_ _- L_ _ _ _ ~_ _ ~_ _ ~_ _ ~_ _~ _ _~

.1 .2 .5 1.0 2 5 10 20 50 100 200

Fig. 14-13 Correlation of ignition delay time and reaction time.

The expression is also plotted in Fig. 14-13 as a function of


[14- 3.2.3] Discussion of Results

The results of the numerical calculations are of direct interest

for the supersonic combustion problem. The performance analyses
presented for an accelerating engine indicate that the values of
the static pressure considered to be practical are of the order of
several atmospheres. For these conditions, the total reaction time
is of the order of 10-6 seconds for initial static temperatures of
the order of 2000 R. Then, even if the flow moves at velocities
of the order of 20,000 ft/sec., the combustion is completed in a
distance of the order of 1/4 in. The temperature of the mixture
increases rapidly as soon as the combustion is initiated locally
at a point; this is the largest delay to be expected in all combustion
processes. Then, for practical purposes, at high pressure and
temperature the chemistry can be considered to be in equilibrium.
At low static pressure, the reaction time becomes important, and
practical combustion times can be obtained only if the static tem-
perature of the mixture is very high.
The type of analysis presented here can be applied directly to
the analysis of nonequilibrium flow in a nozzle. In this case, the
flow is already mixed and transport phenomena are not important;
one-dimensional analysis along the streamline applies. The analyses
of nonequilibrium phenomena show that such effects are not
582 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

important and do not reduce the nozzle performance substantially

for practical values of expansion ratio and static pressure in the

[14- 3.2.4] Tangential Injection with Chemical Reaction

The turbulent mixing of a heterogeneous coaxial stream has been
investigated in detail analytically and experimentally in the last few
years, and many of the available results have been presented in
References 27, 14, 21, 8, 28,29. On the basis of present knowledge,
the mixing in the absence of large pressure gradient can be repre-
sented, with sufficient accuracy for engineering purposes, by the
analytical expressions suggested in these references. Good agree-
ment between experiments and analytical results is found when
diffusion and heat conduction processes are investigated. (These
are the physical properties of interest in a mixing process with
combustion.) However, discrepancies are found in many instances
when the same types of analyses are applied to determine velocity
decays and Mach number decays produced by mixing processes.
Such discrepancies are not too important for the problems under
investigation; however, they are important here because they have
often been attributed to major shortcomings of the representation
used. It is the writer's opinion that a careful analysis of the ex-
periments where the velocity or enthalpy distributions have been
measured in a mixing process proves that the discrepancy found
is due not to large discrepancy in the transport properties assumed
but to incorrect interpretation of the experiments. Velocity
variations in the mixing process can be generated by two different
effects: a small pressure gradient normal to the flow at the initial
conditions, or viscosity. An initial pressure gradient usually
exists in the free flight experiments, while in controlled experi-
ments, any small longitudinal pressure gradient existing in the
flow outside the mixing regions has equivalent effects.
These small pressure gradients in the flow outside the mixing
region which are present in any experiment are usually neglected
and often not even measured. However, in axially symmetric mix-
ing which is the mixing usually investigated for such small pressure
gradients, the gradients can produce large effects on the flow be-
cause of the focussing effect of the compression waves at the axis
of the jet. The focussing produces large Mach number variations
near the axis due only to inviscid effects and changes the mixing
profile. It can produce local shocks which in turn affect the decay
at the axis. Experiments have been performed at New York Uni-
versity in order to investigate this point [30]. A small disturbance
was placed at the wall of the tunnel. This disturbance, which pro-
duced very small variations far from the axis induced large
variations at the center of the tunnel and strongly affected the
Mach number decay at the axis of the mixing.
Supersonic Combustion Technology 583

In addition, the initial conditions must be carefully considered.

When coaxial jets are investigated experimentally, the initial con-
ditions with respect to velocity and stagnation temperature cannot
be defined by simple parameters because of the existence of the
boundary layers on the internal and external surfaces of the jet.
The only parameter that can be defined with accuracy is the species
concentration. The presence of boundary layers and of pressure
gradients are especially important in the initial region of the mixing.
Furthermore, for sub sonic flow, large pressure gradients are pro-
duced upstream of the mixing by the mixing process when large
differences of physical properties exist between the two streams.
For these reasons, a very careful and detailed analysis is required
in order to obtain correct conclusions.

[14-3.3] Analysis of Mixing Processes

The next step in the analysis of the combustion process is to

analyze the mixing process in the presence of reaction. The
analytical problem is largely Simplified if the pressure variation
in the direction normal to the streamline can be assumed to be
negligible so that a boundary layer type of analysis applies. With
this Simplification, the analysis requires solution of the following
group of equations:
conservation of momentum

pu -
au + pu
ax ar
conservation of energy

aH aH
+ pu-
ax ar


global conservation of mass

a (pu) + r- 1 a {pur> o (14-20)

ax ar
584 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

species conservation
(Ji ai
pu - + pv- r-1 -a ( PES -1 a i ) +
c r - w

ax ar ar ar (14-21)

i ~ 1,2, ... N-L

ax (14-22)

j ~ 1,2, ... L

Numerical analyses for the solutions of such equations have been

obtained which use available information on chemical rates dis-
cussed before. Such analyses require that the transport properties
which enter in the definition of the Prandtl, Lewis and Schmidt
numbers are known, as functions of the local flow properties [9,
10, 11]. Such quantities can be calculated for laminar mixing as
functions of local pressure, temperature and concentration of
species; however, they are not well known for turbulent mixing
which is of more interest for supersonic combustion. In turbulent
mixing, such quantities must be determined experimentally. Re-
cently much work has been done on this subject [14, 21,25, 26,
31-"35], and some of the pertinent results relating to mixing of air
and hydrogen are presented here.

[14- 3.3.11 Mixing of Non-Reacting Flows

The analysis of hydrogen-air mixing requires a careful evalu-

ation of all Simplifications usually accepted in the analyses of
viscous flow problems because of the large difference in prop-
erties between air and hydrogen.
The analysis of turbulent mixing presents a difficult problem
because of the lack of a basic formulation of the transport prop-
erties of such flow. Initially, because of the lack of experimental
confirmation, analyses have been performed based on a reasonable
extrapolation of the transport properties which have been deter-
mined experimentally for gases having small density gradients.
Such types of analyses, used extensively for other applications,
indicate that the mixing process would be very slow. especially
when the velocities of the two jets are of the same order; super-
sonic combustion as suggested here would not be too practical.
However, recent experimental results with gases moving at high
velocity and having large density differences show that the mixing
is very fast and indicate that different types of relations must be
used for the representation of the turbulent transport properties.
Supersonic Combustion Technology 585

To emphasize the large differences corresponding to the different

types of relations used for the transport properties in the turbulent
mixing, it is of interest to present the results of an analysis of a
combustion process occurring at constant pressure. The analysis
considers an axially symmetric jet of hydrogen discharging in a
stream of air and assumes that chemical equilibrium exists every-
where. Two different representations of transport properties have
been used in the analysis. Some results are presented in Figs.
14-14 and 14-15 in which the lines represent the shape of the
flame sheet which is the surface that divides the region of the
oxygen-rich flow from the central hydrogen-rich region. Figure
14-14 gives the radius of the flame sheet as a function of the
distance from the jet, when values of the eddy viscosity obtained
from recent experimental data (proportional to the quantity
2.0r-- - - , , - - - - , - - - - - ,- -- -- , - - - -- , Flame Sheer

1.5 f - +--I----\----- \- ---'o,rl-------i

rl a 1. 0 V-----1----\--"<:----1!----\4~-\

. 5 f----4~--_I----~----_I--~~
Ue = 19,000 Frl Sec
Te = 2900 R
O~ __ ~~ __ ~ ____- L_ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _~ T j ", 2300R
o 4 6 8
,,/ 2a
Fig. 14 -14 Fl ame s heet location with eddy viscos ity based on m a s sfl ow rat e.
2. 0 ~------~---------,--------.---

1. 5 11-------+---

Ue = 19, 000 Fr/ Sec

ri a 1. 0 r-- - ----~- T e = 290 0 R
Tj '" 2300 R

. 5r-~----+_--T---,-------_r1 -----.~------T~

300 600 900 1200 1500

,,/ 20
~' ig. 14-15 Flam e sheet locat ion with eddy vi scos ity ba s ed on v eloc ity difference.
586 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

P,U ./PeU e ) are used, while Fig. 14-15 gives the same radius when
th~ values of the eddy viscosity are extrapolated from low speed
values and are based on the velocity differences [8]. The difference
in the lengths of the flame is very large.

[14- 3.3. 2] Discussion of Experimental Results of Non-Reacting Gases

To obtain information on the mixing properties of heterogeneous

nonreacting gases, several experiments have recently been made by
my group by discharging a circular jet of a given gas in a moving
air stream. Several types of gases have been used for the central
stream to determine the effect of the gas density; in addition,
several values of velocities, velocity differences and temperatures
have been investigated during the tests. The tests have been for
both supersonic and subsonic velocities. Velocity and concentra-
tion profiles and properties along the center line have been deter-
mined. The experiments and analyses of results have been presented
in detail in References 14,21, 25, 26 and 35. The most important
conclusions are summarized here. For turbulent mixing in the
region investigated, which is a few diameters (between 5 and 50)
downstream of the jets, the measured radial distribution of velocity
and concentration is in good agreement with the distrubition deter-
mined analytically by assuming average and constant valuesfor the
Prandtl, Lewis and Schmidt numbers. The decay of concentration
along the axis is very rapid and has a constant trend for all the
cases investigated.
1.0 To~ 1500R
.8 To; 600R
.6 Pe P; = 12.5 psia
P ; U ; U/
.4 Gas
PeU e U~

.2 0. H2 .022 .20
o H2 . 052 .42 Re f 21
P H2 .094 .76 a = 0. 15"
.08 b H2 .140 1.14
.06 ~ H2 .107 ;768
f:, H2 .154 .456
'i> He .288 1. 10
Ref 26
QA .497 .181
.02 0 = 0.30"
b A . 107 .31
rJ A 1.86 .433
.01 P A 2.97 .5 15
2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100
"/ 0
Fig. 14 -16 Variation of centerline concentration with distanc e . air velocity = 2460 ftlsec.
Supersonic Combustion Technology 587

Figure 14-16 presents typical results of several investigations

[21, 25, 26, 25] giving the concentration decay along the axis as a
function of the physical distance from the exhaust of the jet, non-
dimensionalized for the radius of the jet. SUch results have been
obtained experimentally in several different investigations, using
different experimental apparatus. In all the tests the two streams
have had the same static pressure at the exit of the jet.
These experimental results indicate that the decay of concen-
tration along the axis in the region near the exit of the jet is
approximately proportional to (x/xO)-2, where x is the distance
from the jet along the axis and Xo the distance of the point where
the concentration starts to change. If the concentration along the
axis is plotted as a function of the quantity x/xo (Fig. 14-17), a
unique curve is obtained for all of the experiments, indicating that
the parameter xlXo is a similarity parameter for the mixing in
this region [26]. The experiments give Yc proportional to (xolx) 2 ,
and it is interesting to determine the relation between Xo and'\
from the experimental results. This has been done in Fig. 14-18.
The experiments indicate that the quantity Xo is approximately
proportional to VA, and the coefficient of proportionality is of
the order of 26.

[14- 3.3.3] Mixing with Pressure Gradients

In the analysis of combustion, the assumption that the static
pressure is constant at any given section notably Simplifies the
problem, but it is not suffiCiently accurate for detailed design of
combustion chambers because of the large variation of temperature
and density produced locally by the reaction. SUch a variation pro-
duces pressure variations which are generated in the streams,
propagate in the flow, and affect the combustion process. For the
type of process analyzed, the reaction produces much larger pres-
sure variation than the diffusive process and is the main cause of
large pressure gradients. In this case, it can be assumed in the
analysis that the variation of pressure due to mixing is small with
respect to the variation of pressure produced by the reaction and
can be calculated as a perturbation to the other variation. When
this assumption is introduced, an approximate analytical method
can be developed that takes into account the pressure variations
due to reactions [37].
Consider an axially symmetric flow of reacting gases. If the
transport phenomena are neglected along the streamline and con-
sidered only in the direction normal to the streamlines, the two
momentum equations can be expressed as

pqqs + P s = B (14-23)

pq 2 8 s + Pn = 0 (14-24)

81 ~ .... _ (':)

'I '4hc+ 1 :~T-T (':)
<l Ref 26
4 ..... Ref 26 I,'" .. ; ~
x ......
<l- Ref 21 ~
"'Ref 35 Ci'

A{D Ref 26 i;:l


21 ~
He{: I ......
... ~.
C020 Ref 35
I' " ~T'-:':S
0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0,.08 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Mass Fraction, Y ;:$
Fig. 14-17 Variation of centerline concentration with distance parameter.
xo/o = 22VA t:
2 - A = PjUj/PeU e
b Ic:>71 xo
: Ii Vu n
I Ii
~ tJ 0 I.r.l

8)7 0 0 ~
10 ~
0 H2 ~
8 Y ~.

~ : } Ref. 26 (")
~ 6 o
o /" ~
)( V Ref. 36
V ~
: y V Ref. 21-26, 31-35
4 V
V o
A ~
/ 'V t-.j
I ~
~ }Ref. 26 C')
\: \.-' ~
He 5
V 1'\7 ~}Ref.26 ~

CO 2
o Ref. 21-26, 31-35
1 I I I I
_01 .02 _04 .06 _08 _1 .2 _4 _6 .8 1-0 2 4

Fig. 14-18 Distance defining distance parameter. ~

590 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

where p is the density, q and e are the modulus and the argument
of the velocity, s and n are the coordinates tangent and normal to
the streamline, and the subscript indicates derivative along the
coordinate represented by the subscript. The quantity B represents
the effect of transport properties and is given by

lu[l + j(r - 1)] qn~n

B (14-25)
[1 + j(r - 1)]

where ] IS either 0 for two-dimensional flow or 1 for axially

symmetric flow, u is an appropriate viscosity, and r the radial
coordinate. The equations of conservation of energy, mass species,
and elements are the same as for the case of zero pressure gra-
dients. This group of equations is of higherorder than its counter-
part in an inviscid gas. However, if the combustion process is
localized, the effect of the right side ofEq. (14-23) on the pressure
and velocity variations can be considered to be small and accounted
for only as a perturbation of a basic inviscid flow motion represented
by Eqs. (14-23) and (14-24) where B is a constant.
Similarly. the equation of conservation of energy can be written
by collecting all terms related to convection and diffusion on the
right-hand side, leaving only the terms representing the inviscid
gas on the left-hand side of the equations. Then if the right-hand
side terms are considered to vary slowly and to be known, the flow
can be analyzed by means of the method of characteristics. The
Mach angle f is defined by

tan f (
pq2 _ _ q_ 2)-1
p F-1

where F is defined by

F = T:E ldhi

where hi is the enthalpy per unit mass and li is the mass fraction
of specie i.
The compatibility equations along the characteristic lines are

T 1 ,2 - bP1,2 = G

where T = tan e, b = 1I(pq2 cos 2 e tan f) and the quantity G depends on

the transport properties that are considered to be known in each step:
Supersonic Combustion Technology 591

In this formula, E (for Prandtl number equal to one) is

(Rp F'Tlp) 1: Wi + w/ q)

The quantity Di represents the diffusion term and Wi the chemical

rate of change of ex i; Wi is the molecular weight of specie i.
With this approximation, the flow can be analyzed numerically,
following a calculation net as shown in Fig. 14-19. The quantity
G is determined by a finite difference procedure applied along line
(a) and is known at the initial points 1 and 2 of a given step. The
value of G is assumed to be constant in any given step 2-3, 1-3.
Then characteristic lines can be defined (lines 1-3, 2-3), which
permit the evaluation of the variation of pressure and velocity
defined by the left side of the equations: determine these quantities
at points of the line (b). Here the effects of transport phenomena
are evaluated along line (b) normal to the streamlines, as in a
mixing problem, and a second iteration is performed (if required)
where values of the quantity G averaged between initial and final
point are considered. A numerical program has been developed
for such analysis [37]. This type of analYSis can be applied, for
example, to the determination of the shape of a combustor that


_ - Streamline

_ - Streamline

"'-}----+~~ Characteristic Line

_._ - Streamline

Fig. 14-19 Calculation net for analysis of viscous flow with pressure gradients.
P/P iet 1.05
Jet Radius 0.1CM
P iet 5.0 ATM Pedge = 5.0 A TM c....
M iet 2.03 Medge = 3.38

6 T iet 1100 K T edge = 1500 K ~


4 ~

_ _--0.93 ~~


Fig. 14- 20 Pressure field for a free jet of hydrogen in air computed by a method of char-
acteristics with viscosity and finite rate chemistry.
Jet Radius O.lCM
P jet 5.0 ATM. Pedge 5.0 ATM.
M jet 2.03 Medge 3.38
T jet 1100'K T edge 1500'K
Mach Line
l' = 1 Streamline Wedge Su rface 5' ~
I (';:)
4 ;:!
3 : 2200'K \)
2600'K ~
2 ~
~ 2200'~ ~ 2600'K 2800'K 0-
""1'\1'\1'\01/ '" ~ ~
a:: 0
~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::======::::::::::::::~:::::::::::2000'K ~
'- 25 26 27 ;:!
~;======.--------------------------------~=====- ~

Fig. 14- 21 Temperature field for a free jet of hydrogen in air computed by a method of
characteristics with viscosity and finite rate chemistry.

594 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

gives a given pressure distribution along a streamline. Such a type

of analysis is necessary for the design of short combustors which
avoid formation of strong shock due to the combustion process.
An example of such a type of calculation is shown in Figs. 14-20
and 14-21. In this analysis, the chemistry has been assumed to be
in equilibrium. The figures show that large variations of pressure
occur inside the mixing region in spite of the fact that the flow
outside is uniform. However, outside of the reacting region, the de-
viation of the streamline is fairly constant. The same process has
been analyzed by means of a mixing type of analysis. The results
are shown in Fig. 14-22. The deviation of the streamline is the
same; however the initial point of deviation is displaced and is on
a vertical line and not along the Mach line. This agreement between
the two types of analyses permits us to analyze in simplified form
the combustion process.
The combustion process produces changes in the streamline
shape that affects the pressure. Such deviation of direction propa-
gates as waves in the outside flow. It is well known that the effect
of heat sources in a flow is equivalent aerodynamically to the in-
troduction of equivalent volume sources. In order to obtain the wave
pattern produced by combustion in the flow, a detailed study of this
equivalence has been performed for a mixing process with com-
bustion. In the analysis, the pressure distribution has been assumed
to be known along the mixing, and the deviation of the streamline
outside of the combustion region has been determined analytically

= 1.0 Stream line

'- 20

{~~~~~ 10
20 40 60 80 100
Edge of mixing regian
MGximum temperature line
120 140 160

Fig. 14- 22 Two-dimensional, constant pressure mixing and combustion region.

The streamline shape obtained and the pressure distribution

assumed must be consistent with the outside flow. For constant
pressure mixing, an average deviation of streamline produced by
combustion can be calculated. Then an equivalent body can be
assumed to exist in the combustor that represents the combustion
phenomena. In this way, the flow field can be determined.

a = Radius of jet
Ao = Capture area of the inlet
Supersonic Combustion Technology 595

Frontal area of the inlet

Quantity defined by Eq. (14-25)
Thrust coefficient
Quantity defined by Eq. (14-7)
Total enthalpy
Air specific impulse, thrust per lb. of air flow
= Fuel specific impulse, thrust per lb. of fuel flow
= Rate constant for the jth reaction
Equilibrium constant based on molar concentration for the
jth reaction
Le Lewis number
Le Turbulent Lewis number = PrtS~t
M00T Flight Mach number
Moo Free stream Mach number
Mi Chemical species i
mi Quantity defined by Eq. (14-7)
n Normal to the streamline
ni Quantity defined by Eq. (14-7)
Pr Prandtl number
P rt Turbulent Prandtl number
P Pressure
Poo Free stream pressure
Po Stagnation pressure
P03' P3'
T 3' V3' M3 = Conditions at the entrance of the burner
RR Reaction rate constants, Eqs. (14-14) to (14-16)
Ro Universal gas constant
r Radial coordinate
Schmidt number
Turbulent Schmidt number
Thrust of temperature
stagnation temperatures

(U - ue)/(Uj - ue)
U at the axis
Velocity component along the x-axis
Velocity at the axis of the jet
Air velocity
Jet velocity
Velocity component normal to the x-axis
Rate of creation of species i due to k reactions
Molecular weight og species i
Axial coordinate
Mass fraction of species i
Mass fraction of element j
Mass fraction at the axis of the jet
596 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

= Turbulent eddy viscosity

= ~iu/Peue
/Lij = Nuinber of atoms of elements j in species i
Vlj = stoichiometric coefficients of reaction j on left-side terms
Vlj = stoichiometric coefficients of reaction j of right-side terms
P = Density
= DenSity of the outer stream
= Initial density of the jet
a = Viscosity (turbulent = pE or laminar)
TID = Ignition delay time
= Reaction time

1. Gross, R.A. and W. Chinitz: A study of supersonic combustion,
J. Aero. Sci., 27:7, 517-524, July 1960.
2. Ferri, A.: Possible Directions of Future Research in Air-
breathing Engines, in: AGARD Combustion and PropulSion
Colloquium, Pergamon Press Ltd., 1960, pp. 3-15.
3. Kuehn, M.: Experimental investigation of the pressure rise
required for the incipient separation of turbulent boundary
layers in two-dimensional supersonic flow, NASA. Memo
1-21-59A, February 1959.
4. sterrett, R. and C. Emery: Experimental separation on
studies for two-dimensional wedges and curved surfaces at
Mach numbers of 4.8 to 6.2, NASA TN D-1014, February 1962.
5. Stroud, J.F. and L.D. Miller: An experimental and analytical
investigation of hypersonic inlet boundary layers, AFFDL-
TR65-123, Vol. I, August 1965.
6. Zakkay, V., A. Bos, and P.F. Jensen, Jr.: Laminar, transitional
and turbulent flow with adverse pressure gradient on a cone-
flare at Mach 10, NYU -AA-65-6, June 1965.
7. Mordell, D.L. and J. Swithenbank: Hypersonic Ramjets, in:
Advances in Aeronautical Sciences, Proc. of 2nd International
Congress in Aeronautical Sciences (Zurich), New York, Perga-
mon Press, 1960, Vol. 4, pp. 12-16.
8. Libby, P.A.: Theoretical analysis of turbulent mixing of re-
active gases with application to supersonic combustion of
hydrogen, ARS J., 32, 388-396, March 1962.
9. Zeiberg, S. and G.D. Bleich: Finite difference calculation of
hypersonic wakes, Paper presented at AIAA Conference on
Physics of Entry into Planetary Atmospheres, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, August 26-28, 1963, Preprint 63-449;
also General Applied Science Laboratories, TR -338, February
10. Slutsky, S.: stable computation techniques of coupled diffusion
and chemical reaction in shear flows, General Applied Science
Laboratories, TM-10l, December 1963.
Supersonic Combustion Technology 597

11. Moretti, G.: A new technique for the chemical analysis of

nonequilibrium flows, General Applied Science Laboratories,
TR-412, January 1964.
12. 8hetz, J.A. and J. Jannone: The ignition of flowing hydro-
carbon-air mixtures by a hydrogen pilot flame , General Applied
Science Laboratories, TR -432, April 1964.
13. Penner, 8.S.: Chemistry Problems in Jet Propulsion, Oxford,
Pergamon Press Ltd., 1957, pp. 267-276.
14. Ferri, A., P.A. Libby, and V. Zakkay: Theoretical andexperi-
mental investigation of supersonic combustion, Aeronautical
Research Laboratories, ARL 62-467, September 1962; also
Paper presented at Third ICAS Congress, stockholm, August
27-31, 1962; also Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, PlBAL
Report No. 713 (ARL 62-467), AD 291 712, September 1962.
15. Libby, P.A.: Treatment of partial equilibrium in chemical
reacting flows, ARS J., 32:7, 1090-1091, July 1962.
16. Duff, R. W.: Calculation of reaction profiles behind steady
state shock waves, I-Application to detonation waves, J.
Chem. Physics, 28:6, 1193-1197, June 1958.
17. Schott, G. L.: Kinetic studies of hydroxyl radicals in shock
waves, III-The OH concentration maximum in the hydrogen-
oxygen reaction, J. Chem. Physics, 32:2, 710-716,March1960.
18. and J.L. Kinsey: Kinetic studies of hydroxyl radicals
in shock waves, II-Induction times in the hydrogen-oxygen
reaction, J. Chem. Physics, 29:5, 1177-1182, November 1958.
19. Ellis, G.E.: Literature survey of the kinetics of the H-O-M
system, The Marquardt Corp., Report No. 20-202, November
20. Pergament, H.8.: A theoretical analYSis of nonequilibrium
hydrogen-air reactions in flow systems, Paper No. 63-113,
AIAA-ASME Hypersonic Ramjet Conference, April 23-25, 1963.
21. Zakkay, V. and E. Krause: Mixing Problems with Chemical
Reactions, in: Supersonic Flow, Chemical Processes and
Radiative Transfer, New York, Pergamon Press, 1964; also
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, PlBAL Report No. 776,
March 1963.
22. Tamagno, J. and O. Lindemann: Experimental results on
supersonic combustion, General Applied Science Laboratories,
TR -322, December 1962.
23. Momtchiloff, LN., E.D. Taback, and R.F. Buswell: An analyti-
cal method of computing reaction rates for hydrogen-air
mixtures, Paper presented at Ninth International Meeting of
the Combustion Institute, Cornell University, August 1962.
24. Nicholls, J.A.: Stabilization of gaseous detonation waves with
emphaSis on the ignition delay zone, Thesis for Ph.D.,
University of Michigan, 1960; available from University
Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.
25. Ferri, A.: Axially symmeteic heterogeneous mixing, Paper
presented at ruT AM International Symposium on Applications
598 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

of the Theory of Functions in Continuum Mechanics, ThUsi,

Russia, September 18-24, 1963; also Polytechnic Institute
of Brooklyn, PlBAL Report No. 787, AFOSR 5326, September
26. Zakkay, V., E. Krause, and S.D. L. Woo: Turbulent transport
properties for axisymmetric heterogeneous mixing, Paper
presented at AIAA Conference Meeting, January 20-22, 1964;
also Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, PlBAL Report No. 813,
March 1964.
27. Ferri, A.: Review of problems in application of supersonic
combustion, Seventh Lanchester Memorial Lecture, J. Royal
Aero. Soc., 68:645, September 1964.
28. Slutsky, S., J. Tamagno, and N. Trentacoste: Supersonic
combustion in premixed hydrogen-air flows, AIAA J., 3:9,
September 1965.
29. Edelman, R.: Diffusion controlled combustion for scramjet
application, Part I-Analysis and results of calculations, Gen-
eral Applied Science Laboratories, TR-569, December 1965.
30. Fox, H., V. Zakkay,andR.Sinha: The review of some problems
in turbulent mixing, Paper presented at IAAInternational Sym-
posium on Fluid Dynamics of Heterogeneous Multi- Phase Con-
tinuous Media, Naples, Italy, October 3-6, 1966; also New York
University, Report No. NYU AA-66-63, September 1966.
31. Kleinstein, G.: An approximate solution for the axisymmetric
jet of a laminar compressible fluid, Quart. Appl. Math. 20:1,
49-54, April 1962.
32. On the mixing of laminar and turbulent axially-
symmetric compressible flows, Polytechnic Institute of
Brooklyn, PIBALReport No. 756, February 1963.
33. Schetz, J.A.: Supersonic Diffusion Flames, New York, Perga-
mon Press, 1963; Paper presented at 21st Meeting of the
AGARD Combustion and Propulsion Panel, London.
34. Libby, P.A. and J.A. Schetz: Approximate analysiS of slot
injection of a reactive gas in laminar flow, General Applied
Science Laboratories, TR-299, June 1962.
35. Alpinieri, L.J.: An experimental investigation of the turbulent
mixing of nonhomogeneous coaxial jets, Polytechnic Institute
of Brooklyn, PIBAL Report No. 789, August 1963.
36. Keagy, W.R. and A.E. Weller: A study of Freely Expanding
Inhomogeneous Jets, in: Proc. Heat Transfer and Fluid
Mechanics Inst., New York, American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, 1949, p-. 89-98.
37. Moretti, G.: Analysis of two-dimensional problems of super-
sonic combustion controlled by mixing, AIAA Aerospace
Science Meeting, New York, January 1964.
38. Ferri, A.: Review of scramjet propulsion technology, Paper
presented at AIAA Third Annual Meeting, Boston, November
29-December 2, 1966, AIAA Paper No. 66-826.
Combustion Instability Theory
Sin-I Cheng, Professor
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences
Princeton University


[15-1.1] Unstable Combustion

Temporal variations in a combustion system are always present

and take varieties of forms and intensity under different environ-
ments. A system is stable if a disturbance introduced into the
system decreases in amplitude with time and eventually becomes
lost in the random fluctuations prevailing in the system. A system
is unstable if the amplitude increases with time. If an unstable
combustion system is weakly coupled with the environment, a new
equilibrium state of combustion will be reached without modifying
the surroundings appreciably. A good example of this is the transi-
tion of a flame in open atmosphere from the laminar to the turbulent
state. The instability of small disturbances (often referred to as
Tollmien-Schlichting waves) is an inherent property of the flow of
the combustible mixture. The unstable oscillations are present in
a broad band rather than afew selected frequencies. The instability
of such weakly coupled systems is of considerable scientific interest
but does not possess direct relation with the instability of combus-
tion in a rocket motor where the combustion is strongly coupled to
its environment.
The pressure in the combustion chamber of a rocket, either with
liquid or solid propellant, is determined by the balance of the rate
of generation and the rate of exhaust of the gaseous combustion
products. The chamber pressure determines the burning rate and
the exhaust rate. Any change in the chamber pressure (or others)
leads to a corresponding change in both the burning rate and the
exhaust rate, and vice versa. Whether a disturbance in the system
is stable or not must be determined by the consideration of the
dynamics of the entire coupled system.
The stability characteristics of each component of a coupled
system are of course important in determining the system behavior,
but to infer the stability characteristics from the behavior of the

600 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

COIllponents without synthesis is hardly justifiable. The following

example will fully illustrate this point.
An increase in burning rate following a rise in chamber pres-
sure is known as a destabilizing influence. One might well infer
that a decrease in burning rate following a pressure rise would be
a stabilizing influence. However, Fig. 15-1 shows clearly that a
decrease in burning rate with a time lag equal to half the period of
the pressure oscillation will also reinforce the pressure oscillation.

p (t)

dm < 0 !
dp ...T..
m(t} rv p (t - T) VI~

IE-- I ---3101

Fig. 15-1.

We shall be concerned only with the strongly coupled pressure

oscillations in the combustion chamber of rocket motors with a
choked exhaust nozzle. The dynamic situation of gases in the com-
bustion chamber is very complex and highly turbulent. The flow
Mach number in the chamber is usually low. We are not interested
in the "random" turbulent fluctuations of appreciable magnitude.
We shall neglect this "noise" and assume that the gas flow in the
chamber is "steady" and "laminar" in the mean without viscous
and heat transfer effects. We are concerned only with chamber os-
cillations of a well defined frequency and of a magnitude substantially
above those of the prevailing turbulent fluctuations. We shall, how-
ever, consider at times the fractional variation of chamber pressure
as small to permit a linearized treatment,but this is not "acoustics"
in the conventional sense of the word.
Combustion Instability Theory 601


[15 2. 1] Early Developments and the Time Lag Concept

Interest in combustion instability in rocket motors was motivated

by the desire to understand the origin of the often disasterous,
sudden rise of chamber pressure in the combustion chambers of
rocket motors with either liquid or solid propellants. Through such
understanding, we hope to control, eliminate or avoid the undesir-
able consequences.
In 1942, von Karman [1] recognized that an oscillatory chamber
pressure could be reinforced by the delayed response of the supply
of propellants into the combustion chamber. It can be expected that
the frequency of the unstable oscillation is characterized by that of
the feeding system, typically less than 100 cps. In 1951, Crocco [2]
recognized that the induction period of the combustion process of
both physical and chemical origin can respond to the chamber os-
cillations, and that this time lag is small enough to couple with the
wave motion in the combustion chamber to generate unstable oscil-
lations of the order of 1000 cps. or more. The conceptual and
mathematical development of this time lag concept was treated in
some detail in Reference 3 for liquid propellant rockets. The con-
stant time lag concept was applied to solid propellant rockets by
Grad [4], and the variable time lag concept was adapted to the
physical situation in solid propellant rockets by Cheng [5]. In the
meantime, the development of pressure transducers with high
frequency response enabled the experimentalists to identify that
the sudden rise in pressure in the rocket chambers is indeed
rapidly diverging or amplifying unstable oscillations at high fre-
quencies. Moreover, the measured frequencies agree well with
the acoustic frequencies in the combustion chamber filled with
hot gases. The time lags and the interaction index required to
promote such unstable oscillations, as revealed by the theoretical
developments, are of the correct order compatible with the burning
processes so far as we understand them. Thus, the time lag
theories are essentially confirmed on a qualitative basis.
The understanding that the disasterous pressure rise is an un-
stable coupled dynamic oscillation of chamber gas with combustion
did suggest some passive measures for suppressing incipient in-
stability, i.e., disrupting the coupling either temporally or spatially
to uncouple the resonance, and increasing the dissipation of the gas
oscillation in the chamber. The "acoustic" modes and the period
of oscillation of the gas in the chamber can be effectively modified
by changing the geometry of the combustion chamber, the intro-
duction of baffle walls or interconnecting passages, etc. To suppress
unstable oscillations in a given rocket motor based on such quali-
tative understanding, it is ofte.n necessary to follow some costly
602 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

trial and error procedures without any assurance that stable

conditions will be achieved in a new configuration.
For design purposes, we would like to know beforehand whether
a given propellant will run smoothly in a given rocket design. To
achieve this end, we would have to know the corresponding time
lags and interaction indices in addition to the wave propagation
characteristics of the chamber. The time lag theories as described
in Reference 3 and extended in Reference 5 are deliberately vague
at this point in full recognition of the complicated sequence of
physico-chemical processes leading to the ultimate combustion
of the heterogeneous propellant mixture. Any attempt to formulate
an analysis for the complete process in an effort to determine the
time lags (T'S) and the interaction indices (n's) will necessarily in-
volve great empiricism in the model and numerous physical and
chemical constants whose magnitudes can at best be estimated to
the order of magnitude. We question the relative merit of express-
ing the time lags (T'S) and the interaction indices (n's) in terms of
a large number of phenomenological constants of uncertain magni-
tudes and through simplified models far removed from physical
realities. The mathematical difficulty is also tremendous. There
is little hope to calculate these n's and T'S to the accuracy that
might be meaningful for design purposes. A sensible approach to
the problem is to visualize these quantities as phenomenological
constants like viscosity and heat conductivity coefficients in fric-
tion and heat transfer problems or the overall activation energy
of a complicated sequence of chemical reactions. We hope that
these time lags and indices, as determined experimentally, may
be identified as physical entities. They should, in general, be
expected to depend on propellant constituents, mixture ratio,
grain size or injector deSign, frequency of oscillation, etc., but
we don't know of any such dependence explicitly.

[15- 2.2] Current Status in Liquid Propellant Rockets

For the liquid propellant rockets, Crocco et. al., [6] have pur-
sued the experimental approach, determined n and T from one
set of data, predicted a new stability boundary and verified it by
additional sets of experiments in their experimental rockets.
How well the results from such experimental motors relate to
what is to be expected from practical motors needs to be demon-
strated. Furthermore, proven results for small disturbances can
at best be indicative of the behavior of large disturbances in
practical motors. As such, the development of the large-scale
liquid propellant rocket motors (like Saturn H-l engine) still rely
on the disruption of the unstable acoustic modes and on increasing
diSSipation [7].
Combustion Instability Theory 603

Based upon observations of unstable oscillations of different

rocket motors, different mechanisms, representing different frag-
mentary stages of the combustion processes which dominated the
different experimental situation, were singled out and proposed
as the key mechanisms of causing instability. Many of these ideas
have been discovered and rediscovered but remain as plausible
suggestions without any further development in their precise
formulation to permit further evaluation.
Crocco and his associates tried [6] to unravel analytically some
crucial aspects of the time-dependent combustion processes of
liquid fuels. Unfortunately, such attempts did little more than con-
firm the anticipated analytical difficulties. Our understanding of
the steady state combustion processes is very incomplete. Accord-
ingly, it will not permit a reasonable time-dependent analysis.
The lack of unanimity and the profuseness of plausible sugges-
tions are understandable in view of the complicated situation of
combustion in liquid propellant rocket motors. The reluctance to
pursue the simple phenomenological course is also understandable,
since a great number of apparently simple and direct mechanisms
kept up the appeal to many for achieving some direct solution.
However, some phenomenological constants have to be introduced
eventually to formulate such simple concepts in definitive terms.

[15- 2.3] Current Status in Salid Propellant Rockets

The fluid mechanical situation in a solid propellant rocket

motor is somewhat Simpler than that in liquid propellant rocket
motors. This is due largely to the fact that the burning zone is
limited to the propellant surface except when metallic powders
like aluminum are added to the propellant.
The stability of the solid propellant rocket is, however, more
complicated in other respects. The combustion chamber volume
and its geometry change as propellants are burned away. Thus, the
dynamics of the gas in the combustion chamber changes with time
[5]. The visco-elastic nature of the solid propellant and the bind-
ings of the solid propellant to the motor caSing will also signifi-
cantly modify the wave propagation characteristics in the com-
bustion chamber [8]. All these factors render any realistic evalu-
ation of the dynamic coupling between combustion and chamber
gas dynamics difficult. The fundamental difficulty, however, still
revolves around the explicit formulation of the burning rate re-
sponse function. The solid propellants are present in a great many
varieties as to their constituents and additives. Each of these
should, in principle, be considered as a distinct propellant. It
would indeed be fortunate if the response function of such a
varied group of propellants should possess many major char-
acteristics in common.
604 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Time and again, it was proposed that a certain kind of solid

propellant was "spontaneously unstable" at its preferred fre-
quency(ies) in any rocket motor. One of the proposals was very
well developed [9] and was later fully discussed in Reference
10. Such inherent instability is irrelevant to the coupled oscil-
lation in a rocket chamber (see also Section 15-1.1). Likewise,
the recent suggestion of Denison and Baum [11] that a propellant
will become spontaneously unstable at its own frequency in the
low frequency range is irrelevant. As will be explained in Sec-
tion 15-3.1, the propellant does possess a characteristic time
(or frequency) based upon the mean time lag of its combustion
process. It is the capacitive type coupling that favors unstable
oscillations at such frequencies.
In view of the apparently simpler fluid mechanical situation
in solid propellant burning, Hart and McClure [12] attempted a
linearized analysis of the burning rate response function under
oscillatory pressure. The thermal model of combustion is simpli-
fied in the gaseous phase by introducing an ignition temperature
and, in the solid phase reaction, by employing a mean Arrhenius
factor. Little information can be drawn analytically. Even with
the extensive use of high speed machine computation, few quali-
tative inferences can be obtained with respect to the effects of
half a dozen crucial parameters which are not known with any
degree of certainty for a given propellant. With little quantitative
knowledge of steady state combustion processes of these propel-
lants, any of these uncertain parameters are just different forms
of phenomenological parameters for the particular Simplified
model of combustion analyzed. Whether ignition temperature or
overall activation energy and the like are less phenomenological
than time lags appear to be a matter of semantics.
A general feature of the results of Hart and McClure'S cal-
culation is that the frequency dependence of the burning rate
response function is much weaker than that implied by the two
parameter-phenomenological representation through variable time
lags [10]. This suggests that the mean time lag must decrease
with higher frequency. The experimental results of the burning
rate respcinse function of a family of composite propellants based
on the growth-decay method [13] do show such weak frequency
dependence, but the peak of the response function appears to lie
in the frequency range (;S 1000 cps.) compared with -vlO,OOO cps.
indicated by Hart and McClure's typical calculations. The experi-
mental situation need not be comparable to the cases calculated.
Whether a different combustion model will modify the calculated
results to permit better correlation is yet to be shown. The
quantitative determination of the burning rate response function
remains the most crucial problem.
The success of the aluminized solid propellant in suppressing
high frequency combustion instability has shifted current interest
to instabilities in the very low frequency range. The burning rate
Combustion Instability Theory 605

response function of the aluminized solid propellant in such a low

frequency range will undoubtedly be a key problem for solid pro-
pellant research.


[15.3.1] Low Frequency, Capacitive Type Stability

The combustion chamber is filled with hot, burned gas at a
pressure substantially higher than the ambient pressure. The hot
gas is forced out of a choked nozzle under the high chamber pres-
sure and is replenished by the generation of the gaseous combustion
products. In stable equilibrium operation, these two rates balance
each other. The chamber pressure is not changing with time and is
substantially uniform over the entire chamber volume if the nozzle
throat area is small compared with the sectional (or port) area of
the combustion chamber. Any pressure disturbance created at a
given point in the chamber will generate a pressure wave, propa-
gating in all directions with a speed comparable to or larger than
the typical speed of sound. The time required for such pressure
waves to travel across a characteristic dimension of the chamber
is the wave propagation time Tw ' typically of the order of 10-3
seconds per foot of chamber dimension. If the gas inside the cham-
ber is forced by "external U agents to oscillate at a frequency much
slower than 1T1Tw. i.e., the typical frequency of acoustic oscillations
in the chamber, the pressure inside the chamber will be almost
uniform spatially in a quasi-steady fashion. The passage of many
waves reflected from the bounding surfaces would have evened out
all the pressure differences prior to any appreCiable change of the
forcing function. Accordingly, the combustion chamber volume acts
merely as a capacitor, storing proportionately more gas at higher
pressure, regardless of where the gases are generated in the
volume. The exhaust of the burned gas through the nozzle is also
essentially quasi-steady, i.e., proportional to the instantaneous
value of the chamber pressure. The inertia of the gas in the con-
verging section of the nozzle for such low frequency oscillations
will produce a phase difference between the oscillations of the
mass outflux and the chamber pressure. This phase difference
can be simply accounted for by a small increase of the chamber
volume by approximately O.95jy times the volumeofthe converging
section of the nozzle. (For a more accurate estimate of this
effective nozzle volume, see Appendix B, Eq. B-61, 2, Reference
[3] . For a detailed analysis, see Reference [14].)
The equation governing the low frequency oscillations in a
combustion chamber is the mass conservation relation,

d + (z) = Ilb (z)

606 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
where z is the reduced time expressed in terms of the effective
residence time Or of the gas in the combustion chamber modified
by the additional contribution from the nozzle when necessary.
is the fractional increase of the chamber pressure. I'-b is the
fractional increase of the rate of generation of the burned gas in
the chamber volume. Equation (15-1) is valid even for large ampli-
tude oscillations (except for the minor approximation concerning
the effective volume of the nozzle). The ratio 1'-/ is the burning
rate response function. This formulation is valid for both liquid
and solid propellant rockets, the difference between the two being
implied in the response function I'-l. The first term dldz ex-
presses the increase of chamber pressure due to the accumulation
of gas in the limited volume. The second term expresses the
increase of outflow through the nozzle. The detailed linearized
solution for the small amplitude oscillations in a liquid propellant
rocket motor including the feeding system dynamics is given in
Chapter 2 of Reference 3, based upon the time lag theories. There
the most important practical result is that a pressure drop through
the injector larger than one half the mean chamber pressure in-
sures stability [1] regardless of the time lag. Without feeding
systems and injectors, there is, in a solid propellant rocket, no
counterpart of this important conclusion, and the implication of a
quick remedy at the sacrifice of performance is not available to
solid rocket motor designers.
The possibility of capacitive type instability in solid rockets
was first suggested by Cheng [10] in a theoretical discussion of
the stability problem with aluminized propellant in large motors
where the mechanism of interaction between the burning of the
aluminized propellants appears to favor such lowfrequencycapaci-
tive type instability. It is also suggested that such capacitive
instability, in the absence of metal additives, is much the same
for solid propellant and liquid propellant rockets. In the same
Symposium, Angelus [15] reported some observations of low fre-
quency instability: it is apparently independent of chamber geom-
etry, and its frequency is generally less than 50 cps. and decreases
with lowering chamber pressure. That such unstable oscillation
is independent of geometry suggests strongly that such oscillations
are of the capacitive type. Following the brief suggestions made
in Reference [10] and adopting the time lag formulation of the
burning rate response function, I'-b' in terms of the overall inter-
action index, S, the steady state burning rate pressure exponent, n,
and the time lag, r, we can solve Eq. (15-1) as

r<r; S,n) = (s - Dr exp[(l - S- ~) rJ

[~J h<D T)
sinO T
L tanD
Combustion Instability Theory 607


exp [AT]
=(S-i)r sin

(S - i) r
for the determination of the amplification factor, A, and frequency,
0, for the exponentially amplifying (A > 0) or decaying<A < Q) oscil-
lations of the form

1> 'V exp [Az + iOz] (15-4)

The functions h<O r) and K<O r) are identically the same as those
given in Fig. 5, Section 2.03 of Reference [3]. The only difference
lies in replacing the interaction indices. The stability boundary
with A = 0 is again similar to Fig. 6 of the same reference. Hence,
qualitatively, the lowest or the fundamental mode of such capacitive
oscillations is likely to be the most pronounced, possibly with super-
posed sub-acoustic overtones if the interaction indices happen to be
sufficiently large. The period of oscillation ofthe fundamental mode
should be roughly five to ten times the mean time lag for the particu-
lar propellant. Thus, different propellants (or the same basic pro-
pellant with different additives) should "select" unstable frequen-
cies corresponding to the mean time lags of their combustion
processes even if such unstable oscillations occur in the same
combustion chamber. Since the mean time lag of a given propellant
is expected to decrease with increasing mean chamber pressure,
the frequency of unstable oscillation is expected to increase with
mean chamber pressure. Without some idea as to how the inter-
action indices may be and would behave, it is not possible to make
further inferences regarding the amplification rate and the relative
magnitudes of the mean time lag of the propellant versus gas resi-
dence time (modified for nozzle volume if necessary). It is apparent
that data of the kind reported by Angelus [15] can yield much more
information concerning the overall characteristics of the burning
rate response; for example, the phenomenological constants in the
time lag theory if one is interested in expressing their results in
terms of such a phenomenological approach.
In Reference 16, Price discussed the low frequency instability
within the framework of energy balance now widely adopted for the
high frequency acoustic oscillations and related the observed sub-
acoustic oscillations with such mechanisms like "thermal waves,"
etc. The coupling mechanism for the low frequency oscillations is
described in the beginning of this subsection as capacitive and is
governed by overall mass conservation only. The coupling for the
high frequency, acoustic oscillations is a wave process and is
608 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
governed by the local conservation of mass, momentum and energy
of the oscillating gas. If one agrees that the observed low frequency
oscillations 8.l'e indeed capacitive, independent of the chamber
geometry or even the arbitrary introduction of baffle walls, etc.,
the acoustic energy balance of the oscillations in the chamber is
irrelevant. The primary effect of the outflow through the nozzle
is shown [14] to be capacitive in modifying the chamber volume
rather than the energy drain. The energy approach should not be
followed especially in view of the somewhat subtle aspects to be
discussed in Subsection 15-3.3. Since the low frequency instability
is likely to be the important type of instability in large solid pro-
pellant rocket motors, a clear and definitive recognition of the
basic mechanism of auch instability is deemed essential.

[15- 3.2] High Frequency, Wave Type Instabi lity

If the gas in the combustion chamber is forced to oscillate with

a period comparable to the wave propagation time, rw' the state
and dynamic variables of the gas in the chamber varies spatially
as well as temporally. Every single step of the complicated
physico-chemical processes leading to the combustion of the
propellant is affected by these variations. The evolution of the
burned gas adds mass (and possibly heat) to the system and inter-
feres with the wave propagation process. The mutual interaction
is most intensive in bi-propellant liquid rockets or aluminized
solid propellant rockets where combustion may be distributed over
the chamber volume. The liquid sheets, droplets, or particles may
disperse the waves and further distort the wave form.
With the burning rate response represented through the time
lag concept, the analysis of the gas phase oscillation with com-
bustion distributed over the chamber is extremely complicated
(Reference 3, Chapter 3). It becomes clear, however, that the
distortion is primarily in the details of the wave form, not the
overall qualitative results of system stability. Accordingly, the
wave form in the combustion chamber may be approximated by
the corresponding ones in inert gas. The wave form distortion
due to combustion may be neglected as a higher order small per-
turbation along with the random variations like turbulent fluctua-
tions in the characteristic equation that governs the system
The burning rate, m<t>, depends not only on the instantaneous
values but the past values of the thermodyn!!!D.ic state variables
(p,p,t), the flow variables (relative velocity V). and variables of
spatial distribution and others. Under the assumption that we are
looking at the interaction with a particular periodic disturbance
(or wave), we can drop the explicit time dependence of m(t>. Accord-
ingly. follOwing References 3 and 10, we can write the burning rate
Combustion Instability Theory 609

response function in terms of pressure (or any other convenient


~Fp+ F aInT
T-- +
F alnp
a In Ut a
In Un
+ Fv t - - + Fv n - - - + ...

ainp ainp

where F is the functional dependence of m(t) on these variables, and

subscripts represent partial differentiation with respect to the
designated variable. Ut and Un stand for the tangential and normal
components of the velocity relative to the propellant surface.
Let us assume, in addition, that, for a given propellant, the
functions F p , FT, F vt , etc., are all unique functions of frequency.
The response function will, in general, be different for different
modes of oscillation under consideration because the relative
weighting functions in Eq. 15-5, notably a In Utla In p and the log-
arithmic derivatives of the distribution parameters, will be differ-
ent both in magnitude and phase. Thus, in Reference 10, it is
pointed out that to associate a unique burning rate response func-
tion to a propellant (or combination) irrespective of the modes of
oscillation is erroneous. For example, the response to a travelling
mode may be quite different from that to a standing mode of the
same frequency.
When the distribution pattern of a heterogeneous propellant mix-
ture is not sufficiently random, as is in most bi-propellant liquid
rocket motors, the situation can be very much aggravated. Crocco,
in a somewhat different manner, introduced additional phenomeno-
logical constants in the time lag formulation (see Eq. 4.10,4.11,
Reference 6) to account for these effects. The additional phenom-
enological constants are necessary because the relation between
the relative velocity and displacement of the liquid propellants
and the pressure oscillation cannot be simply correlated.
In the case of solid propellants, the interaction through the dis-
tribution pattern of a heterogeneous, gaseous combustible mixture
may not be as serious as is in a liquid motor, but it is certainly
present to some extent, especially for propellants with coarse
grain oxidizers. Even for the propellants with fine grains or
homogeneous propellants, the convective heat transfer effects will
render the response function depending on the gas dynamic situation
in the chamber especially for fully developed travelling waves or
for charge configurations favoring the formation of trapped vortice s.
The response function of a given propellant is not likely to be a
unique function of frequency. However, in view of the simplifying
assumptions introduced for other reasons and of the scarcity of the
610 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

detailed lmowledge, we shall take the burning rate response func-

tion d In mid In p as a "lmown" function of frequency. The time
lag theory probably yields the simplest phenomenological ex-
pression of this response function with the proper qualitative
behavior, while values of the phenomological constants may be
chosen to fit the characteristics of each propellant under con-
A wave of a given form (or mode) in the combustion chamber
must satisfy the condition on the burning surface given as the
specific response function and the condition of a choked nozzle
through which the burned gas escapes. These boundary conditions
are homogeneous for the linearized small disturbances so that a
characteristic determinant must vanish to permit nontrivial solu-
tions. Thus, the particular wave must amplify or decay or remain
neutral as circumstances require. This is the differential approach
with which the stability of a given wave should -be investigated
within the line!U'ized framework [2-6]. This is a well-lmown
mathematical procedure, tedious but straightforward. The details
of such analyses are well documented in the references and will
not be elaborated here.

[15- 3.3] The Energy Approach

To provide a simple, qualitative physical discussion of the high

frequency combustion instability problems in solid rocket motors,
Cheng [10] adopted the point of view of disturbance energy. With
full cognizance of its implication and limitation, the discussion
was meant to be only qualitative. The energy approach is never
attempted in discussing combustion instability in liquid propellant
rocket motors. This energy approach, being attractive intuitively
and simple mathematically, has, for one reason or another,
gained wide acceptance since then and apparently not only for
qualitative discussions. One must be careful, however, in drawing
inferences as to the stability or instability of a given system from
such energy consideration alone. The energy approach has been
widely used and has led to many controversial arguments in the
stability theory. There should be good reasons why the earlier
investigators [1-6] did not approach the problem directly from
the simple energy point of view.
When we consider a disturbance (or wave) either travelling in
a flow field or confined in a given spatial volume, the kinetic energy
associated with the disturbance motion must increase with the
growing amplitude of the unstable disturbance. This energy cri-
terion that the disturbance energy gain must exceed the loss is a
necessary integral condition only for the selected wave form with
which the gain and loss are evaluated. Wnether the selected wave
form is appropriate for describing the disturbance of interest,
Combustion Instability Theory 611

whether it is compatible with the kinematic and dynamic conditions

of the system, and whether it is compatible with the gain and loss
mechanisms under consideration are left open. In order to deter-
mine the overall stability characteristics or the stability boundary
of a given system, one has to consider every wave form compatible
with the system kinematics and dynamics and no others. From the
energy consideration alone, we would obtain many unstable o scilla-
tions that would not exist in the system. On the other hand, by con-
sidering a few typical disturbances without regard to the dynamic
aspects of the chamber oscillations, one cannot expect to achieve
any quantitative results of the stability behavior of the system.
The equation governing the variation of the disturbance energy
can be obtained by integrating the equation of momentum balance
after it is multiplied scalarly by the disturbance velocity vector.
The evaluation of the integrals over the boundary surface and over
the volume is a rather delicate matter with their direct physical
interpretation often obscure. This is due to the fact that we are
only concerned with the energy exchange with that particular dis-
turbance among a number of other energy exchange proce sses taking
place at the same time. It is not so obvious as one is led to believe
intuitively. The disturbance energy is a small quantity of higher
order than the amplitude of the disturbance and is, hence, affected
by many interaction processes that might appear negligible dynam-
The loss and gain mechanism considered in the energy balance
must clearly be compatible with the physical factors taken into
consideration in selecting the wave form. Thus, in conSidering
the energy balance of an inviscid wave in a combustion chamber
with rigid walls, the only disturbance energy influx and outflux
are due to the burning surface and the nozzle outflow. Other dis-
siative losses are irrelevant. If one believes that viscous effect
is important in the particular case under conSideration, the wave
form should not be the inviscid acoustic mode but properly cor-
rected for viscous effects. Likewise, in the presence of nonrigid
wall such as visco-elastic propellant as a bounding surface, the
energy drain through the visco-elastic boundary should be considered
only when the wave form in the chamber has been accordingly
Hart and McClure [17] adopted the energy approach and formu-
lated the results in acoustic terms. A number of formulas are
given for evaluating different "acoustic losses and gains" under
varying specific conditions. Their efforts are highly commendable
and many of these formulas are useful in indicating the qualitative
dependence of each loss term and its relative importance under
varying operating conditions. (There are variances in opinion, and
these formulas should not be used indiscriminately.) One must be
cautioned against attempts to evaluate such loss and gain terms
with some approximately correct and apparently reasonable wave
612 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
form for drawing conclusions concerning the stability boundary of
a solid rocket motor in view of the discussions given above.
It might be argued that in conventional acoustics, energy
consideration alone often gives useful results, even quantitatively.
Why should we be extra cautious here? First, in conventional
acoustics, we deal with small oscillations of a broad frequency
band in an otherwise stationary system. Second, the kinematic and
dynamic conditions are never critical at the acoustics level due
to weak coupling and a slight change in the details of the wave form
never matters to the acousticians. We are dealing with a problem
of sharply selective coupled oscillation, where the kinematic and
dynamic compatibility conditions are important. Moreover, we
neglected turbulent fluctuations in the chamber of a rocket motor,
which are very loud acoustic noises indeed. Although we employed
linearized analysis (or the acoustic approximation), the physical
situation is much different from conventional acoustics. The small
oscillations we deal with here are much larger than the turbulent
fluctuations. If one prefers to force the linearized analysis for
combustion instability in rocket motors to fit the acoustic radia-
tions and analyze them conSistently and correctly, one may very
likely get lost in the turbulence.

[15- 3.4] Non-linear Effects

The linearized treatment of oscillations is tedious but straight-

forward mathematically. The result is, however, applicable only so
long as the disturbance amplitude remains "small." For unstable
disturbances, the amplitude grows with time exponentially and will
reach large magnitudes in a few cycles of oscillations in a small
fraction of a second. When the disturbance amplitude becomes
large, dissipative mechanisms often become more significant (or
new effective mechanisms will participate) to limit the growth of
the unstable disturbances to some finite amplitudes. If the com-
bustion chamber is still intact, the system may reach an equili-
brium state (limit cycle) with large amplitude oscillations present
in the system. Both the dissipative and the excitation mechanisms
in balance will not be the same as those when the disturbances are
small. In this sense, the nonlinear problem not only calls for dis-
tinct mathematical technique for analysis but also for possibly
distinct physical formulation.
The Arrhenius factor for many stages of physico-chemical
processes involved in the combustion process of either liquid or
solid propellant is highly nonlinear. The dominant process (if any)
in determining the burning rate response function may be entirely
different under large amplitude oscillations. The cracking of the
solid propellant and the shattering of the liquid sheets or droplets
under large amplitude gas oscillations can greatly alter the burning
Combustion Instability Theory 613

rate response. These are just typical examples among many other
plausible mechanisms. From a gas dynamic point of view, large
amplitude pressure oscillations often take the form of travelling
shock waves (or successively reflected at chamber boundaries)
which will call for a gas dynamic treatment basically different
from the linearized stability analysis.
The higher order small perturbation analysis based upon the
time lag formulation was carried out by Sirignano in his Ph.D.
dissertation at Princeton for a simple configuration of liquid
propellant rocket motors. When the limit cycle on nonlinear
oscillations exist in the linearly stable region, the limit cycle is
unstable. It is thus inferred that for the simple configuration,
shock-free, cyclic solutions are not possible. While this con-
clusion need not be generally valid, attempts to carry the small
perturbation analysis to higher orders are not very meaningful.
Both Culick [18] and Sirignano and Crocco [19] analyzed the
simple model of cyclic shock reflection from a burning surface
with instantaneous Arrhenius type response. Self-consistent re-
results were obtained which appear to be qualitatively in agreement
with experimental observations. Much remains to be done where-
ever nonlinear aspects are involved.

[15- 3.5] Nozzi e Outflow

In steady state, the choked throat limits the outflux of the

burned gas through the nozzle. The pressure in the combustion
chamber is thus maintained for a fixed burning rate. The pressure
variation in the chamber will clearly be very much affected by
the variation of this outflux rate through the nozzle. Within the
framework of inviscid analysis of gas oscillations in a rigid
combustion chamber volume, the response of this outflux rate
is the only one, besides burning rate response, that is of con-
cern. The physical limitation of a choked nozzle flow is that
the mass outflux rate responds only to the upstream flow con-
ditions. The quantitative determination of this nozzle outflow
response is complicated due to the variable geometry of the
nozzle section even if the quasi-one-dimensional steady state
flow is assumed. Published quantitative results are available
(Appendix B, Reference 3) only for a particular nozzle with
linearly increaSing velocity and for isentropic longitudinal oscil-
lations. For transversal oscillations, unpublished results of Crocco
are available. While qualitative behavior of the nozzle response
function (i.e., fractional velocity perturbation divided by fractional
pressure oscillation at the "entrance" to the nozzle) of a prac-
tical rocket motor can be inferred, its quantitative determination
will involve a substantial amount of high speed machine computa-
tion and analytical work.
614 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

The behavior of the nozzle in response to longitudinal oscilla-

tions in the chamber is such that the perturbation velocity (axial)
and the pertubation pressure at the nozzle entrance always possess
an in-phase component. Thus, the longitudinal oscillations in the
nozzle always work on the fluid in the nozzle to entertain the gas
oscillation in the nozzle. From the energy pointof view, the nozzle
drains energy from chamber oscillations and hence tends to
stabilize them.
For transversal oscillations superposed on a "one-dimensional
axial nozzle flow," the perturbation velocity components (both axial
and radial) and the perturbation pressure at the nozzle entrance
are generally out of phase in such a way as to produce a destabi-
lizing contribution to the transversal oscillation in the chamber.
It is not clear whether this destabilizing contribution may be
attributed to pressure work. This destabilizing contribution from
the nozzle is never large enough to compensate for the convective
loss of the disturbance energy carried by the fluid into the nozzle.
The energy aspect of the nozzle loss for transverse oscillations
is not clear (see Subsection 15-3.3 on the energy approach). The
matching condition that the oscillations in the nozzle and in the
chamber must join smoothly at the nozzle entrance shows quite
conclusively the following observation. The outflow through the
choked nozzle does not provide as much damping to the transversal
oscillations in the chamber as it does to the longitudinal oscillations.
The reflection of shock waves of moderate strength from the
converging section of the nozzle involves extremely complicated
shock patterns (the Mach reflection). If the incident shock is
planar and propagates along the axis, the reflected wave pattern
from the inclined nozzle wall may become approximately planar
a few diameters upstream of the nozzle entrance. Thus, for slender
combustion chambers of uniform section,an incident planar shock
may be reflected as a planar shock. The strength of the reflected
shock compared with that of the incident shock cannot be deter-
mined, however, without detailed analysis of the reflection process.
This nozzle reflection problem is no less formidable than the
shock reflection from the burning surface. If the chamber volume
is not slender, the reflected shock pattern reaching the burning
surface will not be planar. The gas dynamics problem multiplies
in difficulty accordingly. Investigations of combustion instability
involving shock waves in the chamber cannot make substantial
progress before such shock reflection processes can be treated
in some satisfactory manner.


We have critically reviewed the theoretical approaches to the
combustion instability problems in rocket motors. The purely gas
Combustion Instability Theory 615

dynamics problems of nozzle outflow, wave propagation and reflec-

tion are complicated but do not appear insurmountable. The theo-
retical determination of the burning rate response function in terms
of known physical and chemical properties, however, appears quite
The burning of liquid propellants in the wake of oscillatory
droplets in a turbulent stream is not likely to be tractable in the
near future even if one adopts the equivalent laminar diffusivities.
Without any complications of a fluid mechanical nature in the com-
bustion chamber, the burning rate response function of a homogen-
eous solid propellant in an otherwise stagnant gas under oscillatory
pressure should be the least difficult. Yet Hart and McClure and
his group did not have much success in bringing out the significant
parameters of this "simple" problem either analytically or through
extensive computation involving half a dozen crucial parameters.
They did not attempt to modify their combustion model in pursuit
of simpler results or fewer parameters although they were fully
aware of the need to do so, apparently for good reasons. Are ig-
nition temperature and overall activation energy not phenomeno-
logical constants for complicated reactions? Do we know these
constants for a given propellant any better than we know the time
required for a propellant element to reach the ignition temperature,
i.e., the time lag?
The value of a physical theory does not necessarily lie in its
completeness but in its Simplicity and ability to keep the major
qualitative features and to facilitate the solution. 'There is nothing
wrong with phenomenological representation. Indeed it is a virtue
if it brings out the significant parameters that can be demonstrated
as physical entities in some range of practical interest. It helps to
break down an almost intractable problem into manageable parts.
Thus, in evaluating friction and heat transfer effects in gases, we
do not start from the molecular levels and attempt to express
results in terms of inter-molecular potentials. We adopted trans-
port coefficients to facilitate the solution of the macroscopic part
of the problem, leaving the theoretical determination of such trans-
port coefficients in terms of molecular properties as a separate
problem. That the transport coefficients as experimentally deter-
mined vary considerably for different gases at different tempera-
tures, at different mixture ratio, etc., does not hinder the usefulness
of the phenomenological concept of transport properties. Propon-
ents of phenomenological theories may possibly be pessimists who
anticipated the difficulties of a comprehensive approach and ad-
mitted impotence in attacking the overall problem from the very
fundamentals. They may also be optimists who believe the important
features of the problem to be independent of those detailed proper-
ties but dependent only on a few parameters and made a guess as
to what these significant parameters may be.
616 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

The time lag theory is not necessarily the best phenomenological

approach to the problem of combustion instability in rocket motors.
The early workers in the field did show. nevertheless. its qualita-
tive value. If the dependence of the burning rate response function
on frequency should indeed be generally as broad as calculations
indicate [12]. a trivial dependence of time lag on frequency would
account for it [10]. If the experimentally determined variations
[13] for composite propellants should be the general characteristics.
a trivial modification will also do. There are other possibilities
of presenting the burning rate response function phenomenolOgically,
provided that experimental information on the behavior of burning
rate response function becomes available. It is believed that we
possess sufficient knowledge qualitatively on combustion processes
to construct a sensible phenomenological theory. but it is not be-
lieved that we possess sufficient information to permit a theoretical
determination of the burning rate response function at the present
time. The key to significant progress in the future appears to lie
in the hands of experimentalists.

1. Summerfield. M.: J. oj Am. Rocket Society, 21. 108, 1951.
2. Crocco. L.: J. oj Am. Rocket Society, Part 1,21.163. 1951;
Part 2, 22. 7, 1952.
3. and S.1. Cheng: Theory of Combustion Instability in
Liquid Propellant Rocket Motors, AGARDographNo. 8, Butter-
worths Scientific Publications, 1956.
4. Grad, H.: Communication of Pure and Applied Math., 2, 79,
5. Cheng, S.I.: Jet Propulsion, Part 1, 24, 27; Part 2, 25, 102,
6. Crocco, L.: Tenth Symposium (International) on Combustion,
The Combustion Institute, p. 1101, 1966.
7. Levine, R.S.: Ibid, p. 1083,1966.
8. Bird, J.F., L. Haar, R.W. Hart, and F.T. McClure: J. oj
Chemical Physics, 32:5, 1423, 1960.
9. Green, L.J. and W. Nachbar: Jet Propulsion, 28, 769, 1958.
10. Cheng. S.I.: Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,
Williams and Wilkins Co., p. 81, 1962.
11. Denison. M.R. and E. Baum: J. oj American Rocket Society,
12. Hart. R.W. andF.T.McClure: J.ojChemical Physics, 30.1501,
13. Horton, M.D. and D.W. Rice: Combustion and Flame, 8,21,
14. Cheng, S.I.: Jet Propulsion, 25, 163, 1955.
Combustion Instability Theory 617

15. Angelus, T.A.: Eighth Symposium (International) on Com-

bustion, Williams and Wilkins Co., p. 921, 1962.
16. Price, E.W.: Tenth Symposium (International) on Combustion,
The Combustion Institute, p. 1067, 1966.
17. Hart, R.W. and T.F. McClure: Ibid, p. 1047,1966.
18. Culick, F.E.C.: AIAA Jour., 1, 1097,1963.
19. Sirignano, W.A. and L. Crocco: AIAA Jour., 2,7, 1964.
Part Seven
Advanced Concepts and
Mission Applications
An Advanced Space Propulsion Concept
Sin-I Cheng, Professor
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences
Princeton University


[16.1.1] General Consideration for Propulsion in Space

The propulsion system in a vehicle is to provide thrust (or

force) for overcoming the resistance to or the inertia of the motion
of a vehicle. In the high vacuum environment of outer space, there
is no dissipative resistance, and thrust is required primarily to
overcome inertia or potential barrier. A self-contained propulsion
system on board the vehicle can produce thrust only through the
reactlon of the time rate of ejection of momentum from the vehicle,
T = mV, where T is the .reactive thrust (dynes), m
is the mass
efflux rate (gm/sec.), and V is the velocity (cm/sec.) of the ejected
mass relative to the vehicle. The kinetic energy of the mass
ejected in unit time is the jet power,
1 . - - T2
Pl m(V V)'<: - (16-1)
= -

The rate of total energy efflux or the power which the propulsive
unit has to supply is necessarily larger than the jet power because
the ejected mass must carry with it many different forms of in-
ternal energy e, such as ionization, dissociation, etc., that do not
contribute to the thrust. The propulsion system must deplete its
mass and energy in providing thrust.
The chemical system is unique in that the propellant mass
stores in it the energy required for its propulsion. The power or
energy requirement of a chemical propulsion system is no extra
burden. The storage and handling problems of many a "high energy"
propellant often become burdensome. But the most serious limita-
tion of the chemical system lies in the inefficiency of transforming
the limited amount of chemical energy per unit mass into propulsive
power. Much of the available chemical energy is frozen in the dis-
sociation (and ionization) of the chemical species in the thermal

622 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

stage prior to the proce ss of thrust generation. This limitation of

dissociation is so severe that even if energy is added from external
sources such as electric arc heating to hydrogen as a propellant,
the specific impulse (Isp) cannot exceed 1000 seconds. For a reac-
tion type propulsive system, the ratio of initial to final vehicle
mass increases exponentially as the ratio of the required total
velocity increment of the vehicle to the jet exhaust velocity (V e =
gI sp). For most space missions, the total velocity increment required
is an order of magnitude larger than the jet velocity offered by any
chemical system. Multi-staging of the chemical propulsive system
does reduce somewhat the initial to final mass ratio but at the ex-
pense of increased mechanical complexities and decreased reliabil-
ity. Accordingly, the search for space propulSion systems was
once interpreted as a search for propulsive devices with high I sp
or high jet velocity.
High jet velocity can be achieved by adding energy to the pro-
pellant particles directly in the form of collimated motion through
a variety of electrostatic or electro-magnetic means rather than
in the form of thermal motion. Broadly speaking, such thrust-
producing devices requiring the primary energy input in the form
of electric energy can be referred to as electric propulsion. A
self-contained electric propulSion system must include the power
generating unit to provide the electric energy. The provision of
propulsive power in electric form will, hence, mean a significant
amount (-<: 10 kg/kw) of power plant mass (or weight) per unit
electric power to be carried on board the vehicle in addition to
the propellant mass for absorbing this energy. In comparison
with chemical propulsion systems, the electric propulSion system
cannot show any advantage in a given mission until the saving in
the propellant mass derived from the higher specific imuplse ex-
ceeds the mass of the power plant and the fuel. A meaningful
comparison of propulsion systems must consider the power plant
along with the thruster.

[16-1.2] Power Supply

Electric energy may be generated from the chemical or nuclear

fuel carried on board the vehicle or from solar radiation (or
radiant energy from any nearby star). The conversion of chemical
energy to electric energy through heat addition as in conventional
heat engines is ineffiCient, while the direct conversion of chemical
energy to electrical energy through fuel cells is still in the stage
of research. Any advantage that the generation of electric energy
from chemical fuel as a space power plant for propulsive purposes
is yet to be shown.
Solar energy is supplied from sources outside the vehicle and
nuclear fuel is of very low specific fuel mass per unit energy.
Advanced SPace Propulsion Concept 623

The mass of the nuclear or the solar power plant is hence deter-.
mined by the equipment for power generation, conversion or con-
ditioning. Thus, the plant weight is governed by the power or the
rate of electric energy fed into the electric thruster, not by the
total energy for propulsive purposes. It is the maximum thrust,
not the total impulse, required in a given mission that determines
the power plant weight for the electric thrusters. Now
p. 1
p = - T . I sp (16-2)

and an electric thruster is to provide thrust at a high jet exhaust

velocity or high Isp. Thus, higher Isp is achieved at higher jet
power for a given thrust level.
If we take, for the present, a constant propulsive power efficiency
TIp, the required power input, P, to the electric thruster will in-
crease linearly with the specific impulse I sp. If the specific weight
of the power plant 11 a (kg/kw) remains constant, the power plant
weight for an electric thruster to deliver a given thrust will in-
crease linearly with I sp. Since the weight of the electric power
plant should never exceed the chemical propellant weight required
to accomplish the same miSSion, electric propulsion systems de-
livering only a few grams of thrust per kilowatt are, hence, power
limited. Such high I sp' low thrust devices have to operate for a
year or more to gain any advantage over the chemical system.
Hence, the reliability and ability of an electric thruster in main-
taining its designed performance becomes very important. An
electric thruster should operate at an optimum Isp to be compet-
itive. This optimum I sp depends not only on the propulsive effi-
ciency TIp (which may be dependent on Isp) and the selection of the
power plant of a given 11 a, but also on the particular mission for
which the comparison is made vis-a-vis chemical rocket and other
electric propulsion schemes. As a rough guide, an Isp greater than
10,000 seconds is too high, while an I sp less than 1000 seconds is
too low for most space missions.
For nuclear power plants, the weight of the reactor, the
nuclear radiation shield and the heat sink radiator for the heat
engines are the most Significant. With the turbo-generator as the
means of converting thermal to electric energy, it does not matter
whether the electric power required by the thruster is of the alter-
nating or of the direct current type. It matters little whether the
power is to be supplied at 102 volts or at 104 volts. The specific
weight of the nuclear power plants will not be much less than 15 to
20 kg/kw in the near future. To derive electric power from solar
energy, the situation is very much different. The structural weight
of the collecting surface and/or the solar cell panels for converting
the radiation energy into electricity is the important one. Since
624 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

the energy flux density of solar radiation is very small, the struc-
ture becomes very bulky. The overall specific weight is again no
less than 15 to 20 kg/kw, although there is no weight associated
with the radiation shield and the radiation heat sink. The electric
energy is supplied as direct current and at voltages substantially
below kilovolts. If the electric thruster requires power supply of
an oscillatory nature or of a d.c. voltage of many kilovolts, it is
necessary to process or "condition" the electric power output,
say, from the solar panels to the kind of power input required by
the thruster. The weight of such "power conditioning" eqUipment
is a significant part of the specific weight 11IX (kg/kw) of the power
plant for electric propulsion systems.

[16-1.3] Propellant Storage and Handling Facilities

With the specific impulse of electric propulsion systems

generally 5 to 10 times that of chemical systems, the propellant
weight will be comparable to the power plant weight. The tons of
propellant to be carried on board the vehicle will present important
problems in its storage and handling.
Gaseous propelant would occupy too big a volume unless it is
stored in cryogenic condition. Cryogenic equipment is heavy and
absorbs significant amount of power. It is doubtful that hydrogen,
however attractive it appears otherwise, will be a practical pro-
pellant for space missions.
Liquid propellant can be conveniently stored in pressurized
tanks. The pressurization is necessary for transferring the liquid
propellant from the storage tank to the thruster in the absence of
gravity; otherwise, pumping facilities would be needed. Propellants,
naturally iri a solid state, need to be transformed into molten form
to facilitate the transfer and metering. If the propellant should be
highly reactive, corrosive or easily contaminated, the storage and
handling facilities may present serious problems, especially when
the efficiency of the electric thrusters depends heavily on the
purity of the propellant and may involve significant additional
weight and complexities of the equipment.
stability of the propellant during storage, which may be of the
order of years for space missions, is another consideration. This
is particularly important for specially prepared propellants such
as colloidal propellants for ion engines. If the thermal environ-
ments during storage. transfer and thrust production are signifi-
cantly different. it is much more important for such specially pre-
pared propellants to maintain the designed property.
The weight of the propellant storage and handling facilities and
of the structure to support them is a significant fraction of the over-
all weight of the propulSion system even if not comparable to total
propellant weight. The additional overall weight reflects, however,
Advanced Space Propulsion Concept 625

only part of the story. The quality of a propellant to be easily stored,

transferred and maintained is of considerable importance although
it is difficult to express quantitatively as a single performance
parameter. If a thruster should be able to use a commonly available
and stable material or even a great variety of them, the significance
may be far reaching.

[16-1.4] Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Thrusters

Many different mechanisms of producing thrust electrically have

been proposed. The most promising appears to be the ion thrusters
[1, 2] and the M.P.D. arc jets [3, 4]. All the electric propulsion
systems aim at high lsp and, hence, should operate at high mass
utilization effiCiency if not at 100%. This means that a high fraction
of the propellant escaping from the propulsion system should be
accelerated to the desired high jet velocity.
For electrostatic thrusters in which electrostatic field is
utilized to accelerate the ionic particles, the propellant should
preferably be 100% converted into ions requiring aliberal expendi-
ture of electric energy. The energy spent for generating an ion
from the propellant atoms, however, is dissipated in the jet without
producing thrust. An easily ionized propellant should then be pre-
ferred to lessen the expenditure of electric energy. Cs, the heaviest
member of alkali metals, requires the lowest ionization energy of
about 4 e.v. per ion and thus is a natural choice; hence, the Cs-ion
engine. However, Cs is a highly reactive metal which must be
vaporized at high temperature and transferred under high-tem-
perature environment to the ionizer without being contaminated.
As a result, it takes more than 400 e.v. to produce aC s +instead
of the 4 e.v. ionization energy. Although the ionization energy for
Hg is 10 e.v. and the electron bombardment is not as efficient a
process as surface ionization, Hg+ can also be produced from Hg
in the electron bombardment engine for 4-500 e.v. With 500 e.v.
spent to produce an ion, a propulsive efficiency Tfp'<: 50% can be
acnieved only when the ionic particlEls are accelerated to a couple
of kev. energy, corresponding to Isp'<: 10 4 sec. near or above the
upper limit of the useful Isp range. To reduce the specific impulse
while maintaining the propulsive efficiency, we have to reduce the
energy required to produce an ion or to increase the ion mass. The
former is under extensive development while the latter, in the form
of colloidal particles, is still in the research stage.
Besides being efficient energy-wise, the ionizer should produce,
as far as poSSible, 100% mass utilization, although lowering Isp is
not the primary concern. The presence of a small fraction of
neutral propellant atoms will undergo significant numbers of charge
exchange collisions to scatter the ions while being accelerated and
focussed to escape the thruster. Such a scatter of the accelerated
626 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
ions leads not only to the loss of thrust (production of low speed
ions) but the sputtering erosion of the cathode. accompanied by
further deterioration of the focussing mechanism and the overall
efficiency of the ionizer and the thruster. To maintain an efficient
ionizer and a well-focussed beam for long period operation is the
most serious problem of ion engine development. For the same
reason. the colloidal ions must be produced as nearly uniform in
mass as possible. a requirement that greatly complicates the colloi-
dal ion thruster.
Electromagnetic thrusters do not call for the separation of ions
from the electrons and the directed kinetic energy imparted to the
ionized species is largely transferred to neutral propellant particles
through successive collisions prior to their ejection from the thrust-
ers. The neutral propellant particles are supplied to augment the
mass of the jet and must be supplied at a sufficiently large particle
density to enable the successfultransferofenergyfrom the charged
particles to the neutral particles. This transfer of energy is through
the rather inefficient random collision process. The energy spent
in ionizing part of the propellant is. however. much less than that
required for the electrostatic thrusters. Thus. the propulsive energy
efficiency may reach 50% as is reported for the MPD arc jets
(magneto-plasma-dynamic). The specific impulse achieved in
gaseous MPD arc jets with hydrogen as a propellant ranges from
10 3 to 104 sec. as was reported in early laboratory tests. The
storage and handling' of tons of H2 in cryogenic condition on board
of a space vehicle is, however, not practical. Ammonia NH3 is an
excellent alternative. giving lsp up to 7000 sec. at a propulsive
energy efficiency of almost 40% in some laboratory tests. Such
optimum early results appear to be significantly altered by the
residual gas in the test environment that participates in the accel-
eration and thrust production process. The thrust derived from the
MPD jet in the test appears to be independent of the propellant flow
rate (either gaseous or alkali metal vapor) when the propellant
flow rate is low and electric power supply is high. Thus. when
operated in a hard vacuum like the space environment, both the
specific impulse and the propulsive energy efficiency is expected
to be significantly below the values indicated above. Nevertheless,
the MPD arc jet appears to be the most promiSing electromagnetic
thruster, delivering lsp of a few 10 3 sec. at a specific power con-
sumption of about 1 kw/gm. wt. compared with the ion thruster
delivering ;S 10 4 sec. at a specific power consumption of approxi-
mately 1/2 kw/gm. wt. The MPD arc jet does not call for preciSion
control or timing for its successful operation or for any delicate
preparation of its gaseous or liquid propellant. The electrodes
erosion and the associated cooling problems are serious. but the
uncertainty of its performance in vacuum remains the one of the
greatest concern.
Advanced SPace Propulsion Concept 627

[16-1.5] Advanced Electric Propulsion Systems for Space Vehicles

A propulsion system is an engineering device for producing

thrust for a definite mission. Engineering implies compromises
among conflicting requirements to achieve a nearly optimum
solution. Rarely, if ever, is the optimum achieved when one as-
pect of the performance is pushed to the extreme. Thus, a photon
rocket with the highest I sp , for example, is not a practical system.
What is optimum clearly depends on the nature and magnitude of
the mission. As a propulsion system for space vehicles, the over-
all weight (or volume) of the propulsion system and the reliability
of its function must be of primary concern. In view of the fact that
space vehicles are power limited and the specific weight of the
power plant cannot be substantially decreased, the discussions in
previous sections indicate that there is much to be gained if an
advanced electric propulsion system for space vehicles should be
able to deliver simultaneously (1) an Isp in the range of 1000 to
10,000 sec., (2) a propulsive power efficiency Tip comparable to
50%, and (3) a specific power consumption of a small fraction of
a kilowatt of electric power per gram weight thrust. It is important
that the thruster operate with the designed efficiency without any
preCision control or timing, such as the MPD jet, so that the re-
liability of the system is greatly improved over the ion thruster.
It would be extremely desirable for the propellant of the thruster
to be commonly available and employed as structural material, solid
crystalline, alloyed or amorphous in its natural state. It would be
advantageous for the propellant to be ejected directly from its solid
state for the generation of thrust without special treatment or
preparation. If we consider the overall mission of space explora-
tion from the ground base, the weight of the equipment for the
storage, transfer and preparation of the propellant may be essen-
tially eliminated, and the propellant weight of the space vehicle
need not be counted entirely as the payload of the boosters. The
spent last booster stage, being almost lifted to the parking orbit
in its ferrying operation, can be brought to the parking orbit and
salvaged for the propellant of the space vehicle with slight addi-
tional expenditure of energy. There would be much room for in-
genuity in designing the last booster stage with the space vehicle
in mind so as to minimize the salvaging work to be performed in
the orbital station. There are admittedly serious technical diffi-
culties of such a maneuver in orbit, but it is certainly feasible in
principle. The potential advantage is too significant to be over-
looked. If such an electric thruster using structural material as
propellant can indeed be conceived and developed, it can offer
Significant advantages over the existing electric thrusters even
if it can offer only a substandard performance such as lower Isp
and Tip. In the following section, an attempt to find such a pro-
pulsion system is reported. It is, of course, much more attractive
628 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

if a system of this kind could offer performance superior to what

is outlined above.


[16 - 2.1] Sputtering Phenomena

The emission of atomic sized particles from a metallic target

surface under the impact of energetic neutral or ionic particles is
known as "sputtering." The sputtering phenomenon was first ob-
served as the erosion of the cathods in a glow discharge and has
been under extensive investigation for over a century. The sput-
tered particles are neutral, although the incident particles may be
neutral or ionic as long as its energy is not more than 50 kev. per
particle. For convenience. experiments were usually performed
with ionic particles.
Numerous experimental data exist in the literature [5. 6] on
the "sputtering yield." i.e., the number of target atoms sputtered
per incident ion. Early yield data prior to 1950 tended to be too
low due to backward diffusion of the sputtered particles and to
the uncertain nature of the incident ion beam in these experiments.
Improved experimental techniques have provided more reliable
yield data since 1950 and some energy data of the sputtered par-
ticles since 1960. It is now established beyond doubt that the
average energy E carried by each sputtered particle is of the
order of tens or even hundreds of electron volts (Fig. 16-1) [5.6].
The sputtering process is fundamentally different from the purely
thermal process of evaporation or sublimation of the target par-
ticles after absorbing the incident energy. The specific impulse
of these ejected particles after the correction of their angular
spread covers the range 500 to 5000 sec. for sputtering targets
ranging from gold to graphite. The yield s (number of atoms
sputtered per incident ion) of various target materials by 35 kev.
Xenon ion is also given 1n Fig. 16-I.
The mean energy E of the sputtered particles is essentially
proportional to the logarithm of the incident ion energy. E for a
given ion-target material combination (Fig. 16-2). When the in-
cident ion energy E is in the range of 1 to 10 kev., the sputtering
yield S is proportional to some fractional power of E. For most
materials. the exponent will b~ approximately one-half (Fig. 16-3).
While the mean energy E of sputtered particles decreases
slightly with increasing angle of incidence of the ionic particles,
the sputtering yield S increases rapidly with increasing angle of
The sputtered particles are ejected in different directions in
the half plane almost according to the cosine distribution at low
, II
25 I ENERGY 0_1 II
I , /.I
!t 20 ~
I', 2 I 3 4 I 5 6
> , I
'" I ~
I ;::t
10 I I (')
<t I (I)
I , ~
CIl 15
I I Zn ,I I',
o ,I ~
...J I I (')
I I' (I)
)- I I I I' 300
I Ag I j
. ~
~ 10 +
W Fe I Nb~ - I Pb
t- AI To I ~ .....
MOl J (I)
t- 0 I 200 >
CIl I I I \
\ \W I ~
I \ r<'l (":)
5 I~ I \ C
I \.; I 100'W
I I ,
v 1\ I ~
, ~
I I / 't;,t . I BI
I c I
oI I ' I 2 Lfl I I ' Au, Pb ! ,
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Fig. 16.1 Typical sputtering yield and mean energy data for various metals by 35 key. Xe +. ~
630 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

+ '0 0
0 0 0
10 0 0
.. lilt)
xtl- ID ID

\x \ 0
\ \

\ ,\ Q


CD t>I)
\ \ \
\ ID~


,\ C> O!
\ \ VW
,\ \ \
,, \
\ \ \ \ \ z
, \
, \ \\\
\ \ \
\ \ ~
0 ::;;'"
',\\ \ \
0 N
X ~
W ~
'\\ ~
1-- ,\\ v.
:tt '~~

(3) DJ. 3
Advanced SPace Propulsion Concept 631




ILl 8

c( 6
z 4
0 2

>- .8 - - - - - He+-Ag


.1 .2 .4.6 .8 I 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60


Fig. 16 - 3 Sputtering yield, S, as functions of incident ion energy E; for various targets.

energy or to the Gaussian distribution at higher incident ion ener-

gies for polycrystalline targets. Thus, in the evaluation of the
thrust or the specific impulse of the sputtered beam, a multiplying
correction factor for the lack of collimation of the sputtered par-
ticles is about 77/4 ';;' 0.8 or larger.
Keeping these qualitative behaviors in mind and with the yield
and energy data of the sputtering process, we can evaluate the per-
formance parameters of interest to propulsion applications. Much
of the thoughts reported in Reference 5 will be reproduced here
632 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

briefly. A few subtle and probably crucial points are to be ampli-

fied in the following.

[16-2.2] Possible Performance of Sputtering Thrusters

Then experimental values of the yield and energy are adopted

(properly extrapolated or interpolated where necessary since
properly matched yield and energy data are few), we can obtain a
general idea of the possible performance of the sputtering thrusters.
The numerical values quoted below are not precise but are given
only to reflect the order of magnitudes.
Thrust augmentation through sputtering (Ath > 1) will usually be
achieved for varieties of material combinations when the incident
ion energy Ei is larger than 1 kev. and Ath will reach three to five
when Ei > 10 kev. before reaching the limiting energy Ec where the
sputtering yield apparently becomes saturated. The thrust density
as the maximum thrust per rnA of incident ion current generally
ranges from 10 to 40 dynes/rnA.
The specific consumption S.P.C. of electric power input to the
thruster (the ion beam power) per unit thrust of the sputtered
particles varies from
1 1
to - watts/dyne or kw/gm. wt.
2 20
for different material combination and for different levels of inci-
dent ion energy E i . The S.P.C. of a sputtering thruster is not an
explicit function of the specific impulse, i.e., different material
combinations may give the same lsp but quite different S.P.C.
This situation is different from the ion thruster when the incident
ion beam of the sputtering thruster is the thrust producing beam.
At the power efficiency Tfp' we have

g x lsp
(S.P.C,) ion thruster = (16-3)
2 x 10 7 x Tfp

- watt/dyne at 5,000 sec.
- watt/dyne at lsp = 10,000 sec.

The specific power consumption of the MPD arc jet is. according
to test results, one to 1/2 watt/dyne [3] irrespective of the presence
of residual gas in the test tank to any significant extent. This figure
Advanced SPace Propulsion Concept 633

of 1 to 1/2 watt/dyne is also consistent with the estimate based on

Eq. 23 of Reference 7 when proper values of the arc discharge
parameters are substituted. The specific power consumption of
the sputtering thrusters with a good many target materials are
Significantly less than those of ion thrusters and of MPD arc jets.
The thrust augmentation of the sputtering process is the principal
reason for achieving smaller S.P.C.
The specific impulse of the sputtered particles varies from 500
to 5000 sec. Commonly available target materials of light weight
but sputtered with high mean energy are graphite C12 and aluminum
A127 , giving Isp .-(4000 sec. Iron Fe 56 and copper Cu64 give .-(2000 sec.
and .-(1000 sec., respectively. Lead P b 207 gives one of the lowest
Isp ",500 sec. These figures are meant to be representative only
and the accuracy of the existing experimental data will not permit
a more precise statement. As a general trend, the lighter mem-
bers of each transition series are typically "high energy-low
yield" targets, while the heavier members are "low energy-high
yield" targets (see Fig. 16-1, for example). It is, however, clear
that the sputtering thrusters will deliver Isp in the lower half of
the desirable range of 1000 to 10,000 sec. Some exotic materials
may give higher I sp , but their use will reduce substantially the
benefit discussed in Section 16-1.5. When an alloy of different
metals is sputtered, experimental results indicate that each com-
ponent is sputtered as if it were alone, and the overall sputtering
results for the alloy appear to be the weighted average of the cor-
responding results for each component. A num.ber of stable car-
bides are very attractive in addition to graphite and aluminum
that will give high specific impulse. They may provide essentially
a continuous spectrum of I sp to meet the optimum choice for a
given mission.
The propulsive power (or energy) efficiency, 'TIp, of the sputter-
ing thrusters varies from only afewpercentto well over 50%. High
'TIp is generally associated with high energy targets under less than
10 kev. incident ion energy. Since sputtering is traditionally recog-
nized as a rather inefficient process and a high propulsive power
efficiency, 'TIp, is the most important performance parameter of a
space thruster, the question of energy efficiency of the sputtering
process will be discussed in some detail.

[16- 2.3] Energy Efficiency of the Sputtering Process

It will first be demonstrated that the test results of the sputter-

ing of the tantalum sphere by mercury ion at 60 nominal angle of
incidence indicated an energy efficiency well above 50%. The
sputtering yield, S, is reported by Wehner [8] as S = 8 atoms/ion.
under 400 v. incident Hg+, The mean energy data of the sputtered
tantalum is shown in Fig. 16-2. The solid portion of each curve
634 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
represents five data points with little scatter. Linear extension of
these lines seems to converge at the point corresponding to zero
En at 100 e.v. incident ion energy that is significantly above the
sputtering threshol!i of about 20-30 e.v. With 100 e.v. incident
ions, we would expect sputtered tantalum to possess at least a few
e. v. of ene.rgy. The linear interpolation of the tantalum energy data
as shown in Fig. 16-2 is thus believed to be on the safe Side, i.e.,
predicting a lower mean energy than what it should be. The ratio
of mass of Hg200 to Xe 133 is about the sam~ as the mass ratio of
Xe 133 to Kr 83. A corresponding reductio!!in En may be expected but
is more than offset by the increase of En since the effective angle
of attack is certainly smaller than 60. Hence, take
ETa = 23 In _I e.v. (16-4)

according to the Xe+ - Ta line at 60 incidence. Thus, "'p = S (EnIEi)

will be 65% and 56% at400 e.v. and 3.6 kev. incident ion, respectively.
Alternatively, if we elect to extrapolate the yield data, we may
note that the Xenon ion generally gives higher yield than mercury
ion (see Fig. 3, Reference 5), especially when the incident ion
energy is less than 10 kev. Thus, the Xe+ would yield more than
8 atoms/ion from the tantalum sphere and give a propulsive power
efficiency, "'p' correspondingly larger than the 65% and 56%, re-
The process of data reduction illustrated above contains many
uncertainties, and the numbers cannot be taken seriously. It does
demonstrate, however, that the sputtering process is not nearly
as inefficient as is commonly recognized. Tantalum is not expected
to be the only target material to show such high energy efficiencies.
The modern theories of sputtering, although semi-classical in
nature, will provide an explanation that such high energy effi-
ciencies are possible where the target atoms are arranged in
some regular pattern as all crystals are. Suppose that a displaced
target atom moves along the centerline of a row of target atoms at
rest to collide with the first atom head-on. A series of head-on
collisions would result, leading to the ejection of the last atom in
the row with all the other atoms finally at rest. Thus, the energy
of the displaced atom is transferred to the ejected or sputtered
atom with negligible energy loss. If the displaced atom should
approach the first atom in the row within a certain solid angle, the
successive collisions between the rows of atoms would become
more and more head-on along the centerline of the row of atoms.
The energy of the last atom in the line would again be ejected with
substantially the same amount of energy as the original displaced
atom initiating this sequence of "focussing collisions." This is
known as the Silsbee mechanism of momentum focussing [16].
There are many such preferred lines in a crystal lattice along
Advanced SPace Propulsion Concept 635

which atoms are so arranged. The solid angle within which such
focussing can take place depends on the interacting potential. the
inter-atomic spacing. and the energy of the displaced atoms.
There are also other mechanisms of such focussing collisions
along different preferred directions. Thus. when a lattice atom
at "rest" is collided by some other "randomly moving atom."
there is a probability. P l' that one of the colliding atoms will be
deflected to move into the solid angle around one of the many pre-
ferred directions to start a focussing sequence of collision and to
eject an atom without Significant loss of energy. If the displaced
atom should fall outside any such solid angles. it would collide
with some other neighboring atom with the probability. P2' of
setting this second atom to starting a focussing collision and
eventual ejection of a sputtered atom. The process repeats until
the energy of the displaced atom is thermalized. i.e., the order
of a small fraction of e. v. or comparable to the bond energy be-
tween the atomic lattice. When the energy of the incident atom is
of the order of kilo-volts. it will undergo tens or even hundreds
of collisions before it is thermalized. If. on the average. a mean
value of the probability. p. for initiating focussing collisions is as
small as 1%. 50% of its energy will escape with the ejected par-
ticles if there is an average of 70 collisions or more. At p rv 5%.
only 15 collisions will lead to the ejection of half the incident
energy. An energy efficiency well above 50% is not unreasonable.
Clearly. definitive yield and energy data are needed to affirm the



[16.3.1] General Consideration

Comparison of different propulsion systems can only be made

for a specific miSSion, since the mission requirements may be
baSically different. For example. for station-keeping missions.
neither the specific impulse (if above 1000 sec.) nor the pro-
pulsive power efficiency matters much. If electric thrusters are
to be conSidered for station-keeping missions. the satellite must
be of many years of service life and possess power source and
conditioning eqUipment to perform its natural function as an active
satellite. The power required for station-keeping purposes is small
and will not cause any appreciable burden on the power system.
since the thrust required level is very small. On the other hand,
the long operational life of such thrusters will emphasize the
reliability and ease of intermittent operations and the storage
and handling characteristics of the propellant. The examples
636 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

shown [5] for the three year station-keeping mission for a 1500-lb.
synchronous satellite clearly illustrated these points.
The major interest in electric thrusters is likely to be primary
propulsion systems for space eXploration. Launched from a parking
orbit around the earth. the space vehicle would need a velocity
increment, ~V, of the order of 60 km/sec. for passing by Jupiter.
Much larger velocity increments would be required for missions
to go beyond Jupiter. An ion thruster at ",,10,000 sec. or a MPD
jet thruster delivers ~ 2 gm/wt thrust per kw electric power. If
the electric power is to be supplied by electric power plants of
specific weight no less than 20 kg/kw, the thruster could accelerate
the dry power plant alone only at "" 10- 1 cmlsec 2 . It would take
about two years ("" 6 x 107 sec.) to impart the 60 km/sec. velocity
increment to the dry power plant alone. With propellant and pay-
load, it would take five to ten years to accelerate the vehicle to
the required velocity. Since the specific weight of the power plant
cannot be substantially reduced in the foreseeable future, it is
apparent that a thruster delivering higher specific thrust (thrust/kw),
i.e., at lower specific power consumption (S.P.C. = kw/thrust) will
be a significant improvement. It is also clear that in specifying
a mission for evaluating the relative merits of different thrusters,
there should be an upper limit of time period within which the
mission should be completed. For the reason just given, existing
electric thrusters simply cannot be expected to give a ~V ""
60 km/sec. in a period of two years.
A flight time of the order of several years is undesirable not
only psychologically but also technically, because it will impose
a severe restriction on the reliability of all the components in the
system. Thus, for the not so ambitious Mars missions launched
from earth's parking orbit, a purely chemical propulsion system
is favorably considered. Optimization studies also indicate pref-
erence to a two-stage program, i.e., an initial impulsive launching
with a chemical booster to be accelerated by an electric thruster
after escape from the earth. An electrically propelled single stage
is too "long" even for the Mars missions requiring ~V < 30 km/ sec.
Without substantial improvement of the specific weight of the power
plant or of the S.P.C. of electric thrusters, it is not likely that the
velicity increment to be supplied by the electric thruster stage will
be much in excess of 30 km/sec. The period of such acceleration
will not be appreciably larger than, say, two years. Any missions
more ambitious than the Mars exploration will likely be the multi-
stage type. Electric propulsion systems without substantial im-
provement on S.P.C. can at most be considered one of the multi-
stages for space missions.
For different types of electric thrusters, the S.P.C. depends
on the lsp in a different manner. For ion thrusters, S.P.C. in-
creases almost linearly with increasing lsp ( i.e., decreasing thrust),
while for MPD arc jets, S.P.C. is apparently independent of lsp.
Advanced SPace Propulsion Concept 637

(The effect of entrained residual gas leads to the dramatic increase

of lsp but is not likely to increase S.P.C. substantially.) For sput-
tering thrusters, S.P.C. reaches a minimum at some intermediate
value of lsp for a given material combination. For all these thrust-
ers with a given power, larger lsp means smaller propellant mass
flux and smaller thrust. To achieve a given velocity increment at
smaller thrust, the thruster must operate for a longer period. The
total propellant mass, being the product of mass flux rate and the
period of operation, will be minimized at some intermediate value
of I sp. Such an optimum I sp will clearly be different for different
types of thrusters. The comparison of different types of electric
thrusters, by assuming that they all operate at the same lsp or at
the same S.P.C. or at the same energy efficiency are, therefore,
quite irrelevant. We have to make the comparison with each type
of thruster operating at its optimum condition for a specific mis-
sion. The conclusion drawn in this manner is valid, of course,
only for that specific mission. With this inmind, we shall consider
in the next section a typical elementary mission of launching a
payload w from a parking orbit to produce a velocity increment
~V during a specified period T.

[16- 3.2] Performance Formula for Electric Thrusters

We shall derive a formula for calculating the ratio of the initial

mass Mo to the payload w of the space vehicle with electric thrusters
as the primary propulsion unit to impart a velocity increment ~V
in an interval T or less. Let

w = the payload of the vehicle

Mf the initial mass of the fuel or propellant
Mp = the dry mass (or weight) of the propulsive unit
= the sum of the masses of power generation and
conversion unit, of power conditioning unit, of
the units for propellant storage and handling and
of the thruster unit including all the structural
Mo = gross initial mass of the space vehicle launched
from the parking orbit
w + Mp + Mf
~V = total velocity increment required.
If the propulsive unit delivers thrust T at a constant lsp, Newton's
law of motion is easily integrated to the common rocket equation

638 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

The propellant mass needed to produce the velocity increment

~V is hence


Let a be the electric power (kw) delivered by the power conditioning

unit to the thruster per unit dry weight of the propulsive unit. Let
S.P.C. be the specific power consumption of the thruster, i.e., the
electric power input to the thruster per unit thrust delivered by
the propulsive unit. Then Mp . aIS.P.C. is the thrust delivered by
the thruster and the time rate of propellant consumption is

dm Mp a
m (16-7)
dt glsp S.P.C.

Equation (16-7) implies that the propulsive unit will operate at the
maximum power available at all times whenever it is in operation.
This assumption is reasonable since the space vehicle is power-
limited and the thruster cannot deliver as large a thrust as is de-
sired for shortening the mission time. Hence, the total amount of
propellant is

dt Mp rI!- *


a* = ~
dt (16-9)

is the characteristic acceleration of the propulsive unit. aIS.P.C. =

T IMp is the acceleration of the dry propulsive unit (vehicle mass
less payload and propellant mass) if it alone should be acted on by
the thrust delivered by the thruster unit. For most electric
thrusters, S.P.C. is a constant at a given lsp, and the average
valud a* is the same as the instantaneous value aIS.P.C.
By equating (16-6) with (16-8), we obtain


<ef.i. - 1) A
Advanced SPace Propulsion Concept 639

i1V i1V i1V S.P.C.
11 = (16-11)
Ta * T a

By eliminating Mp from (16-5) and (16-10), we have


w (16-12)

Here 11 is the ratio of the velocity increment to the jet exhaust

velocity, and A is the ratio of the time required for accelerating
the dry mass of the propulsive unit to produce the required ve-
locity increment to the mission time allowed. Alternatively, A
may be visualized as the ratio of the average vehicle acceleration
of the mission i1V Ir to the characteristic acceleration a* of the dry
propulsive unit. Equation (16-12) shows that the initial to payload
mass ratio is a function only of these two dimensionless param-
eters, 11 and A, for any kind of electric thrusters. If Eq. (16-3) is
used to evaluate A, Eq. (16-12) will give the initial mass to payload
ratio of the space vehicle with ion thrusters. If S.P.C. is taken to
be constant (",0.7 watt/dyne according to experimental data [3]),
Eq. (16-12) will apply to MPD arc jet thrusters. For sputtering
thrusters, A is evaluated with S.P.C. = (EJIQ)/bTI4)S(2 Mn En) 1/2
From the physical interpretation of the parameter A, it is clear
that if A > 1, the mission as specified cannot be achieved by the
thruster. A more restrictive condition is indicated by Eq. (16-12),
since the denominator must not vanish or become negative. Hence,

A < _11_ = _ _ _ _1---;;:--_ _ < 1

efi- - 1 11 112 (16-13)
1 + - + - + ....
2! 3!

is a prerequisite for the mission to be fulfilled at the Isp = i1Vll1g.

The I sp must not be too large so as to keep the characteristic
acceleration a* of the dry propulsive unit sufficiently larger than
the average mission acceleration as is defined by Eq. (16-13).

[16- 3.3] Optimization with Electric Thrusters

The optimization problem for a given mission will be defined

as the one to achieve minimum initial mass to payload ratio. In
general, A is Ii. function of Isp or 11, because both S.P.C. and a may
640 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

be functions of lspo Thus, the optimum lsp of a given system will,

in general, depend on the functional behavior of i\(flL By equating
the derivative of (16-12) with respect to fl to zero, we have

fl fl \' a In fl
__eli- - 1
= 1. (16-14)

Here - a In i\I aIn fl = a In i\I a In 1sp = f3 > 0 for most electric thrust-
For ion thrusters 1 ~ f3 > 0
MPD arc jet thrusters 1 f3 ~ 0
Sputtering thrusters 1 f3 ';; 0 near optimum Ei for a given
target material. Note that the square bracket must be greater
than unity to conform to the restriction inequality (16-13) in order
to get a minimum positive value of Molw. Otherwise, the smallest
fl should be taken.
For ion thrusters, let us take f3 = 1 in the neighborhood of
I sp = 5000 sec. and Tip = 50%. For lIa = 20 kg/kw, we find that the
optimum Isp for imparting a 30 km/sec. velocity increment in
one-and-a-half-hear's time is ",5000 sec. This is obtained by

of fl = 0.6 and i\
solving Eq. (16-13) by trial and error. The corresponding values

ratio (MOlw)min ';; 20.

= 2/3 give the minimum initial to payload mass
For MPD arc jet thrusters with f3 I, we find that the square
bracket in (16-20) cannot be greater than unity, even if fl -> O. Con-
sequently, the MPD arc jet should be operated at the highest possible
lsp consistent with constant S.P.C. to achieve the smallest Molw for
the specified mission. With S.P.C. = 1/2 kw/gm. wt. for MPD arc
jets, we find again from Eq. (16-11) i\ = 2/3. Thus, if MPD arc jets
could deliver lsp ';; 5000 sec., the minimum initial to payload weight
would be ';; 20 but substantially higher if the 1sp in vacuum were
lower than 5000 sec., even if the S.P.C. of MPD jets operating in
vacuum could be maintained at 1/2 kw/gm. wt.
For sputtering engines with tantalum target, the mission cannot
be fulfilled since the specific impulse of tantalum target is never
substantially above 1000 sec. and the inequality (16-13) cannot be
For sputtering engines with iron target Fe 56 , the mean energy
data [9] may be written, according to the logarithmic interpolation
corrected for the angle of inCidence, as

E _ 'Y7 I + cos a I E,'
Fe - vI n - e.v.
2 100

The yield data [8] may be taken as S = 5 when a = 45 at 400 e.v.

Let the sputtering engine operate at 1.6 kev. The I sp of sputtered
Fe will be 1770 sec. and the S.P.C. = 1/5 kw/gm. wt. according to
Advanced SPace Propulsion Concept 641

the equation for EFe given above. Then p. = 1.7 and A = 1/3.75.
The initial to final mass ratio is about 18. It should be noted that
the mass of the ions is not included in the calculation. This neglect
will not introduce Significant error because the incident ion mass
lodged inside the target surface will be sputtered at a later instant
to provide thrust. Both the specific impulse and the specific power
consumption will be reduced with compensating effects so that the
result of the initial to final vehicle mass ratio will not be seriously
altered. If corrections of the mass of Hg+ or Ta + were introduced
in the calculation, the (MO/w)min might be increased from 18 to 20.
The data employed in the calculation are not accurate enough to
claim an accuracy to within 10% one way or the other.
The examples given above demonstrate an important point.
While the sputtering thruster with iron Fe 56 target delivers a
specific impulse, Isp ~ 2000 sec., substantially below the optimum
I sp of 5000 sec. for the ion thrusters (or the MPD arc jets), the
sputtering thruster with Fe 56 target will accomplish the same
mission with substantially the same initial to final vehicle mass
ratio. The reduced S.P.C. compensates for more than a propor-
tional decrease of I sp
Let us consider a more ambitious mission of Jupiter pass-by
requiring 60 km/sec. velocity increment, or twice the 30 km/sec.
considered in the example given above; we expect to accomplish
the mission in twice the time, or three years. If we repeat the
calculation just given, we find that for the ion thrusters,

Optimum p.::;- 1 with Isp = 6000 sec.

A ::;- 0.4
and minimum (Mo/w) ::;- 8.7.

(These values are somewhat higher than those reported in Refer-

ence 5, where the thruster propulsive efficiency was taken to be
100%.) Note that the minimum Mo/w for the 60 km/sec. mission
is less than that for the 30 km/sec. mission when the mission
time T is proportionately increased from one-and-a-half years
to three years to maintain the same average acceleration, !lV/To
This is due to the saving in propellant, for such a long mission
overbalances the increase in power plant weight to operate at a
higher Isp. The importance of the time limit in accomplishing a
given miSSion is now clearly demonstrated. Such ambitious mis-
sions are only marginally feasible for sputtering engines with C
or Al as target in a single stage operation [5]. However, in Sec-
tion 16-3.1, it is indicated that electric thruster stage requiring
!lV in excess of 30 km/sec. is not likely. Hence, the sputtering
engine, even with iron target, is attractive in comparison with
ion thrusters and MPD arc jet thrusters from a performance point
of view alone. Since the electric thruster stage is generally near
the end of a multi-stage thrust program, the added feature that
642 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

sputtering thrusters offer the possibility of using the structural

material of the spent tankage of previous thrust stages will become
really significant from the system point of view.


We have explored various aspects that are significantly the

general characteristics of all types of electric propulSion systems.
All electric propulsion systems are power-limited devices with
high specific impulse but low thrust. In order to save enough pro-
pellant over the chemical system to compensate for the power plant
weight to be carried on board the vehicle, the velocity increment of
the mission must be large. With the low thrust, the required period
of acceleration becomes very long. The severe requirements of
reliability and other undesirable aspects associated with stretch-
ing a single exploration program to five or even ten years often put
the electric propulsion system in an unfavorable light when com-
pared with chemical systems. With these in mind, any advanced
concept of electric propulSion should preferably be able to reduce
substantially the specific power consumption so as to derive more
thrust from limited power on board and to bring about the required
~v in a shorter period of time. The emphasis of advanced con-
cepts is certainly not higher I sp and doubtfully higher power
efficiency. The electrostatic propulsion, i.e., the ion thruster,
cannot provide low S.P.C. at low lsp, since its propulsive power
efficiency rapidly decreases when lsp becomes less than 5000
seconds. The MPD arc jet thrusters offer little prospects of
improving the specific power consumption. The apparent high lsp
does not offer much help, even if the effect of entrained gas in
test chambers were discounted.
Sputtering of metallic targets by incident ionic high energy
particles provides a means of obtaining higher thrust per unit
beam power, i.e., lower S.p.C. at reasonably high specific impulse
of the sputtered particles. Thus, sputtering may be looked upon as
a thrust augmentation process. Based upon interpolated experi-
mental data of sputtering processes, it is demonstrated that a
sputtering engine with an iron target operating at 1.6 kev. will
give 30 km/sec. velocity increment in one-and-a-half years with
possibly a lower initial to final vehicle mass ratio than the ion
thrusters operated at an optimum I sp of 5000 sec. or the MPD arc
jet at the I sp ~ 5000 sec. If the velocity increment is smaller or
the time of acceleration allowed is smaller, the sputtering thruster
with an iron target will show a significant advantage.
In addition, the sputtering concept offers the unique possibility
that the propellant for an electric thruster can be salvaged from
the spent tankage of the previous booster stages. In view of the
multi-stage operation of any space exploration program, the
Advanced SPace Propulsion Concept 643

potential savings of using the spent tankage as propellant is highly

Admittedly, the data used for evaluating the sputtering thrusters
with Fe target or tantalum target given above are not very reliable.
The important future work with respect to developing the sputtering
concept is to establish a reliable set of accurate data to verify the
calculations reported herein. Neither iron nor tantalum may be
expected to be the highest performing target material. If a careful
set of data of graphite or aluminum or some other material should
become available, and, if either or both of them and others should
prove to offer better performance than iron, the horizon of electric
propulsion systems in space exploration might be considerably

1. Stuhlinger, Ernest: Ion PropulSion for Space Flight, New York,
McGraw-Hill, 1964 (and other references by the same author).
2. Ernstene, M.P.: Progress and Prospects of Electrical Pro-
pulSion, Review article, AIAA Third Annual Meeting, Boston,
Nov.-Dec. 1966.
3. John, R.R. and S. Bennett: Recent Advances in Electrothermal
and Hybrid Electrothermal-Electromagnetic PropulSion, Fourth
Symposium on Advanced Propulsion Concepts, Palo Alto, 1965.
4. , et.al.: Arc Jet Technology Research and Development,
Final Report through Dec. 1965, RAD-TR-65-37, AVCO Corp.,
Wilmington, Mass., and NASA CR-54687 (a comprehensive
5. Cheng, S.L: Sputtering as an Advanced Concept of Space Pro-
pulSIon, Astronautica Acta, July-August 1966.
6. Kaminsky, M.: Atomic and Ionic Impact Phenomena on Metal
Surfaces, struktur und Eigenshaften Der Materie XXV f Springer-
Verlag and Academic Press, 1965, Chap. 10.
7. Cheng, S.L: Glow Discharge as an Advanced PropulsionDevice,
J. of Am. Roc ket Soc., December 1962.
8. Wehner, G.K.: Influence of Angle of Incidence on Sputtering
Yields, J. of Applied Physics, 30, 1762, 1959.
9. Kopitzki, K. and H.E. stier: Mittelere Kinetische Energie der
bei der Kathodenzerstiiubung von Metallen ausgesandten Partikel,
Z. Naturforschung, 17a, 1962.
Zero g Propulsion Problems*
John F. McCarthy, Jr.
Vice President,
Research, Engineeri ng, and Test
Space Division
North American Rockwell Corporation

In preceding chapters, the analysis, design and, to some extent,
the fabrication of a wide spectrum of propulsion devices have been
considered, devices ranging from the more familiar high-thrust jet
prop.Ilsion engines to advanced electrical propulsion systems with
high specific impulse. Attention has been directed to the detailed
design of the engines (thrust chambers), to meet specified per-
formance requirements through trade-off analyses of parameters
such as specific impulse, thrust nozzle performance, propellant
mass flow, etc. Under such emphasis, it is generally and appro-
priately assumed that the propellants or working fluids are in-
stantly available when required for engine ignition and operation.
This assumption is particularly valid for solid-propellant rockets
in which the burning of the grain is readily controlled and the
propellant is always predictably contained. For hybrid or pure
liquid-propulsion systems, however, this predictable containment
of the liquid propellant is not always readily possible. For example,
when the system is operated in the weightless state of a zero-
gravity environment, the liquid may migrate from the tank bottom.
In partially filled tanks, moreover, the propellant maybe subjected
to perturbations such as a change of g-field due to engine cutoff,
vehicle attitude changes, astronaut motions, and limit-cycle oscil-
lations. The resultant motion of the propellant could displace the
fluid from the tank outlet so that the propellant would not be avail-
able for engine start. It thus becomes apparent, from an operational
point of view f that a basic requirement of any propulsion system
utilizing liquid propellant is the assurance of the immediate avail-
ability of a single-phase propellant (free of bubbles) at the tank
outlet for proper engine ignition. The major portion of this chapter

*The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Mr. J.P. Gille. whose many
discussions and critiques contributed Significantly to the preparation of this chapter.

Zero g Propulsion Problems 645

will be devoted to the examination of liquid behavior in zero g and

of various means of controlling the position (containment) of the
propellant within the tank to satisfy the engine restart requirement.
Because of the relative complexity of the subject and the volum-
inous amount of material to be covered, Fig. 17-1 gives a diagram-
matic flow of the specific topics that will be presented in the
chapter. The discussion begins with the basic definitions and the
major problems associated with liquid-propulsion systems operating
in a zero-g environment. The simple case of hydrostatics is then
considered from a theoretical approach, and the equilibrium con-
figuration of a liquid-gas-solid combination is predicted by using
the minimum-energy principle. For the more complex case of
hydrodynamics, only limited analytical approaches can be made
to solve the dynamic problems. As a consequence, a semi-empirical
approach is taken, and emphasis is placed on describing the tech-
niques and procedures for deriving applicabl~ design data. The
discussion is continued through consideration of propellant slosh
due to perturbations arising from vehicle attitude change and engine
cutoff. These disturbances upset the equilibrium condition, intro-
ducing propellant motion so that control of propellant poSition is
required. Three types of poSition control are discussed: active
systems (e.g., bellows), semiactive systems (e.g., thrusting for pro-
pellant settling), and passive systems (e.g., capillary barrier).
Specific experiments and theoretical developments are itemized
in the block on modeling and test. Because available theoretical
approaches are limited, dimensional analysis utilizing the pi theo-
rem is used to scale the models and the g-field for the various tests.
Where possible, utilizing dimensional analysis techniques, the
models are designed so that tests can be performed at 1 g. When
required, vertical drops and aircraft flying zero-g (parabolic)
trajectories are used to simulate the zero-g environment. The
test results are correlated with dimensionless parameters, such
as the Bond, Froude, Weber, and Reynolds numbers, and design
information is derived. A short discussion of propellant gauging
is included, and the chapter is closed with several conclusions.


In the course of the chapter, a number of physical concepts

and terminologies will be presented. There are, however, a few
basic definitions that are fundamental to the understanding of the
chapter and that require early introduction. Among these are the
meaning of zero gravity, liquid-container contact angle, surface
tenSion, surface energy, and the principle of minimum energy.






Fig. 17 -1 Scope of chapter.

Zero g Propulsion Problems 647

[17 - 2.1] Zero Gravi ty

Newton's law of gravitation states that every body in the universe

attracts every other body with a force that is directly prop:>rtional
to the product of the masses and inversely prop:>rtional to the
square of the distance between their centers. thus,

Fg = G mM = mg (17-1)


Fg gravitational force of attraction

G universal gra.vitational constant
m mass of smaller body
M mass of larger body
r distance between the centers of masses m and M
g , = GM/r 2 = acceleration due to gravity associated with mass M.

For example, if M is the mass of the earth and r is the radius of the
earth, the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the earth is
32.17 ft./sec. 2
Newton's second law of motion (the law of momentum) states
that the force is directly prop:>rtional to the time rate of change
of linear momentum. For the case of constant mass, the force is
simply equal to the mass times the acceleration. The total force,
however, can be broken into two comp:>nents: one due to gravita-
tional attraction, and the other due to an externally applied force
which may be a simple reactionary force. Consequently, the
acceleration of a body can be expressed as a direct function of
both the gravitational and externally applied forces:

F = ma = Fg + Fe (17-2)

Fg + Fe Fe (17-3)
a = g+ -
m m

F force
Fe applied external force
a acceleration.

Zero gravity, as it will be defined in the chapter, can now be

explained with the aid of Fig. 17-2. Consider the follOwing three
situations: (1) static: the net unbalanced force on the vehicle is
zero, and the case if merely one where the reactionary force just
balances the gravitational force. (2) Acceleration: here the external


mg ~
1r Fe
mg Fe
1 5.
Fe 0
a 9
a " 0 Fe - mg

Fig. 17- 2 Zero gravity. ~

Zero g Propulsion Problems 649

force is due to the propulsion system. The net unbalanced force

causes the vehicle to accelerate in the direction of the thrusting.
(3) Free fall: the only force in this case is that due to gravity,
and the vehicle free-falls (weightless state) with an acceleration
equal to the acceleration due to gravity. For the purpose of this
chapter, the body will be defined as being in zero g when it is in
free fall, i.e., when the net unbalanced external force acting on the
body is zero, and the body is accelerating with an acceleration
equal to g. It is important to note that zero g does not mean the
absence of gravity.

[17 - 2.2J Engineering Considerations of Zero-g Environment

In moving from the environment of earth gravity to that of zero

g, engineering considerations of fluid behavior take on different
perspectives and emphasis. Unlike the familiar cases in which
gravitational and inertial effects are the predominant influences
on fluid behavior, in zero g the environmental intermolecular
forces become important, and the macroscopic consideration of
these forces on fluid behavior is required. Intermolecular forces
seldom play an important role in the fluid mechanics of 1-g
environment except in isolated problems such as the medical
One effect of intermolecular forces is the contact angle (),
which is illustrated in Fig. 17-3. The vertex of the contact angle
is at the point of intersection between the meniscus and the con-
tainer and is measured through the liquid between their respective
tangent lines at the point of intersection. The magnitude of the
contact angle is a function of the liquid-gas-solid combination;
however, it will be shown that, for any given combination, the
contact angle is invariant with changes in gravity.


Fig. 17 - 3 Contact angle.

650 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

The meaning of surface tension can be illustrated by a simple

experiment. Submerge a U-shaped wire in the liquid and apply a
force to lift the wire out of the water so that a film of liquid is
attached to and draped over the wire (Fig. 17-4). For an equili-
brium condition, the liquid film exerts a force equal and opposite
to the applied force. Since each side of the film exerts a force
equal to the surface tension a times the length of the wire l,
the total force is P=2al. Therefore, by measuring the magnitude
of the applied force and dividing by twice the length of the wire,
the surface tension of a liquid can be determined.

Fig. 17 - 4 Surface tension.

It can be seen from Fig. 17-4 that the force required to lift the
wire out of the liquid to a height, h, performs work equal to force
times distance. When the applied force and the opposing force
arising from surface tension are equal, the system is in static
equilibrium and has potential energy. The stored potential energy
is contained in the film of liquid. If the applied force is removed,
the film, in regaining its original undisplaced condition, can do
the amount of work equal to the applied force the distance h.
The concept of surface energy can thus be viewed as stored po-
tential energy with the ability to do work like a stretched elastic
membrane, such as an inflated balloon. For the simple experiment
described above, the surface energy per unit area y is equal to
the work divided by the area of the film:

y (17-4)

Note from the equation that the height cancels so that the dimen-
sion Qf the surface energy per unit area is force divided by length,
which is dimensionally the same as that for surface tension.
Zero g Propulsion Problems 651

[17 - 2.3] Principle of Minimum Energy

In a closed container partially filled with liquid, surface

energies exist at the solid-vapor interface, liquid-solid interface,
and liquid-vapor interface (Fig. 17-5). In addition, the liquid can
have kinetic and potential energies. For hydrostatic considera-
tions, however, the kinetic energy is zero, and the system contains
only potential energies. Surface energy is a form of potential
In the following sections, the stable configurations of the liquid-
vapor interface will be determined by using the principle of mini-
mum energy. This principle states that the meniscus of the liquid
will attain a shape so that the sum of the surface energies and
potential energies is a minimum. In zero gravity, for example,
the potential energy disappears, and the three interfaces can be
thought of as three stretched membranes, all contracting or
expanding in such a way that the resulting stable configuration
will have minimum energy. As will be proven subsequently, if
a bubble exists in the liquid in zero g and is stable, its shape is


The concept of surface energies having been defined, it is

instructional and a desirable first step to predict theoretically,
using the minimum-energy principle, the equilibrium configuration
of fluids in a partially filled closed container under the environ-
ment of zero g. The mathematical development [1] is based on
hydrostatics and will serve as the foundation for the subsequent
detailed discussion of hydrodynamics in zero g. For clarity,
emphasis is placed on presenting the basic steps in the develop-
ment, while avoiding the associated detailed mathematical manip-

[17 - 3.1] The Variational Problem

Consider Fig. 17-5. The container, partially filled with a

liquid, is a body of revolution of surface area A. Cylindrical
coordinates having an arbitrary origin in the liquid are used,
where the y axis is the axis of symmetry and the r axis is per-
pendicular to the y axis. The third coordinate, cp, is not shown
in this figure. The problem to be solved can be stated as follows:
given y = x(r), which denotes the solid-vapor interface, and
y = Xl (r), which denotes the liquid-solid interface, what is y = y(r),
which denotes the liquid-vapor interface when the system is in
static equilibrium in a zero-g environment? A necessary step
652 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

x (;,


-.... -- -- ..... -
\ \4---- ro -~-.t

, y y(r)
',..( /

" '- -"




Fig. 17 - 5 Coordinates and interfaces.

in the mathematical process is to derive an expression for the

total surface energy of the system. The surface energy per unit
area for the vapor-solid, liquid-solid, and liquid-vapor interfaces
can be symbolically represented, respectively, as Yvs, YLs' and
YL v From elementary calculus, the corresponding surface areas
of the three interfaces can be expressed as
Zero g Propulsion Problems 653




The surface energies for each of the three interfaces can be deter-
mined by multiplying the area of a given interface with the corre-
sponding surface energy per unit area. The summation of these
three products will then be equal to the total surface energy, i.e.,

S.E. = Yvs Avs + YLs ALS + YLV ALV (17-8)

Although potential energy other than surface energy does not

exist in a zero-g environment, the potential-energy terms will be
retained and set equal to zero only when g is zero, in order to
develop the problem completely. By taking y as an arbitrary refer-
ence level (see Fig. 17-6), the potential energy of the liquid can be
expressed mathematically by considering an incremental volume,
then multiplying this delta volume by the liquid density p, gravity
g, and height h above y. For the liquid under consideration, its
volume is divided into volume P 1 (a cylindrical column) and P 2 (the
remainder of the liquid). The division of the liquid into volumes
P l and P2 is made because volume PI is bounded by y = y(r), and
volume P 2 is bounded by y = xl (r>' The potential energy expressions
for regions P l and P 2 are:
'0 (21T (Y
[ 0 Jo l-y hdhrdrpdr (17-9)


PE 2 = gp ('1 {21T (Xl hdh rdrpdr (17-11)

J,o J o }-y
= 7T gP '0
'1 (2
xl - y2) r dr (17-12)

The total potential energy is simply the sum of PE 1 and PE 2

654 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

x (r)

--- ro

I\ r = r1
I \
I \
I \/y y(r}
I ,
II " ,-
I o

dV dh dr rd '"

Fig. 17 -6 Coordinates for potential energy.

The equations for the surface energies and potential energies

having been derived, the total energy in the system can be ex-
pressed as
Zero g Propulsion Problems 655

217 YYL
1 + (
d~ )2 r dr + 2 17 (Yys - YLs)
0 1+ ( dX)2
dr rdr

The minimum-energy principle dictates that the total energy must

be equal to a minimum. This equation is amenable to solution by
the methods of the calculus of variations. Note that the third and
fifth terms of the total-energy equation are constants (the upper
limit of integration, r I in the fifth term, is the maximum diameter
of the container, a constant, and the function Xl does not vary).
These constant terms drop out in the variational process and do
not contribute to the final solution.

[17 - 3.2] Solutions for the Variational Problem

The following substitution is made prior to minimizing the

total-energy equation:

YyS - YSL (17-14)


w = parameter.
The magnitude of this parameter, to be determined subsequently,
will be instrumental in deriving the equilibrium liquid-solid
contact angle.
Two equations of importance result from the variational process:
(1) the characteristic equation and (2) the equation representing the
terminal condition at point ro (ro is the common root of y = X [r] and
y = y [r], which were defined earlier). These equations are:

Characteristic equation

d dr = gpry + A r (17-15)
1+ 2
656 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

,\ = Lagrange multiplier.
Terminal condition (at TO)

dy = (17-16)
(l-w)- 2 (dX)2 -w 2

Before proceeding with the solution of these two equations,

it is necessary to introduce the constraint that the volume of the
vapor remains constant. The mathematical expression for this
constraint is
27T [ 0 (x - y) T dT = {3V (17-17)


{3 = volume of vapor/VOlume of container

V = volume of container.
Consider now the solution of the characteristic equation,
Eq. (17-15). Integration of the characteristic equation yields a
solution involving the term '\, a Lagrange multiplier. By substi-
tuting this solution into the equation defined by the problem con-
straint, Eq. (17-17), and solving, the value of the Lagrange
multiplier can be determined. This solution for conditions of
zero g and no contact angle yields the following expression for
the liquid-vapor interface:


3{3V 3 (17-18)
- 2 2
(y-y) . ,

It can be readily seen that Eq. (17-18) is a circle. Since this circle
generates, by revolution, the interfacial surface, it can be con-
cluded that the equilibrium liquid-vapor interface is spherical.
Inspection of the equation fortheterminalcondition,Eq. (17-16),
shows that w 2 must be less than or equal to unity to avoid imaginary
roots. Because the cosine of an angle varies between minus one
and plus one, a mathematical substitution can be made in Eq. (17-16)
by arbitrarily setting w = cos o. The approach is to then solve
Zero g Propulsion Problems 657

y = y (r} r0 - - - ...

a + 7 = ..p
a + ..p1 = 71
:. a = e

Fig. 17 - 7 Angular relationships.

Eq. (17-16) in terms of the angle e and then to determine its

physical significance. By constructing the various angles indicated
in Fig. 17-7 and substituting into the equation, the following solu-
tions can be obtained:



The plus sign refers to the positive rootof the equation, and the
negative Sign refers to the negative root. Examination of the inter-
relationship of the angles T, T I, tP, tPI' lX, and e shows that lX must be
equal to e. It is concluded, therefore, that e physically is the con-
tact angle, and since the expressions for the solution of the equation
are independent of gravity, it is further concluded that the contact
angle is independent of gravity.
658 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

[17 - 3.3] Conclusions From Hydrostatic Analysis

The key conclusions drawn from the hydrostatic analysis using

the minimum-energy principle are: (1) that the contact angle of a
given liquid-solid combination is constant and invariant with changes
in gravitation independent of g, and (2) that if a stable bubble exists
in zero g, its shape is spherical. For a nonspherical container, it
can be deduced from these conclusions that in going from an en-
vironment of one g to that of zero g, the commonly known flat
meniscus of liquid-solid combinations whose contact angles are
not 90 degrees would be curved (part of a sphere), with the contact
angle preserved in each case (Fig. 17-8). For a 90-degree contact
angle, the meniscus is still flat, but it could be interpreted that the
radius of curvature for the meniscus is infinite. Figure 17-8
illustrates the static equilibrium shapes of the meniscus for dif-
ferent liquid-solid combinations in one-g and zero-genvironments.
The meniscus is concave for a liquid-solid combination that wets
and convex for a combination that does not wet. A point of interest
is that water against clean glass forms a contact angle of approxi-
mately zero degrees, while water against graphite yields a con-
tact angle of about 90 degrees. Almost all propellants in metal
containers have contact angles close to zero. The influence of the
gas on contact angle in a liquid-gas-solid combination is negligible,
but if two different liquids are in contact with a solid, the contact
angle is a function of both liquids and the solid


Some possible static configurations that could exist in zero g

for partially filled, closed containers are illustrated in Fig. 17-9.
For a spherical container, the permiSSible shapes are dependent
on contact angle, which may vary considerably depending upon the
nature of the liquid-solid combination. Note that a wetting liquid
implies that the contact angle is less than 90 degrees. The situa-
tion of a contact angle of approximately zero is considered unique
because the vapor bubble is stable and will not "burst" if it comes
into contact with the wall. For example, a vapor bubble for a
liquid that normally makes a contact angle of 45 degrees with its
container would, upon touching the wall, immediately begin to de-
form; it would then form a portion of a bubble with a contact angle
of 45 degrees at its intersection with the wall. The corresponding
unique condition for a nonwetting liquid would occur at a contact
angle of about 180 degrees. For the type of configuration shown
in the center of the three spherical containers, the liquid-vapor
interface is stable for all contact angles greater than zero but less
than 180 degrees.


ONE 9 ZERO 9 ONE 9 ZERO 9 ONE 9 ZERO 9 ....
Wetting Neutral Nonwetting
Combination Combination Combination
e < 90 e= 90 0 e> 90 ~
Liquid Hydrogen- Water- Graphite Mercury - Glass 0-

Water-clean Glass C/)

Fig. 17 -8 Comparison of meniscus shapes.



Wetting Liquid Stable 0 < () < 180 0 Nonwlltting liquid
Possible e < 90 Possible e> 90 ~
Unique e", 0 Unique e", 180 0 .....




Fig, 17 - 9 Static configurations in zero g,

Zero g Propulsion Problems 661

Five specific configurations are shown in Fig. 17-9 for a

cylindrical tank with spherical ends. The liquid can have many
bubbles or a single large bubble (the minimum-energy condition):
it can collect in one end. collect in both ends, or collect in the
center of the tank. While the liquid-at-center configuration is not
likely for short tanks. it is the expected configuration for extremely
long tanks or for a pipe containingbothliquid and gas. A number of
experiments have been described [2] which verify many of these
zero-g interface shapes.
The contact angle for most propellant-solid combinations is
near zero. Therefore, in subsequent sections dealing with space-
craft tankage problems, the contact angle will be assumed to be
approximately zero.


In the foregoing sections, hydrostatic considerations were dis-

cussed which relate to the behavior of propellants in a weightless
or zero-g environment. It was shown that intermolecular or
capillary forces predominate and explicitly determine the possible
stable configurations which the liquid and gas can take. With this
background. it is interesting to consider the more complex dynamic
behavior of propellant that results from various disturbances.
It will be shown, for example. that translation or rotation of a
spacecraft, such as that shown in Fig. 17-10. may result in re-
location of the propellant. The uncertainty of propellant location
leads to the problem of determining methods for propellant con-
trol. Propellant-location control may be accomplished by devices
which prevent the dislocation of the liquid or by schemes for re-
locating the propellant after a dislocation has occurred. During
drainage of the propellant from a tank under a low-gravity field
or during a small vehicle thrust that creates an apparent gravity
field, the liquid surface may distort. resulting in ingestion of gas
into the outlet line.
In general, the available analytic methods for solving these
hydrodynamic problems have not been adequate, and extensive
testing has been required to provide the necessary design informa-
tion. Therefore, the dimensional analysis. test procedure, and
results of test programs for some of these problem areas will
be the basis for the discussions which follow. The tests from which
those results were obtained were conducted at North American
Rockwell Corporation's Space Division. Following is a brief de-
scription of the test facilities and of the methods used to achieve
"laboratory" zero-g test conditions.
Figure 17-11 illustrates the drop tower test assembly used by
the Space Division of North American Rockwell Corporation. It
consists of a drag shield and a test package. When the entire
662 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


Fig. 1710 Tankage of service propulsion system for apollo spacecraft.

assembly is dropped, the hook pulls free, and the test package falls
inside the drag shield at a low velocity relative to the shield. This
arrangement permits the drag shield to isolate the test package from
aerodynamic drag. Provision is made within the test package for
rotating the test model about various centers with respect to the
model center. A program timer controls the starting and stopping
of the rotation according to a predetermined schedule. Approxi-
mately two seconds of essentially free-fall environment can be
obtained with a height of 64 feet.
Another method of obtaining a zero-g environment is to fly
an aircraft in a trajectory so that its horizontal velocity is con-
stant and its vertical acceleration is equal to the local acceleration
due to gravity. Test durations of as high as 30 seconds, at very
low g, have been achieved in KC-135 aircraft flying such trajec-
tories out of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. This air-
borne test facility was used for several of the test programs
discussed in this chapter.

[17.5. 1] Propel Iant Slosh at Zero 9

When a partially filled propellant tank is rotated, as in Fig.

17-12, the liquid will tend to resist both rotation and translation
and will generally be displace, relative to the tank, from its
initial location. The actual resultant distortion of the liquid
interface is dependent on several factors, particularly on tank
shape and center of rotation. Idealized cases are shown here.
Zero g Propulsion Problems 663



664 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

;a Q)








Zero g Propulsion Problems 665

The liquid-gas interface is now different from the static equilibrium

configuration, and surface forces will act to restore the interface
to its original shape. If viscous damping is not too great, an over-
shoot of the surface shape will occur and periodic oscillation will
result. If the initial disturbance causes liquid to flow into the
opposite end of the tank, the .liquid will tend to separate and finally
come to rest in both ends.
The angular frequency of the liquid oscillation can be estimated
from the following eJq>ression:

=~(3.68 ~ + K ~)
tl D pD 3 . tan h 3.68 '~J2


w = angular frequency of oscillation

D = tank diameten:
h = height of liquid in tank
K = dimensionless constant.
A value for K of 49.8 is o.btained from, linearized. potential theory,
which assumes small-amplitude displacement .from an initially
hemispherical interface is allowed. This equation is derived for
a tank with a flat bottom. When the height h of liquid in the tank
is greater than about one-half the tank diameter, the hyperbolic
tangent approaches unity, and the effect of the tank bottom be-
comes negligible. For the system shown in Fig. 17-10, for zero g
Eq. (17-21) gives

0.014 < w < 0.0287 rad! sec.

219 < period < 450 sec.

depending on the amount of propellant or fuel in the tanks and the

value of K used.
During boost or operation of the main propulSion system, accel-
eration, or apparent gravity, is high. Under this relatively high-g
period, propellant slOShing is likely to occur due to normal per-
turbations, such as oscillations caused by the flight control system.
Since the energy level of propellant slosh is proportional to g for
a fixed tank size and wave amplitude, it is generally large com-
pared with the zero-g slosh mode discussed previously, even
though the amplitude is much smaller. This mode of propellant
slosh could cause problems in the control of vehicle attitude.
In the course of this high-g sloshing, the slosh energy alternates
between potential and kinetic forms. When the wave crests and is
666 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

at its maximum. amplitude, the liquid motion is essentially stopped,

and the energy is in potential form. When the wave height is
zero, as is represented by a flat liquid surface, the liquid motion
is at maximum. velocIty, and the slosh energy is in kinetic form.
When the propulsion system thrust is terminated, the vehicle is
at once in a low-g environment. If the propellant slosh wave is
primarily in its kinetic form at the time of engine cutoff, the
energy will persist, resulting in a large-amplitude distortion of
the liquid surface.
Drop tower tests have been conducted to investigate this mode
of liquid motion, and a typical test result is shown in Fig. 17-13.
The wave front progresses in the direction it was moving at the
time of transition from high g to free fall and continues around the

Fig. 17 -13 Propellant motion at engine cutoff.

Zero g Propulsion Problems 667

tank until the leading edge of the circulating liquid flows into the
liquid which may have remained at the bottom of the tank. Un-
fortunately, the test duration of approximately two seconds has
been too short to permit determination of the final configuration
of the fluid.

[17 - 5.2] Propellant-Position Control

It has been shown that vehicle attitude change can result in dis-
location of propellant from its original position in the tank. The
residual kinetic energy ariSing from slosh during thrusting also
results in large-amplitude propellant motion. In addition, trans-
lation, docking jolts, and aerodynamic drag may act to move the
propellant out of its original location. It is concluded, therefore,
that a means must be provided for controlling propellant position
if the propulsion system requires that liquid be provided to the
engine for start-up. (Recent innovations in the design of liquid-
fueled rockets may eliminate this requirement. In this case, the
rocket operates in "idle mode" and provides a low thrust level
while the propellant settles. During this idle-mode period, any
mixture of liquid and gas, or only gas, will suffice.)
For convenience, the various propellant-position control sys-
tems have been classified into three groups: active, semiactive,
and passive. Active systems (Fig. 17-14a), such as bladders,
pistons, or bellows, are variable-volume devices which accom-
modate changes in volume as the propellant quantity varies. Ac-
cordingly, for such positive expulsion devices there is no liquid-
gas interface, and uncontrolled behavior in low gravity is non-
For semiactive systems, two approaches are discussed: (1)
propellant settling, using external thrusters to create artificial
gravity and (2) dielectrophoresis, which depends on electrtc-body
forces to control the poSition of the propellant. Propellant settling
will be conSidered in detail in Section 17-6.
The dielectrophoretic prinCiple is applicable only to dielectric
propellants, i.e., nonconducting propellants. In general, storable
propellants are not dielectric. When a dielectric particle is placed
in an electrostatic field, as in Fig. 17-14b, charges will be sep-
arated within the particle due to electrostatic induction. When the
field is uniform, forces due to these charges interacting with the
field cancel one another, and no net force results. When the field
is divergent, however, there is a component of force in the direc-
tion of increaSing field strength, and the propellant flow is directed
toward the region of highest field strength. On the basis of re-
search which has been reported [4], this concept appears attractive
for use with cryogenic propellants such as liquid hydrogen and
liquid oxygen.


Bellows ~
Bladder Piston Q

i iJ ~


Dielectric Particle

+ .....

Capillary Barrier ~

Dielectraphoresi s c. PASSIVE SYSTEM



Fig. 17 -14 Propellant position control concepts: (a) active systems; (b) semi-active sys-
tem; (c) passive system.
Zero g Propulsion Problems 669

The importance of capillary or intermolecular forces in the

zero-g environment suggests the use of these forces to provide
a passive system for control of propellant position. Such a system
is based on the concept of the capillary barrier, several of which
may be installed as partitions in the tank to prevent the displace-
ment of propellant (Fig. 17-14c). These barriers, which may be
woven screens or perforated plates, act, through capillary forces,
to prevent liquid migration. Barrier systems will be discussed in
more detail in Section 17-7. However, it is desirable at this time
to develop the concept of capillary pressure (pressure across the
gas-liquid interface) because of its fundamental importance to
understanding the discussion that follows. The equation for the
pressure difference, due to surface tenSion, across a curved
gas-liquid interface will be developed.
Consider the elemental curved surface ds x ds constructed about
the intersection of the perpendicular lines 11 and 12 on the surface,
as shown in Fig. 17-15a. Rl and R2 are the radii of curvature of
11 and 12 at the point of intersection and over the entire element
when ds is made arbitrarily small. The tangential force acting
on each edge of the surface element is equal to the surface tension
a times ds. The force acting in the direction of the line 11 is pro-
jected onto the plane containing the z axis and the line 1 , as shown
in Fig. 17-15b. The force ds is resolved into horizontaf and verti-
cal components, with the horizontal components canceling one
another. The net downward component of this surface tension
force is 2F 1 = 2 a ds sin aI' A similar analysis for the forces acting
on the other two sides of the element shows the net downward force
to be 2F 2 = 2 a ds sin a2' Since the surface element is arbitrarily
small, the angles a 1 and a 2 are small and the sine of the angles
can be replaced by ds/2R 1 and ds/2R 2 , By dividing the sum of the
inward forces by the area of the element, the differential pressure
across the interface is obtained:

M' = a(;1 R1j'

+ (17-22)

The concept of propellant settling by thrusting is illustrated in

Fig. 17-16. The thrusting simply accelerates the vehicle and, in
so doing, provides artificial gravity. The small auxiliary propulsion
system used to generate this thrust must be supplied from a pro-
pellant tankage system using bladders or other means for con-
trolling liquid at zero g. DeSign information of interest includes
the settling time and the minimum thrust required to effect settling.
Factors of importance to the problem include the initial poSition of
the liquid, fluid properties, tank geometry, and the quality, or mini-
mum bubble content, of the propellant required for engine restart.
For evaluating the concept of propellant settling by use of
thrust-induced artificial gravity, the configuration shown in

ds ~
2 z
11 ~

Fl~ s;:s

uds al
a2 ......
AR EA ......
Fig . 17 -15 Cap illa ry
pre ssu re dif fer ent ial;
(a) ele me nta l sur fac e
pla ne thro ugh Iv R 1 are a; (b) pro jec tion on
and nor ma l.
Zero g Propulsion Problems 671

Fig. 17-16. Propellant settling by thrusting.

Fig. 17-17a is assumed. This worst-case condition is not expected

to occur frequently, but it cannot at present be eliminated as a
possible initial condition. The settling problem can be divided into
three parts. The first part is to determine the minimum thrust, or
settling acceleration, required to overcome the capillary stability
(discussed in the following section) and initiate settling. The second
requirement is to determine the manner and rate at which the liquid
flows from the top of the tank into the bottom, or outlet end, of the
tank. This mode of the settling operation is shown in Fig~ 17-17b.






a: ASSUMED (/)

Fig. 17 -17 Propellant-settling modes; (a) assumed initial configuration; (b) flow from top
toward outlet region; (c) accumulation.
Zero g Propulsion Problems 673

As expected, the liquid does not immediately come to rest after it

has reached the bottom of the tank; it may rebound and splash, as
indicated in Fig. 17-17c. The third problem, then, is to determine
the time required for the propellant to become suffiCiently stilled
and bubble-free to ensure engine restart.

[17 - 5.3] Capillary Stability

If liquid is positioned at the top of a closed cylinder in a gravity

field, it may remain at the top even though gravity acts to pull it
downward. This can be easily verified by observing water in a
soda straw that is closed at the top. The liquid is supported by
the gas pressure, i.e., a hydrostatic pressure difference develops
through the liquid, and the force due to this pressure difference
just equals the weight of the liquid. Examination of the liquid sur-
face at the open end of the straw would show that the meniscus has
also attained a static equilibrium. Consequently, an additional less
obvious requirement for stability is that the liquid-gas interface
be stabilized by the surface tension. The critical condition for
this interfacial stability will now be derived for the important
case where the contact angle is zero.
Consider Fig. 17-18. The origin of the coordinate system is at
the level of contact of the interface with the tank wall and may move
as required to conserve the volume of the liquid. R i and R2 are
the radii of curvature at any point on the interface. As developed
earlier, the pressure in the liquid at any point on the interface
is given by the capillary pressure equation,


where the subscripts L, G, and y refer to liquid, gas, and position

at Y coordinate, respectively. If the liquid is in static equilibrium,
this pressure can also be obtained from hydrostatic considera-
tions and is given by


Substituting the capillary equation for the pressure at y = 0

Eq. (17-24), in the hydrostatic equation, Eq. (17-23), and then
equating the above expressions for P L , gives the following:

674 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



Fig. 17 -18 Capillary stability.

The problem is to determine the condition at which instability

occurs, or the condition beyond which this equation cannot satisfy
the boundary conditions of the problem. As the right-hand part
of Eq. (17-25) is increased, e.g., by increasing g and holding y,
p, and a constant, the left-hand part must also increase. It can
be shown that the left-hand side will reach a maximum for
Y = Ymax when the second term, D/Rl + VR 2 ) at Y = 0, becomes
a minimum. R2 is equal to the cylinder radius at Y = 0 because
the contact angle is zero, or the slope is infinite. Therefore, this
quantity becomes a minimum when R 1 approaches infinity at y = o.
Substituting R 2 = R and R 1 = at y = 0 gives the condition for

critical stability:

Zero g Propulsion Problems 675

This equation can be rewritten in dimensionlessformby making

the following substitutions:

y , r
y = -, r (17-27)

pgR 2 ,
y (Bo) y (17-28)

Bo = Bond number = ~
Of course, for y = 0 the gas-liquid interface is spherical (Section
The Bond number, a ratio of gravity forces to surface-tension
forces, plays a very important role in all problems of capillary
hydrostatics and low-g propellant behavior. A simple example of
a problem involving capillary hydrostatics is that of the rise of
liquid in a capillary tube, as shown in Fig. 17-19. The equation
for this problem is formulated by equating the weight of the elevated
column of liquid to the capillary or surface-tension force by which
it is supported. Thus
17 L 2
pgL l -- = a 17 L2 cos e. (17-29)

Nondimensionalization of this equation gives a Bond number

whose value is equal to four times the cosine of the contact angle.
The form of the Bond number obtained is
pgL l L2
Bo = - - - (17-30)

Equation (17-30) is the more generalformofthe Bond number. The

dimension L 1 will be recognized as a hydrostatic length term, and
L2 is a length related to the distance over which the capillary force
acts. It should also be noted that the density of the gas was neglec-
ted. To be rigorously correct, the density difference between liquid
and gas should be used, giving
(PL - Pa) g Ll L2
Bo = (17-31)

For many propulsion problems, the terms Ll and L2 will be geo-

metrically related, and the Bond number can be expressed in terms
676 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Fig. 17 -19 Capillary rise.

of a characteristic length which may be arbitrarily chosen as some

significant dimension of the system, such as tank radius. Thus


Returning to Eq. (17-28) and expressing the radii of curvature

in terms of the derivatives of y = {(r) provides the differential form
of the equation:
d 2 y' dy'

- 1 (80) y'.
Zero g Propulsion Problems 677

The boundary conditions are as follows:

At y' = 0, R~ = ooe:,~' = 0), r' = 1, ~: = 00


, dy'
At r = 0, - = o. (17-35)

A solution of this nonlinear differential equation that satisfies

the boundary conditions exists for only a unique value of the Bond
number. Numerical solution of the equation has shown this value
to be 0.84 [5]. (It was first solved in 1883 for droplets.) Thus,
where the contact angle is zero, the interface is stable as long as
the Bond number is below the critical value of 0.84. This result
has been verified experimentally [6, 7].
The critical value of 0.84 for the Bond number allows the
determination of the critical acceleration required for liquid to
flow to the bottom of a tank. For the configuration shown in Fig.
17-10, it is approximately 1O-5 g which can be obtained by a force
less than 1 pound. For large vehicles, the critical acceleration is
very small; for small vehicles, it may be important, since g
increases as R decreases for a constant Bond number. The con-
cept of a critical Bond number is valid for other problems, such
as bubbles in a pipe or a mercury thermometer. However, the
critical value of the Bond number for the latter is not 0.84 because
the contact angle is not zero. This critical value is valid for an
alcohol-glass thermometer, however, because the contact angle is
close to zero.


In this section, the methods of dimensional analysis are used
to derive the dimensionless parameters of interest in determining
laboratory tests for studying the hydrodynamics of propellant
settling by thrusting. Specific discussions include scale-model
tests at 1 g and reduced g to examine the gas interface rise, scale
model test at 1 g to investigate propellant accumulation at the
bottom of the tank, and scale model test at 1 g to study the problem
of gas ingestion.

[17 - 6.1] Gas Interface Velocity

Since it has been shown that vehicle disturbances can result

in relocation of the liquid propellant, the worst-case configura-
tion is assumed for this analysis. This configuration, with all the
678 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

propellant located at the end of the tank opposite the outlet, is

shown in Fig. 17-17a. A propellant-settling maneuver is assumed
to be necessary to relocate the propellant to the outlet, and the
requirement for minimum acceleration has been determined in
terms of the critical Bond number required to overcome capillary
stability. It is now necessary to investigate the fluid mechanics
of the settling propellant, with the objective of determining the
settling time. Initially, the flow from the top of the tank into the
lower part of the tank will be considered without regard to the
behavior of the liquid as it reaches the bottom.
The problem to be solved is somewhat complex, involving the
flow of liquid with a free surface. The condition on this free sur-
face is subject to the influence of surface tension and the contact
angle. It is expedient, therefore, to proceed with an experimental
investigation, since there is no great likelihood of obtaining an
analytical solution with reasonable effort.
The classical Buckingham pi theorem is used to determine
the dimensionless parameters of interest. As shown in Fig. 17-20,
there are six variables of interest, which can be expressed in
terms of three dimensions: mass M, length L, and time T. The
pi theorem states that the number of independent dimensionless
parameters is equal to the number of variables minus the number
of dimensions, or, in this case, three. The variables and dimen-
sions are listed below:


T2 T2 L3 T LT


VI velocity of interface rise

p. = viscosity of liquid.

The procedure for determining the dimensionless parameters

is as follows: the first dimensionless group, 171' is written by
selecting a number of the variables equal to the number of dimen-
sions plus one, so that all the dimensions (M, L, T) are included.
Each of the variables is set to an unknown power. Thus


The dimensionless parameter is now rewritten in terms of the

basic dimensions and is set equal to a dimensionless constant:
Zero g Propulsion Problems 679


Equations are written for each of the dimensions, equating the

power of that dimension across the equal sign. One of the exponents
is arbitrarily set equal to a constant, and the equations are solved
simultaneously for the other exponents. It can be seen that the
first dimensionless parameter is the Bond number:

M; a + y = 0 (17-38)

L, {3 - 3y + a= 0 For arbitrary B = 1, (17-39)

simultaneous solution yields
T', -2a - 2{3 = 0 a = -1, y = 1, a = 2 (17-40)
"I = g pD2 = Bond number (17-41)

Fig. 17 - 20 Variables in the analysis of gas interface rise.

This procedure is repeated to determine the remaining dimen-

sionless parameters. For each subsequent step, one variable is
removed and another is added in a systematic manner, so that
each variable is removed only after all others present when it
was added have been removed. Systematic grouping of variables
is accomplished by adding the new variable to the right and remov-
ing the one on the left, keeping the order of the others constant:
"2 = ga pb DC v/ -- = Froude number (17-42)
680 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Reynolds number. (17-43)

If the Froude number is selected as the result parameter, the

desired correlation is

~ = r(gPD2, PDV1) (17-44)

vog a ~

As might be expected, the results from this procedure are

somewhat dependent on the original arrangement of the variables.
Consequently, a knowledge of the important dimensionless param-
eters used in fluid mechanics is helpful in ensuring that mean-
ingful results will be obtained.
Figure 17-21 [8] gives the results of tests which determined
the steady-state velocity of the interface rising in a cylinder
such as illustrated in Fig. 17-20. The test data points indicated
by open symbols were obtained in tests at the standard earth-
gravity condition, while those indicated by solid symbols were
obtained in drop tower tests that simulated 0.01 to 0.08 standard
It can be seen that the Froude number is a constant when the
Bond number is greater than 10. Below this value there is a
dependence on the Bond number, indicating that surface tension
acts to restrict the flow. The data are correlated by the expression,

~ = 0.48 11 _ e84to/4l. (17-45)

~g ~ l 80 J
From this it can be seen that the velocity becomes zero when the
Bond number equals 0.84. This is the critical value of the Bond
number for zero contact angle (Section 17-5), below which the
interface is stabilized by surface tension.
It is of particular interest to note the excellent agreement of
the data obtained at 1 g with that obtained at conditions of reduced
gravity. From the point of view of proponents of dimensional
analysis, such agreement is expected and is therefore, not astound-
ing. However, very few tests have been conducted which actually
vary the magnitude of the gravity term to verify the predictions
arising from dimensional analysis.
Figure 17-21 and the data correlation above do not indicate any
dependence of the interface velocity or Froude number on viscous
effects. To account for these effects, Eq. (17-45) must be multi-
plied by the correction factor (CF) given in Fig. 17-22 [5, 9], i.e.,

0.5 o o o

>_.!~D.4 ~

oz 03
o }-
u... 0.2
0.1 ~
o ITT" I I" I I I I " I "'l .' I 1'"

1 10 100 1000 10,000

REF: NASA TM X-52095 BOND NO. pg(u~ )2

Fig. 17 - 21 Correlation of test results. ~
682 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


10- 2 10- 1 1.0 10.0 10 2 10 3

pV I "2o
Reynolds Number =

Fig. 17 - 22 Effect of Reynolds number.

rn { {O.84)BO/4.7}~
~g ~ = CF (Rei ('8 1 - \ 80 (17-46)

When the Reynolds number is greater than 50, the correction

factor is approximately 1, indicating there is no effect of viscosity
on the interface velocity. Inasmuch as the Reynolds number for
typical space vehicle tank sizes and propellant properties will
usually be much greater than 50, no correction of the interface-
rise velocity need be made because of viscous effects. However,
this correlation is useful for interpreting data obtained with very
small models where the Reynolds number may be small. Since in
practical problems the Bond number is also expected to be greater
than 10, the Froude number can be assumed to be a constant value
of 0.48 (from Fig. 17-21) in estimating the interface-rise velocity.
Note that the interface velocity is used as the characteristic
result parameter for the test correlation, since this velocity can
be readily measured. To use the volumetric flow rate as the
characteristic result parameter would be a poor choice, because
the flow rate varies with the distance from the interface (and
consequently with time) and is not readily measurable.
Figure 17-23 helps to illustrate the significance of the gas
interface-velocity correlation as it applies to a spacecraft situa-
tion. Initially, the propellant is assumed to be at the upper end of
the tank, and the vehicle is accelerated at 0.01 g (0.322 ft/sec. 2 )
in order to settle the propellant at the outlet end. For all common
propellants and tank sizes, it can be readily verified that the Bond
number is greater than 10, and the Reynolds number is greater
Zero g Propulsion Problems 683

T I = 3 Ft.

j.- 4.25 Ft. -1

Fig. 17 - 23 Initial configuration of propellant in tank.

than 50. Therefore, the time required for the interface to penetrate
through the 3 feet of liquid is determined as follows:

t = = 7.5 sec.
0.48 ~g ~
This result gives the time required for gas to reach the top of the
tank, but it does not give the settling time required for propellant
to accumulate at the tank outlet. Nevertheless, the interface-
velocity correlation will be used later in determining the time
required for accumulation. This time must be known before the
total fuel required for settling can be calculated.
684 Jet, Rocket. Nuclear~ Ion and Electric Propul'siM

[17 - 6.2] Propellant Accumulation

For -practfcal spacecraft conditions, viscous effects have been

found to be unimportant in determining the interface-rise veleci
However, sInce the kinetic energy gained by the liquid in flowing
from the top to the bottom of the tank must be dissipated through
visc01l8 damping, it is questionable whether the small scale-model
tests used to determiDe the interface-rise characterlstws could all!lO
be used to measure the settling time and to study the nature and
rate of UquIdaecumulation at the bottom of the tank. Consequently,
a separate test program was undertaken to determine the time re-
quIred for accumulation.
Dimensional analysis was used in planning tests for determining
the characteristics and duration of this accumulation process.
From a Buckingham pi IlIl8.l,ysis of the problem as formulated in
Fig. 17-24, the following eight dimensionless gr-aups are obtained:

hiD = geometric ratio

= volumetric ratio (VL = volume of liquid)

= Froude number (VA = velocity of liquid flowing into
tank bottom)

8iD = geometric ratio, stream thickness/diameter

tlVhlg = time ratio

p ghD/u = Bond number

pD ...;gh I p. = Reynolds number

{3 = arbitrary parameter indicating the degree of accum-

ulation, e.g., percent of bubble content,or height of
bubble-free liquid/tank diameter.
The first four groups are preserved by geometric scaling. The
time ratio derived from the Froude number is of considerable
importance, because the desired result seeks a correlation of the
degree of assumulation versus time. The Bond number and Reynolds
number are parameters which must be scaled to simulate the space
vehicle and may be varied parametrically to determine their
The thickness of the flOwing film 8, as determined from the
interface-rise tests, varies with the distance from the interface
front and, consequently, with time. The volumetric flow rate is
scaled in a manner so that geometric similarIty of the flow, i.e.,
the ratio 81D is apprOximately preserved. The following expression
Zero g Propulsion Problems 685

1'4--- D - - - - . {
(p., p, v L )


o h

11 Parameters
3 Dimensions

Fig. 17 - 24 Variables in the analysis of propellant accumulation.

for the volumetric flow rate Q past a given level Yl is derived in

Appendix B (refer to Fig. 17-25 for nomenclature):

0.48 f(BO)~
"(~y VI 1 - (17-48)

r~ 0.48 f (80)2 + 2L


VI 0.48 f(BO)~ (17-49)

686 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


Fig. 17 - 25 Detennination of liquid volumetric flow rate.


(80) = l_e~:4)O/4.7 (17-50)

The configuration for the propellant accumulation tests is

illustrated in Fig. 17-26 [10]. The test apparatus consists prin-
cipally of a model tank and a reservoir. The latter is essentially
a tank with a bottom of fine-mesh screen and is closed at the top
except for a high-capacity vent valve. When filled with liquid and
the valve is closed, the reservoir retains the liquid by the cap-
illary-stabilizing action of the screen; when the valve is opened.
the liquid flows through the screen. which offers very little re-
sistance. A baffle diverts the flow and controls the flow rate. and
a pipe passing through the center of the reservoir vents the gas
displaced during the test.
Prior to a test. liquid is loaded into the reservoir. which is
positioned to the desired height above the tank bottom. At the
beginning of the test, the liquid is made to flow from the reser-
voir to the bottom of the tank in a manner and rate similar to
that expected had the flow resulted directly from a rise of the
liquid-vapor interface. The behavior of the liquid during accumu-
lation is recorded photographically.
Zero g Propulsion Problems 687



11 1 : SCREEN
I ;

Fig. 17.26 Apparatus for accumulation tests.

Figure 17-27 shows the results of a typical accumulation test.

Since the first four dimensionless parameters given earlier in the
section are held constant, the desired correlation is

f3 f

In this test, the values of the Bond and Reynolds numbers are as
pghD (17-52)
80 = - - '"

Re = pDygh '" 1 x 10 6 . (17-53)


The f111 condition is given by

688 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



C"t"I ...,
~ ...'"



Zero g Propulsion Problems 689

For convenience. the dimensionless time unit r is defined as the

number of free-fall periods. Thus

r =--
As shown in Fig. 17-27. the liquid first reaches the bottom of
the tank in one dimensionless unit of time. At r = 2, the liquid is
violently rebounding but has not begun to collect. At r = 3, the
liquid is partially collected but may contain large pockets of gas.
Between r = 3 and r = 5 the liquid becomes contiguous but has
trapped a large amount of gas which breaks into bubbles. The
liquid is still very turbulent at this time. and bubbles may be
carried from the surface to the outlet area. By r = 10, the liquid
is clear at the bottom. with a few bubbles possible remaining at
the liquid surface.
To assess the significance of the results, assume that the
quality of the propellant indicated by r = 5 is acceptable for engine
restart. Then. for the problem illustrated in Fig. 17-23.
2 x 10
t = T~ = 5 /---- =
0.01 x 32.2
39 sec. (17-56)

This application of the test results assumes -that the test was
scaled properly to simulate the example. For the storable oxidizer
in the tank in Fig. 17-23. nitrogen tetroxide, the actual Reynolds
number is found to be about 1.7 x 106 .1.7 times the test Reynolds
number; the Bond number is about 1.8 x 104 , about 0.6 that of the
test. (Water was used as the test liquid because of its relatively
high surface tension.) Exact duplication of all dimensionless
parameters is usually not possible in actual design applications.
and as in wind-tunnel testing. experience and judgment must be
used in interpreting and extrapolating results. In the case cited
here. because the test Bond number is greater and the test
Reynolds number is less than that in flight, the surface-tension
effect is less and the viSCOSity effect is greater than that in flight.
Therefore. it might be expected that in the test the number of
bubbles is greater, their size is smaller. and they rise more slowly
than in flight.
In considering the design of an auxiliary propulsion system for
propellant settling, parameters of interest include the amount of
propellant needed and the time r~quired for settling. Since the time
rate of propellant expenditure Wp times the specific impulse I sp
is equal to force. it follows that the propellant expended as a
function of time is Mg II sp' where M is the total mass of the vehicle.
690 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
From the preceding dimensional analysis and accumulation tests,
it has been shown that the settling time is given by

t = r/f (17-57)

where r is the dimensionless settling time required to achieve a

required degree of settling for engine start and is a function of the
quantity of propellant remaining, the Bond number, and the Reynolds
number. If the dependence of r on the Bond and Reynolds numbers
is neglected for the moment and a constant minimum value of r
for any given fill condition is assumed, the weight of propellant
that must be expended is

wp = Mg t = Mg r~ f2h = M rvl2h Vi . (17-58)

lsp lsp -,-; lsp

Thus, the quantity of propellant required for settling is directly

proportional to Vi. It will be recalled that the flow of liquid from the
top of the tank, as indicated by the interface-rise velocity, becomes
restricted by surface-tension effects when the Bond number (in
this case [pg(D/2)2/u]) is less than 10. Consequently, the propor-
tionality of Eq. (17-58) is valid only for a Bond number greater
than 10. From Eq. (17-58), in order to expend the least amount of
propellant for settling, the lowest possible thrust value (settling
acceleration) should be used, provided capillary restriction does
not occur (80 ): 10>. This result is significant in the design of
auxiliary thrust systems.
In the above discussion, it has been assumed that the dimension-
less settling time is independent of the Bond number and the
Reynolds number. In optimizing the propulsion system used for
propellant settling by reducing its thrust, the magnitude of the Bond
and Reynolds numbers will be reduced. Since surface tension and
viscosity occur in the respective denominators of these dimen-
sionless ratios, reducing the settling acceleration has the effect
of increaSing the importance of these liquid properties. When
bubl;>les form, the surface area is increased, resulting in an in-
crease of surface energy. Increasing the surface tension acts to
reduce the number of bubbles formed; increaSing the importance
of viscosity is equivalent to increasing the damping force acting
to still the settling liquid. Therefore, as the acceleration is re-
duced, the formation of bubbles may decrease and damping of the
kinetic energy of the liquid may increase. Either of these effects
may speed the accumulation process or reduce the value of r re-
quired to achieve acceptable settling. Thus, the above conclusion
that Wp (XVi may be conservative be"cause the required dimension-
less settling time is dependent on g.
Zero g Propulsion Problems 691

It can be concluded that an optimum system would result when

the auxiliary settling thrusters are sized to give a Bond number of
about 10. However, it should be emphasized that the test result
given above is only typical, and the settling characteristics and
time required must be determined as a function of tank size and
geometry, internal hardware, propellants, and settling accelera-
tion. The test procedure and scaling described are recommended
for general application.

[17 -6.31 Gas Ingestion

When a tank is drained in a gravity field, the liquid surface tends

to distort as the surface nears the outlet due to the inertial effects
arising from the acceleration of the liquid into the outlet. At the
condition of earth gravity, this distortion is usually small because
of the leveling forces of gravity. In a low-g environment, however,
the distortion may be great enough to cause ingestion of gas into
the engine feed line while a considerable amount of liquid remains
in the tank. (This interface distortion is not to be confused with
the familiar vortex phenomenon which occurs because of rotation
of the liquid. Vortexing may also be present in the low-g environ-
ment and must be considered separately.)
A test program was conducted [11] to investigate this phe-
nomenon. Tests were again scaled according to the principles of
dimensional analysis. In terms of the nomenclature of Fig. 17-28,
the following dimensionless groups are found to be of possible

Did = tank diameter/outlet diameter

v21gD = Froude number, where V is the velocity of the inter-
before distortion occurs

VDplp. Reynolds number

pgD 21a = Bond number

holD = initial height/diameter

hiD gaS-ingestion height/tank diameter.

If the ratio hiD is selected as the result parameter, the desired

correlation should include the above parameters in the following
~ 2
-_ r(D , V , VDp , pgD 2 , ho ).
D dgD p. aD
692 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



Fig. 17 - 28 Variables in the analysis of gas ingestion.

Note that the parameters containing g are neither zero nor infinity
for the restart period, When a small thrust is being applied for
propellant settling. It is feasible, therefore, to conduct tests at
any value of g as long as the dimensionless groups can be scaled.
Accordingly, the test program was conducted at standard earth-
gravity conditions.
Tests to determine the nature and magnitude of gas ingestion
were conducted with geometrically scaled models of 1/2-, 1-, 2-,
and 4-inch diameters. It was necessary to use small models in
order to obtain Froude number simulation at 1 g of expected space-
craft conditions. Tests were conducted by filling the model to the
desired height h o, as shown in Fig. 17-29, then increasing the
pressure to a predetermined value. The high-speed motion-picture
camera was started, and the outflow valve was opened, allowing the
tank to drain. Gas-ingestion heights were determined from an
analysis of the film.
Excellent correlation of test data was obtained for models with
a flat bottom, as shown in Fig. 17-30. The line drawn through
Zero g Propulsion Problems 693


___ J__ __ __

Fig. 17 - 29 Configuration for gas-ingestion tests.

the data is the empirical function:

[ 3( 2)O.2~
~ = 0.43 tanh L ~d J (17-60)
0.5 ~

Ie 0 ::tl
Vl- 0 Q
<c.c ~
(!) ....: ~

Vl :::I: B 2 20.0 WATER


Vl (!)
0 2 10.0 WATER
~LU ~
VI 2 3.2 WATER
Oz i
- 0
Vl_ <i> ~
2 20.0 HEXANE
LU Vl ~ C"
~LU 2 3.2 HEXANE ~

1 16. 7 WATER ~
C E 10-2
1 10.0 WATER ~

y 1 3.2 WATER
10- 2 10-1 1 10 10 2
Fig. 1730 Correlation of results of gas-ingestion tests.
Zero g Propulsion Problems 695

The quantity V 2/gd will be recognized as a form of the Froude

number. For very large values of V 2/gd. the dimensionless gas-
ingestion height hiD is constant. The data shown in Fig. 17-30
were obtained with 1- and 2-inch-diameter flat-bottom models.
Where optical distortion was not excessive, data obtained from
hemispherical-bottom tanks of 1-, 2-, and 4-inch diameters agreed
reasonably well with the data in Fig. 17-30. However, these points
were omitted from the correlation because optical distortion errors
were quite large for the smaller values of hiD.
Tests were also conducted with smaller models (to decrease
the Bond number) and with viscous liquids (glycerol and glycerol-
water mixtures) to determine the dependence of the gas-ingestion
height on the Bond and Reynolds numbers. It was found that there
was no dependence on the Bond number and therefore no surface-
tension effects when the Bond number was greater than 100. No
effect was found for the ratio of initial height to tank diameter,

[17 - 6.4] Analytical Considerations of Gas Ingestion

It is interesting to point out possible theoretical approaches

to the gas-ingestion problem and a few Significant results. Of
course, the problem has not been solved exactly, but some head-
way can be gained by making various gross assumptions. For
example, if the liquid is assumed to be inviscid. incompressible,
and initially irrotational, the governing equations can be readily
written in terms of the potential function . Based on the geom-
etry and nomenclature of Fig. 17-31, these equations are as

Laplace's equation for axisymmetric condition in cylindrical


a2 1 a a 2
=-+--+- o (17-61)
ar2 r ar ay2

= velocity potential

Boundary conditions
(1) a = 0 at wall (17-62)
n = normal direction to the wall
(2) a = v at outlet (17-63)
696 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

----- D ---to-t

Fig. 17 - 31 Theoretical Formulation of gas-ingestion problem.

v = outlet velocity

(3) a _ ~ Q2 _ g 0 + ~ (~ + ~) C (0 at free surface (17-64)

at 2 p Rl R2
Q = velocity at any p:>int
C) = constant that may change with time but not with p:>sition
R l' R 2= orthogonal radii of curvature at any p:>int on the
Boundary condition 3 is the integrated form of Bernouli's
equation for unsteady, incompressible flow and is nonlinear. It
is the forcing function in the problem. To the author's knowledge,
no solution for this problem that retains the nonlinear terms has
been obtained. Linearized solutions have been obtained but they
are only of academic value, since the only case of practical
interest (h max in Fig. 17-28) is highly nonlinear.
When the third boundary condition or surface condition is non-
dimensionalized by the substitutions

, 0 , R 12
Q' - ~ o = -, R12 = '
- V' D . D

Zero g Propulsion Problems 697


v = average velocity of the interface

the Froude and Bond numbers result as parameters in Eq. (17-64):

(:~ R\)
_ ~ Q'2 __8_'_ + _ _ _ __ c'{t').
at' 2 (~;) (~;) ~g:2)
Froude Froude Bond

Since these parameters appear in the denominator, their influence

approaches zero when their values are very high. This diminishing
influence was noted from the test results, where the gas-ingestion
height became asymptotic to a constant value for high values of the
Froude number. Similarly, no Bond number effect was noted for
Bond numbers above 100.
Solutions are available for the flow of liquid from a tank with
an outlet constriction when the free-surface condition is omitted
[11]. Figure 17-32a illustrates the streamlines and representative
velocities for such a solution. If an imaginary interface is defined
at a considerable distance from the outlet and the progress of this
interface is followed as it moves toward the outlet, distortion will
occur. Figure 17-32b shows such a quasi-steady-state solution
and can be imagined to be ingestion of a second liquid during feed-
out of the first liquid. It was found for the ratio Old = 10 that the
height of the interface at the wall when the surface entered the
outlet was equal to 0.34 of the tank diameter. This is a lower
value than the constant of 0.43 obtained from the experimental
results for large values of the Froude number.


It was shown earlier (Section 17-5.2) that a pressure differential

exists across a curved liquid-gas interface due to the effects of
surface tension. Such pressure differential can be utilized in a
passive control system to position liquid propellant at the outlet
end of the tank, by partitioning the tank into two or more compart-
ments through the use of capillary barriers (Fig. 17-33). The
capillary barrier may be a woven screen, perforated plate, or
porous membrane. Its important property is that a curved interface
or bubble will be formed as gas begins to pass through any small
opening which is initially wet. Under the low-g conditions, the
pressure differential thus created across the liquid-gas interface


1.001 I I 11.00 ~
~ ~
0.99 .01 ALONG u

0.80~ \ \ \ \ -11.80 ~
~ 2.0 .
0' =1174.0 .....
00 ;:l,

.Q. '1;j
2 ~
... ,

Fig. 17-32 Solution for gas ingestion without free-surface condition <DId = 10); (a)
streamlines and velocities for steady-flow; (b) liquid surface configurations.
Zero g Propulsion Problems 699

Fig. 17 - 33 Capillary-barrier positioning.

will prevent the passage of the gas into the liquid; consequently,
displacement of liquid from the outlet compartment is prevented.
Although the interchange of liquid and gas that would occur
during spacecraft coast is prevented, this barrier offers little
resistance to the flow of propellant during engine operation.

[17 -7.1] Static Stability

The first step in determining design parameters for capillary

barriers is to consider criteria for static stability. Figure 17-34
illustrates the principle by which a capillary barrier may poSition
liquid in an adverse g-field. The pressure differential across any
liquid-gas interface due to the presence of a barrier is a function
700 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Protyulsion

T h

Fig. 17 - 34 Capillary barrier in static equilibrium.

of the interface curvature and is given by the capillary pressure

equation, Eq. (17-22):

M' = u(""!" + -1..). (17-67)

Rl R2
From hydrostatic considerations, the pressure of the liquid at any
point is given by

For static equilibrium, the capillary pressure difference at the

uppermost opening must exactly equal the difference in pressure
between gas and liquid at that point. Thus,

+ ~)
= pgh. (17-69)

For a circular opening, the curvature of the interface reaches a

maximum and, consequently, the pressure differential reaches a
maximum when the radius of curvature of the interface equals the
radius of the opening:
2u 4u
Zero g Propulsion Problems 701

For noncircular openings, the maximum pressure differential can

usually be expressed by
a x perimeter
~(max) (17-71)
As the free surface is approached (Fig. 17-34). the radius of
curvature of the interface increases from the minimum value
associated with maximum pressure differential to infinity at the
free surface. The static stability criterion for a barrier with
circular openings is pgh ~ 4 ald. When this expression is nondimen-
sionalized into a Bond number. the stability criterion becomes
Bond number ~ pghd ~ 4. (17-72)

The above discussion assumes that the liquid wets the barrier.
If the liquid-solid contact angle is 90 degrees (Fig. 17-8). the
barrier resists passage of both liquid and gas. If the contact
angle should approach 180 degrees, there would be no resistance
to passage of the gas. In the practical case of rocket propellants
having a contact angle that approaches zero. the barrier offers
resistance to gas only.

[17-7.2] Dynamic Stability

When a tank with a capillary-barrier partiti9n is suddenly dis-

turbed, and an acceleration component along the barrier results.
there will be a motion of the liquid with respect to the tank during
the period when the curved gas-liquid interface is developing.
Therefore, the pressure across the curved interface required to
prevent the passage of gas will include (1) that required to arrest
the motion of the liquid and (2) the instantaneous hydrostatic pres-
sure due to the acceleration. On the other hand, it is possible for
the disturbance to be such that only the momentum of the liquid
acts to cause gas to penetrate the barrier. The barrier is said to
be stable if gas penetration is prevented. Thus, the liquid will
remain poSitioned within the compartment after an infinite number
of disturbances, provided the disturbances do not cause instability.
A spacecraft perturbation that may act to cause instability of a
capillary-barrier results from normal pitch or yaw attitude cor-
rections. To evaluate this condition. a test program was conducted
on the stability of capillary-barrier partitions in cylindrical tanks
being subjected to angular disturbances [12]. Two disturbance
modes were considered: angular acceleration and angular velocity.
Angular. rather than linear disturbances. are important in space-
craft design.
The angular acceleration mode of disturbance refers to the
presence of acceleration at the time the capillary interface is
702 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

acting to arrest the motion of the liquid relative to the barrier.

This type of loading of the barrier is likely to occur when the
liquid-gas interface is initially formed at the barrier, as shown
in Fig. 17-35. This initial condition does not require that the re-
maining propellant be exactly sufficient to fill the compartment
below the barrier; rather, it implies that the liquid above the
barrier has for some reason been relocated away from it. If
instability does not occur, the tank displacement will be very
small (on the order of the opening diameter) when the relative
liquid motion is arrested by the capillary action. Normally, the
torque used to rotate the vehicle will be applied in a short pulse,
but the pulse is likely to continue throughout this small displacement.
Based on the nomenclature of Fig. 17-35, the dimensionless
parameters of interest found in the dimensional analysis are
as follows:

hiD height of protected compartment/tank diameter

LID distance between barrier and center of rotation/tank
diD opening diameter/tank diameter

p8LDdia rotational Bond number, where f} L is the local


ambient Bond number

Op openness ratio of barrier, i.e., ratio of open area

to total area
pf} L DIp. Reynolds number

stability criterion, i.e., stable or unstable.

For the zero- or low-g spacecraft condition, the ambient Bond

number is approximately zero. It is necessary, therefore, that
tests be conducted in a low-g environment. The desired correla-
tion is:

To attain a very low-g condition, tests were conducted in a drop

tower and in KC-135 aircraft. Test variables included model size,
Zero g Propulsion Problems 703

t 19
____ ij, iJ

Fig. 17 - 35 Variables for barrier dynamic stability analysis: angular acceleration distur-
bance mode.

liquid properties, magnitude of angular acceleration, location of

barrier and axis of rotation, and opening size and openness ratio
of the barrier. Diameters of the models were 3 and 5 inches; the
openness ratio of the barrier varied from 0.1 to 0.46 inch; diam-
eter of the openings ranged from 0.020 to 0.060 inch.
The test model, with barrier installed, was filled to the barrier
level. After the low-g condition had been established, the model
tank was rotated using a fairly constant torque. Instrumentation
consisted of a 16-mm high-speed motion-picture camera. Figure
17-36 shows the test arrangement.
The test results obtained are insufficient for determining the
functional dependence of barrier stability on the various dimen-
sionless parameters. Figure 17-37 shows the test data in terms
of stability versus the rotational Bond number. Test conditions
represented are as follows:
704 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


Fig. 17 - 36 Configuration for barrier dynamic stability tests: angular acceleration.


0.4 < !!. < 0.85

1.0 < - < 2.0
0.1 < Op < 0.46.

The kinematic viscosity III p was kept small in the tests to

minimize the effects of viscosity.
Zero g Propulsion Problems 705


oI 00

0000 0 0

0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000

Le Dd
Fig. 17 - 37 Results of barrier dynamic stability tests: angular acceleration.

From these test results and limited analysis, it is believed

that the rotational Bond number, hiD, and LID are the significant
parameters. The rotational Bond number can be compared directly
with the static Bond number by equating (j L with g. It appears
obvious from Fig. 17-37 that the barrier is considerably less
stable under dynamic disturbances than is indicated by the critical
Bond number of 4 obtained in the steady-state analysis.
A different type of dynamic behavior results when a significant
quantity of liquid is positioned just above the barrier at the time
of rotation. In this case, the tank attains a steady angular velocity
before the liquid-gas interface approaches the barrier. Angular
acceleration is approximately zero, and only the momentum of the
liquid beneath the barrier now acts to cause instability, drawing
gas into the compartment below the barrier. This disturbance mode
is referred to as angular velocity.
Tests were also conducted to determine the stability character-
istics of capillary barriers during this type of disturbance [12].
Dimensional analysis was again employed to determine the dimen-
Sionless parameters of interest. Based on the nomenclature given
in Fig. 17-38, these parameters are as follows:

hiD geometric ratio: depth of liquid beneath barrier/tank

LID = distance between axis of rotation and barrier/tank
706 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

diD = opening diameter/tank diameter

p02 D3/a = rotational Weber number

pgD 21a = ambient Bond number
Op = openness ratio of barrier, i.e., ratio of open area to
total area

p(J L DIII = Reynolds number

holD = initial level/tank diameter

I. = stability criterion.
In this case, a rotational Weber number is obtained instead of a
rotational Bond number. The choice of this form of the Weber
number is based on analytical results, which will be discussed

L= STABllITY ' .

Fig. 1738 Variables for barrier dynamic stability analysis: angular velocity disturbance
Zero g P'ropulsion Problems 707

An ambient Bond number again results, indicating that the test

must be performed at near zero gravity. The functional relation-
ships can be written as follows:

L: = f (pe 20 3 Op pe L 0 !!.- ~ i hO) when pg02 = 0

a ' , Il ' 0 ' 0' 0' 0 ' a .

Figure 17-39 illustrates a typical test configuration, showing

the initial level of the liquid-gas interface and its subsequent motion.
The acceleration has terminated before the interface reaches the
barrier. If instability occurs, it results from the momentum of
the liquid below the barrier, as illustrated.



Fig. 17 - 39 Configuration for barrier dynamic stability tests: angular velocity.

The tests, which were Similar to those for angular acceleration,

were conducted at near zero g in a drop tower and KC-135 air-
craft. The duration of the angular acceleration was kept short,
approximating an impulsive disturbance.
708 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Results of the test program [12] are shown in Fig. 17-40. Data
points are plotted as stable and unstable on a graph showing open-
ness ratio versus a normalized Weber number. The normalized
W:eber number is found by dividing the test Weber number,
pe 2 R 3l a , by an analytically determined critical Weber number for
a barrier with no blockage, i~e., Op -> 1. Values for Wee are given
as a function of L IR and hlR (Fig. 17-41). In Fig. 17-41, the
parameter hlR is important only for small values, which suggests
that the shape of the tank bottom is important only when hlR is
Since the inertial effect of the liquid in motion acts to overcome
the surface-tension forces, the Weber number, a ratio of inertial
to surface forces, is expected to be important. The openness ratio
is important, as it is related to the blockage of the barrier and,
consequently, to the flow velocity which develops below the barrier.
The geometric ratios hiD and LID have been determined to be
important from theory, and their effects are incorporated into the
normalization procedure for the Weber number.
The ambient Bond number was kept approximately at zero to
simulate the spacecraft environment. Theory indicates that the
diameter of the barrier opening is not important, and no diameter
effect was found in the test results when the hole diameter was
varied by a factor of three. To avoid viscous effects, the rotational
Reynolds number was kept large in the tests. Since blockage acts
to reduce the energy beneath the barrier, the greater the amount
of liquid which must flow through the barrier, the greater would
be the expected energy diSSipation and thus the damping. There-
fore, the ratio holD was kept small to obtain the worst-case
condition, but large enough to obtain zero rotational acceleration
for a finite angular veloCity.
In attacking the problem theoretically, use was made of dimen-
sional analysis. It. is expected that the Weber number and the
ratios h IR and L IR will be important parameters in the deter-
mination of barrier stability for the angular velocity disturbance.
In Fig. 17-41 are the results of an analysis which was conducted
in conjunction with the above test program to evaluate the im-
portance of these parameters.
The problem assumes a barrier with negligible blockage
(Qp -> 1) that partitions a circular cylinder with a flat bottom. The
zero-blockage condition does not imply that the openings are ex-
cessively large, and a woven screen with infinitely small wires,
compared with their spacing, would approximate this requirement.
The procedure for determining the value of the critical Weber
number is as follows. First, using the inviscid potential-flow
theory, the flow field resulting from tank rotation is determined,
ignoring entirely the presence of the barrier. Second, a flow field
is determined for the liquid below the barrier, assuming total
blockage. It is hypothesized that the first flow field represents
1.0 tr- ___
--- I
-- -- --
-- -- --'"
0.3 - c o
0 ..........


V'l o 0 1' . . . . ,
0.2 l-
V'l ~
:z ~
0 O. 1

I I I I o~
0.04 ....
1 4 10 20 40 70 100 200 400 1000 t':)


Fig. 17 - 40 Results of barrier dynamic stability tests: angular velocity.
AX IS OF ;:::!


0.2 ~
20 I- ~
0.7 ......
4 ~ 1\ .,4Ur
10 I ~ I? I r I
Op -1
4~ II I II 111I I V/Y//I h ii

~ Ci'

R \1 \ ID=2R~iJ ~
l r \ ~ \\ \'l\ ~
0.4 (')

0.1 l,__________-L______-1____JL__~~.~~~1h.J,~---l~'h~~~--~3W~-----L~1h~-;~1h~__~~('h~--~~1h~~Ch~----~ ~
0.01 0.04 0.1 0.4 1 4 10 40 100 CIl

Fig. 17 - 41 Solution for critical Weber number (openness ratio of 1l.

Zero g Propulsion Problems 711

the liquid motion before any capillary pressure is developed at the

barrier, and the second represents the flow after capillary forces
have directed the flow to prevent the passage of gas. Then, assum-
ing a barrier opening near the edge, the change in the value of the
flow potential <P from the first to the second condition can be
equated with the action of the capillary pressure to modify the
flow potential, i.e.,

-=- dt
<P2 - <PI =
/ (17-75)
1 p

where Pc is the pressure across the barrier and varies With the
development of the gas-liquid interface. This equation will be
recognized as a Simplification of the integrated unsteady Bernoulli
equation. The final expression for the critical Weber number is
as follows:

+ ~

L: e.n J
(f/-1)JI<f )
(0.95 f n )
('f h)
tanh ~ cosh (.05
f )-
sinh (,05 f, )


f the nth root of the equation ~ J I ifr) = 0

dr \R
r =R
JI the Bessel function of the first kind and of the order 1.

It is of interest to note that this result is independent of opening

size. It was necessary, however, to assume that the capillary
pressure was sufficiently great, or the opening size suffiCiently
small, to dominate the velOCity-squared term, which was then
eliminated from the Bernoulli equation.
In addition to the stability considerations just reviewed, a few
comments are in order for the application of capillary barriers.
While it is desirable to design each barrier to be stable for the
expected spacecraft conditions, the use of multiple barriers to
provide redundancy will greatly minimize the effect of unexpected
712 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric ProjYulsion

disturbances. A number of tests have been conducted to determine

the improvement in performance of multiple-barrier configurations
over a single barrier. The results indicate that system reliability
is greatly enhanced by the use of a multiple-partition configuration.
To control propellant position in the main propulsion system, it
may be possible to design a barrier that will be purged of bubbles
accumulated during engine operation by barrier tilting, as in a
conical configuration. Bubbles which may have accumulated below
the barrier will be collected and purged through when the hydro-
static pressure of the collected bubble is high enough to overcome
the reSisting capillary pressure. The size of the openings and
tilt angle must be such that the barrier is unstable during engine
firing but stable during coast.
Although the requirements for controlling propellant slosh have
not been discussed in this chapter, it is sufficient to say that
capillary multiple-barrier installations will effectively control
slosh. It should also be noted that the compartment nearest the
tank outlet should be designed so that it remains filled, up to and
including the last restart. For redundancy, it is desirable that at
least the last two barriers have a combined volume less than that
required to store propellant for the last restart.
Since the capillary barrier is usually fabricated from metal
and requires no moving parts, it offers an advantage over non-
metallic devices in being readily sterilizable. During propellant
loading, the screens must be kept dry to prevent accumulation of
bubbles. In a particular design, before the final configuration is
chosen, many factors must be conSidered, such as weight, com-
plexity, mounting provisions, and operational requirements.


An interesting problem arising from the random location of

propellant in a tank is propellant gauging. Conventional gauging
systems depend on the predictability of the location and configura-
tion of the liquid in the tank and are generally not applicable to a
zero-g environment. Five concepts are discussed in the following
paragraphs for determining propellant quantity under zero-g
Capacitance gauging systems are commonly used to measure
dielectric liquid quantity. Such systems are inherently position-
sensitive, but, by the use of a large number of electrodes that
measure the capacitance across various cross sections of the
tank (Fig. 17-42), an accurate determination of quantity can be
made. Almost all storable propellants are conductors; liquid
oxygen and liquid hydrogen are good dielectrics.
A similar scheme, which is applicable to all propellants, is
based on nuclear prinCiples. A large number of radiation sources

Fig. 17 - 42 Gauging concept using C'1q
multiple-capacitance measurements Fig. 17 - 43 Radiation gauging system
for dielectric propellants. using multiple sources and detectors. Fig. 17 - 44 Zero-g gauging system
using radioactive tracer gas. cl


Fig. 17 - 46 Quantity gauging using position

transducer with bellows.
Fig. 17 - 45 PVT (pressure, volume, tem- ;:j
perature) gauging concept. CA,)
714 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

are positioned around the tank (Fig. 17-43), and radiation detectors
are placed opposite the sources to measure the absorption of the
nuclear energy by the propellant. A properly characterized sum-
mation of the readings of the sensors can be used to determine
propellant quantity. Again, sensitivity to poSition is inherent, but
it is minimized by the averaging of many measurements.
Another method that uses radioactivity is based on the dilution
of a radioactive tracer gas (Fig. 17-44). A known quantity of this
gas is loaded into the propellant tank, and a sampling system meas-
ures the concentration of this gas in the tank ullage volume. As the
propellant quantity decreases, the ullage volume increases, and the
tracer gas is diluted. The quantity of propellant remaining can be
computed from the measured concentration of the tracer gas. This
system is inherently insensitive to liquid position.
A simple scheme for determining propellant quantity is based
on the ideal gas law and is referred to as a PVT (pressure, volume,
temperature) system (Fig. 17-45). With this system, it is assumed
that the total mass of the pressurant gas is conserved. By meas-
uring the pressure and temperature of the gas in the pressurant
tank, the volume of which is known, the corresponding mass of the
gas can be determined. Subtracting this value of the mass from
the total mass of the pressurant gives the amount of pressurant
in the propellant tank. By measuring the pressure and temperature
of the gas in the propellant, its mass being known, the volume of
the gas can be determined. Finally, subtracting this volume from
the tank volume, which is known, provides the volume of the pro-
pellant remaining. Accuracy can be improved by accounting for
the vapor pressure of the liqUid. This system is also inherently
insensitive to liquid poSition. It has been used in both the Gemini
and Apollo spacecraft.
When propellant is contained in a variable-volume bellows, its
volume becomes a function of the poSition of the bellows. By in-
corporating a poSition detector and readout device (Fig. 17-46), a
very simple gauging system is obtained. However, this system is
relatively heavy.
Of the five methods discussed, three measure liquid quantity
and two measure gas quantity. The liquid-gauging sytems, except
the bellows method, require multiple measurements and averaging
of results, presenting a reliability problem. The primary problem
of gas-gauging systems is that leakage of gas strongly affects the
results and is an unknown factor during flight.


The hydrostatics of a zero-g environment are amenable to

theoretical treatment, and fairly rigorous solutions are available.
It can be shown, using the minimum-energy prinCiple, that the
Zero g Propulsion Problems 715

contact angle of a given liquid-solid combination is constant and

independent of gravity and that, if a bubble exists in zero g, its
shape is spherical. For most propellants in metal containers,
it can be assumed that the contact angle is zero, considerably
simplifying analysis.
Unfortunately, practical hydrodynamics problems are not sub-
missive to theory. Many of the practical problems of propellant
management in a weightless environment must be solved empiri-
cally. Even in areas where analytical solutions are possible, the
results must be checked against experimental data to verify the
accuracy of the analytical approach. Some modes of propellant
behavior at low gravity can be adequately investigated with tests
at earth-gravity conditions, e.g., propellant settling and gas in-
gestion. Indeed, in many cases, the reduction of model size requires
an increase of the applied thrust or g, with the result that the test
is better scaled at 1 g than at a very low-g environment. Accord-
ingly, experimental procedures and results have been emphasized
in this discussion, with particular attention given the use of di-
mensional analysis in planning meaningful tests.
Limited data are presented for predicting propellant slosh
precipitated by spacecraft attitude change or engine cutoff. The
problem of propellant slosh leads to a discussion of controlling
propellant position. While several approaches are mentioned,
only two have been used in actual spacecraft design: propellant
settling using external thrusters to create artificial gravity and
passive systems employing capillary barriers.
The problem of propellant settling by auxiliary thrusting can
be conveniently divided into three parts. The first task is to deter-
mine the minimum thrust, or settling acceleration, to overcome
capillary stability and initiate settling. The second requirement
is to determine the manner and rate at which the liquid flows from
the top of the tank into the outlet end. The third part of the problem
is to determine the time required for the propellant to become
sufficiently stilled and bubble-free to ensure engine restart.
For the case where the contact angle is zero, the interface is
statically stable as long as the Bond number is below the critical
value of 0.84. For the dynamic problems, the techniques of
dimensional analysis are used to design meaningful experiments.
Correlation of test results gives necessary design information in
the form of the dimensionless parameters: Bond number, Froude
number, and Reynolds number. When the Bond number is greater
than 10 and the Reynolds number greater than 50, the Froude
number can be assumed to be the constant value of 0.48 for esti-
mating the interface-rise velocity. Propellant accumulation can
be predicted by defining the number of dimensionless time units
or number of free-fall periods required for settling. Experiments
show that a conservative value of five dimensionless time units
can be used for design purposes. In order to expend the least
716 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

amount of propellant for settling, the lowest possible value of thrust

(settling acceleration) should be used, provided capillary restric-
tion does not occur (Bond number greater than 10). This result is
significant in the design of auxiliary thrust systems and cannot be
predicted intuitively.
A correlating problem associated with propellant settling by
thrusting is gas ingestion. Again, design information must be ob-
tained experimentally, although some theoretical results are avail-
able. Both theory and experiment indicate that with suffiCiently
large values for the Froude and Bond numbers, their influence on
the gas-ingestion height approaches zero. Experiment indicates
that for large values of Froude and Bond numbers, typical of space-
craft applications, the dimensionless gas-ingestion height is 0.43.
The second, or passive, approach to propellant settling involving
capillary barriers is again attacked by theory and experiment for
both the static and dynamic conditions. Theory indicates that static
stability exists when the Bond number is equal to or less than 4 for
liqUid-solid combinations where the contact angle is zero. Two
dynamic-stability modes were considered experimentally: distur-
bances precipitated by angular acceleration and by angular velocity.
The angular-acceleration mode of disturbance refers to the presence
of acceleration at the time the capillary interface is acting to arrest
the mode of the liquid relative to the barrier. The angular-velocity
disturbances mode occurs when a significant quantity of liquid is
positioned just above the barrier at the time of rotation; the tank
attains a steady angular velocity before the gas-liquid interface
approaches the barrier. Stability regions are defined again as a
function of dimensionless parameters from limited experimental
data. For the dynamic cases, the effective Bond number at which
instability occurs is reduced considerably below the value of 4
associated with static stability.
The correlation and Significance of key dimensionless ratios
for the many tests performed are shown in Table 17-1. Of the
Bond, Weber, and Froude numbers, only two are independent; the
third can be obtained as a product or ratio of the other two. The
Bond number is the controlling parameter for capillary problems.
The Weber number, the ratio of inertial forces to capillary forces,
is important in the angular-velocity mode of capillary propellant
stability. The Froude number, which relates inertial forces to
gravity forces, is important in propellant settling and gas ingestion.
The Reynolds number is a measure of the relative importance of
viscous effects. This parameter is particularly important in the
accumulation aspects of the propellant-settling problem when
thrusters are used to provide artificial gravity.
Although limited information has been obtained by suitable
application of theory and experiment, many aspects of the behavior
of propellants in a zero-g environment are not well understood. In
this chapter, the problem of predicting that behavior has been
Zero g Propulsion Problems 717

Table 17 -1 Importance of Dimensionless Parameters

Bond No. Weber No. Froude No. Reynolds No.
Problem pg L2 p;2 L V2 pVL
gL !J.

Static Configurations Significant 0 0

Capillary Stability Significant 0 0
Gas Interface Velocity Significant Significant Minor
Accumulation (Settling) Significant Significant Significant
Gas Ingestion Minor Significant Minor
Barrier Stability
(StatiC> Significant 0 0
Barrier Stability
(Angular Acceleration) Significant* Minor Uncertain
Barrier Stability
(Angular Velocity) 0 Significant** Uncertain

. Bond Number.

2 3
**Rotational Weber Number. pf) D

Note: Weber and Froude Numbers are independent.

attacked from the standpoint of applicability to practical design

problems, specifically to summarize what is known in this field
and to provide the designer with some useful tools. However, the
field is very fertile for new approaches, expecially in the theoreti-
cal area. Propellants in a zero-g environment provide an unusual
coupling of intermolecular and inertial forces, and the basic
understanding of fluid mechanics can be significantly improved by
advances in this area.


The equation of motion for incompressible inviscid flow in the
partially filled cylindrical container shown in Fig. 17-47 can be
expressed in terms of the velocity potential as

or for the cylindrical coordinate system used here:

718 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Fig. 17 - 47 Geometry for analysis of slosh frequency.

It should be remembered that

U \J
where u is the velocity at any point.
The boundary condition on the cylindrical surface r = R and on
the tank bottom Z = 0 is that the velocity perpendicular to the wall
must be zero. Hence
Ur = 0 at r = R
U z =
=0 at Z = 0

where ur is the radial component of ~ and Uz i8 the axial of ~_

Two conditions must be satisfied on the free surface TJ {r, (J, t l.
The first of these is the kinematic condition that any point on the
surface moves with the surface. Thus
aTJ + U aTJ + ue aTJ
r ar .. usurface (17-79a)
at r de
Zero g Propulsion Problems 719

The second condition is Bernoulli's equation for unsteady flow for

a surface on which surface-tension effects are important. This
condition may be expressed as

a 1 (- -)
-+-'lJ.'IJ +
P - P a +gTf=O
~ 2 p

where the terms are to be evaluated at the surface.

These equations can be simplified for the special case of small-
amplitude disturbances. The relationship between the ambient pres-
sure P a and the pressure in the liquid at the surface P is given by

(~ a2f/)t
P _ Pa = a
a Ir aTf)J +
ar \ ar ~ r2 a( 2 )

The terms in the bracket are approximations of the reciprocals of

the local radii of curvature for the surface Tf Ir, e, t I and are correct
when the displacement approaches zero. In addition, when Tf h, it
can be shown that Eqs. (17-79a) and (17-79b) reduce to
aTf a
at az


where the terms are to be evaluated atthe surface, and Eq. (17-80)
has been used to eliminate the pressure change across the surface
layer. The surface displacement can be eliminated from Eqs.
(17-81) and (17-82) inthefollowingmanner. TakealaZ of Eq.(17-81)
and a/at of Eq. (17-82) and eliminate all terms in Tf. This gives

When Eq. (17-77) is used to eliminate the terms in the bracket, the
resultant equation becomes

a 2 a a a3
- = -g - - -- at Z = h. (17-83)
at 2 az p az 3

This equation can be satisfied at h rather than at Tf + h because of

our assumption that Tf h.
Solutions to Eq. (17-77), subject to boundary conditions imposed
on Eq. (17-78) and (17-83), can be found by a straightforward
720 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

application of the technique of separation of variables, and a

particular solution is

e iwt <flIT, e, Z! (17-84)



Here ';1 is fixed by the condition that

aJ 1
- = 0 (17-86)
aT r=R

and J 1 is the Bessel function of the first kind of order 1. Eqs.

(17-84), (17-85), and (17-86) satisfy Eq. (17-77) and conditions
imposed on Eq. (17-78). In order to satisfy Eq. (17-83), w must
take on a particular value which is the natural frequency of the
system. It is found by substituting Eq. (17-84) into Eq. (17-83)
and is given by


For the form picked in Eqs. (17-84) and (17-85), the value of w
given in Eq. (17-87) corresponds to the frequency of the first mode
of the slosh wave. Note that lO is a constant given by the condition
in Eq. (17-86) and is about 1.84. If h > R , the hyperbolic tangent
term approaches unity, and Eq. (17-87) Simplifies to

w (17-88)

Thus, the natural angular frequency of slosh is fixed by accel-

eration g and radius of the tank R and further modified by surface
Zero g Propulsion Problems 721

tension, the bracketed term. This term will change the frequency
by less than five percent as long as



When liquid is accumulated at one end of a cylindrical container,
such as a propellant tank, and an acceleration is applied to move
the liquid to the other end of the tank, as in a spacecraft settling
maneuver, the liquid will flow along the tank walls. The steady-
state velocity of the interface motion VI [8] is




f (8) 1 - {OB804)4.7
\ = Bond number function


Bo =

The volumetric flow rate Q past any level Yl varies with that
level'S distance L from the nose of the interface (Fig. 17-48). This
flow rate can be derived from the interface velocity if the following
assumptions are made [13]:

(1) All liquid below the interface nose Yz moves in the Y direc-

t =
tion according to the free-fall equation V = gt. For any particle,
when that particle is at the level of the nose of the interface.
(2) Horizontal velocities can be neglected.

Both assumptions are equivalent to a simplification of the flow that

takes place in the vicinity of the nose of the interface. The result
of this simplification is to give the instantaneous flow rate at some
level other than at L below the interface. The error in L is thought
722 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

to be less than one radius, and the calculated flow rate will occur
below the level at which the calculations are based.

L Yo--

Y1---1 1A---- d - - - - 0

. - - - - D----~
Fig. 17 - 48 Geometry for analysis of flow rate.

The derivation proceeds as follows, with dimensions as shown

in Fig. 17-48:

Yo level of the interface at t = 0

1 2
Yo - Yl = - gt (17-91)

Y2 - Yo = VI t (17-92)
Zero g Propulsion Problems 723

L (17-93a)

1 2
- gt + VI t - L = 0 (17-93b)

(- VI + Vv/ + 2gL) (17-94)

t =

(The other solution (- V) results in a negative time.)

If V L = velocity of the liquid at Yl' by the free-fall assumption,


A continuity equation can be written as follows, assuming that the

gas is moving at a constant velocity VI:

!4 7T d2 V
= !4 7T (02 _ d 2 ) V



The volumetric flow rate Q can be written


where AL is the cross-sectional area of liquid at Y 1. Thus

AL =
- 7T (0
- d 2). (17-100)

Substituting Eq. (17-98) into Eq. (17-100) gives


and substituting Eqs. (17-95) and (17-101) into Eq. (17-99) gives

Q = 7T (D)2 (1 -
Vv/ + 2gL - VI) VVI (2 + 2g L - VI)\ (17-102)
2 Vv/ + 2gL
724 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Q (17-103)

or, substituting for the interface velocity in the fraction and elimi-
nating g gives

[1 _
0.48 Bo) -
~~ [0.48 (<Bo~2 + 2L


a Acceleration
A Surface area of container
AL Cross-sectional area of liquid
a, a Exponents in Buckingham's pi development
b, b Exponents in Buckingham's pi development
Bo Bond number
c, c Exponents in Buckingham's pi development
c<t> Constant in Bernoulli's equation. which may change
with time but not with position
CF Reynolds number correction factor
d, d Exponents in Buckingham's pi development
d Outlet diameter
Diameter of gas-liquid interface
Opening diameter of capillary barrier
Tank diameter
Applied external force
Gravitational force of attraction
Force due to surface tension
Acceleration due to gravity or acceleration due to
externally applied force
G Universal gravitational constant
h Height
Gas-ingestion height
ho Initial height
i Imaginary coefficient <"-1)
lsp Specific impulse
J1 Bessel function of the first kind and of order 1
K Dimensionless constant
1 Length or distance
11' 12 Lines on surface element
Zero g Propulsion Problems 725

L Length or distance
L I, L2 Hydrostatic and capillary length terms in capillary rise
m Mass of smaller of two bodies
M Mass: basic unit; of larger of two bodies; of space
n Direction normal to wall
Op Openness ratio
P Pressure
t,p Differential pressure
PI' P 2 Regions within liquid
Pa Ambient pressure
P.E. Potential energy
PVT Pressure, volume, temperature
Q Volumetric flow rate
T Distance between two masses
Radial coordinate in cylindrical coordinate system
TO' TI Radii defined in Fig. 17-6
R Tank radius
R I, R2 Radii of curvature
s Distance
S.E. Surface energy
T, t Time
U Velocity
Ur Radial velocity
Uz Axial velocity
V Outlet velocity
V Volume
VI Interface velocity
VA Velocity of liquid
~e Weber number
Wp Flow rate of propellant to rocket engine
x, xl Functions designating surfaces
Y Function designating surface
Y Axial coordinate in cylindrical coordinate system
Y Arbitrary reference level
YO' YI' Y2 Vertical location of specific points
Z Vertical coordinate


c Critical
G Gas
L Liquid
726 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

LS Liquid-Solid
LV Liquid-Vapor
n Index of Series
VS Vapor-Solid
( )' Dimensionless


a, aI' a2 Angles
a Exponent in Buckingham's pi development
f3 Volume ratio, vapor/container
Degree of settling (arbitrary scale)
Exponent in Buckingham's pi development
y Surface energy per unit area
Exponent in Buckingham's pi development
8 Thickness of flowing liquid stream
Displacement of surface from average height
Exponent in Buckingham's pi development
7J Wave amplitude
8 Angular coordinate in cylindrical coordinate system
Contact angle
Angular position of tank
A Lagrange multiplier
p. Viscosity

en nth root of equation.!:... J 1 ~er)1 = 0

dr R. r=O

17 Dimensionless parameter in Buckingham's pi develop-

p Liquid density or difference in density between liquid
and gas
a Surface tension
I Stability criterion
T, Tl Angles
Dimensionless time
Angular cylindrical coordinate
Velocity potential
cI>(r, 8, Z) Potential function
t/I, t/I 1 Angles
(jJ Angular frequency
Yvs - hs
The quantity - - - -
Y Lv
Zero g Propulsion Problems 727

1. Li, Ta C.: Hydrostatics in various gravitational fields, J.
Chemistry and Physics, 36:9, May 1, 1962, pp. 2369, 2375.
2. Petrash, D.A., R.F. Zappa and E.W. otto: Experimental
study of the Effects of Weightlessness on the Configuration
of Mercury and Alcohol in Spherical Tanks TN D-1197,
NASA, 1962.
3. Satterlee, H.M. and W.C. Reynolds: The Dynamics of the
Free Liquid Surface in Cylindrical Containers Under strong
Capillary and Weak Gravity Conditions Technical Report
LG-2, stanford University, May 1, 1964.
4. Reynolds, J.M. and M. Hurwitz: Electrohydrodynamic Pro-
pellant management systems for cryogenic upper stages,
AIAA Paper No. 66-922, presented at AIAA Third Annual
Meeting, Boston, November 29, 1966.
5. Gluck, D.F. and J.P. Gille: Fluid mechanics of zero-g
propellant transfer in spacecraft propulsion systems, Trans-
actions oj the A.SM.E., J.EngineeringjorIndustry, Vol. 87,
Series B, No.1, February 1965.
6. Masica, W.J., D.A. Petrash, and E.W. otto: Hydrostatic
stability of the Liquid-Vapor Interface in a Gravitational
Field TN D-2267, NASA, 1964.
7. Masica, W.J., J.D. Derdul, and D.A. Petrash: Hydrostatic
Stability of the Liquid-Vapor Interface in a Low-Accelera-
tion Field TN D-2444, NASA, 1964.
8. Masica, W.J. and J. A. Salzman: AnExperimentalInvestigation
of the Dynamic Behavior of the Liquid-Vapor Interface Under
Adverse Low-Gravitational Conditions TM X -52095, NASA,
9. Zuko ski , E.E.: Influence of viscosity, surface tenSion, and
inclination angle on motion of long bubbles in closed tubes,
J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 25, Part 4, 1966, pp. 821-837.
10. O'Brien, J.P.: Test report, one 'g' tests to determine the
characteristics of retention screens, high 'g' slosh tests,
North American Aviation SPace Division LM 311-6009, July
11. Gluck, D.F., J.P. Gille, D.J. Simkin, and E.E. Zukoski:
Distortion of a free surface during tank discharge, J. SPace-
craft and Rockets, 3:11, November 1966, pp. 1961, 1962.
12. Gluck, D.F .et.al.: Hydrodynamic Stability of Capillary Barriers
for Spacecraft Propellant Position Control SID 66-1087,
North American Aviation Space Division, August 1966.
13. Gille, J.P.: North American Aviation, Inc., Internal Letter
#190-030-FSA65-036, May 18, 1965.
Propulsion Systems-Comparison and Evaluation
for Space Missions

K. A. Ehricke
Assistant Division Director,
Astrionics Autonetics Division,
North American Aviation, Inc.

[18.1] GOALS

Specification of the goals revolves around the three basic aspects

of quality, schedule and cost; quality and schedule are determined,
to a large degree, by mission requirement and vehicle/propulsion
capabilities; cost refers to initial investment (nonrecurring) outlays.
Figure 18-1 shows the principal steps in the comparative analysis,
where PS stands for propulsion system.
The basic and complex attributes usually of importance in com-
paring propulsion systems are listed in Tables 18-1 and 18-2,
respectively, where the vehicle mass groups referred to in Table
18-2 are defined in Table 18-3. The tie-up of basic and complex
quality attributes are shown in the logic diagram, Fig. 18-2.
These quality attributes are part of the criteria for the evaluation
process. The complete list of these criteria is presented in
Table 18-2. Numerical values attached to some or all of them
constitute the goals against which the competing systems can be


Basic and complex attributes are defined in Section 18-1, to-

gether with a definition of vehicle mass groups and the principal
relations between these parameters. On the basis of the terms
defined in Figs. 18-1 and 18-2, the mass ratio of a stage i is
defined as

1- A
= exp (~'!.-) exp (~) (13-1)
gIsp Isp

Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 729

Propulsion System (PS) _ Determination

of Basic Attributes

Mi ssi on
Analysis --------..1
PS-Vehicle Integration

Vehicle-Mission __--+_+ Determination of
Integration Complex Attributes



Fig. 18 -1 Principal steps in comparative analysis.

Table 18 -I Basic Attributes

Specific Impulse, I sp (sec)

Thrust, F Ubp)
Thrust-Dependent Scaling Coefficient, K f Ob/lbp)
Electric Power Dependent Scaling Coefficient, a Ob/ ekw)
Propellant-Dependent Scaling Coefficient, K p Ob/lb p )
Propellant Density, d p (mass/volume)
Propellant Procurement Cost, kp ($/lb p )
Inert Mass Procurement Cost, ki ($/lb i )
lb p = pound of thrust
lb p = pound of propellant = Ib30 for I-stage vehicle
lbi = pound of inert weight = Ib20 for l-stage vehicle

where T = /'"vlg defines a velocity equivalent term which is con-

venient because it has the same dimension as the specific impulse.
Based on the interdependence of velocity factor rll sp , mass
ratio fL, mass fraction x, gross (pay) load fraction A, propellant
fraction A, propellant mass factor p, and inert mass factor i, a
number of charts can be constructed which conveniently correlate
these propulsion system, vehicle and mission parameters and
permit rapid establishment of trends.
Mission ] - Ideal } <;::)

Req'mts. Velocity Propellant

Velocity c....
Fraction ~
Losses Specific
Propellant ~
Thrust Impulse Factor - - , . - - - - - . Logistic ~
Accel. Load Inert Mass Factor (1)
Factor . ~
Thrust ~
Scaling Coeff. ] - Mass
Fraction 2'
Propellant _ Propellant ~

Density Scaling Coeff. 0-


Propellant Propellant Related Transportation l:l

Procurement Cost Effectiveness Cost Effectiveness ~

Cost tr:1
Inert Mass I nert Mass Related .....
Procurement Cost Effectiveness
Cost ~
! Multiple Use
Number of Uses Multiple Use ~ Transportation ~.....
I nert Mass Related Cost Effectiveness ""'.
Refurbishment ~
------II Cost Eff'Ttiveness f

Fig. 18 - 2 LogiC diagram interrelating basic and complex quality attributes.

Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 731

Table 18-2 Complex Attributes

Propellant fraction, A 1 - exp(- rIIsp)(lbtllbA)

Mass fraction, x (1 + Kp + Krl[lbtlObp + lbi]
(1 + Kp + KtnO/A)-l
[1 + Kp + a (P/Flno/Arl for electrical spacecraft
(PIF = electrical power per lbp)

Gross load fraction, ,\

A x
Propellant mass factor, p A = (xlA) - 1 UbtllblO)

Inert mass factor, i = p(~ - 1) 1 - x

(xlA) _ 1 Obi /lb 10)

Logistic factor, L p + i Ub/lblO)

Propellant related cost effectiveness, Cp p kp ($/lblQ)
Inert mass related cost effectiveness, Ci i ki ($/lblO)
Transportation cost effectiveness, C 10 cp + ci ($/lblO)

Destination load cost effectiveness,

k12 operational load procurement cost ($/lb 12 )

k13 intransit load procurement cost ($/lb13)
The above values of ci, clQ, and cll are for single-use cases (i.e. "or"). For multiple
uses (+ or *):

Number of uses: N
Refurbishment cost between uses: S (in fractions of ci)

Multiple use inert mass related cost effectiveness: c i' += c i (~ + S*' +)

Multiple use transportation cost effectiveness, clO = cp + Ct'+
Ct'+ = either c1 or cj; the value of S must correspondingly be S* or S+, with S+ including
replacement of the non-reused hardware as well as refurbishment of the reusable hardware.
732 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Table 18- 3 Definition of Vehicle Mass Groups

Designation in Fraction of:
Absolute Initial Mass Gross Load Destination
Designation Mass Load Mass
of Vehicle
(m or w)

10 Gross Load (Gross Payload) mlO A 1.0 w

11 Destination load ml1 Al1 (Tll 1.0
12 Operational load m12 Al2 (T 12 wl2
13 Intransit load m13 Al3 (Tl3 wl3

20 Inert Mass m20 b

21 Thrust dependent m21 b21 i21 hI
22 Propellant dependent m22 b22 i22 h2
23 Other m23 b23 i23 h3

30 Propellant Mass m30 A p q

31 Fuel m31 A31 P31 q31
32 Oxidizer m32 A32 P32 q32
33 Expellant m33 A33 P33 q33
34 Auxiliary Fluids m34 A34 P34 q34

Single Stage: Net Mass mN = m20 + m30; Initial mass: mA = mN + mlO; Burn-out mass:
mB = m20 + mlO b = m20/mA; A = m30/mA; b + A + A 10 = 1.0; i = m20/
mlO; P= m30/mlO; j = iw q = pw
Multi-Stage: mAl = mNI + mN2 + ... + mlO; mA2 = mN2 + mN3 + ... + mlO; A I = mA2 =
(Stages 1, 2, mN2 +mn3 + ... +mlO b to , = (m20,1 +m20,2 + ... )/mAI; A tot = (m30,1 +
3 .. .> m30,2 + .. . )/mAI; i tot = i, + i2 + .. ; Ptot = PI + P 2 + ...

Figure 18-3 shows a universal vehicle-mission integration

chart which correlates Il, rlI sp, x and A. Two of these values must
be known to enter the chart, e.g., rlIsp and x. Moving from a given
value of rllsp down to intersection with the rlIsp versus Il curve
and turning left to the coordinate gives Il. Turning left or right to
the point of intersection with the given x-curve, and turning from
there down to the abscissa gives A.
Given combinations of vehicles and propulsion systems (PS)
are characterized by a more or less wide range of mass fractions
and specific impulses. By specifying T, each point on the rll sp
versus p. curve assumes a specific Isp value. Knowing the char-
acteristic upper and lower Isp value for the PS and the character-
istic upper and lower x value for the vehicle's propulsion module,
one can define an area in the universal vehicle-mission integration
chart which characterizes the particular vehicle- PS combination.
An example is shown in Fig. 18-4 for T = 930 sec., corresponding
to t1v = 30,000 ft/sec. The Isp values to which discrete points
on the rllsp versus Il curve now correspond are shown. These
Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 733

80 I-.:llo.---




02 . 03 . 04 05 . 06 . 08 . 1 .2 .3 .4.5.6 .8 1.0

Payload Fraction /I
Fig. 18 - 3 Universal vehicle/mission integration chart.

values correspond to a number of vehicle- PS combination


1. Solid propellants 250-300 sec.; x ;S, 0.98

2. Solid propellants 300-350 sec.; 0.96
3. 02/H2 400-450 sec.; 0.91-0.93
4. SCR 600-700 sec.; 0.84-0.88
5. GCR (Rocket) 1000-1500 sec.; 0.70-0.78
6. Airbreathing (Chemical) 1200-2000 sec.; 0.55-0.60
7. Nuclear Pulse 2000-3000 sec.; 0.50-0.60
734 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

r = 930 Sec
60 Corresponding to
50 t!.V = 30,000 FtlSec --+--+-+---1---1


~ 10~~~~~~~~~~~~---1~

02 . 03 . 04 . 06 . 08 . 1 .2 .3 .4.5.6 .8 1.0
Payload Fraction ~

Fig. 18 - 4 Universal vehicle/mission integration chart.

The above data are based on an Earth-to-orbit mission concept,

regardless of whether the particular PS is considered suitable for,
or capable of, carrying out the mission. They are used here to
illustrate the method. The payload fractions indicated by areas 1
through 7 pertain to a one-stage vehicle. For a two-stage vehicle,
assuming each stage has to provide a velocity increment of 0.5 T,
i.e., 15,000 ft/sec., one can use the same chart by moving down the
rlIsp versus (.l curve to a point twice the specific impulse assumed
for the one-stage version. Moving from there to the given x-line and
then down yields the new Avalue per stage. The new overall A value
is then the product of A values for the two stages. Simply cutting T
in half may be too arbitrary, since generally the ideal velocity of a
Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 735

stage, hence, Tid' should be roughly equal to its exhaust velocity,

or 1SP' for the best performance. If one wants to divide T in various
proportions among two or more stages, it may be more advan-
tageous to revert from a T-value to rll sp and the more general chart
of Fig. 18-3.
In order to simplify the conversion of L1v to rll SP' Fig. 18-5
correlates mission velocity and specific impulse via rllsp = 1.0.
From this line, rllsp for values other than 1.0 can easily be in-
ferred. Ranges of specific impulses and mission velocities are
shown for propulsion systems and miSSions, respectively.
Figure 18-6 correlates propellant mass fraction Ato the velocity
factor. Therefore, through rll SP' one can rapidly correlate A and
the parameters in Fig. 18-3.
Figures 18-7 and 18-8 show a universal transportation effec-
tiveness chart by plotting inert mass factor i and propellant mass
factor p as function of mass fraction and velocity factor, respective-
ly. These two mass factors are defined as the amount of inert mass
per unit mass of gross (pay) load and the amount of propellant mass
per unit mase of gross (pay) load required to carry out a given
mission. In the case of a shuttle vehicle, it is i '" 0, except for
replacements during refurbishment. With the aid of these charts,
the logistic factor L = p + i can readily be found. L, p and i are
important not only in connection with a given transport vehicle
itself, but they may be even more importantfor a supply operation.
For example, high values of p and i for an inter-orbital space
vehicle (ISV) raise the logistic requirements for the ELV which
has to deliver larger quantities of the material into orbit. This
is especially important if geocentric, cislunar or heliocentric
shuttle operations are to be supported from Earth or orbit. So
long as these transportation costs per unit mass of ELV payload
are much higher than the cost of either hardware or propellant for
the shuttle, the orbital procurement costs for either are similar.
This is in contrast to ground operations where propellant costs
usually are much lower than hardware costs. High specific impulse
of the shuttle PS eventually, therefore, becomes more important
than high mass fraction of the shuttle, because only high lsp can
effectively reduce the propellant supply except if x-values are very
low. But in that case, lsp is usually very high, i.e., rl1sp if very low.
For purposes of correlating p and i with gross load fraction
A, Fig. 18-9 shows the variation of A with rllsp for a number of
mass fractions. L and A are key parameters, both containing p as
well as i, since L = p + i and also L = (1 - >lilA.
For separately powered propulsion systems in which energy
is converted in a separate system, the amount of power inducted
into the thrust generating system is fixed or limited. The thrust
generating system can use this power in two ways: to increase
the rate of expellant ejection and to reduce the specific impulse,
or vice versa. In analyzing such systems, it is useful to replace


<1> ~
R ~
~ ~
V) ~
a ~.

Nuclear Pulse ....

Nuclear Electric ~.

Contr. Thermonucl. c
zReactqr 4 S i I
Irl- Specific I mpulse (Sec)

Fig. 185 Corre lation of mission veloc ity and specific impulse via TI I. p .
Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 737









. 17

.1 Z .14 .16 .18 o.Z. ZZ . Z4 .Z6 0.) 0. 5 0 .6 0.7

Y flop

Fig. 18-6 Propellant fraction A versus .,./1 sp.

mission velocity by the energy per unit mass of the space vehicle.
The instantaneous thrust acceleration, in terms of exhaust ve-
locity and mass flow, can be expressed in the form

f = ng* = m v e ' (18-2)


The kinetic energy of a small mass quantity om in the exhaust

jet is (- 0 m) V e 2/ 2, and if m is the expended mass per second, m,
the jet power is

m ve2 (18-3)
738 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion



0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5
VElOC ITY FACTOR, '1"/1 sp

Fig. 18 -7 Propellant factor and inert mass factor versus velocity factor.

Therewith one has

d 1 (18-4)
. 2
-mv 2 dt m
Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 739

0.1 _-
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
_ 0.7 0.8 0.9


Fig. 18 - 8 Propellant factor and inert ma ss factor versus mass fraction.

Integrating this equation to obtain the vehicle mass as function of


dt. (18-5)
m <t)
740 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 741

The jet power P j is related to the electrical input power P into the
thrust generation system by the relation


where E is the thrust conversion efficiency, defined as the ratio of

power in the exhaust jet to electrical power delivered to the thrust
units. The ratio of all power-dependent propulsion system com-
ponent weights Wp to the electrical power P produced at the source
is defined as

(unit mass/kw e ) . (18-7)

One can derive the mass ratio required for a powered flight period
t from Eq. (18-5)


where mA is the initial vehicle mass, ma the vehicle mass after all
propellant mass mp = mA - ma is consumed. Mter some rearrange-
ments, one obtains from Eq. (18-8), for the powered flight time T F
in which the propellant is consumed,


Since alE = mplP j , one can replace P j inEq. (18-9) by mpda, where
mp is the mass of all power-dependent propulsion system com-
ponents. ConSidering that mA Imp = 1/ A and A = (/L - 1) /L, the relation
for the mass ratio can be expressed in the form


The mass ratio is seen to be proportional to the f (2 dt. The ideal

velocity is

V id = I
II dt
( -

and the mass ratio of directly powered rockets is, for constant V e ,
742 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

Il = exp -
1 ltl
f -.

In Eq. (18-10), if a is expressed in units of kg/kw and f2 dt in

m 21 sec. 3, the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (18-10)
must be multiplied by 11a, where a = 2g* 102 = 2.9.81102 = 2000.
The equation for the propellant fraction, consideringthatll = 1/(1- A)
and malmp = 1 + m~/mp, is

mA 1
A = 1 +- (18-13)
mp 2000

This implies that ma = mp + m A' i.e., that the mass mp includes the
mass of the thrusters. Tlie overall "dry" propulsion system mass
of an electric drive consists of power source. power conversion
equipment which converts thermal energy from solar radiation or
from a nuclear reactor to electrical power, power conditioning
equipment, and thrust generating equipment (thrusters). Of these
main components, the first three are power-dependent masses.
However, the thrusters represent only a few percent of this mass
and therefore are included here in order to avoid unnecessarily
complex equations for present purposes.
In order to compute the principal data of (the separately pow-
ered) data of electric propulsion systems, we will consider systems
which are nuclear powered, i.e., have a constant power source in-
dependent of heliocentric distance. The objective is to determine
A, i, p and L. As implied by previous definition of mp,. the initial
mass of the electric spacecraft consists of three main components:

mA = load mass, mA + power-dependent mass, mp +

propellant mass, mp


Fg*Isp FTF
+-- (18-15)
2000 g*Isp

where g* = 9.81 mlsec. 2 = 32.2 ftlsec. 2 , F is the thrust, and TF the

powered flight time. The procedure to compute A, i, p and L is
as follows:

1. Select mAlmp, alE (kg/kw e ) and J f2 dt (m 2/sec. 3).

Then compute the following:
2. A as given by Eq. (18-13)
Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 743

3. p. = 1/(1 - A)
4. mplmB = p.A
5. mplmp = lI[p.A(1 + mA Imp)]
6. x = 11(1 + mplmp)
7. A = 1 - Alx
8~ i = (1 - A,.,.)1 A,.,.
9. p = Alp.
10. L = i + p

Results of such computation are shown in Figs. 18-10 and 18-11,

in which A and p are shown as function of m >./ mp with (2 dt as param-
eter for the case of alE = kg/kwe 1kgm/kwe It is seen that A is a
maximum for a given m Almp at a given (2 dt. If A is a maximum,
then according to Eq. (18-14) the sum of power-dependent mass and
propellant mass must be a minimum. Figure 18-11 shows that p,
hence the propellant mass per unit mass of m A is a minimum.
Equation (18-15) shows that with increasing Isp the power-dependent
mass increases while the propellant mass decreases. At some
point between the extremes, the sum of these two masses should
be a minimum, hence m A a maximum. Differentiation of Eq. (18-15)
with respect to Isp yields relation (18-16) for the Isp at which the
total initial vehicle mass is a minimum for a given mA' hence A
is a maximum,
- - - Isp (18-16)
( 2000 g*Isp

i.e., the power-dependent and the propellant masses are equal. This
result is based on a given set of constant F and TF, since the above
differentiation is with respect to Isp only. Solving for Isp yields
for the optimum
2000 (
Isp = --2 - TF. (18-17)
g* IX

Thus, for a given f (2 dt, one can determine the maximum A and the
associated values of mAImp and p because

-1 + 1 +1+P;

the associated value of i can 'be determined from Eq. (18-18),

i = .! - (p + 1). (18-19)

Since i and p are known, numerical specification of mA yields mj

and mp. Estimating a value of Isp (typical near-optimum values are:





Load Fraction, ~

Fig. 1810 Load fraction 0.) versus m>/mp.


~:~flililiITII~I I ~I~t o.~.~~_IN.IIII I !1 1 1 1 1 1I I I I I I I I I I I I I il12 ~





p = mp l m )..
Fig. 18 -II Propellant mass factor (p) versus m)..l mp .
746 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
for cislunar shuttle Isp rv 6000 sec.; inner solar system round-trip
missions Isp rv 8000 sec.; and outer solar system round-trip
missions Isp rv 10,000 to 15,000 sec.) and considering that mi '" mp
permits determination of thrust F from
_ a Fg*Isp
mp = mi = - - - - .
Then, knowing F, the powered flight time TF is computed from the
known value of

Compatibility of Isp and TF for the optimum conditions is then

checked by determining Isp from Eq. (18-17), using the previously
found TF. If the Isp value found from Eq. (18-17) differs too much
from the one estimated before, another iteration will be necessary.
The jet power Pj (mw e) per kg thrust (kgF ) is given by

I sp (sec.>

and the electric power output of the power generation systems

follows from


With charts such as Figs. 18-10 and 18-11, the laborious deter-
mination of the maximum ,\ could be avoided. But each of these
c harts would be valid only for a given a / and interpolation between
several a / charts would require cross-plotting. Therefore,
machine computations for charts such as Figs. 18-10 and 18-11
were carried out for a wide range of a / values and the variation
of maximum ,\ and of p with ff2 dt plotted with al as parameter
showing the variation of m.,./mp along each al curve. The results
are shown in Figs. 18-12 and 18-13.
It remains to provide a guide for estimating f f2 dt and a / . The
mission values of f f2 dt can vary greatly, depending on how, in a
two-way mission, the outbound and the return bound leg are flown,
or how fast a one-way mission is flown. The computation of f f2 dt
for a given mission is beyond the scope of this discussion. As a
rough guide, the following range of values is offered:

Lunar round-trip mission (orbit-to-orbit):

f f2 dt = 12 - 30 m 21 sec. 3; I-way: 6 - 15 m2/ sec. 3

101 ~,
10-3 10-2 10- 1 100
Load Fraction, >.
Fig. 18 -12 Load fraction (A) versus f f2 dt . "I






Fi@;. 18 -13 Propellant mass factor (p) versus f f2 dt .
Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 749

Venus round-tri:p mission (orbit-to-orbit):

ff2 dt = 30 _ 60 m ! sec. 3; I-way: 10 -20 m2! sec. 3
Mars round-trip mission (orbit-to-orbit);
ff2 dt = 40 - 80 m2!sec. 3 ; I-way: 15-25 m2! sec. 3
Jupiter round-trip mission (orbit-to-orbit)
ff2 dt = 60 -120 m 2!sec. 3 ; I-way: 25-50 m2!sec. 3


Figure 18-14 compares 13 launch vehicles, encompassing three
types in terms of p, i and A. Abbreviations not explained on the
chart are ST = number of stages, EXP = expendable, REUS = re-
usable, AB = airbreathers. On each vertical line, the upper black
dot represents p, the lower black dot indicates i, and the hollow
Circle is A.
The logistic factor to be supplied by EL V's for geospace trans-
portation into the synchronous orbit is shown in Table 18-4 for a
variety of propulsion systems in one-way and shuttle service. The
shuttle service is shown for two mission profiles; namely, with a
single-stage GISV and with interorbital rendezvous as shown in
Fig. 18-15. Comparison of the third and fifth cases in Table 18-4
shows that the use of interorbital separation and rendezvous can
be very effective, especially at somewhat lower mass fractions.
This means that this flight profile reduces the sel).sitivity of the
shuttle's logistic supply requirements from Earth surface to re-
ductions in mass fractions as they may occur, for example, during
the development of the GISV* or as a result of radiation safety
measures during periods of strong solar activity.
Future long-duration manned operations on the Moon and in the
solar system must be based on advances in orbital technology and
operations, advanced propulsion systems for cislunar and helio-
centric interorbital space vehicles (ISV), and an Earth-to-orbit
logistic supply capability which is adequate as well as economical.
All three factors must be taken into conSideration, which is not
always done. Solar system operations in the next 20 years or so
will be based exclusively on scientific goals. This, in turn, re-
quires coordination of unmanned and manned missions for best
effectiveness to the overall program and consideration of the dif-
ferences in launch vehicle and interorbital vehicle propulsion
The adequacy of future orbital transportation capability can
best be assured by viewing the development of new launch vehicles,
and even major improvements of existing launch vehicles, as an
integral part of the national space program. The new vehicle(s)
should be able to serve as many tasks of space utilization and
exploration as possible. The need for a new launch vehicle,
750 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 1112 13
PROP. jI, 11 X21
l!l! UUll-UJ

1 EElV 4 S 40 .9
'It AlB
.94 -
4 EElV 4 S II) .94
5 EElV 2 OIH 9 .92
GLIDE 63) RELV 2 .88
4~~ .~ t1) RELV 1
9 .92 -
0 84) RELV 1 OIH 8 .92
0 4~
~) RAST 2 O/H 9 .78
106) RAST 1
00 0
.,0 116) RAST 1
O/H 8 .885

OIH 8 .894
H 127) RAST 1 H; O/H 5 .747
O. On 138) RAST 1 H; O/H
2 .536


00 0

Fig. 18 -14 Quality indices of several earth launch vehicles.

therefore, is contingent upon the major program goals of the next

15 to 25 years.
The geospace market on which the worthwhileness of a reusable
aerospace transport (RAST) depends, has two main sectors: orbital
program. activities associated with manned geospace utilization,
and orbital launch operations support of deep space missions. The
primary payload masses required by the latter .exceed the capability
of the RAST, but orbital assembly and other support operations need
Table 18- 4 Synchronous Orbit Supply Requirements ~
~ Vi = 8k; ~V2 = 7k; ~V3 = 7k; ~V4 = 8k (k = 10 3 ft/ sec.) ~\:l
Inert Mass Propellant ~

Mass Factor Mass Factor Logistic

Delivery Stage Isp i p ~
Mission Propulsion Fraction Factor
Mode No. <Sec.) Inert Mass Prop. Mass \:l
X L = i +P ~
Pld. Mass Pld. Mass ~
Lo-Orb to Sync c:e
Orb I-Way 1 Chemical 450 .80 - .88 1.9 - .16 5.8 - 2.8 7.7 - 3.2 ....
Lo-Orb to Sync Nucl. \:l
Orb I-Way 1 <Metal) 850 .78 - .86 .32 - .16 1.1 - .94 1.4 - 1.1
Lo-Orb Sync
Orb Shuttle Service 1 Chemical 450 .88 - .92 .24 - 1.5 175 - 7.5 199 - 9 ~
Lo-Orb Syne Nuel.
Orb Shuttle Service 1 <Metal} 850 .78- .86 .78 - .33 2.8 - 2.1 3.6 - 2.4 ~
Lo-Orb Sync Shuttle Service 2 Chemical 450 .84 - .92 (")
Orb <Interorb 8.4 - 1.5 26.6 - 11.2 35 - 13
Rendezvous) 1 Chemical 450 .80 - .88 ~
Lo-Orb Sync Shuttle Nuel. C/)
Orb Service 2 <Metal} 850 .78 - .86 .94 - .43 3.2 - 2.6 4.1- 3
<Interorb Nucl. ~
Rendezvous) <Metal} 850 .78 - .86

752 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion


lAND2 - - - I


Fig. 18 -15 Geospace shuttle service using interorbital rendezvous.

smaller supply loads which are preferably carried either by the

RAST or by expendable launch vehicles of comparable payload
capability, such as Saturn m or Titan Ill. The geospace utilization
sector, rather than the other sectors, determine the worthwhile-
ness of developing a new launch vehicle of the RAST type for two
reasons: (1) Only a broad geospace utilization market requires
transport characteristics which are particularly well, or exclusive-
ly, satisfied by the RAST, such as the need for accommodating a
less selective passenger population (low accelerations), and large
footprint and cross-range (lift). (2) Only a broad geospace utiliza-
tion market requires sufficiently frequent transport of personnel
and medium cargo loads to render reusability at hundreds of
missions worthwhile.
Geospace offers numerous potential applications, indicating the
possibility or even probability of a Sizable market. If this market
potential cannot be verified by orbital experience, or if the space
program of the next two or three decades is devoted primarily to
unmanned and manned deep space exploration, a RAST most likely
could not be justified on the basis of civil and commercial require-
ments. This ignores, of course, other aspects not directly trans-
latable into amortization dollars but nevertheless important or
vital to the Nation. On the other hand, if the geospace market
Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 753

potential is verified, it can materialize only through the reduction

in aerospace transportation cost by an order of magnitude or more.
This can be achieved only. by prolonged reusability, i.e., a refur-
bishing cost between flights of between 0.5 and 0.1 percent of the
procurement cost (200 to 1000 flights).
With today's large launch vehicles from Titan to Saturn V,
attainable transportation costs range from $800 to $400 per pound
of payload delivered into a low-altitude orbit. Even if further in-
crease in vehicle size would reduce the cost effectiveness signifi-
cantly below $400 per pound, such an approach would only improve
the cost effectiveness at the expense of increasing the cost per
launch and would be justified only in response to the requirement
for increased payload capability, with improved cost effectiveness
a derivative benefit.
Accommodation of a less selective passenger population makes
an airline-like operation desirable. This can best be assured by
using an air-breathing first stage to 8000-12,000 ftlsec. speed
(5500-8500 m.p.h.) followed by a rocket-powered stage. The large
fuel specific impulse of the airbreather improves the payload
fraction by a factor of about 3, compared to an all-rocket system,
and it keeps peak acceleration low without excessive gravitational
If an airbreathing first stage is considered, the evolution of a
reusable aerospace transport becomes interlaced with the nationally
and equally important evolution of high supersonic and hypersonic
aircraft of global or intercontinental range. The syntechnical
features of these two transportation systems result in an extensive
commonality of development problems and, therefore, cost sharing.
Once in existence, the RAST will contribute to the economy of
the orbital phase of lunar and planetary missions. For a given
type of ISV, the orbital launch operation support requirements tend
to grow with the ratio of orbital departure mass of the ISV to pay-
load mass of the launch vehicle because of mating, fueling, main-
tenance and repair requirements as well as makeup for losses due
to leakage or boiloff. The growth rate depends on the state-of-art
of orbital operations and on such factors as whether the orbital
operation consists mainly of orbital mating of ISV propulsion
modules fueled on the ground, or of orbital fueling of modules
carried aloft in assembled form, or on whether liquid, especially
cryogenic, or solid propellants, as in the nuclear-electric or
nuclear pulse, are used. Figure 18-16 shows an example depicting
the possible growth rate for the case of liquid hydrogen and a com-
bination of orbital mating and fueling computed for the probabilities
The need for a larger post-Saturn launch vehicle and for ren-
dering this vehicle reusable depends on the detail of the long-range
lunar and interplanetary mission objectives. Specifically, the
heliocentric mission energy requirements and the anticipated
VI ~

0... ......
~~ 2 b.~;:~'R ~
VI~ ~
~o::: Q
- < ~
~~ 1 ~

00::: ~
i=0 ~
<0 .....
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~~







Fig. 1816 Orbital launch support requirements.
Comparison and Evaluation jor SPace Missions 755

advances in propulsion system technology for cislunar and helio-

centric ISV's determine the desirable payload range of a post-
Saturn launch vehicle; the anticipated launch frequency determines
whether or not reusability of this vehicle is worthwhile (Fig. 18-17).
If the launch frequency does not warrant reusability, the need for
more payload capacity can almost certainly be satisfied by a more
or less massive uprating of Saturn V. If reusability is warranted,
a new post-Saturn launch vehicle is truly needed.

r - - - - - - - - - - - i LONG RANGE LUNAR

r - - - - - - i MISSION OBJECTIVES





r- ----------,





Fig. 18 -17 Logic diagram for detennining size and need for reusability of post-Saturn
launch vehicle.

Figure 18-16, based on deep space vehicles using cryogenic

propellants, suggests that the launch vehicle payload mass probably
756 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion
should not be less than one-third or one-fourth of the orbital de-
parture mass mA,ISV of the individual deep space vehicle, in order
to keep redundancy and orbital launch support masses from be-
coming excessively large. Continued advances inorbitaloperations
technology may reduce the launch vehicle payload mass to less than
one-fourth of the orbital departure mass. The nomical orbital de-
parture mass per vehicle is equal to the payload mass of the ISV
plus the product of its payload mass mA,ISV' times logistic factor.
Therefore, the launch vehicle payload m '\,0 should approximately
satisfy the general relation

m A,ISV (1 + L)

where m,\ O/mA ISV represents the influence of the state-of-art of

orbital technology and operations and L represents the influence
of the level of cislunar and heliocentric propulsion, design and
required mission energy. For one-way lunar surface supply mis-
Sions, the logistic factor is 6 to 7, if a three-stage advanced
chemical system is used (Table 18-5). For cislunar shuttle
vehicles, .the logistic factors are considerably higher (Table 18-6).
In all cases, a chemical shuttle vehicle between lunar orbit and
surface is stipulated (first line). This means that at least two
stages are involved: lunar lander and cislunar vehicle. If the
latter is a single-stage system, the flight profile is designated
as lunar orbital rendezvous. The effect of an alternative flight
profile on L is also shown, referred to as lunar orbital and cis-
lunar orbital rendezvous shown in Fig. 18-18. It involves a two-
stage cislunar vehicle in which the first stage, for Earth orbital
departure and return, does not orbit the Moon. It enters into
holding orbit A. Stages 2 and 3 enter into lunar capture and
St. 3 descends to the surface. Orbit A is synchronized with
respect to the Moon's orbital motion so that after one month,
Stages 2 and 3 can meet with St. 1 in a cislunar interorbital
rendezvous maneuver. The case shown in Fig. 18-18 exemplifies
a biweekly shuttle service involving two holding orbits. Stages 2
and 3 of vehicle A (whose St. 1 stops in orbit A) rendezvous after
one-half month with St. 1 of vehicle B in holding orbit B. Cor-
respondingly, Stages 2 and 3 of vehicle B meet with St. 1 of vehicle
A. Perturbations of orbits A and B during the holding period are
readily corrected with very little propellant expenditure. Con-
sideration of this expenditure is not included here. Such flight
profile can effectively reduce L (cr. cases 2 and 6), but improve-
ments in propulsion of the cislunar vehicle are more effective.
The advent of a gas core reactor or a nuclear-electric driven
Earth orbital departure and return stage can reduce the re-supply
logistic factor to values comparable to the previously mentioned

Table 18- 5 Lunar Surface Supply Requirements (One-Way)
tlv 1 = 11k; tlv2 = 7k; tlv3 = 6k (k = 10 3 ftl sec.> \:)

Inert Mass Propellant
lSI> Mass Factor Mass Factor Logistic
Delivery Stage ~
Mission Propulsion (Sec.) Fraction i p Factor
Mode No.
X Inert Mass Prop. Mass L = i +P
Pld. Mass Pld. Mass
Lo-Orb to Lu Surf i-Way 3 Chemical 450 .84 - .88
2 Chemical 450 .85 - .89 .85 - .51 5.9 - 5 6.7 - 5.5 ~
1 Chemical 450 .88 - .92
Lo-Orb to Lu Surf i-Way 3 Chemical 450 .84 - .88 (")
2 Chemical 450 .85 - .89 1.0 -.6 3.9 - 3.4 4.9 - 4
1 Nerva II 800 .74 - .82

Table 18 - 6 Lunar Surface Supply Requirements (Shuttle Service)
~vl 11k; ~v2 = 7k; ~v3 =6k; ~v4 = 6k; ~v5 = 7k; ~v6 = 11k(k = 103fVsec.) 00

Inert Mass Propellant

Factor Mass Factor c:...,
Mass Logistic (':>
Mission Delivery Mode Stage No. Propulsion lsp (sec.) Fraction P Factor
X Inert Mass Prop. Mass L = i +p ::tl
Pld. Mass Pld. Mass 0
Lu-Orb to Lu-Surf Shuttle Service 3 1) Chemical 450 .84 - .88 1.6 ~
.32 - .23 1.7 - 2- 1.8 (':>
Lo-Orb to Lu-Surf Shuttle Service 2 Chemical 450 .84 - .88
(Lu-Orb 12.4 - 3.9 165 - 71 177 - 75
Rendezvous) Chemical 450 .93 - .95
Lo-Orb to Lu-Surf Shuttle Service 2 Chemical 450 .84 - .88 ~
(Lu-Orb 10.7 - 2.3 43.4 - 16.8 54 - 19 ~

Rendezvous) Nerva II 800 .80 - .88

Lo-Om to Lu-Surf Shuttle Service 2 Chemical 450 .84 - .88
(Lu-Orb 5.7 - 1.6 25.2 - 13.7 31 - 15 ~
Rendezvous) Nucl. (Metal) 850 .82 - .90 ~
Lo-Orb to Lu-Surf Shuttle Service 2 2) Chemical 450 .84 tlj
(Lu-Orb .......
17.7 - 2.3 19.1- 5.8 37 - 8 (':>
Rendezvous) Gas Core ~
1800 .5 - .7 .....
Lo-Orb to Lu-Surf Shuttle Service 3 Chemical .84 - .88
450 ~
(Lu-Orb and 2 Chemical 450 .87 - .91 13.6 - 5.5 97.3 - 61.7 111 - 67
Cislunar Orbital 1 Chemical 450 .88 - .92
Rendezvous) ~
Lo-Orb to Lu-Surf Shuttle Service 3 Chemical 450 .84 - .88 en
(Lu-Orb and 2 Chemical 450 .87 - .91 13.9 - 5.5 43.7 - 28.7 58 - 34 o
Cislunar Orbital 1 Nerva II 800 .74 - .82 ;:!
l)The lunar orbit to lunar surface and return shuttle service is included in the values of i, p, and L of the three subsequent cislunar shuttle
2)This stage corresponds to the lunar orbit surface shuttle service, since the gas core driven vehicle represents a single stage cislunar shuttle.

I nterorbi ta 1 Rendezvous Separation of Stages 2
St ages 2 & 3 with Stage 1 & 3 from Stage- l i n
In Holding Orbit B Hol d i ng Orbit A .g?
1, 2 & 3 ~

Stages 2 & 3 ~

Fig. 18 18 Lunar shuttle service using lunar orbital and cislunar interorbital rende zvous. ~
760 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

one-way delivery values. While advances in specific impulse are

a primary requirement, the importance of advances in space struc-
tural materials runs a close ~econd in reducing the logistic factor
(particularly the propellant mass factor) for cislunar shuttle
services. If both advances are pursued vigorously in the 1970's,
Saturn V or an uprated version could retain its adequacy until
riSing mission frequency, if such occurs, eventually renders intro-
duction of a reusable system worthwhile.
The results of the cislunar shuttle transport analysis lead to
the conclusion that, prior to introduction of a suitable gas core
reactor or nuclear electric drive, a cislunar shuttle service, if
any, will be limited to relatively small loads, primarily personnel,
to be carried both ways, whereas large supply loads will be de-
livered by one-way flights. This has a significant effect on the
launch vehicle size and launch frequency.
For manned heliocentric misSions, orbital departure weights
per HISV are shown in Figs. 18-19 and 18-20 for a wide range of
propulsion systems and of Earth return conditions. The weights
are based on individual vehicle and mission analyses rather than
simplified parametriC curves. Typical quality indices resulting
from these analyses are presented in Figs. 18-21 and 18-22.
The results of the heliocentric transport analysis lead to
three primary conclusions.
1) For a realistic planning of all but the most marginal
manned planetary misSions, the development of at least one
multi-thousand-seconds- Isp system is mandatory in order to
assure adequate freedom of choice of future manned missions
when such choice can be made more knowledgeably than in the
next few years and in order to limit the supporting launch vehicle
size as well as the extent and complexity of orbital launch support
2) TechnolOgically, the four primary candidates for such de-
velopment are the advanced gas core reactor (2500 S Isp S 3500
sec.), nuclear pulse (2500 S Isp S 10,000 sec.), nuclear electric
(5000 S Isp S 20,000 sec.), and the controlled thermonuclear reac-
tor (eTR) (5000 S Isp S 500,000 sec.). Because of the political and
operational liabilities associated with the nuclear pulse, the choice
is primarily between the nuclear-electric, the advanced gas core
reactor, and the eTR.
3) For the mission range from Mercury to Jupiter, the choice
of either system does not affect the launch vehicle size signifi-
cantly; either type of msv can be accommodated by post-Saturn
(1-1.5 M payload) with one to three launchings per msv. For
missions beyond Jupiter, the eTR becomes increaSingly superior.
Once in existence, the reusable aerospace transport (RAST)
will contribute to the operational economy of delivering deep
space probes into parking orbit. This contribution will increase
with the availability of electric propulsion (or equivalent) for deep
:'/./~3X _f--FAST STANDARD_r-- P
. 4 50 R4 35........, P X I S ' SOLAR HEAT EXCHANGER
~ ~O I 3 ~.
-' ....:-c'3S 50.=0'-- R3X",,- P4 35 ~. 50 C4 25 1
"b 4.0 1"'"- P X'- 4 ~
- 1 ,,~: / I I::i
~ 3.0 5 0 . - - P4 25 " P3 25 -- C 3S 50 G3X C4 35-
~ 2. 0 G3X"'-.. ~:C 50':; _ ~435~~ P: 35 ---,LG~X / ......... :. C b "",-C 3 UHE E.
"" r: _----"'II.:. S 50...... "'Gt..:;..i'L--I--- X ~3UH' ,./G IC 35
GX 3 I ;-G4 50
1= i G3 ~,J ---~/-l G.-_C
X 3 I 3 V 3
~ 3 .!-N4 50- G3C 50-- -G S 50 3 R N 25'. - - I
c.. 1. 0 3 3 ~G UHE
~ 0.8 N4 PB50 N4 50 G3 UH~~FG3C 35 =;t. -- 3 ....
t:: 0. 6
""N PB50
.. -4
P4 25 "N 25
~'4 ./
......... , -
~ N3 UHE-===-=: ~N 35 P4 25_
o 0.4 FAST STANDARD J 4 I ,L ~
0.2 MISSIONS- I::i

0.1r--+---r--+-~r--+---r--r-~---+---r--+-~r--+--~--4---~~--~--~---' ~
1973 til'

Fig. 18.19 Weight summary Mars mission. ~
- <:..,
3\ ,'_ - .., .... , I ... R = GAS CORE REACTOR ~

to " _~ _ . l . ....' , , P NUCLEAR PULSE -

...- ..,' , X = EARTH ENTRY C
N)X, ....... '.. _ _ - - - ' , MANEUVER UNDEFINED
10 \. -- - - ~ .- ~
~ 8.0 R435 , 'R3N~~5
n ~.' ././3
~ 6.0 ...... ~,)N35 3401580 I ' a./ R X-- ~
~ 4.01-C435 r-" / C 35 /R)N35 l n=1 V R3N35-
< " .r 1 4 .r 1 ~v 3
~ 3.0I-Cf'\, CX "3X -R3X n = 30 { t . . - R3N35- ~
~ 2.0 G 35-P435.... 3'\.. G435 4601460 in = 1 ! - - R3X_-
~ 4 '.. I ~;I,GCR N25 ........ P435 n' 30 i0~P25 ~
Q.. R3N25...... - : '1v 3 '-Pf ~I 'P35 ~

~ 1.0 I-G3X~N435 t~Gf ~p~== ~

~ 0.8 f:N X~ I -NP25S:=~N435 P35 ttl
~ 0.6 f- 3 125 NX ......
o ~5 3
0.4 3:

~: I I I I I I I I I I
I i~
0.1 IL __ __J-~1~~~~_1~~~6~__1~98~7~__~198~8~~__~

Fig. 18 - 20 Weight sununary for Mercury, Venus and Jupiter missions.

Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 763

104 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - : I I , - ,
(1) VENUS; E.C. (n = 8; r p = 1.11; C4; 450; RA = 0.435


..---(2) AS III WITH G4; 800
103 f-I-+--f~='(3) AS (1) WITH N4;850--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---1

(4) AS (1); R3N; 1800/850; ERC = 25k

~ (5) AS (1); P4; 2500; ERC = 25k

10 2 H-++--"4-...,===== MARS;C.C.;r =1.3;C 4;450;R A= 0.55
3 2)
ERC = 50k
o G3 C; 800/450 +
t N4; 850 o
C) 0 P4; 2500; ERC = 35k
o0 0 ~. ~~ f" GE3; 800/8000
o ~. ~. 6 ff2 dt = m2/sec\ ERC = c. c. r - 6.4
o 0
100 f-I-+-+-+-+--+-+--+-+-+------ RA = RATIO OF PLD. DELIVERED-
11 90/(90 + 40 + 100) (103 LB)
21 50/(50 + 75.5 + 16.51 (103 LBI
0 = p
o 0 = AD
0.01 f-:-N"""'O=TE=-:--'-V=EH:-:-:I-'-C-LE-'-S--'-S=-TA""'-'G--C:E-::-
O. 001 L--_...!..P~LD~.-2.T~O~O~RB~.--,=D~E!,,!P.c...!M~A:.!.:S~S_ _ _ _E = NUCL. ELECTR IC

Fig. 18 - 21 Quality indices of heliocentric transports: Venus (1978, 140-20-2501 and Mars
(1982, 200-50-200).

space probes because attendant reduction of their initial mass will

render a greater number of probes compatible with the payload
limitations of the RAST.
With the expected cislunar traffic and deep space probe activi-
ties in the 1970's and the first half of the 1980's, it appears that
Saturn V and uprated/improved Saturn V should be adequate for
handling the heavy payload requirements for deep space traffic in
conjunction with an orbital operations system which is capable of
handling, mating and fueling at least three to four payload packages.
764 Jet, Rocket, Nuclear, Ion and Electric Propulsion

MARS 11 11975; SLO-SLO SYN.I

- - ERC 25k; CCre 1. 3
C4 ; 450 R,\0.33
lol G3C; 800/450 180 + 22 + 18 + 120 -
N4 ; 850 '
P4; 2500
~ MARS 11980; 60-10-1201

., 21
R4 ; 1800; ERC 35k
P4 ; 2500; ERC 35k
0 4'. 31
P4 ; 5000; ERC 25k
4~ 4~

~ , 4
0 f-:
ilMERCURY 3) 181-4; 8O-80-l8O)
P4 ; 2500 ; ERC 35k

!4- JUPITER 4) 188-8; 460-79-460).

P4; 2500; ERC 25k


8 88 ~ 11 R,\. 0.33.801180 + 22 + 18 + 120) -
e. i 2) R,\ 0.357 SOII5O + 90)
0''\ D 3) R,\ 0.525 100/1100 + 90)
0''\ Mission 41 R.\ O. 294 100/1100 + 20 + 170 + SO)
Fig. 18 - 22 Quality indices of heliocentric transports: Mars, Mercury and Jupiter.

The uprated Saturn system (assuming doubling its present payload)

in conjunction with the availability of NERVA II can also handle the
logistic support services required for a manned capture mission to
Venus or to Mars in 1982 or 1984 involving a convoy of one round-
trip vehicle and one or two one-way vehicles.
In 1985 to 2000 the payload and energy requirements of planetary
miSSions, manned and unmanned, will probably increase greatly.
Under those conditions, a reusable post-Saturn launch vehicle is
needed to provide economically the necessary heavy payload logistic
support in Earth orbit. With a launch vehicle payload capability
Comparison and Evaluation for SPace Missions 765

of up to 1.5 M lb. and advanced propulsion for the heliocentric

vehicles providing specific impulses between 5000 and 20,000 sec.,
the entire solar system between Mercury and Pluto is accessible
to manned vehicles. Permitting a ratio of orbital departure mass
to launch vehicle mass of three to four per HISV, the orbital de-
~arture mass of the individual vehicle can be as large as 4 to 6
M lb.

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