IonThruster PDF
IonThruster PDF
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2 authors, including:
Tanzim Kawnine
Luleå University of Technology
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tem is also vital for the attitude controlling of the satellite. Thruster types and functions
The level of thrust to perform attitude controlling depends
55 on the size of the satellites and lies between 1 and 22 N (Ley There are three different main groups in electric propulsion
et al., 2008). For interplanetary missions, the propulsion sys- technologies:
tems have additional task to perform such as a precise course
105 1. Electro thermal propulsion
correction during the flight for a number of years as well as
deceleration of satellite to swing into an orbit of a planet or a 2. Electrostatic propulsion
60 moon.
In the 1950’s, the Glenn Research Center began their work 3. Electromagnetic propulsion
on ion propulsion which is related to the electric propulsion
Electro thermal propulsion, as a combination of electric and
system. The first operational ion propulsion system in space
chemical propulsion system, uses electromagnetic fields to
was the Science Electric Rocket Test 1 (SERT 1) which flew
110 generate plasma to increase the temperature of the bulk pro-
65 in July 1964 and total 31 minutes of operational time before
pellant. The thermal energy, which is transferred to the pro-
it returned to Earth. Today, electric propulsion systems are
pellant gas, is then converted to kinetic energy. Hydrogen,
commonly used for station keeping of geostationary commu-
helium, ammonia are used for this type of propulsion sys-
nication satellites. Currently, the NASA Evolutionary Xenon
tem (Fortescue et al., 2011). Electro thermal system perfor-
Thrusters (NEXT) is under development which will reduce
115 mance in terms of specific impulse, Isp , is between 500 –
70 mission cost and trip time. NEXT is capable of performing
1000 s, but still greater than chemical propulsion which can
wide variety of missions to targets of interest such as Mars
be referred to ”mono-propellant”, ”bi-propellant” and ”cold
and Saturn.
gas thrusters”.
In the following it will be shown that ion propulsion sys-
Electrostatic propulsion uses electric fields to acceler-
tem is suitable for the tasks that are specified for secondary
120 ate ionized propellant gas. The ionization is performed by
75 propulsion system and also long-term interplanetary mis-
means of DC discharge, radio frequency or electron syn-
chrotron (Ley et al., 2008). The positively charged particles
are then neutralized by adding electrons from a neutraliser
outside of the acceleration zone. The physical principle of
125 the ion thruster as a part of the electrostatic propulsion will
be described in a greater detail in Section 3.
2 Space electric propulsion By applying both electric and magnetic fields, an ion-
ized propellant gas is accelerated which is known as electro-
magnetic propulsion system (Jahn, 1968). Using this tech-
As mentioned earlier, the electric propulsion has been an ac-
130 nique, both ions and electrons are exhausted out of the ve-
tive area of development since the dawn of space flight. But it
hicle without the need of neutralization (Choueiri, 2009).
80 is only in recent years that electric propulsion has been used
Examples include Hall thrusters, pulsed plasma thrusters
in commercial, scientific and military missions. Thrusters for
(PPT), pulsed inductive thrusters (PIT), and magnetoplasma-
electric propulsion systems use ionisable gases for propel-
dynamic thrusters (MPDT).
lant. For interplanetary missions, it is used as a main propul-
sion to achieve a high ∆v, e.g. Deep space 1, SMART-1,
85 Hyabusa, BepiColombo. Most of the electric propulsion sys- 135 3 Physical principle of the Ion Thruster
tems have low thrust levels compared to chemical thrusters,
in the order of some mN up to 1 N, but the overall perfor- The ion propulsion system (IPS) consists of five units:
mance level is greater than that of chemical propulsion sys-
tems by a factor of 10 – 20. – the power processing unit (PPU)
90 Chemical propulsion relies on the stored internal energy – the power source
and is limited with respect to its specific energy in the
molecular bonds of its propellant, whereas energy in electric – propellant management system (PMS)
propulsion is obtained from an external power source such
as solar panels. The propellant to electric propulsion systems 140 – the control computer and
95 can be accelerated to very high velocities, hence achieve a – the ion thruster.
very high specific impulse. The internal energy in chemi-
cal propulsion limits the maximum specific impulse to about The power source is usually any source of electrical power
450 s, in contrast to electric propulsion specific impulses of such as solar or nuclear power. A solar electric propul-
over 17,000 s have been obtained in the laboratory (Curran et sion system (SEP) uses solar cells to generate power. A nu-
100 al., 1991; Ley et al., 2008). This is certainly a great advantage 145 clear electric propulsion system (NEP) is using a nuclear
of electric over chemical propulsion. heat source connected to an electric generator. The generated
T. and M. Kawnine: Ion Thruster 3
electric power by the power source is then converted by the energy, then the thrust, F , to power ratio is simply:
PPU, supplying the power required for each component of r
the ion thruster. The generated electric power by the power F 2mi
= (2)
150 source is then converted by the PPU, supplying the power W qV
required for each component of the ion thruster, such as the
As the ion thruster produces small levels of thrust relative to
positive and negative grids, discharge chamber and the hol-
chemical thrusters, it generates higher specific impulse or the
low cathodes. The PMS controls the propellant flow from the
185 higher exhaust velocities. It means that such a thruster can
propellant tank. The design of PMS is highly sophisticated
have fuel efficiency of 10 – 12 times greater than a chemical
155 and it does not require moving parts.
thruster. As it has mentioned that the higher the rocket’s spe-
Figure 2 depicts the operation of an ion thruster. An ion
cific impulse or the fuel efficiency, the farther the spacecraft
thruster moves ions by electrostatic repulsion. The neutral
can travel with a given amount of fuel. Because of the low
Xenon propellant enters from the propellant tank. A hol-
190 level of thrust production in ion thrusters relative to chemi-
low cathode emits electrons which impact the Xenon atoms,
cal thrusters, it needs to operate in excess of 10,000 hours to
160 pounding loose an electron and creating positive Xenon ions.
slowly accelerate the spacecraft to speeds necessary to reach
The positive ions are then pushed by gas pressure through
other planets in the solar system (NASA, 2013).
holes in a positive grid. Then the electric field between the
Ion thrusters are capable of propelling spacecraft up to 90
positive and negative grid accelerates the ions such that the
195 km/s. It can be compared to the conventional (chemical)
ion beam is exhausted out through the nozzle. A hollow cath-
propulsion system which was used in Space Shuttle, capa-
165 ode plasma bridge neutraliser is placed at the exit of the noz-
ble of a top speed of about 8 km/s. The trade-off for high
zle which shoots out electrons to neutralize the ion beam.
speed is the low thrust applied to the spacecraft. The draw-
Otherwise the ions would be attracted back to the negative
back is that the ion thruster must be operated for a long time
grid, cancelling out the thrust.
200 for the spacecraft to reach its top speed.
both the XFS and the PPU. Aside from that, the DCUI is also 4.2 NEXT ion thruster
responsible for sending the propulsion telemetry data to the
spacecraft OBC. The XFS is similar to the propellant man- NASA’S Evolutionary Xenon Thruster, NEXT, retains criti-
agement system: It provides the propulsion system with the cal heritage to NSTAR. It has similar concept and function
230 xenon propellant and feeds electrons to the neutraliser cath- as its predecessor, only it is generating about three times
ode. The necessary power to run the thruster is converted by 280 as much thrust as an NSTAR engine (NewScientist Space,
the PPU. It converts the power from the solar arrays into nec- 2007).
essary driving currents and voltages for the engine. Similar to the NSTAR system, NEXT implements a xenon
After feeding the xenon propellant into the ionization feed system (XFS), a power processing unit (PPU), a digi-
235 chamber, accelerated electrons are ionizing the xenon atoms. tal control interface unit (DCIU) as well as the thruster it-
The ionization process is further improved by using perma- 285 self. Figure 3 depicts the system schematics for the NEXT
nent magnets in order to attract and accelerate the electrons. propulsion system. As can be seen in this figure, the xenon
Two closely spaced, multi-aperture electrodes (grids) are supply feeds the so-called HPA and LPA systems, before en-
placed at the back end of the engine to accelerate the xenon tering the thruster, where HPA and LPA stand for high and
240 ions. The applied voltage is as high as 1.28 kV. Stripped off low pressure assembly, respectively. The LPA is part of a
and ionizing electrons are collected and used for the neutral- 290 single thruster string: a subsystem, which consists of an ion
ization of the expelled ion stream at the back of the space- thruster, the LPA and a PPU. With the concept of thruster
craft. This is necessary to prevent the spacecraft from charg- strings, NASA enables missions to flexibly add strings if the
ing up negatively and re-attract the positive ion stream. mission requires multiple, thus improving performance and
245 As the spacecraft is moving further away form the Sun, thrust. For redundancy purposes and failure tolerance, one
its solar arrays will produce less output power. These vari- 295 additional thruster string is compulsory for any mission de-
ations have to be taken into account for the design of the sign (Schmidt et al., 2008).
thruster. NSTAR designed the engine in such a way, that it
is capable of operating within a power range of 0.5 kW up
250 to 2.3 kW (Brophy et al., 2006). Within this power range,
the output thrust varies proportionally as well: Assuming a
singly charged xenon ion with mass mi = 2.1802×10−25 kg
and charge q = 1.602177 × 10−19 C, Equation 2 becomes:
F 2 × 2.1802 × 10−25 kg mN
= −19
= 0.046
W 1.602177 × 10 C × 1280 V W
255 Given the above power range, the thrust force ranges as fol-
lows: Fig. 3. NEXT system elements, simplified (Schmidt et al., 2008))
Fmin = 0.046 × 500 W = 23.055 mN The improved ion thruster, NEXT, shows the following
mN characteristics:
Fmax = 0.046 × 2300 W = 106.055 mN
– 0.54 – 6.9 kW input power,
→ F ∈ [23.055; 106.055] mN
300 – >236 mN maximum thrust,
In fact, the engine thrust measured in space for a PPU in-
put power of approximately 2 kW can reach up to 75.34 mN, – 4190 s maximum specific impulse,
whereas it remains as small as 20.77 mN for a minimum in-
put power of 0.5 kW (Brophy et al., 2006). Variation of the which enables high power missions with fewer thruster
265 theoretical values from the measured values can be explained strings and is also beneficial for a reduced propellant mass,
by inaccuracies of the input parameters as well as the fact, enabling more payload and a lighter spacecraft.
that the engine input power does not equal the PPU input 305 Repeating the above calculation in the NSTAR subsec-
power completely. tion (Subsection 4.1), the theoretical maximum thrust can be
Another important factor that affects the measurement val- achieved. Assuming the same input variables for Equation 2,
270 ues is the engine efficiency to convert the given input power one can get:
into kinetic energy of the ions. For the NSTAR ion thruster,
this efficiency is greater that 99.6% (Brophy et al., 2006), F mN
= 0.046
which indicates a nearly perfect ion acceleration and can W W
therefore be ruled out as a factor of measurement inaccura- mN
310 Fmax = 0.046 × 6900 W = 318.17 mN
275 cies. W
T. and M. Kawnine: Ion Thruster 5
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5 Conclusions
335 References
J.R. Brophy, R.Y. Kakuda, J.E. Polk, J.R. Anderson, M.G. Mar-
cucci, D. Brinza, M.D. Henry, K.K. Fujii, K.R. Mantha, J.F.