Adam Lyons-Obsession Formula
Adam Lyons-Obsession Formula
Adam Lyons-Obsession Formula
Adam 1Lyons
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The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The Formula 11
Propinquity 15
Building Comfort
Signs of Attraction
Breaking Rapport 36
Building Attraction
Attractive Qualities
Social Intelligence
The Kiss
Final Notes 60
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
This book is a guide detailing my
discoveries over the last few years on the
subject of attraction. It is an overview
regarding the concept of attraction and the
formula that I believe governs
interpersonal attraction. I hope you gain as
much out of reading this as I have studying
it. I dont proclaim to know it all and I am
constantly on a quest for self-improvement
myself. Still, once you understand some of
the concepts behind it all, it becomes much easier to spot the mistakes
you may be making in attracting others and makes it much easier to take
control of this aspect of your life. Finally, taking control of your love
life and being aware of it is what will improve your luck with the
opposite sex.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
I would like to thank more people than my editor will let me list
here but literally every person you had touched me in any way on the
incredible journey Ive taken in the past few years has helped shape this
piece Especially the women. I could not have done it without any of
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The process of attraction is a mysterious and often frightening
subject for most people. A few lucky people have a natural knack for
this kind of thing. For most of us the concept of meeting someone new
or starting a relationship with a special person is all quite daunting.
Many people feel powerless to do anything about it. Here we present a
basic formula and process that helps us understand attraction and
explains why certain things work and why others dont. Understanding
attraction is the first step towards empowering ourselves to do
something about it. This understanding is what helps us to meet new
people, to start a relationship and to get the other person we really want.
You would think that we would be pretty adept at the one thing
we were designed to perform. Unfortunately, this is not always the case
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
are naturally good, others need to be shown the theories. The fact is that
no matter where you come from, the more you practice, the better you
If we look back over past time periods and you will see that what
was perceived as attractive has changed dramatically. Even just over the
last 50 years it has gone from being voluptuous to stick thin, from lean
to muscular. The fact is, what is seen as physically attractive depends on
current trends and varies far too often to be a key trigger in finding
someone to have a relationship with.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
If the child touched the fire and nothing happened, but three
hours later it caused him to suffer a shooting pain in his leg, he would be
unlikely to link the two. In order to learn what were doing wrong with
other people we need to step back and consider the whole process not in
terms of simple cause and effect, but through immediate cause and effect
or consequences.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Sometimes we are just missing that little piece that will help us
slot everything together and assist us at achieving significantly better
results. The question isnt really one of whether it will work, its a
question of whether you want to try it and see if it makes a difference.
As it is a soft skill it is truly one that needs practice. No book you can
read on the subject will be worth anything if you dont go out there to
practice, improve and make it happen. In fact, stop reading, go out and
approach three people you like the look of and see what happens.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The Formula
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Especially with a stranger you want to endanger a situation
where they are at ease with you and there is no fear of you doing
anything harmful to them. In short, you want them to trust you.
Sometimes, especially when someone finds you initially attractive, then
another person may seek comfort with you.
Rapport Break
Breaking rapport is critical to creating a feeling of attraction as
comfort alone becomes an easy friendship, which is pleasant but
unexciting. With a rapport break you want to jar the comfort slightly,
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
After breaking rapport youre in a position to convey your
attractive qualities and to balance the excitement created by rapport-
breaking behavior with comfort. You should be demonstrating your high
value and making your company an exciting, yet pleasant, experience.
This is probably the hardest stage to learn from scratch for those who
dont have a natural aptitude with it. If you have ever been in any kind
of romantic or sexual situation, youve done this already.
Once a certain level of attraction has been achieved you are then
in a position to escalate. You can capture the situation with a kiss,
making a date, getting a phone number or however you want to take it.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Science Warning!
This familiarity is Propinquity is the term used to
part of a psychological effect describe a physical closeness,
known as propinquity. It special bond, or some form of
kinship between things. Psychology
roughly translates to being views this is one of the leading
close to someone else in triggers in interpersonal or social
some form or another. This attraction.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The problem with this, however, is that you would need to build
comfort with the initial group in order to start the whole process
somehow. If you dont know a group of people initially this could be
difficult. This is where other comfort building techniques are needed.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
comfort with you. All you need to do is just smile, approach and begin
the conversation.
With the greeting out of the way you have engaged their interest
and now can take the conversation further. Always remember that you
should be someone who enhances their day in some small way. The
goal is to demonstrate some kind of positive value to them. This doesnt
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Building Comfort
Comfort, in this context, is a state of being at ease in someones
company. Comfort is essential to attraction; if someone feels no comfort
with you then they wont even want to have a prolonged conversation
with you, let alone anything else. Establishing comfort ensures your
attention is never unwanted. In some instances a level of comfort may
preexist, say from prior acquaintance or by being around a lot of mutual
friends. Most of the time, however, it is necessary to build upon this or
even create it from scratch. Comfort building is almost always the best
place to start as being overly aggressive or flirtatious with a complete
stranger can result in a negative reaction. The clich of coming on too
strong, or appearing weird, desperate or even threatening, is what can
happen if comfort is not established. Never skip building comfort unless
you have a good reason to believe the other person is already trying to
build comfort with you.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
common social settings are the usual place we meet potential partners is
that the common setting reestablishes comfort between for both parties.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
When speaking to anyone new one of the key facts to consider is
whether you are going to add value or take value from them. People are
subconsciously aware of many factors relating to their interactions with
others. A lot of people react negatively when approached by a homeless
person in the street, often not even giving them time to speak. This is
because of a fear that the homeless person is likely to take value from
them. We dont even mean just by asking for money but on a deeper
level, just by association. If, however, we somehow knew that the
homeless person was actually a secret agent working undercover then
they would be far more likely to stop and pay them attention. This
sudden change of attitude is due to the fact that their perception of the
homeless persons value has changed; suddenly they are offering more
to the interaction and giving you a cause to listen further.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Signs of Attraction
There are a variety of signs that can let us know that someone is
attracted to us, seeks to build comfort and that theyre potentially open
to the idea of a romantic or sexual situation eventually developing. If
you are receiving these signs before even speaking to them then the
conversation will be on the right foot from the get go, making the whole
process a lot easier. Next to meeting people in your own social circle,
looking for these signs in others is probably the best way to begin an
interaction with someone. Some of these signs are easier to spot than
If someone is smiling at you while looking towards you, then
you can be pretty sure youre getting an invitation to talk. Dont wait,
move in and say hello! Smiles never lie; the characteristic of smiling is
a low-level genetic influence. Even people born blind who have never
seen a smile will still do so when they like something.
When someone moves to stand close to you and lingers in your
general area then it is effectively an open invitation to start a
conversation. This is one of the more subtle indicators and it is also the
easiest to misinterpret, but even if it was unintentional their choice to sit
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
A more extreme form of proximity, physical contact is a strong
sign of attraction. Even if it happens by accident, such as someone
bumps into you in public, that person will immediately seek comfort
with you by apologizing or giving you a similar opening.
You can also look to trigger these signs in others. People who
may not actively be seeking comfort with you at the moment might do
so given a small invitation. There are many different ways you could try
to do so, but one of the easiest is simply to smile at them. A friendly
smile is one of the easiest ways to build comfort with someone, and
people tend to return a smile quite freely. If they reciprocate then the
invitation is almost as good as them initiating the smile with you. Try it!
Go out and smile at someone completely at random. Many people are
glad to respond.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Rapport is one of the main areas of unconscious human
interaction. These are all of the little subconscious thoughts going on
under the surface, almost like the emotions we experience when we hear
the words others say or the things they do. When you feel rapport with
someone you are becoming in sync with them. You are starting to share
an unspoken sense of commonality. Building rapport is used to build a
better connection with someone, which naturally goes a long way
towards building comfort. The more you use, however, the bigger the
rapport generated. Some of these techniques are broken down below
and you can build it using only one or two of the techniques described.
Its important to relate the stories of others to your own life.
Finding commonalities in your conversations you will be helping to
build rapport with them. Places where you have both lived, holiday
locations you enjoy, hobbies, or even discussing favorite foods all go
towards building a rapport with someone.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Interestingly enough, another way to add value is by leaving the
conversation temporarily. When you meet someone for the first time
there is a fear that you may hang around them and interfere with the task
at hand or whatever it is they are attempting to achieve. By leaving the
interaction soon after entering it you make it very clear you have no
intention of hanging around and draining the value.
If you dont have the time to bother with two interactions, like if
you are only passing them in the street, you can use a false ejection, but
telling someone you will only bother them for a moment gives the
impression that you will leave and will go someway towards building
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Empathy is the ability to identify with and understand another
persons feelings or experiences. This is to put oneself in their shoes.
Empathys role in attraction is to create a shared experience by seeking
to understand exactly what the other person is feeling. You then want to
imitate or absorb that feeling as much as you are able to. You dont have
to literally imagine yourself as the other person as this is a very difficult
task. The system of recognizing others emotions is something almost all
of us do innately and can be achieved unconsciously. Once you have
understood the emotion another person is experiencing you can begin to
imagine or understand how they must feel.
I walked down the road and saw a dog in the middle of the
street. It wasnt moving. I called an ambulance, they refused to
take it.
Without emotion the story is completely bland and leaves nothing for
someone to feel empathy for. Now lets imagine that they instead tell the
story with emotion.
I walked down the road and saw a dog in the middle of the
street. I was shocked, I felt so sorry for the poor thing. It wasnt
moving. Its amazing how much something like that can affect
you. I didnt know what to do so I called an ambulance. Can you
believe they refused to take it? I mean, I was trying to think of
anything I could do.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Body Language
Body language is one of the most basic ways in which we
communicate. One example of body language in the pick up community
is trying to speak to someone with your body angled away from them.
While that might work for some, it is probably not the best way of
maintaining a conversation and is likely to leave them feeling locked
out, potentially viewing you as rude. One of the easiest ways to build
rapport with someone through body language is to mirror them.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The way someone sits, tilt their head, or even the way they hold
their cup are all things that can be mimicked and begin to build rapport
on a subconscious level. Friends or people who live in similar areas will
often have small physical gestures that they all share. If you spot
someone repeatedly doing one of these actions and can mimic it, the
level of rapport generated can be greatly increased.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Eye Contact
Maintaining eye contact is important for a number of reasons.
One of the key factors is that it shows you are completely comfortable
with the conversation. People who lack confidence or are unsure of
what they are saying are highly likely to spend their time looking at
everything apart from the person they are talking to. We often read
subtle eye cues given out on a completely subconscious level. Our
emotions are easier to read and people will find it easier to build
empathy with you. Without solid eye contact people may doubt what
you are saying and begin to feel uncomfortable themselves.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
they were scared to make eye contact. These factors combined are very
damaging to comfort.
Paralanguage encompasses aspects of communication not related
to language, including vocal quality, volume, tempo, tonality, facial
expressions and gestures. In written language it can include punctuation
and emoticons. Similarly to body language, paralanguage is a subtle
form of communication. Paralanguage is sometimes expressed
deliberately on a conscious level though it may also be expressed
subconsciously as a display of emotion.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
I hate you.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
entered added emotion to our written words. In this way we can employ
paralanguage to establish empathy even via text message or email.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Breaking Rapport
Once a good level of comfort is established it is important not to
let things get too cozy. Pure comfort that is never spiced up with any
kind of conflict is warm yet unexciting and ultimately leads to a platonic
friendship; not attraction. Most people know what its like to really like
someone who only ever saw them as a friend, and the fact that they
never broke rapport is one of the biggest reasons why this happens.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
nudge, you would be likely to receive a small push, slap or at the very
least a slightly warm but shocked look. Smiling is a key point during
this specifically to ensure you maintain a level of comfort and dont ruin
what you have already established.
Bear in mind that the goal is just to jar the comfort you have
already and to make them view you in a different light. It is not to
eradicate the comfort completely. Too hard of a break could make
someone very uncomfortable and the you would be right back to square
one and have to start rebuilding comfort all over again. For example,
You know, youre really sexy when you smile like that is often a fairly
safe sexual break whereas I want to take you home and screw you
hard would make most people very uncomfortable at this stage! Sex is
such a taboo subject that any mention of it often serves to break rapport.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Lets look at teasing for a minute. Teasing is a very playful way to
break rapport. Be careful not to be insulting but look for a cheeky
comment that will get a reaction out of them. Hopefully it will be a
physical one. Pick something about them that they wont get really self-
conscious about and play with it remarking that theyre short with a
playful pat on the head will work well. If your teasing is met with an
exclamation or a playful glare, youre doing fine. If you get hit on the
arm or the leg then things are going very well indeed.
You can also take issues with something they say, creating an
intellectual or moral challenge to them. Either way, a small
disagreement on any point is a really strong way to break rapport. The
word no is very powerful and particularly good for stating a
disagreement. Simply wait until someone expresses an opinion that you
dont entirely agree with, and rather than politely keeping your differing
views quiet, show your assertiveness and vocalize them. A person who
can challenge you is an exciting person to be around. People take notice
when someone disagrees with them and that is exactly what is required
to begin building attraction.
generating attraction and you shouldnt linger here long youre not
looking to start a fight!
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Building Attraction
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
One simple, though hard to master, technique for building
attraction is assumption. With assumption we believe we have so many
attractive qualities and assume that whoever were with is attracted to
us. This plays on the natural human tendency to accept what people
around us accept, but it requires a lot of personal confidence to pull off
correctly! To do it you need to be confident, comfortable and at ease at
all times. This is easier said than done, especially when talking to
members of the opposite sex. Though the more you talk to others, the
easier it becomes.
Investment is another way to build attraction. With investment
someones attraction to you grows due to the time or effort they are
investing in you. The simple fact that they are talking to you at all
builds their investment in you on a small scale. Getting someone to give
up their seat, move to make room for you, buy you a drink, or to give in
any small way builds investment we value the things we have to work
towards, and the more someone does for you the more likely they are to
be attracted to you.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
By investment you are not looking to invest into them, rather you
are looking to get them to invest into you. The more we work to achieve
something the more value it has to us. Imagine winning a really
expensive, nice car in a raffle. The value of that car to you is the
financial value of the vehicle in question and perhaps some emotional
gratification from having got lucky. Now imagine spending the next 10
years of your life saving up every spare penny to buy yourself the same
car. Suddenly it represents so much more; it now also represents every
inch of blood and sweat you split working towards it and the car is now
worth considerable more to you than its simple financial value.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
they are investing. Therefore, the more likely they are to want to
receive something out of it. One great way to get someone to put
energy into a conversation is by a process called qualification.
Qualification is what takes place when one person attempts to
prove them self to another. Applying it to create attraction involves
setting up a situation in which prospective partners try to prove
themselves to you. This is usually achieved by asking leading
questions. They then find themselves trying to convince you why you
would be attracted to them. This may sound a little underhanded but
this is a thing that most people do naturally without realizing it.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The two kinds of qualifying questions are open-ended ones and closed.
An open-ended qualifying question doesnt come preloaded with
expectations but is the sort of question that helps you learn about the
other person. It is merely a question about themselves. Dont ask
mundane questions that theyre used to, such as What do you do for a
living? Instead, ask about their hopes, dreams and aspirations. Ask
them where they would like to be if they could be anywhere in the world
right now and then ask them why. Another great example of an open-
ended qualifying question is Where is the most interesting place you
have ever been?
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
You know, I only date people that can cook. Do you cook?
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Attractive Qualities
This is a quality of self-assurance or certainty. Our confidence is
portrayed in everything we do. From the words we use in language to
the way we walk, stand and interact with others, our confidence is
portrayed in everything we do. One of the highest qualities of
confidence is an understanding of self-value or, more importantly, lack
of neediness. When you seek validation from others you are portraying
yourself as having a low confidence, and this is usually seen as a rather
unattractive quality. Look at yourself in interactions with others. Are
you asking their approval on things you are doing or wearing? These
are key sign of a lack of confidence. One of the key factors in
confidence is belief in your own abilities. This self-confidence is based
on the knowledge that because you have done something before that you
can do it again.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
ideas that are contrary to popular opinion just to get noticed, however
having strong beliefs that you are openly willing to discuss whilst
maintaining your own ground can be a highly attractive quality.
The leader of the group, or alpha mare, will often walk with his
head erect displaying his full posture and looking at those around him.
Whilst we may not all want to be considered alpha males, there really is
no replacement for confident body language such as like walking with
your back straight and making eye contact with others in the room.
Adding a smile to this will almost certainly get a few people in the room
to return the gaze with a similar smile and thus initiate them attempting
to build comfort with you.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Science Warning!
Leadership is a
One kind of leadership more
powerful quality in handling people are aware of is the concept of
the alpha leader. With our closest
social interactions. It is not
relatives, the apes, a dominant alpha
necessary to lead everybody male will exhibit traits of competition,
around you, nor to lead all territorial behavior and violence, which
cause the other animals in the group
the time. What is important to cluster behind him. This is not the
however is to have a good only way, however.
understanding of how to
The Bonobo monkey, another
close species-relative of man, does
lead and to be able to do so not band behind an alpha male.
when necessary. Bonobos follow a female leadership
figure that has the support of the other
females in the group, forming a
It is a common collection of females capable of taking
perception that in any given on any single alpha male. In their
situation there is an society the female social leadership
trumps alpha male aggression.
undisputed leader the
In many modern human
general of an army, the head societies we have a similar
phenomenon; the greatest social
teacher in a school or the
leaders, who gain their position
director at work. In purely through having the support of having
social settings this tends not the majority supporters, rule
democratic cultures. They may not
to hold true; in fact, one possess the greatest violent or
view is that in any given territorial traits but their ability to
situation there are a number manage social networks and influence
others makes them the ultimate social
of leaders affecting things in leaders.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
different ways at any given time, and this is especially true of social
situations. Like other forms of leadership, social leadership covers the
ability to influence, motivate and enable others around us, only without
the hierarchal structure or set responsibilities of a more formal setting.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The more of these traits you display the more likely you are
to be able to be seen as a leader. These qualities can be developed
but gaining some may be harder work than others, especially if you
dont see yourself as particularly optimistic or find it hard to make
decisions. As with confidence, one of the best ways to develop this
is to simply practice. Try putting yourself in situations where you
will get the chance to develop leadership skills something as
simple as organizing a dinner party with a number of people and
keeping it to schedule will help develop some of the key skills
developed above.
You are probably familiar with the concept of keeping up
with the Jones or the phrase the grass is always greener on the
other side. What these both shed light on is the nature of value.
How we value things is largely based on how people around us
value things; we often look to others for an understanding of what
has value. We want to have what other people have. Pre-selection
is the idea that if you have people surrounding you that are
interested in you, others will begin to want you. This is why
people who are already in relationships tend to be considered more
attractive. This also explains how a big piece of publicity, such as
a TV appearance, can completely turn around someones dating
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Science Warning!
In 2006 Psychologist Benedict Jones ran a test on
females to see which male they thought was most attractive.
The female participants first viewed eight pairs of male faces
and indicated which face in each pair they preferred and how
strongly they preferred it. Following this the participants viewed
a slideshow where they saw the same pairs of male faces, but
this time a woman was shown looking at one of the men in
each pair with either a happy expression, such as smiling, or a
relatively negative or plain expression. After the slide show the
participants repeated the initial face preference test.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
The process by
which being seen as
attractive by some makes
you appear more attractive
to others is called social
transmission. Your
perceived value is
transmitted between the
people around you. What
this boils down to is that if
you are looking to meet
members of the opposite
sex, your chances improve
by taking other members of the opposite sex with you. The social
transmission you gain from your group will help you gain pre-selection
with people outside your group and make you more attractive to any
potential partner you encounter.
Possessing dreams and ambitions are a strong way of displaying
your long-term value. Your ambitions do need to be believable and
based on a foundation congruent with your life. An ambition to become
an astronaut without all the requisite training is a little far-fetched.
However, planning to become the head of your firm or setting up your
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
own business is not only a believable ambition, but also a good goal to
have in life. Possessing your own goals and ambitions can be a great
way or demonstrating an attractive, non-needy nature and shows you to
be well grounded in your own life.
Possessing skills and experience raises our value as a potential
partner. Every one of us has some kind of skill that we excel at. If you
dont know yours yet then look back on areas or experiences in the past
where youve succeeded or done particularly well. As a species, these
skills are all additions to the communal gene pool and help us find our
place and worth within the social group. It is important that you can
demonstrate your skill without being bigheaded or arrogant. The easiest
way to convey an area of excellence is to allude to its existence early on
in the conversation and then actively demonstrate it at a later date. It is
important not be appear boastful. If you are truly good at your skill the
performance will be more than adequate to demonstrate the skill. It is
much better to under promise and over deliver, just in case it goes wrong
or you under whelm after talking your skill up.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
prevent you from looking needy, and finally to display your excellence
and to increase general attractiveness.
Social Intelligence
In any social situation there is a perceived correct manner of
behavior and acting too far outside of the boundaries will leave you
segregated fro the group and make it harder to integrate. For example,
turning up to the Queens house for dinner and shouting expletives may
not be the best way to behave. At the same time, going to a rave and
sitting quietly in a corner isnt the correct behavior either. The goal is
not to blend into the crowd, but to behave in a way that ensures
widespread social acceptance.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Once youve got the conversation started and made them feel
comfortable in your presence, then broken rapport and wound them up a
bit, built attraction via qualifications, you are finally ready to escalate.
This is the time to capture the moment and make the situation into what
you want it to be. You can escalate to a kiss, making a date, or wherever
you want to take it.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
most important thing to learn about touch is that its as big a deal as you
make it. If it looks like youre really looking to get something out of
touching them, then thats what it becomes and again you make them
uncomfortable. If youre more concerned about putting your hands on
them than you are anything else or act as if touching them is a big or
frightening step, it will be.
Imagine that a boy and a girl are sitting closely at a bar, leaned in
to each other and having a relaxed and enjoyable time together. The boy
glances down and says, By the way, I love your jeans where did you
get them? indicating them with his hand but also brushing them with
his fingers as he does so. This is quite natural and harmless.
Now imagine the same situation, only the boy looks nervous and
glances down a few times as he edges his hand closer to her leg. He
goes to stroke her thigh but pulls up short and says Can I touch you
there? Now its really odd and the girl wonders what this suddenly
strange man is trying to do to her!
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
without meeting any resistance you can be pretty sure its safe to move in
for the kiss.
The Kiss
Going for the kiss can be a difficult point for many people but if
you do it right it shouldnt be a scary prospect. You want to get to a
point where you are both looking into each others eyes. You will feel a
sort of tension and are likely to have a small smile on your lips.
This next technique is one you can use if you dont want to over
commit yourself. First you should move in for a hug and give a kiss on
the cheek. Then lean back but dont release the hug and move in for
another kiss on their other cheek. This time be aware of their head
movements. Did they move towards the kiss or did they pull their head
away from you? If they pulled away simply release the hug and begin
escalating again, perhaps whilst building a little more comfort.
However, if they move towards you, simply lean in and take the kiss.
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons
Final Notes
Naturally, there are many different aspects to consider when
building interpersonal attraction with someone. Some people are easier
to speak to than others and not every battle can be won. However,
understanding the core principles and formula for attraction can help
answer a number of difficult questions, such as Why dont they like
me? or Why do I always end up as just a friend?
This book really just provides some guidelines and reasons, just
touching on all of the necessary topics and explaining the basics of each
one. There is clearly more to each; for every topic in this book there is
at least one volume on its subject out there somewhere. But for now the
best thing you can do is to take what you have learned here, go out, have
fun, and find the right one for you!
The Principles of Attraction AFC Adam Lyons