B.A. Political Science
B.A. Political Science
B.A. Political Science
2017-18 onwards
Pondicherry University
B. A (Political Science)
(Effective from the academic year 2017-2018)
Aim of the Course
The B.A (Political Science) course aims to impart the students with fundamental knowledge
of Political Science.
Eligibility of Admission
Candidates for admission to B.A. (PS), shall be required to have passed 10 + 2 system of
Examination or equivalent with all Science and Arts Subjects.
The course shall be of three years duration spread over six consecutive semesters.
The maximum duration to acquire prescribed number of credits in order to complete the
Programme of Study shall be twelve consecutive semesters (six years).
Course Structure
The crediting of MIL, ENG and AECC courses is as per Pondicherry University UG CBCS
Discipline Specific Core Course (DSC) and Discipline Specific Elective Course (DSE)
At least 60% (72 credits) of the total minimum credit requirement must be earned by the
student from DSC and DSE courses as follows in order to obtain the degree: 60 credits from
Discipline Specific Core and 12 credits from Discipline Specific Elective courses.
The six 4 credit papers to be credited under DSE can be credited from Discipline Specific
Elective specialization stream courses as follows:
I. Three of the 4 credit courses should be credited from one specialization stream
courses or across the different specialization stream courses specified in the
II. The remaining three of the 4 credit courses may be credited from
a. Another specialization stream courses of the curriculum or across the different
specialization stream courses specified in the curriculum without any overlap of
courses credited in I above.
Any 2 of the 3 credit Open Elective Courses specified in the curriculum (B.A. PS) could be
credited to constitute the 6 credits or substituted with Open elective courses in the curriculum
of other UG Political Science disciplines of study that add proficiency to the students - with
the advice of the Faculty Advisor or an assortment of these without any overlap of courses.
2. Pattern of Examination
I. The End-Semester examination and internal assessments for MIL, ENG, AECC, DSC,
GE and OE courses are as per Pondicherry University UG CBCS regulations.
II. The marks for attendance (5 marks) applies to all courses and the awarding of
attendance marks is as per Pondicherry University UG CBCS regulations.
Passing Minimum
Passing Eligibility and classification for the award of the Degree is as per Pondicherry
University UG CBCS regulations.
Other aspects of CBCS not covered in this document by default conforms to the Pondicherry
University UG CBCS regulations.
To be implemented form 2017-18 onwards
Course Contents
1. a. What is Politics?
Suggested Readings:
Course Contents.
2. Plato
3. Aristotle
Suggested Readings
3. G.H. Sabine,A History of Political Theory, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi,
1) Approaches to the Study of Indian Politics and Nature of the State in India
Suggested Readings
Menon, N. and Nigam, A. (2007) Power and Contestation: India Since 1989.
The study of this paper enables students at undergraduate level to obtain the
classical political tradition in the modern era. The political ideas and thoughts of
philosophers from Thomas Hobbes to Karl Marx have been included in the paper.
Course Contents
5. Karl Marx.
Suggested Readings
1. George H. Sabine, History of Political Theory, Oxford and IHB, New Delhi,
Suggested Readings
Palekar, S.A. (2009) Comparative Government and Politics. New Delhi: PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Course Rationale
The objective of this paper is to impart basic knowledge of the working
major modern political systems.This paper includes the study of the governmental
systems of U.K, USA, France, Switzerland and China.
Course Contents
1. Constitution of U.K
British Parliament
Judicial system
Political parties
2. Constitution of U.S.A
The Presidency
The Congress
The Judiciary
Political parties
3. Constitution of France
Legislature in France
4. Constitution of Switzerland
5. Constitution of China
Executive China
Legislature in China
Judiciary in China
Recommended Readings:
4. A.C. Kapoor, Select Constitutions, S . Chand and Co, New Delhi, 1986
5. V. D. Mahajan, Select Modern Governments, S, Chand and o, New Delhi,
SEC-1.Legislative Support
Aim of the course: To acquaint the student broadly with the legislative
process in India atvarious levels, introduce them to the requirements of peoples
representatives and provideelementary skills to be part of a legislative support
In India this has just begun. With about 5000 MPs and MLAs, and more than
30 lakhsrepresentatives at the Panchayati Raj level, there is a vast need that needs
to be respondedto. This course will equip the students with basic skills for this task
and expose them to reallife legislative work. It will build their skills and deepen
their understanding of the politicalprocess.
Course outline:
Suggested Readings:
Agarwal, O.P. and T.V. Somanathan, Public Policy Making in India: Issues
and Remedies, February, 2005. Can be accessed on:
OMANATHAN.pdf. Debroy, Bibek, Why we need law reform, Seminar January
Government links:
Celestine, A. How to read the Union Budget PRS, Centre for Policy
Research,New Delhi, 2011. can be accessed on:
Phases of Cold War: First Cold WarRise and fall of DetenteSecond Cold War
Post Cold- War Era and Emerging Centers of Power (European Union, China,
Russia andJapan)
Suggested Readings
Suggested Readings:
M. Pennington, (2009) Theory, Institutional and Comparative Politics, in J.
Bara andPennington. (eds.) Comparative Politics: Explaining Democratic System.
Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp. 13-40.
P. Hall, Taylor and C. Rosemary, (1996) Political Science and the Three
NewInstitutionalism, Political Studies. XLIV, pp. 936-957.
Course Rationale: This course will introduce the students to the debates,
principles andpractices of public opinion polling in the context of democracies,
with special reference toIndia. It will familiarise the students with how to
conceptualize and measure public opinionusing quantitative methods, with
particular attention being paid to developing basic skillspertaining to the collection,
analysis and utilisation of quantitative data.
V. Interpreting polls
Suggested Readings
R. Erikson and K. Tedin, (2011) American Public Opinion, 8th edition, New
York: Pearson Longman Publishers,. pp.4046.
Asking About Numbers: Why and How, Political Analysis (2013), Vol.
21(1): 4869, (first published online November 21, 2012)
H. Asher, (2001) Chapters 3 and 5, in Polling and the Public: What Every
Citizen Should Know, Washington DC: Congressional Quarterly Press.
R. Erikson and K. Tedin, (2011) American Public Opinion, 8th edition, New
York, Pearson Longman Publishers, pp. 4046.
A. Agresti and B. Finlay, (2009) Statistical methods for the Social Sciences,
4th edition, Uppersaddle river, NJ: PearsonPrentice Hall,
Course Rationale: The Proposed course aims to acquaint student with the
structure andmanner of functioning of the legal system in India.
Course Content:
Suggested Reading
Creating Legal Awareness, edited by Kamala Sankaran and Ujjwal Singh
(Delhi: OUP, 2007)
Multiple Action Research Group, Our Laws Vols 110, Delhi. Available in
Hindi also Indian Social Institute, New Delhi, Legal Literacy Series Booklets.
Available in Hindialso.
Nomita Aggarwal, Women and Law in India, New Century, Delhi, 2002.
P.C. Rao and William Sheffiled Alternate Dispute Resolution: What it is and
How it Works, Universal Law Books and Publishers, Delhi, 2002.
II. Issues
Suggested Readings
D. Lyon, (2008) Surveillance Society, Talk for Festival del Diritto, Piacenza,
Italia, September28, pp.1-7.
Experiences of Domestic Violence, Asian Studies Review, Vol. 32, pp. 239
K. Tsutsui and C. Wotipka, (2004) Global Civil Society and the International
Human Rights
L. Rabben, (2001) Amnesty International: Myth and Reality, in Agni, No. 54,
M. Ishay, (2004) The History of Human Rights: From Ancient Times to the
DSE-1A--Themes in Comparative Political Theory
Course Rationale: This course aims to familiarize students with the need to
recognize howconceptual resources in political theory draw from plural traditions.
By chiefly exploring theIndian and Western traditions of political theory through
some select themes, the overallobjective is to appreciate the value and
distinctiveness of comparative political theory.
a. Aristotle on Citizenship
b. Locke on Rights
c. Rousseau on inequality
a. Kautilya on State
e. PanditaRamabai on Patriarchy
Suggested Readings:
Jha, M. (2001) Ramabai: Gender and Caste, in Singh, M.P. and Roy, H.
(eds.) Indian PoliticalThought:Themes and Thinkers, New Delhi: Pearson.
Suggested Readings:
Dye, T.R. (1975) Understanding Public Policy. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,
pp. 1-38, 265-299.
Lee, H.B. (ed.) (1953) Korea: Time, Change and Administration. Hawaii:
University of Hawaii Press.
Course Rationale
This is an introductory paper to study the concepts and ideas that developed
in ancient India .It highlights main sources of political tradition in ancient India.
Course Contents
Course Rationale: This paper deals with concepts and different dimensions
of governancehighlighting the major debates in the contemporary times. There is a
need to understandthe importance of the concept of governance in the context of a
globalising world,environment, administration, development. The essence of
governance is explored throughthe various good governance initiatives introduced
in India.
Role of State In The Era of Globalisation State, Market and Civil Society
3. Environmental Governance
Human-Environment Interaction
4. Local Governance
Democratic Decentralisation
Electronic Governance
Suggested Readings
Mary John, Women in Power? Gender, Caste and Politics of Local Urban
Governance, in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 42(39), 2007
Mary John, Women in Power? Gender, Caste and Politics of Local Urban
Governance, in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 42(39), 2007.
Course Rationale : The course seeks to meet two essential objectives: one,
to acquaint thestudents with the art of reading texts, to enable them to grasp its
conceptual andargumentative structure and to help them acquire the skills to locate
the texts in a broaderintellectual and sociohistorical context. Second, it aims to
acquaint the students with thesocial and political thought of Gandhi. The themes in
Gandhian thought that are chosen for a close reading are particularly relevant to
our times.
a. textual
b. contextual
f. Hind Swaraj:
a. Nationalism.
b. Communal unity
c. Womens Question
d. Untouchability.
This component will contain the following selections from Gandhis India of
my Dreams(compiled R.K.Prabhu): The meaning of Swaraj (no.2); In defence
of Nationalism (no.3);Indias cultural heritage (no.45); Regeneration of Indian
women (no.54); Womenseducation (no.55); Communal unity (no.59); The
curse of untouchability (no.61);Religious tolerance in India (no.62); The
problem of minorities (no.66).
a. Ideology (Week 4)
a. Local (Week 7)
b. Sub-National (Week 7)
c. International (Week 8)
Unit I. Concepts
a. Understanding Conflict
Suggested Readings:
O. Ramsbotham, T. Woodhouse and H. Miall, (2011) Understanding
Contemporary Conflict,in Contemporary Conflict Resolution, (Third Edition),
Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 94-122.
D. Barash and C. Webel, (2009) Peace and Conflict Studies, London: Sage
Publication, pp. 91-117.
C. Webel and J. Galtung (eds.), (2007) The Handbook of Peace and Conflict
II. Industrial Development Strategy and its Impact on the Social Structure (2
a. Mixed economy, privatization, the impact on organized and unorganized
III. Agrarian Development Strategy and its Impact on the Social Structure
b. Maoist challenge
Suggested Readings
A. Mozoomdar, (1994) The Rise and Decline of Development Planning in
India, in T. Byres(ed.) The State and Development Planning in India. Delhi:
Oxford University Press, pp. 73-108.
Development Program Funded by the EEC went off the Rails, Ajanta, New
Delhi, 1985.
Ghanshyam Shah [ed.], Social Movements and The State, Sage Publication,
Richard Cox, Production, Power and World Order, New York, Columbia
University Press, 1987
Baxi, Upendra and Bhikhu Parekh, (ed.) Crisis and Change in Contemporary
India, New Delhi, Sage, 1994.
Menon, Nivedita, (ed.), Gender and Politics in India, New Delhi, Oxford
University Press, 2001.
Mohanty, Manoranjan, Peoples Rights: Social Movements and the State in
the Third World, Sage, New Delhi, 1998.
1. Globalization
a) What is it?
a) United Nations
c) International Terrorism
Suggested Readings
Taylor, P. and Grom, A.J.R. (eds.) (2000) The United Nations at the
Millennium. London: Continuum. pp. 1-20.
Roberts, J.M. (1999) The Penguin History of the 20th Century. London:
White, B. et al. (eds.) (2005) Issues in World Politics. Third Edition, New
York: Macmillan, pp.74-92; 191-211.
V. Gandhi: Swaraj
X. Nehru: Secularism
Suggested Readings
R. Roy, (1991) The Precepts of Jesus, the Guide to Peace and Happiness, S.
Hay, (ed.) Sources of Indian Traditio, Vol. 2. Second Edition. New Delhi: Penguin,
pp. 24-29.
S. Sarkar, (1985) Rammohan Roy and the break With the Past, in A
Critique on colonial India, Calcutta: Papyrus, pp. 1-17.
Suggested Readings
1. Ghosh A.,A study on the Development Strategy for Andaman and Nicobar
Islands,Classical Publishing Company,New Delhi,1994.
9. Sen, Prabat Kumar, Land and People of Andamans, Post Graduate Book
Expected Learning Outcome: The study of the course will equip the
students withtheoretical and conceptual understanding of socio economic and
political problems ofmarginalized groups in society such as women, dalits,
minorities and adivasis andrepercussions of contemporary developments on
globalization on them.
5. Human Rights, Laws and Institutions in India; the role of the National
Human Rights Commission.
redressal mechanisms.
III Gender
IV Environment
Agarwal, Anil and Sunita Narain (1991), Global Warming and Unequal
World: A Case of Environmental Colonialism, Centre for Science and
Environment, Delhi.
Shah, Nandita and Nandita Gandhi (1992) Issues at Stake: Theory and
Practice in theContemporary Womens Movement in India, Kali for Women,
Gonsalves, Colin (2011) Kaliyug: The decline of human rights law in the
period ofglobalization Human Rights Law Network, New Delhi.