Political Science
Political Science
Political Science
TOTAL 22 200
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B.A. Honours in Political Science
1st Semester
Understanding Political Theory [C-1]
1. Nature of Politics: What is Political Science, its nature and scopes, Political Science as Social
2. Nature and Significance of Political Theory: What is Political theory, its features and relevance
3. Political Ideology; Liberalism and Socialism;
4. 4 Approaches to the Study of Politics: Normative and Empirical; Behavioural; Post- behavioural
Suggested Readings
Bhargava, R and Acharya, A. (eds.), 2008, Political Theory: An Introduction. New Delhi: Pearson
Kukathas, Ch. and Gaus, G. F. (eds.), 2004, Handbook of Political Theory. New Delhi: Sage
Mckinnon, C. (ed.), 2008, Issues in Political Theory, New York: Oxford University Press Rakamari
Bookseller; Dhaka
Political Sociology [C 7]
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Suggested Readings
Moore, J.A. Jr. and Pubantz, J. (2008): The new United Nations. Delhi: Pearson Education,
Goldstein, J. and Pevehouse, J.C. (2006): International Relations. 6th edn. New Delhi: Pearson,
Gareis, S.B. and Varwick, J. (2005): The United Nations: an introduction. Basingstoke: Palgrave,
Basu, Rumki (2014): United Nations: Structure and Functions of an international organization, New Delhi,
Sterling Publishers
Baylis, J. and Smith, S. (eds.): (2008): The globalization of world politics. an introduction to international
relations. 4th edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Viotti, P.R. and Kauppi, M.V. (2007): International relations and world politics-security, economy, identity.
3rd edn.New Delhi: Pearson Education
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3. Aristotle: Notion of State and Revolution.
4. Ciecro: Natural Law
5. Medieval Political Thought: Theory of Two Swords.
6. Marsiglio of Padua: Conception of State
Suggested Readings
George, H. Sabine, A History of Political Thought.
S. Mukherjee and S. Ramaswamy, A History of Political Thought. U. Sharma, Western Political Thought
Debasish Mukhopadhay (Bengali), Paschimi Rastra Chnta Parikrama,
Pran Gobinda Das , Rastra Chintar Itibritto
Rakamari Bookseller; Dhaka
1. Aurobindo: Nationalism.
2. M. K. Gandhi: Sarvodaya
3. S.C. Bose: Doctrine of Samya
4. Nehru : Secularism
5. J.P. Narayan: Party-less Democracy
6. Ambedkar: Constitutionalism
Suggested Readings
Parel, (ed.), (2002) ‗Introduction‘, in Gandhi, freedom and Self Rule, Delhi: Vistaar Publication R. Pillai,
(1986) ‗Political thought of Jawaharlal Nehru‘, in Th. Pantham, and K. Deutsch (eds.), Political Thought in
Modem India, New Delhi: Sage,
Zachariah, (2004) Nehru, London: Routledge Historical Biographies
S. Sinha, (2010) ‗Lohia‘s Socialism: An underdog‘s perspective‘, in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.
XLV (40)
Madani, (2005) Composite Nationalism and Islam, New Delhi: Manohar
Suggested Readings
G. Haragopal, and K. Balagopal, (1998): Civil Liberties Movement and the State in India‘, in M. Mohanty,
P. Mukherji and O. Tornquist, (eds.) People’s Rights: Social Movements and the State in the Third World
New Delhi: Sage,
M. Mohanty, (2002): The Changing Definition of Rights in India‘, in S. Patel, J. Bagchi, and K. Raj (eds.)
ThinkingSocial Sciences in India: Essays in Honour of Alice Thorner Patel, New Delhi: Sage.
G. Omvedt, (2012): The Anti-caste Movement and the Discourse of Power‘, in N. Jayal (ed.) Democracy in
India, New Delhi: Oxford India Paperbacks, sixth impression
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P. Ramana, (2011): India‘s Maoist Insurgency: Evolution, Current Trends and Responses‘, in M. Kugelman
(ed.) India’s Contemporary Security Challenges, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars Asia
Programme, WashingtonD.C.,
Ray, (1996): Civil Rights Movement and Social Struggle in India‘, in Economic and Political Weekly, XXI
Roy, (2010): The Women‘s Movement‘, in N.Jayal and P. Mehta (eds.) The Oxford Companion to
Politics in India, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, N. Sundar, (2011): At War with Oneself:
Constructing Naxalism as India‘s Biggest Security Threat‘, in M.
(ed.) India’s Contemporary Security Challenges, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars Asia
Programme, Washington D.C.,
M. Weiner, (2001): The Struggle for Equality: Caste in Indian Politics‘, in A.Kohli. (ed.) The Success of
India’s Democracy, Cambridge: CUP,
S. Sinha, (2002): Tribal Solidarity Movements in India: A Review‘, in G. Shah. (ed.) Social Movements and
the State, New Delhi: Sage,
Suggested Readings
S. Ganguly and M. Pardesi, (2009): Explaining Sixty Years of India‘s Foreign Policy‘, in India Review, Vol.
8 (1),
Ch. Ogden, (2011): International Aspirations‘ of a Rising Power‘, in David Scott (ed.), Handbook of
India‘s International Relations, London: Routeledge,
W. Anderson, (2011): Domestic Roots of Indian Foreign Policy‘, in W. Anderson, Trysts with Democracy:
Political Practice in South Asia, Anthem Press: University Publishing Online.
J. Bandhopadhyaya, (1970): The Making Of India's Foreign Policy, New Delhi: Allied Publishers.
D. Scott, (2009): India's ―Extended Neighbourhood - Concept: Power Projection for a Rising Power‘, in
India Review, Vol. 8 (2),
Narlikar, (2007): All that Glitters is not Gold: India‘s Rise to Power‘, in Third World Quarterly, Vol. 28 (5)
Mohan, (2013) Changing Global Order: India‘s Perspective‘, in A. Tellis and S. Mirski (eds.), Crux of Asia:
China, India, and the Emerging Global Order, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Washington.
Narlikar, (2006): Peculiar Chauvinism or Strategic Calculation? Explaining the Negotiating Strategy of a
Rising India‘, in International Affairs, Vol. 82 (1),
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CBCS Syllabus
1st Semester
Course ( L-T-
Code Course Title Course P) Credit Marks
Political Theory Dsc.-1 5–1-0 6 50
Dsc.-2 Dsc.-2 5–1–0 6 50
MIL LCC 5–1–0 6 50
MIL AECC 5–1–0 4 50
3rd Semester
Course Course Title Course ( L-T-P) Credit Marks
Code Type
5th Semester
Code Course Title Course Type ( L-T-P) Credit Marks
Democracy and Governance in India DSE-1-A 5–1-0 6 50
DSE 2 DSE 2-A 5–1–0 6 50
Legal Literacy SEC-3 5–1–0 2 50
Human Rights GE-1 5–1–0 6 50
** The Syllabus of Political Science as DSC-1 and DSC- 2 will remain SAME.
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1st Semester –
Political Theory [DSC]
1. What is Politics?
2. Approaches to the Study of politics
3. Political Theory: Meaning
4. Concepts: Liberty, Equality, Justice, Rights
Suggested Readings:
Rajeev Bhargava and Ashok Acharya- Political Theory: An Introduction, Pearson Longman, 2008
P.G. Das- Modern Political Theory, New Central Book Agency,2014
O.P. Gauba- An Introduction to Political Theory, Macmilllan Publishers,,2003
Eddy Asirvatham and K.K. Misra – Political Theory, S.Chand and Company, New Delhi, 2008
Amal Ray and Mohit Bhattacharya- Political Theory: Ideas and Institutions, World Press, 1998
Sushila Ramaswamy-Political Theory: Ideas and Concepts, Macmillan Publishers
3rd Semester
Comparative Politics [DSC II]
1. The Nature and Scope of Comparative Political Analysis
2. Classifications of Political Systems
3. Parliamentary and Presidential-- UK and USA
4. Federal and Unitary-- USA and China
5. Party Systems: One-Party, Two-Party and Multi-Party Systems
Suggested Readings
J.C Johari, Comparative Political Theory: New Dimensions, Basic Concepts and Major Trends
Gabriel A. Almond and G.B. Powell, Comparative Politics Today: A World View
Bara, J & Pennington, M (eds.) : Comparative Politics
Hague, R & Harrop, M : Comparative Government and Politics : An Introduction
C. Kapoor : Select Constitutions
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Lieten, G K., 2003. Power, Politics and Rural Development: Essay on India. New Delhi: Monohar Pub.
Webster, Neil, 1992. Panchayati Raj and Decentralisation of Development Planning in West Bengal.
Calcutta: K.P.Bagchi.
Rogaly, Harriss & Bose, eds. Sonar Bangla: Agricultural Growth and Agrarian Change in West Bengal and
Bangladesh, New Delhi: Sage Pub
Bandyopadhyay Sekhar, 2009, Decolonization in South Asia: Meanings of Freedom in Post-Independence
West Bengal, 1947-52, Routledge
5th Semester
Democracy and Governance in India [DSC V]
Suggested Readings
R Bhargava (ed.) Politics and Ethics of the Indian Constitution, New Delhi: Oxford University Constitution of
India (Latest Edition) (Govt. of India Publication).
D. D. Basu, An Introduction to the Constitution of India (Prentice Hall, New Delhi). Ramesh Thakur, The
Government and Politics of India (Macmillan, London). J. C. Johari, Indian Government and Politics (2 vols.)
(Vishal Pub., Delhi).
M . V. Pylee, Introduction to the Constitution of India. References (Latest Edition)
J. R. Siwatch, Dynamics of Indian Government and Politics (Sterling Publication, New Delhi).
Kohli (ed), The Successes of India‘s Democracy (C.U.P. Cambridge). P. Chatterjee, State and Politics in India
G. Noorani, Constitutional Question in India (Oxford University Press, New Delhi). Bidyut Chackraborty.
State and Social Movements in India
Joya Hassan (Ed), 2001, State and Politics in India, Oxford University Press - 1998 Partha Chatterjee. The
Government and Politics in India, Universal, New Delhi, 1987
Suggested Readings
Sankaran, K & Singh, U (ed): Creating Legal Awareness
Wadhera, B. L. : Public Interest Litigation- A Handbook
Aggarwal, N : Women and Law in India
Mathew, P & Bakshi, P : Indian Legal System Mathew, P & Bakshi, P Women and the
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Human Rights [GE 1]
1. Human Rights: Meanings
2. UN Declarations and Covenants on Human Rights
3. Human Rights in India: the Role of the National Human Rights Commission.
4. Human Rights of Marginalized Groups: Dalits, Women
Suggested Readings
Agarwal, Anil and Sunita Narain (1991), Global Warming and Unequal World: A Case ofEnvironmental
Baxi, Upendra (2002), The Future of Human Rights
Beteille, Andre (2003), Antinomies of Society: Essays on Ideology and Institutions, Geetha, V. (2002) Gender
Ghanshyam Shah, (1991) Social Movements in India
Guha, Ramachandra and Madhav Gadgil, (1993) Environmental History of India
Haragopal, G. (1997) The Political Economy of Human Rights
Menon, Nivedita (ed) (2000) Gender and Politics in India
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