Insar, A Tool For Measuring Earth'S Surface Deformation: Quick Quick Study
Insar, A Tool For Measuring Earth'S Surface Deformation: Quick Quick Study
Insar, A Tool For Measuring Earth'S Surface Deformation: Quick Quick Study
measuring Earths
quick surface deformation
study Matthew E. Pritchard
By comparing phase information from images taken at different times, interferometric synthetic
aperture radar can measure terrestrial displacements as small as a centimeter.
Matt Pritchard is an assistant professor of Earth and atmospheric sciences at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
Measurements of changes in Earths shape provide Researchers have used the spatial patterns of deformation in
critical insights into processes of interest to science and soci- the weeks to years after large earthquakes occurred to place
ety, from subsurface movements of magma; to changes in bounds on frictional properties of the fault and the viscosity of
strain before, during, and after earthquakes; to the motion of the subsurface. InSAR maps have also revealed the importance
ice sheets. Yet even today, vast portions of Earth remain in- of postseismic deformation from water movements caused by
frequently monitored for deformation, or not monitored at earthquake-induced adjustments in regional stress fields.
all. And that dearth of information is despite intense efforts The locations of certain shallow earthquakes that had been
and such advances as the global positioning system (GPS). incorrectly determined.
In the past few decades, scientists have developed the Magma moving at many supposedly dormant volcanoes.
capability to measure centimeter-scale deformation by com- Groundwater movements beneath major cities and else-
paring satellite images taken a few days to a few years apart. where that exhibit complex spatial and temporal variations,
That ability has led to a great increase in the percentage of in part influenced by human activities.
Earths surface that can be monitored for deformation and in Ice sheets that are much more dynamic than previously
the frequency of such observations. One powerful satellite- thought. The dynamism has important consequences for
based imaging technique, interferometric synthetic aperture models of sea-level rise.
radar (InSAR), came into broad use in the early 1990s. It has
revolutionized the way scientists see Earth and the evolution How InSAR works
of its shape over time. Radar, an acronym for radio detection and ranging, involves
the transmission and reception of microwave electromagnetic
What is InSAR good for? radiation with frequencies roughly in the range of 1081011 Hz
Until the late 20th century, measurement of Earths deforma- and corresponding wavelengths of order 11000 mm. Radars
tion was necessarily time consuming. Frequently it was per- that image Earths surface have wavelengths greater than a
ilous because an observer had to be physically present at a few centimeters so they can see through clouds and precipi-
dangerous or remote location; the less dangerous but more tation; they thus can function day or night, no matter what
expensive alternative was to establish an observatory. InSAR the weather.
overcomes many such practical limitations. With it, one can To create a radar image, one must determine where the
quickly survey remote sites with areas measuring thousands received radar energy interacted with the ground. The two co-
of square kilometers and achieve a spatial resolution of about ordinates most often used to describe that interaction point are
20 m. For example, I was part of a group that could, in a few the range, or distance perpendicular to the radar antenna, and
weeks time, assess the deformation at more than 900 volca- the azimuth, or distance along the flight path. To discriminate
noes in the central Andes. Similar ground-based measure- ground features in the range direction, one precisely times the
ments would have taken years or even decades. In other returns of radar energy. Features in azimuth are resolved by
work, InSAR has observed erupting volcanic craters tracking changes in frequency caused by the Doppler effect.
without jeopardizing humans or expensive instruments. Because many pulses from the radar are combined to create
Ground measurements from continuously operating GPS the image of a ground scatterer, the signal processing tech-
stations and other instruments can observe deformation over nique is called synthetic aperture radar (SAR), where the
time scales of seconds. InSAR is complementary to those tools; aperture includes the motion of the antenna over the many
current satellites can take measurements of much greater areas pulses. For a typical civilian satellite, SARs range resolution is
on a monthly basis. Depending on the configuration of its about 20 m and its azimuth resolution is about 5 m.
radar antenna, InSAR can measure a variety of observables in- Each pixel in a SAR image encodes a complex number
cluding topography, ocean currents, ground moisture whose amplitude corresponds to the intensity of the returned
changes, and surface deformation from glaciers, earthquakes, radar energy and whose phase represents a fraction of a com-
and volcanoes. Data obtained with InSAR, in combination plete wavelength. The figure shows how a pair of SAR images
with sophisticated location procedures, can help monitor nu- obtained at different times can be combined to form an
clear tests, create better models of the elastic properties of interferogram and, with further refinements, yield surface
Earths interior, and assess seismic hazard. A partial list of key deformation. The amplitude images appear similar to an
discoveries made with the help of InSAR includes optical image of the ground, although there are several im-
Dramatic new information revealed by high-resolution portant differences because the source of illumination is a
maps of deformation before, during, and after earthquakes. satellite antenna.
The phase in a SAR image is random from one pixel to A dedicated satellite able to make frequent and consistent ob-
another because the phase at each pixel is a complicated func- servations could address some large-scale problems in geo-
tion of the scattering features located on the surface. How- physics. Eventually, constellations of InSAR satellites in a va-
ever, when the phases from two images are subtracted to riety of orbits, including possibly geosynchronous orbits,
form an interferogram, the resulting phase-difference fringes could allow near-real-time imaging that would greatly assist
allow one to infer changes in the distance between the ground the response to natural hazards, and even help anticipate
and the satellite antenna. Each fringe corresponds to a dis- some of them. Beyond terrestrial applications, InSAR mis-
tance change of /2, where is the radar wavelength. After sions to Venus, Mars, Europa, or Titan could potentially re-
removal of effects due to the slightly different locations of the veal the myriad deformational processes occurring on those
antenna during the two observations, the remaining inter- distant objects.
ferogram should represent surface deformation.
The principal source of noise for satellite InSAR I thank Don Campbell, Rowena Lohman, Joan Ramage, Mark Simons,
measurements of ground deformation is delay in phase prop- and especially Paul Rosen for helpful comments.
agation through the troposphere, most often caused by spa-
Additional resources
tial and temporal variations in the water vapor content (see
panel e of the figure). In certain areas, independent ground P. A. Rosen et al., Proc. IEEE 88, 333 (2000).
or satellite data can be used to diminish the atmospheric ar- F. M. Henderson, A. J. Lewis, eds., Principles and Applica-
tifacts, but the most globally practical method is to use mul- tions of Imaging Radar, Wiley, New York (1998).
tiple overlapping observations to better characterize the sig- D. Massonnet, K. Feigl, Rev. Geophys. 36, 441 (1998).
nal and noise. R. Burgmann, P. A. Rosen, E. J. Fielding, Ann. Rev. Earth
InSAR only sees deformation in the line-of-sight direc- Planet. Sci. 28, 169 (2000).
tion of the radar beam, which implies that only one compo- J. Curlander, R. N. McDonough, Synthetic Aperture Radar:
nent of the deformation can be measured in an individual in- Systems and Signal Processing, Wiley, New York (1991).
terferogram. By using multiple satellite passes with different Several summary reports stressing that InSAR should be
observing geometries, one recovers more than a single com- a high priority for US funding agencies are available at
ponent of deformation; that additional information is impor-
tant for constraining physical deformation models. Information on how to process InSAR data is available at
Though InSAR systems have provided many new in-
sights, satellites to date have not been optimized for InSAR. roi_pac.html.