Active Tectonics and The LiDAR Revolution
Active Tectonics and The LiDAR Revolution
Active Tectonics and The LiDAR Revolution
Andrew Meigs*
A revolution in remote sensing, light detection and ranging (LiDAR) laser altimetry swath mapping, reveals the details of topographic fea-
tures at such high resolution that they have transformed our understanding of tectonic forcing of the shape of the Earth’s surface. Meter-
scale DEMs (digital elevation models) capture fault offsets, fault zone structure, off-fault deformation, and landscape properties at microgeo-
morphic scale, highlighting that the surface faithfully records the complexity and sensitivity of deformation in detail.
New techniques for surface imaging and ing facility, came into existence in 2003 (Carter etrating vegetation, and presumably hitting the
analysis continue to inform and challenge our et al., 2007). The applications of LiDAR data ground. An example of the spatial and verti-
understanding of the Earth’s surface evolution. seem boundless. LiDAR data are used in fields cal resolution of high quality data is provided
A Mw 7.3 earthquake in the eastern California that include engineering, planning, forestry and by surveys funded and hosted by the Oregon
shear zone (the 1992 Landers earthquake [Sieh ecology, glaciology, geomorphology, and active LiDAR Consortium. The Consortium, formed
et al., 1993]), for example, saw the debut of tectonics. What are these data and why are they by the Oregon Department of Geology and
synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry so alluring? Mineral Industries in partnership with a host
as a means for measuring the coseismic dis- The principle underlying LiDAR surveying of public and private entities, requires data
placement field of an earthquake (Massonnet is relatively straight-forward; a laser rapidly collected with eight point-per-square-meter
et al., 1993). Stunning SAR images revealed emits light pulses that are reflected back from density and <6-cm RMSE (root-mean-square
both the displacement along the fault, measure- any object they strike. The travel time between error) vertical accuracy (Fig. 1) (Luccio, 2013;
ments typically made via labor-intensive field the instrument and the object are used in com- Madin et al., 2010). Data with this resolu-
methods, as well as off-fault deformation in a bination with the instrument location and ori- tion generated through the consortium cover
90 × 100 km area surrounding the 80-km-long entation to determine the absolute position of more than 16,000,000 acres in Oregon (http://
surface rupture. Whereas the use of landforms every object that reflects the light (Ackermann,;
as strain markers to characterize active fault- 1999; Carter et al., 2007; Harding, 2000). Luccio, 2013).
ing and folding was established decades earlier LiDAR data used in the Earth sciences are most A recent paper published in Lithosphere by
(e.g., Wallace, 1968), the Landers SAR images often collected via either ground-based terres- Barth et al. (2012, v. 4, p. 435–448) provides
demonstrated that the Earth’s surface records trial laser scanning surveys (TLS) or airborne wonderful illustration of the power of high-
earthquake deformation to a greater degree laser swath mapping (ALSM) of large tracts. resolution LiDAR topographic data. Profound
than previously known. Suddenly, time series Airborne LiDAR data are collected by affixing lineaments mark the topographic expression of
analysis of surface imagery became a key tool a laser to an aircraft, controlling for the air- strike slip faults such as the San Andreas fault
for inversion of coseismic and postseismic data craft location using differential kinematic GPS in California (Wallace, 1990) and the Alpine
sets, for modeling static stress changes on faults (global positioning systems) with on-board and fault in New Zealand, the focus of the Barth et
and on neighboring faults, and a host of other ground-based base stations, and flying a series al. study. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
geological and geophysical applications (e.g., of overlapping swaths over the survey area DEM (30-m resolution) data reveal the remark-
Fialko et al., 2002). (Harding, 2000). Because current lasers send able linearity of the Alpine fault (http://photo-
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) topo- up to 150,000 pulses per second (Carter et al., In con-
graphic surveying takes Earth surface imaging 2007), ALSM bathes the survey area with laser trast, DEMs generated from LiDAR along a 20
to a new level because of its resolution and its pulses that produce returns off of any object km-long reach of the Alpine fault between the
wide availability in the public domain. A search between the aircraft and the Earth’s surface. Waiho River at Franz Joseph and the Whataroa
in Google Scholar using the key words “light Flying over a forest, for example, yields a 3 River to the northeast illustrate the nonlin-
detection and ranging” results in ~780,000 dimensional set of points that includes returns ear, step-like surface expression of the fault at
hits—an astounding number given that the first from the forest canopy, the ground surface, and scales of 1–10’s of meters. Whereas the scale-
papers in the Earth sciences to use these data from any object in between. A “point cloud” dependent nature of the topology fault is well
started appearing after ~1995 (e.g., Krabill et data set results from the swath mapping. Most known (Norris and Cooper, 1995), the unique
al., 1995). The National Center for Airborne Earth science users utilize the “bare earth” contribution of the Barth et al. (2012) study is
Laser Mapping (NCALM), a National Science model, which is a very high-resolution digi- that the new high-resolution data allow for the
Foundation (NSF) data collection and process- tal elevation model (DEM) created from the kinematic relationship between strike- and dip-
last returns during a survey—the pulses that slip faults to be characterized at the scale of 10’s
*E-mail: traveled the farthest from the scanner, pen- of meters. Not only did these new data reveal the
ation hillslope, channel, and drainage basin response
Sala una anticipated by the B4 experiment along the San
500 m da F
-2.5 m X ault Andreas fault system, represents a very exciting
frontier. A “before” LiDAR survey along the El
E Paso Inferior (east dip) Borrego 100pt Median Mayor–Cucapah fault fortuitously allowed for a
Δ Elev. (m)