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Ground Penetrating Radar

By Jon Do
CEE 8104: Geoenvironmental Engineering
Homework 4
Instructor: Dr. A. Welker
Villanova University
Villanova, PA 19085
November 11, 2003

How it Works
Ground penetrating radar is a nondestructive geophysical method that produces a continuous,
cross-sectional profile or record of subsurface features, without drilling, probing, or digging.
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiles are used for evaluating the location and depth of buried
objects and to investigate the presence and continuity of natural subsurface conditions and
The basic theory of GPR is that ultra high frequency radio waves (generally 10 MHz to
1,000 MHz) are transmitted into the ground through a transducer or antenna. The transmitted
waves are then reflected from various buried objects or different materials (i.e. soil, water,
contaminant plume). An antenna then receives the reflected waves and stores them in the digital
control unit (Photo 1 and 2). This process is known as electromagnetic wave propagation and
scattering and it is used to image, locate and quantitatively identify changes in electrical and
magnetic properties within the ground (Beres & Haeni, 1991; Daniels et. al., 1995).

Photo 1 and 2: 400 MHz Antenna and SIR-2 Digital Control Unit (from Geo Model Inc.)

It may be performed from the surface, in a borehole or between boreholes, from aircraft
or satellites. It has the highest resolution in subsurface imaging of any geophysical method,
approaching centimeters under the right conditions. The depth that GPR can be used varies from
less than a meter to over 5,400 meters, depending upon material properties. Ground penetrating
radar waves can reach depths up to 100 feet (30 meters) in low conductivity materials such as
dry sand or granite. Clays, shale, and other high conductivity materials, may attenuate or absorb
GPR signals, greatly decreasing the depth of penetration to 3 feet (1 meter) or less. The
sensitivity of detection of a subsurface feature depends upon contrast in electrical and magnetic
properties, and the geometric relationship with the antenna. Once received, the data can be
interpreted to derive information such as depth, orientation, size and shape of buried objects,
density and water content of soils, and much more (Olhoeft, 2000; Beres & Haeni, 1991).

Figure 1: Schematic of Basic Ground Penetrating Radar System

Appropriate uses
GPR is used to map geologic conditions that include depth to bedrock, depth to the water
table (Knoll et. al., 1997), depth and thickness of soil and sediment strata on land and under fresh
water bodies (Beres and Haeni, 1991; Smith and Jol, 1997), and the location of subsurface
cavities and fractures in bedrock. Other applications include the location of objects such as pipes,
drums, tanks, cables, and boulders, mapping landfill and trench boundaries (Benson et. al., 1983)
mapping contaminants (Daniels et. al., 1995; Guy et. al., 2000), and conducting archeological
Integration of GPR data with other surface geophysical methods, such as seismic,
resistivity, or electromagnetic methods, reduces uncertainty in site characterization.
Ground penetrating radar is now a widely accepted field screening technology for characterizing
and imaging subsurface conditions. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
has an approved Standard Guide for Using the Surface Ground Penetrating Radar Method for
Subsurface Investigation.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The use of GPR as a geophysical method of site investigation has several beneficial
advantages. GPR measurements are relatively easy to make and are not intrusive. Antennas may
be pulled by hand or with a vehicle from 0.8 to 8 kph, or more, which can produce considerable
data/unit time. GPR data can often be interpreted right in the field without data processing.
Graphic displays of GPR data often resemble geologic cross sections. When GPR data are
collected on closely spaced (less than 1 meter) lines, these data can be used to generate
dimensional views of radar data greatly improving the ability to interpret subsurface conditions
(US ACE, 1995).

Photo 3 & 4: Hand-towed GPR survey and Vehicle-towed GPR survey (from Geo Model Inc.)

GPRs major limitation is its site specific performance. Often, the depth of penetration is
limited by the presence of mineralogic clays or high conductivity pore fluid. It is also important
to note that the GPR method is sensitive to unwanted signals (noise) caused by various geologic
and cultural factors. Geologic (natural) sources of noise can be caused by boulders, animal
burrows, tree roots, and other inhomogeneties can cause unwanted reflections or scattering.
Cultural sources of noise can include reflections from nearby vehicles, buildings, fences, power
lines, and trees. Shielded antennas can be used to limit these types of reflections.
Electromagnetic transmissions from cellular telephones, two-way radios, television, and radio
and microwave transmitters may cause noise on GPR records. Also, the data collected through
GPR methods are highly subject to the interpretation of the data, especially if interferences are
not identified correctly (Beres & Haeni, 1991).

As far as costs are concerned, the costs of GPR systems vary widely depending on the
complexity of the systems. Most systems fall in the $15,000 to $50,000 range. GPR systems can
be rented for about $1,000 per week and a $300 mobilization charge. Contractors can conduct
GPR surveys with costs ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 per day depending on the amount of
interpretation needed and if a report is required (Geomodel Inc., 2003)
An Example
GPR can be used as a powerful means of monitoring the remediation of contaminated
groundwater caused by various contaminants. In this example a pulseEKKO GPR survey was
conducted near a municipal landfill site in Ontario, Canada. Contaminants leaching from the
landfill are transported by groundwater flow to a nearby stream. A pulseEKKO GPR system
using 50 MHz antennas determined the extent of contamination, which is indicated by the
absence of signals on the first data set above. With repetitions over time, GPR surveys allow the
impact of remediation measures to be monitored. As shown in the lower data set, this site
remediation was quite successful. After five years some areas initially opaque to GPR signals
have become transparent.

Annan, A.P., 1992. Ground penetrating radar workshop notes. Sensors and Software Inc.,
Mississauga, Ontario, 128 p.
Benson, R.C., R.A. Glaccum, and M.R. Noel, 1983. Geophysical techniques for sensing buried
wastes and waste migration. Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, U. S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Contract #68-03-3050, Las Vegas, NV, 1983, 236 p.
Beres, M., and F.P. Haeni, 1991. Application of ground penetrating radar methods in
hydrogeologic studies. Ground Water, vol. 29, no. 3, p. 375-386.
Daniels, J.J., R. Roberts, and M. Vendl, 1995. Ground penetrating radar for the detection of
liquid contaminants. Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. 33, p. 195-207.
Guy, E.D., J.J. Daniels, J. Holt, S.J. Radzevicius, and M.A. Vendl, 2000. Electromagnetic
induction and GPR measurements for creosote contaminant investigation. Journal Environmental
and Engineering Geophysics, vol. 5, Issue 2, p. 11-19.
Haeni, F.P., 1996. Use of ground penetrating radar and continuous seismic-reflection on surfacewater bodies in environmental and engineering studies. Journal of Environmental & Engineering
Geophysics, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 27-36.
Knoll, M.D., F.P. Haeni, and R.J. Knight, 1991. Characterization of a sand and gravel aquifer
using ground penetrating radar, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. U.S. Geological Survey Water
Resources Investigations Report 91-4035, p. 29-35.
Olhoeft, G.R., 2000, Maximizing the information return from ground penetrating radar: J.
Applied Geophys., v. 43, p. 175-187.
Smith, D.G., and H. Jol, 1997. Radar structure of a Gilbert-type delta, Peyto Lake, Banff
National Park, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 113, p. 195-209.
USACE, 1995. Geophysical Exploration for Engineering and Environmental Investigation. US
Army Corps of Engineers Design Manual, EM1110-1-1802
Geo Model Inc. http://www.geomodel.com

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