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Planning 3D Survey -examples-

• Configuration and parameters of the seismic acquisition geometry, location of receiving and
shooting lines within the area under study play the crucial role for exploration of hydrocarbon
deposits and new territories for oil & gas prospects.
• Full-wave seismic modeling gives the opportunity to get synthetic seismic data practically
identical to ones obtained during field seismic survey with the same spread layout. Using a
priori information relating to the structure of the upper part of the section, P- and S-velocities,
and rock densities, allows obtaining synthetic gathers, which contain all types of useful waves
and noise events (reflected, refracted, diffracted, converted, multiple, surface, acoustic, etc.)
expected in case of field works. This gives a possibility substantiate not only the acquisition
geometry but also plan effective sequence of the data processing procedures revealing the
target reflections among noises.
• Full-wave seismic modelling is well-suited for planning of seismic acquisition, in particular for
oil & gas exploration in near-salt dome zones, for modelling of mine works’ influence on
seismic wavefield, for engineering seismics, etc., now has been used increasingly used for
tuning of acquisition geometry in complicated seismic & geological conditions.
• The examples of the seismic acquisition systems’ parameter tuning and planning are shown for
various seismic & geological patterns.


Object 1
Survey Layout scheme (survey planning package)

Survey Layout on Land Map (survey planning package)

Scheme of the Survey Overlay Fold (survey planning package)

Seismic-geologic Model of the area (Tesseral, Object #1)

Parameters of the Survey Layout:

- geophone layout 4200 m

- type - static
- interval between geophone groups 20 m
- interval between shots 40 m
- record sampling rate 2 ms
- record length 4s
- frequency bandwidth 8-80 Hz

For the initial depth velocity model of the object may be taken:
• The geological section, for instance from the Regional Geological Atlas;
• Seismic & geological section;
• Migrated seismic section in the depth scale;
• Logging data (P-wave and S-wave acoustic logging, density logging);
• VSP data and stratigraphic column.
• The spread parameters are to be selected by practical consideration:
• Intervals for shot points and receiver points;
• Length and type of the spread – end-on, central, fixed, etc. spread;
• Location of the receiver line relatively the target structures;
• Parameters of the signal registration (start time and end time, discretisation step);
• Records grouping. etc. 6
Example of a synthetic gather and CDP time cross-section (Tesseral)

Selection of the modelling parameters:

• Wave equation type (scalar, acoustic, elastic, elastic anisotropic, in case some data on
anisotropy present; viscose-elastic in case some data on Q-factor for separate layers present);
• Type of the source and type and reak frequency of the signal;
• Mode: with multiples or without multiples; with SV-waves from the source or with attenuation
of such waves;
• Anisotropy and fracturing, if present;
• Parameters for the rock matrix and the fluid content, porosity coefficient for the deposit, if
present. 7
Post-stack and pre-stack time migration (Tesseral, in time scale)

Pre-stack depth migration in (time and depth scale) 8

Sequence of some wavefield snapshots (Tesseral)

Object 2
Survey Layout on Structure Map backgroud (survey planning package)

Map of the Survey Overlay Fold Object (survey planning package)

Seismic-geologic Model of the area (Tesseral, Object #2)

Parameters of the Survey Layout:

- geophone layout 6000 m

- type - static
- interval between geophone groups 30 m
- interval between shots 60 m
- record sampling rate 2 ms
- record length 5s
- frequency bandwidth 8-80 Hz

The preliminary full-wave modelling of seismic data for a particular object under study provides a
possibility to show to the customer that the geological assignment’s tasks may be solved
successfully by means of the proposed acquisition geometry and workflow of the processing
procedures selected by results of the testing based on synthetic data.
In some cases, if the area under study has relatively simple geological pattern, it is enough to use
the post-stack time migration for obtainment of the final processing results. If the objects are
more complicated, the pre-stack migration may be needed. And finally, for complex structures
having steeply dipping reflection boundaries and abrupt lateral velocity changes, it is needed to
use the pre-stack depth migration.
Thus, the full-wave modelling enables not only substantiating the field work technique before
beginning of the field observations but also to proposing the proper processing flow, and
therefore to supporting a cost sheet taking into account complexity of the object under study.
Synthetic gathers (Tesseral)
Left Edge of Profile Middle part of profile Right Edge of Profile

CDP time cross-section and post-stack migrated cross-section (Tesseral)

Pre-stack time and depth migrations (Tesseral, in time scale)

Model and Pre-stack Depth Migration in Depth Scale (Tesseral)

Object 3 Seismic survey
(survey planning package)

Seismic survey on the topographical map
(survey planning package)

Coverage fold map (survey planning package)

Survey planning package: Model

Model with rays 21

Model and common-shot gathers (Tesseral)

a b
CMP section (a) and
post-stack migration (b)

PSTM (c) and

PSDM in time scale (d)
then converted to depth
scale (e) (on background of
initial model)

c d e

Conventional modeling sequence at survey planning

1. Building initial depth velocity model basing on available data.

2. Selecting survey layout parameters by practical considerations.
3. Selection of the modelling parameters.
4. Generating synthetic gathers ;
5. Transforming the depth velocity model the grid of velocities’ distribution.
6. Transforming the velocity grid to the set of V(t0) curves (RMS velovity column) with a defined
7. Building the CDP time section.
8. Carrying out the time post-stack migration to produce the CDP time section.
9. Carrying out the time pre-stack migration.
10. Carrying out the depth pre-stack migration.
11. Transforming results of the depth pre-stack migration into depth scale.

 At each processing stage, the obtained results are to be analysed. If needed, the spread
parameters (item 2) and the modelling parameters (item 3) may be changed.
 After that, the process of the synthetic gathers generation (item 4) and the data processing
(items 5-11) are repeated until a positive result will be obtained.
 In some cases, if after modelling and processing of synthetic gathers the unsatisfactory results
are obtained, it may be needed to change the model, so the modelling process may be
repeated again from the beginning (item 1).

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