Static Review
Static Review
Static Review
Amoco (UK) Exploration Company
London, England
I n many onshore exploration areas, the land surface is cov- upper layer can cause a dramatic deterioration in the quality
ered with a relatively thin layer of material of low seismic of land seismic data (Figure 1) if we do not acknowledge the
velocity. Commonly known to geophysicists as the weath- problem and take appropriate action during data acquisition
ered layer, it is generally related to aerated material above the and processing.
water table or to geologically recent unconsolidated sedi- There are many concerns and issues associated with the
ments on a substratum of harder consolidated rocks. This near surface but, in this three-part tutorial series, I shall be
seismic layer, despite the geophysicist’s terminology, ap- concerned with the problems of velocity and thickness vari-
pears to have very little to do with the geologic weathered ations in the low-velocity, near-surface layers-or, more
layer. However, variations in the physical properties of this particularly, with their measurement and compensation of the
data for their presence. Part I deals with the variability of the
near-surface velocity distributions and how it affects the
seismic data. Also considered are the types of data available
from which the near-surface velocity distribution may be
determined. Concluding the first part is a discussion of the
datum, field statics and drift statics. Next month, Part II will
consider refraction statics, and in March Part III will focus on
residual statics, statics and velocity analysis, plus some guide-
lines for choosing a method.
Data sources. How well we define the surface model or Figure 10. (a) Acquisition geometry of an uphole velocity
derive the static corrections depends on the four types of data survey. (b) Results of the survey. These surveys are useful
commonly available: the seismic data themselves, uphole for calibrating the results of refraction interpretations,
times from deep dynamite shooting, separate low-velocity particularly in areas where the low-velocity layer contains
layer (LVL) surveys, and uphole velocity surveys. one or more high-velocity layers.
Conventional seismic data are used in two very different
ways. There are refraction-based techniques which use the
first break information in a deterministic way to estimate the wishes to use a deterministic approach, to employ either an
near-surface model from which the static corrections are LVL or uphole survey to obtain near-surface velocity infor-
computed. Then there are the reflection-based techniques mation. Some acquisition geometries, such as crooked line,
which statistically derive residual static corrections to en- result in nonlinear first break data so that conventional refrac-
hance the coherency of the reflection. The long group lengths tion analysis of first breaks cannot be undertaken and it is then
and the source to near-receiver offsets of conventional seis- common practice to employ a separate LVL crew.
mic field geometries are usually such that the data fail to Uphole times from deep-hole dynamite shooting are an
adequately sample the uppermost layer(s), the zone in which additional source of information which is available at no extra
most variations of velocity and thickness occur, for determin- cost. This measurement provides an average vertical velocity
istic techniques (Figure 7). It is common practice then, when over the uppermost few tens of feet with one sample every
a deterministic approach is to be taken, to supplement the few hundred feet along the line depending on shothole depth
conventional seismic data with other information to help and spacing. Examination of adjacent uphole times from a
determine the near-surface model, or to combine refraction survey will give an indication of the consistency or variability
and residual techniques. when surface sources such as of the near surface. Unfortunately, these measurements,
vibroseis are used, the first breaks on the field records are which all too often’contain relatively large recording errors,
sometimes so poor (as in Figure 8) that it is imperative, if one do not allow us to define a detailed near-surface model and
Refraction statics. One of the reasons for deriving and collectively referred to as linear techniques, while those
applying static corrections is to ensure structural integrity in methods which allow rapid changes in refractor geometry and
the processed section. Static anomalies whose spatial wave- velocity are collectively referred to as nonlinear techniques.
lengths are longer than a spread length are not uncommon and In the real world, the topography is never flat, the refractor
if not corrected produce false structures in the seismic section is never planar, the velocity of the low-velocity layer proba-
(Figure 14). Refraction statics are effective for correcting bly changes both laterally and vertically due to compaction
these long spatial wavelength anomalies, and they are also and lithology variations, and finally the subweathering veloc-
effective against shorter spatial wavelength anomalies. ity probably varies laterally also. So, instead of the simple
Refraction methods allow us to derive estimates of the
thicknesses and velocities of the near-surface layers by ana-
lyzing the first breaks on the field records. There are many
methods which have been proposed over the years, but all are
based on the same basic principal of refracted energy.
The key concept in seismic refraction is that when a
seismic ray crosses a boundary between two formations of
different velocities, then the ray is bent according to Snell’s
law (Figure 15) which states that the ratio of the sines of the
incident and refracted angles is equal to the ratio of the
velocities of the two formations. As long as the velocity of
the lower layer is faster than the velocity of the upper layer,
the refracted ray will be bent toward the horizontal and there
will come a point, as the angle of incidence is increased, at
which the refracted angle is 90°. When this critical angle is
reached, the ray will travel horizontally in the second layer
close to the formation boundary. Energy traveling in the faster
medium close to the boundary continuously excites waves in
the upper layer which are transmitted back to the surface.
Energy refracted in the faster layer arrives at the surface
before the direct arrival, and it is known as the refracted or
headwave. This situation is shown in Figure 16 with the
time-distance plot of the first arrivals used to determine the
velocities of the layers involved (the inverse of the slope on
the graph). The thickness of the surface layer can be com-
puted from the slope and intercept-time values.
The most common extensions of the theory from the
situation depicted in Figure 16 are first to a multilayered
solution, then to a dipping layer solution, and finally to the
situation where the velocity of the top layer increases with
depth. (The reader who wishes to consider the formulas
associated with these and other extensions of the concept is
referred to An Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting by
MB. Dobrin or Seismic Refraction Prospecting, edited by
A.W. Musgrave, SEG, 1967.) Refraction techniques whose
theory is based on the assumption of planar refractors are
Figure 19. Determination of intercept time by the Farr technique, (a) first breaks are shifted according to which
results in (b) first breaks being approximately horizontal. Deviations due to changing refractor velocity and poor field
geometry are detected from these displays. If V is not known, the intercept time is estimated as shown in (c). The static
correction is computed from the intercept time (from Hollingshead and Slater).
Figure 25. (a) Superposition of the two reconstructed T he time-term technique. In all of the previous techniques,
wavefront systems. Dashed line is the locus satisfying the the statics are derived according to some model of the sub-
refractor imaging condition. (b) Comparisons of true surface. The time-term method of J.H. Chun and C.A. Jace-
(solid) and imaged (dashed) refracting interfaces (from witz (in The weathering statics problem and first arrival time
Aldridge and Oldenburg). surfaces, Abstracts for SEG 's 51st Annual Meeting 1981)
does not require that a model be generated. It derives the
statics from a statistical analysis of the first breaks.
The difference between the observed and computed first Referring to Figure 16, the total traveltime from shotj
break traveltimes is minimized by iteratively adjusting the to receiver can be thought of as
velocities. From this model, field statics are estimated. It
should be noted that the base of the LVL is held fixed, and
the velocities do not vary vertically, nor are there multiple where is the shot static, is the receiver static, is the
layers-hence, the numerical equivalence. The authors claim shot-receiver separation, and is the refractor velocity.
that the technique, which requires no supplementary field Figure 26 illustrates how the time-term technique concep-
acquisition procedures, produces acceptable static correc- tually views the data. The problem is set up as a system of
tions with little interpretational effort. linear equations and solved by Gauss-Seidel iteration to pro-
vide a surface-consistent solution. The redundancy of CMP
data leads to a number of estimates of and which
W avefront reconstruction methods. Another approach to statistically reduce any errors from the automatic picking of
determining the near-surface model is by imaging the data. the first breaks.
Early wavefront reconstruction techniques determined the Chun and Jacewitz actually measured the of Figure 16
position of the refractor from the intersection points of and applied a compensation factor, which is susceptible to
wavefronts for forward and reverse shooting (see The plus- variations in to estimate The authors indicated how
minus method of interpreting seismic refraction sections by both vertical and lateral variations in could be accounted
J.G. Hagedoom, Geophysical Prospecting 1959). for. Displays from the method provided interpretive informa-
In Downward continuation of refracted arrivals to deter- tion to help the user recognize a number of situations which
R esidual statics. The application of elevation statics, or has to be selected so that the window (1) covers a time zone
field statics, or field statics followed by refraction statics where primary events are dominant, (2) is long enough to
never leaves the seismic data completely free of static anom- cover a number of primary events, and (3) is reasonably deep.
alies. These “residual” static anomalies are due to unac- The calculated timeshifts are related according to
counted for variations in the low velocity layer. No matter
how well the deterministic technique may derive velocities
and thicknesses of the near surface, it leaves something to be where R is receiver static, i is receiver index, S is source static,
desired. There are two reasons for this: is source index, is an arbitrary time shift for CDP
• The model is a simplification of the geology resulting in
a tradeoff between thicknesses and velocities which result in
inexact static corrections.
• The static correction is an approximation for a more
complex problem.
Residual static anomalies are compensated for by using
statistical correlation techniques which seek to enhance the
quality of the stacked traces by first correctly aligning the
Most residual statics techniques are surface consistent and
are based on the concept that the times on each trace consist
of a shot static, a receiver static, NMO, and residual NMO.
In order to separate the various effects, the stacking diagram
shown in Figure 27 is used to help classify the traces. All
traces from the “common receiver plane” contain the same
receiver static, all traces from the “common source plane”
contain the same source static, etc. Different surface-consis-
tent techniques vary in their approach to estimating shot and
receiver statics.
Figure 27. The four principal trace planes of the stacking
diagram (from Taner et al. 1974).
Linear traveltime inversion. The first step in this method
is to apply an approximate NM0 correction so that the
reflection events in each gather can be considered to be
misaligned due to a source static, a receiver static, and resid-
ual moveout. Next is to obtain a time shift for all traces in
each CMP gather in order to optimize the stacked trace.
Time shifts are calculated by a cross-correlation of traces
(Figure 28) either by computing all pair-wise cross-correla-
tions and picking a consistent set of delays or shifting one
trace at a time until the sum of the weighted semblances or
cross correlations is maximized. The window for correlation
Figure 29. Supertrace cross-correlation as used in the Figure 30. In the simulated annealing technique, the stack
stack-power maximization technique. The plane contain- power, over a selected window of the trace, is normalized
ing the shot profile in the unstacked data volume is mov- with respect to the input stack and plotted as a function
ing up or down according to the static shift of the shot. of iteration. Static corrections are selected from probabil-
The CMP stack is changing as a function of that static ity distributions for the data and applied according to
shift. Maximizing the power of the CMP stack as a func- certain rules. It is seen that the power initially decreases
tion of that particular shot static is equivalent to maximiz- very quickly, but convergence towards the solution starts
ing the cross-correlation between two supertraces built to occur, in this example, at about the 1000th iteration.
from the shot profile (trace F) and the relevant part of the Each step in the function is equivalent to the method
CMP stack (trace G). The procedure is repeated for every finding a local maximum while it continues to search the
shot and geophone. Convergence is usually achieved model space (of static corrections) for the global maxi-
within 5-20 iterations (from Ronen and Claerbout). mum (from Rothman).
Figure 36. (a) Seismic line with only elevation statics applied. (b) Same line with elevation and refraction statics, (c) with
elevation and residual statics, and (d) with elevation, refraction, and residual statics (from Coppens).
Dave Marsden is
a consulting geo-
physicist with
Amoco (UK) Ex-
plorotion Com-
pony. He obtained
a PhD ingeophys-
ics from the Uni-
versity of Leeds
(1972) and joined
Amoco in 1976. At Amoco he has com-
pleted various assignments as inter-
preter, supervisor, researcher and con-
sultant, working primarily in Europe,
but also in North America.