Final Project Report - Group 4
Final Project Report - Group 4
Final Project Report - Group 4
Instructor Students
Problem Statement......................................................................................................................................3
Sketch of the problem.................................................................................................................................4
Difference Equation Derivation....................................................................................................................4
Analytical Solution...................................................................................................................................5
Numerical Solution..................................................................................................................................7
Discussion and Conclusion.........................................................................................................................11
Problem Statement
The temperature T is maintained at 0C along three edges of a square plate of length 6 cm, and
the fourth edge is maintained at 100C until steady state conditions prevail. This groups
assignment was to derive the Difference Equation using the finite difference method (with steps
h=k=1) and using it to solve the temperature at all unknown node points. Furthermore, it is
required to use the analytical solution to evaluate the temperature at locations (2,2) and (2,4)
compare it to the value obtain through the numerical solution and finally plot the temperature
By changing the notation such that u(x,y)= ui,j and x h = i1 , we can rewrite eq. 5 and
Therefore, each node points can be approximated by of the summation of its direct neighbors.
Analytical Solution
The general solution of the Laplace Equation for the temperature gradient of a hot plate is the
In our case, the dimensions are a=b=6cm and the fourth edge is a maintained at f(x)=100 C.
This value does not seem to coincide very well with the boundary condition u(x,6)=100 Thats
because only three terms of the series were used to estimate that value. However, Wolfram Alpha
was used to estimate the value u(x,6) for n=1 to 1000 terms which resulted to be 100 which
Once it was proved that the equation is valid for the boundary conditions, equation 7 was used to
estimate the temperature at nodes (2,2) and (2,4). The values obtained with the first three terms
of the series resulted to be very close to the evaluation of the series for n=1 to 1000. Here, we
Numerical Solution
In one of the previous sections, we have shown the derivation of the Difference Equation which
leads to equation 1. Equation 1 was used to solve for the numerical solution.
given that,
given that,
given that,
given that,
given that,
By similarity, it is possible to express the explicit equation for all the remaining nodes. These
equations can be inserted as formulas in the cells of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Each cell
represents a node. By using the iterative method, the temperature values at each node were
0 0 0 0 0
The contour plots shown were created with Microsoft Excel.
The results obtained by the two different methods agree with each other: the margin of error is
between 1% and 2% which strongly supports this evidence. For the purpose of theproject, the
more accurate solution is considered to be the one obtained through the numerical iterative
method. With the numerical method, the iteration stops whenever the nth+1 value is almost equal
to the nthvalue. Their difference needs to be smaller than a parameter that comes from the design
of the engineer. The engineer, through appropriate calculations, has the responsibility to establish
a margin of error that is small enough to make the softwares computation satisfactory to its real-
life application. The reason why the numerical method can be more accurate of the analytical
method is because of the mathematical limitation that comes with the analytical expression itself.
The analytical solution is indeed expressed a series that goes from n=1 up to infinity and it is
practically impossible to sum an infinite number of terms to get to the real value. However, it is
possible to sum a number of terms that is high enough to get a solution that approximates well
the real value. Usually, it is not too difficult to figure out what the upper term of the n value
should be. However, even with the computational softwaresavailable today, this method might
take up a lot of time when the expressions are complicated enough for the capacity of the
calculator or computer.
It is important to notice that in the Laplace Equation, for steady state conditions, the temperature
gradient does not depend on the plate thickness nor on the material properties. As it can be seen
in the analytical solution, the temperature gradient will depend only on the plate surface
dimensions (a and b) and on the boundary conditions. This can be explained by the fact that the
properties of the material (such as thermal conductivity or thermal diffusivity) can affect the rate
of the heat transfer through the material which also leads to the distinctions between conductors
(with a high conductivity and then high heat transfer rate) and insulators (with a low conductivity
and very low heat transfer rate). However, in the problem assigned, only the steady state
response of the gradient is taken into consideration. The steady state response is not affected by
In conclusion, the conductivity of a material determines the transient response of the material
which can be seen as the rapidity of a material to cool down or heat up. When steady state
conditions prevail, the net heat transfer is equal to 0 (Qin=Qout), the temperature gradient will
depend only on the boundary conditions and on the dimensions of the plate independently of the