Auto Fuel Policy Vision 2025
Auto Fuel Policy Vision 2025
Auto Fuel Policy Vision 2025
May 2014
Table of Contents
LIST OF MEMBERS/PARTICIPANTS.............................................................................................................. xx
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS..........................................................................................................................xxii
CHAPTER 2: COMMITTEE FOR AUTO FUEL VISION & POLICY 2025 ...................................................................... 6
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Table of Contents
POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD IN SIX CITIES .................................................................................................. 37
5.5 Causal Linkages between Vehicular Pollution and Human Health ......................................... 42
5.5.1 The Panel Report of the Health Effects Institute ........................................................... 44
5.5.2 Overall Comments on Public Health Impact.................................................................. 49
5.13 Need for a Monitoring & Analysis System on Continuous Basis ............................................. 70
5.13.1 Recommendation for Further Technical Investigations and Studies During Rollout of
AFV&P 2025 and Beyond ................................................................................................................ 70
5.13.2 Type of Studies/Activities .............................................................................................. 71
5.13.3 Monitoring and Assessment .......................................................................................... 71
5.13.4 Typical Studies/Activities ............................................................................................... 72
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Table of Contents
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Table of Contents
7.6 Current Level of BS III and BS IV Gasoline & Diesel Output .................................................. 119
8.6 Need for Standardised Fuel Across the Country ................................................................... 125
8.7 Fuel Quality Related to the Ability to Meet Emission Norms ............................................... 126
8.7.1 Fuel Quality at Retail Outlets....................................................................................... 126
8.11 Emission Norms for Three Wheeler for BS IV and BS V Regimes .......................................... 139
8.11.1 Development of Emission Norms in India for 3 Wheelers .......................................... 140
8.11.2 Proposed BS IV Emission Norms for 3 Wheelers ......................................................... 140
8.11.3 Emission Norms for Indian 3-Wheelers for BS V ......................................................... 141
8.12 Emission Norms for Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles up to 3.5 T GVW and Heavy
Duty Vehicles > 3.5 T ......................................................................................................................... 143
8.12.1 On Board Diagnostics .................................................................................................. 145
8.12.2 Emission Roadmap for BS V and BS VI for 4 Wheelers Weight of < 3,500 kg .............. 145
8.12.3 Deterioration Factors .................................................................................................. 147
8.12.4 Emission Norms for Heavy Duty Vehicles > 3.5 T GVW ............................................... 148
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
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9.1 Decision on Full Nationwide Coverage by Jan-Mar Quarter 2017 ....................................... 159
9.3 Some Logistics Issues that will need to be Taken Care of ..................................................... 162
9.3.1 Key Success Factors ..................................................................................................... 162
9.3.2 Issues of Assistance from Railways, Compensation of Taxes and Costs ..................... 163
9.3.3 Assistance from Ministry of Shipping .......................................................................... 163
10.3 Use of Di-Methyl Ether (DME) & Methanol as Auto Fuels.................................................... 183
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 11: PUBLIC POLICY, REGULATORY AND FISCAL CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................... 197
11.4 Investment Needed to Meet BS IV and BS V Fuel Quality Needs .......................................... 200
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Table of Contents
12.3 Proposed Roadmap for Auto Fuel Quality Upgradation in Refineries .................................. 227
12.5 Roadmap for Rollout of BS IV Gasoline Diesel Throughout India ......................................... 229
12.9 Actions Required for Ensuring Inspection and Maintenance of Vehicles Related Issues ...... 237
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Table of Contents
ANNEXURE 2: Trend in Air Quality Parameters (SO 2, NO2 and PM10) in 50 Cities during 2008 to 2012
........................................................................................................................................................... 244
ANNEXURE 7: Process Units Installed for Fuel Quality Improvements .............................................. 253
ANNEXURE 11: Order Constituting Expert Committee for Preparing a Draft Auto Fuel Vision & Policy
2025 .................................................................................................................................................. 265
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
List of Tables, Charts and Maps
Table 4.1: Summary of Status of Recommendations of the Auto Fuel Policy (2003) .......................... 28
Table 4.2: Number of Vehicles of Different Classes Sold in the Domestic Market Compliant with BS III
and BS IV Fuel & Emission Norms ...................................................................................................... 32
Table 4.3: Automotive Fuels Sold in the Domestic Market Conforming to BS III and BS IV Fuel
Standards All Oil Marketing Companies ............................................................................................ 32
Table 6.1: Expected Regional Sulphur Content in Gasoline and Diesel ............................................... 81
Table 6.5: Gasoline vis--vis Diesel Consumption in Select Regions/Countries in 2010 ...................... 84
Table 7.1: Key Parameters: Comparison of Euro V and BS V Fuel Specifications (A. Gasoline & B.
Diesel) ............................................................................................................................................. 104
Table 7.3: Production Capacity Prospective to 2025 (A. Gasoline/Motor Spirit & B. Diesel) ............ 107
Table 7.4: Refinery Wise Status of Producing Different BS Quality Gasoline .................................... 111
Table 7.5: Refinery Wise Status of Producing Different BS Quality Diesel ........................................ 115
Table 7.6: Current Potential Output of BS III and BS IV Fuels ........................................................... 120
Table 8.1: Fuel Specification of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for Automotive Purposes: IS 15958:
2012 ................................................................................................................................................ 128
Table 8.2: Fuel Specification of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) for Automotive Purposes: IS 14861:
2000 ................................................................................................................................................ 128
Table 8.3: Mass Emission Norms for BS IV for Two Wheelers .......................................................... 136
Table 8.4: Emission Limits Based on Evaporative Emission Norms for 2-Wheelers .......................... 137
Table 8.5: BS V Emission Norms for All Classes of Two Wheelers .................................................... 138
Table 8.6: Three Wheeler Emission Norms for SI And CI Engines ..................................................... 140
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
List of Tables, Charts and Maps
Table 8.7: Three Wheeler Emission Norms for SI And CI Engines BS IV ......................................... 141
Table 8.8: Three Wheeler Emission Norms for SI And CI Engines BS V .......................................... 142
Table 8.9: Description of 4 (or more) Wheeler Vehicle Categories ................................................... 144
Table 8.10: BS IV/V and European Emission Norms for Positive Ignition (PI) Engines ...................... 144
Table 8.11: BS IV/V and European Emission Norms for Compression Ignition Engines .................... 145
Table 8.14: Emission Norms for Diesel Engines > 3.5 Tonnes GVW .................................................. 148
Table 8.15: Emission Norms for CNG or LPG Engines > 3.5 tonnes GVW .......................................... 148
Table 8.16: Fixed Deterioration Factors for Heavy Duty Vehicles (alternative to DF based on service
accumulation) ................................................................................................................................. 148
Table 11.1: Investments Required by Indian Refineries to Meet BS IV/V Standards ........................ 200
Table 11.2: Estimated Incremental Cost for Asian Refineries for 12 Countries to Produce Low/Ultra
Low Sulphur Diesel .......................................................................................................................... 202
Table 11.3: Weekly Retail Prices of Different Grades of Gasoline and Diesel in the USA Reported by
US EIA.............................................................................................................................................. 204
Table 11.4: Differentials for Sulphur in Diesel & Gasoline and Octane Rating (RON) in Gasoline ..... 205
Chart 5.1: WHO World Map of Exposure to Particulate Matter ......................................................... 43
Chart 5.3: Share of Road Transportation to the Total Load of Air Pollutants in EU ............................ 53
Chart 5.4: Levels (annual average) of Critical Air Pollutants in Delhi Over the Past 23 Years ............. 58
Chart 5.5: Concentrations (annual average) of Nitrogen Oxides in Four Metropolitan Cities ............. 60
Chart 5.6: Concentrations (annual average) of PM10 in Four Metropolitan Cities .............................. 60
Chart 5.7: Comparison of Air Pollution in Four Indian Metropolitan Cities in Winter Season (2008-
2009) ................................................................................................................................................. 61
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
List of Tables, Charts and Maps
Chart 5.8: Source Wise Contribution to Air Pollution in Six Indian Metropolitan Cities ..................... 63
Chart 8.3: Improvement in Emission Regulations from 1991 to 2010 .............................................. 134
Chart 8.4: Proposed Roll Out of BS IV, BS V and BS VI Countrywide ................................................ 146
Chart 8.5: Fuel Standard Transition in India vis--vis European Union ............................................. 147
Chart 8.6: Emission Road Map for BS IV/BS V/BS VI Implementation in India ................................. 149
Chart 8.8: Fuel Efficiency Regulation for Passenger Cars in India ..................................................... 156
Chart 8.9: Labels for Fuel Efficiency Mandatory and Voluntary..................................................... 158
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
The Committee to prepare the Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 was constituted
in continuation to the previous Expert Committee chaired by Dr. R.A. Mashelkar in
2003 that had ushered in BS III and BS IV automotive fuels.
I have seen the task of this Expert Committee to first lay down a feasible
roadmap for complete and rapid transition across the country to BS IV automotive
fuels which with 50 ppm sulphur are able to support a level of after treatment devices
that can ensure BS IV emission norms, which have much lower limits than BS III
emission standards. Second, to lay down a feasible and early road map for a
countrywide shift to BS V automotive fuels (10 ppm sulphur) and therefore to BS V
emission norms, which will constitute a qualitative improvement on the present
The primary reason for mandating stringent fuel and emission standards that
imply huge investments in refineries on the one hand and in the automobile sector on
the other, is the overwhelming concern for public health. It is true that deterioration
in ambient air quality is not the sole source of stress on the lives and health of our
citizens. Nor is vehicular tailpipe emissions the only source of air borne pollutants.
However, vehicular emissions are indeed a large contributor to air borne pollution.
And in seeking to shape public policy in a manner that protects human health from
the multifarious hazards of modern life, it is vital to resolve these issues one by one,
separately and eventually jointly.
The evidence on emission levels in the country shows that there has been a
positive impact consequent to the various steps that have been taken in the past to
limit emission of air pollutants. But these efforts are being offset by the increase in
urban density, in associated road transportation and in consequence of vehicular
tailpipe emissions. As the country grows, people will continue to move away from
farming as the mainstay of livelihood, urbanisation will intensify, disposable incomes
rise and with it will increase the needs of urban transportation.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Across the world over the last many decades, atmospheric air quality has been
adversely impacted by emission from automobile tailpipe exhaust, industrial smoke
stacks, thermal power plants, construction dust & debris and the other by-products of
a crowded and modernised urban existence. Simultaneously the rising incidence of a
range of health effects has been recorded and there is compelling evidence of a
causative link from the former to the latter, some very direct, some somewhat direct
and some in an associated sense along with other factors. That cleaning up the air will
be good for citizens well-being is thus not just a gut feeling, but clearly established in
the research literature.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has consistently red-lined the danger
to human health from air pollutants. Findings from the latest systematic study have
been published in the Global Burden of Disease (2010). This is the largest ever
systematic effort to describe the global distribution and causes of a wide array of
major diseases, injuries and health risk factors.
This new analysis identifies especially high risk levels in the developing
countries of Asia where air pollution levels are the highest in the world. Overall GBD
2010 estimates that over 2 million premature deaths and 52 million years of healthy
life were lost in 2010, due to ambient fine particle air pollution. Among other risk
factors studied in the GBD, outdoor air pollution ranked fourth in mortality and
health burden in East Asia where it contributed to 1.2 million deaths in 2010, and
sixth in South Asia where it is said to have contributed to over 7 lakh deaths in 2010.
The analysis found that reducing the burden of disease due to air pollution in Asia will
require substantial decreases in the high levels of air pollution in those regions.
There have been attempts to place a monetary value on the health cost of
outdoor air pollution. To my mind the evidence of a causative association between
high levels of air pollution both in the form of potentially toxic chemicals and fine
particulate matter and the large magnitude of the health impact is sufficiently
compelling for public policy to seek quick reduction in the incidence of air pollution
from specific activities, and especially where such reduction is clearly within the
domain of technological possibility. Measuring the cost of human life and suffering
most often translates into estimates of income foregone. One is acutely
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
uncomfortable with this view of the value of human life and especially so in the public
policy context.
Moreover, that there is harm caused to human health by outdoor air pollution
and that automobile tailpipe exhaust is a major contributor is self-evident. Further,
we know that the scale of urbanisation will increase and so will the number of
automobiles on the road and that too by a large factor. Reducing the unit emissions
that is per vehicle kilometre travelled is obviously the only appropriate way to
respond to this. Doubtless rolling out of urban mass transit like suburban rail/metro
and/or electric buses will help further, but these initiatives will need to be
implemented over and above reducing the emissions on per vehicle kilometre
Therefore, the Expert Committee took the view that the principal objective
should be to ensure the nationwide rollout of BS IV emission norms as fast as possible
and then the earliest possible rollout of BS V emission norms. That implied that BS IV
grade automotive fuels should become available across the country as quickly as
possible, followed by the earliest possible rollout of BS V grade fuels.
To address this problem it is recommended that the retail price of BS III fuel
should be made equal to BS IV fuel. It has been separately recommended that the
quality differential in price as between the two grades of fuel should be 75 paise per
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
litre; therefore the excess collected by re-pricing of BS III fuel would also be 75 paise
per litre. However, this amount should not go to the oil companies but accrue as a
cess to the OIDB. The cess may be called high sulphur cess, since that is what it is in
fact; and in order to distinguish it from the fuel upgradation cess that is discussed
subsequently. The amounts collected as high sulphur cess will rapidly decline as the
three-phase rollout to complete BS IV standards is completed and will become in
early 2017. Assuming it is made effective from July 2014, the total collections before
full rollout of BS IV will be of the order of Rs 10,000 crore.
If BS IV fuel could be rolled out at one shot across the country within a year
that would undoubtedly be the best solution. However, refineries even working to a
very tight schedule would take much longer to switch over to complete BS IV output,
therefore requiring the changeover to be a graduated process. There is also a
problem where if BS IV vehicles are tanked up with BS III fuels, significant damage is
possible to the engine and systems.
It was seen that if things move at the Business as Usual speed the
changeover to BS IV will take many years and that to BS V would have taken even
more and go up to 2025 or even beyond.
This was not felt to be acceptable. As stated earlier, the mission was seen to
be the earliest possible roll out to first BS IV and then to BS V. Could we have
leapfrogged nationwide to BS V straightaway without passing through the BS IV
stage? Yes, but that would not be technically possible before 2020 and we would
then have had to continue for 6 more years hoping that BS IV penetration increases
beyond present levels. The course that this Committee has recommended will ensure
major increases in BS IV penetration from 2015 onwards and 100% coverage by April
2017. The net benefit to be had would be enormous, even as the changeover to BS V
remains on course to be rolled out countrywide between April 2019 and April 2020.
In view of the experience of the last few years, it was felt that the best course
of action will be to lock up entire geographies, in stages to the BS IV standard. In this
manner the phased transition identified several States at one go, often including
neighbouring districts of other States to ensure the greatest integrity to the targeted
transition. It would have been convenient had there been more BS IV fuel available in
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
2015 and 2016, but the plan in order to be feasible had to work within the constraints
of the technically feasible space available.
In this way, the transition in the first phase scheduled for 1 April 2015 will
cover the whole of North India Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal, Haryana,
Uttarakhand, western Uttar Pradesh and several bordering districts of Rajasthan. In
the next phase scheduled for 1 April 2016, Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana, Odisha, Goa,
several Union Territories and parts of Maharashtra will be converted entirely to BS IV.
Finally on 1 April 2017, the entire country will move to BS IV. Then on April 2019, the
whole of North India and on April 2020 the rest of the country will switch to BS V
automotive fuel and emission regime.
This was the best that could be done given the technical constraints. However,
the roadmap that has been made out on the basis of what has been described in the
report as the Accelerated Transition Path assumes that the financial constraints
which operate in the Business as Usual scenario can be substantially relaxed. The oil
companies and their refineries have been operating with stretched finances and
therefore the financial constraints are operative. It is estimated that the capital costs
in terms of new plant & equipment and some refurbishment of existing equipment
which the refineries will have to incur in order to be able to switch to 100% BS V
automotive fuel by 2019-2020 is of the order of Rs 80,000 crore.
The collections to the OIDB on account of both the special fuel upgradation
cess and the high sulphur cess will thus be of the order of Rs 74,000 crore, which
comes close to the estimate of Rs 80,000 crore referred to above required to
meaningfully relax the financial constraints that can enable the refineries to proceed
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
on the accelerated transition path. These funds will be extended for use to the
refineries in terms of the OIDBs mandate and rules. The Committee has
recommended that it is desirable, considering the financially stretched conditions of
the oil companies and the statutory nature of the investment obligation, that the
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas make the funds available from OIDB on relatively
easy terms, both in respect of interest cost and repayment period.
The point has repeatedly been made in the course of the deliberations of the
Committee that the vexed issue of pollutant stress on air quality and health cannot be
addressed solely through improving fuel quality and emission norms. This is entirely
true. Long traffic jams and slow moving traffic are regular phenomena in our cities. In
these conditions emissions will be higher than with smoothly flowing traffic. Urban
mass transit reduces the passenger load on roads and is also a great convenience to
the citizens of the country.
There are several other constructive avenues that should be pursued with
vigour. One is to put electric trolley buses on the roads as in the case of many cities
in the developed world. Another is to encourage hybrid personal cars. However,
these tend to be expensive but there are cheaper hybrid options that have the
further virtue of being able to be retrofitted to existing vehicles. At the overall level,
policy must encourage the rapid development of mid-sized cities and large towns to
ease the pressure on the metropolises as part of a broader strategy of urbanisation.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
I must thank the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural gas on the behalf of
members of the Committee and on my own behalf for entrusting this very important
task to us.
My thanks are due to all the members of the Committee, particularly to the
Chairpersons of the various Working Groups that were constituted, who have given
so generously of their time and effort to the deliberations and progress of this
Committee. Special mention is due to S/Shri L N Gupta and R K Singh, who were
sequentially the two member secretaries to this Committee; to Shri B.D. Ghosh, CHT
and his team S/Shri R. Krishnamurthy and A. K. Agarwal in CHT for their massive effort
in the finalisation of the work of this Committee; to Shri Rajkumar Ghosh, IOC; to Dr.
S.C. Sharma in the Planning Commission for his unremitting patience and diligence; to
Dr. B. Sengupta and Dr. Leena Srivastava who articulated the health and
environmental concerns so well and helped lend depth to the quality of deliberations;
to Prof Shantanu Roy who lent clarity to technical issues; to Shri Ashok Dhar, RIL who
gave freely of his vast experience of the field; to S/Shri K.K. Gandhi and Atanu Ganguli
of SIAM, Shri I.V. Rao, Maruti Suzuki who put in so much effort; Shri P. Harsha Sivaji,
IOC and his colleagues for the huge job of working out the logistics detail which has
made the rapid rollout of BS IV and BS V a possibility; to Shri Susobhan Sarkar, IOC
and technical officers of the other oil companies who gave so generously to the
workings of this Committee; to senior management of the two and three wheeler
industry who gave freely of their time and effort in giving final shape to this report; to
S/Shri B.K. Namdeo, K. Anand Rao and V. Ratanraj in HPCL and S/Shri Prasad Panicker,
C.K. Soman, Thomas George and others in BPCL, Kochi and Shri P. P. Upadhya, MRPL
who helped me better understand the contours of the challenges involved in
accelerating the transition; to Shri C.F. Dias and his colleagues at Emitec Emission
Control Technologies who helped me better understand how after treatment devices
work. I am also indebted to S/Shri Alan Lloyd, Michael Walsh and A. Bandivadekar of
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
the International Council of Clean Transportation (ICCT) who spent time and effort to
interact with the Committee and some of the Working Groups. My thanks are also
due to the two and three wheeler manufacturers who spent time with the Committee
to explain their situation and took a constructive approach to problem resolution.
Finally, I would like to place on record my deep sense of gratitude to Shri B.K.
Chaturvedi, Member, Planning Commission, who is the best sounding board any
person can ever hope for.
Member, Planning Commission and
Chairman, Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
List of Members/Participants
D. Automobile Industry
21 Shri K K Gandhi Executive Director, SIAM Member
22 Shri I V Rao Executive Advisor, Maruti Suzuki Member
23 Shri Shrikant Marathe Director, Automotive Research Member
Association of India (ARAI)
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
List of Members/Participants
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
List of Abbreviations
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
List of Abbreviations
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
List of Abbreviations
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
List of Abbreviations
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
List of Abbreviations
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
The Background
Though considerable work had been done in the past to improve the auto
fuel quality, India did not have a comprehensive Auto Fuel Policy before
2001, prior to the establishment of the first Expert Committee set up under
the chairmanship of Dr. R.A. Mashelkar.
Liquid fuels namely, gasoline and diesel are the most common automobile
fuels everywhere as also in India. Personal vehicles include two wheelers and
motor cars. Two wheelers run only on gasoline, while personal cars mostly
use gasoline but some use diesel. Three wheelers and cars operating as
commercial vehicles run on gasoline, diesel and CNG. Some private cars have
also switched to CNG use. Public/commercial transport such as buses, trucks
and other light and heavy duty vehicles run mainly on diesel. Though CNG
and LPG have been in use in India as alternative auto fuels for more than a
decade, their share is low. CNG is presently being used in about fifty cities
and towns, including Delhi and Mumbai metropolitan regions.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 1
The Background
It is the tailpipe emissions and not the fuel per se that determine the impact
on ambient air quality. Therefore, the technology solution space comprise of
the combination of engine technology and fuel quality which meet the
prescribed vehicular emission norms. This is the approach taken worldwide.
Vehicular emission norms in India was first introduced in 1991 and tightened
thereafter in 1996, when most vehicle manufacturers had to incorporate
technology up-gradation such as catalytic converter to reduce exhaust
emission. This necessitated the use of lead free and low sulphur fuels.
Initially, refineries were enjoined to supply lead free gasoline to NCR and
major cities and subsequently in the rest of the country.
Further, based on the Supreme Court order of April 1999, Ministry of Surface
Transport (MoST) notified Bharat Stage-I (BIS 2000) and Bharat Stage-II
vehicle emission norms broadly equivalent to Euro I and Euro II for
introduction in entire India and NCR respectively.
In line with the Auto Fuel Policy (2003), starting from 2005, fuel conforming
to BS III norms was introduced in 13 major cities, while BS II fuel was made
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 2
Auto Fuel Policy 2003
available elsewhere in the country and BS I quality fuel phased out. From
April 2010, BS IV fuel was implemented in 13 major cities and BS III fuel made
available in the rest of the country from September 2010.
In order to comply with the increasingly stringent auto fuel specifications, oil
companies have made major investments for technological up-gradation and
other changes in the manufacture of gasoline and diesel and in their
transportation over the past decade.
The Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India notified the
constitution of an Expert Committee, under the Chairmanship of Dr. R.A.
Mashelkar, then Director General, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
(CSIR) on 13th September 2001 to recommend an Auto Fuel Policy for the
country including major cities; to devise a road map for its implementation;
to recommend suitable auto fuels and their specifications considering the
availability and logistics of fuel supplies, the processing economics of
automotive fuels, and the possibilities of multi-fuel use in different categories
of vehicles; to recommend attributes of automobile technologies, fiscal
measures for ensuring minimisation of social cost of meeting a given level of
environmental quality and institutional mechanisms for certification of
vehicles and fuels, as also the monitoring and enforcement measures.
The Auto Fuel Policy (2003) addressed measures to cover various areas in
which action was required viz. vehicular emission norms, fuel quality and
standard of CNG/LPG kits, measures to reduce emissions from in-use
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 3
Auto Fuel Policy 2003
vehicles, vehicle technology, air quality data and Research & Development. It
also covered air quality data and health effects of air pollution.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 4
Auto Fuel Policy 2003
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 5
Objectives and Expectation of this Expert Committee
The Government of Indias Auto Fuel Policy (2003) had envisaged that the
Policy undergo periodic revisions. Technological and other changes which
take place over time must be incorporated in the policy framework. In this
backdrop, it was felt necessary to initiate a process to give form to an AUTO
FUEL VISION & POLICY for the country which would lay a clear roadmap to the
year 2025. Accordingly, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas vide Office
Memorandum dated 19 December 2012 constituted an Expert Committee
under the Chairmanship of Shri Saumitra Chaudhuri, Member, Planning
Commission, Government of India to prepare a Draft Auto Fuel Vision &
Policy 2025.
1. Recommend a road-map for auto fuel quality till 2025 for the country,
taking into account the achievement under the last Auto Fuel Policy,
emission reduction of in-use vehicles, growth of vehicles and the supply
and availability of fuels.
2. Recommend suitable mix of automotive fuels including natural gas and its
specifications, considering the following:
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 6
Members of the Expert Committee
Name Organisation
1. Shri Saumitra Chaudhuri Member, Planning Commission Chairman
2. Prof. L.M. Das Centre for Energy Studies, IIT Delhi Member
3. Prof. Shantanu Roy Dept. of Chemical Engineering, IIT Member
4. Dr. R.K. Malhotra Director (R&D), IOC Member
5. Shri Shrikant R. Marathe Director, ARAI, Pune Member
6. Dr. B. Sengupta Former Member Secretary, Central Member
Pollution Control Board
7. Dr. Leena Srivastava ED, TERI Member
8. Shri Ashok Dhar President, Industrial Marketing, RIL Member
9. Shri I. V. Rao Executive Advisor, Maruti Suzuki Member
India Limited
10. Shri K.K. Gandhi Executive Director (Tech), SIAM Member
11. Shri B.D. Ghosh Executive Director, CHT (for Member
Technical & Secretarial support)
12. Shri L.N. Gupta/ Joint Secretary (R), MoP&NG Member
Shri R.K. Singh Secretary
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 7
Members of the Expert Committee
succeeded Shri L.N. Gupta as Joint Secretary (R) in MoP&NG became the
Member Secretary of the Committee. Shri L.N. Gupta was subsequently
involved in the working of the Committee as Special Invitee.
5. Subsequently, Chairman, Director (R) and Director (M) IOC, Director (M)
GAIL, Director (R) HPCL and ED, PCRA were also included as Members to
the Expert Committee for preparing the Draft Auto Fuel Vision & Policy
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 8
Mission Statement
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 9
Constitution of Four Working Groups
i. Air Quality & Vehicular Emission Norms for all Types of Vehicles,
Vehicle Technology and Fuel Quality; Convenor: Dr. R.K.
Malhotra, Director (R&D), IOC.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 10
Two Dimensions Fuel Economy and Human Health
presentations were made before the working groups and some also to the
Chairman of the Committee.
There are two outcomes that in the view of the Committee were germane to
the context. First, was to encourage the trend towards greater fuel economy
(or lower GHG emissions) and the other was to create conditions whereby
vehicular emissions would be contained so as to limit the adverse impact on
human health.
The effort in the first decade of this century was to lower sulphur from >3,000 ppm to 500 ppm
and lower. Ultra Low Sulphur (ULS) is broadly understood to be at the lower end of the scale and
would in most developing countries be identified as 50 ppm. Since 2006, in the USA by law ULS
is defined to be fuels containing up to 15 ppm of sulphur. In the EU presently ULS is regarded by
convention to be fuels containing up to 10 ppm of sulphur, EU V.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 11
Two Dimensions Fuel Economy and Human Health
Green House Gas (GHG) emissions are more-or-less another way to express
fuel use efficiency. The better the fuel economy of a vehicle the lower
would be the CO2 emissions, which is the principal component of GHG. For
the most part this is an outcome of improvement in design of the engine and
the rest of the power train, design of the body (reduction of aerodynamic
drag) and kerb weight management. Hybrid technologies of course can
further enhance fuel economy.
Driven by concerns about the need to economise on energy use and more
recently climate change, countries around the world have adopted or
proposed vehicle fuel economy or greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards.
Europe, the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, and Canada have all
been leaders in this area.
India, too, has recently started a process to set national fuel consumption
standards. With over 75% import dependence for liquid petroleum fuels, and
with the rapidly growing transportation sector being the large contributor to
greater petroleum product demand, India has even greater incentive to
tighten fuel economy.
Indian consumers are very sensitive to fuel efficiency and the industry has
been acutely sensitive to this. Purchase decision in the country largely
depends on the fuel efficiency performance of the vehicles. Therefore, the
consumer pressure has always dictated the need for improvement of fuel
efficiency performance of vehicles.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 12
Two Dimensions Fuel Economy and Human Health
The human health dimension mostly comes from some of the components of
tailpipe emissions nitrogen oxides (NOx), benzene and other un-combusted
hydrocarbons, combustion products of sulphur and particulate matter,
especially of finer sizes.
Better engine design, superior automobiles and standardised fuels can and
does decrease the incidence of hydrocarbons and particulate matter in the
emissions. However, there is, in the final analysis, a trade-off between fuel
economy and NOx emission. The leaner the fuel mixture (high oxygen to fuel
ratio) the better will be the fuel economy, but the greater will be the
generation of NOx and unburnt particulate carbon and vice versa.
The installation of after treatment devices permit the NOx to be scrubbed out
and the particulate matter trapped in filters. Thus, one can maximise fuel
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 13
Two Dimensions Fuel Economy and Human Health
economy with leaner fuel mixtures while keeping NOx and particulate
emission down with the use of after treatment devices.
The Working Group No. 2 (Automobile Exhaust on Ambient Air Quality &
Public Health, Emission reduction programme, fuel economy, warranty of in-
use vehicles) has highlighted the human health dimension very well. It has
noted that in 83 cities PM10 and PM2.5 are in excess of the extant regulatory
standard. That benzene/PAH are also above the limits and NOx is also
becoming a matter of concern.
However, having said that, there is little merit in investing energy to exactly
define what contribution was from automobile tailpipe exhaust and what
from other sources. In any case there is an excellent source apportionment
study that has been conducted and which is discussed subsequently.
The key issue as far as the Committee was concerned, was that the human
health dimension has to be kept at the highest priority. If that was tackled
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 14
Issues Examined
Hence the proximate objective must be to roll out BS IV fuels with 50 ppm
and less sulphur at the earliest possible date and set a challenging timeline
for migration to BS V fuels with 10 ppm and less sulphur.
The Committee went into many issues in the course of its deliberations. The
process was driven by the objective of making the transition to the higher
standards of fuel in as short a time as possible and in a manner that
stretched, but did not deem impractical, the capability of the oil refineries
and logistics involved of taking the product from the refinery to retail outlet.
A summary of the several issues that were gone into is given below:
Review of initiatives taken by the Government and the Oil Industry for
upgrading Auto Fuel Quality.
Learning from the experience of implementation of the previous auto
fuel policy initiatives and the status of various recommendations of
the previous Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Policy.
Health related issues of emissions and review of outcome of the
Source Apportionment Studies in six Indian cities carried out by CPCB,
February 2011.
Global experience and developments on Auto Fuel standards.
Review of current fuel specifications, including investigating possibility
of further tightening of the existing BS IV fuel specification in respect
of sulphur content.
Review of auto fuel quality parameters in Europe, USA, Japan,
Republic of Korea & China vis--vis India.
Simplifications in diesel specification.
Major differences between BS IV and Euro V & VI fuel standards.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 15
Issues Examined
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 16
Review of Initiatives to Improve Fuel Quality & Emissions
Vehicular emission norms in India was first introduced in 1991 and tightened
in 1996, when most of the vehicle manufacturers had to incorporate
technology up-gradation like catalytic converter to reduce exhaust emission.
This required lead free and low sulphur fuels. It required the refineries to
initially supply lead free gasoline to NCR and major cities and subsequently in
the entire country.
There was substantive improvement in fuel quality when BIS 2000 vehicle
emission norms came into effect in phases starting with the year 2000. In line
with the Auto Fuel Policy (2003) the BS III and BS II auto fuel quality norms
came into existence from April 2005 for 13 major cities and in the rest of the
country respectively. Likewise, BS IV and BS III auto fuel quality norms came
into effect from April 2010 in 13 major cities and in the rest of the country
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 17
Review of Initiatives to Improve Fuel Quality & Emissions
It may be mentioned that it is the tailpipe emissions and not the fuel per se
that affect the ambient air quality. Therefore, any combination of engine
technology and fuel meeting the prescribed vehicular emission norms is
acceptable throughout the world, giving choice to the manufacturers, owners
and operators to choose the vehicle type and the fuel.
In India, auto fuels are produced in refineries as per BIS standards. These
standards are amended from time to time to meet environmental as well as
other quality aspects and are mandatory.
The first step in this direction was lowering of lead in gasoline and production
of unleaded gasoline by 1 April 2000 in the entire country, incorporation of
benzene limit, reduction of sulphur and increase in octane number. In case of
diesel, major improvements were in respect of sulphur, distillation recovery,
density and Cetane number by the year 2000.
Introduction of Bharat Stage II emission norms for new cars in Delhi in the
year 2000 and subsequent expansion of norms to Mumbai, Kolkata and
Chennai in 2001 followed by another 7 major cities viz. Bangalore,
Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat, Kanpur and Agra in phases by 1st April
2003 was another step.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 18
Review of Initiatives to Improve Fuel Quality & Emissions
As per the Auto Fuel Policy (2003), Bharat Stage III fuels viz. gasoline and
diesel were introduced in 13 major cities (Delhi/NCR, Mumbai, Kolkata,
Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat, Kanpur and Agra
including Lucknow and Sholapur, which were later, added to the list) and
Bharat Stage II fuels in rest of the country with effect from October 2005.
As far as diesel is concerned, major changes from BS I to BS II, III & IV were
made in respect of density, Cetane number, sulphur, distillation recovery
including criterion for limiting Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH).
Health effects associated with the use of lead alkyl additive in gasoline have
led to elimination of leaded gasoline in several countries.
Lead content in gasoline in India was removed in 6 years in phases and only
unleaded gasoline is being produced and sold from 01.02.2000. Initial lead
limit of 0.56 g/litre for leaded gasoline was reduced to 0.15 g/litre for low
lead gasoline and then to 0.013 g/litre for unleaded gasoline.
In order to phase out the lead from gasoline, Catalytic Reforming Units
(CRU)/Continuous Catalytic Regeneration Unit (CCRU) and Methyl Tertiary
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 19
Review of Initiatives to Improve Fuel Quality & Emissions
Butyl Ether (MTBE)/Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) units were put up at
the refineries.
Refineries had made necessary operational changes like feed cut point
adjustment, severity of operation, blending pattern and installed facilities like
Benzene Saturation (BENSAT) Unit and Isomerisation (ISOM) units, pre & post
reformate and FCC gasoline splitters to meet the above benzene limit for
entire country.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 20
Review of Initiatives to Improve Fuel Quality & Emissions
For BIS 2000 specification, sulphur in gasoline was reduced by 50% from 0.2%
to 0.1% wt max from the year 2000. Further, in line with the MoST Gazette
notification, sulphur in gasoline was further reduced to 0.05% wt. max to
meet Euro II equivalent Bharat Stage-II emission norms in NCR from April,
2000 and expanded to 11 cities by 1st April 2003.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 21
Review of Initiatives to Improve Fuel Quality & Emissions
(93 for premium grade gasoline supplied in major cities). Anti-Knock Index
(AKI) was added as the new criterion for BIS 2000 as 84 (88 for premium
grade gasoline supplied in major cities).
RON was further increased to 91 for regular grade gasoline meeting BS III &
IV specification respectively.
Olefin and aromatic content limit was for the first time introduced in BS III
gasoline specification as 21% and 42% vol. max respectively (18% and 42%
vol. max for premium gasoline). Aromatics were further brought down from
42% to 35% vol. in BS IV gasoline. This was done with the objective to reduce
deposit formation and reduced tailpipe emission of reactive hydrocarbons,
undesirable compounds and CO2.
Olefins in gasoline were managed by either hydro-treating FCC feed i.e. VGO
or treating unsaturated FCC gasoline in FCC gasoline Desulphurisation unit or
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 22
Review of Initiatives to Improve Fuel Quality & Emissions
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 23
Review of Initiatives to Improve Fuel Quality & Emissions
Sulphur in diesel was reduced from 1% max to 0.5% max by weight from April
1996 in 4 metros and Taj Trapezium, and then to 0.25% max from September
1996 for Taj Trapezium. Supply of diesel having 0.25% max sulphur was
started in entire Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai w.e.f. April 1998. The
same in the entire country was started from January 2000. Supply of extra
low sulphur diesel with 500 ppm sulphur was started from NCR in April 2000
and then gradually extended to other metros. Sulphur in diesel was reduced
in phases from 2500 ppm for BS I to 500, 350 and 50 ppm respectively for BS
II, III and IV diesel supplied in the country and major cities as per Auto Fuel
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 24
Review of Initiatives to Improve Fuel Quality & Emissions
The Cetane number was increased further from 48 to 51 for diesel in order to
comply with BS III and BS IV specifications. The refineries were able to meet
the specification after installation of DHDT and hydrocracker units, as per
requirement. The lower limit for refineries processing Assam Crude was also
raised to 48.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 25
Review of Initiatives to Improve Fuel Quality & Emissions
for BS I & II diesel was reduced to 820860 kg/m3 as against 820880 kg/m3
earlier. Density range of BS III & IV diesel was further reduced to 820845
kg/m3. The altered specifications for recovery and density were achieved
with feed cut point management and installation of DHDT. However, some of
these changes have been subjected to a review here.
Criterion for limiting PAH was for the first time introduced for BS III diesel as
11% wt. max., since PAH are believed to be responsible for particulates
emission, its limit was introduced.
Refineries could meet the PAH criterion with the installation of DHDT and
hydrocracker units.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 26
Some Learnings of the Past Decade
The first comprehensive Auto Fuel Policy (2003) for the country had given a
clear-cut road map for changes in vehicular technology and corresponding
fuel quality for the whole country. It also proposed measures to reduce
emissions from in-use vehicles.
In line with the Auto Fuel Policy, BS IV auto fuels in 13 major cities were
introduced with effect from 1 April 2010 and BS III fuels in the rest of the
country from September 2010.
In order to meet the fuel quality in line with the Auto Fuel Policy, the oil
refineries had to upgrade technology and invest in additional facilities. The oil
refineries have invested over Rs 35,000 crore in upgrading facilities in
refineries and installation of additional facilities in order to be able to gear up
for production of stipulated quality of auto fuels.
Euro III equivalent Bharat Stage III fuels viz. gasoline and diesel fuels were
introduced in 13 major cities (including Lucknow and Sholapur which were
subsequently added) and Bharat Stage-II fuels in rest of the country from
October 2005.
BS III and BS II emission norms for select cities and the rest of the country
respectively have already been complied with by the vehicle manufacturers
for new vehicles (with the exception of 2 and 3 wheelers which moved to BS
II emission norms across the country) as per Auto Fuel Policy from the year
2005. They have also complied with BS IV and BS III emission norms for select
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 27
Status of Recommendations of the Auto Fuel Policy (2003)
cities and rest of the country respectively from year 2010 in line with the
Auto Fuel policy.
While several of the recommendations of the Auto Fuel Policy (2003) have
been implemented, some have not and some are in the process of being
implemented. A tabular presentation of the status is given at Table 4.1.
Table 4.1
Summary of Status of Recommendations of the Auto Fuel Policy (2003)
Table 4. 1: Summary of Status of Recommendations of the A uto Fuel Pol icy (2003)
2 Use of CNG/LPG in cities affected by high CNG extended to 60 cities; Auto LPG
vehicular population expanded to ~ 350 cities having ~ 900
dispensing stations
3 Comprehensive programme for zero Initiatives have been taken by MNRE, with
emission vehicles to accelerate limited progress, while some initiatives have
development of alternative fuel vehicles also been taken by Department of Heavy
(battery powered, hydrogen and fuel cell) Industry
5 Replacement of existing PUC system to Computerized system may not have been
more reliable computerised system widely introduced across the country
6 Inspection & Maintenance (I&M) system in - MoRT&H and ARAI is looking into issues of
11 major cities and further extension PUC and I&M
throughout the country - I&M model Centres to come on PPP mode
- End of life for vehicles is being worked out
7 OBD system for new vehicles in lieu of I&M OBD-II implemented in BS IV vehicles from
system April 2013
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 28
Status of Recommendations of the Auto Fuel Policy (2003)
16 Extending tank lorry locking system for Has been fully implemented
movement of products
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 29
Extension of BS IV Auto Fuels Coverage to 50 Cities
The transition to first BS III from BS II fuels and then to BS IV fuels in select
metropolitan centres and to BS III fuels across the country was based on
certain premises. First, there was recognition of the need to move in phases,
given the order of changes that were required at the refinery end and in
terms of vehicle production. Second, given the link of fuel standards to
emission outcomes, it was perceived that priority should be accorded to
where the scarcer BS IV quality fuels would be first launched: in the
metropolitan centres where vehicle density and emission standards are the
highest. The benefit from BS IV fuel used in metropolitan centres that have
higher emission loads was viewed to be proportionately higher than in the
rest of the country where the emission load was less severe.
As per Census 2001, there were 35 cities and Urban Agglomerates with
population of 1 million. This number rose to 51 in Census 2011. The largest
city is Greater Mumbai in Maharashtra with population of 18.4 million
followed by Delhi (16.3 million) and Kolkata (14.1 million). The Committee
constituted by MOPN&G had identified 32 polluted cities. Out of these, 26
cities have already been covered with BS IV fuel.2 Another 4 cities3 will be
covered by end 2014. The remaining extension will be on hold as the three-
stage conversion of the entire country to BS IV is to be carried out between 1
April 2015 and 1 April 2017.
Medak, Mehboobnagar and Nizamabad in Andhra Pradesh; Vapi, Jamnagar, Ankleshwar and
Valsad in Gujarat; Hissar, Karnal, Yamuna Nagar and Kurukshetra in Haryana; Bharatpur, Hindon
City and Dholpur in Rajasthan, Puducherry an UT; Mahabaleshwar and Ahmednagar in
Maharashtra, Mathura, Aligarh, Rae Bareli, Unnao, Kosi Kalan and Vrindavan in Uttar Pradesh;
Silvasa, Daman & Diu.
Kochi, Trivandrum, Vishakapatnam and Lakshadweep
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 30
Key Issues Regarding BS IV Quality Auto Fuels
BS IV fuels cost a bit more than BS III fuels. Motor vehicles equipped with
after treatment devices also cost more than ones without. The more rigorous
the treatment to reduce carbon particulate and NOx emission, the more
expensive becomes the vehicle. Private vehicles both cars and utility
vehicles purchased in metropolitan centres are for the most part registered
there and are therefore BS IV compliant. Thus, the emission outcomes that
is, improvement which were expected from the switch to BS IV fuel and
emission norms did materialise.
The quantity and composition of vehicle and fuel mix as between BS III and
BS IV over the past few years is presented at Table 4.2 and Table 4.3
respectively. The difference in the experience as between motor
spirit/gasoline and high speed diesel is quite marked. In the case of diesel fuel
sales it is only 16% in 2013-14 (9 months) and that for Medium & Heavy
Commercial vehicles it is 12% and for Light Commercial Vehicles it is 24% in
2013-14 (9 months).
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 31
Key Issues Regarding BS IV Quality Auto Fuels
Table 4.2
Number of Vehicles of Different Classes Sold in the Domestic Market
Compliant with BS III and BS IV Fuel & Emission Norms
Table 4.2: Number of Vehicles of D ifferent Classes So ld in the Do mestic Mar ket Co mplia nt with BS II I and BS IV Fuel & Emissio n Nor ms
Table 4.3
Automotive Fuels Sold in the Domestic Market Conforming to BS III and BS
IV Fuel Standards All Oil Marketing Companies
Table 4.3: Auto mot ive Fuels So ld in t he Do mestic Mar ket Confor ming to BS III a nd BS IV F uel Standar ds All Oil Mar keting Co mpanies
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 32
Lessons for Geographical Fuel Standard Integrity
The experience with commercial vehicles however, has been different when
compared with personal vehicles. For commercial vehicles financial logic has
a much more powerful influence in shaping choices within the regulatory
framework. Personal vehicles cover less distance over any length of time and
owners prefer to register the vehicles in the place of their residence for
purpose of convenience, resale and the like. However, for commercial
vehicles the distances travelled are much longer and the cost of fuel is an
overriding element. Moreover, the cost of the vehicle per se is more
expensive in the case of BS IV compliant units, relative to BS III compliant
ones. For commercial vehicles that operate under national, multi-State and
even State wide permits, registering the vehicle in a BS III regulatory regime
and operating it across BS III and BS IV geographies is not a challenge. Neither
is there the issue of inconvenience faced as between a notional place of
residence and place of registration.
One clear lesson to be drawn from this is that insofar as diesel is concerned
the coverage must seek to extend across substantial geographies so that
fuel/region-hopping is disabled. It also underscores that whenever two
standards of fuels are available, the cheaper option will tend to dominate
both in terms of operating and capital servicing cost. Therefore, as long as
two alternative standards (which do not differ significantly on fuel economy)
of fuel are available in adjacent geographies, care must be taken to ensure
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 33
Review of Initiatives Taken to Upgrade Quality of Automotive Fuels
It also raises the question whether keeping BS III fuel at a price cheaper than
BS IV fuel on the basis of private cost differentials that are oriented exactly
opposite to public costs is appropriate or whether the public cost point of
view should be allowed to prevail or a meaningful hybrid is adopted. That is,
reimburse the BS IV fuel on cost basis, but either maintain BS III fuel at the
same level or at a higher price based on the higher public costs involved.
Oil companies have invested huge sums in the up-gradation of their refineries
from BS II to BS III and BS IV. The total investment of the public sector
companies in this regard has amounted to about Rs 35,000 crore. The
switchover to BS IV in select metropolitan centres and to BS III in the rest of
the country also involved a massive logistics exercise. This was a continuation
of the implementation of the previous upgrading of fuel standards.
However, the oil companies feel that their investments have faced a
particularly steep uphill journey as the official pricing regime continues to
operate financially in a sub-optimal fashion.
The automobile companies on the other hand, are unhappy with the pace
with which the transition to higher quality fuels has happened and would
have liked to see the roll out of 10/15 ppm sulphur fuels in the near future,
rather than the medium term.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 34
Fuel Efficiency of Indias Road Transportation Vehicles
There has been a sizeable improvement in the fuel efficiency of both personal
and commercial vehicles in India over the past decade and half for which
reasonable data is available. SIAM has manufacturer wise data on fuel
efficiency (expressed in terms of CO2) which can readily be converted to litres
of fuel per kilometres the more popularly understood measure in the Indian
context. This data is more comprehensive for the last few years but
sufficiently detailed to afford comparison starting 2000.
Indian consumers are very sensitive to fuel efficiency and the industry has
been acutely conscious of this. Purchase decision in the country largely
depends on the fuel efficiency performance of the vehicles. Therefore, the
consumer pressure has always dictated the need for improvement of fuel
efficiency performance of vehicles.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 35
Fuel Efficiency of Indias Road Transportation Vehicles
that the overall average fuel efficiency of Indian passenger vehicles was
around 14.5 km/l in the year 2000.
Industry data for 2010 indicates that average fuel efficiency of passenger
vehicles sold in India improved to about 16.5 km/l. This improvement
between 2000 and 2010 by 14%, on annualised basis was 1.3%. The
expectations in regard of fuel efficiency as recently prescribed by
Government (Gazette Notification, 30 January 2014) requires a formulaic
improvement which is broadly equivalent to average fleet fuel efficiency
improving to 18.2 km/l by 2016-17 and further to 21 km/l by 2021-22. These
targets imply annualised improvement of 1.7% and 3.0% respectively.
Japan was the first country to introduce fuel efficiency norms for HDVs in
2005, giving a roadmap for improvement up to 2015. US have finalised HDVs
fuel efficiency standards in 2011, which begin with model year 2014, and
increase in stringency through 2018. Canada has aligned its GHG emission
standards with the US HDV fuel efficiency standards. Europe and China are in
the process of designing HDV efficiency standards. With increasing focus on
the fuel efficiency/GHG emissions of medium and heavy commercial vehicles
across the globe, a number of countries are expected to introduce regulatory
norms in the coming years.
PCRA in India has also embarked upon the process of preparation of Fuel
Efficiency programme for diesel trucks & buses in India by engagement of
ICRA Management Consulting Services Limited (IMaCS) to prepare a Status
Report based on market survey leading to fuel consumption norms for diesel
trucks & buses in India.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 36
Human Health, Source Apportionment and Continuous Monitoring
This chapter has three sections. In the first, the issue of how harmful
components that are present in vehicular emissions adversely impact human
health is discussed. This is largely a summary of the report of Working Group
1 & 2 that examined the subject of vehicular emission, public health and the
environment. In the second section, the source apportionment studies that
were conducted by the CPCB, its principal findings and some narration of the
city wise picture are presented. Finally, the issue of how to set up a system
that enable an ongoing and regular monitoring of ambient air quality in our
cities, source apportionment and analysis is proposed.
As has been stated previously, the primary policy objective of improving fuel
standards is to enable vehicle technology that can permit sharp reduction in
the harmful matter contained in vehicular emissions. There is additionally a
need to enforce standards and compliance. While the first step taken in the
West in regard of mandating norms for automobiles may have been
motivated to improve fuel economy, the principal theme in the discourse
since then has been the issue of the hazard that deterioration of ambient air
quality poses to human health. It has been no different in India. It is the
desire to ensure improved ambient air quality and protect our citizens from
hazardous levels of air pollutants that has motivated the legislative and rule
making agenda of government one in which all stakeholders including
research institutions and civil society have played a valuable role.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 37
Human Health and Vehicular Emissions
This Committee is keenly aware that it is the consideration for better ambient
air quality and protection of human health that drives the process of
upgrading fuel quality and vehicle technology a process that consumes
large resources both human energy and financial. In the first part of this
chapter is a small summary of some of the major concerns in this regard and
in the second part is a summary of the source apportionment study
conducted in six major Indian cities by CPCB.
The eight items that are classified as being critical pollutants contained in
vehicular emissions are:
1. Lead (Pb)
2. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
3. Particulate Matter (PM) PM10 and more so PM2.5
4. Sulphur Oxides (SOx)
5. Ozone (O3) and
6. Carbon Monoxide (CO)
7. Benzene
8. Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)
Of all the pollutants emitted by vehicles, PM, especially the finer PM 2.5 is
arguably the most harmful, having the ability to penetrate deep inside the
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 38
Harmful Emissions from Motor Vehicles
lungs and it remain suspended in air for longer periods than coarser particles.
While ambient PM10 may sometimes seem to be a bigger problem because
larger, heavier particles lead to a higher ambient mass concentration,
reducing the PM2.5 fraction will actually have a deeper and more profound
positive impact on public health.
Re-suspended road dust, tyre wear and brake wear are sources of non-
combustion PM emissions from motor vehicles, which contains chemical
compounds, such as trace metals. However, current estimates of these
emissions are uncertain. Thus, although they are not regulated in the way
exhaust emissions are, non-combustion emissions may need to be considered
more closely in future assessments of the impact of motor vehicles on health.
Report of the Working Groups 1 & 2.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 39
Impact of Specific Pollutants on Human Health
motor vehicle fleet and have also allowed the evaluation of the impact of
new emission control technologies and fuels on emissions.
Many studies have been conducted over the years by leading Indian
institutions such as Patel Chest Institute, AIIMS, Chittaranjan Cancer Institute,
PG Medical College and Ramachandra Medical College of serious medical
conditions that were attributable to a variety of toxins present in the ambient
air, an important component of which is vehicular emissions.
The linkage that pollutants in the ambient air, including that arising from
vehicular emissions, have with adverse health consequences on the human
population have been documented over the years. The WHO in its most
recent factsheet on the 10 leading causes of death in the world, 2000 and
2011 lists ischemic heart disease at No.1, stroke at No.2, lower respiratory
infections at No. 3, COPD at No. 4 and diarrheal diseases at No. 5. However,
apart from global figures, the WHO also separately reports for Low Income
Countries, where lower respiratory infections have been the No. 1 killer,
followed by HIV/AIDS, diarrheal disease, stroke and ischemic heart disease.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 40
Impact of Specific Pollutants on Human Health
beyond the control of individuals and requires action by public authorities at the
national, regional and even international levels.5
The first GBD 1990 study quantified the health effects of over 100 diseases
and injuries for 8 regions of the world in 1990. As the WHO says:
More recently, the WHO has been collaborating with the Institute for Health
Metrics and Evaluation and other academic partners in bringing out the
Global Burden of Disease 2010 (GBD 2010). This is the largest ever systematic
effort to describe the global distribution and causes of a wide array of major
diseases, injuries, and health risk factors and which the Lancet journal
decided to publish in a special issue.
WHO Webpage:
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 41
Causal Linkages between Vehicular Pollution and Human Health
This new analysis identifies especially high risk levels in the developing
countries of Asia where air pollution levels are the highest in the world.
Overall GBD 2010 estimates over 2 million premature deaths and 52 million
years of healthy life lost in 2010 due to ambient fine particle air pollution,
fully two thirds of the burden worldwide. Among other risk factors studied in
the GBD, outdoor air pollution ranked 4th in mortality and health burden in
East Asia (China and North Korea) where it contributed to 1.2 million deaths
in 2010, and 6th in South Asia (including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri
Lanka) where it contributed to 712,000 deaths in 2010. The analysis found
that reducing the burden of disease due to air pollution in Asia will require
substantial decreases in the high levels of air pollution in those regions.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 42
Causal Linkages between Vehicular Pollution and Human Health
Chart 5.1
WHO World Map of Exposure to Particulate Matter
Chart 5.1 : WH O World Map of Expos ure to Particul ate Matter
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 43
Causal Linkages between Vehicular Pollution and Human Health
There have been very few studies that examine the evidence of association of
mortality from all causes or of cardiovascular mortality with long-term
exposure to traffic related emission. In consequence, the conclusions or
inferences that have been developed are classified as suggestive but not
sufficient insofar as a clear causal association goes. The four studies of all-
cause mortality associated with short-term exposure, which met the Panels
criteria, were also classified as suggestive but not sufficient.
Many of the issues that applied to studies of all-cause mortality also applied
to studies of cardiovascular mortality associated with long-term exposure
and led, similarly, to a classification of suggestive but not sufficient. Only
two time-series studies of cardiovascular mortality met the inclusion criteria,
and although they both show positive associations, the Panel concluded that,
given the overall paucity of studies, the evidence for effects of short-term
exposure was inadequate and insufficient.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 44
Causal Linkages between Vehicular Pollution and Human Health
Cardiovascular Morbidity
There have been a few toxicology studies that examined the cardiovascular
effects of traffic emissions specifically. However, the Panel concluded that
the recent toxicology literature provides suggestive evidence that exposure
to pollutants that are components of traffic emissions, including ambient and
laboratory-generated PM and exhaust from diesel and gasoline-fuelled
engines, alters cardiovascular function. There is also evidence, albeit
inconsistent, for acute effects on vascular homeostasis and suggestive
evidence in animal models that repeated exposures to ambient PM in general
enhance the development of atherosclerosis. Some studies support the
involvement of oxidative stress. Although the evidence from toxicology
studies in isolation is not sufficient in terms of a causal association between
traffic emissions and the incidence or progression of cardiovascular disease,
when viewed together with the epidemiologic evidence, a stronger case
could be made for a potential causal role for traffic-related pollutants in
cardiovascular-disease morbidity and mortality. The extent to which these
associations apply to individuals without underlying cardiovascular disease
cannot be determined from the evidence available at this time.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 45
Causal Linkages between Vehicular Pollution and Human Health
Extracting from a number of studies, the Panel concluded that living close to
busy roads appears to be an independent risk factor for the onset of
childhood asthma. The Panel considered the evidence for a causal relation to
be in a gray zone between sufficient and suggestive but not sufficient.
The results found across the studies followed a pattern that would be
expected under the plausible assumption that the pollutants really are
causally associated with asthma development, if only among a subset of
children with some accompanying pattern of endogenous or exogenous
susceptibility factors. The conditions that underlie an increased risk for
asthma development among children exposed to traffic-related pollutants
are not known.
Although most of the studies reviewed were not restricted to children with
asthma, all these symptoms were more prevalent among those with asthma,
and it is very likely that there was an exacerbation of asthma. The Panel
concluded that the evidence is sufficient to infer a causal association
between traffic exposure and exacerbations of asthma but that it is
inadequate and insufficient to infer a causal association between exposure
and respiratory symptoms in children without asthma.
In the case of adults, the few human studies in which subjects were exposed
to realistic traffic conditions (a road tunnel or busy street) were found to be
supportive of the possibility that persons with asthma may be more
susceptible to adverse health effects. The Panels evaluation of the
toxicological data on the respiratory system regarding effects of traffic
related air pollution was that such exposures result in mild acute
inflammatory responses in healthy individuals and enhanced allergic
responses in allergic asthmatics and animal models.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 46
Causal Linkages between Vehicular Pollution and Human Health
However, in the case of long term exposure, there was some coherence in
the data, suggesting that (a) long-term exposure is associated with changes in
lung function in adolescents and young adults; (b) lung-function measures are
lower in people who live in more polluted areas; and (c) changing residence
to a less-polluted area in one study is associated with improvements in lung
The first and second points are consistent with long-lasting effects on lung
structure and/or function. The third point can be interpreted to indicate that
some component of the apparent effects on lung function is reversible or is
more the result of short-term exposure.
Because only two of the COPD studies fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in the
review and their results were not consistent, the Panel concluded that there
is inadequate and insufficient evidence for fixing a causal association
between exposure to traffic pollution and COPD.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 47
Causal Linkages between Vehicular Pollution and Human Health
Birth outcome
Although there is a considerable body of data from around the world which
have identified a consistent association between exposure to ambient air
pollution in general and various birth outcome measures (low birth weight,
small for gestational age, and peri-natal mortality), there have been only four
studies that met the reviewing criteria for examining the impact of traffic-
related pollution to birth outcome. The small number of studies and their
limited geographic coverage led the Panel to conclude that there is
inadequate and insufficient evidence to infer causality.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 48
Causal Linkages between Vehicular Pollution and Human Health
Overall the Panel concluded that the evidence was inadequate and
insufficient to make inferences for causality between exposure to traffic
pollution and onset or development of cancer.
Surrogates for traffic-related exposure have played, and are likely to continue
to play, a preeminent role in exposure assessments in epidemiology studies.
The optimal selection of relevant surrogates (especially surrogates that are
single chemicals) depends on accurate knowledge of the degree to which
they represent the chemical and physical properties of the actual primary
traffic-pollution mixtures to which humans are exposed, which, in turn,
depends on accurate knowledge of motor-vehicleemissions composition
and near-source transformation and dispersion. The Panel concluded that
none of the pollutant surrogates (CO, NO2, UFP, EC, and benzene) is unique
to emissions from motor vehicles. Among the surrogates based on traffic-
exposure models, the question remains as to the extent to which the
proximity model (i.e. the simple distance-to-road measures) should be
employed in future epidemiology studies because it is particularly prone to
yielding measures potentially containing extraneous information that can
lead to the confounding of associations between health effects and exposure.
In the Panels view, the hybrid model is the current optimal method of
assigning exposures to primary traffic related pollution.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 49
Source Apportionment Study
outcomes, there was limited evidence of associations, but the data were
either inadequate or insufficient to draw firmer conclusions. The Panels
conclusions have to be considered in the context of the progress made to
reduce emissions from motor vehicles. Since the epidemiology studies are
based on past estimates of exposure from older vehicles, they may not
provide an accurate guide to estimating health associations in the future.
In the light of the large number of people residing close to major roads, the
Panel concludes that the sufficient and suggestive evidence for these health
outcomes indicates that exposures to traffic-related pollution are likely to be
of public health concern and deserve public attention. Although policy
recommendations based on these conclusions are beyond the scope of this
report, the Panel has tried to organise, summarise, and discuss the primary
evidence in ways that will facilitate its usefulness to policy makers in the
years ahead. The review conducted clearly show that traffic-related
emissions impact ambient air quality on a wide range of spatial scales, from
the local road side and to the over-arching urban scale to broadly regional
background scales. Based on a synthesis of the best available evidence, it was
identified that an exposure zone within a range of up to 300 to 500 metres
from a major road, to be the area most highly impacted by traffic emissions.
The range reflects the variable influence of background pollution
concentrations, meteorological conditions, and season.
The previous Expert Committee had recognised the fact that the existing air
quality data was insufficient and required major expansion and augmentation
of the existing network of air quality monitoring and supervision, with
necessary funding. It recommended that surveys and studies on the sources
of pollution and their apportionment to different sources should be initiated
in the most polluted cities and the National Capital Territory.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 50
Source Apportionment Study
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 51
Source Apportionment Study
Chart 5.2
Generation of Air Pollutants in Europe in Recent Years
Chart 5.2 : Ge neration of Air Polluta nts in E urope in R ecent Year s
16.0 2.30
SOx, NOx SOx NOx PM 10
14.0 2.20
12.0 2.10
10.0 2.00
8.0 1.90
6.0 1.80
4.0 1.70
2.0 1.60
0.0 1.50
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
It has been estimated that in the EU, road transport exhaust contributes 33%
to total NOx loading at the aggregate level, while road transport non-exhaust
sources add another 4%. Including railways, shipping and aviation the
aggregate contribution to NOx emission from transportation was found to be
58%, with the balance 42% coming from non-transport activities. In the case
of PM10, road transport is estimated to have contributed 22% to the total
loading, with road transport exhaust accounting for 7% and road transport
non-exhaust adding 6%.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 52
Source Apportionment Study
Chart 5.3
Share of Road Transportation to the Total Load of Air Pollutants in EU
Chart 5.3 : Share of Road Transportation to the T otal Load of Air Poll utants i n EU
35% SOx
NOX and PM 10
30% 0.8%
20% 0.5%
10% 0.3%
0% 0.0%
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
However, if the estimation is carried out for urban areas separately than for
rural areas at the national level what we get is an aggregation across urban
and rural areas the contribution of road transport exhaust and non-exhaust
is higher. The contribution in urban areas of vehicular traffic to PM 10 is
estimated to be 34%, with the figure likely to be higher for PM2.5 and that for
NOx estimated at 64%.6
Other studies that have examined nature and likely source wise contribution
of particulate matter have shown that in European cities, there is a sizeable
step up in the presence of particulate matter both PM10 and PM2.5 as
between regional background, urban background and road or kerbside.
Contribution of Transport to Air Quality, Alfredo Sanchez Vicente, European Environment Agency
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 53
Source Apportionment Study
Studies in several German cities show that first there is about one third
higher concentration of particulate matter in the kerbside compared to the
urban background and that over 60% of this both PM10 and PM2.5 is on
account of vehicular traffic. In the UK, studies showed that the elevation of
particulate matter at the kerbside over the background was much higher at
53% for PM10 and 44% for PM2.5. The contribution of vehicular traffic via
higher elemental carbon was 43% for PM10 and 76% for PM2.5.7
Source apportionment studies have been extensively carried out in the USA
as well. Secondary sulphate/coal (from coal combustion) was identified as
the largest or one of the largest sources in studies carried out on particulate
source apportionment.8 Secondary organic matter/mobile sources (from
road traffic), was also identified major source in nearly all the sites. Nitrate
(ammonium nitrate and also sulphate) was also found to be a large
contributor and the source activity was agricultural activity. Biomass burning,
industrial and other activities were also flagged as sources.
The source apportionment study carried out for 8 sites in the USA for PM 2.5
showed that coal combustion (mostly in coal fired power plants) contributed
a median value of 38% of total PM2.5, while mobile sources (traffic)
contributed a median value of 23%. Ammonium nitrate made up for 15%. In
the capital, Washington DC, mobile sources (traffic) accounted for 28% and
coal combustion for 46%.9
Second Position Paper on Particulate Matter, CAF, European Environment Agency, Dec 2004.
Compilation of Existing Studies on Source Apportionment for PM2.5, Second Draft Technical
Report, prepared for US EPA, August 2003.
Final Report, Eight Site Source Apportionment of PM2.5 Speciation Trends Data, prepared for US
EPA, Sept 2003.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 54
Background of Source Apportionment Study 2010
In the USA, the trend over time indicates that there has been a reduction in
the degree of air pollution. The EPA notes that:
The EPA document notes that the order of decline in air pollution has been
significant: 45% for annual levels of nitrogen dioxide, 75% for sulphur dioxide,
24% for PM2.5. It however points out that nearly 40% of the population
resided in districts where the national standards were regularly exceeded in
respect of one or more parameters.
Our Nations Air: Status and Trends Through 2012, US EPA-454/R-12-001, Feb 2012,
2008 Report on National Emissions Inventory: Review, Analysis and Highlights, US EPA, May 2013.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 55
Background of Source Apportionment Study 2010
Research Association of India (ARAI), Pune. The Air Quality Monitoring (AQM)
and source apportionment studies were undertaken as indicated below:
Delhi - NEERI
Bangalore - TERI
Pune - ARAI
Mumbai - NEERI
Chennai - IIT Madras
Kanpur - IIT Kanpur
In addition to air quality monitoring, ARAI was also assigned the responsibility
for development of Emission Factors for Vehicles. The IIT, Mumbai was
identified to take up source profiling for non-vehicular sources, while ARAI
was to take up source profiling for vehicles.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 56
Scope of the Study
Some of the findings of the report are discussed here to highlight the pattern
of development. The air quality in Delhi has been of particular concern, both
on account of the intensity of generation of pollutants from diverse factors,
including vehicular exhaust and the meteorological characteristics of this
inland locations that results in inversion in the winter months resulting in
particular severe deterioration of ambient air quality. The data is also
available for Delhi over a slightly longer time period.
There are several specifics that are notable in Chart 5.4. First, the sharp
reduction in sulphur oxides (SOx) content which increased rapidly from 8.9
micrograms ( gms) per cubic metre (m3) in 1989 to over 19 in the nineties,
Air quality monitoring, emission inventory and source apportionment study for Indian cities, Dec
2010, CPCB
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 57
Some Findings From the Study
before declining in the course of the 2010s to 6.0 gms/m3 in 2012. The
reduction in sulphur content in automotive fuel perhaps played a part in this,
as must have the relocation of industries away from the capital city.
Chart 5.4
Levels (annual average) of Critical Air Pollutants in Delhi over the Past 23 Years
Chart 5.4 : Level s (annual average) of Criti cal Air Polluta nts in D elhi Over the Past 23 Y ears
50 300
0 100
Second is the steady pick-up in nitrogen oxides after a few dips in the early
years of 2000s and then again in 2008 and 2009. As we have seen in USA and
Europe a large share of the contribution to NOx comes from vehicular tailpipe
Third, is the fairly steady level of PM10 concentrations up to 2005, which may
be contrasted with the pick up in PM2.5 concentrations from the middle of the
decade of the 2000s. Again the global data referred previously tends to
suggest that in urban locales, the pick up of PM 2.5 is most often from the
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 58
Some Findings From the Study
increase in elemental and organic carbon that can be sources to the tailpipe
exhaust of internal combustion engines both on road and stationary. That
is, in the Indian and particularly Delhi context to motor vehicle tailpipe and
diesel generating set exhaust.
5.9.2 Comparison of Air Pollution Levels & Trends in Some Indian Cities
There are significant differences between first the level of air pollution in the
different cities of India and even amongst the metropolitan cities and in the
manner in which they have changed over the course of the years. In Charts
5.5 and 5.6, the principal air pollutants (annual average) have been plotted
for the years 2001 to 2012. What stands out is the big difference between
the higher levels of air pollution in Delhi and Kolkata, compared to Mumbai
and Chennai. This is true both for nitrogen oxides and for particulate matter
Second, in Delhi, while NO2 levels seems to have not increased significantly
over time, that of PM10 has increased quite sharply in recent years. On the
other hand in Kolkata, NO2 seems to have abated a bit, as also PM10.
However, in both cities, the levels are much above the National Ambient Air
Quality Standard (NAAQS) over the entire time period.
Third, in Mumbai and Chennai, the NO2 levels have and continue to remain
within the NAAQS, although since 2007 the PM10 in Mumbai is staying well
above the NAAQS. Not so Chennai which remains compliant.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 59
Some Findings From the Study
Chart 5.5
Concentrations (annual average) of Nitrogen Oxides in Four Metropolitan Cities
National Ambient Air Quality Standard: 40 gms per cubic metre
Chart 5.5 : Concentrations (annual av erage) of Nitroge n Oxi des i n Four M etropolitan Cities
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Chart 5.6
Concentrations (annual average) of PM10 in Four Metropolitan Cities
National Ambient Air Quality Standard: 60 gms per cubic metre
Chart 5.6 : Concentrations (annual av erage) of PM10 i n Four Metropolita n Citie s
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 60
Some Findings From the Study
At Chart 5.7, the levels of NO2, SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 in four cities separated in
terms of principal economic activity namely, background, residential,
industrial and kerbside has been presented for the Winter season 2008-09. In
all of these cities, the seasonal air pollution in winter is much above that in
Summer and the Post-Monsoon. In order to bring out the wide difference in
levels the scale on the two vertical axes has been kept constant, which brings
out the massive difference in pollution levels between Delhi and Mumbai,
and that between these two cities vis--vis Bangalore and Chennai.
Chart 5.7
Comparison of Air Pollution in Four Indian Metropolitan Cities
in Winter Season (2008-2009)
PM10 & PM2.5 on LHS Axis and NO2 & SO2 on RHS Axis
Chart 5.7 : Com paris on of Air Polluti on i n Four I ndi an Metr opolitan Cities in Wint er Season (2008 -200 9)
75 75
200 200
50 50
100 100
25 25
0 0 0 0
Background Residential Industrial Kerbside Background Residential Industrial Kerbside
Source: Compiled from data in Air Quality Monitoring, Emission Inventory and Source
Apportionment Study for Indian Cities, National Summary Report, CPCB, Dec 2010,
Table 3.2, pp 2425
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 61
Some Findings From the Study
The other element of note is that air pollution levels in industrial and
kerbside are of similar import and in the case of Delhi, the levels in the
industrial areas are higher than that for the kerbside NO2, SO2 and PM10,
though not for PM2.5. This actually reflects the high proportion of non-
vehicular contribution to the air pollution inventory in Delhi and other cities.
Trend of air quality with respect to SO2, NO2 and PM10 in 50 major Indian
metropolitan cities during the last five years (2008 to 2012) is tabulated in
Annexure 2.
Expectedly the contribution to air pollution in the six cities studied was seen
to be coming from a variety of source both stationary and mobile.
Stationary sources included on the one hand dust from paved and unpaved
roads, dust from construction activities and on the other thermal power
plants, industrial activity, domestic combustion of LPG, kerosene and solid
fuels, bakeries, garbage burning, crematoria and diesel generating (DG) sets.
Mobile sources primarily encompassed on road vehicle exhaust, but also
diesel locomotives and marine transport the two of which were significant
sources in Mumbai. The city wise and pollutant wise variation is depicted at
Chart 5.8.
In four of the six cities, nitrogen oxides were found to be coming mostly from
on road vehicular traffic. In two Delhi and Mumbai the most important
source was found to be coal thermal power stations. In Bangalore, DG sets
was seen to be the second most important sources of NOx and in Mumbai it
was diesel locomotives. The primary source of sulphur dioxide was found to
be thermal power plants (in Delhi and Mumbai) and industry (in Mumbai,
Kanpur, Bangalore and Pune). Only in Chennai was vehicular exhaust seen to
be a significantly large source (48%).
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 62
Some Findings From the Study
In the case of PM2.5, there was a more varied picture with vehicular exhaust
seen to be a bigger contributor to PM2.5 than to PM10. However, only in
Bangalore was vehicular exhaust the principal contributor (48%), followed by
DG sets (28%). In Delhi the lead was taken by domestic kitchen fuels (57%),
followed by vehicular exhaust (22%). In Chennai vehicular exhaust (27%), coal
burning (27%) and road dust (24%) were the leading contributors. In Kanpur
domestic fuels (28%), vehicular exhaust (24%) and DG sets (18%) were the
leading contributors.
Chart 5.8
Source Wise Contribution to Air Pollution in Six Indian Metropolitan Cities
Chart 5.8 : Sour ce Wise Contri buti on to Air Poll ution in Six Indian Metropolita n Cities
60% 60%
40% 40%
20% 20%
0% 0%
PM10 PM2.5
40% 30%
0% 0%
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 63
Summary of Source Apportionment Study Findings
The major findings of the Source Apportionment Study described above for
Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune and Kanpur were:
i. Annual RSPM average exceeded norms in all cities in all years except for
ii. Generally NO2 levels are within standard, but it is an emerging pollutant.
iii. The SO2 levels are within standard and the decreasing trend is largely
attributed to sulphur reduction in diesel (from BS II levels). Sulphur is
emitted from tailpipes as sulphate or sulphur oxides, which are major
contributors to the most dangerous pollutant for human health, ultra-fine
particles (i.e. PM2.5)
iv. RSPM is the most important pollution parameter in urban areas. PM
pollution problem is severe.
v. Levels of PM10 and PM2.5 in ambient air are significantly high irrespective
of the type of locations.
vi. The presence of SPM, PM10, PM2.5 exceeded norms at almost all locations
and in all seasons in Delhi and Kanpur.
vii. Even background locations indicate considerable levels of particulates,
which could be occurring naturally and/or due to transport of finer dust.
viii. PM pollution problem is severe and NO2 is the emerging pollutant.
ix. Concentration of pollutants is relatively higher at kerbside/roadside due
to density of vehicular movement. Morning and evening peaks in CO
levels correspond to intensity of vehicular movement.
x. Significant sources of particulate pollution arise from soil and road dust
and this contributes to coarser fraction of PM10.
xi. Re-suspension of road dust and combustion sources including vehicles,
refuse burning & DG sets emerge as prominent sources of PM in all cities.
xii. Combustion sources including vehicles, DG sets, refuse burning etc. emit
particles in the finer size (< PM2.5).
xiii. Benzene levels are higher at Bangalore, Pune and Kanpur, while
formaldehyde is a matter of concern in Mumbai, Pune and Bangalore.
xiv. Within the transport sector, PM10 contribution in terms of emission load
is mainly from heavy duty diesel vehicles in almost all cities. In case of
Kanpur, contribution from 3-wheelers is the highest. Heavy duty vehicles
are the major contributor of NOx emission.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 64
Steps Required for Improving Air Quality
xv. Elemental carbon (EC) and Organic carbon (OC) contribution to PM 2.5 is
more than what it is to PM10. It signifies that PM2.5 is more toxic than
PM10 that mostly come from combustion sources like vehicles, coal,
biomass, garbage combustion and others.
Based on the findings of the study, the steps that were identified for
improving the air quality in urban areas were as under:
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 65
Towards Better Understanding of the Emission Inventory
Besides the introduction of CNG for city transport few years back, BS IV fuels
in 13 major cities and BS III fuels in rest of the country were introduced in
2010 in line with the Auto Fuel Policy (2003). Although there have been
significant improvements in air quality after introduction of cleaner fuels,
gains to some extent, are getting neutralised due to increase in vehicular
population and construction activities. Further, there have not been any
significant scientific studies after the Source Apportionment Study mentioned
above in India to assess the impact of improvement in air quality after
introduction of cleaner fuels.
Aside for the extensive work presented in the CPCB (2010) Report, recent
years has seen numerous publications appearing in the scientific and
technical literature on air quality in Indian cities. Most of these studies have
been conducted by educational and research institutions in India, through
Government funded projects; but not necessarily in a coordinated effort.
Thus, there is a large diversity in the methods employed, parameters studied,
and in some cases, the way in which the conclusions are deduced. Clearly,
studies conducted by medical doctors seem to have very specific medical and
toxicological perspective, while those from engineering institutions seem to
be focussed mainly on receptor modelling and source apportionment.
However, it is a rich body of literature and it is pertinent for the workings of
this Committee, in as much as these complement the findings of the 2010
Source Apportionment Study. This may also form the basis for commissioning
of future studies.
India is a large and diverse country, and not surprisingly studies have drawn
widely differing conclusions. Even within individual Indian cities, different
authors have come to widely varying conclusions over source attribution and
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 66
Towards Better Understanding of the Emission Inventory
The efforts which led to the CPCB (2010) report set a benchmark for this kind
of work in India. Also, it produced valuable data of the kind that had not been
done in the past, even though some scientific critique of that work has been
reported by several experts [summarised for example, by Pant & Harrison
(2012)]. However, this must be followed up by more studies of this kind, and
perhaps involving the numerous experts around the country whose expertise
should be tapped for this national effort. It is also important that the results
be peer-reviewed and discussed, perhaps amongst these experts and also
internationally, probably through publications in peer-reviewed journals. The
latter is happening a lot, as seen from the vast body of work being reported,
but the authors of these high quality pieces do not seem to be part of a
coordinated umbrella effort.
Some other points need to be recorded for further discussion. First, most of
studies have used multivariate statistical methods which have yielded factors
represented by combinations of elemental and ionic constituents which
cannot be unequivocally attributed to any specific source. Faced with factors
associating often strange combinations of chemical components, authors feel
obliged to attribute a source, but in many cases these are under question.
The possible reasons are many and include genuine co-linearity of sources, or
more likely an inadequate number of samples relative to the number of
species analysed leading to instability in the statistical model.
Most of the studies used well under 100 samples. It is imperative that studies
using multivariate statistical methods collect many more samples (100 is
hardly a statistically significant number for this kind of work), and this must
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 67
Towards Better Understanding of the Emission Inventory
be done on a regular basis and also through various seasonal and local
meteorological events. Such an exercise under the pressure of time in a short
term time-bound project is unlikely to yield results. Long-term and sustained
effort is therefore a requisite for a better understanding of the facts.
The other major reason for a mixed picture is inadequate data to discriminate
the background, both regional and local. The failure has been in most cases
the inability to distinguish vehicle exhaust from non-exhaust vehicle
emissions, particularly re-suspension of road dust, and/or inability to
differentiate regional crustal sources (e.g. desert dust), from local wind-
blown soils and from re-suspended road dust.
Making a distinction between road dust and local soils can be difficult under
any circumstances if the soils are polluted by vehicle emissions or the road
dusts contain a significant soil contribution.
The above two points would ensure (or definitely improve) the issues related
to mass closure in the different source apportionment studies. As mentioned
clearly in the CPCB (2010) report, mass closure has been a challenge.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 68
Towards Better Understanding of the Emission Inventory
but unfortunately that is not matched with the same for non-vehicular
sources. Thus, the final source apportionment gets plagued by this limitation.
Indeed, this has been a criticism of the CPCB (2010) effort as well, as reported
by various authors.
While the CPCB report (2010) as well as literature seems to recognise that
the PM2.5 is coming mainly from vehicular sources, measurements thus far
have been few. Clearly as we move forward, a better assessment of the
policy decisions on the crucial PM2.5 fraction is imperative to have.
There has, to date, been insufficient use of organic molecular markers. While
these alone will not answer all source apportionment questions, they are an
important tool in the development of receptor modelling and could help to
sharpen up both CMB and multivariate model studies.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 69
Need for a Monitoring & Analysis System on Continuous Basis
Past experience with the previous Auto Fuel Policy and other such policies
have demonstrated the critical importance of continuously monitoring its
progress, both the policy implementation as well as the expected outcomes
for which it was defined, to ensure its success. For this to happen at a
national scale, it is imperative to create the required monitoring and
evaluation protocols, supported as necessary by on-going research, and
involve a number of institutional and civil society partners to assist the
process. In the case of the AFV&P 2025, substantial investments would be
made by the petroleum and automobile sectors to upgrade their fuel quality
and vehicular technology to ensure better ambient air qualities in Indias
cities and to minimise the adverse health impacts of ambient air pollution.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 70
Need for a Monitoring & Analysis System on Continuous Basis
The kind of studies that will be required to be carried out can be broadly
classified into three categories:
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 71
Need for a Monitoring & Analysis System on Continuous Basis
The process of project funding and implementation should be clearly laid out.
It is recommended that the projects may be funded based on specific
needs identified by the committee and awarded to qualified research
groups around the country, or through an open call for proposals for major
initiatives, or smaller-budget projects to be awarded in an ongoing manner.
In all cases, key markers for implementation should be high technical merit
(determined by a peer-review process) and the ability to extract key findings
to shape future policy making in broad areas on interest (listed above).
Based on the AFV&P 2025 report and deliberations over the past few
months, it is clear that some of the topics that require further investigation
would be as follows.
Process innovations that may be required for reaching ULSD levels in
diesel, over and beyond existing brute-force methods. Alternate
protocols for reaching the ULSD levels in petroleum derivatives should be
Assessment of impact of increasing octane number on fuel efficiency of
gasoline vehicles and financial/operational impact on refineries.
Assess the effect of enhancing T95 point of diesel fuel on emissions of
vehicles. There is considerable debate in literature over this, however it is
worth assessing this impact since if the emissions are controllable, then
this can add considerably to the diesel pool in the country.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 72
Need for a Monitoring & Analysis System on Continuous Basis
Following up on the MoE&F CPCB 2010 Source Apportionment Study by
repeating the study in the six cities of that report, and extending the scope
to other cities. Periodicity of such studies should be established (such as
once in 3 to 5 years in the most polluted cities, once in 5 years in the next
class of pollution cities, etc.). Air quality management and source
apportionment studies to be carried out on continuous basis and shall be
part of periodic review for policy and measures.
Standardisation of measurement procedures should be upgraded and
made at par with international standards, and the same should be
communicated to all participating organisation and institutes. It is
noteworthy that standardising the measurement of ultra-low
concentrations, such as very small mass fraction of PM2.5, or fine sulphate
concentrations, is in itself a non-trivial research objective and should be
taken up as a separate study from the source apportionment studies.
Development of calibration protocol for continuous ambient air quality
analysers (SO2, NOx, Hydrocarbon, Benzene, Ozone, PM2.5 etc.).
Conducting regularly chemical characterisation of PM2.5 samples for OC,
EC, Sulphate, Nitrate, Toxic and heavy metals etc.
Black carbon measurement in ambient air using remote sensing
techniques as well as manual sampler.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 73
Need for a Monitoring & Analysis System on Continuous Basis
Defining regulatory strategies to ensure effective I&M of vehicles.
Comparative studies on mobility demand patterns across cities with
different modal mixes.
Effectiveness of Institutional frameworks at state/city levels for ensuring
clean air to its citizens.
Aligning fiscal strategies with reduced urban air pollution.
Cost-benefit analyses of auto-fuel policy interventions on the environment
and health of urban populations.
Capacity Building
All the above activities would need careful, well-thought out capacity
building to take place in various agencies/institutions. A full programme
would need to be drawn up for the purpose and funded separately.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 74
Direction of Thinking on Emission Standards Worldwide
At the very high sulphur levels historically in use (3,000 to 5,000 ppm),
sulphur oxides participated with other emission products to generate harmful
mists and hazes. This was particularly true of diesel. As the sulphur levels
were lowered to 500 ppm and below, the issue became one of matching
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 75
Factors Driving Achievement of Better Air Quality
In the Auto Fuel Policy (2003) India had broadly aligned with the Euro norms
on both fuel quality and tail pipe emissions. It may be mentioned that some
of the particulars of the context for raising the ambient air quality standards
in advanced countries were somewhat different than was the case with India.
It may be noted from the above that the key drivers for better air quality in
India are more in line with Japan than other countries, even as we have
implemented auto fuel quality standards conforming to that of Europe. Base
levels of Particulate matters (PM10 & PM2.5) are high in India owing to road
dust and other local issues.
India also gets a large part of its vehicle technology from Japan and Korea.
Hence there is a case for examining a broader menu of options and keeping
the needs of India in the forefront when it comes to aligning or similarising
fuel quality standards.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 76
Trends in Global Auto Fuel Standards
The rising number of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, the increasing
number of diesel fuelled vehicles and an aging car fleet, all contribute to the
increase in vehicle emissions from the transportation sector. To reduce the
effect of these air pollutants, European countries have regulated vehicle
emissions. In 1980, The EU developed an integrated policy to reduce the
impact of transportation on air quality. European institutions have set a
number of directives since the 1980s relating to emissions of gases and
particulates from either light duty passenger cars or heavy duty buses and
trucks. EU standards are commonly referred to as Euro standards. Tightening
of emission norms was adopted at about the same time by all developed
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 77
Trends in Global Auto Fuel Standards
OECD Countries
The European Union (27 countries) have introduced 10 ppm sulphur Euro V
gasoline and diesel fuels since 2008-09 and has moved to Euro VI fuels
which also limit sulphur to 10 ppm in 2014.
Sulphur content in diesel across USA is limited to 15 ppm. There are varying
limits for sulphur in gasoline. It is 80 ppm for the country with the exception
of California, where different grades of ultra-low sulphur gasoline are in use
with limits of 15, 20 and 30 ppm. However, for the country (except California)
refiners are constrained within an annual average of 30 ppm sulphur in
gasoline. The (annual) average limit for benzene in gasoline from July 2012
has been restricted to 1.3% by volume. For diesel, the specification requires
either minimum Cetane index of 40, or max total aromatics of 35% volume.
Japan moved to 10 ppm sulphur fuels both diesel and gasoline in 2008.
Canada limits sulphur in gasoline to 80 ppm, while that for diesel is 15 ppm.
Further, all primary suppliers must meet a sulphur average of 30 ppm. The
per gallon cap for Benzene is 1.5% vol. max with an annual pool average of
0.95% vol., or, a flat batch limit of 1.0% vol.
In 2009 Australia moved to 10 ppm limits for sulphur in gasoline and diesel,
from 50 ppm previously, in effect from 2006 for diesel and 2008 for gasoline.
Korea, Republic of
Korea limited sulphur in both gasoline and diesel to 10 ppm, starting 2009.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 78
Trends in Global Auto Fuel Standards
Non-OECD Countries
Auto fuel sulphur content in all three has been restricted to 10 ppm.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 79
Trends in Global Auto Fuel Standards
For diesel, Brazil in 2010 entered in a phase of transition from 1,800 ppm
sulphur to 500 ppm, set to go countrywide from 2014. Further timelines have
not been indicated. Gasoline sulphur country wide used to be 1,000 ppm till
2013 and from 2014 is set to a maximum of 50 ppm. In select metropolitan
centres and regions the stipulated sulphur limits are set at lower levels.
South Africa
In South Africa, there are national level and specific tighter local norms. The
national sulphur limit for diesel was 500 ppm generally and 50 ppm in
specified locations. In 2017, country wide the sulphur limit is set to be
reduced to 10 ppm. The present sulphur limit for gasoline is 500 ppm, but
this is set to be reduced to 10 ppm starting 2017.
The present limit for sulphur in diesel and gasoline is 350 ppm and 150 ppm
respectively. These are proposed to be reduced for both diesel and gasoline
to 50 ppm in 2015 and to 10 ppm in 2016.
The sulphur limit for both diesel and gasoline has been set to 150 ppm since
2005, which is proposed to be lowered to 50 ppm from 2017.
The sulphur limit for both diesel and gasoline has been set at 500 ppm. The
changeover to 50 ppm is expected from 2015.
The sulphur limit for both diesel and gasoline is set at 500 ppm. There are
proposals to lower the threshold to 50 ppm.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 80
Expected Sulphur Content in Automotive Fuels
The World Oil Outlook 2013, published by OPEC has dealt extensively with
the issue of reduction of sulphur in automotive fuels, mostly on account of
regulatory mandates and the implications this will have on the refinery
business. It has projected regional averages of sulphur content in gasoline
and diesel starting from 2013 to 2035. What is of particular relevance to this
Committee is the projection going forward to 2025. This is at Table 6.1.
Table 6.1
Expected Regional Sulphur Content in Gasoline and Diesel
Table 6.1: Ex pected Regio nal Sulphur Content in Gaso line and Diesel
Source: World Oil Outlook 2013, OPEC, Tables 5.3 & 5.4 pp. 204-205
The timelines that the Committee has worked towards has been on the lines
of the expected trajectory in developed economies to 10 ppm sulphur in
2020, even if the rest of the world is not quite expected to keep pace. The
timeline under the Accelerated Transition Path will result in bringing average
sulphur content to 50 ppm by 2017 and to 10 ppm by 2019-2020.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 81
Review of Indias Current Fuel Specification
The complete BS III and BS IV specifications for gasoline and diesel are at
Annexure 3.1 and 3.2 respectively. Some key parameters of BS III and BS IV
gasoline and diesel fuel are presented here in Table 6.2 and Table 6.3.
Table 6.2
Key Parameters for Motor Spirit or Gasoline
Table 6.2: Key Para meters for Motor Spir it or Gasoline
Table 6.3
Key Parameters for High Speed Diesel
Table 6.3: Key Para meters for Hig h Speed D iesel
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 82
Review of Indias Current Fuel Specification
6.5.2 Review of Auto Fuel Quality Specifications in USA, Europe, Japan, South
Korea and China vis--vis India
The global parameters for gasoline and diesel fuel quality in some major
regions/countries such as the European Union, USA, Japan, South Korea and
China is placed at Annexure 5 & Annexure 6 respectively. Select quality
parameters for diesel across the world are summarised at Table 6.4. It is clear
that different countries have different quality parameters for diesel especially
in respect of density, distillation recovery, viscosity etc.
Table 6.4
Select Physical Properties for Diesel
Table 6.4: Select Physical Pro perties for Diesel
In regard of diesel density, the USA does not have prescribed specifications,
but only requires it to be reported, while Japan has a density specification of
860 kg/m3 max as against 820845 kg/m3 for India. In both Japan and South
Korea the distillation recovery specification, namely T90 is at 360 C, while it is
T95 at 360 C in the case of India. It was initially felt that there might be a
scope to revise Indian diesel specification without impacting emissions and
ambient air quality as also efficiency and performance of vehicular engine.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 83
Review of Indias Current Fuel Specification
Table 6.5
Gasoline vis--vis Diesel Consumption in Select Regions/Countries in 2010
Table 6.5: Gasoline vis--vis Diesel Consumptio n in Select Regio ns/Co untries in 2010
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 84
Review of Indias Current Fuel Specification
In order to find out the effect of T95 limits on engine performance and
emission characteristics of diesel vehicles, a sub-committee was constituted
by the convenors of Working Group 1 & 2, with Prof. L.M. Das of IIT Delhi,
who is a Member of this Committee, functioning as Convenor. The outcome
of this study is summarised below.
The distillation process of diesel fuel indicates the amount of fuel that will
boil off at a given temperature. In other words, T95 is the temperature at
which 95% of a particular fuel distils in a standardised distillation test (ASTM
Lower values for T95 simply shift to kerosene-oriented diesel fuels. This can
decrease efficiency and mileage, as well as increase the maintenance
requirements. Higher values for T95 indicate more of heavy end distillates
and/or spiking with inappropriate components. Higher values can increase
the soot going to the emission control system or into the atmosphere and
can increase maintenance requirements.
Various studies had been conducted across the world in the past to assess
the impact of T95 on engine performance and emission of diesel fuelled
vehicles. While some of the studies show that reduction in T 95 point reduces
PM, but it results in increase of NOx emissions. Another study showed that
reducing the T95 does not have any impact on NOx, while another study
showed that T90 did not affect PM or NOx. Most of the studies indicated that
with lowering of T95, PM is reduced while NOx levels tended to be increased.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 85
Review of Indias Current Fuel Specification
The Working Group-3 made the following suggestions in BS III & BS IV auto
fuel specifications. However, some of the academic members wanted this
matter to be studied further.
The Auto Fuel Vision Policy 2003 document had stated in a footnote to the specifications for BS IV
diesel that the density and T95 recovery limits as stated for BS IV shall be pool company average
values, while all samples will have to satisfy a slightly relaxed density and T95 limits. This
Committee has no objection to these recommendations being put into effect if BIS agrees.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 86
Review of Indias Current Fuel Specification
For fuels, the property Flash Point is defined thus: It is the lowest
temperature at which a chemical product yields a vapour which will give a
momentary flash when ignited, determined in accordance with specified
measurement provisions. Conditions for entrapment of the vapour and the
presence of a flame source are necessary.
The flash point of diesel in India has historically been set at levels lower than
in developed countries. This has primarily been to meet proportionately
higher demand for diesel, for which heavy naphtha streams have been
absorbed in diesel.
The flash point of diesel for both BS III and BS IV are set at 35:C. Previously
the BIS specification for diesel in India prior to BS III had set the flash point at
28:C. In comparison, the flash point of diesel in both Brazil and Argentina is
38:C; in Canada it is 40:C, in USA (38:C and 52:C), in Japan (45:C and 50:C)
and in China (45:C and 55:C).
Following two unfortunate fire accidents in buses, MoRT&H brought the issue
to the specific attention of the Committee and the matter was re-examined.
The conclusion was arrived that the cause of the fire accident was unrelated
to the prescribed flash point.
However, in the media an opinion has been voiced that the prescribed flash
point of 35:C for diesel was self-evidently hazardous given that ambient
(atmospheric) temperatures are often above 40:C in the shade in India, while
in Europe which prescribes 55:C has colder ambient conditions.
This view is a misconception. Tropical countries like Brazil and Argentina too
have lower flash points. The temperature in and around the engine of the
vehicle is well over 100:C much above the highest flash point prescribed
anywhere in the world.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 87
Reducing Sulphur in Auto Fuel
Hence, the proposal to have a modified BS IV specification for both diesel and
gasoline with 40 ppm sulphur was abandoned.
The primary advantage in moving from BS IV toward 50 ppm and even more
so towards 10 ppm has to do with the sulphur level in the fuel. It is
noteworthy that sulphur exists in petrol and diesel fuel in form of complex
organic compounds, ranging from mercaptans, thiophenes, benzo-
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 88
Reducing Sulphur in Auto Fuel
When these sulphur compounds in diesel or petrol are oxidised, the primary
emission from combustion in the engine is SO2. Some of the SO2 is further
oxidised in its path through the engine, exhaust lines, catalyst and eventually
to the atmosphere to different sulphates. In most modern vehicle systems
which include oxidation catalysts, much of the engine-exit SO2 gets oxidised
to sulphates (some of which also adsorb nearby water or unburnt
hydrocarbon molecules), hence increasing the amount of particulate matter
(PM) emitted from the vehicle. Thus, fuel sulphur has a significant impact on
fine particulate emissions in direct proportion to the amount of sulphur in
the fuel.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 89
Reducing Sulphur in Auto Fuel
All filter devices would benefit with a lower PM load, while the De-NOx
devices would benefit from a lower SO2 in the exhaust and hence lesser
catalyst deactivation rates. In summary, it can be said that all emission
control systems perform better and last longer (better durability) with
sulphur-free fuel. It must however be noted that it is also known that as
sulphur levels are reduced, fuel stability is affected as reduced thermal
stability can result in formation of oxidised products (sludge) that may cause
issues like fuel filter plugging. This is an issue that has to be addressed
separately by the refiner.
However the improvement in air quality from the change to 10 ppm sulphur
from reduced gas phase emission may be quite dramatic with significantly
reduced PM emissions load (particularly PM2.5), which would be a good
boost to the air quality. Further, indirect benefits to the catalytic systems and
DPFs and its variants may be significant because some of the refractory
sulphur compounds may be removed, which would improve the performance
and durability of the catalytic systems.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 90
Specifications for BS V Auto Fuels
The extant BS IV specifications for automotive fuels are similar to Euro IV. The
proposed BS V specification would be broadly in line with Euro V and other
similar specifications across the world.
A difference that exists with the extant BS IV norms for gasoline vis--vis Euro
V is in respect of olefin content. In the Euro V specification olefin content is
restricted to a lower level of 18% by volume, from 21% in Euro IV. There are
no separate limits for olefin content in Japanese specifications. In Korea it is
set at 16%. In China, the tighter Beijing standards limit olefin content to 28%,
while it is set at 30% in general. The recently announced China V specification
for olefin is set at 24%.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 91
Specifications for BS V Auto Fuels
Table 6.6
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 92
Specifications for BS V Auto Fuels
Table 6.7
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 93
Specifications for BS V Auto Fuels
It is proposed that for BS V, the limit for olefin content in gasoline be retained
at 21% maximum. The total of olefin and aromatics in BS V (and BS IV) would
thus be 56%, marginally higher than the 53% of Euro V. It will be much lower
than the China V requirement of 64% total of olefins and aromatics. The
recommendation is guided primarily by the fact that most of our refineries
use FCCs/Cokers, which produce cracked gasoline that has relatively higher
olefin content.
The automobile industry wished that the minimum RON for BS V gasoline be
set at 95 RON with the emerging practice in the developed world. Higher
RON enables vehicle manufacturers to design and put on road higher
compression engines which give improved fuel efficiency. The Euro V
standard for gasoline stipulates a minimum RON of 91 or 95 leaving the
choice to individual members, but most countries have adopted 95 as the
minimum RON. In Japan, the standard is set at 9192 RON for regular grades
and 95 for premium grades. In the USA, four grades of gasoline are being sold
with octane number (AKI)14 of 87, 89 and 9193. This roughly translates to
RON of 9192, 94 and 9698. This matter was discussed at length.
In the USA (and Canada) the octane number is reported as Anti Knock Index (AKI) which is the average
of the RON and the motor octane number (MON). Roughly the difference is about 5% when the
octane number is around 90 or RON above 90.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 94
Specifications for BS V Auto Fuels
The best solution that therefore emerged was that it should be required that
in the larger cities, the oil companies should ensure that a significant part of
their retail stockists dispense premium gasoline conforming to 95 RON as and
when BS V is rolled out. All company outlets may be required to stock and sell
premium gasoline with 95 RON, along with the regular 91 RON and at least a
quarter of their non-company owned outlets in bigger cities may be required
to stock and dispense premium 95 RON at the point where the transition to
BS V takes place, that is in 20192020.
6.7.2 Diesel
Cetane Number
For BS IV and BS V, the Cetane Number for diesel as proposed is carried over
from the value in BS III and BS IV which is 51. The Cetane Index similarly is set
at 46. These are the same values as in Euro IV and Euro V. In the USA
however, the prescribed lower limit for Cetane Number is 40 (ASTM D-975)
for the relevant grade (No. 1 D S-15) for automotive use. For Cetane Index
there is a choice between meeting a Cetane Index of 40 or aromaticity
(max) of 35%. In Japan, both Cetane Number and Cetane Index is set at 50.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 95
Specifications for BS V Auto Fuels
Flash Point
The issue of Flash Point has been discussed previously (para 6.5.3). For BS IV,
this limit is being raised to 38C and in BS V to 42C. The flash point of diesel
in the USA for S-15 is 38:C; that in Canada it is 40:C; in both Brazil and
Argentina is 38:C; in Japan (45:C and 50:C) and in China (45:C and 55:C).
The lubricity upper limit has been retained at 460 microns for both BS IV and
BS V in continuation of BS III and BS IV norms. In general the severe hydro-
treating required for reducing the fuel sulphur content results in a reduction
in lubricity and this will intensify as we move to 15/10 ppm sulphur. Better
lubricity (i.e. lower values) assists better functioning of diesel engines and
lower wear and tear.
The Fuel Injection Equipment (FIE) manufacturers have adopted the use of
the HFRR (ISO 12156-2:1998), and recommend that all diesel fuel meet a limit
of 460 micron maximum Wear Scar Diameter (WSD). For the High Frequency
Reciprocating Rig (HFRR) a lower wear scar indicates better lubricity. While
India has adopted this level of 460 microns as the upper limit, standards
elsewhere permit higher values (that is, worse lubricity) as in the case of the
USA where it is 520 microns [ASTM D795, also California (ASTM D6079-02)].
Fuel Requirement for Diesel Injection Systems: Diesel Fuel Injection Equipment Manufacturers,
Common Position Statement 2012. The manufacturers were Bosch, Delphi, Denso, Continental
and Stanadyne.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 96
Standards for Euro VI
It has been found that small additions of bio-diesel can improve the native
lubricity of diesel fuel. Tests suggest that bio diesel additives (basically
vegetable oils) can improve the lubricity of ultra low sulphur diesels. The
addition required in some tests reported16 from 0.25 & 0.75% for jatropha
and palm oil respectively. Other reports however suggest that biodiesel has
other ingredients/characteristics that can create a different class of problems
in automotive applications.
Oil companies and vehicle manufacturers must see how to strive for better
lubricity as the sulphur content in diesel is progressively brought down and
what additives both naturally occurring, like biodiesel and synthetic can
be used in this pursuit.
From the information available, there does not seem to be any difference in
fuel quality per se between Euro V and Euro VI. However, Euro VI vehicular
emission standards are far more stringent, which is the expected outcome
from improved technology in both automotive and after treatment sphere. A
similar approach is regarded to be appropriate in the Indian context as we
move towards BS VI emission norms.
The four refineries in the North Eastern Region of India, namely, Guwahati,
Digboi, Numaligarh and Bongaigaon which process Assam crude suffer
problems of vintage, small scale and lack in the necessary equipment to
produce fuels exactly conforming to BS IV and BS V standards. The relevant
parameters are Cetane Number in diesel and aromatics content in gasoline.
Biodiesel as a lubricity additive for ultra low sulphur diesel, Subongkoj Topaiboul and Nuwong
Chollacoop, Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 32 (2), 153-156, Mar. - Apr. 2010
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 97
Bottlenecks in North East India
The Assam refineries in question produce BS III diesel with a relaxed Cetane
Number limit of 48. As has been seen earlier the Cetane Number in the USA is
set at 40 (outside California) and in Japan it is set at 50. In this context it
ought to be mentioned that in the new China V fuel specification the Cetane
Number limit for different diesel grades is set at 47, 49 and 51. The China IV
standard for Cetane is 45, 46 and 49.
It ought to be made clear that these refineries will be able to meet the
sulphur limit of 50 ppm for BS IV diesel.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 98
Bottlenecks in North East India
Assam crude has a higher aromatic content and the refineries in the North
East primarily process only Assam crude. They are not large refineries and do
not have facilities to tap off the aromatics content. Hence they produce
gasoline with an aromatic content in excess of the prescribed limit of 35% on
account of higher aromatics in its gasoline pool owing to Assam crude oil
processing. However, the sulphur and other parameters will be compliant
with BS IV norms.
Specific relaxation along the lines of Cetane Number will need to be extended
to Assam refineries for sale of its gasoline in the North East Region. The
relaxation (for both BS IV and BS V) will stipulate a maximum aromatics
content of 40% for gasoline in these refineries.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 99
BS IV and BS V Auto Fuel Production Capability
This examination for fuel availability was done refinery wise and
prospectively going up to 2025. For the years 2015, 2016 and 2017 the
exercise was done on quarter-to-quarter basis as the capability of the system
for earliest possible switching to BS IV was sought to be maximised.
Refining margins are under pressure on account of higher crude oil price
without commensurate crack spread for products. As a result, refineries have
started switching over to cheaper crudes, which in general are heavy and
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 100
Changes in the Refining Business
contain high sulphur. For enhancing the processing capability of such crudes,
huge investments have been made in some cases and are required in others
for upgrading bottom of the barrel to maximise distillate yields, apart from
meeting existing quality of transportation fuels.
In general the trend has been towards a consolidation of capacity with larger
and fewer refineries with more sophisticated and hence more expensive
equipment and a phasing out of smaller less sophisticated refineries. This has
drastically increased the threshold level for entry into the business, improved
scale economies and imparted greater flexibility. However, this has also
meant that operating refineries need to invest heavily in modernisation and
expansion wherever possible. This task has been harder globally on account
of the squeeze on operating margins and even more so in India where
regulatory price setting at below cost has depleted the financial surpluses
available with refining companies (and also upstream companies) to finance a
high level of investment. What has been happening globally to the number of
World Oil Outlook 2012, OPEC, p.16
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 101
Changes in the Refining Business
refineries and to refinery size is well brought out in Chart 7.1 which has been
taken from a report of the Oil & Gas Journal in 2009.
Chart 7.1
Worldwide Refining Capacity
Chart 7.1 : Worldwi de Refining Capa city
Source: Special Report: Global refining capacity advances; US industry faces uncertain
future, Oil and Gas Journal, Dec 2009.
Several process units have been added in Indian refineries in phases between
1997 through 2011 in order to meet gasoline and diesel fuel specifications
viz. BIS 2000, BS II, III and IV which are given in Annexure 7.
For gasoline, these were CRU, CCRU for Octane improvement; FCC gasoline
splitter for separation of light cut gasoline for Merox treatment, 70-90C cut
for routing to ISOM unit and heavy gasoline for hydro-treatment; reformate
splitter for separation of light reformate for routing to ISOM unit and heavy
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 102
Changes in the Refining Business
reformate for gasoline blending; and naphtha splitter for separation into light
naphtha as ISOM feed, 90-140C cut as reformer feed and heavy naphtha as
diesel blend; ISOM unit for benzene reduction and octane improvement; NHT
and FCC GDS for reduction of sulphur and allied units.
In respect of diesel, the units included were DHDS, DHDT, additional reactors
in DHDS and DHDT, Hydro-treater Unit, OHCU/HCU, H2 & Allied units.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 103
Specifications for BS V Automotive Fuels
their processing units, for the older refineries developing the capability will
be a challenge and will require significant investment.
Table 7.1
Key Parameters: Comparison of Euro V and BS V Fuel Specifications
Table 7.1: Key Para meters: Comparis on of Euro V and BS V Fuel S pecifications (A. Gaso line & B. Diesel)
A. Gasoline
B. Diesel
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 104
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
The supply of fuels from the refineries will have to switch over from the
existing BS III/BS IV mix, to 100% BS IV supply. Gasoline sulphur will shift from
150/50 ppm mix to entirely 50 ppm level and aromatics from 42%/35% to
entirely 35% level. This will call for setting up of new units or revamp of
CRU/CCRU, FCC gasoline desulphurisation units etc.
Similarly, for meeting 100% BS IV diesel supply, the entire stream component
for diesel will need to be hydro-treated, as sulphur in diesel will shift from
350/50 ppm mix to entirely 50 ppm level. The advantages of by-passing
DHDS/DHDT unit for some of the diesel component will be lost, thereby
necessitating capacity addition, modification as well as catalyst change.
Table 7.2
Demand & Production Capacity To 2025
Table 7.2: Demand & Pro ductio n Ca pacity to 202 5
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 105
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
The summary position of gasoline & diesel production capability for fiscal
years starting 1 April of 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2025 are at Table 7.3. The
details refinery-wise are at Annexure 8 and Annexure 9.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 106
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
Table 7.3
Production Capacity Prospective To 2025
Table 7.3: Productio n Capacity Prospective to 202 5 (A. Gasoline/Motor Spirit & B. Diesel)
A: Gasoline/Motor Spirit
Unit: Million Tonnes per Annum
B: Diesel
1-Apr-16 1-Apr-17 1-Apr-20 1-Apr-25
Total availability 20.6 81.8 102.4 6.0 54.4 41.0 101.4 0.2 53.5 65.8 119.6 0.2 50.9 68.1 119.2
% of demand 96% 60% 45% 50% 62% 36% 48%
Avail excl. RIL-SEZ 20.6 65.8 86.4 6.0 54.4 25.0 85.4 0.2 53.5 49.8 103.5 0.2 50.9 52.1 103.2
% of demand 77% 60% 28% 50% 47% 36% 37%
Total Domestic 85.5 90.6 106.7 140.1
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 107
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
3. Two refineries viz. RIL-SEZ and Essar will produce 100% BS V gasoline
from 2017.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 108
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
3. Seven of the refineries viz. Paradip, HPCL Mumbai & Vizag, HMEL, BORL,
RIL-SEZ and Essar will produce 100% BS V gasoline from 2020.
4. Digboi refinery will produce 110 TMT of BS III gasoline only, while
Bongaigaon refinery will produce mix of BS III (69 TMT) and rest BS IV
gasoline. BS-III gasoline from these refineries will need to be evacuated.
6. Six refineries (CPCL, BPCL Mumbai & Kochi, NRL, MRPL and RIL-DTA) will
produce mix of BS IV and BS V gasoline.
2. Digboi refinery will produce 110 TMT of BS III gasoline only. This along
with 69 TMT BS-III gasoline from Bongaigaon refinery will need to be
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 109
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
7. The refineries which will produce both BS IV and BS V gasoline are six in
numbers viz. CPCL, BPCL Mumbai and Kochi, NRL, MRPL and RIL-DTA.
The refinery wise status in 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2025 in respect of Gasoline
from the point of view of capacity to produce BS IV and BS V grades is
presented at Table 7.4.
As per the estimates, the new facilities to produce BS IV/BS V gasoline from
the refineries would require an investment of nearly Rs 20,000 crore.
This is the Business as Usual scenario. The actual position will have to be in
line with the time line and road map in consonance with the Accelerated
Transition Path that is laid out in Chapters 9 through 12.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 110
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
Table 7.4
Refinery Wise Status of Producing Different BS Quality Gasoline
Table 7.4: Refinery Wise Status of Producing Different BS Q uality Gasoline
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 111
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 112
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
7.4.2 Diesel
3. Three refineries viz. RIL-DTA, RIL-SEZ and Essar will produce 100% BS V
diesel from 2017.
4. CPCL-CBR will produce about 0.22 MMT of BS III diesel only, which need
to be evacuated.
5. Three refineries (Gujarat, BPCL Mumbai and NRL) will produce mix of BS
III and BS IV diesel.
6. Three of the refineries (BPCL Kochi, MRPL and BORL) will produce both BS
IV and BS V diesel.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 113
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
3. Eight refineries viz. Paradip, HPCL Mumbai & Vizag, HMEL, BORL, RIL-DTA,
RIL-SEZ and Essar will produce 100% BS V diesel from 2020.
4. CPCL-CBR will produce about 220 TMT of BS III diesel only, which need to
be evacuated.
5. Six of the refineries (Haldia, CPCL, BPCL Mumbai & Kochi, NRL and MRPL)
will produce both BS IV and BS V diesel.
3. 9 refineries viz. Barauni, Paradip, HPCL Mumbai & Vizag, HMEL, BORL,
RILDTA, RILSEZ and Essar will produce 100% BS V diesel.
4. CPCLCBR will produce about 220 TMT of BS III diesel only, which will
need to be evacuated.
5. Six of the refineries (Haldia, CPCL, BPCL Mumbai & Kochi, NRL and MRPL)
will produce both BS IV and BS V diesel.
The refinery wise status in 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2025 in respect of Diesel
from the point of view of capacity to produce BS IV and BS V grades is
presented at Table 7.5.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 114
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
Table 7.5
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 115
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 116
Capability to Produce BS IV and BS V Grade Automotive Fuels
Thus significant investment and time will be required to comply with the BS
V quality requirements, considering detailed study, technological options and
selection based on cost effective solutions, financial approvals and
execution. The existing refineries (particularly old refineries) may face space
constraints for implementation of these facilities while complying with OISD
norms and statutory clearances.
Keeping in view the above, it is proposed that 100% BS V grade supply can
commence from the scheduled date which under Business as Usual would be
1 April 2025 and under the Accelerated Transition Programme 1 April 2020.
This is the Business as Usual scenario. The actual position will have to be in
line with the time line and road map in consonance with the Accelerated
Transition Path that is laid out in Chapters 9 through 12.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
The Issue of Fuel Supply Logistics Gasoline
Sales of Passenger Cars (Cars, Utility Vehicles and Vans) in the domestic
market recorded negative growth in 2013-14, with total number of units sold
in the domestic market at 2.50 million, which was a 6.1% decline from the
previous year. Domestic sales of commercial vehicles totalled 0.63 million
units, a decline of 20.2% over the previous year. Three wheeler sales also fell
by 3.7%. Only two wheeler domestic sales registered positive growth of 7.3%
to 14.81 million units sold in 2013-14. Diesel
With economic revival demand growth for diesel should pick up on the back
of stronger freight movement growth. However, it was felt necessary to
rework the demand for diesel and this was carried out by the PPAC.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Current Level of BS III and BS IV Gasoline & Diesel Output
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Current Level of BS III and BS IV Gasoline & Diesel Output
Table 7.6
Current Potential Output of BS III and BS IV Fuels
Table 7.6: Current Potential Out put of BS III a nd BS IV F uels
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Indias Automotive Industry
Worldwide the automotive industry is one of the largest industries and a key
sector of the economy. Over the years, the Indian automotive industry has
become resilient and despite recent downturns first in 2008 and 2009 and
then again more recently, it was amongst the first sectors to recover after
2009 and has registered impressive growth figures in the recent past. In
2010-11, India as a nation became the fifth largest vehicle manufacturer.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Automotive Industry Growth and Challenges
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
India The Fuel/Emission Road Map
India broadly adopted the European model as did many other developing
countries for emissions and fuel specifications, starting with the adoption of
BS I in 1999 followed by BS II in 2000 in some cities. The Mashelkar
Committee recommendations adopted in 2003 also adopted this approach
and the emission roadmap till 2010 was thus based on European standards.
However, taking into account local constraints and needs, some changes in
the European standards and pattern of rollout were made in India.
There is a great need to ensure that in-use vehicles that is the stock of
motor vehicles are subject to regular inspection & maintenance for
emission performance. There is thus an urgent need to institute an effective
system for Inspection & Maintenance (I&M) regime for in-use vehicles in
There should be a policy for the phasing out of older commercial vehicles.
While, vehicles serving as personal transport cover less and less distance with
age that is not the case with commercial vehicles. It is therefore necessary to
have a clear process through which older vehicles, especially those which are
clearly unable to meet extant emission norms are phased out of service.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
History of Emission Regulation in India
Chart 8.1
European Union Emission Implementation Phases
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Need for Standardised Fuel Across the Country
India also adopted On Board Diagnostic (OBD) regulation from 2010 and
moved to OBD-II norms from April 2013. This marked a new chapter in
monitoring vehicle emission control system including catalytic convertors
during vehicle serviceable life.
The automobile industry has talked extensively about one country, one
fuel. As long as there are more than one fuel standard (which differs
significantly as BS III and BS IV do) the national market is practically divided
into segments. Vehicle owners are also put to difficulty in traversing these
spaces. While it is desirable to have a single grade of fuel (and hence
emissions) available/applicable across the country, there are other realities
that temper the achievement of such an outcome.
Therefore, while the desire for a single grade may be supportable in-
principle, the ground reality demands a transition time and transition phase.
This Committee has laid out the transition plan in phases starting 2015 and
completion by the beginning of 2017, as elsewhere detailed.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fuel Quality Related to the Ability to Meet Emission Norms
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Specifications for Gaseous Fuel
In advanced countries there is strict fuel quality control at retail out lets. In
USA, EPA and CARB have good monitoring mechanism which is quite fool
proof. In Japan, market fuel quality is ensured through audit conducted
jointly by JAMA, Oil Companies and Regulatory bodies every 6 months. They
also have a rigid penalty system for non-compliance. In Europe, EEC directive
has spelt out a monitoring procedure to do audit of market fuel and CEN has
specified separate specification for fuel quality monitoring at retail outlets.
CNG fuel quality in terms of methane content is seen to vary from region to
region. In order to rationalise the CNG quality in India, it is proposed that IS:
15958:2012 should be followed for CNG testing. The CNG specification is at
Table 8.1. The proposed specification for Auto LPG is at Table 8.2.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Specifications for Gaseous Fuel
Table 8.1
Fuel Specification of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for Automotive
Purposes: IS 15958: 2012
Table 8.1: Fuel Specification of Co mpressed Natural Gas (CNG) for Auto motive P urposes: IS 1 5958: 201 2
Table 8.2
Fuel Specification of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) for Automotive
Purposes: IS 14861: 2000
Table 8.2: Fuel Specification of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) for Auto motive P urpo ses: IS 14861: 20 00
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Test Driving Cycles
There are several International Test Cycles that are used for Emissions and
Fuel Economy. The established ones in use in the developed world are the
four listed below. Several other countries have drawn or adapted from these
test cycles.
In most countries, cars are tested for fuel economy and emissions through
standard procedures before being authorised for sale. Automotive fuel
consumption is generally measured with a test car running on a chassis
dynamometer. However, test methods, including test cycles (that is, vehicle
running patterns) vary among countries and regions. The test cycles simulate
a range of driving conditions, at highway speeds and at speeds more typical
of urban driving.
There is a need felt across the world to harmonise driving cycles across
countries so as to be able to arrive at meaningful cross-country/region
comparison for fuel economy/GHG emissions and other emissions. However,
if driving conditions vary significantly in countries, there is considerable merit
in adopting a cycle that reflects the reality of driving conditions. This is
certainly true for India where traffic movement differs from that which may
exist in the developed world. India has the Indian Driving Cycle for testing
emission and fuel economy.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Test Driving Cycles
The Indian Driving Cycle (IDC) was applicable to all Two- and Three-Wheelers
till BS III. However in the case of Two Wheelers, establishment of driving
cycle called Worldwide Motorcycle Test Cycle (WMTC) was finalised in 2005
and then amended in 2008 to take into consideration the driving patterns of
countries like India.
The UNECE/WP.29 has formulated GTR 2 for emission norms for some
categories of Two Wheelers, under the 1998 Agreement of UNECE. GTR 2 is
applicable to two wheelers with engine cc greater than or equal to 50cc or
Maximum speed (Vmax) greater than 50 km/h (i.e. WMTC does not cover
WMTC differs considerably from the IDC test cycles specifying higher max
speeds, higher acceleration and deceleration ramps, compared to IDC. The
impact of WMTC is more aggressive than IDC as maximum speed has gone up
in all parts of WMTC. Maximum acceleration has gone up for almost all the
cycles except for the Highway and maximum Deceleration has increased.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Test Driving Cycles
For Mopeds and Three Wheelers to use the extant IDC test cycle for
BS IV and BS V emission norms. Test cycle for BS VI can be reviewed
based on the developments in the EPPR group.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Two Wheelers
The Indian Two Wheelers Industry is the second largest in the world with
almost 12 million new customers every year. This industry provides
employment to around 4 million direct and indirectly, in the country. It is
now a well-known fact that powered two-wheeled vehicles occupy a leading
position in the personal transportation sector both in the urban and rural
areas in India. Sales of two-wheelers are nearly 5 times than that of
passenger cars for the last several years (Chart 8.2). Two-wheelers have been
accounting for over 75% of annual domestic sales of all vehicles for the last
many years.
Chart 8.2
Two Wheelers Sales in India
Chart 8.2 : Two Wheelers Sale s in I ndia
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Two Wheelers
The Indian 2 wheeler market has some unique characteristics. The around
100 cc commuter bikes has been and continues to be the dominant category
and has revolutionised mobility in India. It is an important driver for
consumer choice because of ease of handling and manoeuvring etc. It also
provides adequate performance levels with high fuel efficiencies. Rural Indian
and villagers also have been graduating from cycles in a big way to powered
two wheelers (PTW) as a means of mobility for a small family in majority of
cases. Scooters have made a comeback and are growing in the last couple of
years. Premium commuters bikes (125200 cc) are seen to be more popular
in urban areas.
Though two wheelers sales in India have been growing in the past few years
at double-digit rates and in 2011 surpassed ten million vehicles a year mark,
however in 2012-13 sales have been flat on account of higher interest rates
and the overall slowdown in the economy. This slow down continues to date.
In 1991 when the emission control regime started in India, the norms for two
wheelers started with the only then existing UNECE regulation (R40) but with
an India specific Indian Driving Cycle (IDC). Subsequently, these norms were
progressively tightened, as is shown at Chart 8.3.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Two Wheelers
Chart 8.3
Improvement in Emission Regulations from 1991 to 2010
Chart 8.3 : Impr ovement in Emis sion Regulati ons from 19 91 to 20 10
Over and above tightening the CO, HC + NOx limits, a deterioration factor of
1.2 was introduced in the year 1998. From the year 2000 onwards, a
relaxation of 20% given for conformity of production (CoP) was removed by
the Government, which led to maintenance of very strict production control
with minimum variations. BS III emission norms are about 7% for CO and 10%
for HC + NOx of the norms introduced in 1991.
The emission norms put forward in the Gazette Notification (draft) issued by
the Government of India (Ministry of Road Transport and Highways) of 14
March 2014 inviting comments, appear to be somewhat on the lenient side.
A comparison in the transition from Euro II, III, IV and V emission norms for
passenger cars (M category) and two wheelers (Class I) was made for
purpose of discussion in the Committee meeting held on 22 April 2014.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Two Wheelers
Presently all two wheelers manufactured in India are with gasoline engine
above 50 cc, and maximum speed > 50 km/h; therefore these two wheelers
will have the WMTC as test cycle.
The above cited notification proposes that BS IV norms will be complied with
BS IV reference fuel and use of BS IV commercial fuel, wherever available.
Vehicles sold in areas where BS III fuel is available will also be the same
models (BS IV compliant). Durability would be lower with BS III fuel in
comparison to BS IV fuel till the transition to BS IV is completed.
So far, the emission norms for two wheelers did not specify a separate limit
for NOx, but a combined limit for HC + NOx. The practice in the EU and most
other jurisdictions is to separately specify for HC and NOx. It is proposed that
we continue with specifying a joint limit for HC + NOx, but also specify a
separate sub-limit for NOx. The trade-off between fuel efficiency and NOx has
been referred to before as also to the fact that the segment of our
population who purchase two wheelers for personal transport also have
limited budgets. Furthermore, changes in respect of evaporative norms have
a compounding impact on the improvements that manufacturers will have to
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Two Wheelers
do. The scale of change in going from carburetted to fuel injection is also very
large and require some time for transition, especially if this change over has
to happen in a cost effective manner.
Table 8.3
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Two Wheelers
There are only a handful of regions (viz. California, Thailand and Taiwan) that
have mandated evaporative emission limits for gasoline two wheelers.
Europe is planning to mandate this only from 2016/2017.
Both tailpipe emission control and evaporative emission control are basically
intended to reduce the total HC emission emitted by vehicle into the
environment. Internationally, two concepts for evaporative emission norm
are prevalent. One is to specify HC emission limit (x g/test). Another is to
provide an alternative procedure by which means, if tailpipe HC emissions is
reduced further, higher evaporative emission limit values are accepted. In
other words, if 2 g/test of HC is the evaporative emission norm, and if tailpipe
HC emission norm is further reduced by 0.2 g/km, evaporative emission up to
6 g/test is accepted. This allows the manufacturer to use optimum cost
effective solutions for controlling the HC emissions. A similar system is also
considered for India and emission limits with the above provision are:
Table 8.4
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Two Wheelers
It may be mandated that the crank case breather shall be connected to the
intake system in the case of four-stroke engines, so that there is no escape of
crank case gases into atmosphere. In the two-stroke engines, crank case is
not vented to atmosphere and hence this requirement is not applicable.
The proposed BS V emission norms for all class of two wheelers are given in
Table 8.5 below.
Table 8.5
The CO limits are significantly tighter than BS IV limits; that for HC and NOx
are combined with a separate sub-limit for NOx. Indian two wheelers are one
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Three Wheeler for BS IV and BS V Regimes
of the best in the world on fuel economy. This superior fuel economy has
been achieved mainly by designing the engines with lean mixture (air fuel
ratio is considerably above stoichiometric ratio). Use of lean mixture ratio,
while improving the fuel efficiency and CO emissions tend to increase NOx
emission. Therefore, in order to control the likely NOx emissions from two
wheelers, an additional limit for NOx is being proposed within the overall limit
of HC + NOx. However, this may limit the extent of fuel efficiency that can be
achieved from two wheelers in future.
8.10.8 BS V Emission Norms Two Wheelers with cc < 50 and Vmax < 50 km/h and
Diesel Two Wheelers
Since these classes of two wheelers are not being produced in India, it is
recommended that these norms may be developed by the concerned
Ministry, as and when their production in India becomes significant or when
such norms are included in GTR based on the EPPR.
Traditionally, 3 Wheelers are used for low cost last mile connectivity. These
are low powered vehicles usually with single cylinder naturally aspirated
engine. For the users of these vehicles, product cost and running cost are of
prime importance along with ease of service. Three wheelers are an
important mode of transportation in the current infrastructure environment.
The three wheeler industry has grown in India considering the requirements
of mass transportation and without comparable references in developed
The Indian three wheelers Industry is the worlds largest with over 0.5 million
new units entering service each year. Three-wheelers account for 4% of the
population of vehicles in India.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Three Wheeler for BS IV and BS V Regimes
Table 8.6
Three Wheeler Emission Norms for SI and CI Engines
Table 8.6: Three Wheeler Emis sio n Nor ms for SI And CI Engines
Over and above tightening the CO, HC & NOx limits, a deterioration factor of
1.2 was introduced in the year 2000. From the year 2000 onwards, a
relaxation of 20% initially given conformity of production (CoP) was
withdrawn by Government, requiring maintenance of stricter control on
production variations.
BS III emission norms for 3-wheelers were notified vide GSR 84(E)/9 February
2009 and implemented from 1 April 2010 in some parts of country and from
1 October 2010, all over India.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Three Wheeler for BS IV and BS V Regimes
Table 8.7
Three Wheeler Emission Norms for SI and CI Engines BS IV
Table 8.7: Three Wheeler Emis sio n Nor ms for SI And CI Engines BS IV
Note: 1. For Three Wheeler gasoline engines, evaporative emissions are applicable and the base
case limit value is 2 g/test
2. Option 2 is applicable, if Evaporative Emission norm of 6 g/test is complied with
3. For vehicle with CNG/LPG application, current practice of factoring NMHC and RHC
emission will continue and evaporative emission tests are not applicable
4. BS IV norms to be applicable from 1 April 2016
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Three Wheeler for BS IV and BS V Regimes
Table 8.8
Three Wheeler Emission Norms for SI and CI Engines BS V
Table 8.8: Three Wheeler Emis sio n Nor ms for SI And CI Engines BS V
The three wheeler industry has said that the extent of technological
investment and development that will be required in the coming years will be
considerable. Given the peculiar conditions that obtain in India considerable
adaptation of technology would be called for. The emission standards that
have been proposed for BS V assume that these developments will all be
successfully achieved in time. However, the possibility that this may not
happen while small, remains significant.
Therefore, there is a need to take a review four to five years from notification
of these standards to ascertain the technology status and the assumptions
that have entered in shaping these emission norms for BS V.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles up to 3.5 T GVW and Heavy Duty Vehicles > 3.5 T
The main change in the EU emission regulations for light duty vehicles has
been to reduce particulate matter. This will make it almost mandatory for
vehicle manufacturers to adopt some form of particulate filters. Particulate
number measurement has also been phased-in in the regulation for diesel
vehicles. There has been a change in the measurement and control of
Hydrocarbons from Total Hydrocarbons to Non-Methane Hydrocarbons in
case of gasoline vehicles along with a reduction in NOx limits. In addition, the
particulate measurement has been phased in for gasoline engines employing
direct injection technology. By Euro VI, the regulation will become almost
fuel neutral for control of NOx and PM.
The vehicle categorisation that has been adopted for setting emission limits
follow the European classification which is given at Table 8.9.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles up to 3.5 T GVW and Heavy Duty Vehicles > 3.5 T
Table 8.9
Description of 4 (or more) Wheeler Vehicle Categories
Table 8.9: Descriptio n of 4 (or more) Wheeler Vehicle Categories
Note: EU 70/156/EC, as amended by EU 2007/46/EC. Until Euro IV, there were two sub-groups (EU
2007/46/EC): M1 with GVW<2500 kg and M1 with 2500 kg< GVW< 3500 kg.
The prescribed limits for emissions are similar to Euro 5b. It is presented at Table
8.10 and Table 8.11 for passenger cars (that is, class M vehicles) that use
gasoline/gaseous fuels (Positive Ignition or PI).
Table 8.10
BS IV/V and European Emission Norms for Positive Ignition (PI) Engines
Table 8.10: BS IV /V a nd Europea n Emissio n Nor ms for Po sitive Ig nition (PI) Engines
N1 II 1305< RW < 1,810 130 75 90 4.5 6.0*10
III 1760 < RW 2,270 160 82 108 4.5 6.0*10
Note: Particulate standards shall apply to vehicles with direct injection engines only. BS V and BS VI
norms are aligned with Euro V and Euro VI norms.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles up to 3.5 T GVW and Heavy Duty Vehicles > 3.5 T
Table 8.11
BS IV/V and European Emission Norms for Compression Ignition Engines
Table 8.11: BS IV /V a nd Europea n Emissio n Nor ms for Co mpressio n Ig nition Engines
M 11
I RW< 1305 500 180 230 4.5 6.0*10
II 1305<RW< 1760 630 235 295 4.5 6.0*10
N1 11
III 1760 < RW 740 280 350 4.5 6.0*10
All 500 80 170 4.5 6.0*10
Euro VI &
M 11
I RW< 1305 500 80 170 4.5 6.0*10
II 1305<RW< 1760 630 105 195 4.5 6.0*10
N1 11
III 1760 < RW 740 125 215 4.5 6.0*10
India adopted BS IV OBD-II norms in April 2013. OBD has a big relation to the
driving environment including road conditions, fuel variations etc. Before
deciding the future stringency of the OBD norms, industry needs to review
and prepare a proposal.
8.12.2 Emission Roadmap for BS V and BS VI for 4 Wheelers Weight of < 3,500 kg
There needs to be a roadmap for the transition from the present BS IV regime
to BS V & BS VI country wide for 4-wheelers. For regions where 50 ppm
sulphur fuel is available, the applicable emission norms would be same as BS
IV. The emission limits of BS IV Emission norms shall be as notified vide GSR
84(E) dated 9th February 2009 under Central Motor Vehicle Rules.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles up to 3.5 T GVW and Heavy Duty Vehicles > 3.5 T
Table 8.12
Schematic of Transition of Roadmap to BS V and BS VI
Table 8.12: Sche matic of Tra nsitio n of Ro adma p to BS V an d BS VI
The proposed emission roadmap for BS IV, BS V and BS VI roll out across the
country is given at Chart 8.4.
Chart 8.4
Proposed Roll Out of BS IV, BS V and BS VI Countrywide
For the record, the roadmap followed in Europe is shown at Chart 8.5
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles up to 3.5 T GVW and Heavy Duty Vehicles > 3.5 T
Chart 8.5
Fuel Standard Transition in India vis--vis European Union
Chart 8.5 : Fuel Standard Tr ansiti on i n India vis --vi s Europea n Union
The proposed deterioration factors for four wheeler Spark Ignition and
Compression Ignition engines are at Table 8.13.
Table 8.13
Deterioration Factors
Table 8.13: Deterioration Factors
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles up to 3.5 T GVW and Heavy Duty Vehicles > 3.5 T
8.12.4 Emission Norms for Heavy Duty Vehicles > 3.5 T GVW
Table 8.14
Emission Norms for Diesel Engines > 3.5 Tonnes GVW
Table 8.14: Emiss ion N orms for Diesel Engines > 3.5 To nnes GVW
Table 8.15
Emission Norms for CNG or LPG Engines > 3.5 tonnes GVW
Table 8.15: Emiss ion N orms for CNG or LPG Eng ines > 3. 5 tonnes GVW
Table 8.16
Fixed Deterioration Factors for Heavy Duty Vehicles (alternative to DF based on
service accumulation)
Table 8.16: Fixe d Deterioration Factors for Heavy Duty Ve hicles (alternative to DF base d o n service accumulatio n)
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Cost Implication of Next Stage Emission Norms
The emission roadmap for BS IV, BS V and BS VI implementation across the country
with phase in approach is at Chart 8.6.
Chart 8.6
BS III to BS IV for:
Further optimisation of engine
Improved carburettors
Improved catalytic converters
Fuel injection system in some models (Especially class 2-2 & 3)
Evaporative emission control system.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Cost Implication of Next Stage Emission Norms
3-wheeler SI engines
3-wheeler CI Engines:
Approx. cost, Rs
S. No. Emissions Norms Fuelling technology/After treatment
per unit
1. BS III to BS IV Fuel Injection Equipment 5,000
Diesel Oxy catalyst consumption
2. BS IV to BS V With new similar to common rail (CRS) 20,000
fuel injection system, electrical cooled
EGR & higher loading DOC with DPF
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Other Cost Implication
Going to BS VI will again have additional cost impact on diesel passenger cars.
Depending on the technology available, it could be an additional impact of
around Rs 30,000.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Other Cost Implication
into their facilities. This investment would also have to be made across all
types of vehicles viz. cars, two wheelers, three wheelers and heavy duty
vehicles of various fuel types i.e. gasoline, Diesel, CNG and LPG. Further
improvement of vehicles to meet the next stage of BS VI emission norms
could result in additional similar investments by the auto industry.
Traditionally, India has been a small car market, with 70% of passenger cars
sold being small vehicles.
Auto Mission Plan released in 2006 dwelt on the importance of small vehicles
for Indian market. Auto Mission Plan 2006-16 recommended special drive to
make India a Small car Hub for domestic market and exports as well.
In the light of the goal of making India a hub for small vehicles, it becomes
essential to focus on this segment of the automotive sector and develop a
policy specific to the sector considering the impact. Lower excise duty on
small cars has helped in keeping the costs low to incentivise the vehicle for
the price sensitive Indian customer.
India targets its export market to expand at a fast pace, presently CAGR is
33%. As per IHS estimates, India set to topple Japan, worlds largest small car
producer, building as many as 3 million units. In addition to strong domestic
demand, India is well on its path of becoming a global production hub for
small cars. In 2009, it surpassed Japan to become the largest small car market
in the world, accounting for the sale of around 900,000 small cars compared
to 700,000 units sold in Japan. India is also now the second-largest exporter
of small cars, behind only Japan.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Other Cost Implication
Chart 8.7 shows CO2 produced from vehicles in 2013. It is clear from this
graph that small vehicles have a positive impact on the Overall Corporate
Average Fuel Efficiency of the Auto industry. This data, based on industry
performance in 2010, shows that the average CO2 from small cars is 30%
lower than that of other than small cars.
Chart 8.7
CO2 Contribution by Vehicle Type
Small Cars Others
Even in 2013, small cars have shown consistently better fuel efficiency (lower
CO2). This has a positive contribution to the fuel consumed by such vehicles
in the field resulting in lower demand of fuel.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Other Cost Implication
Small commercial vehicles typical to the Indian market emerged in 2005. This
segment meets the stringent emission norms and has helped improve the
ambient air quality. Sales of these vehicles have improved over the years
owing to good customer response.
Moving ahead for BS VI norms, there will be additional cost impact again on
diesel passenger cars. Depending on the technology available, it could be
around Rs 20,000. The total cost to reach BS VI from BS IV would be around
Rs 60,000 per unit.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Issues Relating to Prospective Improvement in Fuel Efficiency
The first stage of the Fuel Efficiency regulation states that a manufacturer will
have to meet an annual limit of 129.8 g/CO2 per kilometre (~18.2 km/l), at a
base average weight of 1,037 kgs for vehicles manufactured from 1 April
2016 to 1 April 2017 (Chart 8.8).
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Issues Relating to Prospective Improvement in Fuel Efficiency
Chart 8.8
Fuel Efficiency Regulation for Passenger Cars in India
Chart 8.8 : Fuel Efficie ncy Regulati on for Pass enger Cars in I ndia
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Issues Relating to Prospective Improvement in Fuel Efficiency
It is not possible for India to benchmark the Indian norms with some of the
developed countries as Indian road conditions are very different from that in
developed nations, which does not allow the automotive industry to use
technologies like low resistance tyres, etc. which makes a big difference in
fuel efficiency. In view of the poor road conditions, Indian vehicles need to
have higher road clearance which increases the drag coefficient and
therefore the fuel consumption.
Further, the fuel available in India with RON 91 does not allow the industry to
tune high compression engines optimally for achieving the best fuel efficiency
in comparison to high Octane (95 RON) fuel as in some developed countries.
The automotive industry would like to have 95 RON mandatorily with BS V
However, these factors have to be seen in conjunction with the fact that the
bulk of the existing stock of vehicles will not be able to take advantage of 95
RON gasoline. It will be unfair to make them pay the higher price of 95 RON
when they will not be able to take the benefit of it. It has been thus
recommended that 95 RON gasoline should be made widely available in the
larger cities which are likely to be the main markets for high compression fuel
efficient passenger cars.
Countries like Japan have higher penetration of Hybrids and Electric Vehicles,
which they are targeting to reduce their fleet CO2 averages. Penetration of
such vehicles will be very low in India even in 2020.
It should be understood that new vehicle fuel efficiency regulation will have a
limited impact on the quantum of fuel saving in the country. For larger saving
of fuel, improvements in road infrastructure, decongestion and fleet
modernisation and driver education will have a greater impact on improving
the fuel savings. It would also be imperative that alternative safe and
comfortable mass mobility options are provided for society, which will
minimise the requirement to use private passenger vehicles at all times.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Issues Relating to Prospective Improvement in Fuel Efficiency
8.15.1 Labels
Chart 8.9
Labels for Fuel Efficiency Mandatory and Voluntary
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Decision on Full Nationwide Coverage by Jan-Mar Quarter 2017
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Intermediate Milestones in 2015 and 2016
Considering the availability across refineries and the logistics for positioning
of product, the intermediate milestones for conversion to BS IV grade
gasoline and diesel (in addition to already converted cities), taking
geographical blocks is proposed as below and with effect at retail outlets
from 1 April of the year (Maps 9.1 to 9.6):
Supplies to Leh and Kargil can be made only by road when the passes are open (Rohtang and
Zozilla passes). These passes are only in the months of April to September. Therefore, the process
of moving BS IV gasoline and diesel to these areas will begin from April 2015 and the retail outlets
will be converted by September 2015. Thus BS IV MS and HSD will be available at the retail level
in Leh and Kargil with effect from 1 September 2015.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Intermediate Milestones in 2015 and 2016
2016 All of Goa will be covered. All of Kerala, Karnataka, the newly
formed State of Telangana (formerly part of Andhra Pradesh),
Odisha, and the Union Territories of Daman & Diu, Dadra-
Nagar-Haveli and Andaman & Nicobar. Parts of Maharashtra
(Mumbai, Thane and Pune districts) will be covered. Parts of
Gujarat (Surat, Valsad, Dangs and Tapi districts) will also be
converted.19 In addition a corridor spanning the highway link
through Gujarat and Rajasthan linking Northern India to the
ports on the West Coast will also be sought to be covered.
The Oil Marketing Companies have wanted this stage to become effective with effect from 1 July
2016, on account of time needed for BPCL Kochi to settle in during the quarter ended March
2016. However, it is felt that they will be able to meet the deadline with extra effort.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Some Logistics Issues that will need to be Taken Care of
The maps representing the areas/geographical regions proposed for roll out
of BS IV and BS V gasoline and diesel from 2015 to 2020 are given at the end
of this chapter in Maps 9.1 to 9.6.
iv. IOCL/BPCL are currently moving product from North East refineries to
outside the North East for purpose of evacuation of the refinery.
These products from the North East which will have different specs
from BS IV may be permitted to be sold in the areas converted to BS
IV during the transition phase, that is, up to 2017.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Some Logistics Issues that will need to be Taken Care of
iii. Ports need to give priority berthing for POL vessels as coastal
movement is likely to increase.
iv. Uniform guidelines for Long Term Agreements with Oil Companies for
development of Jetties at All Ports to be issued;
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Roll Out of BS V
vi. Berthing Priority to be given for POL/LPG vessels at all other Ports,
beyond 24 hours from arrival;
The oil marketing companies submit that while the investment for the
transition to BS IV is for the most part under execution or approved or likely
to be approved, that is not the case with the investments that will be
required to shift to BS V.
The investments that will be needed to convert the older refineries of the
OMC to 100% BS V fuel will be quite large and at the existing level of
depressed profitability it may be hard for them to justify raising the large
resources to fund the capital expenditure. This is the Business as Usual
scenario where they feel that it may not be possible for them to upgrade
their refineries to become fully compliant with BS V before the end of 2024.
Hence, the retail level transition can become effective from 1 April 2025.
However, the OMCs have submitted that if the funding sources are assured
to them then it will be technically possible for them to accelerate the
changeover such that the refineries become fully BS V compliant by the end
of 2019. In that event the complete transition to BS V will become possible at
the retail outlet by 1 April 2020.
This is the Accelerated Transition Scenario which from the public policy
point of view would be the desirable one.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Roll Out of BS V
This is however no reason for BS V fuels to await launch before the start of
the complete transition to BS V. It can be introduced along with BS IV in retail
outlets as a premium fuel to the extent that BS V fuel is available at the
refineries for domestic sale. Considering that the catalyst life will be
considerably extended by the use of 10 ppm sulphur fuel, appropriate
education will surely create a significant demand for 10 ppm sulphur fuels
especially in larger cities.
It could also be ensured that across the country, specified outlets on the
highways stock BS V auto fuels so that vehicle owners/operators who choose
to use BS V fuels do not have to switch back to BS IV fuels in the normal
course of events. Automobile manufacturers can adapt their strategy to such
a roll out plan for BS V.
The first geography to be fully covered with effect from 1 April 2019 would
be the Northern Region as defined by the area proposed to be covered to BS
IV in 2015, with the addition of the rest of Rajasthan and all of Gujarat. The
rest of the country is slated to go to full BS V with effect from 1 April 2020.
Alternatively, the switch can be made simultaneously across the country with
effect from 1 April 2020.
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Roll Out of BS V
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Roll Out of BS V
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Roll Out of BS V
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Roll Out of BS V
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Roll Out of BS V
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Roll Out of BS V
BS V Coverage by 2020
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 171
Alternative Fuels
Though liquid fuels will continue to have major presence due to their reach
and ease of logistics, other fuels which may be looked into are:
Bio Fuels
Electric vehicles
Hybrid vehicles
Worldwide, natural gas reserves are more abundant than oil. Looking at the
recent gas discoveries in East Africa, Central Asia, Middle East and recent
successes in commercial exploitation of shale gas in US, gas may play an
increasingly dominant role in the energy mix of India too.
Government has prioritised power and fertiliser sectors for domestic gas
allocation. At present around 5 MMSCMD of domestic gas and 4 MMSCMD
imported LNG is being supplied to transport sector. As of today, natural gas is
the only established alternative which can substitute crude oil based fuels on
a large scale. Also, to the extent that gas for CNG use is also transported
through trunk pipelines, it increases the economic viability of the trunk lines.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Alternative Fuels
As of 31st December 2013, there were 922 CNG stations in 10 states of India
(Andhra Pradesh, Delhi/NCR, Gujarat, Haryana, Maharashtra, MP, Rajasthan,
Tripura, UP and West Bengal) serving more than 1.9 million vehicles.
10.1.2 Major Benefits for Switching Over From Liquid Fuels to NG/CNG
3. Emits significantly less pollutants such as CO2, HC, CO, NOx, SOx and
particulate matter (PM) compared to petrol and diesel and no
presence of carcinogens like benzene and aromatics.
8. Price of gas is likely to be more stable than oil given that supply of gas
would be stable.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Alternative Fuels
1. CNG can compete with diesel in terms of energy efficiency and easily
scores over gasoline even at delivered R-LNG price up-to US$ 17/MMBTU.
Purely on energy-equivalence basis, price of US$ 17.85/MMBTU for gas
corresponds to US$ 100/barrel of oil at crude parity basis. The slope
offered by suppliers with respect to crude oil is generally 75-80% of crude
parity price which corresponds to US$ 13.4 to 14.3/MMBTU at crude
price of US$ 100/barrel.
Unit Retail Selling Price as on Fuel Economy (Rs Running Cost (Rs /
1 March 2014 km/Unit) km)
At Mumbai
Gasoline Rs / litre 82.13 14 5.87
Diesel Rs / litre 63.86 17 3.76
CNG Rs / Kg 38.95 20 1.95
At Ahmedabad
Gasoline Rs / litre 77.10 14 5.50
Diesel Rs / litre 61.77 17 3.63
CNG Rs / Kg 58.75 20 2.94
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Alternative Fuels
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Alternative Fuels
Auto industry is willing to support usage of CNG. Technology to roll out CNG
vehicles is also available with leading manufacturers. However, industry seeks
a clear, stable and predictable policy regime before committing heavy
investments required to roll out Natural Gas vehicles on large scale.
10.1.6 Major Issues & Govt. Support Required for Making Gas a Popular Choice in
Auto Fuel Policy
The concerned Working Group had felt that considering environmental and
economic benefits to the nation, City Gas Distribution (CGD) should continue
to be given the high priority for purpose of allotments. This is however a
much larger issue and the Committee cannot endorse this view. The Working
Group also has voiced several tax proposals. These have not been listed here.
The fiscal policy and other related issues have been dealt separately in
another chapter.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Auto-Gas/Auto LPG
10.1.7 Conclusion
Auto-Gas is the abridged name for automotive Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP
Gas or LPG). LPG is predominantly propane and butane, where propane
ranges 30-99%. It is derived either as a product from crude-oil refining or
from natural-gas or oil production. It is generally refrigerated for large-scale
bulk storage and seaborne transportation as a liquid, but is transported and
stored locally in pressurised tanks or bottles (cylinders).
Auto-Gas is one of the preferred alternative fuel with more than 21 million
vehicles operating worldwide. It generates considerably less emissions than
other fossil fuels, protecting the environment and human health while
mitigating the threat of climate change. According to authoritative scientific
testing, Auto-Gas yields about 50% less CO, 40% less HC, 35% less NOx and
50% less O3 forming potential compared to gasoline. According to some
studies, Auto-Gas outperforms Euro IV/V diesel when emissions are
measured on a full fuel-cycle basis and when LP Gas is sourced mainly from
natural gas processing plants.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Auto-Gas/Auto LPG
In the two largest Asian countries viz. Korea and Japan, a large number of
taxis and light-duty vehicles run on Auto-Gas on account of incentives and
government mandate. In Europe, private cars comprise the main market.
Gasoline vehicles can be converted to Auto-Gas at moderate cost. As
conversion technology for diesel vehicles is less advanced than for gasoline
vehicles, diesel conversions are rarely competitive. Korea, however, by
exception has most of the vehicles as Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) vehicles.
The issuance of amended Motor Vehicle act 2000 by the Ministry of Road
Transport & Highways and LPG (Regulation of use in Motor Vehicles) order in
the year 2001 by Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas paved the way for
introduction of LPG as automotive fuel in the country.
Retailing of Auto LPG through an Auto LPG Dispensing Station (ALDS) could
commence in late 2002 with the introduction of LPG conversion kits duly
approved by ARAI.
Presently there are about 900 Auto LPG Dispensing Stations. However,
throughput of 60 KL/month was far lower than in FY 2007 and FY 2008.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Auto-Gas/Auto LPG
Estimated Auto LPG potential of 1.1 MMTPA does not include vehicles that
are fitted with unauthorised kits. Out of 1.1 MMTPA, Auto LPG sold through
ALDS is only 0.35 MMTPA.
1. Auto LPG is available from diversified sources like Natural Gas, Refineries,
Petrochemical Plants, Fractionators etc. thereby minimising the risk of
dependence on a single source.
2. LPG is globally surplus and is expected to remain so due to increasing
Natural Gas production and addition of refining capacities.
3. Additional cost for Auto-Gas dispensing is low as it generally makes use of
the existing service-station infrastructure for distribution of conventional
4. Implementing Auto LPG programme is easier and cheaper compared to
CNG, since it does not call for an elaborate gas grid/network, compressor
station at refuelling stations etc.
5. It generates considerably fewer emissions than other fossil fuels,
protecting the environment and human health while mitigating the threat
of climate change.
6. Authorised Auto LPG consumption is 0.35 MMTPA at present. However,
based on data of import of Auto LPG Kits/Tanks the consumption
potential is 1.1 MMTPA.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Auto-Gas/Auto LPG
1. Auto LPG sales flourished as long as its price was <= 60% of gasoline price.
In recent months Auto LPG price increased to 80% of gasoline price and
affected its growth.
2. Gasoline to Auto LPG retail selling price differential of 40% is a must to
ensure new conversions. Global Practice is, however, to maintain price
differential of around 50%.
3. As can be seen from the Table given below, cost per km for Auto LPG car
in Delhi and Mumbai is almost equal to that of petrol and higher than that
of diesel. However, auto LPG prices have spiked in last 2 months because
of increase in LPG prices on account of winter season across the globe
and are likely to come down to a level where it is around 20% less on cost
per km. basis in comparison to petrol.
Price as on 01.03.2014
Fuel km/litre Mumbai Delhi
Rs/litre Cost Rs/km Rs/litre Cost Rs/km
Gasoline 14.0 82.70 5.91 73.16 5.23
Diesel 17.0 63.86 3.75 55.48 3.26
Auto LPG 10.5 61.39 5.84 55.26 5.26
Besides savings in fuel, two other factors determining the attractiveness and
viability of Auto LPG as an alternative fuel are:
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Auto-Gas/Auto LPG
Auto LPG is safe and comparable to liquid fuels in terms of safety. However,
10.2.7 Survey by Nielsen for Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC)
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Auto-Gas/Auto LPG
Auto LPG can reduce 2-wheeler fuel bill by 25-40%. Thus an additional
expenditure of about Rs6000/- either on an OEM bike or retro-fitment can be
recovered in 12-15 months. Unlike 4-wheelers, in 2-wheelers there is a direct
vapour withdrawal system ensuring complete combustion of air gas mixture,
leaving no un-burnt hydrocarbon and highest mileage equivalent to gasoline
even with 15% less calorific value fuel.
10.2.10 Infrastructure
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Use of Di-Methyl Ether (DME) & Methanol as Auto Fuels
2-wheelers running on Auto LPG are in use in China and many parts of
Southern Asia. Shanghai has banned petrol scooters/mopeds and allows only
LPG scooters in the city due to air pollution. About 190,000 gasoline mopeds
were eliminated during 2001-2004, replaced by 140,000 LPG mopeds as of
2004, at that time city had over 100 Auto LPG refuelling stations. In 2009,
Auto LPG refuelling stations spread to 25 cities and had become a major
alternative fuel in China. Motorcycles account for a large portion of the Auto
LPG with over 260,000 Auto LPG motorcycles in Shanghai alone. According to
the Turkish Statistics Institutes report, the nation had over 25 Lakh (15.7% of
total vehicles) motorcycles running on Auto LPG. To reduce pollution levels,
Vietnam has also begun producing scooters running on Auto LPG since 2006.
10.2.12 Conclusions
The Working Group felt that all 3 wheelers and other public transport
vehicles should run on alternative fuels, particularly, CNG or Auto LPG.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Use of Di-Methyl Ether (DME) & Methanol as Auto Fuels
Looking at the falling Rupee and widening CAD, use of imported Methanol for
blending does not seem feasible at current import prices as given below.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Ethanol as a Transport Fuel
10.4.1 Studies Conducted by IOC (R&D) and ARAI with 10% Ethanol Blended Petrol
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Ethanol as a Transport Fuel
In India, ethanol made its foray into the transport sector as a fuel additive in
2001. In view of surplus ethanol availability in the country, MoP&NG
commissioned pilot projects in sugar producing states to examine techno-
commercial feasibility of using it on large scale. During the R&D studies on
new generation passenger cars and two wheelers with 5% and 10% ethanol
gasoline blends, it was observed that blending of ethanol in gasoline
increases Octane number of the blended fuel (1.3 unit with 5% blend) and
(3.4 unit with 10% blend), thereby giving an opportunity to oil marketing
companies for reducing benzene. However, higher volatility of blends would
require removal of lighter components. As ethanol increases the oxygen
content in the blend, additional dosage of anti-oxidant and metal de-
activator is required to meet potential gum specification. Toxicity studies
conducted by ITRC concluded that blending of ethanol in gasoline will not
increase the toxicity of the blend.
Oil companies marketed 5% ethanol gasoline blend during the pilot project in
three locations viz. Miraj/Hazarwadi and Manmad/Panewadi in Maharashtra
and Bareilly/Aanola in U.P. in 2001. Based on the success of these pilot
projects and to enhance the country's energy security, Government of India
mandated blending of 5% ethanol with petrol in 9 States and 4 Union
Territories in the year 2003 and subsequently mandated 5% blending of
ethanol with petrol in 20 States and 8 Union Territories in November 2006 on
an all-India basis except a few North East states and Jammu & Kashmir.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Ethanol as a Transport Fuel
Government of India unveiled the National Bio Fuel Policy in October 2008,
which required oil companies to sell petrol blended with at least 5% of
ethanol. It proposed that the blending level be increased to 20% by 2017.
Against international offers, average Indian offer price was Rs43/- per litre (at
depot) for 55 crore litres, which would be at a fixed price in Indian rupee,
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Hydrogen as a Transport Fuel
thus completely insulating from the vagaries of international oil prices and
exchange rate volatility. Also, if current target of 5% blending (105 crore
litres) is achieved, it will result in replacement of around 1.8 Million Barrels of
crude oil. This will result in savings of around US$ 197 million in foreign
currency. At 10% blending, savings will be over US$ 377 million. This will also
help in bringing down current account deficit and improving rural and co-
operative economy.
Hydrogen being a clean, reliable and sustainable source of energy has been
recognised as a fuel for the future. However, it comes with certain challenges
which are to be addressed before it can be used in large scale for public
transport and power generation.
Hydrogen is one the most abundant elements available on earth but not in
elemental form. Hydrogen production technologies in commercial use today
are catalytic steam reforming of natural gas, naphtha and other
hydrocarbons, partial oxidation of hydrocarbons and coal gasification and
electrolysis of water.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Hydrogen as a Transport Fuel
The concept of a hydrogen economy was first originated in the early 1970s.
Hydrogen economy comprises 3 functional areas: production, storage &
distribution and end-use.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Hydrogen as a Transport Fuel
Hydrogen pipelines exist only in some areas of United States. Tube trailers
and cylinders of compressed gas may be transported by barge, rail and truck.
Hydrogen is usually transported in liquid form if distance is more than 1000
miles and vaporised for use on-site. Compared to compressed gases, liquids
are easier to transport, have a higher energy density and are easier to
handle. The cost of distribution for hydrogen is about 15 times higher than
for an equivalent amount of liquid hydrocarbon fuel.
10.5.4 Safety
Concerns regarding hydrogen safety due to some previous accidents are one
of the main obstacles to be addressed. Hydrogen is the lightest gas (14 times
lighter than air), highly ammable, odourless, and burns with a colourless
ame. When used as a fuel, it supplies more energy per unit mass, than the
popular fuels used today. Hazards associated with hydrogen can be
characterised as:
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Hydrogen as a Transport Fuel
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) had set up the National
Hydrogen Energy Road Map with the objective to identify the paths, which
will lead to a gradual introduction of Hydrogen Energy in the country,
accelerate commercialisation efforts and facilitate creation of Hydrogen
Energy Infrastructure in the country. It provides a comprehensive approach
to the development of components of hydrogen energy system, ranging from
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Hydrogen as a Transport Fuel
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Electric Mobility
The transportation sector alone accounts for over half of total domestic
consumption of refined petroleum products and road transport accounts for
close to 90% of this. Impact of transportation energy use on environment can
be classified in four distinct yet interrelated set of factors i.e.
i) vehicle efficiency
ii) vehicle use & distance travelled
iii) type of fuels or energy sources used in transportation
iv) overall system efficiency of the infrastructure
The NEMMP 2020 is the National Mission document providing the vision and
the roadmap for the faster adoption of xEVs (full range of hybrid and electric
vehicles) and their manufacturing in the country.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Electric Mobility
Thus adoption and focus on full range electric vehicles from mild hybrids to
pure electric vehicles can help in mitigating the energy issues.
HEVs have both internal combustion and electric drives, which work in
tandem leading to higher fuel efficiency. If the battery is used only when
vehicle is started or stopped, for regenerative braking and limited electric
motor assist, it is classified as mild hybrid. Whereas, full Hybrids have full
electric launch assist and motor drive. PHEVs and Extended Range Electric
Vehicles (ER-EV) can run on batteries alone for a significant length and have
ICE backup. BEVs run solely on batteries.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Electric Mobility
At present India is power deficit by 810%, has poor road infrastructure and
high levels of traffic congestion. The strategy for supporting electric vehicles
in India has to be tailored taking into account the ground realities of India.
Various barriers can be clubbed into four broad areas which need to be
overcome for improving electric mobility:
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Electric Mobility
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
The Public Policy Framework
It has been stated previously that the principal objective of developing a fuel
standard and emissions pathway to 2025 is the consideration for public
health. There are subsidiary consideration also, especially that regarding
improving fuel efficiency. Even as the targets for fuel efficiency improvement
have been separately prescribed, the Committee has borne in mind that to
the extent that prescriptions for fuel quality and emissions norms can impact
fuel efficiency and indeed there are often strong trade-offs here, fuel
efficiency must be given adequate importance to the extent that is possible
without undermining the principal objective of protection of public health.
11.1.1 Vehicle Tailpipe Emissions and the Larger Challenge of Air Quality
It has been found in the Source Apportionment Study cited above that
automobile tailpipe exhaust is not the only source of ambient air pollution
and in many cases not even the principal one. However, that does not detract
from the fact that (a) automobile tailpipe emissions are a very important
component of the sources of ambient air pollution, (b) given the growing
pace of vehicle ownership and use, vehicle tailpipe emissions will only grow
in quantum, (c) that the only way to deal with rising quanta is to make the
quality much better and (d) the remit of this Committee is to prescribe
standards for fuel and emission norms going up to 2025.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Imperatives for Success
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Investment Requirement by Refineries
coming to the companies and more investment is required. These direct costs
of additional capital expenditure and higher operating costs have to be
allowed to be passed on to the customer. There are also some indirect costs,
many of which are perhaps one-time in nature relevant at the time of
transition that also needs to be passed on.
The CONCAWE Report No 1/13 (2013) titled Oil refining in the EU in 2020,
with perspectives to 2030 has assessed the capital expenditure for
modernising refineries in the European Union. It is expected that increased
capacities of EU refinery units will boost distillates production and reduce
residue output, while meeting fuel quality. Significant capacity reductions
have been announced in units that boost gasoline production and distil
crude. This trajectory is expected to bring them in line with regulatory and
policy expectations. The cumulative investment required between 2008 and
2020 has been estimated by CONCAWE to be $51 billion of which $30 billion
has already committed on announced projects.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Investment Needed to Meet BS IV and BS V Fuel Quality Needs
Table 11.1
Investments Required by Indian Refineries to Meet BS IV/V Standards
Table 11.1: I nvest ments Required by India n Refineries to Meet BS IV/V Sta ndar ds
Unit: Rs in Crore
BS IV BS V Overall
Gasoline Diesel Sub-total Gasoline Diesel Sub-total Total
IOCL 3,230 3,188 6,418 8,630 8,908 17,538 23,956
BPCL 2,077 15,868 17,945 1,275 350 1,625 19,570
HPCL 360 360 6,304 6,304 6,664
CPCL 200 565 765 765
CPCL-CBR 500 500 500
MRPL 3,375 3,375 1,500 1,500 4,875
NRL * 15,000 15,000 50 50 15,050
PSU Refineries 5,867 38,496 44,363 11,405 15,612 27,017 71,380
HMEL 500 300 800 800
BORL 250 50 300 220 220 520
RIL 660 360 1,020 1,020
Essar 380 280 660 660
Total 6,497 38,826 45,323 12,565 16,492 29,057 74,380
Estimate of other non-specified facilities that will be needed for completion to BS V 6,000
Grand Total Say Rs 80,000 crore 80,380
Note: In several cases, the capital investment required as between BS IV and BS V cannot be
separated and have been reported under the former head.
* Indicated is a lump sum figure for expansion to 9 MMTPA and upgrading both gasoline
and diesel.
At CBR, there is no scope for further upgrading diesel to BS V quality and a different line
of disposition of CBR is required once transition to BS V is initiated.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Incremental Operating Costs for BS IV and BS V Fuels
2015 and 2016. Some small investments that are needed are approved or in
an advanced stage of approval and will be completed by the end of
2016/early 2017. However, the DHDT unit required for producing BS IV diesel
at BPCLs Mumbai refinery has yet to be approved. In the case of investments
needed to achieve BS V fuel standards, some of the investments shown in
Table 11.1 are yet to be approved. However, in the event of the timelines
recommended by this Committee being accepted and notified by
Government, the necessary approvals will have to be made and there is
enough time to ensure that they are completed and operational by the time
of the roll out of BS V automotive fuels in 2019 and 2020.
There are clearly higher costs that are incurred in the pursuit of improved
standards for fuel quality. The aspect of cost is important to stress, as the
improvement in fuel standards are being done by mandate, not in response
to normal market signals. When mandatory behaviour is prescribed, policy
should ensure that conditions should permit the burdens of the mandate to
be recovered by the regulated entity, in this case the refinery. Since over the
last decade when these mandates were being prescribed, the selling price of
both gasoline (deregulated with effect June 2010) and diesel was (and
continues to be) controlled, there is an obligation for policy to ensure that
the mandated costs are recovered by the oil companies.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Incremental Operating Costs for BS IV and BS V Fuels
In 2003, a detailed study20 was conducted for the Asian Development Bank to
compute what the incremental cost would be to move diesel production
from the then existing high sulphur content regime towards lower sulphur
and ultimately to 50 ppm and 10 ppm sulphur content diesel. The unit costs
used are probably long out-dated, but it is interesting to take note of since it
did try and model the prescribed trajectory for a large number of Asian
refineries with a variety of configurations across as many as twelve Asian
The study looked at incremental refining costs (including capital servicing and
operational costs) for a baseline output level of diesel with 3,000 ppm
sulphur and stepwise reduction to 1,000 ppm, then 500 ppm, 350 ppm, 250
ppm, 50 ppm and finally 10 ppm. What is pertinent here are the incremental
cost estimates for progressively going from 500 ppm sulphur downwards. A
summary of these incremental operating costs are placed at Table 11.2.
Table 11.2
Estimated Incremental Cost for Asian Refineries for 12 Countries to Produce
Low/Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel
Table 11.2: Estimated I ncrementa l Cost for Asia n Refineries for 12 Countries to Produce Low /Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel
Cost of diesel fuel desulphurisation for different refinery structures typical of the Asian Refining
Industry: Enstrat International, for Asian Development Bank, January 2003.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Incremental Operating Costs for BS IV and BS V Fuels
The estimates made for 50 ppm sulphur content diesel seems to be much
more persuasive, given the very wide range for the estimates for 10 ppm
sulphur diesel which went from 20 cents plus for three countries and 1 to 2
cents for the rest. The problem is most likely on account of the difficulty in
obtaining reliable data on clearly differentiated capital and other costs that
would be required in these mostly older refineries for producing 10 ppm
sulphur at a time when they were mostly making 3,000 ppm and higher
sulphur content diesel. The incremental estimates to produce 50 ppm
sulphur diesel starting from 500/350 ppm level is about 1.65 cents per litre.
For going to 10 ppm sulphur perhaps the estimate made for Singapore
refineries of 24 cents incremental cost compared to 50 ppm sulphur diesel
may be seen to be reasonable.
Of course these cost estimates date back to 2001 or at best 2002 and thus
has to be viewed with even greater caution. However, if we do not make any
adjustments to price increases between 2001 and 2014, the estimated
incremental cost for 50 ppm sulphur diesel is seen to Rs 1,000 per kilolitre
relative to 500/350 ppm sulphur content that is, BS III fuel.
At Table 11.3 the average retail selling price and the premium gradient for
gasoline between the first week of January 2011 to April 2014, over a period
of 171 weeks, is presented. The retail prices of diesel containing low sulphur
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Incremental Operating Costs for BS IV and BS V Fuels
alongside ultra low sulphur is reported by US EIA only for the period February
2007 and December 2008 (96 weeks), since after that period mostly ULSF
diesel with 15 ppm and less sulphur was being sold on the highway. The data
for gasoline and diesel for the two respective periods available are reported
at Table 11.3.
Table 11.3
Weekly Retail Prices of Different Grades of Gasoline and Diesel in the USA
Reported by US EIA
Table 11.3: Wee kly Retail Prices of Different Grades of Gasoline and D iesel in the USA Reported by U S EIA
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Incremental Operating Costs for BS IV and BS V Fuels
The gasoline premiums between grades are much steeper and these are not
on account of sulphur but octane ratings. They are high, both in terms of
cents per litre and as a proportion of the regular (91 RON) gasoline. In local
currency the differential works out to Rs 2.10 and Rs 4.60 per litre for the
increase in RON from 91 to 94/95 and to 96/98 respectively.
Table 11.4
Differentials for Sulphur in Diesel and Octane Rating (RON) in Gasoline
Table 11.4: Differentials for Sulphur in D iesel & Gasoline a nd Octane Rating (RON) in Gaso line
Gasoline by RON
RON 92 to 95 95 to 97 92 to 97
Median 2.65 2.16 4.71
Q1 2.45 1.52 3.96
Q3 2.78 2.44 5.30
Mean 2.53 2.01 4.51
Std Dev 0.36 0.77 0.94
Median as % Base Price 2.71% 2.21% 4.82%
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Incremental Operating Costs for BS IV and BS V Fuels
For improving quality of Auto Fuels from BS II/III to BS III/IV norms, Refineries
had installed facilities involving capital investment of about Rs 35,000 crore.
In addition incremental operating cost for quality improvement was also
incurred. The oil industry had indicated to the MoP&NG an incremental
operating cost of Rs 2.64 per litre ($ 7.86/bbl) for gasoline and Rs 1.43 per
litre ($ 4.64/bbl) for diesel.
However, this proposal was not accepted by PPAC, on the grounds that the
basis of IPP/TPP price fixation is based on price quotes of equivalent fuel
grades in the international market.
It is understood that in the case of diesel, the adjustment for BS III (that is
350 ppm sulphur) above the base quotes used for price computation which
was based on 500 ppm sulphur quotes, was obtained using an interpolation
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Incremental Operating Costs for BS IV and BS V Fuels
The policy effort has been to move the pricing principle of petroleum fuels
away from a cost based approach towards a market price linkage. This is
indeed the desirable approach as cost based approaches unduly protect
inefficient producers and penalise customers.
The refineries were asked to indicate their capital servicing and operating
costs per litre for moving from BS III to BS IV operating regimes. The median
cost differential indicated for gasoline was Rs 0.91 per litre and that for diesel
was Rs 2.20 per litre.
The above cited differentials sought by the oil refineries are more in line with
that observed in the retail selling prices in the USA, the wholesale quotes in
key international trading centres and the cost based approach for diesel that
was cited previously, than they are with extant differentials that are allowed
under the regulatory arrangements.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
One more point needs to be made here. As has been noted the
contemporary quotations for low sulphur diesel are not available courtesy of
the US EIA after December 2008, and the likelihood is that over the next few
years, quotations for even 150/350/500 ppm sulphur and perhaps even 50
ppm sulphur automotive fuels can become less reliable on account of
declining trading volumes.
In such cases, it will be necessary to work on the quotation from the more
actively traded product and then use this base price to derive the price for
the other less actively traded product. The reality of the difference in
production cost must be fully and satisfactorily captured in the pricing of
the product.
There is thus a clear and urgent need to officially take cognizance of what are
the acceptable range of differentials between the mandated grades for
gasoline and diesel.
These have been summarised below. However, given the nature of the
refining and oil industry, costs are generally recoverable from sales, as long as
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
Government does not prevent it. The suitable remedy in this case is that
Government should permit costs to be fully passed on. In the case of
alternative fuels, several requests have come up on account of incentives or
equitable treatment. This class of issues is discussed on merits. Finally, there
are some issues relating to tax treatment and these too are discussed on
Examples are cited regarding fiscal incentives for the manufacture of low and
ultra low sulphur fuels. In the nineties, Japan had extended provisions for
additional deductions for corporation tax and accelerated depreciation on
equipment purchase. The local government in Tokyo had also initiated a two
year programme in 2001 to subsidise up to 10 yen/litre for supplies of 50
ppm sulphur diesel. Similarly Hong Kong in 2000 reduced the import duty on
50 ppm sulphur diesel and within two months, 50 ppm diesel became the
main fuel supplied at local filling stations. In 2007, the environmental
protection department of Hong Kong issued concessional duty to promote
market penetration of 10 ppm sulphur diesel.
The principal problem with automotive fuels in India is that policy has not
allowed the recovery of a full price from the customer. Since the exchequer
has been intervening in the process and doling out subsidies, the oil
companies have also got squeezed directly by way of contribution and
disallowance of appropriate mark-ups for fuel quality, including that for
The greatest assistance that Government can extend to help the oil
companies make the necessary investment in a financially sustainable
manner is to let the companies charge the customer the appropriate
competitive price. Gasoline prices have been deregulated and diesel should
be allowed to go the same way as early as possible.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
Further it ought to be made clear that in the formulae that underpin both
regulated and (informally) the unregulated prices should adjust appropriately
and fully for the premium on account of lower sulphur diesel and gasoline, as
also for other quality/grade parameters such as octane rating for gasoline.
There are however some small refineries, especially those in the North East
where the large investments that are needed to bring them up to BS IV and
finally BS V may not be possible to be justified on financial grounds alone.
Here Government may be called upon to provide additional capital support
to make these investments viable and the emphasis should be on reasonable
investment rather than expansion, especially if the local market does not
warrant the increase in capacity.
The other requests range from having lower road tax for vehicles using CNG
to exemption of Central Excise Duty/lower VAT for auto LPG kits, exemption
of excise duty on molasses used for manufacture of ethanol for blending with
gasoline, to capital subsidies for electric/hybrid motor vehicles.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
India survives on account of the large concession on central excise duty made
as between conventional gasoline and ethanol. This has had consequences
for the users of ethanol in the chemical industry which can claim the same
environmental benefits as in the use of ethanol as a motor fuel.
However, for urban mass transit there is an unambiguous case for capital
assistance and this is indeed being provided by way of plan grants and
viability gap funding. State and local governments are also contributing from
their budget.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
If the base international price on which the pricing is done is 500 or 350 ppm
sulphur fuel, the add-on for BS IV should be 75 paise per litre. On the other
hand, if the base international price used for price build up is 50 ppm sulphur
fuel, then a discount should be applied amounting to 75 paise per litre. This
should be done immediately.
However, there should not be a difference between the retail selling prices of
BS III and BS IV automotive fuels since that creates a needless and
counterproductive incentive for people to choose to buy BS III fuel even
where BS IV fuel may be available. This equalisation can be achieved by
imposing a cess High Sulphur Cess of 75 paise per litre on BS III
automotive fuels and this amount should not go to the refiners but will
accrue to OIDB. Funds from OIDB can be recycled for helping finance the cost
of modernisation and upgradation needed to move rapidly towards BS IV
auto fuel and eventually to BS V auto fuel by 1 April 2020.
The penetration of BS IV for gasoline is about 25% and that for diesel 16%
presently. With the accelerated roll out this proportion is expected to
increase sharply from 1 April 2015 onwards. The equalisation of BS III and BS
IV retail prices will also incentivise movement in favour of BS IV from the
moment that this price action is taken. Assuming that the decision is given
effect from 1 July 2014, there will be a steady decline in BS III fuels up to
January 2017 (when BS III will stop being produced), it is estimated that an
amount of about Rs 10,000 crore will accrue over the three year period
2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 that will be involved in the full transition to
BS IV automotive fuels.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
It has been seen that the capital investment that will be needed for the
complete upgradation of refineries to BS IV and finally to BS V is of the order
of Rs 80,000 crore. It has also been seen that if things are left to their existing
course, including financial resources, this improvement will take many, many
more years to be completed than is contemplated in the Accelerated
Transition Path.
If the slower course were to be adopted five or more number of years will be
required for the transition away from BS III to BS IV and finally to BS V. This
would entail a large cost in terms of public health as discussed in Chapter 5
of this report.
Had it been technically possible this Committee would have opted for an
even earlier roll out of BS V automotive fuel and the corresponding BS V
emission norms. However, financial constraints are inherently different from
technical ones in that easing financial constraints are often within the scope
of public policy decision making.
The best way to ease the financial constraint is the imposition of a special
cess that will accrue to the OIDB and be made available to the refineries to
fund the investment needed for upgrading to BS IV and finally to full BS V
automotive fuel production.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
It is likely that most or all of the funding from OIDB to the refineries will be in
the form of term loans. It is recommended, that keeping in mind the
financially stretched conditions of the refineries and oil marketing
companies, concessional sub-market rates of interest may be extended for
loans made for the purpose of installation of new plant or for upgrading of
existing equipment for the purpose of meeting BS IV and then BS V fuel
standards. The manner and project selection criteria will have to be in line
with OIDB guidelines and practice and guidance of the Ministry. However, the
tenor of the loan could be extended to more than 10 years so as to
incentivise the refineries to travel on the path of accelerated transition.
For many years now, the import duty on crude petroleum is nil, while
previously it had been 5% and before that 10%. The import duty on LNG
except when directly imported for power generation remains at 5%.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
A major issue of tax treatment has been raised by private refiners. Presently,
the units which are in the Export Oriented or Special Economic Zone can sell
product in the DTA on paying the applicable (for SEZ units) Basic Customs
Duty (BCD) and the Additional Duty in lieu of Central Excise Duty also called
Countervailing Duty (CVD). However, the CVD paid on the clearance of the
product from the SEZ areas into the DTA under the existing rules cannot be
set-off against the CVD payable on sales made in the DTA. Thus, in effect the
Central Excise Duty is imposed twice over, which clearly cannot be the intent
of policy.
This incidence of applicable central excise duties twice over makes the supply
of product from SEZ into the domestic market a financially prohibitive
exercise. Since the SEZ unit is capable of producing fully BS IV grade and large
quantities of BS V grade fuels, the rollout of better grade of fuels will be
assisted provided the domestic market is able to source these fuels from the
SEZ unit without having to incur the incidence of excise duties twice over.
Domestic refineries have raised the issue that in the computation of under
recoveries, the incidence of import duty on product has tended to be
ignored. The fact however remains that import duty on product is a notional
one for the purpose of computing the domestic retail selling price based on
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
international bulk sale prices. Import of crude for some time now does not
suffer any burden of customs duty.
Therefore the expectation that the Finance Ministry will agree to reimburse
amounts that are clearly linked to the payment of a tax (customs duty) which
has not been collected is a bit optimistic. However, by not reimbursing the
notional customs duty, to that extent the effective protection for domestic
refineries is reduced to nil, which may be excessively harsh especially
considering the older vintage and sub-scale units that continue to operate
and produce significant quantities of product at a relatively higher operating
The best course of things would of course be to deregulate the pricing system
so that the anomaly of making a demand for reimbursement against a tax
from the exchequer that has not been paid does not arise. As far as the
customer is concerned, the levy of customs duty in the computation is the
equivalent of the effective protection that policy has accorded to the
However, to the extent that the price of diesel continues to be regulated and
the under-recoveries need to computed and paid out, the customs duty
component fully or in part should be equated to a cost disadvantage
due to the sub-economic scale and vintage of some of the refineries in the
public sector.
The State VAT on Natural Gas/CNG varies widely and is in many cases as high
as 15% ad valorem. The State VAT on LPG other than that for domestic use is
also variable and high. The demand that CNG etc. should be treated as
declared goods has been made before this Committee.
However, the taxes concerned are State taxes and will be determined by the
respective State Governments. There is no public policy compulsion to treat
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
them as basic necessities of life and hence accord them declared goods
However, the Committee recommends only a moderate rate of State VAT (or
GST as and when it rolls out) should be imposed, which will encourage the
use of this environmentally cleaner fuel.
At present if refineries in the DTA were to swap product, the Central Sales
Tax (CST) in effect would have to be absorbed by the unit offering the swap.
During the roll out of BS IV area wise, recourse to swapping product across
geographies as between the OMCs can be of assistance.
However, the retail price is computed on the basis on import (and export)
parity where the payment or liability to pay CST does not enter the picture.
Therefore, the seller in such a swap is saddled with an unrecoverable cost
and this can become a disincentive that would not be in the public interest.
As long as CST exists, the payment has to be made by only one party to the
swap and the entity receiving the swap has to reimburse the manufacturer
on the one hand but not pass on the incidence to the retail customer on the
There are other unrecoverable taxes such as octroi etc., and these are
presently being recovered through the State Specific Cost mechanism
where such taxes and duties are recovered on the sales made in the
respective State.
The CST involved on any amounts of product that may have to be swapped in
order to facilitate the roll out in the transition to BS IV across the country can
also be recovered through this State Specific Cost mechanism.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
The upshot of this is that the total central excise duty (before application of
3% education cess) works out to be:
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
The same product for the same application is thus being charged widely
different rates of excise duty. The branded products are premium
automotive fuels that result in improved engine life and better long term
mileage and policy should encourage their use, not discourage it. But that is
indeed what the outcome of this differential duty structure has been since it
was introduced in 2008. Even the narrow revenue objectives would not have
been fulfilled as branded fuel sales have fallen sharply.
The rates of excise duty on gasoline and diesel are fixed rates, not ad
valorem. The argument can be made that a higher priced product which
premium fuels indeed are should be taxed at a higher rate. This legitimate
concern can be taken care of by imposing a small differential in the excise
duty of 50 paise per litre, which will more or less maintain the inter se tax
proportionality as between regular and premium automotive fuels, as long as
the duty rates remain fixed and do not change to ad valorem.
During the phased roll out from BS III to BS IV and later from BS IV to BS V,
some is a one-time cost involved. Oil Marketing Companies will received BS
IV from 1 January of the year of transition. However, the switchover to BS IV
will be completed only on 1 April of the year. On receiving BS IV they will be
liable to pay the BS IV price, but sell at BS III rates at the retail outlets till 1
April of the year.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Other Regulatory Issues
stop being levied in the concerned geography and therefore the price to the
customer will not change.
A large number of other tax concessions have been sought by refiners and
OMC in respect of both direct and indirect tax (both Centre and State). They
include capital grants, concessional duties and accelerated depreciation for
income tax. However, it is felt that these lack merit and the main public
policy support should be in the form of deregulated retail prices that allow
refiners to fully reimburse their capital and operating costs. The only case for
capital assistance that the Committee can sympathise with is that of
modernisation of the small refineries in the North East of India.
There are a range of other regulatory issues involved which are dealt with
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Other Regulatory Issues
o Identifying high emission vehicles that are in need of repair and ensuring
that they are properly fixed.
o Data management system to enable transmission of all real time test data
as generated.
o Raise public awareness of health benefits that can result from successful
I&M programme.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Other Regulatory Issues
o There is a Fertiliser Control Order in place, which restricts the use of urea
to agriculture. Urea cannot be sold to industries other than specified. This
is a problem for sourcing urea for this use;
o Therefore urea producers cannot sell the product in the open market and
import licence for urea for industrial application is also restricted;
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Other Regulatory Issues
Motor Gasoline and Diesel are sold at retail outlets, at BIS specifications (BS
III and BS IV). Marketing companies require refineries to produce better
quality compared to BIS specs called manufacturing specifications. This is to
ensure BIS specs at retail outlets, even with certain quality deterioration
during product movement from refinery to retail outlets.
The above issue was deliberated in the 71st Meeting of the Scientific
Advisory Committee (SAC) on Hydrocarbons of Ministry of Petroleum &
Natural Gas held in June, 2012. As advised by SAC, a Working Group
constituted by SAC under the Chairmanship of Director (R), IOC had detailed
deliberations on the issue of Refinery Manufacturing Specifications for
dispatch of products through Tank Truck/Tank Wagons/Tanker and Pipelines
a) For movements through rail, road and dedicated pipelines, the BIS
specifications will be the Refinery Manufacturing Specifications.
b) In the case of transfers through Multi-product Pipelines, the
Group has recommended appropriate Refinery Manufacturing
Specification in line with the report published on 10 May 2011 by
Task Force No. 3 on Pipeline Quality Giveaway.
c) PPAC has been requested to incorporate the recommendations of
the Working Group I in the Industry Quality Manual for
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
The report has discussed in detail, the present and prospective availability of
BS IV and BS V gasoline and diesel from refineries. There is not enough BS IV
fuel to meet the entire needs of the country, but this objective can be
achieved by timely completion of ongoing projects and initiating and
completing some others. However, in order to be capable of meeting the
country-wide needs for BS V automotive fuel, significant additional
investment are needed to be initiated and completed to a tight time line. The
total investment that has been made and will have to be made in the future
in order to achieve the requisite BS V production capability is in the region of
Rs 80,000 crore.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
BS III emission norms, it is felt that the industry perhaps needs some time to
be able to come into line with Euro IV norms with convergence to Euro IV
being possible only at the time of roll out of BS V emission norms in April
A roadmap for the transition to BS IV in the entire country has been laid out
in detail beginning April 2015 and completion with effect from April 2017.
The transition to BS V is slated to take place and completed by 1 April 2020 in
the entire country. The BS VI emission norms are expected to come into
effect from April 2024.
The Business as Usual path would have meant a roll out beginning 2019 for
BS IV and to BS V five years after that, that is, by 2024.
The Committee has sought to relax many of the constraints, particularly the
financial compulsions, evaluated the entire logistics chain for severe
tightening in defining what has been called Accelerated Transition Path.
While the Business As Usual trajectory may have been a more comfortable
path for both refinery and automobile stakeholders, it would have failed the
test of public interest. The objective of the Committee (as it sees it) is
primarily to deliver to the citizens of this country the best possible solution in
terms of emission norms in the shortest possible time frame. After all, the
primary objective that is sought to be protected is public health.
The report has also proposed encouraging the use of alternative fuels,
including CNG, Auto LPG, Bio-diesel, and electric/hybrid vehicles. It is felt that
provisions of fiscal support is critical to the success of urban mass transit
systems which in the longer run is one of the most powerful instruments for
protecting the quality of ambient air. Mass transit systems also have the
greatest ability to use electricity as the source of energy both in rail cars
and in electric bus trolleys/trams.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Key Issues
Some key issues including fuels availability discussed in earlier chapters and
which are relevant in formulating the recommendations are:
1. In India after 2000 differential norms were made applicable in metros and
in the rest of the country because of limited domestic availability of
higher quality automotive fuel in the country.
2. The trend globally in the area of fuel quality improvement suggests that
about half of gasoline and one third of diesel will be equivalent to Euro V
by 202021. The region wise projections are at Table 6.1 of this report.
6. Government should iron out the anomalies in tax treatment that has
been discussed in the previous chapter and develop appropriate fiscal
provision for assisting in the funding of investment needs for transition to
BS IV and BS V emission regimes in the case of North East refineries and
for the purpose of Urban Mass Transit systems.
Tables 5.3 and 5.4, World Oil Outlook 2013, pp. 204-205
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Proposed Roadmap for Auto Fuel Quality Upgradation in Refineries
7. It must deregulate the retail prices of diesel such that the refineries are
able to fully recover their costs and service the huge capital investments
that have been made and will have to be made in order to bring their
products in line with the BS IV and BS V regimes being recommended.
2016 BS IV gasoline production will increase to 28.0 MMT in 2016 (incl. 9.3
MMT from RIL-SEZ).
2017 In 2017, gasoline output will be 18.6 and 15.0 MMT of BS IV and BS V
grade respectively (incl. 9.3 MMT BS V gasoline from RIL-SEZ).
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Major Issues for Refineries
Since the facilities for meeting aromatic specification of 35% at BORL will
come up by September 2016, it is proposed to extend the relaxation in
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Roadmap for Rollout of BS IV Gasoline Diesel Throughout India
aromatic content from 35% to 40% to BORL till such time only for supplies to
be made to Uttarakhand.
Considering the availability across refineries and the logistics for positioning
of product, the intermediate milestones (in addition to already converted
cities), taking the geographical blocks is proposed at the retail outlet from 1
April of the year (Maps 9.1 to 9.6):
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Introduction of BS V Gasoline/Diesel
2016 All of Goa will be covered. All of Kerala, Karnataka, the newly
formed State of Telangana (formerly part of Andhra Pradesh),
Odisha, and the Union Territories of Daman & Diu, Dadra-
Nagar-Haveli and Andaman & Nicobar. Parts of Maharashtra
(Mumbai, Thane and Pune districts) will be covered. Parts of
Gujarat (Surat, Valsad, Dangs and Tapi districts) will also be
converted. In addition a corridor spanning the highway link
through Gujarat and Rajasthan linking Northern India to the
ports on the West Coast will also be sought to be covered.
While the investment for the transition to BS IV gasoline and diesel is for the
most part under execution or approved or likely to be approved, that is not
the case with the investments that will be required to shift to BS V.
The investments that will be needed to convert the older refineries of the
OMCs to 100% BS V fuel will be quite large and at the existing level of
depressed profitability it may be hard for them to justify raising the large
resources to fund the capital expenditure. This is the Business as Usual
scenario where they feel that it may be possible for them to upgrade their
refineries to become fully compliant with BS V by 2024. Hence, the retail level
transition can become effective from 1 April 2025.
However, the OMCs have submitted that if the funding sources are assured
to them then it will be technically possible for them to accelerate the
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Different Vehicles Categories
changeover such that the refineries become fully BS V compliant by the end
of 2019. In that event the complete transition to BS V will become possible at
the retail outlet by 1 April 2020.
The rollout plan of BS V fuels will begin with the Northern Region and part of
Gujarat and Rajasthan from 2019 as is being proposed for BS IV and all of
Gujarat and Rajasthan if logistics and supply conditions permit, and will be
completed in the entire country by April 2020.
This is the Accelerated Transition Scenario which from the public policy
point of view would be the desirable one.
This is however no reason for BS V fuels to await launch before the complete
transition to BS V. It can be introduced along with BS IV in retail outlets as a
premium fuel to the extent that BS V fuel is available at the refineries for
domestic sale. Considering that the catalyst life will be considerably extended
by the use of 10 ppm sulphur fuel, appropriate education will surely create a
significant demand for 10 ppm sulphur fuels especially in larger cities.
It could also be ensured that across the country, specified outlets on the
highways stock BS V auto fuels so that vehicle owners/operators who choose
to use BS V do not have to switch back to BS IV in the normal course of
BS IV emission norms
o For gasoline two wheelers other than mopeds, as per WMTC cycle,
the proposed emission norms are given at Tables 8.3 & 8.4. For
Mopeds the extant IDC test cycle will be used for BS IV and BS V
emission norms.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Different Vehicles Categories
BS V emission norms
o BS V Emission norms for two wheelers will be applicable for new
models with effect from 1 April 2020 for new models and for
continuing models within one year thereafter. Norms are at Table 8.5.
BS IV Emission Norms
o Emission norms for BS IV have been proposed for both gasoline/
CNG/Auto LPG and diesel fuelled three wheelers. They are given at
Table 8.7.
o These emission norms will become applicable with effect from 1 April
BS V Emission Norms
o Emission norms for gasoline/CNG/Auto LPG and diesel fuelled three
wheelers for BS V regime are given at Table 8.8. They will come into
effect from 1 April 2020 for new models and for continuing models
within one year thereafter.
BS IV Emission Norms
o The emission norms for all classes of four wheelers will be as per
extant notification.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Emission Norms for Different Vehicles Categories
BS V Emission Norms
o Emission norms for all categories of four wheelers have been
proposed in line with Euro V and are placed at Tables 8.10 & 8.11 for
vehicles of less than 3.5 tonnes. Emission norms for heavy duty
vehicles (>3.5 tonnes) are at Tables 8.14 & 8.15.
Thus, at the time of the proposed review that has been suggested in five
years time, say 2019, the BS VI emission norms may be finalised.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
The most suitable remedy in this case is that Government should permit full
costs to be passed on to the customer. In the case of alternative fuels, several
requests have come up on account of incentives or equitable treatment.
There are some issues relating to tax treatment and these too are discussed
on merits. Details are at Chapter 11.
12.8.2 Equalisation of BS III retail price with BS IV & High Sulphur Cess
It is recommended that the retail price of BS III fuel should be the same as
that for BS IV. This will eliminate the incentive to use BS III fuel, when BS IV
fuel is also available. However, the additional charge on BS III fuel will not
accrue to the oil companies but will be in the form of a High Sulphur Cess
which will accrue to OIDB and can be utilised to finance the capital
investment required for refineries to upgrade themselves to move to full BS V
automotive fuels by 2020. It is estimated that if this is done with effect from
1 July 2014, the collection assuming a graduated increase in BS IV penetration
will be about Rs 10,000 crore in the course of 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
As previously noted, the capital cost of changeover in the refineries from the
present scenario to 100% BS V is estimated to be of the order of Rs 80,000
crore. The oil companies are already in a stretched financial condition and
will not be able to generate the necessary resources in a financially
sustainable fashion in the normal course of events.
It has also been seen that if things are left to their existing course, including
financial resources, this improvement will take many, many more years to be
completed than is contemplated in the Accelerated Transition Path.
If the slower course were to be adopted five or more number of years will be
required for the transition away from BS III to BS IV and finally to BS V. This
would entail a large cost in terms of public health.
Had it been technically possible this Committee would have opted for an
even earlier roll out of BS V automotive fuel and corresponding BS V emission
norms. However, financial constraints are inherently different from technical
ones in so far as that easing financial constraints are often within the scope
of public policy decision making.
The best way to ease the financial constraint is the imposition of a special
cess that will accrue to the OIDB and be made available to the refineries to
fund the investment needed for upgrading to BS IV and finally to full BS V
automotive fuel production.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Fiscal Support Sought
grade fuels in a manner that is consistent with the charter and regulations of
the OIDB.
It is likely that most or all of the funding from OIDB to the refineries will be in
the form of term loans. It is recommended, that keeping in mind the
financially stretched conditions of the refineries and oil marketing
companies, concessional sub-market rates of interest may be extended for
loans made for the purpose of installation of new plant or for upgrading of
existing equipment for the purpose of meeting BS IV and then BS V fuel
standards. The tenor of the loan could also be extended to more than 10
years so as to incentivise the refineries to travel on the path of accelerated
There are two separate and widely different rates of each excise duty
applicable for motor spirit or gasoline and for high speed diesel. For
unbranded or regular gasoline the applicable central excise duty (before 3%
education cess) is Rs 9.20/litre and that for branded or premium gasoline is
Rs 15.50/litre. For unbranded or regular high speed diesel the applicable
central excise duty (before 3% education cess) is Rs 3.46/litre and that for
branded HSD is Rs 5.75/litre.
The premium fuels are designed for longer and more efficient engine life and
long term fuel efficiency. The separate treatment for the purpose of excise
duty was introduced from March 2008 and is actively discouraging the
demand for premium fuels.
The rates of excise duty on gasoline and diesel are fixed rates, not ad
valorem. The argument can be made that a higher priced product which
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Actions Required for Ensuring Inspection and Maintenance of Vehicles Related Issues
premium fuels indeed are should be taxed at a higher rate. This legitimate
concern can be taken care of by imposing a small differential in the excise
duty of 50 paise per litre, which will more or less maintain the inter se tax
proportionality as between regular and premium automotive fuels, as long as
the duty rates remain fixed and do not change to ad valorem.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Phasing out of In-use Vehicles
There should be a policy for the phasing out of older commercial vehicles (15
years subject to MoRT&H judgement). Vehicles that are used as personal
transport cover progressively less and less distance with age. This is not the
case with commercial vehicles. It is therefore necessary to have a clear
process through which older commercial vehicles, especially those which are
clearly unable to meet extant emission norms be phased out of service.
In India there are certain areas of regulatory concern on the use of Urea for
purposes other than agriculture.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Vapour Recovery System
of Urea, the import restrictions ought to be used for this end use or domestic
sales transactions should be permitted.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Studies to be Carried Out and Other Recommendations
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Interim Review
o Oil companies and vehicle manufacturers must see how to strive for
better lubricity as the sulphur content in diesel is progressively
brought down and what additives both naturally occurring, like
biodiesel and synthetic can be used in this pursuit.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 1: Constitution of the 4 Working Groups
1. Air Quality & Vehicular Emission Norms for all types of Vehicles, Vehicle
Technology and Fuel Quality:
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 1: Constitution of the 4 Working Groups
The Centre for High Technology would provide technical and secretarial
support to the Expert Committee.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 2: Trend in Air Quality Parameters (SO2, NO2 and PM10) in 50 Cities during 2008 to 2012
Trend in Air Quality Parameters (SO2, NO2 and PM10) in 50 Cities during 2008 to 2012
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 244
ANNEXURE 2: Trend in Air Quality Parameters (SO2, NO2 and PM10) in 50 Cities during 2008 to 2012
ANNEXURE 2 (Contd)
State City 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
SO2 NO2 PM10 SO2 NO2 PM10 SO2 NO2 PM10 SO2 NO2 PM10 SO2 NO2 PM10
Karnataka Bangalore 15 41 100 14 37 112 14 31 89 4 28 91 14 28 117
Kerala Kochi 4 12 43 4 12 42 4 11 36 3 13 38 3 8 70
Kozhikhode 2 7 34 2 9 32 2 9 42 2 8 46 2 8 55
Thrissur - - - - - - 2 7 31 2 14 33 2 15 73
Mallapuram - - - - - - 2 5 30 2 5 30 2 5 36
Thiru puram 10 26 67 9 21 61 9 24 56 10 23 58 9 22 54
Kollam - - - - - - 3 15 47 4 20 53 4 19 41
Madhya Pradesh Indore 10 19 196 9 17 183 14 18 120 12 14 132 12 20 143
Bhopal 6 20 102 7 17 119 9 18 133 4 16 170 3 21 172
Jabalpur 2 25 136 2 24 136 2 25 135 2 25 73 2 24 75
Gwalior 9 16 163 10 18 187 12 20 308 12 20 311 13 27 327
Maharashtra Mumbai 9 40 127 6 41 117 4 19 97 5 33 116 5 21 117
Pune 22 37 103 25 40 88 29 39 82 32 58 113 22 45 91
Nagpur 8 33 114 6 31 101 7 33 113 8 35 108 10 34 82
Nashik 30 25 79 23 29 89 21 26 77 25 27 96 24 27 95
Aurangabad 8 20 75 7 25 86 6 21 75 8 31 83 9 32 79
Punjab Ludhiana 10 40 271 9 38 253 9 32 214 11 28 221 11 27 229
Amritsar - - - 15 35 190 14 36 219 14 26 210 13 38 195
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 245
ANNEXURE 2: Trend in Air Quality Parameters (SO2, NO2 and PM10) in 50 Cities during 2008 to 2012
ANNEXURE 2 (Contd)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
State City
SO2 NO2 PM10 SO2 NO2 PM10 SO2 NO2 PM10 SO2 NO2 PM10 SO2 NO2 PM10
Jaipur 6 35 127 6 36 151 6 37 164 6 37 139 9 51 184
Jodhpur 6 24 176 6 23 140 6 22 181 5 23 168 6 24 191
Kota 9 25 125 6 24 91 10 29 132 7 31 139 8 31 155
Chennai 9 14 63 9 17 73 9 15 59 9 24 92 12 21 57
Tamil Nadu Coimbatore 6 30 75 6 27 77 5 27 78 4 26 102 5 27 68
Madurai 10 24 42 10 25 42 11 25 47 11 24 44 10 23 48
Tiruchirappalli - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 17 78
Kanpur 7 24 212 8 31 212 7 34 203 10 31 183 8 25 221
Ghaziabad 20 16 236 29 31 239 30 37 290 31 39 231 29 33 236
Uttar Pradesh Agra 6 23 198 6 21 185 5 20 185 3 23 155 4 22 181
Varanasi 16 19 106 17 20 125 18 20 127 17 20 127 18 21 138
Meerut 10 42 115 8 44 119 8 47 166 5 45 123 4 43 129
Allahabad 8 37 181 3 24 160 4 24 218 5 20 258 4 32 318
Lucknow 8 36 190 8 36 197 8 34 204 8 33 189 8 32 204
West Bengal Kolkata 8 64 103 11 68 126 11 62 99 12 65 113 9 59 125
Asansol 7 74 135 8 55 154 8 66 141 7 56 145 13 48 117
Note: Data not available. BDL Below Detection Limit (i.e., less than 4 micrograms per cubic meter for SO2 and less than 9 micrograms per cubic metre for NO2).
Data of Agra city is of Taj Mahal which has been identified as sensitive Area. National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Residential, Industrial, Rural and
others Areas (Annual average) for SO2 = 50 micro-gram per cubic metre, NO2 = 40 micro-gram per cubic metre and PM10 = 60 micro-gram per cubic metre.
Source: Air Quality Data as reported by CPCB/SPCBs/PCCs/NEERI in monthly summary sheet/environmental data bank/hard copy calculations for 2012 as per data
available on 31st March 2013.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 246
ANNEXURE 3.1: Gasoline BS III & BS IV Specification
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 3.2: Diesel BS III & BS IV Specification
Note: For diesel processed from Assam crude, relaxation of Cetane Number &
Cetane Index by these Assam units and density shall be applicable as
provided in the present BIS specification.
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 4.1: Gasoline BS V Specification
Gasoline BS V Specification
Sl.No Attribute Unit Proposed BS V
Regular Premium
1 Density @15 deg C kg/m3 720775 720775
E-70 % vol. 1045 1045
2 E-100 % vol. 4070 4070
E-150 % vol. min 75 75
FBP C max 210 210
Residue % vol. max 2 2
3 Sulphur ppm max 10 10
RON min. 91 95
MON min. 81 85
5 RVP @ 38 C, max kPa 60 60
6 VLI (10RVP+7E70) max 750 750
Summer (May to July)
Other months max 950 950
7 Benzene % vol. max 1 1
8 Aromatics % vol. max 35 35
9 Olefin % vol. max 21 18
10 Gum (solvent washed) mg/100 ml max 5 5
13 Oxidation Stability Minutes, min 360 360
11 Lead as Pb g/litre max 0.005 0.005
12 Oxygen % wt. max 2.7 2.7
13 Oxygenates
Methanol 3 3
Ethanol 5 5
Iso Propyl Alcohol 10 10
Iso Butyl Alcohol 10 10
% vol. max
Tertiary Butyl Alcohol 7 7
Ethers with 5 or more C atoms 15 15
per molecule
Other Oxygenates 8 8
14 Copper strip corrosion for 3 Rating Class 1 Class 1
hrs @ 50C, max
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 4.2: Diesel BS V Specification
Diesel BS V Specification
S. Attribute Unit Proposed BS V
1. Density @15C kg/m , max 820845
2. Distillation T95 C max 360
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 5: Gasoline (Motor Spirit) Specifications in Different Countries
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 6: Diesel Specifications in Different Countries
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 7: Process Units Installed for Fuel Quality Improvements
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 8: Gasoline Production Numbers
(Figs in TMT)
Co Refinery 01.04.16 01.04.17 01.04.20 01.04.25 Invest. Remarks
Location BS III BS IV Total BS III BS IV BS V Total BS BS IV BS V Total BS BS IV BS V Total Rs
1 Digboi 104 104 110 110 110 110 110 110 Aromatics of 42% cannot be
2 Guwahati 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 400 BS III being made thru stream
sharing. BS IV after IndAdaptG
and new CRU commissioning
3 Barauni 1045 77 1122 1045 77 1122 1100 1100 1100 1100 500 BS IV subject to successful
trials being done. CRU block
and Prime G units revamp is
considered for 2018
4 Gujarat 935 550 1485 935 550 1485 1600 1600 1600 1600 500 Prime G+ in 2017; Post J-18 in
5 Haldia 60 420 480 60 420 480 830 830 830 830 Reformate ex Paradip
6 Mathura 960 960 960 960 1150 1150 1150 1150 8630 Production based on 8
MMTPA. Capacity expansion
to 11 MMTPA @ 2018-19
7 Panipat 1485 1485 1485 1485 1700 1700 1700 1700 Post CCRU, catalyst change in
2014. Post P-20.2 @ 2020
8 Bongaigaon 206 206 69 446 515 69 446 515 69 446 515 1830 Considering INDMAX from
1.4.2017. Without INDMAX,
only 206 TMTPA of BS III MS
will be available.
9 Paradip 3900 3900 3900 3900 3900 3900 3900 3900 PDRP commissioning in 2015.
Production No. based on MS
mode operation of FCCU.
10 CPCL Manali 636 324 960 960 960 780 180 960 780 180 960 200 Gasoline desulphurisation
11 CBR 0 0 0 0 No gasoline production
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 254
ANNEXURE 8: Gasoline Production Numbers
13 Kochi 1894 1894 947 947 1894 947 947 1894 947 947 1894 IREP completion in Dec 2015
14 HPCL Mumbai 672 588 1260 1260 1260 1700 1700 1700 1700 180
15 Vizag 1200 480 1680 1680 1680 1390 1390 1390 1390 180
16 NRL Numali- 264 60 324 264 60 324 662 662 1324 662 662 1324 Capacity expansion from 3 to
garh 9 MMTPA @ 1.04.2020
17 MRPL Mangalore 805 805 855 855 805 220 1025 805 220 1025 1500 New NHT, CCRU & 18.FCC
gasoline tre19.ating unit and
revam20.p of Isom unit21.
18 HMEL Bhatinda 1000 1000 1000 1000 1400 1400 1400 1400 500
19 BORL Bina 385 400 785 385 400 785 785 785 785 785 250 Facilities would be required
for BS IV and BS V
20 RIL DTA 3500 3500 2000 1500 3500 2000 1500 3500 2000 1500 3500 660
21 RIL SEZ 9300 9300 9300 9300 9300 9300 9300 9300 Product availability from SEZ if
duty is same as at DTA
22 Essar Jamnagar 1440 1440 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 380 BS III gasoline being exported.
Investment to be firmed up.
Associated facilities 938 For all the refineries
Total 6561 28083 34644 2868 18594 15007 36469 179 14014 24844 39037 179 14014 24844 39037 20000
% demand 132.47 81.91% 66.11% 49.35 87.48% 34.10 60.45%
% % %
Excl. RIL-SEZ 6561 18783 25344 2868 18594 5707 27169 179 14014 15544 29737 179 14014 15544 29737 20000
% demand 88.6% 81.91% 25.14% 49.35 54.73% 34.10 37.82%
% %
Demand 21.2 MMT 22.7 MMT 28.4 MMT 41.1 MMT
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 255
ANNEXURE 9: Diesel Production Numbers
4 Gujarat 5280 550 5830 5280 550 550 7300 7300 7300 7300 800 New DHDT considered.
Post J-18 @ 2020
5 Haldia 2500 500 500 3050 3050 1510 1540 3050 1970 730 2700 450 New DHDT @ 2016.
New CGO-HDT under
coker @ 2017 AT 8
6 Mathura 2650 2650 2650 2650 5000 5000 5000 5000 8668 Production No. based
on 8 MMTPA
processing. Presently,
50% BS III & 50% BS IV
being produced.
Capacity expansion to
11 MMTPA @ 2018
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 256
ANNEXURE 9: Diesel Production Numbers
Co Refinery Invest
01.04.16 01.04.17 01.04.20 01.04.25 Remarks
Location Rs
7 Panipat 6800 6800 6800 6800 10300 10300 10300 10300 50 DHDS catalyst
replacement in 2014.
Gasoline Merox to ATF
Merox. Expansion to
20.2 @ 2020
8 Bongaigaon 1108 200 1308 1092 1092 1092 1092 1092 1092 1848 Limited BS IV from
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 257
ANNEXURE 9: Diesel Production Numbers
Co Refinery Invest
01.04.16 01.04.17 01.04.20 01.04.25 Remarks
Location Rs
14 HPCL Mumbai 2196 2196 3504 3504 3000 3000 3000 3000 2424
15 Vizag 3800 3800 3800 3800 3500 3500 3500 3500 3880
16 NRL Numaligarh 1650 300 1950 1590 360 1950 3051 3050 6101 3051 3050 6101 15050 Capacity expansion
from 3 to 9 MMTPA @
1.04.2020. Capex
Rs15000/- Crore
17 MRPL Mang-alore 5216 1261 6477 6339 300 6639 7942 600 8542 7942 600 8542 3375 Revamp of DHDT &
SRUs and new DHDT &
associated facilities
18 HMEL Bhatinda 4300 4300 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 300
19 BORL Bina 2800 2800 1400 1400 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 270
20 RIL DTA 11150 11150 11150 11150 11150 11150 11150 11150 360
21 RIL SEZ 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 0 Product availability
from SEZ if duty is same
as at DTA
22 Essar Jamnagar 9540 9540 9420 9420 9420 9420 9420 9420 280
Associated facilities 4682 For all the refineries
Total 20574 81839 102413 6010 54384 40977 101371 220 53544 65807 119571 220 50924 68077 119221 60000
% of demand 95.72% 60.03% 45.23% 50.18% 61.67% 36.35% 48.59%
Excl. RIL-SEZ 20574 65839 86413 6010 54384 24977 85371 220 53544 49807 103571 220 50924 52077 103221 60000
% of demand 77.00% 60.03% 27.57% 50.18% 46.68% 36.35% 37.17%
Demand in MMT 85.5 90.6 106.7 140.1
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 258
ANNEXURE 10: Gazette Notification of Fuel Efficiency Norms
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 10: Gazette Notification of Fuel Efficiency Norms
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 10: Gazette Notification of Fuel Efficiency Norms
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 10: Gazette Notification of Fuel Efficiency Norms
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 10: Gazette Notification of Fuel Efficiency Norms
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 10: Gazette Notification of Fuel Efficiency Norms
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 11: Order Constituting Expert Committee for Preparing a Draft Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 11: Order Constituting Expert Committee for Preparing a Draft Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
ANNEXURE 11: Order Constituting Expert Committee for Preparing a Draft Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025
Report of the Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025