Calendar of Events: Bird Watching
Calendar of Events: Bird Watching
Calendar of Events: Bird Watching
The newsletter of the Choctawhatchee Audubon Society Volume XXXIV Number 7 September 2005
Dedicated to the protection of bird and wildlife habitat and a greater appreciation of Northwest Florida’s natural beauty.
Review current and past newsletters for the Choctawhatchee Audubon
Society online at our new website:
November 3: For a break from our traditional December 1: Dr. Bobby Harrison who teaches
lectures, CAS will feature Dr. Dave Gowan; art and photography at Oakwood College in
Florida State University’s Spider Guy. Dr. Huntsville, Alabama will be our speaker. On
Gowan will present a slide show on “The June 9, 2004 he reported seeing an Ivory- billed
Arachnids Among Us”. If you have spiders Woodpecker flush from near the base of a bald-
around the house that you would like to identify, cypress about 15 meters in front of him. As the
feel free to bring them in (using suitably secure bird swooped up to land, the broad white trailing
containers of course). After the program, Dr. edges of the wings were especially visible.
Gowan will show us how to track down the After 20 years of searching, his dream of finding
octipedal beasts outside in the courtyard so the Ivory-billed Woodpecker came true in the
bring your flashlights. Big Woods of Arkansas.
Education update
This year CAS is going to minimize the Audubon Adventures program which will be offered by
requests only. To replace this program we would like to create a traveling "Birding Box". The birding
box will be hand delivered to local schools by request. It may even accompany a seasoned birder!
Charlie Parkel and others have agreed to meet groups for fieldtrips! The birding box will contain
binoculars, field guides, audio compact disks and classroom activity suggestions. At this time we
are actively soliciting donations to stock our briding box. We will accept any new or used binoculars,
field guide or audio compact disks. We will also accept monetary donations to supply these kits.
Ideally the kit would contain 25 binoculars, 10 field guides and 1 CD or tape. We have contacted
bionocular companies asking for discounts or donations. If you have items to donate please call
Nonie at (850) 862-9588. If you would like to make a monetary donation send it to CAS P.O. Box
1014 Ft Walton Beach, FL 32549.
Audubon Eventure
Audubon Eventures is planning a night walk at Anderson Pond August 26 at 7 PM.
Anderson Pond is about 1 mile north of the Mullet Festival site on Hwy 85 in Niceville.
Directions: Turn right at the second sign, follow the dirt road to the pavilion.
This site has lots of bugs, so wear your repellent!
The next Audubon Eventures on September 30 will be at Oak Tree Nature Park in Mary Esther at
6:30 PM, once again wear your bug repellent!
September 2005.......Page 2
Environmental Awareness
Volunteers needed
The North American Migration Count provides a snapshot of where each bird species is
during the peak of the migration in Massachusetts. In Florida the fall migration is on the leading
edge for many species. CAS meets twice a year for a bird count. Our goal is to set up eight bird-
ing parties in Okaloosa County and six in Walton County. In addition to experienced birders begin-
ners are welcome too. This is a great opportunity to fine tune your birding skills.
Don Ware would appreciate both team leaders and recorders/spotters to call him at 862-
6582 or email to volunteer. It is a good excuse to spend a day in the field
getting to know other birders while observing our beautiful feathered friends. We hope you can
join us!
September 2005.......Page 3
President: Nonie Maines: 862-9588, Education: Nonie Maines: 862-9588,
Vice president: Bill Burke: 678-0440, Field trips: Charlie Parkel: 678-4728
Treasurer: Karen Newhouse: 897-3745, Hospitality: Gertrude Oakman: 729-2656
Recording secretary: Carole Goodyear: 897-2666, Membership & newsletter circulation: Bob Miller: 678-4278
Corresponding secretary: Pat Baker: 678-2953, Publicity: Karin Barbee: 729-3733,
Bird count coordinator: Donald M. Ware: 862-6582, Programs: Thelma Phillips: 651-0508,
Conservation: Josh Barbee: 218-0573, Shorelines Editor: Karin Barbee: 729-3733,
Articles, letters, and notices from Make sure you renew your local CAS membership when you
renew your national Audubon membership. Please indicate that
upcoming events from members are you’re affiliated with Choctawhatchee Audubon Society when you
encouraged. Please send in your sub- renew to ensure your subscription to Shorelines.
missions early. Remember the deadline
for publication is the 15th of each Introductory Audubon Society Membership (E-11):
Current members: Please do not use this form for membership renewals.
month. Name:__________________________________________________
Send your mail electronically to our new City:__________________ State:__________ Zip:_____________
Phone: ________________ E-mail: _________________________
account: Introductory membership is $20/individual or $15/student or senior
citizen to join national, state, and local Audubon groups and receive Audubon magazine and the Shorelines newsletter. To join, mail this
form and a check, payable to National Audubon Society, to NAS
Membership Data Center, P.O. Box 51005, Boulder, CO 80323-1005.
Chapter Code: E-11 7XCH