D Isinvest Ment in Pub Lic Sector E N Terprises': National Institute of Financial Management
D Isinvest Ment in Pub Lic Sector E N Terprises': National Institute of Financial Management
D Isinvest Ment in Pub Lic Sector E N Terprises': National Institute of Financial Management
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
Performance Status
Total Investment No of
(Rs in crore) CPSEs
On the eve of the 1st Five Year Plan (1.4.1951) 29 5
On the eve of the 6th Five Year Plan (1.4.1980) 18150 179
On the eve of the 7th Five Year Plan (1.4.1985) 42673 215
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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Objectives of Disinvestment
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
3.6 CCD was chaired by the Prime Minist er. The functions of
CCD, constituted in January, 2000 were as follows:
(e) To approve the three -year rolling plan and the annual
programme of disinvestment every year.
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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Appointment of Advisers
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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Selection of Bidders
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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Bidding Procedure
3.21 Offers for Sale . Since 2003, eight Offers for Sale have
been concluded. All of them utilized the Book Buil ding route.
Under this methodology, bids were invited within a pre -
determined floor price/price band from the investors during a
specific period. Each investor submitted bid specifying the
number of shares bid for and the price. After the end of the
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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bidding period, the bids were consolidated and a cut off price
was recommended by the Inter -Ministerial Committee,
constituted separately for each transaction, for approval to the
EGoM, which took the final decision regarding allocation of
shares to investors an d the cut-off price.
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
3.26 The Commission was of the further view that the use of a
particular method of valuation would depend upon the health of
the company being evaluated, the nature of the industry in
which it operated and the company's intrinsic strengths. The
depth of the capital markets would also have an impact on the
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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3.31 The Reserve Price was fixed on the DCF method in the
Hotel units. In the case of MFIL, the reserve price was not
fixed, whereas in the case of PPL, the reserve price was
determined by giving weightages of two to DCF value and one
to the Replacement Value based Asset Value.
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
4.6 During the year 1998 -99, Government sold a small portion
of its shareholding in one CPSE to another CPS E. Through this
mechanism, ONGC and IOC each purchased 4.85 per cent
shares of GAIL‟s equity shareholding. IOC purchased 10 per
cent of the shareholding of ONGC, whereas ONGC purchased 10
per cent of equity shareholding of IOC. In addition 0.90 crore
shares of CONCOR and 3.06 crore shares of GAIL were sold to
institutional investors in the domestic market while 1 crore
shares of VSNL were sold in the GDR market. The net
realisation for Government from these disinvestment
transactions in 1998-99 was Rs.5,371.11 crore.
4.7 During the years 1999 -2000 to 2002-03 the receipts fro m
sale of minority shares were minimal, since the emphasis
shifted to Strategic Sale. During 1999 -2000 the proceeds were
only from the sale of 0.10 crore shares of VSNL in the domestic
market and 13.50 crore shares of GAIL in the GDR market. In
addition, the remaining amount from the sale of shareholding in
one CPSE to another CPSE carried out in the previous year and
amounting to Rs.459.27 crore was also received, giving a total
receipt of Rs.1,479.27 crore during that year. During the
following years 2000 -01 to 2002-03 there were no receipts
from sale of minority shareholding.
4.8 In the year 2003 -04, after the Supreme Court judgement
in the case of HPCL/BPCL, the sale of Government‟s m inority
shareholding through public offers was resumed. The Offer for
Sale of 20 per cent of DCIL‟s paid up equity out of the
Government‟s shareholding was decided in July, 2003, while the
decision to sell small portions of Government‟s stake in GAIL
and ONGC was taken in December, 2003. The decision for sale
of Government‟s residual shareholding of 26% through an Offer
for Sale in IBP was taken in July, 2003. In February, and
March, 2004 these four issues raised Rs.12,757.61 crore. ONGC
was a single issue, which raised Rs.10,558.40 crore and
remains one of the largest offerings so far in the Indian
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
4.9 This trend was continued in 2004 -05 in which the major
receipt of Rs.2,684.07 crore was from the sale of 43.29 crore
equity shares of Rs.10 each out of the Government‟s equity in
NTPC, along with a fresh issue of equity of a similar quantum
by NTPC through an IPO in October, 2004.
Strategic Sale
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
4.13 MUL was the first privatized CPSE to come out with an
IPO, which consisted of an Offer for Sale of 27.51 per cent of
MUL‟s paid up equity capital, out of Government‟s residual
shareholding of 45.79 per cent. The IPO, which was completed
in June, 2003 was oversubscribed by 8.92 times realizing
Rs.993.34 crore fo r the Government. Thereafter, in January,
2006 Government realised a sum of Rs.1,567.60 crore from the
sale of 8 per cent of equity out of its shareholding of 18.28 per
cent in MUL, to public sector financial institutions and banks.
Another, Rs.2.08 crore was received by the Government in
March, 2006 from the sale of 31,507 (0.01 per cent) equity
shares in MUL to employees of MUL. In May, 2007, the
Government realized Rs.2,366.94 crore from the sale of its
entire residual equity of 10.27 per cent in MUL to public sector
financial institutions, public sector banks and Indian mutual
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
5.14 CMC Limited. The SHA provided for an offer of not more
than 6.31 per cent of the equity of the company out of the
residual shareholding of Government to the employees. The
strategic sale was com pleted in October, 2001 and the offer of
shares to the employees was completed in June/July, 2002 at a
price of Rs.66 per share i.e. at one -third of the strategic sale
price of Rs.197 approximately. All regular employees of the
company including full time functional Directors of the
company, on the specified date, were eligible to acquire shares
under this scheme. 3,208 employees availed of this offer,
realising Rs.6.07 crore for the Government by subscribing to
6.06 per cent of the equity.
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
2002 and the offer to the employees was made in the same
month at one -third of the price offered by the strategic partner
or 1/3rd of listed market value calculated as the average of the
closing price on BSE for 30 days, whichever was less, subject
to a minimum of par value of Rs.10 per equity shar e. 52,64,555
shares representing 1.85 per cent equity of the company were
subscribed by the employees.
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
5.26 There are two primary employees issues, which are voiced
with respect to privatization. First there is a concern about
change in the terms of services of employees and secondly
there is a concern that the reservation policy of the
Government for the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and
other categories would be diluted.
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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6.5 Objectives.
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
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National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
National Institute of Financial Management
‘Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises’
Cd r S an g ra m D e y
8. http://india.gov.in/
9. http://www.indiastudychannel.com/
10. http://www.councilofstates.nic.in/
11. http://www.parliamentofindia.nic.in/
National Institute of Financial Management