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Glow Discharge in Sputtering PDF

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By Thomas C. Grove, Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. ARCING PROBLEMS

The physics of plasmas and particularly the physics of plasma arcs and their SPUTTER DEPOSITION
genesis has received new attention in the last five years. Researchers working on high-
power lasers, fusion, charge particle accelerators and others have required high energy OF ALUMINUM
pulsed power. Many of these applications use switching technology based upon devices
such as thyratron tubes and spark gaps. These devices cause a gas to undergo a transition
from normally insulating to a conducting state, a purposeful use of plasma arcs. As demands
for increased switching speed at higher and higher current densities grew, greater
understanding of arc formation became necessary. While no single, complete theory covers all
aspects of arc formation, much working knowledge has been gained. The physical problem of
interest is primarily the growth of the ionization of a gas in an electric field and the subsequent
breakdown of the insulating qualities of the gas (a very good, current reference on this is in [1]).
Although a plasma or glow discharge is already a conducting gas (i.e., it has broken down the
insulating properties of a neutral gas), it has not reached current saturation and can be caused to
conduct even more current. This research has significant implications for the lower energy uses of
plasma commonly found in thin film processes such as etching and sputter deposition where arcs are
sometimes troublesome.

Arcs, as used here, are local events within the sputtering A schematic drawing of a
chamber that are detrimental to the process. Arcs are high planar magnetron is shown in Figure
power density short circuits which have the effect of miniature 2. The magnetron type source is
explosions. When they occur on or near the surfaces of the commonly used to deposit aluminum
target material or chamber fixtures they can cause local melting. and is noted for its sputtering efficiency.
This material is ejected and can damage the material being It also has a greater propensity to arc [4].
processed and accumulates on other surfaces. This erosion can The source is designed such that as
contaminate the source as well as degrade the structure. uniform an electric field gradient as
possible is maintained across the active
This article is meant to provide an introduction to the
sputtering region of the target material. This
causes, mechanisms, and some cures for arcing in the sputtering
determines the local power density which in
environment. Since the application and distribution of power is
turn has an impact on arc formation [3,5,6].
central to the sputtering process, the new understanding of
arcing phenomena will be related to advances in power supply
design. In the following sections we will look at sputtering,
simplified arc formation, some common causes of arcing and
how to minimize them, and how power supply design is
important to arc minimization.
Figure 1 is a diagram of a simple sputtering chamber. Vacuum Target Material
A power supply is connected so that a low pressure gas is ionized Chamber
by the voltage supplied. The ions of gas produced are
accelerated toward the target surface by the voltage where they Glow Discharge
collide with the atoms of the target. The kinetic energy of the
ions is transferred to these atoms, some of which are ejected and
drift across the chamber where they are deposited as a thin film Substrate Support
on the substrate material. Other impacted target atoms are
simply heated. This is removed as waste energy. Still other
impacts on the target surface produce secondary electrons.
It is these electrons which maintain the electron supply and Sputtering Vacuum
Gas Feed Pump
sustain the glow discharge [2].
Figure 1. The sputtering environment



E Field Lines Magnet Poles Magnet Field Lines We will now look more closely at the glow discharge
N space and the types of energies, potentials and particle species
involved. The drawing of Figure 3 gives a relational view of
S charge versus potential in a typical negative glow discharge
S configuration.

Hopping Electrons
N Target Anode
Glow Discharge Cathode
Figure 2. Magnetron

The magnets are placed so that the magnetic field lines

are normal to the target material surface at the point of entry. Cathode Dark Space Anode Dark Space
The field is usually parallel to the surface in the sputtering Target Anode
regions. It is common for the shield surrounding the target to VP
be at anode potential. 0
Electrons are charged particles. They also have a magnetic
field because of their internal spin momentum. When they -600
600 + VP VP
are ejected from the target surface, the electron's charge and Sheath Voltage Sheath Voltage
magnetic field interact with the electric field and source
Figure 3. Glow discharge potentials
magnetic field which causes the electron to remain near the
surface [7]. Furthermore, their path near the surface is somewhat Through various mechanisms, the areas near both
lengthened due to electric field gradients in the dark space. electrodes are striped of electrons and a surface charge is built
This path has two beneficial effects, 1) it provides a greater up. As distance increases away from the electrode the charge
probability of producing more ions near the surface thereby balance returns to a more neutral value. This region is depicted
increasing the sputtering efficiency and 2) the electron current by the + and 0 symbols in drawing 3. The potential across the
is trapped near the cathode [2]. The latter minimizes electron glow region is nearly constant: almost all of the electric field
heating and other damage to the substrate. potential occurs in the sheath. The cathode sheath region is of
particular interest because it supplies the basic energy for
Magnetrons require careful attention to cooling because of
sputtering. Most ions are produced in the negative glow region.
this more concentrated electron current and higher ionization
These ions are accelerated by the sheath potential and bombard
efficiency [7]. The sputtering area is more confined and controlled
the target surface. This bombardment is what ejects the target
which in turn greatly increases the power density. Magnetrons
material. It also produces a host of other particles and energies
also erode faster in the confinement area. This erosion causes
which contribute to sustaining the glow discharge.
impedance changes because the plasma to source magnet
distance changes [2]. Erosion also changes surface texture and
electric field gradients. All of these factors can contribute to -AR
arcing as we shall see later. Accelerating AR+
in Electric AR+
Other chamber factors cannot be ignored. The flow of the Field
sputtering gas through the chamber, the chamber pressure, the AL AL AL
power supplied and the source temperature must be carefully
controlled as they too can contribute to arc production.

Source Surface

Figure 4. No arc

The surface/near-surface area is a busy place. We have a

significant potential voltage supplied by the power supply, high
voltage RF transients produced by magnetron oscillations in the
plasma, a confining magnetic field, electrons colliding with the


surface and gas atoms, photons exciting atoms to become ions, of an infinite number of spark gaps which operate in this stable
ions hitting atoms which produce more ions and thermal energy condition; however, if the current continues to increase an arc
exciting atoms at local hot spots. All this with high average is formed. The avalanche path of electrons and associated ion
power density! At any given time these activities are in balance sheath operate at a certain sustaining voltage determined by the
with degenerative phenomena and normal operation of the gas, gas pressure and voltage potential. The increasing current
sputtering process is observed. This condition is depicted in flow and subsequent secondary activity continue to increase the
Figure 4. The electric field lines are uniformly distributed across local space charge. This causes a concentration of the electric
the surface and no major anomalies are present at the surface or field in the vicinity of the current flow. When the local
in the dark space immediately above. potential reaches a value approximately 20% greater than the
sustaining voltage a second breakdown occurs which lowers the
ARCS gas discharge impedance to its lowest possible level...essentially
Theory deals with two stages of arc formation. The first a short circuit in which all energy transfer takes place. In a
stage is the primary transition from normal gas state to that of typical aluminum sputtering application using argon as the
a glow discharge. Let us suppose a dc electric field is applied sputtering gas and a planar magnetron, this may happen with an
between two electrodes (a spark gap) in a gas. It we then incremental voltage change of as little as 72 volts.
illuminate the cathode with light, a photoelectric current will
Based upon the foregoing, it appears that a glow discharge
be generated at the cathode. We may then move the electrodes
process is never more than 20% away from an arc condition
together and at some distance the current will become self-
somewhere in the chamber. This is certainly true in the
sustaining without the light. This first level of current flow is
surface/near-surface area of the magnetron. This margin can
known as a Townsend discharge [6]. Townsend proposed that the
become very much smaller as the design power density of the
advancing primary electrons produced by photon excitation
magnetron source is approached.
generated some multiple of electrons by electron/neutral atom
collisions [9]. Later researchers [8,10] have shown that secondary
events such as ion impact on the cathode and the photoelectric Power Shut Down Power Turn Off
effect of the photons generated in the discharge were large V A Arc T=0 Overshoot
contributors. At some point the secondary events happen in 500 50
numbers sufficient to insure the regeneration of the primary 400 40
electrons thus continuing current flow. 300 30
200 20 Voltage
A second theory, labeled Streamer Theory, was proposed
100 10
independently by Meek [13], Raether [14] and Loeb [15]. They argue
0 0 } VP
that as the primary photoelectrons avalanche toward the anode
they reach a critical size such that their combined charge starts
0 5 10 15 20 25
to generate secondary electrons just ahead of the avalanche by Microseconds
photoionization. The avalanche space charge produces electrons Nominal Operation 500 V @ 8A=4 kW
efficiently which in turn generates a space charge cloud in front
Figure 5. Typical arc profile
of the avalanche. This process repeats until the anode boundary
is reached. This progression is called a streamer. Once the anode Figure 5 presents a profile of an arc in an operating
is reached a similar process begins at the cathode end of the sputtering system. The voltage drops in approximately
parent avalanche. There the electrons are accelerated towards 5 nanoseconds to an initial value. The load impedance at this
the avalanche which extends the ion sheath of the avalanche to point is limited by the power supply output, cable, chamber, etc.
the cathode. Breakdown occurs immediately upon the space This voltage is maintained while the surface charge energy and
charge cloud reaching the cathode [17]. power supply output capacitor discharge. In some older constant
current supplies this current will continue to be supplied until
If the resistance is low enough, the current will increase
outside factors cause the impedance to increase and extinguish
indefinitely (limited only by the power supply and the positive
the arc. If this doesn't happen, severe arcing called racetrack
column impedance), which brings us to the second stage of arc
arcing can result. As soon as the current goes negative, the arc
formation. The current flowing in the gas will produce photons,
is turned off. The discharge and charge times and the current
heat and other reactions as we have seen which enhance the
values are dependent upon the energy supplied by the surface
current flow until a visible glow discharge is produced.
charge surrounding the arc location and the stored energy in
Depending upon the power available and the energy losses due
the output stage of the power supply.
to the chamber design, the process may stabilize at this point.
In our sputtering chambers the cathode resembles an assembly


ARC SOURCES the bulk material. Arcs isolated to a specific area may be due
In general we may say that all arcs are the result of electric to a poor bond between the target material and the source, a
field anomalies, however, for convenience we will look at three blocked cooling channel in the source or the source design itself
classes of arc sources. These classes are mechanical, electric field causing elevated temperatures. These higher temperature areas
anomalies and disruptions of surface equilibrium. are one of the principal causes of arcs, either because they are
producing thermal electrons or are much closer to doing so.
Mechanical sources are primarily flakes that short circuit
Thermal electrons then contribute to an increase in the
various parts of the structure, commonly target to chamber, by
secondary ion production cycle and associated power density
bridging the dark space or by contacting the shield. Problems of
increase and possible melting and/or sublimation.
this nature are cured by cleanliness and reducing actions which
produce mechanical bumps and vibrations Systems that have been modified or are new designs
sometimes exhibit significant arcing associated with their
structure. Older systems which have significant encrustations
E Field of sputtered material and/or severely eroded surfaces may have
problems too. These can be cured by cleaning and smoothing
Blemish surfaces to approximately 600-800 grit. System fixtures should
Source have beveled or rounded edges and interfaces with target, dark
Surface space shield, insulators and supports to reduce electric field
gradients. Some systems may require auxiliary magnets or
secondary electrostatic shielding to eliminate consistent
arcing in a specific place.
Dielectric Inclusion

Figure 6. Potential arc source

It may be said that the power supply feeding the system is
I am using "electric field anomaly" to designate a small the ultimate cause of and cure for arcing. In the discussions
scale local disruption. In this category most of the sources are above we have covered many of the details of arc formation.
associated with the target material. The source must be of In this section we will discuss the management of the power
uniform composition and internal form. Such inclusions as gas supplied to the process to minimize the occurrence and
pockets, voids, dielectric clumps, grain boundaries and surface severity of arcs.
blemishes can each cause an arc to form. Obviously the
selection of the correct material is important. The material Looking again at Figure 5, we see a large current spike
will vary from lot to lot from any vendor, but, a consistent as the arc discharges the chamber and the power supply output
problem may have to do with the material manufacturing filter. Since the chamber normally presents a very small
process and other forms should be considered. Figure 6 shows capacitance the majority of the stored energy is due to the
the effect of a surface blemish and an oxide inclusion. Both of power supply output. Anything we can do to reduce this energy
these defects cause a warp in the electric field in their vicinity directly reduces potential arc damage. One technique which is
which increases the power density. Other surface problems are very effective is to raise the frequency that must be filtered.
caused by magnetic dirt attracted by the magnetic field of the As an example: for equal levels of voltage and current at the
source, local thermal hot spots on the target, local pressure output the amount of energy per cycle which must be supplied
fluctuations due to several molecules of water or other at 360 Hz (60 Hz 3 phase) is 100 V x 5 A x 2.8 millisec. =
contaminants drifting by and the target's previous operating 1.4 Joules while at 100 kHz it is 100 V x 5 A x 5 microsec. =
history. Target history is important. An operating target will 2.5 millijoules. The smaller energy at higher frequency allows
settle into a certain set of equilibrium conditions including smaller value components to be used. The ripple voltage at the
power distribution, heat distribution and re-deposition rate. output can be made much smaller which reduces the chance of
A step change in power due to power line perturbations or loss the power density exceeding the breakdown potential
of regulation can cause arcing until equilibrium is re-established. somewhere on the target.
Targets that have been exposed to air must be preconditioned Higher frequencies allow much faster response to problems
by slowly increasing the power level. This burns off accumulated on both the input and output of the power supply. Again, a
oxides and drives off absorbed water and other contaminants. 60 Hz, 3 phase power supply can reduce a 10% input voltage
Temperature variations can be caused by defects in the increase to 1% in about 20 milliseconds while a 100 kHz supply
target surface which produce higher electric field densities. can do the same in 30 microseconds. Arc inception times are in
The surface of the target is always at a higher temperature than the range of 10-6 seconds [21] which puts the 1 00 kHz supplies
response in the same decade, certainly an advantage. This same


rapid response holds true for load-induced transients such

as impedance changes.
Knowledge of arc mechanisms has improved circuitry
for suppressing them. It has been found experimentally [22]
that an area where an arc has occurred takes approximately
5 milliseconds to return to equilibrium conditions (cool down
the surface or gas, disperse particles and fields) after the
discharge current has fallen to zero. Building in a short delay
of this order before power is re-applied virtually eliminates a
second arc at that site [23].
Increasing the accuracy of instrumentation available
enables the power supply to detect arc initiation ever closer to
the fact. Tighter measurements allow greater repeatability and
We have taken a brief look at arc mechanisms, their causes
in the sputtering environment and the improvements in power
application made possible by the study of them. As always,
research continues.


1 J. M. Meek and J. D. Craggs, eds., ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWN OF GASES 14 W. Rogowski, "Impulse potential and breakdown
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5 L. T. Lamont, Jr., VARIAN VAC. VIEWS 9(3), 2(1975)
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6 L. T. Lamont, Jr., J. VAC. SCI. TECHNOL. 14,12 (1977) atmospheric pressure," PHYS. REV., vol. 76, pp 1501-151 1, Aug. 1945
7 R. K. Waits in "THIN FILM PROCESSES" (J. L. Vossen, w. Kern, eds) 18 A. Doran and J. Meyer, "Photographic and oscillographic investigations of
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22 D. Schatz, "The MDX as a strategic tool in reducing arcing," APPLICATION
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13 J. M. Meek, "A theory of spark discharge," PHYS
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