Amway Project
Amway Project
Amway Project
degree on MBA, under my supervision and guidance. This has not been
Project guide
(Ishleen kaur )
Trinity Intitute Of Management
I Rohit Rawat Roll No. of BBA (G) from Trinity Intitute Of Management
and the same has not been submitted to any other institute for the award of any
It is not until you undertake a project like this one that you realize how massive
efforts it really is, or how much you must rely upon the selfless efforts and
goodwill of others. I got an opportunity to learn and experience ethics and
environment of Bank.
I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to my guide Ishleen kaur
(Lecturer in BBA Department ) in Trinity Intitute Of Management who in his
benevolent guidance has enabled me to accomplish my project .He has been a
great source of inspiration all the way. Without his keen interest, encouragement
and invaluable suggestions this report couldnt have attained its present shape
with zeal and enthusiasm.
My sincere thanks to all other faculty members of Trinity Intitute Of
Management and all the persons who are associated with this project for their
assistance. Several persons have made their valuable contribution to this work.
I would also like to express my indebt ness to my friends, whose moral
support and confidence nourished me with determination to work hard leading
to making of this project work a success.
Rohit Rawat
1. Introduction 9
2. Research Methodology 27
Now a days business has become very much competitive. In this tough
competitive environment how right it is to say, When any company left their
one customer unsatisfied then there are more than ten competitors who want to
satisfy that particular customer with their offers. This show how much extent
of competition is there, So a company have to work hard to maintain and
increase their market.
Customer now demand not only the consistent quality or improved price
performance ratio but more customerisation and easy availability of more
information in the advertisement, instead of passively receiving uncalled inputs
from the advertiser in their efforts to attract customers. In the fast changing
competitive scenario it is more important to understand this new face of
customer. So marketing research is the most important part of business today.
But the extent of competition is much more in companies offering non durable
goods in comparison to other industries which offers other consumer durable
goods. The Comparative high extent of competition in these companies is due to
the number of companies. So in the coming future it is for granted that every
company in this field have to face tough competition from their competitors.
These are the day of Modern marketing Concept:
Now a days the profiles of consumers is changing very fast and it has become
more diversified Companies now work in the environment of rapidly changing
competitors, growing competition, technological advancement, diminishing
customers loyalty and fast changing taste and preferences of customers. So
company have to cooperate with this changing environment by changing their
offer to meet the wants of customer at particular time.
So there are the day of Modern marketing concept, according to which first we
have to identify the needs and wants of customers, then make the product which
satisfy these needs and wants wants and then sell product.
To identify the need and want of the customers company need information
about customers. They want to know how, when and why these needs and wants
are changing and for this they have to understand consumer behaviour
thoroughly. They have to understand why consumer behave in particular
To understand the consumer behaviour they have to find out factors effecting
their needs and wants like environment factors (Culture, Sub Culture, Social
Class, Family, Reference Group etc.), Psychological factors (Perception,
Perception, Attitude Learning, Motivation etc.) and the factors effecting in
consumer decision marking process.
Information about all these factors are gathered only by consumer surveys. So
Marketing Research is very important part of business today.
The concept of direct marketing has evolved over time. It has evolved from a
tolerated second class speciality to a fashionable tool used by virtually every
type of business in the world today.
It seems primitive today and yet in those early a solid foundation was already
being laid for direct marketing as it is today.
The direct marketing is an interactive system of marketing that uses one or more
advertising media to effect a measurable response and transaction at any
location with this activity stored on data base.
By Direct Marketing Association. Thorough understanding of definition
Measurable response:
Measurability is hallmark of direct marketing. Every thing in the field with rare
exceptions is measurable. Direct Marketers know what they spend and they
knew what they get back.
Recency (R): The amount of time since a person or firm last purchased.
Knowing the lifetime value of a customer reveals how much one can afford to
invest in a customer and still realize a satisfactory profit. Keeping tabs on
customers by recency of last purchase, by frequency of purchase within a given
period, and by amount spent enables the marketer to identify segments of the
customer base that offer the greatest profit potential.
Advantages of Direct Marketing:
The predictability of direct marketing, arising out of its measuability and the
science of statistics, is only one of the unique elements of this field, Others are
(i) Concentration
(ii) Personalization
(iii) Immediacy
Personalization: Not only one can select very specific audiences for
concentrated promotion, but one can address them in a manner that dramatizes
ones conviction that the product or service we are offering is particularly right
for each person who gets our message.
Rich De Vos and Jay Van Andels friendship actually began with a business
proposition, when Rich struck a deal with Jay for a ride to school for 25 cents a
week. After high school they entered the military, but they planned to start a
business together after separate tours of duty. A friendship formed and became a
business relationship that has lasted to this day.
Amway quickly outgrew its original facilities in the basements of Rich De VOs
and Jay Van Andels homes. In its first full year of business, Amways sales
were more than half a million dollars.
As vowed by Jay Van Andel the night of the 1969 disaster, Amway rebuilt the
aerosol plant and went on. The 70s began with sales of more than $100 million
at estimated retail, and kept going strong. After a lengthy investigation the FTC
verified that Amway is genuine business opportunity and not a pyramid.
The 80 will be remembered for the first Billion Dollar Year at estimated retail
in 1980. Building expansion at Amway World Headquarters Continued at
breakneck speed as Amway scrambled to keep pace with demand, opening its
new cosmetics plant in Ada.
1990s The Second Generation
As carefully planned by Rich and Jay, the second generation Van Andel
and De Vos families took the helm during the 90s. The Police Board was
formed and Steve Van Andel and Dick De Vos succeeded their fathers as
Chairman and President. Distributors witnessed a similar trend, with the
second generation of many distributor families taking on important
leadership roles.
Amway India Enterprises is the wholly-owned subsidiary of the US- based $7-
billion (Rs. 28,0000 corre) Amway Corporation. Amway stepped in to the world
of direct selling here in May 1998 and created huge waves. In a span of just one
and half year, it has managed to long for ahead of most other direct selling
organizations operating in the country. The company now has over 2.5 lakh
distributors and adding 25,000 30,000 every month to its list of distributors.
Of course, the product range is still not as comprehensive as it is for Amway
users in the rest of the world. In the beginning it started out with only four home
care and two personal care products. But at the moment, Amway India has 20
home care and personal care products of the total 450 products sold by the 40-
year old direct selling company in the rest of the world.
Amway is adding two three products every two months. And all its products are
manufactured in India using mostly local materials. All direct selling companies
have to source their materials from India and get the products manufactured in
small scale industries.
When Amway started out, the products were available only in one litre packs
and the prices were much higher than what on average consumer was used to.
Hence the company came up with 500ml packs and also sachets. Now Amway
products like Dish Drops (a concentrate dish washing Liquid) and Zoom
Concentrate (a multipurpose hard surface cleaner) are available in 500ml packs
as will. Prices for Amway products range between Rs. 5 and Rs. 450.
If the Distributor elect to follow always Suggested MRP, then the retail profit
will average 15% of the Distributor Cost (DC) before tax, or more depending on
the products distributor promotes
Distributor Cost = Business Volume
Before Tax
Quite simply, that means that the total PV (Point Value) accumulated by the
distributor as well as their Business Group determines Performance Incentive
Performance Incentives:
Till recently, the company had eleven home-care products five products in the
personal-care category and four oral care products. Amway products are
considered more expensive than similar products available through the retail
route, but still sales are forever on high because of 100 per cent concentration
which makes them last must longer than competing products. One factor which
enhances the companys is that all Amway products are environment friendly.
They also carry tamper proof seal. Amway is equipped with the most advanced
machinery and world-class technology for production and packaging.
Features and Benefits: It cuts through greasy dirt, including cooking oil,
fingerprints, crayon, lipstick, removes spots on all washable surfaces.
Amway India Enterprise is spreading its wings, whose span is growing by the
day. What helped Amway is the fact that the virgin market is still being tapped.
According to estimates, India is worth Rs. 520 crore. The direct selling industry
in India registered a whopping 62 percent growth in year 1999.
The research was more of descriptive type as the Researcher was the study the
different aspects of consumer behaviour and the various influences affection it
and which factors affect their post purchase behaviour. The research also
comprise of a distributors which reflect the main aspects of delivery system of
Amway. The main objectives of the study are:
* To find out the percentage of consumers and distributors that lies between
different income-group and age-group.
* To study what consumers perceive about the delivery system and quality
of the products.
* To study what sort of problems consumers are facing whit Amway and
whether they are satisfied after complaint.
* To study how distributors feel about the Direct Distribution method and
about Amway products.
* To study the satisfaction level of distributors in terms of co-operation of
other distributors as well as incentive scheme for distributors as given by
the company.
* To study what success customers and distributors for see for Amway
delivery system.
The research design of any empirical study plays a very important role for its
usefulness. A clear and understanding of the nature and gravity of the problem is
a must for the research to formulate an accurate research design for the study.
If some error creeps in the research design itself, the findings will result into
erratic ones and the purpose for the study will be forfeited. Hence, it is of
atmost importance to take every care to formulate and accurate and appropriate
research design.
Data Collection:
For collecting the primary data distributors and customers were personally
interviewed. For both customer survey and distributors survey the random
sampling method was adopted.
Internet, Newspaper, Magazines, etc.
Consumer Behaviour:
Market Segmentation:
Marketing Strategy:
Consumer Durable Goods
These goods have a durable (ling) life and are generally brought out of savings.
The purchases of such products is influenced by:
Pricing is only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue: the other
element represent costs. Pricing is considered as very critical decision in
marketing. Appropriate pricing policy and strategies are the only tools for
achieving success in the market, particularly a market loaded with rivals. In
addition to the above factor that should be considered while taking the decision
about the price of a product.
Physical Distribution:
Promotions the process of marketing communication involving
information. Presuation and influence. Promotion is responsible for
awakening and stimulating consumer demand for the product. The
marketing promotion mix consists of four major tools namely advertising,
sales promotion, publicity and personal selling.
Sales Promotion:
Arguably sales promotion is the important marketing tool in the use today:
firstly, because promotional activities, especially price-cutting, have a direct and
considerable effect on the fortunes (literally) of most mass marketing and mass
retailing companies, secondly, because money spent on sales promotion, as far
as they can be estimated, are greater than the expenditure on any other
marketing information. This is the short term incentive to encourage purchase or
sale of a product or service.
Personal Selling:
Publicity is still another medium of communication through which a company
appraises its target consumers of the product / idea. It has been defined as non
personal stimulations of demand for a product, service or business unit by
planting commercially significantly news about it in a published medium or
obtaining favourbale presentation of it on radio & television. Publicity as a
medium of communication is often used by companies on account of its
effectiveness in transmitting the desired message, generating sales, and
achieving other objectives.
Marketing Share:
Study of market share can be a most effective aid to management diagnosis, but
only when properly evaluated and discriminately applied.
Market share measurement plays a crucial role in revealing the success or
failure of business because it enables the management to find out how buyers
have reacted to whole complex of actions taken by all firms in an industry.
We can classify market share strategies into three rather broad groups:
Due to intense competition prevailing in the markets, the need for marketing
research arises. It helps corporation to understand, investigate, analyse and
interpret the market conditions. Marketing research is very important in
developing marketing strategies.
Forecasting Techniques:
The most common in the area of the quantitative forecasting is the time series
model. Two factors are important in a time series model. The series we want to
forecast and the period of time.
Trend Projection:
Time series analysis relating to sales represents the past pattern of effective
demand for a particular product. The most popular method of analysis of time
series is Trend Projection. Under this method forecasting may be made be three
various method, viz., graphical method, Moving Average method and Least
Square method.
Role of the marketing function and its place in the overall organization has been
changing overtime. From a situation where marketing was treated as a selling
arm of the factory, if has come a full circle where marketing dictates what is to
produced. With the passage of time, not only has the organization of the
marketing activity undergone many changes but its growing importance has
influenced the entire concept of viewing a business. More and firms are now
adopting the marketing orientation. i.e. the customer and his needs form the
nucleus of all the activities of the firm. All the activities and tasks are organized
around the custo12mer. The firm with marketing orientation has com into being
after passing through many distinct phases.
Customer Survey:
While noting the responses of respondents due care has been taken to avoid the
questions which are not concerned with that particular respondent.
Area Covered: Area covered was confined only to Haryana.
Number of Customers Surveyed: 100
After the analysis of the data collected following results has been obtained.
The consumers can be classified as below according to variables as Age,
Occupation and Income group.
1) Classification According to Age
15-25 42%
36-45 16%
Above 45 10%
2) Classification According to Occupation
Students 32%
Servicemen 8%
Farmers 22%
Shopkeepers 10%
Housewives 26%
3) Classification According to Income Group
5000-15,000 50%
15,000-25,000 10%
Above 25,000 6%
Always 44%
Sometimes 56%
Never 0%
All the hundred customers surveyed are aware about AMWAY products out of
which 56 % use these products sometimes and 44 % always use these products.
2) Source of Awareness
Source Percentage of
Friends 28 %
Parents 09 %
Children 12 %
Distributors 46 %
Any other 05 %
Parents 7%
Yourself 23%
Distributors 39%
Friends 9%
Medium size of the products is mostly preferred by the customers where as very
small size is very less prefered by the customers.
8) Problems Faced by Customers
Response Percentage of
Satisfactory 45%
Neutral 17%
Unsatisfactory 6%
Response Percentage of
Convinent 22%
Response Percentage of
Always 36%
Sometimes 43%
Never 21%
13) Factors Effecting Repurchase Decision
Perception Percentage of
Will Be successful (A) 44%
Will not be successful (B) 20%
Not sure (C) 36%
Perception No. 2)
of Percentage of
Respondents Respondents
Very Convinent 7 14%
Convinent 14 28%
Difficult 29 58%
2) Influence of Customers While Purchasing
Always 32 64%
Sometimes 18 36%
d) Any other 2 4%
* The main source of supply according to the survey is through other
distributors, as 54% of respondent favoured it and 32% favoured that they
get supply from headquarters directly through personal contact Mailing
procedure is only preferred by only 10% of distributors.
Satisfactory 23 46%
Unsatisfactory 9 18%
7) Method of Handling the Complaints
Satisfactory 16 32%
Neutral 12 24%
Unsatisfactory 10 20%
* The satisfaction level of distributors regarding incentive scheme is
considered as satisfactory by most of the respondents.
Any other 2 4%
Cash discount policy is comparatively favourable to distributors as
compared to other financial policies.
12) Response about Success in Future
Respondents Respondents
The success of any organisation depends mainly how will it can forecast the
environmental changes. The growth of the company is subject to the
managements efficiency in coping with the environmental changes. The
variables operating in environment are economical, social, technological,
potitical and legal factors. These variables are not static. Instead, they are
dynamic. The variables will be changing with the passage of time. These
changes will effect the operations of the organisation. These effects, in turn, will
affect the companys growth and success. Therefore, companies should have
enough capacity to forecast, predict and mange these changes.
Actually, the changes in the environment will bring both opportunities and
threats to the organisation. Every time, both threats and opportunities will not
arrive ate once. Sometimes, threats will come, and in sometimes, opportunities
will come. Threats will directly affect the running of the organisation. But
opportunities cannot be observed directly. It depends on the companys ability
to predict opportunities, and converting them into profitable activities. Then
only, the company can grow and attain the desired objectives. Therefore, the
company should have enough innovative qualities.
Opportunities will not arose from the change in the market alone. Sometimes,
the changes in the Government policies will also bring opportunities.
Regarding the financial position of the company, it is very much safe and
backed by huge resources. The turnover of the company is increasing at a rapid
rare. It has a good credit worthiness in the money market. Thus, the company is
also maintaining a good hold on financial activities, which inturn is helping for
the progress of the company. Regarding the product, the company is offering its
product in wide range and still increasing the range with time.
The following conclusions emerged from the survey discussed in the preceding
It is very clear that the sale of Amway products is very good in the
surveyed area. It is the fact that Amway brand name has good impression
on the people.
Awareness level regarding Amway products is high and the major sources
of awareness are distributors and friends.
Most preferable size of the products is medium size which the customer
finds economical.
Most of the distributors are satisfied with the incentive scheme (i.e. cash
discount system) adopted by company.
The customers are made aware about the new products through public
meetings and by personal contact.
Sales promotion techniques such as free gifts, seasonal discounts & gift
The company should adopt various size packing instead of only three
the price.
The after sales service should be given much attention and care must be
Lastly, the researcher hopes that the above mentioned recommendations would
Business Today
Marketing Management
by Philip Kotler.
Principles of Marketing
Statistical Methods
by S.P. Gupta
Research Methodology
By Kotharia
Age :
Sex :
Occupation :
Income Group :
Q.1 Are you aware about AMWAY products: (i) Yes (ii) No
If yes do you use these Products?
(i) Always (ii) Sometimes (iii) Never
Q.2 No advertising media are used by AMWAY, so how you came to know
about AMWAY products?
(i) Friends (ii) Parents (iii) Children
(iv) Distributors (v) Any other
Q.3 What is your response after use of AMWAY product as compared to other
related products, whether you found products.
(i) Of very Superior Quality (iii) Equally Good
(ii) of superior Quality (iv) Below average Quality
Q.4 Your final decision of purchase is infuenced by
(i) Parents (iv) Friends
(ii) Yourself (v) Other customers
(iii) Distributors
Q.5 How do you find AMWAY product packaging?
(i) User friendly (iv) Not user friendly
Q.6 Which of the following is the main reason for your purchase of this
brand? (Please give Ranking)
(i) Product Quality (iv) Availability
(ii) Brand Name (v) Packaging
(ii) Price of Products
Q.7 What size of the products is most prefered by you while making a purchase?
(i) Pouches (very small size) (iv) I litre (Large size)
(ii) 500ml (medium size)
Q.8 What sort of problems you face with AMWAY products? (Please give
(i) Very High Price (iv) Limited Range of Quantity
(ii) Quality of Products (v) Replacement Services
(iii) Lesser Availability (vi) No Unsatisfactory
Q.9 Have you ever tried to convey you problem to the distributors or company?
(i) Always (ii) Sometimes (iii) Never
Q.10 What is the response of distributors and company towards the problems
faced by the customers?
(i) Very Satisfactory (ii) Neutral
(iii) Satisfactory (iv) Unsatisfactory
Q11. How do you feel about the marketing system of AMWAY as compared to
retailing and other traditional methods of marketing?
(i) Very convinent (iii) Equally Convient
(ii) Convinent (iv) Difficult
Q.12 Are you frequently made aware about new launches of products by
AMWAY distributors?
(i) Always (ii) Sometimes (iii) Never
Q.13 What factor of products effects your repurchase decision?
(i) On time delivery (iv) Time taken to close the complaint
(ii) Quality of Products (v) Adequate quantity
(iii) After sales services
Q.14 What success do you for see as an AMWAY customer for delivery
(i) Will Be successful (iii) Not sure
(ii) Will not successful
Q.15 If your opinion what is major draw back (if any) of AMWAY delivery
Q.16 Is there any specific suggestions for the improvement of delivery system
of Amway Enterprise?
Thank You
Age :
Sex :
Occupation :
Income Group :
Q.1 For how long have in Direct Marketing business with AMWAY?
(i) Day/s
(ii) Month/s
(iii) Year/s
Q.2 How many distributors do you have under you?
(i) Upto 10 (iii) 20 to 50
(ii) 10 to 20 (iv) others
Q.3 Are you satisfied with the co-operation of other distributors?
(i) Yes (ii) No
Q.4 How do you feel about Direct Distribution method adopted by AMWAY
(i) Very Convinent (iii) Difficult
(ii) Convinent
Q.5 What influences the customers more while making the purchase of
products? (Please give ranking)
(i) Price of product (iv) Personal convincing of distributor
(ii) Quality of product (v) Replacement Services
(iii) Brand image (vi) Time taken to close the complaint
Q.6 As no adverting media are used by AMWAY, So how you make your
customer aware about new products?
(i) Through personal contact (iv) By conducting seminars
(ii) Through public meetings (v) Through Exhibitions
(iii) Through trade fares
Q.7 In case of peak demand of products whether you are able to get the
product with full supply from the company?
(i) Always (ii) Sometimes (iii) Never
Q.8 As there are very few headquaters of AMWAY Enterprise still after
establishment of one and half years then how the distributors get their
supply of products?
(i) Through other distributors only
(ii) Through personal contact with the headquater
(iii) Through mailing procedure
(iv) Any other
Q.9 What is your response towards supply of products by AMWAY?
(i) Very Satisfactory (iii) Unsatisfactory
(ii) Satisfactory
Q.10 In case of any complaint by a customers how do you handle the problem?
(i) Replacement at your own level
(ii) Convey to company about complaint
(iii) Personal assurance about quality
Q11 What is the minimum time taken by you and company to close a
particular complaint?
(i) One week (ii) One month
(iii) Fifteen days (iv) More than one month
Q.12 What do you say about the incentive scheme for distributors as given by
the company?
(i) Very Satisfactory (ii) Neutral
(iii) Satisfactory (iv) Unsatisfactory
Q.13 What are your expectations from the company in financial deal?
(i) To a great extent (ii) Not effected
(iii) To some extent
Q.14 What are your expectations from the company in financial deal?
(i) Cash discount (ii) Advance payment
(iii) Credit allowances (iv) Any other
Q.15 What success do you see as AMWAY distributor for AMWAY delivery
(i) Will be successful (ii) Not sure
(iii) Will not be successful
Q.16 Would you like to give some suggestions about the distribution network
Thank you