Bag-Ong Lamdag
Bag-Ong Lamdag
Bag-Ong Lamdag
see on page 2
Volume 10 Number 2 | October 1-30, 2017
We, a group of Muslims and Christians communities with a renewed vision of Mindanao as our
and members of civil society from shared homeland.
Mindanao, have answered the invitation 6. We appeal to our legislators and government officials
of the SantEgidio Community to come to prioritize and expedite the passage of the proposed
together in Rome to dialogue on peace in Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL). This has been delayed
Mindanao. We were graced by the active presence of His Eminence since the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on
Orlando B. Cardinal Quevedo, O.M.I., Archbishop of Cotabato, and the Bangsamoro (CAB) in March 2014. An approved BBL
of His Excellency, Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim, Chairman of the Moro should provide a positive alternative to violent extremism.
Islamic Liberation Front. They had attended the International 7. We fully endorse the call of Duyog Marawi (Accompany
meeting on Paths of Peace, organized in Munster-Osnabruck, Marawi), spearheaded by the Prelature of St. Mary in
Germany, by SantEgidio Community. Marawi together with local government units and civil
Our hearts cry for peace. We felt the sufferings of the society organizations. The united efforts of volunteers of
displaced people of Marawi and the whole region, particularly the different faiths are the best example of working and living
ongoing ordeal of innocent hostages inside the city. We experienced together in peace and solidarity.
helplessness as well as righteous indignation while the weapons of As religious leaders and representatives of civil society we
destruction daily increase the death toll of combatants and civilians. commit ourselves to this declaration.
Marawi dramatizes for us three interconnected challenges We express our profound gratitude to the Community of
to peace in Mindanao: violent extremism and terrorism; the SantEgidio for initiating this informal dialogue on the peace
uncertainties of the implementation of the political peace process; process in Mindanao and we ask the same Community to carry on
and the crucial role of religious leaders and communities in the this conversation with all those who seek peace.
rebuilding and development of Marawi. May the Compassion and Mercy of Almighty God, that we are
In this light, we make the following declarations: asked to share with others, be our light and hope in these moments
1. The conflict in Marawi is not a religious war; it is a of crisis.
war against terrorism and violent extremism. The Rome, SantEgidio, 15th September 2017
many stories of mutual assistance between Muslims and
Christians attest to the rejection of this evil. These stories of Signed:
solidarity likewise attest to the Filipinos sense of sharing
a common humanity with anyone in need, regardless of
creed or community. H.E.. Most Rev. Antonio Ledesma, SJ
Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao, Philippines
2. Islam and Christianity are religions of peace. We call for
the inclusion of peace education at all levels in our schools,
madaris and communities. We need to build a Culture H.E.. Most Rev. Edwin de la Pea
of Peace based on personal integrity, respect for human Bishop Prelate of Marawi, Lanao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines
rights, inter-cultural dialogue, care for the environment,
peaceful coexistence and eradication of poverty. We recall
the words of Andrea Riccardi, founder of SantEgidio that
Ms. Mona Liza Pangan
Witness from Marawi, Lanao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines
war is the mother of all poverty.
3. Inter-faith and intra-faith dialogue should be promoted as
a means of understanding and appreciating other cultures H.E.. Dr. Said Zamahsari Salendab
and religions and enhancing cooperation. This dialogue Secretary General of the Hayatul Ulama in Mindanao, Philippines
must move from the highest level to the grassroots levels
of society. Dialogue starts with self-examination to remove
biases and prejudices.
Dr. Ustadz Abdulmuhmin Mujahid
Executive Director of the Regional Darul Ifta-ARMM, Mindanao,
4. We welcome the current efforts at writing a more inclusive Philippines
history of Mindanao that explores the root causes of
conflict and depicts significant events and personalities
from Muslim and indigenous people communities. Dr. Mauro Garofalo
Head of International Relations, Community of SantEgidio
5. We commit ourselves to reach out to our youth, who will
be the future leaders of our Mindanao communities. Prof. Alberto Quattruci
They have so much to contribute towards building our Secretary General of Peoples and Religions, Community of SantEgidio
Abp. Ledesma with Fr. Chito Suganob, Fr. Cornelio Jaranilla, OCD and DC Sisters at Camp Informal Peace talks delegation outside the Secretariat of State Office, Vatican City
Archdiocesan News LAMDAG
October 1-30, 2017
Abp. Ledesma, Ms. Anne Denuyo, Fr. Guinit, Mayor Rey Buhisan, barangay officials, and Hapag-asa volunteers
The mission of Hapag-Asa Rev. Fr. Julius Guinit, SSJV served provided to the parents in partnership ACTIONS TAKEN
Integrated Nutrition Program is not as a bridging mechanism for local with government, non-government Hiring of Hapag-Asa Parish-LGU-
only to feed the mind and soul of government involvement to reach the organizations and other stakeholders. Coordinator (Allan Claves Monitoring
malnourished children, but also areas needing proper coordination & Evaluation Learning Officer) who will
to help build their future through and collaboration with municipal San Roque Parish, served as host work under the office of MNAO
constructed activities that will further and barangay officials. The program venue for the trainings as well as the a) Delivery of Manna Packs
their mental, emotional, physiological, used its form 3A in procuring the accommodation of the speaker and (Food Supplement) to the 25
social, and spiritual development. The requisite childs profile, identified and the team from the Health Ministry. The barangays every month:
implementation of Hapag-Asa in San evaluated 987 malnourished children barangay council and chapel leaders b) Monitor the feeding
Roque Parish of Magsaysay, Misamis from the age of 6 months to 12 years provided their counterpart support for implementation;
Oriental was patterned after Ugnayan old. Coming from 25 barangays the travel expenses of their Hapag- c) Gathering of learning
ng Barangay at Simbahan (UBAS) and 26 elementary schools, the first Asa participants. And the Magsaysay experiences and template
where Church people, municipal and batch of the children were fed for six- Local Government shouldered the action taken as applied
barangay officials, principals and months. The monthly honorarium of snacks and lunch for the said activity strategies in the successful
teachers, as well as parents of children- PhP 300.00 was increased for each as well as the fuel for transportation implementation of the program;
beneficiaries and volunteer-parents of the Barangay Nutrition Scholars back to Cagayan de Oro City. d) Initiate activities such as
involve themselves cooperatively. (BNS) granted by the municipal monthly and quarterly
It was a perspiring adventure government. This is a noteworthy Prime Movers and Implementing meetings, and evaluation to
as we launched the program in all component of the program which Partners assess and implement solution
barangays. It was a tedious journey ensures that the BNS will continue e) Coordinate with the ACDO
since we had to cross the river to with the program. It was agreed The BNS are in-charge of the Health Ministry in furtherance
reach the barangay on foot because during the joint meeting of the school daily feeding routine implementation of the program implementation
four-wheel drives or a motorcycle principals, the mayor and the parish in cooperation with the parents of and confide with the Mayor
cannot pass through access roads. priest that the BNS should coordinate the children-beneficiaries, parent- of matters pertaining to the
A municipality-owned-tractor even with the school feeding coordinators volunteers, school heads and program in coordination with
rescued us one time when the service to avoid duplication of the program. teachers, chapel leaders and barangay the MNAO.
truck got stuck in the muddy and uphill Honorable Mayor Rey Buhisan gave captains. We call them Hapag- f) Celebrated a thanksgiving
road. We decided to hike to their his full support. Asa Community Coordinators. Mass and Culminating Activity
destination so as to launch the program The Hapag-Asa coordinators will last April 6, 2016 to inform the
and meet the would-be parents and Sustainability of the Program monitor the nutritional status of the people of Magsaysay about
children beneficiaries. children (Form 5A) every month for the partnership of the LGU and
One of the areas is in the mountain Parents Education Training of six months, that is, they check the of the ACDO in the program
ranges between Agusan Del Norte Trainers were participated by 56 height and weight of every child to
and Misamis Oriental. The people selective Hapag-Asa parents and evaluate their progress. There were Today, Hapag- Asa Integrated
were overwhelmed to see us visit their volunteers, chapel leaders, school 987 malnourished children in the first Nutrition Program, San Roque Parish is
place. Wala jud me mag dahum nga teachers and all BNS. The Hapag- batch, and 1,202 children in the second on its third batch of feeding program
moanhi mo diri maam (We didnt really Asas friendly instructional tool batch. Evaluation results show that the aiming to:
expect you will visit us, maam), said Mr. intended to be used by volunteer high prevalence rate of malnutrition develop the culture of sharing
Juanito T. Duran, Barangay Captain leaders and facilitators in conducting in Magsaysay was reduced by more and loving among children,
of Barangay Tinaan. They never the parent classes can help the than 200 malnourished children. families and communities
expected a team of pastoral workers parents become more nurturing as demonstrated in the
from the Archdiocese of Cagayan de and loving. The knowledge they Challenges and Shortcomings: multiplication of loaves and
Oro to visit them, give support to the gained from the sessions inputs, 1. Discrepancies on the monthly fish, (Mt. 14:13-12)
community, and give attention to the multifaceted stories and experiences report of the progress of the Reduce malnutrition prevalence
living conditions of their children and on parenting can be shared by the children-beneficiaries according rate among children 0 up to 12
respective families. parents. These learnings are worthy to weight and height because of years old, and
to be appreciated. different substandard weighing Improve the capacity of parents
The Beginning of Hapag - Asa devices ; to care for and provide the
Skills Training and Livelihood 2. Some BNS are too slow in basic needs of their children.
Gods providence for the program include: Mushroom Production submitting reports; some are old The Health Ministry of the
was shown when the Department Training and Transfer of Technology; and/or lack sufficient training; Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro
of Science and Technology (DOST- Foot-Reflex Therapy; Uses and 3. Inactive mothers of children- which oversees the management
Province of Mis. Or.) approached us for Production of Coconut Water; Urban beneficiaries also resulted to and implementation of Hapag-Asa
a partnership with the Health Ministry Container Gardening; Herbal Making failure in conducting the Parents program would like to thank the full
of the Archdiocese of Cagayan de and process of Smoked Fish (in Education Classes support given by Archbishop Antonio
Oro as regards its grants to fund partnership with DOST). These have 4. Schedules of Training-Seminars J. Ledesma SJ DD, Rev Fr Julius Guinit,
appropriate projects. The joint visit been conducted by some Hapag- were long making it difficult for SSJV., Hon Mayor Rey Buhisan, the
paved the way for Hapag-Asa to be Asa parents and volunteers to the mothers to leave their children; council, the MNAO, the MELO, the BNS,
introduced to the local government of Hapag-Asa community in Magsaysay, there was less support from the the Barangay Official, Chapel Leaders,
Magsaysay. Thus, the act of courtesy Misamis Oriental as livelihood chapel leaders. the parents and the volunteers.
rendered by Hapag-Asa ACDO and opportunities. Some skills training are
October 1-30, 2017
The Feast of St. Peter Julian was presided by Fr. Muriel Uy, SSS and
Eymard, Apostle of the Eucharist and assisted by Fr. Froilan A. Briones, SSS
Patron Saint, was celebrated with a and Fr. Clifford Barrios, SSS.
First Religious Profession 2nd Family Day on August 5, 2017 at After the Mass, the program proper
Sr. Rubylyn Moralla Cabasa, UMSH and Sr. Jenelyn Lu-ar Fernandez, UMSH
September 8, 2017, 10:00 A.M. the Santuario Eucaristico. followed at the back of the shrine. It was
Immaculate Conception Parish, Bulua Cagayan de Oro City. Eymards Family Day was formally started with an opening prayer
designed to achieve the St. Peter by Fr. Barrios followed by the welcome
Julian Eymards desire that everyone remarks of the new PEL Coordinator, Ms.
become a people of prayer, a Cecile M. Kionisala. A short talk about St.
people who have a good and strong Peter Julian Eymard and PEL was given
relationship with God, a community by Fr. Uy. The rest of the program was
and parish that is in total communion full of presentations, games and raffles,
with God. This is because communion and acknowledging the August birthday
as a family and as a community is a celebrants. The closing remarks was
reflection of the Kingdom of God. given by Fr. Uy and closing prayer by Fr.
This year, the novena masses Briones concluded the celebration.
started on August 2 in the evening.
On the 5th of August, there was In St. Peter Julian Eymards words,
a whole-day celebration starting The Eucharist is the supreme proof
with a Eucharist and installation of of the love of Jesus and in this years
the new Parish Eucharistic League fiesta, we celebrate love and gave thanks
First Religious Profession (PEL) officers at 8:00 AM with to God for the gift of communion as a big
Sr. Junelyn L. Indoc, Sr. Julerose Sotomayaor, Sr. Rudina Bebillo
August 23, 2017 parishioners, PEL members who Eymard family.
San Antonio de Padua Parish, Nazareth Cagayan de Oro City. are Eucharistic Adorers. The mass
October 1-30, 2017
Mateo 25:14-30/Juan 6:1-14
Nakadaug ka na ba? Singko Dos
Uno. Miasenso ka na ba? Singko Dos
Uno. Malipayon ka na ba? Singko Dos
Uno. Nakapanghatag ka na ba? Singko
Dos Uno. Namahin ka na ba? Singko GITAWAG KITA SA PAGHIMO
Dos Uno. Makalangit ka na kaha? Singko PAGPAMALANDONG SA KINABUHI NI KRISTO
Dos Uno. Masantos ka na kaha? Singko TUNGOD SA GUGMA MIBUOT NGA MAHIMONG TAWO.
Dos Uno. Daghan na ba imong higala?
Singko Dos Uno. Makakaon ka na bag nagpasakit ug nagpakamatay
lami? Singko Dos Uno. Nasapian ka na ba? Singko Dos Uno. Nakapakaon ka na ba? aron ang kalibutan malipay
Singko Dos Uno. Nakapabalay ka na ba? Singko Dos Uno. kay sa kamatayong dayon nakalikay
Ayaw kalimot sa SINGKO DOS UNO. Mas maayo pa gani nga ato kining i-maintain
aron dili gyud nato malimtan. Mao kining mga numeroha nga angay gyud natong
aron makauban sa Dios kanunay.
hinumdoman sa kanunay aron maangkon nato ang atong kaluwasan. Kaluwasan gyud? MATAG MAGTOTOO SA PAG-AMPO GIPANAWAGAN
Syempreeh! Ahahahahahah! Makahatud gyud kanato kini sa usa ka malipayon nga KAY PARA KINI SA KALINAW SA KALIBUTAN
kinabuhi alang kanatong tanan. Mao kining mga numeroha nga gihatag kanato sa Dios
aron atong IPATIGAYON. Pwedi pud atong i-rumble. Basta ayaw lang gyud kalimot sa
Singko Dos Uno/Lima Duha Usa/five two one/521. Isilsil ta kini sa atong alimpatakan ROSARYO ANG MAAYONG HINAGIBAN.
ug iukit ta kini sa atong kasingkasing. Iukit gyud hah? Isilsil gyud hah? Seryos kah? Dili! kini kaayo mahinungdanon
Ikaw? Seryos! kay ang ikagatusan ka tuig nga pagpakita sa birhen saulogon
Ayaw kalimti ang SINGKO ka libo ka pisos, ang DOS ka libo ka pisos ug ang UNO
ka libo ka pisos nga gihatag sa maong tawo sa iyang mga sulugoon aron IPATIGAYON. ang tawag sa matag katoliko nga magmahinulsulon
Ang SINGKO nakaganansya og SINGKO. Ang DOS nakaganansya og DOS. Ug ang ang mga buhat nga dautan undangon.
UNO ka libo ayaw ilubong aron atong mapatigayon ug makaganansya usab. Ayaw usab KAY KON SA PAGPAKASALA ANG NASOD MAGPADAYON
kalimot sa SINGKO DOS nga gikan sa UNO ka bata nga gibahinbahin sa Ginoo ang iyang
lima ka pan ug duha ka isda nga nakapakaon sa daghang tawo nga nasobrahan pag
napulog duha ka bukag. Kini nagpahinumdom kanato nga dili lang kita maghunahuna SA GYERA UG KALAMIDAD ANG KALIBUTAN KASTIGOHON
alang sa kaugalingon nga katagbawan apan ang katagbawan sa matag usa. Kon buot BUSA ATONG LIKAYAN NGA MAHITABO KINI IGSOON.
nato hunahunaon ang lima ka pan ug duha ka isda igo na gyud kaayo alang sa USA ka
maghimo kita sa mga penitensya
bata ug sobra pa siguro kini alang kaniya apan ang USA ka bata gihimo sa Dios nga
panig-ingnan sa USA ka katilingban nga nagbahin-bahin sa grasya sa Dios. Kompleto ang lawas sakiton ta
na! Singko Dos Uno! Bagduki na! Zeerriyuzzzzz!? di nato siya uyonan sa iyang mga gana
Alang kanako kon moingon gani tag IPATIGAYON nagpasabot kini nga aron ang dakong katalagman malikayan pa.
PADAGHANON ug IHATAG. Ipadaghan ta ang atong kwarta ug ipanghatag ta kini sa
mga mas-nanginahanglan. Nabuang na ba ko? Magpadaghan ko sa akong sapi aron DILI NATO HULATON ANG KATALAGMAN
ipanghatag? Sakto ba ko? Tabangi daw ko sa pagpamalandong sa pulong IPATIGAYON. AYHA PA TA MOBIYA SA KADAUTAN
Kon sakto man ugaling ang akong pagsabot, nan mas maayo siguro nga mangita tag KAY NIANA DILI NA KITA KATABANGAN
paagi aron modaghan pa ang atong sapi. Og isa sa paagi nga pagpadaghan sa kwarta
mao ang pagnegosyo. Magnegosyo kita aron makatabang alang sa kaluwasan sa tanan. ANG KALAG ATONG KALOY-AN.
Magnegosyo alang sa kadaugan, kalipayan ug kalambuan sa tanan. Magnegosyo alang ang usa ka anak gayod magmalipayon
og tubag sa panginahanglanon sa tanan. Magnegosyo aron masapian ug moasenso kon ang iyang inahan imong panggaon
ang tanan. Magnegosyo alang sa pagmugna sa Gingharian sa Dios. Seryuuuuus!
Nakapamalandong ako nga duha sa mga butang nga gihatag sa Dios kanato aron
ang Ginoong be Jesus mao gyod iyang bation
IPATIGAYON mao ang KWARTA ug PAGKAON. Ang gihatag nga lima ka libo ka pisos kon ang iyang inahan imong mahalon.
ug lima ka pan. Ang gihatag nga duha ka libo ka pisos ug duha ka isda. Pinaagi niini AYAW PAGPAGARBO
nakaamgo ako nga kon moambit diay kita sa buhat sa Dios sa kaluwasan ato diayng
pangitaan ug pamaagi usahon nato nga makakawarta kita aron makakaon kita. KITA.
Dili lang AKO. Dili lang IKAW. Dili lang SILA. Dili lang KAMO. Apan KITA. KITANG TANAN! UNSANG KLASI KA NGA MAGTOO
Mangita KITAg paagi nga makakwarta KITA dili tong mangayo lang KITAg kwarta. GANAHAN MOPASAKIT SA INAHAN NI KRISTO.
Mangita KITAg paagi nga makakaon KITA dili tong mangayo lang KITAg pagkaon. Dili mahal kaayo sa Ginoong Jesus ang iyang inahan
tong magsalig lang KITA sa amot, halad, donasyon ug tabang sa laing tawo. Dili ba ang
tinuod nga Kristiyano mao tong gapanghatag dili gapangayo lamang? Ang pagpangayo ang walay pagtahud magdala gayod sa imong kasakitan
og tabang gikan sa Dios alang unta kini labaw sa tanan nga makatabang KITA. Nga unta busa usba na ang imong batasan
ang TANAN makatrabaho! Nga unta ang TANAN makapatigayon! Nga unta ang TANAN ipakita nga may gugma ka sa Dios sa kagahuman.
makapanghatag! Seryozzzzz!?
Nakahunahuna ako nga ang kwarta ug kaluwasan kinahanglan mag-uban.Kon
gusto kitag kaluwasan gusto usab kitag kwarta. Kon mangita kita sa Dios kinahanglan ANG DIOS LAMANG SA KAMATUORAN
usab mangita kitag kwarta. Apan hinumdomi lang sa kanunay nga ang Dios labaw AYAW ANG TAWO BISAN PA SA IYANG KABANTUGAN
gyud sa kwarta. Bahalag unsahon pa dili gyud kita malipay pag-ayo kon wala kitay
kwarta. Hunahunaa daw ang silebrasyon kon walay handa.Mingaw!Minghoy ang
kinabuhi kon walay sapi. Mas-musamot pa ang problema sa tawo kon wala siyay sapi. hinoon angay kang magmalipayon
Dili dautan ang kwarta. Ang dautan kon ato kining gamiton sa sayop nga pamaagi. Dili kon sa kalibutan ikaw lutoson
ta makapangalagad og tarong kon kulang ang budget. Unsahon man nato pagpakaon tungod sa Ebanghelyo ikaw maisogon
sa mga gigutom kon wala kitay pondo? Lisud man kon pulos pulong na lang sa Dios
ang atong ipakaon kanila. Malisud pagsangyaw sa tawong gutom.Unsahon man nato di mahadlok bisan ang kamatayon.
pagtabang sa mga kabus sa husto nga pamaagi ug sibo gyud sa ilang panginahanglan
kon wala kitay kwarta.Dili nato mapatambalan ang masakiton kon wala kitay ikagasto.
Lisud sabton nga moingon ako nga OK lang nga wala koy kwarta basta naa koy Dios.
Ok lang ba usab nga anaa ang imong mga mahal sa kinabuhi apan wala moy kwarta?
Dili ba kulang lang ang talento, panahon ug presensiya nga ikahatag kon walay kwarta?
Alang kanako gusto sa Dios nga gawas nga anaa Siya anaa usab kitay kwarta mao
nga iya tang gihatagan og puhunan aron kita makapatigayon. Lisud man nga sige lang
kita ug ampo alang sa mga mas-nanginahanglan unya wala kitay ikahatag kanila. Mao
bitaw nga sige pud tag ampo aron tabangan ta sa Ginoo nga makakwarta. Tinuod
Editorial Consultant Managing Editor
nang kinahanglang makontento kita kon unsay anaa kanato basta lang nga aduna gyuy
ato kay lisud nang wala. Dili ba ang kwarta nga gihatag sa Dios maoy tubag sa atong Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, DD Sr. Teresita Espina, FSP
panginahanglanon? Siryooooos!? Writers
Makwartahan unta kitang tanan ug dili lang sa pipila. Dili ba pagpatigayon ug
pagbahin-bahin gani ang gusto sa Dios? Nganong ikaw ra may adunay balay? Nganong
FR. Fermin Tan, Jr., SSJV Fr. Rufino Cabatingan, SSJV
ikaw ra may adunay sakyanan? Nganong ikaw ra may adunay yuta? Nganong ikaw
Sr. Estela Infante, RA Allan P. Claves
ra may adunay lamiang pagkaon? Nganong ikaw ra may makaadto sa laing nasud? Dr. Benie Sy Ann Pielago
Nganong ikaw ra may sapian? Hala ka! Basing bya nga atong gigamit ang kabus ug ang Kent Philip Eduave Maristela Camaddo
relihiyon aron kita makwartahan ug unya sila wala? Ayaw pag-ingon ana beeyh! Bad Luz Antiza Denuyo Nona Siojo
man na beeyh! Sa relihiyon adunay kwarta apan dili lang unta sa pagpangayo apan sa Santuario Eucaristico News
pagpatigayon ug sa pagbahin-bahin. Siriiiiiyos!?
Makaganansya ka lage! Kwentaha daw! Singko+Dos=Siyete. Lima+Duha=Pito. Lay-out and Graphic Design Marketing & Circulation
Association of Pauline Cooperators
5+2=7. Five+Two= Seven. Siyete= hingpit nga numero. Pito= balaan nga numero sa Banny E. Briones
Dios. 7= kompleto nga numero. Seven= a perfect number. Kon magpatigayon lang KITA
Grace Fernan
sa gihatag sa Dios nga puhunan maangkon gyud nato ang UNO/USA ka kadaugan, Bag-ong Lamdag is a newsletter published monthly by the Social Communications Apostolate of the
Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro, whose aim is to link the various parishes, ministries, and apostolates within
kahingpitan ug ang walay katapusang kalipay karon ug hangtud sa kahangturan. Amen! this archdiocese. For inquiries and feedback, send us an email at You may visit us online
Estorya na tag Dios ug Kwarta beeyh! Seyrriyus!?#KonMayDios@ and leave a comment at
PuhunanIpatigayonNa Find us on Facebook: Search for Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro
Archdiocesan News LAMDAG
October 1-30, 2017
RA Sisters with Abp. Ledesma, SJ,DD , Bp. Cabantan, DD and Jesuit priests
By: Sr. Estela Infante, RA of God. The mass was the gathering The Religious of the Assumption is Plaque of Recognition to the Diocese
August 26, 2017 marked the of our prayers, our thanksgiving, our grateful to the Diocese of Malaybalay and of Iligan and to Ms. Evelyn Yee, who
celebration of the bicentennial birth lives, our mission and our friendships. presented the Plaque of Recognition to the has been the principal of St. Vincents
of St. Marie Eugenie and Mere Therese Diocese of Malaybalay and to Mrs. Elisa G. Academy for many years.
Emmanuel at Xavier University in The Eucharist was followed by Toledo, who has been with Assumption
Cagayan de Oro City. Delegations from the program and lunch. The highlight from the foundation of Kibangay. The Religious of the Assumptions
Kibangay and Kauswagan, wearing the of the celebration was the giving of insertion in Xavier University began
bicentennial shirts, traveled to Cagayan Plaque of Recognition. We are deeply The Assumption came to Kauswagan in June 1983 upon the invitation of
de Oro City as early as 4 oclock in the grateful for our partners in making in June 1980 upon the pressing invitation of Fr. Ernesto Javier, SJ, then University
morning. At 10:00 AM the Eucharistic Marie Eugenie and the Assumption Bishop Capalla. He wanted a contemplative President. The sisters came to give
Celebration began with the Talaandig charism alive through the apostolate, presence to witness to the value of prayer a religious presence on the campus
Dance prayer to process and enthrone mission, and presence of the Religious among his flock. In his invitation, he wrote: and take an active involvement in the
the image of St. Marie Eugenie and Mere of the Assumption in Mindanao. I would like the Assumption to come Xavier Campus Ministries.
Therese Emmanuel. This was followed to my Prelature primarily to deepen in
by the introduction of Sr. Ma. Estela, R.A. In the late 1970, Assumptions our local Church
The solemn celebration was officiated choice for its insertion in Mindanao its contemplative
by Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, was in Kadingilan. It was a response dimension To a
DD with concelebrants: Bishop Jose to the challenge of the Congregation Church that took as
Cabantan, DD; Fr. Matt Sanchez, SJ; Fr. to mobilize the Assumptions forces a primary task the
Ariel Abucay Kibangay; and Fr. Archie towards the service of the poor, as pursuit of justice for
Carampatan, SJ. well as to Bishop Clavers invitation its people, it must
to his prelature in Bukidnon. After necessarily be a
The homilist was Most Rev. Jose more than twenty years in Kadingilan, Church that prays.
Cabantan, bishop of the Diocese of the Assumption Sisters started a
Malaybalay. He shared three points: 1) community in Kibangay on May 31, Grateful to the
The importance of the Eucharist in the 1998. Their mission was to make Diocese of Iligan,
Assumption, 2) The centrality of Jesus Jesus Christ known and loved through the Religious of
Christ, and 3) The vision of the Kingdom Christian education of the young. the Assumption
presented the
Sacerdotal Anniversary
October 30................................................................. Fr. Macky Ceballos
Fr. Rogelio Gabac Jr.
Fr. Lourdesio Balacuit
October 31.......................................................... Fr. Ricardo Pagatpatan
Fr. Roy Barros