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Economic Geology: American Geologist

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1915 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.

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Economic Geology, v. 10, pp. 101-122



\TOL. .X MARCH, 1915 NO.2




The ore deposits of Utah are for the most part associated with
igneous rocks and present especially favorable opportunity for
observations on the relations of ore deposition to different types of
intrusive rock bodies. This is due in no small part to block fauh-
ing since intrusion that has brought into the field of observation
bodies intruded at greatly. differing depths, such faulting for ex-
ample as that along the Wasatch front and along the west side of
the Mineral Range. The relaftive1y small size of all of the intru-
sive bodies as compared with those to the west in California and
to the north in Idaho and Montana, seems also favorable to the~
study 'Of the problem.
Associated with certain of the intrusive bodies are metal de.-
posits of great economic importance, while associated with other-
bodies the deposits' are small, and their chief commercial itnpor-
tance lies in the fact that much money and effort have been.spent
in fruitless prospecting for paying mines. ..
The intrusive bodies may be divided into two types, namely: lac-
1 Published by permission of the Director of the United States Geological

102 B. S. BUTLER.


M edlallytrunoated atock.

AploaH,trunoated atook.


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FIG. 16. Map showing the location of the principal intrusive bodies of Utah.
A, Clayton Peak and Park Ci1y stocks; B, Little Cottonwood stock; C, Oquirrh
Range stock; E, Tintic stock; F, Desert Mountain stock; G, Sheep Rock
stock; H, Granite Mountain stock; I, Ibapah stock; J, Clifton stocks; L,
. Antelope stock; M, Tushar stock; N, Mineral Range stock; 0, Granite Range
stock; P, Beaver Lake stock; Q, Star Range stock; S, San Francisco stock;
T, Iron Springs stocks; U, Ombe Range stock; V, Grouse Range stock; W,
Raft River stock; X, Henry Mountain laccoliths; Y, Abajo Mountain lacco-
liths; Z, La Sal Mountain laccoliths.

coliths and stocks. The latter show different characteristics de-

pendent on the distance below the top to which they have been
eroded and on this basis may, for convenience in description, be
designated as apically-truncated stocks and medially-truncated
stocks. By apically-truncated stbcks is meant those that are cut
by the present erosion surface not far below the original top, while
by medially-truncated stocks is meant those that are cut consider-
ably farther below the original top. For still deeper portions the
term 'basally-truncated stock might be employed.
The medially-truncated stocks proba:bly comprise more than 75
per cent. in area of the exposed intrusive masses and are nearly
equal in number fu the other types. The apically-truncated stocks
and laccolithic bodies are represented by several examples each,
the former being both areally and numerically most important.
The accompanying sketch map (Fig. 16) shows the number and
location of the different types of intrusive bodies of the state and
in a general way the relative size of the different intntsive bodies
in the western part of the state. The individual members of the
laccolithic groups are too small to have their relative size even
approximately shown on a map of the scale of the figure.
With this relative a'bundance of the types in mind, it is some-
what surprising to find that not a single mine of first- or even of
second-class importance has been developed associated with either
the media'lly-truncated stocks or the laccolithic bodies. Of the
total metal output of the state, with a value of over $635,000,0002
to the close of 1913, less than one-half of one per cent. has been
derived from deposits associated with these two types; and of the
recorded metal mining company dividends amounting to over
$11 1.,000,000, none is known to have been derived from deposits'
associated with' either, though doubtless individual miners and
prospectors, and perhapS companies, have produced and m~rketed
ores at a profit from such deposits. It is certain that the 'com...
mercial importance of both has been negative, that is~ more has
~een expended in prospecting, mining, etc., than has been realized

2 Heikes, V. c., U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Resources, 1913, pte I, p. 366, 1914.
104 B: S. BUTLER.

f{"(jm' the sale of ore. 3 N early everyone of the apically trun-

cated stocks has important ore bodies associated with it, and
it is from this type {hat the great bulk of the metal output of the
state has been derived. It may be mentioned that there has been
important production from deposits not known to be directlyasso-
ciated With intrusive bodies, notably those of the Silver Reef
district, while somewhat similar occurrences of ore are present
in other districts.
It is with an attempt at a determination of the causes that have
resulted in the varying importance of the deposits associated with
the different intrusive bodies that this paper has to deal.


The larger intrusive bodies of the state as already noted may

be included under two general types, namely laccoliths and stocks.
By laccolith, as here used, is meant an in'trusive body that occu-
pies' space between the strata of ea'rlier rocks formed mainly by
the forcing apart of the strata. The characteristic feature of the
laccolith; as compared with the stock, is that it has a floor and
that it is connected with the deeper source of igneous material by
a relatively- small conduit. 4
By a stock is meant a body- that is essentially cross~cutting in
its relation to strata and, as contrasted with a laccolith, has no
bottom or floor and frequently increases downward in area of
horizontal cross section, or at least has a relatively large connec-
tion with the deeper source from which its material wa'S derived.
3 The deposits in the western part of the' Little Cottonwood district may
possibly be regarded as associated with the Little Cottonwood stock rather
than the Clayton, Peak stock, in which case the above statement would have to
be somewhat modified. It is a striking fact,however, that there is but little
mineralization either iri the Little Cottonwood stock or the associated. pre-
Cambrianroci<:s, while to the eastward, though locally influenced by structural
features and the character of the rocks, there is, an increase in mineralization
through the early Paleozoic rocks of the Little Cottonwood district and a cul-
mination in the great deposits in the late Paleozoic and .early Mesozoic rocks
of the Park City district.
4 That a floor is an essential feature of the laccolith has recently beenem~
phasized by Prof. A. C. Lawson, though this was plainly implied in the original
definition of Gilbert.

There are, of course, gradations between stocks and' laccoliths, and

~here may be offshoots from stocks that have the character of
sheets or laccoliths. In Utah, however, the- sepamtion is rather
marked. Laccoliths are the prevailing type in the sandy and
shaly Mesozoic sediments of the southeastern part of the state,
while stocks prevail in the Paleozoic limestones and quartzites of
the western part. Associated with both types are, of course, dikes)
sills, etc. Some of the western bodies that are here regarded as
stocks have been designated as laccoliths by other writers.
Leith and Harder5 regard the intrusive bodies of the Iron
Springs district as laccoliths though, as their sections show, they
increase in size downward, so far as exposed, and no floor has
been revealed nor does the attitude of the adjacent sediments
suggest a floor. The doming of the overlying formations is pro-
nounced but this is little, if any, more characteristic of laccoliths
than of stocks and 'cannot be regarded as critical evidence.
Likewise the authors of Professional Paper No. 386 apparently
regard the larger intrusive bodies of the Bingham district as lac-
coliths, though as in the Iron Springs district so far as exposed
they also increase in size downward and show no indication of
an underlying floor.
This 'is in striking contrast to the conditions in southeastern
Utah, where all workers recognized the presence of the floors
even 'before Dr. Gilbert formulated the laccolithic hypothesis.
Laccoliths.-The laccolithic bodies occur in three groups in the
southeastern part of the state, the La Sal, the Abajo, and the
Henry Mounta:ins. Each of these consists of numerous lacco-
lithic bodies of varying size and shape intruded at different hori-
zons in the 11esozoic sediments.
The physical character of the rocks constituting the bodies
varies greatly with the size of the laccolith. Some of the small
outlying laccoliths of the Henry Mountain group are almost glassy
5 Leith, C. K., and Harder, E. c., "The Iron Ores of the Iron Springs Dis-

trict, Southern Utah," U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 338, I9Q8.

6 Boutwell, ]. M., Keith, Arthur, and Etnmons, S. F., "Economic Geology
of the Bingham Mining District, Utah," U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper' 38,
106 B. S. BUTLER.

in texture and have the general appearance of dense lava, for

which indeed they have sometimes been mistaken. The rock
of the larger bodies is moderately coarse-grained and in the larg-
est there are a few dikes cutting the main intrusive rock.
Chemically, the laccolith1ic rocks are all of intermediate com-
position, namely quartz monzonite, granodibrite, or quartz diorite.
The following analyses are of' two rocks that are believed to
be representative of the La Sal and Henry Mountain bodies:

A. B.
Si0 2 61.21 62.88
A12 0 a 17.10 1713
Fe2 0 a 2.72 1.86
FeO ...................... 1.88 258
MgO ..................... 1.47 1.48
CaO...................... 4.83 539
Na 2 0 ..... ................. 5.66 450
K 2 0 ...................... 3.00 2.25
H 2 0+ ...... .............. .34 .16
H 2 0 - .. .... ........ ...... .68 42

A. Monzonite porphyry. Two ~iles west of Mount Peale, La Sal Moun-

tains. Collected by L. M. Prindle. Analysis by W. F. Hillebrand.
B. Granodiorite porphyry. Mount Hillers, Henry Mountairis. Collected by
G. K. Gilbert. Analysis by W. F. Hillebrand.

Stocks.-Intrusive st10cks are confined to the western part of

the state and further are largely restricted to two main east-west
belts of igneous rocks that are associated with broad structural
One of these belts is in the northern part of the state, the- other
in the southern. As regards the main intrusive bodies the north-
ern belt may be subdivided into (a) the zone contai l1 ing .the Park
City-Little Cottonwood-Oquirrh Range stocks,anq (b) the series
of stocks extending westward from the Tintic district to those of
the Deep Creek Range. The southern belt may be subdivided into
(a) the east-west zone extending from the Tushar Range through
through the Minera1 'Mountain to the Star and San Francisco
ranges, and ( b) the belt -extending in a southwest -direction
through the Iron Springs region. In each of these belts asso-

ciated with the intrusive rocks are abundant extrusive rocks. The
north-south faulting of the Basin ranges is in general transverse
to these zones and has raised portions of them considerably above
their normal position as related to other portions.
In addition to the above there are intrusive bodies in the R'aft
River, Grouse, and Ombe ranges in the northwestern part of the
Since stocks normally increase in size downward it is to be ex-
pected that a medially-truncated stock will be of greater areal
extent, and such is the case. The medially-truncated Little Cot-
tonwood stock is much larger than the apically-truncated stocks
to the east in the Park City district or to the west in the Oquirrh
Range. Likewise the medially-truncated Mineral Range stock is
much larger than the apically-truncated stocks to the east and west.
The sap)e relation holds true in comparing the medially-truncated
Ibapah stock and the apical'ly-truncated Clifton stock of the Deep
Creek Range. Of the other deeply eroded stocks the Granite
Range, Grouse Range, Desert Range, and Sheep Rock stocks are
all relatively large while the apically-truncated stocks of the Tintic
and Iron Springs regions are relatively small. In physical char-
acter the medially-truncated stocks are typically 'Of granitic tex-
ture while the apically truncated stocks range from granitic to'
po rphyrit'ic. In chemica'! composition the medially-truncated
stocks are distinctly more siHceous, ranging from granodiorite
to granite while apically-truncated stocks range from quartz mon-
zonite to quartz diorite.'
It has not been shown that the intrusive ro.cks of the state are
all of the same age, but there can be little doubt that the stocks
included in each of the" zones" or "belts" described below were
intruded during the same period.
The general nature of the intrusive zones may perhaps be best
understood by a brief description of certain ones.
The Park City-Little Cottonwood-Oquirrh Rangezone consists
of a large central mass, the Little Cottonwood stock, in contact
with pre-.Can;l'brian and early Paleozoic. rocks. This has been.
brought into the field of observation by the great Wasatch fault.
To the eastward of this central mass is the smaller Clayton Peak
108 B. S. BUTLER.

stock intruded into Paleozoic rocks, and still farther to the east
the stocks of the Park City area intruded into upper Paleozoic
and Mesozoic rocks. To the westward across a broad desert
valley are the Oquirrh Range stbcks in upper Paleozoic rocks.
The Little Cottonwood stock, as noted, has been relatively
raised hy the great \Vasatch fault and deeply dissected by erosion
exposing pre-Cambrian rocks and is classed as a medially-trun-
cated stock. The Park City and Oquirrh Range stocks have been
much less deeply eroded and are regarded as apically-truncated
stocks. All may be upward projections from a larger deeper
seated mass, or what Prof. R. A. Daly has .designated cupolas.


Si02 ............ 6702 6346 5935 58.64

Ab03 .......... 15.7 8 1593 1636 1535
Fe203 ........... 1.56 2.61 290 325
FeO ........... 2.8 231 336 254
MgO ........... 1.09 2.27 308 2.84
CaO ........... 3.3 1 433 503 537
Na20 ........... 3. 8 5 366 373 3.60
K20 .......... .' 367 349 385 423
H20- ......... .29 .27 .28 .86
H20 ............ .6J 74 .64 1.50
Ti02 ........... 37 .62 .87 .83

1. Granodiorite. Little Cottonwood stock. R. C. Wells, analyst.

2. Quartz diorite. East side of Brighton Gap. W. F. Hillebrand, analyst.
U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 78, p. 79.
3. Quartz diorite. Three-fourths of a mile northeast of Clayton Peak. W.
F. Hillebrand, analyst. U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 78, p. 79.
4. Monzonite. British tunnel, Last Chance mine, Bingham District. E. F.
Allen, analyst. U. S. Geo!. Survey Prof. Paper 38, p. I78.

The rock of the medially-truncated Little Cottonwood stock

is typically granitic in texture while those of apically-truncated
stocks in the higher formations of the Park City and Bingham
Canon districts are typicaliy porphyritic in texture. As is nor-
mal for the deeper eroded stocks the Little Cottonwood stock has
a much larger surface exposure than those to the east and west .
. In chemical composition the rocks of the deeper truncated body

are distinctly more siliceous than those of the shallower truncated

bodies. The preceding table shows the composition of rocks of
different stocks in this zone. They are alLmonzonitic in,character
grading toward diorite in one direction and granite in the other.
4- -3 AID 2
Al.o/ ~
~ r-.
Al,O, .'._ ,0,




~I - - -

&0 I\. ---....

Mt~ ~
Na.O ~ ~ r-. N ,0
J."IA.U_ "\..l fU


~ r----
- ""

FeO/ ~O r--
feu F, 0
----")1 0
10 F"a
e,U. F. 0
_ F .0,

~ ~ ~If. ;lr: ~
~ ~
FIG. 17. Diagram showing change in the principal oxides in the stocks of
the Park City-Little Cottonwood-Oquirrh Range zone. The molecular pro-
portion of silica -in each analysts is plotted as an abscissa, the remaining oxides
plotted on an ordinate located by the silica abscissa. Ratios multiplied

by ~o for convenience in plotting.

- In Fig. 17 the change in the principal oxides is graphically repre-

gented. It will be seen
that there is a- rather uniform change from-
110 B. S. BUTLER.

the central mass to the eastward and that a similar change is indi-
cated to the westward, though the variation in the Bingham Can-
yon rock shows some change from those to' the east.
In the Deep Creek Range the Ibapah stock is a large body in the
central part of the range in contact with pre-Cambrian and early
Paleozoic rocks. In the down faulted northern portion of the
range in the Clifton district are small stocks intruded into sedi-
ments of Carboniferous age.
The rocks of the Ibapah stock are granitic in texture with some
large phenocysts of feldspar. Those in the smaller stocks vary
from granitic to porphyridc. The composition of the rocks of the
stocks is represented by the following analyses:



Si0 2 70.67 62.84

Al2 0 a 16.24 I4.2I
Fe 2 0 a 37 9I
FeO ..................... . LIS 375
11g0 .................... . .26 304
CaO ..................... . 1.7I 4.72
Na2 0 .................... . 395 2.85
K 2 0 ..................... . 4. 85 4.60
H 2 0 ..................... . .29 .26
H 2 0 - ................... . .64 1.23
TiO:! ..................... . .23 42

1. Granodiorite. Ibapah stock. R. C. Wells, analyst.

2. Quartz monzonite. Clifton District. R. C. Wells, analyst.

It is seen that there is a >change in composition from the deeply

eroded to the less deeply eroded stocks similar to that noted in the
Park City-Little Cottonwood-Oquirrh Range region.
In the Tuschar-Mineral Range-San Francisco 'belt, the cen-
tral Mineral Range stock is a large body in contact with Paleozoic
and Mesozoic sediments raised to its present position by the Min..
eral Range fault. To the east the Tuschar stock is intruded into.
Tertiary volcanks and to the west the stocks are intruded into
Tertiary volcanics and underlying Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedi-
ments. The 'Mineral Range stock is granitic in texture, while.

those to the west and east vary from granitic to porphyritic, those
1n the volcanic rocks 'being distinctly porphyritic.
Chemical analyses are not available for comparison' of these
stocks, but field and microscopic study show that the large deeply
eroded Mineral Range 'Stock is distinctly granitic in composition
while those to the east and west are monzonitic, a difference sim-
ilar to that noted in the two belts previously mentioned.
Some of the apically-truncated stocks do not have a comparable
medially-truncated type, as those of the Iron Springs district and
possibly of the Tintic district, though the .latter might be com-
pared with the deeper truncated stocks to the west. Likewise
some of the deeper truncated stocks have no comparable apically-
truncated body, as the Granite Range stock and the Grouse Range
- In and associated with both the Granite Range and Raft River
stocks are numerous pegmatitic and aplitic dikes. These are espe-
cially abundant in the Granite Range where they probably form
nearly 20 per ~ent. I()f the exposed surface.
It is possible that detailed studies will reveal minor differences
from the conditions stated above, but it is not believed that they
will affect the general conclusions.



Laccoliths.-Mineralization in the laccoliths consists of sm'all

gold-copper veins in the larger laccoliths and a little contact min-
eralization in adjacent ,calcareous sediments. There is practically
no mineralization associated with the smaller laccolithic bodies.
M edially-truncatedStocks.-There is little mineralization in the
intrusive rocks of the deeper-truncated stocks. Pegmatitic gold-
quartz veins are present in the Ibapah and Raft River stocks and
~xtend into adjacent quartzites. Galena-fluorite veins are present
in the Granite Range stock and small veins said to contain copper
are repdrted in the Mineral Range stock, and similar veins are
present in some of the other deeply eroded stocks.
In the adjacent sedimentary rocks contact deposits and replace-
112 B. S, BUTLER.

.ment veins are present,associated.with practically all the stocks.

Both are most abundant associated with the Mineral Range stock
but nowhere have they been of large importance.
Apically-truncated Stocks.-Extensive fissure and replacement
fissure deposits are present in the intrusive rock of practically all
the apically-truncated stocks. Quartz-tourmaline-copper replace-
ment veins are present in the San Francisco. and Clifton stocks,
and in the latter are tourmaline-scheelite pegmatitic veins or dikes;
biotite-orthoc1ase-sericite-copper deposits in the Bingham Canyon
stock; lead-silver zinc veins in the Bingham stock, and lead-silver
and gold-copper veins in the Tintic stock. Few deposits have
been worked in the Park City intrusives, though the lead-silver
veins have been followed from the sedimentary rocks into .the
intrusive rock.
In the adjacent sedimentary rocks intense contact metamor-
phism has taken place near the San Francisco, Clifton, Little
Cottonwood, and Iron Springs stocks, and less intense associated
with the Bingham, Tintic and other stocks. Replacement veins
are present in the rocks adjacent to all the stocks. These have
yielded large amounts of lead, copper, silver and zinc, and to the
present time have been the most productive type in the State.
Associated with the stocks in the southern belt are deposits in the
effusive rocks, that have yielded important amounts of lead, zinc,
copper and precious metals.
Comparing the different types of intrusive Ibodies then, we find
that the mineralization associated with the laccoliths is not ex-
tensive and is largely confined to the intrusive bodies, though
there has been slight imineralization in the adjacent sedimentary
Mineralization associated with the medially-truncated stocks
is comparatively slight and is present both in the intrusive bodies
and in the adjacent rocks. That in the intrusive 'body is prevail-
ingly of the deep-seated type, approaching pegmatite in character,
as shown by the pegmatitic gold-quartz veins of the Ibapah and
Raft River stocks.
Mineralization in the adjacent sedimentary rocks is most im-
portant in the Mineral Range, where limestone is present, and

this has doubtless influenced the extent of mineralization. (Most

of the deeper-truncated stocks are in contact with the siliceous
rocks of the early Cambrian and pre-Cambrian.) That the
character of the enclosing rock has not been the detennining
factor in the mineralization is indicated by the fact that important
deposits oc~ur in siliceoU's sediments and effusive rocks associated
with apically-truncated stocks, as in the Bingham, Park City, San
Francisco, and other districts; while the deposits in the limestone
of the Mineral Range are not comparahle in importance with those
of the Star and Park City districts which occur in sedimentary
rocks of essentially the same age and character associated with
apically-truncated stocks.
Associated with the apically-truncated stocks is extensive min-
eralization both in the intrusive rock and in the adjacent sedi-
mentary and effusive flocks. The mineralization in the stocks is
prevailingly of the high temperature type, including tourmaline
veins, etc., as already noted, though the lead-silver veins of the
Tintic and Bingham districts indicate formation at only moderate
temperature and pressure. In the sedimentary and effusive rocks
the deposits show more or less complete gradation from the high
temperature contact type to fissure deposits formed at moderate
and comparatively low temperature.



In the following paragraphs it is assumed that the ore deposit~

are genetically associated with the intrusive rocks and that the
solutions that deposited the ores were derived in large part at
"least from differentiation of igneous material. The writer con-
siders that the ore deposits of the state present ample evidence to
support this belief, but it is not proposed to present the evidence
in this place. N either is it proposed to discuss in detail the evi-
dence for and against different methods of introduction of the in-
trusive bodies. The writer presents what to him seems the most
natural explanation of the observed facts as regards the upper
114 B. S. BUTLER.

portion of the intrusive zone, which is the only portion open to

observation in this area.
Laccoliths.-The material forming the laccolithic bodies entered
the space occupied through a relatively narrow channel. As sOOn
as the active flow through this passage into the laccolithic chamber
ceased, the material in the passage qui'ckly solidified J effectively
sealing off the laccolith from the deeper source from which its
material had been derived. If it chanced to be a small body
approaching a sill or sheet in character, the solidification was
rapid and there was little opportunity for differentiation. As

FIG. 18. Ideal cross-section of grouped laccoliths of Henry Mountains. After

G. K. Gilbert.

already noted some of the smaller laccolithic 'bodies have almost

the texture of lava and in such cases there was evidently little
more opportunity for differentiation than in a surface flow. As~
sodated with such bodies there is practically no mineralization
either in the igneous masses or in the adjacent sedimentary rocks.
In the larger laccoliths, solidification proceeded more slowly. The
resultant rocks are much more coarsely crystalline and in some
cases, as already noted, a few dikes are present in the laccoliths.
The presence of the dikes may be interpreted as indicating that
the crystallization was sufficiently slow to permit of a separation
of the crystallizing mass into portions of varying composition and
that before the entire mass had' solidified portions had become suf-
ficiently solid to fracture, as a result of the stresses set up in the
cooling and solidifying mass, and that the more fluid portions
had been forced into these fractures and formed dikes. 'Mineral-

ization is also associated with these larger laccoliths. This occurs

along fissures in the intrusive rock and in the sedimentary rocks
adjacent to the intrusives. Such mineralization, as already noted,
occurs only associated with the larger laccoliths and, as in the case
of dikes, it seems a reasonable interpretation that the mineralizing
solutions have separated from the crystallizing magma and entered
along fissures in the solidified portions where they deposited the
ore minerals. In some instances such solutions escaped into the
adjacent sedimentary rocks where they formed the contact
On the assumption that the ore solutions have resulted from a
differentiation of the magma within the laccolithic reservoirs, cer-
tain deductions concerning the probable size and abundance of
ore deposits are possible.
As already pointed out, in the smaller outlying reservoirs the
solidification was so rapid that there was little opportunity for
a differentiation of the magma, and if such took place on a small
scale there was little possibility of the different materials collect-
ing in bodies of any considerable size. In the larger bodies where
the solidification was slower the opportunity for separation was
more favorable, but even in the largest bodies in the groups in
southeastern Utah the solidification of a large part of the material
entering a chamber must have been so rapid that there was little
opportunity for -differentiation, and for the remaining portion the
. conditions would not be favorable to a high degree of differentia-
tion. It may be presumed then that in the crystallization and
solidification of these rock masses only a small proportion of the
metals have been expelled as compared with what would have been
under conditions of slow crystallization giving ample time for
separation and concentration of the different constituents.
It should be remembered also that laccolithic bodies are usually
cut off from their deep-seated source so that there is no tendency
to concentrate the more mobile substances resulting from deeper
seated differentiation.
It is possible that in some cases m'ovements of the rocks might
keep the channel to the deeper igneous reservoir open, thus per-
mitting the entrance of mobile constituents from below and the
1I6 J3. S. BUTLER.

formation 'Of large ore deposits. No evidence indicating that this

has taken place in any of the laccoliths under discussion is known.
If the above suppositions and deductions are correct the extent
of the ore deposits associated with laccolithic bodies, other things
being equal, is dependent on the size of the laccolith. If it is
small there will likely be no mineralization, if very large, extensive
deposits might be expected.
In the laccolithic groups of southeastern Utah the total amount
of igneous material is considerable, but that contained in any
individual laccolithic body is relatively small. From theoretical
considerations, then, it is to 'be expected that only small metal
deposits are present in these laccoliths.
Gilbert7 many years ago arrived at essentially this conclusion
though he based it on the belief that conditions were not favorable
to the formation of fissures rather than on the considerations pre-
sented above. Since then prospecting has been carried on intermit-
tently for nearly forty years, and many thousands of dollars have
been expended in the search for and development of metalliferous
veins. Such veins have been found and have yielded a small
amount of gold, silver, and copper. Those developed to the pres-
ent time are, however, relatively small and associated with weak
fissuring and give little promise of yielding important amounts of
metal. After nearly forty years Gilbert's prediction that" gold
and silver will not be found in paying quantities in the laccolithic
mountains, including the La Sal, Abajo, and Henry l\10untains,"
seems to hold good. The foregoing statements, of course, apply
only to lode deposits and do not include the sandstone and placer
deposits in the vicinity of these mountain groups.
Stocks.-It is believed that the space occupied by the igneous
material constituting the stocks was formed in large part by a
pushing aside and doming of the earlier rocks, as has been shown
by Boutwe1l8 for the Park City district and by the writer for the
Star district and is strongly indicated, though less easily demon-
strated, for other districts. That there has been some stoping
7Gilbert, G. K., "Geology of the Henry Mountains," pp. 82-83, 151-152, 1877.
8Boutwell, ]. M., and Woolsey, L. H., "Geology and Ore Deposits of the
Park City District, Utah," U. S.Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 77, p. 96, 1912.

and assimilation of the invaded rocks especially associated with the

deeper portions of the stocks, seems not improbable, though little
evidence of it has been observed and it is not thought to have been
an important factor.
The formation of the materials of the stocks as we now find
them may be thought of as taking place in the following general
manner, though the actual process was doubtless more complex.
After the intrusion had taken place crystallization of the fluid
magma began or continued if crystallization had already begun.
The higher portions of the intrusive bodies and those in the
smaller masses would lose their heat most rapidly and crystalliza-
tion take place most quickly so that the upper part of a body and
the relatively small apophyses would undergo comparatively slight
differentiation and would have become sufficiently solid to frac-
ture While the deeper seated portions were still fluid. This pre-
sumes that the rocks of the apically-truncated stocks have a com-
position nearer that of the original magma than the deeper stocks,
an assumption whkh seems to be borne out in a general way by
a comparis'on with the laccoliths where differentiation was cer-
tainly slight. No laccolith has been found associated with a stock
where a direct comparison would be warranted.
As crystallization proceeded slowly in the deeper zone there
was a tendency for the heavy iron, magnesium, calcium, titanium
minerals, which for the most part crystallized early, to sink
through the magma and thus render the portion from whi'ch they
were removed more siliceous. 9 At the same time water and other
mineralizers were expelled from the crystallizing magma and these
light and very mobile constituents with metals, sulphur, silica and
other materials in solution had a tendency to move upward .. This
movement apparently took place through the fluid with no marked
tendency to concentration, other than a convergence as the size
of the stock decreased upward, or to migration int"o the enclosing
walls. When a point was reached where the material was suffi-
9 Bowen has tecently shown that heavy minerals crystallizing from a silicate

melt will readily sink through the liquid from which they are forming. Bowen,
N. L., "Crystallization-Differentiation in Silicate Liquids," Am. Jour. Sci.,
vol. 39, pp. 175- I 9 I , I915
118 B. S. BUTLER.

ciently crystallized and solidified to fracture, these mobile constit-

uents concentrated in the fractures and guided by them passed to
cooler portions of the intrusive body or into the enclosing rocks.
When a point was reached where the physical-chemical conditions
were favorable to the precipitation of metals the formations of
ore bodies began. In the intrusive bodies the high temperature
type of deposits would first form as the tourmaline veins, and fol-
lowing them types of copper-gold and lead-silver veins indicative
of lower temperature, and as the solutions passed from the in-
trusive bodies into the enclosing sedimentary and effusive rocks
under differing chemical and physical environments, various types
of deposits would be formed. Fig. 19 presents the general idea of
the portions of the system from which most of the metals were
derived and the places where they were precipitated.
If this interpretation of the process is correct one would ex-
pect to find instances where fractures in passing downward dis-
appear at a zone where the material was too liquid to retain a frac-
ture at the time they were formed. The fact that such conditions
are not more often seen may be due to several causes, but per-
haps the most important is that that zone was not favor~ble to
extensive mineralization and there is little inducement to follow
fissures into it. A particularly interesting example of the change
of a fracture downward is seen in the Cactus mine in the San
Francisco stock. At the surface this is a broad hreccia zone,
exceeding 100 feet in width and traceable along the strike for
several thousand feet. In the downward extension there is a
gradual but rather rapid contraction of the fissured zone and de-
crease in brecciation so that at a depth of 900 feet below the. out-
crop it has a width of but a few feet, shows little brecciation, and
one can well imagine that at a few hundred feet greater depth it
might disappear entirely. The early minerals of this deposit are
of the high temperature type, such as would be expected at this
zone. There are other deposits in the state where one would ex-
pect to find similar conditions, as in the pegmatitic tourmaline
veins of the Clifton district, but developments have been too
meager to reveal them. It may be noted also that somewhat sim-
ilar conditions occur where pegmatitic gold-quartz veins of the

"" " "v v
" '"'''' " v "",,"" vv c:::
v "
" v
"" Vv
v " " " v
.; " "V " v " ~
V "V v v' "

bYw",!, " } ' l ' v "V fj:{;JV)"i@] v v V

v " Shale EIl+rU3ive rock "

" "" V V V "" '" "..., V v'

FIG. 19. Ideal section through the top portion of an intrusive body showing the portions where differentiation is more impor-
tant and the places where the solutions precipitate metals. The lighter portions of the stocks are the more highly differentiated,
at this horizon being most siliceous. \0
120 B. S. BUTLER.

Ibapah and Raft River stocks pass into true pegmatite carrying no
The most important deposits of the state are associated with
igneous masses that have been eroded but a relatively short dis-
tance below their top, as those of the Park City, Bingham, Tintic,
San Francisco districts, the Tushar Range and the Iron Springs
That deposits comparable in extent with these may have been
associated with higher portions of the larger and more deeply
eroded masses, seems entirely probable, but that such deposits will
be found associated with the deeply eroded remnants now remain-
ing seems highly improbable.
It is readily seen that this explanation supposes that there was
a relatively greater expulsion of metallic constituents from the
portions of the magmas that crystallized slowly than from those
cooling rapidly near the surface, and that there was a transfer of
metallic constituents from the deeper zone to points nearer the
surface. That is, if the different rock bodies were to be sampled
for their content of metal it would be found that the rock of the
small laccoliths would be highest and would not differ materially
from corresponding extrusive rocks. That of the large laccoliths
would be less as part of the metals are collected in veins.. The
rocks of the apically-truncated stocks would doubtless 'be less than
the laccoliths as the conditions under which they consolidated
doubtless permitted of greater differentiation. The rocks of the'
deeper-truncated stocks would show least of all since there was
ample opportunity for extensive differentiation and the metallic
constituents tended to migrate toward the surface.
It is evident that in all cases the process was the same but
differed in amount.
The general relations and processes here described have for the
most part been recognized before but are especially well illustrated
in the are deposits of Utah and their commercial importance es-
pecially well shown.
Spencer10 has pointed out that cross cutting intrusive bodies are
10 Spencer, A. c., "Magnetite Deposits of the Cornwall Type in Pennsy!-
vania," U. S. Geo!. Survey Bull. 359, p. r6, Igo8.

more favorable to ore deposition than sills on account of the more

direct connection with the deep-seated source.
Ferguson and Batemanl l have shown that tin deposits com-
monly occur near the top of gra'nite bodies.
The general process of differentiation here suggested does not
differ materially from those that have been previously suggested,
notably 'by Spurr.12 It does differ somewhat from the process
which Umpleby13 finds to Ibest explain the deposits at Mackay,
Idaho, which is that of H backward concentration." This postu-
lates a constant tendency toward an inward and downward migra-
tion of the more mdbile constituents with intermittent outward
movements as against a constant upward movement.
In the p~eceding pages the stocks have been considered as api-
cally-truncated and medially-truncated .. It is obvious that no sharp
line can 'be drawn between these, but for the purpose of descrip-
tion arbitrary distinction is made. A further subdivision of the
apically-truncated stocks based on the character of the associated
ore deposits is possible but is reserved for future presentation.
It is prdbable that the relations of the intrusive bodies in Utah
are unusually simple, due perhaps to relatively stable conditions
following the intrusions. I f after the magma had been intruded
and partially solidified and the still fluid part consisted of a
siliceous portion underlying the solid and at greater depth perhaps
~ basic portion, an impulse was given from below, the fluid por-
tions might be driven into or through the solidified portions or
might even reach the surface as flows. Such conditions are un-e
doubtedly present in Utah as is especially suggested by pegmatitic
and basic dikes of the Granite Range, but for the most part they
seem to have been of minor importance.
The application of the ideas presented above to other regions
naturally suggests itself. In certain instances they seem to meet
the conditions, while in others the application is not so obvious.
11 Ferguson, H. G., and Bateman, A. M., "Geologic Features of Tin De-
posits," ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, vol. 7, p. 223, I912.
12 Spurr, ]. E., "Theory of Ore Deposition," ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, vol. 7, p.
485, 1912.
13 Umpleby, ]. B., "The Genesis of the Mackay Copper Deposits, Idaho,"
ECONOMIC GF.OLOGY, vol. 9, p. 307, I914.
122 B. S. BUTLER.

While there is a temptation to extend the application it seems

best to leave this to those most familiar with the different regions.


The larger intrusive bodies of Utah are of two types, lacco-

liths and stocks. The laccoliths occur in the sandy and shaly
sediments in the southeastern part of the state, the stocks in the
quartzites and limestones in the western part of the state.
The stocks may be subdivided into those truncated near the apex
and those truncated at greater depth. The deeper truncated
stocks are uniformly more siliceous. The apically-truncated
stocks are monzonitic to dioritic in composition, the deeper trun-
cated stocks have the composition of granodiorite to granite.
The ore deposits associated with the laccoliths and deeper trun-
cated stocks have been of comparatively slight commercial im-
portance, while associated with the apically-truncated stocks are
deposits of great value.
It is believed that the lack of large deposits associated with the
laccoliths is due to the fact that after intrusion they were sealed
off from their deep-seated source and that the amount of material
in the laccoliths themselves was too small and the differentiation
on solidifying too incomplete to furnish large deposits.
It is believed that in the stocks the differentiation was greater
at depth and that the mobile constituents of the magma, as the
water and other mineralizers with metals, sulphur, etc., in solu-
tion, rose toward the surface, while the heavier minerals that crys-
tallized early sank to greater depth. When the mobile constitu-
ents reached a point where the magma was sufficiently solidified
to fracture they were guided by the fractures or fissures and on
reaching favorable physical and chemical environments began to
deposit the metals in solution. The deeper truncated stocks are
regarded as probably remnants from which the portion in which
the metals were concentrated has been eroded.

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