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T R 1 - Testing Distance Relays

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DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application


1. Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 2
2. Distance Relays and Impedance Characteristics................................ ................ 3
2.1 Distance Relay Types ................................ ................................ .................. 3

2.2 Primary System Impedance and Secondary Impedance.............................. 4

2.2.1 Secondary Impedance................................ ................................ ...... 4

2.2.2 Primary Impedance ................................ ................................ .......... 4

2.2.3 Conversion Between Primary and Secondary Impedances .............. 4

3. Distance Relay Test Strategy................................ ................................ ................ 6

3.1 Current and Voltage................................ ................................ ..................... 6

3.2 Test Vectors................................ ................................ ................................ . 6

3.3 Applying Test Points/Vectors to the Relay ................................ ................... 7

4. Test Point/Vector Calculation................................ ................................ ............... 9

4.1 Conversion from Voltage, Current and Phase to Impedance ....................... 9

4.2 Conversion from Impedance to Voltage, Current and Phase ....................... 9

4.2.1 Impedance Using Complex Notation ................................ .............. 10

5. Test Procedures ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 11

5.1 Calculating the Test Points ................................ ................................ ........ 11

5.2 DVS3 and 50A-3PH Connections ................................ .............................. 11

5.3 Determining Zone Boundaries ................................ ................................ ... 13

5.3.1 Determining Zone Boundaries by Continuous Variation of Impedance

................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 13

5.3.2 Determining Zone Boundaries Using Discrete Steps of Impedance 14

5.4 Zone Timing Tests ................................ ................................ ..................... 15

6. Distance Test Spreadsheet................................ ................................ ................. 17

6.1 System Parameters ................................ ................................ ................... 17

6.2 Conversion from Impedance to V, I and Test Values .............................. 18

6.3 Conversion from V, I and Test Values to Impedance .............................. 19

6.4 Display of Results on R-X Diagram................................ ............................ 19

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
Page 2

1. Introduction
The DVS3 mk2 and 50A-3PH may be used to generate impedances for testing distance relays.
Using these units the relay zone boundaries may be tested and the trip time of each zone

In testing distance relays, the 50A-3PH acts as a simple current source, supplying 3 phase current
to the relay under test and a phase reference to the DVS3. The magnitude and phase angle of the
voltage is controlled on the DVS3 to give the desired impedance. The impedance may either be
varied continuously or in steps.

An Excel spreadsheet is available to accompany this application note to simplify conversion

between impedance values and test voltages and currents.

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Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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2.1 Distance Relay Types

Distance relays are impedance relays they operate on the ratio and phase angle between the
system voltage and current. The relay operating characteristics are usually represented on an RX
diagram as a circle or quadrilateral. Many distance relays have multiple areas of operation, or
zones. Points on the RX diagram inside a zone cause the relay to trip. Time delays can usually be
set for different zones, with increasing delays set for zones relating to sections of line further away
from the relay.

RX Diagram




40 Mho


-20 0 20 40 60 80 100


Figure 1. Example RX Diagram Mho Relay

Relays with other impedance characteristics are also available, including the quadrilateral
characteristic implemented by many microprocessor relays.




20.00 Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3

0.00 Zone 4
-100.00 -80.00 -60.00 -40.00 -20.00 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 PSIA



Figure 2. Example RX Diagram Quadrilateral Relay

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

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2.2 Primary System Impedance and Secondary Impedance

The relay may work in terms of primary system impedance or secondary impedances. In the
examples in 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 a system will be considered with the following parameters:

System voltage: 230kV

System rated current: 1000A

VT Ratio: 230kV/110V

CT Ratio: 1000/1A

Line positive sequence impedance 48.42 79.41

2.2.1 Secondary Impedance

Secondary impedances are calculated directly from the voltages measured on the secondaries of
the protection VTs and CTs the voltages and currents that the relay actually sees. In this case,
the rated VT secondary voltage is 110V, and the CT nominal secondary current is 1A. If secondary
impedances are used, all system impedances must be scaled to secondary impedances before
being used in relay setting calculations.

Many older distance relays work in terms of secondary voltages, currents and impedances.

2.2.2 Primary Impedance

Primary impedances are referred to the actual system voltages and currents on the lines monitored
by the relay. For a relay to work in terms of primary impedance the relay must be programmed with
the VT and CT ratio. The primary voltages, currents and impedances are calculated by the relay
from the CT and VT secondary values and the CT and VT ratios.

Most numerical distance protection works in terms of primary system voltages, currents and

2.2.3 Conversion Between Primary and Secondary Impedances

To convert a primary impedance to a secondary impedance or vice-versa the equations below may
be used. The equations hold true for impedances expressed as complex values or as
magnitudephase values. In the case of the magnitudephase values, the phase angle of the
impedance is unchanged by the calculation.

Z sec = Z pri .

Z pri = Z sec .

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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e.g The line positive sequence above is 48.42 79.41 as a primary system impedance. To
calculate this expressed as an impedance referred to the CT & VT secondary, carry out the
following calculation:

Z sec = Z pri .

230000 / 110
Z sec = 48.42
1000 / 1

Z sec = 101.379.41

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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The basic strategy in testing a distance relay with the DVS3 and 50A-3PH is to generate a series of
test impedances that check the locations of the boundaries of the zones under test. Unless
separate contacts are available for each zone of operation, the operation of a particular zone is
differentiated during test by the trip time of the relay.

The relay is tested by applying a series of impedances to the relay by leaving the current fixed and
altering the voltage magnitude and phase angle using the DVS3. By typing in values for the
voltage, step changes of impedance can be generated which step from outside of the trip zone of
the relay to inside of any of the zones. The trip time of the relay then indicates which zone has
operated. A series of points can be defined which will exercise the relay and verify the position of
the zone boundaries.

3.1 Current and Voltage

Used together, the 50A-3PH and DVS3 mk2 are able to generate the impedances required to test a
distance relay. In many cases, the required impedance could be generated by different
combinations of current and voltage. It is, however, more convenient when testing to set the
current on the 50A-3PH to a suitable value (e.g. In) and control the impedance using the voltage
controls on the DVS3. This allows steps of impedance to be generated very easily. There may,
however, be impedances that cannot be generated without increasing the current. This is
particularly true of older relays where the relays is unable to accurately operate with low input

3.2 Test Vectors

The simplest way to test a distance relay using a DVS3 is use the concept a test vector passing
through the zero impedance point (the centre of the RX diagram). This allows any impedance along
the line to be generated by changing just the voltage on the DVS3. Points on the test vector may
then be chosen to verify the boundaries of the zones on the relay. To fully test the relay, it may be
necessary to use four or more vectors on different angles. Figure 3 shows a single test vector with
test points at 5% above and below each zone boundary on the vector.

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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Zone 1
20.00 Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
0.00 PSIA
-100.00 -80.00 -60.00 -40.00 -20.00 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 Test vector 1




Figure 3. Test vector on quadrilateral relay characteristic

To test a relay exhaustively, test vectors must be set up to verify all boundaries of the relay zones.
This is necessary for commissioning, but may not be required for maintenance testing, where a few
vectors will verify operation of the relay and the position of the boundaries.

3.3 Applying Test Points/Vectors to the Relay

In applying test values to a relay, it is important to remember that the initial test point must lie
outside of all of the zones, or the relay will trip erroneously before the test impedance is applied.



40.00 C
Zone 1
30.00 E Zone 2
F Zone 3
20.00 G Zone 4
Test vector 1

-10.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 70.00 90.00


Figure 4. Test points to be applied to relay

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
Page 8

The sequence to apply a test impedance to the relay is:

Set the phase angle for the test vector on the DVS3. This remains constant
throughout the test on a particular vector.

Switch on the current on the 50A-3PH, and set each phase to the test current (In or
other suitable value).

Switch on the voltage on the DVS3.

Apply an initial impedance to the relay outside all zones (point A on figure 4) by setting
the voltage on the DVS3 to an appropriate value. This point is always on the angle of
the test vector, and placed outside the outermost zone of operation.

Apply the test impedance (for example point B on figure 4) by entering the new
voltage on the test vector using the keypad on the DVS3. The relay will trip in the
time appropriate for the zone, and the trip time will be displayed on the DVS3.

Reset the DVS3 to the initial out of zone impedance ready for the next test point. The
DVS3 timer will show the relay reset time.

After each test point it is important to return the impedance to the out of zone impedance to reset
the relay ready for the next test point. Detailed instructions may be found in section 5 Test

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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Test stimuli applied to the relay from the DVS3 and 50A-3PH are applied in terms of current (I),
voltage (V) and phase (). It is therefore necessary to be able to convert impedances to V, I and
and vice versa.

4.1 Conversion from Voltage, Current and Phase to Impedance

Conversion from voltage, current and phase information is a simple application of Ohms law.
Assuming that the current has a phase angle of 0, the impedance will have the same phase angle
as the voltage. The voltage magnitude can be calculated from Ohms law:

Z =

For example, if we inject a current of 1A and apply a voltage of 100V at 29, the following
impedance is generated:

Z =
= 100

The phase angle is unchanged at 29, so the complete impedance is 10029.

4.2 Conversion from Impedance to Voltage, Current and Phase

Using the 50A-3PH and DVS3, the current phase angle is again 0, and the voltage phase is the
same as that of the impedance. A suitable value of current needs to be chosen (often In for the
relay), and then the voltage may be calculated:

V = I .Z

For example, if the impedance to be generated is 10030 (100 at 30) and the test current is
1A, the required voltage may be calculated as follows:

V = I .Z
= 1A.100
= 100V

The phase angle of the voltage will be the same as the phase angle of the impedance, so the
voltage is 10030V.

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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4.2.1 Impedance Using Complex Notation

Impedances expressed in complex notation need to be converted to magnitudephase notation.
For example, an impedance of 86.6 + j50 is first converted to magnitudephase notation:

Z = 86.6 2 + 50 2
= 100
= tan 1
= 30

The voltage and phase angle may then be calculated as in section Alternatively, the
voltage may be calculated in complex notation, and then converted to magnitude and phase values.

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
Page 11

It is advisable to decide on the number of test vectors and test points required to effectively test the
relay before starting to test. These points can then be converted to currents, voltages and phase
angles using the calculation spreadsheet. The calculated test points are then applied to the relay in
turn and the operation of the relay verified. If the relay impedances are given as primary system
values, these will have to be converted to impedances referred to the VT and CT secondary values.

5.1 Calculating the Test Points

Before calculating the test points, it is necessary to decide how far inside or outside of a zone a test
point will be. This can be decided on the accuracy required for the results of the position of the
boundary. If it is acceptable to verify points either side of the zone boundary, offsets from the test
value may be chosen depending on the accuracy required (e.g. 3% of zone boundary impedance
or 1). If it is necessary to determine the zone boundary value more accurately, it may be better
to use the procedure in section 5.3 to determine the zone boundary and perform timing tests
separately at an arbitrary point in each zone.

5.2 DVS3 and 50A-3PH Connections

Figure 5 shows the connection between the 50A-3PH, DVS3 and the relay under test.

Relay Relay Relay Relay

current current current Distance Relay contacts
coil A coil B coil C coil

1.000A 1.000A 1.000A

0.0 60.000s

Figure 5. Connections

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
Page 12

Before making any connections, ensure that the system under test is dead and earthed.
Connecting to a live system may result in personal injury or equipment damage.

Connect the output from the DVS3 to the voltage coil of the relay.

Connect the 50A-3PH to the current coils of the relay, observing polarity of each coil.

Connect the T&R link output from the 50A-3PH to the T&R link input of the DVS3
using T&R Link Lead 1. This locks the phase relationship between the DVS3 and the

The relay will also require an auxiliary supply (not shown in figure 5).

An auxiliary supply of 110Vac or 230Vac is available from the 50A-3PH to power the relay, and if
other voltages are required, a range of optional auxiliary supply converters are available.

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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5.3 Determining Zone Boundaries

It is possible to either test for definite trip/no trip points on the relay characteristic or to determine
the actual boundary value at the edge of a zone. If zones other than the zone under test can be
disabled, or if separate contacts are available for each zone, follow the procedure in 5.3.1. If all
zones must be tested together, follow the instructions in 5.3.2.

5.3.1 Determining Zone Boundaries by Continuous Variation of Impedance

This method only works if other zones can be disabled, or the trip signal for each zone is available
on a separate contact from the relay.




Zone 1
30.00 Effect of reducing voltage

Relay trip PSIA
Test vector 1

-10.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 70.00 90.00


Figure 6.Finding a zone boundary by varying the voltage

Connect contact input 1 of the DVS3 to the contacts relating to the zone under test.

Set the phase angle for the test vector on the DVS3.

Switch on the current on the 50A-3PH, and set each phase to the test current (In or
other suitable value).

Switch on the voltage on the DVS3.

Apply an initial impedance to the relay outside all zones (point A on figure 6) by setting
the voltage on the DVS3 to an appropriate value. This point is always on the angle of
the test vector, and placed outside the outermost zone of operation.

Slowly decrease the DVS3 voltage until the relay trips. The result is accurate for a
zone with instantaneous trip time, but dependant on the rate of change of voltage on a
zone with delayed operation. Zones with delays require a much slower approach to
the trip value.

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
Page 14

Calculate the impedance at the trip point from the voltage and current (Z=V/I). The
angle of the impedance is the same as the angle of the voltage.

5.3.2 Determining Zone Boundaries Using Discrete Steps of Impedance

This method may be used if only one trip contact is available from the relay. The zone of operation
for each test point is shown by the trip time of the relay. A series of test impedances are applied to
the relay centred around the expected operating impedance on the impedance angle selected. The
zone boundary is be found by applying values either side of the boundary but approaching the
boundary with successive tests. After a number of test values, the result will converge, giving an
accurate result for the zone boundary.

Set the phase angle for the test vector on the DVS3.

Switch on the current on the 50A-3PH, and set each phase to the test current (In or
other suitable value).

Switch on the voltage on the DVS3.

Apply an initial impedance to the relay just outside the zone boundary under test
(point A on figure 7) by setting the voltage on the DVS3 to an appropriate value using
the keypad. The relay should trip in the time appropriate to the zone in which the
impedance lies (zone 4 in figure 7).

Type in a new voltage value on the DVS3 that should cause the relay to trip in the
next zone (point B, zone 3 on figure 7). The relay should trip in the zone 3 delay time.

If the relay has tripped as expected, take a point mid-way between the two test points
and enter this voltage. If this trips the relay in the same time as point A, apply the
next point mid-way between point B and C. If it trips the relay in the same time as
point B, apply the next test mid-way between point A and B.

The aim is to reduce the impedance between two tests so that points either side of
the zone boundary but adjacent to it are found.

Calculate the impedance at the zone boundary from the voltage and current (Z=V/I).
The angle of the impedance is the same as the angle of the voltage.

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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40.00 D
Zone 1
30.00 Zone 2
Zone 3
20.00 Zone 4
Test vector 1

-10.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 70.00 90.00


Figure 7.Finding a zone boundary by binary search

5.4 Zone Timing Tests

To test the timing of each zone of operation, test points can be picked in each zone of operation as
shown in figure 8.



C Zone 1
30.00 Zone 2
Zone 3
20.00 Zone 4
Test vector 1
10.00 E

-10.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 70.00 90.00


Figure 8. Test points for timing tests

Set the phase angle for the test vector on the DVS3.

Switch on the current on the 50A-3PH, and set each phase to the test current (In or
other suitable value).

Switch on the voltage on the DVS3.

Apply an initial impedance to the relay just outside all of the zones of operation (point
A). The relay should not trip.

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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Type in a new voltage value on the DVS3 that should cause the relay to trip in the
outer zone (point B, zone 4 on figure 8). The DVS3 timer will display the zone 4 trip

Type in the point A voltage to return the relay to its non-tripped state. The DVS3 timer
will display the relay reset time.

Repeat the process for each of the other test points for the other zones.

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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A Excel spreadsheet is available from T&R Test Equipment to accompany this application note. It
allows easy calculation of test voltages from impedances and vice-versa. It also allows a
quadrilateral relay characteristic to be entered and the impedance calculation results superimposed
on the R-X diagram for the relay.

This spreadsheet is designed for Excel 97 onwards. Please note that Excel must have the Analysis
ToolPak installed for this spreadsheet to function. To check that the analysis toolpak is installed, go
to the Tools menu and select Add-Ins. Check that Analysis TooPak is checked in the dialogue
box that appears. If not, tick the box and click OK.

Values that may be changed on the spreadsheet appear as bold red values in boxes. If other
values are typed over or altered, the calculation functions of the spreadsheet may stop working.

6.1 System Parameters

It is possible to use the impedance converter for secondary impedance values only without entering
any system parameters. If the power system parameters are entered, calculations may be carried
on primary impedances.

To use these facilities, enter the following parameters into the spreadsheet as shown in figure 9:

Nominal system voltage, in kV

Rated current in A

CT rated secondary current

VT rated secondary voltage

The CT and VT ratio is calculated and displayed along with the primary values.

In addition, the required test current from the 50A-3PH is entered at this point. This may be the
nominal CT secondary current, or another value if this is not acceptable. This value is used
throughout the impedance calculations in the sections below.

A drop-down box is provided in this section to select between primary and secondary impedances.
If the Primary option is selected, impedances are entered and displayed referred to the power
system values. If Secondary is selected impedances are referred to the secondary values of the
CT and VT.

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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Figure 9. Entering power system parameters and test current

6.2 Conversion from Impedance to V, I and Test Values

The second section of the spreadsheet (Table 1) allows impedances to be entered into a table as
either magnitudeangle or complex values. If both types of value are entered for a line in the table,
the magnitudeangle value will be ignored and the complex value will be used.

Figure 10. Conversion from impedance to V, I and phase

The table displays the current to be injected from the 50A-3PH and the voltage magnitude and
phase angle to be generated by the DVS3. If the Primary impedance option is selected in the first
section of the spreadsheet, the impedance values are taken to be primary values. The table also
displays the system voltages and currents that the impedance relates to.

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
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6.3 Conversion from V, I and Test Values to Impedance

The third section (Table 2), converts from applied test voltages and currents to primary or
secondary impedances. The test current is taken from section 1, and the voltage and phase are
entered. The impedance values and primary system voltages and currents are

Figure 11. Conversion from V, I and phase to impedance

6.4 Display of Results on R-X Diagram

The impedance results from table 1 and table 2 may be displayed on an R-X diagram with a
quadrilateral relay characteristic in the final section of the spreadsheet.

Figure 12. Results display on R-X diagram

Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1
Page 20

Values are entered for the relay positive sequence impedance angle and the point at which the
characteristic crosses the R and X axis for each zone. Zone 1 and zone 2 may also have a
directional characteristic selected.

The relay zones are then plotted, and the test vectors from table 1 and table 2 plotted on the graph.

If you have any comments or questions about this procedure or the associated spreadsheet, please
contact Ian Lake, ilake@trtest.com.

T&R Test Equipment Ltd, Keens Lane, Worplesdon, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3JS, UK

Tel: 01483 235757 Fax: 01483 235759 email: sales@trtest.com


Title: DVS3 & 50A-3PH Application Note - Distance Relays v1.00.doc

Author: IDWL Date: 18/8/03 Revision: 1

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