Activity Dice
Activity Dice
Activity Dice
Student Name: Xheni Lila Date: Age Group: Kindergarten Room (4-5 years old)
Purpose: Purpose:
Reason for developing I noticed a lot of the children were fussy and were not able to
learning experience. This focus, therefor I asked them to play this game to get them up and
could be in response to an moving. According to the FDK curriculum the focus would be
observation, discussion with for the children to pretend play and make noises of different
the site supervisor, Ontario animals while using large muscles (23.1)
Curriculum Objective, etc.
Curriculum Objective
Activity Dice
Learning Experience
3 Objectives
What are you planning in
response to your purpose? - (7.1) The children will be able to participate actively in
creative movement and physical activities
- Label your experience
(e.g. Painting with cars). - (8.2) They will also be able to demonstrate control of
- What are your 3 large muscles.
objectives for this - (23.1) The students will be able to use problem-solving
experience? (i.e. What skills and their imagination to pretend to be and sound
interests are you like different animals.
extending? What strengths
and opportunities for Who will be involved in the experience?
growth are you
enhancing/supporting?) All of the 29 children be able to participate.
Please Note: You should
refer to appropriate Where will the experience take place?
pedagogy to support your
discussion around strengths This will take place on the carpet at the end of the day before
and opportunities for growth going home.
(e.g. ELECT, How Does
Materials Used
Learning Happen, Ontario
FDK Curriculum, etc). - 1 cube labeled with different animals
Describe the experience: - 1 cube labeled with different actions