Liu 2005
Liu 2005
Liu 2005
Gang Liu,1 Yan-feng Li,2 Feng-yuan Yan,1,3 Zhen-xing Zhao,1 Lin-cheng Zhou,2 and
Qun-ji Xue1
KEY WORDS: Linear low-density polyethylene; nanoparticles; composite; mechanical properties; aging
State Key Laboratory of Solid lubrication, Lanzhou Institute of INTRODUCTION
Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730
000, China. Since the natural and ecological environments
State Key Laboratory of Arid Agroecology, College of Chemis- in the northwest region of China are much harsh,
try and Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou
730 000, China.
it is imperative to develop new materials and
To whom all correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: technologies for the arid and semi-arid agriculture there, so as to make full use of and save
1566-2543/05/1000-0339/0 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
340 Liu, Li, Yan, Zhao, Zhou, and Xue
of Holand) according to GB/T 1633-2000 [10]. The tion retention rate at break of the tested pipes
processability of the composite, i.e., rheological were measured according to ISO877: 1994.
and extrusion behaviors, were evaluated using a
HAAKE rheogoniometer and a ZSE-34
extruder (both made in Germany) according to GB/ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
T 3682-1989 [11]. The melted state owing rate of
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of LLDPE/
the composite was determined on a torsional mo-
LDPE Blend
ment mobilometer, with 40:1 capillary length to
diameter ratio, 1.27 mm meatus diameter, and The LLDPE/LDPE blends with LLDPE to
temperatures of 170, 190 and 210C. The low LDPE ratios 0:100, 20:80, 40:60, 60:40, 80:20, and
emperature brittleness testing of the injected com- 100:0 were prepared, and the resulting blends were
posite specimens was carried out on a C028 coded as specimen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively.
brittleness tester (made by Chengde Test Instrument Figure 1 shows the variation of the tensile strength
Co. Ltd in China) according to GB/T 5470-1985 and elongation rate at break of the LLDPE/LDPE
[12]. blend with the mass fraction of LLDPE. It is seen
that the tensile strength of the blend increased with
increasing LLDPE mass fraction and reaches a
Environmental Adaptability
maximum at a LLDPE mass fraction of 60%.
The adaptability of a material to a harsh sur- Beyond that value it decreased gradually as the
rounding was expressed by the environmental stress mass fraction of LLDPE raised to 80% and above.
cracking resistance (ESCR). Thus the ESCR of the Moreover, the elongation rate at break of the blend
injected composite specimens was measured on a continuously decreased with increasing LLDPE
NYK-06 environmental stress cracking resistance content. This is because the crystallinity of the
meter (made by CEAST Co. in Italy) according to blend increased with increasing LLDPE proportion,
GB/T1842 [13]. The resistance to light aging of the thus making it possible for the crystallite of a larger
composite was examined in a XENOTEST 150S grain size to grow during the specimen-preparation
xenon light aging box (made in Germany), and the process [2, 3]. Namely, the LLDPE had a larger
thermal aging behavior of the composite was cooling speed and was easier to crystallize than
evaluated in a DL401A oven (made in China). LDPE during the specimen-preparation process.
Thus the composite with a larger LLDPE propor-
tion had a larger tensile strength, owing to higher
Field Test
degree of crystallization.
The micro-irrigation pipes of diameters Figure 2 shows the variation of the bending
12 mm and 32 mm and thicknesses 1 mm and strength and bending modulus of the blend with the
2.2 mm, respectively, were made from the mass fraction of LLDPE. It is seen that the bending
composite by extrusion. The resulting pipes were modulus of the LLDPE/LDPE blend increased con-
paved in the soil of an orchard in northwestern tinuously with increasing LLDPE content, while the
rural area of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, bending strength of the blend reached a maximum
China, and subject to eld tests, with the annual at a LLDPE proportion of 80% and remained un-
average sunshine days to be 240 and the total an- changed with further increase in the mass fraction
nual sunlight irradiation to be 6300--6700 MJ/m2, of the LLDPE. This observation reects the dier-
the ultraviolet irradiation intensity (280400 nm) ence in the crystallization behavior of the LLDPE/
to be about 1020 W/m2, and the ultraviolet irra- LDPE blends with dierent compositions [2, 3].
diation index to be 610. The eld tests were car- Figure 3 shows the variation of the Vicat
ried out at an annual cumulative temperature softening point of the LLDPE/LDPE blend with
below 4000C, annual rainfall below 100 mm, an- the mass fraction of LLDPE. It is seen that the
nual highest temperature of 45C, and annual Vicat softening point of the LLDPE/LDPE blends
lowest temperature of )25C, for a duration of assumed a minute decrease at a LLDPE mass
3 years. The tested pipes were collected in each fraction below 40%, it gradually increased to a
winter and reused in the next spring during the maximum as the LLDPE mass fraction rises from
eld test. At the end of each year, the vertical 40 to 80% and assumed a minor decrease at a
tensile strength retention rate and vertical elonga- LLDPE mass fraction above 80%.
342 Liu, Li, Yan, Zhao, Zhou, and Xue
30 900
5 300
0 20 40 60 80 100
LLDPE content (%)
Fig. 1. Variation of the tensile strength and elongation rate at break of the LLDPE/LDPE blend with the mass fraction of LLDPE.
20 400
modulus 300
0 20 40 60 80 100
LLDPE content (%)
Fig. 2. Variation of the bending strength and bending modulus of LLDPE/LDPE blend with the mass fraction of LLDPE.
The above observations indicate that at a 80% so as to obtain balanced mechanical and ther-
smaller content of LDPE, the LLDPE/LDPE mal behaviors of the LLDPE/LDPE blend. Accord-
blends exhibited improved mechanical and thermal ingly, the LLDPE/LDPE blend with a LLDPE
properties. It is therefore suggested that the mass mass fraction of 80% was used as the basic resin
fraction of LLDPE in the binary blend selected as matrix and lled with inorganic nanoparticles so as
to improve the mechanical and thermal properties
and environmental adaptability in the following
120 studies.
Vicat softening temp. (Degree C)
(b) 350
Bending modulus (MPa)
Elongation rate at break (%)
320 NanoTiO2
640 290
620 NanoSiO2
600 NanoSiO2/TiO2
580 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
Nanoparticles content (%) Nanoparticles content (%)
Fig. 5. Variation of the elongation rate at break of the lled Bending modulus vs. nanoparticles content
LLDPE/LDPE composites with the ller content (a) Bending Fig. 6. Variation of the bending strength (a) and bending mod-
strength versus nanoparticles content (b) Bending modulus versus ulus (b) of the lled LLDPE/LDPE composite with the ller
nanoparticles content. content.
344 Liu, Li, Yan, Zhao, Zhou, and Xue
nano particulate ller alone when the ller content the mechanical and thermal properties of the
was above 4%. This indicates that the two kinds of LLDPE/LDPE blend and of the lled LLDPE-
nanoscale particulate were the llers having a syner- LDPE composites is shown in Fig. 7. It is seen that
gistic eect in improving the mechanical properties the incorporation of the EVA as the toughness im-
of the LLDPE/LDPE composites. With a view to prover at a mass fraction below 6% contributed to
the optimized mechanical properties of the lled increasing the tensile strength and elongation rate at
composites, it is decided to keep the content of the break of the lled LLDPE/LDPE composites (see
mixed nanoparticle ller at 3%. Fig. 7a and b). However, EVA led to decreased
The increased mechanical strengths of the lled tensile strength and elongation rate at break of the
LLDPE/LDPE were closely related to the reinforc- lled composite as the mass fraction was above 6%.
ing effect of the nanoparticles. Namely, the nano- Moreover, irrespective of the mass fraction, EVA
particles of higher surface energy and chemical caused decreasing in the bending strength, bending
reactivity were able to interact with the polymer modulus, and Vicat softening temperature of the
matrix and to form a three-dimensional network lled LLDPE/LDPE composite (see Fig. 7ce).
among the nanoparticles and the polyethylene back- Thus the optimized EVA mass fraction in the lled
bone by way of chemical bonding in the presence of composite was 6%, and that of the mixed nano-ller
the coupling agent and macromolecular dispersing 3%, so as to acquire the optimized comprehensive
agent and toughness improver. Chemical bonding mechanical and thermal properties and environmen-
contributed to improving the mechanical properties tal adaptability of the lled LLDPE/LDPE
of the lled composites. Since the nanoparticles composite. Finally, the composite specimens served
were liable to agglomeration, it was imperative to for the following studies were composed of 91%
ensure a sable dispersion of the nanoparticles mak- resin matrix, 3% mixed nano-SiO2 and nano-TiO2
ing use of proper dispersant and to keep a proper (50/50), and 6% EVA.
content of the nano ller in the composites.
Basically, the inorganic nanoparticles can be
Processability and Environmental Adaptability of
entrapped in the crack crevice as the lled poly-
LLDPE/LDPE Composite Filled with Nano-SiO2
meric composites experience deformation and crack
and Nano-TiO2
under stress. The deformation and crack can be re-
tarded or terminated with the breaking of the plas- LLDPE has fair melt exibility, high viscosity,
tics composites. In other words, the energies or and large extrude moment, and it is characterized
external stress can be consumed or adsorbed by the by serious break in melting and by coarse surface in
construction and breakage of the silk conjunc- extruding pipes of a small size, which makes it dif-
tions among the active nanoparticles atoms and cult to control the processing quality of the nal
the active polymeric molecular chain. Anyhow, the product. Therefore the processability of LLDPE is
incorporation of nano-SiO2 and nano-TiO2 contrib- highly focused on in terms of its application in
uted to increasing the mechanical strengths of the engineering. The processability of our modied
lled LLDPE/LDPE composites. However, it was LLDPE/LDPE composites was examined, with
imperative to keep the nano ller content at a prop- emphasis on rheological and extrusive behaviors.
er level, otherwise, the agglomerated nanoparticles Accordingly, rheological tests and extrusion
would have acted as stress-concentrating centers moldings were carried out with respect to the blend
and hence decreased the mechanical strengths of the resin matrix (specimens A1 and A2) and the lled
plastics composites. LLDPE/LDPE composite (specimens B1 and B2).
As shown in Fig. 8, the lled LLDPE/LDPE
composite exhibited better rheological behavior
Effect of EVA on the Mechanical Properties
than the resin matrix blend. This is supposed to be
related to the reduction of the friction resistance
Macromolecular EVA has good exibility, by the nanoparticles acting as solid lubricants in
freezing resistance, elasticity, and resistance to envi- the composite. In other words, the self-lubricity
ronmental stress cracking [14]. Thus EVA was used of the SiO2 and TiO2 nanoparticles helped
to improve the exibility and processability of improving the rheological behavior of the LLDPE/
LLDPE and the dispersing of the nanoparticles in LDPE blends. The composite containing 3%
the basic resin matrix. The eect of EVA on nanoparticles showed the best melt rheological
Aging Behavior of LLDPE/LDPE 345
20 350
(c) (d)
Bending strength (MPa)
10 250
Resin matrix
5 200 NanoSiO2/TiO2
NanoSiO2/TiO2 Resin matrix
0 150
0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15
EVA content (%) EVA content (%)
Bending strength vs. EVA content Bending modulus vs. EVA content
Vicat softening temperature
Resin matrix
104 NaonSiO2/TiO2
(Degree C)
0 3 6 9 12 15
EVA content (%)
Vicat softening temperature vs. EVA content
Fig. 7. Eect of EVA as the dispersant and toughness improver on the mechanical and thermal properties of LLDPE/LDPE blend and
lled LLDPE/LDPE composites (a) Tensile strength vs. EVA content (b) Elongation rate at break vs. EVA content (c) Bending strength
vs. EVA content (d) Bending modulus vs. EVA content (e) Vicat softening temperature vs. EVA content.
Table I. Environmental Adaptability of the Pipes Made From the Basic Resin Matrix and the Filled LLDPE/LDPE Composite
Stress (MPa) Temperature (C) Pipe made of composite Pipe made of resin matrix
A1 t
B1 t
5 A2 h
h -app [Pa s]
B2 h
t -app [Pa]
2 3
10 10
g -app [1/s]
Fig. 8. s)app and g)app vs. c curves for the blend resin matrix (Curves A1 and A2) and lled LLDPE/LDPE composite (Curves B1 and B2).
0 200 400 600 800
UV irradiation time (h)
Tensile strength vs. UV irradiation duration
Breaking elongation rate (%)
Resin matrix
0 200 400 600 800
UV irradiation time (h)
Elongation rate at break vs. UV irradiation duration
Fig. 10. Eect of ultraviolet irradiation on the tensile strength (a) and elongation rate at break (b) of the resin matrix blend and the lled
LLDPE/LDPE composite.
Table II. Retention Rate of Tensile Strength and Elongation Rate at Break of the Micro-irrigation Pipes Made of Resin Matrix and
Filled Composite (91% Resin Blend/6% EVA/3% Mixed Nano-ller) in Field Test
Parameters of pipes
The end of rst year The end of second year The end of third year
Pipe wall thickness (mm) 1.0 2.2 1.0 2.2 1.0 2.2 1.0 2.2 1.0 2.2 1.0 2.2
Tensile strength retention (%) 80.0 81.1 93.5 94.8 67.4 70.2 87.1 89.5 47.0 58.3 77.6 78.8
Break elongation rate retention (%) 80.1 82.2 94.4 95.5 67.2 71.3 87.0 89.9 45.6 60.4 79.2 80.9
Note: The relative errors to measure the pipe wall thickness, the tensile strength retention, and the break elongation rate retention were 10,
5, and 5%.
specimens made of the resin matrix blend and In order to evaluate the long-term serviceability
the LLDPE/LDPE composite lled with the of the micro-irrigation pipes made of the lled
nanoparticles were used to perform brittleness test LLDPE/LDPE composite, the aging tests of the ex-
at )60, )70, and )80C. It was found that the spec- truded molded LLDPE/LDPE composite and the
imens made of the composite were superior to those resin matrix blend were carried out at 100C in an
made of the resin matrix blend in terms of the low oven. Figure 9 shows the variation of the tensile
temperature brittleness. Namely, the specimen made strength and elongation rate at breaks of the tested
of the resin matrix blend experienced brittle fracture specimens with the aging duration. It is seen that
at )60C, and the specimens made of the composite the lled LLDPE/LDPE composite had much better
remained unchanged even at )80C. ability to retain mechanical strength than the resin
348 Liu, Li, Yan, Zhao, Zhou, and Xue