Nav 2003
Nav 2003
Nav 2003
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If You are located in North America or Latin America, this
Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of
If you’re installing Norton AntiVirus for the first time 5
Start here
Start here
Determine which file system your computer uses.
Finish installation
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting
Explore the Symantec service and support Web site ..................... 77
Troubleshoot Norton AntiVirus problems ......................................... 79
CD Replacement Form
About Norton
1 Worm Blocking
Norton AntiVirus scans outgoing email attachments for worms and
alerts you before sending any infected files. Norton AntiVirus blocks
the worm and recommends the appropriate action, so you prevent
sending it in an email message.
1 Password protection
Norton AntiVirus allows you to set, change, and reset a password to
control your option settings, so that unauthorized users can’t tamper
with your virus protection.
1 Log Viewer
Norton AntiVirus organizes information about virus alerts, application
activities, and errors. You determine how many activities you want to
Macro viruses are malicious macro programs that are designed to replicate
themselves from file to file and can often destroy or change data. Macro
viruses can be transferred across platforms and spread whenever you open
an infected file.
About Norton AntiVirus 13
How viruses work
This includes programs you download from news groups or Internet Web
sites and any email attachments that you receive.
Viruses spread through email and instant messenger attachments. Norton
AntiVirus monitors incoming and outgoing email messages and instant
messenger attachments for potential threats.
Scripts can be used when you log on to the Internet, or check your email.
Restarting your computer involves using scripts that tell your computer
what programs to load and run.
A script can also be written to perform malicious activities when it is
launched. You can unknowingly receive a malicious script by opening an
infected document or email attachment, viewing an infected HTML email
message, or visiting an infected Internet Web site.
Script Blocking detects Visual Basic and JavaScript viruses without the
need for specific virus definitions. It monitors the scripts for virus-like
activity and alerts you if it is found.
Worm Blocking scans all outgoing email messages and alerts you if a
malicious worm is detected. Once a worm is detected, Norton AntiVirus
blocks the worm and recommends the appropriate action, so you prevent
sending it in an email message.
Avoid viruses
It is important that you practice regular file maintenance and that you keep
Norton AntiVirus up-to-date.
To avoid viruses:
1 Write-protect removable media.
See “About Norton 1 Stay informed about viruses by logging on to the Symantec Security
AntiVirus on the
Web” on page 49.
Response Web site ( where
there is extensive, frequently updated information on viruses and
virus protection.
See “Keeping 1 Keep LiveUpdate turned on at all times to continually update your
current with
LiveUpdate” on
virus definitions files.
page 59.
1 Run LiveUpdate regularly to receive new program updates.
1 Keep Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect turned on at all times to prevent
viruses from infecting your computer.
See “Manually scan 1 If Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect is not turned on, scan removable
disks, folders, and
files” on page 52.
media before you use them.
System requirements
To use Norton AntiVirus, your computer must have one of the following
Windows operating systems:
1 Windows 98/98SE/Me
1 Windows 2000 Professional Edition
1 Windows XP Professional/Home Edition
Windows 98/Me 1 Intel Pentium processor (or compatible) at 133 MHz for
Windows 98; 150 MHz for Windows Me
1 32 MB of RAM
1 70 MB of available hard disk space
1 Internet Explorer 5.0 or later (5.5 recommended)
1 CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
Before installation
See “Create Before you install Norton AntiVirus, prepare your computer. If your
Emergency Disks”
on page 22.
computer cannot start from a CD, create Emergency Disks.
Before you install Norton AntiVirus, use these suggestions to prepare your
1 If you have any other antivirus programs on your computer, you must
uninstall them and restart your computer before installing Norton
To uninstall other antivirus programs, see the user documentation that
came with the program.
1 Close all other Windows programs before installing Norton AntiVirus,
including those programs displayed in the Windows tray.
If you cannot start your computer from a CD, you can use these instructions
to create Emergency Disks on another computer or go to and download the
Emergency Disk program. Follow the instructions included in the download
to create the Emergency Disks.
w If you downloaded your copy of Norton AntiVirus and are not using a
CD, open the Norton AntiVirus folder and click setup.exe.
See “If you need to 3 If you are installing in Windows 98, 98SE, or Me, Norton AntiVirus
use Emergency
Disks” on page 74.
scans your computer’s memory for viruses before installing. If a virus
is found, you are prompted to use your Emergency Disks to remove the
virus before continuing.
4 The opening installation window reminds you to close all other
Windows programs.
5 Click Next.
7 Click Next.
8 If you are upgrading from Norton AntiVirus 2002, you can keep your
option settings. Click Yes to keep the settings.
10 Click Next.
See “Read the 12 After Norton AntiVirus is installed, scroll through the Readme text,
Readme file” on
page 29.
then click Next.
After installation
For Windows 98/Me, you must restart your computer after installing
Norton AntiVirus.
If your computer needs to be restarted after Norton AntiVirus is installed, a
prompt appears giving you the option to do so immediately. After restart or,
if your computer does not need to be restarted, after installation is
complete, the Information Wizard appears.
w If you bought your computer with Norton AntiVirus already installed, the
Information Wizard appears the first time you start Norton AntiVirus. You
must accept the license agreement that appears in the Information Wizard
for Norton AntiVirus to be activated.
w If you choose not to register the software using the Information Wizard or if
registration fails for some reason, you can register by using the Product
Registration option on the Help menu or by using the Symantec Web site at On the Web site, go to the Products page for the
registration link.
Run LiveUpdate to ensure that you have the See “Keeping current with
latest virus definitions. LiveUpdate” on page 59.
If you are installing in Windows 98/Me, you See “About Rescue Disks” on
also have the option to create a Rescue Disk page 36.
15 Click Next.
7 Click Finish.
View Quarantine Displays the Quarantine area and the files currently
stored there. For more information, see “If you have
files in Quarantine” on page 70.
View Activity Log Displays the Log Viewer, showing you various
Norton AntiVirus activities, such as scans
performed and problems found. For more
information, see “Monitoring Norton AntiVirus
activities” on page 45.
Launch Scan Menu Opens Norton AntiVirus in the Scan for Viruses
pane, on which you can specify a scan to run.
When you first open Windows Explorer after installing Norton AntiVirus,
you may not see the Norton AntiVirus button and menu.
In some cases, Auto-Protect may warn you about a virus-like activity that
you know is not the work of a virus. If you will be performing such an
activity and want to avoid the warning, you can temporarily disable Auto-
w If you have set a password for Options, Norton AntiVirus asks you for the
password before you can view or adjust the settings.
To enable Auto-Protect
1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click Options.
3 In the Options window, under System, click Auto-Protect.
4 In the Auto-Protect pane, check Enable Auto-Protect.
If the Norton AntiVirus icon appears in the Windows tray, you can use it to
enable and disable Auto-Protect.
To enable or disable Auto-Protect using the tray icon
1 In the Windows tray, right-click the Norton AntiVirus icon.
2 Do one of the following:
2 If Auto-Protect is disabled, click Enable Auto-Protect.
2 If Auto-Protect is enabled, click Disable Auto-Protect.
36 Norton AntiVirus basics
Maintain Norton AntiVirus protection
Disks can and should be updated whenever you update your virus
protection, install new software, or make changes to your hardware.
In the Status pane of the Norton AntiVirus main window, a check mark
indicates that the system status is OK and a triangle indicates that your
system needs attention. If you see a triangle, review the features and
services to see which area needs attention.
See “Customize If you need to adjust any settings, use Options.
Norton AntiVirus”
on page 40.
Norton AntiVirus basics 39
Maintain Norton AntiVirus protection
2 In the Status pane, review the status to the left of each feature.
3 For more information about a particular feature, click the feature.
The right pane displays a description and a link to more information
about the feature.
w If you have set a password for Options, Norton AntiVirus asks you for the
password before you can view or adjust the settings.
All the settings for Options are organized into three main categories. The
options contained under each category are as follows.
Category Options
System Auto-Protect
1 Bloodhound
1 Advanced
1 Exclusions
Script Blocking
Manual Scan
1 Bloodhound
1 Exclusions
Internet Email
1 Advanced
Instant Messenger
See “Change This section does not describe how to change the individual options, but
Norton AntiVirus
options” on
gives a general description of what they do and how you can find them. For
page 43. specific information about a particular option, check the online Help.
Option Description
Script Blocking Enable Script Blocking and set what Norton AntiVirus should
do if it finds a malicious script. If you are developing or
debugging scripts, disable Script Blocking. Otherwise this
feature might block the script you are developing.
Manual Scan Determine what gets scanned and what happens if a virus is
found during a scan that you request.
Manual Scan options also include Bloodhound and
Exclusions subcategories.
42 Norton AntiVirus basics
Customize Norton AntiVirus
Option Description
Email Enable email scanning and Worm Blocking, and define how
Norton AntiVirus should behave while scanning email
messages. Scanning incoming email protects your computer
against viruses sent by others. Scanning outgoing email
prevents you from inadvertently transmitting viruses or
worms to others. You can choose to scan incoming or
outgoing email, or both, and to display an icon or progress
indicator while scanning. You can set options to
automatically repair, quarantine, or delete infected email
with or without interaction with you.
Advanced options determine what to do when scanning
Option Description
To change settings
See “Access Norton 1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
AntiVirus tools” on
page 33. 2 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click Options.
44 Norton AntiVirus basics
Change Norton AntiVirus options
w If you set a password for Options, Norton AntiVirus asks you for the
password before you can continue.
3 In the Options window, in the left pane, click an option in the list.
Options with an arrow to the left have sub-options. As you click an
option, the corresponding settings for the selected option appear in the
right pane.
See “Customize 4 Select any settings you want to change.
Norton AntiVirus”
on page 40. 5 Click OK.
These settings now take precedence over the preset options. The
changes take effect immediately.
w If you set a password for Options, Norton AntiVirus asks you for the
password before you can view or adjust the settings.
Norton AntiVirus basics 45
Password protect Norton AntiVirus options
If you forget your password, you can reset it from the Help button in the
Norton AntiVirus main window. Check online Help for more information
about resetting your password.
Check the Activity Log to see what tasks Norton AntiVirus has performed
and the results of those tasks to make sure your Options settings are set
correctly for your particular needs.
To check activities
1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click Reports.
46 Norton AntiVirus basics
For more information
3 In the Reports pane, on the Activity Log line, click View Report.
Link to Symantec
Web sites for more
Version, system, and information
password reset
Search Opens a search field where you can enter a word or phrase
The Contents, Index, and Search tabs are also available in many other Help
windows and can always be used to search for Help.
Once you have installed Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can read the PDF from
the CD.
To read the User’s Guide PDF from the CD
1 Insert the Norton AntiVirus CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2 Click Browse CD.
3 Double-click the Manual folder.
4 Double-click the NAV2003 folder.
5 Double-click NAV2003.pdf.
Norton AntiVirus basics 49
For more information
You can also copy the User’s Guide to your hard disk and read it from there.
It needs approximately 1 MB of disk space.
To read the User’s Guide from your hard disk
1 Open the location into which you copied the PDF.
2 Double-click NAV2003.pdf.
To access the Symantec Web site from the Norton AntiVirus main
1 Click Help.
2 Select the solution that you want. Your options are:
Help and Takes you to the technical support page of the Symantec
Support Web site, from which you can search for solutions to
specific problems, update your virus protection, and read
the latest information about antivirus technology.
More Symantec Takes you to the Symantec store page of the Symantec Web
Solutions site, from which you can get the latest product information
and shop for Symantec products.
This table summarizes the maximum protection settings and where you
can find them. For specific information about an option, check the online
Although the default settings for manual scanning are usually adequate,
you can raise the level of Bloodhound heuristics or adjust the options for
Protecting disks, files, and data from viruses 53
Manually scan disks, folders, and files
manual scanning in the Options window. Check online Help for more
information about manual scanning options.
You can delete the scan when it is no longer necessary. For example, if you
are working on a project for which you need to frequently swap files with
others, you might want to create a folder into which you copy and scan
those files before using them. When the project is done, you can delete the
custom scan for that folder.
To create a custom scan
1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click Scan for Viruses.
3 In the Scan for Viruses pane, under Actions, click New.
4 In the opening window of the Norton AntiVirus Scan Wizard, click
Protecting disks, files, and data from viruses 55
Create and use custom scans
3 In the Scan for Viruses pane, select the scan that you want to delete.
w If you click the button next to the scan name, the scan runs.
Schedule scans
When you install Norton AntiVirus and complete the Information Wizard,
you can choose to schedule a weekly full system scan as part of post-install
tasks. If you make that choice, the scan is scheduled automatically.
You can schedule customized virus scans that run unattended on specific
dates and times or at periodic intervals. If you are using the computer when
the scheduled scan begins, it runs in the background so that you do not
have to stop working.
w You cannot schedule the predefined scans in the scan list, but you can
schedule any custom scans that you have created.
w If you click the button next to the scan name, the scan runs.
6 Set the frequency and time at which you want the scan to run.
Most of the frequency options include additional options that let you
further refine the schedule. Set the additional options as necessary.
7 When you are done, click OK.
You can also create multiple schedules for a scan. For example, you could
run the same scan at the beginning of your work day and at the end.
To create multiple schedules for a single scan
1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click Scan for Viruses.
3 In the Scan for Viruses pane, select the scan that you want to
w If you click the button next to the scan name, the scan runs.
w If you click the button next to the scan name, the scan runs.
Your normal Internet access fees apply when you use LiveUpdate.
w If you are using Norton AntiVirus on Windows 2000/XP, you must have
Administrator access rights to run LiveUpdate.
w Some program updates may require that you restart your computer after
you install them.
you can set your ISDN router to not automatically connect to the ISP or
disable Automatic LiveUpdate in the Norton AntiVirus options.
To enable Automatic LiveUpdate
1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click Options.
w If you set a password for Options, Norton AntiVirus asks you for the
password before you can continue.
Notify me when updates LiveUpdate checks for protection updates and asks
are available if you want to install them.
6 Click OK.
If Norton AntiVirus finds a virus on your computer, there are three possible
resolutions to the problem:
6 Click Delete.
Once all of the files have been repaired, quarantined, or deleted, the
Summary pane of the scanner window opens.
7 When you are done reviewing the summary, click Finished.
w After repairing a boot virus on your hard drive, restart your computer.
If you have set your options so that Auto-Protect asks you what to do when
it finds a virus, the alert asks you to choose an action. The recommended
action is always preselected.
Action Result
Repair the infected file Automatically eliminates the virus, Trojan horse, or
worm and repairs or deletes the infected file. When a
virus is found, Repair is always the best choice.
Quarantine the infected Isolates the infected file, but does not remove the threat.
file Select Quarantine if you suspect that the infection is
caused by an unknown threat and you want to submit
the threat to Symantec for analysis.
Delete the infected file Erases both the threat and the infected file. Select
Delete if Repair is not successful. Replace the deleted
file with the original program file or backup copy. If the
virus, Trojan horse, or worm is detected again, your
original copy is infected.
68 What to do if a virus is found
If a virus is found by Auto-Protect
Action Result
Do not open the file, but Stops the current operation to prevent you from using
leave the problem alone an infected file. This action does not solve the problem.
You will receive an alert the next time that you perform
the same activity.
Ignore the problem and Adds the file that is suspected of containing a threat to
do not scan this file in the Exclusions list. When you add a file to the
the future Exclusions list, the file is excluded from any future
virus scans, unless you remove it from the list. Select
this option only if you know that the file does not
contain a virus.
Ignore the problem and Continues the current operation. Select this option only
continue with the if you are sure that a virus, Trojan horse or worm is not
infected file at work. You will receive an alert again. If you are not
sure what to do, select Do not open the file, but leave the
problem alone.
If a file cannot be repaired, you receive an alert telling you that the repair
was not made and recommending that you quarantine the file. You have
the same options as those listed in the table, with the exception of Repair
the infected file.
See “If you have You can set your Auto-Protect options to try to quarantine any infected files
files in that it cannot repair. If you do this, you are informed if any files are
Quarantine” on
page 70. quarantined.
What to do if a virus is found 69
If a virus is found by Script Blocking
See “If a virus is 2 Follow the recommended actions in the Repair Wizard to protect your
found during a
scan” on page 65.
computer from the infected files.
You must choose one of the options to remove the threat. The
recommended action is to stop the script from running. You can click Help
on the alert for additional information about how to respond.
The alert presents you with options and asks you what to do. If you were
not sending an email message at that time, then it is probably a worm and
you should quarantine the file. You can click Help on the alert for additional
information about how to respond.
After you have responded to the threat and deleted the file, you could still
have an infected system. Run LiveUpdate, scan your system, and, if
necessary, go to the Symantec security response Web page
( for the most up-to-date virus definitions
clean-up tools.
70 What to do if a virus is found
If you have files in Quarantine
Update the saved copy of Use if the alert appears after a legitimate change
my Master Boot Record in system files.
Restore my Master Boot Use if you are certain the system did not change
Record for legitimate reasons.
The toolbar at the top of the Quarantine window contains all of the actions
that you can perform on Quarantined files.
Repair Item Attempts to repair the selected file. Use this action if you
have received new virus definitions since the file was
added to Quarantine.
Restore Item Returns the selected file to its original location without
repairing it.
Submit Item Sends the selected file to Symantec. Use this option if you
suspect that a file is infected even if Norton AntiVirus did
not detect it.
If that does not work, read the information in the report window to identify
the types of items that cannot be repaired, and then take the appropriate
Infected files with .exe, .doc, .dot, or Use the Repair Wizard to solve the problem.
.xls file name extensions (any file See “Use the Repair Wizard” on page 66.
can be infected)
Hard disk master boot record, boot Replace using the Rescue Disks or your
record, or system files (such as operating system disks.
IO.SYS or MSDOS.SYS) and floppy See “About Rescue Disks” on page 36.
disk boot record and system files
You first need to determine if your Rescue Disks are current. This means
that you have created or updated your Rescue Disks since you did any of
the following:
Norton AntiVirus Scans your computer for viruses and repairs any
infected files
w You may need to change your computer’s BIOS Setup options to start from
the CD-ROM drive.
To look up viruses
1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click Reports.
3 In the Reports pane, on the Online Virus Encyclopedia line, click View
The Symantec Web site opens in your Internet browser.
4 Use the links on the Web page to access the virus information for
which you are looking.
See “Keeping To ensure that you have the latest virus definitions, run LiveUpdate.
current with
LiveUpdate” on To look up virus names and definitions
page 59.
1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click Reports.
3 In the Reports pane, on the Virus List line, click View Report.
76 What to do if a virus is found
Look up viruses in Norton AntiVirus
The information in this chapter will help you solve the most frequently
encountered problems. If you can’t find the solution to your problem here,
there is a wealth of information on the Symantec Web site. You can find
updates, patches, online tutorials, Knowledge Base articles, and virus
removal tools.
1 If you have a special startup disk for your computer, add it to your
Rescue Disk set. In an emergency, start from that disk. Remove the
disk and insert your Rescue Boot Disk. At the DOS prompt, type
A:RSHELL, press Enter, then follow the on-screen instructions.
1 Use the Disk Manager or similarly named program that came with
your computer to make your Rescue Boot Disk bootable. Make sure to
test your modified Rescue Boot Disk.
Sometimes, your Rescue Boot Disk does not work properly because you
have more than one operating system installed, such as Windows 2000 and
Windows 98.
The alert tells me to use my Rescue Disks, but I did not create
See “To create With your Norton AntiVirus CD you can create Emergency Disks. Although
Emergency Disks
from the CD” on
they are not as powerful as the Rescue Disks you create, you can use the
page 22. Emergency Disks to recover from most common emergencies.
See “If you are You can use the CD that contains Norton AntiVirus as an Emergency Disk
using the CD as an
Emergency Disk”
if your computer can start from the CD-ROM drive.
on page 74.
Once you have created the Emergency Disks, use them to solve the
80 Troubleshooting
Troubleshoot Norton AntiVirus problems
You may need to use a special boot disk rather than the Rescue Boot Disk.
In this case, use the boot disk or startup disk that came with your
See “My Rescue If your computer is set up with more than one operating system, such as
Disk does not
work” on page 79.
Windows 2000 and Windows 98, you may need to modify the Rescue Boot
To restart Windows
1 On the Windows taskbar, click Start > Shut Down.
2 In the Shut Down Windows dialog box, click Restart.
3 Click OK.
Norton AntiVirus may not be configured to start Auto-Protect
To set Auto-Protect to start automatically
1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click Options.
3 In the Options window, under System, click Auto-Protect.
4 Ensure that Start Auto-Protect when Windows starts up is checked.
The virus might be in a program file with an unusual extension for which
Norton AntiVirus is not configured to look.
To reset Norton AntiVirus scanning options
1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click Options.
3 In the Options window, under System, click Manual Scan.
4 Under Which file types to scan for viruses, click Comprehensive file
5 Click Manual Scan > Bloodhound.
82 Troubleshooting
Troubleshoot Norton AntiVirus problems
If the problem is a Trojan horse or worm that was transmitted over a shared
network drive, you must disconnect from the network or password protect
the drive to let Norton AntiVirus delete the problem.
If after using LiveUpdate the virus still cannot be repaired, the file may be
corrupted, or contain a new virus. There are two additional options:
See “If you have 1 Quarantine the file and submit it to Symantec.
files in
Quarantine” on 1 If a non-infected copy of the file exists, delete the infected file and
page 70.
replace it with the non-infected file.
To repair the Rescue Boot Disk without having to reformat the disk
and create a new Rescue Disk set
1 Remove the Rescue Boot Disk and restart your computer.
2 Insert the Rescue Boot Disk into the floppy disk drive.
3 On the Windows taskbar, click Start > Run.
4 In the Run dialog box, type SYS A:
5 Click OK.
Troubleshooting 83
Troubleshoot Norton AntiVirus problems
provider. To resolve this issue, turn off this option within your email client.
Consult your email client manual for instructions on how to do this, or
disable Norton AntiVirus outgoing email scanning.
To disable outgoing email scanning
1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
2 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click Options.
3 In the Options window, under Internet, click Email.
4 Uncheck Scan outgoing Email.
5 Click OK.
Service and support
Methods of technical support and customer service can vary by region. For
information on support offerings in your region, check the appropriate Web
site listed in the sections that follow.
If you received this product when you purchased your computer, your
computer manufacturer may be responsible for providing your support.
Customer service
The Service & Support Web site at tells you
how to:
1 Subscribe to Symantec newsletters.
1 Locate resellers and consultants in your area.
1 Replace defective CD-ROMs and manuals.
1 Update your product registration.
1 Find out about orders, returns, or a rebate status.
1 Access Customer Service FAQs.
1 Post a question to a Customer Service representative.
1 Obtain product information, literature, or trialware.
86 Service and support solutions
Technical support
Technical support
Symantec offers two technical support options for help with installing,
configuring, or troubleshooting Symantec products:
1 Online Service and Support
Connect to the Symantec Service & Support Web site at, select your user type, and then select
your product and version. You can access hot topics, Knowledge Base
articles, tutorials, contact options, and more. You can also post a
question to an online Technical Support representative.
1 PriorityCare telephone support
This fee-based (in most areas) telephone support is available to all
registered customers. Find the phone number for your product at the
Service & Support Web site. You’ll be led through the online options
first, and then to the telephone contact options.
Subscription policy
If your Symantec product includes virus, firewall, or Web content
protection, you may be entitled to receive updates via LiveUpdate.
Subscription length varies by Symantec product.
After your initial subscription ends, you must renew it before you can
update your virus, firewall, or Web content protection. Without these
updates, you will be vulnerable to attacks.
When you run LiveUpdate near the end of your subscription period, you are
prompted to subscribe for a nominal charge. Simply follow the instructions
on the screen.
Service and support solutions 87
Worldwide service and support
Latin America
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information.
However, the information contained herein is subject to change without
notice. Symantec Corporation reserves the right for such change without
prior notice.
July 25, 2002
88 Service and support solutions
Worldwide service and support
Virus List A list that shows all of the viruses for which
Norton AntiVirus has a virus definition. It is
important to update this list regularly.
accessing Options 40 CD-ROM drive, starting Norton AntiVirus
Activity Log 12, 45 from 74
Adobe Acrobat Reader, installing 48 changing scan schedules 57
AOL 62 changing settings 40
Automatic LiveUpdate 42, 63 CompuServe 62
Auto-Protect computer requirements 19
description 35 connecting to the Internet automatically 63
disabling 35 Contents tab in Help 47
enabling 35, 51 creating
failure to load on startup 80, 81 Emergency Disks 22
options 41 Rescue Disks 36
avoiding viruses 16 custom scans
changing schedule 57
deleting 55
B deleting schedule 58
backing up file before repair 43 running 55
Bloodhound scheduling 56
options 41
technology 14
booting D
absent 79 default options 44
Auto-Protect failure to load 80, 81 definitions of technical terms 46
changing floppy disk drive settings 80 deleting
floppy disk drive fails 80 custom scans 55
Rescue Disks fail 79 infected files 67
scan schedule 58
dialog box Help 47
96 Index
Office Plug-in Quarantine
enabling 43 files in 70
status 39 infected files in 67
online Help 47 options 71
online tutorials 50
online Virus Encyclopedia 49, 75
operating systems
multiple 79 registering your software 28
required for install 19 removable drive scans 53
Options removing
accessing 40 Norton AntiVirus from your computer 30
Auto-Protect 41 other antivirus programs 21
Advanced 41 previous copies of Norton AntiVirus 21
Bloodhound 41 Repair Wizard 66
Exclusions 41 repairing infected files
changing settings 43 in Windows 2000/XP 68
email in Windows 98/98SE/Me 67
Advanced 42 required computer configuration 19
scanning 42 Rescue Disks
Inoculation 43 absent 79
instant messenger 42 creating 36
Internet 42 defined 36
LiveUpdate 42 failure to start from 79
Manual Scan 41 testing 37
Bloodhound 41 updating 37
Exclusions 41 using 72, 73
Miscellaneous 43 restoring boot record and system files 72
Other 43 running custom scans 55
resetting defaults 44
Script Blocking 41 S
settings categories 40 safe mode 80
Other options 43 scan summary 66
P automatic 56
password protection during installation 23
option 12, 43 entire computer 53
Prodigy Internet connection 62 files at startup 43
product serial number 28 from a boot disk 72
individual elements 53
custom scans 56
LiveUpdate 64
virus scans 56
98 Index
Script Blocking 15 U
monitoring by 51
options 41
Norton AntiVirus 30
virus found by 69
other antivirus programs 21, 22
security response Web page 49
previous copies of Norton AntiVirus 21
serial number 28
Service and Support 85
from Symantec Web site 61
setting options 40
Rescue Disks 37
settings categories 40
virus protection 61
setup program, changing boot drive
User’s Guide PDF 48
sequence 80
Norton AntiVirus 33 V
Norton AntiVirus from the CD-ROM viewing the Activity Log 45
drive 74 virus alert options 67
your computer from a floppy disk 72 virus definition service 14
startup virus definitions 14
Auto-Protect failure to load 81 alternate sources 61
changing floppy disk drive settings 80 described 60
floppy disk drive fails 80 downloading from Symantec Web site 61
Rescue Disks absent 79 updating with LiveUpdate 62
Rescue Disks fail 79 virus descriptions 14
scanning files at 43 Virus Encyclopedia 49
submitting files to Symantec 71 Virus List 75
subscriptions 60 virus protection
Symantec Response Center Web site 49 alerts 43
Symantec service and support Web site 77 system scans 53
Symantec Solutions Web site 49 updating 63
Symantec Store Web site 49 virus repair
Symantec Web site 49, 50, 75 in Windows 2000/XP 68
connecting to 34 in Windows 98/98SE/Me 67
downloading product updates 61 viruses
system status 38 avoiding 16
behavior 13
T defined 12
found by Auto-Protect 67
Technical Support 85
found during a scan 65
Technical Support Web site 49
looking up in Norton AntiVirus 75
testing Rescue Disks 37
looking up on Web site 74
tray icon 34
submitting to Symantec 71
Trojan horses 13
viewing descriptions 75
tutorials 50
Visual Basic scripts 15
Index 99
filtering service 60
Web sites, Symantec 61
Windows Explorer menu, displaying 34
Windows operating systems 19
Windows safe mode 80
Windows tray icon 34, 35
Worm Blocking
introducing 12
monitoring by 14, 51
options 42
stops worms 15
threats found by 69
worms 13
100 Index
Norton AntiVirus
CD Replacement Form
CD REPLACEMENT: After your 60-Day Limited Warranty, if your CD becomes unusable, fill out and return 1) this form, 2) your damaged
CD, and 3) your payment (see pricing below, add sales tax if applicable), to the address below to receive replacement CD. DURING THE 60-
DAY LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD, THIS SERVICE IS FREE. You must be a registered customer in order to receive CD replacements.
If your Symantec product was installed on your computer when you purchased it, contact your hardware manufacturer for CD replacement
Please send me: ___ CD Replacement
Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________
*This offer limited to U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Outside North America, contact your local Symantec office or distributor.
CD Replacement Price $ 10.00 SALES TAX TABLE: AZ (5%), CA (7.25%), CO (3%), CT (6%), DC (5.75%), FL (6%), GA (4%),
Sales Tax (See Table) ______ IA (5%), IL (6.25%), IN (5%), KS (4.9%), LA (4%), MA (5%), MD (5%), ME (6%), MI
Shipping & Handling $ 9.95 (6%), MN (6.5%), MO (4.225%), NC (6%), NJ (6%), NY (4%), OH (5%), OK (4.5%), PA
(6%), SC (5%), TN (6%), TX (6.25%), VA (4.5%), WA (6.5%), WI (5%).
TOTAL DUE ______ Please add local sales tax (as well as state sales tax) in AZ, CA, FL, GA, MO, NY, OH, OK,
**U.S. Dollars. Payment must be made in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank.