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See Back Cover For Quick Installation.: User Guide

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User Guide

See back cover for Quick


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Norton AntiVirus™ User Guide
The software described in this book is furnished under a license
agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of
the agreement.
Documentation version 18.0
Copyright © 2010 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved.
Symantec, the Symantec Logo, Norton, SONAR, LiveUpdate, Norton
AntiSpam, Norton AntiVirus, Norton Internet Security, Norton 360,
and Norton SystemWorks are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other
countries. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Portions of this product Copyright [1996-2008] Glyph & Cog, LLC.
Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
The product described in this document is distributed under licenses
restricting its use, copying, distribution, and decompilation/reverse
engineering. No part of this document may be reproduced in any
form by any means without prior written authorization of Symantec
Corporation and its licensors, if any.
Symantec Corporation
350 Ellis Street,
Mountain View, CA 94043
Printed in the United States of America.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Norton License Agreement
Norton AntiVirus™
(including any product packaging) (the
IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THE TERMS “Documentation”), that accompanies this
AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE License Agreement (collectively the
AGREEMENT (“LICENSE AGREEMENT”) “Software”) is the property of Symantec or
CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE its licensors, and is protected by copyright
SOFTWARE (AS DEFINED BELOW). law. Although Symantec continues to own
SYMANTEC CORPORATION, IF YOU ARE the Software, after Your acceptance of this
LOCATED IN THE AMERICAS; OR License Agreement You will have certain
SYMANTEC ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD, IF YOU rights to use the Software during the Service
ARE LOCATED IN THE ASIA PACIFIC RIM Period. The “Service Period” shall begin on
OR JAPAN; OR SYMANTEC LIMITED, IF YOU the date of Your initial installation of the
ARE LOCATED IN EUROPE, THE MIDDLE Software, regardless of the number of copies
EAST OR AFRICA (“SYMANTEC”) IS that You are permitted to use in accordance
WILLING TO LICENSE THE SOFTWARE TO with Section 1.A of this License Agreement,
YOU AS THE INDIVIDUAL, THE COMPANY, and shall last for the period of time set forth
OR THE LEGAL ENTITY THAT WILL BE in the Documentation or the applicable
UTILIZING THE SOFTWARE (REFERENCED transaction documentation from the
BELOW AS “YOU” OR “YOUR”) ONLY ON authorized distributor or reseller from which
THE CONDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL You obtained the Software. The Software
OF THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE may automatically deactivate and become
AGREEMENT. THIS IS A LEGAL AND non-operational at the end of the Service
ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU Period, and You will not be entitled to receive
AND SYMANTEC. BY OPENING THIS any feature or content updates to the
PACKAGE, BREAKING THE SEAL, CLICKING Software unless the Service Period is
THE “I AGREE” OR “YES” BUTTON OR renewed. Subscriptions for renewals of the
OTHERWISE INDICATING ASSENT Service Period will be available in accordance
ELECTRONICALLY, OR LOADING THE with Symantec’s support policy posted at
SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS http://www.symantec.com/norton
AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE /support/technical_support_policy.jsp
THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, CLICK This License Agreement governs any
THE “CANCEL” OR “NO” OR “CLOSE releases, revisions, updates or enhancements
WINDOW” BUTTON OR OTHERWISE to the Software that Symantec may make
INDICATE REFUSAL, MAKE NO FURTHER available to You. Except as may be modified
USE OF THE SOFTWARE, AND CONTACT by the Documentation, and subject to
YOUR VENDOR OR SYMANTEC CUSTOMER Symantec’s right to terminate for Your
SERVICE, USING THE CONTACT DETAILS breach pursuant to Section 10, Your rights
IN SECTION 11 OF THIS LICENSE and obligations under this License
AGREEMENT, FOR INFORMATION ON HOW Agreement with respect to the use of this
TO OBTAIN A REFUND OF THE MONEY YOU Software are as follows.
TIME DURING THE SIXTY (60) DAY PERIOD A.use one copy of the Software on a single
FOLLOWING THE DATE OF PURCHASE. computer. If a greater number of copies
and/or number of computers is specified
within the Documentation or the applicable
1. License: transaction documentation from the
authorized distributor or reseller from which
The software (including any accompanying You obtained the Software, You may use the
features and services) and documentation
Software in accordance with such products and services. In order to optimize
specifications; the Software Symantec may, at its discretion
and without notice, add, modify or remove
B. make one copy of the Software for back-up features from the Software at any time.
or archival purposes, or copy the Software
onto the hard disk of Your computer and B. Certain Software uses content that is
retain the original for back-up or archival updated from time to time, including but not
purposes; limited to the following Software: antivirus
and crimeware software use updated virus
C. use the Software on a network, provided definitions; antispyware software uses
that You have a licensed copy of the Software updated spyware definitions; antispam
for each computer that can access the software uses updated antispam rules;
Software over that network; content filtering and antiphishing software
D. permanently transfer all of Your rights in use updated URL lists; some firewall software
the Software granted under this License use updated firewall rules; vulnerability
Agreement to another person or entity, assessment products use updated
provided that You retain no copies of the vulnerability data and web site
Software and the transferee agrees to the authentication software uses updated lists
terms of this License Agreement. Partial of authenticated web pages; these updates
transfer of Your rights under this License are collectively referred to as “Content
Agreement shall not be permitted. For Updates” (or alternatively referred to as
example, if the applicable documentation “Protection Updates” or “Security Updates”
grants You the right to use multiple copies at times). You shall have the right to receive
of the Software, only a transfer of the rights Content Updates for the Software during
to use all such copies of the Software would Your Service Period.
be valid; and
E. use the Software in accordance with any 3. Product Installation; Required
additional permitted uses which may be set Activation:
forth below.
A. During the installation process, the
Software may uninstall or disable other
You may not, nor may you permit security products, or features thereof, if such
any other person to: products or features are incompatible with
the Software or for purposes of improving
A. sublicense, rent or lease any portion of the the overall functionality of the Software.
B. There may be technological measures in
B. reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, this Software that are designed to prevent
modify, translate, make any attempt to unlicensed or illegal use of the Software. You
discover the source code of the Software or agree that Symantec may use these measures
create derivative works from the Software; to protect Symantec against software piracy.
C. use the Software as part of a facility This Software may contain enforcement
management, timesharing, service provider technology that limits the ability to install
or service bureau arrangement; or and uninstall the Software on a computer to
not more than a finite number of times for a
D. use the Software in any manner that is not finite number of computers. This License
permitted pursuant to this License Agreement and the Software containing
Agreement. enforcement technology may require
activation as further set forth in the
2. Software Feature and Content Documentation. If so, the Software will only
operate for a finite period of time prior to
Updates: Software activation by You. During
activation, You may be required to provide
A. You shall have the right to receive new Your unique activation code accompanying
features to the Software as Symantec, in its the Software and computer configuration in
sole discretion, makes such features available the form of an alphanumeric code over the
with the Software during Your Service Internet to verify the authenticity of the
Period. Symantec continually strives to Software. If You do not complete the
improve the usability and performance of its activation within the finite period of time set
forth in the Documentation, or as prompted URLs of websites visited as well as search
by the Software, the Software will cease to keywords and search results only if the
function until activation is complete; at Norton Safe Web feature is enabled. This
which time the Software functionality will information is collected by Symantec for the
be restored. In the event that You are not purpose of evaluating and advising You
able to activate the Software over the regarding potential threats and risks that
Internet, or through any other method may be associated with a particular Web site
specified during the activation process, You before You view it. This information will not
may contact Symantec Customer Support be correlated with any personally identifiable
using the information provided by Symantec information.
during activation, or as set forth below.
Executable files that are identified as
potential malware, including information on
4. Technical Support: the actions taken by such files at the time of
installation. These files are submitted to
Certain technical support features may be Symantec using the Software’s automatic
offered from within the Software and which submission function. The collected files could
may include live chat with a technical contain personally identifiable information
support agent and/or assistance from a that has been obtained by the malware
technical support agent via remote computer without Your permission. Files of this type
access (any such technical support offered are being collected by Symantec only for the
from within the Software shall be referred purpose of improving the ability of
to in this License Agreement as the Symantec’s products to detect malicious
“Technical Support”). If such features are behavior. Symantec will not correlate these
offered and You choose to access such files with any personally identifiable
Technical Support the following terms shall information. Such automatic submission
apply. Any such Technical Support shall be function may be deactivated after installation
provided in Symantec’s sole discretion by following the instructions in the
without any guarantee or warranty of any Documentation for applicable products.
kind. It is solely Your responsibility to
complete a backup of all Your existing data, The name given during initial setup to the
software and programs before receiving any computer on which the Software is being
Technical 3 Support. In the course of installed. If collected, the name will be used
providing the Technical Support, Symantec by Symantec as an account name for such
may determine that the technical issue is computer under which You may elect to
beyond the scope of the Technical Support. receive additional services and/or under
Symantec reserves the right to refuse, which You may use certain features of the
suspend or terminate any of the Technical Software. You may change the account name
Support in its sole discretion. at any time after installation of the Software
5. Privacy; Data Protection: Status information regarding installation
and operation of the Software. This
From time to time, the Software may collect information indicates to Symantec whether
certain information from the computer on installation of the Software was successfully
which it is installed, which may include: completed as well as whether the Software
Information on potential security risks as has encountered an error. The status
well as URLs of websites visited that the information could contain personally
Software deems potentially fraudulent. The identifiable information only if such
URLs could contain personally identifiable information is included in the name of the
information that a potentially fraudulent file or folder encountered by the Software at
website is attempting to obtain without Your the time of installation or error. The status
permission. This information is collected by information is collected by Symantec for the
Symantec for the purpose of evaluating and purpose of evaluating and improving
improving the ability of Symantec’s products Symantec’s product performance and
to detect malicious behavior, potentially installation success rate. This information
fraudulent websites and other Internet will not be correlated with any personally
security risks. This information will not be identifiable information.
correlated with any personally identifiable Information contained in email messages
information. that you send through the Software to
Symantec to report as spam or as incorrectly collected information, if transferred, receives
identified as spam. These email messages an adequate level of protection.
may contain personally identifiable
information and will be sent to Symantec Symantec reserves the right to cooperate
only with your permission, and will not be with any legal process and any law
sent automatically. If you send such enforcement or other government inquiry
messages to Symantec, Symantec will use related to your use of this Software. This
them only for the purpose of improving the means that Symantec may provide
detection ability of Symantec’s antispam documents and information relevant to a
technology. Symantec will not correlate these court subpoena or to a law enforcement or
files with any other personally identifiable other government investigation. In order to
information. promote awareness, detection and prevention
of Internet security risks, Symantec may
Information contained in a report that You share certain information with research
may choose to send through the Software to organizations and other security software
Symantec when the Software encounters a vendors. Symantec may also use statistics
problem. The report includes information derived from the information to track and
regarding the status of both the Software and publish reports on security risk trends. By
Your computer at the time that the Software using the Software, You acknowledge and
encountered the problem. The status agree that Symantec may collect, transmit,
information about Your computer may store, disclose and analyze such information
include the system language, country locale, for these purposes.
and the operating system version for Your
computer, as well as the processes running,
their status and performance information, 6. Sixty (60) Day Money Back
and data from files or folders that were open Guarantee:
at the time the Software encountered the
problem. The information could contain If You are the original licensee of this copy
personally identifiable information if such of the Software and are not completely
information is included in, or is a part of the satisfied with it for any reason, please make
name of the files or folders open at the time no further use of the Software and contact
the Software encountered the problem. This Symantec Customer Service, using the
information will be sent to Symantec only contact details set out in Section 11 of this
with Your permission, and will not be sent License Agreement, for a refund of the
automatically. The information is collected money You paid for the Software (less
by Symantec for the purpose of correcting shipping, handling, and any applicable taxes
the encountered problem and improving except in certain states and countries where
Symantec’s 4 product performance. This shipping, handling and taxes are refundable)
information will not be correlated with any at any time during the sixty (60) day period
personally identifiable information. following the date of purchase.

The Internet Protocol (IP) address and/or

Media Access Control (MAC) address of the 7. Limited Warranty:
computer on which the Software is installed, Symantec warrants that any media
as well as other general, statistical manufactured by Symantec on which the
information used for license administration, Software is distributed will be free from
product analysis, and for improving product defects for a period of sixty (60) days from
functionality. This information will not be the date of delivery of the Software to You.
correlated with any personally identifiable Your sole remedy in the event of a breach of
information. this warranty will be that Symantec will, at
The collected information as set out above its option, replace any defective media
is necessary for the purpose of optimizing returned to Symantec within the warranty
the functionality of Symantec’s products and period or refund the money You paid for the
may be transferred to the Symantec group Software. Symantec does not warrant that
in the United States or other countries that the Software will meet Your requirements or
may have less protective data protection laws that operation of the Software will be
than the region in which You are situated uninterrupted or that the Software will be
(including the European Union), but error-free.
Symantec has taken steps so that the
TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED modification, reproduction release,
BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE ABOVE performance, display or disclosure of the
WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF Software by the U.S. Government shall be
ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER solely in accordance with the terms of this
PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND 10. Export Regulation:
NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL You acknowledge that the Software and
PROPERTY RIGHTS. THIS WARRANTY related technical data and services
GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU (collectively "Controlled Technology") may
MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH VARY be subject to the import and export laws of
FROM STATE TO STATE AND COUNTRY TO the United States, specifically the U.S. Export
COUNTRY. Administration Regulations (EAR), and the
laws of any country where Controlled
8. Disclaimer of Damages: Technology is imported or re-exported. You
agree to comply with all relevant laws and
SOME STATES AND COUNTRIES DO NOT will not export any Controlled Technology
ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION in contravention to U.S. law nor to any
OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR prohibited country, entity, or person for
CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE which an export license or other
BELOW LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY governmental approval is required. All
NOT APPLY TO YOU. Symantec product is prohibited for export
or re-export to Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria
TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED and Sudan and to any country subject to
THE APPLICABLE SERVICE PERIOD. The This License Agreement will be governed by
disclaimers and limitations set forth above the laws of the State of California, United
will apply regardless of whether You accept States of America. This License Agreement
the Software. is the entire agreement between You and
Symantec relating to the Software and: (i)
9. U.S. Government Restricted supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral
or written communications, proposals, and
Rights: representations with respect to its subject
matter; and (ii) prevails over any conflicting
For U.S. Government procurements, the or additional terms of any quote, order,
Software is deemed to be commercial acknowledgment, or similar communications
computer software as defined in FAR 12.212 between the parties. Notwithstanding the
and subject to restricted rights as defined in foregoing, nothing in this License Agreement
FAR Section 52.227-19 "Commercial will diminish any rights You may have under
Computer Software - Restricted Rights" and existing consumer protection legislation or
DFARS 227.7202, “Rights in Commercial other applicable laws in Your jurisdiction
Computer Software or Commercial Computer that may not be waived by contract. This
Software Documentation”, as applicable, and License Agreement shall terminate upon
any successor regulations. Any use,
Your breach of any term contained in this
License Agreement and You shall cease use
of and destroy all copies of the Software and
Documentation. The disclaimers of
warranties and damages and limitations on
liability shall survive termination. This
License Agreement may only be modified by
the Documentation or by a written document
that has been signed by both You and
Symantec. Should You have any questions
concerning this License Agreement, or if You
desire to contact Symantec for any reason,
please write to Symantec Customer Service,
555 International Way, Springfield, OR
97477, U.S.A. or visit the Support page at
CPS / S 4.0 / USE

Chapter 1 Overview .............................................. 11

About Norton AntiVirus ............................ 11

Chapter 2 Installation .......................................... 13

Before you begin ...................................... 13
Installing Norton AntiVirus ........................ 13
If the opening panel does not appear ............. 14

Chapter 3 Getting started ...................................... 17

Starting Norton AntiVirus .......................... 17
Activating your product ............................. 18
Creating a Norton Account ......................... 20
Exploring the main window ........................ 22
Responding to System Status
indicators ........................................ 23
Monitoring the protection status of a
feature ............................................ 24
For more information ............................... 26

Chapter 4 Responding to emergencies .................... 29

Using the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool
if you cannot install the
product ........................................... 29
Downloading the Norton Bootable Recovery
Tool ............................................... 30

Service and Support Solutions ........................................ 33

Index ........................................................................... 39
10 Contents

Quick Installation .......................................................... 42


This chapter includes the following topics:

1 About Norton AntiVirus

About Norton AntiVirus

Norton AntiVirus defends your PC against viruses, bots,
worms, and more without slowing you down or getting
in your way.
For faster, less frequent scans, intelligence-driven
technology identifies and targets only files at risk.
Vulnerability Protection prevents threats from
exploiting security holes in your PC’s software. Pulse
Updates that occur every 5 minutes to 15 minutes and
real-time online security checks help ensure
continuous, up-to-the-minute protection against the
latest threats. Unlike other antivirus solutions, Norton
AntiVirus provides easy-to-understand threat
explanations and information about CPU and memory
resource usage. It helps you prevent future infections
and keeps your PC running fast.
12 Overview
About Norton AntiVirus

This chapter includes the following topics:

1 Before you begin

1 Installing Norton AntiVirus

1 If the opening panel does not appear

Before you begin

Before you begin, you should close all open programs
on your computer and ensure that you are connected
to the Internet.
Norton AntiVirus contains an antivirus program. If
you have other antivirus programs that are installed
on your computer, an uninstall panel may appear to
help you remove them. Symantec strongly recommends
that you remove the other antivirus programs. Follow
the instructions on the uninstall panel.

Installing Norton AntiVirus

You can install Norton AntiVirus from a CD, a USB
drive, or from a file that you download.
14 Installation
If the opening panel does not appear

To install Norton AntiVirus

1 Do one of the following:
1 If you install from a CD, insert the CD into the
optical drive.
In Windows Vista or Windows XP, click Install
Norton AntiVirus.
In Windows 7, click Launch Norton Install and
then click Install Norton AntiVirus.
1 If you install from a USB drive, insert the USB
drive into the USB port.
In Windows Vista or Windows XP, click Launch
Norton Install and then click Install Norton
In Windows 7, click Open Folder to view files,
double click Start.exe and then click Install
Norton AntiVirus.
1 If you downloaded your copy of Norton
AntiVirus, double-click the file that you
2 In the Norton AntiVirus installation page, enter the
Product Key if prompted.
3 Click the Install Options link, review the options,
and then click OK.
4 Click the User License Agreement link, read the
agreement, and then click Close.
5 After you have read the agreement, click AGREE &

If the opening panel does not appear

Sometimes a computer's optical drive does not
automatically run a CD.
To start the installation from the product CD
1 On your desktop, double-click My Computer.
2 In the My Computer window, double-click the icon
for your optical drive.
Installation 15
If the opening panel does not appear

3 In the list of files, double-click Start.exe and then

click Install Norton AntiVirus.
16 Installation
If the opening panel does not appear
Getting started

This chapter includes the following topics:

1 Starting Norton AntiVirus

1 Activating your product

1 Creating a Norton Account

1 Exploring the main window

1 Responding to System Status indicators

1 Monitoring the protection status of a feature

1 For more information

Starting Norton AntiVirus

See “Responding to Norton AntiVirus protects any computer on which it
System Status is installed. You do not have to start the program to be
on page 23. protected.
At any time, you can start Norton AntiVirus to adjust
the settings or perform preventive maintenance. All
of the program features can be accessed from the main
18 Getting started
Activating your product

To start Norton AntiVirus

4 Do one of the following:
1 In the Windows notification area, double-click
the Norton AntiVirus icon.
1 On the Windows taskbar, click Start > All
Programs > Norton AntiVirus > Norton

Activating your product

If you did not activate your product during installation,
you receive an activation-needed alert regularly until
you activate the product.
Product activation reduces software piracy and ensures
that you use authentic Symantec software. Activation
provides you with a specified period of subscription to
your Norton product. You can also renew your
subscription to continue using Norton AntiVirus.
w You must activate your product within the time period
that the alert specifies, or your product stops working.
You can activate your product directly from the
activation-needed alert or from the main window.
Activation should take only a few minutes.
During activation, the Norton Account window
appears. You can create your Norton Account and
register your product. You can also view details, such
as your Product Key, your registration date, and recent
updates to the product. If you skip the Norton Account
window, the product is activated, but the Product Key
is not saved in the Norton Account. You can print the
Product Key to reinstall your product in the future.
Getting started 19
Activating your product

To activate your product from the alert

1 In the alert, do one of the following:
1 If you purchased a subscription version of a
retail product or the product came installed on
your computer, select Activate Now.
1 If you want to renew the subscription of your
product, select Renew Now.
You can also activate or renew the subscription of
your product from any non-admin user account.
2 Click OK.
3 Follow the on-screen instructions to activate or
renew your product.
4 In the window that appears, click Done.
To activate your product from the main window
1 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, do one of the
1 If you purchased a subscription version of a
retail product, click Activate Now.
1 If the product came installed on your computer,
click Activate Online Now.
1 If you want to renew the subscription of your
product, click Renew.
You can also activate or renew the subscription of
your product from any non-admin user account.
2 Follow the on-screen instructions to activate or
subscribe your product.
3 In the window that appears, click Done.

About problems during activation

If you cannot connect to the Symantec servers to
activate your product, first check your Internet
connection. You then need to see if you have parental
control software, either installed or through your ISP,
that might block the connection.
A connectivity problem can occur if you use parental
control software. If you suspect that parental controls
20 Getting started
Creating a Norton Account

might block the connection, you can configure the

parental controls so that they do not block the
activation procedure. You need to log on to your
parental control software or to the Internet through
your ISP as an administrator to change your
If you use a proxy server to connect to the Internet,
you must configure the proxy settings. You can
configure Network Proxy Settings in the Miscellaneous
Settings section.

Creating a Norton Account

Your Norton Account stores the Product Key and the
billing information of your product. You can also
register your product with the Norton Account.
In addition, Norton Account helps you to do the
1 Access the Product Key and other product
information when you need it.
1 Reinstall your Norton product.
1 Buy additional Product Keys for your home or office.
1 Check and download the latest version of the
product by using Norton Update Center.
1 Save online orders and update billing information.
Your computer must be connected to the Internet to
create a Norton Account. If you use a proxy server to
connect to the Internet, you must configure the proxy
settings. You can configure Network Proxy Settings in
the Miscellaneous Settings section.
You can also create a Norton Account when you
activate your product. When you create your Norton
Account from the product, your product gets registered
in your account. If you have an existing Norton
Account, you can provide the same email address in
the Norton Account window in your product. This way,
you can register your current product and add it to the
Getting started 21
Creating a Norton Account

list of Norton products in your existing Norton

Account. If you upgrade your registered product to the
latest available version, your product remains
registered to the same Norton Account. In this case,
you can continue using the same Norton Account login
w Symantec products that are older than the 2006
product year do not appear in your Norton Account.
To create a Norton Account from the Norton Account
Web page
1 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click
2 In the Norton Account Web page that appears, click
Sign up now.
3 In the Norton Account Sign Up Web page, provide
the details about your account information, and
then click Sign Up.
To create a Norton Account and register your product
after activation
1 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, click
2 In the Activation – Norton Account window, type
your email address.
3 In the Create your Norton Account window, provide
your account details, and then click Next.
Your product information gets saved in your Norton
Account only after you log on to your Norton
4 Do one of the following:
1 To confirm your Norton Account, click Done.
1 To log on to your Norton Account and access
your product information, visit
22 Getting started
Exploring the main window

Exploring the main window

When you start Norton AntiVirus, the main window
opens. The main window provides access to all Norton
AntiVirus features, options, Help, and Support.
To explore the main window
See “Starting Norton 1 Start Norton AntiVirus.
on page 17. 2 On the top of the main window, click the link that
you want to explore. Your options are:

Settings Lets you view Computer Settings,

Network Settings, and Miscellaneous

Performance Lets you view and monitor your

system activity

Feedback Lets you submit feedback about your

experience with your Norton product

Account Lets you manage all of your Norton

product information from one

Support Lets you view Norton Help Center,

Norton One Click Support, Tutorials,
and About Norton AntiVirus
Getting started 23
Responding to System Status indicators

3 In the center of the window, click the option in the

category pane that you want to explore. Your
options are:

Computer Protection Helps you secure the data on your

computer from viruses and other

Network Protection Helps you secure your system from

threats over the network

4 On the bottom of the main window, click the options

in the Norton AntiVirus Control Center you want
to explore. Your options are:

Activity Map Lets you access the world map with

hotspots of cybercrimes and the
latest threats.

Online Backup Lets you set up a Norton Online

Backup account or access your
online backup status.

w These options may not be available with some

versions of Norton AntiVirus. In such case, you may
not be able to access this option.

Responding to System Status indicators

Norton AntiVirus displays the overall protection status
of your computer as System Status at the top of the
main window. When the System Status needs attention
or is at risk, you can take appropriate action to improve
the System Status. Your computer protection is based
24 Getting started
Monitoring the protection status of a feature

on the programs that are installed on your computer.

To improve your protection status, ensure that your
installed programs are up to date.
The System Status indicator displays the following

Secure Indicates that your computer and

activities are protected from
threats, risks, and damage.

Attention Indicates that your computer and

activities require attention.
Take appropriate action to improve
your protection status.

At Risk Indicates that your computer and

activities are at risk.
Take immediate action to improve
your protection status.

You can respond to the System Status indicators

directly from the main window.
To respond to System Status indicators from the main
1 In the Norton AntiVirus main window Control
Center, click Fix Now.
2 Follow the on-screen instructions.

Monitoring the protection status of a

The Norton AntiVirus main window acts as a security
management interface. You can access the main
features and monitor the performance of your
computer from the main window.
Getting started 25
Monitoring the protection status of a feature

At times, you may want to turn off any option for a

particular purpose. But by doing so, the status of your
system changes to Attention or At Risk. In such cases,
you can ignore the protection status of a particular
feature to maintain a healthy overall system status.
For example, you want to turn off Browser Protection
for a limited period, and you still want the system
status to be Secure. In this case, you can ignore the
protection status of Browser Protection and then, turn
off the option. When you ignore the protection status
of a feature, it does not affect the overall System
You can also monitor the protection status of the
feature that has been ignored at any time.
You can ignore or monitor the protection status of only
selected features that are available in the main window.
The features are:
1 Antivirus
1 Antispyware
1 SONAR Protection
1 Intrusion Prevention
1 Email Protection
1 Browser Protection
To monitor the protection status of a feature
1 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, move your
mouse pointer over the feature that you want to
ignore or monitor.
2 Do any of the following:
1 To ignore the protection status of the feature
that affects your computer’s overall health
evaluation, click Ignore.
1 To monitor the protection status of the feature
that has been ignored, click Monitor.
26 Getting started
For more information

For more information

The product documentation helps you use Norton
AntiVirus. You can find the information that you need
on your computer and on the Symantec Web site.

Accessing Help
Help is available throughout your Norton product. Help
provides links to information that assists you with the
specific tasks that you want to complete. The online
Help provides a guide to all of the product features.
To access Help
1 At the top of the main window, click Support.
2 In the drop-down menu, click Help.
3 In the Help window, in the left pane, click a tab.
Your options are:

Contents Displays Help by topic

Index Lists all keywords for the Help topics

in alphabetical order

Search Opens a search box in which you can

type a word or a phrase

To print a Help topic

1 In the Help window, click the Contents tab.
2 In the Contents list, select the topic that you want
to print, and then click Print.
3 Select whether you want to print only the selected
topic, or the topic and all of the subtopics under it.
4 Click OK.
Getting started 27
For more information

Accessing the Symantec Web site

You can access the Symantec Web site from your
product or from a browser.
To access the Symantec Web site in your browser
1 Open your Web browser.
2 Go to the following URL:
28 Getting started
For more information
Responding to

This chapter includes the following topics:

1 Using the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool if you

cannot install the product

1 Downloading the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool

Using the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool

if you cannot install the product
If the installation of your product fails, you can use the
Norton Bootable Recovery Tool, which is located on
your product disc. The Norton Bootable Recovery Tool
helps you to check your computer for the risks that
can prevent successful installation.
w You must be able to start your computer from a USB
device to use a USB version of the Norton Bootable
Recovery Tool.
To use the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool if you cannot
install the product
1 Insert your product media into the drive.
2 Exit all programs, and restart your computer.
3 When you see the message Press any key to boot
the computer from CD, DVD or USB, press Enter.
4 In the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool window,
select your language, and then click OK.
30 Responding to emergencies
Downloading the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool

5 Type your Norton Product Key if prompted, and

then click I Agree to accept the License Agreement.
6 Click Start Scan.
7 After the scan is completed, remove the media from
the drive and restart your computer.

Downloading the Norton Bootable Recovery

If the installation of your product fails, you can
download the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool. The
Norton Bootable Recovery Tool helps you to check your
computer for the risks that can prevent successful
installation. The download contains an easy-to-use
wizard that enables you to download the wizard to your
computer or create a bootable CD, DVD, or USB device.
w You must be able to start your computer from a USB
device to use a USB version of the Norton Bootable
Recovery Tool.
Before you begin, you should close all open programs
on your computer and ensure that you are connected
to the Internet.
w You must have a Product Key to use the Norton
Bootable Recovery Tool. Trialware users must create
a Norton Account to receive a Product Key to use
Norton Bootable Recovery Tool.
To download the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool Wizard
from the Internet
1 Go to the following URL:
2 Follow the on-screen instructions.
To download the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool Wizard
from Norton AntiVirus
1 In the Norton AntiVirus main window, in the
Computer Protection pane, click Scan Now.
Responding to emergencies 31
Downloading the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool

2 In the Computer Scan pane, do one of the following:

1 Click Quick Scan.
1 Click Full System Scan.
3 At the bottom of the scan window, next to If you
think there are still risks, click click here.
4 In the NortonRescueTools window, click Download
Norton Bootable Recovery Tool.
5 Follow the on-screen instructions.
32 Responding to emergencies
Downloading the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool
Service and

About Support
If you have purchased Norton 360, Norton Internet
Security, Norton AntiVirus or Norton AntiVirus Classic,
you can access Support through the product after it is
See the section "One Click Support" for more details.
For all other products, to help you find an answer to
your query or issue, we have two support options
available. Details of each option are explained in the
relevant section:
1 Self Help
1 Contact Support

w Support offerings may vary based on the language or


Accessing One Click Support

This feature is available for Norton 360, Norton
Internet Security, Norton AntiVirus and Norton
AntiVirus Classic.
One Click Support lets you access support from within
your product and offers the tools that automatically
diagnose and resolve common issues. You can also
search for solutions or gain easy access to support by
phone, as well as free support by chat and email.
34 Service and Support Solutions
About Self Help

To access One Click Support

1 In the main product window, click Support
2 In the drop-down list, click Get Support.
w Availability of support varies by region. Regular
telephone and Internet connection fees apply in certain
countries. For full support details, please visit:

About Self Help

The Symantec Web site contains answers to the most
common customer questions. From our Web site you
1 Find help with your subscription, download, product
activation, or other nontechnical issues.
1 Search our Support Resources for help with
technical issues, such as installing, configuring, or
troubleshooting errors with your Norton products.
1 Find information about the latest virus threats and
removal tools.
You can access the Symantec support Web site at:
Select your country to get access to Customer Service,
Technical support, and Help against Spyware and

Contact Support
In addition to using our Self Help options, you can
contact a support representative by chat, email, or
w Availability of support varies by region. Regular
telephone and Internet connection fees apply in certain
countries. For full support details, please visit:
Service and Support Solutions 35
Support policy

Following is an overview of our support offerings:

Chat Chat in real time with a support

For more complex technical issues,
chat offers the option to allow a
support representative to connect
remotely to your computer and
resolve your problem. Chat support
is free, with the exception of our
Virus and Spyware Solution

Email Submit your question on our Web

site and receive a response by
Email support has a slower
response time when compared to
chat or phone. Email support is

Phone Speak to a support representative

in real time.

To contact a support representative, please visit the

Symantec support Web site at the following URL:
The online support option is displayed first, followed
by the contact options where you can select the type
of support you prefer.

Support policy
When Symantec announces that a product is no longer
marketed or sold, telephone support is discontinued
six months after the termination announcement.
Technical information on these products may still be
36 Service and Support Solutions
About keeping your subscription current

available through the support Web site at the following

Symantec reserves the right to change its support
policies at any time without notice. You can view the
latest version of the support policy at the following

About keeping your subscription current

Subscription period lengths vary by Symantec product.
To maintain uninterrupted protection, you must keep
your subscription up to date. If you do not renew your
subscription, you cannot obtain updates of any kind
and the software no longer functions.
When you run LiveUpdate near the end of your
subscription period, you are prompted to subscribe for
a nominal charge. Follow the instructions on the screen
to renew.
When you renew your subscription, the definition
updates and new product features are available
throughout the subscription period. Please note that
features may be added, modified, or removed during
this period.

Worldwide service and support

Worldwide service and support solutions vary by
country. For the Symantec local offices please see the
details and addresses that are listed below. To contact
one of our Support offices, please go to the following
Web site and select your language.
Service and Support Solutions 37
Worldwide service and support


Region Contact information

North America 1 Symantec Corporation

555 International Way
Springfield, OR 97477

Australia and New 1 Symantec Australia

Zealand Level 2, 1 Julius Avenue
North Ryde, NSW 2113

Europe, Middle 1 Symantec Ltd

East, and Africa PO Box 5689 Blanchardstown
Dublin 15 Ireland

Latin America 1 Symantec Brasil

Sevico e Suporte Symantec
Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 920, 14º andar
CEP 04583-904
São Paulo - SP
1 Portuguese language support:
1 Spanish language support:
38 Service and Support Solutions

ClubNorton is your one-stop resource center for
Internet security. As a Norton customer, we want to
make your experience with your computer safe,
enjoyable, and productive. Whether you use your
computer to manage your personal finances, shop
online, or share your latest digital photos with friends
and family, ClubNorton makes your experience a good
one. Our goal is to consistently provide the proper tools
and information to keep our customers up to date.
For more information, go to the following URL and
select your country or region in the drop-down menu:

About main window
Norton AntiVirus 11 Computer 23
activation features 22
alerts 18 Help & Support 22
problems 19 Internet 23
procedure 18 Leave Feedback 22
troubleshooting 19 Norton Account 22
options 22
C Support 22
installing product from 14 N
ClubNorton newsletter 38
security tips 38 Norton Account
computer creating 20
protection status 24 Norton AntiVirus
activating 18
H icon 18
main window 22
registering 20
accessing 26
starting 17
printing 26
Norton Bootable Recovery Tool
using 29
I Norton Bootable Recovery Tool
installation Wizard
from CD 13 downloading 30
from downloaded file 13
from USB 13
instructions 13
problems 14, 29–30
40 Index

Norton Bootable Recovery
Tool 29
security status indicator
viewing 24
Self Help 34
maintaining 36
contact 34
One Click Support 33
Phone 34
Self Help 33
worldwide service 36
Support policy 35
Symantec Web site 27
accessing from your browser 27
System Status indicators
responding 23

Technical Support
for Norton AntiVirus 27
from Symantec 27
Quick Installation
Norton AntiVirus includes protection updates and new product features as
available throughout this renewable service period. With this service you receive
the right to use this product on one computer or on the specified number of
computers during the service period, which begins upon initial installation. This
renewable service includes protection updates and new product features as
available throughout the service period, subject to acceptance of the Symantec
License Agreement included with this product and available for review at:
Product features may be added, modified, or removed during the service period.
Before you begin, you should close all open programs on your computer and
ensure that you are connected to the Internet.
Installing Norton AntiVirus
You can install Norton AntiVirus from a CD, a USB drive, or from a file that you
To install Norton AntiVirus
1 Do one of the following:
– If you install from a CD, insert the CD into the optical drive.
In Windows Vista or Windows XP, click Install Norton AntiVirus.
In Windows 7, click Launch Norton Install and then click Install Norton
– If you install from a USB drive, insert the USB drive into the USB port.
In Windows Vista or Windows XP, click Launch Norton Install and then
click Install Norton AntiVirus.
In Windows 7, click Open Folder to view files, double click Start.exe and
then click Install Norton AntiVirus.
– If you downloaded your copy of Norton AntiVirus, double-click the file that
you downloaded.
2 In the Norton AntiVirus installation page, enter the Product Key.
3 Click the Install Options link, review the options, and then click OK.
4 Click the User License Agreement link, and read the agreement.
5 After you have read the agreement, click AGREE & INSTALL.
Norton from Symantec products protect consumers from traditional threats with antivirus, antispam, and Spyware Protection.
They also protect against bots, drive-by downloads, and identity theft, and are light on system resources. In addition, Symantec
provides services such as online backup and PC Tuneup, and is a trusted source for family online safety. For more information,
please click one of the following links:
Antivirus | Antispam | Spyware Protection | Online Backup
Copyright © 2010 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec, Norton, and the Norton Logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Symantec Corporation and its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners.
PN: 21034374

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