Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and Mitigating Measures For Eligible Sub-Projects Under The KC-NCDDP
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and Mitigating Measures For Eligible Sub-Projects Under The KC-NCDDP
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and Mitigating Measures For Eligible Sub-Projects Under The KC-NCDDP
NOTE: Summary of consultations (signed by community empowerment facilitator) must be attached with the following information for each consultation: (i) date of
consultation; (ii) venues of consultation; (iii) who are the participants (for example: residents of the barangay, women, indigenous peoples, etc.), number of participants
(number of women, number of men, number of members of ethnic minority/indigenous peoples); (iv) topics discussed; (v) issues and questions raised by participants; (v)
conclusion on issues and questions raised
1.1.1.Gaduhaduha ang mga -Awhagon ug dasigon ang Gidaghanon sa BSPMC Members, October 2014 – None
kababayen-an sa pag mga kababayen-an sa pag- mga babaye nga BLGU Offiicials, February 2015
participate kay basin dili apil sa mgakalihokan sa nisalmot sa mga CEF
musugot ilang tagsa-tagsa ka programaug sa barangay kalihukan
mga bana tungod kay
makuhaan ang oras para sa Makig coordinate sa mga
mga bulohaton sa panimalay. barangay officials
1.2 In compliance with RA 8371 Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) and NCIP AO No. 3 series 2012, and WB and ADB safeguards
policies on Indigenous Peoples
-Way IP
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A nagpuyo dire
Cost and Remarks
Mitigation/ Enhancement Monitoring Responsible Implementation
Potential Impacts Source of
Measures Parameter Entity Schedule
1.3 In compliance with PD 1067 Water Code of the Philippines, regulations on easements, and guidelines on No build, No dwelling, and
Multi-hazard risk areas.
Walay duol
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A nga sapa sa
sub project.
1.4 In compliance with RA 8974 and RA 7279; EO 1035 Acquisition of Private Property, and latest issuances onWB and ADB safeguards
policies on involuntary resettlement
1.1.1 Existing
… Barangay Hall
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ang himoon
nga sub-
1.5 In compliance with PD 1144 Fertilizer and Pesticides Act, and ADB and WB regulations on the use of pesticides.
Magbutang ug warning
2.2 Biological Environment
2.2.1 Forest and plant life
2.2.2 Wildlife
Cost and Remarks
Mitigation/ Enhancement Monitoring Responsible Implementation
Potential Impacts Source of
Measures Parameter Entity Schedule
1.1.1 Kulang sa participasyon Dasigon ang mga Gidaghanon sa O&M Committee, August 2015 -
kay walay salig sa ilang kababainhan sila mga babaye nga Brgy Officials Onwards
kaugalingon ang mga makahimo sa mga napil sa kalihukan -None
kababayen-an. buluhaton pag mintenar sa pag mintenar sa
proyekto proyekto
I.3.3. Participation of
Households affected
by involuntary N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
resettlement in O&M
Barangay Chairperson
Date: ___________________
Approved and noted by:
Municipal Mayor
Date: ____________________
Reviewed and Endorsed to the SRPMO by: Reviewed and Endorsed to the RPMO by:
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Area Coordinator SRPMO Head
Date: _________________
Date: _________________