12St Eng Ass6 Essay
12St Eng Ass6 Essay
12St Eng Ass6 Essay
The purpose of this declaration is to remind you that all work you submit must be your own work and must
not be plagiarised from other sources.
This declaration must be completed and submitted with the assessment item.
Sign only if you understand what you have read. Ask a teacher, parent or carer/guardian if you need help to
understand what this statement means. Refer to BOSTES publication: HSC Rules and Procedures guide, Section
5.1 Honesty in Assessment - the Standard.
I understand the policies on plagiarism and malpractice of both, the School and the Board of Studies, Teaching
and Educational Standards.
I certify that:
(a) the work that I have submitted is my own work and has not been submitted for assessment before;
(b) I have kept a copy of this assignment and all relevant notes and reference material that I used in the
production of the assignment;
(c) I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own, including the words, ideas and
images of others.
Student signature
(for hard copy submissions):
Student name
(for electronic submissions):
Date submitted:
(This information will be managed in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Freedom of
Information Act).
[Student to complete all details except Teachers Signature, Date Received and Time Received, then remove and
keep as proof of submission after teacher has signed.]
Stage: 6 Year: 12
Assessment task #: 5 Weighting: 15%
Date of Notification: 26/6/2017 Date Task Due: 4/8/2017
Outcomes Assessable
4 - A student explains and analyses the ways in which language forms and features, and
structures of texts shape meaning and influence responses.
5 - A student explains and evaluates the effects of textual forms, technologies and their
media of production on meaning.
9 - A student evaluates the effectiveness of a range of processes and technologies for
various learning purposes including the investigation and organisation of information
and ideas.
10 - A student analyses and synthesises information and ideas into sustained and logical
argument for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts.
General Guidelines
If a student is ill on the day this assessment task is scheduled, they MUST complete a
Misadventure/Illness form with appropriate documentation of evidence such as doctors
certificate on the day of their return to school. The School must be notified by phone or fax at
the beginning of the day of the task if a student is absent
A computer malfunction is not an acceptable excuse for non-submission of an assignment.
All assessment tasks should be fully referenced according to the Harvard method.
Plagiarism and or malpractice is unacceptable, and may result in a zero mark for the task, and
may result in non-completion of the course
Mr Crowe Mr A Head
English Teacher Director of Teaching and Learning
Year 12 Standard English: 2017
The Task
There are two components to this task.
Component 1:
You are to select and annotate 3 passages of dialogue from Willy Russells play Educating Rita which
you feel address the relationship that exists between the character of Rita and the social context within
which she is shown to be engaged in a process of exploring transition. Your annotations should identify
and make comment upon techniques as well as comment in detail upon the specific aspect of the
transition represented within your chosen extracts.
Each passage you choose must be at least 1 single page long (half a double page opening) in the text,
and not exceed 3 double openings.
Component 2:
Using your annotations as the basic framework for your work you are to create a visual representation
of Ritas experience and the process of the personal journey she is exploring in this transition.
Your visual/graphic representation may take the form of any of the following: an illustrated timeline; a
poster; a detailed, illustrated mind-map; or a Powerpoint presentation. You may suggest an alternative
format/medium for submission but this must first be discussed with and subsequently approved by your
As part of your presentation you should include (but not be limited to) a consideration of the following:
You are to submit both components of this task on Friday 4th August, (Week 6 of Term 3). All materials
for this Assessment task must be printed and handed in as hard copy.
Year 12 Standard English: 2017
Marking Criteria/ Guideline
Year 12 Standard English: 2017