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General Introduction: Manufacturing Engineering Technology in SI Units, 6 Edition

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Manufacturing Engineering Technology in SI Units, 6th Edition

General Introduction

Copyright 2010 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

Chapter Outline
1. What Is Manufacturing?
2. Product Design and Concurrent Engineering
3. Design for Manufacture, Assembly, Disassembly, and
4. Green Design and Manufacturing
5. Selection of Materials
6. Selection of Manufacturing Processes
7. Computer-integrated Manufacturing
8. Quality Assurance and Total Quality Management
9. Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing
10. Manufacturing Costs and Global Competition
11. General Trends in Manufacturing

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What is Manufacturing?

Application of physical and chemical processes to alter the

geometry, properties, and/or appearance of a starting
material to make parts or products
Manufacturing - Economic

Transformation of materials into items of greater value by one

or more processing and/or assembly operations
Economic Importance

U.S. Economy
Sector: %GDP
Agriculture and natural resources 5
Construction and public utilities 5
Manufacturing 15
Service industries* 75
includes retail, transportation, banking, communication, education, and government

18% working force; 40% US exports backbone of

industrialized nations
What Is Manufacturing?

Products around us consist of numerous individual pieces that shall

be built and assembled:
Clip one part
Lawn mower 300 parts
Grand piano ? parts
Automobile ? parts
Boeing 747-400 ? parts

Eli Whitney (US 1765-1825)

interchangeable parts (key: tolerance/
/precision engineering)
What Is Manufacturing? Example 1.1
Paper Clips
Functional and Service Requirement
Clamping forces (stiffness,
strength- permanent deformation; matl select: shape and size)
Corrosion resistance
Style and Cost
Metallic or plastic? What shape (round or else)? Its dia? Surface finish?
Production Consideration
How to shape (hand or machine)? Batch quantity
Bending without cracking or breaking
Easily cut without causing excessive wear on tooling
Produce smooth edge on the wire (burs not desire)

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What Is Manufacturing?
What Is Manufacturing?
Example 1.2
Incandescent Light Bulbs
Components of a common incandescent light bulb

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Manufacturing Steps in making an
incandescent light bulb (Prod. Rate >1000/min)
Filament manufacturing: Tungsten powder (sintering) Ingot (swaging)
Rods (drawing)- thin Wire (60W, 0.045 mm dia)
Wire dia. 1%less causes 25
? % life shortage (heated to 2200 to 3000 C)
Bulb vacuumed or filled w N2 or Argon gas (water drop causes 0.5m
blackened); coil spacing accuracy (heat concentration); position
accuracy heat deflection disk, and lead-in wire (Fe+Ni w Cu
coating)= glass thermal expansion coefficient

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Product Design and Concurrent Engineering

The Design Process

Design and manufacturing
activities take place

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Product Design and Concurrent Engineering

The Design Process

It would be more desirable to:
1. Use a different material
2. Use the same material but in a different condition
3. Modify the design of a component

Concurrent Engineering
Also called simultaneous engineering
From the earliest stages of product design and
engineering, all are simultaneous

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Product Design and Concurrent Engineering

Concurrent Engineering
Any iterations will require a
smaller effort and less wasted
time would occur
1988(IDAInstitute of Defense Analyze)
(CEConcurrent Engineering)

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Product Design and Concurrent Engineering

Life Cycle
Life cycle of a new product consists of:
1. Product start-up
2. Rapid growth of the product in the marketplace
3. Product maturity
4. Decline

Life-cycle engineering requires that the entire life of a

product be considered

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Product Design and Concurrent Engineering

Role of Computers in Product Design

Product models are simplified through computer-
aided design (CAD) and computer-aided
engineering (CAE) techniques
CAD systems are capable of rapid and complete
analysis of designs
This is the process known as paperless design
Performance of structures can be analysed

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Product Design and Concurrent Engineering

Role of Computers in Product Design (Cont)

Computer-aided manufacturing involves all phases
of manufacturing
Performing tasks such as:
1. Programming for numerical control machines
2. Designing tools, dies, moulds, fixtures, and work-
holding devices
3. Maintaining quality control

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Product Design and Concurrent Engineering

A prototype is a physical model of an individual
component or product
Rapid prototyping use CAD/CAM and various
specialized technologies
Prototypes developed can review for
possible modifications to the original
design, materials, or production methods
/ 3D

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Product Design and Concurrent Engineering

Virtual Prototyping
It is a software-based method that uses advanced
graphics and virtual-reality environments
To allow designers to view and examine a part in detail
Also known as simulation-based design

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Design for Manufacture, Assembly, Disassembly,
and Service

Design for manufacture (DFM) integrate the design

process with production methods, materials, process
planning, assembly, testing, and quality assurance
Design for assembly (DFA), Design for manufacture
and assembly (DFMA), and Design for disassembly
(DFD) are all important for manufacturing
Assembly requires a consideration of the ease, speed,
and cost of individual components of a product

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Green Design and Manufacturing

Manufacturing operations produce waste like:

1. Chips from machining and trimmed materials
2. Slag from foundries and welding
3. Additives in sand used in sand-casting
4. Hazardous waste and toxic materials
5. Lubricants and coolants
6. Liquids from heat treating
7. Solvents from cleaning operations
8. Smoke and pollutants from furnaces

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Green Design and Manufacturing

Environmentally conscious design and manufacturing

considers all possible adverse environmental impacts of
materials, processes, operations and products
Design for recycling (DFR) - two basic activities
1) Biological cycle
- Organic materials degrade and lead to new soil that
sustain life
2) Industrial cycle
- Product that can be recycled and reused continuously

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Green Design and Manufacturing

Cradle-to-cradle Production emphasizes:

1. Sustainable and efficient manufacturing activities
2. Waste-free production
3. Using recyclable and nonhazardous materials
4. Reducing energy consumption
5. Using renewable energy
6. Maintaining ecosystems
7. Using available materials and energy sources
8. Exploring the reuse and recycling of materials

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Green Design and Manufacturing

Guidelines for Green Design and Manufacturing

1. Reduce waste of materials
2. Reduce hazardous materials products and processes
3. Investigate environmental-friendly manufacturing
4. Improvements in methods of recycling and reusing
5. Minimize energy use
6. Encourage recycling

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Selection of Materials
General types of materials used:
1. Ferrous metals
2. Nonferrous metals
3. Plastics (polymers)
4. Ceramics, glasses
5. Composite materials
6. Nanomaterials
7. Shape-memory alloys, amorphous alloys,
semiconductors and superconductors

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Selection of Materials
Properties of Materials
1. Mechanical properties
2. Physical properties
3. Chemical properties
4. Manufacturing properties
5. Appearance

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Selection of Materials
If materials are not available in the desired quantities,
shapes, dimensions, and surface texture, substitute
materials can be considered
Reliability of supply is important in order to meet
production schedules
A countrys self-reliance on resources is a political goal

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Selection of Materials
Service Life
A shortened service life of a product is due to:
1. Improper selection of materials
2. Improper selection of production methods
3. Insufficient control of processing variables
4. Defective parts or manufacturing-induced defects
5. Poor maintenance
6. Improper use of the product

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Selection of Materials
Material Substitution in Products
We would want to consider the following substitutions:
1. Metal vs. wooden handle for a hammer
2. Aluminium vs. cast-iron lawn chair
3. Aluminium vs. copper wire
4. Plastic vs. steel car bumper
5. Plastic vs. metal toy
6. Alloy steel vs. titanium submarine hull

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Selection of Materials
Example 1.2
Baseball Bats
Cross sections of baseball
bats made of aluminium and
composite material

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Selection of Materials
Example 1.3
U.S. Pennies
Materials used undergone changes throughout history
due to periodic material shortages and the cost of
appropriate raw materials

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Selection of Manufacturing Processes

Some examples of manufacturing methods are:

1. Casting
2. Forming and shaping
3. Machining
4. Joining
5. Finishing
6. Microfabrication and nanofabrication

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Selection of Manufacturing Processes

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Selection of Manufacturing Processes

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Selection of Manufacturing Processes

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Selection of Manufacturing Processes

Process Selection
Selection of process depends on geometric features of
the parts and workpiece material and properties
Some mechanical tools are
being replaced by laser cutting
Size of manufactured products
are getting smaller such as
microscopic gears

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Selection of Manufacturing Processes

Net-shape and Near-net-shape Manufacturing

Part is made in only one operation to the final desired
dimensions, tolerances and surface finish
Difference between the two is the degree of how close the
product is to its final dimensional characteristics
Examples of net-shape manufacturing are precision
casting, forging, forming sheet metal, powder metallurgy,
injection molding of metal powders and injection molding
of plastics

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Selection of Manufacturing Processes

Ultraprecision Manufacturing
Advantages are dimensional accuracies and mirror-like
surfaces on metals

Types of Production
Job shops: less than 100
Small-batch production: 10 to 100
Batch production: 100 and 5000
Mass production: over 100,000

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Selection of Manufacturing Processes

Example 1.4
Saltshaker and Pepper Mill
The two metal pieces for the
pepper mill are made by
powder-metallurgy techniques

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Computer-integrated Manufacturing

Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) integrates

computer graphics, computer-aided modelling, and
computer-aided design and manufacturing activities
Capable of making possible
1. Responsiveness to rapid changes
2. Better use of materials, machinery, and personnel
3. Reduction in inventory
4. Better control of production
and management

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Computer-integrated Manufacturing

Various elements in CIM include:

1. Computer numerical control (CNC)
2. Adaptive control (AC)
3. Industrial robots
4. Automated materials handling
5. Automated assembly systems
6. Computer-aided process planning (CAPP)
7. Group technology (GT)
8. Just-in-time production (JIT)
9. Cellular manufacturing (CM)
10. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)
11. Expert systems (ES)
12. Artificial intelligence (AI)
13. Artificial neural networks (ANN)

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Computer-integrated Manufacturing

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Computer-integrated Manufacturing

Example 1.5
Mold for Making Sunglasses Frames
Machining a mold cavity for making sunglasses
Computer model of the sunglasses as designed and
viewed on the monitor
Machining of the die cavity using a computer numerical-
control milling machine

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Quality Assurance and Total Quality Management

Product quality influences customer satisfaction

Quality must be built into the product from its initial design
Quality assurance and total quality management (TQM)
are the responsibility of everyone involved in the design
and manufacture of products and their components
Product integrity define the degree to which a product
1. Functions reliably
2. Suits its intended purposes
3. Can be maintained with relative ease

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Quality Assurance and Total Quality Management

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Quality Assurance and Total Quality Management

At six sigma, defective parts are reduced to only 3.4 per

million parts made.
Level reached only through manufacturing process
capabilities to reduce variability in product quality

Quality Standards
Global manufacturing and competitiveness
lead to international quality control methods
Thus the establishment of ISO 9000
and QS 9000 standards
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Quality Assurance and Total Quality Management

Human-factors Engineering
Human-factors approach results in ergonomics design
Defined as the study of a workplace and the design of
machinery and equipment

Product Liability
Involved with product design, manufacture and marketing
Products malfunction or failure can cause bodily injury or
even death

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Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Lean production involves a thorough assessment of each

activity of a company
Lean production focuses on:
1. Efficiency and effectiveness of each and every
manufacturing operation,
2. Efficiency of the machinery and equipment used
3. Activities of the personnel involved in each operation

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Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Agile Manufacturing
Agile manufacturing is ensuring agility and flexibility
Methodologies of both lean and agile production require
that a manufacturer benchmarks its operations

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Manufacturing Costs and Global Competition

Manufacturing cost is about 40% of its selling price

Total cost of manufacturing a product consists of:
1. Materials
2. Tooling
3. Fixed Costs
4. Capital
5. Labour

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General Trends in Manufacturing

Global manufacturing trends

1. Product variety and complexity continue to increase
2. Product life cycles are becoming shorter
3. Markets have become multinational
4. Market conditions fluctuate widely
5. Customers are demanding

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General Trends in Manufacturing

6. Material composition, purity, and defects
7. Selection of materials for improved recyclability
8. Developments in nano-technology for materials
9. Testing methods and equipment
10. Increasing control over the thermal treatment

11. Higher strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios

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General Trends in Manufacturing

Manufacturing operations
12. Predictive models of the effects of material processing

13. Ultraprecision manufacturing

14. Computer simulation and modelling

15. Rapid-prototyping technologies

16. Optimization of manufacturing processes

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General Trends in Manufacturing

Manufacturing systems
17. Computer software and hardware

18. Control systems and automated inspection

19. Lean production and information technology

Goals in manufacturing
20. View manufacturing activities not as individual

21. Meet all design requirements, product specifications

22. Build quality into the product

23. Economical and environmentally friendly (green)

manufacturing methods
General Trends in Manufacturing

Goals in manufacturing
24. Evaluate advances in materials, production methods, and

computer integration
25. Adopt flexible production methods

26. Achieving higher levels of productivity

27. Continuous improvement of a companys products

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