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Vapor phase systems

design guide
A design, operating, and maintenance guide for
heat transfer systems using Therminol VP-1,
Therminol VP-3, or Therminol LT
Physical and chemical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Fluid parameters which influence design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Typical vapor phase systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Primary systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Primary/secondary systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Secondary system with reboiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Integral systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Auxiliary systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Instrumentation of vapor phase systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Pressure control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Vent accumulator temperature indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Pressure indicators and alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Level indicators and alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Fire safety considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Start-up and shutdown procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Vapor system start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
System shutdown, vacuum draining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
System shutdown, pressure draining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Converting to a vapor phase heat transfer fluid

of different chemical composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Physical and chemical characteristics
Eastman Therminol vapor phase heat transfer fluids Fluid parameters which
are specifically designed to meet the demanding
influence design
requirements of vapor phase systems. They combine
exceptional heat stability and low viscosity for efficient, Physical characteristics of the heat transfer fluid should be considered
in the general arrangement of any heat transfer system in which it
dependable, uniform performance.
is to be used.
Three distinctly different Therminol vapor phase heat
All Therminol vapor phase heat transfer fluids have low viscosity
transfer fluids allow users to select the one that best
between their melting points and the temperatures at which they
matches their needs.
vaporize. In geographic areas where the system may be exposed to
temperatures below the melting point, heat tracing should be
Therminol VP-1 is a eutectic mixture of diphenyl oxide and
considered for all piping that may contain the fluid in its liquid state.
biphenyl. It is usable as a liquid or as a boiling-condensing .
heat transfer medium up to 400C (750F). It is miscible and Therminol heat transfer fluids are exceptionally heat stable.
interchangeable (for top-up or design purposes) with other However, care must be taken to avoid overheating which could lead
similarly constituted diphenyl oxide/biphenyl fluids. Therminol to deposition of solids on the heating surfaces of the vaporizer.
VP-1 delivers the highest thermal stability available in any Circulation rates in the heater should be selected to limit skin
synthetic organic fluid. temperatures below recommended maximum values, with due
consideration to the cost of replacing damaged fluid and the cost of
Therminol VP-3 is a proprietary vapor phase fluid. Thermal
maintaining an adequate heat flux. This is normally accomplished
stability testing in a laboratory suggests a maximum continuous
by the vaporizer or heater manufacturer in the course of
operating temperature of 330C (625F) in the liquid or vapor
recommending a particular unit and its operating parameters.
phase. With a normal boiling point of 243C (469F), it permits
vapor phase heat transfer at lower temperatures than diphenyl Under normal operating conditions, a vapor phase fluid will
oxide/biphenyl fluids. A freeze point of 2.4C (36F) makes accumulate low-boiling contaminants such as air, water, and
Therminol VP-3 easy to handle and may eliminate the need . degradation products. These noncondensables must be vented
for costly heat tracing in moderate climates. Therminol VP-3 . from the system to avoid aberrations in temperature control. .
has a mild odor and contains virtually no biphenyl. Each user or group of users, if arranged in a series that operates
after the same control valve, should have at least one vapor
Therminol LT delivers the uncommon combination of
accumulator installed for detecting and venting noncondensables.
exceptionally wide operating range and good thermal stability.
This is especially true if close temperature control is needed.
Therminol LT remains liquid down to 75C (103F) and may .
be used as a liquid or as a boiling-condensing heat transfer medium The physical and thermodynamic properties of Therminol heat
up to 315C (600F). The normal boiling point of 181C (358F) . transfer fluids can be found in their respective product bulletins.
is the lowest of the Therminol vapor phase heat transfer fluids.

Users should consult the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for toxicity and
handling information. They may be obtained from an Eastman
representative or by visiting our website at www.Therminol.com.

Typical vapor phase systems
The following diagrams illustrate the arrangement principles for There are two basic ways to handle a pumped return system. The
vapor systems operating on Therminol heat transfer fluids. The first is used when the temperature limits at the user stations must
text and illustrations explain the overall system characteristics be precisely controlled, as is common with many kinds of process
required by the nature of the heat transfer medium in its liquid vessels. The arrangement shown in Figure 3 exemplifies this type
and vaporized states. of system.

Here, the dimension H3 must provide a hydrostatic pressure

Primary systems greater than or equal to the maximum pressure difference
between the user stations. An alternative would be to provide
The least complex and most easily operated system is shown .
individual pumps to handle each condensate return.
in Figure 1.

Where the temperature control for the users may not be as

The user can be process equipment (jacketed or coil-heated
critical (e.g., in users such as reboilers where it is acceptable to
vessels, ovens, etc.), reboilers transferring heat to secondary
flood with condensate), the arrangement shown in Figure 4 could
systems, or a combination of these.
be followed. Here the distance H3 must simply provide hydrostatic
This simple primary system operates with a gravity return of pressure greater than or equal to zero.
condensate. In such an arrangement, the dimension of H1 .
must provide a hydrostatic pressure somewhat greater than .
the total system pressure drop to allow for a gravity return of .
Figure 1. Vaporizer with Hartford loop
the condensate.

With direct-fired or electrically heated vaporizers, a Hartford . To vent

loop should be installed in the condensate return line, as shown .
in Figure 1, whenever the condensate is returned to a point in .
the vaporizer below the lowest safe liquid level. This prevents User

unexpected siphoning of the liquid medium. In an electrically

heated unit, if there is no liquid in contact with heating element
surfaces, overheating will occur and the heat transfer medium .
will be decomposed rapidly. This could also cause structural Hartford H1
damage to the heater and greatly increase the risk of fire.

A more complex system is shown in Figure 2. This arrangement

includes several users operating at various temperatures. The
control valves regulate pressure, which in turn controls the user
temperature. If gravity is used for condensate return, the distance Charge and drain
H2 must give rise to a hydrostatic pressure greater than the
pressure drop across the combined control valve and the user .
with the highest pressure drop. In practical terms, such a system .
is often difficult to design because of space limitations. More
commonly, a pumped return of the condensate is employed.

Figure 2. Primary system with gravity return

Control valve To vent

T1 P1 T2 P2 T3 P3

User User User



Figure 3. Primary system with pumped return

Control valve To vent

T1 P1 T2 P2 T3 P3

User User User

Condensate H3

Figure 4. Primary system with pumped return

Control valve To vent

T1 P1 T2 P2 T3 P3

User User User

Condensate H3

Figure 5. Primary/secondary system

To other
primary users User User
Vapor from other Secondary vapor
primary users

Primary vapor



Primary central

Primary/secondary systems Figure 6. Secondary system with reboiler

Figure 5 outlines typical components of a primary/secondary To vent

system, indicating the reboiler, flash tank, primary and
secondary vapor lines, and a combined condensate return
system. The condensate return arrangement of Figure 4 is
commonly used in the primary loop.

In the secondary system, heating vapor is generated in a reboiler

and then transferred to one or more users. The user stations may
be processing equipment, jacketed piping, etc. One section of a Primary
vapor H4
secondary system might appear as in Figure 6. A gravity return
to the reboiler, as shown in this diagram, is common in such
secondary loops.
Condensate Reboiler

Secondary system with reboiler Charge and drain

As before, the dimension H4 must provide a hydrostatic .

pressure greater than or equal to the pressure drop across .
the total secondary system.

Multiple users can be grouped in a secondary system if their

operating temperature is the same. Users in a single secondary
system should be stopped and started at the same time. It is not
possible to start a cold user in a multiple-user system without
drastically affecting the temperature of an operating user.

Integral systems Figure 7. Integral system

For many plant layouts, an integral system (as many as needed)

might be the simplest or most practical arrangement. An integral
system, as illustrated in Figure 7, combines the vaporizer and the
user in a single piece of equipment.

Electrical vaporizing elements make such systems practical for . Vent

a variety of chemical and synthetic fiber processing operations.

Auxiliary systems
Charge system
A charge system can be common to several vaporizers and/or
reboiler loops. Its function is threefold: to provide a way to
introduce the initial charge of Therminol heat transfer fluid, to .
top up heating loops in operation, and to allow for external
storage capacity for fresh fluid.
Figure 8. Typical vacuum system
To avoid upsets, the fluid generally should be introduced into the
operating loops at a temperature which is near the operating Water out

temperature. This can be done by charging from another systems Vacuum header
pumped hot condensate stream or by providing an independent
charge system which maintains an adequate amount of liquid at Condenser

an elevated temperature. To atmosphere

Water in

Vent Vacuum
Drain system accumulator pump
For maintenance, it may be necessary from time to time to
evacuate the charge from a heating loop. A standby vessel should tank
be provided to receive the charge. One way to remove the fluid is
by pressure draining with inert gas.

Vacuum system
The vacuum system serves a number of purposes: to evacuate the
heating loop prior to start-up, to collect noncondensables during
operation, to empty individual user stations for maintenance, and
to take off any excess fluid from a heating loop that is overcharged.
All the connections necessary for these functions should be
designed and installed between the heating loops and the vacuum
header. The header itself connects with the vacuum pump and a
condenser that collects fluid and discharges it by gravity into a
collection tank, as shown in Figure 8.

The vacuum header should be sloped toward the condenser so

that any liquid that collects at low points will drain off. If there .
is a long upward run in the vacuum header in which liquid can
collect, it will reduce or eliminate the effective vacuum.

Relief system
It is imperative that vapor phase heating systems be properly Instrumentation of
safeguarded with pressure relief devices. This is because of their
high operating temperature, pressurized operations, and potential vapor phase systems
for overheating. Relief ports can constitute danger points if they .
do not discharge away from areas where people could be exposed
There are many ways to instrument a vapor phase heating
to contact.
system, and they will vary depending on the complexity of the
All possible heat sources must be recognized and evaluated to system and the degree of control deemed necessary. Process
properly select the locations for relief valves. Three sources must heat control at user stations can be monitored by temperature,
be prominently considered: the source of heat for vaporizer, pressure, or various combinations of these measurements.
reboiler, or fluid heating; user stations where exothermic reactions
may attain temperatures higher than the heating vapor; and
accidental fire.
Pressure control
The suggested instrumentation for a basic system is illustrated
In general, all sections of the system that are subject to heat
in Figure 9. Pressure control is recommended because it results
exposure and can be isolated should be relieved separately.
in a safer and more stable system. If the system is controlled by
Obviously, the fewer valves in a system, the fewer locations that
temperature alone, the presence of noncondensables in the
require a relief device. Isolating valves for a user station should
system may result in an overpressure condition when the heat
be provided only if the entire heating loop serving it cannot be
source controller attempts to add enough heat to bring the
drained for maintenance.
noncondensables up to temperature. If temperature control is
needed, the temperature controller can be used to choose the
Heat tracing system set point for the pressure controller and the pressure set point
Since Therminol VP-1 heat transfer fluid solidifies at 12C (54F) can thus be limited to a safe operating range.
and Therminol VP-3 solidifies at 2.4C (36F), precautions must be
taken to ensure lines do not freeze, particularly in outdoor
installations. Heat tracing must be installed wherever lines run a Figure 9. Suggested instrumentation
danger of cooling below a fluids melt point. All pipelines and
equipment which may contain stagnant liquid should be traced,
To vent
including all charge and drain lines, all vacuum lines, and any accumulator
pumped liquid streams. Vapor lines, vent lines, and free-draining
Local or remote
condensate lines generally need not be traced. temperature

Therminol vapor phase heat transfer fluids are normally hotter Pressure
than the tracing line. If steam is used, the possibility exists that Pressure Pressure
indicator alarm
water condensed in a tracing line could become overheated and
rupture the tracing. To avoid this, the tracing should be open to .
the condensate header, steam header, or atmosphere at all times. User

control Transmitter


Vent accumulator
temperature indicators
Fire safety
Concentrated noncondensables are at a lower temperature considerations
despite being at the same pressure as vaporized Therminol heat
transfer fluid. Consequently, their presence in vent accumulators
can be detected by temperature indicators. Remote indicators Leaks from pipes, valves, or joints that saturate insulation are
allow an operator to monitor a system in which there are many potentially hazardous because of the wicking effect and large
vent accumulators without having to visit each one. surface exposure. Under such conditions along with high
temperatures, many organic liquids can spontaneously ignite.
Leaks should be promptly repaired and the contaminated
Pressure indicators and alarms insulation replaced.
A local indicator of system pressure is necessary for start-up and
Leaks from a direct-fired vaporizer into the fire chamber normally
shutdown, and it should be located near the vaporizer. This should
result in burning of the vapor, which should be avoided.
register vacuum as well as positive pressure.
When vapor leaks from a pressurized system to the atmosphere, .
High- and low-pressure alarms should be installed in each heating
it is condensed by the relatively cold air which it contacts. .
loop to warn of system malfunction. The high-pressure alarm is of
This causes formation of a fog of tiny liquid droplets. Fogs of
particular importance because it will ensure attention to pending
combustible liquids of sufficiently high concentration in air will
overpressure in the system.
burn if ignited. The fogs are flammable even though the overall
temperature of the fog-air mixture may be below the flash point
Level indicators and alarms of the liquid and the vapor saturation concentration is below the
flammable level.
Vaporizers, condensate collectors, and liquid preheaters should .
be fitted with level indicators. Vaporizers especially should have The combustion of a fog-air mixture can result in an explosion,
level indicators to charge them and maintain the proper liquid much like the combustion of a flammable vapor-air mixture. Such
level in the heating space. Particularly with electrically heated a fog-air mixture, however, does not normally ignite spontaneously.
vaporizers, there is always danger of overheating if an adequate An ignition source is necessary, together with a sufficient
liquid level is not maintained in contact with the heating elements. concentration of the combustible fog.
Low-level alarms, as well as low-level power cutoffs, are essential
Good safety practice in design, maintenance, and operation can
on the vaporizer.
circumvent the potential dangers associated with pressurized
organic vapor systems. In addition, further safeguards can be
provided through the installation of special safety systems. The
use of protective devices may be required to minimize fire risk,
and users of Therminol fluids should check with their safety and
risk management experts for specific instructions.

For further information on such safety devices for vapor phase

systems, refer to the engineering study on this topic, available in
reprint from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers1,2 (CEP
Technical Manual, Volume 10, Loss Prevention).

G. C. Vincent and W. B. Howard, Hydrocarbon Mist Explosions, Part IPrevention by
Explosion Suppression.
G. C. Vincent and R. C. Nelson, W. B. Howard and W. W. Russell, Hydrocarbon Mist
Explosions, Part IIPrevention by Water Fog.

Start-up and shutdown procedures
Vapor system start-up System shutdown,
There are several ways to start vapor phase heating systems, but pressure draining
they generally contain these basic steps: For draining into a pressure vessel, the procedure is only .
1. Open the vacuum system connection to the vapor system slightly different:
and wait until a steady-state vacuum is reached. 1. Make sure the available nitrogen pressure is less than .
2. Close all valves to isolate the vapor system from the . the relief pressure of the vapor system.
vacuum system. 2. Cut off the heat source.
3. Wait approximately 15 minutes and note any significant 3. Introduce nitrogen to the system.
increase in pressure in the system. (This step is necessary .
4. Open the drain line to the pressure vessel.
to ensure that the system is fully closed.)
5. Close the drain line after the system is drained.
4. Introduce the proper Therminol vapor phase heat transfer
6. Open all high-point vacuum connections to purge and .
fluid to the vaporizer (or reboiler) and gradually heat to
help cool the system.
operating temperature. Periodically open the vacuum
connections on the vent accumulators to evacuate the
noncondensables. Continue venting until the temperature
indicators show that hot vapor has reached the vent

System shutdown,
vacuum draining
When the system is to be drained to a vacuum vessel, the
shutdown procedure is to:
1. Cut off the heat source from the system.
2. Open the drain line to the vacuum vessel. (The liquid .
in the system will continue to flash into the drain until .
the vapor pressure of the liquid reaches the vacuum .
being pulled.)
3. When the liquid level stops dropping, introduce .
nitrogen to break the vacuum. The remaining liquid .
will drain relatively quickly.

Converting to a vapor phase
heat transfer fluid of different
chemical composition
Converting a heat transfer system to a vapor phase fluid of 4. Overpressure-relief system designIn the event of an .
different chemical composition requires careful evaluation . upset, proper operation of the overpressure-relief system .
of system design issues. Users should consult a qualified . may be vital to prevent equipment damage and serious safety
engineer before changing fluids. The following list of consequences. Any change in system configuration, including .
considerations should be reviewed on every fluid change. a change in working fluid, should include an evaluation of the
Depending on the specific system, there may be additional relief system design by a qualified engineer.
considerations to those listed here. 5. Fluid-handling systemsPumps and piping systems,
1. Eliminating traces of previous fluidA precisely known especially condensate return systems, should be evaluated .
boiling point is required for most vapor phase heat transfer for impacts caused by changes in operating conditions or .
systems. When converting from a fluid of one chemical fluid properties.
composition to another, care should be taken to thoroughly 6. Heat tracingSome vapor phase heat transfer fluids are
remove all of the previous heat transfer fluid, since mixing subject to freezing at temperatures as high as 12C (54F).
vapor phase heat transfer fluids with different boiling points Users should evaluate the need for heat tracing of their heat
will result in a boiling point that differs from either of the transfer fluid system.
fluids. Multiple flushes with the new heat transfer fluid may . 7. Material compatibilityElastomers, polymers, and gaskets
be required to remove the previous fluid. After transition, . should be evaluated for compatibility with the new heat
users are encouraged to submit a sample of the operating . transfer fluid.
fluid to Eastman to confirm that previous fluid residues have
8. Electrical classificationFlash points vary among the vapor
been eliminated.
phase heat transfer fluids. Users should evaluate the design of
2. Film temperature limitsThe vaporizer should be evaluated their system with respect to the flash point of the selected
to assess whether the film temperatures are within the limits heat transfer fluid.
recommended for the new heat transfer fluid.
9. Procedures, training, and communicationConsideration
3. InstrumentationRecalibration of level and flow measuring should be given to procedures, training, or communications
instruments throughout the heat transfer fluid system will that may be necessary for use of a different heat transfer fluid.
likely be required.

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