Chem156 Syllabus
Chem156 Syllabus
Chem156 Syllabus
Instructor: John Colicelli, Biological Chemistry Dept., David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Office: 350C BSRB email:
Office Hours: Wednesdays 4:30 6:00 PM (and by appointment)
Course objectives:
Students will learn to apply the concepts of thermodynamics, entropy, enthalpy, potential energy, free
energy and kinetics to macromolecular structures and biochemical reactions.
Course material:
The course textbook is The Molecules of Life: physical and chemical principles by Kuriyan, Konforti and
Wemmer. We will cover chapters 6-10, 12, 13, 15 and 16 (excluding material in gray Box sections).
Copies of this book are on reserve in the Science and Engineering Library. Weekly discussions will
review material covered in class and evaluate student understanding with quizzes.
Letter grading based on performance in class and discussion groups using the following breakdown:
1st midterm (30%) + 2nd midterm (30%) + final (30%) + discussion group quizzes (10%).
Course description:
Lecture: three 50-minute classes per week. Discussion: one hour per week. Prerequisites: 110A, 153A.
The biological world contains a seemly limitless variety of organisms, but all forms of life are constrained
by the rules of physics and chemistry. This course examines how probability and energy distribution can
explain biological systems. Areas of focus include the role of noncovalent bonds in macromolecular
structures and the use of thermodynamics to predict equilibrium in reversible reactions.
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability must contact the Center for Accessible
Education (CAE) at (310) 825-1501, or go to Murphy Hall A255. As the professionals
with delegated authority from the campus to determine reasonable disability accommodations, CAE will
assess all requested accommodations and communicate their recommendations to the course instructor.
Students should contact CAE within the first two weeks of term to address the need for accommodations.
If you have approval for proctoring arrangements during exams, please inform the instructor and TA well
before the exam date.
Lecture Schedule:
Date Topic
F 9/29 Chapter 6. 1 law thermodynamics, types of energy, heat capacity, Boltzmann distribution