CIV 1to6 Unit
CIV 1to6 Unit
CIV 1to6 Unit
1. The term Environment has been derived from the French word .which means to
encircle or surround
a) Environ b)Oikos c) geo d) Aqua
3. Which of the following conceptual spheres of the environment is having the least storage
capacity for matter?
a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere c) Hydrosphere d) Biosphere
4. Which of the following components of the environment are effective transporters of matter?
a) Atmosphere and Hydrosphere b) Atmosphere and Lithosphere
c) Hydrosphere and Lithosphere d) Biosphere and Lithosphere
5. Biosphere is
a) The solid shell of inorganic materials on the surface of the earth
b) The thin shell of organic matter on the surface of earth comprising of all the living
c) the sphere which occupies the maximum volume of all of the spheres
d) all of the above
25. A predator is
a. An animal that is fed upon
b. An animal that feeds upon another animal
c. Animal that feeds upon both plants and animals
d. A primary consumer
35) Which of the following is absorbed by green plants from the atmosphere?
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Water
c) Nutrients
d) All of above
41) Which of the following conditions must be fulfilled to ensure food security?
a) Food must be available
b) Each person must have access to it
c) Food utilized/consumed must fulfill nutritional requirements
d) all of the above
2. Deforestation means
a) preservation of forests b) destruction of forests c) monocrop cultivation
d) agriculture
3. What percentage of its geographical area of a country should be under forest cover?
a) 23% b) 43% c) 13% d) 33%
11. Out of the following nutrients in fertilizer, which one causes minimum water pollution?
a) Nitrogen b) Phosphorous c) Potassium d) Organic matter
12. What is the permissible range of PH for drinking water as per the Indian Standards?
a) 6 to 9 b) 6.5 to 7.5 c) 6 to 8.5 d) 6.5 to 8.5
27. Among the fresh water available in the Earth the percentage of surface water is about
a) Treatment of disease
b) By consuming mineral water
c) By proper treatment of waste water & protecting the source of water
d) By vaccination
a) provide clean water and clean air b) provide habitat for wild life c) provide
recreation and a change from the hectic urban life d) all of the
a) creation of new forest land for the wild life b)planting trees in the cities c)
conversion of forest land for agriculture/ pasture/ homes etc. d) Not
managing the forest properly
38. The oceans are the largest storage of water on earth containing:
a. 95% of earths water
b. 85% of earths water
c. 97% of earths water
d. 75% of earths water
39. Which of the following is not a part of the hydrological cycle?
a. precipitation
b. infiltration
c. transpiration
d. perspiration
40. The ground water depends on
a. Amount of rain fall
b. Geological formations
c. Run off
d. All of the above
41. In India ground water is rich in
a. Plains of rivers Kaveri and Krishna
b. The plains of Netravati and Kapila
c. The Gangetic plains
d. The Deccan plateau
1. Which of the following is considered as an alternate fuel?
a) CNG b) Kerosene c) Coal d) Petrol
6. Biogas is produced by
a) Microbial activity b) Harvesting crop c) Both a) & b) d) None of the above
11. Which of the following is a disadvantage of most of the renewable energy sources
a) Highly polluting b) High waste disposal cost
c) Unreliable supply d) High running cost
29. Which is the source of energy that can be replaced at the same rate at which it is used ?
a) coal b) petroleum c) Oil d) Biomass
37. Which place in India the tidal energy has been experimented
a) Goa b) Karnataka c) Kerala d) Tamil Nadu
5. The 4-stroke engines produce less of the following as compared to 2-stroke engines
a. CO and Hydrocarbons
b. NOx and SO2
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
11. Which of the following is the facility that the urban people enjoy?
a) Better communication access b) Better quality of air
c) Large land at cheap rates d) none of these
12. Urbanization is
a) Local environmental issue b) National environmental issue
c) Both (a) and (b) d) Not at all an issue
17. Which of the following is the problem not associated with population growth
a) Increase resource consumption b) Environmental pollution
c) Food and energy shortages d) None of these
27. Which of the following substantially reduces CO2 emission from automobiles?
a) Bio fuels like Ethanol and bio diesel b) Fossil fuels like coal and
lignite c) Nuclear element like Uranium d) Voltaic cells
28. The international protocol to protect the Ozone layer is
a) Vienna protocol b) Kyoto protocol
c) cartagena protocol d) Montreal protocol
29. The protcol that reduces green house gas emissions are
a) Kyoto protocol b) cartagena protocol
c) Montreal protocol d) Vienna protocol
30. Population explosion will cause
a) Socio economical problems b) Food scarcity
c) Energy crisis d) All of these
Unit VII
1. The pH value of the acid rain water is
a. 5.7 b. 7.0 c. 8.5 d. 7.5
2. The primary cause of the acid rain around the world is
a. CFC b. SO2 c. CO d.O3
3. Which of the following is the remedial measure for acid rain
a. reducing the release of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur in to the
atmosphere. b. use of coal, free from sulphur
c. use of electrostatic precipitator & catalytic converters
d. all of the above
4. Acid rain can be controlled by
a. reducing SO2 and NO2 emissions. b. Reducing oxygen emission.
c. Increasing number of lakes. d. increasing the forest cover.
5. Atmospheric oxidation of SO2 to SO3 is influenced by
a. sunlight. b. Humidity c. presence of hydrocarbons d. all of these
6. Reduction in brightness of the famous Taj Mahal is due to
a. global warming. b. Air pollution c. ozone depletion d. Afforestation.
7. The Effect of Acid rain
a. reduces soil fertility. b. increases atmospheric temperature.
c. causing respiratory problems d. skin cancer
8. The process of movement of nutrients from the soil by the Acid rain is
a. Transpiration. b. evapo transpiration c. Leaching d. Infiltration.
9. Ozone layer is present in
a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Mesosphere d. Thermosphere
10. Which of the following statements about ozone is true?
a. Ozone is a major constituent of photochemical smog b. Ozone
protects us from the harmful uv radiation of sun
c. Ozone is highly reactive
d. All of the above
11. Major compound responsible for the destruction of stratospheric ozone
layer is
a. Oxygen b. CFC c. Carbon dioxide d. Methane
12. Ozone layer thickness is measured in
a. PPM b. PPB c. Decibels d. Dobson units
13. Normal average thickness of stratospheric ozone layer across the globe
is around
a. 200 DU b. 300 DU c. 400 DU d. 500 Du
14. Chloro Fluro Carbons(CFC) are
a. Non toxic b. Non flammable c. Non carcinogenic d. All the above
15. Ozone layers absorbs
a. UV rays b. Infra red rays c. Cosmic rays d. CO
16. Which of the following is not an ill effect of acid rain?
a. results in killing fish b causes stone leprosy. c. leaches nutrients from the soil. d. causes
17. Formation of ozone layer is explained by
a. Rosenmund reaction b. Hendersons reaction
c. Chapmans reaction. d. Perkins reaction
18. Each Chlorine free Radical can destroy the following number of ozone
a. 1000 b. 10,000 c. 1,00,000 d. 100
19. Freons are a. HF b.CFC c. NFC d. Hydrocarbons.
20. Which of the following statements about ozone is true?
a. Ozone is a major constituent of photochemical smog
b. Ozone is highly reactive
c. Ozone protects us from the harmful UV radiation of sun.
d. All of the above
21. Ozone depletion causes
a. snow blindness b. Photochemical smog. c. acid rain d. vomiting
22. Which of the following statement is not true about animal husbandry?
a. it is a part of agricultural activity.
b. it is breeding, feeding and management of animals.
c. it is livestock production.
d. it is protection of wild life
23. Which of the following is the purpose of animal husbandry?
a. conservation of animal husbandry. b. production of meat.
c. conservation of wildlife. d. conservation of forests.
24. Domesticated animals are used for
a. Dairy products. b. production of fiber.
c. production of meat. d. all of these
25. Acid rain has been increasing day by day due to
a) Urabnisation b) industrialization
c) increase in vehicle population d) none of the above
26. Ozone hole was first discovered over
a) Arctic b) Antarctica
c) tropical region d) Africa
27. CFCs have been used as
a) Solvent b) refrigerants
c) blowing agents for polymer forms d) all of these
28. World Ozone day is being celebrated on
a) September 5th b) October 15th c)
th th
September 16 d) September 11
29. Bhopal Gas Tragedy caused due to leakage of
a) Methyl Iso Cyanate (MIC) b) Sulphur dioxide
c) Mustard gas d) methane
30. Animal husbandry results in
a) Global warming b) Acid rain
c) Ozone depletion d) none of these