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Lecture 4

CE 433

Excerpts from Lecture notes of Professor M. Ashraf Ali, BUET.

Modeling BOD as a first order Reaction
If L0 = ultimate CBOD

Lt = amount of oxygen demand remaining after time t

Then, assuming first order reaction,

dLt Lo
= -kL t
Lt t BODt
ò = -k ò dt
L0 Lt 0 Lt

Lt =L0 e-kt t

L0 = BODt +Lt BODt = L0 (1- e )
BOD rate equation
Modeling BOD as a first order Reaction
 K = f (nature of waste, ability of bacteria, temperature)

 K can be determined in laboratory along with L0 by

measuring BODt at two different times.

 Effect of temperature on K:
Commonly used expression:

kT = k20 θT-20 , θ = 1.047

Nitrogenous BOD (NBOD)
 Nitrogen tied to complex organic molecules is converted to
ammonia by bacteria and fungi.

 In aerobic environment, nitrite bacteria (nitrosomonas)

convert ammonia to nitrite (NO2-), and nitrate bacteria
(nitrobacter) convert nitrite to nitrate (NO3-).

 This is called “nitrification” and can be represented by the

following reactions:

2NH3 + 3O2 -------------------- 2 NO2- + 2 H+ + 2H2O

2NO2- + O2 -------------------- 2 NO3-
Nitrogenous BOD (NBOD)
 Combining the two reactions for nitrification:
NH3 + 2O2 ---------------- NO3- + H+ + H2O

So, Oxygen requirement due to nitrification

= 4.57 mg O2/ mg N

 Total concentration of organic and ammonia nitrogen in

wastewater is known as total kjeldahl nitrogen or TKN.

So, Ultimate NBOD = 4.57 * TKN ~ 4.6* TKN

 TKN can be determined in laboratory from which

“ultimate NBOD” can be calculated
 Problem 3: For a BOD test, initial DO = 8.5
mg/L. After 5 days, DO = 4.5 mg/L. If dilution
factor = 50 and k = 0.2/day, calculate:
i) BOD5 ii) ultimate CBOD and iii) BOD
remaining after 5 days
 Problem 4: BOD5 of a wastewater sample is
350 mg/L at 20degreeC. If k = 0.23/day at
20ᵒC, calculate BOD5 at 25ᵒC.
Surface Water Quality: Rivers and Streams
 Surface Water bodies:
 Highly susceptible to contamination
 Historically, contain most convenient sewer for industry as
well as municipalities
 Source of majority of our water
 Organic/Oxygen demanding wastes:
 Constitute most significant part of pollution load, hence
deserve special attention

 Principal water quality problem associated with these

 Depletion of DO
Comparing the oxygen demand of industrial
and municipal wastewater
Modeling Effect of O2 demanding
waste on rivers
 Sources of DO in Rivers:
 Reaeration from atmosphere
 Photosynthetic O2 production
 Do in incoming tributaries or effluents
 Sinks of DO in Rivers:
 Oxidation of carbonaceous waste material
 Oxidation of nitrogenous wastes
 Oxygen demand of sediment (SOD)
 Use of O2 for respiration of aquatic plants
Modeling Effect of O2 demanding
waste on rivers
 In the simple DO model, two key processes are
 Source of DO: Reaeration from atmosphere
 Sink of DO: Oxidation of organic matter (carbonaceous)
 The key model assumptions are:
 Continuous discharge of waste at a given location
 Uniform mixing of river water and wastewater
 No dispersion of waste in the direction of flow (ie, plug flow
The DO sag curve showing the effect of
oxygen-demanding wastes on the DO
levels in a stream or river
Model Equations: Deoxygenation
 Due to oxidation of organic matter by bacteria
 Rate of deoxygenation, rD α Lt
=> rD = kd.Lt
Where, kd = temp adjusted BOD rate constant (obtained from
standard laboratory tests).
(Note: For deep slowly moving rivers, this kd value provides a reasonable
approximation. But for turbulent, shallow, rapidly moving stream, kd can be
much higher)

Temp. Correction:
Kd = Kt = K20 (θ)T-20 ; θ = 1.047
So, rD = Kd L0 e (-kdt) …………………………(1)
Model Equations: Reaeration
 From Atmosphere
 Rate of Reaeration, rR α (Dosat – DO)
=> rR = kr.D ---------------------(2)

Where, D = dissolved oxygen deficit

DOsat= f (T, P, salinity)

Can use, DOsat = 14.62 – 0.394T + 0.007714T2 – 0.0000646T3; T in °C

Kr = Reaeration constant (/d)

= f (particular condition of river)

(Note: for shallow, fast moving stream kr higher; for sluggish stream kr lower)

Commonly used equation,

Kr (20°C) = 3.9 u1/2/ H3/2. where u = avg stream velocity; H = avg stream depth

Temp correction: Kr (T) = Kr (20°C) (θ)T-20 ; θ = 1.024

Model Equations: Streeter-Phelps
 Now, rate of increase of DO deficit (D),
= rD - rR

Solution of eq 3 is known as the classic Streeter-Phelps Oxygen Sag




Where, Do = DO deficit at t = 0; x = distance d/s (=ut) ;

u = stream velocity ; t = time

Streeter-Phelps Oxygen Sag Curve
Streeter-Phelps Oxygen Sag Curve
 It is important to identify critical point where DO is minimum.
 At Critical point, dD/dt = 0
Solving Eq (3) for this condition,


From eq (3),
At critical point, = 0 = kd .Loe-kdtc - kr Dc
Dc = d Loe-kd tc
kr --------------------------------------(7)

So, DOmin = DOsat - Dc

Zones of Pollution

Pollution and self-purification of stream and changes in the aquatic

ecology by the disposal of sewage/industrial wastewater.
Effect of Temperature on DO sag Curve

 As temperature increases, rD increases

 As temperature increases, O2 solubility decreases
 Thus, as temperature increases,
 Critical point reaches sooner
 DOmin becomes lower
Other Factors affecting DO Sag Curve:
Effect of NBOD

 In some cases, the nitrogenous BOD may have similar

impact on DO levels
 Nitrogenous BOD can be incorporated into the DO sag
curve by adding an additional term:

Kn = the nitrogenous deoxygenation rate constant (/day)
Ln = ultimate NBOD after waste and river have mixed (mg/L)
Other Factors affecting DO Sag Curve:
Multiple point source

Curve A is the present predicted dry flow profile with observed river sampling
results. Curve B is the expected dry flow DO profile after implementation of
pollution control measures (Ahmed and Mohammed, 1988).
Limitations of Oxygen Sag Equation
 Effect of Sediment Oxygen Demand (SOD) not
considered. This is important, especially when sludge is
accumulated along the bottom of a stream.
 Effect of photosynthesis and respiration not considered.
Algae add DO during daytime hours while
photosynthesis is occurring, but at night its respiration
removes DO.
 Nitrification (effect of NBOD) not considered. This can
cause a second dip in the DO sag curve as its effects
are felt.
 Variation in stream characteristics and rate constants
are not considered.
Estimation of Parameters of DO Sag Equation

1) L0 = ultimate BOD

BOD5 = L0(1-e-kt)

If BOD5 and k are known, L0 can be estimated from the above rate equation

2) Kd – estimated from laboratory determined BOD rate constant, k, i.e. k20

Kd = Kt = K20.(θ)T-20 ; θ = 1.047

For any desired Temp. T, kd can be estimated from known value of K.

3) Kr = f (particular condition of river) most widely used equation,

Kr (20°C) = 3.9 u1/2/ H3/2. where u = avg stream velocity; H = avg stream depth

Temp correction: Kr (T) = Kr (20°C) (θ)T-20 ; θ = 1.024

4) D0 = Initial DO deficit = DOsat – DOat the point of discharge

DOsat = 14.62 – 0.394T + 0.007714T2 – 0.0000646T3; T in °C

T = 25ᵒC
Qw = 15000 m3/d
BOD5 = 40 mg/L
DO = 2 mg/L

River water
T = 22ᵒC
QT = 0.5 m3/s Given:
BOD5 = 3 mg/L Laboratory determined K value for mixture of
DO = 8 mg/L wastewater and river water = 0.23/d

Velocity of stream = 0.2 m/s

Average stream depth = 2.66 m

DOmin, xc, tc, and
Sketch DO profile for a 100 km reach

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