SB CH Breakdown
SB CH Breakdown
SB CH Breakdown
SB 12.3.1-13: Bhmi-gt
SB 12.3.14-15: Actual substance is Hari katha
SB 12.3.16-17: Parkit Maharaj Question
SB 12.3.18-25: 4 Yugas and their special qualities
SB 12.3.26-30: Effect of modes in different ages
SB 12.3.31-43: Degraded Qualities of people in Kali
SB 12.3.44-48: Potency of Lords Holy Name
SB 12.4: The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation (Four Types of Destruction)
SB 12.4.2-4: naimittika - occasional annihilation
SB 12.4.5-22: prktika or elemental annihilation
SB 12.4.7-10: fire
SB 12.4.12-13: rains
SB 12.4.14-19: Dissolving the qualities in elements.
SB 12.4.23-34: tyantika or ultimate annihilation
SB 12.4.23-32: Absolute Truth Vs the material duality
SB 12.4.35-37: nitya-pralaya or constant annihilation
SB 12.4.39-43: Glories and parampara of rmad-Bhgavatam
SB 12.5: G's Final Instructions to Mahrja Parkit (Realization of tm)
SB 12.5.2-8: knowledge of spirit soul
SB 12.5.9-12: further action
SB 12.6: Mahrja Parkit Passes Away (Passing of Parkit)
SB 12.6.2-7: Mahrja Parkit thanks ukadeva
SB 12.6.8-15: Mahrja Parkit bitten by Takaka
SB 12.6.16-28: Janamejaya tries to kill all snakes
SB 12.6.24-27: Bhaspati advices King Janamejaya
SB 12.6.29-35: Sta Gosvm offers obeisance to SPOG
SB 12.6.36-80: Editing and distribution of Vedas
SB 12.6.37- 42: Appearance and qualities of okra
SB 12.6.43-46: Propagation of Vedic knowledge
SB 12.6.47-53: Division of Vedas by Vyasa
SB 12.6.54-60: Authorities on g Veda
SB 12.6.61-65: Appearance of Taittirya-sahit of yajur-veda
SB 12.6.67-72: Prayers to Lord of Sun
SB 12.6.73-74: Sun-god gives new mantras
SB 12.6.75-80: Authorities on Sma Veda
SB 12.7: The Puric Literatures (Characteristics of Puras)
SB 12.7.1-4: Authorities on Atharva Veda
SB 12.7.4-7: Authorities on Puric literature
SB 12.7.8-21: Ten Characteristics of a Pura
SB 12.7.22-25: Eighteen Major Puras
SB 12.8: Mrkaeya's Prayers to Nara-Nryaa i (Mrkandeya Meets the Lord)
SB 12.8.1-5: aunaka inquires about Mrkaeya i
SB 12.8.6-14: Austerities of Mrkaeya i
SB 12.8.15-31: Mrkaeya i conquers cupid
SB 12.8.32-39: Nara and Nryaa come to bless Mrkaeya
SB 12.8.40-49: Mrkaeyas prayers
SB 12.9: Mrkaeya i Sees the Illusory Potency of the Lord (Mrkaeya Sees Pralaya)
SB 12.9.2-3: Lord Nryaa to Mrkaeya
SB 12.9.4-6: Mrkaeya asks to see illusory potency of Lord
SB 12.9.10-34: Mrkaeya sees illusory potency of Lord
SB 12.9.10-19: Mrkaeya sees annihilation.
SB 12.9.20-25: Mrkaeya sees Lord on Banyan leaf.SB 12.9.26-30: Mrkaeya sees universe in the Lord
SB 12.9.31-34: Illusion disappeares
SB 12.10: Lord iva and Um Glorify Mrkaeya i (Mrkaeya Meets iva)
SB 12.10.3-15: Lord iva approach Mrkaeya to bless
SB 12.10.4-5: Goddess Um to Lord iva
SB 12.10.6-7: Lord iva repliesSB 12.10.16-36: Talks between Mrkaeya and Lord iva
SB 12.10.16-17: Mrkaeya praises Lord iva
SB 12.10.19-25: Lord iva praises Brhmaas
SB 12.10.26-27: Mrkaeya relieved of exhaution
SB 12.10.28-34: Mrkaeya asks for Devotion
SB 12.10.36-37: Lord iva gives benediction
SB 12.10.39-42: Sta Gosvm concludes narration of Mrkaeya i
SB 12.11: Summary Description of the Mahpurua (Vibhtis of the Lord)
SB 12.11.1-26: Lords vibhutis and tantra worship
SB 12.11.1-3: aunakas asks about tantra
SB 12.11.4-26: Sta Gosvm answers
SB 12.11.5-9: The universal form
SB 12.11.10-20: Vibhtis of Lord
SB 12.11.21-23: Maintenance by Lord
SB 12.11.24-26: Worship of Lord
SB 12.11.27-50: Seven personal features and Associates of sun-god
SB 12.11.33-44: Names of sun-god along with 6 associates for 12 months
SB 12.12: The Topics of rmad-Bhgavatam Summarized (Summary of the Bhgavatam)
SummarySB 12.12.4-46: List of stories in Bhagavatham
SB 12.12.28-34: Pastimes of Lord Ka in Vrindavana
SB 12.12.35-36: Pastimes of Lord Ka in Mathura
38: 43: Pastimes of Lord Ka in Dwaraka
SB 12.12.47-55: Glories of hearing Ka Katha
SB 12.12.59-65: Phala Sthuti of hearing SB
SB 12.12.67-69: Suta Goswami offers obeisances
SB 12.13: The Glories of rmad-Bhgavatam (Enumeration of the Puras)