Codes Standards Recommended Practices Specifications
Codes Standards Recommended Practices Specifications
Codes Standards Recommended Practices Specifications
Codes are Standards are Recommende Specifications
established the ways to d practice is are the
after meet those the best additional
centuries of specified method that things specified
continuous requirements is usually by a client to
experiments established in practiced for get a service or
and describe the codes and best results a product in a
the minimum how those Recommende distinct way
requirements things should d practices other than the
of what be done and will be same standard way
things need does requires or different Specifications
to be done certifications whichever is will vary from
Codes Standards deemed best client to client
related to a may vary on by different and from
specific different International vendor to
service will (national) organizations vendor
be more or levels since Recommende depending upon
less same there are d practice the job required
worldwide many ways should be to be done
Codes have to do a followed in Specifications
the highest specific job order to should be
rank and can Organization ensure best specified if a
be enforced should follow quality product
into law once one of many results required is
adopted by standards but Following different from
any not following recommende normal Ex: a
government it is in its d practices flange with
body and own loss and will ensure rectangular
must be can result in both safety sides
followed damages, and quality Specifications
Codes both because it is are not general
should be economical the unique and are adopted
followed and human way of doing in a different
anyway to life a job which manner in
ensure safety Any one will give the every
Ex: B31.4 standard best output organization
(design of a should be Ex: API depending upon
liquid followed to 584(IOWs) its need Ex: use
pipeline) ensure of flanges with
quality and bolts sizes of
reduce cost 12/5 which is
Ex: ASME not a standard
B16.5(pipe and have to be
flanges) or specified
using bolts of otherwise