Taxation Reviewer
Taxation Reviewer
Taxation Reviewer
Taxation Law
to the other
Applies only to entities exercising
government functions (acta jure
TAXATION power inherent in every sovereign imperii)
State to impose a charge or burden upon persons,
properties, or rights to raise revenues for the use and
support of the government to enable it to discharge CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS
its appropriate functions A. Direct
1) Due process
SCOPE OF TAXATION Should not be harsh, oppressive,
TAXATION IS: or confiscatory (Substantive)
Unlimited, By authority of valid law
Far-reaching, (Substantive)
Plenary Must be for a public purpose
Comprehensive (Substantive)
Supreme Imposed within territorial
jurisdiction (Substantive)
STAGES OF TAXATION: (LAP) No arbitrariness in assessment
1. Levy and collection (Procedural)
2. Assessment Right to notice and hearing
3. Payment (Procedural)
2) Equal protection
Basic Principles of a Sound Tax System All persons subject to legislation
1. Fiscal Adequacy shall be treated alike, under like
2. Theoretical Justice circumstances and conditions
3. Administrative Feasibility both in privileges conferred and
liabilities imposed.
INHERENT LIMITATIONS (SPING) Power to tax includes power to
1) Situs or territoriality of taxation classify provided:
2) Must be for a Public purpose (a) Based on substantial
Test is whether proceeds will be distinction
used for something which is the (b) Apply to present and future
duty of the State to provide. conditions
Legislature is not required to (c) Germane to purpose of law
adopt a policy of all or none. (d) Apply equally to all members of
Incidental benefit to individual the same class
does not defeat exemption 3) Non-impairment clause
3) International comity Rules
Property of a foreign State of (a) When government is party to
government may not be taxed by contract granting exemption
another cannot be withdrawn
4) Non-delegability of the taxing power without violating non-
ContemplaQteuicskTime anp d aower to impairment clause
deteTrIm inneeded
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(b) When exemption generally
amount, coverage, and situs of granted by law withdrawal
tax; does not violate
Distinguish from power to assess (c) When exemption granted
and collect under a franchise may be
Exemptions: (a) presidential revoked; Consti provides that
taxing powers; (b) local franchise is subject to
governments amendment, alteration, or
5) Exemptions of Government agencies repeal by Congress.
Taking money from one pocket 4) Must be uniform and equitable
Advisers: Atty. Serafin Salvador, Atty. Michael Dana Montero, Atty. Gaudencio Mendoza; Head: Julie Ann B.
Domino, Juan J. P. Enriquez III; Understudies: Rachelle T. Sy, Aldwin Mendoza, Timothy John Batan
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
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15) Special purpose - special fund for said (c) without regard to their property,
purpose, balance goes to general funds occupation or business
16) Veto power of the President - revenue/tariff Ex. Community Tax (Cedula)
bill 2) property tax
17) Power of review of the SC (a) imposed on property, real or personal
18) Power of Local Government to create their (b) in proportion to its value or other
own sources and levy taxes, fees, charges reasonable method of apportionment
19) Just share of local government in national Ex. Real estate tax
revenue which shall be automatically 3) excise, privilege tax - (different from the
released. excise tax in Taxation II)
20) Tax exemption of all revenues and assets of (a) imposed upon performance of an act, the
(a) proprietary or cooperative educational enjoyment of a privilege or the engaging
institutions in an occupation, profession or business
(b) subject to limitations provided by law Ex. Income tax, VAT, estate tax, donors tax
21) Tax exemption of grants, endowments, B. As to who bears the burden
donations or contributions USED 1) Direct the tax is imposed on the person
ACTUALLY, DIRECTLY and EXCLUSIVELY who also bears the burden thereof
for educational purposes Ex. Income tax, community tax, estate tax
2) Indirect imposed on the taxpayer who
CIR v. CA (298 SCRA 85) shifts the burden of the tax to another
Ex. VAT, specific tax, percentage tax,
Facts: YMCA is a non-stock, non-profit institution, customs duties
which conducts various programs and activities C. As to determination of amount
beneficial to the public pursuant to its religious, 1) Specific tax imposed and based on a
educational and charitable objective. In 1980, YMCA physical unit of measurement, as by head,
earned an income of more than P600K from leasing number, weight, length or volume
out a portion of its premises to small shop owners Ex. Tax on distilled spirits, fermented
and P47K from parking fees. liquors, cigars
2) Ad Valorem - tax of a fixed proportion of the
Issue: Is the rental income from real property owned value of property with respect to which the
by the YMCA subject to income tax? tax is assessed; requires intervention of
Held: YES, the exemption claimed by YMCA is Ex. Real estate tax, excise tax on cars, non-
expressly disallowed by the last paragraph of then essential goods
27 of the NIRC. Furthermore, Art. XIV, 4 (3) of the D. As to purpose
Constitution only exempts YMCA from property taxes 1) General, fiscal or revenue - imposed for the
NOT income tax. YMCA cannot be considered as an general purpose of supporting the
educational institution within the purview of the government
above-cited article. The term educational institution Ex. Income tax, percentage tax
under the Education Act of 1982 refers to schools. 2) Special or regulatory - imposed for a
The school system is synonymous with formal special purpose, to achieve some social or
education, which refers to hierarchically structured economic objectives
and chronologically graded learnings organized and Ex. Protective tariffs or customs duties on
provided by the formal school system and for which imported goods intended to protect local
certification is required in order for the learner to industries
progress through grades or more to higher levels. E. As to authority imposing the tax
Nothing in the Articles of QInuicckoTimrpe
TIFF (Uncompressed) oranadtaion or By-Laws of
1) National - imposed by the national
the YMCA suggests that it is an educational
are needed to see this picture. government
institution. Ex. National internal revenue taxes, custom
Classification of Taxes 2) Municipal or local - imposed by the
A. As to subject matter of object municipal corporations or local governments
1) personal, poll, capitation tax Ex. Real estate tax, occupation tax
(a) fixed amount
(b) individuals residing within specified
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F. As to graduation of rate (Three systems of taxes accrue is given the owner
taxation) to the general of the expropriated
1) Proportional - based on a fixed percentage benefit of the property
of the amount of the property, income or citizens of the
other basis to be taxed taxing State
Ex. Real estate tax, VAT, percentage tax Persons Applies to all Only particular
2) Progressive or graduated - tax rate affected persons, property is
increases as the tax base or bracket property and comprehended
increases excises that
Ex. Income tax, estate tax, donors tax may be
3) Regressive - tax rate decreases as the tax subject
base increases thereto
4) Degressive - increase of rate is not
proportionate to the increase of tax base TAX DISTINGUISHED FROM LICENSE FEE
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TAX TREATY AS A MODE OF ELIMINATING taxpayers property. As long as the power to tax
DOUBLE TAXATION: does not violate any constitutional or statutory
1) EXEMPTION METHOD the income or capital provisions, said power can be a power to destroy.
which is taxable in the state of source or situs is
exempted in the state of residence, although in But for all its plenitude, the power to tax is not
some instances it may taken into account in unconfined as there are restrictions. Adversely
determining the rate of tax applicable to the tax effecting as it does property rights, both the due
payers remaining income or capital (ex. Tax process and equal protection clauses of the
Sparing Credit scheme) Constitution may properly be invoked to invalidate in
2) CREDIT METHOD the tax paid in the state of appropriate cases a revenue measure. If it were
source is credited against the tax levied in the otherwise, there would be truth to the dictum that the
state of residence power to tax involves the power to destroy. The web
Afisco Insurance Corp v. CA (G.R. No. 112675, or unreality spun from Justice Marshalls famous
Jan. 25, 1999) dictum was brushed away by one stroke of Mr.
Justice Holmes pen, thus: The power to tax is not
Petitioners are local non-life insurance corps. Which the power to destroy while this Court sits. So it is in
formed a pool in order to enter into a Reinsurance the Philippines. [Reyes v. Almanzor (1991), citing
Treaty with a German company. BIR assessed Sison v. Ancheta (1984); Obillos v. CIR (1985)].
deficiency taxes against the pool on the ground that
it is considered a partnership taxable as a corp. Tax Avoidance (Tax Minimization) tax saving
Petitioners insist that the pool is a mere agent, not device that is legally permissible
acting on its own and therefore, cannot be taxed as a
corp., there being no risk undertaken by the pool, no
Tax Evasion (Tax Dodging) connotes fraud
common fund and no control exercised by its board in
through the use of pretenses and forbidden devices
the management of its fund.
to lessen or defeat taxes; must be willful and
Issue (1) : Is the Pool Taxable as a Corp?
Held (1): YES. Pursuant to 24 of the NIRC, the CIR vs. The Estate of Benigno Toda, GR No.
pool is included within the definition of domestic 147188, Sept. 14, 2004
corps. Which comprises even unregistered
partnerships and associations. In this case, the Facts: This Court is called upon to determine in
ceding cos. Entered into an association that would this case whether the tax planning scheme adopted
handle all business under the Treaty. It has a by a corporation constitutes tax evasion that would
common fund and an executive board to manage its justify an assessment of deficiency income tax.
affairs. Moreover, even if the pool itself did not issue CIC authorized Toda, Jr., President and owner
any policies on its own, its work was indispensable to of 99.991% of its issued and outstanding capital
the business of the ceding companies and the stock, to sell the Cibeles Building and the two
German Co, parcels of land on which the building stands for an
amount of not less than P90M. Toda then
Issue (2): Is there double taxation? purportedly sold the property for P100 M to Rafael
Altonaga, who, in turn, sold the same property on
Held(2): NO. Double taxation means taxing the the same day to RMI for P200M. These 2
same person twice by the same jurisdiction for the transactions were evidenced by Deeds of Absolute
same thing. The pool is a taxable entity distinct from Sale. For the sale of the property to RMI, Altonaga
the individual corporate entities of the ceding paid capital gains tax in the amount of P10M.
QuickTime and a
companies. The TIFF tax(Uncompressed)
on i ts decompressor
income is obviously CIC filed its corporate annual ITR for the year
different from the taaxre noen the dividends received by
eded to see this picture. 1989, declaring, among other things, its gain from
the said companies. the sale of real property in the amount of
P75,728.021. Toda sold all his shares. He died 3
Power to Tax Involves Power to Destroy [Chief yrs. later.
Justice Marshall, McCullough v. Maryland, 4 L.Ed. The BIR sent an assessment notice and
579 (1819)] demand letter to the CIC for deficiency income tax
for the year 1989 in the amount of P79,099,999.22,
The imposition of a valid tax could not be judicially representing the tax, surcharge, & interest on the
restrained merely because it would prejudice a
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TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
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laws or portions thereof administered by tax due -
the BIR subject to the exclusive appellate (a) After a return has been filed the
jurisdiction of the CTA Commissioner or his representative may
B. Power to obtain information, summon, i. the Examination of any taxpayer;
examine and take testimony of persons (Sec. and
5) ii. the Assessment of the correct
1) For the Commissioner to ascertain: amount of tax;
(a) correctness of any return or in making a (b) Failure to file a return shall not prevent
return where none has been made the Commissioner from
(b) liability of any person for any internal authorizing the examination of any
revenue tax or in correcting such liability taxpayer;
(c) tax compliance
Any tax or deficiency tax so assessed shall be
The Commissioner is authorized: paid upon notice and demand from the
2) to Examine any relevant Book, paper, record Commissioner or his representative.
or other data
3) to Obtain any Information (costs, volume of Any return, statement or declaration filed in any
production, receipts, sales, gross income, authorized office shall not be withdrawn; but
etc), on a regular basis from: within THREE YEARS from date of filing, the
(a) any person other than the person under same may be modified, changed or amended;
investigation or provided that no notice for audit or investigation
(b) any office or officer of the national/local of such return, has in the meantime, been
government, government agencies and actually served upon the taxpayer.
instrumentalities (Bangko Sentral,
GOCCs) 2) Failure to submit required returns and other
4) To Summon documents
(a) the person liable for tax or required to file If a person
a return or (a) fails to file a required return or report at
(b) any officer or employee of such person the time prescribed or
or (b) Willfully or otherwise files a false or
(c) any person having in his fraudulent return,
possession/custody/ care The Commissioner shall Make or Amend the
1. the books of accounts return from
2. accounting records of entries relating (a) his own knowledge or
to the business of the person liable (b) from such information as he can obtain
for tax or any other person through testimony or otherwise
which shall be prima facie correct and sufficient
5) to Produce such books, papers, records and for all legal purposes
other data and to give testimony
6) to take the Testimony of the person 3) Inventory-taking, Surveillance, Presumptive
concerned, under oath as may be relevant to Gross Sales
the inquiry (a) Commissioner may, at any time during
7) To cause revenue officers and employees to the taxable year
make a Canvass of any revenue district or 1. order the Inventory taking of goods
region of any taxpayer; or
nothing in Section 5uickTsimheallandba e construed as
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
2. may place the business operations of
granting the Caoremnem issioner the authority to
eded to see this picture. any person (natural/juridical) under
inquire into bank deposits other than as provided Observation or Surveillance
for under Sec. 6 (F) of the Code (authority to if there is reason to believe that such
inquire into bank deposits). person is not declaring his correct
income, sales or receipts for tax
C. Power to make assessments, prescribe purposes.
additional requirements for tax administration The findings may be used as basis for
and enforcement (Sec. 6) assessing the taxes and shall be deemed
1) Examination of returns and determination of prima facie correct.
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(b) Commissioner may prescribe a Minimum The taxpayers application for compromise
amount of gross receipts, sales and shall not be considered unless he waives in
taxable base (taking into account the writing his privilege under RA 1405 and other
sales and income of other persons general or special laws. Such waiver shall
engaged in similar business) : authorize the Commissioner to inquire into
1. When a person has failed to issue his bank deposits.
receipts as required by Sec. 113
(Invoice requirements for VAT- 7) Authority to Register tax agents -
registered persons) and Sec. 237 (a) The Commissioner shall Accredit and
(Issuance of Receipts or Commercial Register, individuals and general
Invoices); or professional partnerships and their rep.
2. When the books of accounts or who prepare and file tax returns and
records do not correctly reflect the other papers or who appear before the
declarations made or required to be BIR
made in a return, (b) The Commissioner shall create national
such minimum amount shall and regional accreditation boards
be prima facie correct
Those who are denied accreditation may
4) Terminate taxable period - appeal the same to the Sec. of Finance who
Commissioner shall declare the tax period of shall rule on the appeal within 60 days from
a taxpayer terminated and send notice to the receipt of such appeal. Failure of the Sec. of
taxpayer of such decision with a request for Finance to rule on the appeal within the said
immediate payment of the tax, when it has period shall be deemed as approval for
come to the knowledge of the Commissioner: accreditation.
(a) that a taxpayer is Retiring from business 8) Authority to Prescribe Additional
subject to tax or Requirements-
(b) is Intending to leave the Philippines or The Commissioner may prescribe the
(c) to Remove his property therefrom or manner of compliance with any documentary
(d) to Hide or conceal his property or or procedural requirement for the submission
(e) is performing any act tending to Obstruct or preparation of financial statements
the proceedings for the collection of tax accompanying tax returns.
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determined by the rules 3) To Submit reports to the appropriate committee
of Congress upon its request and in aid of
legislation, which information or report shall
include, but not be limited to:
Regional Evaluation Board is composed (a) industry audits
of: (b) collection performance data
i. Regional Director as Chairman (c) status reports in criminal actions initiated
ii. Asst. Regional Director against persons
iii. Heads of the Legal, Assessment and (d) taxpayers returns
Collection Div. provided, any return or information which can
iv. Revenue District Officer having be associated with or identifies, directly or
jurisdiction over the taxpayer indirectly a particular taxpayer, shall be
furnished to the appropriate committee of
4) power to Assign or reassign internal Congress only when sitting in Executive
revenue officers to establishments where Session, unless the taxpayer consents in
articles subject to excise tax are kept writing to such disclosure
4) Submit reports to the Oversight Committee
through the Chairman of the Committee on Ways
E. Assignment of Internal Revenue Officers and Means of the Senate and House of
(Secs. 16 &17) Representatives, on the exercise of his powers of
abatement and compromise of taxes (Sec. 204)
The Commissioner may assign/ reassign internal every 6 months of each calendar year. (Sec. 20)
revenue officers:
1) involved in excise tax functions as often as the NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE TAXES: (Sec.
exigencies of revenue service may require; 21) (I VEE DOO)
provided that he shall in no case stay in his 1) Income tax
assignment for more than 2 years (Sec. 16) 2) Estate and Donors tax
2) without change in rank and salary, to other or 3) Value-Added tax
special duties connected with the enforcement 4) Other percentage tax
and administration of internal revenue laws as 5) Excise tax
the exigencies of the service may require; 6) Documentary stamp tax
provided that officers assigned to perform 7) Such Other taxes as are or hereafter may be
assessment or collection functions shall not imposed and collected by the BIR
remain in the same assignment for more than 3
years; assignment of officers and employees to
special duties shall not exceed 1 year (Sec. 17)
F. Internal Revenue Districts (Sec. 9)
The Commissioner, with approval of the Sec. of DEFINITION OF TERMS
Finance, shall divide the Philippines into such 1) Person an individual, a trust, estate or corp.
number of revenue districts for administrative 2) Corporation include partnerships (distinguish
purposes. Each district shall be under the supervision between ordinary and general professional
of a Revenue District Officer. partnership)
3) General professional partnership
Duties of the Commissioner: (PASO) partnerships formed for the sole purpose of
1) To Prescribe, provide and distribute to the proper exercising their common profession, no part of its
officials the requisite Quliicc
kTeimneseasnd,a internal revenue
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor income being derived from engaging in any trade
stamps, labels, areanellededotothseee rthis pfictu
orrme. s, certificates, or business
bonds, records, invoices, books, receipts, 4) Shares of stock includes shares of stock of a
instruments and appliances used in administering corp., warrants & options to purchase shares of
laws falling within the jurisdiction of BIR stock, as well as units of participation in a
2) To Acknowledge payment of any tax under this partnership (except gen. professional
Code expressing partnership), joint stock companies, joint
a) the amount paid and accounts, joint ventures taxable as corp.,
b) the particular account for which payment associations & recreation or amusement clubs &
was made (Sec. 8) mutual fund certificates
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5) Taxpayer any person subject to tax Income can be realized actually and
6) Taxable Year can either be calendar year (Jan constructively.
1 to Dec 31), or the fiscal year Assignment of Income Doctrine Ex: A is
7) Fiscal Year an accounting period of 12 months entitled to his salary of P10m but assigns it to B
ending on the last day of any month other than for unknown reasons. In this case, both A and
December (ex. Feb 1 to Jan 31) B realize income. A constructively received
8) Paid or incurred (cash method) or Paid or income (because he was able to assign thus
accrued (accrual method) payment actually has complete control/dominion over it) and B
made or if not paid, actually liable for the actually received it. The income is taxable in
expense the hands of both A and B.
Doctrine of Constructive Receipt Ex: A was
TAXABLE INCOME informed that his check dated December 16 is
already available and he can get it anytime. A
REQUISITES FOR INCOME TO BE TAXABLE: did not get the check until January 30. In this
1) There must be a gain or addition to net worth case, A constructively received income in
2) The gain must be realized or received, actually or December and is taxable in that taxable period.
constructively; recipient must have complete Not recognized as income if proceeds are
dominion merely a return of capital. Ex. Creditor lends
3) The gain must not be excluded by law or treaty debtor x amount. Debtor repays x amount plus
from taxation y interest. Creditor does not have income on x
amount as this is merely return on capital; he
has income only with respect to the amount of
Note: y interest.
Not recognized as income - when funds were
merely entrusted/held money in trust (with COMPUTATION OF TAXABLE INCOME
obligation to return) to taxpayer because
taxpayer acquires no control and does not 1) Taxpayer earning purely compensatory
receive economic benefit from it. income
Proceeds of embezzlement/swindling are Gross Compensation
income because embezzler/swindler already less : Personal Exemption
has complete dominion over them and can use premium payments on health and/or
such for his economic benefit. hospital insurance amounting to P2,400
Increase in the value of property is not per year
recognized as income; this only constitutes equals: Taxable income
an unrealized increase which becomes taxable
income only upon disposition and realization of 2) Taxpayer doing business, whether individual
gains. Same situation for stocks and stock or corporation (domestic or FC doing
dividends. business)
Deposit with no interest does not produce Gross Revenue/Sales
income for the depositary; there is no flow of less: Cost of Sales
wealth. equals: Gross Income
In a debt/loan situation it is important to less : Allowable Deductions
determine whether there was an original equals: Taxable Income
intention to pay/consensual recognition of an for individuals, an additional deduction for
obligation to repay. personal exemptions is allowed
If yes, then the liability that results
QuickTime and a
ju sare
o ffsets the increase in assets
needed to see this picture.
Situs of Taxation is the place or authority that has the
of the taxpayer borrower; therefore, right to impose and collect taxes (CIR v. Marubeni
no increase in net worth and no Corp). The state where the subject to be taxed has a
income derived from the debt/loan. situs may rightfully levy and collect the tax. The situs
If no (as in the case of a is necessarily in the state which has jurisdiction or
swindler/estafa), the proceeds will which exercises dominion over the subject in
be considered as income and question.
therefore taxable in the hands of
the borrower swindler. SOURCES OF INCOME
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4) Fringe Benefits Tax (amount of benefits to 1) General (part of gross income, subject to 5-
Managerial and Supervisory Employee paid by 32%)
Employer; Ee is taxed but burden is on Er) a) Compensation Income
5) Capital Gains Tax (Real property and stocks not b) Income from Business
traded in stock market) c) Income from Exercise of Profession
6) Optional Corporate Income Tax 2) Special Types of Income (not part of gross
7) Minimum Corporate Income Tax (2% of GI) income, subject to final tax)
8) Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax a) Interests, royalties, prizes and other
9) Preferential Rates (for special corporations) winnings subject to final tax (Passive
10) Branch Profit Remittance Tax Income)
b) Cash & property dividends (does not
include stock dividends; these are
TYPES OF TAXPAYERS realized only upon their subsequent sale)
(Passive Income)
A. Individuals c) Capital gains from sale of real property
d) Capital gains from sales of shares of
Kinds of Individuals stock not listed in the stock exchange
1) Resident Citizen e) Capital gains from sale of shares of stock
2) Nonresident Citizen = citizen of the listed in stock exchange (subject to
Philippines who: percentage tax
(a) Establishes the fact of his physical
presence abroad with a definite intention B. Estates and Trusts
to reside therein
(b) Leaves the Philippines during the taxable Estate: property, rights and obligations of a
year to reside abroad, as immigrant or for person which are not extinguished by his death
employment on a permanent basis and those that accrues thereto; taxed in the same
(c) Works & derives income from abroad & way as an individual provided it is irrevocable and
whose employment requires him to be earns income; what is taxed is not the property
physically present abroad most of the that constitutes the trust (this was already subject
time (i.e. not less than 183 days) during to donors tax) but the income of such property.
the taxable year
(d) Previously considered as nonresident Trust: arrangement created by agreement under
citizen & arrives in the Philippines at any which title to property is passed to another for
time during the taxable year to reside conservation or investment with the income and
permanently in the Philippines the corpus/principal distributed in accordance
3) Resident Alien with the directions of the creator; to be taxable as
4) Nonresident Alien a separate entity, grantor must have absolutely
a) Those engaged in trade or business in and irrevocably given up control and benefit over
the Philippines who come and stay in the the trust.
Philippines for an aggregate period of
more than 180 days during any calendar C. Corporation
b) Those not engaged in trade or business A corporation shall include partnerships, no matter
in the Philippines, which include non- how created or organized. Joint stock companies,
resident aliens whose stay in the joint accounts, associations, and insurance
Philippines is Q1u8ick0Timd
eayansd aor less
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
c) Aliens eam re nplodeydetodsee tb
ee hisypicturre
e.gional or area But does not include, for the purpose of
headquarters and regional operating imposing ordinary 35% corporate income tax:
headquarters of multinational companies o general professional partnerships
in the Philippines o joint venture or consortium formed for the
d) Aliens employed by offshore banking purpose of undertaking construction
units projects or engaging in petroleum, coal,
e) Aliens employed by petroleum geothermal & other energy operations
contractors and subcontractors pursuant to an operating or consortium
agreement under a service contract with
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the govt. B. Optional Gross Income Taxation
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( - ) Sales returns,
Excess of MCIT over the normal income tax shall discounts and
be carried forward & credited against normal allowances
income tax for the 3 succeeding years ( - ) Cost of Services
Example: (proceeding from above example) *means all direct costs and expenses
necessarily incurred to provide the services
Situation A: If regular income tax (35% of taxable required by the customers including:
income) is greater than MCIT (2% of GI) Pay a) salaries and employee benefits of
Regular Income Tax personnel, consultants and specialists
directly rendering the service;
For 2007 calendar year: b) costs of facilities directly utilized in
GI = P500,000 2% of GI = P10,000 providing the service such as depreciation or
TI = P50,000 35% of TI = P17,500 rental of equipment used and costs of
Income Tax payable for 2007
= 17,500 (Regular Income Tax) 550 (MCIT II. RESIDENT FOREIGN CORPORATION
Carry Forward from 2006: 10,000-9450)
= 16,950 A. In General (the rest is the same as domestic
NOTE: You can deduct MCIT Carry Forward only if
Regular Income Tax is greater than MCITY On taxable income from all 32% (2000-2005)
sources within the 35% (2006-2008)
Situation B: If regular income tax is less than Philippines. 30% (2009 onwards)
B. MCIT - same as domestic corp.
For 2007 calendar year:
GI = P500,000 2% of GI = P10,000 C. Special types of resident foreign corporations:
TI = P20,000 35% of TI = P7,000 International Air 2.5% On Gross Philippine
carriers Billings (see case of Air
Income Tax payable for 2007 Canada vs. CIR infra)
= 10,000 International 2.5% On Gross Philippine
Shipping Billings
NOTE: MCIT carry forward as of 2007 is already Offshore 10% Any interest income
3,550 (550 from 2006 and 3,000 from 2007). banking units derived from foreign
So if in 2008, Regular Income Tax is already currency loans granted
greater than MCIT, you may deduct 3,550 to residents other than
from payable Regular Income Tax. offshore banking units
or local commercial
3. Relief from MCIT banks, including local
MCIT may be suspended by the Sec of branches of foreign
Finance when corporations losses are due banks that may be
to: authorized by the BSP
(a) prolonged labor dispute to transact business
(b) force majeure with offshore banking
(c) legitimate business reverses units
QuickTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture. Offshore Exempt Income derived by
4. Gross Income (for purposes of applying banking units offshore banking units
MCIT) authorized by the BSP,
Gross Income = Gross Sales from foreign currency
( - ) Sales returns, transactions with
discounts & allowances nonresidents, other
( - ) Cost of Goods sold offshore banking units,
local commercial
If taxpayer is engaged in sale of service:
banks, including
Gross Income = Gross Receipts
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In order that a foreign corporation may be reducing their tax liability in the Philippines
regarded as doing business, there must be continuity and in their residence countries.
of conduct and intention to establish a continuous Ex. Domestic corporation paid cash dividend
business, such as the appointment of a local agent, to non-resident foreign corporation (NRFC)
and not one of a temporary character. In other organized in Brazil. This shall form part of
words, a foreign airline company selling tickets in the NRFCs income therefore taxable also in
Philippines through their local agents, whether liaison Brazil. The dividend received shall only be
offices, agencies or branches, as in the case at bar, taxed at 15% in the Phils (instead of 35%) if
shall be considered as resident foreign corporation Brazil will reduce/credit at least 20% of the
engaged in trade or business in that country for such tax imposed in the Phils. from its tax imposed
activities show continuity of commercial dealings or in Brazil. [See Section 28(5)(b)]
arrangements and performance of acts or works or If Brazil will credit/reduce less than 20% or
the exercise of some functions normally incident to will not credit any amount, then the Phils will
and in progressive prosecution of commercial gain or tax the dividend at 35% (ordinary income
for the purpose and object of the business tax).
organization. Phils. cannot give more than 15% tax credit
because the law only allows such.
Branch Profit Remittance Tax
BPRT shall be imposed on any profit remitted III. NONRESIDENT FOREIGN CORPORATION
by a branch to its head office.
Distinguish between a branch and a A. In General
o If branch, subject to BPRT Gross Income from all sources 32% (2000-2005)
o If subsidiary amounts received by within the Philippines (except 35% (2006-2008)
non-resident foreign corporation would Capital Gains on sale of 30% (2009
be treated as dividends it becomes domestic shares subject to final onwards)
part of its Gross Income from within tax)
taxable at 35%
Branch will first be subjected to ordinary Gross Income includes interest, dividends,
corporate tax as a resident foreign rents, royalties, salaries, premiums (except
corporation (35%). Afterwards, the profits for reinsurance prem.), annuities, emoluments or
remittance shall then be subject to 15% other fixed/determinable annual,
BPRT. (Because branch assumes periodic/casual gains, Capital Gains (not
personality of an RFC and is therefore subject to FT)
taxable as such)
Any remittance, so long as you can trace it NON-RESIDENT FOREIGN CORPORATION
from a branch to the foreign parent Cinematographic 25% On gross income
corporation subject to BPRT Film owner, lessor
o Ex. X foreign corp. has both regional or distributor
headquarters and branch in Philippines.
Instead of remitting straight to X, branch Owner or lessors 4.5% On gross income
pays amount to regional headquarters of vessel charted
supposedly for administrative support by Philippine
services The amount paid for the nationals
services will still be subject to BPRT Owner or lessors 7.5% On gross income
because the tQauxickiTsimeim ap ndoased on any form of aircraft,
of remiTttIFaFare
n(Ucneeded indirect.
ncompressed) decompressor
e, dtoireseectthisorpicture. machineries and
other equipment
Tax reduced by the Philippines should be
fully applied or credited to the tax on dividend INCOME TAX RATES
income received by the non-resident foreign
corporation imposed by the country of its I. INDIVIDUALS
domicile. This serves as an incentive by
A. In general
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
utilization of the proceeds), the difference
Graduated rates of 5 to 32%. will be subject to CGT.
o Exemption does not include exchange of
B. Passive Income Please see exhibit principal residence for a new principal
residence subject to rules on
Capital Gains from Sale of Real Property exchange above.
Final tax on gross selling price or current fair
market value, whichever is higher. C. Special Tax Rates for Aliens Please see
Imposed upon capital gains presumed to exhibit
have been realized from the sale, exchange,
or other disposition of real property located in II. CORPORATIONS
the Philippines, including pacto de retro sales
and other forms of conditional sales. A. In general
Law presumes a gain, hence, even if the sale 2006-2008 35%
was at a loss (bought for 2M, sold for 1M), 2009-onwards 30%
CGT will still be imposed on entire proceeds
of the disposition; law does not talk about the
net gain, it only considers gross selling B. Passive Income and other income Please see
price/FMV whichever is higher. exhibit
Refers to real property held as capital asset
(not used for business/investment) as C. Tax rate for Resident Foreign Corporation
opposed to ordinary asset (used in ordinary Please see exhibit
course of business).
Special Rule for disposition to government D. Tax rate for special types of Resident Foreign
o Taxpayer has option of treating the Corporation Please see exhibit
proceeds as (a) taxable income (5-32%
on net gain) or as capital gains (6% final
o If second option is chosen: 6% final tax (IAET)
shall be based on actual consideration (Sec. 29, as implemented by Rev. Reg. 2-2001
and not FMV since the former is usually which prescribes rules governing the imposition of
lower than FMV (BIR Ruling). IAET)
o If the disposition took nature of
expropriation (no meeting of the minds, A. Rule
not voluntary), transaction is not subject There is imposed for each taxable year, in
to CGT. Net gain (if any) will be treated addition to other taxes, a tax equal to 10% of the
as part of GI. Includes disposition by improperly accumulated taxable income of
judicial order and other forms of forced domestic and closely-held corporations
disposition. formed or availed of for the purpose of avoiding
Rule for Exchange the income tax with respect to its shareholders or
o FMV of the property exchanged/given up the shareholders of any other corporation, by
shall be basis of CGT. (Ex. A exchanges permitting the earnings and profits of the
property worth 1M for Bs property worth corporation to accumulate instead of dividing
2M CGT on A will be based on 1M, them among or distributing them to the
CGT on B will be based on 2M) shareholders (Ex. Holding company).
Exception on Principal Residence
QuickTime and a
o Gains Tp
ssedt)o haprvesesorbeen realized
are needed to see this picture. B. Rationale
from sale or disposition of principal If the earnings and profits were distributed, the
residence, the proceeds of which is fully shareholders would then be liable for income tax;
utilized in acquiring new principal if the distribution were not made to them, they
residence within 18 months from would incur no tax in respect to the undistributed
disposition shall be exempt from CGT. earnings and profits of the corporation. It is a tax
o Can be availed only once every 10 years. in the nature of a penalty to the corporation for
o If the new principal residence is cheaper the improper accumulation of its earnings, and a
than old (meaning there is no full deterrent to the avoidance of tax upon
shareholders who are supposed to pay dividends
Page 20 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
tax on the earnings distributed to them.
1. Closely-held corporations are those:
C. Exception a) at least 50% in value of the outstanding capital
The use of undistributed earnings and profits for stock; or
the reasonable needs of the business would b) at least 50% of the total combined voting power
not generally make the accumulated or of all classes of stock entitled to vote is owned
undistributed earnings subject to the tax. What is directly or indirectly by or for not more than 20
meant by reasonable needs of the business individuals. Domestic corporations not falling
is determined by the Immediacy Test. under the aforesaid definition are, therefore,
publicly-held corporations.
Immediacy Test It states that the
reasonable needs of the business are the F. Exempt Corporations: The IAET shall not apply
1) immediate needs of the business; and to the following corporations:
2) reasonably anticipated needs (Ex. (BIG-PEN-T)
Expansion) 1) Banks and other non-bank financial
How to prove the reasonable needs of 2) Insurance companies;
the business: The corporation should prove 3) Publicly-held corporations;
that there is 4) Taxable partnerships;
1) an immediate need for the accumulation 5) General professional partnerships;
of the earnings and profits; or 6) Non- taxable joint ventures; and
2) a direct correlation of anticipated 7) Enterprises that are registered:
needs to such accumulation of profits. (a) with the Philippine Economic Zone
Authority (PEZA) under R.A. 7916;
D. Composition: The following constitute (b) pursuant to the Bases Conversion and
accumulation of earnings for the reasonable Development Act of 1992 under R.A.
needs of the business: (ILL ABE) 7227; and
1) Allowance for the increase in the (c) under special economic zones declared
accumulation of earnings up to 100% of the by law which enjoy payment of special
paid-up capital of the corporation as of tax rate on their registered operations or
Balance Sheet date, inclusive of activities in lieu of other taxes, national or
accumulations taken from other years; local.
2) Earnings reserved for definite corporate
expansion projects or programs requiring
considerable capital expenditure as approved
by the Board of Directors or equivalent body; G. Period for Payment of Dividend/IAET: The
3) Earnings reserved for building, plants or dividends must be declared and paid or issued
equipment acquisition as approved by the not later than one year following the close of
Board of Directors or equivalent body; the taxable year, otherwise, the IAET, if any,
4) Earnings reserved for compliance with any should be paid within fifteen (15) days
loan covenant or pre-existing obligation thereafter.
established under a legitimate business
agreement; H. Determination of Purpose to Avoid Income
5) Earnings required by law or applicable Tax
regulations to be retained by the corporation 1) The fact that a corporation is a mere holding
or in respect of which there is legal company or investment company shall be
prohibition TIFF
agains t uiitcskTimdei
Q starnidbaution;
(Uncompressed) decompressor prima facie evidence of a purpose to avoid
6) In the casaere neeodfed tosseuebthsisipdicituarer.ies of foreign the tax upon its shareholders or members
corporations in the Philippines, all
undistributed earnings intended or reserved A holding or investment company is a
for investments within the Philippines as can corporation having practically no activities except
be proven by corporate records and/or holding property, and collecting the income
relevant documentary evidence. therefrom or investing the same; and
E. Covered Corporations: Only domestic and 2) where the earnings or profits of a corporation
closely-held corporations are liable for IAET. are permitted to accumulate beyond the
Page 21 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
reasonable needs of the business. partnerships is taxable as dividends; in this case,
the ordinary partnership has already been subject
I. Prima facie instances of accumulation of to ordinary corporate income tax)
profits beyond the reasonable needs of a
business and indicative of purpose to avoid All income from whatever source derived
income tax upon shareholders Recovery of damages (compensation for Not
injury; from tortious acts) taxable
1) Investment of substantial earnings and profits Recovery of items previously deducted Taxable
of the corporation in unrelated business or from gross income (return of capital)
in stock or securities of unrelated business;
2) Investment in bonds and other long-term Forgiveness of indebtedness (if effect of Not
entire transaction is a reduction of Taxable
securities; and
purchase price of property acquired in
3) Accumulation of earnings in excess of 100%
prior year)
of paid-up capital, not otherwise intended
for the reasonable needs of the business. Income derived form illegal business Taxable
The controlling intention of the taxpayer is (gain)
that which is manifested at the time of Recovery of lost earnings Taxable
accumulation. A speculative and indefinite
purpose will not suffice. The mere recognition BIR Ruling #017-2003
of a future problem or the discussion of The transfer of land made by a person to another in
possible and alternative solutions is not payment of services rendered in the form of attorneys
sufficient. Definiteness of plan/s coupled with fees shall be considered as part of the gross income
action/s taken towards its consummation is of the latter valued at either the fair market value or
essential. the zonal valuation, whichever is higher, in the
taxable year received.
Cyanamid Phils. vs. CA, GR No. 108067, Jan. 20,
Ideally, the working capital should equal the CRM)
current liabilities and there must be 2 units of current
assets for every unit of current liability, hence the so- 1) Gifts, Bequests & devises
called "2 to 1" rule. A Debt-to-Equity ratio (Current
But, income from such property shall be
Assets over Current Liabilites) of 2:1 is indicative of
included in GI
the liquidity of a corporation, and further
Must be characterized by disinterested
accumulation would expose it to the IAET.
generosity and pure liberality
Difficult to establish gift situations if there is
an Er-Ee relationship (A bonus/assistance as
recognition of service rendered is not
All income derived from whatever source, including
(but not limited to the following items) (GRIP CARD If given under a) constraining force of any
GPP) moral or legal duty or b) from the incentive of
1) Gross income derived from the conduct of trade c) an anticipated benefit of an economic
or business or the exercise of a profession nature or where it is a return for services
2) Rent Income rendered, proceeds cannot qualify as a gift.
3) Interest Income Most critical consideration is the givers
4) Prizes & winnings intention or motive.
5) Compensation TIFF for(Uncompressed)
n aw
nd h
a atever form paid, Can be a gift if given on account of filial
including, but notarleim ited to fees, salaries, wages,
needed to see this picture. relationship.
commissions & similar items 2) Income Exempt under Treaty
6) Annuities To the extent required by any treaty
7) Royalties obligation binding upon the Phil govt.
8) Dividend Income 3) Amount Received by Insured as Return of
9) Gains derived from dealings in property Premium
10) Pensions Under life insurance, endowment, or annuity
11) Partners distributive share from the net income contracts, received either during the term or
of the GPP (distributive share from ordinary at the maturity of the terms or upon surrender
Page 22 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
of the contract resident citizens or aliens who reside
4) Life Insurance permanently in the Philippines
Proceeds of life insurance policies paid to the d) Veterans benefits
heirs/beneficiaries upon the death of the e) Benefits under SSS
insured f) Benefits received from GSIS
If such amounts are held by the insurer under
an agreement to pay interest, the interest 2 Options under paragraph (a), Section
payments shall be included in the GI 32(B)(6)
Insured must die to avail of total exemption. If g) RA 7641
he survives, there/s only partial exemption o Conditions: (i) at least 60 years old;
to the extent that the proceeds constitute (ii) 5 years of service at time of
return of capital (total amount of premiums retirement
paid). o Availed if there is no reasonable
5) Compensation for Injuries or Sickness private benefit plan (benefits under
Received through Accident/Health Insurance this option is less)
or Workmens Compensation Act, as o Limted exemption: month salary
compensation for personal injuries/sickness for every year of service. In RPBP,
+ amount of damages received on account of all is excludable.
such injuries/sickness h) Reasonable Private Benefit Plan
Damages will be exempt only if they arise o Conditions: (i) at least 50 yrs old; (ii)
together with personal injury; however, if in the service of same employer for
at least 10 years at time of retirement
damages only amount to return of capital, it
is exempt (Ex. Damages from car accident o Must be approved by BIR
exempt only if claim includes compensation o A pension, gratuity, stock bonus or
profit-sharing plan maintained by an
for personal injury. If no personal injury,
ER for the benefit of some or all of
damages for car wreckage will only be
his officials/employees, wherein
exempt to the extent of the amount of the
contributions are made by such ER
actual damage return of capital)
for the officials/employees, or both,
Must be physical injury, not injury to rights.
for the purpose of distributing to such
6) Retirement Benefits, Pensions, Gratuities officials & employees the earnings &
Forms principal of the fund thus
a) RA 7641 or Reasonable Private accumulated; & provided in the plan
Benefit Plan that no part of the income shall be
o See below for rules used for/be diverted to any purpose
b) Amount received as a consequence other than for the exclusive benefit of
of separation for any cause beyond the said officials & employees
control (death, sickness or other Service must be continuous.
physical disability) You can avail of the benefits only once
o Sickness must be job threatening
(once youve availed of RPBP, you cannot
must render taxpayer avail of another RPBP); but you can avail of
incapable of working (Ex. Does exemption under another ground
not include STD) o Ex. A government employee can claim
o Benefits from separation due to exemption for retirement benefits
retrenchment come under received from the GSIS even after
exemption (no choice/option; but availing of RPBP taxpayer can claim
if theQuickTime
Ee avails and a
of an optional RPBP after qualifying as a private
r e
solran, he cannot
are needed to see this picture. employee then under GSIS proceeds
reason that he was separated for exemption after qualifying as a
reasons beyond his control, government employee
therefore, he cannot claim o Ex. Employee can claim exemption
exemption of the benefits on this under RPBP then later claim on the
ground but he can claim ground that the amount he received is a
under other grounds such as consequence of his separation in a
RPBP or RA 7641. subsequent job for any cause beyond his
c) Benefits received from a foreign control
government by resident of non
Page 23 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
Terminal Leave Pay: amount paid for the
commutation of leave credits BIR Ruling #125-98
o Excludable only for government The phrase shall not have availed of the privilege
employees (this exemption does not find under a retirement benefit plan of the same or
support in NIRC but is backed by SC another ER found in Sec. 32 (B) (6) (a) of the Tax
decision and BIR Ruling #143-98) Code means that the retiring official or EE must not
have previously received retirement benefits from the
7) Miscellaneous Items same or another employer who has a qualified
(a) income derived by foreign government (from retirement benefit plan.
investments in Philippines in loans, stocks,
bonds or other domestic securities) BIR Ruling #143-98
Refers only to passive income. If the The terminal leave pay of government employees
foreign government engages in trade, whose employment is coterminous is exempt since it
income is taxable. falls within the meaning of the phrase for any cause
(b) income derived by govt./its political beyond the control of the said official or EE found in
subdivisions (from public utility or exercise Sec. 32(B) of the CTRP.
essential governmental function)
Key: Income should accrue to
government; if the income is retained by
the public utility, it is not exempt look
at charter of political subdivision/GOCC
to determine whether its income accrues SPECIAL TREATMENT OF FRINGE BENEFIT
to the government or not.
(c) prizes, awards in sports competition A. Fringe Benefit
sanctioned by national sports associations
whether held in Philippines or abroad Any good, service or other benefit furnished or
Contemplates a particular competition, granted in cash or in kind by an employer to an
not a cumulative achievement (Ex. individual employee (except rank and file employees)
Sportsman of the year award does not such as, but not limited to the ff:
qualify for exemption) 1) housing
(d) prizes & awards 2) expense account
in recognition of religious, charitable, 3) vehicle of any kind
scientific, educational, artistic, literary or 4) household personnel (such as maid, driver &
civic achievement, but only if: others)
recipient was selected without any action 5) interest on loan at less than market rate to the
on his part extent of the difference between the market rate
recipient not required to render & actual rate granted
substantial future services as a condition 6) membership fees, dues & other expenses borne
of receiving the prize/award by the employer for the employee in social &
Example: Nobel prize award athletic clubs or other similar organizations
Construed strictly, take note of 7 7) expenses for foreign travel
categories. It does not include athletic 8) holiday & vacation expenses
achievement. 9) educational assistance to the employee or his
Contemplates a rational selection dependents
process; cannot just be randomly 10) life or health insurance & other non-life insurance
selected. premiums or similar amounts in excess of what
th QuickTime and a
(e) 13 montThIFF (Upna coy
sed) deocoth
mpererssor benefits (i.e. the law allows
are needed to see this picture.
productivity incentives & Christmas bonus)
Total exclusion shall not > P30,000 B. Nature of FBT
(f) GSIS, SSS, Medicare, Pag-ibig contributions
& union dues of individuals Final tax imposed on the grossed-up monetary value
(g) Gains form the sale of bonds, debentures or of fringe benefit furnished/granted to the EE by the
other certificates of indebtedness with a ER, whether an individual or corp. (payable by the
maturity of more than 5 years employer)
(h) Gains from redemption of shares in mutual Effective 1/1/98 34%
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1/1/99 33%
When a fringe benefit is given solely for the
Fringe benefit is an income of the employee subject convenience of the employer, the fringe
to Fringe Benefit Tax but is payable by the Employer. benefit is exempt from FBT because the
Er can deduct FBT from its taxable income. employee does not recognize income from
the benefit.
Fringe benefits are only for corporate Ex. Expenditure on housing of engineer
officers/management. For rank and file, it is called an within factory premises is not subject to
allowance. Allowances (benefits to rank and file) are FBT
not subject to FBT. General Rule: If housing is located
outside, it is subject to FBT.
C. Fringe Benefits not subject to FBT Exception: If the nature of the Ers
business is hazardous to health of
(a) FB authorized & exempted from tax under Ee, housing can be located outside
special laws the factory without being subject to
(b) Contributions of ER for the benefit of the FBT.
employee to retirement, insurance & Ex. If employee is given housing allowance in
hospitalizations benefit plan cash, this will constitute compensation of
(c) Benefits given to the rank & file employees, the employee (income from whatever
whether granted under a CBA or not source). However, if it qualifies as a Fringe
(d) De minimis benefits Benefit, then it will be subject to FBT and
the burden is shifted to Er (Tax on Ee,
De Minimis benefits Burden on Er)
a) Monetized unused vacation leave credits of
private employees not exceeding 10 days
during the year and monetized value of leave III. DEDUCTION FROM GROSS INCOME
credits paid to government officials and
employees Defined as: Items or amounts which the law allow
b) Medical cash allowance to dependents of to be deducted from gross income in order to
employees not exceeding P750 per semester arrive at the taxable income.
or P125 per month The basic principle governing deductions from
c) Rice subsidy of P1,000 or 1 sack of 50 kg gross income apply to all taxpayers.
rice amounting to not more than P1,000
Because deductions are strictly construed
d) Uniform and clothing allowance not
against the taxpayer, one seeking a deduction
exceeding P3,000 per year
must point to some specific provisions of the
e) Actual yearly medical benefits not exceeding
statute in which that deduction is authorized &
must be able to prove that he is entitled to the
f) Laundry allowance of P300 per month
deduction which the law allows.
g) Employee achievement awards, for length of
Adequate records should be kept to support the
service or safety achievement in the form of
tangible personal property other than cash or
gift certificate, with an annual monetary value The deduction claimed must have been
not exceeding P10,000 received by the subjected to withholding tax, if required.
employee under an established written plan Deductions for income tax purposes partake of
which does not discriminate in favor of highly the nature of tax exemptions; hence, if tax
paid employees QuickTime and a
exemptions are to be strictly construed, then it
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
h) Christmas are a nen
ed to see tm
his a
turre. anniversary follows that deductions must be STRICTLY
celebrations not exceeding P5,000 per construed.
employee per annum He must be able to prove that he is entitled to the
i) Flowers, fruits, books or similar items given deduction authorized or allowed. (Atlas
to employees under special circumstances Consolidated Mining & Devt. Corp. vs. CIR,
on account of illness, marriage, birth of a January 12, 1981)
baby, etc
j) Daily meal allowance of overtime work not WHO MAY AVAIL OF THE DEDUCTIONS?
exceeding 25% of basic minimum wage 1) Individuals
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
(a) citizen 4) Taxes
(b) resident alien 5) Depreciation
(c) non-resident alien doing business in the 6) Interest
Philippines 7) Depletion of oil & gas wells & mines
(d) member of GPP 8) Charitable & other contributions
2) Corporations 9) Research & Development
(a) domestic corp. 10) Pension trusts
(b) resident foreign corp.
(c) proprietary educational institutions & 1. EXPENSES (SEC 34A)
(d) GOCCs 1) Ordinary & necessary trade, business or
professional expenses only
GROSS INCOME: a. Must be ordinary AND necessary (both
1. Citizens and resident aliens whose income is must be complied with)
purely compensation income (except for b. Must be paid or incurred during the
premium payments on health and/or taxable year
hospitalization insurance); c. Must be paid or incurred in carrying on or
2. Non-resident aliens not engaged in trade or which are directly attributable to, the
business in the Philippines; and development, management, operation
3. Non-resident foreign corporation and or conduct of the trade, business or
exercise of a profession, including
THE FOLLOWING ARE THE ALLOWABLE reasonable allowance for:
DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME BASED ON 1. salaries, wages & other forms of
CLASSES OF TAXPAYER: compensation for personal services
1. Individuals with gross income from employee- actually rendered (including grossed-
employer relationship only (gross income only): up monetary value of FB); but the
o Premium payments on health and/or hospital final tax should have been paid
insurance (if requisites are complied with) 2. travel expenses in pursuit of trade,
o Personal exemptions and additional business/ profession
exemptions 3. rentals &/or other payments as
lessee, user or possessor
2. Individuals with gross income from business or 4. entertainment, amusement &
practice of profession: recreation expenses directly
o Optional Standard Deduction (OSD) OR connected to the devt., mgt. &
Itemized deductions operation & conduct of trade,
o Optional Standard Deductions 10% of the business/ profession
gross income. May be availed only by > The Regulations impose a limit of
individuals (except nonresident aliens) who 0.50% of net sales (gross sales less sales
are not purely compensation income earners. returns/allowances & sales discounts) for
This is in lieu of the itemized deductions. taxpayers engaged in sale of goods or
o Premium payments on health and/or hospital properties; or 1% of net revenue (gross
insurance (if requisites are complied with) revenue less discounts) for those engaged in
o Personal and additional exemptions sale of services, including exercise of
profession and use or lease of properties.
3. Corporations (RR No. 10-02)
o Itemized DeductioQnuisckTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
4. Estates and Trusts - Amount must be reasonable.
Section 62 of the NIRC - Amount must be substantiated.
- It is not contrary to law, public policy or morals.
ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS/ ALLOWABLE - Tax required to be withheld must have been paid to
1) Bad Debts
2) Expenses
3) Losses 2) Substantiation Requirements: sufficient
Page 26 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
evidence (i.e. official receipts, financial incurred during the taxable year
statements or other adequate records) to (f) interest must have been stipulated in
substantiate: writing
(a) amt. of expense deducted (g) interest must be legally due
(b) direct connection/relation of the expense (h) interest payment arrangement must not
to the development, management be between related taxpayers
operation &/or conduct of the trade, (i) interest must not be incurred to finance
business or profession of the taxpayer petroleum operations
(j) in case of interest incurred to acquire
3) Bribes, Kickbacks & Other Similar Payments: property used in trade, business or
not deductible exercise of profession, the same was not
treated as a capital expenditure
Ordinary expense normal or usual in relation (k) the interest id not expressly disallowed
to the taxpayers business and the surrounding by law to be deducted from gross income
circumstance. of the taxpayer.
Necessary expense appropriate and helpful in
the development of taxpayers business and are GENERAL RULE ON DEDUCTION
intended to minimize losses or to increase profits. - The amount of interest expense
These are the day to day expenses. paid or incurred within a taxable year
While illegal income will form part of the income of indebtedness in connection with
of the taxpayer, expenses which constitute bribe, the taxpayers trade, business, or
kickback, and other similar payment, being exercise of profession shall be
against law and public policy are not deductible allowed as a deduction from the
from gross income (Sec. 34A1c). taxpayers gross income.
Business expense expenditure related to the
business that is deductible in the year incurred, in LIMITATION ON DEDUCTION
the same taxable year. Interest expense shall be reduced by an amt.
Capital expense expenditure that improves or equal to the ff. % of interest income
adds to the value of your property or equipment. subjected to FT:
Not immediately deductible. It is deductible over 1/1/00 38%
time, such as in the form of depreciation. 1/1/06 42% (RA9337)
1/1/09 33%
Expenses allowable to private educational
institutions: In addition to the expenses
allowable as deductions, a private educational
institution has the option to elect either: Example: Year 2006
(a) to deduct as expense those otherwise Int. exp. = P2,000 Int. income subjected to
considered as capital outlays of FT = P1,500
depreciable assets for the expansion of Deduct as int. exp.: P2,000 - (P1,500 x 42%)
school facilities = P1,370
(b) to capitalize asset & deduct allowance
for depreciation The objective of the limitation is to discourage tax
arbitrage on back to back loans, the proceeds of
2. INTEREST which are invested in income earning interest that
is subject to 20% final tax.
Requisites for deductibility, as implemented
by Rev. Reg. 13-2000 QuickTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor Tax arbitrage- is a method of borrowing without
(a) there muasret nbeeededatn
o sein
e td
. ness
entering into a debtor/creditor relationship, often
(b) there should be an interest expense paid to resolve financing and exchange control
or incurred upon such indebtedness problems. In tax cases, back-to-back loan is used
(c) indebtedness must be that of the to take advantage of the lower rate of tax on
taxpayer interest income and a higher rate of tax on
(d) indebtedness must be connected with interest expense deduction.
the taxpayers trade, business or
exercise of profession
(e) interest expense must have been paid or DEDUCTIBLE INTEREST EXPENSE:
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
1. interest on taxes, such as those paid for reality is dividend
deficiency or delinquency, since taxes are 9. interest on unpaid salaries and
considered indebtedness (provided that the bonuses
tax is a deductible tax, except in the case of 10. interest calculated for cost keeping
income tax). However, fines, penalties, and on account of capital or surplus
surcharges on account of taxes are not invested in business which does not
deductible. The interest on unpaid business represent charges arising under
tax shall not be subjected to the limitation on interest-bearing obligation
deduction. 11. interest paid when there is no
2. Interest paid by a corporation on scrip stipulation for the payment thereof
3. Interest on deposits paid by authorized banks OPTIONAL TREATMENT OF INTEREST
of the BSP to depositors, if it is shown that EXPENSE
the tax on such interest was withheld. - at the option of taxpayer, interest
4. Interest paid by a corporate taxpayer who is incurred to acquire property used in trade
liable on a mortgage upon real property of or business may be allowed as:
which the said corporation is the legal or (a) as expense (deduction)
equitable owner, even though it is not directly (b) as capital expenditure
liable for the indebtedness.
NON-DEDUCTIBLE INTEREST - -the term taxes refers to national and local
(a) interest paid in advance through discount taxes, and means TAXES PROPER, hence,
or otherwise(in case of cash basis no deductions are allowed for:
taxpayer) o a. Interests
allowed as deduction in the year the o b. surcharges
debt is paid o c. penalties or fines incident to
if indebtedness is payable in delinquency (sec. 80, Rev. Reg. 2)
periodic amortizations, int. is
deducted in proportion of the amt. of DEDUCTIBLE TAXES
the principal paid. - All taxes, national, or local, paid or incurred
(b) payments made: during the taxable year in connection with the
1. between members of a family taxpayers profession, trade or business, are
(include only brothers & sisters, deductible from gross income.
spouse, ancestors, & lineal
2. between an individual & a corp. more a. it must be paid or incurred within the
than 50% in value of outstanding taxable year
stock is owned by such individual b. it must be paid or incurred in
(except in case of distributions in connection with the taxpayers trade,
liquidation) profession or business
3. between 2 corps. more than 50% in c. it must be imposed directly on the
value of outstanding stock owned by taxpayer
same individual, if either one is a d. it must not be specifically excluded
personal holding co. or a foreign by law from being deducted from the
holding co. during the taxable yr. taxpayers gross income
preceding the date of sale/exchange
4. between QguricakTnimteoran&
d a fiduciary of any
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
trust are needed to see this picture. (a) Philippine income tax (but FBT can be
5. between Fiduciary of a trust & the deducted from gross income RR 8-98))
fiduciary of another if same person is (b) income tax imposed by authority of any
a grantor to each trust foreign country (except when the
6. between Fiduciary & a beneficiary of taxpayer signifies his desire to avail of
a trust the tax credit for taxes of foreign
7. indebtedness is incurred by a service countries)
contractor to finance petroleum corp. (c) estate & donors taxes
8. interest on preferred stock which in (d) taxes assessed against local benefits of
Page 28 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
a kind tending to increase the value of Limitation of Credit (Substantiation
the property assessed Requirements)
(e) final taxes, being in the nature of income -The tax credit shall be allowed only
tax if the taxpayer establishes to the satisfaction of
(f) special assessments the Commissioner the following:
Taxes, when refunded or credited, shall be a. The total amount of the income derived
included as part of GI in the year of receipt to from sources without the Philippines;
the extent of income tax benefit of said b. The amount of income derived from each
deduction. (Tax Benefit Rule) country, the tax paid or incurred to which is
For NRAETB and RFC, taxes paid or claimed as a credit under said paragraph, such
incurred are allowed as deductions only if amount to be determined under rules and
and to the extent that they are connected regulations prescribed by the Secretary of
from income within the Philippines. Finance; and
Exceptions to the rule that only such persons
on whom the tax is imposed by law can claim c. All other information necessary for the
deduction thereof: verification and computation of such credits.
a. taxes of shareholder upon his What amount may be taken as tax credit: The
interest as such and paid by the amount of tax credit allowed is equivalent to the
corporation without tax paid or incurred to a foreign country during
reimbursement from him, can be the taxable year but NOT TO EXCEED THE
claimed by the corporation as FOLLOWING LIMITS:
b. A corporation paying the tax for Per Country Limitation Amount of credit to tax
the holder its bonds or other paid/incurred to any country shall not exceed
obligation containing a tax-free same proportion of the tax against which such
covenant clause cannot claim credit is taken
deduction for such taxes paid by
it pursuant to such covenant.
Income from outside the Phils (per country)
In case of a nonresident alien individual Subtotal
engaged in trade/business in the Philippines, Multiplied by: TOTAL income from ALL sources
taxes to be deducted shall be allowed only if Limitation per country
& to the extent that they are connected with
income from sources w/in the Philippines
Global Limitation Total amount of credit shall
not exceed same proportion of tax which such
Tax Credit: a right of an income taxpayer to credit is taken
deduct from income tax payable the foreign
income tax he has paid to his foreign country Total income from OUTSIDE the Phils.
subject to limitation. Divided by total income from ALL sources
WHO CAN CLAIM? Multiplied by Philippine Income
1. Citizen Global Limitation
2. Domestic Corp
3. Member oQfuicG
TIFF (Uncompressed)
kTPimPe and a
4. Beneafreicneiaedreyd toosfeeathnis peicstutrea. te or trust - The credit for taxes provided by Section
34(C)(3) to (7) may ordinarily be taken either
WHO CANNOT CLAIM? in the return for the year in which the taxes
1. Alien individual (except resident accrued or on which the taxes were paid,
aliens deriving income from within & dependent upon whether the accounts of the
without the Phils., if there is taxpayer are kept and his returns filed upon
reciprocity) the accrual basis or upon cash receipts and
2. Foreign Corp. disbursements.
Page 29 of 145
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DIFFERENCES: (d) incurred in trade, business or profession
Deduction: included in the gross income but later OR property connected w/ trade,
deducted. business or profession lost through fires,
Exclusion: not included in the computation of gross storm, shipwreck, or other casualties OR
income. Refers to income received or earned but is from robbery, theft or embezzlement
not taxable as income because of exemption by (e) evidenced by a completed transaction
virtue of a law or treaty. (f) not claimed as a deduction for estate tax
Tax Credit: paid beforehand and is deducted from the purposes
tax liability of the taxpayer. (g) notice of loss must be filed with the BIR
within 45 days from the date of discovery
Example: of the casualty or robbery, theft or
Particulars Net Actual Foreign Phil embezzlement
Income Tax Paid in Income
Philippine Tax due at No loss shall be allowed as a deduction
Peso 32% for income tax purposes if such loss has
Country A P50,000 P18,000 been claimed as a deduction for estate
Country B 40,000 P11,000 tax purposes.
Phil- 110,000 The taxpayers failure to record in his
source books the alleged loss proves that the
income loss had not been suffered, hence, not
Total NI P200,000 P29,000 P64,000 deductible. (City Lumber Vs. Domingo
all and CA, January 30, 1964).
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
MCIT, or that the individual availed of extent of the gains from such losses
the 10% Optional Standard (d) Abandonment Losses
Deduction In case of abandoned petroleum
operations, accumulated
(b) Net Operating Loss = excess of expenditures incurred prior to 1/1/79
allowable deduction over the GI allowed as deduction only from
income derived from same contract
(c) For mines other than oil & gas wells, if area; notice of abandonment shall be
loss incurred in any of the 1st 10 yrs. of filed with Commissioner
operation, carry-over for the next 5 yrs. In case of abandoned producing
well, unamortized cost &
b. of property connected with the trade, undepreciated costs of equipment
business, or profession, if the loss arises directly used, allowed as deduction
from fires, storms, shipwreck or other in the yr. of abandonment
casualties, or from robbery, theft or (e) Losses from Illegal Transactions - not
embezzlement deductible
(f) Losses due to voluntary removal of
Total Destruction- the replacement cost to building incident to renewal or
restore the property to its normal operating replacements deductible expense from
condition, but in no case shall the deductible gross income
loss be more than the net book value of the (g) Loss of useful value of capital assets due
property as a whole, immediately before to charges in business conditions
casualty. deductible expense only to the extent of
actual loss sustained (after adjustment
Partial Destruction- the excess over the net for improvement, depreciation, and
book value immediately before the casualty salvage value)
should be capitalized, subject to depreciation (h) Losses from sales or exchanges of
over the remaining useful life of the property. property between related taxpayers
Not deductible as provided under
2. Special Types of Losses Section 36 of the NIRC but the gains are
(a) Capital Losses deductions allowed only taxable
to the extent of the gains from such sales (i) Losses of Farmers deductible if
or exchanges of capital assets (does not incurred in the operation of farm
apply to banks and trust companies) business
a. losses from sale or exchange (j) Loss in shrinkage in value of stock if
of capital assets the stocks of the corporation become
b. losses resulting from securities worthless, the cost or other basis may be
becoming worthless and which deducted by the owner in the taxable
are capital assets year in which the stocks became
c. losses from short sales of worthless. Any amount claimed as a loss
property on account of shrinkage in value of the
d. losses due to failure to stock through fluctuation in the market or
exercise privilege or option to otherwise cannot be deducted from gross
buy or sell property income
(b) Losses from wash sales of stock or
securities 5. BAD DEBTS
30 TIFFdays bQeuicfkoTirmeeaanndda after the date of
(Uncompressed) decompressor
- debts due to the taxpayer actually
the saa
re lne
ee,detdhtoeseeta thix
. r has acquired ascertained to be worthless and charged
or has entered into a contract or off during the year.
option so as to acquire, substantially
identical stock/securities Actually ascertained to be worthless-
General rule: not deductible unless Worthlessness is not determined by an
claim is made by a dealer in inflexible formula or slide rule calculation but
stock/securities & made in ordinary upon the exercise of sound business
course of business judgment. The determination of
(c) Wagering Losses - allowed only to the worthlessness must depend upon the
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
particular facts and circumstances of the absolute owner of the property & allowed to
case. It must be uncollectible even in the life tenant
future. (Collector v. Goodrich International (b) In case of property held in trust, deduction
Rubber Co., 21 SCRA 1336) apportioned between the income
beneficiaries & trustees
Page 32 of 145
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method actual exploration & development
iii. Useful life: 10 yrs. or shorter life as expenditures net of 25% of NI shall
may be permitted by Commissioner be carried forward to succeeding yrs.
iv. Useful life of prop. not used directly: until fully deducted
5 yrs. under straight-line method exploration expenditures =
(b) Mining operations pd/incurred for the purpose of
i. depreciation on all properties in ascertaining the existence, location,
mining operations other than extent, or quality of any deposit of
petroleum operations at the normal ore/other mineral & pd/incurred
rate if expected life is 10 yrs or less. before the beginning of the
ii. if expected life is > 10 yrs., development stage of the
depreciate over any no. of yrs. bet. 5 mine/deposit
yrs. & the expected life development expenditures =
paid/incurred during development
Depreciation deductible by non-resident aliens stage of the mine or other natural
engaged in trade/business or non-resident deposits
corporation only when such property is located in (4) Depletion of Oil and Gas wells and mines
the Philippines deductible by a non-resident alien
or foreign corporation only in respect of
The BIR and the taxpayer may agree in writing oil and gas wells or mines located in the
on the useful life of the property to be Phils.
depreciated. The agreed rate may be modified if
justified by facts or circumstances. The change 8. CHARITABLE & OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS
shall not be effective before the taxable year on
which notice in writing by certified mail or (a) Contributions subject to limitations
registered mail is served by the party initiating. i. Contributions or gifts actually paid or made
w/in the taxable yr.:
7. DEPLETION OF OIL & GAS WELLS & MINES ii. to or for the use of the govt. or its agencies or
any political subdivision, exclusively for public
The reduction of cost or value of natural purpose
resources such as oil & gas wells, & mines as the iii. or, to accredited domestic
resources are converted into inventories. corps./associations organized & operated
exclusively for:
No further allowance is granted if the allowance (1) religious
for depletion = the capital invested
(2) charitable
(3) scientific
(1) Intangible exploration & development (4) youth & sports development
drilling costs:
(5) cultural or educational purposes
a) deduct in the yr. incurred if incurred for (6) for the rehabilitation of veterans
non-producing wells & mines (7) to social welfare institutions
b) deduct in full OR capitalize & amortize
(8) to NGOs
of incurred for producing wells & mines
iv. no part of NI inures to the benefit of any
in same contract area
private stockholder or individual
(2) Intangible costs in petroleum operations:
for individual: not > 10% of taxable
no salvage value & incidental to & income before deducting the charitable
necessary for dwelling of wells &
preparation ofQuw
icke llesfaondrathe production of
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor for corporation: not > 5 % of taxable
petroleum are needed to see this picture.
income before deducting the charitable
(3) Election to deduct exploration &
development expenditures for mining
(b) Contributions deductible in full
(a) deduct as cost
i. Donations to the govt. to finance, to provide
(b) deduct as adjusted basis
for, or to be used in undertaking priority
provided, total amt.
activities in education, health, youth & sports
deductible shall not exceed
development, human settlements, science &
25% of NI
culture & in economic development
Page 33 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
according to National Priority Plan determined connection with trade business or profession
by NEDA c. not chargeable to capital account
If not in accordance w/ annual priority
plan, donation is subject to limitations in Requisites for amortization of certain R&D
(1) above expenditures (treated as deferred expenses):
ii. Donations to certain foreign institutions or (1) paid/incurred by the taxpayer in
international organizations - in pursuance or connection w/ his trade/business
compliance with agreements, treaties, or (2) not treated as expense
commitments entered into by Phil. govt. & (3) chargeable to capital acct. but not
foreign institutions/international organizations chargeable to property of a character w/c
iii. Donations to accredited NGOs is subject to depreciation/depletion
Organized & operated exclusively for (4) amortized over a period of not < 60
scientific, educational, character-building months as may be elected by the
& youth & sports development, health, taxpayer
social welfare, cultural or charitable
purposes or combination thereof (no part LIMITATIONS ON DEDUCTIONS not
of NI inures to the benefit of any private applicable to, EXCLUSIONS:
individual) (1) Any expenditure for the acquisition or
W/in 15th of the 3rd month after the close improvement of land, or for the important
of the taxable yr., makes utilization of prop. to be used in connection w/ R&D
directly for the active conduct of activities of a character subject to depreciation &
constituting the purpose/function of the depletion
org., unless pd. is extended (2) Any expenditure paid/ incurred for the
Administrative expense should not be > purpose of ascertaining the existence,
30% of total expenses location, extent, or quality of any deposit
Upon dissolution, assets would be distributed to of ore or other mineral, including oil or
another nonprofit domestic corp. organized for gas (exploration exp.)
similar purpose or to the state for public purpose
or to another org. to be used in same purpose as 10. PENSION TRUSTS (past service cost)
the dissolved corp.
Pension Trust Contributions a deduction applicable
REQUISITES FOR DEDUCTIBILITY: only to the employer on account of its contribution to
a. the contribution or gift must be actually a private pension plan for the benefit of its employee.
paid. This deduction is purely business in character.
b. it must be given to the organizations
specified in the code. Established or maintained by employer to provide for
c. the net income of the institution must not the payment of reasonable pensions to his
inure to the benefit of any private employees.
stockholder or individual. Normal Cost the contributions during the
taxable year to cover the pension liability
(c) VALUATION of property donated other than accruing during the taxable year. Allowed as a
money: acquisition cost deduction under Sec. 34(A)(1) as expenses in
9. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Past Service Cost amount in excess of the
above contribution (covering pension liability
Paid or incurred by a taxpayer during the taxable pertaining to old employees which accrued during
yr. in connection wQ/uickhTimise atnrdaade, business or
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor the years previous to the establishment of the
profession as ordairne naereded
y &to sneeetchisepsicstua
re.ry expenses w/c
pension trust); allowed as deduction only if:
are not chargeable to capital account; allowed as (a) such amount not been allowed as a
deduction during the taxable yr. when deduction
pd./incurred (b) apportioned in equal parts over 10
consecutive years beginning w/ the yr. in w/c
REQUISITES FOR DEDUCTIBILITY AS the transfer/payment is made (Sec. 34[J])
a. paid or incurred during the taxable year REQUISITES FOR DEDUCTIBILITY:
b. ordinary and necessary expenses in a. The employer must have established a
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
pension or retirement plan to provide for the spouse claiming additional exemption
payment of reasonable pensions to his shall be entitled to this deduction.
b. The pension plan is reasonable and Who may Avail of this deduction:
actuarially sound; 1. Individual taxpayers earning purely
c. It must be funded by the employer; compensation income during the year.
d. The amount contributed must be no longer 2. Individual taxpayers earning business
subject to the control and disposition of the income or in practice of his profession
employer; whether availing of itemized or optional
e. The payment has not yet been allowed as a standard deductions during the year.
deduction; and
f. The deduction is apportioned in equal parts 12. OPTIONAL STANDARD DEDUCTION (OSD)
over a period of 10 consecutive years a. Applicable to any individual, except a
beginning with the year in which the transfer nonresident alien
of payment is made. b. Taxpayer may elect to pay a standard
deduction in an amount not exceeding 10%
Summary rules on Retirement Benefits Plan/ of GI
Pension Trust a. Such election should be signified in his return
1. EXEMPT FROM INCOME TAX employees & shall be irrevocable for the taxable year for
trust under Sec. 60(B) which the return was made
2. EXCLUSION FROM GROSS INCOME Individual is not required to submit his financial
amount received by the employee from the fund statements
upon compliance of certain conditions under Sec.
a. amounts contributed by the employer DEDUCTIBILITY OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS -
during the taxable year into the pension plan to tax required to be deducted/withheld has been
cover the pension liability accruing during the paid to BIR
year considered as ordinary and necessary
expenses under Sec. 34(A)(1). B. NON-DEDUCTIBLE ITEMS
b. 1/10 of the reasonable amount paid by the
employer to cover pension liability applicable to Specific Items Under Section 36:
the years prior to the taxable year, or so paid to 1. Personal, living or family expenses
place the trust in a sound financial basis 2. Amounts paid out for new buildings or for
deductible under Sec. 34 (J). permanent improvements or betterments made to
increase the value of any property or estate (not
applicable to intangible drilling & development
11. PREMIUM PAYMENTS ON HEALTH AND/OR costs incurred in petroleum operation)
HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE- 3. Amounts expended in restoring property or in
an amount of premium on health and or making good the exhaustion thereof for w/c an
hospitalization paid by an individual taxpayer allowance is or has been made
(head of family or married), for himself and 4. Premiums on life insurance policy when the
members of his family during the taxable taxpayer is directly/indirectly a beneficiary under
year. such policy
5. No deduction shall be allowed in Losses from
REQUISITES FOR DEDUCTIBILITY: Sales or Exchanges of Property
a. Insurance mQuuiscktTimeh aanvdea actually been directly/indirectly:
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
taken; are needed to see this picture. a) between members of a family (include only
b. The amount of premium deductible from brothers & sisters, spouse, ancestors, &
gross income does not exceed P2400 lineal descendants)
per family or P200 per month during the b) between an individual & a corp. more than
taxable year; 50% in value of outstanding stock is owned
c. That said family had a gross income of by such individual (except in case of
not more than P250,000 for the taxable distributions in liquidation)
year; c) between 2 corps. more than 50% in value of
d. In case of married individuals, only the outstanding stock owned by same individual,
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if either one is a personal holding co. or a term dependents.
foreign holding co. during the taxable yr. A senior citizen, whether relative or not,
preceding the date of sale/exchange lliving with the taxpayer or not, can be
d) between grantor & fiduciary of any trust classified as a dependent to make a taxpayer
e) between Fiduciary of a trust & the fiduciary of a head of a family not exceeding 4 (RA 7432)
another if same person is a grantor to each In case of married individuals, where only
trust 1 of the spouses is deriving gross income,
f) between Fiduciary & a beneficiary of a trust only such spouse shall be allowed additional
A person is said to be financially interested in the Chief support means more than one half
taxpayers business if he is a stockholder thereof or of the requirements for support.
he is to receive as his compensation a share of the Parents, brothers, and sisters, who are
profits of the business. qualified dependents may entitle the taxpayer
to the personal exemption of P25,000 as
head of the family but not to the additional
Personal Exemption Personal and additional exemptions are
available only to business income and
Single Married Individual (or judicially P20,000 compensation income earners.
declared as legally separated without any > Non-resident aliens engaged in trade or
dependent) business (NRAETB) may be entitled to personal
Head of Family (unmarried or legally exemptions subject to reciprocity:
separated with qualified dependent/s) 25,000 1. country from which he is a citizen has an
Each married individual income tax law; and
32,000 2. the income tax law of his country allows
Each dependent (not exceeding 4) personal exemption to citizens of the Philippines not
8,000 residing therein but deriving income therefrom and
not to exceed the amount allowed in NIRC.
3. the personal exemption shall be equal to that
Head of Family
allowed by the income tax law of the country to a
citizen of the Philippines not residing therein, or the
1) an unmarried/legally separated
amount provided in the NIRC, whichever is LOWER.
man/woman with
(a) One or both parent
(b) One or more brothers or sister
P8,000 for EACH of the qualified dependent
(c) One or more legitimate, recognized
children not exceeding 4 in number.
natural/legally adopted children
Qualified dependent children legitimate,
2) Who are living with & dependent upon
recognized natural, illegitimate and legally
him for their chief support
3) Where such brothers/sisters/children are:
(a) Not more than 21 years old
The proper claimant of the additional
(b) Unmarried, and
exemption would be the husband, being the
(c) Not gainfully employed
(d) Or,TIFF (Uncompressed)
wQhueickrTeime and sa uch children, head of the family except under the following
brothers/sister, regardless of age,
are needed to se e this picture.
1. husband is unemployed
are incapable of self support
2. husband is working abroad like an
because of mental or physical defect
OFW or a seaman
3. husband explicitly waived his right
An illegitimate child is within the meaning
of the exemption in favor of his wife in the
of a recognized natural child.
withholding exemption certificate.
Under the provision on additional
exemption for dependents, illegitimate Senior Citizen is:
children are specifically included under the 1. any resident citizen of the PHilippines
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
2. at least sixty 60 years old, including those d. Non-resident alien NOT engaged in trade
who have retired from both government or business
offices and private enterprises, and e. Alien individual employed by Regional or
3. has an income of not more than sixty Area Headquarters of Multinational
thousand pesos per annum subject to the Companies
review of the National Economic f. Alien Individual employed by Offshore
Development Authority(NEDA) every three Banking Units
years. g. Alien Individual employed by Pertroleum
Service Contractor and Subcontractor
NRAETB may deduct personal exemption (but
NOT additional exemption), but only to the extent
allowed by his country to Filipinos not residing Deduction for Estate or Trust - P20,000
therein, and shall not exceed the aforementioned
NRANETB cannot claim any personal or COMPANIES
additional exemption.
1. Income & Deductions of Insurance
a. Dependent = legitimate/illegitimate/legally Companies
adopted child chiefly dependent upon & living a. Special deductions: net additions
with the taxpayer if such dependent is not > required by law to reserve funds & the
21 years old, unmarried & not gainfully sums other than dividends paid w/in the
employed OR if such dependent regardless yr. on policy & annuity contracts;
of age is incapable of self-support because of released reserve treated as income for
mental/physical defect the yr. of release
i. For married individuals, claimed by only 1 b. Mutual Insurance Companies
of the spouses Shall not report as income premium
ii. For legally separated spouses, claimed deposits returned to policyholder
only by the spouse who has custody of the Report income received from all
children; may be claimed by both as long other sources plus such portion of
as they have custody of the children but premium deposits retained by the
total amount claimed by both shall not companies for purposes other than
exceed the maximum allowed payment of losses & expenses &
reinsurance reserves
b. Change of Status c. Mutual Marine Insurance Companies
i. The death of the taxpayer during the Include in gross income, gross
taxable year shall not affect the amount premiums collected & received by
of personal and additional exemptions them less amounts paid for
his estate can claim, as if he died at the reinsurance; include as deductions
end of such year amounts repaid to policyholders on
ii. If the taxpayer got married or should account of premiums previously paid
have additional dependent (child born by them & interest paid upon those
within the year) during the taxable year, amounts between the ascertainment
he may claim the corresponding personal & payment thereof
exemptions in full for such year d. Assessment Insurance Companies
iii. If the spouse should die or any of the Deduct from gross income the actual
dependents become twenty one years of deposit of sums w/ the officers of the
age, oTIrFF (UbnceomQuickTime
and a
d) decgapirn
om esfsu
o rlly employed Phil. governmentt as additions to
are needed to see this picture.
during the taxable year, the taxpayer guarantee or reserve funds
may still claim the same exemptions as if
he/she died, or became twenty one years G. CAPITAL GAINS & LOSSES
old or became gainfully employed at the
close of such year. 1. Definitions - No definition in the Code for
capital assets. Only Ordinary assets are defined
Individuals not entitled to personal and additional (a) stock in trade of taxpayer
exemptions: (b) property which would properly be
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included in an inventory of the form (including one issued by the
taxpayer, if on hand government or political subdivision)
(c) merchandise inventory
(d) depreciable assets used in the 4. Net Capital Loss Carry-over
trade/business a. Corporations cannot carry over a net
(e) real property used in trade/business capital loss
b. If net capital loss is sustained in any
taxable yr., such loss is treated in the
b. CAPITAL ASSETS property held by succeeding taxable yr. as a loss from the
the taxpayer (whether or not connected with sale/exchange of a capital asset held for not
his trade or business) more than 12 mos. (100% deduction)
c. Such net capital loss that should be carried
Hence, capital assets are property of a over should not exceed the net income for
taxpayer other than ordinary assets. the year Incurred (prior years net income)
d. Example: NI in 1996 = P6,000
c. NET CAPITAL GAIN gains > loss from NCL in 1996 = 10,000
sales/ exchanges of capital assets treated as a loss in 1997(100%) = P6,000
only since it should not exceed the net
d. NET CAPITAL LOSS loss > gains from income of the taxable yr. w/c the loss was
sales/ exchanges of capital assets incurred
Net income should be understood as
2. Percentage taken into account TAXABLE income according E.O. 37
Taxpayer other than a corporation
(Individuals, estates and trusts) 5. Retirement of Bonds, Debentures, Notes or
- - 100% if the capital asset is held for more Certificates or other evidences of
than 12 months indebtedness
- - 50% if the capital asset is held for less than Tax Base: Amount received by the holder
12 months for such transaction
- Note: These transactions result in capital gain or
GR: for purposes of computing capital loss loss although there is no sale of capital assets
and capital gain, the actual holding period
is taken into account. 6. Gain or Loss from Short Sales of Property
Exception: If securities become worthless a. Considered as gains & losses from
during the taxable year and are capital sales/exchanges of capital assets
assets, the loss resulting therefrom shall be b. Gains & Losses attributable to failure to
considered as a loss from the sale or exercise privileges or options to buy or
exchange, on the last day of such taxable sell property = capital gains/losses
year, of capital assets.
3. Limitation on Capital Loss Short sale is a transaction in which the seller
Allowed only to the extent of the gains sells securities which he does not own and,
from such sales or exchanges, hence, therefore, cannot himself supply the securities for
the net capital loss is not deductible. delivery, in expectation of the decline in their
Example: Gains P 5,000
Losses 15,000 Option to buy or sell property:
NCL QuickTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
P10,000 Example: Suppose X Inc. owns real property
In this case, ao
re n
s picctua
. be claimed as worth Php 10 M. Y gives X Inc. Php 2M as option
deduction (to the extent of the gain) money for a 2-year option period. Before the 2
year period ends, Y exercised the option and
Exception: Losses from such sale incurred bought the property. What will the tax treatment?
by a domestic bank/trust co. substantial It will be subject to 6% capital gains tax under
part of business is receipt of deposits, sell Section 27 (D) (5). Section 39 (F) or the provision
any bond, debenture, note or certificate or on the failure to exercise privilege will not apply.
other evidence of indebtedness issued by
any corp, w/ int. coupons or in registered Suppose the same situation above but Y fails to
Page 38 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
exercise his option. What will be the tax other property received
treatment? liability assumed by the
In that case, the option money will be a capital transferee
gain for X and a capital loss for Y.
Page 39 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
property received as boot shall have Dividends a) from domestic corp. income
the FMV as basis within
if part of the consideration to the b) from foreign corp.
transferor, the transferee of property
assumes a liability of the income within, if :
transferor/acquires from the latter > 50% of the Gross Income of
property subject to a liability, such such foreign corp. for the 3-
assumption shall be treated as yr. period ending w/ the close
money received by the transferor on of the taxable yr. prior to the
the exchange declaration of dividends (or
if transferor receives several kinds of for such part of such period
stock/securities, Commissioner is as the corporation has been
authorized to allocate the basis in existence) was derived
among the several classes of from sources w/in the
stocks/securities Philippines
basis of the prop. transferred in the
hands of the transferee: same as Extent:
would be in the hands of the Phil Gross Income x Dividend
transferor increased by the amt. of =Income Total Gross Income
the gain recognized to the transferor within
on the transfer
Income without, if
Note: < 50% of the Gross Income of
- Transferors basis is Section 40 (C) (5) (a) such foreign corp. for the 3-
while transferees basis is Section 40 (C) (5) yr. period ending w/ the close
(b). of the taxable yr. prior to the
- Boot is any cash or property given in declaration of dividends was
addition to the shares of stock received by a derived from sources w/in the
transferor in a tax-free exchange. Philippines.
- When there is no boot, the basis is the Therefore, nothing of such
transferors property given up because the dividends forms part of
rules provided that the basis would be the income within
same basis as the property given up by the Services Place of performance of service
transferor. In this kind of transaction, the rule (Compensation
is always the transferors basis. for
- When there is boot, the basis is the same labor/personal
as transferors basis minus boot increased by services)
the recognized gain.
Rentals Location of the property/interest
in such property
Royalties Place of use or location of
IV. SOURCES OF INCOME intangibles (such as patents,
trademarks, etc.) giving rise to
* The need to identify the situs of the income arises royalties
only when the taxable entity is merely taxed on Gain on sale of Location of property
income within. Hence, when the taxable entity is an Real property
individual resident citizen QouicrkTaime doanm
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
d aestic corporation,
Gain on sale of Place of Sale
the situs becomes irraerelneevedaedntot sseeinthics e
re.ey are taxed on
worldwide income. Property other
than shares of
Income Test of Source of Income purchased in
Interests Residence of Debtor one country and
sold in another
Page 40 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
Gain on sale of Philippines regardless of where gross income within. However, the cost of
shares of stock sold selling the shoes may not be deducted from
in a domestic income within since it is not attributable to
corporation income within. Rather, it is specifically
attributable to income without.
ROYALTIES (from property or use of property
located in Philippines), includes: 2. Deductions: expenses, losses & other deductions
(a) use of/the right/privilege to use in the properly allocated thereto & a ratable part of
Philippines any copyright, patent, design or expenses, interests, losses & other deductions
model, plan, secret formula or process, effectively connected w/ the business/trade
goodwill, trademark, trade brand or other like conducted exclusively w/in the Philippines which
property or right cannot definitely be allocated to some items or
(b) use of/the right to use in the Philippines any class of gross income
industrial, commercial or scientific equipment Such deductions shall be allowed
(c) supply of scientific, technical, industrial or only if fully substantiated by all info
commercial knowledge or information necessary for its calculation
(d) supply of any assistance that is ancillary &
subsidiary to, & is furnished as a means of 3. EXCEPTION: no deduction for interest
enabling the application or enjoyment of, any paid/incurred abroad shall be allowed unless
such property/right in (a) above, such Indebtedness was actually incurred
equipment in (b) above or knowledge/info in (c) Indebtedness must be that of the taxpayer
above Interest must be legally due and stipulated in
(e) supply of services by a nonresident person/his writing
employees in connection with the use of Interest must be paid or incurred during the
prop./rights belonging to, or the installation or taxable year
operation of any brand, machinery or other Indebtedness must be in connection w/ the
apparatus purchased from such nonresident conduct or operation of trade/business in the
person Philippines
(f) technical advice, assistance or services
rendered in connection with technical B. GROSS INCOME FROM SOURCES WITHOUT
mgt./admin. Of any scientific, industrial or THE PHILIPPINES
commercial undertaking, venture, project or 1) Interests (other than those derived from
scheme sources within the Philippines)
(g) the use of or the right to use: 2) Dividends (other than those derived from
i. motion picture films sources within the Philippines)
ii. films or video tapes for use in connection 3) Compensation for labor or personal services
with TV performed w/o the Philippines
iii. tapes for use in connection with radio 4) Rentals or royalties from property located
broadcasting w/o the Philippines or from any interest in
such property including rentals/royalties for
Taxable Income from Sources Within the Phils. the use of or for the privilege of using w/o
1. General Rule the Philippines, patents, copyrights, secret
Gross Income [GI] (within the Philippines) processes & formulas, goodwill, trademarks,
( - ) Deductions (attributable to GI within) trade brands, franchises & other like
= Taxable Income properties
QuickTime and a
5) Gains, profits & income from the sale of real
by attributabTlIeFFare
d)t dt
needed to see this picture.
expense can property located w/o the Philippines
be identified as the expense that generated the
income. For instance, if ABC Corp. Tip: The foregoing enumeration is merely the
manufactures clothes and sells it in the Phils., reverse of the enumeration of gross income
and sells shoes in the US. The cost of from sources within the Philippines. Hence,
manufacturing the clothes are attributable to so long as you know which income are
the income generated from selling the clothes. considered as income within, all else are
Since the income from the sale of clothes is income without.
income within, then the expense for
manufacturing them must be deducted from Taxable Income from Sources Without the
Page 41 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
Income Deductions
Income Deductions within
----------------- x Unallocated = from
--------------- x Unallocated = from
---------- expense
------------ expense
Worldwide income Worldwide income
Income without Income within
1. General Rule
Gross Income (without the Philippines)
( - ) Deductions (attributable to GI without) ACCOUNTING PERIOD & METHODS OF
= Taxable Income ACCOUNTING
Page 42 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
lease payments are made on a yearly basis and
1. Deductions provided in this Title shall be are due every January 5. A leased out the space
taken for the taxable year in which paid or to X on January 1, 2004. However, X will only
accrued or paid or incurred, dependent pay rent for one year on January 5, 2005. For
upon the method of accounting upon the the year 2004, A should recognize income of
basis of which the net income is computed, P1M as of December 31, even if he will receive
unless, in order to reflect the income, payment only on January 5 because the he is
deductions should be taken as of a different considered to have earned the P1M already for
period. allowing X to actually use the space for the year
2. In case of death of taxpayer: deductions 2004.
allowed for the taxable period in which falls
the date of his death, amounts accrued up to F. ACCOUNTING FOR LONG-TERM
the date of his death if not otherwise properly CONTRACTS
allowable in respect of such period or a prior
period 1. Long-term contracts: building, installation or
construction contracts covering a period in
D. CHANGE OF ACCOUNTING PERIOD (Sec. 46) excess of 1 yr
1. Kinds of changes: 2. Persons whose gross income is derived in
(a) from fiscal year to calendar year whole or in part from such contracts shall
(b) from calendar year to fiscal year report such income upon the basis of
(c) from one fiscal year to another fiscal percentage of completion
year 3. The return should be accompanied by a
2. effect of change: net income shall, with the return certificate of architects or engineers
approval of the Commissioner, be computed showing the percentage of completion during
on the basis of the new accounting period, the taxable year of the entire work performed
subject to Sec. 47 on Final or Adjustment under the contract
Returns for a Period of Less Than 12 Months 4. Deductions from gross income: all
(as discussed below) expenditures made during the taxable year
on account of the contract, account being
E. METHODS OF ACCOUNTING taken of the material and supplies on hand at
the beginning and end of the taxable period
1. CASH METHOD - recognition of income and for use in connection with the work under the
expense dependent on inflow or outflow of contract but not yet so applied.
cash (meaning, you recognize the income 5. Amended return may be permitted/required
when you actually receive the cash payment by the Commissioner: if upon completion of
for the sale, and you recognize the expense contract, taxable income has not been clearly
when you actually pay cash for the expense) reflected for any year(s)
2. ACCRUAL METHOD - method under which This provision takes into account that certain
income, gains and profits are included in businesses, like construction, takes more than a
gross income when earned whether received year for a project to be completed. As such, it is
or not, and expenses are allowed as not practical (from the point of view of the
deductions when incurred, although not yet government) to wait until the project is finished
paid. It is the right to receive and not the before the income arising therefrom is actually
actual receipt that determines the inclusion of reported and taxed. Hence, income is spread
the amount in gross income over the years where the construction is in
QuickTime and a progress, and the allocation is made on the basis
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
Examples: are needed to see this picture.
of percentage of completion.
(a) interest or rent income earned but not yet
received Illustration:
(b) rent exp. accrued but not yet paid
(c) wages/salaries due but remaining unpaid ABC Corp. entered into a contract with X whereby the
former agreed construct a condominium for the latter
Illustration: to be completed in 5 years for a fee of P10M. For the
first year of construction, ABC Corp was able to
A leases an office space at P1M per year and construct 30% of the condominium. It will therefore
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declare a gross income of P3M computed as follows: initial payments: payments received in
cash or property other than evidence of
P 10 M indebtedness of the purchaser during the
x 30% taxable period in which the sale or other
P 3M disposition is made
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order to prevent evasion of taxes or clearly to P 60,000 and the income tax on which has
reflect the income of any such organization, been correctly withheld
trade or business An individual whose income has been
subjected to final withholding tax (alien
RETURNS AND PAYMENT OF TAX employee as well as Filipino employee
occupying the same position as that of the
Tax Return- This is a report made by the taxpayer to alien employee of regional headquarters and
the BIR of all gross income received during the regional operating headquarters of
taxable year, the allowable deductions including multinational companies, petroleum service
exemptions, the net taxable income, the income tax contractors and sub-contractors and
rate, the income tax due, the income tax withheld, if offshore-banking units, non-resident aliens
any, and the income tax still to be paid or refundable. not engaged in trade or business)
Those who are qualified under substituted
I. INDIVIDUAL RETURN filing. However, substituted filing applies
only if all of the following requirements are
I. Individual the employee received purely compensation
1) Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines income (regardless of amount) during the
2) Filipino citizen residing outside the taxable year
Philippines, on his income from sources the employee received the income from only
within the Philippines one employer in the Philippines during the
3) Alien residing in the Philippines, on taxable year
income derived from sources within the the amount of tax due from the employee at
Philippines the end of the year equals the amount of tax
4) Nonresident alien engaged in trade or withheld by the employer
business or in the exercise of profession the employees spouse also complies with all
in the Philippines 3 conditions stated above
5) An individual (citizen/alien) engaged in the employer files the annual information
business or practice of a profession return (BIR Form No. 1604-CF)
within the Philippines regardless of the
the employer issues BIR Form No. 2316 (Oct
amount of gross income
2002 ENCS version ) to each employee.
6) Individual deriving compensation income
concurrently at any time during the
SUBSTITUTED FILING - is when the employers
taxable year
annual return may be considered as he substitute
7) Individual whose pure compensation
Income Tax Return of employee inasmuch as the
income derived from sources within the
information provided in his income tax return would
Philippines exceeds P60,000.
exactly be the same information contained in the
II. Taxable Estate and Trust
employers annual return.
III. General Professional Partnership
IV. Corporation
1. Not exempt from Income tax
2. Exempt from income tax under
Section 30 of the NIRC but has not shown
1. The employee receives purely compensation
proof of exemption.
income (regardless of amount) during the taxable
2. The employee receives the income only from one
ITR: (but TIFFmay Qub
Timereaqnduaired to file an
(Uncompressed) decompressor employer during the taxable year.
information return pursisupaictnurte. to Rules and
a re ne eded to see th 3. The amount of tax due from the employee at the
Regulations prescribed by the Sec. of
end of the year equals the amount of tax withheld by
Finance, upon recommendation of the
the employer.
4. The employees spouse also complies with all 3
An individual whose gross income does not conditions stated above.
exceed his total personal and additional 5. The employer files the annual information return.
exemptions 6. The employer issues BIR form 2316
An individual whose compensation income
derived from one employer does not exceed
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SUBSTITUTED FILING: Except in cases where the Commissioner
1. Individuals deriving compensation from two or otherwise permits:
more employers concurrently or successively during 1) Authorized agent bank
the taxable year. 2) Revenue District Officer
2. Employees deriving compensation income 3) Collection Agent
regardless of the amount, whether from a single or 4) Duly authorized Treasurer of the
several employers during the calendar year, the city/municipality in w/c such person has
income tax of which has not been withheld correctly his legal residence/principal place of
resulting to collectible or refundable return business in the Philippines, or
3. Employees whose monthly gross compensation 5) Office of Commissioner, if there be no
income does not exceed P5,000 or the statutory legal residence/ place of business in the
minimum wage, whichever is higher, and opted for Philippines
non-withholding of tax on said income.
4. Individuals deriving other non-business, non- D. WHEN TO FILE:
profession-related income in addition to 1) for any individual (compensation,
compensation income not otherwise subject to final business, professional income)
tax. on or before April 15 of each year
5. Individuals receiving purely compensation income covering income for preceding
from a single employer although the income tax of taxable year
which has been correctly withheld, but whose spouse example: individuals income from
falls under 1 to 4 above. Jan. to Dec. 1997, shall be filed on or
6. Non-resident aliens engaged in trade or business before April 15, 1998
in the Philippines deriving purely compensation 2) individual subject to capital gains tax
income, or compensation income and other non- (a) sale/exchange of shares of stock not
business, non-profession-related income. traded thru a local stock exchange:
within 30 days after each
Non-filing of ITR, for employees who are qualified for transaction
the substituted filing shall be OPTIONAL for the (b) sale/disposition of real property
taxable year 2001, the returns fro which shall be filed within 30 days following each sale
on or before April 15, 2002. Thereafter, substituted or other disposition
filing where applicable shall be MANDATORY.
Joint Certification- It is a sworn statement made by File 1 return for the taxable yr., if ff.
the employer and employee, which serve the requisites complied :
following purposes: 1) Married individuals (citizens, resident
1. It contains the employees consent that BIR or nonresident aliens)
form 1604CF may be considered his substituted 2) Do not derive income purely from
return, in lieu of BIR Form No 1700, which the compensation
employee no longer filed. If impracticable to file 1 return: each
2. It contains the employers certification that spouse may file a separate return but the
he has reported the employees income to the BIR returns shall be consolidated by the
and that he has remitted the taxes on the employees Bureau for purposes of verification for the
income, as indicated in BIR Form 1604-CF. taxable yr.
3. It serves as a proof of financial capacity in
case the employee decides to apply for a bank loan UNMARRIED MINOR
or credit car, or for TIFF
any otQhueickrTipmeurpanod sa e, as if he had in
(Uncompressed) decompressor Income of unmarried minors derived from
fact filed a BIR Form 170e0de.d to see this picture.
a re ne
property received by the living parent
shall be included in the return of the
Individuals required to file an information return:
parent, except:
Individuals not required to file an income tax
1) when donors tax has been pd. on
return may nevertheless be required to file an
such property, or
information return pursuant to rules and regulations
2) when transfer of such property is
prescribed by the Secretary of Finance upon
exempt from donors tax
recommendation of the Commissioner.
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PERSONS UNDER DISABILITY It was held that the 30-day period is counted from
If unable to make a return, return may be the approval of the SEC of the corporations adopted
made by: authority to dissolve.
1) duly authorized agent or
3) other person charged w/ the care of TRADED IN PSE
his person/property File a return within 30 days after each
principal & his rep. or guardian assumes transaction
responsibility of making the return & AND, a final consolidated return of all
incurs penalty for erroneous, transactions must be filed on or before
false/fraudulent returns 15th day of the fourth month following the
an individuals name signed in the return close of the taxable yr.
is prima facie evidence for all purposes
that the return was actually signed by D. EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE RETURNS
such individual Commissioner may, in meritorious cases,
grant a reasonable extension of time for
II. CORPORATION RETURNS filing returns of income (or final &
A. WHO IS REQUIRED TO FILE AN ITR: adjustment returns in case of corps.) This
Every corporation subject to tax, except is exceptional and in case of calamity only
foreign corp. not engaged in based on precedents.
trade/business in the Philippines.
& accurate quarterly income tax return & PARTNERSHIPS
final/adjustment return each GPP shall file in duplicate, a return of
Taxable year: fiscal or calendar (corp. its income (except items under exclusions
shall not change accounting period w/o from gross income)
prior approval by the Commissioner) set forth:
1) items of gross income & of deductions
Which corporation? Every corporation, 4) Share of each partner
including a corporation w/c has been
notified of possible involuntary dissolution F. PAYMENT OF TAX
by the SEC, or for its reorganization 1) IN GENERAL: Who shall pay?
within 30 days after the adoption by the (a) Total amount of tax shall be paid
corp. of a resolution/plan for its dissolution by the person subject thereto
or for the liquidation of the whole/any part at the time the return is filed
of its capital stock: (b) For tramp vessels:
1) render a correct return Filed & paid before departure by: the
2) verified under oath shipping agents &/ or the husbanding
3) set forth the terms of such agents; in their absence, captains
resolution/plan & such other failure to do so: Bureau of Customs
information as the Sec. of Finance, is authorized to hold the vessel &
upon recommendation
QuickTime and a
of the prevent departure until proof of
Com m
snscoimopnreessre,d) dsechomaplrle,ssobr y Rules and
are needed to see this picture. payment of tax is presented or a
Regulations, prescribe sufficient bond is filed to answer for
prior to issuance by the SEC of Certificate the tax due
of Dissolution/Reorganization:
dissolving/reorganizing corporation shall 2) INSTALLMENT PAYMENT (for individuals
secure a certificate of tax clearance from only)
BIR to be submitted to the SEC If tax due > P2,000, the taxpayer,
other than a corp., may elect to pay
BPI vs. CIR, GR No. 38504, April 14, 2000 in 2 equal installments:
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
(a) 1st inst. pd. at the time the 1. no amt. is shown upon the
return is filed return as the tax, or
(b) 2nd inst. paid on/before July 2. no return is made, then:
15 ff. the close of calendar yr. the amt. by w/c tax exceeds
(c) If any inst. is not pd. on fixed the amts. previously assessed
date, whole amount of the tax as a deficiency; but such
unpaid becomes due & amounts previously
payable + delinquency assessed/collected w/o
penalties assessment shall first be
decreased by the amts.
3) PAYMENT OF CAPITAL GAINS TAX previously abated, credited,
Paid on the date the return is filed returned or otherwise repaid
No payment is required if the seller in respect of such tax
submits proof of his intention to avail
of exemption provided by law Withholding of Creditable Tax at Source:
In case of failure to qualify for Sec. of Finance may require the w/holding of a tax by
exemption, the tax due shall payor-corp., on income payable to natural/juridical
immediately become due & payable persons, residing in the Philippines, at rate of not
+ penalties more than 1% but not more than 32%, which shall be
If tax has been paid, and seller credited against the income tax liability for the taxable
submits proof of intent w/in 6 mos. year
From the registration of the
document transferring real property,
he shall be entitled to a refund upon Most favored nation clause Royalty income
verification of his compliance with paid by a domestic corporation to a non-resident
requirements for such exemption foreign corporation which is a resident of a
If taxpayer elects to report gain by Contracting State with which the Philippines has
installments, tax due shall be paid an effective tax treaty is generally subject to 15%
w/in 30 days from such receipt of final withholding tax, but the rate may be reduced
payments to 10% for certain royalty payments or under the
No registration of document most-favored-nation-clause of the tax treaty, such
transferring real prop. Unless as the Philippines-US Tax Treaty.
Commissioner/duly authorized The purpose of the clause in a tax treaty is to
representative certified that such grant to the other Contracting State a tax
transfer has been reported & tax due treatment that is no less favorable than that
has been paid which is granted to the most favored among
other countries.
4) ASSESSMENT & PAYT. OF DEFICIENCY It means each party to the treaty pledges that
TAX any tax concession given to any other treaty
After return is filed, Commissioner country will also be extended to the other party to
shall examine & assess the correct the treaty; that is, it will not grant more favorable
amt. of tax terms to other treaty countries without granting
Any deficiency shall be paid upon the same concession to the treaty partner
notice & demand of Commissioner involved.
Deficiency means:
a. tax imposed > amount shown by ESTATES AND TRUSTS
QuickTime and a
taxpayer upon
(Uncompressed) his return
are needed to see this picture.
amount shown in the return
shall be increased by 1. Estates of deceased persons under administration
amount previously assessed or settlement;
as a deficiency & decreased 2. Trusts where the income is to be accumulated or
by amounts previously held for future distribution by the fiduciary;
abated, credited, returned/ 3. Trusts where the income may be either
otherwise repaid accumulated or distributed at the discretion of the
b. if: fiduciary, and
4. Trusts where the income which is to be distributed
Page 48 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
currently by the fiduciary or is collected by a guardian Income accumulated in trust for
of an infant to be held or distributed as the court may the benefit of unborn or
direct. unascertained person or persons Estate or Trust
with contingent interest, and
REQUISITIES FOR THE TAXABILITY OF TRUST: income accumulated or held for
1. it should be an irrevocable trust; future distribution under the
2. tax must be imposed on the income of the trust, terms of the will or trust
and Income to be distributed currently
3. the trust retains the income by the fiduciary to the
beneficiaries, and income Beneficiary
REVOCABLE TRUST collected by a guardian of an
A revocable trust is one where, under the trust infant which is to be held or
treatment, the power to revest in the grantor title distributed as the court may
to the property transferred to the trust or any part direct
of the corpus of such trust is vested:
a. in the grantor, either alone or in Income received by estates of Fiduciary or
conjunction with any person not having deceased persons during the Beneficiary,
substantial adverse interest in the disposition of period of administration or depending upon
such part of the corpus, or the income therefore; settlement of estates the amounts
or which are
b. in any person not having a substantial property paid or
adverse interest in the disposition of such part of credited
the corpus or the income therefrom Incom which, in the discretion of Fiduciary or
- in short, it is a trust where the title can revest the fiduciary, may be either beneficiary,
back to the grantor anytime distributed to the beneficiaries or depending upon
- not taxable as an entity because the income accumulated the amounts
forms part of the income of the grantor which are
property paid or
NOTE: credited
An estate is taxable as a separate entity Revocable trusts Grantor
when it is already subject to a judicial Income for the benefit of the Grantor
proceeding grantor
A trust is taxable as a separate entity if the
trust is irrevocable. This is because the IMPOSITION OF TAX
grantor has absolutely given up the corpus A. Application of tax:
and any incidents thereto. In this case, the 1) Applies to income of estates or of any
grantor has no control over the corpus of the kind of property held in trust, including:
trust. The benefits of the trust will not to go (a) income accumulated in trust:
the grantor. The grantor has transferred the 1. for the benefit of unborn/
income earning property to a beneficiary. He unascertained person(s) w/
has absolutely given up the incidents of it. If contingent interests
there is a condition that provides that a 2. held for future distribution under the
portion shall be reserved for the grantors terms of the will or trust
medical expenses (for example), this (b) income:
condition does not convert the irrevocable 1. to be distributed currently by the
trust to a revocable trust. But that portion is fiduciary to the beneficiaries
taxable income QoufickTtimhee angdraantor. If it is a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor 2. collected by a guardian of an infant
revocable truasret,neeth
d tn
o sete
his w
e.le income or he
to be held or distributed as the court
property is taxable on the part of the grantor.
may direct
An irrevocable trust is where the grantor has (c) income received by estates of deceased
unconditionally parted with all the incidents of persons during the period of
ownership. administration or settlement of the estate
If the transfer is revocable, the entire income (d) income which, in the discretion of the
shall be taxable in the hands of the grantor. fiduciary, may be either distributed to
beneficiaries or accumulated
Income Liable for Tax
Page 49 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
2) Exception: period of administration or
Employees trust which forms part of a pension, settlement of the estate
stock bonus or profit-sharing plan of an employer 2. income w/c, in the discretion of the
for the benefit of all or some of his employees: fiduciary, may be either
distributed to the beneficiary or
(a) if contributions are made to the trust by
the employer/employees, or both for the
3. amt. deducted is included in TI of
purpose of distributing to such
the legatee, heir or beneficiary
employees the earnings + principal of the
2) for trust administered in a foreign country:
fund accumulated by the trust in
deductions in a) and b) not allowed provided,
accordance w/ such plan
the amt. of income included in the return of
(b) if under the trust instrument, it is
said trust shall not be included in computing
impossible, at any time prior to the
the income of the beneficiaries
satisfaction of all liabilities w/ respect to
employees under the trust, for any part of
D. Exemption Allowed to Estates and Trusts:
income to be used for/diverted to,
purposes other than for the exclusive
benefit of his employees (any amount
E. Revocable Trusts
distributed to employees shall be taxable
1) Requisites: the power to re-vest in the
in the yr. so distributed)
grantor title to any part of the corpus of the
trust is vested-
B. Consolidation of Income of 2/more trusts:
(a) in the grantor either alone/ in conjunction
1) Requisites:
w/ any person not having a substantial
(a) 2/more trusts exist
adverse interest in the disposition of
(b) creator of the trust in each instance is the
such part of the corpus/income
same person
(c) beneficiary in each instance is the same
(b) in any person not having a substantial
2) tax computed on such consolidated income
adverse interest in the disposition of
3) proportion of each tax be assessed &
such part of the corpus/income
collected from each trustee
2) effect: the income of such trust shall be
included in computing the taxable income of
C. Taxable Income
the grantor
1) Computed in same manner & on the same
basis as in the case of an individual,
F. Income for Benefit of Grantor
1) Requisites: where any part of the income
(a) deduction allowed: amount of income of
of a trust is, or in the discretion of the
the estate/trust for the taxable yr. w/c is
grantor/any person not having a
to be distributed currently by the fiduciary
substantial adverse interest in the
to the beneficiaries & the amt. of the
disposition of such part of the income
income collected by a guardian of an
(a) may be held/accumulated for future
infant w/c is to be held./distributed as the
distribution to the grantor
court may direct
(b) may be distributed to the grantor
1. amt. allowed as deduction is
(c) may be applied to the payment of
included as TI of the beneficiaries,
premiums upon policies of insurance
whether distributed or not
2. amt. allowed as deduction under on the life of the grantor
QuickTime and a 2) Effect: such part of the income be
om edt)io
dencomw prielslson
this picture.
r ot be allowed
included in computing the taxable income
as deduction under (b) hereof
of the grantor
(b) additional deduction: amt. of the income
of the estate/trust for its taxable yr.,
G. Fiduciary Returns
properly paid/credited during such yr. to
1) Who shall make the return?
any legatee, heir or beneficiary applies to
(a) Guardians
cases of :
(b) Trustees
1. income received by estates of
(c) Executors
deceased person during the
(d) Administrators
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(e) Receivers
(g) All persons/corp. CORPS.
2) File, in duplicate, a return of the income of Dividends = any distribution made by a corp. to
the person, trust, or estate for whom or its SH out of its earnings or profits & payable to
which they act in case such person, trust, its SH, whether in money or in other property
or estate has a gross income = P20,000 or 1. Gain/loss sustained by SH for any liquidating
over during the taxable yr. dividends received is a taxable income or a
deductible loss (as the case may be)
OTHER INCOME TAX REQUIREMENTS 2. Stock Dividends representing the transfer of
surplus to capital account shall not be subject
Brokers(individual/corp./gen. pawnshop) shall 3. Amt. distributed in redemption or cancellation
render a correct return duly verified under oath, of stock is taxable income to the extent that it
showing names of customers for whom such represents a distribution of earnings/profits
person, corp. or duly registered gen. co- 4. Net income of a partnership after deducting
partnership. has transacted any business, w/ the corporate income tax shall be deemed to
such details as to the profits, losses or other info have been actually or constructively received
by the partners in the same taxable yr. &
B. RETURN OF FOREIGN CORPORATIONS shall be taxed to them in their individual
1) Any attorney, accountant, fiduciary, bank, capacity, whether actually distributed or not
trust co., financial institution or other person,
who aids, assists, counsels or advises in, or
w/ respect to, the formation, organization or
reorganization of any foreign corp., shall file DECLARATION OF INCOME TAX BY
a return w/in 30 days INDIVIDUALS
2) Such return shall be in the form prescribe & A. In general:
set forth under oath, to the full extent of the
info w/in the possession or knowledge or
Filing of declaration of estimated income for current
under the control of the person required to
taxable yr.:
file the return
INDIVIDUAL receiving: Income from On/before
C. DISPOSITION OF IT RETURNS, PUBLICATION self-employment (as sole source) or April 15 of
OF LISTS OF TAXPAYERS & FILERS Combined w/ salaries, wages & same taxable
1) After the assessment, the returns, w/ the other fixed/ determinable income yr.
corrections made by the Commissioner, shall NONRESIDENT CITIZEN for: Not required
be filed in the Office of the Commissioner & Income from w/in the Philippines; to file
shall constitute public records & be open to NONRESIDENT ALIEN not
inspection as such upon order of the Pres. engaged in trade/business in the
2) Commissioner may cause, each yr., to Philippines.
publish the lists containing the names &
addresses of such persons who have filed IT B. RETURN & PAYMENT OF ESTIMATED
1) Paid in 4 installments
D. SUIT TO RECOVER BASED ON 2) 1st installment: paid at the time of
1) If tax is collected Qu uicnkTdimee
r aandna assessment that
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor 3) 2nd & 3rd installment: paid on Aug. 15 &
the list, aresnteaedteedmto seeenthtis picturo
e.r return is Nov. 15 of current yr.
false/fraudulently made, it cannot be 4) 4th installment: paid on/before Apr. 15 of the
recovered by any suit unless it is proved that ff. calendar yr. when final adjusted income
the said list, statement or return was not false tax is due to be filed
nor fraudulent & did not contain any
understatement or undervaluation Estimated Tax means the amt. which the
2) Not applicable to statements or returns made individual declared as income tax in his final
or to be made in good faith regarding annual adjusted & annual income tax return for the
depreciation of oil or gas wells & mines preceding taxable yr. minus the sum of the
Page 51 of 145
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credits allowed against the said tax the corp. filing the return
If during the current taxable yr., the taxpayer (b) or place where its main books of
reasonably expects to pay a bigger IT, he accounts & other data from w/c the return
shall file an amended declaration during any is prepared are kept
interval of installment payment dates
3) Time of Filing of IT Return
1) Every corp. shall file in duplicate a quarterly Corp. W/in 60 days ff. the close of the first
summary declaration of its GI and deductions quarterly 3 quarters of the taxable yr.
on a cumulative basis for the preceding declaration
quarter(s) upon w/c the IT shall be levied, Final On/before the 15th day of April
collected & paid adjustment (calendar yr.) On/before the 15th
2) The tax shall be decreased by the amt. of tax return day of the 4th mo. after the close of
previously pd./ assessed during the the taxable yr. (fiscal yr.)
preceding quarters & shall be paid not less
than 60 days from the close of each of the
4) Time of Payment of IT: Income tax is paid at
first 3 quarters of the taxable yr., whether
the time of the filing of the declaration or
calendar/fiscal yr.
1) Every corp. liable to tax shall file a final
adjustment return covering the total taxable
income for the preceding calendar/fiscal yr.
1) Wages means all remuneration (other than
2) If sum of the quarterly tax payments is not
fees paid to a public official) for services
equal to the total tax due on the entire
performed by an employee for his employer,
taxable income of that yr., the corp. shall
including the cash value of all remuneration
paid in any medium other than cash,
(a) pay the balance of tax still due
(a) shall not include remuneration paid for:
(b) carry-over the excess credit
1. agricultural labor paid entirely in
(c) be credited or refunded w/ the excess
products of the farm where the labor
amt. paid, as the case may be
is performed
2. domestic service in a private home
Example: 1997
3. casual labor not in the course of the
employers trade or business
Cumulative Tax Payable
4. services by a citizen or resident of the
Taxable Income @35%: (each Q)
Philippines for a foreign government
Q1: P300,000; Q2: 105,000 105,000 or an international organization
P 1,000,000; (sum 350,000 245,000 (b) if remuneration paid by an employer to
of TI of Q1 & Q2); 700,000 350,000 an employee for services performed
Q3:P 2,000,000 during or more of any payroll period of
Q4: P 2,500,000 875,000 175,000 not more than 31 consecutive days
(final adjustment constitutes wages, then all remuneration
return) pd. by such employer to such employee
for such period shall be deemed to be
QUARTERLY CORPORATE INCOME TAX 2) Payroll period means a period for which
QuickTime and a
1) The quarterly income decompressor
TIFF (Uncompressed) tax declaration & the payment of wages is ordinarily made to the
are needed to see this picture.
final adjustment return shall be filed with: employee by his employer; miscellaneous
(a) authorized agent banks payroll period means a payroll period other
(b) Revenue District Officer than a daily, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly,
(c) Collection Agent monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual
(d) Duly authorized Treasurer period
3) Employee refers to any individual who is the
2) Where? recipient of wages & includes an officer,
(a) of the city/municipality having jurisdiction employee or elected official of the Philippine
over the location of the principal office of
Page 52 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
Government; includes an officer of a corp. Every employer must withhold from
4) Employer compensation paid, an amount computed in
(a) the person for whom an individual accordance with the regulations.
performs or performed any service, of Exception:
whatever nature, as the employee of Where such compensation income of an
such person individual:
(b) the person having control of the payment 1. Does not exceed the statutory minimum
of such wages wages; or
(c) person paying wages on behalf of a 2. Five thousand pesos (5,000) monthly
nonresident alien individual, foreign (60,000 a year)
partnership/corp. - whichever is higher
Page 53 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
interest and other payments paid within and All properties, real or Only properties situated
without the Philippines if the interest or other personal, tangible or in the Philippines
payment is payable to a non-resident alien or intangible, wherever provided that, with
a citizen or resident of the Philippines. situated respect to the intangible
personal property, its
inclusion in the gross
Income of Recipient estate is subject to the
- Income which any creditable tax is required rule of reciprocity
to be withheld at source shall be included in provided for under Sec
the return of its recipient. 104 of the NIRC
- The excess of the amount of tax withheld
over the tax due on his return shall be ITEMS OF GROSS ESTATE: (DT RALIC)
refunded to him, subject to Section 204 1) Decedent's Interest
(abatement, refund/credit taxes) 2) Transfer in Contemplation of Death
3) Revocable Transfer
4) Property Passing Under General
Power of Appointment
TITLE III. ESTATE TAX AND DONORS TAX 5) Proceeds of Life Insurance
6) Prior Interests
CHAPTER I- ESTATE TAX 7) Transfers for Insufficient Consideration
A transfer whereby the terms of enjoyment of
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7) Amount Received by Heirs under RA 4917 B. Judicial Expenses
8) Net Share of the surviving spouse in the What are JUDICIAL EXPENSES for estate
Conjugal Property taxation?
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unpaid obligations incurred incident to his allowed as a deduction from the GE
death such as unpaid funeral expenses and
unpaid medical expenses which are classified F. Taxes
under a different category of deductions,
b)Contracted in good faith and for adequate and What taxes are deductible?
full consideration in money or money's worth, Income taxes, real estate or property taxes due at the
c) Must be a debt or claim which is valid in law time of death which were unpaid as of the time of
and enforceable in court, death
d)Must not have been condoned by the
creditors or the action must not have
e) Duly substantiated 1. estate taxes
2. income tax on income received after
Substantiation in case of Loans or other Similar death
Indebtedness: 3. property taxes not accrued before death
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o Any amount incurred within one year from unless the executor, administrator, or anyone
death in excess of P500,000 CANNOT be of the heirs, as the case may be, includes in
claimed as a deduction under claims against the return required to be filed under Section
estate. 90 the value at the time of his death of that
part of the gross estate of the nonresident
(7) Amount Received by Heirs under RA 4917 not situated in the Philippines.
(8) Net Share of the surviving spouse in the Who may avail of tax credits?
Conjugal Property
After deducting the allowable deductions o Only the estate of a citizen or resident alien
(only the ordinary deductions) appertaining to the at the time of the death can claim tax credit
conjugal or community properties included in the for any estate taxes paid to a foreign country
gross estate, the share of the surviving spouse
What amount of tax credit may be claimed?
must be removed to ensure that only the
decedents interest in the estate is taxed. Formulas:
Limitation A:
SPECIAL RULES FOR NONRESIDENT ALIENS For estate taxes paid to one foreign country
(for property situated in the Philippines) Allowable Final Tax Credit =
The lower amount between:
ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS: a. Tax actually paid to the foreign country,
A. Expenses, Losses, Indebtedness and
Taxes b. the amount derived from this formula:
Only the proportion of the total Net gifts, foreign country x Phil. estate tax
expenses, losses indebtedness and Net gifts, world
taxes which the value of such part
bears to the value of his entire GE For estate taxes paid to 2 or more foreign
wherever situated: countries the lower amount between
limitation A and limitation B.
Estate situated in the Phils X expenses, losses = allowable
Total estate everywhere indebtedness,taxes deduction
a. Limitation A (per country):
- the lower amount between the
B. Property Previously Taxed (vanishing actual foreign taxes paid to each country and
deductions in the properties in the the amount derived from the forumula below:
C. Transfers for Public Use Net gifts, foreign country x Phils. estate tax
Net gifts, world
b. Limitation B (by total):
Net ShareTIFFof(Uncompressed)
the QuicksTu imrev
iv anidnag spouse in the
- the lower amount between the sum
Conjugal Praorepneeerdteyd -todseeedthuiscpticetud
re. from the net of the actual taxes paid to ALL foreign
estate of the decedent countries and the answer to the formula
To be allowed deductions for a non-resident below:
alien, executor/administrator/ any heir must
include in the return to be filed, the value of Net gifts, foreign country x Phils. estate tax
the gross estate not situated in the Net gifts, world
No deduction shall be allowed in the case of
a nonresident not a citizen of the Philippines, EXEMPTION FROM ESTATE TAX (Sec. 84 and
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87): The person primarily liable is the estate
itself, through the executor and administrator.
1) First P200,000.00 value of the net estate When there are 2 or more executors or
administrators, all of them are severally liable
2) Merger of usufruct in the owner of the naked for the payment of tax.
The heir or beneficiary has a subsidiary
Example liability for the payment of that portion of the
A died leaving a fishpond; naked title to B, estate which his distributive share bears to
his son, and usufruct to C, another son, for the value of the net estate. The extent of his
life. C died a year later. The fishpond will liability shall not, however, exceed the value
be included in the gross estate of A, being of his share in the inheritance.
the owner. Upon the death of C, the
usufruct will be merged into the owner of
the naked title B who shall become the
absolute owner thereof. The transfer from (2) Procedures
C to B is exempt from estate tax.
1) Filing of Notice of death
3) Transmission or delivery of the inheritance or (a) Who files: the executor, administrator or
legacy by the fiduciary heir or legatee to the any of the legal heirs,
fideicommissary (b) When to file: within 2 months after the
decedent's death, or within a like period
The substitution must not go beyond one after qualifying as such executor or
degree from the heir originally instituted administrator
The fiduciary or first heir must be both (c) To whom filed: Commissioner.
living at the time of the testators death
2) Filing of Estate Tax Returns
Example When to file: within six (6) months from
A dies and leaves in his will a lot to his the decedent's death; except, the
brother B who is entrusted with the Commissioner, in meritorious cases,
obligation to transfer the lot to C, a son of grants a reasonable extension not
A when A reaches legal age. B is the exceeding 30 days for filing the return
fiduciary heir and C is the
fideicommissary. The transfer from A to Mandatory filing of estate tax returns in
B is subject to estate tax. But the all cases of:
transmission or delivery to C upon o transfers subject to the tax
reaching legal age shall be exempt from imposed herein
estate tax. o transfers though exempt from tax,
where the gross value of the estate
4) Transmission from the first heir, legatee or exceeds P200,000
donee in favor of another beneficiary, in o regardless of the gross value, the
accordance with the desire of the predecessor estate consists of registered or
registrable property for which a
5) Bequests, devises, legacies or transfers to clearance from the Bureau of
social welfare, cultural and charitable Internal Revenue is required for
institutions, the transfer of ownership in the
no partTIFF theQunicekTtimien
of (Uncompressed) caondma e of which inures
name of the transferee
are needed to see this picture.
to the benefit of any individual:
Provided not more than 30% of the Where to file:
transfers shall be used by such o Authorized agent bank
institutions for administration purposes o Revenue district officer
o Duly authorized city or municipal
J. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS treasurer of the place of
decedents domicile
(1) Persons liable to pay estate tax o If there is no legal residence in the
country, with the Commissioner
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parties for campaign purposes shall be the final capital gains tax, is
governed by the Election Code as amended. transferred for less than an adequate
(Sec 99 C of the NIRC). and full consideration in money or
moneys worth, then the amount by
PROPERTIES INCLUDED: which the fair market value of the
property at the time of the
1. citizens or residents of the Philippines all execution of the Contract to Sell or
properties located not only within the execution of the Deed of Sale which
Philippines but also in foreign countries is not preceded by a Contract to Sell
2. non-resident alien all real and tangible exceeded the value of the agreed
properties within the Philippines, and or actual consideration or selling
intangible personal property, unless there is price shall be deemed a gift, and
reciprocity, in which case it is not taxable. shall be included in computing the
- See reciprocity rules in the estate amount of gifts made during the
taxes for intangible properties (Section 104 calendar year.
NIRC) Real property considered
capital assets under the Tax
Applicability of Laws Governing the Imposition of Code are exempted from this
Donors Tax rule (Sec. 100 in relation to
The donors tax applies to a completed gift. Sec. 24 (D) NIRC).
The transfer is perfected from the moment
the donors knows of the acceptance by the o Debt condoned or remitted
donee; it is completed by the delivery, either
actual or constructively, of the donated o Transfers made in trust for another
property to the donee. The law in force at the person
time of the perfection/completion of the
donation shall govern the imposition of o Renunciation by the surviving
donors tax based on the FMV of the spouse of his/her share in the
property. conjugal partnership or absolute
community after the dissolution of
A GIFT THAT IS INCOMPLETE the marriage in favor of the heirs of
BECAUSE OF RESERVED POWERS, the deceased spouse or any other
BECOMES COMPLETE WHEN person; whereas, a general
EITHER: renunciation by an heir, including the
the donor renounces the power; surviving spouse, of his/her share in
or the hereditary estate left by the
his right to exercise ceased decedent is not subject to donors
because of the happening of tax, unless specifically and
some event or contingency or categorically done in favor of
the fulfillment of some condition, identified heir/s to the exclusion or
other than the death of the disadvantage of the other co-heirs in
donor. the hereditary estate. (Sec. 11, Rev.
A. Gross Gifts Reg. 2-2003)
Gifts may be real or personal properties.
Personal properties may be tangible, See Estate of Fidel Reyes,
intangible or mixed. CTA Case No. 6747, Jan. 16, 2006
QuickTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
where the repudiation by the heirs
of an inheritance was held not to be
are needed to see this picture.
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2) Relative by consanguinity in the
Valuation: collateral line within the 4th degree
o Personal property: FMV at the time of relationship
of donation
A legally adopted child is entitled to
o Real Property: FMV as determined all the rights and obligations provided
by the Commissioner or the FMV in by law to legitimate children, and
the latest schedule of values of the therefore, donation to him shall not
provincial or city assessor, whichever be considered as donation made to
is HIGHER stranger.
1. On the 1 donation of the year
Gross Gift xx Exemptions are not to be treated as
Less: deductions/exemptions xx exclusions from the gross gifts of the donor.
Net gift xx They partake the nature of deductions and
X tax rate xx are, therefore, deductible from gross gifts in
Donors tax xx order to arrive at the taxable net gifts.
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without her consent pursuant to the profit corporation/NGO institution (qualified-donee
provisions of the Civl Code and the institution) for administration purposes pursuant to
Family Code. the provisions of Section 101(A)(3)and (B)(2) of the
Code (RR 2-2003).
(b) Gifts made to the National Government
or any entity created by any of its Abello vs. CIR, GR No. 120721, Feb. 23, 2005
agencies which is not conducted for
profit, or to any political subdivision of the Facts: During the 1987 national elections,
said Government petitioners, who are partners in the ACCRA law firm,
contributed P882,661.31 each to the campaign funds
(c) Gifts in favor of an non profit educational of Senator Edgardo Angara, then running for the
and/or charitable, religious, cultural or Senate. The BIR assessed each of the petitioners for
social welfare corporation, institution their contributions. Petitioners questioned the
accredited non-government organization, assessment, claiming that political or electoral
trust or philanthropic organization or contributions are not considered gifts under the
research institution or organization; NIRC, and that, therefore, they are not liable for
provided, not more than 30% shall be donors tax. The claim for exemption was denied by
used by such donee for administration the Commissioner.
purposes. On appeal, the CTA ordered the Commissioner
to desist from collecting donors taxes from the
WHAT IS A NON-PROFIT petitioners. The CA reversed and set aside the CTA
EDUCATIONAL AND/OR CHARITABLE decision, ordering the petitioners to pay donors tax,
CORPORATION? It is one which is reasoning as follows:
incorporated as a non-stock entity paying The NIRC, as amended, provides:
no dividends, governed by trustees who Sec. 91. Imposition of Tax.
received no compensation, and devoting a) There shall be levied, assessed,
all its income to the accomplishment and collected, and paid upon the transfer by
promotion of the purposes enumerated in any person, resident, or non-resident, of
its Articles of Incorporation the property by gift, a tax, computed as
provided in Section 92.
b) The tax shall apply whether the transfer
(d) Encumbrances on the property donated if
is in trust or otherwise, whether the gift is
assumed by the donee in the deed of
direct or indirect, and whether the
property is real or personal, tangible or
(e) Donations made to entities as exempted
Pursuant to the above-quoted provisions of law,
under special laws.
the transfer of property by gift, whether the transfer is
in trust or otherwise, whether the gift is direct or
(f) Donations to persons not strangers of not
indirect, and whether the property is real or personal,
more than P100,000 per year (Sec.
tangible or intangible, is subject to donors or gift tax.
A gift is generally defined as a voluntary transfer of
property by one to another without any consideration
In order to be exempt from donors tax and to claim
or compensation therefore.
full deduction of the donation given to qualified donee
In the instant case, the contributions are
institutions duly accredited by the Philippine Council
voluntary transfers of property in the form of money
for NGO Certification, Inc.(PCNC), the donor
from private respondents to Sen. Angara, without
engaged in business shall give a notice of donation
QuickTime and a considerations therefor. Hence, they squarely fall
on every donationTIFFare
hpresatd) dleecaomsptressForifty Thousand
needed to see this picture. under the definition of donation or gift.
Pesos (P50,000) to the Revenue District Office(RDO)
As correctly pointed out by the Solicitor General:
which has jurisdiction over his place of business
The fact that the contributions were given to be
within thirty (30) days after receipt of the qualified
used as campaign funds of Sen. Angara does not
donee institutions duly issued Certificate of Donation,
affect the character of the fund transfers as donation
which shall be attached to the said Notice of
or gift. There was thereby no retention of control
Donation, stating that not more than thirty percent
over the disposition of the contributions. There was
(30%) of the said donation/gifts for the taxable year
simply an indication of the purpose for which they
shall be used by such accredited non-stock, non-
were to be used. For as long as the contributions
Page 65 of 145
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were used for the purpose for which they were Election Code is essential to appreciate how a
intended, Sen. Angara had complete and absolute political contribution differs from a taxable gift.
power to dispose of the contributions. He was fully Section 94(a) of the said Code defines electoral
entitled to the economic benefits of the contributions. contribution as follows: The term contribution
Issue1: What is the definition of a transfer of includes a gift, donation, subscription, loan, advance
property by gift? or deposit of money or anything of value, or a
Held1: The NIRC does not define transfer of contract, promise or agreement to contribute,
property by gift. However, Article 18 of the Civil whether or not legally enforceable, made for the
Code, states: In matters which are governed by the purpose of influencing the results of the elections but
Code of Commerce and special laws, their deficiency shall not include services rendered without
shall be supplied by the provisions of this Code. compensation by individuals volunteering a portion or
Thus, reference may be made to the definition of a all of their time in behalf of a candidate or political
donation in the Civil Code. Article 725 of said Code party. It shall also include the use of facilities
defines donation as: . . . an act of liberality whereby voluntarily donated by other persons, the money
a person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in value of which can be assessed based on the rates
favor of another, who accepts it. prevailing in the area. Since the purpose of an
Donation has the following elements: (a) the electoral contribution is to influence the results of the
reduction of the patrimony of the donor; (b) the election, petitioners again claim that donative intent is
increase in the patrimony of the donee; and, (c) the not present.
intent to do an act of liberality or animus donandi. Held3: Petitioners attempt to place the barrier of
The present case falls squarely within the mutual exclusivity between donative intent and the
definition of a donation. Petitioners each gave purpose of political contributions. The Court
P882,661.31 to the campaign funds of Senator reiterated that donative intent is not negated by the
Angara, without any material consideration. All three presence of other intentions, motives or purposes
elements of a donation are present. The patrimony which do not contradict donative intent.
of the four petitioners were reduced by P882,661.31 Petitioners would distinguish a gift from a political
each. Senator Angaras patrimony correspondingly donation by saying that the consideration for a gift is
increased by P3,530,645.24. There was intent to do the liberality of the donor, while the consideration for
an act of liberality or animus donandi was present a political contribution is the desire of the giver to
since each of the petitioners gave their contributions influence the result of an election by supporting
without any consideration. candidates who, in the perception of the giver, would
influence the shaping of government policies that
Issue2: Since animus donandi or the intention to would promote the general welfare and economic
do an act of liberality is an essential element of a well-being of the electorate, including the giver
donation, petitioners argue that it is important to look himself.
into the intention of the giver to determine if a political Petitioners attempt is strained. The fact that
contribution is a gift. petitioners will somehow in the future benefit from the
Held2: Untenable. First of all, donative intent is a election of the candidate to whom they contribute, in
creature of the mind. It cannot be perceived except no way amounts to a valuable material consideration
by the material and tangible acts which manifest its so as to remove political contributions from the
presence. This being the case, donative intent is purview of a donation. Senator Angara was under no
presumed present when one gives a part of ones obligation to benefit the petitioners. The proper
patrimony to another without consideration. Second, performance of his duties as a legislator is his
donative intent is not negated when the person obligation as an elected public servant of the Filipino
donating has other intentions, motives or purposes people and not a consideration for the political
which do not contradict donative intent. The Court contributions he received. In fact, as a public
was not convincedTIFFthat Qs uicin
imee tah
(Uncompressed) decompressor
ndea purpose of the
servant, he may even be called to enact laws that are
contribution was to haerelpneeedeldetocsteeathics pic
antudre.idate, there was contrary to the interests of his benefactors, for the
no donative intent. Petitioners contribution of money benefit of the greater good.
without any material consideration evinces animus In fine, the purpose for which the sums of money
donandi. The fact that their purpose for donating was were given, which was to fund the campaign of
to aid in the election of the donee does not negate Senator Angara in his bid for a senatorial seat,
the presence of donative intent. cannot be considered as a material consideration so
as to negate a donation.
Issue3: Petitioners maintain that the definition of
an electoral contribution under the Omnibus 2) Made by a Nonresident Alien
Page 66 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
(a) Gifts made to the National Government Formulas:
or any entity created by any of its Limitation A:
agencies which is not conducted for For donors taxes paid to one foreign country
profit, or to any political subdivision of the Allowable Final Tax Credit =
said Government The lower amount between:
a. Tax actually paid to the foreign country,
(b) Gifts in favor of an non profit educational and
and/or charitable, religious, cultural or
social welfare corporation, institution b. the amount derived from this formula:
accredited non-government organization,
trust or philanthropic organization or Net gifts, foreign countryx Phil. donors tax
research institution or organization; Net gifts, world
provided, not more than 30% shall be
used by such donee for administration For donors taxes paid to 2 or more foreign
purposes countries the lower amount between
limitation a and limitation b.
E. Net Gift
a. Limitation A (per country):
The net economic benefit from the transfer - the lower amount between the
that accrues to the donee. actual foreign taxes paid to each country and
the amount derived from the forumula below:
Accordingly, if a mortgaged property is
Net gifts, foreign country x Phils. donors tax
transferred as a gift, but imposing upon the Net gifts, world
donee the obligation to pay the mortgage
liability, then the net gift is measured by b. Limitation B (by total):
deducting from the fair market value of the - the lower amount between the sum
property the amount of mortgage assumed. of the actual taxes paid to ALL foreign
countries and the answer to the formula
F. Donors Tax Credit below:
A situation may arise when the property given Net gifts, foreign country x Phils. donors tax
as a gift is located in a foreign country and Net gifts, world
the donor may be subject to donors tax twice
on the same property by the Philippine G. Special Rules on Husband and Wife
government and by the foreign government
where the property is situated. Husband and wife are considered as
separate and distinct taxpayers for purposes
Who are entitled to claim credits: only of the donors tax.
resident or citizen donors (resident citizens,
non-resident citizens, and resident aliens) However, if what was donated is a conjugal
or community property and only the husband
Limitations on Tax Credit:
signed the deed of donation, there is only
The amount of the credit in respect to the tax one donor for donors tax purposes, without
paid to any country shall not exceed the prejudice to the right of the wife to question
same proportion of the tax against which the validity of the donation without her
such credit is taken, which the decedents net consent pursuant to the pertinent provisions
gifts situated within such country taxable of the Civil Code of the Philippines and the
under the NIRC b ears decompressor
TIFF (Uncompressed) to his entire net gift;
QuickTime and a
Family Code of the Philippines.
are needed to see this picture.
Page 67 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
by gift, whether in trust or otherwise, Prescriptive Periods
whether the gift is direct or indirect and 1) Assessment of Tax Liability
whether the property is real or personal, 3 years from the following, whichever
tangible or intangible. comes later (Sec. 203):
1. the last day prescribed by law for
2) When to file donors tax filing the return (when filed on or
The donors tax return shall be filed before such date), or
within 30 days after the date the gift is 2. the day when the return was
made actually filed (when filed after the
last day prescribed).
3) When to pay the tax 10 years after the discovery of the
Pay at the time of filing (pay-as-you-file falsity, fraud or omission in case of:
system) 1. false or fraudulent return with
intent to evade tax, or
TITLE VIII REMEDIES 2. failure to file a return (Sec. 222 a)
PART I. REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO THE The following are covered by the general rule
GOVERNMENT (Sec. 203):
false return-filed with no intent to
In General evade tax
1. Compromise (Sec. 204) fraudulent return-filed with intent to
2. Distraint - actual and constructive (Sec. 205- evade tax
3. Levy (Sec. 207b) within the period agreed upon, when
4. Tax lien (Sec. 219) both the Commissioner and the
5. Civil Action (Sec. 221) taxpayer have agreed in writing, before
6. Criminal Action (Sec. 221-222) the expiration of the period in Sec. 203
7. Forfeiture of Property (Sec. 224-225) for the assessment of tax, to an
8. Suspension of business operations in assessment after such time. Such
violations of VAT (Sec. 115) period agreed upon may be extended
9. Enforcement of administrative fine by written agreement before the
the remedies of disraint and levy as well expiration of such agreed upon period.
as collection by civil and criminal actions (Sec.222 b)
may in the discretion of the
Commissioner, be pursued singly or
independently of each other, or all of SUSPENSION OF PRESCRIPTIVE
them simultaneously. PERIODS: (Sec. 223)
1) Periods suspended:
No court shall have the authority to grant an (a) periods for assessment in Sec.
injunction to restrain the collection of any national 203 and 222
internal revenue tax, fee , or charge imposed by the (b) beginning of distraint or levy
NIRC (Sec. 218) (c) proceeding in court for collection
Justification: lifeblood theory
2) Grounds for suspension of
EXCEPTION: Injunction may be issued by the CTA in prescriptive periods: [ PLORP ]
aid of its appellate jurisdiQcuticikoTinmeun a) Commissioner is Prohibited
a r Sec. 11 of RA
1125, as amendeTdIFFare(bUnneeded
pressed) decompressor
A 9 2 8 2 (when in the from making the assessment or
to see this picture.
opinion of the Court the collection may jeopardize beginning distraint or levy or a
the interest of the Government and/or the taxpayer, proceeding in court and for 60
the Court any stage of the proceeding may suspend days thereafter
the said collection and require the taxpayer either to b) Taxpayer requests for
deposit the amount claimed or to file a surety bond Reinvestigation which is granted
for not more than double the amount with the Court.) c) Taxpayer cannot be Located in
the address given in the return
Prescription filed, except if the taxpayer
Page 68 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
informs the Commissioner of a 2. The financial position of the taxpayer
change in address the demonstrates a clear Inability to pay the
prescriptive period will not be assessed tax. (Sec. 204 A) in such case, the
suspended taxpayer should waive the confidentiality
d) When the warrant is duly served privilege on bank deposits under RA 1405
upon the taxpayer and no (Sec 6 (F)(2) NIRC).
Property could be located The corporation ceased
e) When the taxpayer is Out of the operation or is already dissolved;
Phils. The taxpayer is suffering from
earning deficit resulting to an
Compromise impairment in the original capital
Definition by at least 50%
The taxpayer is suffering from a
A contract whereby the parties, by net worth deficit computed by
reciprocal concessions, avoid deducting total liabilities form
litigation or put an end to one already total assets, taken from the latest
commenced. (Art. 2028, New Civil audited financial statements
Code) The taxpayer is a compensation
earner with no other sources of
income and the familys gross
monthly compensation does not
o The taxpayer have a tax
exceed (P 10,500/month if
single; P 21,000/month if
o There must be an offer (by
married) and that it appears that
the taxpayer of an amount to
the taxpayer possesses no other
be paid by the taxpayer)
leviable/distrainable assets,
o There must be an
other than his family home;
acceptance (by the
Commissioner or the The taxpayer has been granted
taxpayer as the case may by the SEC or by any competent
be) of the offer in the tribunals a moratorium or
settlement of the original suspension of payments to
claim creditors or otherwise declared
bankrupt or insolvent (Sec 3, RR
When may taxes be compromised? 7-2001).
1. A reasonable doubt as to the validity of the
claim against the taxpayer exists: In general, the taxpayer's criminal liability
The delinquent account or arising from his violation of the pertinent
disputed assessment is one provision of the Code may be settled
resulting from a jeopardy extrajudicially instead of the BIR
assessment ; or
3 instituting against the taxpayer a criminal
The assessment seems to be action in Court.
arbitrary in nature, appearing to
be based on presumptions and A compromise in extra-judicial settlement
there is reason to believe that it of the taxpayer's criminal liability for his
is lacking in legal and/or factual violation is consensual in character,
basis QuickTime and a hence, may not be imposed on the
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor taxpayer without his consent. Hence, the
are needed to see this picture.
BIR may only suggest settlement of the
A jeopardy assessment is a tax assessment made taxpayer's liability through a compromise.
by an authorized Revenue Officer without the benefit (RR 012-99)
of complete or partial trial in light of the ROs belief
that assessment and collection of tax will be CASES NOT SUBJECT TO COMPROMISE:
jeopardized by the delay caused by the taxpayers 1. Withholding tax cases
failure to 1) comply with audit and investigation 2. Criminal tax fraud cases
requirements and 2) substantiate any or all claims, 3. criminal violations already filed in court
deductions or credits in his return. 4. Delinquent accounts with duly approved
Page 69 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
schedule of installment payments P1,000,000 or
5. cases where final reports of b) where the settlement offered is
reinvestigation or reconsideration have less than the prescribed
been issued resulting to reduction in the minimum rates
original assessment and the taxpayer is
agreeable to such decision o Extent of the Commissioners Discretion to
6. Cases which become final and executory Compromise Criminal Violations
after final judgment of a court (Sec 2 RR 1. Before the complaint is filed with the
7-2001). prosecutors office: the CIR has full
discretion to compromise except
those involving fraud
Power to Compromise 2. After the complaint is filled with the
o Who has the Power to Compromise? prosecutors office but before the
The Commissioner of Internal information is filed with the court: the
Revenue with respect to criminal CIR can still compromise provided
and civil cases arising from the prosecutor must give consent
violations of the tax code (Sec 7c 3. After information is filed with the
and 204). court: the CIR is no longer permitted
to compromise with or without the
The power to compromise is vested consent of the Prosecutor (People
in the CIR. The NIRC allows the vs. Magdaluyo, April 20, 1961)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue to
compromise the civil as well as This is more so when the court
criminal cases arising thereunder. No has rendered a final judgment.
similar provision exists, vis-a-vis the As a mere agent of the
Collector or Commissioner of Government, the Commissioner
Customs, in regard to violations of is not authorized to accept
the Tariff and Customs Code. anything less than what is
(People vs. Desiderio L-20805, adjucated in favor of the
November 29, 1965). government by virtue of such
final judgment, the government
If an offer of compromise is has already acquired a vested
rejected by the taxpayer, the rights.
compromise penalty cannot be
enforced thru an action in court or by o Nature of a Compromise in Extrajudicial
distraint and levy. The CIR should Settlement of the Taxpayers Criminal
file a criminal action if he believes Liability for his Violation
that the taxpayer is criminally liable It is consensual in character,
for violation of the tax law as the only hence; may not be imposed on
way to enforce a penalty. the taxpayer without his consent.
(Commissioner vs. Abad, L-19627, The BIR may only suggest
June 27, 1968). settlement of his tax liability
through a compromise. The
extra-judicial settlement and the
o LIMITATIONS FOR COMPROMISE OF TAX amount of the suggested
LIABILITY: (Sec. 204A) compromise penalty should
1. Minimum QuickTime
compromise and a rate: conform with the schedule of
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
a) In case of financial incapacity,
are needed to see this picture. compromise penalties provided
10% of basic assessed tax under the relevant BIR
b) In other cases, 40% of basic regulations or orders.
assessed tax
2. Compromise subject to approval of Remedy in Case the Taxpayer Refuses or
Evaluation Board (composed of Fails to Abide the Tax Compromise
Commissioner and 4 Deputy 1. Enforce the Compromise
Commissioners): If it is a judicial compromise, it can
a) when basic tax involved exceeds be enforced by mere execution. A
Page 70 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
judicial compromise is one where a abatement shall only cover the
decision based on the compromise surcharges and the compromise
agreement is rendered by the court penalty and not the interest
on request of the parties imposed under Sec. 249
Any other compromise is o when the assessment is brought
extrajudicial and like any other about or the result of taxpayers
contract can only be enforced by non-compliance with the law due
court action to a difficult interpretation of said
2. Regard it as rescinded and insist upon law
original demand (Art 2041, Civil Code) o when the taxpayer fails to file the
return and pay the correct tax on
Other Consideration on Compromise time due to circumstances
Agreements beyond his control, provided, the
o Compromise Penalty abatement shall cover only the
It is the amount of money which the surcharges and the compromise
taxpayer pays to compromise tax penalty and not the interest
violations. This is paid in lieu of imposed under Sec 249
criminal prosecution. A taxpayer o late payment of the tax under
cannot be compelled to pay a meritorious circumstances (Sec.
compromise penalty if he does not 2, RR 13-2001)
want to pay, in which case the CIR 2. the admission and collection costs
must institute a criminal action. involved do not justify the collection of
the amount due (Sec 204 (b)
o When may taxes be abated or cancelled? 3. Abatement of penalties on assessment
[ UJ ] confirmed by the lower court but
1. The tax or any portion thereof appears to be appealed by the taxpayer to a higher
Unjustly or excessively assessed; or court
2. The administration and collection costs 4. Abatement of penalties on withholding
involved do not Justify the collection of the tax assessment under meritorious
amount due (Sec. 204 B) circumstances
5. Abatement of penalties on delayed
installment payment under meritorious
Abatement vs. Compromise
In Abatement, theres a cancellation of the 6. abatement of penalties on assessment
entire tax liability, while compromise involves reduced after reinvestigation but
a mere reduction of the tax. taxpayer is still contesting reduced
Abatement 7. such other circumstances which the
THE COMMISSIONER MAY ABATE OR Commissioner may deem analogous to
CANCEL A TAX LIABILITY WHEN: the enumerations above (Sec. 3, RR
1. the tax or any portion thereof appears 13-2001)
to be unjustly or excessively assessed
(Sec 204 (b)) Distraint (Only For Personal Property)
o when the filing of the
return/payment is made at the O Definition and Nature
wrong venue
o whenQutih e taxpayers mistake in
ckTime and a It is the seizure by the government of
TIFF (Uncompressed)of his tax is due to
are needed to see this picture. personal property, tangible or intangible to
erroneous written official advice
enforce the payment of taxes on the goods,
of a revenue officer
chattels or effects of the taxpayer including
o when the taxpayer fails to file the
other personal property of whatever
return and pay the tax on time
due to substantial losses from character. The property may be offered in a
prolonged labor dispute, force public sale if taxes are not voluntarily paid. It
majure, legitimate business is a summary remedy.
reverses, provided, the
Page 71 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
The warrant is a summary procedure REMEDY OF DISTRAINT:
forcing the taxpayer to pay. The receipt The taxpayer must be delinquent (except in
of a warrant may or may not partake the constructive distraint) in the payment of taxes
character of a final decision. If it is an There must be a subsequent demand for its
indication of a final decision, the taxpayer payment
may appeal to the CTA within 30 days The taxpayer must have failed to pay the tax
from service of the warrant. at the time required; and
The period within which to assess or collect
Types of Distraint the tax has not yet prescribed.
Page 72 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
3. and also a note of the time and place of 3. not to dispose of the property in any
sale manner, without the express authority of
(b) Stocks and other Securities the Commissioner.
1. serving a copy of the warrant upon the (b) Where taxpayer or person in possession
taxpayer AND upon the president, refuses to sign:
manager, treasurer or other responsible distraining officer shall prepare a list of
officer of the issuing corporation, the property distrained
company, association in the presence of 2 witnesses
(c) Debts and Credits leave a copy in the premises where the
1. leaving a copy of the warrant with the property is located
person owing the debts or having in his = after which the said property shall be
possession such credits or his agent deemed to have been placed under
the warrant shall be sufficient authority to constructive distraint (Sec. 206)
the person served to pay to the
Commissioner the amount of such debts Note:
or credits - Constructive distraint is an additional
(d) Bank accounts (garnishment) remedy because the government can resort
1. serve a warrant of garnishment upon the to it while the remedy of actual distraint is not
taxpayer AND upon the president, yet available, meaning the assessment
manager, treasurer or other responsible process is still to be done.
officer of the bank
2. bank shall turn over to the Commissioner LEVY (ONLY ON REAL PROPERTY)
so much of the bank accounts as may be
sufficient (Sec.208)
The seizure of real property of the taxpayer and
3) Posting of Notice (Sec. 209) interests or rights to such property for the
satisfaction of taxes due from the delinquent
Notice specifying the time and place of sale
taxpayer to enforce the payment thereof. The
and the articles distrained.
property may be offered in a public sale, if after
The posting shall be made in not less than 2
seizure, the taxes are not voluntarily paid.
public places in the city or municipality where
the distraint is made.
One of the places for posting of such notice When may Levy be effected?
is the Office of the Mayor of such city or It is effected by issuing a warrant of levy and giving a
municipality. written notice to the taxpayer and the Register of
Deeds, after which the real property shall be sold at a
4) Sale of Property Distrained public sale to satisfy the tax obligation of the
CONSTRUCTIVE DISTRAINT When exercised: before, simultaneously or
1) When may this occur? [ HORRID ] (Sec. 206) after the distraint of personal property
a) taxpayer is Delinquent belonging to the taxpayer
b) taxpayer is Retiring from any business
subject to tax Procedure of Levy on Real Property
c) taxpayer is Intending to leave the Phil. or to Prepare Certificate of Levy
Remove his property therefrom (a) Internal revenue officer shall prepare a duly
d) taxpayer Hides or conceals his property authenticated certificate showing:
e) taxpayer performs any act tending to the name of taxpayer
Obstruct the proce
sanfd oar collection of any
amounts of tax and penalty due
tax due are needed to see this picture. (b) Enforceable as a legal execution throughout
the Philippines
2) Procedure (c) officer shall write upon the certificate a
(a) Require the taxpayer or any person having description of the property upon which levy is
possession/control of the property to made
1. sign a receipt covering property written notice of levy shall be mailed or served
distrained; and upon
2. obligate himself to preserve the same 1. the delinquent taxpayer, or
intact and unaltered; and if he is absent from the Philippines, to his
Page 73 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
agent or manager if the business in Within 1 year from the date of sale, the
respect to which the liability arose, or property may be redeemed by the delinquent
if there be no agent, to the occupant of taxpayer or anyone from him, upon the
the property. payment of the taxes, penalties and interest
2. the Register of Deeds where the property is thereon from the date of delinquency to the
located (Sec. 207[B]) date of sale together with interest on
Advertisement of the time and place of sale, purchase price at 15% per annum from the
which shall contain date of sale to the date of redemption. (Sec.
a) The amount of tax and penalties due 214)
b) Name of the taxpayer The taxpayer-owner shall not be deprived of
c) Short description of the property to be sold possession of said property and shall be
the advertisement shall be made within 20 days entitled to rents and other income until the
after the levy, and the same shall be for a period expiration of the period for redemption.
of at least 30 days. It shall be effected by:
a) posting a notice at the main entrance of the Forfeiture to the Government
municipal building or the city hall and in If there is no bidder in the public sale or if the
public and conspicuous place in the barrio or amount of the highest bid is insufficient to
district where the property is located pay the taxes, penalties and costs, the real
b) by publication once a week for 3 consecutive property shall be forfeited to the Government
weeks in newspaper of general circulation in (Sec. 215)
the municipality or city where the property is
located (Sec. 213) Further Distraint and Levy
Sale The remedy of distraint and levy may be
Awarded to the highest bidder repeated if necessary until the full amount of
In case the proceeds of the sale exceeds the the tax delinquency due including all
claim and costs of sale, the excess shall be expenses is collected from the taxpayer.
turned over to the owner of the property. (Sec 217)
At any time before the day fixed for the sale, Otherwise, a clever taxpayer who is also able
the taxpayer may discontinue all proceedings to conceal most of the valuable part of his
by paying the taxes, penalties, and interests. property would escape payment of his tax
liability by sacrificing an insignificant portion
of his holdings.
DISTRAINT LEVY It is a legal claim or charge on property, either
refers to personal involves real property real or personal, established by law as a security
property in default of the payment of taxes (51 AmJur
forfeiture of the property Forfeiture authorized if ( 881). Generally, it attaches to the property
in favor of the 215): irrespective of ownership or transfer thereof.
government is not There is no bidder or
provided If the highest bid is o Nature- a lien in favor of the Government of the
insufficient to pay Philippines when a person liable to pay a tax
the taxes, penalties neglects or refuses to do so upon demand
and costs o Duration- lien exists from the time assessment is
There is no right of There is a right of made by the Commissioner until paid, with
redemption on the QuickTime
redemption and a
in case of interests, penalties and costs that may accrue in
personal property TIFF (Uncompdretorssesee
a) lthis
ed depcormoprp
sorrty levied upon
picture. addition thereto
are neede
and sold or forfeited to o Extent- upon all property and rights to property
the government belonging to the taxpayer
Both: o Effectivity against third persons- only when notice
summary remedies for collection of such lien is filed by the Commissioner in the
cannot be availed of where amount involved Register of Deeds in the province/city where the
do not exceed P100 property is situated (Sec. 219)
Page 74 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
property Executory Assessment
Attaches not only from the time the warrant was Invalidity or illegality of the assessment and
served BUT from the time tax was due and Prescription of the governments right to
demandable (from the time when the assessment assess
was made [Sec. 219]).
LIEN DISTRAINT The judgment in the criminal cases shall not
Directed against the Need not be directed only impose the penalty but shall also order
property subject to the against the property the payment of taxes subject of the criminal
tax subject to tax case as finally decided by the Commissioner
Regardless of the owner Property seized must be (Sec 205)
of the property owned by the taxpayer Resorted not only for the collection of the
taxes but also for the enforcement of
statutory penalties of all sorts.
CIVIL ACTIONS Where to file
For tax remedy purposes, these are actions 1) Court of Tax Appeals- on criminal offenses
instituted by the government to collect arising from violations of the NIRC or TCC and
internal revenue taxes. It includes filing by other laws administered by the BIR and the BOC,
the government with the probate court claims where the principal amount of taxes and fees,
against the deceased taxpayer. exclusive of charges and penalties claimed is
P1,000,000.00 and above.
Resorted to when the tax liability becomes final and 2) RTC, Mun. TC, Metro TC- on criminal offenses
unappealable, or when the decision of the arising from violations of the NIRC or TCC and
Commissioner becomes final or executory. When: other laws administered by the BIR and the BOC,
A tax is assessed and the assessment becomes where the principal amount of taxes and fess
final and unappealable because the taxpayer exclusive of charges and penalties claimed is
fails to file an administrative protest with the BIR less than P1,000,000.00 or where there is no
within 30 days from the receipt of the specified amount claimed (Sec 7[b], RA 9282)
When an administrative protest filed by the Acquittal of the taxpayer in criminal case does
taxpayer against the assessment is not exonerate him from liability to pay Taxes
o denied, in whole and in part or Under the Penal Code the civil liability is incurred by
o Is not acted upon within 180 days from reason of the offender's criminal act. Stated
submission of the documents, and differently, the criminal liability gives birth to the civil
o The taxpayer adversely affected by the obligation such that generally, if one is not criminally
decision or inaction fails to file an appeal liable under the Penal Code, he cannot become
with the CTA within 30 days from receipt civilly liable thereunder. The situation under the
of said decision or from the lapse of the income tax law is the exact opposite. Civil liability to
180 day period. pay taxes arises from the fact, for instance, that one
has engaged himself in business, and not because of
Where to File any criminal act committed by him. The criminal
1) Court of Tax Appeals- where the principal liability arises upon failure of the debtor to satisfy his
amount of taxes and fees exclusive of civil obligation. The incongruity of the factual
charges and penalties claimed is one million premises and foundation principles of the two cases
pesos and above is one of the reasons for not imposing civil indemnity
2) RTC, Mun. TC,QuickM eetroand aTC- where the
Tim on the criminal infractor of the income tax law.
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
principal am oareun
needed to see e
t of t a x spicture.
this and fees, exclusive (Republic vs. Patanao).
of charges and penalties claimed is less than
P1,000,000.00 (Sec 7[c], RA 9282) While there can be no civil action to enforce
The approval of the CIR is essential in civil collection before the assessment procedures
cases (Sec. 220). However under Sec. 7 of provided in the Code have been followed, there is no
NIRC, the Commissioner may delegate such requirement for the precise computation and
power to a Regional Director. assessment of the tax before there can be a criminal
prosecution under the Code. (Ungab vs. Cusi L-
Defenses which are Precluded by Final and 41919-24, 30 May 1980, 97 SCRA 877)
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Letter of Authority - 4. Taxpayer to advise the examiner if position
The letter of authority is an official document that paper
empowers a Revenue Officer to examine and
scrutinize a taxpayers books of accounts and JEOPARDY ASSESSMENT: a tax
other accounting records, in order to determine assessment made by an authorized revenue
the taxpayers correct internal revenue tax officer without the benefit of a complete or
liabilities partial audit if the officer believes that the
assessment and collection will be
jeopardized by the delay caused by the
taxpayers failure to:
o CIR for those units reporting a. comply with audit and investigation
directly under him requirements to present his books of
o Regional Directors for taxpayers
accounts and or pertinent records
covered by his particular region. If
b. substantiate all or any of the
the CIR has already issued an LA to
deductions, exemptions or credits
investigate a particular taxpayer, the
claimed in his return.
Regional Director shall desist from
- it is usually when statutory prescriptive
issuing another LA for the same
periods for the assessment or collection of
taxes are about to lapse due to taxpayers
STEP 3: Issuance of Pre-Assessment Notice
- - Cases involving civil/criminal tax fraud
which fall under the jurisdiction of the tax
- - Communication issued by the Regional
fraud division of the enforcement services,
Assessment Division or any other concerned
BIR office, informing a taxpayer who has
- - policy cases under audit by the special
been audited of the findings of the Revenue
teams in national offices
Officer, following the review of these findings.
The assessment shall be in writing, and
should inform the taxpayer of the law and the
STEP 1: Notice of Informal Conference
facts on which the assessment is made;
- - a written notice informing a taxpayer that
otherwise, the assessment is void.
the findings of the audit conducted on his
- - If the taxpayer disagrees with the findings in
books of accounts and accounting records
the PAN, he has 15 days to file a written
indicate that additional taxes or deficiency
reply contesting the proposed assessment.
assessments have to be paid
- - If, after the culmination of an audit, a
Revenue Officer recommends the imposition
a. mathematical errors
of deficiency tax assessments, this
b. discrepancy has been
recommendation is communicated by the
determined between tax withheld
Bureau to the taxpayer concerned during an
and amount actually remitted by
informal conference called for this purpose,
the withholding agent
the taxpayer shall have 15 days from receipt
c. when a taxpayer who opted to
of the notice of informal conference to
claim a refund or tax credit of
explain his side.
excess creditable withholding tax
for a taxable period was
STEP 2: Informal Conference
QuickTime and a determined to have carried over
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
and automatically applied the
- 1. Discussion on the merits of the
same amount claimed against
the estimated tax liabilities for
- 2. Attempt of taxpayer to convince the
the taxable quarter or quarters of
examiner to conduct a re-investigation and or
the succeeding taxable year, or
d. when the excise tax due has not
- 3. Evaluate if the submission of the waiver of
been paid, or
the SOL is necessary evaluation may
e. when an article locally purchased
extend beyond 3 years
or imported by an exempt person
Page 77 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
has been sold, traded, or the BIR. Any notice sent to the taxpayer
transferred to a non-exempt demanding the tax liability is an assessment.
GENERAL RULE: Taxes are self-assessing and do
BURDEN OF PROOF: not require the issuance of an assessment notice in
- There is a presumption of order to establish the tax liability of a taxpayer.
correctness and good faith on the Exceptions:
part of the CIR, thus, the burden lies 1. Tax period of a taxpayer is terminated (sec.
on the taxpayer. Otherwise, the 6d, NIRC)
finding of the CIR will be conclusive 2. Deficiency tax liability arisinf from a tax audit
and he will assess the taxpayer. The conducted by a BIR (sec 56b, NIRC)
same is true even if the CIR is 3. Tax lien (sec. 219, NIRC)
wrong, if the taxpayer does not 4. Dissolving Corporation (sec. 52c, NIRC)
controvert it (Cagayan Robina Sugar
Milling V. CA) Requisites of a valid assessment:
Reasons: 1. in writing
> lifeblood theory 2. must state the facts and law upon which it is
> presumption of based (Sec. 228)
regularity in the performance of
public functions Assessments Prima facie correct
Tax assessments by tax examiners are presumed
Note: assessments by the BIR must correct and made in good faith. The taxpayer has the
have on its face the law and facts duty to prove otherwise. (Sy Po v. CTA, GRN L-
upon which the presumption is 81446 August 18, 1988.)
Assessment Discretionary on the part of
Since the office of the Commissioner of Internal
Notice of Assessment is a formal letter of Revenue is charged with the administration of
demand where a declaration of deficiency taxes revenue laws, which is the primary responsibility of
is issued to a taxpayer who fails to respond to a the executive branch of the government, mandamus
pre-assessment notice within the prescribed may not lie against the Commissioner to compel him
period of time, or whose reply to the PAN was to impose a tax assessment not found by him to be
found to be without merit. This is commonly due or proper for that would be tantamount to a
known as the Final Assessment Notice. An usurpation of executive functions. (Meralco Securities
assessment contains not only a computation of vs. Savellano, L-36181 and L-36748, Oct. 23, 1992).
under declaration of taxable sales, receipts or
income, OR a substantial overstatement of
deductions Void vs. Illegal Assessment
- - Failure to report sales, receipts, or income An assessment is illegal and void when the assessor
in an amount exceeding 30% of that declared has no power to act at all. It is erroneous when the
per return, and a claim of deductions assessor has the power but errs in the exercise of
exceeding 30% of actual deductions that power.
constitute substantial under declaration or It is settled in our jurisdiction that where an
over declaration. assessment is illegal and void, the remedy of a
- - The state cannot be estopped by the taxpayer, who has already paid the realty tax under
QuickTime and a
neglect of iTtIsFFarea(Ug
s a
) dd
icsseorrs. The rule of
needed to see this picture.
protest, is to sue for refund in the competent court.
estoppel cannot be invoked by the taxpayer On the other hand, where the assessment is merely
in order to preclude the collection of taxes erroneous, his recourse is to file an appeal in the
that is rightfully due the government. Provincial Board of Assessment Appeals within 60
days from receipt of the assessment. (GR L-24213
What Constitutes an Assessment? March 13, 1968)
There is no form for an assessment, it can be
written anywhere as long as it is signed by
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
PRESCRIPTIVE PERIODS FOR THE Fraud must be the product of
ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES a deliberate intent to evade
Rationale taxes (Jalandoni V.
The periods are designated to secure the Republic)
taxpayers against unreasonable investigation Simple statement that return
after the lapse of the period prescribed. They filed was not fraudulent does
are also beneficial to the government not disprove existence of
because tax officers will be obligated to act fraud (Tayengco V.
promptly. Collector)
Substantial under-
declarations of income for six
Rules on Prescription consecutive years
When the tax law itself is silent on demonstrate fraudulence of
prescription, the tax is imprescriptible returns (Perez V. CTA)
When no return is required, tax is Presence of fictitious
imprescriptible expenses, with no evidence
N.B. Remedy of taxpayer is to file a return presented, proves existence
Defense of prescription is waivable of fraud (Tan Guan V. CIR)
Page 79 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
sending of the notice must clearly be proven. 4. when the warrant of distraint or levy is duly
(Basilan Estate v. CIR, 21 SCRA 17). served and no property is located
5. when the taxpayer is out of the Philippines
Amendment of Return (Sec. 223)
If the amended return is substantially
different from the original return, the A Tax Return is Considered Filed for Purposes of
prescriptive period shall be counted from the Starting the Running of the Period of Limitation
filing of the amended return. But the said The return is valid- it has complied
period shall run from the filing of the original substantially with the requirements of the law
return, if the same is sufficiently complete to The return is appropriate- it is a return for the
enable the CIR to make proper assessment ( particular tax required by law.
CIR v. Phoenix Assurance Co.) a defective tax return is the same as if no
Within 3 years from the date of such filing, return was filed at all.
the same may be modified, changed or
amended, provided that no notice for audit or Prescriptive Period for the Violation of Any
investigation of such return, statement, or Provision of the Tax Code (Sec. 281)
declaration has in the meantime been should be filed 5 years from the (1) day of the
actually served upon the taxpayer. commission of the violation of the law, and if
Effect of filing a wrong return: the 10 year the same shall be not known, from the (2)
prescriptive period for cases where returns discovery thereof and the institution of the
are not filed applies. judicial proceedings for its investigation and
punishment (Lim v. CA 190 SCRA 616)
Prescriptive Period for the Collection of Taxes 1. Charge is failure or refusal to pay deficiency
5 years from assessment or within period for income-committed only after the finality of
collection agreed upon in writing before the assessment coupled with the taxpayers
expiration of the 5 year period (Sec 222) willful refusal to pay the taxes within the
10 years after discovery in case of false or allotted period
fraudulent return with intent to evade or failure to 2. Charge is filing of false or fraudulent return
file return, without need for an assessment (Sec with intent to evade the assessment- in
222) addition to the fact of discovery, there must
be a judicial proceedings for the
Prescriptive Period where the Governments investigation and punishment of the tax
Action is on a Bond which the Taxpayer Executes offense before the 5 year prescriptive period
in order to Secure the Payment of his Tax begins to run.
10 years under Art. 1144(1) of the Civil Code WHEN TAX DEEMED COLLECTED:
and not 3 years under the NIRC. In this case 1. By summary remedies when the
the taxpayers failed to pay the installments Government avails of the summary
due despite demand. Hence, the method of distraint and levy
Government sued on the bond which is a procedure
separate and distinct obligation of the parties 2. By judicial remedies by filing a
thereto. The action is for the enforcement of complaint through the proper court
a contractual obligation. (Republic v.
Araneta, GR No. L-14142, May 30, 1961) Note: if the decision of the CIR on
protested assessment is appealed to the
Grounds for Suspension of the Running of the CTA, the collection of tax is considered
Statute of Limitation QuickTime and a begun when the Government filed its
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
1. when the CIR are needed to see this picture.
is prohibited from making the answer to the taxpayers petition for
assessment or beginning the distraint or levy review. (Fernandez Hermanos v. CIR)
or a proceeding in court, and for 60 days
2. when the taxpayer requests for a -Persons instrumental in the discovery of
reconsideration which is granted by the CIR violations of the NIRC and in the discovery and
3. when the taxpayer cannot be located in the seizure of smuggled goods
address given by him in the return, unless he
informs the CIR of any change in his address REQUISITES TO QUALIFY FOR THE REWARD:
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
1. Person is not an internal revenue official or period is optional to the taxpayer. The
employee, public official, or employee or relative relevant supporting documents mentioned in
within the 6 degree of consanguinity the law refers to such documents which the
2. Voluntarily gives definite and sworn information: taxpayer feels would be necessary to support
a. not yet in the possession of the BIR his protest and not what the Commissioner
b. leading to discovery of frauds feels should be submitted, otherwise the
c. resulting in the discovery of revenue, taxpayer would always be at the mercy of the
surcharges and fees, and/or, conviction of BIR which may require production of such
the guilty party documents which taxpayer could not
d. not refer to a case already pending or produce. (Standard Chartered Bank v. CTA,
previously investigated or examined by the Case No. 5696, Aug. 16, 2001)
CIR or his agents or the SOF or his agents A protest is a vital document which is a
formal declaration of resistance of the
Amount of Reward taxpayer. It is a repository of all arguments. It
- - 10% of the revenues, surcharges or fees can be used in court in case of administrative
recovered and/or fine/penalty imposed, or remedies have been exhausted. It is also the
P1,000,000, whichever is LOWER. formal act of the taxpayer questioning the
- - the cash rewards shall be subject to income official actuations of the CIR. This is
tax at the rate of 1-% equivalent to a pleading.
b) Entering into a compromise (Sec. 204)
Status offering rewards must be
liberally construed in favor of CHARACTERISTICS OF A VALID PROTEST:
informers and with regard to the 1. It is made in writing, and addressed to the
purpose for which they are intended, Commissioner of Internal Revenue
with mere technicality yielding to the 2. It contains information as specified in RR12-85
substantive purpose of the law 3. It states the facts, applicable law, rules and
Same amount shall be given if the regulations or jurisprudence on which his protest
offerender offered to compromise is based, otherwise the protest shall be
and such offer has been accepted considered void and without force and effect.
and collected by the CIR 4. It is filed within the period prescribed by law.
If no revenue, surcharge, or fees be
actually collected, such person is not B. After payment of taxes
entitled to a reward a) Claim for refund or tax credit
For discovery and seizure of Within 2 years from the date of payment
SMUGGLED GOODS -> the cash regardless of any supervening cause
reward is 10% of the FMV of the (Sec. 228)
smuggled and confiscated goods, or
P1,000,000, whichever is lower. 2. Judicial Relief
A. Civil Action
a) Appeal to the CTA
PART II. REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO THE within 30 days from receipt of the decision on
TAXPAYER the protest or from the lapse of the 180
General Remedies days inaction of the Commissioner (Sec.
1. Administrative Within the 30 day period to appeal, the
A. Before payment TIFF
of taxe QsuickTime and a
(Uncompressed) decompressor taxpayer mat file several motions for
a) protest of assess etonstee this picture.
are needed reconsideration with the Commissioner
Filing a petition for reconsideration or instead of at once filing his petition for
reinvestigation within 30 days from receipt of review before the CTA. The subsequent
assessment. motion for reconsideration tolls the
Within 60 days from filing, all relevant running of the prescriptive period. The
documents should be filed, otherwise prescriptive period begins to run again
assessment becomes FINAL and cannot be when the taxpayer receives the letter
appealed (Sec 228) denying its request/motion for recon. He
Submission of documents within the 60 days then only has the remainder of the
Page 81 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
original 30-day period to appeal to the of Protest which serves as a Basis for Appeal to
CTA. (Surigao Electric Co. vs. CA, 1974) CTA
A division of the CTA shall hear the appeal. filing by the BIR of a civil suit for collection of
(sec. 11, RA 1125) the deficiency tax (CIR v. Union Shipping
b) Action to contest forfeiture of chattel Corp. 185 SCRA 547)
at any time before the sale or destruction indication to the taxpayer by the
thereof, to recover the same, and upon Commissioner in clear and unequivocal
giving proper bond, enjoin the sale; or language of his final denial. (CIR v. Union
after the sale and within 6 months, an action Shipping Corp)
to recover the net proceeds realized at BIR demand letter reiterating his previous
the sale (Sec 231) demand to pay, sent to taxpayer after his
c) Action for damages protest of the assessment (Surigao Electric
against a revenue officer by reason of any Co. Inc. v. CTA, 57 SCRA 523)
act done in the performance of official duty The actual issuance of a warrant of distraint
(Sec 227) and levy in certain cases cannot be
considered as final decision on a disputed
3. Criminal Action settlement (CIR v. Union Shipping Corp)
a) Against erring BIR officials and employees
b) Injunction Protest of Assessment:
When the CTA in its opinion the 1. File a request for reinvestigation or
collection by the BIR may jeopardize the reconsideration within 30 days from receipt of the
taxpayer. Court may require deposit of assessment
an amount or surety bond for not more request for reinvestigation-
than double the amount a plea for re-evaluation of an assessment
with the enactment of RA 9282, the on the basis of newly discovered or
CTA has now jurisdiction over criminal additional evidence that a taxpayer
cases intends to present in the reinvestigation.
Involves a question of fact or law or both.
Denial of Protest: request for reconsideration-
1. Direct Denial a plea for re-evaluation of the
The decision of the Commissioner or his duly assessment on the basis of existing
rep shall (a) state the facts, applicable law, rules and records without need of additional
regulations or jurisprudence on which his protest is evidence. Involves a question of fact or
based, otherwise the protest shall be considered void law or both. (Revenue Regulation No.
and without force and effect, in which case the same 12-85)
shall not be considered a decision a disputed
assessment and (b) that the same is his final 2. Within 60 days from filing of protest, all relevant
decision. (sec. 3.1.5, RR 12-99) supporting documents should have been
submitted, otherwise, the assessment shall
2. Indirect Denial become FINAL (cannot be appealed). (Sec. 228)
a. Commissioner did not rule on the taxpayers MR of
the assessment it was only when respondent Appeal of Protest to the CTA (Judicial Relief):
received summons on the civil action for the (Sec. 228)
collection of deficiency income tax that the period to 1. Grounds:
appeal commenced to run. (CIR vs. Union Shipping a) if the protest is denied in whole or in part
Corp.) or
QuickTime and a
b. Referral by the Commissdecompressor
TIFF (Uncompressed) ioner of request for b) is not acted upon within 180 days from
are needed to see this picture.
reinvestigation to the Solicitor General (Republic vs. submission of documents
Lim Tian Teng Sons) 2. Appellate Court: Court of Tax Appeals
c. Reiterating the demand for immediate payment of 3. Period to appeal:
the deficiency tax due to taxpayers continued refusal a) within 30 days from receipt of decision
to execute waiver (CIR vs. Ayala Securities Corp.) denying the protest or
d. Preliminary collection letter may serve as b) 30 days from the lapse of 180 day period
assessment notice (United Intl Pictures vs. CIR) 4. Effect of failure to appeal: the decision shall be
final, executory and demandable (NOTE: See
Acts of BIR Commissioner Considered as Denial Lascona doctrine which gives the taxpayer the
Page 82 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
option either to appeal to the CTA or to await the
decision of the CIR.)
If taxpayer is not satisfied with the CTA Divisions Appeal to the SC within 15 days from the receipt of the CTA en banc decision
1. He may first file a motion for recon before the
same division of the CTA within 15 days from notice FILING OF CLAIM FOR TAX REFUND OR TAX
thereof. (sec. 11, RA1125) CREDIT
2. Then, a party adversely affected by a resolution of Parties Entitled to Refund
a division of the CTA on a motion for recon may file a
petition for review with the CTA en banc. (sec. 18, RA GR: The person entitled to ask for a refund is the
1125) taxpayer who paid the same
Page 83 of 145
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
period for instituting a judicial action main tax required to be paid. It is not a
criminal penalty but a civil administrative
TITLE IX. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS sanction provided primarily as safeguard for
the protection of the State revenue and to
Examination and inspection of all books and reimburse the government for the expenses
records shall be made only once in a taxable of investigation and the loss resulting from
year, EXCEPT: the taxpayers fraud. A surcharge added to
the main tax is subject to interest.
1. Fraud, irregularity or mistakes, as determined by
the Commissioner
2. The taxpayer requests reinvestigation. General Provisions
3. Verification of compliance with withholding tax laws 1)The additions to the tax or deficiency tax apply
and regulations to all taxes, fees and charges imposed in this
4. Verification of capital gains tax liabilities Code.
5. In the exercise of the Commissioners power to 2)The amount so added to the tax shall be
issue an access letter. (sec. 235) collected at the same time, in the same
manner and as part of the tax.
Every person subject to any internal revenue tax 3)If the withholding agent is the Government or
shall register once with the appropriate Revenue any of its agencies, political subdivisions or
District Officer: instrumentalities, or a government-owned or -
- Within ten days from date of employment, or controlled corporation, the employee
- On or before the commencement of responsible for the withholding and
business, or remittance of the tax shall be personally
- Before payment of any tax due, or liable for the additions to the tax.
- Upon filing of a return, statement or 4)The term person, includes an officer or
declaration as required under the Code (sec. employee of a corporation who as such
236) officer, employee or member is under a duty
to perform the act in respect of which the
violation occurs.
Non-Retroactivity of Rulings (Sec. 246, NIRC)
Any revocation, modification or reversal of any of Additions to Tax
the rules and regulations promulgated in accordance 1. Civil Penalties (Sec. 248)
with the preceding Sections or any of the rulings or A) Penalty: 25% of the amount due, in addition to
circulars promulgated by the Commissioner shall not the tax required to be paid.
be given retroactive application if the revocation, In case of the following: RIDT (lets get RID of
modification or reversal will be prejudicial to the Tax)
taxpayers, except in the following cases: a) Failure to file any Return and pay the tax
(a) Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or on the date prescribed; or
omits material facts from his return or any document b) Filing a return with an Internal revenue
required of him by the BIR; officer other than those with whom the
(b) Where the facts subsequently gathered by return is required to be filed, unless
the BIR are materially different from the facts on otherwise authorized by the
which the ruling is based; or Commissioner; or
(c) Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith. c) Failure to pay the Deficiency tax within
the time prescribed for its payment in the
notice of assessment; or
d) Failure to pay on or before the date
QuickTime and a prescribed for its payment:
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
re N
neS TtoOseeTthHis E
eded pictT
. X 1. the full or part of the amount of
(Sec. 247-252) Tax shown on any return
required to be filed;
Definitions 2. the full amount of tax due for
Increments to the basic tax incident due to which no return is required to be
the taxpayers non-compliance with certain filed.
legal requirements.
Surcharge, defined. A surcharge is a civil B) Penalty: 50% of the tax or of the deficiency
penalty imposed by law as an addition to the tax, in case any payment has been made on the
Page 86 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
basis of a return before the discovery of the of funds that rightfully should be in the
falsity or fraud. government's hands
In case of: [ FiFa ]
a)Willful neglect to File the return within Interest on Extended Payment.
the period prescribed; or 1) any person who is qualified and elects to
b)False or fraudulent return is willfully pay the tax on installment but fails to pay
made, in case any payment has the tax, or any installment, or any part on
been made on the basis of such or before the date prescribed; or
return before the discovery of the 2) where the Commissioner has authorized
falsity or fraud. an extension of time within which to pay
Prima facie evidence of a false or a tax or a deficiency tax or any part
fraudulent return as determined by the thereof,
Commissioner pursuant to the rules and 3) from the date of notice and demand until
regulations promulgated by the Sec. of it is paid.
1. substantial under declaration of 3. Failure to File Certain Information Returns
taxable sales, receipts or income (Sec. 250)
- failure to report sales, receipts A) Penalty: P 1,000 for each failure
or income in an amount B) The aggregate amount for all such failure
exceeding 30% of that declared shall not exceed P 25,000 during a
per return calendar year
2. substantial overstatement of C) Upon notice and demand by the
deductions - claim of deductions Commissioner
in an amount exceeding 30% of D) Unless it is shown that such failure is due
actual deductions to reasonable cause and not to willful
2. Interest (Sec. 249) In the case of each failure to
A) There shall be assessed and collected an file:
Interest at 20% per annum on any unpaid 1) information return;
amount of tax 2) statement or list;
B) OR higher rate prescribed by rules and 3) keep any record;
regulations from the date prescribed for 4) supply any information
payment until the amount is fully paid. E) required by this Code or by the
C) FROM the date prescribed for its payment Commissioner on the date prescribed
until the full payment. thereof.
(a) Deficiency Interest in the tax due
(b) Delinquency Interest. - In case of failure
to pay: 4. Failure of a Withholding Agent to Collect and
1. tax due on any return required to be Remit Tax (Sec. 251)
filed, or A) Penalty: Amount of the tax not withheld, or
2. tax due for which no return is not accounted for and remitted plus other
required, or penalties.
3. A deficiency tax, or any surcharge or B) Liable only upon conviction
interest thereon on the due date In case of the following:
appearing in the notice and 1. Any person required to withhold,
demand of the Commissioner. account for, and remit any tax; or
QuickTime and a 2. Who willfully fails to withhold such
D) Interest shall TIFFform part odecompressor
(Uncompressed) f the tax.
are needed to see this picture.
tax, or account for and remit such
Bureau of Internal Revenue Ruling #019-2003 tax; or
Pursuant to Section 249 of the 1997 Tax Code, 3. Aids or abets in any manner to evade
the imposition of interest on delinquency is any such tax or the payment thereof,
mandatory. (Jamora vs. Meer, 74 Phil. 22) The
imposition of interest is but a just compensation 5. Failure of a Withholding Agent to Refund
to the state for the delay in the payment of the Excess Withholding Tax. (Sec.252)
tax, and for the concomitant use by the taxpayer Penalty: Amount of refund which was not
Page 87 of 145
Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
refunded to the employee resulting from any 1. Willful attempt to evade or defeat tax.
excess of the amount withheld over the tax 2. Failure to file return, supply correct and
actually due on their return plus other accurate information, pay tax, withhold and
penalties in case any employer/withholding remit tax and refund excess taxes withheld
agent fails or refuses to refund excess on compensation.
withholding tax. 3. Penal liability of corporation.
4. Penal liability for making false entries,
CHAPTER II- CRIMES, OTHER OFFENSES AND records, or reports, or using falsified or fake
FORFEITURES accountable forms.
5. Unlawful pursuit of business.
A. General Provisions (Sec. 253) 6. Illegal collection of foreign payments.
1. Any person convicted of a crime under this 7. Unlawful possession of cigarette paper in
Code is liable for the payment of the tax and bobbins or rolls, etc.
is subject to the penalties imposed herein. 8. Unlawful use of denatured alcohol.
2. Payment of the tax due after apprehension is 9. Shipment or removal of liquor or tobacco
not a valid defense in any prosecution for products under false name or brand or as an
violation of any provision of this Code or in imitation of any existing or otherwise known
any action for the forfeiture of untaxed product name or brand.
articles. 10. Unlawful possession or removal of articles
3. A person is liable in the same manner as the subject to excise tax without payment of the
principal when he: tax.
a) willfully aids or abets in the commission 11. Failure or refusal to issue receipts or sales or
of a crime penalized herein or commercial invoices, violations related to the
b) causes the commission of any such printing of such receipts or invoices and other
offense by another. violations.
4. If the offender is not a citizen of the 12. Offenses relating to stamps.
Philippines: 13. Failure to obey summons.
a) he shall serve the sentence; and 14. Declarations under penalties of perjury.
b) Deported immediately after serving the
sentence without further proceedings D. Other crimes and offenses
for deportation. 1. Misdeclaration or misrepresentation of
5. If he is a public officer or employee: manufacturers subject to excise tax.
a) the maximum penalty prescribed for 2. Forfeiture of property used in unlicensed
the offense shall be imposed; and business or dies used for printing false
b) he shall be dismissed from the public stamps, etc.
service and perpetually disqualified 3. Forfeiture of goods illegally stored or
from holding any public office, to vote removed.
and to participate in any election.
6. If the offender is a Certified Public Attempt to Evade or Defeat Tax. (Sec. 254)
Accountant, his certificate as a Certified Penalty, upon conviction:
Public Accountant shall, upon conviction, be Fine - P30,000 or 100,000; and
automatically revoked or cancelled. Imprisonment - 2 to 4 years;
7. In the case of associations, partnerships or Plus other penalties
corporations, the penalty shall be imposed on Who is liable: Any person who willfully
the partner, president, general manager, attempts in any manner to evade or defeat
branch manager, treasurer, officer-in-charge, any tax or the payment thereof.
and employees reQsupickoTinmseibalned afor the violation.
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor The conviction or acquittal obtained under
8. The fines to abreeneeidm
ed p tooseseethd
is pifco
turre. any violation of
this Section shall not be a bar to the filing
the provisions of this Code shall: of a civil suit for the collection of taxes.
a) not be lower than the fines imposed
herein or Failure to File Return, Supply Correct and
b) twice the amount of taxes, interests Accurate Information, Pay Tax, Withhold and
and surcharges due from the taxpayer, Remit Tax and Refund Excess Taxes Withheld on
whichever is higher. Compensation. (Sec. 264)
Page 88 of 145
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Obligations Accountable Forms (Sec. 257)
Penalty, upon conviction:
o Fine - P10,000 or more; and Penalty, upon conviction for each act or
o Imprisonment - 1 to 10 years; omission:
o Plus other penalties Fine - P50,000 - 100,000; and
Person liable: Any person required: Imprisonment - 2 to 6 years;
1. to pay any tax, Special Penalties
2. make a return, 1) If Offender is a Certified
3. keep any record, or Public Accountant, his
4. supply correct and accurate certificate shall be
information, automatically revoked or
Nature of Offense: Willful failure to cancelled upon conviction.
1. pay tax, 2) In the case of foreigners,
2. make a return, conviction under this Code
3. keep the record, shall result in his immediate
4. supply such correct and accurate deportation after serving
information, sentence, without further
5. withhold or remit taxes withheld, proceedings for deportation.
6. refund taxes withheld on
compensation, at the time or Who is liable:
times required. Any financial officer or
Independent Certified Public
Crime 2: Withdrawal of Returns Filed Accountant engaged to examine and
Penalty, upon conviction: audit books of accounts of taxpayers
o Fine - P10,000 - 20,000; and under Sec.232 (A)
o Imprisonment - 1 to 3 years; Any person under his direction.
o Plus other penalties
Person liable: Any person who: Offense: FVC
o attempts to make it appear for any 1) Willfully Falsifies any report
reason that he or another has in fact or statement bearing on any
filed a return or statement, or examination or audit
o actually files a return or statement 2) Renders a report, including
and subsequently withdraws the exhibits, statements,
same return or statement after schedules or other forms of
securing the official receiving seal or
accountancy work which has
stamp of receipt of an internal
not been Verified by him
revenue office wherein the same was
personally or under his
actually filed.
supervision or by a member
of his firm or by a member of
Penal Liability of Corporations (Sec 256)
his staff in accordance with
sound auditing practices, or
Penalty, upon conviction: Fine - P50,000 - 3) Certifies financial statements
100,000 of a business enterprise
o In addition to the penalties containing an essential
imposed upon the responsible misstatement of facts or
corporate officers, partners, or
QuickTime and a omission in respect of the
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture. transactions, taxable income,
Who is liable: Any of the following liable deduction and exemption of
for any of the acts or omissions penalized his client; or
under this Code.
1. corporation, E. Prescription of Actions
2. association or
All violations of any provision of the Code
3. general co-partnerships
shall prescribe after five (5) years
Penal Liability for Making False Entries. Records
or Reports, or Using Falsified or Fake
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2. 50% share in collections for the ff: (2 par., Sec. other impositions shall in no case be Left to any
283, NIRC) private person;
a) VAT on sale of goods or properties under Sec. (d) The revenue collected shall Inure solely to the
106, NIRC benefit of the local government unit levying the
b) VAT on sale of services and use or lease or tax, fee, charge or other imposition unless
properties under Sec. 108, NIRC otherwise specifically provided herein; and,
c) Percentage taxes under Sec. 116, NIRC (e) Each local government unit shall, as far as
practicable, evolve a Progressive system of
taxation. (Sec. 130)
I. Power to Create Sources of Revenue
IV. Local Taxing Authority
The power to impose a tax, fee or charge or to
1. create its own sources of revenue and
generate revenue is exercised by the Sanggunian of
2. levy taxes, fees, and charges subject to the
the LGU concerned through an appropriate
provisions herein, consistent with the basic policy
ordinance. (Sec. 132)
of local autonomy. (Sec. 129)
The local chief executive may veto any ordinance of
Such taxes, fees, and charges shall accrue
the sangguniang panlalawigan, panlungsod or bayan
exclusively to the local government units. (NOTE: As
on the ground that it is ultra vires or prejudicial to the
distinguished from internal revenue taxes which do
public welfare, stating his reasons therefore in
not accrue exclusively to the national government but
writing. The local chief executive, except punong
are shared to the local governments in the form of
barangay, may veto any particular item of an
internal revenue allotments. See Title XI, NIRC of
appropriations ordinance. (sec. 132 LGC)
He may only veto an ordinance or resolution only
II. Nature of the Taxing Power of Local once. The sanggunian may override his veto by two-
Government Units (LGUs)
thirds vote of all its members, thereby making the
ordinance effective even without the approval of the
1. not inherent
local chief executive concerned.
2. exercised only if delegated to them by law or
Constitution V. Power to Prescribe Penalties for Tax
3. not absolute subject to limitations provided for by Violations and Limitations Thereon
1. The Sanggunian is authorized to prescribe fines or
other penalties for violations of tax ordinances
III. Fundamental Principles
a. in no case shall fines be less than
P1,000 nor more than P5,000
The fundamental principles governing the exercise of
b. nor shall the imprisonment be less than
the taxing and other revenue-raising powers of LGUs
one month nor more than six months
are [ U(EPuJul)LIP ]:
2. Such fine or other penalty shall be imposed at the
discretion of the court.
(a) Taxation shall be Uniform in each local
3. The Sanggunian Barangay may prescribe a fine of
government unit;
not less than P100 nor more than P1000.
(b) Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall
Power to Adjust Local Tax Rate (Sec. 191 LGC)
1) be Equitable and based as far as
- LGUs are authorized to adjust the tax
practicable onQuickTime
the taxpayer's ability to
and a rates as prescribed herein not oftener
pay; TIFFare(Uncompressed) decompressor
needed to see this picture. than once every 5 years, and in no case
2) be levied and collected only for Public
shall such adjustment exceed 10% of the
rates fixed under the LGC.
3) not be unJust, excessive, oppressive, or
Power to Grant Local Exemptions (Sec. 192 LGC)
4) not be contrary to Law, public policy,
- LGUs, may through ordinances duly
national economic policy, or in the
approved, grant tax exemptions,
restraint of trade;
incentives or reliefs under such terms and
(c) The collection of local taxes, fees, charges and
conditions, as they may deem necessary.
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d. Any grant to a type or kind of business
Tax Exemptions existing before the Effectivity of shall apply to all businesses similarly
the LGC: situated.
Unless otherwise provided by the LGC, tax
exemptions or incentives granted to, or presently Levying of Local Taxes (Local Tax Ordinance)
enjoyed by all persons, whether natural or juridical, REQUISITES:
including GOCCs are hereby withdrawn upon the 1. the procedure applicable to local govt ordinances
effectivity of the LGC except the ff: in general should be observed. (Sec. 187, LGC)
1. local water districts, 2. Procedural details (Secs. 54, 55, and 59 LGC):
2. cooperatives duly registered under RA 6938, a. necessity of quorum
non-stock and non-profit hospitals and b. submission for approval by the local chief
3. educational institutions. executive
c. the matter of veto and overriding the same
Tax Exemptions not applicable to Regulatory d. the publication and affectivity
Fees 3. Public hearings are required before any local tax
The power to grant tax exemptions, tax ordinance is enacted (Sec. 187, LGC)
incentives and tax reliefs shall not apply to regulatory
fees which are levied under the police power of the Within 10 days after their approval, publication
LGU. in full for 3 consecutive days in a newspaper of
general circulation. In absence of such newspaper in
Tax Exemption Certificate: the province, city or municipality, then the ordinance
Tax exemptions shall be conferred through may be posted in at least two conspicuous and
the issuance of a non-transferable tax exemption publicly accessible places (Sec. 189 LGC)
Residual Taxing Powers of the LGU (Sec. 186
Guidelines for the Granting of Tax Exemptions, LGC)
Tax Incentives and Tax Reliefs (Art. 282 [B], Rules
and Regulations Implementing the LGC) To levy taxes, fees or charges on any base or subject
1. On the grant of tax exemptions or tax reliefs: a. specifically enumerated in LGC
a. the same may be granted in cases of b. taxed under the provisions of the NIRC,
natural calamities, civil disturbance, general as amended
failure of crops, or adverse economic c. other applicable laws.
conditions such as substantial decrease in
prices or agricultural or agri-based products. Conditions:
b. The grant shall be through an ordinance. a. That the taxes, fees or charges shall not
c. Any exemption or relief granted to a type be unjust, excessive, oppressive,
or kind of business shall apply to all business confiscatory or contrary to declared national
similarly situated. policy.
d. The same shall take effect only during the b. The ordinance levying such taxes, fees or
next calendar year for a period not exceeding charges shall not be enacted without any
12 months as may be provided by the prior public hearing conducted for the
ordinance. purpose.
e. In the case of shared revenue, the
exemption or relief shall only extend to the Limitations of the Residual Power
LGU granting such exemption or relief. 1. Constitutional limitations on taxing power
QuickTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor 2. Common limitations prescribed in Sec. 133 of
2. On the grant of taxareinnecedeednttoivseee tshis picture. LGC
a. The same shall be granted only to new 3. Fundamental principles governing the exercise of
investments in the locality and the ordinance the taxing power of the LGUs prescribed under Sec.
shall prescribe the terms and conditions 130 of the LGC
therefore. 4. The ordinance levying such residual taxes shall
b. The grant shall be for a definite period of not be enacted without any prior public hearing
not exceeding 1 calendar year. conducted for the purpose and
c. The grant shall be by ordinance passed 5. The principle of preemption.
prior to the 1 day of January of any year.
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Principle of Preemption or Exclusion (e) Taxes, fees, and charges and other impositions
Where the national govt elects to tax a upon goods carried into or out of, or passing
particular area, it impliedly withholds from the local through, the territorial jurisdictions of local
govt the delegated power to tax the same field. This government units in the guise of charges for
doctrine principally rests on the intention of wharfage, tolls for bridges or otherwise,
Congress. (f) Taxes, fees or charges on Agricultural and
aquatic products when sold by marginal farmers
or fishermen;
Excluded impositions pursuant to the doctrine of (g) Taxes on business enterprises certified to by the
preemption) Board of Investments as pioneer or non-pioneer
1. Taxes which are levied under the NIRC, unless for a period of 6 and 4 years, respectively from
otherwise provided by LGC of 1991; the date of registration;
2. Taxes, fees, etc. which are imposed under the (h) Excise taxes on articles enumerated under the
TCC; national Internal Revenue Code, as amended,
3. Taxes, fees, etc. the imposition of which and taxes, fees or charges on petroleum
contravenes existing govtal policies or which violates products;
the fundamental principles of taxation; (i) Percentage or VAT on sales, barters or
4. Taxes, fees and other charges imposed under exchanges or similar transactions on goods or
special law. services except as otherwise provided;
(j) Taxes on the gross receipts of Transportation
Local Tax Ordinance: contractors and persons engaged in the
Requirements transportation of passengers or freight by hire
1. Satisfy the requirements of procedural and and common carriers by air, land or water, except
substantive due process; as provided in the Code;
2. Public hearing is required with quorum, (k) Taxes on premiums paid by way of Reinsurance
voting and approval and/or veto requirements or retrocession;
complied with; (l) Taxes, fees or charges for the registration of
3. Publication of ordinance within 10 days from motor vehicles and for the issuance of all kinds of
approval for 3 consecutive days in a Licenses or permits for the driving thereof, except
newspaper of general circulation and/or tricycles;
posting in at least 2 conspicuous and publicly (m) Taxes, fees, or other charges on Philippine
accessible places. products actually Exported, except as otherwise
VI. COMMON LIMITATIONS ON THE TAXING (n) Taxes, fees, or charges, on Countryside and
POWERS OF LGUS Barangay Business Enterprises and cooperatives
duly registered under R.A. 6810 and R.A. 6938
LGUs CANNOT LEVY: [ IDECTA_BEV_TRELEBI ] (Cooperative Code of the Philippines); and
or CADET-VIBE-LIBERTE' (o) Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the
(a) Income tax, except on banks and other financial National Government, its agencies and
institutions; Instrumentalities, and local government units.
(NOTE: Since income tax is already imposed
by the National Government under NIRC, Classification of Common Limitations
LGUs cannot impose the same even on 1. Taxes which are levied under the NIRC unless
banks and other financial institutions. The otherwise provided by the LGC
exception is referring to the percentage tax *a, b, c, h, I, j
on banks specified income.) 2. Taxes, fees, etc. which are imposed under the
(b) Documentary stamp taQuxic;kTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
(c) Estate Tax, inheraitreanneecdeed,togseifettshi,s pliectugrea. cies and other *d
acquisitions mortis causa, except as otherwise 3. Taxes, fees and charges where the imposition of
provided; which contravenes existing govtal policies or which
(d) Customs duties, registration fees of vessel and are violative of the fundamental principles of taxation
wharfage on wharves, tonnage dues, and all *e, f, g, k, m, n, s
other kinds of customs fees, charges and dues, 4. Taxes, fees and charges imposed under special
except wharfage on wharves constructed and laws.
maintained by the local government unit *l
concerned; Provinces (see chart)
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Provinces (refers to Local Govt. Provisions on Tax)
QuickTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
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requiring government examination. panlalawigan may of this tax. Provided, After payment he/she shall
To be paid on or before the 31 day determine but shall in be entitled to practice his/her
of January. Any person first no case exceed profession in any part of the Phils.
beginning to practice a profession P300.00. w/out being subjected to any other
after the month of January must, national or local tax, license, or fee
however, pay the full tax before for the practice of the profession.
engaging therein.
Amusement Tax. The province may Not more than 30% of The holding of operas, Sangguniang panlalawigan may
levy an amusement tax to be the gross receipts from concerts, dramas, recitals, prescribe the time, manner, terms and
collected from the proprietors, admission fees. painting and art conditions for the payment of tax. In
lessees, or operators of theaters, exhibitions, flower shows, case of fraud or failure to pay, the
cinemas, concert halls, circuses, musical programs, literary sangguniang panlalawigan may impose
boxing stadia, and other places of and oratorical surcharges, interest and penalties. The
amusement presentations, except proceeds from the amusement tax shall
pop, rock, or similar be shared equally by the province and
concerts shall be exempt. the municipality where such
amusement places are located.
Annual Fixed Tax For Every Delivery Amount not exceeding
Truck or Van of Manufacturers or P500.00.
Producers, Wholesalers of, Dealers,
or Retailers in, Certain Products.
The province may levy an annual
fixed tax for every truck or any
vehicle used by manufacturers,
producers, wholesalers, dealers or
retailers in the delivery of distilled
spirits, soft drinks, cigars and
cigarettes, and other products as
may be determined by the
sanggunian, to sales outlets, or
consumers, whether dQiurerice
TIFF (Uncomp
im y andoar
indirectly, within the pare
vinceto.see this picture. or
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
B. MUNICIPALITIES schedule of graduated tax rates but in no
case shall exceed the rates prescribed in the
SCOPE: Municipalities may levy taxes, fees and LGC.
charges not otherwise levied by provinces. (sec. 142,
LGC) The tax is payable for every separate or
Tax on Business distinct establishment or place where
business is conducted. (Sec. 146)
The municipality may impose taxes on the following:
a. On manufacturers, assemblers, repackers, The municipality may impose and collect
processors, brewers, distillers, rectifiers, and such reasonable fees and charges on
compounders of liquors, distilled spirits, and business and occupation except professional
wines or manufacturers of any article of taxes reserved for provinces. (Sec 147)
commerce of whatever kind or nature.
b. On wholesalers, distributors, or dealers in any SPECIFIC:
article of commerce of whatever kind or nature. Municipalities may im pose such reasonable
c. On exporters, and on manufacturers, millers, rates for the sealing and licensing of weights
producers, wholesalers, distributors, dealers or and measures as shall be prescribed by the
retailers of the following essential commodities sangguniang bayan.
(where the rate prescribed is only of the
regular rate [Sec. 143 par. c, LGC]) Municipalities shall have the exclusive
authority to grant fishery privileges in the
(RW CLAPS C): municipal waters. The sanggunian may:
1. Rice and corn;
2. Wheat or cassava flour, meat, dairy a) Grant fishery privileges to erect fish
products, locally manufactured, corrals, oysters, or other aquatic beds or
processed or preserved food, sugar, salt bangus fry areas
and other agricultural, marine, and fresh 1. Duly registered organizations and
water products, whether in their original cooperatives of marginal fishermen
state or not; shall have the preferential right;
3. Cooking oil and cooking gas; 2. The sanggunian may require a public
bidding pursuant to an ordinance for
the grant of such privilege;
4. Laundry soap, detergents, and medicine; 3. Absent of such orgs. and coops or
5. Agricultural implements, equipment and their failure to exercise their
post-harvest facilities, fertilizers, preferential right, other parties may
pesticides and other farm inputs; participate in the public bidding
6. Poultry feeds and other animal feeds;
7. School supplies; and b) Grant the privilege to gather, take or
8. Cement. catch bangus fry, prawn fry or fry of other
d. On retailers species and fish from the municipal
e. On contractors and other independent waters by nets or other fishing gears to
contractors marginal fishermen free of rental or fee
f. On banks and other financial institutions,
g. On peddlers engaged in the sale of any c) Issue licenses for the operation of fishing
merchandise or article of commerce vessels of three (3) tons or less. (Sec.
h. On any business, which the sanggunian 149)
concerned may deeQm uickTim peroapndear to tax.
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
businesses subjeacretneteodedthtoeseeethxiscpiicstuere,. value-added or Payment of Business Taxes:
percentage tax, the tax rate shall not exceed 2% a. It shall be payable for every separate or
of gross sales of the preceding calendar year. distinct establishment or place where the
business subject to the tax is conducted and
Rates of Tax within the Metropolitan Manila one line of business does not become
Area shall not exceed by 50% the maximum exempt by being conducted with some other
rates prescribed for a-h. (Sec. 144) business for which such tax has been paid.
b. The tax on a business must be paid by the
The sanggunian concerned may prescribe a person conducting the same.
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
c. In cases where a person conducts or municipality where the principal office is
operates 2 or more of the businesses located; and
mentioned in Section 143 of LGC
a. Which are subject to the same rate 70% of all sales recorded in the principal
of tax, the tax shall be computed on office shall be taxable by the city or
the combined total gross sales or municipality where the factory, project office,
receipts of the said 2 or more related plant, or plantation is located.
b. Which are subject to different rates Rule 4: Where the plantation located at a place other
of tax, the gross sales or receipts of than the place where the factory is located, the above
each business shall be separately mentioned 70% shall be divided as follows:
reported for the purpose of 60% to the city or
computing the tax due from each municipality where the
business. factory is located; and
40% to the city or
VII. Situs of Local Taxation municipality where the
Situs According to the Cases: plantation is located.
Excise Tax not dependent on the domicile of the Rule 5: Where there are 2 or more factories, project
taxpayer, but on the place in which the act is offices, plants, or plantations located in different
performed or the occupation is engaged in; not upon localities, the above mentioned 70% shall be prorated
the location of the office, but the place where the among the localities where the factories, project
place is perfected. (Allied Thread Co., Inc. v. City offices, plants, and plantations are located in
Mayor of Manila, L-40296) proportion to their respective volumes of production
during the period for which the tax is due. (Sec. 150)
Sales Tax it is the place of the consummation of the
sale, associated with the delivery of the things which NOTE: In case of manufacturers or producers which
are the subject matter of the contract that determines engage the services of an independent contractor to
the situs of the contract for purposes of taxation, and produce or manufacture some of their products,
not merely the place of the perfection of the contract. these rules shall apply except that the factory or plant
(Shell Co., Inc. v. Municipality of Sipocot, Camarines and warehouse of the contractor utilized for the
Sur, 105 Phil 1263) production and storage of the manufacturers
products shall be considered as the factory or plant
SITUS ACCORDING TO SECTION 150, LGC and warehouse of the manufacturer. (IRR)
Rule 1: For purposes of collection of the taxes under The city or municipality where the port of loading is
Section 143 (tax on business), businesses located shall not levy and collect reasonable fees
maintaining or operating branch or sales outlet unless the exporter maintains in said city or
elsewhere shall record the sale in the branch or sales municipality its principal office, a branch, sales office,
outlet making the sale or transaction, and the tax or warehouse, factory, plant or plantation in which
thereon shall accrue and shall be paid to the case, the rule on the matter shall apply accordingly.
municipality where such branch or sales outlet is (IRR)
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
tax on ANY business not otherwise specified in the of the tolls, and thereafter the said facility shall be
LGC or the IRR, at rates not exceeding 3% of the free and open for public use.
gross sales or recipts of the preceding calendar year.
IX. Community Tax
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Taxation Law Summer Reviewer
COLLECTION OF LOCAL REVENUES BY THE NOTE: Where the proceeds of the sale are
TREASURER (sec. 170, LGC) insufficient to satisfy the claim, other properties may
All local taxes, fees and charges shall be be distrained.
collected by the provincisl, city, municipal or
barangay treasurer, or their duly authorized deputies. ii. Levy
The provincial, city or municipal treasurer may delinquency
designate the barangay treasurer or his deputy to
collect local taxes, fees or charges. In case a bond is
required for the purpose, the provincial, city or levy of real property before,
municipal government shall pay premiums thereon in simultaneous or after distraint
addition to the premiums of the bond that may be of personal property belonging
required under the Code. to delinquent taxpayer
than a mere replacement of parts involving capital microcomputers, facsimile machines, telex
expenditures and labor. machine, cash dispensers, furnitures and
fixtures, freezers, refrigerators, display cases or
I. CHARACTERISTIC OF REAL PROPERTY TAX: racks, fruit juice or beverage automatic
[LIPAD] dispensing machines which are not directly and
1. Direct tax on the ownership of real property exclusively used to meet the needs of a
2. Ad Valorem tax. The value is based on the tax particular industry, business or activity shall not
base be considered within the definition of
3. Proportion - the tax is calculated on the basis of a machinery. (Sec. 290 [o], IRR of RA 7160)
certain percentage of the value assessed
4. Indivisible single obligation III. CLASSIFICATION OF LAND for purposes of
5. Local Tax assessment - Sec 218 (a) [CARMITS]
1. Commercial
PROPERTY TAX 3. Residential
According to the Local Government Code, Real 4. Mineral
Property liable for Real Prop tax are: 5. Industrial
1. Land, 6. Timberland
2. Buildings 7. Special
3. Machinery and Classification of lands made by respective
4. Other improvements not otherwise exempted sanggunian in accordance with zoning
under said code (Sec 232, LGC) ordinances and
It is based on actual use.
Note: Although the term real property has not been
expressly defined in the LGC, early decisions of the IV. SPECIAL CLASSES OF REAL PROPERTY (Sec
Supreme Court in Mindanao Bus Co. v City Assessor 216, LGC) [HCS LG]
of Cagayan de Oro, 6 SCRA `97; Board of 1. HOSPITALS
Assessment Appeals v Meralco, 119 PHIL 328; 2. CULTURAL and SCIENTIFIC purposes
Manila Electric Co. v Board of Assessment Appeals, 3. owned and used by LOCAL WATER
10 SCRA 68) seem to suggest that Art 415 of the DISTRICTS
Civil Code could also be controlling. 4. GOCCs rendering essential public services in
Real property includes machinery as defined by the supply and distribution of water and/or
the LGC. generation or transmission of electric power.
Machinery embraces machines, equipment, V. PROPERTIES EXEMPT from real property tax
mechanical contrivances, instruments, (Sec. 234) [CWERC]
appliances or apparatus which may or may not 1. Owned by the REPUBLIC of the PHILS or its
be attached, permanently or temporarily, to the political subdivisions
real property. It includes the physical facilities for except: when beneficial use has been
production, the installations and appurtenant granted to a taxable person
service facilities, those which are mobile, self- 2. Charitable institutions, churches,
powered or self-propelled, and those not parsonages, convents thereto, mosques,
permanently attached to the real property which non-profit or religious cemeteries, buildings
are actually, directly, and exclusively used to and improvements actually directly and
meet the needs of the particular industry, exclusively used for religious, charitable or
business or activity QuickTime and which by their very educational purposes.
and a
nature and pTIu 3. Machinery and Equipment actually, directly,
FF o
omepressa r
ed)edecom dpe s
to see this
ogr ned for, or
necessary to its manufacturing, mining, logging, and exclusively used by local Water districts
commercial, industrial or agricultural purposes. and GOCCs engaged in the supply and
(Sec. 199 [o], LGC) distribution of water and/or generation and
transmission of electric power
Machinery which are of general purpose use 4. Real property owned by duly registered
including but not limited to office equipment, Cooperatives under RA 6938
typewriters, telephone equipment, breakable or 5. Machinery & equipment for pollution control
easily damaged containers (glass or cartons), and Environment protection
NOTE: IF FILING FOR EXEMPTION (Sec How to determine Fair Market Value:
WHAT person claiming exemptions must file with 1. Assessor of the province/city or municipality may
assessor sufficient documentary evidence to support summon the owners of the properties to be affected
claim and may take depositions concerning the property, its
WHEN within 30 days from the date of ownership amount, nature and value. (sec. 213,
DECLARATION of property LGC)
2. Assessor prepares a schedule of FMV for different
IF required evidence is not submitted classes of properties
within 30 days, the property will be listed 3. Sanggunian enacts an ordinance
as taxable in the roll 4. The schedule of FMV is published in a newspaper
IF proven to be tax-exempt, property will of general circulation in the province city or
be dropped from the roll municipality concerned or in the absence thereof
shall be posted in the provincial capitol city or
NOTE: IF PROPERTY DECLARED FOR municipal hall places therein (sec.212, LGC)
THE FIRST TIMEQuickTime (Sec. 222) and a
If declared for 1TsIFt Fare(Utineeded
nm ep,ress
com reed)adelcompprerossporerty shall be FOR MACHINERY
to see this picture.
assessed for back taxes 1. For Brand New machinery : FMV is acquisition
a) for not more than 10 yrs prior to the cost
date of initial assessment 2. In all other cases:
b) taxes shall be computed on the basis FMV = Remaining eco. life X Replacement cost
of applicable schedule of values in Estimated eco. life
force during the corresponding
File Written Protest with Local Treasurer b. A certificate of redemption shall be issued,
(within 30 days from payment of tax) and the certificate of sale issued to the
purchaser shall be invalidated.
Treasure QruicD
eidaendsa Remedy against the Assessment/Appeal
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor st
(within 60 dayasre nfereodemd torse
ref. protest) 1 : within 60 days from notice of assessment of
provincial, city or municipal assessor to
Approved Denied (Sec. 226, LGC)
2 : within 30 days from receipt of decision of
LBAA to CBAA (sec. 230, LGC)
3 : within 30 days from receipt of decision of
Apply for Tax Refund Appeal with the LBAA CBAA to CTA en banc
or Tax Credit (in case of denial of protest
RPT may be condoned wholly or partially in a Person refers to any individual, trust, estate,
given LGU when: partnership, corporation, joint venture, cooperative or
a. There is general failure of crops; association
b. There is substantial decrease in the
price of agricultural or agri-based Taxable person refers to any person liable for
products; Qo
uirckTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor payment of VAT, whether registered or registrable in
c. There areins
d lto
ee itthy
accordance with Sec. 236 of the Tax Code
2. By the President of the Philippines VAT-registered person refers to any person who is
When public interest so requires registered as a VAT taxpayer under Sec. 236 of the
Tax Code. His status shall continue until the
cancellation of such registration.
B. Judicial
Taxable sale refers to the sale, barter, exchange
and/or lease of goods or properties, including
o Vat-registered person may apply for the CIR shall grant a TCC/refund for
issuance of a TCC/refund of input tax creditable input taxes within 120 days
attributable to such sales from the date of submission of complete
o Input tax that may be subject of the claim documents in support of the application
shall exclude the portion of input tax that Taxpayer may appeal to the CTA within
has been applied against the output tax 30 days from receipt of said denial
o Application should be filed within 2 If no action on the claim for refund has
years after the close of the taxable been taken by the CIR after the 120 day
quarter when such sales were made period from the date of submission of the
o In case of zero-rated sales: the application with complete documents, the
payments for the sales must have been taxpayer ,may appeal to the CTA within
made in acceptable foreign currency duly 30 days from the laps of the 120-day
accounted for in accordance with the period
BSP rules and regulations 5. Manner of giving refund
o Taxpayer is engaged in both zero-
Refund shall be made upon warrants
rated or effectively zero-rated sales
drawn by the CIR or by his duly
and in taxable or exempt transactions
authorized representative without the
and the amount of creditable input tax
necessity of being countersigned by the
due or paid cannot be directly and
Chairman of COA
entirely attributed to any one of the
transactions: only the proportionate Refunds under this paragraph shall be
share of input taxes allocated to zero- subject to post audit by the COA
rated or effectively zero-rated sales can
be claimed for refund or issuance of a COURT OF TAX APPEALS
o A person engaged in the transport of What is the new law governing the CTA?
passenger and cargo by air or sea RA 9282, an act expanding the jurisdiction of
vessels from the Philippines to a the CTA, and elevating it to the level of the
foreign country: input taxes shall be Court of Appeals
allocated ratably between his zero-rated
sales and non-zero-rated sales. What is the composition of the CTA and how may
2. Cancellation of VAT registration the CTA rule?
Why: due to retirement from or cessation of CTA shall consist of a Presiding Justice and
business, or due to changes in or cessation five (5) Associate Justice
of status under Sec 106(c) of the TAX Code They may rule as follows:
When: within 2 years from the date of 1. En banc
cancellation 2. Sitting in 2 divisions, each division
What: apply for the issuance of a TCC for with 3 justices each
any unused input tax which he may use in
payment of his other internal revenue taxes What is the quorum?
However: shall only be entitled to a refund if The affirmative votes of 4 Justices for
he has no internal revenue tax liabilities sessions En Banc and 2 Justices for
against which the TCC may be utilized sessions of a Division shall be necessary for
3. Where to file the claim for refund/TCC he rendition of a decision or resolution
o Filed with the appropriate BIR office (LTS When the required quorum cannot be
or RDO) having jurisdiction over the constituted, the Presiding Justice shall
principal placeQuo ickfTibusain
me ndeass of the
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor designate any Justice of other Divisions of
taxpayerare needed to see this picture. the court to sit temporarily therein
o Direct exporters: may file their claim for
TCC with the One Stop Shop Center of What is the APPELLATE JURISDICTION OF THE
the DOF CTA?
o Filing of the claim with one office shall The CTA shall exercise exclusive appellate
preclude the filing of the same claim with jurisdiction to review by appeal:
another office 1. Decisions of CIR
4. Period within which refund or TCC of input 2. Inaction of CIR
taxes shall be made
3. The cost of transport of the imported goods from Both of them are directly or indirectly controlled
the port of exportation to the port of entry in the by a
Philippines; third DRAWBACK: It is a device resorted to for
4. Loading, unloading and handling charges pers enabling a commodity affected by taxes to be
associated with the transport of the imported on; exported and sold in foreign markets upon the
goods from the country of exportation to the port Tog same terms as if it had not been taxed at all. (Uy
of entry in the Philippines; and ethe Chiaco Sons vs. Collector of Customs, 24 Phil
5. The cost of insurance. r 562)
directly or indirectly control a third person; or
They are members of the same family, including
those related by affinity or consanguinity up to
the fourth civil degree.
All additions to the price actually paid or
payable shall be made only on the basis of objective Persons who are associated in business with one
and quantifiable data. another in that one is the sole agent, sole distributor
No additions shall be made to the price actually or sole concessionaire, however described, of the
paid or payable in determining the customs value other shall be deemed to be related for the purposes
except as provided in this Section: Provided, That of this Act if they fall within any of the eight (8) cases
Method One shall not be used in determining the above.
dutiable value of imported goods if:
a) There are restrictions as to the disposition or use (B) Method Two. Transaction Value of
of the goods by the buyer other than restrictions Identical Goods. Where the dutiable value cannot
which: be determined under method one, the dutiable value
Are imposed or required by law or by shall be the transaction value of identical goods sold
Philippine authorities; for export to the Philippines and exported at or about
Limit the geographical area in which the the same time as the goods being valued. "Identical
goods may be resold; or goods" shall mean goods which are the same in all
Do not substantially affect the value of the respects, including physical characteristics, quality
goods. and reputation. Minor differences in appearances
b) The sale or price is subject to some condition or shall not preclude goods otherwise conforming to the
consideration for which a value cannot be definition from being regarded as identical.
determined with respect to the goods being
valued; (C) Method Three. Transaction Value of
c) Part of the proceeds of any subsequent resale, Similar Goods. Where the dutiable value cannot
disposal or use of the goods by the buyer will be determined under the preceding method, the
accrue directly or indirectly to the seller, unless dutiable value shall be the transaction value of similar
an appropriate adjustment can be made in goods sold for export to the Philippines and exported
accordance with the provisions hereof; or at or about the same time as the goods being valued.
d) The buyer and the seller are related to one "Similar goods" shall mean goods which, although
another, and such relationship influenced the not alike in all respects, have like characteristics and
price of the goods. Such persons shall be like component materials which enable them to
deemed related if: perform the same functions and to be commercially
They are officers or directors of one anothers interchangeable. The quality of the goods, their
businesses; reputation and the existence of a trademark shall be
They are legally recognized partners in business;
QuickTime and a
among the factors to be considered in determining
There exists an TIFFe(U
m ncplo
om y
pre se
serd-) e
dem pplroesysoer e relationship
are needed to see this picture.
whether goods are similar.
between them; If the dutiable value still cannot be determined
Any person directly or indirectly owns, controls or through the successive application of the two
holds five percent (5%) or more of the immediately preceding methods, the dutiable value
outstanding voting stock or shares of both seller shall be determined under method four or, when the
and buyer; dutiable value still cannot be determined under that
One of them directly or indirectly controls the method, under method five, except that, at the
other; request of the importer, the order of application of
methods four and five shall be reversed: Provided,
however, That if the Commissioner of Customs
including payment records relevant for the verification Availed of when the importation is neither
of the accuracy of the transaction value declared by prohibited nor improperly made.
the importers/customs brokers on the import entry. 2. Administrative Fines and Forfeitures
All brokers are required to keep at their principal Applied when the importation in unlawful;
place of business, in the manner prescribed by And it may be exercised even where the
regulations to be issued by the Commissioner of articles are not or no longer in Customs
Customs and for a period of three (3) years from the custody unless the importation is merely
date of importation copies of the above mentioned attempted in which case it may be
records covering transactions that they handle. effected only while the goods are still
within the Customs jurisdiction or in the
THE TARIFF COMMISSION hands of a person who is aware thereof
(Sec. 2531 & 2530 TCC)
FUNCTION OF THE TARIFF COMMISSIONS Under Sec. 2530 (a) of the TCC, in order
I. Investigative Powers to warrant forfeiture, it is not necessary
a) The administration of and the fiscal and that the vessel or aircraft must itself carry
industrial effects of the tariff and customs the contraband. The complementary if
laws of this country now in force or which collateral use of the Cessna plane for
may hereafter be enacted. smuggling operations is sufficient for it to
b) The relations between the rates of duty on be deemed to have been used in
raw materials and the finished or partly smuggling (Llamado v. Comm. Of
finished products. Customs, 122 SCRA 118)
c) The effects of ad valorem and specific duties 3. Reduction of customs
and of compound specific and ad valorem duties/compromise:
duties. Subject to approval of Sec. of finance
d) All questions relative to the arrangement of (Sec. 709, 2316 TCC)
schedules and classification of articles in the 4. Seizure, Search, Arrest (Sec. 2205, 2210,
several schedules in the tariff law. 2211 TCC)
e) The tariff relations between the Philippines
and other foreign countries commercial II. Judicial
treaties, preferential provisions, economic this remedy is normally availed of when the tax
alliances, the effect of export bounties and lien is lost by the release of the goods
preferential transportation rates.
f) The volume of importations compared with 1. Civil action (Sec. 1204 TCC)
domestic production and consumption; and 2. Criminal action
g) In general, to investigate the operation of
customs and tariff laws, including their REMEDIES OF THE TAXPAYER
relation to the national revenues, their effect
upon the industries and labor of the country I. Administrative
and to submit reports of its investigation as 1. Protest
provided. (Sec. 506, TCC) Any importer or interested party
dissatisfied with published value within
II. Administrative Assistance to the President and 15 days from date of publication, or
Congress (Sec. 506, TCC) within 5 days from the date the importer
is entitled to refund if payment is
Tax Remedies Under the Tariff and Customs rendered erroneous or illegal by events
Code (TCC) occurring after the payment.
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TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
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Taxpayer - within 15 days from
REMEDIES OF THE GOVER NMENT TO EFFECT assessment. Payment under protest is
COLLECTION OF TAXES necessary (Sec. 2308, 2210 TCC)
2. Refund
I. Administrative/Extrajudicial A written claim for refund may be
1. Tax Lien (Sec. 1508, TCC) submitted by the importer in abatement
Attaches on the goods, regardless of cases on missing packages, deficiencies
ownership, while still in the custody or in the contents of packages or shortages
control of the Govt. before arrival of the goods in the
A. An act of any person who shall: Right of Customs Officers to Effect Seizure &
Fraudulently import any article contrary to Arrest
law, or May seize any vessel. Aircraft, cargo,
Assist in so doing, or article, animal or other movable property
Receive, conceal, buy, sell, facilitate or when the same is subject to forfeiture or
transport such article knowing its illegal liable for any time as imposed under tariff
importation (sec. 3601 TCC) and customs laws, rules and regulations.
Export contrary to law (Sec. 3514 TCC) May exercise such powers only in
conformity with the laws and provisions
B. The Philippines is divided into various ports of of the TCC (Sec. 2205)
entry - entry other than port of entry will be
SMUGGLING. Common Carriers, Forfeiture
Common carriers are generally not subject to
forfeiture although if the owner has
Port of Entry: A domestic port open to both
knowledge of its use in smuggling and was a
foreign and coastwise trade including airport of
consenting party, it may also be forfeited.
entry. (Sec. 3514 TCC)
If a motor vehicle is hired to carry smuggled
goods but it has no Certificate of Public
ALL articles imported into the Philippines Convenience (CPC), It is not a common
QuickTime and a
whether subject to ddecompressor
TIFF (Uncompressed) ty or not shall be carrier. It is thus subject to forfeiture and
are needed to see this picture.
entered through a customs house at a port of lack of personal knowledge of the owner or
entry. carrier is not a defense to forfeiture.
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are needed to see this picture.
Pays duties, taxes, etc. Files written protest with ruling of Collector (Sec.
2303, TCC)
Within 15 days from receipt of assessment
No protest considered unless amount due is paid
QuickTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor Assessment final
are needed to see this picture.
If unfavorable, appeal to CTA w/in 30
days from receipt of decision
Assessment final
(Sec. 7, RA 1125)
Type of Income Tax Rate For Rate For Non- Tax Rate For Non-Resident Non-Resident
Resident Citizen Resident Citizen Resident Alien Alien engaged in Alien NOT
(Incl. OCW) trade / business engaged in trade /
Interest from any currency bank 20% Final Tax 20% Final Tax 20% Final Tax 20% Final Tax 25% Final tax
deposit & yield or any other
monetary benefit from deposit
substitutes & from trust funds &
similar arrangements
Royalties (except on books & other
literary works & musical
Prizes > P10,000
Other winnings except PCSO &
Royalties on books & other literary Final Tax of 10% Final Tax of 10% Final Tax of 10% Final Tax of 10% 25% Final tax
works & musical compositions
Prizes < P10,000 Schedular rate Schedular rate Schedular rate Schedular rate 25% Final tax
Winnings from PCSO & Lotto exempt exempt Exempt Exempt 25% Final tax
Interest Income received by an 7.5% Final Tax exempt 7.5% Final Tax Exempt Exempt
individual (except a nonresident
individual) from a depositary bank
under the expanded foreign
currency deposit system QuickTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
Interest income from lotonsee
are needed g thiste
ure. Exempt from tax Exempt from tax Exempt from tax Exempt from tax 25% Final tax
deposit or investment in the form of
savings, common or individual trust
fund, deposit substitutes, investment
management accounts & other
investments evidenced by
certification in such form prescribed
by the BSP
Type of Income Tax Rate For Rate For Non- Tax Rate For Non-Resident Non-Resident
Resident Citizen Resident Citizen Resident Alien Alien engaged in Alien NOT
(Incl. OCW) trade / business engaged in trade /
Pre-termination of such certificate 5% Final tax on 5% Final tax on 5% Final tax on 5% Final tax on N/A
before the 5 year (i.e. 4 years to the entire income the entire income the entire income the entire income
less than 5 years)
3 years to less than 4 years 12% 12% 12% 12% N/A
less than 3 years 20% 20% 20% 20% N/A
Cash and/or Property Dividends 10% Final Tax 10% Final Tax 10% Final Tax 20% Final Tax 25% Final tax
from a domestic corp. or from a joint
stock co., insurance or mutual fund
companies & regional operating
headquarters of multinational
Share of an individual in the
distributable net income after tax of a
partnership (except GPP);
Share of an individual in the net
income after tax of an assn., a joint
account or a joint venture or
consortium taxable as a corp. of w/c
he is a member/co-venturer
Capital gains from sale, barter, 5% Final tax on 5% Final tax on 5% Final tax on 5% Final tax on net 5% Final tax on net
exchange or other disposition of net capital gains net capital gains net capital gains capital gains capital gains
shares of stock (of domestic corp.) realized during the realized during realized during the realized during the realized during the
not traded in the stock exchange taxable yr: the taxable yr: taxable yr: taxable yr: taxable yr:
Type of Income Tax Rate For Rate For Non- Tax Rate For Non-Resident Non-Resident
Resident Citizen Resident Citizen Resident Alien Alien engaged in Alien NOT
(Incl. OCW) trade / business engaged in trade /
Type of Income Domestic Corp Resident Foreign Corp Non-Resident Foreign
Interest on currency bank deposits & yield or any other 20% Final Tax 20% Final Tax 32%/35% Income Tax
monetary benefit form deposit substitutes & from trust funds
& similar arrangement QuickTime and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
Royalties (similar witahrein
edeto P
e tihliisp
. s)
Interest income from a depositary bank under the expanded 7.5% Final Tax 7.5% Final Tax Exempt from tax
foreign currency deposit system (EFCDS)
CG from sale, barter, exchange or other disposition of shares 5% Final tax on net 5% Final tax on net 5% Final tax on net cap.l
of stock (of domestic corp.) not traded in the stock exchange capital gains realized capital gains realized gains realized during the
For the first P100,000 during the taxable yr: during the taxable yr: taxable yr:
On any amount in excess of P100,000 10% 10% 10%
Income derived by depositary bank under the EFCDS from Exempt from Final tax Exempt from Final tax N/A
foreign currency transactions with non-residents, offshore Part of gross income Part of gross income
banking unites in the Philippines, local commercial banks subject to 32/%35% corp. subject to 32%/35%
including branches of foreign banks that may be authorized income tax (RA 9294) corp. income tax (RA
by the BSP to transact business with FCDS units & other 9294)
depositary banks under the EFCDS
Interest income form foreign currency loans granted by such 10% Final Tax 10% Final Tax N/A
depository banks under said EFCDS to RESIDENTS
Inter-corporate dividends (from a domestic corp.) Exempt form tax Exempt form tax 15% Final Tax
* subject to the rule on
tax credit for tax actually
paid and tax deemed
paid. Otherwise, subject
to regular income tax rate
of 32%/35%
CG from sale, exchange or other disposition of lands and/or 6% Final tax on gross 32%/35% income tax 32%/35% income tax
buildings which are not used in the business of a corp. & are selling price or FMV or
treated as capital assets zonal value, whichever is
International Shipping
Gross Phil Billings = gross revenue whether for passenger, cargo or mail originating from the
Philippines. up to final destination, regardless of the place of sale/ payments of passage of freight
Offshore Banking Units Final Tax of 10% on gross income
from transactions with residents
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QuickTime and a
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Advisers: Atty. Serafin Salvador, Atty. Michael Dana Montero, Atty. Gaudencio Mendoza; Head: Julie Ann B. Domino, Juan J. P. Enriquez III;
Understudies: Rachelle T. Sy, Aldwin Mendoza, Timothy John Batan