Vendor Managed Inventory, From Concept To Processes, For An Unified View
Vendor Managed Inventory, From Concept To Processes, For An Unified View
Vendor Managed Inventory, From Concept To Processes, For An Unified View
1 Introduction
Using supply chain collaboration more strategically has become crucial in todays increasingly
demanding business process to create new revenue opportunities, efficiencies and customer loyalty
(Ireland and Crum 2005).
Lack of demand visibility has been identified as an important challenge for the supply chain
management resulting in inefficient capacity utilization, poor product availability and high stock levels
for each partner (Smaros et al., 2003). According to this, increasing the demand visibility on production
and inventory control was a first step to improve this collaboration between members of the supply chain.
In this view, Quick Response (QR) was born in the beginning of the 80s in order to reduce delay needed
to serve the customer in the textile industry. The supplier receives a point of sale data from the customer
and uses this information to synchronize its production. In the beginning of the 90s the Continuous
Replenishment Policy (CRP) was developed: based on consumer demand, the CRP pull system replaces
the historical push systems. Gradually, the sphere of decision of the suppliers is growing until the VMI
transfers the totality of the customers inventory replenishment responsibility to the supplier (Tyan and
Wee, 2002).
To describe the supply chain management, Brindley and Ritchie (2004) emphasize the difference
between the notions of logistics, as the physical and tangible activities, and the relationship building and
management as the behavioral and intangible dimension. Therefore, beyond the tangible short term
replenishment dimension of the VMI, what does implement VMI mean in terms of relationship and tactic
or strategic exchanges?
Furthermore, it clearly appears that the implementation of the process is limited to particular
situations. For example, today VMI is quasi-exclusively synonymous with distribution context. So the
way to extend Distribution-VMI notions to the relationship between industrial partners must be focused
The purpose of this paper is first to clarify the VMI concepts (what clearly is VMI and how can
VMI be concretely implemented in the supply chain) and secondly to deal with the integration of VMI
inside the industrial actors planning processes. Thus, the first part presents a state of art of the VMI,
which enables to propose a global VMI process in a second part. In a third part we propose an integration
of the VMI processes inside actors planning processes. In a last part, we will present conclusion and
future researches.
2 Literature review
2.1 Literature overview
As Disney and Towill (2002) argue, moving to a VMI scenario alters the fundamental structure of
the supply chain ordering. But details of this transformation are not clear. In order to measure the impact
of different Information and Communication Technologies on supply chain dynamics, Disney et al.
(2002) have implemented VMI (and other scenarios) in the Beer Game. The debriefing of the game
clearly underlines the players difficulty to implement the VMI concept and they need for clarification.
In the literature, three main types of contribution can be found: general, case studies and models.
General papers give a general definition of the VMI and the main benefits of its application. Industrial
case studies delimit the scope of the VMI application, its benefits and limits. Finally, modeling papers
propose mathematical models that underline key parameters, called determinants, that impact the VMI
We first analyzed how the term VMI is qualified in the literature. We are interested in the
introductive and descriptive parts of the different papers. It can be noticed that authors use more than four
different words or expressions to qualify VMI in a same article. We found twenty-four expressions used
to qualify VMI (Table 1 in appendix A) that can be organized around five families:
- Concept: these are expressions used in a very large and generic sense.
- Process: these expressions show a functional, a process oriented approach of VMI.
- Cooperation: these expressions emphasize the relationship between partners.
- Cooperative process: this family inherits process and cooperation families.
- Technology: a focus on technologies that support VMI.
After building these families, Appendix A quantifies the use of each expression. For a given
article, figures in percentage associated to a particular expression represent the frequency of apparition of
this expression in proportion to the totality of the expressions used in this article.
Globally, all authors introduce the VMI with general terms, which belong to the concept family.
The process terms are used in a majority of papers, but are less developed. The cooperation and
technology sides are treated in case studies. Modeling papers broach the cooperative process, but each
author develops a particular way to build the cooperative process.
To conclude, the overview of the literature underlines that a general consensus exists around the
concept and the main expectations associated to the VMI. However, authors make their own interpretation
of the integration of the cooperative process.
2.3 Determinants of VMI
Many authors focus their analysis on one or on a limited number of the links between one objective
and the associated determinants. VMI implementation is mostly translated into a backing up of stocks
from the customer to the supplier warehouse (Blatherwick 1998). The supplier has to maintain the
customers inventory level within certain pre-specified limits (Tang 2006) based on a minimum and
maximum range (ODETTE 2004).
Moreover most authors agree to explain the interest of transfer of customers inventory
responsibility from customer to supplier (Dong et al. 2007, Holveg et al. 2005, Kaipia and Tanskanen
2003, Tang 2006, Kuk 2004). With VMI, the customer delegates the ordering and replenishment planning
decisions to the supplier (Tang, 2006).
The supplier bases replenishment decisions on the same information than the one the customer
previously used to make its purchase decisions (Holveg et al. 2005). So, when VMI is implemented, the
supplier has a better vision of the customers demand (Kaipia and Tanskanen 2003). It results in more
accurate sales forecasting methods and more effective distribution of inventory in the supply chain
(Achabal et al. 2000). Production, logistics and transportation costs can be reduced due to coordinated
production and replenishment plans for all customers (Tang 2006). Thanks to a better visibility, the
supplier is able to smooth the peaks and the valleys in the flow of goods (Kaipia and Tanskanen 2003). In
other terms, it reduces the bullwhip effect. Disney and Towill (2003) have demonstrated that VMI can
reduce this effect by 50 % mainly thanks to the visibility of the demand through the in transit and
customers inventory levels. Yao and Dresner (2007) show that information sharing reduces the supplier
safety stock, thereby reducing the average inventory level.
Furthermore, implementing VMI leads the supplier to higher replenishment frequency with smaller
replenishment quantity (Yao et al. 2007, Dong et al. 2007) and so to greater inventory cost saving
(Cetinkaya and Lee 2000). The supplier obtains a new degree of freedom, making decisions on quantity
and timing of replenishment (Rusdiansyah and Tsao 2005). The delivery frequency appears like a
performance lever for the supplier. The effects of transportation disruption impact are less severe when
VMI is used (Wilson 2007).
Figure 1 summarizes the different objectives of the VMI differentiating individual and
collaborative (supply chain) objectives. The link between one determinant and the objective, which
appears just on top, is not exclusive. Each objective inherits all the determinants below.
2.4 Scope of application
VMI has been widely adopted by many industries for years. The classical success story for VMI
implementation is the partnership between Wal-Mart and Procter & Gamble. Some studies show the
difficulties to implement VMI successfully (Tyan and Wee 2002).
Tyan and Wee (2002) particularly study the adoption of VMI by the Taiwanese grocery industry.
This adoption is slow in comparison with western countries. According to the authors, the confidentiality
of information sharing, the risk of loss of control by the customer or the increase of suppliers
administrative costs cause the failure of more than one out of two attempts of implementation. The
reasons are attributed to business culture, complicated logistics flows and complex distribution channels.
First, the Taiwanese grocery industry represents a protective environment with minimal competition from
foreign companies. In that sense, they agree with Dong et al. (2007) who underline the weight of the
market competitiveness in VMI adoption. Secondly, the supply chain is complex (characterized by a large
number of actors and intermediaries for a multi channel retail market).
De Toni and Zamolo (2005) present key characteristics of VMI as short replenishment lead times
and frequent and punctual deliveries that optimize production and transport planning. Furthermore,
according to them, the middle/long term collaboration allows to proportion suppliers production capacity
and to determinate the minimum and maximum customers inventory level. Holveg et al. (2005) explain
that if a supplier does not integrate several information at a tactical planning level, the impact of VMI is
negative. For example, the Bullwhip effect, which theoretically considerably decreases, increases. Dong
et al. (2007) conclude that existing collaborations between the two actors would certainly facilitate the
adoption of the VMI. ODETTE (2004), which presents VMI as a concept and process, defines the
specifications of an Information System to support VMI processes.
The study of literature shows that almost all authors quasi-exclusively apply VMI to the
Distributor-Supplier relationship. De Toni and Zamolo (2004) present a case study about VMI
implementation. They explain that this implementation started with the distributor, but that it could be
successfully developed to the other echelons of the supply chain. Gentine (2002) gives general
perspectives about this VMI application to an industrial-industrial relationship. In particular, he cites the
reduction of levels of stocks and the possibility to reduce transport cost thanks to the new degrees of
freedom given to the supplier.
minimum delivery quantity, transport schedule) (Grning and Holma, 2007). The Production and
Dispatch process monitors pull short-term decisions as production dispatch and transport.
The following Figure 2 represents the links between the three main processes of the VMI. We find
the different levels of decision. First, the PA synchronizes VMI with the partners planning processes. It
specifies the constraints to the Logistical Agreement and Production and Dispatch processes when
integrating its into a global collaboration protocol.
Secondly, inside a fixed collaboration protocol, the LA allows to confront constraints and
requirements of each actor. The objective is to converge on logistical parameters, which define and
constraint the short term decisions in the Production and Dispatch process. Figure 2 distinguishes two
short term implementations depending on whether Production and Dispatch decisions are integrated or
- Dispatch-VMI: most papers consider that the degree of freedom is only used for the
dispatching decision. Therefore, the suppliers finished product inventory is
replenished according to classical push or pull production approaches. Here,
delivery possibilities are limited by the inventory level of product that the
production has fixed.
- Integrated-VMI: some papers consider that the degree of freedom also directly
impacts the suppliers production, and its work in progress. In this case, we
consider that dispatch and production decisions are taken simultaneously. The
target is to optimize the entire process. Some optimization methods could be used
to reach a global optimum.
Integrated-VMI Dispatch-VMI
Figure 2: VMI macro-processes
Beyond this distinction in the short term processes, a global reflection about the integration of these
VMI processes with the actors planning processes is necessary.
4.2 VMI processes
production by the supplier. Thanks to this decision, the input of the Production L&IM process remains a
scalar desired production. It is not affected by the VMI.
With the Dispatch-VMI, the impact is less severe in terms of modifications. The choice is made
inside the STP dispatch process. The interval is transformed in a scalar at this time independently of the
production constraints. No uncertainty is transmitted to other processes.
VMI also impacts the L&IM dispatch process. However, the quantity of finished products in the
suppliers inventory and the decisions previously taken in production limit the possibilities in terms of
In terms of deliveries, what is available (what was made) is compared to what was required. When
the production is inferior to the net requirement, a solution is to dispatch the production according to the
particular weight of each customer. With VMI, the demand is an interval, [ D CA ; D CA ]. So the value of what
is dispatched belongs to the interval [ DLCA; DLCA ]. Then the supplier has to adopt a VMI behaviour inside the
defined interval.
On the other hand, the L&IM dispatch is affected by the Dispatch VMI just like in the Integrated-
VMI. This is due to the fact that the process takes into account the customers requirements in order to
make the decision and the requirements are expressed in terms of interval.
In a nutshell, the transition between the two versions of VMI takes place in the STP dispatch
process of the supplier. Either this process is neutral, it transmits the uncertainty to the STP production, or
it makes a decision inside the interval and transmits a scalar (Figure 4).
However, in many industrial contexts, production and product constraints create a gap between suppliers
and customers horizons. In this case, they have to determine a particular frequency for the LA.
Another important choice concerns the expression of the targeted minimum and maximum
customers inventory levels. In the literature, we find two different situations: this target is expressed in
pieces or in days of stock. The choice is made according to the global industrial context and the product
characteristics (demand visibility, variability, nature of the product)
Most of the authors agree on the mutual character of the agreement. Yet, it could be possible to
find authors who describe agreement led by the customer.
The actors have to organize a shared and common plan which will be used to parameter the
customers inventory min/max level. This common plan is built around exchanges between the partners.
The customer expresses its components requirement plan. The supplier gives a delivery plan. Each actor
includes its constraints in this plan. Two situations must be distinguished:
- either, one of the actors, usually the customer, dominates the partnership. In this
case, he imposes its constraints. As a consequence, minimum and maximum are
the direct expression of these constraints. For example, Disney and Towill (2002a)
explain that the customer calculates the re-order point then passes it to the supplier.
- Or, in the well-balanced partnership case, the negotiation is defined by an
exchange of point of views. It is true collaboration in terms of plan building.
Dudek and Standtler (2006) propose an exchanges process helping to the
convergence of the point of views of each actor.
Figure 4: Implementation of VMI in the actors planning processes
- a collaboration protocol, VMI for example, that defines the decisional processes between
the partners;
- the union of the decisional behaviors of the partners during their decisional activities. In a
future upgrade, we will thus adapt the LogiRisk prototype to implement the VMI
collaboration policy.
Therefore, the next step of this study is to implement VMI into concerned algorithms (STP
production, L&IM dispatch) and to create the Logistical Agreement. According to this, it could be
interesting to adapt the cooperative planning of Dudek and Stadler (2006), but also to explore other
solutions. The final objective is to simulate the VMI choice in a supply chain and to compare its effects
with traditional collaboration policies. It could allow us to understand the positive and negative impacts of
the VMI and to identify favorable contexts.
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Appendix A: Utilization rate of expressions to qualify VMI in the