Table Sched 40 & 80
Table Sched 40 & 80
Table Sched 40 & 80
Length of Pipe
Diameters Transverse Areas per Sq. Foot of Number
Nominal External Internal Cubic Feet Weight Threads
Size External Internal Thickness External Internal Metal Surface Surface per Foot per Foot per Inch
Inches Inches Inches Inches Sq. Ins. Sq. Ins. Sq. Ins. Feet Feet of Pipe Pounds of Screw
1/8 .405 .269 .068 .129 .057 .072 9.431 14.199 .00039 .244 27
1/4 .540 .364 .088 .229 .104 .125 7.073 10.493 .00072 .424 18
3/8 .675 .493 .091 .358 .191 .167 5.658 7.747 .00133 .567 18
1/2 .840 .622 .109 .554 .304 .250 4.547 6.141 .00211 .850 14
3/4 1.050 .824 .113 .866 .533 .333 3.637 4.635 .00370 1.130 14
1 1.315 1.049 .133 1.358 .864 .494 2.904 3.641 .00600 1.678 111/2
11/4 1.660 1.380 .140 2.164 1.495 .669 2.301 2.767 .01039 2.272 111/2
11/2 1.900 1.610 .145 2.835 2.036 .799 2.010 2.372 .01414 2.717 111/2
2 2.375 2.067 .154 4.430 3.355 1.075 1.608 1.847 .02330 3.652 111/2
21/2 2.875 2.469 .203 6.492 4.788 1.704 1.328 1.547 .03325 5.793 8
3 3.500 3.068 .216 9.621 7.393 2.228 1.091 1.245 .05134 7.575 8
31/2 4.000 3.548 .226 12.56 9.886 2.680 .954 1.076 .06866 9.109 8
4 4.500 4.026 .237 15.90 12.73 3.174 .848 .948 .08840 10.790 8
5 5.563 5.047 .258 24.30 20.00 4.300 .686 .756 .1389 14.61 8
6 6.625 6.065 .280 34.47 28.89 5.581 .576 .629 .2006 18.97 8
8 8.625 7.981 .322 58.42 50.02 8.399 .442 .478 .3552 28.55 8
10 10.750 10.020 .365 90.76 78.85 11.90 .355 .381 .5476 40.48 8
12 12.750 11.938 .406 127.64 111.9 15.74 .299 .318 .7763 53.6
14 14.000 13.125 .437 153.94 135.3 18.64 .272 .280 .9354 63.0
16 16.000 15.000 .500 201.05 176.7 24.35 .238 .254 1.223 78.0
18 18.000 16.874 .563 254.85 224.0 30.85 .212 .226 1.555 105.0
20 20.000 18.814 .593 314.15 278.0 36.15 .191 .203 1.926 123.0
24 24.000 22.626 .687 452.40 402.1 50.30 .159 .169 2.793 171.0