MTA-Based Root Canal Sealers PDF
MTA-Based Root Canal Sealers PDF
MTA-Based Root Canal Sealers PDF
Manjusha Rawtiya et al
dentinal tubules that might harbor microorganism after 11. It is radiopaque and nonshrinking.
cleaning and shaping. 12. It is not sensitive to moisture and blood contamination.
The moisture (i.e. biological fluids) is essential to allow
the setting reaction and to induce bioactivity process with Disadvantages
the formation of apatite precipitates.22-25 Moreover, their 1. MTA sealer may cause discoloration due to release of
hydration forms a sticky/gluey calcium silicate hydrate ferrous ions.
(CSH) gel that may adhere to a gutta-percha cone in 2. Long setting time about 2 hours 45 minutes.
endodontic filling procedure. 3. Working time is less than 4 minutes.
Various hydration products form in the hydration reaction, 4. Improper handling properties.
such as porous CSH colloidal gel, portlandite (calcium 5. Compressive strength is inadequate.
hydroxide), ettringite (hexacalcium aluminate trisulphate 6. No known solvent for MTA, Bio Pure MTAD partially
hydrate), and calcium monosulfoaluminate or calcium dissolve MTA when used it remains in contact with
monocarboaluminate. Porous CSH hardens to form a solid the material for 5 minutes therefore it is difficult to
network within 4 to 6 hours and with complete setting after remove from root canal.
several days.14,25 This relatively long setting time and the
maturation of the cement may explain the improved sealing Different MTA-based root canal sealers are:
ability of MTA sealers. 1. ProRoot Endo Sealer (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties,
The final irrigation with NaOCl performed at the end of Dentsply/Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland).
instrumentation acts as antibacterial and tissue-dissolving 2. Fillapex (Angelus).
agent to dissolve collagen and pulpal tissue, leaving an 3. CPM Sealer (EGEO SRL, MTM Argentina SA, Buenos
alkaline environment suitable for calcium silicate cement Aires, Argentina).
hydration.26 Precisely, a final treatment with acidic irrigants 4. MTA Obtura (Angelus, Angelus Odontologica,
(such as citric or phosphoric acid) negatively affects MTA Londrina, PR, Brazil).
cements causing an increase in porosity with deterioration 5. MTAS experimental sealer MTAS (an association
and impairment of the microstructure.26 Equally, a final between 80% of white Portland cement and 20% of
irrigation with EDTA negatively interferes with the bismuth oxide) with and addition of water soluble
hydration of MTA.27 polymers.
6. F-doped MTA cements.
Advantages of Using MTA as Root Canal Sealer
ProRoot Endo Sealer
1. Sealers containing MTA are highly biocompatible and
(Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialities)
stimulate mineralization.18
2. They are bioactive, i.e. hard tissue inductive by ProRoot Endo Sealer is calcium silicate-based endodontic
encouraging differentiation and migration of hard sealer to be used in conjunction with root filling material in
tissue producing cells.28 either cold lateral warm vertical or carrier-based filling
3. They have antimicrobial activity against M. luteus, S. technique. The major components of the powder of ProRoot
aureus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, C. albicans and E. Endo Sealer are tricalcium silicate and dicalcium silicate,
faecalis by its alkaline pH.29 with inclusion of calcium sulfate as setting retardant,
4. It modulates cytokinin production.28 bismuth oxide as radiopacifier and a small amount of
5. They form a hydroxyapatite (or carbonated apatite) on tricalcium aluminate. The bismuth was incorporated with
the MTA surface and provide biologic seal.22 C-S-H structure. The liquid component consists of viscous
6. They also exhibit a higher adhesiveness to dentin than aqueous solution of water soluble polymer. The addition of
conventional zinc oxide/eugenol-based cements and polymer did not seem to affect biocompatibility of material.
sealing ability similar to epoxy resin-based cements. It is mixed in a liquid in a powder ratio of 1:2.31
7. Forms calcium hydroxide that releases calcium ions The water soluble polymer added to MTA to modify
for cell attachment and proliferation. properties of MTA had a fluidifying effect and thus
8. MTA is a nonmutagenic and non-neurotoxic. increases the flow even at high powder to liquid ratio. It
9. It does not produce a side effect on microcirculation involves adsorption and dispersion in the cement water
despite the fact that it can influence vessel contraction. system. The rapid adsorption of polymer molecule on to
10. MTA as a sealer provide effective seal against dentin cement particles combined with dispersion effect exposes
and cementum and promotes biologic repair and an increase in surface area of cement grains to react with
regeneration of periodontal ligament.30 water. It does not alter the hydration characteristics of MTA.19
It exhibit biocompatibility when in contact with Half of MTA Fillapex paste:paste formula contains
physiologic solution.17,32 ProRoot MTA sealer exhibit 13.2% MTA. MTA known for its biocompatibility, yields
spherical amorphous calcium phosphate like phase along an impressive, hermetic seal in which the MTA particles
the sealer dentin interface and within the remnants fractured expand, preventing microinfiltration. The other half of MTA
sealers that transformed into carbonated apatite like phases Fillapex paste:paste formula contains biologically
(Gadaleta et al 1991) after immersion in phosphate compatible salicylate resin (1,3 butylene glycol disalicylate
containing SBF. resin) which is tissue friendly and therefore a better choice
There is also release of calcium and hydroxyl ions from over epoxy-based resins, which have been shown to have
the set sealer liquid.23,33 Similar to other calcium silicate mutagenic and more cytotoxic effects.
containing biomaterial, MTA sealer produce calcium MTA Fillapex two pastes combine in a homogenous mix
hydroxide on reaction with water. These phenomena may to form a rigid, but semipermeable structure with excess
account for in vitro bioactivity of ProRoot MTA sealer. MTA dispersed throughout. The MTA activity is possible
Cytotoxicity: According to Bryan et al 31 it possesses because of its permeability.37
favorable cytotoxicity profile that was established under
extended time periods after setting. The eluent derived from Physical Properties
the sealer has comparatively mild toxic effects on the Flow: MTA Fillapex has a high flow rate (27 mm) and
preosteoblast cells when compared with commercially a low film thickness, so it easily penetrates the lateral
available sealers under the testing conditions. There is also and accessory canals. Regardless of the obturation
minimum inhibition of the osteogenic potential of the technique, MTA Fillapex confidently delivers high
preosteoblast cells. Thus, it is minimally tissue irritant even sealing capability that, unlike other sealers, is not
when it is inadvertently extruded through the apical adversely affected by heat.
constriction. Ideal work time: 35 minutes perfect for cases with
Pushout bond strength: According to Huffman et al32 the multiple roots canals.
dislocation resistance of proroot was independent of location Antibacterial properties: It has excellent antibacterial
of radicular dentin and was more than AH Plus and pulp properties, as solubility is extremely low (0.1%), thus,
canal sealer. This may be due to hardness of calcium silicate- it does not erode with time like the other sealers making
based sealer after setting in 100% relative humidity. As the root susceptible to microgaps that allow bacteria to
natural root canal cannot be completely dehydrated34,35 due re-enter the canal. Furthermore, it exhibits a high pH
to retention of moisture within dentinal tubules similar for extended antibacterial action and tendency toward
hardening should be expected of the set sealer. Continuous maintaining the calcium releasing relatively constant
maturation of sealer may also have increase dislocation until 14 days.
resistance.32 MTAs radiopacity exceeds recommended ISO values,
An investigation comparing ProRoot sealer with AH Plus so radiographic diagnosis will never be a question mark.
and pulp canal sealer reported higher pushout bond strength.36 And, should retreatment be necessary, it is easily
Microleakage studies of ProRoot MTA sealer showed removed.38
similar sealing ability to epoxy resin-based sealer superior It should be only used as endodontic sealer, mainly in
to zinc oxide eugenol-based root canal sealers when endodontic accidents of difficult access, since its
evaluated using fluid filtration system.36 physicochemical characteristics differ from gray and white
MTA. Notwithstanding, the material presents an alkaline
MTA Fillapex Root Canal Sealer (Angelus) pH similar to that of the clinically and scientifically well-
A MTA endodontic sealer (MTA Fillapex , Angelus established sealers.29
Solues Odontolgicas, Londrina, PR, Brazil) was recently
CPM Sealer (EGEO SRL, MTM Argentina SA,
created. According to the manufacturer, its composition after
Buenos Aires, Argentina)
mixture is basically MTA, salicylate resin, natural resin,
bismuth and silica.37 In 2004, CPM sealer was developed in Argentina (EGEO
MTA Fillapex is first paste:paste MTA-based salicylate SRL, Buenos Aires, Argentina), in an attempt to combine
resin root canal sealer, versatile for every obturation method. the sealing and physiochemical properties of root canal
It delivers easily and without waste, and exhibits excellent sealer with biological properties of MTA. Considering that
handling properties with an efficient setting time.37 MTA is composed basically of Portland cement (Estrela et
for expansion, is accelerated in fluorine-doped cements. 5. Bouillaguet S, Wataha JC, Lockwood PE, Galgano C, Golay A,
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16. Gandolfi MG, Iacono F, Agee K, et al. Setting time and
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CONCLUSION calcium-silicate cements and ProRoot MTA. Oral Surg Oral Med
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This review of MTA -based root canal sealers shows that
17. Weller RN, Tay KCY, Garrett LV, et al. Microscopic appearance
these materials do not fulfil all the criteria described by and apical seal of root canals filled with gutta percha and ProRoot
Grossman. Most studies are laboratory based or in animal Endo Sealer after immersion in a phosphate-containing fluid.
models, which may differ from the clinical situation. The Int Endod J 2008;41:977-86.
antibacterial effects of MTA based sealers are variable. 18. Gomes-Filho JE, Watanabe S, Estrada Bernabe PF, de Moraes
Costa MT. A mineral trioxide aggregate sealer stimulated
Cytotoxicity appears to be milder than for other groups of mineralization. J Endod 2009;35:256-60.
sealers. Thus, MTA based Sealers are favorable alternative 19. Camilleri J. Evaluation of selected properties of mineral trioxide
as compare to other sealers. aggregate sealer cement. J Endod 2009;35:1412-17.
20. Holland R, Souza V. Reaction of dogs teeth to root canal filling
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2005;31:97-100 Manjusha Rawtiya (Corresponding Author)
34. Amyra T, Walsh LT, Walsh LJ. An assessment of techniques
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35. Hosoya N, Nomura M, Yoshikubo A. Effect of canal drying Pradesh, India, e-mail:
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36. Torabinejad M, Parirokh M. Mineral trioxide aggregate: A Kavita Verma
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Shweta Singh
38. Gomes-Filho JE, Watanabe S, Lodi CS, Cintra LTA, Nery MJ, Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedodontics, Dental College
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40. Vasconcelos BC, Bernardes RA, Cruz SML, et al. Evaluation
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Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod
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41. Bortoluzzi EA, Broon NJ, Bramante CM, et al. Sealing ability Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and
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