Transportation of Severely Curved Canals Comparison of One Shape and k3 Rotary Systems
Transportation of Severely Curved Canals Comparison of One Shape and k3 Rotary Systems
Transportation of Severely Curved Canals Comparison of One Shape and k3 Rotary Systems
Original Article
Radiology Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran; 3Student Research
Committee, Faculty of Dentistry, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Introduction curved canals. [5] Recently, the use of rotary NiTi files has increased due
to their safety, easy canal shaping and less iatrogenic errors in severely
Root canal cleaning and shaping is an important step in root canal curved canals. [4] Other advantages of rotary NiTi files include their
treatment, aiming to mechanically enlarge and shape the root canal and easier use and faster canal preparation. [8] Many rotary files prepare
eliminate microorganisms via chemical debridement of the root canal the canal using the crown-down technique. In this method, smaller file
system. [1,2] sizes are consecutively used to reach the apex. [1]
Cleaning and shaping of curved root canals are more difficult since Rotary files have different cross-sectional designs, cutting edges,
all endodontic files tend to deviate from the main root canal path and helical angle, flute number and tip design. Manufacturers have
straighten up. [3] Despite the introduction of new techniques and tools attempted to design files with maximum flexibility, high fracture
for instrumentation of curved root canals, clinicians still try to minimize strength and a strong cutting blade. [9] It has been shown that the design
procedural errors such as ledge formation, apical transportation and and manufacturing process of rotary files significantly affect their
loss of working length. [4] Canal transportation occurs when dentin is clinical performance. [8] One Shape is a single file system, which is used
excessively removed from the external wall of the curvature in the with rotational movement in a clockwise fashion. The file has a unique
apical third and internal wall of the curvature in the coronal third of the design and variable cross-section along the file length. This property
canal. Thus, root canal dentin is excessively removed in some parts of increases the optimal cutting surface of each file in the canal. Also,
the root canal. [1] electropolishing has been performed to increase the cutting surface.
This system includes one instrument with #25 file tip size and 0.06
Canal transportation results in excessive removal of dentin and taper. This file should be discarded after use for one tooth and can
ledge formation in canal wall. [5] As the result, some debris and be used maximally for four canals. Sterilization of files damages the
microorganisms may remain in the canal. [4] Moreover, it negatively cutting surface. [10]
affects the obturation quality. [6] A transported canal has less resistance
against forces applied to condense gutta-percha. As the result, gutta- K3 is another rotary system with variable cross-section and variable
percha would have inadequate density, or over-extension of root canal peach along the file length. This unique design minimizes procedural
filling material may occur into the periapical region, increasing the risk errors during root canal preparation. [11] K3 file has a U-shaped cross-
of treatment failure. [1] section. These files have three radial lands with 45° rake angle.
During root canal preparation with stainless steel files, deviation from This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
the main canal path may occur. [6] Although several techniques have Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix,
been introduced to prevent canal transportation, nickel-titanium (NiTi) tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited
and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
rotary systems are preferred to maintain canal shape and centering. [3]
Introduction of rotary NiTi files enabled easier and safer preparation How to Cite this Article: Hatam R, et al. Transportation of Severely
of root canals with complex anatomy. [7] Rotary NiTi files straighten Curved Canals: Comparison of One Shape and K3 Rotary Systems. Ann
the canal in a less extent and have higher centering ability in severely Med Health Sci Res. 2019;9:430-434
430 © 2019 Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research
Hatam R, et al.: Transportation of Severely Curved Canals: Comparison of One Shape and K3 Rotary Systems
Considering the density and stiffness of dentin, files with a positive Root canal instrumentation in each group was performed according to
rake angle are more effective than those with a negative rake angle and the manufacturers’ instructions. In group 1, canals were cleaned and
require less energy for dentin removal. [12] K3 file has excellent cutting shaped using One Shape rotary file system (Micro-Mega, Besancon,
efficiency and large radial land, which increases the file strength and France) such that after preparing a glide path using #10 and #15 K-files,
centering ability when used in the canal. Their non-cutting tip further orifice shaper was used. Next, #25 file with 6% taper was used to two-
adds to their flexibility in curved canals. [13] The central core of this thirds of the canal with in-and-out movement. A #10 K-file was used to
file has a variable diameter, which further adds flexibility to the file. remove debris and rinse the canals. The file was reached to 3 mm of the
Asymmetric lands have different widths. Also, a flute of these lands working length, retracted and the same previous steps were repeated.
has variable depth and width. [14] Next, the file was reached to the working length operating at 400 rpm
with 4 Ncm torque. Each file was used for three canals.
Several methods are used to evaluate the quality of instrumentation
including light microscopy, electron microscopy, photography, In group two, canals were instrumented using K3 rotary system
radiography, a prefabricated model of the canal and computerized (SybronEndo, Orange, CA, USA). After preparing straight access to
systems. [15] Computed tomography (CT) and micro-CT were first the orifice and maintaining patency using a #10 K-file, #25 file with
10% taper and #25 file with 8% taper were used for the preparation of
suggested for this purpose since they are non-invasive, do not require
the coronal third. Then, #15 hand file was used to the working length
tooth sectioning and have the ability to reveal canal morphology. [16]
and then #35 file with 6% taper, #35 with 4% taper and #25 with 6%
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) was later suggested for this
taper were used, respectively. If working length was not reached after
purpose since it does not require tooth sectioning and is reproducible.
using the final rotary file, according to the manufacturer’s instructions,
CBCT has been previously used to quantify the amount of dentin
#20 rotary file with 4% taper was used. Each file was used with five
removed. [17,18] Using CBCT, the exact anatomy of the root canal system
pecking motions and the canal was rinsed prior to using the new file.
can be revealed. [19,20] and CBCT has been confirmed to be an accurate This rotary system operated at 350 rpm and 3 Ncm torque. The file was
tool to study the root canal anatomy. [21] changed as soon as resistance was felt in the canal. After each time of
use, the canal was rinsed with sodium hypochlorite. Each file was used
Despite the advantages of NiTi rotary files, their use is time consuming for five canals. Both rotary systems were used with Endo-Mate (NSK,
due to the high number of files in K3 and ProTaper systems. The current Nakanishi Inc., Tokyo, Japan).
treatment approach emphasizes using the least number of files. [22,23] In
some single file systems like One Shape, only one file is used for canal CBCT scans were taken again of all samples and the data were recorded
preparation. This study aimed to compare canal transportation caused in a computer. Canal transportation was determined using the formula
by the use of One Shape single-file and K3 multiple-file rotary systems. (A1-A2)-(B1-B2) where A1 is the shortest distance from the external
wall of the mesial root to the internal wall of the uninstrumented mesial
Materials and Methods canal; A2 is the shortest distance from the external wall of the mesial
This in vitro, an experimental study was conducted on 40 mesiobuccal root to the internal wall of the instrumented mesial canal; B1: is the
canals of extracted mandibular first molars. The teeth had been extracted shortest distance from the external wall of the distal part of the root to
due to hopeless periodontal prognosis. The study was approved in the internal wall of the distal part of uninstrumented canal and B2: is
the ethics committee of Kermanshah University of Medical Science the shortest distance from the external wall of the distal part of the root
(code:KUMS.REC.1394.150). The Sample size was calculated to be to the internal wall of the distal part of instrumented canal. [27]
40 canals using Minitab software assuming alpha=0.05 and beta=0.2.
The teeth were cleaned of soft tissue debris and calculus and were To assess centering ratio, the following formula was used. [27]
disinfected with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite solution. The inclusion
criteria were the absence of external root resorption, the absence of CR=(B1-B2)/(A1-A2) or CR= (A1-A2)/(B1-B2)
severe caries extending to the root, absence of root cracks and mature
apex. The teeth were then stored in 10% formalin to remain hydrated Selection of the formula should be done in a such a way that figure
during the study period. [24] in the numerator should be equal to or smaller than the denominator.
Thus, the result would always be a value between zero and one. To
Access cavity was prepared using a bur and high-speed handpiece. measure and compare dentin thickness on scans before and after
Canal orifices were negotiated using a #10 K file (Dentsply Maillefer, instrumentation, NNT Viewer version 2.21 (Quantitative Radiology,
Ballaigues, Switzerland). Teeth with completely separate non-calcified Verona, Italy) was used. Axial images were shown on a monitor.
canals (Vertucci’s type IV) were chosen. [25] A radiograph was obtained The first point where the canal was completely surrounded by dentin
in buccolingual direction using a parallel technique. Tooth root was was considered as apical foramen. The same was done for post-
outlined on a tracing paper and the degree of canal curvature was instrumentation scans. To measure dentin thickness on CBCT scans,
determined using the Schneider’s method. [26] Teeth were 20-40° maximum magnification (400%) was used. Measurements were made
curvature were chosen. Canal length was measured under a microscope on slices at 2 mm, 5 mm and 8 mm from the apical foramen. [6] The
using a #10 K-file. Tooth crowns were cut at 17 mm distance from the Degree of canal transportation and centering ratio were determined
apex and working length was determined 1 mm short of this length. separately at each distance [Figure 1].
Thus, working length in all teeth was 16 mm. [13] The canals were
randomly divided into two groups (n=20) and mounted in a mounting Data were analyzed using SPSS version 18 (SPSS Inc., IL, USA).
jig made of acrylic resin. Before mounting the teeth in acrylic resin, the Since data were not normally distributed (confirmed by Kolmogorov-
root ends were covered with putty to simulate the periodontal ligament. Smirnov test), canal transportation and centering ability were
A Jig was used to ensure reproducibility of CBCT scans. compared between the two groups using the Mann Whitney test. Level
of significance was set at 0.05.
All teeth were mounted in four jigs. A piece of metal in the form of an
arrow was also mounted in each jig to standardize the scanning position Results
before and after instrumentation. CBCT scans were then obtained. [24] Canal transportation
CBCT scans were obtained in high-resolution mode, 8 × 11 cm field of
view and human mode (NewTom, Verona, Italy). Table 1 shows the mean canal transportation in the two groups at 2,
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Hatam R, et al.: Transportation of Severely Curved Canals: Comparison of One Shape and K3 Rotary Systems
Figure 1: Measurement of distance from the mesial and distal root surface to the internal canal wall in uninstrumented (A) and instrumented
(B) canals.
Table 1: Mean and standard deviation of canal transportation in the two groups at 2, 5 and 8 mm from the apex.
Distance from apical
Apical (2 mm) Middle (5 mm) Coronal (8 mm)
Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation
One Shape 0.1400 0.1046 0.1000 0.0794 0.1500 0.1051
K3 0.0750 0.0550 0.0650 0.0587 0.0900 0.0640
P value 0.026 0.155 0.054
Table 2: Mean centering ratio in the two groups at 2, 5 and 8 mm from the apex.
Distance from apical
Apical (2 mm) Middle (5 mm) Coronal (8 mm)
Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation
One Shape 0.59737 0.21201 0.71667 0.20305 0.63667 0.23986
K3 0.73246 0.20142 0.77500 0.20785 0.69167 0.21646
P value 0.035 0.414 0.495
5 and 8 mm from the apex. Comparison of canal transportation in operator, rotational speed and insufficient use of irrigating solutions and
the apical third between K3 and OneShape showed significantly less lubricants. [28] Despite the introduction of new root canal preparation
apical canal transportation in K3 group (p=0.026). The mean canal methods, instrumentation of curved canals is challenging for clinicians
transportation was not significantly different in the middle (p=0.155) due to higher risk of ledge formation, apical transportation and working
and coronal thirds (p=0.054) between K3 and OneShape. length loss. [4]
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Hatam R, et al.: Transportation of Severely Curved Canals: Comparison of One Shape and K3 Rotary Systems
Our results showed that canal transportation by One Shape was No significant difference in the middle and coronal thirds between the
significantly greater than that by K3 at 2 mm distance from the apex two systems in our study can also be due to the unique property of
but no significant difference was noted between the two systems at 5 One Shape. The cross-sectional design of the file tip has three cutting
and 8 mm from the apex. K3 better preserved the canal curvature. blades, which further remove dentin while in the middle and coronal
sections, the cross-section of the file has two cutting blades. This unique
Schafer and Florek [32] compared Flexofile hand file, stainless steel property can explain the significant difference in the apical region.
files, and K3 rotary system and showed that K3 file better-preserved Thus, K3 rotary file is more suitable than One Shape for maintaining
canal geometry. They concluded that K3 file cleans the curved canals the primary curvature of the canal. This study had an in vitro design
faster and with minimum transportation towards the external wall and suffered the limitations of in vitro studies. There are numerous
of the curvature. Bergmans et al. [33] compared K3 rotary files with confounding factors in the clinical setting that cannot be simulated in
constant taper and ProTaper files with a progressive taper in terms of vitro. Future clinical studies are required to find more reliable results.
change in canal curvature and dentin removal and found no significant Also, other procedural errors must be assessed and compared among
difference between the two systems in terms of canal transportation different rotary systems.
and centering ability. They indicated that files with progressive
taper are less affected by the canal curvature and apical preparation Conclusion
is performed more efficiently by use of these instruments. The two
Within the limitations of this study, the results showed that One Shape
systems had no significant difference in terms of canal transportation;
caused greater canal transportation in the apical third while the two
although ProTaper caused slightly greater canal transportation in the
systems were not significantly different in the middle and coronal
coronal third.
thirds. K3 system showed higher canal centering ability than One
Shape and therefore, K3 is safer than One Shape for use in severely
Ayar and Love [34] compared shaping the ability of Profile and K3
curved canals.
systems in curved canals (20 and 30°). Dentin removal by both files was
greater from the external wall of the curvature. They indicated that both
Conflict of Interest
rotary systems were capable of proper root canal shaping with minimal
canal transportation. Al-Omari et al. [14] reported that the K3 system The authors disclose that they have no conflicts of interest.
compared to Profile caused significantly less canal transportation.
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