1 Medicine MCQs - CNS
1 Medicine MCQs - CNS
1 Medicine MCQs - CNS
46. Which of the following is not involved in 51. Senile plaques in brain is a feature of-
lateral medullary syndrome a) Multiple sclerosis
b) Parkinsonism
a) Sympathetic tract
c) Alzheimers desease
b) IX, X, XI th cranial nerves d) Wilsons disease
c) XIIth cranial nerve
d) Spinothalamic tract
47. A 45 years old hypertensive male
presented with sudden onset severe 52.Drug used to treat Alzeimers
headache, vomiting and neck stiffness. disease is:
On examination he did not have any a) Folinic acid
focal neurological deficit. His CT b) Choline
showed blood in the Sylvian fissure. c) Melatonin
d) Tetrahydroamineacrine
The probable diagnosis is :
a) Meningitis 53. Localised regional cerebral atrophy is
b) Ruptured aneurysm seen in
c) Hypertensive bleed a) Alzheimers disease
d) Stroke b) Frontotemporal dementia
c) PML
48. Commonest site of aneurysm is d) C.J. disease
a) Middle cerebral artery
b) Vertbrobasilar system 54. Triad of normal pressure
c) Anterior communicating artery hydrocephalus is
d) Internal carotid artery a) Dementia, bladder sphincter
involvement, gait abnormality
49. Least common site for berry aneurysms b) Dementia, gait abnormality,
55. Punch drunk state is associated with 62. Juvenile huntingtons disease is
a) Alcoholism marked by-
b) Chorea a) Chorea
c) Parkinonism b) Athetosis
d) All c) Tremors
d) Tics
56. All are seen in Parkinsonism except :
a) Akinessia-Bradykinesia 63. Degenerative changes are seen in
b) Rigidity Huntington chorea in :
c) Postural reflexes preserved a) Cerebellum
Resting tremors b) Caudate nucleus
c) Red nucleus
57. Frequency of Rest tremor in Pons
Parkinsons disease is
a) 2/s 64. The drug of choice for phenothiazine
b) 14/sec
dyskinesia is-
c) 4-6/sec
d) 8/sec a) Imipramine
b) Diphenhydramin
58. Ropinirole is the most useful for the c) Diazepam
treatment of d) Prochlorperazine
a) Parkinsons disease
b) Wilsons disease 65. Absent ankle jerk and extensor
c) Hoffmans syndrome
plantar response is found in-
d) Carpal tunnel syndrome
a) Friedreichs ataxia
59. Lewy bodies in neurons of brain is seen b) Tabes dorsalis
in c) SACD
a) Huntingtons disease d) Vit B deficiency
b) Parkinsons disease
c) Niemanns picks disease 66. In ataxia telengiectasia which is seen
d) None of the above
a) Ig G absent
60. A 65 Year old man presents with b) Ig M absent
ataxia, opthalmoplegia and recurrent c) Ig A absent
falls. The probable diagnosis is d) Ig A absent
a) Shy dragger syndrome
b) Huntingtons chorea 67. A middle aged man presents with
c) Parkinsons disease
progressive atrophy and weakness of
d) Progressive supranuclear palsy
hands & forearms. On examination
61. A family consist of husband, wife and 2 he is found to have sight spasticity of
children .Wifes father has Huntigtons the legs, generalized hyper-reflexia
chorea. Which statement is true and increased signal in the cortico-
a) Chance of getting disease in child is spinal tracts on T2 weighted MRI. The
1:4 most likely diagnosis is-
b) Can occur upto age of 50
a) Multiple sclerosis
c) If wife does not get disease till age
50 children are not affected. b) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
d) Huntingtions chorea is due to point c) Subacute combined degeneration
mutation in gene d) Progressive spinal muscular
68. Fasciculation is seen in : 76. to the hospital with external
a) Motor neurone disese injuries .CT brain showed No midline
b) Tetanus shift. Basal cistern were compressed
c) Tetany with multiple small haemorrhages.
Myasthe What is the likely diagnosis:-
a) Cerebral contusion
69. Spinomuscular atrophy is seen in b) Cerebral laceration
lesion of- c) Multiple infarcts
a) Anterior Horn d) Diffuse Axonal injuries
b) Peripheral nerve
c) N.M.J. 77. Glasgow coma scale is based on all
Any of the above except-
a) Sensory loss
70. Drug of choice in the treatment of b) Motor response
Trigeminal neuralgia is c) Vocal response
a) Carbamazepine d) Eye opening
b) Phenobarbitone
c) Chioropromazine 78. Best prognostic factor for head injury
d) Indomethacin is-
a) Glasgow coma scale
71. Bilateral facial palsy is seen in- b) Age
a) Myaesthania gravis c) Mode of Injury
b) Guillain Barre d) CT
c) Muscular dystrophy
d) Duchnene muscular dystrophy 79. Which of the following is the most
common type of glial tumors?
72. Anterior spinal artery thrombosis is a) Astrocytomas
characterized by all except : b) Medulloblastomas
a) Loss of pain & touch c) Neurofibromas
b) Loss of vibration sense d) Ependymomas
c) Loss of power in lower limb
d) Sphincter dysfunction 80. Primary CNS lymphoma is
characterized by all except-
73. In Brown-sequard syndrome
a) uncommon in AIDS
sensation, that is lost at the same side
b) Is of diffused histiocytic type
of lesion is
c) Chemotherapy is the treatment of
a) Pain
b) Touch
d) Multicentric with brain and
c) Temperature
meaningeal involvement
d) Proprioception