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20th April, 2007;
7th October, 2008

LEGAL NOTICE 114 of 2007, as amended by Legal Notices 425 of 2007, 438 of 2011, 211
and 263 of 2015, and 81 of 2016.

Arrangement of Regulations
Part I General Provisions 1-2
Part II Types of Environmental Impact Assessment 3-9
Part III Full Environmental Impact Assessment 10 - 32
(requiring an Environmental Impact Statement)
Part IV Limited Environmental Impact Assessment 33
(requiring an Environmental Planning Statement)
Part V Transboundary Effects 34
Part VI Register of Consultants and Reviews 35 - 42
Part VII Enforcement 43
Part VIII Miscellaneous Provisions 44 - 45
Part IX Transitory Provisions 46 - 47

Citation and 1. (1) The title of these regulations is the Environmental
coming into force. Impact Assessment Regulations.
(2) These regulations shall come into force on the date of
publication of these regulations, other than Part VI, which shall
come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for the
environment may by notice in the Gazette appoint, and different
dates may be so appointed for different provisions and different
purposes of these regulations.

Interpretation. 2. (1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise

"aquifer" means all underground freshwater-bearing strata
capable of yielding water, and includes groundwater reservoirs,
groundwater catchment areas, the waters in geological rock
formations, including fissures and fractures, and the structures
containing deep fossil waters;
Cap. 549. "the Act" means the Environment Protection Act;
"affecting" means will or may have an effect on;
"applicant" means any applicant seeking development
permission and includes a department and a Government entity;
"archaeology" means the study of ancient cultures by the
excavation and analysis of physical remains;
"the Authority" means the Environment and Resources Authority
established under article 6 of the Act and includes any body or
other person acting on its behalf under powers delegated by the
Authority under the Act;
"baseline studies" means technical studies, prepared by
consultants, that describe in detail the existing environmental,
social and economic characteristics of the area being assessed, and
how these might develop without intervention;
"certificate" means a certificate of registration issued according
to the provisions of regulation 35(4);
"consultant" has the same meaning as is assigned to an
environmental impact assessment consultant in regulation 35(3);
"consultees" means departments and agencies of Government,
local councils or any other body which the Director of Environment
Protection might request the consultants to consult;
"contributors" means technical experts that give minimal input to
the environmental impact assessment process but do not in any way
assess the impacts of the project;
"co-ordinator" means an environmental impact assessment
consultant who possesses the appropriate qualifications and has
knowledge and training in environmental impact assessment
techniques and methods and who is co-ordinating the preparation of
an environmental impact assessment, preparing the co-ordinated
assessment and writing the relative environmental impact statement

or environmental planning statement, as the case may be;

"conservation" means the management or control of human use
of a natural resource or the environment in such a manner that it
may yield the greatest sustainable benefit to present generations
whilst maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of
future generations, and includes preservation, maintenance,
sustainable utilisation, restoration, rehabilitation, reinstatement and
enhancement of a natural resource or the environment;
"council" has the same meaning as is assigned to it by article 2 of
the Local Councils Act; Cap. 363.

"cultural heritage" means:

(a) monuments - being architectural works, works of
monumental sculpture and painting, elements or
structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions,
cave dwellings and combinations of features;
(b) groups of buildings - being groups of separate or
connected buildings or the spaces between them,
singular buildings or their immediate surroundings
which are to be conserved because of their
architectural character, their homogeneity or their
place in the landscape;
(c) sites - being works of man or the combined works of
nature and of man, and areas including archaeological
sites which are of value from the point of view of
history, art, science, culture, aesthetics, ethnography,
anthropology and includes also their surroundings;
" c u m u l a t i v e i m p a c t " m e a n s t h e c o m b i n e d e ff e c t o n t h e
environment of two or more projects, or parts of projects, including
synergistic effects;
"department of Government" means any department or ministry
and includes a Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, and any public
officer or other person acting on his behalf;
"developer" means that person who applies for development
permission for a public or private project;
"development" has the same meaning assigned to it by article 2
of the Development Planning Act; Cap. 552.

"development permission" means a permission to carry out

development granted by the Authority either on an application in
that behalf or in a development order;
"development order" means an order made under and for the
purpose of article 55 of the Development Planning Act;
"Director of Planning" means the Director of Planning appointed
under the Act and includes any person acting on his behalf or under
his authority;
"Director of Environment Protection" means the Director of the
Environment Protection Directorate of the Environment and
Resources Authority and includes any person or body of persons
acting on his behalf or under his authority;

"ecology" means the study of the interactions of living organisms

with other individuals of their own or of different species, and with
their environment;
"ecosystem" means a dynamic complex of plant, animal and
micro-organism communities and their non-living environment
interacting as a functional unit;
"effects" include:
(a) direct effects, which are caused by an action;
(b) indirect effects, which are caused by an action or
actions and are later in time or further removed in
distance, but are still reasonably foreseeable; and
includes growth-regulating effects and other effects
related to induced changes in the pattern of land use,
population density or growth rate, and related effects
on air and water and other natural systems including
(c) ecological effects (including the effects on natural
resources and on the components, structures, and
functioning of affected ecosystems);
(d) aesthetic, historic and cultural effects, whether direct,
indirect, or cumulative;
(e) socio-economic effects (including impacts on incomes,
employment, foreign exchange, recreational and
educational opportunities, social structure, culture,
health, safety, transport and general amenity), whether
positive or negative, direct or indirect through the
generation of environmental impacts;
(f) those effects resulting from actions which may have
both beneficial and detrimental effects, even if on
balance the consultants believe that the effect will be
(g) secondary, cumulative, short, medium and long term,
permanent, temporary, positive and negative effects;
"environment" includes any one of, more of, or a combination of
the following:
(a) air, land and water;
(b) plant and animal life;
(c) social, economic and cultural conditions;
(d) any man-made development;
(e) any solid, liquid, gases, odour, heat, light, sound,
vibration and radiation;
(f) any natural resource; and
(g) any part or combination of the foregoing and the
interrelationship between any two or more of them;
"environmental impact assessment" means the process of
identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical,
social, economic and other relevant effects of proposed projects

and physical activities prior to major decisions and commitments

being made;
"environmental impact statement" means the result of a full
environmental impact assessment study presented as a report which
describes a development listed in Category I of Schedule IA to and
its effects on the environment indicating how these effects have
been taken into account;
"environmental interference" means any impairment of living
resources, ecosystems, human well-being (including health, safety,
cultural, commercial, transportation, recreational and educational
activity), material property, amenities or other legitimate uses of a
natural resource or the environment, caused, directly or indirectly,
by man through polluting substances, ionising radiation, noise,
explosions, vibration or other forms of energy, or movement of
matter, flora, fauna, diseases, flooding, smothering or other similar
means and includes the suppression of all those factors sustaining
the environment;
"environmental planning statement" means the result of a limited
environmental impact assessment study presented as a report which
describes a development listed in Category II of Schedule IA and
its effects on the environment indicating how these effects have
been taken into account;
"environmental survey reports" means the original technical
studies prepared by the consultants for particular aspects of the
environmental impact assessment (for example, ecology, emissions
to air, archaeology, etc.);
"extension" means any addition to a development and may
include increase in area, height, volume or capacity;
"fauna" means all types of animals;
"flora" means all types of vegetation;
"geology" means the science of the earths crust, strata and origin
of its rocks;
"Government entity" means a body corporate established by law,
a Government entity, and a company or other body in which the
Government or a body corporate or entity as aforesaid, or a
combination thereof, has a controlling interest or which is a
subsidiary of such a company; but it does not include the Authority;
"habitat" means that set of locations that satisfy the resource
requirements of a species and where it can fulfil its ecological role;
"hazardous waste" has the same meaning as is assigned to it in
the Environment Protection Act or under regulations made under Cap. 549.
the said Act or under any other law or regulations which may from
time to time replace the said Act;
"human environment" includes the natural and physical
environment and the relationship of people (including employees,
neighbours, consumers, and tourists) with that environment;
"identified stakeholders" means departments and agencies of
Government, local councils, non-government organisations or any

other body identified by the Authority, as having an interest in the

"impacts" has the same meaning as is assigned to the word
"effects" in these regulations;
"Junior Impact Assessor" means an environmental impact
assessment consultant who possesses the required qualifications
and experience in a particular environmental discipline but lacks
experience and knowledge in environmental impact assessment
techniques and methods;
"landscape" means the characteristics, patterns, forms and
structures of the environment, including the traits, patterns, forms
and structures of a sp ecific geographi c area, its b iolo gical
c o m p o s i t i o n , i t s p h y s i c a l e n v i r o n m e n t , i t s g e o l o g y, i t s
geomorphology, its palaeontology, its lithostratigraphy and its
anthropogenic and social patterns;
"locality" has the same meaning as is assigned to it by article 2 of
Cap. 363. the Local Councils Act;
" t h e M i n i s t er " r e f e r s t o t h e M i n i s t e r r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e
"mitigation" includes:
(a) avoiding the impact altogether by not taking a certain
action or part of an action;
(b) minimizing negative impacts by limiting the degree or
magnitude of the action and its implementation;
(c) maximizing the positive impacts of developments;
(d) rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or
restoring the affected environment;
(e) reducing or eliminating the impact over time by
conservation operations during the life of the action;
(f) compensating for the impact by replacing or providing
substitute resources or environments;
"natural environment" means:
(a) natural features consisting of physical and biological
formations or groups of such formations;
(b) geological and physiographical, geomorphological,
lithostratigraphical, palaeontological and hydrological
formations and precisely delineated areas which
constitute the habitat of threatened species of flora and
(c) natural sites or precisely delineated areas of value
from the point of view of science, scenic value,
conservation or natural beauty;
"pollution" means the introduction by man, directly or indirectly,
of any substance or energy into the environment resulting in
deleterious effects of such a nature as to endanger human health,
harm living resources, ecosystems and material property, and
impair amenities or interfere with other legitimate uses of the

"precautionary principle" means the adoption of, or taking of
preventative measures when there are reasonable grounds for
concern that threats of serious or irreversible damage to the
environment might occur even if there is a lack of scientific
certainty: provided that such uncertainty shall not be used as a
r e a s o n f o r p o s t p o ni n g m ea s u r e s t o a v o i d , r e du c e , p r e v e n t ,
anticipate or control such threats or damage to the environment;
"project" means the proposed development for which a
development permission is being sought;
"project description statement" means a description of the site
and the proposed development in sufficient detail to identify the
likely effects on the environment and their acceptability under
specific policie s contained i n the St ructure Plan and other
development plans and in planning policies;
"protected sites and areas" means:
(a) any property scheduled under the provisions of article
69 of the Act;
(b) any property which, though not being scheduled
property under the provisions of article 69 of the Act,
is protected under the provisions of article 69(10) of
the Act by an emergency conservation order;
(c) any tree scheduled under the provisions of article 69 of
the Act;
(d) any area, building, site or archaeological remains
protected under the provisions of the Act, or any other
law which may from time to time replace it;
(e) cultural heritage as defined by article 2 of the Cultural Cap. 445.
Heritage Act, which is protected according to the
provisions of that Act or of any other law which may
from time to time replace it;
(f) any urban conservation area designated under the
Structure Plan and any other development plan;
(g) any rural conservation area designated under the
Structure Plan and any other development plan;
(h) any village core area designated under the Temporary
Provisions Schemes; and
(i) any other objects, areas or sites which are protected
under the provisions of any other law;
"public" means one or more natural or legal persons and, in
accordance with national legislation or practice, their associations,
organisations or groups;
"the public concerned" means the public affected or likely to be
affected by, or having an interest in, the environmental decision-
making procedures referred to in these regulations; for the purposes
of this definition, non-governmental organisations promoting
environmental protection and meeting any requirements under
national law shall be deemed to have an interest:

Provided that where the term "public" appears in these

regulations it shall include "the public concerned";
"public hearing" means a public consultation exercise, which
may include, but is not limited to: audio-visual presentations,
public exhibitions, meetings with identified stakeholders, question
and answer sessions, or combinations thereof, all of which shall be
open to the public and chaired / supervised by the Director of
Environment Protection;
"Register" means the Register of Environmental Impact
Assessment Consultants established under regulation 35(1);
"Registration and Review Board" means the Registration Board
established under regulation 36(1);
"scoping" means the process of identifying key issues,
significant actions, alternatives and impacts to be considered in an
environmental impact assessment;
"screening" means the decision of whether or not a proposal
should be subject to an environmental impact assessment;
"Senior Impact Assessor" means an environmental impact
assessment consultant who possesses the required qualifications in
a particular environmental discipline and knowledge of and
experience in environmental impact assessment techniques and
"significantly" requires considerations of both context and
(a) context - this means that the significance of an action
shall be analysed in several contexts such as society as
a whole, the surroundings of the project, the affected
interests, the site of the project and the distribution of
relevant features of archaeological, ecological,
scientific, hydrological, geological and scenic value;
(b) intensity - this means the severity of impact and the
following elements shall be considered in evaluating
(i) impacts that may be beneficial, adverse or
(ii) the degree to which the project affects public
health or safety;
(iii) unique or otherwise rare or valuable
characteristics of the geographic area which
affect its relationship with the natural
environment and the cultural heritage;
(iv) the degree to which the project affects the
quality of the human environment;
(v) the degree to which the possible effects on the
human environment are uncertain or involve
unique or unknown risks;
(vi) the degree to which the action may establish a
precedent for future actions with potentially
significant effects or represents a decision in

principle about a future consideration;

(vii) whether the action is related to other actions
with individually insignificant but cumulatively
significant impacts;
(viii) whether the action threatens a violation of any
law or policy-making provision for the
protection of the environment;
(ix) whether the action is permanent or reversible;
"treaty" has the same meaning as is assigned to it in article 2 of
the Ratification of Treaties Act; Cap. 304.

"use of a natural resource" means any human conduct which,

directly or indirectly, takes advantage of the benefits of a natural
resource in the form of preservation, exploitation and possible
depletion, consumption or otherwise.
(2) The definition of any word or expression in subregulation
(1) shall extend to all grammatical variations and related
expressions of the word or expression so defined.
(3) Any word or expression used in these regulations which is
defined by article 2 of the Act shall have the same meaning as is
assigned to such word or expression by that article of the Act.

3. (1) The Malta Environment and Planning Authority shall Environmental
be the responsible competent authority for performing the duties as impact assessment.
Amended by:
set out in these regulations. L.N. 211 of 2015.
(2) An environmental impact assessment is intended to
identify, describe and assess in an appropriate manner, in the light
of each individual proposal for development and in accordance
with the provisions of these regulations, the direct and indirect
effects of that development on the following factors:
(a) fauna and flora, and the living components of the
(b) soil, water, air, climate, the landscape, and the non-
living components of the environment;
(c) the interaction between the factors mentioned in
paragraphs (a) and (b);
(d) material assets and the cultural heritage; and
(e) human beings and their interactions with the factors
mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (d).
(3) An environmental impact assessment, depending on the
type of the development, shall take one of the following forms:
(a) either a full environmental impact assessment; or
(b) a limited environmental impact assessment.
(4) Any development listed under Category I of Schedule IA
shall require a full environmental impact assessment by the
preparation of an environmental impact statement, unless the

Authority refuses permission as stated in regulation 4(2).

(5) Subject to subregulation (6) any development proposal
which is submitted and falling within the scope of the threshold
indicated in the schedule listed under Category II of Schedule IA
shall require a limited environmental impact assessment by the
preparation of an environmental planning statement, unless the
Authority refuses permission as stated in regulation 4(2):
Provided that where a planning application for a
development listed under Category II of Schedule IA is submitted
for which no threshold is indicated in this schedule, the Director of
Environment Protection shall decide whether the development
would or would not be likely to have significant effects on the
environment having regard to the criteria set out in Schedule IB, on
the basis of which an environmental planning statement may be
(6) The Director of Environment Protection, acting of his own
accord or on the advice of the Director of Planning, may require the
applicant, in the case of any application for development
permission concerning a development which is not included in
Category I of Schedule IA (even though such development may be
included under Category II of Schedule IA) to prepare a full
environmental impact statement if he is of the opinion that
significant impacts are likely to occur having regard to the criteria
set out in Schedule IB and a normal planning application or an
environmental planning statement do not provide an adequate basis
for evaluating such development.
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulations (4), (5)
and (6) and subject to subregulation (8), the Director of
Environment Protection acting on his own accord or on the advice
of the Director of Planning, may require the applicant, in the case
of any application for a development permission concerning a
development which is not included in Categories I or II of Schedule
IA, to prepare an environmental impact statement or an
environmental planning statement if the Director of Environment
Protection is of the opinion that significant impacts are likely to
occur due to the characteristics and location of the proposal having
regard to the criteria set out in Schedule IB and a normal
development permission application would not provide an adequate
basis for evaluating such development.
(8) Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation (5),
following a request made by the applicant in writing with a detailed
justification as to why the project is unlikely to have significant
environmental impacts the Director of Environment Protection may
exempt an applicant from preparing a limited environmental impact
assessment notwithstanding that the development is one which is
listed in Category II of Schedule IA if he is of the opinion that the
project description statement presented under the provisions of
regulation 5(1) has considered environmental issues in a sufficient
manner such that the preparation of a limited environmental impact
assessment would not add any new information and the Authority
has all the necessary information to determine the application
provided that it is unlikely that the project will have significant

environmental effects taking into account the information provided

in the project description statement in terms of the criteria listed in
Schedule IB. In such a case, a detailed justification as to why a
limited environmental impact assessment was not requested shall
be provided and shall be published in the Gazette.
(9) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-regulations (6), (7)
and (8), the environmental impact assessment procedure may also
be undertaken for proposed development projects even prior to the
submission of a formal development permission application, so
long as the development proposal is, prima facie, acceptable in
p r i n c i p l e b y t he D i r e c t o r o f P l a n n i n g . I n t h i s ca s e , a l l t h e
provisions in these regulations for the preparation of an
environmental impact statement or environmental planning
statement, shall mutatis mutandis apply.
(10) In accordance with the requirements arising from Coordination of
Regulation (EU) No. 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European procedures in
relation to projects
energy infrastructure, the Director of Environment Protection shall of common
ensure that for Projects of Common Interest (as defined in Annex interest.
IV of Regulation 347/2013), environmental assessment procedures
arising from the requirements of Council Directives 2014/52/EU
("the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive"), 92/43/EEC
("the Habitats Directive"), 2009/147/EC ("the Birds Directive")
and any other relevant sectoral Directives, as appropriate, are to be
carried out in a coordinated manner.
(11) Where the Minister is aware that a Project of Common Procedures to be
Interest in Malta is likely to have significant effects on the following when
Projects of
environment in another State, or where a State is likely to be Common Interest
significantly affected, the provisions of sub-regulation (10) shall are likely to have
a l s o a p p l y. T h e c o o r d i n a t e d a p p r o a c h s h a l l a l s o t a k e i n t o impacts.
consideration the Convention on access to information, public
participation in decision-making and access to justice in
environmental matters ("the Aarhus Convention") and the Espoo
Convention on environmental impact assessment in a
transboundary context ("the Espoo Convention"), where applicable.

4. (1) Subject to regulation 3(8), no development permission Refusal of

shall be granted by the Authority authorising any development development
permission where
listed in Schedule IA if no environmental impact assessment has no environmental
been submitted to the Authority according to the provisions of impact assessment
is prepared.
these regulations.
(2) Subject to regulation 3(8), the Authority shall refuse
development permission in the case of a development that would
otherwise require an environmental impact assessment, even
though no environmental impact assessment has been submitted to
the Authority according to the provisions of these regulations:
(a) where the development is clearly against any approved
development plan or planning policy; or
(b) where the development is likely to compromise the
preparation of a development plan in the foreseeable
future; or
(c) where the effects of a development project are clearly

unacceptable; or
(d) if the project description statement indicates that the
proposed development will have unacceptable
environmental impacts.
Project description 5. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of the
statement. Development Planning Act, and in addition to the requirements
Cap. 552
mentioned in subregulation (2) of that regulation, an application for
development permission concerning any development that may
require to be subjected to an environmental impact assessment
under regulation 3 to these regulations shall be accompanied by a
project description statement.
(2) If an application for development permission is not
accompanied by a project description statement as provided in
subregulation (1) and, in the opinion of the Director of
Environment Protection in terms of regulation 3(4), (5), (6) and (7),
such application is one which may require an environmental impact
assessment, the Director of Environment Protection shall inform
the applicant that his application may require an environmental
impact assessment and that in term s of article 74(2) of the
Cap. 552. Development Planning Act, the period of time mentioned in article
74(1) of the Development Planning Act for the determination of the
application shall be suspended until the applicant furnishes the
Authority with a project description statement in terms of
subregulation (1) of this regulation.
(3) A project description statement shall contain the following
information as applicable:
(a) details of the person wishing to carry out the
(b) a brief description of the project and its general
(c) an indication of the proposed timing of the project and
why this timing was preferred;
(d) the location of the proposed development with site
boundaries clearly shown on a map;
(e) a concise but reasonably comprehensive indication of
the alternative uses, alternative technologies and
suitable alternative locations and sites for the proposed
development and alternative arrangement of land uses,
on the proposed site;
(f) a description of the physical characteristics including
size, scale, design and phasing of the development
using models, photographs, diagrams, plans and maps
where appropriate;
(g) a description of present land uses and environmental
characteristics of the site;
(h) a brief description of surrounding land uses, their
nature, their extent and their environmental
(i) a description of the services, water, foul water sewers,

surface water drainage, including storm water

drainage, and energy sources available on site;
(j) estimates of the number of persons to be employed
with estimates for each phase of the development;
(k) the nature and quantities of raw materials and energy
to be used, and wastes generated during construction
and operation; the proposed method of storage or
handling of materials and wastes, and machinery
needed during both the construction and the
operational phases;
(l) access arrangements and general parking requirements
on and off the site, during both construction and
(m) list of the major environmental impacts likely to be
generated by the project, including reference to
cumulative impacts, proposals for mitigating the
negative effects of the development:
Provided that the information contained in the project
description statement is relevant to the given stage of
the consent procedure and to the specific
characteristics of the particular project or type of
project and of the environmental features likely to be
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulations (1) and
(2), the Authority may request the preparation of a Project
Description Statement for proposed developments even prior to the
submission of a formal development permission application. In this
case, the provisions of subregulation (3) still apply.

6. (1) The applicant may of his own accord submit an Scoping statement.
Environmental Scoping Statement to the Director of Environment
Protection, prior or in conjunction with the submission of the
Project Description Statement.
(2) The Environmental Scoping Statement shall:
(a) describe the environmental characteristics of the
project and the project environment;
(b) outline the potential impacts on the project
environment that could arise from the construction
(including demolition/clearance and decommissioning
where relevant) and the operation of the project;
(c) identify those potential impacts that may significantly
affect the project environment, and
(d) identify the potential secondary and cumulative
environmental impacts of the project, and the
interactions between potential environmental impacts.
(3) Any baseline surveys and, or investigations undertaken in
support of subregulation (2)(a) to (d) shall be included in the
environmental scoping statement.
(4) The environmental scoping statement shall be prepared by

consultants registered as EIA Co-ordinators under Part VI.

(5) The baseline surveys prepared in accordance with the
provisions of subregulation (3) shall be taken account of in the
formulation of the project proposal with a view to mitigate the
impacts of the proposed development at the design stage and shall,
for the purposes of these regulations, be deemed to constitute part
of the environmental impact statement or environmental planning
statement, as the case may be, once the latter is commissioned.

Screening. 7. (1) After the project description statement, which shall be

in conformity to regulation 5, is submitted by the applicant to the
Authority, the Director of Environment Protection shall decide
whether the development is one which is included under regulation
3(3) to (9) or regulation 4.
(2) The Director of Environment Protection shall inform the
applicant of his decision not later than four weeks after the project
description statement prepared in conformity with regulation 5 has
been received by the Authority and shall give reasons for his
(3) Once the Director of Environment Protection notifies the
applicant that his application requires an environmental impact
assessment according to Schedule IA, the applicant shall, within
thirty days of notification, write to the Director of Environment
Protection to inform him that he accepts his views and shall provide
an environmental impact assessment within a time period to be
specified by the applicant.
(4) Until the applicant furnishes an environmental impact
assessment which complies with the provisions of these
regulations, the period of time mentioned in article 74(1) and (2) of
Cap. 552. the Development Planning Act for the determination of the
application shall be suspended. The said periods shall again
commence to run from the date on which the Authority has
received the environmental impact statement or environmental
planning statement, as the case may be, and the Authority has
accepted this statement as being a valid submission in accordance
with regulation 26(4).
(5) If the applicant does not write to the Director of
Environment Protection in accordance with subregulation (3), the
application shall be processed according to the provisions of
regulation 4(1).

Informing 8. (1) After the expiration of the period mentioned in

departments and regulation 7(3), the Director of Environment Protection shall
agencies of
Government of the inform such departments and agencies of Government which he
need for an deems proper, of the receipt of a project description statement in
environmental relation to a development that requires the preparation of an
impact assessment.
environmental impact statement or an environmental planning
statement, as the case may be.
(2) The Director of Environment Protection shall also inform
t h e a p p li c a n t i n w r i t in g o f t he n a m e s an d a d dr e s s e s of t he
departments and agencies so notified.

(3) The departments and agencies so notified shall, if requested

by the applicant, enter into consultation with him to determine
whether they have in their possession any information which the
applicant or they consider relevant to the preparation of an
environmental impact statement or an environmental planning
statement and, if they have such information, such departments and
agencies of Government shall make it available to the applicant,
provided that such departments and agencies of Government shall
not be required to disclose any information which, in terms of any
law, is considered to be confidential or secret.
(4) A reasonable charge reflecting the cost of making the
relevant information available may be made by a body supplying
information sought by the applicant, in accordance with sub-
regulation (3).
(5) After the expiration of the period mentioned in regulation
7(3), the Director of Environment Protection shall publish, in the
Gazette and in a local newspaper, a list of applications that require
an environmental impact assessment according to regulation 3(4),
(5), (6) or (7).

9. (1) The applicant shall be responsible for commissioning Managing the

an environmental impact statement or an environmental planning preparation of an
statement in accordance with the provisions of regulation 11 or impact assessment.
regulation 33, as the case may be. In the event of any reasonable
doubt about the quality or impartiality of the environmental impact
statement or the environmental planning statement or any part
thereof, or any similarly significant concern, the Authority may
commission, an independent assessment at the expense of the
(2) During the preparation of the environmental impact
statement or the environmental planning statement, the Director of
Environment Protection and the Director of Planning shall provide
an advisory and quality control function.
(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of subregulation (1), in
cases where more than one development permission application
requiring an environmental impact assessment are being considered
in the same locality or are otherwise interrelated, the Director of
Environment Protection may request that one comprehensive
environmental impact statement or environmental planning
statement, as the case may be, be carried out for the projects in

(requiring an Environmental Impact Statement)
10. (1) Prior to formulating the terms of reference for the Setting terms of
environmental impact statement, an appraisal of all foreseeable (or reference for an
expected) environmental impacts of the development shall be impact statement.
carried out by the Director of Environment Protection on the basis
of, but not limited to, information contained in the project
description statement.

(2) The Director of Environment Protection shall invite

relevant government departments and the local council which is
responsible for the locality where the development is proposed to
be executed and other local councils, that in the opinion of the
Director of Environment Protection are likely to be affected by the
project, to pro vide inform at ion, wit hin twenty-one days of
notification, on what they wish to see included in the terms of
reference giving reasoned justification for doing so.
(3) (i) The Director of Environment Protection shall place an
advert in a local newspaper, at the expense of the
applicant, inviting the general public to inform him,
within twenty-one days of publication of the advert, of
issues that they would wish to see included in the terms
of reference. The Director of Environment Protection
may also convene a public hearing, prior to the setting
of the terms of reference, when it is considered that the
proposed project is of major significance because of its
scale, location, hazardous properties or other reasons.
The cost of such a meeting shall be borne by the
(ii) The Director of Environment Protection shall organise
a meeting with the applicant and his representatives on
the request of the applicant to discuss what is to be
included in the terms of reference. Minutes are to be
kept of the meeting. At his discretion, the Director of
Environment Protection may seek the endorsement of
the applicant of the said minutes.
(4) Following these consultations the Director of Environment
Protection shall draw up the final terms of reference. The terms of
reference shall include a request for information. This information
shall be relevant to the given stage of the consent procedure and to
the specific characteristics of the particular project or type or
project and of the environmental features likely to be effected.
(5) The Director of Environment Protection shall communicate
a copy of the approved terms of reference to the applicant, to the
applicants architect or consultants and to such other persons he
deems proper.
(6) The Director of Environment Protection shall grant access
to the public to the final terms of reference of an environmental
impact statement.

Commissioning an 11. (1) An environmental impact statement shall be prepared

environmental by consultants registered under Part VI.
impact statement.
(2) The applicant shall select the consultants to prepare an
environmental impact statement from the Register and shall
communicate the names of the consultants so chosen to the Director
of Environment Protection.

Functions of an 12. (1) The environmental impact assessment co-ordinator

environmental nominated by the applicant shall be chosen from among the
impact assessment
co-ordinator. environmental impact assessment co-ordinators listed in the
Register of Consultants in terms of Part VI.

(2) The co-ordinator shall be responsible for briefing the other

consultants, liaising with the applicant and his project design team,
the Director of Planning, the Director of Environment Protection,
other departments and agencies of Government, and the local
council with responsibility for the locality in which the
development is being proposed to be executed, and affected local
councils if the nature or impacts of the project are such that they
may affect them.
(3) The co-ordinator shall prepare a co-ordinated
environmental statement based on the findings and interpretations
derive d from specializ ed analyse s ca rried out by t he o ther
consultants, other studies and documents compiled by the
consultants and the comments made by the persons mentioned in
regulation 21(3).

13. A full environmental impact assessment for development Procedures to be

shall involve the following procedures: followed in the
preparation of a
(a) describing the development including all ancillary full environmental
impact assessment.
(b) describing the extent of the existing environment
likely to be affected by the proposed development;
(c) identifying and assessing the effects of the proposed
development on the existing environment;
(d) designing mitigation measures;
(e) formulating monitoring and auditing requirements;
(f) preparing a non-technical summary of the
environmental impact statement.

14. (1) The consultants shall describe the proposed Description of the
development including: proposed
(a) a justification for the proposal; project.

(b) a description of the physical characteristics and

features of the project including production processes
(if relevant) and amounts of emissions, wastes and
residues expected during both construction and
(c) a description of the financial feasibility of the project.
A description of alternative sites considered, and
alternative technologies that could be employed during
construction and when in operation, shall also be
included. In doing so, they may also refer to the
project description statement mentioned in regulation
(2) Without prejudice to article 71 of the Development Cap. 552.
Planning Act, where the proposed development has a limited life,
the after use of the development shall also be described.

15. The consultants shall describe the existing environmental Description of

conditions in and around the site in terms of: existing

(a) physical features:

(i) population;
(ii) flora, fauna and ecosystems (terrestrial and
marine), including both habitats and species and,
in particular, protected and endangered species
and their habitats;
(iii) soil, agricultural quality and produce;
(iv) geology and geomorphology, including
palaeontology and noting geological sites;
(v) water and hydrological features;
(vi) air, including prevailing meteorological factors
and air quality;
(vii) cultural heritage and protected sites and areas;
(viii) landscape and topography, including the coast
and submarine features;
(ix) land use, including recreational uses; and
(x) any other relevant environmental features;
(b) policy framework:
(i) the planning policy framework which affects the
development shall also be analysed. Such
analysis shall include the relevant planning
policies set out in the Act, in development plans
and in other planning policies approved under
Cap. 552. the provisions of the Development Planning Act,
Cap. 549. the Act, or under any other law;
(ii) in particular, but without prejudice to the
generality of sub-paragraph (i), the policy
review shall relate to:
(1) the site of the proposed development;
(2) the surrounding areas in which impacts
may be experienced by the proposed
(3) any treaty adhered to by Malta;
(4) policies adopted by any department and
Government entity which might have a
bearing on the development;
(5) protective scheduling or other
designations pertaining to the site and its
surroundings; and
(6) any other law having a bearing on the
Assessment of 16. (1) The probable effects, both of the finished development
effects of the and during construction, shall be predicted.
(2) All significant impacts of the proposed development shall
be considered and assessed including the main effects on:
(a) buildings and other man-made features (including

(b) flora, fauna, ecology and geology including

geomorphology and palaeontology;
(c) land;
(d) water;
(e) air and climate;
(f) other indirect and secondary effects associated with
the development;
(g) human beings (including health and safety measures).
(3) Hazard and risk assessment of the development shall also
be undertaken.
(4) If any of the effects assessed in subregulations (1) to (3) are
envisaged to have transboundary impacts, these should be assessed
and clearly stated in the environmental impact statement.
Provisions dealing with such impacts shall follow the procedures
set in Part V.

17. Where adverse effects are identified, the consultants shall Mitigation
state clearly what significance they attribute to these effects and the measures.
mitigation measures they propose to be incorporated in the
development and evaluate their effectiveness.
18. (1) The consultants shall devise a scheme to monitor the Monitoring
impacts of the development which may arise during the requirements.
construction and operational phases.
(2) The consultants shall also identify which records the
applicant shall keep for the purpose of monitoring the
environmental impacts of the development.
(3) The Authority shall have access to any such records both
during the construction and operational phases of the development.

19. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of regulations 13 to Modification of the

18, the Director of Environment Protection may modify the specific specific terms of
reference set for
terms of reference set out for an environmental impact assessment each
in these regulations according to the planning and environmental environmental
impact assessment
considerations of each and every development. by the Authority.
(2) The Director of Environment Protection shall grant access
to government departments, local councils and the public, to any
am ended terms of r eference according to the provisi ons of
regulation 10(5) and (6).

20. (1) The consultants shall first prepare: Draft

(a) a draft environmental impact statement which shall: impact statement -
(i) cover all the topics specified in the terms of
reference issued by the Director of Environment
(ii) be presented in an intelligible form;
(iii) be in the either Maltese or English language or
both; and
(b) contain a non-technical summary which shall be a

separate document presented in both the Maltese and

English languages.
(2) The analysis of the impacts on the environment shall be
presented in summary, chart, tabular or pictorial format and in a
descriptive manner.
(3) The various techniques and methods used in the analysis
and predictions shall be included in the environmental impact
s t a t e m e n t . A l l a s s u m p t i o n s a n d t h e r e a s o n i n g b e h i n d su c h
assumptions shall also be included.
(4) The original environmental survey reports shall be attached
to the environmental impact statement.
(5) An indication of any difficulties, including technical and
other difficulties, encountered by the consultants in compiling the
required information shall also be included.
(6) It shall be the consultants responsibility to ensure that all
references to published works and sources of information shall be
duly acknowledged.
(7) The various reports constituting the environmental impact
statement shall be written in co-ordination with one another and
shall be presented in a coherent manner.
(8) The consultants shall ensure the professional integrity,
including scientific integrity, of the discussions and analyses in
environmental impact statements.
(9) Where the consultants are evaluating reasonably
foreseeable significant effects on the environment and there is
incomplete or unavailable information, the consultants shall always
make clear that such information is lacking or incomplete.
(10) If the incomplete information referred to in subregulation
(9) is essential to a reasoned choice among alternatives and the
overall costs of obtaining it are not exorbitant, the consultants shall
include the information in the environmental impact statement.
(11) If the information relevant to reasonably foreseeable
significant adverse impacts cannot be obtained because the overall
costs of obtaining it are exorbitant or the means to obtain it are not
known, the consultants shall include within the environmental
impact statement:
(a) a statement that such information is incomplete or
(b) a statement of the relevance of the incomplete or
unavailable information to evaluating reasonably
foreseeable significant adverse impacts on the
(c) a summary of existing credible scientific evidence
which is relevant to evaluating the reasonably
foreseeable significant adverse impacts on the
environment; and
(d) the consultants evaluation of such impacts based upon
theoretical approaches or research methods generally

accepted in the scientific community;

(e) the provisions of this subregulation shall not preclude
the Authority from verifying the justification for any
alleged limitation, nor from requiring rectification of
unjustified limitations.
(12) For the purposes of this regulation, "reasonably
foreseeable" includes impacts which have major or catastrophic
consequences, even if their probability of occurrence is low,
provided that:
(a) the analysis of the impacts is supported by credible
scientific evidence;
(b) it is not based on pure conjecture; and
(c) is within the rule of reason.
(13) Wherever the available information is deemed by the
Director of Planning and the Director of Environment Protection to
be insufficient for acceptable determination of the application and
wherever the risk factor or hazard factor or both are deemed to be
too high, they shall, notwithstanding subregulations (1) to (4),
adopt the precautionary principle.

21. (1) After preparing a draft environmental impact Consultation stage.

statement and before preparing a final environmental impact
statement, a consultation stage shall take place.
(2) The consultants shall submit copies of the draft
environmental impact statement to the Director of Environment
Protection and a copy or part thereof to any other department or
Government entity as the Director of Environment Protection may
request. The consultants shall inform the Director of Environment
Protection of the name of every body whom they have so served, of
the date of service and, where they have not served a copy of the
whole of the draft environmental impact statement, of which part of
the copy that was served.
(3) The Director of Environment Protection shall also request
the comments of the Director of Planning and of any other
department and Government entity which he may deem relevant for
the purpose on the whole document forming the environmental
impact statement or on part thereof.
(4) The Director of Environment Protection shall establish a
time limit within which the comments mentioned in subregulation
(3) shall be received by him. Such time limit shall not be less than
thirty days from the date of receipt of the draft environmental
impact statement by the respective department or Government
entity. Should no comments be received within the stipulated
period the Director of Environment Protection shall assume that the
consultees have no comments to submit.
(5) Comments on the draft environmental impact statement
shall be as specific as possible and may address the adequacy of the
draft environmental impact statement, the merits of the alternatives
discussed, or any combination thereof.
Review of the draft 22. (1) The draft environmental impact statement shall be
environmental reviewed by the Director of Environment Protection and shall be
impact statement.
assessed against the terms of reference, the quality of the data used
and the objectivity of analysis for the prediction of impacts.
Comment may also be made on the suitability of the mitigation
measures proposed and on any other matter that is deemed by the
Director of Environment Protection to be relevant.
(2) The Director of Environment Protection shall specify in his
comments whether he needs additional information, what
information he needs and, where relevant, the level of detail
required. The Director of Environment Protection may require an
applicant to produce such evidence as he may reasonably call for to
verify any information in his environmental impact statement.
(3) On completion of the consultation stage and of this review,
the Director of Environm ent Pro tection shall send a report
incorporating these and other comments, including any mitigation
measures he may deem fit, to the consultants for their consideration
and revision of the draft environmental impact statement.

Revision of the 23. (1) The consultants shall respond to the comments made
draft during the consultation stage by one or more of the following
impact statement. means:
(a) develop and evaluate alternatives not previously given
serious consideration by them;
(b) supplement, improve, or modify their assessment;
(c) modify alternatives, including the proposed action;
(d) make factual corrections; or
(e) explain why the comments do not warrant further
response by them citing the sources, authorities, or
reasons which support the consultants position.
(2) All substantive comments received on the draft
environmental impact statement (or summaries thereof where the
response has been exceptionally voluminous) shall be attached to
the draft environmental impact statement whether or not the
comment is thought to merit individual discussion by the
consultants in the text of the environmental impact statement.

Certification of the 24. (1) On receipt of the consultants comments or revisions,

environmental in accordance with regulation 23, the Director of Environment
impact statement.
Protection shall review the draft environmental impact statement as
(2) The Director of Environment Protection shall consider
whether the statement has been satisfactorily compiled, prepared in
a professional manner, is without bias and adequately meets the
terms of reference. If he is satisfied with the statement he shall
certify it accordingly and inform the consultants and all the
(3) If the Director of Environment Protection does not issue a
certificate as mentioned in subregulation (2), the statement shall
not be certified until the consultants abide by the directions given

to them by the Director of Environment Protection.

(4) On certification of the environmental impact statement by
the Director of Environment Protection according to subregulation
(2), the applicant shall comply with subregulations (5), (6), (7) and
(5) The applicant shall publish, at the applicants expense, in at
least one daily newspaper in the Maltese language and in at least
one daily newspaper published in the English language, a notice (as
specified in Schedule II) stating:
(a) the applicants name with respect to the application for
development permission;
(b) the date on which the application was validated;
(c) the address or location and the nature of the proposed
(d) that a copy of the application and of the plans and
other documents submitted with it together with a copy
of the draft environmental statement may be inspected
by members of the public at reasonable hours;
(e) an address at which those documents may be inspected
and the latest date on which they shall be available for
inspection (being a date not less than fourteen days
later than the date on which the notice is published);
(f) an address (whether or not the same as that given
under paragraph (e)) at which copies of the
environmental statement may be obtained;
(g) if a charge is to be made for a copy, the amount of the
charge; and
(h) that any person wishing to make representations about
the application, shall make them in writing, before the
date named in accordance with paragraph (e), to the
Malta Environment and Planning Authority.
(6) The applicant shall affix on the land a notice (as specified
in Schedule II) containing the information specified in sub-
regulation (5), except that the date named as the latest date on
which the documents shall be available for inspection shall not be
less than twenty-one days later than the date on which the notice is
first affixed.
(7) The notice mentioned in subregulation (6) shall:
(a) be left in position for the whole duration of the
consultation period specified in subregulation (6) and
in any case, for not less than seven consecutive days;
(b) be affixed firmly to some object on the land and sited
and displayed in such a way as to be easily visible to,
and readable by, members of the public without going
on to the land.
(8) Following the elapse of the period specified in
subregulation (7), the applicant shall submit to the Authority a

certificate by or on behalf of the applicant which states that he has

affixed a notice on the land in compliance with this regulation and
when he did so, and that the notice was left in position for not less
than seven days, or that, without any fault on his part, it was
removed, obscured or defaced before seven days had elapsed and
h e t o o k r e a s o n a b l e s t e p s f o r i t s p r o t e c t i o n o r r e p l a c em e n t
specifying the steps taken.
(9) If any person issues a certificate which purports to comply
with the requirements of subregulation (8), and which contains a
statement which he knows to be false or misleading in a material
particular, or recklessly issues a certificate which purports to
comply with those requirements and which contains a statement
which is false or misleading in a material particular, he shall be
guilty of an offence and the provisions of article 84 of the Act shall
(10) A date for the public hearing required in terms of regulation
25 shall only be set once the applicant submits the documentation
required in subregulation (8).

Public hearing. 25. (1) After having certified the draft environmental impact
statement the Director of Environment Protection shall arrange for
a public hearing to take place, at which the public may comment on
the environmental impact statement and express their views on the
impact of the proposed development.
(2) The Director of Environment Protection shall inform the
public as aforesaid and shall also inform the public of the day, time
and place where the public hearing shall take place by publishing a
notice in the Gazette and in the local newspapers. All reasonable
expenses incurred by the Authority for organising the public
hearing and publishing the said notices shall be borne by the
(3) The Director of Environment Protection shall give at least
fifteen days notice but not more than thirty days notice of the
public hearing.
(4) The Director of Environment Protection shall inform the
Director of Planning, the consultants and the persons mentioned in
regulation 21(2) and (3) of the date, time and place of the public
hearing giving at least fifteen days advance notice.
(5) A copy of the draft environmental impact statement shall be
made available for public inspection at the Authority, and may be
inspected throughout the period stipulated in subregulation (3) on
such days and during such times as the Director of Environment
Protection deems proper, whilst at the same time making the non-
technical summary freely accessible on the Authoritys official web
(6) A copy of the draft environmental impact statement shall be
submitted to the local council which is responsible for the locality
where the development is proposed to be executed and other local
councils, that in the opinion of the Director of Environment
Protection are likely to be affected by the project, so that it may be
made available for public inspection throughout the period

stipulated in subregulation (3).

(7) The Director of Environment Protection shall chair and
regulate the proceedings of the public hearing. He shall, as much as
is reasonable give every person present in the hearing who wishes
to make any submissions the opportunity to air his views on the
environmental implications of the proposed development. The
language of the public hearing shall be in Maltese.
(8) The views of the public as expressed during the public
hearing and in any written comments made by the public before,
during or up to seven days after the public hearing, shall be
recorded by the Director of Environment Protection. All the
comments received or recorded shall be collated into a report by the
Director of Environment Protection. This report shall be forwarded
to the Director of Planning, to the applicant and to his consultants
not later than two weeks after the date of the public hearing. A
summary of all the comments shall be presented in an appendix to
the final environmental impact statement.

26. (1) Prior to the submission of the final environmental Submission of the
impact statement to the Authority, the consultants shall further final
revise the environmental impact statement and the proposed impact statement to
development in the light of the written comments made by the the Authority.
public and the comments made during the public hearing.
(2) The final environmental impact statement, including
environmental survey reports, as revised if so required, shall be
submitted by the co-ordinator to the Authority.
(3) The consultants may place discussion of methodology in an
(4) The applicant shall ensure that his application conforms to
the recommendations made in the environmental impact statement.
The application shall not be determined until the Director of
Plann ing i n consultati on wi th th e Directo r of Enviro nment
Protection is satisfied that the development application conforms to
the said recommendations and the provisions of article 74 of the
Development Planning Act shall apply. If not, the Director of Cap. 552.
Planning shall request the applicant to comply with the said
(5) The co-ordinator shall submit such number of copies of the
environmental impact statement to the Authority as the Director of
Environment Protection may reasonably establish.
(6) The Authority shall be empowered to reproduce the
contents of the environmental impact statement, once this is
submitted, at its own discretion.

27. (1) An applicant for development permission who submits Sale of final
an environmental statement in connection with his application shall environmental
impact statements.
ensure that a reasonable number of copies of the statement are
available at the address named in the notices published or affixed
pursuant to regulation 24(5)(f), as the address at which such copies
may be obtained.
(2) Copies of the final environmental impact statement shall be

made available for sale to interested persons by the Director of

Environment Protection, whilst at the same time making the
nontechnical summary accessible on the Authoritys official web
(3) The price of the said statement shall not exceed the cost of
their printing and distribution. Such charges shall be levied from
any member of the public for a copy of an environmental statement
made available in accordance with subregulation (1).

List of consultants. 28. (1) The environmental impact statement shall list the
registration number and the names of the consultants and
contributors responsible for the preparation of the environmental
impact statement, environmental survey reports, appendices, non-
technical summary and any other component of the statement.
(2) The consultants who are responsible for a particular
analysis, including analysis in the environmental survey reports,
shall be identified.
(3) All consultants and contributors employed in the
environmental impact assessment shall sign a declaration stating
that the particular study (or part thereof) was solely carried out by
them and that they take responsibility for any statement and
conclusion contained therein. This signed declaration shall be
included with each environmental survey report included with the
environmental impact statement.

Conflict of interest. 29. (1) In the interests of fairness, objectivity and the
avoidance of bias, all consultants shall be required to sign, and
abide by, a declaration that they have no personal or financial
interest in the proposed development.
(2) The Director of Environment Protection shall not approve
consultants, groups of consultants or consultancy firms that are in
any way associated with any company, association or grouping that
has any direct or indirect personal, professional or financial interest
in the proposed development.
(3) The Director of Environment Protection shall not approve
any environmental impact statement or environmental planning
statement produced by a consultant or group of consultants, one or
more of whom does not comply with the provisions of sub-
regulations (1) or (2).

Incorporation by 30. (1) Consultants shall incorporate material into an

reference. environmental impact statement by reference when the effect will
be to cut down on bulk without impeding the review by the public
during the public participation process or by the Authority, any
department and Government entity, by the council which is
responsible for the locality where the development is to be
executed, or by adjacent councils.
(2) The incorporated material shall be cited in the statement
and its content briefly described.
(3) No material may be incorporated by reference unless it is
reasonably available for inspection by potentially interested

persons within the time allowed for comment prescribed under

regulation 21(4).
(4) Material which is based on proprietary data which is itself
not available for review and comment shall not be incorporated by

31. (1) The environmental impact statement shall list all Identification of
permits, licences and other forms of authorisation which must be other permits the
applicant might
obtained by the applicant in terms of any other law from any need if
department or Government entity in implementing the development development
if development permission is granted. permission is
(2) If the consultants are uncertain whether such authorisation
as mentioned in subregulation (1) is necessary, they shall so
indicate in the environmental impact statement.

32. (1) The Authority shall keep a copy of each draft Public reference
environmental impact statement, the final environmental impact room.
statement and any documents connected therewith in a public
reference room.
(2) A copy of any environmental planning statement submitted
to the Authority under the provisions of Part IV shall also be kept
in the public reference room.
(3) Access to the documents mentioned in subregulations (1)
and (2) shall be given to any person during such reasonable times
as the Authority may determine.

(requiring an Environmental Planning Statement)
33. (1) Prior to formulating the terms of reference for the Setting the terms of
environmental planning statement, an appraisal of all foreseeable reference for an
(or expected) environmental impacts of the development shall be planning
carried out by the Director of Environment Protection on the basis statement.
of, but not limited to, information contained in the project
description statement.
(2) The Director of Environment Protection shall invite
relevant government departments and the local council which is
responsible for the locality where the development is proposed to
be executed and other local councils, that in the opinion of the
Director of Environment Protection are likely to be affected by the
project, to p rovide information, within twenty-one days of
notification, on what they wish to see included in the terms of
reference and the justification for doing so.
(3) Following these consultations the Director of Environment
Protection shall draw up the final draft of the terms of reference.
(4) The Director of Environment Protection shall communicate
a copy of the approved terms of reference to the applicant, architect
and to such other persons he deems proper.
(5) The provisions of regulations 11 to 32 other than regulation
19(3), regulation 24(10), and regulation 25, shall mutatis mutandis

apply to an environmental planning statement, provided that an

environmental planning statement shall be more limited in nature
than an environmental impact statement.

Procedures to be 34. (1) Where the Minister is aware that a project in Malta is
followed when a likely to have significant effects on the environment in another
project is likely to
have State, or where a State likely to be significantly affected so
transboundary requests, the Minister shall send to the affected State as soon as
possible and not later than when the public is informed in terms of
regulation 7(5), the following:
(a) a description of the project, together with any
available information on its possible transboundary
(b) relevant information regarding the environmental
impact assessment procedure;
(c) information on the nature of the decisions which may
be taken;
and shall give the affected State a reasonable time in which to
indicate whether it wishes to participate in the environmental
impact assessment procedure.
(2) If the affected State which receives information indicates to
the Minister that it intends to participate in the environmental
impact assessment procedure, the Minister shall, if he has not
already done so, send to the affected State the information gathered
regarding the proposed development.
(3) The affected State shall enter into consultations with the
Minister concerning, inter alia, the potential transboundary effects
of the project and the measures envisaged to reduce or eliminate
such effects and shall agree on a reasonable timeframe for the
duration of the consultation period.
(4) The affected State may arrange for the information to be
made available, within a reasonable time, to the relevant authorities
and the public in the territory of such affected State which is likely
to be significantly affected; and, within the timeframe established
through the provisions of subregulation (3), the affected State shall
forward its opinion to the Minister who shall in turn forward such
opinion to the Authority.
(5) The transmission of information to the affected State,
concerning potential transboundary impacts, and the receipt of
i n f o r m a t i o n b y s u c h aff e c te d St a te , s ha ll b e s ubje c t to t he
limitations contained in any law in force in Malta.
(6) The Minister shall provide to the affected State the final
decision on the proposed project along with the reasons and
considerations including information about the public participation
process on which it was based and any conditions attached thereto.
There shall also be a description, where necessary, of the main
measures to avoid, reduce and, if possible, offset the major adverse

(7) When, following monitoring of a development with
potential transboundary impacts, significant adverse transboundary
impacts or factors that may result in such an impact are discovered,
the Minister shall immediately inform the affected State and enter
into consultations on the necessary measures that may be
undertaken to reduce or eliminate such impact.
(8) In the exercise of his duties under this regulation, the
Authority shall furnish the Minister with all such documentation
and information as he may request.
(9) Where the Minister is informed that a project proposed in
a n o t h e r St a t e i s l i k e l y t o h a v e a s i g n i f i c a n t e ff e c t o n t h e
environment of the Maltese Islands, he shall inform the State, in
which the project is to be undertaken, of Maltas request to
participate in the environmental impact assessment procedure in
that State and request the following:
(a) a description of the project, together with any
available information on its possible transboundary
(b) relevant information regarding the environmental
impact assessment procedure; and
(c) information on the nature of the decisions.
(10) The Minister shall forward to the Authority the information
listed in subregulation (9). The Authority shall make this
information available to the consultees and the public in Malta in
accordance with the provisions of regulations 21 and 25. The
Minister shall also enter into discussion with the State in which the
project is to be undertaken to agree on a reasonable timeframe for
the duration of the consultation period.
(11) The Minister, acting on the advice of the Authority and
taking into consideration the comments of the public, shall enter
into consultations with the State in which the project is to be
undertaken concerning, inter alia, the potential transboundary
effects of the project and the measures envisaged to reduce or
eliminate such effects.
(12) When the Minister receives details from the State in which
the project is to be undertaken regarding the final decision on the
proposed project, together with the reasons and considerations on
which it was based, he shall provide a copy of this information to
the Authority who shall publish the information in the Gazette, in a
local newspaper and on the Authoritys official web site.

35. (1) The Authority shall keep and make available for public Register of
inspection at such reasonable times as it may determine, a Register Environmental
Impact Assessment
of Environmental Impact Assessment Consultants. Consultants.
(2) The Register shall be divided into Parts. Each Part shall list
those consultants who are competent in a particular discipline,

provided that where a person is competent in more than one

particular discipline he shall be registered under both or more such
(3) The Register shall also be divided into categories of
environmental impact assessment consultants, namely a Junior
Impact Assessor, a Senior Impact Assessor and an Environmental
Impact Assessment Co-ordinator.
(4) The Authority shall note the issue of a certificate of
registration in the Register together with the relevant discipline or
disciplines in which he is competent and shall also note therein all
suspensions, cancellations and reinstatements of those certificates.
(5) No person may act as an impact assessor or environmental
impact assessment co-ordinator unless he is registered in the
Register of Environmental Impact Assessment Consultants or
unless he proves that he is registered with a recognised national
registration body for the carrying out of professional work related
to the duties of an impact assessor or environmental impact
assessment co-ordinator.
(6) The Authority shall refuse to accept an environmental
impact statement or an environmental planning statement where a
person who is not registered in the Register has participated in the
preparation of the relevant environmental impact assessment.
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation (6), the
Director of Environment Protection may, where he deems it
necessary, accept the contribution by a non-registered person:
(a) in relation to a specific discipline not covered in the
Register, provided that that person is, in the view of
the Director of Environment Protection, suitably
qualified to make such a contribution and his
participation has been agreed in writing prior to the
commissioning of the environmental impact
(b) where that person has been responsible for undertaking
research including the gathering and collation of data,
under the supervision of a registered consultant
participating in the relevant environmental impact
assessment, but has not been involved in the
assessment of impacts.

Registration and 36. (1) The Minister shall appoint a Registration and Review
Review Board. Board that shall be responsible for:
(i) evaluating applications for registration in the Register;
(ii) receive and consider requests for considerations
submitted by applicants as per regulation 45.
(2) Decisions on applications for registration shall be taken by
the Registration and Review Board composed of a minimum of
three persons and a maximum of five persons. Members of the
Registration and Review Board shall be independent members who
are not involved in any way in the preparation of environmental

impact assessments, one of whom shall act as the chairperson of the

Registration and Review Board.
(3) The Registration and Review Board shall assess
applications for registration and shall prepare a list of persons who,
in the opinion of the Board, meet the requirements for registration
and are therefore to be issued with a certificate of registration. The
Registration and Review Board shall give reasons for their
(4) The decision of the Registration and Review Board to grant
or to refuse an application for registration in the Register shall be
notified in writing to the applicant without delay.
(5) The Registration and Review Board may direct the
Authority to update the Register at such regular intervals as it may
deem fit by the inclusion of other disciplines in the Register, which
disciplines might have in the meantime evolved.

37. (1) Any person may apply in writing on the appropriate Registration.
form to the Registration and Review Board to be registered in the
(2) The application for registration shall include the following
(a) personal details including name, surname, date of
birth, private and office addresses and qualifications of
the applicant for registration;
(b) a list of any relevant work by the applicant;
(c) a detailed curriculum vitae (which is to include details
of the persons training, experience and knowledge in
environmental assessment techniques and methods);
(d) the category to which the applicant is applying, as set
out in Schedule III;
(e) an indication of the particular environmental discipline
or disciplines for which the person is applying for
registration in.
(3) The application for registration shall be accompanied by the
appropriate fee as set out in Schedule III.

38. (1) The Registration and Review Board shall register a Certificate of
person in the Register if it is satisfied that the said person: registration.

(a) has appropriate qualifications in an environmental

discipline or in environmental impact assessment;
(b) has experience and knowledge of environmental
assessment techniques and methods; and
(c) has experience in one or more relevant disciplines.
(2) Certificates issued to eligible persons shall be valid for one
year but may be renewed by the Registration and Review Board
upon payment of the relevant renewal fee according to Schedule
III, except where, in the opinion of the Registration and Review
Board, the provisions of regulation 40 have been contravened.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation (1), the

Registration and Review Board may grant a temporary certificate
valid for one year to any person who, in the opinion of the
Registration and Review Board, has the appropriate qualifications
but does not have sufficient experience in the relevant discipline or
in environmental impact assessment techniques and methods.
Temporary certificates shall only be issued for a maximum of two
(4) The Authority shall endeavour to organise training courses
in environmental impact assessment techniques and methods. All
junior impact assessors and persons issued with a temporary
certificate shall be obliged to undertake this training course as a
prerequisite to obtaining or confirming their registration.

Contents of 39. The certificate of registration shall contain the following

certificate. information:
(a) the name, surname and identity document number or
other means of identification of the consultant;
(b) the date when the certificate is issued;
(c) the discipline or disciplines in which the consultant is
considered by the Registration and Review Board as
having an acceptable level of expertise.

Cancellation of 40. (1) The Registration and Review Board may cancel any
certificate. certificate granted under the provisions of this Part when the holder
of that certificate:
(a) is found guilty by a court of criminal jurisdiction of a
crime being a crime committed through imprudence,
carelessness, unskillfulness in an art or profession, or
non-observance of regulations; or
(b) is found guilty by a court of criminal jurisdiction of
any offence under the provisions of the Act or of any
regulations made thereunder; or
(c) has, in the opinion of the Authority and the
Registration and Review Board, submitted substandard
or deliberately misleading work in an environmental
impact assessment; or
(d) has participated in the preparation of an environmental
impact assessment when he was not registered in the
Register; or
(e) was the recipient of a certificate issued under the
provisions of this Part based on information given by
the applicant which is false or misleading; or
(f) fails to pay the yearly renewal fee.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation (1), the
Registration Board may opt for suspension, rather than cancellation
of the certificate, in the circumstances specified in subregulation
(1)(d) and (f).
(3) If a person participates in the preparation of an
environmental impact assessment without being registered in the

Register, he shall subsequently be barred from registering or

participating in any environmental impact assessments in Malta for
a period to be decided by the Registration and Review Board which
period shall in no case be less than three years.

41. (1) Any person who for the purposes of obtaining the Offences.
certificate for registration in the Register gives any wrong Amended by:
L.N. 425 of 2007.
information or otherwise acts in a deceitful or fraudulent manner
shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a
fine (multa) not exceeding two thousand and three hundred and
twenty-nine euro and thirty-seven cents (2,329.37).
(2) Any person who, not being the holder of a certificate,
assumes or uses the designation "Environmental Impact
Assessment Consultant", "Environmental Impact Assessment Co-
ordinator", "Senior Impact Assessor" or "Junior Impact Assessor"
or in any manner indicates that he is entitled to prepare an
environmental impact assessment shall be guilty of an offence and
shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa) not exceeding one
thousand and one hundred and sixty-four euro and sixty-nine cents
(1,164.69) and in respect of a second or subsequent offence to a
fine (multa) not exceeding two thousand and three hundred and
twenty-nine euro and thirty-seven cents (2,329.37).
(3) For the purposes of subregulation (2), the use on any card,
letterhead, sign, board, plate, advertisement or other written,
printed or engraved device, instrument or document, of the words
"Environmental Impact Assessment Consultant", "Environmental
Impact Assessment Co-ordinator", "Senior Impact Assessor" or
"Junior Impact Assessor", in relation to a name, shall be sufficient
evidence of the knowledge of such use by the person in relation to
whose name the said words are used, unless such person proves that
the use of such words was made without his knowledge and that
upon becoming aware of the use he took adequate steps to stop it.
(4) The offences and penalties mentioned in this regulation
shall be without prejudice to any other offences and penalties in
terms of the Act or any other law.

42. For the purposes of this Part "person" includes a person Interpretation of
who is not a citizen of Malta but does not include a body of Part VI.
43. (1) When development permission has been granted by the Implementing the
Authority for a development which had been subjected to an decision to grant
environmental impact assessment under these regulations, the permission.
Authority shall monitor the implementation of the said
development both during the construction and the operational
(2) The Authority may:
(a) include appropriate, and clearly specified conditions in
the development permission;

(b) establish the period within which the construction

phase of the development shall be completed together
with any planning obligations, conditions or penalties
which it may deem fit to impose for non-completion or
unsatisfactory completion of the development and
associated facilities within the established period;
(c) request the applicant to provide a guarantee by a bank
or credit institution licensed in Malta according to the
Cap. 371. provisions of the Banking Act, or any other law which
may from time to time replace it, by which the said
bank or institution shall bind itself on behalf of the
applicant, without prejudice to any future action or
remedy which such bank or institution may exercise
against him, to effect payment to the Authority of any
sum to be established by way of penalty in the
development permission if the development is not
completed in accordance with the specified conditions
within the period established in the development
permission and for any breach of any condition
imposed in the development permission or of any
planning obligation entered into by the applicant. The
said guarantee shall not be less than the greater of the
cost of reinstating the area to an acceptable condition,
or the cost of reinstatement and repair of damages
arising from non-compliance with conditions imposed
in the development permission;
(d) in the event that after a development permission is
issued the development is not carried out in
accordance with the permission, or is otherwise
causing damage to the environment or to the
infrastructure, demand, as a condition of the
continuance of the permission, that the person in
whose favour the permission is issued should provide a
bond in favour of the Authority in order to guarantee
payment in respect of damages which may be caused
to the environment or to the infrastructure, in terms of
article 54 of the Act;
(e) request that the person or company responsible for the
development is covered with an insurance policy
against damage to environmental resources; and
(f) make available to the public at such intervals as the
Authority deems proper the results of monitoring
carried out throughout the construction or operation
phase of the project, whether such monitoring has been
carried out by the Authority itself or by the developer
as a direct result of a condition in the development
Miscellaneous 44. (1) For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that -
(a) when the Director of Planning or the Director of

Environment Protection requests the applicant, his

architect, agent or the consultants to make certain
changes in the project design,
(b) when the Director of Planning or the Director of
Environment Protection gives any guidance which he
may deem fit in the circumstances,
this does not imply in any way that the Director of Planning or the
Director of Environment Protection is approving the development
or will recommend to the Authority that it should approve the
(2) Agreement on the terms of reference for the preparation of:
baseline studies, the formulation of a project description statement,
an environmental impact statement or an environmental planning
statement is not to be construed in any way as evidence in favour of
the proposed development.
(3) In arriving at a decision, the Authority shall not be bound
by the conclusions reached in an environmental impact statement or
an environmental planning statement, as the case may be. However,
the Authority shall give due regard to the conclusions reached in
the environmental impact statement or in the environmental
planning statement, as the case may be, when arriving at a decision.
Whether it accepts or does not accept the conclusions reached by
the said impact statement or planning statement, as the case may
be, the Authority shall give detailed reasons thereof.
(4) Where, after environmental information has been taken into
consideration, an application for development which has been
subjected to an environmental impact assessment under these
regulations is determined by the Authority, the Authority shall:
(a) inform the public of the decision, by publishing a
notice in a newspaper, or by such other means as are
reasonable in the circumstances; and
(b) make available for public inspection, at all reasonable
hours and free of charge, a statement containing:
(i) the content of the decision and any conditions
attached thereto;
(ii) a statement containing the main reasons and
considerations on which the decision is based,
including information about the public
participation process; and
(iii) a description, where necessary, of the main
measures to avoid, reduce, and if possible, offset
the major adverse effects of the development.
(5) The provisions of these regulations shall not affect the
obligation of the Government of Malta to respect the limitations
imposed by any law in force in Malta with regard to commercial
and industrial confidentiality, including intellectual property, and
the safeguarding of the public interest.

45. (1) If an applicant considers that the terms of reference, Review.

approved by the Director of Environment Protection under the

provisions of regulations 10 and 33, is unreasonable, he may

request the Director of Environment Protection to review such
terms of reference. A request for a review shall be made in writing
within fifteen (15) days from the date of communication of the said
terms of reference to the applicant.
(2) The Director of Environment Protection shall, without
delay, consider the request made by the applicant and communicate
the final terms of reference as the case may be, within thirty (30)
days from receipt of the request for reconsideration. The Director
of Environment Protection shall give a reasoned justification for
his decision/s relating to the request for review.
(3) If the applicant considers the final terms of reference,
communicated to him in accordance with subregulation (2), as
unreasonable, he may request the Registration and Review Board to
review the said terms of reference. A request for a review shall be
made in writing within fifteen (15) days from the date of
communication of the said terms of reference review decision by
the Director of Environment Protection to the applicant.
(4) The Registration and Review Board shall, without delay,
consider the request made by the applicant and invite submissions
from the Director of Environment Protection. The Board may at its
discretion inform any such persons he deems proper. The decision
of the Registration and Review Board shall be final, and shall be
communicated to the applicant within thirty (30) days from receipt
of the request for review.
(5) Any time period set out under any provision of these
regulations or the Act shall be suspended until a decision under this
regulation is communicated to the applicant.
(6) The provisions relating to the publication and
communication of the terms of reference under regulations 10 and
33 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the decision of the Director of
Environment Protection or Registration and Review Board taken in
accordance with subregulations (2) and (4).

Transitory 46. Any application for development permission which
provision. concerns any development listed in Schedule IA pending on the
date of coming into force of these regulations shall be regulated
according to the provisions of these regulations provided that:
(a) any environmental impact assessment carried out or in
the process of being carried out by consultants who are
not registered in the Register shall be deemed to have
been made in accordance with the provisions of those
regulations regulating the registration of consultants in
the Register;
(b) participation by any person in an environmental
impact assessment prior to the coming into force of
these regulations shall not be deemed to constitute an
automatic acceptance of an application made by such

person for registration in the Register; and

(c) environmental impact statements or environmental
planning statements the terms of reference whereof
have already been communicated to the applicant prior
to the entry into force of these regulations shall, as far
as possible, comply with the provisions of these
regulations unless the Director of Environment
Protection specifically exempts in writing the
applicant from any provisions of these regulations
with regards to a particular development and this may
be done after the Director of Environment Protection
would have taken into consideration the advanced
stage arrived at in the environmental impact statement
or environmental planning statement, as the case may
(d) until such time as the regulations under Part VI are
brought into force, the Director of Environment
Protection shall approve the participation of
consultants and contributors in the environmental
impact assessment process.
47. The revocation of the Environment Impact Assessment Saving.
Regulations, 2001 * shall be without prejudice to anything done or L.N. 204 of 2001.
omitted to be done under the said regulations and in particular shall
not affect the validity of any environmental impact statement or
environment planning statement made under the said regulations.

*Revoked by these regulations.


Amended by: SCHEDULE IA

L.N. 438 of 2011;
L.N. 263 of 2015; Projects which require an Environmental Impact
L.N. 81 of 2016. Statement or an Environmental Planning Statement


1.1 Category I Projects
1.1.1 The carrying out of development on
land or on sites not designated for
such purposes in an approved
development plan or development
brief, and not within the operational
perimeter of an established airport
where the proposed development
(i) the use of 5 ha of land or more;
(ii) the construction of a building or
installation with ground cover of
more than 10,000m2.

2.1 Highway and Road Construction
2.1.1 Category I Projects 2.1.2 Category II Projects Construction of a four-lane highway. 2. 1.2. 1 Other roads with a carriageway
width of more than 3.5m and not
being a road for which the
design is approved in a
development plan if the road is:
(i) more than 1 km in length;
(ii) within 100m of a protected
site. Construction of a road with a Construction of bridges outside
carriageway width of 7.5m or more development zones.
and not being a road for which the
design is approved in a development
plan, if the road is:
(i) 2 km or more in length; or
(ii) more than 300 dwellings or an
area designated for more than
300 dwellings are within 100m
of the centre line of the proposed
road; or
(iii) where the road passes through or
within 100m of a protected site. Re-alignment and/or widening of an
existing road of two lanes or less so
as to provide four or more lanes
where such new road, or realigned
and/or widened section of road would
(i) 2 km or more in length; or

(ii) more than 300 dwellings or an

area designated for more than
300 dwellings are within 100m
of the centre line of the proposed
road; or
(iii) where the road passes through or
within 100m of a protected site. Construction of a tunnel if the tunnel
is over 1 km in length, and:
(i) passing beneath or within 100m
of a protected area, or
(ii) passing through or within 100m
of an aquifer protection zone.
2.2 Airports
2.2.1 Category I Projects 2.2.2 Category II Projects Construction of a new airport/airstrip, Expansion of an airport/airstrip
or heliport. or heliport which includes an
extension to a run-way or taxi-
way by 250m or more not being
a development falling within and Significant expansion or development
of an existing airport which includes
an extension to a runway or taxi-way
by 500m or more, new terminal
buildings, or other major
developments with a building
footprint exceeding 35,000m2.
2.3 Ports
2.3.1 Category I Projects 2.3.2 Category II Projects Construction of a trading port, piers Construction or extension of a
for loading and unloading connected port installation, dry dock, bilge
to land and outside ports (excluding water recycling station (ship
ferry piers) for handling vessels over tank cleaning), permanent
1000 tonnes. moorings for ships over 25,000
tons, harbours including fishing
harbour or yacht marina (with a
capacity of less than 200 boats)
not being development falling
within and Construction of a yacht marina where
the number of berths exceeds 200. Construction of a breakwater, wave-
breaker or coastal defences. Inland waterways and ports for
inland-waterway traffic which permit
the passage of vessels of over 1350
2.4 Other Transport
2.4.1 Category I Projects 2.4.2 Category II Projects Construction of a tramway, elevated Other tramways, elevated or
or underground railway, suspended undergound railways, suspended
line or similar line being either: line or similar structures not
covered by
(i) within 100m of a protected site;

(ii) having a length of more than 1

km. Construction of railways and
intermodal transhipment facilities and
of intermodal terminals Other major transport facilities
e.g. a bus terminal or container
2.5 Dams and Reservoirs
2.5.1 Category I Projects 2.5.2 Category II Projects Construction of a dam which is either: Construction of a dam or
(i) more than 100m long; or r e s e r v o i r, n o t b e i n g a
development within and
(ii) more than 15m high. and being:
(i) a dam of between 25-
100m long; or having
(ii) a water storage capacity of
between 20,000m3 and
50,000m3. Construction of a reservoir or other
installation for holding or storing
water on a long term basis with a
capacity of more than 50,000m3.
2.6 Pipelines and Underground Electricity Transmission
2.6.1 Category I Projects 2.6.2 Category II Projects Pipelines with a diameter of more Oil and gas pipeline
than 800 mm and a length of more installations and pipelines for
than 40 km: the transport of CO2 streams for
- for the transport of gas, oil, the purposes of geological
chemicals, and storage (projects not included in
Category I of this Schedule)
- for the transport of carbon
dioxide (CO2) streams for the
purposes of geological
storage, including associated
booster stations. Construction of an aqueduct or a main Construction of an aqueduct or a
sewer with a diameter exceeding main sewer not being a
600mm and not utilising an existing development falling within
right of way: and not utilising an
existing right of way:
(i) over a distance of 5 km or more; (i) over a distance of 5 km or
or where more; or where
(ii) the route passes through a (ii) the route passes through a
protected site. protected site. Laying an underground route for
electricity cable/s of 100KV or
more not utilising an existing
right of way:
(i) over a distance of 5 km or
more; or where
(ii) the route passes through a
protected site.
2.7 Management and Disposal of Wastes
2.7.1 Category I Projects 2.7.2 Category II Projects
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT [ S.L.549.46 41 Erection of an installation for Installation for incinerating,

incinerating, treating (including treating (including chemical
chemical treatment), processing, treatment), processing,
recycling and destruction of recycling and destruction of
hazardous waste and spent oil. wastes not being a development
falling within Erection of an installation for Installation for the disposal of
incinerating, treating (inc. chemical household and non-hazardous
treatment), processing, recycling and (non-inert) waste with a
destruction of non-hazardous wastes capacity of over 15,000m 3 and
with a capacity of 25,000 tonnes per not being a development falling
year or more. within or Site for depositing or recycling
sludge. Installation for the disposal of
chemical or hazardous wastes on or in
the ground. The development of new landfill sites
for non-inert waste. Installation for the disposal of
household and other non-hazardous
(non-inert) wastes with a capacity of
100,000m3 or more. Installation for the disposal of
household and non-hazardous (non-
inert) wastes with a capacity of over
25,000m3 and where:
(i) more than 300 dwellings or an
area designated for more than
300 dwellings are within 200m
of the boundaries of the site; or
(ii) a protected site is within 200m of
the boundaries of the site; or
(iii) in the aquifer protection zone or
within 500m of a bore hole or
any other water abstraction
2.8 Sewage Treatment Plants
2.8.1 Category I Projects 2.8.2 Category II Projects A waste water treatment plant with a A waste water treatment plant
capacity catering for 150,000 with a capacity catering for less
population equivalent or more. than 150,000 population
2.9 Reverse Osmosis Plants
2.9.1 Category I Projects 2.9.2Category II Projects A Reverse Osmosis or desalination
A Reverse Osmosis or
plant with a capacity exceeding desalination plant with a
50,000m3 per day. capacity of between 10,000m 3
and 50,000m3 per day.
NOTE: A Reverse Osmosis or Desalination Plant on the coast is also covered by criterion
4.2 Development on the Coast whichever is the more demanding.


3.1 Urban Development Projects including Tourist and Recreation Developments1 but
excluding developments on operational land within the perimeter of an established
3.1.1 Category I Projects 3.1.2 Category II Projects
42 [ S.L.549.46 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Developments with an area of 10 ha Developments with a site area

or more. of more than 3 ha. Developments with a site area of 5 ha Developments where more than
or more not being a project defined in 300 dwellings, or a site
an approved development plan or designated for more than 300
development brief. dwellings, are within 200m of
the site boundary and:
(i) the site area is more than 2
ha; or
(ii) has a gross floor area of
more than 30,000m 2. Developments to provide 10,000m 2
gross floor space or more of shops,
including shopping centres, offices or
other commercial uses, and not being
a project defined in an approved plan
or development brief.
3.2 Business Parks where floorspace is
predominantly devoted to office uses
which may cater for research and
development, and may include
ancillary/supporting uses which
complement the main use.
3.2.1 Category I Projects 3.2.2 Category II Projects Development of Business Parks Development of a Business Park
where the site is 5 ha or more. with a site area of more than 1
3.3 Other Tourism Development1
3.3.1 Category I Projects 3.3.2 Category II Projects Construction of and extension to Construction of and extension to
hotel, holiday village, hostel or tourist hotel, holiday village, hostel or
facility being outside the tourist facility with a capacity
development zone with: of more than 500 beds.
(i) a capacity of more than 250
beds; or
(ii) to provide gross floor area of Construction of and extension to
more than 10,000m2; or hotel, holiday village, hostel or
tourist facility being outside the
development zone with:
(iii) a total site area of 2.5 ha or (i) a capacity of more than 60
more. beds; or
(ii) a gross floor area of more
than 2000m2.
3.4 Theme Parks
3.4.1 Category I Projects 3.4.2 Category II Projects Theme Parks with a site area of 5 ha Theme Parks with a site area of
or more. more than 5,000m 2.
3.5 Other Recreation and Sporting Facilities and Activities2
3.5.1 Category I Projects 3.5.2 Category II Projects Developments which cover a site area Developments which:
of over 10 ha. (i) have a site area of between
2 to 10 ha; or
(ii) have a site area of more
than 5,000m2 and are
within 200m of a protected
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT [ S.L.549.46 43 Permanent racing and test tracks for Permanent racing and test tracks
motorised vehicles where the length for motorised vehicles not being
of the track exceeds 5 km. a development falling in Cable cars, ski-lifts and associated Permanent camp sites and
developments. caravan sites with a capacity for
over 100 tents or 50 caravans.
3.6 Golf Courses
3.6.1 Category I Projects 3.6.2 Category II Projects Development of a golf course.
3.7.A Industrial Estates
3.7.A.1 Category I Projects 3.7.A.2 Category II Projects
3.7.A.1.1 Development of a speculative Development of an industrial
industrial development (i.e. where no estate on a site not specifically
specific end user is identified), where designated for such purpose in
the site is more than 10 ha. an approved plan or
development brief, with a site
area between 3 ha - 10 ha
(i) more than 300 dwellings, or an
area designated for more than
300 dwellings, are within
200m of the site boundaries;
(ii) the site boundary is within
200m of a protected site; or
(iii) the development is within the
aquifer protection zone or
within 500m of a bore hole or
water abstraction point.
3.7.B Industrial Estates
3.7.B.1 Category I Projects 3.7.B.2 Category II Projects
3.7.B.2.2 Industrial development not
within an industrial estate with a
gross floor area of more than
3.7.B.2.2 Industrial development not
within an industrial estate with a
gross floor area of more than
1000m2, and:
(i) within 100m of a protected
site; or
(ii) within the aquifer
protection zone or within
500m of a bore hole or
water abstraction point.
3.8 Defence
3.8.1 Category I Projects 3.8.2 Category II Projects Development for the purpose of
defence may require an
E n v i r o n m e n t a l I m p a c t St a t e m e n t
depending on the type of the
development proposed, site area and
3.9 Homes for the Elderly
3.9.1 Category I Projects 3.9.2 Category II Projects
44 [ S.L.549.46 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Construction of and extension to Construction of and extension to

home for the elderly being outside a home for the elderly with a
development zone and not being in an capacity of more than 500 beds.
approved development plan and with:
(i) a capacity of more than 250
beds; or
(ii) to provide gross floor area of Construction of and extension to
more than 10,000m2; or a home for the elderly being
(iii) a total site area of 2.5 ha or outside the development zone
more. and not being in an approved
development plan and with:
(i) a capacity of more than 60
beds; or
(ii) to provide a gross floor
area of more than 2000m2.
3.10 Car-Parks
3.10.1 Category I Projects 3.10.2 Category II Projects Construction of car-parks
providing more than 600 spaces.

The most stringent criteria will apply.
The most stringent criteria will apply.


This section refers to developments that are located within the coastal zone. The
area of land and sea within the coastal zone will incorporate all coastal natural
processes as well as those activities which rely on the land-sea interactions and as
may be defined by any development plan.
4.1 Reclamation
4.1.1 Category I Projects 4.1.2 Category II Projects Reclamation of land from the sea and Reclamation of land fiom the
fastening installations to the bed of sea or other development in the
the sea or raising the level of the bed sea having an area of 1000m 2
of the sea and having an area of 1 ha and more.
or more.
4.2 Development on the coast (not being covered by other classes of project)
4.2.1 Category I Projects 4.2.2 Category II Projects The change of use of land of 1
ha or more. Any engineering works
(including coastal defences)
with site area of more than
500m2. Construction of a building with
a footprint of more than 500m2. Sinking of vessels or structures
on the sea bed to form artificial
reefs or similar structures or
4.3 New Beach or Beach Enhancement
4.3.1 Category I Projects 4.3.2 Category II Projects Creation of new sandy beach Enlargement of existing beaches
involving thr replenishment of
an existing sandy beach.

4.4 Dredging
4.4.1 Category I Projects 4.4.2 Category II Projects Dredging within a Marine Dredging over an area of 25 ha
Conservation Area (including or more and not being
candidate Marine Conservation maintenance dredging.
Areas) or in an area of seabed
scheduled or in any way protected
under the Development Planning Act
or the Environment Protection Act.
4.5 Dumping at Sea
4.5.1 Category I Projects 4.5.2 Category II Projects Site for the deposition of waste at sea.

5.1 Hard Rock Quarries
5.1.1 Category I Projects 5.1.2 Category II Projects Any quarry or open-cast mining not in Development of a quarry or
an area of potential mineral working open-cast mining and an
in an approved plan. extension to an existing quarry
where the proposed area of new
operations is up to 3 ha. Development of a quarry or open-cast Any quarry or open-cast mining
mining and an extension to an where the boundary of the site is
existing quarry where the proposed within 300m of a protected site.
area of new operations is more than 3
ha. Any quarry or open-cast mining Any quarry or open-cast mining
where more than 300 dwellings or a where the site is within the
site designated for more than 300 aquifer protection zone or 500m
dwellings are within 500m of the of a borehole.
boundaries of the proposed site.
NOTE: A quarry on the coast is also covered by criterion 4.2 Development on the Coast
whichever is the more demanding.
5.2 Soft Rock Quarries
5.2.1 Category I Projects 5.2.2 Category II Projects Any quarry or open-cast mining not in Development of a quarry or
an area of potential mineral working open-cast mining and an
in an approved plan. extension to an existing quarry
where the proposed area of new
operations is 1 - 4 ha. Development of a quarry or open-cast A quarry or open-cast mining
mining and an extension to an where more than 300 dwellings
existing quarry where the proposed or a site designated for more
area of new operations is more than 4 than 300 dwellings is within
ha. 200m of the boundaries of the
proposed site. Any quarry or open-cast mining
where the boundary of the site is
within 200m of a protected site. Any quarry or open-cast mining
where the site is within the
aquifer protection zone or
within 500m of a bore hole.
5.3 Restoration and after use
5.3.1 Category I Projects 5.3.2 Category II Projects
46 [ S.L.549.46 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Restoration and after use of

existing and disused quarries
not already covered by an
approved landscaping /
restoration scheme, where the
boundary of the site is within
200m of a protected site or a site
of known environmental
5.4 Other Extraction Operations
5.4.1 Category I Projects 5.4.2 Category II Projects Deep drilling on land (in excess of 1 Drilling for water supplies
km), including geothermal drilling, where the expected supply
and deep drilling for the storage of would exceed 2 million cubic
nuclear waste material, but excluding metres per annum.
drillings for investigating the stability
of soils. Extracting coal, petroleum, natural Extraction of minerals by
gas, ores or bituminous shale on land. m a r i n e or f l u v i a l ( i n c l u d i n g
valleys) dredging. Extracting petroleum or natural gas Artificial groundwater recharge
offshore (an EIS is required for each schemes not being a
production contract area). development within Surface industrial installation for
extraction of petroleum or natural
gas. Underground mining or peat
extraction. Groundwater extraction or artificial
recharge schemes where the annual
volume of water abstracted or
recharged is equivalent to or exceeds
10 million cubic metes.
NOTE: Extraction of minerals by marine dredging is also covered by criterion 4.4
whichever is the more demanding.
5.5 Mineral Processing Industries
5.5.1 Category I Projects 5.5.2 Category II Projects Erection of a cement manufacturing Erection of a rock processing
plant. plant not within the operational
site of a quarry. Erection of a plant for concrete
block (brick) production or
tarmac production. Erection of other mineral
processing plants e.g. lime
kilns, ready-mix. Construction of salt pans over

6.1 Land Reclamation and Water Management
6.1.1 Category I Projects 6.1.2 Category II Projects
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT [ S.L.549.46 47 Works for the transfer of water Land reclamation for agriculture
resources between river basins where where the area to be modified is
this transfer aims at preventing more than 5 ha
possible shortage of water and where
the amount of water transferred
exceeds 10 million m3/year. Transfers
of piped drinking water are excluded. Construction of irrigation works
for the use of treated water
(i) the area to be irrigated is
more than 10 ha; or
(ii) the amount of water
intended to be supplied is
more than 1,000m3 in any
day; or
(iii) the site is located within
the aquifer protection
6.2 Livestock
6.2.1 Category I Projects 6.2.2 Category II Projects Developments with a site area
of more than 7500m2. A new establishment or extension for A new establishment or
poultry production with more than extension for poultry production
50,000 broiler or 25,000 layers at any for more than 30,000 broiler or
one time. 7,000 layers at any one time. A new establishment or extension for A new establishment or
turkey production with more than extension for turkey production
6,250 heads at any one time. for more than 1,750 heads at
any one time. A new establishment or extension for A new establishment or
rabbit production with more than extension for rabbit production
12,500 heads at any one time. for more than 5,000 heads at
any one time. A new pig rearing establishment or A new pig rearing establishment
extension for more than 500 sows or or extension with:
3,000 fattening pigs (over 30kgs) at (i) more than 250 sows or
any one time. 1,500 fattening pigs (over
30kgs); or
(ii) more than 125 sows or 750
fattening pigs (over 30
kgs) and within 400m of a
residential area. A new cow rearing establishment or A new cow rearing
extension with more than 200 milk establishment or extension with
cows 3 or 300 beef cows at any one more than 150 milk cows or 200
time. beef cows at any one time. A new goat rearing establishment A new goat rearing
with more than 900 heads at any one establishment with more than
time. 600 heads at any one time. A new sheep rearing establishment A new sheep rearing
with more than 1,200 heads at any establishment with more than
one time. 800 heads at any one time.
48 [ S.L.549.46 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Any livestock unit rearing

animals such as emus, ostriches,
kangaroos, wallabies or
crocodiles, whether these are for
consumption or otherwise; and
other animals, such as snails and
frogs, that can create an
ecological imbalance if they
escape into the wild.
6.3 Aquaculture
6.3.1 Category I Projects 6.3.2 Category II Projects Any aquaculture hatchery or unit and All aquaculture hatcheries or
extension to an existing one rearing units and extensions to an
any form of marine organism (animal existing one rearing any form of
or plant), and including penning, and m a r i n e o rg a n i s m ( a n i m a l o r
having: plant), and including penning
(i) facilities covering an area of 2 ha having facilities at sea (whether
or more at sea (be it at the on the surface or on the sea-bed)
surface or on the sea-bed); or within 2 km of the shoreline.
(ii) intended for the production of
more than 100 tons of fish per
year and within 2 km of the
coast. Aquaculture hatcheries or units
and an extension t o existing
ones rearing any form of marine
organism (animal or plant), and
including penning, having
facilities at sea (whether on the
surface or on the sea bottom),
more than 2 km from the coast
and covering an area of more
than 2 ha. All aquaculture hatcheries and
rearing farms and an extension
to existing ones with all
facilities on land covering an
area of land of 1 ha or more, or
intended for the production of
mor e than 50 to ns of fi sh or
equivalent other produce per
year not being a development on
the coast within 4.2.
6.4 Afforestation and Deforestation
6.4.1 Category I Projects 6.4.2 Category II Projects An afforestation scheme of more than An afforestation scheme of 5 ha
25 ha. or more. Deforestation (including felling and Deforestation (including felling
uprooting of trees) in an area of more and uprooting of trees) in an
than 10 ha for the purposes of area of more than 3 ha for the
conversion to another type of land purposes of conversion to
use. another type of land use.
NOTE: Afforestation/Deforestation projects affecting protected trees, copses and
woodlands are all covered by criterion 9 - Development affecting natural and
cultural heritage - whichever is the more demanding.
6.5 Greenhouses and Protected Crops
6.5.1 Category I Projects 6.5.2 Category II Projects
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT [ S.L.549.46 49 Greenhouses or structures to

protect crops with an area of
more than 1 ha. Greenhouses or structures to
protect crops with an area of
more than 5,000m 2 and where
the total area of greenhouses
within 500m of the site is more
than 5 ha.
6.6 Rural Land Holdings
6.6.1 Category I Projects 6.6.2 Category II Projects Projects for the restructuring for
rural land holdings where the
restructuring will involve the
change of use of 1 ha or more of
6.7 Horse Stables
6.7.1 Category I Projects 6.7.2 Category II Projects
Horse stables with more than 150 Horse stables with more than 50
horses. horses.

Milk cows refers to milking cows (excluding replacements, calves, etc)

7.1 Refineries
7.1.1 Category I Projects 7.1.2 Category II Projects Construction of a gas or crude-oil
7.2 Coal and Allied Works
7.2.1 Category I Projects 7.2.2 Category II Projects Installation for the gasification and Coke Ovens (dry coal
liquefaction of coal or bituminous distillation)
shale. Industrial briquetting of coal and
7.3 Electric Power Station
7.3.1 Category I Projects 7.3.2 Category II Projects Construction of thermal power station Construction or extension of a
and other combustion installation thermal power station and other
with an output of more than 50 combustion installation for the
megawatts. generation of power for sale to
consumers and not being
development falling within
7.4 Nuclear Energy
7.4.1 Category I Projects 7.4.2 Category II Projects Construction and/or dismantling of
nuclear power stations or other
nuclear reactors4. Installation for the processing or
reprocessing of irradiated nuclear
50 [ S.L.549.46 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Installation for the accumulation and/

or processing of radioactive wastes,
including fission waste and irradiated
fissile materials. Installation for the permanent storage
or final disposal of radioactive wastes
or irradiated nuclear fuel. Installation designed for the
production or enrichment of nuclear
7.5 Renewable Energy Production
7.5.1 Category I Projects 7.5.2 Category II Projects Installations for the harnessing
of wind power for energy
production (wind farms) in
excess of 5 turbines or in excess
of a total output of 5MW. Installations for hydroelectric energy
7.6 Storage of Gases, Fossil Fuels and Petroleum
7.6.1 Category I Projects 7.6.2 Category II Projects Surface and undergound storage of Surface and undergound storage
combustible gases including natural of combustible gases including
g a s w it h a c a p ac i t y o f m o r e t h a n natural gas with a capacity of
100,000m3. more than 50,000m 3. Surface storage of fossil fuels on a Surface storage of fossil fuels
site of 2 ha or more. on a site of more than 5,000m2. Storage of petroleum products with a Storage of petroleum products
capacity of more than 100,000m3. where the storage capacity is
between 50,000m3 and
100,000m3 and where: Storage sites pursuant to the (i) the site area is over
Geological Storage of Carbon 20,000m2; or
Dioxide Regulations. (ii) where more than 300 Installations for the capture of CO2 dwellings or a site
streams for the purposes of geological designated for more than
storage pursuant to the Geological 300 dwellings are within
Storage of Carbon Dioxide 300m of the proposed site;
Regulations, from installations or
covered by this Schedule, or where (iii) within the aquifer
the total yearly capture of CO2 is 1,5 protection zone; or
megatonnes or more.
(iv) within 500m of a borehole. Installation for storage and
transport of gas, steam or hot
water over a network having
more than 1 km of pipe work. Industrial installations for the
pr oduction o f steam and hot
water. Construction of a new fuel
servicing station. Installations for the capture of
CO2 streams for the purposes of
geological storage pursuant to
the Geological Storage of
Carbon Dioxide Regulations,
from installations not covered
by Category I of this Schedule.

7.7 Electric Transmission

7.7.1 Category I Projects 7.7.2 Category II Projects The transmission of electrical energy The transmission of electrical
by overhead cables at high voltage energy by overhead cables with
over 220 KV and over more than 1 a voltage of over 100 KV and
km. over more than 1 km.

Nuclear power stations and other nuclear reactors cease to be such an installation where all
nuclear fuel and other radioactively contaminated elements have been removed permanently
from the installation site.


8.1 Industrial Smelting of cast-iron and steel
8.1.1 Category I Projects 8.1.2 Category II Projects Construction of an installation for the
initial smelting of cast-iron, steel or
other metals.
8.2 Asbestos
8.2.1 Category I Projects 8.2.2 Category II Projects Construction of an installation for the The use of asbestos in
extraction, treatment and processing manufacture or production of
of asbestos and products containing products not being a
asbestos. development within to Construction of an installation for the
manufacture of asbestos cement. Construction of an installation for the
manufacture of brake linings with a
capacity of 50 tonnes or more per
year. Construction of an installation for the
manufacture or production of other
products containing asbestos with a
consumption of over 200 tonnes or
more of asbestos per year.
8.3 Chemical Installations
8.3.1 Category I Projects 8.3.2 Category II Projects Construction of an integrated
chemical installation, i.e. an
installation for the manufacture on an
industrial scale of substances using
chemical conversion or physical
processes, in which several units are
juxtaposed and are functionally
linked to one another and which are:
(i) for the production of basic
organic chemicals;
(ii) for the production of basic
inorganic chemicals;
(iii) for the production of
phosphorous-, nitrogen-, or
potassium-based fertilisers
(simple or compound fertilisers);
(iv) for the production of basic plant
health products or biocides;

(v) for the production of basic

pharmaceutical products using a
chemical or biological process;
(vi) for the production of explosives;
(vii) for the production of any other
product not listed above but
which requires similar treatment. Installations for the storage of Installations for the storage of
chemical products with a capacity of chemical products with a capacity
100,000m3. of over 20,000m3.


General Criteria
The industrial developments listed below are in Category I where the following
circumstances apply:
(a) the industrial operations will require the disposal of significant quantities of
liquid, gaseous or solid wastes; or
(b) significant quantities of chemical or combustible material are to be stored on
site; or
(c) development covering a site of 2 ha or more is:
(i) to be located in an area not designated for the type of industry in an
approved development plan; or
(ii) more than 300 dwellings or a site for more than 300 dwellings are within
200m of the site boundaries; or
(iii) the boundary of the site is within 200m of a protected site; or
(iv) within the aquifer protection zone or within 500m of a bore hole.
All industrial developments listed below not covered by the above conditions and
with a site area of more than 2,000m 2 are in Category II.
8.4 Processing of metals
8.4.1 Category I Projects 8.4.2 Category II Projects Roasting, palletizing or sintering of
ores. Installations for the production or
processing of ironworks or steel
works (primary or secondary fusion)
including continuous casting, a
f o u n d r y, f o r g e , s m i t h e r i e s w i t h
hammers, drawing plant or hot rolling
mills not being works falling within The pressing, drawing, or stamping of
large castings. Installations for production or
processing (including smelting,
refining, drawing and rolling) of non-
ferrous metals, other than precious
metals. Installations for the surface treatment
and coating of metals and plastic
materials using an electrolytic or
chemical process. Boiler-making or manufacturing of
reservoirs, tanks and other sheet-
metal containers. Shipyards.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT [ S.L.549.46 53 Manufacture or assembly of motor

vehicles or manufacturing motor-
vehicle engines. Installations for the construction or
repair of aircraft. Swaging by explosives. Installations for the application of
protective fused metal coats. Manufacture of railway equipment.
8.5 Glass and Ceramics
8.5.1 Category I Projects 8.5.2 Category II Projects Installations for the manufacture of
glass including glass fibre. Installations for the manufacture of
ceramic products by burning, in
particular roofing tiles, bricks,
refractory bricks, tiles, stoneware or
8.6 Chemical Industry
8.6.1 Category I Projects 8.6.2 Category II Projects Treatment of intermediate products
and production of chemicals not being
a development within 8.6. Production of pesticides or
pharmaceutical products, paints,
varnishes, elastomers or peroxides. Storage of chemical or petrochemical
8.7 Food Industry
8.7.1 Category I Projects 8.7.2 Category II Projects Manufacturing of vegetable or animal
fats. Packing or canning of animal or
vegetable products. Manufacture of dairy products. Brewing or malting. Confectionery or syrup manufacture. Installations for the slaughter of
animals. Installations for the manufacture of
industrial starch. Fish meal or fish-oil industry. Sugar factory.
8.8 Textile, Leather, Wood and Paper Industries
8.8.1 Category I Projects 8.8.2 Category II Projects Wool scouring, degreasing and
bleaching factory. Manufacture of fibre board, particle
board or plywood. The manufacture of pulp, paper or
board. Fibre drying factory.
54 [ S.L.549.46 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Cellulose-processing and production

installation. Tannery or leather dressing industry.
8.9 Rubber Industry
8.9.1 Category I Projects 8.9.2 Category II Projects Manufacture and treatment of
elastomer-based products.
8.10 Other Projects
8.10.1 Category I Projects 8.10.2 Category II Projects Manufacture, packing, loading or
placing in cartridges of gunpowder or
other explosives other than for local
use i.e. the making of fireworks for
local festas. The storage of scrap iron including
scrap vehicles. A car breakers yard, a test bench for
engines, turbines or reactors. A knackers yard. Installations for smelting mineral
substances including the production
of mineral fibres. Installations for the manufacture of
artificial mineral fibres. Installations for the recovery or
destruction of explosive substances.


Any development or activity on behalf of which a scheduled property, conservation
area, or other property having heritage value, whether natural or cultural, could be
destroyed or its protected status rescinded, may require an environmental impact
statement, the scale of which shall be determined by the Director of Environment
Protection, taking into consideration the criteria in Schedule III.
Any change or extension of development which would result in the development
listed in Category I and II, already authorised, executed or in the process of being
executed, which may have significant adverse effects on the environment including:
(a) an increase in size greater than 25%; or
(b) an amount equivalent to 50% of the appropriate threshold
shall be required to undertake an environmental impact assessment, the scale of
which shall be determined by the Director of Environment Protections, taking into
consideration the criteria in Schedule IB.
Projects in Category I, undertaken exclusively or mainly for the development and
testing of new methods or products and not used for more than two years shall be
subject to an environmental planning statement prior to re-use.
Projects not included in Category I and II and which normally do not require an
assessment of environmental impacts but, due to cumulation with other projects can
produce significant environmental or social effects, may be required to undertake an
environmental impact statement or an environmental planning statement if the
Director of Environment Protection is of the opinion that significant impacts are
likely to occur, taking into consideration the criteria in Schedule IB.

Criteria for determining whether a development is likely
to have significant effects on the environment
1. Characteristics of the proposed development
The characteristics of the proposed development, in particular to:
- the size of the proposed development;
- the cumulation with other developments;
- the use of natural resources;
- the production of waste;
- pollution and nuisances;
- the risk of accidents, having regard to substances or technologies used.
2. Location of proposed development
The environmental sensitivity of geographical areas likely to be affected by the
proposed development, having regard, in particular, to:
- the existing land use;
- the relative abundance, quality and rigenerative capacity of natural
resources in the area;
- the absorption capacity of the natural environment, paying particular
attention to the following areas:
(a) wetlands;
(b) coastal zones;
(c) mountain and forest areas;
(d) nature reserves and parks;
(e) areas classified or protected under other legislation, designated
special protected pursuant to the Conservation of Wild Birds
Regulations and the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection
(f) areas in which the environmental quality standards laid down in
legislation of the EU have already been exceeded;
(g) densely populated areas;
(h) landscapes of historical, cultural or archaeological significance.
3. Characteristics of potential impacts
The potential significant effects of the proposed development in relation to criteria
set out under paragraphs 1 and 2 above, and having regard in particular to:
- the extent of the impact (geographical area and size of the affected
- the transfrontier nature of the impact;
- the magnitude and complexity of the impact;
- the propabibility of the impacts;
- the duration, frequency and reversibility of the impact.

Form of notice of an Environmental Impact Assessment to be used for newspaper
advertisement and site notice by an applicant who submits an Environmental Impact
Statement or Environmental Planning Statement
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations
(or Environmental Planning Statement, as the case may be)
(to be published in a newspaper and displayed on or near the site)
Proposed development at [address or location of the development]
[Name of applicant] gives notice that an application [P.A No.] dated [date] has been made to
the Planning Authority for development permission to [description of development] and that
the application is accompanied by an environmental impact statement [or environmental
planning statement, as the case may be].
Members of the public may inspect copies of:
1. the application
2. the plans
3. the environmental impact statement [or environmental planning statement, as the case
may be]
4. and other documents submitted with the application
at the offices of the Planning Authority [other addresses such as the local council offices
may also be included] during office hours until [date giving a period of 21 days, beginning
with the date when the notice is first displayed on or near the site, or a period of 14 days,
beginning with the date when the notice is published in a newspaper (as the case may be)]
Members of the public may obtain copies of the environmental impact statement [or
errvironmental planning statement, as the case may be) from [address from where copies of
the environmental statement may be obtained] so long as stocks last, at a charge of [amount
of charge].
Anyone who wishes to make representations about this application should write to the
Director of Environment Protection, Planning Authority at St Francis Ravelin, Floriana
CMR 01 by [date giving a period of 21 days, beginning with the date when the notice is first
displayed on or near the site, or a period of 14 days, beginning with the date when the notice
is published in a newspaper (as the case may be)]

Date ....................................



The following fees shall apply for registration under one of the hereunder listed categories of
environmental impact assessment consultants:
Application Fee 58.23
Application Fee 116.47
Yearly Renewal Fee 58.23
Upgrade to next level 163.06
Application Fee 232.94
Yearly Renewal Fee 116.47
Upgrade to next level 163.06
Application Fee 349.41
Yearly Renewal Fee 174.70

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