Chemistry Syllabus Uos
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9/15/17 B.Sc Chemistry (Elective) Syllabus Sargodha University | Ilam ki Shama
Paper C Organic Chemistry (Written) 50
Practical: (For three Days , Four Hours Duration each day as detailed below):
Total : 200
Ideal gas laws and general gas equation , Kinetic molecular theory of gases, Kinetic equation for ideal
gases and deduction of gas laws, molecular velocities (Averages, root mean square and most probable ),
distribution of molecular velocities and experimental verification, molecular collisions, mean free path,
collision frequency, heat capacity of gases ( Cp,Cv).
Thermal Energy:
Translational, rotational and vibrational contributions. Principle of equipartition of energy, Van der Waals
equation and its validity. Critical phenomenon and determination of constants. Van der experimental LATEST ADMISSIONS
determination of critical temperature. Law of Waals corresponding states. Liquefaction of gases.
Admission Schedule Of M.A / M.Sc,
Part-I / II & Composite 1st Annual
Structural differences between gases and liquids, Vapour pressure, surface tension, viscosity, refractive Examination 2017 University of
index, optical activity and dipole moment (their measurements and relation to chemical constitution). Sargodha
Admission Schedule of M.A M.Sc 2nd
Solids: Annual Examination 2016 Sargodha
Admission Schedule Of BA BSc 1st
Crystal lattice and unit cell, law of crystallography, crystal system. X-rays diffraction and the Braggs
Annual Examination 2017 Sargodha
equation . Experimental methods for X ray structure determination. Closed packed sphere structures,
structure of ionic solids, Elementary treatment of metals, insulators and semi- conductors.
BA / B.Sc 2nd Annual Examination
2016 Admission Sargodha University
Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan
Admission 2016
Classification, preparation, purification and properties of colloidal solutions, Brief
treatment of Gels, Sargodha University Admissions
Emulsions, Aerosols and Surface active agents.
University of Sargodha Regular
SOLUTIONS: Admission 2016
M.A / M.Sc Admission Schedule 1st
Annual Examination 2016 Sargodha
Raoults law, Henrys law, activity and activity coefficients, Deviations of solutions from ideal behaviour . University
Colligative properties, lowering of vapour pressure, Boiling point elevation, Depression in freezing point Sargodha University Admission 2015
and osmotic pressure (Their measurements and thermodynamic derivation of molecular masses). Cadet College Jajja Admission
Abnormal colligative properties of solutions.
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Earlier developments, Nature of light radiations, Bohrs theory of atomic structure. Interpretation of
emission spectra of hydrogen atoms. Quantum mechanics, de Broglie equation and Eigen values.
Interpretatin of (H-E). Eigen function and Eigen values. Heisenbergs uncertainty principle. Particles in one
dimensional box (permitted energies and values).
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9/15/17 B.Sc Chemistry (Elective) Syllabus Sargodha University | Ilam ki Shama
Quantum number of atomic orbitals, Paulis Exclusion Principle. Distributionof electons in atomic orbials. Date Sheets
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Chemical Bonding (Elementary treatment of Lewis, Valence bond and Molecular orbital theories). Home
Past Papers
Thermodynamics terms and types of system. State and state function. Equilibrium states, nature of heat Results
and work, Sign convention and units of work and q. Internal energy change, first law of the rmodynamics, Jobs
enthalpy . Heat capacity Cp Cv R.
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Thermo-chemistry. Heat of reaction. Hesss law. Heat of formation Standard enthalpy of combustion and
its applications. Heat of neutralization. Heat of solution. Bond energies. Measurement of heat of reaction
. Effect of temperature on heat of reaction (Kirchhoffs equation ).
Basic concepts, law of mass action, Relationship between Kc , Kp, Kx and Kn for gasseous reactions.
Homogeneous gaseous equilibria. Effects of pressure, concentration on equilibrium changes. Examples of
chemical equilibria. Degree of dissociation.
Phases, components, degrees of freedem. Gibbs phase rule and its derivation. Phase diagram, One
component system, (Water and sulphur system). Two component systems, eutectic systems, cooling curves
and cooling behaviour, silver-lead system, Compound formation with congruent m.p. Ferric chloride-
water system, sodium sulphate- water system.
Solid solution and alloy systems, liquid-vapour systems. Three component systems. Partially miscible a
three component systems. Liquid-liquid systems, Nernsts distribution law, applications and deviations.
The reaction rate (average and instantaneous). Rate equation, velocity constant. Rate law expression,
order and molecularity. Kinetic expressions for zero order, first order, pseudo-unimolecular and second
order (with same 8 different initial conc.) with examples. Determination of order and rate const of a
reaction. Effect of temperature. Activation energy and its determination.
Biomolecular collison theory of reaction rates (causes of its failure). Collision theory of unimolecular
reactions (Lindemanns mechanism). Some examples of m/re-action mechanisms.
Electrolytic conduction (definitions and measurements, specific, equivalent and molar conductances).
Conductance of strong and weak electrolytes, Kohlrauschs law and its applications. Ostwalds dilution law.
Transport number, Hittorfs rule. Determination of transference numbers. Applications of conductance
Electromotive force and its measurements. Electrochemical cells; reversible and irreversible, classification
of half cells. Electrode potential and its measurements (standard electrodes). Cell notations.
Thermodynamic aspects of cell reactions. Liquid Junction potential. Types of Galvanic cells, concentration
cells without and with transference
Types of nuclear radiations, detection and measurement of radioactivity, stable and unstable isotopes. 3/10
9/15/17 B.Sc Chemistry (Elective) Syllabus Sargodha University | Ilam ki Shama
Half life, natural radioactivity. Artificial nuclear transformations. Applications of radioactive isotopes.
Nuclear fission and fusion reactions. Brief description of nuclear reactor.
Determination of surface tension of different liquids. Parachor values. Composition of mixtures of two
miscible liquids.
Viscosity Measurements:
Determination of viscosity coefficients of different liquids. Rheochor values and composition of mixture of
two miscible liquids.
Determination of specific and molar refractivities of different liquids, composition of two miscible liquids.
Thermochemical Measurements:
Molecular Mass:
Chemical Kinetics:
Determination of reaction rate constant for a first order reaction (acid hydrolysis).
Conductance Measurement:
(i) Determination of cell constant and molar conductance.
(ii) Verification of Ostwalds dilution law. Determination of degree of dissociation for weak electrolytes.
Text Book of Physical Chemistry for B.Sc students by Ali Mohammad and Ghulam Rasool Chaudhry,
Ameen Publishers, Urdu Bazar, Lahore.
Text Book of Physical Chemistry for B.Sc students by G. Nabi, Publishers; Ilmi Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar,
Chaudhry, G. R., ;Text Book of Physical Chemistry, New Kitab Markaz, Aminpur Bazar, Faisalabad,
Pakistan, 2nd Edition (2001)
Maron S. H. & B. Jerome, Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry, Macruthan Publishing co. Inc. New
York. (Also published by National Book Foundation).
Atkins P.W. & M. J. Clugston, Principles of Physical Chemistry Pitman Publishing Company.(1998)
Moore J., Physical Chemistry, 5th Ed. Longmans Publishers.
Jones M., Elements of Physical Chemistry, Addison-Sesky Publishing Company.
Adamson A. W.,Understanding Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed. Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company
Heald C. & A.C.K. Smith, Applied Physical Chemistry English Language Book Society and MacMillan.
Akhtar M.N. & Ghulam Nabi ,Text Book of Physical Chemistry
Bhatti H. N. and K. Hussain, Principles of Physical Chemistry; Carwan Book House, Lahore.
Levitt B.P., Findlays Practical Physical Chemistry, 9th Ed., Longman Group Limited.
Das R.C. and B. Behera, Experimental Physical Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Crocleford H.D., H.W. Biard, F.W. Getzen & J.W. Nowell, Laboratory Manual of Physical Chemistry, 2nd
Ed., John Wiley & Sons London.
9/15/17 B.Sc Chemistry (Elective) Syllabus Sargodha University | Ilam ki Shama
Electromagnetic radiations, Atomic spectra, the wave nature of electron, electron spin and the Paulis
exclusion Principle, the special distribution of electrons, the electronic configuration of elements. The
variation of properties with atomic structure, atomic size, ionization energy, electron affinities and
electronegativities. Modern trends in periodic table based upon chemical re-activities of elements.
Metals as reducing agents and non-metals as oxidizing agents. Redox actions, redox potential (elementary
treatment). Electrochemical series and its applications.
Chemical Bonding:
Nature and types of chemical bond, energetic of chemical bond, bond energies, bond length, polarity of
molecules, dipolemoment. Theories of chemical bonding Valence bond theory. Interpretation of pictorial
pictures of molecules based on hybridization and resonance. Interpretation of shapes of molecules based
on valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) treatment. Molecular orbital theory as applied to
homonuclear and heterounclear diatomic molecules. Hydrogen and metallic bonding.
General concepts of acids and bases including soft and hard acid-base concepts. Relative strength of acids
and bases, significance of PK, ionization of water and pH concept. Buffers. Relationship between acid-base
equilibria and redox processes.
Hydrolysis of salts, applications of law of mass action and the principle of solubility product and common
ion effect in inorganic qualitative analysis.
General characteristics of the following groups of p-block elements with reference to the aspects given
against each.
Gradation of the characteristic properties within group III. Metallurgy of aluminium and its chemical
characteristics. Electron deficient molecules such as boranes aluminium hydrides and halides, including
their structure onding. Boric acid, borax and alums.
Gradation of the characteristic properties within group IV. Green-house effect. Production of pure silicon
chips for solar energy cells, silicones. Structural aspects of metasilicates / ortho and meta silicates.
Industrial applications of Zeolites. Cement and Glass Industry. Water glass.
Gradation of the characteristics properties within group V. Oxides and oxyacids of nitrogen and their role
in environmental pollution. Nitrogen and phosphorus based fertilizers.
Gradation of the characteristics properties within group VI. Oxides and Oxyacids of sulphur. Role of
sulphur dioxide in air pollution. Thionic acids. Use of hypo in photography.
Gradation of the characteristic properties within group VII. Oxyacids of chlorine. Structural and chemical
aspects of interhalogons and pseudohalogens. 5/10
9/15/17 B.Sc Chemistry (Elective) Syllabus Sargodha University | Ilam ki Shama
Basis of reactivity of noble gases. Nature of bonding and structure of xenon compounds (fluorides, oxides
and oxyflourides), laboratory and commercial utilization of noble gases.
Modern Materials:
Introduction to liquid crystals, inorganic polymers, engineering ceramics, fiber glass, thin films and
Qualitative Analysis:
1. Mixture of four radicals (cations and anions) from standard samples as well as from water, soil and
simple ores by semi-micro techniques/macro-techniques.
Separation of cations:-
Quantitative Analysis:-
7. Preparation of Ferrous Sulphate from Kipps Waste and determining the percentage purity of the
sample by estimating Fe (II) with K 2 Cr2 O7.
1. Preparations of CuZo 4, from copper turnings and determining parity of the sample by Iodometry and
Gravimetric Analysis:-
Text Books of Inorganic Chemistry (for B.Sc students) by Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Illmi Kitab Khana,
Iqbal, M. Z., Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Revised Edition (1998).
Chaudhry, G. R., ;Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry, New Kitab Markaz, Aminpur Bazar, Faisalabad,
Pakistan, 2nd Edition (2001)
Bhatti, H. N. and B.A. Nasir, Modern Inorganic Chemistry, The Carvan Book House, Lahore, Pakistan, 1st
Edition (2000)
Cotton, F. Albert, Geoffrey Wilkinson and Paul L. Gaus, Basic Inorganic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. 3rd Edition (1995).
Lee, J.D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Chapman & Hall, 5th Edition, (1996). 6/10
9/15/17 B.Sc Chemistry (Elective) Syllabus Sargodha University | Ilam ki Shama
Jolly, William. L., Modern Inorganic Chemistry, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition (1991).
Shriver, D.F., P.W. Atkins and C.H. Langford, Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford, 2nd Edition (1994).
Sharpe, A.G., Inorganic Chemistry, Longman, 3rd Edition (1992).
Rayner-Canham, Geof., Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, W.H. Freeman & Co. (1995).
Jefferey, G.H., J.Bassett, J.Mendham and R.C.Denney, Vogels Textbook of Quantitative Chemical
Analysis, 5th Edition, Benjamin-Cummings, (1989).
Vogel, A.I, A Text Book of Macro and Semimicro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, Longman Green & Co,
Skoog, D.A., D.M.West and F.J.Holler, Analytical Chemistry, 6th Edition, Saunders College Publications,
Graham, H and J.H. Man, Chemistry in Context. 5th Edition, Thomas Nelson Ltd., (2000), K.
Philp M., Advance Chemistry, Combridge Low Price Edition, (1996) K.
David H. Modern Analytical Chemistry, McGraw Hill International Edition, (2000).
1- Basic Concepts:
Atomic, molecular and hybrid orbitals: multiple localized and delocalized bonds; properties of bonds;
inductive; effect dipole moment. The concept of resonance, rules for resonance; resonance energy; steric
inhibition of resonance; hyperson jugation; resonance effect; hydrogen bonding; automerism.
Introduction to resonance, rules for resonance, resonance energy, steric inhibition of resonance,
Introduction to spectroscopy with special reference to ultraviolete / visible and infrared spectroscopy.
2- Hydrocarbons:
3- Stereoisomerism:
Optical Isomerism. Optical activity, chiral carbon atom and optical isomerism; relative and absolute
configuration, creation of chiral carbon and racemization, optical isomerism in compounds containing two
chiral carbon atoms; diasteroisomers; elements of symmetry; resolution of racemic mixture.
4- Alkyl Halides:
Nomenclature, methods of preparation and chemical reactions with special reference to nucleophilic
substitution and elimination reaction of alkyl halides. Preparations, structure and synthetic applications of
Grignards reagents.
Alcohols:- Classification and nomenclature of alcohols; methods of preparation and chemical reactions of
alcohols; distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. Polyhydric alcohols. 7/10
9/15/17 B.Sc Chemistry (Elective) Syllabus Sargodha University | Ilam ki Shama
Nature of carbonyl group and its reactivity; nomenclature of aldehydes and ketones; methods of
preparation of aldehydes and ketones; chemical reactions of aldehydes and ketones; distinction between
aldehydes and ketones.
Nomenclature of carboxylic acids; methods of preparation and chemical reactions of carboxylic acids,
strength of carboxylic acids and the factors affecting it. Formation and hydrolysis of acid anhydrides, acid
amides, acid halides and esters including glycerides. Introduction to aminoacids.
8- Nitrogen Compounds:
Amines: Classification and nomenclature of amines; methods of preparation and chemical reactions of
amines; distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary amines. Preparation and reactions of aniline.
Basicity of aliphatic and aromatic amines and factors affecting it.
Heterocyclic Compounds: Methods of preparation of pyrrole and pyridine; aromatic character of pyrrole
and pyridine and comparison of their reactivity with benzene. Some of the important reactions of pyrrole
and pyridine.
9- Carbohydrates:
Classification of carbohydrates, characteristic features of mono-, di- and polysaccharides and some of
their important reactions. Structure of ring size and conformation of glucose.
Identification of organic compounds containing only one emphasis on compounds containing the
following functional group with special emphasis on compounds containing the COOH, OH, CO, NH2,
and CONH2.
Organic Preparation:-
1. Preparation of tribromophenol (Halogenations)
2. Preparation of nitrobenzene (Nitration)
3. Preparation of aspirin (Acetylation)
4. Preparation of ethyl Benzoate (Esterification)
5. Preparation of benzoic acid from toluene (Oxidation of side chain)
Younas, M., Text Book of Organic Chemistry, Ilmi Kutab Khana, Lahore.
Rehman, A., Text Book of Organic Chemistry, Caravan Book House, Lahore.
March, J., Advanced Organic Chemistry, Wiley, New York.
Pine, S. H., Organic Chemistry, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Sykes, P., A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Longman, London.
Younas, M., Organic Spectroscopy, A. H. Publisher, Lahore.
Solomons, T. W. G., Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, Wiley, New York.
Kemp, W., Organic Spectroscopy, Macmillan, London.
Chughtai, F. A., Organic Reactions, Majid Book Depot, Lahore/Faisalabad.
Vogel, A. I., A Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry, Longman, London.
Clarke, H. T. and D. Haynes., A Hand Book of Organic Analysis, Edward Arnold, London. 8/10
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Mann, F. G and B. C. Saunders. Practical Organic Chemistry, Longman, London.
Shriner, R. L., D.Y. Curtin, R.C. Fuson, and T.C. Morrill, The Systematic Identification of Organic
Compounds, Wiley, New York
Rehman, A., Experimental Organic Chemistry, The Caravan Book House, Lahore
Morrison R. T. and R.N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, Allyn and Bacon, London.
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