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Coulomb Stress Changes in The Gulf of Corinth (GREECE) FOR THE 1992-1995 PERIOD

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C. Mitsakaki1 topocris@central.ntua.gr
K. Papazissi1 topoepy@central.ntua.gr
M. Sakellariou2 mgsakel@central.ntua.gr
A. Marinou1 amarinou@survey.ntua.gr
D. Tsinas2 dtsinas@central.ntua.gr


The rift of the Corinth Gulf, one of the most active areas, has attracted attention for more than a
decade and been extensively monitored by geodetic, seismological and various geological
observations in order to evaluate its complicated tectonic behaviour.
Recent studies have verified that the rift is bordered on both its north and south sides by active faults,
predominantly normal ones. However, much of the seismicity in the region is attributed to off-shore
active faults. Their geometry and tectonic activity is estimated indirectly via analysis of the seismic
episodes, geodetic observations on the free surface, observations of microseismicity in the area,
multibeam bathymetry etc.
Although the 1995 Aigion earthquake, a well documented event resulting from normal faulting, has
been most rigorously studied, the preceding Galaxidi-Itea earthquake of Ms~5.9, of November 1992,
beyond the early studies that estimated its characteristics, has not merited a similarly prolonged and
detailed analysis, possibly due to its minor consequences in the vicinity.
The present work deals with the assessment of the Coulomb stress change (CFF) associated with
the Galaxidi-Itea 1992 earthquake, assuming the earthquake can be modeled as a static dislocation in
an elastic half-space. The stress changes are estimated for normal faulting and for the appropriate
parameters of the Galaxidi event. It is, also, investigated whether this earthquake may be considered as
a precursor for the 1995 Aigion earthquake of Ms~6.2.


Normal faulting, in actively extending regions of the continents, is usually organized into sub-
parallel systems distributed over areas of tens or even hundred kilometres wide. In Greece,
one of the most prominent and active features of such a system of faults is the rift along the
Gulf of Corinth.
The Gulf of Corinth is the most rapidly extending rift system in Greece with about 120km
length and 30km width and a WNW-ESE trend. It is believed to be active at the present rates
since the last 5Myrs.It is connected with one of the highest seismic activities in the Euro-
Mediterranean region: 5 earthquakes of magnitude greater than 5.8 in the last 35 years, an
estimate of 1-1.5cm/yr of north-south extension, frequent seismic swarms, and destructive
historical earthquakes [7, 11, 20]. The rift appears to be asymmetric and bounded along its
south coast, on Peloponnesos, by north-dipping faults of en chelon pattern with maximum
segment lengths of 15-25km.

Higher Geodesy Laboratory
Structural Mechanics and Engineering Structures Laboratory
School of Rural and Surveying Engineering
National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Seismic, geomorphologic and geological observations suggest that the Peloponnesos coastal
and offshore normal faults seem to be the most active today, resulting in the long term
subsidence of the northern coast, and on the upward displacement of the main footwalls.
These vertical motions relatively to sea level are superimposed on the general uplift of the
northern Peloponnesos [5].
It is estimated that for the central part of the rift all recent large earthquakes (Eratine of
Phokida, M=6.3, 1965; Antikyra, M=6.2, 1970; Galaxidi, M=5.8, 1992, Aigion, M=6.2, 1995)
activated offshore faults with shallow north-dipping planes [2]. At least for the 1995 and,
possibly, for the 1992 events [4, 10] these planes are shown to be the fault planes. These 30
to 35 dip angles differ significantly from the steeper 45 to 50 dip angles of the eastern part
of the rift, such as the ones for the three earthquakes of the Corinth sequence of 1981 (Figure
1) [11].
Present day estimates, derived from GPS observations, suggest fault slip rates of the order of
10-15mm/yr for the western part of the Gulf, not quite in agreement with observed uplift rates
of 1-2mm/yr over the last 0.3Myrs [1, 15]. However, the extension rates estimated from GPS
observations, for the eastern part of the Gulf, are significantly lower (of the order of 5-
6mm/yr) [7].

Figure 1 The geological map of the Corinth Gulf with the recent major earthquakes for the western part.
Modified from [14, 17].


Stresses around an active fault are accumulated slowly due to the lithospheric plates motion.
If the stresses surpass the strength of the crust a fracture takes place which causes a seismic
event. Thus, part of the accumulated stresses is released on this fault while the stress field in
neighbouring areas is changed. A measure of this change is the so-called Coulomb stress,
which is the difference between the shear stress in the fault direction and the shear strength,
assuming that the Mohr-Coulomb criterion expresses the strength of the crust material.
Therefore, if the distribution of the static stress changes around the ruptured fault is known it
may provide useful information whether the seismic activity on a nearby fault will accelerate
or not depending on the increase or decrease of Coulomb stress induced by the ruptured fault.
Several studies have indicated that relatively small but sudden changes of the stress field
applied on the faults may affect the rate of seismic activity in the surrounding area [13, 23,
25]. Such stress changes, of the order of 0.2MPa (2 bar) are only a fraction of the stress drop
during an earthquake and were regarded insignificant, until a few year ago. A reasonable
question would be how such a small stress increase, equal to the pressure at the base of 10 m
high embankment, may advance a rupture. This may be evidence that the faults in an active
area are in a limit state, very close to fracture or slipping; thus a small change could trigger
the onset of fracture.
Although the stress distribution inside the lithosphere is unknown the stress change due to a
rupture on a fault may be estimated. Therefore, the Coulomb stress is calculated considering
the lithosphere as a homogeneous elastic, isotropic half space, an assumption that simulates
the crust behaviour satisfactorily. Elastic dislocations on rectangular planes -representing the
faults- in this half space are used [18] and the calculations require the knowledge of both the
fault geometry and the neighbouring stress field.
Thus, the Coulomb stress change, that is the difference of the absolute value of the shear
stress developed in a particular direction minus the shear strength along it, is given by the
following expression:
CFF = slip tan n ' (1)
slip is the change in shear stress (positive along fault slip direction) due to the first
earthquake resolved in the slip direction of a second fault, n is the normal stress change
(positive if compressive) due to the first earthquake, resolved in the direction orthogonal to a
second fault plane and is the friction angle of the fault surfaces. CFF is resolved onto the
fault plane and in the slip direction of a second receiver fault, and at the hypocentre of the
second fault.
If CFF is positive, that is the shear stress on the fault exceeds its shear strength, then the
rupture is accelerated. In this case the first earthquake may bring the second fault closer to
failure. While, if CFF is negative, the normal stress increase augments the shear strength. In
this case the first event may send the second event farther away from failure, and into a so-
called stress shadow. The stress shadow lasts as long as it takes the second fault plane to
recover from the stress decrement. One manner of recovery is through long-term tectonic
The method presumes that the static stress drop due to a large earthquake is recovered during
the time interval that elapses until a new major event takes place; the static stress change in a
seismic cycle is zero. Furthermore, it is often assumed that the initial Coulomb stress in the
area of interest is zero. Although this may not be true it does not affect the computations,
since the element of interest, in the vicinity of an earthquake, is not the static stress but its
change. However, it should be acknowledged that the stress field of an area is the
combination of the long-term tectonic loading due to the lithospheric plates motion and of
the seismic ruptures. The size and orientation of the stress field due to seismic rupture may be
estimated by studying the focal mechanism solutions of the seismic events occurring in the
vicinity. But a rather prolonged time period of observations is needed in order to acquire a
reliable estimate of the orientation of the stress field. Even then, the components of the stress
field tensor are only known in specific locations, those of the explicit seismic events and do
not represent the overall stress filed. Geologic observations in situ are necessary in order to
estimate the local stress field [24]. A simpler approach is to use empirical formulae in order to
estimate the stress drop accompanying a fault rupture for the neighbouring area.

In 1992, November the 18th, an earthquake of magnitude MS = 5.9 occurred in the central part
of the Gulf of Corinth. No surface faulting was observed and the event was mainly felt in the
towns of Itea and Galaxidi, where all the damage has been reported [6, 12]. These
observations indicate an offshore location for the fault that gave this earthquake, probably
close to the northern border of the Gulf. The location of the main shock was rather
controversial due to lack of close by seismic stations. However most of the research centres,
such as USGS and Thessaloniki Observatory, located the event offshore closer to the
northern border of the Gulf and in front of the Xylocastro fault, one of the prominent active
normal faults [6] (Figure 1).
Although the depth was rather well constrained, at 7.41 km, and compatible with the depth
distribution of micro-earthquakes recorder in the end of 1991[20], the fault parameters (Table
2) are less well so due to the poor azimuthal coverage of stations toward the southwest [10].
Surprisingly, this earthquake was not followed by a strong aftershock sequence and no
aftershocks of magnitude greater than 3.1 were observed during the days after the main event.
According to[10] this event, as well as the one in 1965, close to Eratini (Figure 1), took place
between two important active normal faults, the Helike and Xylokastro, that are offset at the
surface by about 5km and presumably remain so at depth. This offset could behave as a
barrier possessing greater strength than the surrounding two faults. But, since the barrier is
small and the extension rate across the Gulf is larger than 1cm/yr, it has to evolve over time as
an asperity and break without generating aftershocks as the Helike and Xylokastro faults are
The distribution at depth of the limited sequence of aftershocks associated with this event
shows a dip angle of 30o toward the north in accordance with the dip angle of the fault plane
deduced from the focal mechanism [10].
In the present work an assessment of the Coulomb stress change (CFF) associated with the
1992 Galaxidi earthquake and its impact on the stress field of the surrounding area, especially
on the offshore fault of the 1995 Aigion earthquake and the closer active onshore faults has
been carried out.
The software used in this analysis was the Coulomb software, version 2.6 [25]. It calculates,
on any surface and at any depth, static displacements, strains and stresses caused by fault slip,
point sources of inflation/deflation, and dike expansion/contraction. All calculations are made
in a half-space with uniform isotropic elastic properties. The software implements elastic
dislocation formulae [18] and boundary element formulae [8].
After a fault rupture occurs, the stress changes on the specified (receiver) fault are
determined as function of the direction and magnitude of the fault slip and the regional in situ
stress field. The programme may, also, calculate Coulomb stress changes on planes with
optimum (critical) orientation for a comparison with the actual specified faults. It is presumed
that a sufficient number of fractures (small faults) exist having all possible orientations and
that the faults optimally oriented for failure will be the most likely to slip in small
earthquakes. It is important to emphasize that the change of Coulomb stress function is
calculated on the specified orientations, as well as, on planes of optimal orientation with
respect to the regional stress field. [13].
The elastic parameters necessary for the model were either taken from the USGS (NEIC) data
or were computed (Table 1). Thus the shear modulus (or modulus of rigidity) was computed
= (2)
2(1 + )

where E is the Young modulus and is the Poisson ratio.

To estimate the stress drop ( in bars), the following expression was used [3]:
log( / ) = 1.485M S log M O + 12.35 (3)
where is the modulus of rigidity and Mo is the seismic moment expressed in (dyncm).
The stress changes were estimated for normal faulting and for the appropriate parameters of
the geometry and slip direction of the 1992 Galaxidi earthquake rupture. It should be
mentioned here that, for stress change estimations, the exact details of the geometry and slip
of a main event become less important the farther one goes from the rupture. The fault
parameters of both the 1992 and 1995 events (Table 2) were chosen from [6, 7].
The choice of the appropriate receiver faults was based on studies carried out on recent
micro-seismicity (2000-2001) and other geophysical data for the western and central parts of
the rift. Among the active, almost parallel, faults of this part of the Gulf (Figures 1, 2a, 2b)
those that might be affected by the stress change due to the 1992 and 1995 events and with
known geometries were chosen as receiver faults (Table 3). The geometry parameters
were taken from: http://www.ingv.it [19]. The parameters for the Xylokastro fault [22] are less
well established since it is not so thoroughly studied as the Helike and Aigion ones of the
western part. Its depth, dip and rake are chosen to be compatible with the other two as they
appear to belong to a common fault system [15] although separated by the structural
culmination of Zarouchla which acts as a barrier interrupting the lateral propagation of these
faults [9]. Therefore, it was chosen not to be modeled as a dislocation in the Coulomb analysis
like the rest, but to examine whether it was affected by the 1992 earthquake.

Model Parameters
Young modulus Shear modulus Poisson s ratio Coefficient of friction Calculation depth
(GPa) (GPa) (km)
73.2 29 0.28 0.6 7

Table 1 Model elastic parameters

1992 and 1995 Earthquakes

Date Ms Mo Lat Long Length Strike Dip Rake Top/Bottom Slip
(Nm) (o) (o) (km) (o) (o) (o) (km) (m)
18/11/1992 5.9 0.51018 38.30 22.45 14 270 30 -81 5.2/9.7 0.21

15/06/1995 6.2 3.91018 38.36 22.20 15 277 35 -81 4.5/9.7 0.87

Table 2 Parameters for the offshore faults of the 1992 and 1995 earthquakes [6, 7]

The principal stresses of the regional stress field for the 1995 event were chosen as: 1 =
27bars, equal to the estimated stress drop due to the 1995 event, 3=0 and the intermediate 2
= 13.5bars, while the principal axes were taken from USGS (NEIC) [16]. The respective stress
drop for the 1992 event was found as: 1 = 72bars, 3=0 and the intermediate 2 = 36bars
while their orientation was taken, as averaged from fault mechanism solutions for the whole
of the Gulf from [21] (Table 4).
Fault Parameters
Fault Lat Long Length Strike Dip Rake Top / Bottom
(o) (o) (km) (o) (o) (o) (km)
East Helike 38.193 22.150 16.6 279 50 270 0.2/7.5
West Helike 38.231 22.030 12 283 50 270 0.2/7.5
Aigion 38.265 22.035 10 277 50 270 0.2/7.5
Xylokastro* 38.10 22.50 15 280 50 270 0.2/7.5

Table 3 Fault geometry for receiver faults [19]. *The Xylokastro data are approximated from [22]
and the fault has not been modeled as a dislocation in the Coulomb analysis

Principal Axes
1 2 3
Azimuth Plunge Azimuth Plunge Azimuth Plunge
(o) (o) (o) (o) (o) (o)
1992 272 72 92 18 2 0
1995 174 12 82 9 316 75

Table 4 Regional in-situ stress field orientation for 1992 and 1995 events [21, 16].

All calculations of CFF refer to a depth of 7km. This depth was chosen as being halfway
between the top and bottom depths of the fault planes, as well as the middle of the
seismogenic zone in the area. Cross-sections for the 1992 event are depicted to a maximum
depth of 25km below the free surface, while for the 1995 down to 40km. The average
orientation of the most active well documented faults on the north coast of Peloponnesos
(Table 3) was also chosen as a specified orientation.
The distribution of the 1992 aftershock sequence was compared with the positive CFF
change area (Figure 2a, 2b). In order to compare the behaviour of the two major consecutive
earthquakes the respective map view and cross section for the 1995 event together with the
aftershock distribution are also depicted [16] (Figure 2c, 2d).
Finally, the combined Coulomb stress change for 1992 and 1995 is depicted together with
their respective aftershock sequences in order to examine whether an interaction took place
(Figure 3).


The choice of a north dipping fault for the 1992 earthquake suggested by [6, 7, 10] and
adopted here is further justified by the recent high-resolution seismic reflection and
multibeam bathymetric data which verify the existence of offshore north dipping faults on the
northern margin of the Gulf (such as the North Eratini fault [15, 22]), although south dipping
faults are in abundance [15].
In [15] it is argued that the 1995 offshore fault might be the North Eratini fault instead of the
one of 30o north-dip angle proposed by [4] and located 2-3km south of the Channel axis,
where multibeam bathymetry and high-resolution seismic reflection data revealed no evidence
of such a structure. However, a revision of the characteristics of the 1995 fault included in [7]
placed this fault a little more to the west from the western edge of the N. Eratini fault and
closer to the Psaromita peninsula. In contrast, considering the difficulty to clarify the
geometry of active faults at significant depths, and since the N. Eratini fault appears to
possess a shallower dip angle than the surrounding south-dipping faults (Figure 3 of [15]) it
may be the one that ruptured in 1992.
With respect to the Coulomb stress change for the 1992 Galaxidi event it appears that, as in
the case of the 1995 Aigion earthquake [16], the spatial aftershock pattern correlates well with
regions of positive Coulomb stress changes (Figure 2a, 2b).

a. c.

b. d.

Figure 2. a. Map view for the 1992 event with specified faults and aftershocks locations b. Its cross section with
the aftershock locations at depth c. The respective map view for the 1995 event. d. Its cross section
with the aftershock locations at depth

With respect to the combined Coulomb stress change a rather interesting picture emerges
indicating that the 1992 event probably affected the offshore fault that gave the 1995 Aigion
earthquake (Figure 3). The 1992 aftershock activity outlines a fault plane broader than the one
that the scaling laws predict for an earthquake of such a magnitude dipping to the north at 30o
[10]. However, the map projection of the aftershocks is restricted to the northern part of the
positive Coulomb lobe suggesting a migration, in depth, to the NNW toward the main shock
of the 1995 which is positioned to the NNE part of its respective positive Coulomb stress
change. After the 1995 event took place the Coulomb stress change field due to the 1992
earthquake was partially relieved on the northern part (Figure 3). A comparison of figures 2a-
d and 3 shows that the eastern Coulomb stress shadow of the 1995 event affected the
north positive lobe of the 1992 event, which means that considering the fault dip- the
stress field of the 1992 was relieved in depth.

Figure 3. Combined Coulomb

stress changes for the 1992 and 1995
events with aftershock activity for the
1992 event mapped.

A recent seismic swarm of December 2002, about 15km west of the Trizonia islands and at
the western tip of the 1995 offshore fault was recorded and associated with a slow transient
strain [5]. This may be a further indication of this westward migration of seismic activity
related with the fracturing process (Figure 4a-b taken from [5]).
The active well documented faults in the region appear to be in the late part of their seismic
cycle. The probability of an earthquake of MS~6.0-6.5 is very high for the next few decades,
while even the possibility of cascading events should not be entirely discarded [5]. This
estimation is corroborated by the micro-seismicity in the region for the years 2000-2001 and
other observations [5]. However, there is no indication that the stress change due to the 1992
event affected the stress conditions of the neighbouring active faults (Table 3) on the south
coast of the Gulf. The only exception is the Xylocastro fault which appears to be inside the
positive Coulomb stress change (Figure 2a, 2b).
Regarding the Coulomb stress change of the 1995 event, the East Helike fault appears to be
inside the positive stress change (~2bars) [16] (Figure 2 c, 2d).
The area has significant microseismicity and such an activity has been recorded both prior to
the 1992 and 1995 events. Therefore, future analysis should include in the time sequence of
static stress change the major microseismicity events as well as the larger aftershocks of the
two main earthquakes.
Significant (~15mm/yr) long-term inter-seismic displacement field for the central part of
the Gulf has been well documented from more than 10 years GPS observations [1].
Recent geophysical data indicate that faults of the northern margin of the Gulf may have slip
rates comparable to the south ones [15]. Geological and seismic data suggest slip rates for the
Helike and Aigio faults of the order of 4-6mm/yr. If these values are doubled to account for
the northern margin faults the geologically estimated deformation rates are much closer to the
geodetically derived ones, at least for this part of the Gulf. Thus, it would be of interest to
calculate the free surface co-seismic displacement field due to the estimated Coulomb stress
changes and compare it to the geodetically derived one for the area of interest.
Figure 4a. Map view of the 2000-2001 seismicity. Truncated
rectangle to the east corresponds to the 1995 rupture area, from
[4]. Stars correspond to center of maximal intensity of
historical earthquakes. Straight white segment indicates
dimension of the reported surface rupture of the Heliki 1861
earthquake. Faults from [17]. Bathymetry is produced by HCMR. Focal mechanism is for the 1995 earthquake
and the mainshock of the 2001 swarm. Dotted lines: cross-sections presented in 4b. b. Vertical, N10E
cross-sections of the 2000-2001 seismicity on profiles aa, bd, cc of Figure 4a. Faults are assumed with large
dip angle (60): Aigion (A), Helike (H) faults, Kamarai (K), Psathopyrgos (P) faults, (O), offshore, and (T),
Trizonia faults. A small dip offshore fault (O) is represented with a dotted line on profile cc. The thick segment
is the fault plane of the 1995 Aigion earthquake. Horizontal grey layer near the surface indicates the gulf
location. The parallel, dotted lines dipping gently north outline the boundaries of the creeping, seismic layer.
Reprinted from [5].


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3rd IAG Symposium on Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering and 12th FIG Symposium on
Deformation Measurements May 22 - 24, 2006 Baden, Austria

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