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Geophys. J. Int. (2007) 171, 11851197 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03580.

Fault interactions in the Sea of Marmara pull-apart (North Anatolian

Fault): earthquake clustering and propagating earthquake sequences

Nicolas Pondard,1 Rolando Armijo,1 Geoffrey C. P. King,1 Bertrand Meyer2

and Frederic Flerit3
1 Laboratoirede Tectonique, IPGP, CNRS-UMR 7578, 4, place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France. E-mail: pondard@ipgp.jussieu.fr
2 UPMC, CNRS-UMR 7072, Paris, France
3 IFG, University of Hannover, Germany

Accepted 2007 August 7. Received 2007 July 16; in original form 2006 February 28

Knowledge on large earthquakes (M 7.0), geology and fault kinematics is used to anal-
yse conditions that favour isolated seismicity, clustered earthquakes or propagating sequences
along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) and the Sea of Marmara pull-apart. The overall NAF
Marmara fault system is one of the most appropriate on Earth to document fault interactions
because reliable information covers almost completely two seismic cycles (the past 500 yr).
Coulomb stress analysis is used to characterize loading evolution in well-identified fault seg-
ments, including secular loading from below and lateral loading imposed by the occurrence of
previous earthquakes. Earthquakes along the NAF tend to occur where previous events have
increased the stress, but significant isolated events in the Sea of Marmara region (1894, 1912)
have occurred, suggesting the secular loading has been the determining factor. Present-day
loading appears to be particularly high along the 70-km-long segment located in the central
Marmara Sea, southwest of Istanbul. For the 18th century M 7.0 earthquake clusters, we

GJI Seismology
construct scenarios consistent with the tectonic and historical data. We find that scenarios
consistent with slip deficit and secular loading distributions (from below) clearly involve a
sequence that propagates westward through the Sea of Marmara, despite the structural com-
plexity. However, the inference of a propagating sequence implies that each event has occurred
in a segment previously stressed by lateral Coulomb stress interactions. The most likely scenar-
ios for the propagating sequence are also consistent with Coulomb stress interactions between
faults with significant normal slip across the Cinarcik basin. Propagating earthquake sequences
do not occur every seismic cycle along the NAF. The loading has to be in a particular state
of stress close to failure and uniform all along the fault segments to experience propagating
earthquake sequences. Non-uniform stress relief during the 18th century sequence explains
the occurrence of isolated events in Marmara in 1894 and 1912. As a consequence, the well-
known 20th century sequence along the NAF has not propagated as a sequence across the
Sea of Marmara. The most linear part of the NAF across northern Turkey behaves as a single
fault segment, accumulating stress during hundreds of years and rupturing entirely during very
short periods. The Marmara pull-apart fault system behaves as a major geometric complexity,
stopping or delaying the progression of earthquake clustering and propagating sequences. Fault
zones interact with each other at a very large scale.
Key words: earthquake prediction, Istanbul, Marmara, seismic modelling, seismotectonics,
stress distribution.

static stress induced by an earthquake, added to the secular tectonic

loading, favours or inhibits the occurrence of subsequent events.
Observations of earthquake clustering and propagating sequences Specifically, what are the conditions that favour isolated seismic-
on diverse fault systems have stimulated studies on fault interac- ity, clustered earthquakes or propagating sequences along a fault
tions (e.g. Richter 1958; Rice 1980; Kasahara 1981; Scholz 1990). system? An approach based on Coulomb stress changes has been
An important problem is to assess to what extent the variation of extensively used to explain the distribution of earthquakes in space

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Figure 1. Propagating earthquake sequence along the North Anatolian Fault during the 20th century. (a) Tectonic framework: Extrusion in the eastern
Mediterranean region. The red vectors represent the GPS velocity data referenced to a fixed Eurasia (McClusky et al. 2000). NAF, North Anatolian Fault;
EAF, East Anatolian Fault; DSF, Dead Sea Fault; NAT, North Aegean Trough. The curved black box is enlarged in b. The smaller black box locates the Sea of
Marmara region and is enlarged in Fig. 2. (b) Distribution of earthquake ruptures along the NAF (Barka 1996; Stein et al. 1997; Barka et al. 2002; Akyuz et al.
2002; Cakir et al. 2003; Armijo et al. 2005). The map is an Oblique Mercator projection about the pole of relative motion between the Anatolian and Eurasian
plates, 32.6 E., 30.7 N. (McClusky et al. 2000). Strike-slip faults between the two plates lie on small circles about the pole of relative motion; thus, in this
projection they form horizontal lines (Atwater 1970). The NAF lies on a line relatively horizontal, the different directions of the fault identifying transtensive
and transpressive regions. NNAF, Northern branch of the North Anatolian Fault; SNAF, Southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault. (c) Slip distribution for
each event and the cumulative displacement (thickest line) along the fault.

and time (e.g. King et al. 1994; Harris & Simpson 1998; Stein 1999; ongoing and past fault interactions along the NAF. A critical question
King & Cocco 2000). The most appropriate places to perform anal- is to determine whether the NAF has experienced isolated events,
yses of fault interactions are regions where historical and instru- earthquake clusters or propagating sequences in the past, especially
mental seismicity exists over several seismic cycles, and where a in the Marmara region.
well-resolved fault geometry and kinematics allows rupture to be The Sea of Marmara is a major transtensional step-over of the
associated with distinct fault segments. NAF (Armijo et al. 1999, 2002). The 1912 Ganos (M 7.4) and 1999
The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) has ruptured during a well- Izmit (M 7.4) earthquakes occurred at the edges of the pull-apart
known propagating earthquake sequence between 1939 and 1999 (Fig. 2). The region has also recorded five devastating earthquakes
(Fig. 1) (Toksoz et al. 1979; Barka 1996; Stein et al. 1997; Nalbant since the 18th century (1719, 1754, 1766 May, 1766 August, 1894)
et al. 1998). Currently the western tip of the sequence is located (Ambraseys & Finkel 1991, 1995; Ambraseys & Jackson 2000;
in the Marmara region and a seismic gap remains close to the city Ambraseys 2000, 2001a, 2002). Following the 1999 Izmit event
of Istanbul. The objective of this study is to discuss the nature of studies have been carried out by Hubert-Ferrari et al. (2000) and

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Tekirdag Cin
Central arcik
M 7.4 12/11/99
1912 Izmit Gulf
in 17/08/99
Saros Gulf
? M~7



Figure 2. Segmentation of the fault system and recent earthquake ruptures in the Sea of Marmara pull-apart (redrawn from Armijo et al. 2002, 2005). The red
circles indicate the geometric complexities (jogs and fault-bends) that may be associated with the initiation and termination of M 7.0 earthquake ruptures.

Parsons et al. (2000, 2004), but have been hampered by a lack of the continental crust (Armijo et al. 2003; Hubert-Ferrari et al. 2003;
knowledge of the submarine fault system and consequent uncertain- Flerit et al. 2004).
ties in the earthquake rupture locations. The NAF is an 800 km long, narrow fault as it crosses north-
Recently acquired bathymetric and seismic data define the seg- ern Turkey (Fig. 1) (Barka 1992; Hubert-Ferrari et al. 2002), but
mentation of faults beneath the Sea of Marmara (Armijo et al. 2002; becomes more complex in the Marmara region where it splits into
Carton 2003; Hirn et al. 2003). The regional kinematic framework a Northern (NNAF) and a Southern (SNAF) branch (Fig. 2). The
is constrained using both geological and GPS data (Armijo et al. recent geologic, morphologic, seismic and GPS results suggest that
1999, 2002; McClusky et al. 2000; Flerit et al. 2003). Detailed slip partitioning combining right lateral motion and normal subsi-
morphologic description of the submarine fault scarps associated dence is responsible for the deformation of the Marmara pull-apart
with recent major earthquakes has been possible using a Remote region (Armijo et al. 2002, 2005; Carton 2003; Hirn et al. 2003;
Operated Vehicle (ROV). These observations provide critical infor- Flerit et al. 2003, 2004). A tectonic model using GPS velocities sug-
mation on the most recent earthquake ruptures (1894, 1912, 1999) gests the Anatolia/Eurasia motion is accommodated across the Mar-
(Armijo et al. 2005; Pondard 2006). Here we identify possible fault mara region by 1820 mm yr1 of right-lateral slip and 8 mm yr1
segments that may have ruptured since the 18th century, consistent of extension (Fig. 3) (Flerit et al. 2003, 2004). The normal com-
with macroseismic observations and scaling laws. We model the ponent of motion is mostly distributed along the SNAF while the
evolution of loading distributions on those segments to discuss pos- strike-slip component is mostly accommodated by the NNAF. Other
sible scenarios for all M 7.0 earthquakes since 1509 in the Sea of authors have offered models for the deformation of the Marmara re-
Marmara region. We assess the relative importance of the secular gion (Parke et al. 1999; Le Pichon et al. 2001, 2003) but appear
loading and the lateral loading by previous earthquakes in Coulomb inconsistent with the geology of the pull-apart (Armijo et al. 2002,
interactions. Finally, we compare results of the modelling in the 2005).
Marmara region with results in the rest of the NAF to discuss fault
interactions associated with isolated events, earthquake clusters and
propagating sequences. S E G M E N T AT I O N A N D PA S T
The magnitude of the most relevant earthquakes observed in the
Marmara region is about 7.
Bathymetric mapping reveals that the main fault strand in the
Sea of Marmara is formed by discrete segments some tens of kilo-
metres long, separated by geometric fault complexities (jogs and
The formation of the right-lateral NAF results from the process fault-bends) (Fig. 2) (Armijo et al. 2002). Coseismic slip measured
of shear and westward extrusion of the Anatolian plate (Fig. 1a). along these segments is about 15 m (Armijo et al. 2005; Pondard
Geological studies suggest that the NAF has propagated westward 2006). According to strike variations, each segment accommodates
through Anatolia and the Aegean (Armijo et al. 1999). Processes different proportions of strike- and normal-slip. We associate the
of elasto-plastic fracture associated with large damage regions have initiation and the termination of M 7.0 earthquake ruptures with
been proposed to explain the long-term propagation of faults through these geometric fault complexities, commonly named asperities and

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26 30

42 Black Sea
as ia
20 mm/yr
12 mm/yr
mm 24 mm/yr
20 Marma 12 mm/y
ra Sea

AF /yr
N Aegean 3 m
N m/y
Sea 2m
F 4 mm/yr Anatolia
NA km
S 4 mm/yr
5 mm/yr 0 50 100

Figure 3. Slip-partitioning in the Marmara region (Flerit et al. 2003). The velocity vectors are modelled using tectonic observations and GPS data referenced
to fixed Anatolia. The purple arrows follow a small circle centred on the ArabiaEurasia Euler rotation pole.

barriers (e.g. Das & Aki 1977; Kanamori 1978; Aki 1979; King though they can be used in conjunction with detailed studies of fault
1983; King & Nabelek 1985; Sibson 1985). geometry to define reasonable rupture scenarios. Onshore, palaeo-
The location and the slip distribution of the past earthquake rup- seismic studies suggest that the Izmit and the Ganos fault segments
tures is more or less established. Two categories are distinct: (1) have ruptured during the 1719 and August 1766 events, respectively
the earthquakes for which the surface break has been constrained (Rockwell et al. 2001; Klinger et al. 2003). Offshore, the morpho-
with geological and instrumental methods (1999, 1912, 1894) and logical study of submarine scarps suggests a slip of 45 m associated
(2) the previous historical events (1719, 1754, 1766 May, 1766 with the 1766 August earthquake, similar to the 1912 coseismic slip
August, 1894) where the extent of rupture must be deduced from (Armijo et al. 2005; Pondard 2006). The distribution of earthquake
the distribution of historical damage and a knowledge of the active ruptures associated with the 18th and 19th century events is dis-
fault system. cussed in the following sections.
The slip distribution associated with the 1999 Izmit earthquake
(M 7.4) is well constrained by morphologic and interferometric
observations (Barka 1999; Barka et al. 2002; Cakir et al. 2003).
The 1912 Ganos earthquake (M 7.4) slip distribution is less cer- To study fault interactions, changes of static stress associated with
tain. In both cases a critical problem has been a lack of knowledge large historical earthquakes (M 7.0) are modelled using rectan-
of the extension of rupture into the Sea of Marmara. Morphologic gular dislocations. The length of rupture and slip for the dislocation
observations of submarine fault scarps now suggest that the 1999 sources are chosen to be consistent with seismic moments deter-
earthquake rupture extends 30 km offshore to the eastern tip of mined from magnitude estimates (Ambraseys & Jackson 2000; King
the Cinarcik basin and the 1912 earthquake extends 60 km east- et al. 2001; Parsons 2004) and segment lengths as discussed earlier.
ward between the Ganos fault and the Central Basin with 45 m of The dislocation parameters associated with the most recent events
right-lateral motion (Fig. 2) (Armijo et al. 2005). The 1894 July 10 are based on more detailed field and instrumental constraints. The
(M 7) earthquake may be correlated with young submarine breaks 1912 Ganos earthquake rupture is modelled using constraints de-
observed at the edges of the Cinarcik basin, with significant normal scribed by Armijo et al. (2005). The slip distribution associated with
slip (Armijo et al. 2005). The correlation with the large break along the 1999 Izmit rupture is based on field observations, morpholog-
the SW edge of the Cinarcik basin (50 km long) is consistent with ical description of submarine scarps and SAR interferometric data
scaling laws. However, it is not impossible that the 1894 earthquake (Barka 1999; Cakir et al. 2003; Armijo et al. 2005). Despite possible
has ruptured along the NE edge of the Cinarcik basin, before the variations of locking depth in different sectors of the NAF (around
occurrence of the small fresh breaks that are observed there, which and across the Sea of Marmara), earthquake ruptures throughout
are probably associated with the Ms 6.4 1963 event (Armijo et al. the whole region are considered to extend from the surface to an
2005). average depth of 12 km (see discussion in Armijo et al. 2005). A
The location of earthquake ruptures associated with the previ- regional stress field is imposed in agreement with the kinematics of
ous historical events is poorly known (1719, 1754, 1766 May, 1766 the Marmara pull-apart region to determine optimum failure direc-
August, 1894). However, the Marmara region has been the cen- tions, unless strike, dip and rake of the faults are specified (Nalbant
tre of the Ottoman Empire since 1453 and descriptions of earth- et al. 1998; Flerit et al. 2003).
quake damage since that time provide substantial constraints (see the The variation of static stress induced by M 6 earthquakes is
Appendix A) (Ambraseys & Finkel 1990, 1991, 1995; Ambraseys negligible compared to M 7 events for long-term stress modelling
2000, 2001a,b, 2002; Ambraseys & Jackson 2000). However, his- (Nalbant et al. 1998; Hubert-Ferrari et al. 2000). For this reason
torical data alone cannot determine where fault rupture occurred, al- stress changes are modelled only for earthquakes with M 7.0.

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for any elapsed time (Figs 4 and 5a). In terms of kinematics, the
earthquake slip on discrete segments of the fault relieves part of the
slip deficit in some regions and leaves the slip deficit unchanged
in other regions (usually named gaps). A gap may be formed by
one or many segments. Fig. 5 illustrates the distribution of slip
deficits (or loading) in terms of Coulomb stress. For clarity, the
loading due to secular loading throughout the fault and that due to
earthquake slip on discrete segments can be separated (Figs 5a and
b). The superposition of the two effects (a + b) is given in Figs 5(c)
and (d).
Figs 5(a) and (c) show that 4 m of steady slip below 12 km
(corresponding to 200 yr of secular loading for the NAF) creates
critical conditions throughout any segment. Fig. 5(c) shows that
likely Coulomb stress differences due to contrasts in slip deficit
distribution along the fault (between slipped and gap regions) are
large (up to 80 bars). This important part of the loading appears
simply linked to the kinematics. The other effect is that produced by
ruptured fault segments interacting with neighbouring unruptured
segments on their sides (usually referred as Coulomb interactions).
The corresponding stress induced laterally by a seismic event is
significant (40 bars) but limited to a certain distance (5 km) from
the earthquake ruptures end (Figs 5b and c). From Figs 5(c) and (d)
it can be appreciated that lateral Coulomb interactions may play a
more significant role for triggering moderate events rupturing short
segments (10 km long) than long ones. In the following sections
earthquake scenarios and Coulomb stress evolution in Marmara are
discussed using these simple concepts.

S C E N A R I O S O F 1 8 th A N D 1 9 th
C E N T U RY M 7 . 0 E A RT H Q UA K E S
We model possible scenarios for the five M 7.0 earthquake
Figure 4. Secular tectonic loading model along the NAF using the elastic ruptures in the period from 1509 (after the earthquake) to 1900
dislocations from Flerit et al. (2003). The upper panel shows the loading (events of 1719, 1754, 1766 May, 1766 August and 1894)
along all the branches. The lower panel shows loading for the northern branch (Appendix A). No assumption is made for slip deficits result-
alone. The fault rates are based on the interseismic GPS velocities (McClusky
ing from previous events. Although many scenarios can be pro-
et al. 2000). The loading is imposed starting the year 1509. Two hundred
posed, only eight are significantly different and consistent with
years of loading corresponds to about 40 bars of Coulomb stress increase
along the fault segments at a depth of 5 km. The black cross represents the tectonic and historical data (Fig. 6). However some loading con-
optimum failure directions (strike-slip and normal) (Nalbant et al. 1998). ditions due to the instantaneous slip deficit distributions are less
The principal compressive stress axis of 150250 bars is indicated between probable than others, independently of lateral Coulomb fault
the yellow arrows (oriented N115 E). interactions.
It is not likely that earthquake rupture is absent along a fault
segment that is significantly loaded (for instance more than 5080
Our secular tectonic loading model uses the dislocation model of bars). This is the case for scenario h (Fig. 6) where no earthquake
Flerit et al. (2003), which is based on interseismic GPS velocities has occurred for 500 yr along the 60-km-long segment at the centre
and tectonic observations (McClusky et al. 2000; Armijo et al. 2002) of the Sea of Marmara, suggesting a slip deficit of more than 10 m.
(Fig. 4a). The elements for the secular loading extend from a locking Such a slip deficit would be enough to generate an improbably large
depth of 12 km to great depth. A likely recurrence time of 200 yr of earthquake (M > 7.6), unlikely in view of the historical seismicity
loading corresponds to 40 bars of stress increase along the locked (Ambraseys & Jackson 2000), the coseismic slip measured along
fault segments at a depth of 5 km. The loading is imposed starting the Sea of Marmara fault segments (15 m) (Armijo et al. 2005;
in 1509, at the beginning of a known quiescent period of the north Pondard 2006) and earthquake recurrence times deduced for the
Marmara region (from 1509 to 1719; Ambraseys & Jackson 2000). Marmara region (150280 yr) (Rockwell et al. 2001; Klinger et al.
Loading along the SNAF is small compared to that along the NNAF 2003). All other possible scenarios in Fig. 6 imply that the cluster
and they do not interfere significantly with each other. Moreover of large earthquakes in the 18th century occurred as a westward
changes of static stress due to M 7 events along the SNAF do propagating sequence along the northern branch of the NAF, across
not influence the fault interactions along the NNAF (Hubert-Ferrari the Sea of Marmara.
et al. 2000). So fault interactions with the SNAF are not included Conversely, unless earthquakes can occur randomly without any
in our models (Fig. 4b). relation with loading, a rupture is unlikely to occur along a fault
The kinematic effect of a uniform secular loading (due to slip segment where the slip deficit has just been relieved by significant
below 12 km) is the accumulation of a uniform slip deficit in the earthquake slip. Loading across such a segment would be too low and
locked region (above 12 km depth). This occurs at a rate fixed by a certain time is required for stress to build up again. This appears
the dislocation model and a Coulomb stress field can be calculated to be the case for scenarios c, d, e, f and g (Fig. 6). An earthquake

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Depth (km)
4 m of slip deficit
5 40 bars from loading

locking10 10 km
depth 4 m of slip

40 bars b
5 from slip 4 m of coseismic slip



= 4 m of
slip deficit
4 m of slip deficit no slip deficit
0 Future c
5 40 bars

80 bars


Future d
5 40 bars event
80 bars


-100 -50 0 50 100

Coulomb Stress
Change (bars)

Figure 5. Loading distribution as a result of secular loading and earthquake slip. (a) Secular loading associated with 4 m of steady slip below 12 km. The slip
deficit (4 m) is associated with 40 bars of uniform loading at 5 km depth. (b) Loading produced by earthquake slip on discrete fault segment (M w 7.1 event with
4 m on 35-km-long segment). The lateral loading on adjacent segments is limited (less than 40 bars at 5 km distance from the rupture). The superposition of
secular and earthquake loading (a + b) is given in (c) and (d). For the 35-km-long segment in c (wide dashed rectangle indicating future event with M 7) the
loading produced by steady slip below creates critical conditions throughout the segment while the stress due to earthquake slip is limited. For the 10-km-long
segment in d (narrow dashed rectangle for future event with M 6) secular and earthquake loading are similar. Grid with dots and arrows specifies zones
where slip has occurred or not.

occurring along either of the faults with significant normal slip in the effects of rupture propagation cannot be incorporated. Although
the Cinarcik pull-apart relieves stress along the antithetic segment. this is attractive as a quantitative approach, it appears to suffer from
This may delay the triggering of a major earthquake in the basin. drawbacks. The raw historical information has been converted into
Stress interactions between closely spaced antithetic normal faults numerical values, which conceals substantial uncertainties. For ex-
should cause an event on one fault to delay events on the other (e.g. ample, a quiescence of more than 500 yr in the northwest Sea of
King & Cocco 2000). As shown in Fig. 6 for scenarios e, f and g Marmara deduced from the raw historical data is emphasized by
an improbable earthquake rupture has followed a large event in the Ambraseys & Jackson (2000). It is not clear why this is not found
Cinarcik basin by only 12 yr and by 35 yr for scenarios c and d. It by the numerical procedure of Parsons (2004) using the same data
is unlikely for two M 7.0 events to occur in the basin within a set. Observations of the submarine morphology (Armijo et al. 2005)
period of about a century. Interactions across the basin may explain show clearly that the most spectacular scarps (corresponding to the
also why 140 yr of loading have been necessary to trigger another 1912 and probably August 1766 events) are in fact found in the north-
earthquake in Cinarcik (1894). west Sea of Marmara. On the other hand, the numerical procedure
Another scenario has been proposed by Parsons (2004) and is concentrates earthquakes in the eastern Sea of Marmara where the
shown in Fig. 7. The extent of rupture for each event is based on a historical information is richest. In the scenario of Parsons (2004)
numerical procedure using attenuation laws and historical informa- four ruptures overlap in the Cinarcik Basin (1719, 1754, May 1766
tion. Some effects of locally increased shaking are considered, but and 1894) just south of Istanbul (Fig. 7) and no rupture is identified

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Figure 6. Possible scenarios for M 7.0 earthquake ruptures in the Sea of Marmara, between 1719 and 1894. Each scenario is consistent with reported damage
(see Appendix A) (e.g. Ambraseys & Finkel 1991, 1995) and observations (Armijo et al. 2005). (a) Scenario implying a propagating earthquake sequence
rupturing the main fault strand entirely. The earthquake time recurrence in the Cinarcik basin () is 140 yr. (b) A scenario similar to the scenario a. However
the 1754 and the 1894 earthquake ruptures are inverted. It is also possible that the 1894 earthquake rupture reactivated the 1754 break. (c), (d) Other scenarios
implying a propagating earthquake sequence. However an earthquake occurs in the Cinarcik basin only 35 yr after another large event. Scenarios with the 1894
earthquake occurring along the northern branch of the basin are equivalent. (e), (f), (g) For these scenarios an earthquake rupture occurs in the Cinarcik basin
only 12 yr after another large event. (h) The only scenario implying a cluster. No earthquake rupture occurs in the centre of the Sea of Marmara. If we associate
the earthquake ruptures with other fault segments it is possible to propose other scenarios implying earthquake clustering, however none are consistent with
tectonic and historical data.

in a 30-km-long fault stretch in the central Marmara Sea. According Izmit with a total length of 120180 km. (2) The 1754 September
to our approach these results appear to be unlikely. 2 event breaks about 3060 km of normal fault at one of the edges
Thus only two scenarios appear consistent with loading condi- of the Cinarcik Basin. (3) The fault segments located between the
tions, associated slip deficit distributions and with Coulomb stress Cinarcik Basin and the Gulf of Saros break during the 1766 May 22
interactions across the Cinarcik basin (scenarios a and b; Fig. 6). and the 1766 August 5 events. It is not possible to distinguish which
Scenarios a and b have features in common (Fig. 8): (1) The 1719 of the two earthquake ruptures extends from the Tekirdag Basin to
May 25 earthquake rupture extends to the western tip of the Gulf of the Central Basin. The breaks associated with these events are about

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May 1766
1754 1719
August 1766 1719


Figure 7. 18th and 19th century M > 7 earthquake ruptures proposed by

Parsons (2004), based on a numerical procedure using attenuation laws and 1754
historical information.

70 and 140 km long, respectively, in scenario a, or 120 and 50 km

long in scenario b (Fig. 6). (4) The 1894 July 10 earthquake breaks
3060 km of fault segment at the northern or southern edge of the
Cinarcik Basin, reactivating the 1754 earthquake break, or rupturing
the antithetic normal fault. Fig. 9 shows details of the loading evo-
lution for scenario a, and Fig. 10 depicts the resulting present-day May 1766

Any possible earthquake scenario consistent with slip deficit and
secular loading distributions (Fig. 6; scenarios a to g) implies a sys-
tematic westward propagation of fault rupture during the 18th cen-
tury sequence. Therefore, the 18th century earthquake sequence has
very probably broken the submarine fault system entirely, in spite of August 1766
geometric and kinematic complexities associated with the Marmara
pull-apart (Figs 6, 8 and 9). This has important implications for
fault interactions. Besides, only two scenarios are consistent with
Coulomb stress interactions across the Cinarcik basin (scenarios a
and b). They imply that during the propagation only one earthquake
rupture (not two) has occurred in the Cinarcik basin.
It is clear however that the 1894, 1912 and 1999 August earth-
quakes have not formed any propagating sequence in the Sea of
Marmara (Figs 2 and 11a). In particular, the 1894 and the 1912
events appear as isolated breaks that have not been triggered in
a region stressed by a large nearby event (Figs 9f and g). How-
ever, the 1912 earthquake may be coupled with a smaller Ms 6.9 1894
event that occurred in the Gulf of Saros in 1893 (see Appendix B)
(Ambraseys & Finkel 1991; Ambraseys & Jackson 2000;
Ambraseys 2002). Together these two earthquakes may be seen as a
single large event. Thus the occurrence of the 1894 event and of the
possibly coupled 18931912 events suggests that stress has reached
failure criteria mostly because of secular tectonic loading alone. So
the 1894 and 1912 (plus 1893?) events may be regarded as examples
of large isolated earthquakes along the NAF. Figure 8. The most plausible location of earthquake ruptures between 1719
The present-day loading in the Marmara region deduced from our and 1894, consistent with morphologic observations (Armijo et al. 2005),
preferred scenario (Fig. 10a) shows that Coulomb stress is high (>40 historical data (e.g. Ambraseys & Finkel 1991, 1995) and distribution of slip
bars, red) in two large isolated regions. One spreads over the Gulf of deficit at any elapsed time. This corresponds to scenarios a and b in Fig. 6,
which only differ in the precise location of the 1754 and 1894 events in the
Saros, the other covers the mostly strike-slip segment at the centre
Cinarcik basin.
of the Sea of Marmara. Aside from Saros and central Marmara, the
other segments in the Marmara region appear unloaded (white),
while minor loaded zones, positive (red) and negative (blue), are

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Figure 9. Distribution of slip deficit in the Sea of Marmara between 1719 and 1999. The model corresponds to the scenario presented in the Fig. 6(a).

seen at fault complexities between segments. This overall result is Fig. 10(b) incorporates the corresponding Coulomb stress release
consistent with earlier Coulomb stress calculations that were made of all earthquakes in the Gulf of Saros. It shows that the central
for the same rate of tectonic loading while superposed with only Marmara segment is the most probable site of rupture for the next
three recent large events (1894, 1912 and 1999), thus without con- large earthquake on the northern branch of the NAF, next to Istanbul.
sidering the 18th century sequence (Armijo et al. 2005). So the 18th It would occur as an isolated event (not in sequence), however as a
century sequence does not appear to influence much the occurrence likely effect of the large-scale 20th century propagating sequence.
of later events, suggesting that the tectonic loading was mostly re- It seems that propagating earthquake sequences do not occur ev-
lieved after rupture of the sequence. ery seismic cycle along a fault system. Special conditions of loading
The stress along the fault segment north of the Cinarcik basin are necessary to trigger them. The loading has to be relatively uni-
appears reduced. This relief is an effect of the 1894 earthquake form and close to failure to trigger earthquake clustering along a
(Ms 7.3), which occurred on a closely spaced normal fault. Most of fault zone. Propagating earthquake sequences form one particular
the previous studies concluded the opposite because they considered category of earthquake clustering. Such propagating sequence may
the stress transfer associated with the 1999 Izmit earthquake only occur when the state of loading is so uniform that the variations
(Parsons 2004), or they associated the 1894 earthquake with an of static stress induced by an earthquake (110 bars at distances
onshore fault segment (Hubert-Ferrari et al. 2000), inconsistent with of some tens of kilometres from the rupture edge, see Fig. 5) are
the recent morphologic observations (Armijo et al. 2005). sufficient to successively trigger events.
The seismicity in the Gulf of Saros during the 20th and 19th Events at each side of a slip-deficit gap are generally associated
centuries includes events of moderate magnitude and for previous with the loading in the gap. However for long fault stretches the
centuries events much less constrained by observations than in the influence of events on its sides is less important than secular load-
Sea of Marmara region. However five significant earthquakes are ing produced by the steady slip below the segment (Fig. 5). It is
likely to have ruptured fault segments in the Gulf of Saros, in 1623, because the extent of stress due to a dislocation surface depends
1659, 1859, 1893 (see Appendix B) and 1975 (Taymaz et al. 1991). mainly on its shortest dimension. Faults have a downdip width that
The Ms 7.2 event in 1659 appears the largest (Ambraseys 2002). is related to the thickness of the seismogenic crust (12 km in this

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1194 N. Pondard et al.

The earthquake activity of the NAF alternates between periods of
quiescence and periods of earthquake clustering (Fig. 11). During
the 20th century the most linear part of the NAF (across northern
Turkey) experienced a propagating earthquake sequence (Figs 1 and
11a) (Toksoz et al. 1979; Barka 1996; Stein et al. 1997). In only 5 yr
(19391944) about 700 km of fault segments ruptured by between
3 and 7 m of slip leaving no slip gaps. The earthquake activity of
that fault zone during the 17th century is poorly known (Fig. 11b).
However it has been suggested that more than 500 km of fault seg-
ments ruptured during two events close in time ( 1668 August 12 and
17) (Ikeda et al. 1991; Ambraseys & Finkel 1995). Such earthquake
activity suggests that the most linear part of the NAF behaves as a
single fault segment at a scale of some hundreds of years.
In the Marmara pull-apart region the earthquakes are more dis-
tributed in time (17191766 and 18941999). The complex geom-
etry of that fault system may be the reason. Moreover earthquake
clustering and propagating sequences occur in the Marmara region
several decades after the triggering of sequences along the linear
part of the NAF, during both seismic cycles. We suggest that the
different fault zones of the NAF interact at a scale larger than fault
segments rupturing during earthquakes. The Sea of Marmara fault
system may stop or delay the progression of clustering and prop-
agating sequences along the NAF, as a geometric fault complexity
may stop or delay the progression of an earthquake rupture.
However isolated events have also occurred in Marmara (1894,
1912). Our results suggest that a critical, uniform state of loading ap-
pears to drive propagating sequences. If resulting slip causes loading
to be less uniform, then the next ruptures may be more random. This
suggests that stresses are not relieved uniformly along the NAF by
Figure 10. Present-day loading of the Istanbul and Sea of Marmara region.
earthquake sequences. The non-uniform slip distribution of the 20th
The historical seismicity of the Gulf of Saros (Aegean Sea) is uncertain (see
appendix B). (a) Present-day loading if no M 7 earthquake occurred in
century sequence (Barka 1996) is consistent with this inference.
the Gulf of Saros since 1509. Slip deficits (5 m) remain close to the city
of Istanbul and in the Gulf of Saros. (b) Present-day loading including the
effects of all the major earthquakes suggested to have occurred in the Gulf of C O N C LU S I O N S
Saros (1625, 1659, 1859 and 1893) (Ambraseys & Finkel 1991; Ambraseys
The NAF and the Sea of Marmara pull-apart form one of the most ap-
& Jackson 2000; Ambraseys 2002). A slip deficit remains close to the city
of Istanbul. propriate fault systems on Earth to document fault interactions. The
rich knowledge of seismicity, geology and fault kinematics makes it
possible to analyse on this system interactions over the past 500 yr,
covering almost completely two seismic cycles. The present study
study). Some events such as that in 1939 have lengths many times shows that the NAFMarmara fault system has experienced a combi-
greater this (350 km). Thus secular loading is clearly dominant nation of isolated events, earthquake clusters and well-characterized
for large events (Fig. 5c) while stress interaction triggering may be propagating sequences, owing to a combination of secular loading
expected to be more important for moderate events (M 6 events from below and lateral loading imposed by the occurrence of pre-
with similar width and rupture length, Fig. 5d). However, the two vious earthquakes. As suggested earlier, we find that earthquakes
earthquake propagating sequences along the NAF (in the 20th and along the NAF tend to occur where previous events have increased
18th centuries) involve large magnitudes (M 7.0) and long fault the stress and are not random (Stein et al. 1997; Nalbant et al. 1998,
segments. Events often rupture unilaterally indicating that the stress 2002). For the period since 1912 when the effect of loading is less
conditions near to the end of a fault segment are closer to failure important they find that 41 out of 49 events along the North and
than elsewhere, thus triggering by a previous event on an adjacent East Anatolian fault, and the Aegean system show clear Coulomb
segment is likely. However, rupture can initiate elsewhere on the interactions. No events occurred where Coulomb stress had been
fault system and be more related to secular loading than triggering. reduced by earlier events. However, when the earlier record is ex-
This would appear to be the case for the 1943 event that ruptured amined, significant isolated events in the Sea of Marmara region
unilaterally, but with an epicentre distant from the termination of (1894, 1912) have clearly occurred in fault segments not stressed
rupture in 1939 (Stein et al. 1997). For the 18th century propagat- by a nearby event, suggesting the secular loading has been the de-
ing sequence in Marmara it is not possible to determine if Coulomb termining factor. As elsewhere along the NAF, no substantial events
stress increase at the end of the previous rupture has favoured the have occurred in the Sea of Marmara region where Coulomb stress
triggering of the subsequent earthquake, because the propagation was reduced. This suggests that Coulomb stress interactions using
direction of earthquake ruptures is unknown. knowledge of the secular loading can be used as a guide to where

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Fault interactions in the Sea of Marmara pull-apart (North Anatolian Fault) 1195

0 100 200 km

1912 1999a 1999b 1942

1894 1967 1957 1944
1939 1992
1949 1966
Earthquake clustering (1894-1999) Propagating earthquake sequence (1939-1944)

1766b 1766a 1754


b 1254 1784

Propagating earthquake sequence Propagating earthquake sequence (1668)

Figure 11. Distribution in space and time of M 7.0 earthquake ruptures along the North Anatolian Fault, based on observations (Toksoz et al. 1979; Ikeda
et al. 1991; Barka 1996), historical data (Ambraseys & Finkel 1995) and results of our models. The earthquake activity is different in two distinct regions (the
most linear part of the NAF across northern Turkey and the Marmara region). The dashed vertical line delimits these fault zones.

earlier events have occurred. This adds to the geological and damage AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
information used to propose rupture scenarios, and hence to address
This work is part of the collaborative program on the seismic risk in
the question of whether earlier sequences have behaved in the same
the Istanbul and Sea of Marmara region coordinated by the French
way as that in the 20th century.
INSU-CNRS and the Turkish TUBITAK, with support of the French
Scenarios for 18th century M 7.0 earthquake clusters consistent
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and the French Ministry of Re-
with the tectonic and historical data have been analysed. Scenarios
search (program ACI Natural Hazards). We wish to thank A. Hubert-
consistent with slip deficit and secular loading distributions (from
Ferrari and two anonymous reviewers for thorough revisions of the
below) clearly involve a sequence that propagates westward through
manuscript. We also wish to thank Ross Stein, Nicholas Ambraseys
the Sea of Marmara, despite the structural complexity. The infer-
& James Jackson for their courtesy and assistance. This is Institut
ence of a propagating sequence implies that each event has occurred
de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) paper No. 2141.
in a segment previously stressed by lateral Coulomb stress interac-
tions. The most likely scenarios for the propagating sequence are
also consistent with Coulomb stress interactions across the Cinarcik
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1912 August 9
A P P E N D I X A : M 7 . 0 E A RT H Q UA K E S
IN THE SEA OF MARMARA An earthquake destroyed 300 towns and villages, especially in the
(1509-PRESENT) Dardanelles region (Ambraseys & Finkel 1991). Damages extent to
Istanbul. 2000 people died. The main shock has been associated with
1509 September 10 a small tsunami. The Ms 7.4 1912 Ganos earthquake has probably
ruptured the two sides of the Ganos restraining bend, from the Gulf
A destructive earthquake (Ms 7.2) shook the Sea of Marmara
of Saros to the Central Basin in the Sea of Marmara, over a total
region. Its location is very uncertain. Ambraseys & Finkel (1990)
length of about 140 km. Observations relative to this earthquake are
proposed that this event occurred in the Marmara Sea with a rup-
discussed by Armijo et al. (2005).
ture length of 200 km at least. Using additional historical evidence
Ambraseys (2001b) concluded that the same seismic rupture was
no longer than 70 km and associated with a segment close to the 1999 August 17
city of Istanbul. Following the earthquake the NNAF experienced A devastating earthquake (M 7.4) occurred in the eastern part of the
a period of quiescence (15091719) (Ambraseys & Jackson 2000). Sea of Marmara. The slip distribution associated with the event is
Our modelling starts after the 1509 event. well constrained by morphologic (Barka 1999; Barka et al. 2002),
GPS and radar interferometry observations (e.g. Cakir et al. 2003).
1719 May 25 The extension of the earthquake rupture in the Sea of Marmara is
discussed by Cakir et al. (2003) and Armijo et al. (2005).
A devastating earthquake (Ms 7.4) occurred in the eastern part of
the Sea of Marmara (Ambraseys & Finkel 1991, 1995; Ambraseys
& Jackson 2000). The villages and towns were destroyed on both 1999 November 12
sides of the Gulf of Izmit and as far as Duzce. Strong damages were A destructive earthquake (M 7.2) occurred in the region of Duzce,
also reported on the walls, houses and mosques of Istanbul. It is said to the east of Izmit. The surface rupture and the slip distribution
that 6000 people were killed. associated with that event are discussed by Akyuz et al. (2002).

1754 September 2 A P P E N D I X B : L A R G E E A RT H Q UA K E S
Another great earthquake (Ms 7.0) shook the eastern part of the I N T H E G U L F O F S A RO S ( A E G E A N
Sea of Marmara (Ambraseys & Finkel 1991, 1995; Ambraseys & SEA, 1625-PRESENT)
Jackson 2000). 2000 people were killed. The shock caused important
damages close to the city of Istanbul and along the northern edge of 1625 May 18
the Gulf of Izmit. No serious destructions were done to the south of An earthquake (Ms 7.1) was felt in Greece, in the Aegean Islands
the Sea of Marmara. The main shock was associated with a tsunami. and in Anatolia (Ambraseys & Finkel 1991; Ambraseys 2002). The
effects in Istanbul, northern Greece and western Turkey were due to
1766 May 22 long-period ground movements, suggesting the earthquake occurred
at some distance, possibly in the North Aegean Sea.
A destructive earthquake (Ms 7.1) caused the heaviest damages
along the northern coast of the Sea of Marmara from the Ganos to
the Izmit region (Ambraseys & Finkel 1991, 1995; Ambraseys & 1659 February 17
Jackson 2000). Destructions were also reported along the southern Another large earthquake (Ms 7.2) felt in Greece and in
coast. 4000 people were killed and 880 died in the city of Istan- Anatolia (Ambraseys & Finkel 1991; Ambraseys 2002). The re-
bul. The earthquake caused a tsunami particularly strong along the ported destructions suggest the shock also originated in the North
Bosphorous strait. Aegean Sea.

1766 August 5 1859 August 21

A major earthquake (Ms 7.4) occurred in the western part of the A damaging earthquake (Ms 6.8) occurred offshore the
Sea of Marmara few months after the triggering of the 1766 May Dardanelles region (Ambraseys & Finkel 1991; Ambraseys 2002;
22 event (Ambraseys & Finkel 1991, 1995; Ambraseys & Jackson Ambraseys & Jackson 2000). Rock falls and liquefaction of the
2000). The most important destructions have been reported along ground were reported in the North Aegean Islands.
the Ganos region.
1893 February 9
1894 July 10
A destructive earthquake (Ms 6.9) occurred in the Gulf of
The most important effects of that destructive earthquake (Ms Saros (Ambraseys & Finkel 1991; Ambraseys & Jackson 2000;
7.3) have been observed along the Princes Islands, south of Istanbul Ambraseys 2002). Considerable damages were reported in the clos-
(Ambraseys & Jackson 2000; Ambraseys 2001a). The main shock est islands and a sea wave was generated during the main shock.
caused a 1.5 m high sea wave. This event can be associated with
faults with significant component of normal slip at the edges of the 1975 March 27
Cinarcik basin. The association of the 1894 event with the large
submarine break observed along the SW edge is more likely, but An earthquake (Ms 6.5) occurred in the Gulf of Saros. The epicentre
the possibility of rupture along the NE edge cannot be excluded and the focal mechanism associated with that event are discussed
(Armijo et al. 2005). by Taymaz et al. (1991).

C 2007 The Authors, GJI, 171, 11851197
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C 2007 RAS

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