SR 248
SR 248
SR 248
Staff Reports
Joel F. Houston
Kevin J. Stiroh
This paper examines the evolution of risk in the U.S. financial sector using firm-level
equity market data from 1975 to 2005. Over this period, financial sector volatility has
steadily increased, reaching extraordinary levels from 1998 to 2002. Much of this recent
turbulence can be attributed to a series of major financial shocks, and we find evidence
of an upward trend in volatility only for the common component that affects the entire
financial sector. While idiosyncratic volatility remains dominant, a combination of
common shocks, deregulation, and diversification has reduced its relative importance
since the early 1990s. Within the financial sector, commercial banks show the largest
rise in volatility, which also reflects industry shocks and not the idiosyncratic
component. Despite these changes, we find that the links between the financial sector
and economic activity have declined in recent years. These results have implications for
investors, bank regulators, and other policymakers concerned with the origins of
financial sector risk and with the links between the financial markets and real activity.
The financial sectors share of total profits of U.S. firms increased from 21% to over 30% during the last decade,
while the market value of financial stocks now represents more than 20% of the overall market, up from around 10%
fifteen years ago.
See Carey and Stulz (2005) for a discussion of the evolution of the financial sector.
See Ferguson (2002), Rajan (2005), Greenspan (2005) and Geithner (2004), and Kohn (2005) for some policy-
makers views on evolving financial markets and their economic impact.
absolute and relative terms, while common financial sector risk and industry-specific risk have
risen. Increased sectoral risk is consistent with Hartmann et al. (2005), DeNicolo and Kwast
(2002), and Bartram et al. (2005), who report evidence of increased systemic risk in banking due
to increased inter-bank spillovers and higher aggregate risk. Declining idiosyncratic risk for the
financial sector as a whole supports the firm-level work of Demsetz and Strahan (1997), Morgan
and Samolyk (2005), and Stiroh (forthcoming), who conclude that larger, more diversified
(across products and markets) banks are less exposed to idiosyncratic shocks.4 Our analysis
extends this to the broader financial sector, provides an internally consistent framework for
measuring these components, and quantifies the relative importance of each over a long time
span of dramatic financial sector change.
A fundamental question is whether the sharp increase in financial sector volatility for
1998-2002 reflects a series of large, but temporary, shocks, or is more representative of the level
of volatility and risk that might be the norm in the new financial environment. To investigate
this, we estimate dynamic trend regressions both with and without controls for major financial
shocks such as the Russian bond default and the collapse of hedge fund LTCM in 1998, the
bursting of the NASDAQ bubble in 2000, the September 11 terrorist attack in 2001, and
corporate scandals in 2002. Including these controls considerably flattens estimates of the
underlying trends and only the common financial sector trend remains statistically significant.
We find no evidence of a trend in idiosyncratic risk. We conclude that there has been an upward
trend in common financial sector risk over the past three decades as financial firms become more
similar and increasingly exposed to common shocks.
We also examine the evolution and sources of risk in four industries that comprise the
financial sector - commercial banks, savings institutions, insurance firms, and other financial
firms (investment banks, investment firms, finance companies, government-sponsored
enterprises (GSEs), and other non-bank financial institutions). A closer analysis of these
industries shows that a substantial portion of the rising volatility stems from increased industry-
specific risk for commercial banks. This is reasonable, as commercial banks operated in a
These results counter CLMX, who report that industry-level risk for financial services has fallen significantly over
time while the relative importance of idiosyncratic risk has remained unchanged. This apparent divergence stems
from our different time periods with an important shift in the composition of volatility since 1997 when their sample
tumultuous environment since the mid-1990s, first with considerable uncertainty over how
deregulation might play out and then with the subsequent shake-out and consolidation. By
contrast, risk has been declining for savings institutions, and has remained flat for insurance and
other financial firms. Finally, we find an increased correlation in the returns across financial
industries, indicating a growing convergence among financial service providers.
This suggests that risk in the financial sector has evolved due to financial innovation and
structural change and was exacerbated by a series of large shocks from 1998 to 2002. Increased
volatility, driven by common shocks and rising cross-industry correlations within the financial
sector, suggests that the financial services industry has indeed become riskier over time. At a
fundamental level, this likely reflects the deregulation and financial innovation that have enabled
financial institutions to evolve towards a greater mix of riskier assets with common exposures as
they exploit their diversification gains. The period since 2002, however, has been relatively
quiescent and supports the view that the extraordinary volatility from 1998 to 2002 had an
important transitory component.
We also examine how the evolution of the financial sector compares to the rest of the
market by decomposing the overall market into two broad sectors, our constructed financial
sector and a non-financial remainder. In addition to growing in relative size, the financial sector
shows increased volatility in both absolute and relative terms. The correlation between the
financial sector and non-financial sector, however, has declined. This suggests that financial
shocks have not been transmitted to the rest of the economy, which is consistent with the
classical view that finance is primarily a veil with little effect on the real economy.
Finally, we examine the link between real activity and financial sector volatility over the
full period and three sub-periods: 1975-1984, 1985-1994, and 1995-2005. We find that financial
market volatility had a large negative (highly significant) impact on economic growth only for
1985-1994. This period was one of substantial turbulence for the U.S. banking sector, e.g., large
money-center banks were saddled with enormous losses from loans to developing countries,
small bank failures peaked in 1988 and 1989, and consolidation accelerated. This interpretation
is supported by industry-level results that show volatility within the commercial bank industry
was particularly important during this period. One interpretation, albeit speculative, is that only
significant disruptions in the allocation of credit impact real economic activity.
In terms of the fundamental questions surrounding the stability of the U.S. financial
sector, our results can be interpreted in different ways. In one respect, it appears that the
increased volatility of the financial sector has had little impact on the real economy to date. In
fact, the increase in financial sector volatility occurred while the macro-economy has become
increasingly stable.5 Indeed over the past decade the macro-economy has withstood a number of
major financial sector events that might have been expected to be destabilizing. This suggests
that shocks to the financial sector, while not unimportant, may not have the severe negative
consequences that some fear.
At the same time, our results do offer some cause for concern. Even as firms become
more diversified, the U.S. financial sector appears riskier than in the past as firms are
increasingly exposed to common shocks and larger. This raises the possibility of systemic risk if
all firms respond similarly to market events, and makes the collapse of a major financial
institution more likely to lead to a more significant financial crisis, i.e., the tail event described
by Rajan (2005). While such a scenario is not likely in any given year, the economy may be
more vulnerable to this type of widespread financial crisis.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II lays out our primary
methodology and data for quantifying the evolving risk of the U.S. financial sector. In Section
III we describe our methodology and present results concerning the decomposition of broadly
defined financial sector volatility into an overall financial sector component, specific industry
components, and idiosyncratic components. In Section IV we assess the role the financial sector
plays in the overall stock market. Here we explore the interaction between the financial and non-
financial sectors, and highlight how the links between the two sectors have evolved over the past
three decades. Section V presents evidence on the linkages between equity market performance
and real economic activity. Section VI concludes.
See McConnell and Perez-Quiros (2001) for early evidence and Stiroh (2005) for a discussion of alternative
measures of return and volatility for four industries (commercial banks, savings institutions,
insurance, and other financial firms) and for the financial sector as a whole. We aggregate firm-
level data for each of the four component industries and we obtain returns and volatility for the
financial sector by aggregating returns and volatility of the four industries. This aggregation
scheme allows us to sort out precisely where returns and volatility in the financial sector
originate, and to implement the CLMX decomposition, which helps us better understand whether
this volatility reflects firm, industry, or sector shocks.
We note that our use of equity market volatility as a measure of risk, while standard
practice, has some limitations. First, we are constrained to the publicly traded portion of the
financial sector. Thus, we are unable to directly measure the impact of certain key players in the
financial sector that are not publicly traded, e.g., hedge funds or mutual insurers. Moreover, our
approach does not capture the impact of financial activities within the non-financial sector like
GE Capital or the financial subsidiaries of the auto companies. There is also some noise as new
companies enter the universe of publicly traded firms, e.g., Goldman Sachs had its initial public
offering in May 1999. While this affects the composition of firms over time, including all
publicly traded firms ensures that we have the most comprehensive measure of financial sector
Second, equity volatility may not capture all relevant aspects of risk. For example, high-
frequency volatility may be less useful in measuring the type of high-severity, low-probability
tail event discussed by Rajan (2005). Nonetheless, our variance decomposition and study of
how the correlation of certain risks has evolved in recent years provide us with clear insights into
whether there has been a shift in systemic risk, which in turn may shed some insights into the
financial sectors vulnerability to tail-risk. At the same time, it is possible that the financial
sector may be more or less vulnerable to certain unforeseen events whose potential impact is not
fully captured by equity volatility.
A. Sample Construction
We began by collecting stock market data from the Center for Research in Security Prices
(CRSP) for all firms that are included in the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Division H,
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate. While this is an obvious starting point, this sector is
defined quite broadly and includes a number of firms that are not financial in nature. For
example, at different points in our sample period, SIC 6711 Holding Offices includes a broad
range of firms such as insurance companies like American International Group, banks like
Citicorp, utilities like Bell-South, and retailers like Toys-R-Us. An important part of our effort
included identifying financial firms and assigning them to appropriate component industries
within the financial sector.
We used SIC codes as the primary classification mechanism to identify commercial
banks, savings institutions, insurance, and other financial firms. To classify financial institutions
more precisely, we also relied on data from Flannery and Rangan (2004), who identified publicly
traded bank and financial holding companies based on regulatory data, and on data from Bank
We then classified the remaining firms based on 4-digit SIC codes. In some cases, we
were able to classify all firms into a particular sub-industry based on the SIC. In other cases, it
was clear that all of the firms with a particular SIC were non-financial; these were dropped.
Finally, there were some cases where there was ambiguity and/or it appeared that different
categories of firms had the same 4-digit SIC, e.g., SIC 6711. In these instances, we examined
the firms individually and placed them into the appropriate industry. Firms that could not be
classified were dropped, and firms within these ambiguous SIC industries with market value less
than $300m were also dropped.6
Several specific decisions are worth noting. We include the GSEs such as Fannie Mae in
the other financials industry. We also dropped financial institutions that were primarily foreign
in nature. Finally, we dropped all observations that were security specific, e.g., the exchange-
traded funds and the closed-end mutual funds in SIC 6726. Details about our classification
strategy can found in the Appendix.
B. Summary Statistics
To get a quick picture of the evolution of the financial sector, we divide our sample into
three distinct time periods: 1975-1984, 1985-1994 and 1995-2005. The dates are arbitrarily
chosen to yield periods of approximately equal length, and subsequent analysis will also examine
continuous measures of performance to avoid any problems with the sample periods selection.
This should not affect the primary results because our analysis focused on market value-weighted decompositions.
Table 1 reports the average number of firms, market value, and market value share for the four
financial industries and the financial sector as a whole.7
Table 1 clearly illustrates the steady growth in the size of the financial sector, where the
average number of firms rose from 423.2 during 1975-1984 to 1,025.9 for 1995-2005 and the
market value of the sector increased from an average of $83.4 billion to an average of $2,060.7
billion. This rise in market value represents both the steady increase in value of the largest
financial firms, particularly over the last decade, and the IPOs of firms in the financial sector.
For example, the financial sector now includes a number of large firms like Goldman Sachs and
John Hancock, which went public within the past decade.
A closer look at the four industries shows some interesting changes and confirms some
well-known trends. In terms of market value shares, other financials, largely due to the GSEs,
experienced the largest increase, from 9.3% of the financial sector for 1975-84 to over 21.7% for
1995-2004. This increase reflects both the relative performance of the firms in that industry and
the changing composition of the financial sector. Insurance firms, in contrast have seen their
financial sector share drop from 38.8% in 1975-84 to 27% for 1995-2005 in spite of the
demutualization and concurrent IPOs of several large insurance firms such as John Hancock.
This decline partially reflects consolidation among firms within the financial services industry,
e.g., when Citicorp and Travelers merged, the combined Citigroup is included in the commercial
bank industry. For commercial banks, the number of firms rose through the 1980s and then
declined as the industry consolidated after deregulation removed interstate branching restrictions.
Interestingly, despite all of these changes within the financial sector over the past three decades,
commercial bankings share of the total financial sector is about where it was thirty years ago
(slightly less than 50% of the total financial sector).
Precise definitions of the market value construction are provided in the following sub-section.
will be months, m, we first create measures of return and volatility for individual firm j on date t
using daily equity market observations.
For each firm, we estimate a daily excess return, Rj,t, as the difference between the daily
return from CRSP and the risk-free return, defined as the daily return on the 30-day U.S.
Treasury bond. Monthly (excess) returns, Rj,m, are calculated as the product of the daily excess
returns over the period. We also calculate, for each month, the mean and variance of a firms
daily returns, denoted as j ,m and 2j ,m , respectively. All return estimates are annualized and
expressed in percentages. We calculate the firms daily market value as the price of equity times
the shares outstanding, and define its monthly market value as the arithmetic mean of the daily
market values within a month.
We proceed in a similar fashion for each of the four component industries i. We define
industry returns as the value-weighted average of the firm-specific returns for all firms within
that industry. Returns are always computed over the same period, i.e., industry daily return, Ri,t,
is a value-weighted average of the daily returns for firms in industry i on date t and the industry
monthly return, Ri,m, is a value-weighted average of the returns for the all of the firms in industry
i in month m. To be consistent in the decomposition, we use the monthly weights in defining the
industry returns as value-weighted returns:
Ri ,t = R j ,t w j ,m
(1) ji
Ri ,m = R j ,m w j ,m w
j ,m =1 m
where we define a firms weight in its industry for a month, w j ,m , as the firms monthly market
value divided by the sum of all firms monthly market values in that industry. Weights for all
firms in an industry sum to one in each period. We also calculate the industrys mean and
variance of daily returns within a month, i ,m and i2,m , respectively, as the arithmetic mean and
the variance around that mean. All estimates are annualized and expressed in percentages.
Figure 1 plots the smoothed mean monthly returns, for each industry from 1975 to 2005.
To focus on the long-run trends, we made two adjustments when presenting these data. First, we
follow CLMX and down-weight the October 1987 stock market decline by replacing its value
in each series with the next largest observation of that series. Second, we present backwards,
twelve-month moving averages of each underlying series. Neither adjustment changes the long-
run perspective, but simply makes the results easier to interpret. One could use more
sophisticated frameworks, e.g., GARCH models, to estimate time-varying volatility, but we use
the simple variance to be consistent with the subsequent decompositions that allows us to
allocate expected volatility into the underlying sources.
Figure 1 suggests that the returns of the four industries are highly correlated. To examine
this issue more completely, we estimate the average pair-wise correlation of the daily returns for
each industry over the three sub-periods. These estimates are presented in Table 2. To estimate
these correlations for a given industry pair, we calculated the correlation of daily returns in a
month for two industries, and then averaged those monthly correlations for each period. For all
industry pairs there is steady rise in the correlations with estimates between 0.53 and 0.76 for
1975-1984 and between 0.65 and 0.84 for 1995-2005. The change in correlation between 1985-
1994 and 1995-2005 is significantly different from zero at the 5% level for five of the six
industry pairs.
This increasing correlation likely reflects convergence within the financial services
industry. Beginning in 1987 and culminating with Gramm-Leach Bliley in 1999, commercial
banks saw a steady increase in their ability to engage in underwriting activities and many large
commercial banks now routinely offer investment banking and insurance activities.8 Similarly,
massive deregulation in the 1970s and 1980s allowed savings institutions to become more
involved in corporate lending, like commercial banks. Our results suggest that as the financial
sector has evolved, the various component industries have become more similar with an
increased exposure to common shocks.
Figure 2 plots the variance of daily returns for the four industries over the same time
period, where we again smooth the monthly variances using a backwards 12-month moving
average of the down-weighted series. Most notably, we observe an enormous surge in volatility
in 1998 that persists through 2002, particularly for commercial banks and other financial firms.
The level and breadth of sustained volatility during this five year span was unprecedented over
the last three decades.9 More recently, however, volatility has declined to levels comparable to
earlier periods in all four industries. A critical question is whether the increased volatility from
See Strahan and Sufi (2000), particularly Table 1, for a summary of the evolution of commercial bank operating
1998 to 2002 or the lower volatility since then is more representative of the current environment
and more likely to reflect the future.
Finally, there are large differences in the trends in variance across the industries, which
reflect familiar industry trends and events. Savings institutions, for instance, saw high volatility
during the 1970s as inflation and rising interest rates fundamentally altered their business model
and increased uncertainty, but less volatility since then. More recently, volatility has been
particularly high for other financial firms and commercial banks. The increased volatility for the
other financial firms can likely be attributed to the large capital market fluctuations associated
with the 1990s boom and subsequent decline in stock prices and capital market activity.
Similarly, the increased volatility for commercial banks can be linked to the industrys massive
deregulation during the 1990s.10
Using data that does not down-weight October 1987 introduces a very large, but transient volatility spike.
See Strahan and Sufi (2000) for an event study of how financial stock prices reacted to the Citicorp/Travelers
announcement in 1998 and the agreement on Gramm-Leach-Bliley in 1999.
Schuermann and Stiroh (2005) provide evidence on the instability and heterogeneity of market betas for U.S.
commercial banks.
A. Methodology
We decompose equity market volatility for U.S. financial firms into factors that represent
the financial sector, F, the four component industries, i, and an idiosyncratic component for each
firm, j. To define the financial sector, we use the same process to generate financial sector
returns and market values from the component industries as when we generated industry
aggregate from firm measures. We define the daily and monthly financial sector returns, RF,t and
RF,m, respectively, as the value-weighted average of the component industry returns:
R F ,t = Ri ,t wi ,m
(2) i
R F ,m = Ri ,m wi ,m wi
i ,m =1 m
where we define an industrys weight in the financial sector for a month, wi ,m , as the industrys
monthly market value divided by the sum of all industrys monthly market values. Weights for
all industries sum to one in each period. We also calculate the financial sectors mean and
variance of daily returns within a month, F ,m and F2 .m , respectively, as the arithmetic mean
and the variance around that mean. All estimates are annualized and expressed in percentages.
The volatility decomposition in CLMX is based on a market-adjusted-return model,
detailed in Campbell et al. (1997). This is a simplified return decomposition where industry-
specific returns equal market returns plus an industry-specific component. In our decomposition,
we relate industry returns to returns for the financial sector as a whole, so our market-adjusted-
return model is:
Ri ,t = RF ,t + i ,t
i2,m = F2 ,m + 2,i ,m + 2 C ( RF ,t , i ,t )
where i,t is the difference between financial sector returns and industry returns, 2,i ,m is the
variance of those differences, and C(.,.) is the covariance of the daily arguments. All variances
and covariances are calculated over the daily observations within a month.
Similarly, we can decompose firm-specific returns into a common industry component
and a firm-specific component as:
R j ,t = Ri ,t + j ,t
2j ,m = i2.m + 2, j ,m + 2 C ( Ri ,t , j ,t )
where j,t is the difference between industry and firm-specific returns and 2, j ,m is the variance of
those differences.
A difficulty with the variance decompositions in Equations (3) and (4) is that because the
errors are not orthogonal (as they would be in a traditional CAPM decomposition), there is a
covariance term. CLMX show, however, that weighting over firms and industries can eliminate
these covariances, which in turn leaves a simpler variance decomposition.12 In particular, one
can weight each industry in Equation (3) by its market value share and sum over all industries to
obtain a decomposition of financial sector volatility:
(5) w
i ,m i2,m = F2 ,m + wi ,m 2,i ,m
and similarly weight each firm in Equation (4) by its market value share and sum over all firms
to obtain a decomposition of industry volatility:
(6) w
j ,m 2j ,m = i2,m + w j ,m 2, j ,m
See CLMX, particularly pp. 4-6, for details on the derivation and elimination of the covariances. The intuition is
that the covariances essentially represent the betas in a traditional CAPM decomposition and the weighted sum of
the betas from a CAPM estimate, with market returns defined as the weighted sum of firm returns, equals one.
(7) w w
i ,m
j ,m 2j ,m = F2 ,m + wi ,m 2,i ,m + wi ,m w j ,m 2, j ,m
i i ji
The interpretation of this final decomposition parallels the earlier ones. The left-hand
side is again expected volatility, i.e., the weighted-average of firm-level volatility, where firms
are now weighted by both the share in the industry and the industrys share in the financial
sector. This can be interpreted as a measure of overall volatility, defined as the expected
volatility of a given firm with probabilities equal to the firms weight in the financial sector as a
whole. Expected volatility reflects common factors for all firms in the financial sector, F2 .m ,
factors specific to the industry in which the firm operates (weighted by the industrys market
share), w
i ,m 2,i ,m , and idiosyncratic factors that are specific to the particular firm (again
We refer the left-hand side of Equation (7) as expected volatility and to each of the
three right-hand side components as financial sector volatility, industry volatility, and
idiosyncratic volatility, respectively. It is worth that emphasizing that both expected volatility
and the idiosyncratic component are firm-level measures, e.g., weighted average of firm-specific
total and residual volatility. In contrast, the financial sector and industry components reflect
volatility of aggregates and can be thought of as a portfolio measure that includes diversification
Our methodology closely follows CLMX, but our approach differs in three specific ways.
First, we use the contemporaneous monthly weight, while CLMX use the lagged monthly
weight. This difference doesnt matter quantitatively, as long as weights are consistently used
when defining aggregate returns and the estimating the volatility decomposition. Second, we
estimate the variances of residuals in each month around the mean for that month, while CLMX
define the variance of returns around the sample mean. Again, this does not matter
quantitatively. Third, we follow the decomposition exactly and use the variance of residuals in
Equation (4) and (5), while CLMX use the sum of the squared residuals. These are very highly
correlated, but they are not the same because the errors from the market-adjusted-return model
need not be mean-zero in a given month. Our use of the actual variance of returns makes the
decomposition exact.
B. Financial Sector Volatility Decomposition
Table 3 reports mean returns from Equations (1) and (2) and the volatility decomposition
in Equation (7). Note that our references to volatility mean variance, rather than the more
frequently-used measure of standard deviation. This simply reflects the decomposition described
above. To make the results easier to interpret, we also report standard deviation of expected
volatility.13 Once again, we split our sample into three sub-periods to highlight how the sources
of volatility in the U.S. financial sector have evolved over the past three decades. Figure 3
reports the same volatility data in a continuous fashion by reporting the smoothed, down-
weighted values of all four elements in Equation (7). Figure 4 reports the relative contribution of
each type of volatility, i.e., the share of that component in expected volatility.
We first observe that the U.S. financial sector experienced relatively strong returns over
this period rising from around 12 percent prior to 1995 to 18 percent afterward. Expected
volatility for financial sector firms has risen substantially over time, rising from 788.5 for 1975-
1984 to 1043.7 for 1985-1994 and to 1162.1 for 1995-2005. In terms of standard deviations, the
expected volatility increased from 27.6% to 31.2% to 32.2% for the same periods. This upward
trend in volatility primarily reflects the weighting within the financial sector as the relatively
large commercial bank and other financial industries have seen increased volatility over time.
This rise in expected volatility in the financial sector, particularly from 1998 to 2002, is
unprecedented in terms of magnitude and duration. Table 3 and Figure 4 show that the common
sector component has driven these volatility gains as it more than doubled from 190.0 for 1985-
1995 to 429.8 for 1995-2005 and accounted for more than a third of volatility in the last period.
Idiosyncratic volatility, in contrast, declined after 1995, following increases the 1980s and early
1990s. The evidence of increased sensitivity to common shocks is consistent with the analysis of
return correlations in Table 2, which showed that returns across all pairs of financial industries
have become more correlated over time.
Finally, we examine the components of volatility in each of the four financial industries
from Equation (6). Table 4 reports the mean returns, expected volatility (both variance and
To be clear, all measures are estimated from the daily returns in a month, annualized and reported as percentages,
and averaged over the months in a period.
standard deviation), and volatility decomposition for each industry and time period.14 Figure 5
reports the components of the decomposition and Figure 6 plots idiosyncratic volatility as a
percentage of total expected volatility for each of the four financial industries. Both figures
report smoothed, down-weighted data. As a reminder, Figure 2 reports the industry component
separately, i2.m .
As in the financial sector as a whole, we find that idiosyncratic volatility accounts for the
majority of expected volatility in all industries, ranging from 55% in commercial banks to 74%
in savings institutions in the last period. We also see that relative importance of idiosyncratic
volatility has declined since the mid-1990s, although there has been a slight increase since 2003
when industry volatility declined.
The declining importance of idiosyncratic risk has been particularly notable in the
commercial bank industry, where the share of idiosyncratic volatility fell from 85% during the
1985-1994 period to 56% for 1995-2005. In terms of absolute volatility, both the insurance and
other financial industries saw an increase in idiosyncratic volatility even as its relative
importance declined. This dichotomy seems reasonable. The post-1995 period was relatively
strong for commercial banks and there were not large bank-specific shocks.15 In contrast, many
firms in the insurance and other financials industries have been exposed to specific shocks such
as hurricanes, the collapse of LTCM, and corporate scandals.
C. Trend Analysis
The previous section presented evidence of a steady rise in financial sector risk with a
particularly strong increase during the period 1998-2002 that was driven by the common
financial sector component. This section examines the nature of the underlying trend, e.g.,
deterministic or stochastic, and gauges the relative importance of specific events in determining
both the direction and the magnitude of any trend. This sub-section presents the results, and the
following sub-section presents a discussion and interpretation.
As with the financial sector as a whole, these returns are quite high and we compared them to returns of value-
weighted indices computed by SNL Securities, LP for the U.S. banking and savings institutions industries. The
results are very close in both the level and variation over time, e.g., correlation of monthly returns for 1989:m1-
2005:m12 was 0.99 for commercial banks and 0.98 for thrifts.
See Schuermann (2004) on the success of the U.S. banking system through the 2001 recession.
We first test for the presence of unit roots in the individual series by estimating
augmented Dickey and Fuller tests (ADF, 1979) for each of the four main volatility estimates
from Equation (7): expected volatility, financial sector volatility, industry volatility, and
idiosyncratic volatility. We estimate the ADF tests with just a constant and with a constant and a
deterministic time trend. Results are reported in Table 5 and reject the presence of a unit root in
all four cases for both specifications.16 We focus the remainder of our analysis on the level of
volatility over time and test for the existence of a deterministic linear trend.
We are primarily interested in whether these measures of risk and volatility have been
trending upward over time so we estimate variations of dynamic trend regressions, e.g., volatility
regressed on a constant, its own lag, and a deterministic time trend. We do not include any other
macroeconomic controls like business cycle indicators, yield information, or credit conditions
because we are interested in the long-run trends of the unconditional volatility of financial sector
returns. Our basic specification for a deterministic trend is:
(8) X t = + X t 1 + t + t
where X is a measure of volatility, measures the dependence on the first lag, and the error term,
, is corrected for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation using the procedure of Newey and West
(1987), where we allow up to four lags in the autocorrelation structure of the error.
One obvious and important concern is how to differentiate any underlying trend from
specific shocks that are temporary in nature. This is particularly relevant for the period 1998-
2002, which was marked by high volatility that may reflect a series of specific events like the
terrorist attach in September 2001 that are unlikely to be repeated.
We address this issue in three ways. First, we compare the basic trend regression in
Equation (8) to a trend regression that controls for extreme outliers. We do this by creating a
dummy variable of extreme values equal to 1 if the monthly observation was greater than the
value of the 95th percentile of the series for the full sample and then including this dummy in the
trend regression. This approach has the advantage of being agnostic, and hopefully less
subjective, about the nature of particular shocks, but has the disadvantage that it does not allow
As in CLMX, our results are virtually identical if we use the down-weighted data, so we do not report them here.
Those results are available upon request.
meaningful economic interpretation of the shocks. This should be viewed as a parsimonious way
to examine the robustness of the underlying trend.
Second, we identified several financial shocks that led to large spikes in volatility of
the financial sector. An obvious shock was the 1987 stock market crash. More recently, since
1997, there have been shocks like the Russian bond default and the Long-Term Capital
Management (LTCM) meltdown in 1998, the bursting of the NASDAQ bubble in 2000, the
terrorist attacks in 2001, and corporate accounting scandals in 2002. While these shocks likely
affected individually firms differently, there were clearly macroeconomic implications that
affected many firms and industries and volatility spiked. To be conservative and err on the side
of not finding an upward trend, in addition to October 1987, we identified shocks only in the
recent period of exceptionally high volatility after 1997.
Our list of financial shocks includes:
Stock Market Crash of 1987 October 1987
Russian Bond Default and LTCM September-October 1998
NASDAQ Collapse March-April 2000
September 11, 2001 September 2001
Corporate Scandals July and October 200217
For each financial shock, we created a dummy variable that was set equal to 1 in the
months around these events, (e.g., these months, any intervening months, the preceding month,
and the following month), and included these five dummy variables in the trend regression. This
approach has the appealing property that we know precisely which events are being controlled
for, but suffers from the obvious problem of subjectivity in identifying relevant shocks.
Moreover, there is a deeper question about whether one should consider these one-time events,
which we discuss at the end of the section. As a result, this exercise should also be viewed as a
robustness test of the trend analysis.
Third, we estimate the basic trend regression for only the early sample of data before the
volatility run-up in the late 1990s. There is some arbitrariness to the breakpoint, but we chose
April 1998. This month included a watershed moment for the U.S. financial sector as The
Travelers Group and Citicorp announced their intention to merge and create the largest financial
services business in the U.S. To the extent that increased volatility reflects the expansion and a
broader opportunity set of large financial firms, this is a reasonable breakpoint as it anticipates
subsequent deregulation and consolidation. Moreover, Strahan and Sufi (2000) show that
volatility of financial stocks increased markedly after this announcement. Finally, this cut-off is
consistent with our evidence that shows rising financial sector volatility beginning in 1998.
Results for each of the four trend regressions basic trend-full sample, extreme value
dummy variable, financial shocks dummy variable, and basic trend-early sample for each of
the four financial sector volatility measures are reported in Table 6. We report the coefficient on
the time trend and the regression R2; estimates of the constant and coefficient on lagged
dependent variable are available upon request. In all cases, standard errors are corrected for
heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation using the method of Newey and West (1987).18
The first conclusion is that overall volatility, measured by the expected volatility of all
firms in the financial sector, shows an upward trend over the last three decades, but this trend is
not particularly robust. Controlling for extreme volatility measures or the specific shocks
flattens the trend substantially and eliminates statistical significance. Moreover, the explanatory
power of the regressions increases greatly when the dummy variables are included, indicating
that these events are quite important sources of variation. As shown in the last panel, we find
evidence of an upward trend for the early period before 1998:m4. Economically, however, these
trends are not large, e.g., the trend estimate is only 0.6 per month, compared to an annualized
monthly volatility of 1162.1 for 1995:m1-2005:m12. We conclude that there has been a modest
long-run increase in overall financial sector risk and volatility, but that a series of specific shocks
in the last few years have been the primarily source of increased volatility in recent years.
Looking at the trends in individual components highlights the evolving source of
financial sector volatility and shows some important differences. Most strikingly, we see a
robust upward trend in the common sector component. Controlling for extreme values or
financial shocks reduces, but does not eliminate, the upward trend. This is consistent with the
Volatility in the 2nd quarter of 2002 was triggered, in part, by a $3.8B restatement by Worldcom on June 25, 2002.
Subsequent volatility through the fall was driven by a wave of downgrades by Standard and Poors related to
unfunded pension obligations (BIS (2003)).
earlier decomposition, which shows the sector component accounting for an increasing share of
overall volatility, and the rising correlation of returns across component industries.
By contrast, weighted industry volatility shows no trend for the full period, both without
and with any controls, and was actually trending down prior to 1998. Similarly, idiosyncratic
volatility shows no trend for the full period, although there does appear to be an upward trend
prior to 1998. This rise in idiosyncratic risk in the period before 1998 echoes one of the main
results in CLMX.
It is worth emphasizing that while these results indicate that there have been a significant
upward trend in the sector component of volatility of the financial services industry over the past
three decades, this does not mean that volatility will continue to increase in the years ahead.
Our evidence suggests that specific shocks accounted for a good deal of the volatility rise and,
and, as pointed out earlier, volatility has leveled off since 2002.
We now examine trends in the volatility components of the underlying industries as in
Equation (6).19 We estimated the same set of regressions described above for the expected
volatility, industry component, and idiosyncratic component of each industry. Note that while
the financial shock dummy variables are the same for all regressions, the extreme value dummy
variables vary by series and industry by construction, so that they are more tailored to the
individual industry events. Results are presented in Table 7.
The strongest result is that commercial banks show an upward trend in the common
shock measured by the industry component. This is true after including either dummy controls
and for the early sample before 1998. We note, however, that this is not particularly large
compared to average volatility over the period. Idiosyncratic risk for banks, in contrast, seems to
have leveled off after 1998, which is consistent with the idea of internal diversification and a
widening of the investment opportunity set as banks expanded in a more deregulated
environment. For savings institutions, both expected volatility and the industry component show
strong negative trends, which reflect the dissipation of the industry problems from the 1970s.
Estimates are similar if we use the down-weighted volatility series or if we exclude, rather than dummy out, the
extreme values or financial shocks. Those results are available upon request.
For space reasons, we do not report estimates of the augmented Dickey Fuller tests for indidivual industries.
These estimates reject the null of a unit root, so we proceed in levels throughout. Results are available from the
authors upon request.
For insurance, there is some evidence of a positive trend in the industry component, but it
is not particularly robust. This is reasonable as volatility in this industry is generally driven by
industry-specific events, e.g., hurricanes in the mid-1990s, that are not necessarily reflective of
an underlying trend. Once one controls for these events, particularly via the extreme value
dummy variables, the volatility profile flattens.
For other financial firms, there is no trend for the full period for either expected volatility
or its components. This likely reflects the relative heterogeneity of this industry, i.e., it is a broad
industry that includes a wide range of firms from investment banks to the GSEs. As such, one
would expect the common component to be small. In the early period, there is some evidence of
falling industry volatility and rising idiosyncratic volatility. The upward trend in idiosyncratic
volatility, however, suggests that individual firms may be engaging in more risky activities.
The second implication is related more specifically to commercial banks. If geographic
deregulation allows banks to operate in broader markets, this should increase the exposure to
common shocks and increase the ability to diversify internally. Morgan et al. (2004), for
example, show that the integration of banking markets after Riegle-Neal in 1994 has led to
smoother state-level business cycles, but also increased synchronization of state-level
fluctuations. This is consistent with our finding of a significant upward trend in industry
volatility for commercial banks (Figure 5 and Table 7).
A final implication of this deregulation is that idiosyncratic shocks should decline in
importance as banks become more internally diversified and as common shocks emerge from the
integration of previously disjoint markets. Demsetz and Strahan (1997) and Stiroh
(forthcoming), for example, report that idiosyncratic risk for publicly traded bank holding
companies tends to fall with size as they become more internally diversified, while Morgan and
Samolyk (2005) show that risk-adjusted returns first fall and then rise with geographic
diversification. We find, both for the financial sector as a whole and for commercial banks,
evidence of rising idiosyncratic volatility only before 1998. For the full period, our estimates
indicate no significant trend with idiosyncratic risk declining in relative importance in the last
Our finding of declining idiosyncratic volatility since 1995 counters one of CLMXs
main results rising idiosyncratic risk for the market as a whole and for financial services firms
in particular. CLMX offered a variety of possible explanations for their finding. For example,
they noted that the breaking up of conglomerate firms produced more specialized firms with
higher idiosyncratic risk. CLMX also suggested that there have been important changes in the
life cycle properties of initial public offerings with firms issuing equity at a younger age. Fink et
al. (2005) offer supporting evidence of this interpretation and report that the rise in idiosyncratic
risk for the market reflects a selection phenomenon as young, risky firms were increasingly like
to issue public equity at a young age.
The story in the financial sector, however, appears to be different. The U.S. financial
sector, particularly on a value-weighted basis, is increasingly dominated by large institutions, so
idiosyncratic risk trends are unlikely to reflect entry by young, risky firms.20 Moreover, rather
than producing smaller, younger firms, the ongoing consolidation within the financial sector has
created larger, more diversified institutions that are likely to have less idiosyncratic risk
(Demsetz and Strahan (1997), Morgan and Samolyk (2005), and Stiroh (forthcoming)). We
conclude that these structural shifts in the size and scope of U.S. banks are driving the shift in the
source of financial sector risk away from idiosyncratic to common, sectoral factors.
A second contributing factor behind the divergence with CLMX is simply the different
sample periods. When we restrict our sample to end in 1998:m4 to roughly coincide with
CLMX, we find evidence of an upward trend for the financial sector as a whole and all industries
except insurance. While we are looking at only financial firms and CLMX examined the entire
market, this suggests that the CLMX finding may indeed be sensitive to the time period
examined. This issue is obviously an important question and gets at the heart of whether the
changes in the sources of volatility are expected to be permanent.
We conclude this section with some speculation about both the nature of the shocks and
the implications for the future. Extrapolating any estimated trend indefinitely, to be sure, is
rarely appropriate and one needs to apply some caution when interpreting our results. As
discussed, the period 1995 to 2005 was one of considerable turbulence for the U.S. financial
sector and only some aspects may be relevant looking to the future. The uncertainty, churning,
and shake-out associated with the massive deregulation of the U.S. banking industry, for
example, is unlikely to be as important in the future as it was in the past. By contrast, the impact
of broader financial firms with different risk preferences and continued financial innovation are
likely to be relevant in the future. Gauging the relative importance of these forces, while critical
for any assessment of the financial stability, is obviously difficult.
Moreover, our approach to distinguishing trend from specific shocks was to identify
specific financial shocks (or extreme values) and control for them. This is clearly a two-edged
sword. On one hand, this approach reduces the influence of specific events that might reflect
special circumstance and thus are unlikely to have an impact in the future. One would not want
to draw implications for the future from these one-off events. On the other hand, the presence,
The ten largest banks held 25% of assets in 1995 and 46% in 2004 (Klee and Natalucci (2005)). Berger et al.
(1999) describe this consolidation process in detail.
frequency, and magnitude of the shocks do say something important about the stability system as
a whole. The last panels of Tables 6 and 7, for example, show that nearly 80% of the extreme
values of expected volatility for the financial sector occurred after 1994. By simply eliminating
these observations and ignoring the fact that they do not appear to be randomly distributed over
time, our estimated time trends with controls may understate the true trend.
A final issue is how much subjective weight one should put on the most recent period.
As indicated in Figure 3, all components of financial sector volatility have dropped precipitously
since 2002. A benign interpretation is that the volatility from 1998 to 2002 was the exceptional
period due to a series of specific shocks, while a more pessimistic view is that the calm since
2002 is the more exceptional period. As time passes and more data is accumulated, the relative
probabilities of each interpretation will evolve.
A. Methodology
We begin with the observed daily excess returns for the market for each day t, RM,t, and
our estimates of daily returns for the financial sector, RF,t, created above. In both cases, these are
excess returns calculated as the difference between the daily return of the index and the daily
return on the 30-day Treasury bond. For the market, we use a value-weighted index of all stocks
traded on the NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ exchanges from CRSP.
Use of a value-weighted market returns ensures that these returns are a weighted average
of returns in the financial sector and the returns in the implicit non-financial sector of the
economy, RN,t:
(9) R M ,t = wF ,m R F ,t + (1 wF ,m )R N ,t tm
where wF,m is the average market value share of the financial sector for all days t in month m.
We use the monthly share rather than the daily share to be consistent with the subsequent
variance decomposition.21
Using the imputed RN,t series, we estimate a corresponding variance decomposition of
market returns as:
(10) M2 .m = wF2 ,m F2 ,m + (1 wF ,m )2 N2 .m + 2wF ,m (1 wF ,m )C (RF ,t , R N ,t )
where *,2m is the variance of daily returns in month m and C(.,.) is the covariance of the
arguments during that month. All estimates are annualized and expressed in percentages.
Equations (9) and (10) provide an obvious way to examine the impact of the financial
sector on the mean and variance of market returns because they reflect both the size of the
financial sector and activity within that sector. We refer to a weighted return in Equation (9) as
the contribution to market returns from the sector and a weighted variance or covariance in
Equation (10) as the contribution to market variance from the sector or covariance.
B. Empirical Results
We begin with the decomposition of excess market returns and market variance into the
financial and non-financial sector contributions using the methodology summarized in Equations
(9) and (10). Tables 8 and 9 report results for the three sub-periods and Figures 7, 8, 9, and 10
show the trends in the market value share of the financial sector, the excess returns in each
sector, the variance of returns in each sector, and the share of each variance component,
respectively. As above, all reported values are the arithmetic means of the monthly observations
in each period.
The market value share of the financial sector, wF,m, shows the steady rise in importance
of the financial sector as the share increased from 7.1% for 1975-1984 to 16.4% for 1995-2005.
Over the same period, the financial sector has outperformed the non-financial sector, often by a
wide margin, e.g., annualized daily excess returns for the financial sector averaged 17.7% for
1995-2005 compared to 6.23% in the non-financial sector. Figure 8 shows the financial sector
Obviously, we could construct the non-financial sector component explicitly from micro data as we do for the
financial sector, but we are primarily interested in the relative importance of the financial sector here, so that is not
outperforming both the market and non-financials through the bursting of the NASDAQ in 2000
and the recession in 2001.
The middle panel in Table 8 shows the contribution to market returns from each sector
from Equation (9), while the bottom panel shows the share of market returns attributable to each
sector. Due to the relatively small size of the financial sector, the non-financial sector makes the
larger contribution in all periods. Looking at the averages for all periods, the share of market
returns due to the financial sector is about equal to the market value share. The prevalence of
both positive and negative returns, however, can make this comparison misleading.
Consequently, it is also useful to think about the share of average returns, i.e., the mean
contribution of financial returns divided by mean market returns. In the most recent period since
1995, we see that the financial sector accounted for 16% of market value, but contributed about
34% of mean returns (2.72%/8.02%) due to the relatively strong performance of the sector.
Table 9 presents the volatility decomposition from Equation (10) for each period and
Figure 9 plots this data over the three decades. The first thing to note is the high volatility from
1995 to 2005, again driven by the period 1998 to 2002, reflects increased volatility in both the
financial and the non-financial sectors, as well as an increase in the covariance.
Perhaps more important, financial sector volatility has been steadily increasing, both in
an absolute sense and relative to the non-financial sector. In the 1975-1984 period, the financial
sectors annualized daily volatility averaged 139.0 compared to 164.5 for non-financials. Mean
standard deviations were 11.3% vs.12.2%. During 1985-1994 the two sector volatilities were
virtually the same. In the most recent period 1995-2005, volatility in the financial sector
exceeded non-financial volatility by a wide margin, 429.8 vs. 301.7 for mean variances and
18.6% vs. 15.7% for mean standard deviations. This increase reflects the high volatility around
the banking crisis of the early 1990s and during the capital market turmoil that occurred after
1997. More recently, volatility in both sectors has declined noticeably (Figure 9).
The second panel of Table 9 reports the contributions to the market variance estimate
from Equation (10) for each period and Figure 10 shows the smoothed share of market variance
from each component over time. As with the returns, the non-financial sector makes the largest
direct contribution to overall market volatility due to its relatively large size. The covariance
term makes the second largest contribution, and the financial sector makes relatively small
contribution to aggregate volatility. There have been some shifts over time, however, with the
non-financial contributing less to overall volatility, while the covariance and financial sectors are
contributing more. This is apparent in the bottom panel of Table 9, which shows the contribution
from each component to market variance.
As a final exercise, we also examined the correlation between the non-financial sector
and the financial sector, and between the non-financial sectors and the four financial industries.
In both cases, we calculated the correlation of daily returns in a month and then plotted the
smoothed series. Figure 11 plots the smoothed correlation and covariance between the financial
and non-financial sectors, while Figure 12 shows the smoothed correlation between the non-
financial sector and each of the four financial industries.
The correlation between financials and non-financials in Figure 11 is large throughout the
sample, near 0.85, but declines substantially in the early 1990s and in 2000 when financial
institutions firms outperformed non-financials during the stock market decline that began in
2000. Figure 11 also shows some decline in the correlation but a rising covariance through 2003.
This reflects the trends in underlying volatility of each series, which all rose through 2003 and
then declined more recently.
The comparison between non-financials and the individual financial industries in Figure
12 shows a similar pattern of strong correlations over time, but a decline in the late 1990s and
2000 when relative returns diverged. There is systematic variation in the level of correlation
across industries, e.g., savings institutions have the lowest correlation near 0.63 for the full
period, while insurance and other financials show higher correlations near 0.78 for the full
period. This is reasonable as savings institutions are typically small and more closely linked to
their local geographic area, while the other financials are larger and more directly linked to the
overall economy.
C. Implications
The above results indicate that over the past three decades the financial sector has
become a larger part of the overall stock market and has made increasing contributions to the
returns and volatility of the market as a whole. During this same time period, the volatility of the
financial sector has also increased. At first glance, these patterns may be of some concern to
policymakers who worry that shocks to the financial sector may create spillover effects that
reduce overall economic activity. These patterns may also be alarming if recent changes in the
financial sector have the potential to increase the amplitude of business cycles, e.g., Bernanke
(1983) argues that financial sector frictions transformed a severe downturn into a protracted
depression in the 1930s and Bernanke et al. (1996) review the literature on the financial
accelerator, where credit-market conditions amplify real shocks.
Despite these concerns, it is notable that over this same time period, the macro economy
has not witnessed a dramatic increase in volatility. Indeed, the macro economy has become
considerably more stable over this period while the financial sector has become more volatile.
Consistent with this view, our results indicate the correlation between financial sector returns and
the returns of the non-financial sector have declined steadily in recent years. This suggests that,
if anything, the spillover effects between the financial sector and the real economy has weakened
in recent years.
One possible explanation is that as capital markets have become more developed, firms
looking for capital are less dependent on the economic viability of a single credit provider, e.g., a
large bank, and are therefore more immune to shocks to the financial sector. An alternative
explanation is that the same forces that have increased financial sector volatility have given
financial sector firms additional tools to withstand shocks to the financial system and the real
economy. Schuermann (2004), for example, discusses the risk management innovations that
helped commercial banks to fare well during the 2001 recession. If so, this factor could explain
why the series of shocks that we have seen to the financial sector have had limited impact on the
overall economy. We explore these issues in more detail in the following section.
the financial sector plays an important role in real economic activity via the allocation of credit,
particularly to small firms.22 If this is the true, volatility and disruptions in the financial sector
may be useful predictors of real economic activity. Second, we examine two measures of output
- GDP and industrial production (IP).23 GDP obviously measures output for the entire economy,
while IP includes only manufacturing, utilities, and mining. As a result, looking at the link with
IP offers one way to examine the impact of the financial sector on real activity elsewhere in the
economy. IP is a monthly series, so it matches our decomposition in frequency. To transform
our estimates to a quarterly frequency to match GDP, we simply averaged the annualized
monthly returns and variances in the quarter. Third, we examine the stability of the links over
time to assess the question of whether the financial sector has become more important for
economic activity.
Our basic empirical strategy is to estimate reduced-form regressions such as:
(11) X t = f ( X t 1 , Rt 1 , t21 , t )
where X is measure of economic activity, e.g., GDP or IP growth, R is a measure of equity
returns, and 2 is a measure of equity market volatility, and t is a time trend. These are
See James and Smith (2000) for a review of the literature and Ashcraft (2005) for a recent example.
Note that earlier work by Officer (1973), Schwert (1989), and Hamilton and Lin (1986) examined the link between
industrial production and broad stock market volatility.
Column 1 of Tables 10 and 11 reports the most basic regression that includes only the
lagged dependent variable, lagged returns for the market, and lagged volatility for the market.
The results show that increases in overall market volatility are correlated with slower output
growth in the next period. This is true for both IP and GDP. Moreover, the results using GDP
growth as the dependent variable are very similar to the results reported by CLMX, Table IX, so
our approach seems consistent.
We next decompose both market returns and market volatility into the separate non-
financial and financial components. These results, reported in column 2 of Tables 10 and 11,
show a slight increase in explanatory power, a negative coefficient on only non-financial
volatility, and indicate that non-financial volatility is the most important determinant of
economic activity. The coefficients are estimated imprecisely, however, and we cannot reject the
null that the coefficients on non-financial and financial volatility are equal.24 Our main
conclusion is that we find no evidence that financial sector volatility is particularly linked with
future output growth.
We next introduce an alternative measure of financial sector volatility, the expected
volatility of a financial firm from Equation (7). These results are presented in column 3 of
Tables 10 and 11. We find no evidence that this measure of financial sector volatility is
informative. We then decompose the expected volatility into the three components identified in
Equation (7) - financial sector, industry, and idiosyncratic - by including each component
individually and all three jointly in columns 4, 5, 6, and 7.25 Volatility in the non-financial sector
remains the more consistent predictor of future economy activity.
In column 7 with all three components, non-financial sector volatility is significant at
least at the 10% level in both regressions. The three financial sector volatility series are jointly
insignificant in the IP and marginally significant in the GDP regression. Consistent with CLMX,
we note that idiosyncratic risk has the largest t-statistic among the three components in both
regressions and significant in the GDP regression.
Our final question is whether this link has evolved over time, so we estimate the broadest
specification in column 7 for each of the three periods identified earlier. Results are reported for
The weak significance individually likely reflects the high degree of multi-collinearity.
1975-1984, 1985-1994, and 1995-2005 in columns 8, 9, 10, respectively. Here we do see a
strong impact of financial sector volatility, although it is quite unstable over time. In the first
period 1975-1984, the three components are jointly significant in both regressions and we find a
positive impact from industry volatility and a negative impact from idiosyncratic volatility. For
the period 1985-1994, we strongly reject the null hypothesis that the three financial sector
volatility components are jointly insignificant in both the IP and the GDP regressions. In
particular, higher sector and idiosyncratic risk are conditionally correlated with conditional
declines in output growth, suggesting that financial sector volatility leads declines in GDP
growth. For the final period, financial sector volatility maintains modest predictive ability in
both regressions.
These results are suggestive because the middle period 1985-1994, when we find the
strongest negative link, was one of considerable turbulence for the U.S. financial sector. The
banking crisis of the late 1980s, for example, led to rising bank failures and the credit crunch in
the early 1990s was thought to contribute to the 1990-91 recession (Bernanke and Lown (1991)).
We also note that non-financial sector volatility was positively correlated with future output
growth in this period.
To explore this issue in more detail, we estimated similar regressions where we tested the
separate effects of the volatilities of each of the financial industries. These results (not reported)
largely confirm the above results. In each case the volatility of the non-financial sector continues
to have a more important influence on economic activity. This closer look suggests that the
negative links between financial sector volatility and economic activity during the 1985-1994
were driven primarily by shocks in the commercial banking industry.
On balance, these results do not suggest a particularly strong link between financial
sector volatility and economic growth for the entire period 1975-2005. We find some suggestive
evidence, however, that large disruptions to the financial system like the banking crisis of the
late 1980s may be associated with declines in real economic activity for the economy as a whole
and outside of the financial sector.
Note that columns 2 and 4 report the same results. This is because overall volatility of the financial sector is one
component of the expected volatility of a financial firm. We report both regressions for ease of interpretation.
VI. Conclusions
We show that risk in the U.S. financial sector has evolved dramatically over the last three
decades. Equity returns of the typical financial institution have become more volatile, mostly
due to increased common shocks that have made returns more highly correlated across financial
industries. Moreover, the nature of the risks has changed significantly as idiosyncratic risk,
which rose in relative importance from 1975 to 1995, now plays a much smaller role. That is,
the typical financial firm now bears more financial sector risk and less idiosyncratic risk.
Finally, despite the increased risk and increased relative size of the financial sector, the
connections between the financial sector and the real economy, if anything, have declined in
recent years.
Our results suggest a number of important implications for investors, bank regulators, and
other policymakers. From the investors perspective, our results provide a useful extension to
the recent findings of Campbell et al. (2001). Looking at the time period 1962-1997, they found
for the overall stock market that idiosyncratic risk had increased, while total market risk had
remained remarkably constant. We find a quite different result for stocks in the financial
services industry overall market risk has increased while idiosyncratic risk has fallen. The
differences are likely related to the dramatic changes within the financial services industry over
the past decade that created larger and more diversified firms and to a series of broad shocks
after 1997 such as LTCM, September 2001, the NASDAQ decline, etc. that had a large common
These results also have important implications for bank regulators. Deregulation,
consolidation, financial innovation, globalization, and changing technology have fundamentally
transformed the banking industry. These changes have allowed banks to take on more risks, but
they have also provided banks with expanded opportunities to control, share, and manage these
risks. Our results suggest that over the past three decades, the stock market volatility of the
average bank has increased while idiosyncratic risk has fallen and industry risk has increased.
One implication is that publicly traded banks are now more exposed to common shocks. While
the banking system has remained remarkably strong in the face of these changes, due perhaps to
higher capital ratios and the increased ability of bank managers and regulators to manage these
risks, the level of systemic risk appears to have increased significantly over the past three
From a broader macroeconomic perspective, it is notable that while the financial industry
has become a larger part of the overall economy, the links between financial sector volatility and
economic activity have declined in recent years. This suggests that the economy has become
increasingly insulated against shocks to the financial system.
Putting all of this together, it appears that the U.S. financial system has evolved toward a
system with a smaller number of large, diversified financial institutions with a better set of tools
to manage various risks, but whose risks are now more highly correlated with one another.
These institutions have successfully handled a series of major financial system shocks in recent
years, and the resulting impact on the real sector has been marginal. This is certainly
encouraging, but the increasing importance of common shocks means that the sector remains
vulnerable to unforeseen shocks with systemic implications if a number of large institutions are
affected simultaneously.
To obtain our initial sample of financial firms, we began with all CRSP firms that are
included in the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Division H, Finance, Insurance, and
Real Estates. This includes SIC codes between 6000 and 6999 in the 1987 SIC codes. We
classified this group of firms into the following industries: commercial banks, savings
institutions (including thrifts, some savings banks, and credit unions), insurance firms, and other
financial firms. A set of institutions were not classified and were dropped from our analysis.
Our classification system went as follows. We relied on four-digit SIC codes as the
primary vehicle for classifying firms, but we also employed two other datasets to help us classify
these firms as accurately and efficiently as possible. First, we merged our list of firms with
Flannery and Rangans (2004) list of regulated bank holding companies. All firms that are part
of the regulated list, regardless of SIC, were classified as commercial banks. Second, we used
the Bank Compustat database. Firms in this database with a DNUM=6035 or 6036 were
classified as savings institutions. All other firms listed on the Bank Compustat database were
classified as commercial banks.
We then relied primarily on SIC codes to classify the remaining firms by examining
individual firms and the SIC names and descriptions. In some cases, we were able to classify all
firms in an SIC industry into a particular industry. In other cases, it was clear that all of the firms
within that SIC were non-financial firms in which case they were dropped from the sample.
There were some SIC industries where there was ambiguity and/or it appeared that
different types of firms had the same SIC. These firms had to be examined in more detail. In
these cases, we performed an Internet search to determine the appropriate industry for each firm.
We restricted this detailed examination to firms with market value greater than $300m and
dropped the smaller firms. Of the firms we examined, non-financial firms and firms for whom
we were not able to make a definite categorization were dropped.
The Appendix Table summarizes the approach we used for categorizing each of the SIC
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Figure 1: Mean Daily Returns for Financial Industries
1975:m1 - 2005:m12
1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12 1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12
Note: Mean of daily returns in a month for each financial industry, annualized and in percentages.
Series are backwards 12-month moving averages of 10/87 down-weighted data.
Figure 2: Variance of Daily Returns for Financial Industries
1975:m1 - 2005:m12
1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12 1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12
Note: Variance of daily returns in a month for each financial industry, annualized and in percentages.
Series are backwards 12-month moving averages of 10/87 down-weighted data.
Figure 3: Decomposition of Variance for the Financial Sector
1975:m1 - 2005:m12
Note: Variance of daily returns in a month in the financial sector, annualized and in percentages.
Series are backwards 12-month moving averages of 10/87 down-weighted data.
Figure 4: Shares of Expected Volatility in the Financial Sector
1975:m1 - 2005:m12
1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12 1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12
Note: Variance of daily returns in a month for each financial industry, annualized and in percentages.
Series are backwards 12-month moving averages of 10/87 down-weighted data.
Figure 6: Idiosyncratic Share of Expected Volatility for Financial Industries
1975:m1 - 2005:m12
1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12 1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12
Note: Monthly idiosyncratic volatility as a percent of expected volatility for each financial industry.
Series are backwards 12-month moving averages of 10/87 down-weighted data.
Figure 7: Market Value Share of the Financial Sector
1975:m1 - 2005:m12
Note: Averege monthly market value of financial sector as a percent of average monthly market value of entire market.
Figure 8: Mean Daily Returns for the Market, Non-Financial, and Financial Sector
1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12 1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12
Financial Sector
0 -25
Note: Mean of daily returns in a month in each sector, annualized and in percentages.
Series are backwards 12-month moving averages of 10/87 down-weighted data.
Figure 9: Variance of Daily Returns for the Market, Non-Financial, and Financial Sectors
1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12 1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12
Financial Sector
Note: Variance of daily returns in a month in each sector, annualized and in percentages.
Series are backwards 12-month moving averages of 10/87 down-weighted data.
Figure 10: Share of Market Volatility
1975:m1 - 2005:m12
1975m1 1985m1 1995m1 2005m12
Note: Correlation and covariance of daily returns in a month between non-financial and financial sectors, annualized and as percentages.
Series are backwards 12-month moving averages of 10/87 down-weighted data.
Figure 12: Return Correlation of Financial Industries and Non-Financial Sector
Note: Correlation of daily returns in a month between each financial industry and non-financial sector.
Series are backwards 12-month moving averages of 10/87 down-weighted data.
Table 1: Summary Statistics
This table reports the average number of firms, the aggregate market values, and the market value shares for each of the
four financial industries and the financial sector aggregate from 1975:m1 to 2005:m12. All values are means of monthly
observations within the period.
3/15/2006 9:11
Table 2: Financial Industry Correlation of Excess Returns over Time
This table reports the average correlation of daily excess returns (defined as the return net of the risk-free rate) across
industries from 1975:m1 to 2005:m12. We first estimated the correlation of daily returns for each pair of industries
within a month, and then averaged those monthly correlations for each period. Significance levels of a t-test of equal
means for monthly correlations between adjacent periods are indicated by stars.
Commercial Savings Other
Banks Institutions Insurance Financials
Commercial Banks 1.00
Savings Institutions 0.62 1.00
Insurance 0.76 0.63 1.00
Other Financials 0.66 0.53 0.68 1.00
Commercial Savings Other
Banks Institutions Insurance Financials
Commercial Banks 1.00
Savings Institutions 0.69 *** 1.00
Insurance 0.74 0.64 1.00
Other Financials 0.73 *** 0.60 *** 0.71 1.00
Commercial Savings Other
Banks Institutions Insurance Financials
Commercial Banks 1.00
Savings Institutions 0.73 ** 1.00
Insurance 0.78 ** 0.66 1.00
Other Financials 0.84 *** 0.65 ** 0.76 *** 1.00
***, **, * indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively.
3/15/2006 9:11
Table 3: Decomposition of Financial Sector Volatility
This table reports mean returns and the decomposition of financial sector volatility. Returns are the mean daily excess return (defined as the return net of the
risk-free rate) for the financial sector aggregate in a month, annualized and in percentages. Expected volatility is the weighted variance of daily returns in a
month for all financial sector firms. Std Dev is the square root of the monthly expected volatility. Sector is the common component for all financial sector
firms. Industry is the sum of the weighted industry components. Idiosyncratic is the sum of the weighted idiosyncratic components. All variables are defined in
Equations (1) through (7) and reported estimates are annualized and in percentages. Share is the mean ratio of the monthly component to the monthly expected
volatility multiplied by 100. All values are arithmetic means of monthly observations within the period.
1975:m1-1984:m12 11.6 27.6 788.5 139.0 16.6 50.7 6.2 598.2 77.2
1985:m1-1994:m12 12.0 31.2 1043.7 190.0 14.3 38.5 3.7 815.2 82.0
1995:m1-2005:m12 17.6 32.2 1162.1 429.8 32.6 63.9 5.2 666.7 62.1
1975:m1-2005:m12 13.8 30.4 1003.4 258.6 21.5 51.4 5.0 692.5 73.4
3/15/2006 9:11
Table 4: Decomposition of Volatility by Financial Industry
This table reports the decomposition of volatility for each financial industry. Returns are the mean daily excess returns for the
industry aggregate in a month, annualized and in percentages. Expected volatility is the weighted average of firm-level volatility
in each industry. Std Dev is the square root of the monthly expected volatility. Industry is the common component for firms in
that industry. Idiosyncratic is the weighted average of firm-specific volatility. All variables are defined in Equation (6) and
reported values are annualized and in percentages. Share is the mean ratio of the monthly component to the monthly expected
volatility multiplied by 100. All values are arithmetic means of monthly observations within the period.
Commercial Banks
1975:m1-1984:m12 8.3 23.9 596.1 120.0 18.8 475.8 81.1
1985:m1-1994:m12 11.9 30.9 1035.9 192.5 14.8 843.9 85.1
1995:m1-2005:m12 16.8 29.6 1001.7 498.3 44.4 502.9 55.5
Savings Institutions
1975:m1-1984:m12 16.2 40.0 1691.8 614.3 34.7 1072.9 65.1
1985:m1-1994:m12 15.0 43.1 1993.3 335.2 14.3 1655.4 85.6
1995:m1-2005:m12 20.3 31.6 1088.2 314.5 26.2 771.8 73.7
1975:m1-1984:m12 14.1 28.5 841.4 153.9 17.6 687.0 82.4
1985:m1-1994:m12 11.3 28.5 862.5 195.9 18.7 666.2 81.3
1995:m1-2005:m12 15.8 30.9 1062.7 375.7 30.3 683.1 69.6
Other Financials
1975:m1-1984:m12 17.6 35.6 1341.1 571.9 40.5 767.7 59.4
1985:m1-1994:m12 14.0 34.7 1321.0 441.6 28.1 878.3 71.8
1995:m1-2005:m12 21.5 38.0 1634.7 649.3 36.8 984.4 63.2
3/15/2006 9:11
Table 5: Unit Root Tests for Financial Sector Volatility
This table reports estimates of unit root tests for the components of monthly volatility for 1975:m1-2005:m12. Expected
volatility is the weighted variance of daily returns in a month for all financial sector stocks. Sector is the common component
for all financial sector firms. Industry is the sum of the weighted industry components. Idiosyncratic is the sum of the
weighted idiosyncratic components. All variables are defined in Equations (3) through (7) and estimates are annualized and
in percentages. T-test reports the estimate of the augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistics. P-value reports the approximate p-
value based on MacKinnnon (1994). All estimates include two lags of the difference term as determined by the "general to
specific" method of Campbell and Perron (1991). The 5% critical values are -2.88 for the regressions with just a constant and
-3.43 for the regression with a constant and a trend.
3/15/2006 9:11
Table 6: Tests of Time Trends for Volatility in the Financial Sector
This table reports estimates of time trend regressions for each volatility component. Expected volatility is the weighted variance of daily
returns in a month for all financial sector stocks. Sector is the common component for all financial sector firms. Industry is the sum of the
weighted industry components. Idiosyncratic is the sum of the weighted idiosyncratic components. All variables are defined in Equations (3)
through (7) and estimates are annualized and in percentages.
Basic Trend - Full Sample includes a constant (not shown), first lag of the dependent variable (not shown), and a time trend as in Equation
(8). Each regression includes 371 observations from 1975:m1 to 2005:m12. Extreme Value Dummy Variable also includes a single dummy
variable set equal to 1 for every value above the 95th percentile; equal to 0 otherwise. Financial Shock Dummy Variable also includes a
separate dummy variable set equal to 1 for each window surrounding the five shocks identified in the text; equal to 0 otherwise. Basic Trend -
Early Sample restricts the regression to data before April 1998, when Citigroup/Travelers announced their merger. Each regression includes
279 observations from 1975:m1 to 1998:m4. Standard errors reported in parentheses are corrected for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation
using the method of Newey and West (1987) with up to four lags in the autocorrelation structure. Distribution of Extreme Values shows the
number of observations above the 95th percentile in each decade.
Dependent Variable
Volatility Sector Industry Idiosyncratic
***, **, * indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively.
3/15/2006 9:11
Table 7: Tests of Time Trends for Volatility in each Financial Industry
This table reports estimates of time trend regressions for each volatility component. Expected volatility is the weighted average of firm-level volatility in each industry. Industry is the common component for firms in that
industry. Idiosyncratic is the weighted average of firm-specific volatility. All variables are defined in Equation (6) and estimates are annualized variances and in percentages.
Basic Trend - Full Sample includes a constant (not shown), a lagged dependent variable (not shown), and a time trend as in Equation (8). Each regression includes 371 observations from 1975:m1-2005:m12. Extreme
Value Dummy Variable also includes a single dummy variable set equal to 1 for every value above the 95th percentile; equal to 0 otherwise. Financial Shock Dummy Variable also includes a separate dummy variable set
equal to 1 for each window surrounding the five shocks identified in the text; equal to 0 otherwise. Basic Trend - Early Sample restricts the regression to data before April 1998, when Citigroup/Travelers announced their
merger. Each regression includes 279 observations from 1975:m1 to 1998:m4. Standard errors reported in parentheses are corrected for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation using the method of Newey and West (1987) with
up to four lags in the autocorrelation structure. Distribution of Extreme Values shows the number of observations above the 95th percentile in each decade.
***, **, * indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively.
3/15/2006 9:11
Table 8: Decomposition of Market Returns
This table reports the decomposition of market returns from Equation (8). Financial Share is the average
market value of the financial sector in a month divided by the average market value of the market in a month,
as a percentage. Returns are the mean daily excess returns (defined as returns net of the risk-free rate) in a
month. Contributions to Market Returns is the share-weighted return for each sector. Share of Market Returns
is the contribution to market returns divided by market returns. All return and contribution estimates are
arithmetic means of the monthly observations in the period and reported at an annualized rate and in
Financial Returns
Period Share Market Financials Non-Financials
1975:m1-1984:m12 7.1 12.0 160.0 11.3 139.0 12.2 164.5 131.6 0.87
1985:m1-1994:m12 10.9 11.5 188.4 12.0 190.0 11.6 193.4 168.2 0.86
1995:m1-2005:m12 16.4 15.6 300.6 18.6 429.8 15.7 301.7 282.2 0.80
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Table 10: IP Growth and the Decomposition of Equity Returns and Volatility
IPt =f(IPt-1, Rt-1, Vt-1, t)
This table reports estimate of a regression of growth in industrial production (IP) on lagged growth in IP, equity market returns, equity market volatility, and a
time trend for 1975:m1 to 2005:m12. RM is market returns, VM is market volatility, RF is financial sector returns, VF is financial sector volatility, RN is non-
financial sector returns, VN is non-financial sector volatility. Exp Vol is expected volatility of a financial firm (defined in Equation (7)), which consistst of
financial sector volatility VF, industry volatility VIND, and idiosyncratic volatility VIDIO. H0: reports the p-value associated with the null hypothesis that the
coefficients on returns or on volatility are the same for the financial and non-financial sectors. Jt. Sig. reports the p-value associated with the null hypothesis that
three components of Exp Vol are jointly zero. Standard errors reported in parentheses are corrected for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation using the method of
Newey and West (1987) with up to four lags in the autocorrelation structure.
IPt-1 0.304*** 0.298*** 0.299*** 0.298*** 0.300*** 0.296*** 0.290*** 0.342*** 0.011 -0.038
(0.075) (0.075) (0.074) (0.075) (0.075) (0.074) (0.074) (0.092) (0.087) -0.11
RM,t-1 0.040
VM,t-1 -0.038***
RF,t-1 -0.077 -0.074 -0.077 -0.072 -0.073 -0.074 -0.351** -0.139 0.097
(0.077) (0.076) (0.077) (0.077) (0.076) (0.076) (0.169) (0.141) (0.089)
RN,t-1 0.103 0.115 0.103 0.112 0.121 0.114 0.233 0.241 0.026
(0.09) (0.09) (0.09) (0.09) (0.089) (0.09) (0.189) (0.233) (0.095)
VF,t-1 0.015
VN,t-1 -0.054** -0.025 -0.054* -0.031* -0.023 -0.051* -0.157 0.171*** -0.049
(0.029) (0.027) (0.029) (0.018) (0.019) (0.031) (0.172) (0.045) (0.035)
Exp Vol -0.005
VF,t-1 0.015 0.028 -0.066 -0.082* 0.015
(0.018) (0.017) (0.198) (0.046) (0.022)
VIND,t-1 -0.036 0.011 0.896** 0.070 -0.271*
(0.092) (0.101) (0.347) (0.205) (0.142)
VIDIO,t-1 -0.014 -0.021 -0.080 -0.065** 0.033
(0.016) (0.016) (0.071) (0.027) (0.028)
H0: RF,t-1=RN,t-1 0.25 0.22 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.22 0.09 0.30 0.67
H0: VF,t-1=VN,t-1
Jt. Sig. 0.30 0.08 0.00 0.19
R 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.32 0.20 0.13
No. Obs. 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 120 120 132
***, **, * indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively.
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Table 11: GDP Growth and the Decomposition of Equity Returns and Volatility
This table reports estimate of a regression of growth in GDP on lagged growth in GDP, equity market returns, equity market volatility, and a time trend for
1975:Q1 to 2005:Q4. RM is market returns, VM is market volatility, RF is financial sector returns, VF is financial sector volatility, RN is non-financial sector
returns, VN is non-financial sector volatility. Exp+A19 Vol is expected volatility of a financial firm (defined in Equation (7)), which consistst of financial
sector volatility VF, industry volatility VIND, and idiosyncratic volatility VIDIO. H0: reports the p-value associated with the null hypothesis that the coefficients
on returns or on volatility are the same for the financial and non-financial sectors. Jt. Sig. reports the p-value associated with the null hypothesis that three
components of Exp Vol are jointly zero. Standard errors reported in parentheses are corrected for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation using the method of
Newey and West (1987) with up to four lags in the autocorrelation structure.
GDPt-1 0.226* 0.218 0.219 0.218 0.222* 0.211 0.195 0.077 -0.024 -0.038
(0.129) (0.138) (0.135) (0.138) (0.134) (0.135) (0.131) (0.150) (0.137) (0.178)
RM,t-1 1.121
VM,t-1 -0.273**
RF,t-1 -0.036 -0.183 -0.036 -0.397 -0.137 -0.230 -2.904 -0.355 -1.541
(1.177) (1.231) (1.177) (1.216) (1.232) (1.124) (3.055) (1.555) (1.664)
RN,t-1 0.974 1.347 0.974 1.342 1.461 1.397 6.258 1.497 0.462
(1.378) (1.309) (1.378) (1.323) (1.290) (1.410) (4.316) (1.424) (1.240)
VF,t-1 0.257
VN,t-1 -0.581* -0.216 -0.581* -0.424** -0.157 -0.725** -2.524 1.015*** -0.725**
(0.313) (0.236) (0.313) (0.198) (0.152) (0.359) (1.619) (0.289) (0.305)
Exp Vol -0.026
VF,t-1 0.257 0.404 1.703 -1.399** 0.270
(0.223) (0.291) (2.495) (0.687) (0.296)
VIND,t-1 0.925 1.777 15.821** 6.246* -1.077*
(0.907) (1.175) (5.822) (3.358) (0.638)
VIDIO,t-1 -0.114 -0.300** -2.01*** -0.465** 0.221
(0.112) (0.138) (0.716) (0.202) (0.166)
H0: RF,t-1=RN,t-1 0.71 0.57 0.71 0.52 0.55 0.55 0.18 0.56 0.39
H0: VF,t-1=VN,t-1 0.19
Jt. Sig. 0.10 0.01 0.00 0.10
R 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.36 0.40 0.29
No. Obs. 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 40 40 44
***, **, * indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively.
3/15/2006 9:11
Appendix Table: Classification of SIC Industries into Financial Industries